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On se défend, ailleurs.

Other Nations Fight Back

Dossier Covid19

A la question: où vivez vous ? Soljenitsyne répond brutalement: « Nulle part ». En effet, malgré ses nombreuses démarches, jusqu'à une date récente, il n'a pu obtenir le droit d'habiter à Moscou auprès de sa femme et de ses trois enfants. Là encore il en appelle à l'opinion publique du monde libre, en communiquant aux correspondants étrangers le texte de sa lettre au ministre de l'Intérieur, Nikolaï Chelokhov, en date du 23 août 1973, dont voici un passage significatif: « Je ne suis ni serf ni esclave. Personne n'a sur moi des droits de propriétaire, personne n'a le droit de me séparer de ma famille... Les restrictions de résidence, telles que les imposent les autorités soviétiques, se rencontrent rarement même dans les pays colonialistes de notre monde moderne... : »
Il rappelle que l'Occident semble ignorer qu'en U.R.S.S. on ne peut circuler sans passeport intérieur et que ce passeport n'est délivré aux travailleurs des kolkhoses qu'après un interrogatoire minutieux, consigné dans un questionnaire de plusieurs pages, sur les raisons de tel déplacement.
« Les restrictions imposées par les autorités soviétiques aux droits d'un citoyen de s'établir où il lui plaît sont une insulte... Je profite de cette occasion pour vous rappeler que le servage a été aboli dans notre pays il y a 112 ans et que la révolution d'Octobre, d'après ce que l'on dit, en a balayé les derniers vestiges». (pp. 170-171 - tiré de Martin, André [1973] Soljénitsyne, le croyant: Lettres, discours, témoignages." Éditions Albatros Paris 205 p.)

Les vidéos affichant cet image Censored by YouTube ont été censurés par YouTube depuis leur mise en ligne....

Afrique / Africa

OMS en flagrant délit en Afrique
(RhemaTV Business - YouTube - 5 minutes - 1/5/2021)

OMS en fragrant délit en Afrique. 666 vaccination. (Dr. Emma Djingh's - Qactus/YouTube - 5 minutes - 22/5/2020)

Madagascar qui quitte l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé et retire son pays de cette officine mondialiste. (Les 7 du Québec - 24/6/2021)

Zimbabwe Joins Growing Number of African Countries Rejecting Coronavirus Vaccines. (Gabrielle Reyes - Breitbart - 5/7/2021)

Leave Africa alone and stop forcing the shots it clearly doesn't need. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 23/2/2022)

Zimbabwe Poised to Jail Dr. Jackie Stone for Prescribing Off-Label Covid Treatment. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 2/11/2022)

No apparent covid in Africa
(Dr. John Campbell - YouTube - 14 minutes - 28/12/2022)

Afrique du Sud : vers l'interdiction des vaccins ARNm de Pfizer ? (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 5/4/2023)

Pfizer Purchaser Agreement [with South Africa] Released – Reckless and Insane. (M Dowling - Independent Sentinel - 24/10/2023)

Doctor and Trauma Surgeon [Vicky Jennings] Who Mocked 'Anti-Vaxxers' In Viral Posts Dies Suddenly. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 10/3/2024) -> South African Dr.

Les leçons du covid-19. (Mohamed Ben Amar - Réinfo Québec - 6/5/2024) -> examine les répercussions des politiques Covid sur l'Afrique...

Asie / Asia

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers, Vietnam. (Nguyen Van Vinh Chau + Nghiem My Ngoc - The Lancet - 11/10/2021)

Local Doctor Issues "Apology Over Covid-19 Vaccination After Pfizer News" But What Was It Really About? Dr Syafiq Nordin apologized on Facebook after recent news regarding Pfizer's 'social media behaviour' in 2020. (Adeline Leong - The Rakyat Post - 22/4/2024) -> Malaysia

Philippines Covid Depopulation Programme: Fewer births and excess deaths during 2020-2023 result in 1,3 million fewer Filipinos. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 9/11/2024)

Chine / China

L'étau se resserre autour des non-vaccinés en Chine. (Agence France-Presse/TVA nouvelles - 15/7/2021)

The incredible courage of the Chinese protesters: It's high time we in the West reckoned with our own brush with Covid tyranny. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 29/11/2022)

Videos: Tanks Deployed On Streets In China Amid Massive Protests "Somehow nobody in any newsroom in America noticed when Xi Jinping decided to replay Tiananmen Square". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 30/11/2022)

The Chinese revolt against Zero Covid. (Tom Slater, Fraser Myers and Rakib Ehsan - Spiked - 11 minutes - 4/12/2022)

Chinese People Rejoice After Xi Backs Down, Eases COVID Lockdowns. (Micaela Burrow - Daily Caller - 7/12/2022)

China has tested lockdown to destruction Beijing's Zero Covid experiment has ended in catastrophic failure. (Dr. David Livermore - Spiked - 11/12/2022)

Following Massive Protests Against COVID Policies, Chinese Government Again Ramping up its Censorship Efforts. (Tim Cushing - Tech Dirt - 13/12/2022)

Police seize on COVID-19 tech to expand global surveillance Millions worldwide believed government officials who said they needed confidential data for new tech tools to help stop coronavirus' spread early on in the pandemic. (Garance Burke, Josef Federman, Huizhong Wu, Krutika Pathi and Rod McGuirk - Associated Press/ABC - 20/12/2022)

Chinese Communist Party 'Vaccine Ambassador' Dies Suddenly of Cardiac Arrest. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 28/12/2023)

Amid elites' talk of 'Disease X,' Chinese lab debuts mutant coronavirus with 100% kill rate in humanized mice: Having faced no meaningful repercussions over COVID-19, scientists in China continue to conduct dangerous experiments on coronaviruses. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 17/1/2024)

Japon / Japan

Postcard from Japan. (Philip Patrick - Daily Sceptic - 13/1/2021)

Japanese Government Tells Citizens: "Don't Discriminate Against the Unvaccinated" "Do not force anyone" to get the jab. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 21/11/2021)

Unjabbed Japanese: Why didn't they take it? (Guy Gin - Making (Covid) Waves in Japan - 6/8/2022)

Japanese doctors speak honestly about Covid vaccines. (Guy Gin - Making (Covid) Waves in Japan - 29/8/2022)

Japanese Professor Say Billions of Lives Could Be In Danger Because of The 'Covid' Jabs: Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, has warned the Japanese Ministry of Health about the dangers of the experimental Covid injection. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 2/12/2022)

Disease Expert Blasts Japan's Ministry of Health: Halt Vaccine Campaign & Investigate All Vax Injuries: "There has been thought to be widespread harm that has transpired, which surmounts to billions of lives that may be in danger," says professor. (Jamie White - Infowars - 4/12/2022)

Japanese Researchers Investigate Link Between Covid Jabs and Deaths, Severe Adverse Reactions: Scientists in Japan discover curious anomalies in autopsies of vaccinated patients and accumulation of spike proteins in skin lesions. (Adan Salazar - Infowars - 28/12/2022)

Japan's Experts Baffled by High 'Covid' Deaths From Heart Problems Despite High Vaccination Rate. (Guy Gin - Daily Sceptic - 13/1/2023) -> It COULDN'T be the Covid vaccines...

Le Japon reclassifie la gravité du Covid-19 pour "revenir à une vie sociale et économique normale". (FranceSoir - 25/1/2023)

Japanese MP admits to being vaccine injured. (Guy Gin - Making (Covid) Waves in Japan - 26/4/2023)

How to get Japanese kids to unmask? (Guy Gin - Making (Covid) Waves in Japan - 8/5/2023) -> masks and student suicides in Japan

Pour une reprise post-pandémie, le Japon traite le Covid comme la grippe. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 10/5/2023)

'This Is a National Crisis': Japan Orders Investigation Into Covid Jabs As Excess Deaths Skyrocket. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 9/6/2023)

Spikes in Heart Deaths Among Japan's Working-Age Men Support the 'Hot Lot Hypothesis' – That Some Covid Vaccine Batches Are Much Worse Than Others. (Guy Gin - Daily Sceptic - 21/9/2023)

Japan Approves World's First 'Self-Amplifying mRNA' Covid Vaccine – With No Safety or Efficacy Data. (Guy Gin - Daily Sceptic - 30/11/2023)

Masanori Fukushima, professeur émérite de l'université de Kyoto, à propos des vaccins COVID : "Disons-le, il s'agit d'un meurtre. On pourrait même dire qu'il s'agit d'un massacre". (Silvano Trotta - X - 11/2/2024)

Mild Myocarditis Post-Vaccination Can Result in Sudden Death, Japanese Autopsy Finds. (Dr Jonathan Engler - Daily Sceptic - 29/2/2024)

Leukemia deaths jumped in Japan in 2022 after the mRNA jabs, reversing years of declines: Overall cancer deaths in Japan stayed flat. Still, the uptick in leukemia deaths is a signal worth noting, especially since blood cancers are the malignancies mRNAs are most likely to impact. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 20/3/2024)

Japan to Ban Vaccinated People From Donating 'Tainted Blood'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 21/3/2024)

Des chercheurs japonais mettent en garde contre les transfusions de sang de personnes « vaccinées » contre le Covid. (Transition-News - Les moutons enragés - 21/3/2024)

Huge Japanese Protest Against The WHO Pandemic Treaty. (M Dowling - Independent Sentinel - 14/4/2024)

Excess Deaths In Japan Hit 115,000 Following 3rd COVID Shot; New Study Explains Why. (Joe Wang/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/4/2024)

Les vaccins et l'assassinat de l'ancien Premier ministre Shinzo Abe, abattu en juillet 2022. (Eric Archambault - X - 12/6/2024)

SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine-related myocarditis and pericarditis: An analysis of the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database. (Keisuke Takada Kazuaki Taguchi Masaru Samura Yuki Enoki Koji Tanikawa Kazuaki Matsumoto - Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy - 5/8/2024) -> conclusion: In the Japanese population, SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination was significantly associated with the onset of myocarditis/pericarditis.

Japan Links Covid Shots to 201 Dangerous Diseases. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 4/9/2024)

The Third Atomic Bomb: Self-replicating RNA vaccines. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 29/10/2024) -> Japan is about to deploy self-replicating RNA vaccines. The replicon vaccine Kostaive is one of the five injections included in the Japanese government's routine covid vaccination programme, which began on 1 October and runs until the end of March.

Japanese Prosecutors Working to Arrest Bill Gates for Crimes Against Humanity During Pandemic. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 27/11/2024)

Japan Sounds Alarm over 'Unprecedented' Surge in Deaths Among Covid-Vaxxed. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 29/12/2024)

Corée du sud / Southern Korea

UNEXPLAINED POST JAB SYMPTOMS? Three Korean universities have searched the country's health insurance database. They've compared vax vs unvaxxed and have discovered that the vaxxed have an array of autoimmune and other conditions the unvaxxed don't. (Sally Beck - ThreadReader - 16/12/2023)

Risque accru de 620 % de myocardite après l'administration des vaccins COVID à ARNm. (The Defender - 26/7/2024) -> Une étude évaluée par des pairs et portant sur 9,2 millions de Sud-Coréens, publiée dans Nature Communications, a révélé une augmentation de 620 % du risque de myocardite et de 175 % du risque de péricardite à la suite de la vaccination par l'ARNm COVID-19.

Argentine / Argentina

Opposition Builds to Great Reset in Argentina, Who's Next? (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/12/2020)

Le confinement a incité Javier Milei à se lancer en politique. (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 23/11/2023)

Javier Milei Torches U.N. at General Assembly: Covid Lockdowns a 'Crime Against Humanity,' 'Ridiculous' WEF Leading World to 'Bleak Future'. (Frances Martel - Breitbart - 24/9/2024)

Covid et propagande: des parallèles entre l'Argentine et le Québec. (Xavier Bélanger-Costa - Libre Média - 24/1/2025)

Brésil / Brazil

INTERVIEW EXCLUSIVE : La «science» de la pandémie, Marcos Eberlin, PhD, science collaborative acte 2. (Marcos Eberlin/Xavier Azalbert - FranceSoir - 26/5/2020)

"We Need To Stop Being A Country of Sissies" - Bolsonaro Complains COVID Threat "Exaggerated". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 12/11/2020)

Brazilian President Bolsonaro Forced to Eat Pizza on Sidewalk in New York Because He's Not Vaccinated No jab, no entry, even for world leaders. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 21/9/2021)

Bolsonaro Confronts WHO Chief: 'People Are Dying After the Second Dose' Warns of "economic collapse" if lockdowns continue. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 11/11/2021)

BOLSONARO: Brazil will not sign WHO pandemic treaty. (Keean Bexte - Counter Signal - 30/5/2022)

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro tells Tucker Carlson why he's not vaccinated for COVID: 'Many heads of state ended up imposing their will, and they felt the taste of dictatorship,' explained the Brazilian president. (Joseph Summers - LifeSite - 5/7/2022)

Brazil's new globalist president is using a truly evil ploy to force poverty-stricken parents to VAXX children… (Revolver - 13/2/2023)

A Crime Against Humanity: False Propaganda and Deadly Covid-19 Policies in Brazil "…the government has decided to engage itself in a compulsory vaccination program based on false and misleading propaganda about the efficacy and safety of mRNA vaccines." (Augusto Zimmermann - Caldron Pool - 31/1/2024)

Péru / Peru

Un tribunal péruvien accuse Bill Gates, Soros et Rockefeller d'avoir créé le Covid-19 ! (Jonathan - ExoPortail - 12/1/2021)

3 Judge Court In Peru Rules COVID-19 Pandemic Started By Bill Gates, George Soros And Rockefeller. (GreatGameIndia - 4/2/2021)

Peru Announces Health Emergency After Explosion of 'Vaccine Side-Effect' Guillain-Barre Syndrome. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 10/7/2023)

Mexique / Mexico

Mexican President Rejects Jabs For Kids, "Won't Be Held Hostage By [Profiteering] Pharma Companies". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 31/7/2021)

Israël / Israel

'We won't force vaccine; but here's what we will do': Health Ministry Director claims vaccines won't be forced, but Dr. Eyal Zimlichman tells Knesset committee 'they'll understand themselves.' (Mordechai Sones - Israe Inational News - 26/11/2020)

Israel's 'Green Passport' vaccination program has created a 'medical Apartheid,' distraught citizens say The Israeli government announced a number of new rules on March 6 in a statement released jointly by the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transportation. (Celeste McGovern - LifeSite - 9/3/2021)

(Ilana Rachel Daniel / BLCKBX - YouTube - 25 minutes - 10/3/2021

Israël : quand la folie vaccinale mène à la dictature. (Henri Dubost - Riposte laïque - 16/3/2021)

COVID-19 — La Cour pénale internationale de La Haye a accepté la plainte pour violation du code de Nuremberg du gouvernement israélien. (Guy Boulianne - La presse du peuple - 13/3/2021)

La Commission d'enquête civile située en Israël demande l'arrêt obligatoire de l'administration des vaccins Pfizer en raison de l'absence d'un système de surveillance des effets secondaires. (Profession-Gendarme - 29/3/2021)

'Clear deceptions by Health Ministry': Israel Supreme Court petition against Green Passport submitted. (America's Frontline Doctors - 4/4/2021)

Crimes against humanity: Israeli lawyers sue government for forcing citizens to take the Pfizer mRNA shot. (Sara Middleton - Natural Health 365 - 6/5/2021)

Dossier : vaccination et dictature sanitaire en Israël et en Occident. (Youssef Hindi - Strategika - 11/6/2021)

C'est officiel, Israël reconnait publiquement que les vaccins ne protègent pas contre les variants. (Les moutons enragés - 18/7/2021)

Par le pouvoir d'une étoile. (Alma Médoubar - Beersheva, Israel - 20/7/2021)

Coronavirus in Israel: What do we know about the 143 hospitalized people? Of the 143 hospitalized patients, 58% were vaccinated, 39% were not at all, and 3% were partially vaccinated. (Maayan Jaffe-Hoffaman - The Jerusalem Post - 21/7/2021)

Israel Bans Unvaccinated From Public Places, Brands Them a Danger to the Health and Freedom of Every Israeli: "They Hurt Us All": All Israelis will be required to provide either a vaccination certificate or a recent negative test result, at their own expense, whenever authorities demand "Your papers, please ." (Caldron Pool - 24/7/2021)

Trump's Doctor Vladimir Zelenko Talks to Israeli Politicians and Health Minister About Vaccine.
(Nunyabids345345 - BitChute - 30 minutes - 5/8/2021)

En Israël, « 85 à 90 % des hospitalisations concernent des vaccinés »! (Breizh-info - 7/8/2021)

'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines at Stopping Delta. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 27/8/2021)

Cri de révolte d'une mère : des soldats de Tsahal vaccinés de force à 2 heures du matin. (Planetes360 - 6 minutes - 9/9/2021)

ISRAËL: La catastrophe sanitaire récurrente de l'injection Pfizer. (Gérard Delépine - JemInformeTV - 18/9/2021)

Pfizer Admits: Israel Is Massive Experiment For mRNA Gene Therapy Shots. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy.News - 21/9/2021)

Anti-Vaccination Protest Held in Front of Israeli Prime Minister's Home. (TEL AVIV - Sputnik - 18/12/2021)

Israël: le projet Témoignages libère la parole des nombreuses victimes d'effets secondaires graves de la vaccination anti-COVID. (Le Courrier des Stratèges - 26/12/2021)

Cherchez l'erreur: Israël est en train de renoncer à la quatrième dose au moment où Jean Castex commence à en parler. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 7/1/2022)

Professor Ehud Qimron: "Ministry of Health, it's time to admit failure": Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists, has written an open letter sharply criticizing the Israeli – and indeed global – management of the coronavirus pandemic. (Swiss Policy Research - 10/1/2022)

COVID-19 : L'effroyable gâchis !: Ehud Qimron, immunologiste de renom dénonce la réaction mondiale au COVID, motivée par une « propagande mensongère ». (Swiss Policy Research/Les Moutons Enragés - 15/1/2022)

Professeur Ehud Qimron : « Ministère de la Santé, il est temps d'admettre votre échec » : Professeur Ehud Qimron : « Ministère de la Santé, il est temps d'admettre votre échec ». L'acte d'accusation du professeur Ehud Qimron contre les gouvernements criminels face au covid fait le tour du monde. (Vigilance Pandémie - 15/1/2022)

Voici la réaction d'enfants en Israël quand le prof leur annonce qu'ils n'ont plus besoin de porter des masques. (Robert Hoffmann - Twittter - 28/1/2022)

'80% of serious COVID cases are fully vaccinated' says Ichilov hospital director Vaccine has "no significance regarding severe illness," says Prof. Jacob Giris. (Israel National News - 3/2/2022)

Israel poised to lift pandemic-induced state of emergency for first time in two years Ministers back replacing provisional emergency orders with the designation of a "special national public health situation," to be in effect until June. (Danielle Roth-Avneri - JNS - 24/2/2022)

Israeli study finds fourth mRNA vaccine dose 'may only have marginal benefits' for young, healthy people. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 17/3/2022)

Augmentation des évènements cardiovasculaires chez les moins de 40 ans en Israël au cours du déploiement du vaccin et pendant la troisième vague de COVID-19. (Christopher L. F. Sun, Eli Jaffe et Retsef Levi - Collectif Reinfocovid - 20/6/2022)

Professeur Ehud Qimron : « Ministère de la santé, il est temps d'admettre l'échec ». Un éminent professeur de médecine israélien attaque la politique sanitaire qu'il considère être un fiasco. (Le LIbre Penseur - 6/7/2022)

Israel's Covid Vaccine Director Suffers Vaccine Injury, Gets Banned by Twitter For Speaking Out. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 4/8/2022)

Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up Israel didn't start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program. They gathered 6 months worth of data and found that the vaccines weren't safe so they lied to the world about it. (Steve Kirsch - 2/9/2022)

Israel's Ministry of Health Concealed Serious, Long-Lasting Covid-Vax Safety Hazards. (Alliance for Human Research Protection - 5/9/2022)

Protection From 4th Dose Of COVID Vaccine Wanes Completely Within Months: Study. (Lia Onely/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/11/2022) -> Discussing an Israeli study.

Huge Spikes in Neonatal Deaths Following Vaccine Rollout, Data from Major Israeli Health Insurer Show. (Dr. Josh Guetzkow - Daily Sceptic - 24/12/2022) -> A fearless, selfless Israeli researcher named David Shuldman has worked tirelessly to get data released from the clutches of Government agencies. He recently obtained data via FOIA request on neonatal deaths from the Israeli health insurance fund Maccabi, which covers about 25% of Israelis.

Israel to Downgrade Covid to Flu Status: It looks like the covid pandemic is just about over in Israel. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 29/12/2022)

Netanyahu's big mistake was caving in to the Covid Cult. (Karen Harradine - TCW - 31/3/2023)

The Israeli Survey That Shows the Pfizer Vaccine Hospitalised Hundreds of Times More People Than is Safe – and How it Was Downplayed. (Dr Eyal Shahar - Daily Sceptic - 17/5/2023)

Zero Young Healthy Individuals Died of COVID-19, Israeli Data Show. (Lia Onely/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 29/5/2023)

The Covid Vaccine Did Not Save "Thousands of Lives" in Israel – and Sweden Proves It. (Dr. Eyal Shahar/Medium - Daily Skeptic - 9/6/2023)

Israeli Nursing Home Study Shows Evidence of Vaccine Deaths. (Dr Eyal Shahar - Daily Skeptic - 6/7/2023)

Netanyahu Admits He Turned Israel Into 'Covid Vaccine Lab' for Pfizer. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 13/11/2023)

Israel's 8-Year-Old Covid Vaccine 'Poster Boy' Dies Suddenly After Suffering Cardiac Arrest. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 13/11/2023)

As an Epidemiologist, I Could See Straight Away That Covid Was Being Over-Hyped. (Dr. Eyal Shahar - Daily Skeptic - 9/4/2024)

Message urgent du Rav Dynovisz.
(FIGHT&UNIT Rav Dynovisz&Elyahou Boccara - YouTube - 17 minutes - 22/5/2024)
-> Un rabbin touché par le vaxx cov

Bulgarie / Bulgaria

Romanians, Bulgarians Overwhelmingly Reject CV Shots - Govts Forced to Sell Off Their Supplies. (Chris Menahan - InformationLiberation - 22/7/2021)

Bulgarians Storm Parliament To Protest COVID "Green" Pass. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/1/2022)

Pologne / Poland

Polish MPs Blast Australian Governments for Breaches of Human Rights. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 3/10/2021)

Pfizer Sues Poland For Not 'Force Vaccinating' Enough of the Population. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 23/11/2023)

Almost Half of Health Care Workers Hesitant to Take COVID-19 Boosters: Study. (Naveen Athrappully/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/ Zero Hedge - 4/5/2024)


Croatie / Croatia

Le Président de la Croatie refuse de vacciner davantage de citoyens contre le Covid 19. Pour lui, "Il est tout simplement impossible de mettre ces gens en danger". (Telegram - 22/9/2021)

Top [Croatian] Pathologist Sounds the Alarm: '52% Increase in Turbo Cancer for Vaxxed'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 6/3/2024)


Russie / Russia

Levée totale des restrictions Covid-19 en Russie. (Réseau International - 3/3/2021)

Les Russes et la vaccination : une défiance qui s'explique par l'histoire. (FranceSoir - 14/9/202129/2/2024)

Russian doctors demand end to compulsory COVID vaccination for mobilized citizens: The same group has been documenting deaths linked to Sputnik V. (Edward Slavsquat - 4/10/2022)

La coercition vaccinale en Russie est aussi débile que dans les pays occidentaux. (Conscience du peuple - 13/10/2022)

La Russie publie un rapport de 2 000 pages prouvant la pandémie de Covid fabriquée par l'État profond et les grandes sociétés pharmaceutiques. (Profession Gendarme - 29/2/2024)



Covid : la Nouvelle-Calédonie abroge l'obligation vaccinale. (AFP - Nouméa - FranceSoir - 24/2/2022)

Inde / India

Shocking Study Reveals mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease. (GreatGameIndia - 10/4/2021)

Ivermectin. Une scientifique de l'OMS risque la peine de mort L'Inde pourrait être le premier pays à poursuivre en justice un scientifique de l'OMS pour avoir déconseillé l'Ivermectine contre Covid-19. L'association du barreau de l'Inde a entamé une procédure. (Hakim Arif - L'Observateur - 27/6/2021)

Inde : plainte pénale déposée contre GAVI, Bill Gates, Fauci... Peine de mort encourue. (FranceSoir - le 8/7/2021)

Data from India continues to blow up the 'Delta' fear narrative. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 22/7/2021)

British Indian medic warns of 'pandemic of misinformation' around COVID vaccines Dr Aseem Malhotra, a National Health Service (NHS) trained cardiologist who has had two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, has called for the suspension of government mandated mRNA vaccine rollout to fully investigate serious side effects. (MoneyControl - 26/9/2022)

Thaïlande / Thailand

44-year-old Thai Princess Bajrakitiyabha in Coma After Pfizer COVID Shots – Thailand to Nullify Contract with Pfizer. (Health Impact News - 4/2/2023)

La Thaïlande va devenir le premier pays au monde à déclarer ses contrats Pfizer nuls et non avenus. (JeminformeTV - 6/2/2023)