Les non-vaccinés, les nouveaux dhimmis...
Les non-vaccinés, les nouveaux Dalits/Intouchables...
Les non-vaccinés, les nouveaux niggers de l'Apartheid sanitaire...
On leur prépare un joli Gulag...
Les non-vaccinés deviendront des citoyens de 2nd classe, mais payant TOUJOURS 100% d'impôts...
non-vacciné = non-manipulé...
“Ne fais jamais rien contre ta conscience, même si l'Etat te le demande.”
(Albert Einstein: Source)Passeport sanitaire : la création d'une classe de citoyens de seconde zone avance à grands pas... Exit la tolérance, le respect, la diversité.... la liberté, la démocratie, les droits de la personne et la paix! Souvenons-nous que les mêmes autorités médicaux qui exigent que le Covid19 soit une maladie exposée au regarde de tous au point d'envoyer en exile les non-vaccinés, ces mêmes autorités ont retiré le le SIDA de la liste des maladies à déclaration obligatoire (pour des raisons de discrimination) tout en considérant négligeable le fait d'avoir causé par ce geste la contamination de centaines de milliers de personnes...
Un peu d'histoire: Mesures d'application de la 9e ordonnance des autorités d'occupation au sujet des juifs. (Hoehrere SS Polizeifuerhrer - 8 juillet 1942) -> Les nazis étaient timides en comparison avec toutes les mesures préconisés par les élites postmodernes...
[in a discussion on the rise of the Kmer Rouge in Cambodia]
There is no need to repeat what has been said about the similar practice of labelling people in China. Such a system of strict social categories that consigns vast portions of the population to inferiority as class enemies, often because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, produces a sense of massive despair and hopelessness. It also encourages constant denunciations and searches for "bad" backgrounds. These categories become the basis of social competition, and to be classified in an unfavorable way may mean death, or, at best, increased suffering for oneself and one's family. (...) Only if one believes it is possible for people to be utterly selfless, devoid of ambition except for the collectivity, and entirely uninterested in helping their families can one seriously believe that application of such social categories can lead to anything other than a vicious struggle for survival at all levels of the society, to denunciations, and to cruelty and persecution.
(Daniel Chirot - Modern Tyrants: The Power and Prevalence of Evil in Our Age. 1994, Princeton University Press - p. 224)"One Vaccine to bind them and in the darkness find them"...*
We can't let the godlike surveillance we're under be used to "calculate" our citizenship scores, or to "predict" our criminal activity; to tell us what kind of education we can have, or what kind of job we can have, or whether we can have an education or a job at all; to discriminate against us based on our financial, legal, and medical histories, not to mention our ethnicity or race, which are constructs that data often assumes or imposes. And as for our most intimate data, our genetic information: if we allow it to be used to identify us, then it will be used to victimize us, even to modify us—to remake the very essence of our humanity in the image of the technology that seeks its control. Of course, all of the above has already happened.
(Edward Snowden (2019) Permanent Record - p. 333)
Si le concept de l'Apartheid n'est pas familier, voici la page wiki sur lle sujet, soit le régime de ségrégation racial qui a existe la plupart du 20e siècle en Afrique du Sud.
Les vidéos affichant cet image ont été censurés par YouTube depuis leur mise en ligne....
Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents
Universities may require COVID vaccine when it comes out, begin requiring flu shot. (Jessica Resuta - The College Fix - 16/7/2020)
Qantas Says COVID-19 Vaccination Will Be Mandatory for Travel. (Caldron Pool - 24/11/2020)
The Vaccine is Not Compulsory but… (LockDown Sceptics - 1/12/2020)
Dr. Guillemant, CNRS : Le Principal But de la Vaccination n'est pas d'ordre sanitaire. (Fide Post - 4/12/2020)
'No Vaccine, No Work' - Employers Discuss Making COVID Immunity Mandatory For Workers. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/12/2020)
I Don’t Want to be in The COVID Vaccine Line, But Government And Corporations Will Force us Through it: The same businesses that successfully coerced an entire populous into covering their faces for nearly any normal activity will be able to apply the same logic to vaccines. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 7/12/2020)
Israël: le vaccin ne sera pas obligatoire, mais... (Keren Israël - 7/12/2020)
«Passeport Vert» pour les vaccinés: comment rendre indispensable un vaccin non obligatoire. (Adrien Peltier - Sputnik News - 18/12/2020)
Les anti-vaccins ne devraient pas être soignés en priorité, selon un médecin allemand. (TVA Nouvelles - 20/12/2020)
World Tourism Chief: Mandatory Vaccines Will "Kill" Travel Industry. (Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - Steve Watson/Summit News - 21/12/2020)
Les non vaccinés futurs «citoyens de seconde zone» ? Un nouveau projet de loi fait polémique. (RTFrance - 22/12/2020) -> Déposée à l'Assemblée par Jean Castex, une disposition de la loi visant à pérenniser les mesures d'urgence sanitaire fait craindre à ses détracteurs l'assimilation des non vaccinés à des «citoyens de seconde zone».
British Government Contracts Firms to Make COVID ‘Freedom Passports’: Still claims there are no plans for ‘immunity’ waivers. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 22/12/2020) -> The British government has contracted two firms to develop COIVD ‘freedom passports’, that would be used to segregate society between those who have been tested or vaccinated against COVID and those who have not.
French Law Would Ban People Who Don’t Get COVID Vaccine From Using Public Transport: Opposition politicians savage “health dictatorship.” (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 22/12/2020)
Former CDC Director Says COVID-19 ‘Immunity Passports’ Could Help U.S. Get ‘Back To New Normal’: "...could make it possible to ratchet down protective measures..." (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 24/12/2020)
Airline Officially Launches COVID Passport Ahead of “Global Deployment”: “The experience gained helps prepare for the eventual global deployment of the Travel Pass”. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 24/12/2020)
'New Normal' Arrives - Singapore Airlines Launches COVID-19 "Digital Health Passport" For Passengers. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 26/12/2020)
Fauci Speaks: Vaccines Might Be Mandatory For Travel, School. (Jackie Salo- New York Post - 1/1/2021)
Major U.S. airlines back 'global' COVID-19 testing requirements -letter. (David Shepardson - Reuters - 4/1/2021)
Smartphone Apps Under Development For Global Vaccine Passport. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy - 5/1/2021)
Covid-19 : les patrons américains tentés par la vaccination obligatoire. (Les Echos - 7/1/2021)
‘No Vaccine, No Job’ Declares Anti-Brexit Pimlico Plumbers Boss. (Victoria Friedman - Breitbart - 15/1/2021)
Big Tech Coalition Is Developing a Digital COVID Vaccination Passport: A coalition of tech and health organizations including Oracle, Microsoft, and the Mayo Clinic, is reportedly working to develop a digital COVID-19 vaccination passport that would allow businesses, airlines, and governments to check if individuals have received the vaccine. (Lucas Nolan - Breitbart - 15/1/2021)
The World’s Most Powerful Passport. (LockDown Sceptics - 17/1/2021)
Congressman accuses CDC of misleading the public about need for vaccine for those already recovered from COVID-19: Why? (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 2/2/2021)
Biden Summons Troops to Help With COVID Vaccinations, Expands DPA. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/2/2021)
Enforce quarantine by tracking phones, says Sage. (Chris Smyth - The Times - 8/2/2021)
The dangers of compulsory vaccination The 'no jab, no job' debate has parallels with the fight over free speech. (Adam King, barrister - UnHerd - 11/2/2021)
Les hôpitaux de Brest et Morlaix suspendent la vaccination AstraZeneca des soignants. (Le Télégramme - 11/2/2021)
Vaccine refusers will be kept to 'supermarkets, pharmacies' when Israel opens up Crackdown planned for businesses that serve those without vaccines; PM says refusers 'endanger us all,' risk health system; fewer than 1,000 seriously ill for first time in a month. (Sue Surkes - Times of Israel - 11/2/2021)
Biden Says No Domestic Flight Covid Test Mandate For Now on Friday, the Biden administration announced it would not impose a negative coronavirus test requirement for domestic travelers in the United States. (Charlotte Pence Bond - DailyWire - 13/2/2021) -> not yet, later...
The tyranny of vaccine passports: The vaccine itself can set us free. But 'vaccine passports' will remove people's rights. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 17/2/2021)
Vaccination : Les employés du Vatican refusant l'injection contre le Covid-19 risquent le licenciement. - Et les candidats à un poste au sein du Vatican pourraient également ne pas être embauchés en cas de refus. (20 Minutes avec AFP - 18/2/2021)
Michelle Malkin with Dr Simone Gold: COVID experimental agents. (John Hartnett - Bible Science Forum - 20/2/2021)
Millions Marched against Mandatory Vaccinations today in Australia. (John Hartnett - Bible Science Forum - 20/2/2021)
Vaccine passports are a terrible idea: Coercing people into receiving the Covid vaccine is a mistake. (Emily Hill - Spiked - 22/2/2021)
Australian Health Minister admits COVID experimental injections are a massive vaccine trial. (John Hartnett - Bible Science Forum - 22/2/2021)
Israël officialise l'apartheid sanitaire et l'étoile de couleur qui l'accompagne. (Karine Bechet-Golovko - Réseau international - 21/2/22021)
Breaking! Pastor James Coates Trial set for May 3. (Protestia - 24/2/2021) -> Alberta Canada
Israel's 'Green Passport' vaccination program has created a 'medical Apartheid,' distraught citizens say The Israeli government announced a number of new rules on March 6 in a statement released jointly by the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transportation. (Celeste McGovern - LifeSite - 9/3/2021)
What is the point of vaccine passports? The government's obsession with safety could prove to be dangerous. (Laura Dodsworth - Spiked - 22/2/2021)
Why the travel ban must be lifted: Banning holidays won't stop new variants. (David Livermore [professor of medical microbiology] - Spiked - 29/3/2021)
Biden's Vaccine Passport Plan is A 'Dystopian Nightmare' Cloaked in COVID Safety-Speak: Critics on both sides of the political aisle continue to weigh in on privacy risks and potential invasions if Biden moves forward with a vaccine passport. (Gabe Kaminsky - The Federalist - 30/3/2021)
Vaccine passports: the end of liberty as we know it: Britain could become a two-tier, papers-please society. (Mark Johnson - Spiked - 31/3/2021)
Church Segregates Congregant Seating Based on Vaccination Status. (Protestia - 31/3/2021)
International Air Transport Association announces development of COVID vaccine passport app: Here we go. (Leon Wolf - The Blaze - 1/4/2021)
Report: After Volcano Erupts On Caribbean Island, PM Says Only Vaccinated Can Board Evacuation Ships, Others Sent to Safety Elsewhere. (Ian Haworth - DailyWire - 11/4/2021)
Thousands Flee Volcano, But Only the Vaccinated Allowed to Evacuate on Cruise Ships. (Caldron Pool - 13/4/2021)
Vaccination en Israël : ont-ils perdu la tête ? (Nolan Le Lann - Keren Israël - 17/3/2021)
Vaccine passports will divide society: This dangerous measure would turn the unvaccinated into an underclass. (David Thunder - Spiked - 26/4/2021)
Want That Job Offer? A Covid-19 Vaccine Is Now Required. Employers are starting to mandate shots before candidates are hired. It's a new rule some managers are rolling out for existing employees, too. Houston restaurant employees waited in line earlier this month to get vaccinated. (Chip Cutter| - The Wall Street Journal/Achive Today - 26/4/2021)
Judge rules Pilsen mom can't see her son because she's not vaccinated against COVID-19 Earlier this month, Cook County Judge James Shapiro barred Rebecca Firlit, the mother of an 11-year-old boy, from seeing her son. She is appealing the decision. (Bob Chiarito - Chicago Sun-Times - 29/4/2021)
Biden's Pandemic Coordinator: CDC Will 'Allow' Vaccinated People 'More Privileges' to Take off Mask. (Daily Wire News - 9/5/2021)
OUTRAGEOUS: Mainstream doctors are REFUSING to see or treat vaccine-damaged patients because they don't want to get involved in "controversial" diagnoses. (Ethan Huff - News Target - 17/5/2021) -> doctors abandonning vaccined patients...
Pass sanitaire, pass de la honte. (Claude Janvier - Mondialisation.ca - 19/5/2021)
In order to go maskless into business or church in Oregon, individuals must first present proof of COVID-19 vaccination. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 20/5/2021)
Oregon Governor Taking Advantage of New CDC Mask Guidelines to Impose Vaccine Passports and a Vaccine Caste System. (Adam Dick - Ron Paul Institute - 26/5/2021)
As Students Leave Campus For Summer, Colleges Are Requiring The COVID-19 Vaccine if They Want to Return This Fall. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 27/5/2021)
'It Will be the End of Freedom': Oregon Gov. Requires Proof of COVID Vaccinations to Enter Churches, Businesses. (Andrea Morris - FaithWire - 1/6/2021)
Passeport Sanitaire : quels risques pour nos libertés ? (Géopolitique Profonde - AgoraVox - 1/6/2021)
PM Announces Proof of Vaccination Certificates, Kelly Says: "War Has Been Declared". (Caldron Pool - 4/6/2021) -> Australia
Passeport sanitaire. Sept pays l'ont déjà adopté en Europe L'Union européenne confirme que sept pays ont adopté le passeport sanitaire. Le lancement est prévu pour le 1er juillet. (Mounia Kabiri Kettani - L'Observateur - 4/6/2021)
Two Tiered Society: Tony Blair Calls for Only Vaccinated People to Get More Freedom. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 6/6/2021)
Report: Unvaccinated Students 'Numbered' with Sharpie and Tracked at High School Prom. (Dr. Susan Berry - Breitbart - 9/6/2021)
Coerced Vaccines and Medical Passports Are Forms of Medical Apartheid. (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 13/6/2021)
This Tennessee College Is Hitting Unvaccinated Students With A $1,500 Charge. (Gabe Kaminsky - The Federalist - 15/6/2021)
Texas judge gives child rapist just 180 days, while forcing a father to get experimental vaccine before seeing his kids. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 16/6/2021)
Cole Beasley Rips the NFL's Strict Rules for Unvaccinated Players. (David Hookstead - Daily Caller - 18/6/2021) -> Medical Apartheid in American Football...
Government Considering Exempting Fully-Vaccinated Brits From Quarantine Rules after Contact with Covid Carriers. (Lockdown Sceptics - 19/6/2021)
Les employés refusant la vaccination pourront être mis en congé sans solde. (TVA Nouvelles - 20/6/2021) -> Russie
Covid-19 : Failles de sécurité du Pass Sanitaire – un rapport du Sénat opte pour une surveillance totale. (Youmaker/Aphadolie - Les moutons enragés - 21/6/2021)
Nurse, fired for refusing COVID-19 shot, slams mandate. (Chris Woodward, Billy Davis - OneNewsNow - 21/6/2021)
San Francisco Forces City Employees to Get COVID-19 Vaccine or Risk Termination. (Gabe Kaminsky - The Federalist - 24/6/2021)
Le non-vacciné, cette espèce à abattre. (François Bonacieux - FranceSoir - 30/6/2021)
Ohio Judge Makes COVID Vaccination Condition of Probation. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/7/2021) -> Judge Richard Frye of Franklin County
Scott Morrison Pushes For a Divided Australia: "You Get Vaccinated and All This Changes". (Caldron Pool - 2//7/2021)
Québec instaurera un passeport vaccinal début septembre. (Radio-Canada - 8/7/2021)
Cruise Ships Embracing Vaccine Segregation: Unvaccinated Customers Face Mounting Restrictions. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 8/7/2021)
Canada Bans Unvaccinated Tourists: "I can tell you right now that's not going to happen for quite a while." (Caldron Pool - 9/7/2021)
CNN medical analysts say life 'needs to be hard' for Americans who don't get the vaccine, call for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 11/7/2021)
WHO Is Working On "Digital Wallet" to Store Vaccination Certification: Official. (Jack Phillips/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/7/2021)
"No Jab, No Job": Is Bureaucratic Rule By Decree Superseding Constitutional Guarantees?: The current government must know that it is political suicide to kill fundamental freedoms, through an iron-fisted - consequences be damned - mandatory COVID-19 vaccination of everyone who didn't need it, or want it. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 13/7/2021)
CONFIRMED: UK's Return to 'Freedom' Will See Continued Use of Masks, Government Tracking and Introduction of Vaccine Passports: It's the complete antithesis of freedom. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 13/7/2021)
Sebelius: Unvaccinated Americans Should Not be Allowed to Work, Have Access to Children. (Pam Key - Breitbart - 13/7/2021)
L'exécutif s'apprêterait à demander le placement en isolement obligatoire des Français malades du Covid. (Dmitri Bassenko - Sputnik.fr - 14/7/2021)
Global Vaccine Passports Have Arrived Courtesy of Google, EU. (PrivacyToGo - Off-Guardian - 14/7/2021)
L'étau se resserre autour des non-vaccinés en Chine. (Agence France-Presse/TVA Nouvelles - 15/7/2021)
Unvaccinated Football Fans to be Banned From Matches in UK if infection rates are high or "dangerous variants" are circulating. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 20/7/2021)
Mapping Tyranny: The Countries Where Vaccination Is Mandatory. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 20/7/2021)
HIV, herpès, gastro, grippe… Le pass sanitaire doit d'urgence être étendu à d'autres pathologies ! (Erwan Lubovski - FranceSoir - 20/7/2021)
Par le pouvoir d'une étoile. (Alma Médoubar - Beersheva, Israel - 20/7/2021)
Le pass sanitaire et son QR Code associé permettront à terme de faire accepter aux gens la puce RFID. (Fawkes News - 20/7/2021)
Australian MP Says Unvaccinated People "Need to be Controlled and Restricted": Authorities should decide what they're allowed to do "in the community." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 21/7/2021)
List of UK Venues That Could Mandate 'Vaccine Passports' Already Expanding: UK minister says business & sporting venues as well as music festivals will have to ban the unvaccinated. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 22/7/2021)
Segregation returns to America as universities threaten, harass, intimidate unvaxxed students. (Leo Hohmann - 22/7/2021)
CNN: Segregate Unvaccinated, Make Them Pay For Tests Every Day. (Steve Watson/Summit News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 24/7/2021)
Merkel's Chief of Staff: 'Vaccinated Will Definitely Have More Freedoms than Unvaccinated'. (Breitbart London - 25/7/2021)
Exclusive Video: 'I Thought We Won the War?' — Thousands Protest Against 'Fascist' Vaccine Passports. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 25/7/2021) -> 2 min.
Atlanta restaurant turns away unvaccinated customers: 'No Vax, No Service'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 25/7/2021)
California mandates state employees and health care workers get vaccinated. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 26/7/2021)
Germany: Vaccinated "Will Have More Freedom" as Unvaxxed Banned From Cinemas, Restaurants New measures would make vaccine de facto mandatory. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 26/7/2021)
Pass sanitaire : une mise en pratique infernale. (H16 - Les moutons enragés - 29/7/2021)
Piers Morgan Calls For Unvaccinated to be Denied Medical Treatment: One step away from round-ups. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 28/7/2021)
CNN Warns Americans: 'It's About to Get Much Harder to Not Be Vaccinated'. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 31/7/2021)
Pass sanitaire, biopolitique et apartheid social : quelles perspectives ? (Nicolas Bonnal - Strategika - 1/8/2021)
Australian Health Official: 'Don't Go Anywhere Near Your Grandkids' If Unvaccinated. (John Hayward - Breitbart - 3/8/2021)
"Papers Please" Passports Are a Portal Towards a COVID-Vax Caste System: An apartheid between the COVaxxed and un-COVaxxed will carve a caste system in the fabric of Australian life. This isn't something to celebrate or welcome. It's something to resist because precedent matters. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 3/8/2021)
Former Obama Official Demands 'a No-Fly List for Unvaccinated Adults'. (Wendell Husebø - Breitbart - 4/8/2021)
L'Allemagne prévoit des mesures sévères pour les non-vaccinés: "Ils ne seront autorisés à entrer nulle part". (7sur7.be - 4/8/2021)
Some people who refuse to get vaccinated may not be eligible to receive unemployment benefits. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 5/8/2021) -> United States
François Legault instaure le passeport vaccinal pour le Québec. (Caroline Plante - La Presse Canadienne - Le Soliel - 5/8/2021) -> Canada
Dr. Drew: Vaccine Passports Are New Form of "Segregation" For Black Communities: Majority of African-Americans haven't taken COVID shot, according to CDC. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 5/8/2021)
Rand Paul: A 'no-fly list' for the unvaccinated is 'obscene' and 'authoritarian'. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 5/8/2021)
Medical Apartheid Is Now Upon Us: Health discrimination is creating a two-tiered society. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 5/8/2021)
France, Italy Set to Roll Out COVID-19 Health Passes: Unvaccinated citizens set to face tighter restrictions. (Katabella Roberts - The Epoch Times - 6/8/2021)
'No Jab, No Job' - United Becomes First Airline To Mandate Vaccines For All Employees. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/8/2021)
London Mayor Sadiq Khan Wants to Make it Illegal to Ride Trains Unmasked: The government's own scientific advisor admitted that face masks do practically nothing. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 6/8/2021)
C'est fait, le pass sanitaire est en vigueur en France. (Agence France-Presse/TVA Nouvelles - 9/8/2021)
Canadian Refused Entry to Own Country Despite Proving Strong Natural COVID Immunity And Negative Tests "Let's be clear: The Canadian government, by behaving in this manner, is routinely criminalizing those with Covid antibodies that are not derived from a manufactured experimental vaccine." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 9/8/2021)
Canada Opens US Border For 1st Time Since March 2020, But Only For Vaccinated Americans. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/8/2021)
Macron Says Showing Police Your Papers to Visit a Cafe is About "Freedom": Orwell rolls in his grave. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 11/8/2021)
Vaccine ID Passports: Merging Your Digital Identity Onto The Blockchain. (Technocracy.News - 11/8/2021)
Prankster Performs "Vaccinated Only" Carriage Social Experiment: Passengers asked to prove they've had the jab before boarding train. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 12/8/2021)
My university ignores COVID natural immunity and wants to blame people like me for outbreaks. (Rachel Lalgie - College Fix - 12/8/2021)
New York's Jim Crow Vaccine Passport Will Deny Service to 72% of Young Black Residents. (John Nolte - Breitbart - 13/8/2021)
Canadian Province Implements Vaccine Passport: 'Still deciding' If It Will Be Required for Church Services or Weddings. (Protestia - 11/8/2021) -> Québec
Vaccine Mandates For Interstate Travel? The Biden Administration Has Discussed It. (Ashe Schow - DailyWire - 13/8/2021)
Le vaccin contre la COVID-19 sera obligatoire pour tous les fonctionnaires fédéraux: Ottawa exigera aussi une preuve vaccinale pour les voyageurs à bord de vols commerciaux, de trains et de croisières. (Radio-Can - 13/8/2021) -> Canada
Stanford [University] Reverses Policy, Will Now Require Weekly COVID-19 Testing Regardless of Vax Status. (Jeffrey Cawood - DailyWire - 13/8/2021)
Even if We Set Liberty and Social Responsibility Aside, Vaccine Passports Are Still a Bad Idea, a Doctor Writes. (Dr Steven R. Hopkins - Daily Sceptic - 14/8/2021)
The New Covid Untouchables: Yes we are now seeing a new medical Apartheid. (Bill Muehlenberg - 14/8/2021)
Military Members, Families Fighting Potential Coronavirus Vaccine Mandate. (Kristina Wong - Breitbart - 15/8/2021)
Will Americans Accept No-Fly List For Unvaccinated? (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy.News - 17/8/2021)
Heartless in Seattle: Patient Dropped From Heart Transplant List Over Refusal to Take Vaccine. (Jason Rantz - Technocracy.News - 19/8/2021)
NYC proof of vaccination program also requires people to show ID 'to help reduce fraud,' council member says. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 20/8/2021)
5 Months Pregnant, I Face Losing My Job And Health Care For Choosing Not To Get A COVID-19 Injection: The state of Oregon is forcing me to contradict what I think is best for myself and my baby or face losing my job and health coverage when I need it most. (Lori Fisher - The Federalist - 20/8/2021)
Progressives Applaud Alabama Doctor Who Refuses to Treat Patients Unvaccinated Against COVID-19. Dylan Housman - Daily Caller - 20/8/2021)
Germany's Largest Amusement Park Segregates Vaxx'd From Unvaxx'd With Colored Wristbands. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 21/8/2021)
No Mask No Vote: Canadian Officials Threaten to Turn Away Unmasked Voters. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 21/8/2021)
Will Doctors Refusing Service For Unvaccinated Patients Also Refuse Treatment For Obese People? (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 25/8/2021)
Ruling Class Increasingly Calls Upon The Private Sector to Make Lives of The "Unvaccinated" Difficult. (Mac Slavo/SHTFplan - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/8/2021)
Legault croit qu'il est raisonnable de congédier un non-vacciné: Les propos du premier ministre sont dénoncés par les principales centrales syndicales. (Olivier Bourque - Journal de Québec - 27/8/2021)
Judge reportedly stripped mother of parental rights because she's not vaccinated: 'I miss my son more than anything'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 28/8/2021)
Military members speak out against vaccine mandates: 'I wanted to serve my country, now I am looking at a result in which I am lumped in with felons'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 29/8/2021)
Restaurant Reserveration App OpenTable to Integrate Vaccination Status Into Service: Diners will be asked to present proof of vaccination via the OpenTable app. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 30/8/2021)
Say no to Vaccine Passports: Whether imposed by government or the private sector, vaccine passports must be resisted. (Helen Andrews - The American Conservative - 30/8/2021)
Covid-19 : des survivants de l'Holocauste écrivent à l'Agence européenne des médicaments. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 31/8/2021)
CDC asks unvaccinated Americans — nearly 80 million of them — to stay home for Labor Day weekend. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 1/9/2021)
Italians Face €1,000 Fines for Not Presenting Vaccine Passport. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 2/9/2021)
Australian Authorities to "Lock Out" Unvaccinated From Being Able to Participate in the Economy Social credit score on steroids is coming down fast. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/9/2021)
Australian State Plans to "Lock Out" Unvaccinated While Florida Doctor Refuses to Treat Them. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 7/9/2021)
Rutgers University bans unvaccinated senior from attending remote classes. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 7/9/2021)
The Covid Untouchables: You WILL be made "safe" – or else! (Bill Muehlenberg- 8/9/2021)
Five Reasons the Church Should Oppose A Vaccine Passport System. (Caldron Pool - 8/9/2021) -> "The church would be appalled at any sort of racial/ethnic prejudice or segregation, but now in some quarters, segregation that Christ has not established, is being lauded as a solution for a return to normalcy. If there is no Jew nor Greek in the church, why should the vaccinated and unvaccinated be segregated?"
White House Signals New COVID-19 Measures Coming For People Who Are Unvaccinated. (Jack Phillips/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/9/2021)
Hospital to pause delivering babies as maternity workers quit over vaccine mandate. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 11/9/2021)
Everything Wrong with Vaccine Passports and Mandatory Jabs. (Rowan Dean/Outsiders/SkyNews - Gary Green - OurFreedomTube - 14/9/2021)
The Coming Covid Divide: Things are ramping up in the Covid Wars. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 15/9/2021)
They Are Creating The Biggest Witch Hunt In American History. (Michael Snyder/The End of The American Dream - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge -15/9/2021)
CNN's Don Lemon Urges Viewers "It's Time to Start Shaming" Unvaccinated People. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 16/9/2021)
Customer Allegedly Kicked Out of Restaurant For Not Being Vaccinated, Compares it to Segregation. (Brianna Lyman - Daily Caller - 16/9/2021)
Doublement vaccinés, 6 patients israéliens hospitalisés, blâmés pour ne pas avoir reçu la 3e dose ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 20/9/2021)
Unvaccinated Students Told to Wear Different Coloured Wristbands So They Can be Identifie:d Segregation is progressive. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 29/9/2021)
YouTuber Denied Entry to Restaurant in Ireland Despite Being Double Jabbed: Treatment of Irish man in his home town branded "discrimination." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 4/10/2021)
Report: Disney Rolling Out Sticker System to Identify Vaccinated On-Set Workers. (David Ng - Breitbart - 6/10/2021)
Colorado Hospital Set to Deny Kidney Transplant For Unvaxxed Woman. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/10/2021)
Unvaxxed University Students Told to Wear Different Colored Wristbands For Identification. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 7/10/2021)
No jab, no joy: Canadian town requires vaccine proof to get married A marriage license is required to get legally married in Canada, meaning that Oakville's rules effectively prohibit people who refuse the COVID shots from tying the knot. (Matt Lamb - LifeSite - 7/10/2021)
Unvaccinated NBA players who break Canada quarantine rules will face criminal charges: report. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 7/10/2021)
Les individus non vaccinés contre le Covid-19 ne pourront plus quitter le Canada par voie aérienne. (RT France - 9/10/2021)
"So Deeply, Deeply Wrong" - Lithuanian Without Vaccine Pass Describes Life Under Medical Tyranny. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/10/2021)
Cleveland Clinic Bans Severely Ill Ohio Man From Kidney Transplant Because The Donor Isn't Vaccinated The Cleveland Clinic appears prepared to condemn some patients to death with its requirement that transplant donors accept a Covid-19 vaccination. (Nathaniel Stewart - The Federalist - 13/10/2021)
Les hôpitaux devraient-ils prioriser les patients vaccinés?: Interview avec le Dr François Marquis (TVA Nouvelles - 14/10/2021)
Washington state trooper of 22 years delivers emotional sign-off after being fired because of vaccine mandate: 'Gov. Jay Inslee can kiss my a**'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 17/10/2021)
Universities Deputize Students As Mask Police to Snitch On Peers For Money Colleges have begun hiring student hall monitors to enforce mask and distancing restrictions, a move that has given students authority over their peers for their obedience to the state's COVID diktats. (Spencer Lindquist - The Federalist - 18/10/2021)
Les professeurs bientôt chargés de vérifier l'état vaccinal des élèves ? (Jean de Beauce - AgoraVox.fr - 19/10/2021)
New Zealand PM smiles chillingly as she admits COVID policies will create 'two different classes of people'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 25/10/2021)
Tim Keller's Redeemer Church is Segregating Unvaccinated People to Separate Floor for Worship. (Reformation Charlotte - 26/10/2021)
Unvaccinated People to be Banned From Berlin [Outdoors] Christmas Markets Option to provide negative COVID test removed. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 27/10/2021)
Noam Chomsky : « Les non-vaccinés doivent être isolés de la société et se débrouiller pour se nourrir ! ». (Le Média en 442 - 27/10/2021)
Victorian City Councillor Rips Into Daniel Andrews Over Vaccination Segregation "My creeping assumption is that this government and all other governments like it, need to be reminded that they exist to protect human rights, not blackmail us with them." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 30/10/2021)
"On nous refuse des soins parce qu'on n'est pas vaccinés", Stéphanie, atteinte du cancer. (FranceSoir - 4/11/2021)
Noam Chomsky Goes Off The Deep End – Proving That All Socialism Leads to Tyranny. (Brandon Smith/Alt-Market - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 5/11/2021)
Virtue-signaling pizza parlor in Seattle shames unvaccinated people. Another in town requires vaccinations to enter — even if it's just for to-go orders. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 9/11/2021)
Singapour ne va plus payer les frais médicaux des non-vaccinés. (TVA Nouvelles - 9/11/2021)
Austria "Just Days Away" From Unleashing Lockdown on The "Shameful" Unvaccinated. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/11/2021)
Brace Yourself, Australia, It Is Game on Against Segregation "Life will be miserable without being vaccinated. You won't be able to hide... you are going to have a very very lonely life," warned Queensland AMA president. (Giuliano Bordoni - Caldron Pool - 13/11/2021)
German Leaders to Debate Imposing National Restrictions on The Unvaccinated. (Daily Sceptic - 13/11/2021)
Covid-19: Bertrand et Pécresse n'écartent pas un reconfinement limité aux français non vaccinés. (Louis Augry - BFMTV - 14/11/2021)
L'hérésie du confinement des non vaccinés. (Sylvain Devaux - Les Moutons Enragés - 15/11/2020)
Report: Whistleblower Nurse Reveals Medical Tracking Code Used To Find Anti-Vaxxers: Chilling account reveals how establishment can create a database of dissenters under the guise of healthcare. (InfoWars - 15/11/2021)
HEARTBREAKING: 7-year-old refused critical medical care over valid mask exemption 7-year-old Zander suffered a complete fracture of his shoulder, and his mother is struggling to access adequate treatment because of health-care providers' refusal to accommodate her son's medical mask exemption. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 16/11/2021)
Les nouveaux miradors. (Naelle Markham - Les Moutons Enragés - 17/11/2020)
School Forces Unmasked Kids to Wear Yellow Badges: They might want to have a word with their history teacher. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 17/11/2021)
Les non-vaccinés d'aujourd'hui sont-ils les Juifs allemands de 1933 ? (FranceSoir - 18/11/2021)
Days After Locking Down the Unvaccinated, Austria Hits COVID Case Record Full nationwide lockdown could follow. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 18/11/2021)
Germany Is Medically Segregating The Unvaccinated From Public Life. (Shawn Fleetwood - The Federalist - 2/12/2021)
Nevada Becomes First State to Impose Surcharge on Unvaccinated Workers. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 4/12/2021)
Unvaxxed in Austria Could be Imprisoned For a Year New amendment increases sentence for non-payment of fines. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 10/12/2021)
'Let hospitals quietly triage emergency care to serve the unvaccinated last,' David Frum of The Atlantic suggests. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 13/12/2021)
MSM Thugs Ramp Up War on Vaccine 'Refuseniks. (James Delingpole - Breitbart - 15/12/2021)
"Non-tridosés", vous n'êtes pas seuls !: Les "non-tridosé"s deviennent aujourd'hui, de facto, la deuxième génération d'intouchables de notre société. (Marilis Valo - FranceSoir - 15/12/2021)
Google va licencier ou mettre en télétravail définitif les employés non-vaccinés. (FranceSoir - 17/12/2021)
The Left would sacrifice the unvaccinated: What happened to the principle that everyone deserves healthcare? (Kat Rosenfield - UnHerd - 20/12/2021)
Austria Hiring People to "Hunt Down Vaccine Refusers" Workers told they'll be doing a lot of overtime. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 21/12/2021)
CNN Medical Analyst Demands Biden "Further Restrict the Activities of the Unvaccinated:" No jab, no peace. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 23/12/2021)
Hospitals Beg Fired Unvaccinated Nurses to Come Back to Work Amid Staff Shortages: 'Only the unvaxxed can save the day...' (Adan Salazar - Infowars - 29/12/2021)
Ségrégation sociale : les prochaines étapes. (H16 - Les moutons enragés - 11/1/2022)
Unvaccinated parents and their 4-year-old leukemia patient son to be evicted from Ronald McDonald House over vaccine status NEWS 'Some kind of crazy evil like I've never seen in my life'. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 13/1/2022)
Inspiré par le Québec, Estrosi veut priver d'assurance chômage les non-vaccinés. (Jade Toussay - Le HuffPost/Yahoo.fr - 13/1/2022)
When People Are Denied Basic Health Care Because of Their Personal Choices, We Have Moved Into Full-Tilt Tyranny: "The surgery has now rung my parents and said that he cannot have the surgery unless he has a 1st dose of the vax. Wow. They would just leave him to die of cancer instead." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 15/1/2022)
Family Fights for Ivermectin for Dying Loved One, Courts Say 'No'. (Kevin Downey Jr. - PJMedia - 16/1/2022)
Près de la moitié des democrates sont en faveur des camps de concentration pour les non vaccinés et de la prison pour ceux qui ne sont pas daccord avec eux sur la covid selon un nouveau sondage. (L'Informateur/Qactus.fr - 17/1/2022)
SURVEY: Here's What Your Fellow Americans Think Should Happen to the Unvaccinated. (Jeff Thompson - The Organic Prepper. - 18/1/2022)
Man with prior infection denied kidney transplant for refusing to get COVID shot. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 18/1/2022)
Fabrice Di Vizio: « Ce pass vaccinal c'est la plus dégueulasse des discriminations ! » (L'Informateur/Qactus.fr - 19/1/2022)
USA SADISME PUR: Une école privée de Los Angeles oblige les non-vaccinés à s'asseoir derrière des bandes d'avertissement sous surveillance policière et à ne pas utiliser les toilettes [vidéo]. (L'Informateur/Qactus.fr - 20/1/2022)
Exilés de l'intérieur, les nouveaux "cagots" s'organisent. (FranceSoir - 25/1/2022)
Terminally Ill Mother Told Children Can't Visit Her In Her Final Days Because of COVID Restrictions The new restrictions mean the mother of five can only be visited by approved 'essential visitors' or those with exemptions. (Caldron Pool - 4/3/2022) -> Australia
Trudeau's Canada: Businesses to Voluntarily Impose Coronavirus Apartheid on Unvaxed in Capital. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 8/3/2022)
Those Who Chose Shaming Over Science. (Gabrielle Bauer - The Brownstone Institute - 14/3/2022)
"Vaccine" Vigilantes Halt Town Hall Meeting After Declaring One Nation Candidate a Potential Threat to Public Health: "Both the moderator and current sitting 'Independent' member abruptly declared the 'unvaccinated' Tripp to be a potential health threat." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 18/5/2022)
Dad Allegedly Burns $3,500 Worth of Olivia Rodrigo Concert Tickets Over Vax Mandate. (Christine Sellers - Daily Caller - 19/5/2022)
What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated. (Susan Dunham - Australian Free Independent Press Network - 6/6/2022)
MP Wagantall 'Blown Away by Incredible Response' After Being Removed From Parliament Hill for Not Revealing Vaccination Status. (Lee Harding - The Epoch Times - 7/6/2022)
UPDATE: Quebec mother STILL unable to volunteer at daughter's end-of-year school event over vaccine status 'It's ridiculous, it's very very frustrating that's for sure,' said Lianne Watt, the mother of a student at Edgewater Elementary School. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 16/6/2022)
Marc Doyer: suite au décès de son épouse, un traitement "ignoble" sur les réseaux sociaux. (FranceSoir - 16/6/2022)
We Are Still Her:e "Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified..." (Matthew Littlefield - Caldron Pool - 20/6/2022)
Thousands of Canada Post employees STILL out of work due to vaccine mandates. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 25/6/2022)
'Unscientific, unconstitutional, and discriminatory': Viva Frei on Canada's travel restrictions Viva Frei speaks out about the forced quarantine on his 12-year-old daughter, as well as problems related to the new electronic pass imposed on Canadians and tourists. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 20/7/2022)
A Look Back at the Demonisation of the Unvaccinated. (Michael P. Senger - Daily Sceptic - 2/8/2022)
The "Unvaccinated" Question (Revisited). (CJ Hopkins - Consent Factory - 6/8/2022)
"Encore trop de personnes non vaccinées", dénonce Brigitte Autran, présidente du nouveau comité scientifique. (FranceSoir - 17/8/2022) -> examine les prises de position de l'immunologue Brigitte Autran qui succède à la présidence du Conseil scientifique en France
More Despicable Discrimination: The Covid dictators are still on the path of total control. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 24/8/2022)
'Clearly two classes of players': Aaron Rodgers says NFL discriminated against unvaccinated. Watch eyebrow-raising highlights from 3-hour Joe Rogan interview. (Paul Sacca - TheBlaze - 28/8/2022)
Just Wait Until They Lock Us Up: Berkeley now requires students not vaccinated against influenza to wear masks during influenza season! (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 4/9/2022)
Artificial Grass Roots: Never trust the song of a bard who was paid to write it. (El gato malo - 11/10/2022) -> These documents confirm what many of us have long suspected: That HHS and CDC paid stand-up comedians to mock the unvaccinated in their comedy routines.
Unvaccinated 'have been the most discriminated against group that I've ever witnessed in my lifetime,' Alberta premier says. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 12/10/2022)
"236 jours au ban de la société : journal d'un non-vacciné": Simon Ferandou présente son ouvrage. (FranceSoir - 30/10/2022)
Alberta appeal court refuses organ transplant for dying, unvaccinated woman. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 8/11/2022)
They Will Lock You Down Again. (Jeffrey A. Tucker - The Brownstone Institute - 14/11/2022)
G20 Pushes Vaccine Passports For All Future International Travel. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 18/11/2022)
Why Are Airlines Still Insisting on Negative PCR Tests as a Condition of Travel to Countries That Have Lifted These Restrictions? (Daily Sceptic - 2/12/2022)
Nature: Unvaccinated Were Victims of Discrimination During the Pandemic. (Toby Young - Daily Sceptic - 10/12/2022)
Study Finds Prejudice Against COVID-19 Unvaccinated Around The World. (Bill Pan/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 10/12/2022)
What Countries Can I Go to If I Haven't Been Vaxxed? January 2023 Update. (Dr. Roger Watson - Daily Sceptic - 16/1/2023)
My First Anti-Lockdown Article from 2020. (Jeffrey Tucker - Brownstone Institute - 21/1/2023)
Sans passe sanitaire, l'hôpital lui refuse l'entrée malgré son cancer : Stéphanie racontera son histoire dans un film. (FranceSoir - 29/1/2023)
Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI. (Michael Kane - Teachers For Choice - 9/2/2023)
Australian Woman Denied Heart Transplant Because of Her Vaccination Status. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 14/2/2023)
The Federal Government is Tracking the Unvaccinated. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - 14/2/2023)
Novak Djokovic denied entry into US again over COVID vaccine status. (New York Post - 6/3/2023)
California Hospital Refuses Transplant Surgery For Unvaccinated Woman With End-Stage Kidney Disease. (Allan Stein/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 20/3/2023)
Unvaccinated, Terminally-Ill Alberta Woman Denied Transplant Despite Proof of COVID Natural Immunity. (Andrew Chen/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 21/4/2023)
Never Forget: A Retrospective on The Media Lies Surrounding COVID. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - video, 3 minutes - 14/5/2023)
Never Forget What They Did to the Unvaccinated "Although many would like to pretend it never happened, unless we confront it honestly, we risk history repeating itself the next time the elites turn friend against friend and family against family." (Caldron Pool - 16/5/2023)
Some good news! (Really): Yulia Hicks, the North Carolina girl denied a kidney transplant by Duke University surgeons because she was not vaccinated against Covid, will get her new kidney Thursday. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 23/5/2023)
Certains hôpitaux refusent de greffer des patients non vaccinés. Entretien avec Sylviane Noël. (Lauriane Bernard - France-Soir - 13/7/2023)
Unvaxxed Canadian woman denied lifesaving organ transplant has died. (Jessica Swietoniowski - Not the Bee - 25/8/2023)
Bill Gates: People Who Resist 'mRNA Tsunami' Will Be Excluded From Society. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 27/8/2023)
David v. Goliath in New York. (Brownstone Institute - 12/9/2023) -> Under the provisions of the governor's regulation, the state government can use law enforcement to forcibly remove citizens from their homes or businesses against their will to place them in unspecified quarantine locations for an indeterminate period with no mechanism for release!
The Symptom Burden of Post-Covid Vaccine Injury Syndrome Those chronically ill after Covid vaccination present very similarly to Myalgic Encephalitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with the addition of new and disturbing symptomatology. (Pierre Kory's Medical Musings - 16/9/2023) -> My belabored point is that the near entirety of allopathic neurologists have no concept of what I will call "sub-radiographic inflammatory brain disorders," under which I place the majority of cases of vaccine injury, autism, dementia, ADHD, and PANS among others. Don't make me contemplate how many people diagnosed with mental illness actually have a treatable inflammatory brain disorder because that reality is a horror to behold. It's like getting sent to prison for life when you are innocent.
Court hearing today for Canadian denied EI benefits because of vax status. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 1/112023)
EU Rolls Out Mandatory Health Passports for ALL Citizens: 'Unvaxxed Will Be Excluded From Society'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 4/12/2023)
'Pure Blood': Dating Divide Over Vaccination Status Splits Those Looking For A Partner. (Allan Stein/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/7/2024)
Rappel – Noam Chomsky : « Les non-vaccinés doivent être isolés de la société et se débrouiller pour se nourrir ! » (Le Média en 4-4-2 - 11/10/2024)
The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide. (Jeffrey Tucker - Brownstone Institute - 7/11/2024)
Gattaca's Warning against Vaccine Passports. (Bert Olivier - Brownstone Institute - 19/11/2024)
* Allusion abusive à Tolkien: "One Ring to bind them and in the darkness find them"...