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Section Québec
Ontario Civil Liberties Association
Dealing with Police and By-Law Tickets and Fines. (Take Action Canada)
The Free North Declaration: Canada is supposed to be a free country governed by the rule of law. Restore it now or risk losing it for good.
Solidarity Movement of Canada (with pastor Artur Pawlowski)
Declaration of Canadian Physicians For Science and Truth
Help feed the truckers fighting for our freedom
Trudeau Must Resign. (Pierre Poilievre)
UNACCEPTABLE Tom Quiggin (Twitter account) -> Tom Quiggin, intelligence officer, court certified expert on jihad terror and C3RF patron, is at ground zero of the earthshaking "Freedom Convoy 2022" protest.
J'ai survécu au communisme – [Canadiens] Êtes-vous prêts pour votre tour? (Zuzana Janosova Den Boer - Tea Party Québec - 3/1/2019)
Nipawin Apostolic Church v. Saskatchewan Health Authority. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 27/4/2020)
A Letter to Our Provincial Government. (Aaron Rock + Joe Boot - Reopen Ontario Churches - 11/5/2020)
Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose? (Rosemary Frei - OffGuardian - 26/5/2020) -> discusses the situation in Ontario, Canada Care Homes.
Covid19 – Au Canada, un homme politique ose s'opposer au masque et à la vaccination obligatoires. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - MédiasPresse.Info - 17/7/2020)
Le masque obligatoire est-il constitutionnel?: L'obligation du couvre-visage est anticonstitutionnelle, selon les plaignants qui ont déposé un recours en justice en Ontario. (Jean-Philippe Nadeau - RadioCan - 21/7/2020)
Two more $1200 COVID tickets dropped against peaceful protestors. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 3/9/2020)
Justice Centre challenges Feds over arbitrary quarantines. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 21/9/2020)
Justice Centre warns Alberta Government that strict quarantine requirement is incarceration and unconstitutional. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 22/9/2020)
Premier Ford warned against another lockdown of churches. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 29/9/2020) -> cela vise la province de l'Ontario
My Personal Testimony: Originally written as a letter to World Doctors Alliance in November 2020. (Dr. Mark Trozzi - 1/11/2020)
Premier Kenney urged to ignore “fearmongering” doctors who call for further Charter violations. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 12/11/2020)
A Call to Divine Obedience over Civil Obedience. (Rev. Aaron Rock - PursuitofGlory - 25/11/2020)
WATCH: Chaos Erupts as Man Arrested For ‘Trespassing’ at Own Restaurant, Opening Against Lockdown Edict. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 27/11/2020)
VIDEO: BBQ restaurant owner defies COVID-19 lockdown, arrested, hit with 13 charges and fines; supporters stand with him: A GoFundMe campaign for a defense fund for Adamson Barbecue has already raised a large amount of money. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 28/11/2020)
LEOs Use Squad Cars to Block Church from Having Drive-in Service. (Protestia - 29/11/2020)
Renowned Doctor Blasts Government Officials: ‘Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public’. (Justin Plosz - Public Relations Canada - 30/11/2020)
Adamson Barbecue and the epidemic of snobbery: Everyone faces the health risks of this moment, but not everyone risks losing their business. (Rex Murphy - National Post - 1/12/2020)
Canadian Military Warn Against Covid Vaccine. (People For Justice Canada - 20/12/2020) - a military officer, Leslie Kenderesi
Pastor Preaches Blistering Sermon on Why Churches Must Faithfully Gather Throughout the Pandemic. (Protestia - 23/12/2020)
Pastor Pledges to ‘Take Church Underground’ Afer Facing Fine 100k and Year in Jail For Remaining Open. (Protestia - 24/12/2020)
Canadian public health officials have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification performed anywhere, ever. (Christine Massey, M.Sc. - People For Justice Canada - 5/1/2021)
Canadian expert's research finds lockdown harms are 10 times greater than benefits. (Anthony Furey - Toronto Sun - 9/1/2021)
Une requête judiciaire a été déposée contre le gouvernement de l'Alberta pour mettre fin à la violation des libertés de la Charte des Albertains. (Guy Boulianne - 9/1/2021)
Former Canadian opposition leader: Lockdowns violate 'fundamental freedoms' Preston Manning also called upon Canada's Justice Minister David Lametti to address these violations. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 27/1/2021)
Police and Politicians 'There is a Plan in Place' to Prevent Defiant Church from Gathering. (Protestia - 26/1/2021)
Trudeau Administration to Face Legal Challenge on Travellers' Quarantine. (Lockdown Sceptics - 31/1/2021)
End the Lockdowns Caucus! (Maxime Bernier - Twitter - 4/2/2021)
Why is the [Canadian] Government Taking Away our Civil Liberties? (Derek Sloan, Conservative - FaceBook - 4 minutes - 5/2/2021)
Le gouvernement fédéral retarde son projet de confinement forcé des voyageurs après la réaction du public et la menace de poursuites. (Guy Boulianne - 9/2/2021)
BC Judge Rules Police Can't Arrest Churchgoers for Attending Service, Despite Govt. Efforts. (Protestia - 18/2/2021)
Premier Faces Backlash After Pastor Was Jailed for Holding Church Services. (Caldron Pool - 21/2/2021) -> Alberta
Church Continues to Gather After Pastor Jailed for Holding Church Services. (Caldron Pool - 22/2/2021) -> Canada
Video: Man Flying Back Into Canada Refuses Airport COVID Test Canadians who test positive forced to undergo quarantine in government facility. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 23/2/2021)
The Newest Update on Jailed Pastor James Coates. (Protestia - 27/2/2021)
Breaking! Pastor James Coates Loses Hearing: To Spend 2 Months in Prison. (Protestia - 5/3/2021) -> Alberta
Church Continues to Gather After Pastor Jailed for Refusing To Turn People Away. (Caldron Pool - 8/3/2021) -> Alberta
Being forced to take COVID vaccine to keep your job would be 'illegal': Canadian lawyer 'Any medical treatment including vaccination, without the informed consent of the citizen is unconstitutional.' (Pete Baklinski - LifeSite - 12/3/2021)
Dr Mark Trozzi, le seul médecin honnête et courageux en Ontario qui respecte le serment d'Hippocrate : « Nous sommes manipulés ! ». (Guy Boulianne - 14/3/2021)
Gracelife Church Charged as 'Entity,' Erin on Tucker Carlson + Newest Information We Have. (Protestia - 17/3/2021) -> On Pastor James Coates in prison
Breaking! Pastor James Coates is Out after 'Paying' $1500 Fine. (Protestia - 22/3/2021) -> Alberta
Judge Releases Canadian Pastor Jailed For Alleged Health Order Violation, Suggests He Shepherds His Church Poorly. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 23/3/2021)
GoFundMe to Pay Legal Fees of Pastor Jailed For Alleged COVID-19 Violation Tops $45k: "Pastor James is facing what not too long ago would have been unheard of." (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 27/3/2021)
Canadian Pastors Urge Fellow-Ministers to "Stand Up, Defend" and "Open Your Church" In Powerful Video. (Caldron Pool - 27/3/2021)
Police Show up at Gracelife Church Service and are Barred Entry, Warn Elders of Criminal Charges. (Protestia - 31/3/2021)
Over 70 Canadian churches vow to defy lockdowns, will fully open for Easter services 'We hope the list will grow. We are over 70 churches now.' (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 1/4/2021)
'Gestapo Is Not Welcome Here' – Canadian Police Thrown Out of Easter Service by Polish Pastor. (Jack Montgomery - Breitbart - 4/4/2021)
'OUT OF THIS PROPERTY NOW': Police Came to Disrupt A Canadian Church Service And The Pastor Was Not Having it. (Jordan Lancaster - Daily Caller - 4/4/2021)
'Get Out! Get Out!': Diners Heckle Health Inspectors Out of Restaurant, City Vows Revenge. (Jesse Stiller - Dailty Caller - 5/4/2021)
"Gestapo Not Allowed Here!" Viral Video Shows Canadian Pastor Barring 'Covid Police' From Entering Church. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/4/2021)
Police Statement Lies About Pastor Who Went Viral After Kicking Cops from Church. (Protestia - 5/4/2021)
Canadian activist: U.S. could be next for COVID 'internment camps'. (Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 5/4/2021)
VIDEO: Restaurant patrons chant 'get out!' at officials issuing COVID-19 closure order. Cheers erupt when they turn tail and leave Canadian eatery. NEWS They quickly figured out they weren't welcome. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 5/4/2021)
Polish Pastor Who Kicked Police Out of Church Speaks Out: 'Just like The Communists,' 'A Repetition of History' "What happened on Saturday is just the tipping point of the harassment and intimidation I have been enduring for months." (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 6/4/2021)
BREAKING: Police raid and put up fences around Alberta church that defied lockdown orders The church first made headlines last month after their pastor, James Coates, was jailed for violating lockdown orders on Mar 5. (The Postmillennial - 7/4/2021)
Police Shut Down Church of Alberta Pastor Who Was Imprisoned For Holding Church Services. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 7/4/2021)
EXCLUSIVE: Pastor And Lawyer Defiant After Canadian Police Raid, Barricade Church At Dawn "Liberty only lasts so long as it resides in the hearts of people." (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 9/4/2021)
Christians Camp out at GraceLife Church, Hold Evening Service + A Convoy is Coming. (Protestia - 10/4/2021)
Breaking! Protesters at Gracelife Church Tear Down Fence. (Protestia - 11/4/2021)
Canadian Church has 26 Charges Before the Courts and Faces $30,000,000 in Fines + Jail Time. (Protestia - 14/4/2021)
Rebellious restaurateurs link up for barbecue protest in Alberta. (Rebel News - 14/4/2021)
Justice Centre successfully defends Ontario church against government attempt to lock its doors. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 16/4/2021)
"Reprehensible, Pathetic": Court Says Government Will Not Have to Justify Lockdowns at Pastor James Coates Trial. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 17/4/2021)
Canadian officials forced to backtrack on extreme COVID restrictions after police refuse to enforce them: 'We have implemented the strictest measures in all of North America'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 18/4/2021)
Canadians deserve to see the science behind COVID lockdowns: When asked directly to provide the specific medical and scientific authorities that might justify the violations of our Charter freedoms, governments simply stonewall. (John Carpay - PM - 19/4/2021)
Kelowna store bans anyone who has received COVID-19 vaccine: NO VACCINATIONS ALLOWED. (Nicholas Johansen - Castanet - 21/4/2021)
Résistance sanitaire au Canada: des policiers s'opposent aux nouveaux contrôles qu'ils jugent abusifs. (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Sputnik-France - 22/4/2021)
10,000 Canadian Doctors Tell The World Pandemic is a Fraud - Bullshit - U.S. / Canada Border is Open. (BitChute - 1 minute - 23/5/2021)
Cop Threatens to Arrest Other Cop for Attending Church Service in Canada. (Protestia - 24/4/2021)
Pastor confronted by health inspector again, kicks out 'Gestapo' Calagary police from Canadian church. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 25/4/2021)
Canadian Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public How the Moderna COVID Injections Killed and Permanently Disabled Indigenous People in His Community. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 26/4/2021)
Federal Court rules isolation hotels violate Charter protection against arbitrary detention, declines to issue injunction. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 26/4/2021)
New Paper Argues the Costs of Canada's Lockdown Far Outweighed the Benefits. (Lockdown Sceptics - 27/4/2021)
An Update on the Occupation of GraceLife Church. (Protestia - 27/4/2021)
Pastor Who Chased out 'Gestapo Police' from Church Faces New Warrant. (Protestia - 30/4/2021)
After $40,000,000 in fines, Police to Lock Doors and Take Over Canadian Church. (Protestia - 1/5/2021)
Pastor James Coates' Trial Starts Today: How You Can Watch. (Protestia - 3/5/2021)
Police Disrupt Outdoor Church Service in the Middle of Communion, Ticket Pastor. (Protestia - 3/5/2021)
Thousands Attend 'No More Lockdown Rodeo Rally' in Canada. (John Hayward - Breitbart - 3/5/2021)
Manitoba pastor who openly defies pandemic restrictions tells court he has no authority to enforce rules: No authority "based on our Christian convictions" to limit church capacity, order mask-wearing, court told. (Ian Froese - CBC News - 3/5/2021)
Lockdowns only delay COVID-19 cases, witness testifies at hearing on Manitoba's restrictions: Stanford University medical professor Jay Bhattacharya a key witness for 7 churches challenging restrictions. (Ian Froese - CBC News - 4/5/2021)
Alberta gov't. ticketed pastor 'after he gave the sermon critical of the government' The judge adjourned the trial to June 7, at which time he will give his decision on the 'Charter breaches and potential remedy' for Pastor James Coates, who defied COVID lockdowns. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite News - 7/5/2021)
Le deuxième tribunal de Nuremberg au Canada est déposé et accepté. (France-Médias numérique - 7/5/2021)
Breaking! Jailed Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski Released from Prison (Updated). (Protestia - 10/5/2021)
Canada is drifting towards authoritarianism: Justin Trudeau's government has a shocking lack of respect for fundamental freedoms. (Andrew Sansone - Spiked - 11/5/2021)
Free Pass for Palestine: Pastor Artur Pawlowski speaks out against outrageous COVID double-standards. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 14/5/2021)
Jailed Alberta Pastor Released on Bail; Recounts Harsh Imprisonment And Blasts 'Evil' Canadian Politicians: "We have become political prisoners in Canada because we dare to challenge their corruption..." (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 14/5/2021)
Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth. (15/5/2021)
Canada Health Alliance. (15/5/2021)
Expletive-laden MELTDOWN caught on camera next door to Pastor Art [Pawlowski]'s church. (Adam Soos - RebelNews - 25/5/2021)
Defiance! Nearly 1000 Canadian Christians show up for Illegal Public Church Service. (Protestia - 24/4/2021)
Toronto ER Doctor's Personal Testimony. (Mark Trozzi - Druthers - 5/6/2021)
Court disregards Charter freedoms in Pastor James Coates trial. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 7/6/2021)
GraceLife Church and James Coates Sue AHS to Get Their Building Back. (Protestia - 10/6/2021)
Canada's Leap From Socialism to Communism. (Rev. Austin Miles - News With Views - 11/6/2021)
The Government War on Worship: "GraceLife Church Is Fighting Back". (Caldron Pool - 11/6/2021)
Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry, British Columbia Provincial Health Officer: re: Moderna Vaccine Reactions. (Dr. Charles Hoffe - Concerned American Dad - 13/6/2021)
Modernizing public health laws Bill 66 enhances health and safety protections while improving transparency during public health emergencies. (Alberta provincial Gvt. - 17/6/2021)
Canadians Rally at Prison for Jailed Pastor Tim Stephens. (Protestia - 21/6/2021) -> Alberta, Canada
Lockdowns and the Science of Covid. (Dr. Jay Bhattacharya [a tenured Stanford professor of medicine] - Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 23/6/2021)
Covid tickets continue to be dropped by Crown. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 23/6/2021)
Justice Centre challenges governments on science behind lockdowns. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 24/6/2021)
Mainstream media ignores Canadian doctors speaking out against official COVID narrative. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 24/6/2021)
Jailed Canadian Pastor Alleges Double Standard For Muslims Regarding Lockdown Enforcement: "...their heads would be chopped off." (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 27/6/2021)
Five more Covid tickets dropped by Crown. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 30/6/2021)
Justice Centre appeals court ruling on federal isolation facilities. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 30/6/2021)
Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 14/7/2021)
Canadians Aren't Being Told About Vaccine Risks. (Dr. John Cunnington - Druthers - 15/7/2021)
Toronto boxing gym says it will not permit guests who have received the 'experimental COVID vaccine'. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 27/7/2021)
POLITICAL PRISONER? Ezra Levant sits down with Pastor Artur Pawlowski's lawyers. (Ezra Levant - RebelNews - 28/7/2021)
A Letter to the Unvaccinated. (Ontario Civil Liberties Association - 2/8/2021)
La persécution des médecins canadiens par la médecine organisée pendant la pandémie. (Réinfo Covid Québec - 131 minutes - 2/8/2021)
Canada's Top Anti-Lockdown Politician Fights Leftist Media, Establishment Conservatives: Max Bernier's warnings apply to citizens throughout the West: power-hungry bureaucrats and lying insiders are trying to strangle our economy and liberties. (Paul Rowan Brian - The Federalist - 4/8/2021)
DEBUNKED: Patrick King's homemade legal defence in an Alberta court case did not cancel the provincial lockdown. (Rebel News - 4/8/2021)
Canada's Top Anti-Lockdown Politician Fights Leftist Media, Establishment Conservatives: Max Bernier's warnings apply to citizens throughout the West: power-hungry bureaucrats and lying insiders are trying to strangle our economy and liberties. (Paul Rowan Brian - The Federalist - 4/8/2021)
Citizen Patrick King outplays the legal system and scores for freedom in Alberta, Canada. (The Tanster - 5/8/2021)
Transcript of Patrick King and Alberta Court Case. (David Cheyne - Awake Canada - 5/8/2021)
Analysis of all-cause mortality by week in Canada 2010- 2021, by province, age and sex: There was no COVID-19 pandemic, and there is strong evidence of responsecaused deaths in the most elderly and in young males. (Denis G. Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Jérémie Mercier - Ontario Civil Liberties Association - 6/8/2021)
Trudeau's vaccine passports are an affront to liberty: "The ferocity with which authorities and the general public are calling for their fellow citizens to either capitulate or be cast out of functioning society is shocking and irrational." (Lisa Bildy/The Post Millennial - Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 15/8/2021)
Canadians Storm Injection Center Amid Massive Anti-Vaccine Passport Protest. (Infowars - 15/8/2021)
Statement of Non-Compliance With Mandatory Vaccination. (Joseph Postma - Principia Scientific International - 24/8/2021)
FIGHT VACCINE PASSPORTS: A new civil liberties project Ezra Levant outlines the next steps in Rebel News' fight for civil liberties, a new project called 'Fight Vaccine Passports.' (Rebel News- 26/8/2021)
This Canadian Man Breaks It All Down ~ The World Is A Stage: Pull Your Head Out of Your A... (Red Walrus - Twitter - 1 minute - 28/8/2021)
Student reinstated after University of Winnipeg had kicked her out for attending peaceful outdoor protest. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 31/8/2021)
Justice Centre to challenge Ontario government over vaccine passports. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 1/9/2021)
'I will go to jail again – to fight for freedom': People's Party leader Maxime Bernier, on the campaign trail, spent a short time in jail in June for breaking Manitoba COVID-19 health rules. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite News - 2/9/2021)
Alberta politician proposing legislation to ban jab 'discrimination' 'I believe we need to send a clear message to the public and employers that such measures are unnecessary and deeply divisive to our province's social fabric,' stated MLA Angela Pitt. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite News - 3/9/2021)
Huge crowds as Toronto police officers join rally for freedom against vaccine passports 'The only thing that's going to get us out of this tyranny is if every individual ensures their liberties.' (Jack Bingham - LifeSite News - 3/9/2021)
Justin Trudeau Pelted by Rocks at Campaign Event. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 7/9/2021)
First Responders In Canada Hold Silent Protest Against Vaccine Mandates. (Gabrielle Temaat - Daily Caller - 13/9/2021)
Open Letter to Dr.Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, and Premier John Horgan. (Voices of Silenced Okanagan Health Professionals - Cariboo Sentinel - 14/9/2021)
Doctor blasts health care workers who don't want to treat the unvaccinated: 'Absolutely atrocious'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 16/9/2021)
Fight Vaccine Passports A new civil liberties project — fighting against forced vaccines! (Rebel News - 16/9/2021)
Frais d'obsèques post-vaccin ? Le contribuable canadien règlera la note. (Moufid Azmaïesh - FranceSoir - 22/9/2021)
Calgarians out in full force to protest vaccine passports at United for Freedom rally: Adam Soos headed down to the Calgary United for Freedom rally to talk to people on the ground and see how they feel about the newly implemented vaccine passports. (Adam Soos - Rebel News - 28/9/2021)
Former NHL player Steve McKenna removes jersey from Cambridge arena in protest of vax mandate: McKenna and Cambridge MPP Belinda Karahalios spoke out this week against what they called "exclusionary mandates" that prevent unvaccinated parents from accompanying their children into arenas to play sports. (Andrew Chapados - Rebel News - 4/10/2021)
Unethical Conduct of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Council. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 5/10/2021) -> Rath and Company and the Justice Centre, in conjunction, are suing the Government of Alberta with regards to Orders made by the Chief Medical Officer of Health and select unconstitutional sections of the Public Health Act.
Video: Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau's Vaccine Jab. (Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research - 14/10/2021)
'Do not comply, do not bow!': Calgarians take to the streets to protest COVID mandates The repeated message at these rallies is clear— these events are not for or against vaccines or masks, they are opposed to medical coercion and segregation. (Adam Soos - Rebel News - 15/10/2021)
Why not just comply? | Nurses protest against hospital vaccine mandate This defiance on the part of frontline healthcare professionals— and their willingness to sacrifice their careers over this— prompted some crucial questions. (Dakota Christensen - Rebel News - 16/10/2021)
Bake My Day owner refuses to comply with Alberta's COVID passport Alberta Health Services first showed up at the Indigenous-owned bakery during a Truth and Reconciliation Day event, and soon issued a closure order. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 16/10/2021)
Manitoba cops "Not very eager" to arrest me: Pastor Tobias on his 5-year warrant Pastor Tobias has a warrant out for his arrest issued by the Manitoba Justice, which can be acted upon by Winnipeg Police at any moment over the next five years. (Sydney Fizzard - Rebel News - 16/10/2021)
Justice Centre to sue Alberta Health Services over mandatory covid vaccination policy. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 7/10/2021)
Justice Centre sues Ontario Government over vaccine passport. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 18/10/2021)
Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki. (Mounties for Freedom - 21/10/2021)
Lettre ouverte à la commissaire de la GRC Brenda Lucki. (Mounties for Freedom - 21/10/2021)
B.C. health whistleblower says 50% of COVID hospitalizations asymptomatic, unrelated Reaching out to Rebel News, a whistleblower from British Columbia's Interior Health region claims that half of reported COVID hospitalizations are unrelated to the virus. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 25/10/2021)
EXCLUSIVE: Trudeau's sniper detail blasts PM over vaccine mandate. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 25/10/2021)
Canadian Pastor 'Won't Comply' with Gag Order on COVID Speech, is 'Prepared to go to Prison'. (Protestia - 26/10/2021)
Of Sheep and Men. (Joe Boot - Ezra Institute - 28/10/2021)
'The game is elimination': Supporters rally outside now-closed Without Papers Pizza Pastor Artur Pawlowski and Whistle Stop Cafe owner Chris Scott joined Without Papers Pizza for a demonstration on the sidewalk outside of the now-closed restaurant. (Sydney Fizzard - Rebel News - 1/11/2021)
"Faire sauter le couvercle de cette affaire Covid ouvrira beaucoup d'yeux" Derek Sloan. (FranceSoir - 1/11/2021)
Ontario & Quebec Back Down on Vaccine Mandates For Healthcare Workers After Massive Resistance. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 3/11/2021)
Indigenous Canadians, minorities less likely to get COVID shot than whites: poll A total of 13 percent of Indigenous Canadians overall answered 'No,' they will 'not get a coronavirus vaccination.' This is more than twice the jab refusal rate of Canadians the poll classified as 'white.' (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 9/11/2021)
Jordan Peterson Slams COVID Tyranny: 'F***ing Leave Me Alone' "Why did I get the vaccine then if you're not going to leave me alone?" (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 10/11/2021)
Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based on Opinion Polls, Not Science: Elicit fear then use calls for lockdown as justification for lockdown. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 18/11/2021)
80 avocats canadiens demandent une enquête publique sur la pandémie et la fin des injections obligatoires. (Fondation pour la défense des droits et libertés du peuple - 19/11/2021)
Canadian Whistleblowers Expose 13 Stillborn Deaths in 24 Hours at Lions Gate Hospital Caused by Covid-19 Vaccines. (The Exposé - 23/11/2021)
Judge stays compelled speech order causing "irreparable harm" to Pastor Art, Chris Scott: "If I were the Alberta government, the prosecutors, and the thuggish lower court judge who made this outrageous sentence, I wouldn't be feeling very optimistic." (Rebel News - 27/11/2021)
'I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear'. Borrowing a powerful quote from former prime minister John Diefenbaker, Pastor Artur Pawlowski is launching a Canadian Solidarity Movement. (Adam Soos - Rebel News - 30/11/2021)
L'ancien premier ministre de la Colombie-Britannique, Bill Vander Zalm, affirme que le but derrière l'agenda COVID-19 est l'établissement d'un ordre mondial fasciste et communiste. (Guy Boulianne - 30/1/2021)
One of the worst days in Canada's history': Ontario politician condemns unvaxxed travel ban 'Yesterday was one of the worst days in Canadian history, the federal government, the premier's new 'bestie' Justin Trudeau, denied about 15 percent of Canadians from boarding a plane or a train.' (Jack Bingham - LifeSite - 2/12/2021)
Sask Polytech reverses vaccination policy after pressure, but plans to impose testing costs on students. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 4/12/2021)
Four Alberta doctors sue AHS over Vaccine mandate. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 10/12/2021)
NB Government and farmer's market back down on mandating vaccines for grocery shopping. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 17/12/2021)
90-year-old freedom lover holds the line at seniors home: Violet Kasper of Saskatoon is standing firm in her decision to abstain from disclosing her vaccination status to her seniors home. (Kelly Lamb - Rebel News - 22/12/2021)
COVID Responses Defy Canadian Constitution, Says Last Living Architect of 1982 Legal Framework Former premier Brian Peckford says provincial governments are overriding Canadians' rights amid the pandemic. (Lee Harding - The Epoch Times - 22/12/2021)
AHS [Alberta Health Services] backs down for third time: recalls all workers on unpaid leave, allows rapid testing. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 23/12/2021)
If the unvaccinated should pay for their own healthcare, then why not smokers, addicts, and obese people? Would Winnipeg gastroenterologist Dr. Charles Bernstein argue that obese people or smokers should be barred from entering grocery stores and supermarkets? (John Carpay - Post Millennial - 28/12/2021)
Vancity bank requested proof of vaccine to cash in investment An unvaccinated Canada Post worker who was laid off for refusing a vaccine challenged, and defeated, her banks attempt to enforce a vaccine passport while making a withdrawal. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 19/1/2022)
Myocarditis rates for young males and the need to publicize the real risks of COVID jabs Kelly Brown is an independent financial investor and self-proclaimed accidental and unofficial COVID-19 data analyst. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 20/1/2022)
Canada « 86 bébés morts-nés de janvier à juillet dans la région de Waterloo, alors que normalement, c'est seulement 1 tous les 2 mois. » – Les mères étaient complètement vaccinées. (Qactus.fr - 22/1/2022)
Canadians Furious After Trudeau's 'Fringe Minority' Comment as Thousands of Truckers Head to Capital. (Dillon Burroughs - DailyWire - 27/1/2022)
Trudeau Is Playing with Fire. (Laura Rosen Cohen - Brownstone Institute - 1/2/2022)
BREAKING: Klaus Schwab Agent In Control of Trudeau Canadian Lockdown. (Ezra Levant - The Alex Jones Show - 1/2/2022)
Ottawa City Councillor Demands Government Seize $7 Million Raised By Canadian Truckers. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 2/2/2022) -> Canadian politcians blatantly advocating THEFT!! How LOW can you go??
RCMP member sent on unpaid leave writes this powerful letter you must read. (Easton Spectator - 2/2/2022)
Canada: Saskatchewan Premier Says 'Time to Look at Ending' Coronavirus Restrictions. (Paul Bois - Breitbart - 3/2/2022)
Kelly Block (MP) sponsors Bill C-230 - The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 4/2/2022)
Canadian Elites Created The Ottawa Crisis, And They Have No Idea How To End It. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 8/2/2022)
18 Fundraisers Aiding Riots, Crime, Abortion, And Genital Mutilation That GoFundMe Didn't Shut Down. (Elle Reynolds - The Federalist - 8/2/2022)
Ottawa police reminded that exercising Charter freedoms is not a crime. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 8/2/2022)
February 9th Press Conference with Maxime Bernier and Randy Hillier. (Auto - UnshackledMinds - 63 minutes - 9/2/2022)
Police officer Nick Motycka went viral for vid saying politicians using Ottawa cops as 'hired goons' Nick could face serious consequences after posting a video he uploaded to a private chat with other law enforcement officers. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 9/2/2022)
Justice Centre launches legal action on behalf of Maxime Bernier against Feds' vaccine mandates. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 10/2/2022)
Ontario Imposes 'State of Emergency' Hours After Report It Considered Dropping Mandates. (John Hayward - Breitbart - 11/2/2022)
"Eyes of The World Are On Us" - Ontario Declares 'State of Emergency' Over Bridge Blockade. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 11/2/2022) -> No you bastards, the eyes of your Master, Schwaub are on you...
Trudeau Says Restrictions Are Necessary to Prevent Further Restrictions Sorry, what? (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 11/2/2022)
Canadian Soldier Accuses The Government of Committing War Crimes & Urges the Country to Resist. (Auto - UnshackledMinds - 6 minutes - 11/2/2022)
Joe Rogan Rips Into Justin Trudeau For 'Demonizing' The Unvaccinated. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 12/2/2022)
Ezra Reacts to Trudeau's Suspension of Civil Liberties. (Ezra Levant - Rumble - 75 minutes - 14/2/2022)
Artur Pawlowski's family speaks to Rebel News as hundreds gather to support jailed pastor While Pastor Artur remains behind bars, hundreds of people gather daily at the Calgary Remand Centre to show support for Artur and for the Pawlowski family, who have been through so much over these last two years. (Adam Soos - Rebel News - 14/2/2022)
'Threatens Our Democracy': Canadian Civil Liberties Association Condemns Trudeau Invoking 'Emergencies Act'. (Nicole Silverio - Daily Caller - 14/2/2022)
"Use of emergency powers unjustified by Ottawa facts and reality," explains Justice Centre. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 14/2/2022)
BREAKING: Ottawa Police Chief resigns, source says A 'senior source close to the situation' has reportedly confirmed Sloly's resignation. (Dakota Christensen - Rebel News - 15/2/2022)
Ottawa Police Chief Resigns. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 15/2/2022)
Watch: Lawmakers Burst out Laughing at Justin Trudeau Saying 'Responsible Leadership''. (Frances Martel - Breitbart - 16/2/2022)
BC drops more Covid tickets issued under public health orders. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 17/2/2022)
Justin Trudeau Revokes Emergency Powers Used to Target Freedom Convoy. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 23/2/2022)
Student files human rights complaint against Ontario Tech University. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 24/2/2022)
"Doesn't Really Add Up": Canadian MPs Grill Public Safety Minister on Use of Emergencies Act. (Noé Chartier/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/2/2022)
Anti-mandate convoy rolls on in Edmonton as restrictions set to be rolled back Many demonstrators said they do not trust promises from Jason Kenney after being told once before that the province was "open for good". (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 28/2/2022)
B.C. health-care workers protest against new workplace vaccine mandate: Last Friday, a group of health care workers rallied on the corner of Robson and Burrard in Vancouver, British Columbia to protest the ongoing COVID-19 mandates. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 3/3/2022)
Ontario lifts vaccine passports: Torontonians react: Are Torontonians more likely to visit an establishment that requires proof of vaccination? (Lincoln Jay - Rebel News - 3/3/2022)
'No need for it, just a power grab': Toronto protesters slam Trudeau for invoking Emergencies Act Was the prime minister right to use emergency powers to clear out the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa? The people out here in Toronto say no. (Efron Monsanto - Rebel News - 3/3/2022)
Top Canadian doctors tell university not to boot students for refusing vaccine, testing: 'Therefore, there is now no material difference in likelihood that a UBC student or staff member who is vaccinated or unvaccinated may be infected and potentially infectious to others,' the doctors wrote. (Jack Bingham - LifeSite - 8/3/2022)
The Federal Court finally releases its written judgment in our last free speech battle against Trudeau. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 9/3/2022)
Justin Trudeau 'is not eligible to talk on freedom and democracy': Toronto Freedom condemns PM's trip abroad '[Justin Trudeau] is a shill, he's not Canada first… It's just about us gathering together, just really making a statement, that we really don't approve of what he's doing.' (Efron Monsanto - Rebel News - 9/3/2022)
Justice Centre sues BC to end mandatory vaccine for BC Healthcare workers. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 17/3/2022)
Pilots still face termination: The link between vax mandates and digital ID - Greg Hill is a Canadian airline pilot and a military veteran who is co-founder and Director of Free2Fly, an initiative started by aviation professionals to stand alongside passengers in defence of freedom to travel and bodily autonomy. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 18/3/2022)
The Gospel Coalition Article that Never Was – Rebooted. (Joe Boot - Ezra Institute - 8/2/2022)
Calgary freedom rally takes place despite anti-protest court injunction: The unique court injunction acquired by police implicitly aims to criminalize those who come out to protest. (Efron Monsanto - Rebel News - 26/3/2022)
Convoy-crushing Trudeau credited for spurring separatist movement: A Canadian-based conservative activist says the separatist movement is growing in the so-called prairie provinces and the reason is Justin Trudeau, the country's controversial prime minister. (Chad Groening - American Family News - 28/3/2022)
Large crowd gathers for Sunday vigil for Pastor Pawlowski at Edmonton Remand Pastor Artur is approaching 50 days in jail after he was charged in relation to his February visit to sermonize at the Coutts border blockade. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 28/3/2022)
Former Polish political prisoner: Pastor Artur is right to protest for freedom At first, Regina Gorman, a fellow Polish immigrant to Canada, thought Pastor Artur Pawlowski was too radical. Now, after two years of the pandemic, she admits her opinion has changed. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 30/3/2022)
Concluding our COVID immunity experiment: One was double vaccinated. The other was confirmed to have recovered from the virus. Here's what we learned after five months of private clinical testing. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 4/4/2022)
Air Canada HQ refuses to accept Rebel News' vax pass petition: On May 2, Air Canada employees currently on unpaid leave due to their vaccination status will be laid off permanently if the federal vaccine mandates for airlines persist. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 5/4/2022)
Pastor ticketed over $17,000 after battling Quarantine Act When churches were no longer able to gather thanks to COVID health orders in Manitoba, one pastor stood above the rest in defiance. Now battling quarantine tickets, Pastor Tobias Tissen fights on. (Sydney Fizzard - Rebel News - 6/4/2022)
Exclusive post-arrest interview with Pastor Derek Reimer Rebel News joined Pastor Derek in Calgary to discuss his arrest and release, the ongoing harassment of Christian pastors and his commitment to serve the communities which need him most. (Adam Soos - Rebel News - 8/4/2022)
While the 'public health' doctors were telling you not to fly, they made hundreds of flights — at your expense. (Rebel News - 8/4/2022) -> Regarding Canadian politicians and technocrats...
Pastor Artur Pawlowski sends thanks to supporters as he navigates life out of jail After more than 50 days behind bars, the passionate pastor shot a video thanking his supporters around the world for standing by him during these difficult times. (Selene Galas - Rebel News - 19/4/2022)
Alberta church faces up to $1.3 million in fines for blocking COVID inspectors Pastor Tracy Fortin and some trusted congregants testified to screening admission the church's entrance after media reports of the church flaunting COVID rules, and after health officials entered the church without a warrant on two prior occasions. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 21/4/2022)
Judge rules Deena Hinshaw isn't protected by 'cabinet confidentiality'. (Thomas Lambert - The Counter Signal - 27/4/2022)
Pastor Artur Pawlowski preaches virtually to big B.C. crowd; supporters react: Bail conditions prevent the firebrand pastor from actually travelling to British Columbia, but that didn't stop hundreds of supporters gathering to hear Artur Pawlowski speak. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 1/5/2022)
Justice Centre retains prominent trial lawyer to defend soldiers who refuse Covid vaccine. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 4/5/2022)
Alberta Court rules protests were never banned by Public Health Orders. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 10/5/2022)
Crown drops another 24 tickets against three BC pastors who refused to shutter churches. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 11/5/2022)
John Bunyan Opposed Church Attendance Limits. (Jacob Reaume - Pastor'sBlog/Trinity Bible Chapel - 12/5/2022)
B.C. Supreme Court hears vaccine passport challenge: The legalities of vaccine passports are being tested in British Columbia's Supreme Court. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 12/5/2022)
#StopTheTreaty trends in Canada. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 17/5/2022)
First Nations call Trudeau a "criminal". (Thomas Lambert - The Counter Signal - 24/5/2022)
Tamara Lich can now travel to Ontario, and "courts are not thought police". (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 25/5/2022) -> Ms. Lich was jailed for 18 days, and eventually released on bail conditions that prohibited her from using social media and from exercising her Charter rights and freedoms to oppose vaccine passports and lockdown policies.
Protesters greet Trudeau in Saskatoon, the third city in a row. (The Counter Signal - 26/5/2022)
Rocco Galati's court case against Covid-19 restrictions Rebel News' Drea Humphrey is reporting from the B.C. Supreme Court to hear a federal employee lawsuit against vaccine mandates launched by Rocco Galati and 'Police on Guard.' (Rebel News - 31/5/2022)
Free Pass for Palestine: Pastor Artur Pawlowski speaks out against outrageous COVID double-standards. (Keean Bexte - Counter Signal - 14/5/2022)
A Deeper Dive into the Publicly Available Ontario Data on COVID-19 Vaccination. (Canadian Parliament - 1/6/2022)
Global Aviation Union waves red flag on pilots' vaccine injuries. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 3/6/2022)
BC man receives cash payout after vaccine injury. (The Counter Signal - 2/6/2022)
Trudeau's Supreme Court chief judge says you'd better not criticize him — he's 'warning' you. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 6/6/2022)
What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated. (Susan Dunham - Australian Free Independent Press Network - 6/6/2022)
Canada's airports enter a total melt-down. And Trudeau doesn't care. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 7/6/2022)
'What a waste of taxpayers' money': Pastor Artur in court for feeding the homeless 'I did feed those people, I still feed them, if that deserves a punishment, well I've done it. But am I guilty of a crime? No I'm not guilty of any crime,' Pastor Artur Pawlowski said. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 8/6/2022)
Pilot Greg Hill of Free 2 Fly is questioning the Trudeau gov's injection safety data for airline crews Hill joins Rebel News to discuss what his organization is doing about Canada's COVID-19 mandates amid growing safety concerns. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 9/6/2022)
Justice Centre files court challenge to Ontario lockdown orders on behalf of former MPP Randy Hillier. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 9/6/2022)
'We The Fringe' continue to protest Trudeau's regime despite police blockade Protesters comment on Marco Mendicino and Justin Trudeau's police blockage, and its access to Wellington Street for an undisclosed reason. (William Diaz-Berthiaume - Rebel News - 12/6/2022)
Transport Minister dodges travel questions, attendees at exclusive $1,000 per plate fundraiser weigh in 'Unvaccinated citizens should not be free to travel by plane,' most attendees believe. (William Diaz-Berthiaume - Rebel News - 14/6/2022)
Alarm Over Poll That Reveals Large Numbers of Canadians Believe in "Conspiracy Theories" Ludicrous idea that powerful people work together to further their interests. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 15/6/2022) -> Canadians mainstream media is surprised Canadians reject their propaganda???
Pastor alleges government offered $50,000 to shill "vaccine confidence". (Thomas Lambert - The Counter Signal - 15/6/2022)
Entrevue: Les conséquences des mesures 'anti-inflation' de Justin Trudeau: De nombreux Canadiens éprouvent des difficultés financières en raison des politiques monétaires du gouvernement libéral à l'époque de la COVID. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 16/6/2022)
Saskatchewan surgeon sues Health Authority and College of Medicine after being terminated and defamed for questioning covid vaccines for children. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 24/6/2022)
Court hearing today for Saskatchewan ban on outdoor protests. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 29/6/2022)
Freedom Convoy Protesters Show up on Canada Day to Protest COVID Mandates, Trudeau. (Leif Le Mahieu - DailyWire - 2/7/2022)
WATCH: Canadians support Dutch farmers. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 11/7/2022)
Trudeau gets called a traitor at Calgary Stampede. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 11/7/2022)
Ontario physician joins growing list of dissenting medical professionals Licensed Ontario physician denounces COVID vaccines, highlights alarming safety signals and condemns the suppression of early treatment options. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 12/7/2022)
Stunning official Canadian data show vaccines now RAISE the risk of death from Covid. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 15/7/2022)
Pastor Jailed For Holding Church Service During Canada's Lockdown Wins Legal Victory: Pastor Artur Pawlowski went viral last year for kicking police out of his church. (Mairead Elordi - DailyWire - 22/7/2022)
Canadian Church Fined $80,000 for Refusing COVID Inspectors. (Protestia - 23/7/2022)
Court Documents Reveal Canada's Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis In the days leading up to the mandate, transportation officials were frantically looking for a rationale for it. They came up short. (Rupa Subramanya - Common Sense - 2/8/2022)
All three Prairie Provinces say NO to Trudeau's starvation policy. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 3/8/2022)
Ottawa police officer faces discipline after allegedly seeking link between COVID jab, infant deaths: Helen Grus is a constable by rank and has worked as a detective in the sexual assault and child abuse unit. Part of that unit's job is to investigate the sudden deaths of infants. (Kennedy Hall - LifeSite - 15/8/2022)
Trusting the experts left Canadians susceptible to misinformation Canadians were told to trust the experts; experts who are riddled with conflicts of interest and have been wrong from the onset. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 22/8/2022)
Western University students speak out against vaccine mandate. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 24/8/2022)
WATCH: Dr. Julie Ponesse reacts to Western University's booster mandate Dr. Julie Ponesse, from The Democracy Fund, analyzed the motives and morality behind Western University's new booster mandates. (Rebel News - 5 minutes - 26/8/2022)
11 Canadiens veulent mettre fin à ArriveCAN. (Henri Chevalier - Libre Média - 1/9/2022)
B.C. Supreme Court judge declines to consider vaccine injured plaintiffs' Charter right concerns with province's vaccine passport: Rebel News spoke with JSS Barrister's William Katz, who was one of the lawyers to fearlessly represent the marginalized plaintiffs. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 15 minutes - 13/9/2022)
'According to Trudeau, I'm an extremist' campaign goes viral. (Joseph Mackinnon - The Blaze - 19/9/2022)
Half a million Canadians say that Trudeau has to go — and the Liberal Party says they're just foreign-funded trolls and should be censored. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 19/9/2022)
City of Toronto Deletes Video Marketing COVID-19 Vaccines to Infants, Children. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 21/9/2022)
Sask. woman dies allegedly after COVID booster: Daughter in shock A witness told SASKTODAY.ca that people in the drug store were screaming and crying. (Lisa Joy - SaskToday - 22/9/2022)
As #TrudeauMustGo continues to trend on Twitter, vaccine-injured and coerced Canadians have found inspiration to speak up. (The Counter Signal - 22/9/2022)
La vaccination anti-Covid ne devrait plus être recommandée en dessous de 60 ans, selon un rapport canadien. (Jean-Pierre Kiekens - FranceSoir - 24/9/2022)
'Not Justified By Science': Air Canada Blisters Government COVID Restrictions. (Dylan Housman - Daily Caller - 29/9/2022)
The backlash to the City of Toronto's pro-COVID vaccine ads proves people are fed up The campaign is straight from a 'propaganda playbook, with manipulative tactics, fear campaigns targeted at parents who were suffering the unfounded fears that have been pushed on them by the mainstream media and the government,' says Tamara Ugolini. (Rebel News - 8 minutes - 2/10/2022)
Why Won't the Canadian Medical Association Comment on the 32 Deaths of Vaccinated Doctors Since the Rollout Began? (Will Jones - The Daily Sceptic - 2/10/2022)
The normalization of previously unheard of heart conditions in children: As medical institutes run awareness campaigns about this new phenomenon, there is little investigation into what causes it – other than deciding that it definitely is not the unmentionable novel pharmaceutical products that the vast majority of the population have been heavily coerced into taking. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 2/10/2022)
Highlights from The Democracy Fund event: Conrad Black and Rex Murphy comment on civil liberties in Canada: The keynote speaker was TDF's Historian in Residence Conrad Black, along with commentator and author, Rex Murphy. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 3/10/2022)
"Tout ce qui ne se conforme pas à l'opinion officielle est sanctionné" Epictetus. (FranceSoir - 29 minutes - 4/10/2022) -> Epictetus, docteur en biologie canadien, a accepté de témoigner pour FranceSoir de manière anonyme dans le cadre de ce "Debriefing" sur la suppression de la parole scientifique qui contredit le narratif officiel dicté par le gouvernement sur le Covid-19
Business during lockdowns & having your bank frozen | Shaun 'The Viking' Zimmer | Andrew Says 93: The Winnipeg local tells guest host Lincoln Jay about what it was like to be fined thousands of dollars for simply running fitness classes in his backyard. (Lincoln Jay - Rebel News - 21 minutes - 9/10/2022)
Dec. 2021 trespass charge against Pastor Artur Pawlowski DROPPED Despite carrying a medical mask exemption, the pastor was denied service at the Canada Post location inside a Calgary-area Shoppers Drug Mart. (Rebel News - 11/10/2022)
Unvaccinated 'have been the most discriminated against group that I've ever witnessed in my lifetime,' Alberta premier says. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 18/01/2022)
Convoy lawyer Keith Wilson gives his thoughts on the Emergencies Act inquiry Tamara Lich's lawyer, Keith Wilson, speaks to Rebel News reporter William Diaz-Berthiaume about the Emergencies Act inquiry, the Freedom Convoy and COVID-19 mandates. (William Diaz-Berthiaume - Rebel News - 14 minutes - 14/10/2022)
Alberta Doctor Calls on Medical Association to Investigate 'Sudden Deaths' of '80 Young Doctors'. (Isaac Teo - Epoch TImes - 22/10/2022)
Protesters call for an end to Trudeau's reign outside of fancy Liberal Fundraiser in Surrey, B.C. A small but feisty crowd of about 50 people gathered outside of the Taj Park Convention Centre to protest against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's scheduled speaking appearance at a fundraiser with tickets priced at $1,000. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 23/10/2022)
So simple and so straightforward that it's jarring: Now ask yourself what that means about the world. (El gato malo - Bad Cattitude substack - 23/10/2022) -> Alberta premier apologizes to vaxx resisters…
Nova Scotia Appeals Court sets aside covid injuction against protests 'The motion judge erred by issuing injunctive relief that was far too broad,' wrote Justice Duncan Beveridge in his decision issued Wednesday morning. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 27/10/2022)
Alberta's New Premier Under Attack For Refusing to Associate With WEF. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 31/10/2022)
Canadian veteran James Topp facing more charges for calling out COVID vaccine mandates: Two of Topp's new charges relate to video statements he gave which were posted on social media in February blasting the military's COVID jab mandate. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 31/10/2022)
Pastor Who Spent 21 Days In Jail For Holding Outdoor Church Service Found Not Guilty "Pastor Stephens said this is vindication, not only for him, but vindication that the government grossly abused their power." (Caldron Pool - 4/11/2022)
COVID vaccine critic Dr. Paul Alexander to speak with Alberta Health. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 8/11/2022)
Mandatory masks again? Seriously? (Anthony Furey - True North - 13/11/2022)
Crown Drops Ticket Against Pregnant Woman Who Refused ArriveCAN and PCR Test. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 14/11/2022)
Alberta agriculture minister mandated to fight federal fertilizer policies. (Cosmin Dzsurdzsa - True North - 19/11/2022)
Ontario government defends Dr. Moore amidst maskless party controversy. (Elie Cantin-Nantel - True North - 19/11/2022)
The Importance of Remembering. (Serena Johnson - The Brownstone Institute - 20/11/2022)
"My Boy Is Dead From The Vaccine, F **K YOU!" Angry Dad Tells Trudeau. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 30/11/2022)
Plaque-like structures being pulled from the veins of vaccinated people – why and how is this happening?: 'It's still a mystery,' says a Canadian microbiologist and biochemist who shares the latest evidence and peer-reviewed science around the spike protein and its harmful impacts. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 12/12/2022)
Critically-understaffed Canadian hospital network may hire unvaccinated health care workers after thousands were fired during pandemic. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 15/12/2022)
Justin Trudeau asks Twitter followers for questions — and it immediately backfires. (Andrew Chapados - The Blaze - 16/12/2022)
Before the Truckers, before the blockades, one man stood up: Pastor Artur Pawlowski. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 19/12/2022)
Trudeau Government's Covid Jab Propaganda Ad Brutally Mocked: Hockey-themed propaganda ad promoting experimental Covid jab savagely ridiculed on social media. (Infowars - 27/12/2022)
Canadian Numbers Confirm US Report on Excess Number of Deaths in Millennials Following Forced COVID Shots (VIDEO). (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 3 minutes - 9/1/2023)
Family of Stephanie Warriner files $16M lawsuit against hospital, guards over alleged 'reckless' force. (Shanifa Nasser - CBC News - 18/1/2023)
Family of Toronto woman killed after not wearing mask sues hospital and security guards. (Jonathan Bradley - Western Standard - 18/1/2023)
Alberta's New Premier Abandons Amnesty for C19 Dissenters "Why am I still under house arrest?" (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 18/1/2023)
Canada : nombre record de décès liés aux addictions pendant les confinements. (Lalaina Andriamparanypar - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 1/1/2023)
Chrystia Freeland's Conflict of Interest with the WEF. (Dan Fournier - The Counter Signal - 19/1/2023)
Lockdown charges against Ontario pastor dropped. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 19/1/2023)
Over my dead body': Jordan Peterson says he was fooled into COVID-19 vaccination, won't happen again amid statist calls for more boosters. (Joseph Mackinnon - The Blaze - 24/1/2023)
Former MPP awaits trial on Freedom Convoy charges, claims innocence as 'freedom fighter' Hillier's bail comes with several conditions, including not posting on social media about the Freedom Convoy protests, COVID mask or vaccine mandates, or the 'anti-vaccine cause.' (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 25/1/2023)
Justin Trudeau Called A Tyrant As He Is Swarmed By Angry Mandate Protesters. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - video, 1 minute - 26/1/2023)
United Health Conference seeks justice for the vaccinated The two-day event will hear from a line-up of top medical, legal and advocacy experts committed to denouncing the COVID narrative and fall-out of novel medical injections. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 31/1/2023)
100% of COVID Deaths in Canada Now Due to mRNA Vaccine, New Data Shows: Covid deaths in Canada doubled in 2022 with a 85% vaccinated population. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 1/2/2023)
Unconditional Surrender. (Todd Hayen - Off Guardian - 4/2/2023)
Canadians seek Charter damages against Feds for ArriveCAN Enforcement. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 7/2/2023)
Alberta becomes second Canadian province to reject national healthcare digital ID: Premier Danielle Smith said she stands with Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe in protecting private health information. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 13/2/2023)
Canadian Sniper: Military Booted Me for Refusal to Comply with Vaccine Mandate. (Robert Kraychik - Brietbart - 16/2/2023)
Canada: Thousands of Fully Jabbed Healthy Children Are Dying 'Suddenly and Unexpectedly'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch -- 24//2/2023)
Data Proves Excess Deaths From COVID Jab Worse Than COVID Itself: Chris Sky lays out the latest data showing the experimental mRNA jab is more dangerous than COVID. (Infowars - 25//2/2023)
Crown Drops Charges Against Pastor Henry Hildebrandt and His Family. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 8/2/2023)
Artur Pawłowski—Standing Up to the Gestapo. (UK Column - video, 60 minutes - 16/3/2023)
Canadian mother suffers 'severe' injury after employer forced her to take COVID shots Claudia's employer, a government contractor, did not 'accept' her two exemption letters, one of which was written by her archbishop. (Jean Mondoro- LifeSite - 18/4/2023)
The Myth of The 'Covid-19 Pandemic' And Other Lies [Cp Interview With Dr Denis Rancourt']. (Matt Ehret - Canadian Patriot - podcast, 70 minutes - 20/4/2023)
Kelowna pastor has second appeal of COVID fine rejected, must pay $2,300 Pastor Arthur Lucier argued the ticket violated his Charter rights, including freedom of religion and peaceful assembly. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 3/5/2023)
'We're Coming to a New 1776 Moment': Justin Trudeau's Brother Rails Canada's Tyrannical Policies. (InfoWars - video, 30 minutes - 5/5/2023)
Man Forcibly Removed From Canadian Hospital For Refusing To Wear Face Mask. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 6/5/2023)
Eye-opening doc shines a light on BC's lingering COVID mandates for health workers. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - video, 14 minutes - 12/5/2023)
Trudeau réinvente sa politique vaccinale: L'extorqueur hypocrite. (Nathalie Elgrably - Vigile Québec - 12/5/2023)
'Proud' politician Maxime Bernier, who broke Canadian COVID lockdown rules by hosting freedom rallies, jokes about his $2,000 fine: 'I should have done it in a Walmart'. (Andrew Chapados - The Blaze - 17/5/2023)
Covid: Radio-Canada aurait censuré des journalistes. (Laurie Smith - Libre Média - 19/5/2023)
Airline workers who refused COVID shots launch lawsuit against Canadian gov't: Free to Fly, a group of pilots and airline employees who lost their jobs for not complying with COVID-19 vaccine mandates, are seeking full compensation from the federal government. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 23/5/2023)
Spare me the Political Crap and tell us what really going on! (RedRising11 - Twitter - video, 2 minutes - 7/6/2023)
The Truckers Won. Everything. On the Ascendant Class Rebellion. (KULAK - Anarchonomicon - 7/6/2023)
Top Canadian politician apologizes to unvaccinated, "we were wrong…" she makes unprecedented promise… (Revolver - 17/6/2023)
Obligation vaccinale : plus de 300 militaires canadiens portent plainte contre l'Armée et réclament 500 millions de dollars. (France-Soir - 29/6/2023)
Vaccine-injured woman suing Health Canada, CBC for $10.5 million alleging "coordinated misinformation campaign": "I have full-blown Bell's palsy from my vaccine and I'm two years in," Sakamoto, 47, said. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 4/7/2023)
Canadian dad says US doctor confirmed his 17-year-old son was killed by the COVID vaccine: In a recent social media video update, the now-deceased boy's father Dan said that American pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole confirmed his son died from the COVID shot after finding evidence of spike proteins present in his adrenal glands. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 7/7/2023)
Church At War: In the latest episode of The Caldron Pool Show, Evelyn Rae chats with Jacob Reaume, one of the courageous Canadian pastors who took on the beast during the height of C19 madness.. (Caldron Pool - video, 67 minutes - 10/7/2023)
Grieving father finally gets answers after teenage son died suddenly: A 17-year-old teenager with no health concerns was found lifeless beside his bed just 33 days after receiving his Pfizer injection, and his father has been on a mission to determine why ever since. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 11/7/2023)
Leader of Canada's Opposition calls for an end to discriminatory COVID-19 vaccine mandates: Pierre Poilievre rightfully notes that the fastest way to get more doctors and nurses is to end discriminatory vaccine mandates. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 13/7/2023)
EU Applaud Canadian Who Slammed Justin Trudeau For Taking Away Citizens' 'Freedom & Democracy'. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 17/7/2023)
Aloof senior health official faces scrutiny over COVID-related health strategies A Health Canada senior executive responsible for authorizing and prioritizing novel COVID injections over repurposed drugs is facing scrutiny over her competency at a labour board tribunal. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 20/7/2023) -> A Health Canada senior executive responsible for authorizing and prioritizing novel COVID injections over repurposed drugs is facing scrutiny over her competency at a labour board tribunal.
Pastor Hildebrandt calls for Canadians to consider boycotting organ donations until discrimination against the unvaccinated ends. (Efron Monsanto - Rebel News - 26/7/2023)
Canadian Court Invalidates Covid Lockdowns Due to Illegal Implementation. (Samuel Boehlke - The Federalist - 2/8/2023)
Enfin des décisions de justice favorables. (RéinfoQuébec - 3/8/2023)
"Les médecins ne sont plus autorisés à remettre en question le récit politique". (Charles Hoffe - France Soir - 4/8/2023) -> Hoffe est un médecin canadien
B.C.'s provincial health officer calls new COVID jab a 'seasonal vaccine,' not a booster: B.C. is gearing up for a fall booster campaign after the National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommended people get the 'updated vaccine' if six months have passed since the last dose or infection. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 8/8/2023)
Moderna Admits Not Knowing Where mRNA Went in Body or Amount of mRNA in Each Batch - Dr. Byram Bridle. (Glen Jung - Bright Light News - video, 3 minutes - 9/8/2023)
The Canadian Armed Forces COVID-19 vax mandate may have violated certain soldiers' Charter rights. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 11/8/2023)
Canceled doctors have message for their colleagues: 'You have failed Canadians': In an interview with LifeSiteNews at their annual general meeting this July near Toronto, Doctors Mary O'Connor, Mark Trozzi, Chris Shoemaker, and Byram Bridle were asked to state their messages to the medical community – and they did not hold back. (Dorothy Cummings McLean - LifeSite - 14/8/2023)
Shocking Audio Recording Played at Ottawa Police Detective's Trial - Day 1. (@DonaldBestCA - Twitter - 15/8/2023)
Moderna admet que le "vaccin" contre le Covid a été fourni sans savoir où l'ARNm se propage dans corps. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - Medias Presse Info - 16/8/2023) -> interview avec l'immunologiste canadien Byram Bridle.
Crown drops charges against Ontario pastor for reopening his church: 'We are pleased that taxpayer-funded resources will no longer be devoted to this prosecution, which had been carried on pursuant to unscientific laws that were unjustified violations of our Charter rights and freedoms,' stated John Carpay, president of the Justice Centre. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 18/8/2023)
Doctor Sues Canadian University for Allegedly Pushing Him Out of Job Over His Covid Opinions. (Adrian Humphreys/National Post - Daily Sceptic - 22/8/2023) -> Dr. Matt Strauss, a former Canadian intensive care doctor, is suing Queen's University
Alberta Pastor James Coates to Be Acquitted of All COVID Charges. (Marnie Cathcart - The Epoch TImes - 22/8/2023)
Unvaxxed Canadian woman denied lifesaving organ transplant has died. (Jessica Swietoniowski - Not the Bee - 25/8/2023)
Ty Northcott, organizer of 'No More Lockdowns' rodeo, acquitted of all COVID charges: Northcott's rodeo, which spanned two days in May 2021 and brought some 2,000 daily attendees, received incredible pushback from law enforcement and the Alberta Health bureaucracy. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 1/9/2023)
Free Speech in Medicine: upholding scientific integrity amid political subversion: The three-day conference will serve as a meeting of the minds to openly discuss contentious topics in medicine and science like transgenderism, the biomedical surveillance state, and harm reduction drug policy. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - vidéo, 12 minutes - 3/9/2023)
Transparency under attack as Health Canada accused of misleading Canadians with COVID-19 messaging: Amid disclosures of once top-secret COVID-19 vaccine contracts between Pfizer and various countries, Health Canada's possibly deceptive promotion of safety and efficacy leaves at least one lawyer questioning how this hinders the agency's credibility. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 15/9/2023)
Proof that Canada's COVID-19 mortality statistics are incorrect. (D.G. Rancourt, M. Baudin & J. Mercier - Correlation Brief Report - 5/10/2023)
'Health Canada hasn't considered the risk' of COVID vaccine DNA contamination issue, says citizen scientist. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - vidéo, 8 minutes - 25/10/2023)
Health Canada Confirms Presence of Plasmid DNA in mRNA Vaccines, Including the SV40 Sequence Everything you need to know about the shocking admission made by the Canadian government's health regulator regarding plasmid DNA contamination of Covid-19 vaccines. (World Council for Health - 1/11/2023)
Pastor challenges Dr. Bonnie Henry over illegal discrimination between faith groups. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 4/112023)
James Topp pleads guilty to criticizing military's COVID tyranny: report: As of Tuesday, Canadian vet James Topp faces a potential dismissal with disgrace after pleading guilty on two counts of conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline, during his court martial. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 14/11/2023)
Vaccine confidence wanes as public trust in health authorities dwindles: Public trust in vaccine programs is declining, a direct reflection of the erosion of confidence caused by COVID-19-related public health measures. The loss of credibility is empowering people to take control of their health, breaking free from the pharmaceutical industry's customer-generating chains. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 15/11/2023)
Charges dropped against restaurant that refused to shut down or use vaccine passports during COVID lockdowns. (Andrew Chapados - Blaze Media - 16/11/2023)
Révélations du contrat Pfizer. (Byram Bridle - ReinfoQuebec.ca - 17/11/2023)
Judge ignores evidence of lockdown harms when justifying Charter violations. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 27/112023)
Groundbreaking COVID-19 inquiry report says preserving free speech is 'pivotal': Four independent commissioners, entrusted with evaluating the validity and proportionality of COVID-19 health protection measures, have concluded their comprehensive and diligent eight-month analysis, unveiling a robust report with urgent government recommendations. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - Rumble - 28/11/2023)
Virologist: So-called medical 'misinformation experts' are 'often wildly off-base' Self-identified medical 'misinformation experts' are harming lives and careers even as they are often in error themselves, according to Dr. Byram Bridle. (Emily Mangiaracina - LifeSite - 30/11/2023)
Protester challenges COVID-19 overreach in legal battle, exposing sanctioned democratic erosion: One self-represented man stands as a symbol of resistance against unjust government-imposed COVID-19 health measures. His continued legal battle for peacefully protesting at the historic Victoria Hall highlights the erosion of democratic rights during the pandemic. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 1/12/2023)
Pastor challenges Dr. Bonnie Henry over illegal discrimination between faith groups. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 4/12/2023)
Unvaccinated B.C. doctor loses appeal to get hospital privileges back On November 16, 2021, Interior Health (IH) terminated Dr. Theresa Szezepaniak for refusing the vaccine under order from Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 6/12/2023)
Toronto-based COVID test supplier edited results before receiving billions from taxpayers: BTNX, a Toronto-based small rapid test supplier, reportedly deleted dozens of samples used in a study they submitted to Health Canada in October 2021. During the pandemic, Ottawa purchased 404 million rapid tests imported from China by BTNX on 15 contracts worth $2 billion. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 23/12/2023)
Two Zoom calls were the only consultations the feds intended to do on vaccine mandates Access to information request documents obtained by Rebel News reveal concerns from employers about the government's one-size-fits-all policy. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - video, 3 minutes - 24/12/2023)
Canada broke the Nuremberg Code — what does that say about Trudeau? Last night on The Ezra Levant Show, Viva Frei commented, 'I can compare it to Nazi Germany when they made my wife show her papers to go out at night after curfew for her job... I'm unapologetic about it.' (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - video, 8 minutes - 27/12/2023)
College drops charges against Alberta doctor who granted Covid vaccine exemptions. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 18/1/2024)
Court Ruling: Federal Government acted illegally in responding to 2022 Freedom Convoy. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 23/1/2024)
Ezra Levant reacts to Trudeau's invocation of the Emergencies Act ruled unconstitutional. (Rebel News/Rumble - video - 23/1/2024)
Canadian government settles COVID-19 dispute with church: Decision ends three-year legal battle over in-person church services during pandemic lockdowns. (Alexandra Ellison - World Mag - 29/1/2024)
Canadian PM Trudeau CAUGHT using fraudulent data to impose covid lockdowns on Canadians. (Redacted - Z3 - video, 17 minutes - 30/1/2024)
Ontario doctor vindicated of regulatory witch hunt after denouncing COVID-19 public health measures on social media Allegations of misconduct wagered against Ontario physician Dr. Jean-Marc Benoit were withdrawn by his regulator who alleged that his posts on X during the COVID-19 pandemic were 'disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.' (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 31/1/2024)
Nova Scotians challenge oppressive provincial COVID-19 vaccine mandate in landmark legal battle: A grassroots group of concerned citizens has launched a judicial review of Nova Scotia's decision to implement COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Since then, the group has been faced with numerous legal challenges. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 5/2/2024)
Court to hear challenge to Saskatchewan's Covid gathering limits. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 5/2/2024)
One-third of Canadian doctors and over half of nurses fear COVID-19 vaccine side effects: One individual expressed concern about the speed at which the vaccines were released to the general public, stating that the inoculations were 'developed in a matter of a couple of months that's being handed out like candy.' (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 20/2/2024)
Ontario offers compensation deal to grieving father after teen's COVID vaccine death: One man's quest for answers after his healthy teenage son died suddenly in September 2021 has revealed the government is eager to pay off victims of the 'safe and effective' narrative. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 22/2/2024)
Nova Scotia judge sues chief judge, provincial court over Covid vaccine status and judicial independence. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 23/2/2024)
[Canadian] Woman Paralyzed After Taking Covid Booster Shot Offered Assisted Suicide. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 28/2/2024)
Canada : un enseignant non vacciné obtient gain de cause en justice. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 28/2/2024)
Ontario doctor survives regulatory turmoil after questioning risk-benefit of COVID vaccines: Doctor Jean-Marc Benoit has been vindicated by his regulatory body after it withdrew allegations against him based on his social media posts during the peak of COVID-19 hysteria. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 1/3/2024)
Charges stayed against Derek Sloan and Henry Hildebrandt over their peaceful pro-freedom protests. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 7/3/2023)
Supreme Court Will Not Hear Case About Government's Violation of Rights And Freedoms. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 14/3/2023)
Canada : Musk financera les frais de justice d'une soignante réfractaire aux injections COVID. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 25/3/2024)
Elon Musk's X to pay legal costs for Canadian doctor persecuted by Trudeau opposing Covid mandates "We must do whatever we can to protect it, and at X we will always fight to protect your right to speak freely." (Katie Daviscourt - The Post Millennial - 25/3/2024)
Disciplined police officer asks court to reverse violation of his privacy and freedom of expression. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 3/4/2024)
Alberta now recommends Covid boosters every THREE MONTHS, working out to "320 doses for the average lifespan". (Harris Rigby - Not The Bee - 16/4/2024)
The Ethical Doctor—David v. Goliath: Dr Charles Hoffe. (UK Column - video, 70 minutes - 16/4/2024)
Edmonton police mandated COVID-19 vaccines despite recognized harms, government documents show The report accuses the EPS of continuing to suppress vaccine injuries and delay transparency to this day, despite increases in employee injuries, illnesses and, alleged deaths following COVID-19 vaccine mandates. (Roberto Wakerell-Cruz - Rebel News - 19/4/2024)
Canadian Gov't Database Reveals Catastrophic Reproductive Damage to Men and Women Post-mRNA Vaccine Rollout. (Amy Kelly - DailyClout - 29/4/2024)
Ontario nurse continues her battle for medical free speech against her regulator Former Registered Practical Nurse Sarah Choujounian has been fighting to vindicate herself from the medical oppression and censorship imposed on her by her regulator, the College of Nurses of Ontario, for over a year. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 21/5/2024)
Why is B.C. still persecuting Christian churches for worshipping during COVID lockdowns? Drea Humphrey interviews B.C. MLA Michael de Jong, who recently questioned the NDP government on why it's still prosecuting churches that safely opened during biased COVID restrictions instead of reconciling with them. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 24/5/2024)
Ottawa detective suspended for investigating babies who died from SIDS after mothers took the jab… (Revolver - 28/5/2024)
BC's terminated nurses can get their jobs back IF Bonnie Henry ends her COVID vaccine mandate Nurses terminated for not getting two COVID jabs back in 2021 have learned they will be permitted to get their jobs back only if the province's public health officer rescinds her COVID vaccine mandate by January 31, 2025. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 28/5/2024)
After Covid Shot Introduction Canadian Military had 800% Increase in Vaccine Injuries. (Sean Miller - Infowars - 6/6/2024)
Today, court hears misconduct complaint against judge who imposed Covid vaccine mandate. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 6/6/2024)
Former CBC Journalist Marianne Klowak Gives Testimony At The National Citizens Inquiry: Ottawa, veteran CBC reporter Marianne Klowak, with 34 years of experience, testified that when COVID hit the broadcaster "betrayed the public, broke their trust, pushed propaganda". (Frontier Centre for Public Policy - video, 9 minutes - 7/6/2024)
Fraser Valley churches challenge Dr. Bonnie Henry as dishonest and discriminatory in court. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 13/6/2024)
Crown appeal against peaceful protestor Evan Blackman in court today. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 19/6/2024)
The Left can't understand why normal people are angry… (Mark Jeftovic - BombThrower - 22/6/2024)
Bonnie Henry pushed COVID jabs on Canadians after BCCDC withheld vaccine injury data: Unannounced to Canadians, newly released FOI documents reveal COVID-19 vaccines caused 16-times more adverse events and 14-times more hospitalizations compared to flu shots in British Columbia. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 25/6/2024)
Le test PCR pour les voyageurs de retour est illégal, tranche un juge. (Libre Média - 11/74/2024)
ArriveCAN charges dropped, shielding the controversial program from constitutional scrutiny. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 11/7/2024)
The 'National Citizen's Inquiry' in Canada is Seeking Covid Vaccine Accountability. (Sean Miller - Infowars - 17/7/2024)
Ottawa police detective Helen Grus was suspended for investigating 9 babies who died from SIDS after their mothers received covid vaccinations. (@karma44921039 - X - video, 9 minutes - 23/7/2024)
Jab-free healthcare workers speak out against B.C. government overreach: B.C. medical professionals say the compelled disclosure of vaccination status and lack of job security means the recently lifted COVID-19 vaccine mandate wasn't good enough. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 1/8/2024)
Ontario Ministry of Transportation censors man holding government officials accountable. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 6/8/2024)
WestJet denied boarding to cancer survivor over mask mandate, loses bid for compensation: Christopher Basaraba had a doctor's note explaining he could not wear a mask, following cancer surgery, WestJet refused his request for medical exemption on April 3, 2022. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 7/8/2024)
Ontario Ministry of Transportation censors man holding government officials accountable. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 6/8/2024) -> the Covid Inquisition strikes again...
Saskatchewan protestors ask Supreme Court to hear their challenge to gathering restrictions. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 14/8/2024)
Propagande et Covid 19 : confession d'une journaliste. (Le Déclencheur - X - vidéo, 2 minutes - 23/8/2024)
Canada Urgently Withdraws Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines: 'Destroy All Vials'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 8/9/2024)
Vancouver Coastal Health caught breaking access to information laws: Vancouver Coastal Health, chaired by Premier David Eby's special health adviser Penny Ballem, was unable to process a staggering 75% of freedom of information requests between April 2020 and March 2023. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 12/9/2024)
L'apocalypse sanitaire et le triomphe de la peur. (John Carpay - Libre Média - 12/9/2024)
'What's Next' Health Event: Advocates Rally Against Censorship and Pharma Influence: The gathering showed the so-called 'small fringe minority' with 'unacceptable views' is a united, growing force poised to challenge censorship and vaccine mandates. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 16/9/2024)
Randy Hillier's Appeal of Ontario's lockdown measures goes to court. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 19/9/2024)
Public Health Agency confirms higher death rates among boosted Canadians compared to the unvaccinated: Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall questioned the government about delays and discrepancies in Statistics Canada's excess mortality data, particularly concerning COVID-19 deaths by vaccination status, and the agency acknowledged that booster recipients have higher death rates. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 24/9/2024)
Premier Danielle Smith announces protection from medical coercion in updated Bill of Rights: 'One of the amendments we are making to the Bill of Rights is to reinforce the right of every Albertan to make their own choices regarding the medical treatments they receive,' said Premier Smith. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 24/9/2024)
Lawyer shares Canadian Armed Forces whistleblowers' claims of abuse during COVID jab mandate rollout: In todays report, military law attorney Catherine Christensen joins Rebel News to discuss Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans' shocking claims of emotional abuse they allegedly endured during the forces' rollout of its COVID-19 vaccine mandate. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 25/9/2024)
Canadian Government Agency Admits Covid-Boosted Individuals Died More — Document: Canadians who were boosted with a third or fourth Covid vaccine had higher death rates compared to the non-vaccinated. (Sean Miller - InfoWars - 1/10/2024)
Ontario physician stripped of his medical license fights back Former emergency room physician Dr. Mark Trozzi is appealing his college's decision to permanently revoke his medical license after he dared to write vaccine exemptions and express alleged 'unacceptable views.' (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 16 minutes - 7/10/2024)
Alberta-based class-action lawsuit seeks justice for those harmed by COVID-19 vaccines. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 10 minutes - 15/10/2024)
Trudeau Gov't Forced to Admit Soaring Excess Deaths in Canada Linked to Covid Boosters. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 18/10/2024)
Peaceful Amish community fighting Trudeau Liberals in court over ArriveCan fines Good news regarding the persecution of the Amish by the Trudeau Liberals: the Amish will indeed have their day in court re: ArriveScam fines. (David Menzies - Rebel News - video, 10 minutes - 22/10/2024)
Alberta class-action lawsuit alleging government negligence and misfeasance against businesses to proceed: The Court of King's Bench of Alberta has certified a lawsuit allowing small businesses to seek compensation for losses incurred from COVID-19 related public health lockdowns and restrictions deemed illegally implemented. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 15 minutes - 31/10/2024)
Leslyn Lewis questions Canada's pandemic response and 'One Health' approach. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 9 minutes - 21/11/2024)
Our Last Innocent Moment Is Our First Step Forward. (Julie Ponesse - Brownstone Institute - 21/11/2024)
Ontario court throws out Dr. Trozzi's appeal after medical license revoked over COVID stance 'The Court has released its decision in my case against the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO). Unfortunately, the ruling went against us on every point, disregarding key evidence and legal standards to reach its decision,' lamented Dr. Trozzi. (Dr. Mark Trozzi - LifeSite - 25/11/2024)
Fact-checking Health Canada's COVID-19 vaccine claims The agency makes bold claims about the safety and efficacy of modified RNA vaccines and the latest formulations, but does the official parliamentary response hold up to scrutiny? (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 12 minutes - 3/12/2024)
Canadian doctor who was censored over Covid speech appeals to Supreme Court after ruling upholding speech restrictions against her: "This is a case about physicians' Charter-protected right to express themselves without threat of punishment by their regulator." (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 3/12/2024)
Canada: Doctor Ordered to Pay Back $600k She Earned Administering COVID Jabs. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 4/12/2024)
Freedumb, You Say? (Gabrielle Bauer - Brownstone Institute - 10/12/2024) -> starting up a a Free Speech Union in Canada...
Police board punished Windsor cop over Convoy donation Constable Michael Brisco, a Windsor cop, was forced to work 80 hours without pay for donating $50 to the Freedom Convoy. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - podcast,, 48 minutes - 13/12/2024)
Shocking report reveals $1.2 billion of taxpayer money wasted on expired COVID shots. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 10 minutes - 18/12/2024)
Denis Rancourt Interview – The COVID-19 Illusion: Biological Stress-Induced Bacterial Pneumonia. (The Last American Vagabond - video, 105 minutes - 27/12/2024) -> "There's no way that they cared about people. There's no way that they wanted to apply methods to minimise harm. It's the opposite. They wanted to apply methods to oppress [, manipulate] and be dominant and impose their will on entire populations. That was the goal,"
Nova Scotia Supreme Court Dismisses Judge's Complaint Over Superior's Conduct During Pandemic. (Chandra Phillip/The Epoch Times - Zero Hedge - 6/1/2025)
Health Canada's blind trust in Pfizer: a global vaccine rollout lacking proper oversight. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 7 minutes - 7/1/2025)
The Appalling Treatment of Covid Vaccine Whistleblower Dr. Byram Bridle. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Skeptic - 11/1/2025)
COVID contrarian lawyer appeals order to pay costs after failed libel suit Rocco Galati appeals an order to pay $132,000 in court costs after his $1.1 million libel suit against vaccine mandate opponents fails, with critics calling his legal actions reckless and wasteful. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 9 minutes - 14/1/2025)
Judge dismisses maskless workplace complaint as 'frivolous': The Court ruled that Nicolas Juzda's fears of exposure did not constitute a legitimate workplace danger under the law. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 15/1/2025)
Pastor Pawlowski seeks appeal from the Supreme Court of Canada for criminal convictions After his conviction for supporting the 2022 Coutts border blockade, Pastor Artur Pawlowski will continue defending his right to free speech and argue that he did not incite mischief. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 20/1/2025)
Pat King awaits February sentencing for convoy protest role The demonstrations attracted thousands to Parliament Hill, opposing COVID-19 public health measures, vaccine mandates, and government policies. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 20/1/2025)
Alberta releases pandemic report — and the results are shocking! An Alberta government task force endorsed Smith's skepticism on vaccine safety, as well as her distrust with Jason Kenney's handling of the pandemic. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 24/1/2025)
Alberta: un rapport accablant sur la gestion de la pandémie. (John Carpay - Libre Média - 29/1/2025)
University Scare Tactics. (Jessica Rose - Brownstone Institute - 31/1/2025)