(...) la première raison pourquoi les hommes servent volontiers, est pour ce qu'ils naissent serfs et sont nourris tels. De celle-ci en vient une autre, qu'aisément les gens deviennent, sous les tyrans, lâches et efféminés : dont je sais merveilleusement bon gré à Hyppocras, le grand-père de la médecine, qui s'en est pris garde, et l'a ainsi dit en l'un de ses livres qu'il institue Des maladies (¹). Ce personnage avait certes en tout le cœur en bon lieu, et le montra bien lorsque le Grand Roi [des perses, Xersès] le voulut attirer près de lui à force d'offres et grands présents, il lui répondit franchement qu'il ferait grand conscience de se mêler de guérir les Barbares qui voulaient tuer les Grecs, et de bien servir, par son art à lui, qui entreprenait d'asservir la Grèce. La lettre qu'il lui envoya se voit encore aujourd'hui parmi ses autres œuvres, et témoignera pour jamais de son bon cœur et de sa noble nature. Or, est-il donc certain qu'avec la liberté se perd tout en un coup la vaillance. Les gens sujets n'ont point d'allégresse au combat ni d'âpreté : ils vont au danger quasi comme attachés et tous engourdis, par manière d'acquit, et ne sentent point bouillir dans leur cœur l'ardeur de la franchise qui fait mépriser le péril et donne envie d'achapter, par une belle mort entre ses compagnons, l'honneur et la gloire.
(Étienne de La Boétie - Discours de la servitude volontaire - 1574)"Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream"
(Malcolm Muggeridge)
Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents
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Collectif « Laissons les médecins prescrire »
« Soignants non vaccinés » pour les soignants et non-soignants. (groupe Télégramme)
Declaration of Canadian Physicians For Science and Truth
Declaration of International Medical Crisis Due to the Diseases and Deaths Co-Related to the "Covid-19 Vaccines". [version française]
John Ioannidis Responds to His Critics: John Ioannidis answers Undark's questions on his controversial antibody study and participation in partisan media. (Michael Schulson - Undark - 9/5/2020)
Québec dit non à des médecins qui s'unissent pour obtenir des changements. (Patrice Bergeron - RadioCanada - 17/11/2020) -> 700 médecins québécois avaient signé une lettre ouverte il y a deux semaines et d'autres professionnels se sont joints à eux pour fonder un nouveau mouvement mercredi, en vue d'obtenir des changements dans la gestion du système de santé.
Heroic Testimony from Drs. McCullough, Risch, and Fareed. (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - 19/11/2020) -> Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution..
Preuves que la pandémie a été planifiée ? (Joseph Stroberg - Nouveau Monde - 24/12/2020)
Le Défi de la vérité : Jean-Bernard Fourtillan. (FranceSoir - 27 minutes - 24/12/2020)
COVID-19 : Interview Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi auteur du livre "COVID,FAUSSE ALERTE ! " (CoeurdeFrance - vidéo, 60 minutes - 29/12/2020)
Statement on Virus Isolation (SOVI). (Sally Fallon Morell, MA; Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD; Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD - 19/2/2021)
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How The Depopulation Covid Vaccines Will Start Working In 3-6 Months. (ForbiddenKnowledge - 19/2/2021)
Doctor Reveals that Remdesivir Was the Real Cause For Many Alleged COVID-19 Maladies. (Edward Hendrie - Great Mountain Publishing - 7/4/2021)
Rapport d'expert du Professeur Christian PERRONNE, médecin infectiologue, à propos de la COVID-19. (Fondation pour la défense des droits et libertés du peuple - 5/5/2021)
10,000 Canadian Doctors Tell The World Pandemic is a Fraud - Bullshit - U.S. / Canada Border is Open. (BitChute - 1 minute - 23/5/2021)
Dr. Byram Bridle Blows Whistle on Extremely Concerning Japanese Study on Vaccine Lipids & Clotting. (Tim Truth - BitChute - podcast, 9 minutes - 31/5/2021)
Why I spoke out against lockdowns: On the necessity of challenging the Covid consensus. (Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School - Spiked - 4/6/2021)
How To Protect Yourself From Vaccinated People (And From The Vaccine): Dr Bryan Ardis On How to Counteract the COVID Spike Protein and How To Protect Yourself From Vaccine Shedding. (The Cognitive Man - 4/6/2021)
La vaccination à l'épreuve des faits : Une mortalité inédite. (Laurent MUCCHIELLI, sociologue; Hélène BANOUN, pharmacien biologiste; Emmanuelle DARLES, maîtresse de conférences en informatique; Éric MENAT, médecin généraliste; Vincent PAVAN, maître de conférences en mathématique; Amine ULMILE, pharmacien des hôpitaux - ReinfoCovid.fr - 16/8/2021)
Didier Raoult: "On ne peut pas créer un virus, c'est du cinéma!". (Hala Oukili - Causeur - 18/7/2021) -> touchant les publications The Lancet et Nature Medecine Raoult observe (sèchement): « Je n'aime pas la politique éditoriale de ces deux revues qui sont complètement achetées par l'industrie pharmaceutique. »
Notices of Liability for Vaccine Harm and Death Sent to the EMA and all Members of the European Parliament – Sep 13, 2021 Letter. (Doctor4CovidEthics - 13/9/2021)
Selon le Dr Amine Umlil, malgré les obstacles, « le droit est du côté des soignants ». (FranceSoir - Vigilance Pandémie - 14/9/2021)
"The Political Takeover of Medicine and the Patient/Doctor Relationship Must End": The Physicians Declaration vs. COVID Cultism "We cannot sit idly while patients are forced to go home and sicken in place. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 22/9/2021) -> mRNA inventor, Dr. Robert Malone takes the stand.
Florida Surgeon General Bashes Virus Hysteria: 'Done with Fear,' Vaccines 'Treated Almost Like a Religion'. (Paul Bois - Breitbart - 21/9/2021)
Pulmonary Nurse of 31 Years Testifies How he Unknowingly Killed Patients by Following COVID Protocols. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 22/9/2021)
Les conséquences de la vaccination sur la fertilité. (Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude - JeminformeTV - 24/9/2021)
Plus de 5000 médecins et scientifiques accusent les gouvernements d'incompétence (criminelle) contre le COVID-19. (Edouard Husson - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 28/9/2021)
Justice Centre defends free speech, Dr Charles Hoffe, against College of Physicians. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 30/9/2021)
The daily horror of being a GP: The NHS is forcing us to betray our parents. (Jane Smith - UnHerd - 1/10/2021)
Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Trusted Treatments with Untested Novel Therapies. (Dr. Peter McCullough - AAPS Speech - video, 65 minutes - 1/10/2021)
Des infirmières canadiennes lanceuses d'alerte disent que de nombreuses personnes meurent des vaccins contre le Covid, les hôpitaux sont remplis de personnes entièrement vaccinées. (Profession Gendarme - 2/10/2021)
2 Chirurgiens de l'Armée Américaine immobilisent les Pilotes "Vaxxinés" et appellent à l'Arrêt des "Vaxxins" Covid pour les Militaires ! (Le Portail du Grand Changement - 4/10/2021)
US Air Force doctor warns pilots of 'sudden cardiac death' after jabs The affidavit of Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long is also part of a federal lawsuit against the US Army's forced vaccination regime. (Free West Media - 4/10/2021)
"Le président Biden a motivé le peuple à se poser des questions" Dr Richard Fleming. (FranceSoir - 5/10/2021)
Unethical Conduct of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Council. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 5/10/2021) -> Rath and Company and the Justice Centre, in conjunction, are suing the Government of Alberta with regards to Orders made by the Chief Medical Officer of Health and select unconstitutional sections of the Public Health Act.
Why This Doctor Risked The Nobel Prize to Speak Out Against Universal Covid-19 Vaccination. (Benjamin Harnwell - ChurchMilitant - 6/10/2021)
Soignante non-vaccinée, elle obtient gain de cause auprès du tribunal administratif de Cergy. (FranceSoir - 6/10/2021)
On garde l'urgence sanitaire alors qu'on est en SOUS MORTALITÉ!: Entrevue avec le docteur à la retraite Robert Béliveau. (CHOI 98,1 RadioX - 6/10/2021)
Doctor Says Physicians Are Being "Hunted" For Speaking Out by Press & Medical Boards Dr Robert Malone branded a "terrorist" by Italian media. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 7/10/2021)
UCLA doctor 'willing to lose everything' escorted from medical facility for refusing COVID vaccine: 'This is what happens when you stand up for freedom'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 8/10/2021)
Médecin suspendu : "j'ai un problème avec la façon dont l'autorité agit" Dr Alexandre Leroy. (FranceSoir - 8/10/2021)
Les individus non vaccinés contre le Covid-19 ne pourront plus quitter le Canada par voie aérienne. (RT France - 9/10/2021)
Dr Peter McCullough : la crise sanitaire actuelle est une crise de la compassion. (Vigilance-Pandemie.info - 2 minutes - 10/10/2021)
Dr Scott Jensen : "la liberté en matière de santé", principe suprême. (FranceSoir - 12/10/2021)
911 System in Jeopardy as First Responders Reject Jab. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 12/10/2021)
Does Biden Want the Sick to Get Sicker? Hospital CEO Crushes Biden's Vaccine Mandate. (Dillon Burroughs - The Western Journal - 13/10/2021)
Il est temps d'agir pour la paix sociale: Que fait le Collège des médecins? (Michel Robillard - Samizdat - 15/10/2021)
Even doctors in red states are being punished for saving people from COVID. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 19/10/2021)
The Attack on Scientific Dissent Becomes Ever More Brutal. (Dr. Paul Alexander - The Brownstone Institute - 22/10/2021)
Lettre ouverte à Mmes Mrs les Sénateurs et Députés, adressée par N et G Delépine médecins cancérologues. (Nouveau Monde - 23/10/2021)
Témoignage du clinicien Jean Stevens contre l'obligation vaccinale. (Vigilance Pandémie - 28/10/2021)
'I Had To Stand Up And Try To Do Something:' Professor of Medicine on Suing School Over Vaccine Mandate. (Jan Jekielek and Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 31/10/2021)
Un autre médecin du Québec dénonce l'injection forcée des enfants avec la technologie à ARNm. (Gilles B. - YaPasDePRESSE - 31/10/2021)
Dr. Ben Carson blasts COVID vaccinations for children: 'This is really a giant experiment'. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 1/11/2021)
Viral video shows nurse being escorted out of hospital after her religious exemption is denied: 'Count the costs'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 1/11/2021)
Témoignage d'un médecin belge, Dr Thierry Hertogue, victime d'effets secondaires du vaccin « Mon apparence a veilli de 5 à 10 ans en 5 mois… » (Vigilance Pandémie - 1/11/2021)
Doctor Banned From Using Social Media Over "Masks Do Nothing" Claim Takes Case to High Court: "This is about freedom of expression." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 5/11/2021)
Theresa Long, médecin de l'armée américaine, alerte sur la vaccination contre le Covid-19. (FranceSoir - 8/11/2021)
"Il y a quelque chose qui ne colle pas" : le pavé dans la mare du Pr Peter Doshi. (FranceSoir - 9/11/2021)
Vaccination des enfants : des chercheurs polonais dénoncent des "essais cliniques" grandeur nature. (FranceSoir - 10/11/2021)
INTERVIEW: Emergency room doctor who fled from Canada to the United States: I wanted to learn more about what made this doctor decide to flee Canada — and to get his thoughts on the vaccine mandates and severe health-care staff shortages that we're presently suffering with across our country. (Dakota Christensen - Rebel News - 13/11/2021)
Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report. (Serge Goldman, Dominique Bron, Thomas Tousseyn, Irina Vierasu, Laurent Dewispelaere, Pierre Heimann, Elie Cogan and Michel Goldman - Frontiers in Medicine - 25/11/2021)
"Il faut donner le signal du retour à la raison et à la vraie science" : le message du Pr Perronne au peuple suisse. (Anthropo-logiques - 25/11/2021)
New York ER Closes as Employees Refuse to Comply With Vaccine Mandate: Workers were given an ultimatum to either get vaccinated or be banned from coming to work. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 26/11/2021)
Doctor Banned For Questioning Efficacy of Masks Wins High Court Case: Censorship was "clearly wrong and cannot stand." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/12/2021)
La médecine libre contre l'autoritarisme de la politique sanitaire. (Pierre-Antoine Pontoizeau - FranceSoir - 6/12/2021)
« La fin de la pandémie est une décision politique et non épidémiologique », dixit le Dr Jay Bhattacharya: Stop au terrorisme politico-sanitaire covidiste ! (Le libre-penseur - 7/12/2021)
Les soignants suspendus réintégrés à l'hôpital Nord Franche-Comté. (FranceSoir - 9/12/2021)
Doctothon 24 heures en France (10/12/2021)
Four Alberta doctors sue AHS over Vaccine mandate. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 10/12/2021)
Hospitals: You know, maybe firing unvaccinated staff isn't such a great idea after all. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 13/12/2021)
'Very Sad': Ben Carson Criticizes Federal Vaccine Surveillance Expansion Bill. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 15/12/2021)
Suspendues : le clip du collectif "Dose de Liberté". (FranceSoir - 21/12/2021) -> Composé d'orthophonistes suspendues pour avoir refusé le vaccin contre le Covid 19, le collectif « Dose de Liberté » se réunit autour de leur clip "Suspendues".
Shock Video: Dr. Zelenko Warns If He Dies It's An "Assassination Attempt on The Truth". (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 22/12/2021)
Lettre ouverte à l'Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec - Objet : Manquements à la mission de protection du public? (Infirmières debout - 24/12/2021)
Coup de théâtre en France : le Syndicat de la Médecine Générale apporte son soutien aux non-vaccinés. (Cheikh Dieng - Le courrier du soir - 25/12/2021)
Christian Perronne, témoignant devant la commission européenne du Luxembourg. (8 minutes - 1/1/2022) -> Perronne est médecin, professeur et un infectiologue français qui a été consultant au gov français et a siégé sur un comité de l'OMS qui gère les maladies infectieuses en Europe et au Moyen Orient
Analysis Overview: COVID-19 Genetic Vaccine Safety in Children. (Robert W Malone MD - undated 1/1/2022?)
"Everyone Who Died With Covid Should Be Considered Murdered": Nurse Promoting Early Treatment Exposes Scamdemic in Epic School Board Rant. (Infowars - 6/1/2022)
"I Do Not Want to Have a Vaccination": NHS Doctor Tells UK Health Secretary on Camera. (Lily Zhou/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 9/1/2022)
Une épidémie de non-vaccinés? (Christian Leray M.A., Nicolas Derome PhD, Jean-Yves Dionne Pharm.D., Marc Ferron M.Sc., Danielle Fisch M.D., Stéphane Guay M.Sc., Franck Hugbéké D.M.D., René Lavigueur M.D., Bernard Massie PhD, Euridice Prado DDS PhD, Alain Roux M.D., Nathalie Ste-Marie M.Sc., Snezana Stanojlovic M.D. - ReInfoCovidQC - 10/1/2022)
Mass Formation: Deployed on You After Over 200 Years of Study: Junior academics cited by "Forbes", AP, Reuters and "The Independent" have not done their homework. (Robert W Malone MD - 10/1/2022)
Prominent Doctor, Boston College Parent Leads Petition Against University Booster Mandate. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 12/1/2022)
Dr Steve James: I'd sacrifice my job over vaccine mandates: The NHS consultant who challenged Sajid Javid explains all to Freddie Sayers. (UnHerd - 12/1/2022)
Dr. Mehmet Oz challenges Dr. Anthony Fauci to a debate, calls him 'a petty tyrant' and 'the J. Edgar Hoover of public health'. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 13/1/2022)
Medical Doctors Under Siege. (Alliance for Human Research Protection - 14/1/2022)
We need to talk about the vaccines: Public debate on side-effects is being censored. (Vinay Prasad - UnHerd - 19/1/2022) - > Prasad is Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco. He is a practising hematologist and oncologist.
"Do Not Comply" - Top Doctors Speak At 'Defeat The Mandates' Rally In DC. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 23/1/2022)
Dr. Malone's Message to Parents: If Your Child is Harmed by COVID Vax 'You Will Carry the Burden for the Rest of Your Life'. (Debra Heine - AmGreatness - 23/1/2022)
Des lanceurs d'alerte partagent des données médicales du ministère de la Défense qui font exploser le débat sur la sécurité des vaccins. (Daniel Horowitz - Actuintel - 26/1/2022)
Why Weren't These Vaccines Put Through the Proper Safety Trials For Gene Technology, Asks a Former Pharmaceutical Research Scientist. (Dr. John D. Flack - Daily Sceptic - 7/2/2022)
"They Will Not Silence Me": Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Was Pressured Not to Reveal It's Mild. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/2/2022)
"On ne peut plus accepter ces mensonges d'État" Christian Perronne. (FranceSoir - 10/2/2022)
Western Governments Tried to Gag Doctor Who Identified Omicron as "Mild:" Dr Coetzee alleges that she was told by European governments "not to publicly state that Omicron was a mild illness." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 12/2/2022)
'We've known how to cure COVID since about March of 2020': Dr. Robert Malone "This is a clear pivot consequent to their horrible polling numbers," Malone said, referring to the recent scramble by Democratic governors to lift COVID-19 mandates. (Natalia Mittelstadt - Just the News - 15/2/2022)
Doctors Group Demands Investigation Into Sudden Increase In Young Male Deaths In UK. (Owen Evans/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 17/2/2022)
Former Harvard Prof. Martin Kulldorff: 'Science and Public Health Are Broken. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 17/2/2022)
MUST WATCH: Dr Peter McCullough on The Caldron Pool Show Dr McCullough, a leading cardiologist and epidemiologist and the most published physician in his field, cites numerous studies and papers in addressing the question of whether the COVID vaccines are "safe and effective." (Evelyn Rae - Caldron Pool - 21/2/2022)
Dr. Byram Bridle on COVID vaccines, public health mandates at Freedom Convoy in Ottawa "At best [the vaccines] are not working at all. At worst, they're actually causing harm and actually promoting the very infection they're designed to stop." (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 25 minutes - 28/2/2022)
Démission. (Dr Jean-Luc LEBRUN - ReinfoCovid.fr - 6/3/2022)
Senior Epidemiologist Apologizes to Daughter's Generation For "Morally Wrong" Lockdown Measures. (Paul Joseph Watson - InfoWars - 8/3/2022)
Top Canadian doctors tell university not to boot students for refusing vaccine, testing: 'Therefore, there is now no material difference in likelihood that a UBC student or staff member who is vaccinated or unvaccinated may be infected and potentially infectious to others,' the doctors wrote. (Jack Bingham - LifeSite - 8/3/2022)
L'infirmière, qui avait refusé de se faire vacciner, réintégrée dans son EHPAD dans l'Orne. (Nolwenn Le Jeune - France Bleu - 9/3/2022)
Dr. Naomi Wolf Details Unsettling Pfizer Documents, Enlisted 161 Attorneys to Address 'Crimes of Extraordinary Scale' [VIDEO] "We're starting to see what was really done to the American people and to people around the world." (Gregory Hoyt - Red Voice Media - 12/3/2022)
NHS in Crisis: COVID 19 Vaccines A Duty of Care and why Doctors are leaving the NHS. (UKColumn - 15/2/2022)
The AHPRA Inquisition Against Australian Health Professionals: "Without question, health care in Australia is now under the dark cloud of totalitarianism." (Caldron Pool - 16/3/2022)
Des scientifiques du monde entier réunis mercredi et jeudi à l'IHU de Didier Raoult pour l'International covid summit. (FranceSoir - 42 minutes - 31/3/2022)
Censored: Doctors and Researchers Testify to Massive Fraud of The COVID-19 Response. (Banned.Video/InfoWars - 31/3/2022)
A Doctor's Open Letter to Fauci and the Medical Establishment. (Houman David Hemmati - DailyWire - 5/4/2022)
Numerous Health Problems More Likely Due To COVID-19 Vaccines Than Coincidence: VAERS Data Analysis. (Petr Svab/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 5/4/2022)
Effets secondaires des vaccins: les scientifiques allemands jettent plusieurs pavés dans la mare. (FranceSoir - 9/4/2022)
Robert Malone Says He Will Sue New York Times Unless It Corrects 'Defamatory' Article. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 10/4/2022)
Dr. Bryan Ardis releases huge allegations: The covid-19 virus, vaccines and some treatments are all derived from SNAKE VENOM. (Mike Adams - 12/4/2022)
Editorial: COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? (Russell L. Blaylock - Surgical Neurology International • 2022 • 13(167) - PDF - 22/4/2022)
Le Dr Grégory Pamart, non-vacciné, suspendu s'exprime : « Ça fait 7 mois qu'on nous empêche de travailler » ! Il est également harcelé par le conseil de l'ordre des médecins ! (Le LIbre Penseur - 27/4/2022)
The lockdown on dissent: Jay Bhattacharya talks to Brendan O'Neill about how the scientific establishment suppressed the Covid debate. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - Audio - 53 minutes - 5/5/2022)
Les chercheurs Denis Rancourt et Joseph Hickey ont rédigé une critique scientifique incisive d'un article de modélisation fondamentalement défectueux qui a été publié dans le CMAJ. (Denis Rancourt et Joseph Hickey - Guy Boulianne - 8/5/2022)
Declaration IV - Restore Scientific Integrity A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to end the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity. (The Global Covid Summit - 11/5/2022)
Australian nurse breaks silence on Covid-19 vaccines and being censored The nurse described her personal experiences on the frontlines of the Covid-19 pandemic and detailed the ridicule she faced for speaking out against the prevailing medical narrative. (Yasmin Sawyer - Rebel News - 17 minutes - 12/5/2022)
L'un des pionniers de l'ARN messager fait une affirmation percutante. (Profession Gendarme - 2 minutes - 18/5/2022) -> le docteur Robert Malone, expert en vaccins qui détient plusieurs brevets sur la technologie thérapeutique d'ARNm
Soignants suspendus: "Le but était de ne pas oublier qu'il y en a 15 000". (Fabien Moine - FranceSoir - 23/5/2022)
Politique Covid, sécurité des vaccins: les professionnels s'expriment. (UK Column - 31/5/2022) -> plusieurs conférences vidéo
A Deeper Dive into the Publicly Available Ontario Data on COVID-19 Vaccination. (Canadian Parliament - 1/6/2022)
Variole du singe. Vous avez peur ? Notre invité au Québec en 2022, Dr Christian Perronne, vous rassurera en 2 minutes. (Fondation pour la défense des droits et libertés du peuple - vidéo, 2 minutes - 1/6/2022)
Science versus Scientism (part 2) Continued root cause analysis of the COVID Crisis. (Robert W Malone MD - 7/6/2022)
Iceland: Funding of Promising Research into COVID-19 Treatment Withdrawn Without Explanation Lab results showed fish liver oil could destroy 99.9% of SARS-CoV-2 but funding of further research was withdrawn. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 10/6/2022)
L'avocate Marian demande officiellement au gouvernement d'abroger l'obligation vaccinale pour les soignants. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratège - 11/6/2022)
"Les autorités sélectionnent les études" sur l'ivermectine: Tess Lawrie. (FranceSoir - 27 minutes - 16/6/2022)
L'institut Curie encore une fois condamné pour son mauvais traitement de non-vaccinés. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 18/6/2022)
Soignante réintégrée sans congés ni arrêt maladie, une victoire "inédite" pour Me Koraïtem. (FranceSoir - 21/6/2022)
Saskatchewan surgeon sues Health Authority and College of Medicine after being terminated and defamed for questioning covid vaccines for children. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 24/6/2022)
Age and sex-specific risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid-19 messenger RNA vaccines. (Stéphane Le Vu, Marion Bertrand, Marie-Joelle Jabagi, Jérémie Botton, Jérôme Drouin, Bérangère Baricault, Alain Weill, Rosemary Dray-Spira & Mahmoud Zureik - Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 3633 - 25/6/2022) -> This French study concluded that for both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the risk of skyrockets a week after vaccination.
Ce que trouvent les embaumeurs. (Mike Adams - Twitter - 2 minutes, anglais avec sous-titres français - 29/6/2022) -> caillots sanguins et structures bizarrres chez les vaccinés décédés.
Dr. Zalenko's Uplifting Final Public Speech. (Infowars - 30 minutes - 2/7/2022)
Hommage au Docteur Vladimir Zelenko [1973- 2022]. (Profession Gendarme - 3/7/2022)
Professeur Ehud Qimron : « Ministère de la santé, il est temps d'admettre l'échec ». Un éminent professeur de médecine israélien attaque la politique sanitaire qu'il considère être un fiasco. (Le LIbre Penseur - 6/7/2022)
Doctors for Covid Ethics Fourth Symposium: Freedom is the Cure. (UK Column - 7 hres - 10/7/2022)
Ontario physician joins growing list of dissenting medical professionals Licensed Ontario physician denounces COVID vaccines, highlights alarming safety signals and condemns the suppression of early treatment options. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 12/7/2022)
"Ils m'attaquent car ils ont peur" Pr Christian Perronne. (FranceSoir - 12/7/2022)
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Forced Vaxx Is All-Out War on the Human Race. (Infowars - 12/7/2022)
Life altering vaccine policy devastates frontline hero Once hailed as a frontline hero, registered nurse Katherine was terminated from her position due to an unrecognized religious exemption. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 15/7/2022)
Watch: As Mask Mandate Looms, LA Hospital Officials Mock COVID "Media Hype". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/7/2022)
In Memoriam: Vladimir Zelenko, M.D. The good doctor whom the whole COVID establishment stigmatized, to put it mildly. (George Parry - The American Spectator - 17/7/2022)
Réintégration des soignants non vaccinés: l'Académie de médecine annonce sa "ferme opposition". (FranceSoir - 19/7/2022)
No Place for a Caring Conscientious Doctor in a World of Irrational Health Mandates. (Australian Medical Network/Daily Declaration - 19/7/2022)
Réintégration des soignants non vaccinés: la Haute Autorité de santé s'y oppose. (FranceSoir - 22/7/2022)
Big Pharma's COVID lies have profoundly damaged the medical industry Falsehoods concerning COVID jab trials have caused profound damage to medicine, the entire public health enterprise, and to the disciplines of clinical research and regulatory affairs. (Dr. Robert Malone - LifeSite - 26/7/2022)
Ontario doctor suspended for spreading COVID disinformation, latest in string of pandemic-defying MDs. (Tom Blackwell - National Post - 29/7/2022) -> perspective from a servile journalist working for a bought and paid for media...
A $10M class action lawsuit settles, requiring a hospital to rehire everyone they fired for not taking the jab. (Rebel News - 29/7/2022)
Après une action de groupe, un hôpital US paie 10 millions $ à ses salariés non-vaccinés et licenciés. (Le Courrier des Stratèges - 4/8/2022)
Israel's Covid Vaccine Director Suffers Vaccine Injury, Gets Banned by Twitter for Speaking Out. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 4/8/2022)
The COVID Shell Game. (Catte - Off-Guardian - 5/8/2022)
Ce médecin australien raconte les pressions qu'il a subies et demande pardon pour ne pas avoir signalé les effets indésirables des injections : « Je donnais plus d'importance à mon travail, à ma famille, à ma sécurité et à mes finances qu'à mes patients ». (Planetes360 - 2 minutes - 9/8/2022)
Ontario doctor's license suspended after speaking out about COVID vaccine dangers 'Why would you put something in someone's body that's targeting the brain for an inflammatory reaction? That's insanity,' said Dr. Jeff Matheson. 'They're trying to tell us [the vaccine] stays in the arm, but that technology targets the brain specifically.' (Patrick Delaney - LifeSite - 11/8/2022)
« Les médecins ne sont plus autorisés à remettre en question le récit politique ». (Charles Hoffe/FranceSoir - Réinfo Covid Québec - 11/8/2022)
Ontario doctor takes stand against CPSO for alleged suppression and censorship of treatment options Ontario physician Dr. Akbar Khan believes that he has been on the receiving end of criminal misconduct by his regulatory body and has decided to fight back. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 11 minutes - 12/8/2022)
Nurses Who Left the Health Care System to Focus on Early Treatment Describe 'Brutal' COVID-19 Treatment Protocols: The protocols require 'mind-blowing cognitive dissonance'. (Matt McGregor - The Epoch Times - 14/8/2022)
Senior nurse BREAKS SILENCE on hospital crisis: A pregnant Melbourne nurse says she faces termination for requesting medical advice on her booster as hospitals struggle to fill staff shortages. (Avi Yemini - Rebel News - 9 minutes - 17/8/2022)
Vaccins contre la Covid-19. L'OPECST (Sénat – Assemblée nationale) révèle le caractère déviant de la communication des « autorités sanitaires et politiques » : celles-ci engagent « une procédure disciplinaire » à mon encontre. (Docteur Amine UMLIL - CTIAP centre hospitalier de Cholet - 19/8/2022)
Stanford medical professor fighting 'COVID industrial complex' with new academy The new Academy of Science and Freedom seeks to restore public trust in medical practice after the fallout of COVID-19 public policies. (Miguel Anguiano - LifeSite - 19/8/2022)
'Defamed' Dr. Robert Malone sues Washington Post. Watch exclusive interview Paper called him spreader of 'dangerous lies' for stating vaccines don't work. (Art Moore - WND - 19/8/2022)
Twitter's "Tricky" Timing Problem: Lawsuit Reveals Back-Channel With CDC to Coordinate Censorship. (Jonathan Turley, - Zero Hedge - 24/8/2022) -> Drs. Jayanta Bhattacharya (Stanford University) and Martin Kulldorff (Harvard University) filing a censorship lawsuit.
"Toutes mes alertes finissent par être vérifiées". (Amine Umlil - FranceSoir - 53 minutes - 25/8/2022)
Japanese doctors speak honestly about Covid vaccines. (Guy Gin - Making (Covid) Waves in Japan - 29/8/2022)
La Légion d'honneur du professeur Perronne. (Alain Tranchant - FranceSoir - 31/8/2022)
La liberté d'expression des médecins, enseignants et chercheurs est-elle protégée en temps de crise sanitaire ? Me de Araujo-Recchia répond. (FranceSoir - 5/9/2022)
Court: California cannot compel Christian doctors to participate in assisted suicide. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 7/9/2022)
Le professeur Didier Raoult répond aux accusations de l'IGAS et des ministres. (FranceSoir - 7/9/2022)
Science is Compliance: On the problem of top-down and center-out medicine. (Chris Bray - Tell Me How This Ends - 8/9/2022)
Doctors, Scientists and Professionals from More than 34 Countries Declare "International Medical Crisis" due to Diseases and Deaths Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 10/9/2022)
Le Pr Perronne : l'expérience et la compétence bafouées. (Collectif Lyme TEAM - FranceSoir - 13/9/2022)
Dr. Paul Offit, one of the world's most respected vaccine experts, is now officially an anti-vaxxer! Welcome to the club, Paul. (Steve Kirsch's Newsletter - 20/9/2022)
The U.S. Government's Vast New Privatized Censorship Regime Censorship of wrongthink by Big Tech at the behest of the government is government censorship, which violates the First Amendment. (Jenin Younes - The Tablet - 21/9/2022)
"France has got a national hero: Pr. Raoult" Dr Steven Hatfill. (FranceSoir - 24/9/2022)
Top vaccine expert with FDA and NIH warns healthy young people not to get COVID-19 booster: 'There's not clear evidence of benefit' versus risk. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 25/9/2022)
Dr. Paul Marik on why doctors aren't speaking out My blue pilled friends can't figure out why, if the vaccines are so dangerous, aren't more doctors speaking out. Here's why. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 45 minutes - 25/9/2022)
Oxyde de graphène dans les vaccins, anomalies sanguines, nanoparticules lipidiques: l'analyse de Jean-Marc Sabatier. (FranceSoir - 25/9/2022)
How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and much more. (Meryl Nass - Meryl's COVID Newsletter - 25/9/2022)
Covid Conspiracy Uncovered: "Everyone had to agree to the narrative," says former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield. (Lloyd Billingsley - FrontPage - 26/9/2022)
Bombshell: Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes The Vaccine Depopulation Agenda And What Comes Next. (Infowars - 26/9/2022)
Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine - Part 1. (Aseem Malhotra - Journal of Insulin Resistance | Vol 5, No 1 - 26/9/2022)
"Ceux qui croient encore que cette crise est sanitaire, il va falloir se réveiller" Philippe de Chazournes, médecin. (FranceSoir - 27/9/2022)
"Il n'y a eu aucun signalement de patients": Stéphane Gayet [médecin infectiologue et hygyéniste], radié par l'Ordre des médecins, nous répond. (FranceSoir - 28/9/2022)
Informed Consent: Surgeon Greg Hopkinson. (UK Column - video 80 minutes - 29/9/2022)
My Government Turned Me into an 'Anti-Vaxxer'. (Dr Julie Sladden - The Daily Declaration - 30/9/2022)
I resign from the NHS: With permission to use the author's name, we publish a letter of resignation from the National Health Service by an experienced nurse in Scotland. (Frances Adamson - UK Column - 30/9/2022)
Why Won't the Canadian Medical Association Comment on the 32 Deaths of Vaccinated Doctors Since the Rollout Began? (Will Jones - The Daily Sceptic - 2/10/2022)
Le Pr Michel Goldman, célèbre promoteur des vaccins, soupçonne le vaccin Pfizer d'avoir aggravé son cancer. (FranceSoir - 2/10/2022)
"Tout ce qui ne se conforme pas à l'opinion officielle est sanctionné" Epictetus. (FranceSoir - 29 minutes - 4/10/2022) -> Epictetus, docteur en biologie canadien, a accepté de témoigner pour FranceSoir de manière anonyme dans le cadre de ce "Debriefing" sur la suppression de la parole scientifique qui contredit le narratif officiel dicté par le gouvernement sur le Covid-19
Russian doctors demand end to compulsory COVID vaccination for mobilized citizens: The same group has been documenting deaths linked to Sputnik V. (Edward Slavsquat - 4/10/2022)
"De la punition et de l'obstination": Sylviane Noël cingle le refus du gouvernement de réintégrer les soignants suspendus. (FranceSoir - 4/10/2022)
Injection-Injured Tell All in 'Safe and Effective' Documentary. (Kurt Mahlburg - The Daily Declaration - 4/10/2022)
Laval University immunology professor facing potential termination over COVID-19 vaccine comments: The university claims to advocate for academic freedom of expression. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 8/10/2022)
Florida Surgeon General Recommends Against mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines For Males Aged 18–39. (Mimi Nguyen Ly/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/10/2022)
"What I've Seen In The Past Two Years Is Unprecedented": Renowned OB/GYN tells Dr. Drew That He Has Seen an "Off the Charts" Rise in Miscarriages and Fetal Abnormalities Since the Vaccine Was Introduced – (VIDEO) (Julian Conradson - The Gateway Pundit - 8/10/2022)
Open Letter to Therese Coffey Urging Her to Apologise to the Care Workers Forced Out by Vaccine Mandate. (Toby Young - Daily Skeptic - 10/10/2022)
Dr. Meryl Nass will Confront the Maine Board of Licensure in Court on Oct. 11, 2022 at 1:00 PM. (Alliance for Human Research Protection - 10/10/2022)
Australian Medical Censorship Campaign Censored! (Australian Medical Professionals Society - The Daily Declaration - 10/10/2022)
"Medical Censorship": Dr. Peter McCullough Responds To Twitter Ban. (Zachary Stieber and Steve Lance/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 11/10/2022)
"The Spike in Heart Attacks Has Coincided With the Vaccinations": An Emergency Department Doctor on What's Behind the NHS Crisis. (Anonymous Doctor - Daily Skeptic - 12/10/2022)
Covid, Consent, and the Code of Conduct. (Dr Julie Sladden - The Daily Declaration - 13/10/2022)
"Il y a une menace immédiate de mort avec chaque vaccin" Peter McCullough. (FranceSoir - 49 minutes - 14/10/2022)
Only Dictators Censor Physicians – California Gov Newsom Exemplifies Tyranny. (Dr. Steve LaTulippe - America Out Loud - 16/10/2022)
Why I had to leave the NHS. (Fran Adamson - UK Column - 19/10/2022)
Perronne au Parlement européen: "Les organisateurs de ce complot mondial voient que leur plan machiavélique se casse la figure". (FranceSoir - 6 minutes - 20/10/2022) -> Le Pr Christian Perronne reçu au Parlement européen de Strasbourg
80 Canadian Doctors DEAD Following COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates as Death Toll Continues to Rise. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 20/10/2022)
How Worried Should We Be About Boston University's Gain-of-Function Covid Virus That Kills 80% of Mice? (Dr. Randall Bock - Daily Skeptic - 23/10/2022)
"J'ai été très touché": le Pr Perronne s'exprime sur la décision de la chambre disciplinaire de l'Ordre des médecins. (FranceSoir - 24/10/2022)
First Time in History, Experimental Genetic Injections Recommended for Routine Childhood Vaccine Schedule. (Dr. Peter McCullough - America Out Loud - 29/10/2022)
Dr. Philip McMillan cancelled by LinkedIn: What is so dangerous about researching the nature of Covid-19 and how best to treat it? (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes 29/10/2022)
Sign the open letter: End mask "requirement" in healthcare settings. (SmileFree - 1/11/2022) -> the Smile Free campaign wrote an open letter to the NHS Chief Executives of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland calling for the lifting of the face mask requirement for all staff, patients and visitors in healthcare settings.
Dissecting the Deceptive Plea for COVID-19 Amnesty. (A Midwestern Doctor - The Forgotten Side of Medicine - 1/11/2022)
Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter-Tactics. (Yaffa Shir-Raz, Ety Elisha, Brian Martin, Natti Ronel & Josh Guetzkow - Minerva/Springer Nature - 1/11/2022)
All Those Responsible Must Pay a Price for Terrorising and Harming the People They Are Meant to Serve. (Dr Gary Sidley - Daily Sceptic - 2/11/2022)
Zimbabwe Poised to Jail Dr. Jackie Stone for Prescribing Off-Label Covid Treatment. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 2/11/2022)
A veteran medical examiner who reviewed 4000 Covid deaths explains how many were REALLY from Covid (and how many were of healthy people): Dr. Brian Peterson ran the Milwaukee County medical examiner's office until he was suddenly forced to retire in September; did his honesty about Covid cost him his job? (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 4/11/2022)
Christian Perronne : « L'OMS est devenue une succursale de la fondation Bill et Melinda Gates ». (Les moutons enragés - 52 minutes - 4/11/2022)
"Coupable de courage": vague de soutien en faveur du sénateur Alain Houpert, privé d'exercice de la médecine durant 9 mois. (FranceSoir - 5/11/2022)
L'ex-députée Martine Wonner devant l'Ordre des médecins: médecins parlementaires, une tentative de les faire taire ? (FranceSoir - 6/11/2022)
California doctors sue Gov. Newsom over 'misinformation' law that would discipline physicians who provide COVID advice contrary to 'contemporary scientific consensus'. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 7/11/2022)
Doctor Calls Out CDC, FDA – Warns They Are Deliberately 'Breaking the Law'. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 8/11/2022)
The Censoring of Science. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 9/11/2022)
Soignants suspendus, Maître Marian vous dit comment réagir à une convocation au commissariat. (Le Courrier des Stratèges - 4 minutes - 11/11/2022)
Protection From 4th Dose of COVID Vaccine Wanes Completely Within Months: Study. (Lia Onely/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/11/2022) -> Discussing an Israeli study.
Experimental, Untested Genetic Biotechnology Administered in Pregnancy: An Egregious Breach of Bioethics. (Maggie Thorp JD and Jim Thorp MD - America Out Loud - 12/11/2022)
19 professionals are challenging the government's mandatory COVID vaccine for kids: Among the peaceful demonstration, we found René Lavigueur, a family doctor, who was the victim of censorship following a letter published in the La Presse newspaper in October 2021. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 12 minutes - 14/11/2022)
The U.S. Medical System is Collapsing after Mass Exodus of Doctors and Nurses. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 14/11/2022)
Stanford professor who challenged lockdowns and 'scientific clerisy' declares academic freedom 'dead'. (Emma Colton - MSN/Fox News - 21/110/2022)
"Disturbed and Alarmed": 66 Doctors, Clinicians and Scientists Call for Stop to Covid Vaccination of Pregnant Women Over Serious Safety Concerns. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 22/11/2022)
Federal Gov Sues Doctor For $500 Billion For Being Right About Covid Vaccines And Alternative Treatments. (War Room - InfoWars - 22/110/2022)
Allemagne : l'obligation vaccinale devrait être supprimée pour les soignants en 2023. (FranceSoir - 22/11/2022)
Toxic by Design: Big Pharma experts speak out. (UK Column - 22/11/2022)
Billions Could Be Injured or Killed By the Jab: Are You Ready? – Dr. David Martin: Will you be one to show remorse to those who wished for your death? (Red Voice Media - 68 minutes - 23/11/2022)
COVID Repentance is Preferred to Continued Dishonesty. (Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Dr. Stewart Tankersley - America Out Loud - podcast 55 minutes - 23/11/2022)
Answering the critics of "Died Suddenly" I respond to a critic and a "fact checker." You get to decide who is telling you the truth. (Steve Kirsch - 24/11/2022) -> Ryan Cole, MD responds...
As an Oncologist I Am Seeing People With Stable Cancer Rapidly Progress After Being Forced to Have a Booster. (Dr. Angus Dalgleish - Daily Sceptic - 26/11/2022)
Accusé de « Corona Insanity » : un médecin suisse enfermé dans un asile psychiatrique pour avoir parlé contre les lois COVID, avril 2020. (Thomas Binder interviewé par Taylor Hudak - Les moutons enragés - 27/11/2022)
Covid: une étude explore les expériences de médecins et de chercheurs qui ont été la cible d'une répression ou d'une censure. (FranceSoir - 28/11/2022)
Affaire des convocations de soignants suspendus par la police: l'analyse de Me David Guyon. (FranceSoir - 28/11/2022)
Nurse given light sentence after injecting THOUSANDS with saline instead of COVID vaccine. (MJ Smith - BPR - 1/12/2022)
What Really Killed Millions? (Denis Rancourt - The Strong And Free Truthcast/Rumble - 60 minutes - 1/12/2022)
Japanese Professor Say Billions of Lives Could Be In Danger Because of The 'Covid' Jab: Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, has warned the Japanese Ministry of Health about the dangers of the experimental Covid injections. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 2/12/2022)
Can You Catch Covid From Groceries? (Dr. Carl Heneghan and Dr. Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 3/12/2022)
Dr. Ryan Cole on whether the blood supply is safe: "We don't know". (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 4/12/2022)
Disease Expert Blasts Japan's Ministry of Health: Halt Vaccine Campaign & Investigate All Vax Injuries: "There has been thought to be widespread harm that has transpired, which surmounts to billions of lives that may be in danger," says professor. (Jamie White - Infowars - 4/12/2022)
"On voit qu'il y a une organisation globale pour augmenter la censure" Christian Perronne. (FranceSoir - 6/12/2022)
RADIATION : Au tour du dr Marc Girard éminent expert auprès des tribunaux. (Dre Nicole Delépine/Nouveau-Monde.ca/Mondialisation - Les moutons enragés - 7/12/2022)
Dr. Mike Yeadon and Pharma Insider Hedley Rees Bring New Evidence on Vaccines (Truth For Health Team - 8/12/2022)
Sen. Ron Johnson Hosts Historic Round Table Discussion on COVID Vaccines with Prominent Doctors Including Drs. McCullough, Malone, Cole, Risch, and Others. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 8/12/2022)
Twitter blacklisted medical experts who pushed back on Covid narrative. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 9/12/2022)
World Renowned Cardiologist Warns Public to Avoid 'DEADLY COVID Vaccine' After It Kills His Father. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 10/12/2022)
How Informed are Medical Professionals Regarding Vaccines? (Nurse Michele, RN - America Out Loud - 11/12/2022)
Elon Musk Meets With Censored Anti-Lockdown Stanford Professor At Twitter HQ: Thanks infectious diseases expert for his "adherence to science". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 12/12/2022)
Plaque-like structures being pulled from the veins of vaccinated people – why and how is this happening?: 'It's still a mystery,' says a Canadian microbiologist and biochemist who shares the latest evidence and peer-reviewed science around the spike protein and its harmful impacts. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 12/12/2022)
Hospitals Blocked Doctors from Saving Lives. (Dr. Peter McCullough - America Out Loud - podcast 58 minutes - 13/12/2022)
Soignants suspendus : pourquoi le gouvernement les laisse crever ? (Pierre Lecot - FranceSoir - 13/12/2022)
"Il est très difficile de remettre en cause un dogme médical dès lors qu'il est apparu" Eric Loridan. (FranceSoir - 14/12/2022)
Solving the Anti-VAXXER Riddle of Disinformation. (Nurse Michele, RN - America Out Loud - 15/12/2022)
I Have Tried Sounding the Alarm About the Vaccines Causing Cancer Relapse But the Mainstream Media Don't Want to Know. (Dr. Angus Dalgleish - Daily Sceptic - 19/12/2022)
VIDEO: Doctors Admit Autopsies Prove Covid Injections Deadly. (Alex Jones - InfoWars - 17 minutes - 19/12/2022) Fauci said "No autopsies on Covid patients", Québec did the same... in a decree dated April 16th, 2020.
Dr Kerryn Phelps reveals 'devastating' Covid vaccine injury, says doctors have been 'censored': Dr Kerryn Phelps has broken her silence about a "devastating" Covid vaccine injury, slamming regulators for "censoring" public discussion with "threats" to doctors. (Frank Chung - News.com.au - 20/12/2022)
My interview with UK cardiologist Aseem Malhotra, survey results, and more I interview Aseem Malhotra. Did you know that none of the UK cardiologists are getting any more jabs? The narrative is falling apart. Plus other big news... (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 21/12/2022)
Une étude prouve la létalité des « vaccins » Covid par réaction auto-immune ! (Franck Pengam - Les moutons enragés - 21/12/2022)
Early Vaccine Recipient Involved in the Vaccine Rollout Campaign Speaks Out – Reveals He Suffered Adverse Reaction – Exposes How Corporate America Colluded with the Government to Push Mandate (VIDEO) (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 22/12/2022)
Medical officer dubbed an 'insider threat' after spotlighting COVID data. (J.M. Phelps - American Family News - 22/12/2022)
Dr. Robert Malone Tells Ben Shapiro COVID Vaccines Are Unsafe For All Age Groups. (Greg Wilson - DailyWire - 23/12/2022)
La vérité contre l'ordre. (Dr Pascal Sacré - Mondialisation.ca/ Les moutons enragés - 28/12/2022)
How the discovery of the shots causing more production of IgG4 as opposed to the other classes of antibodies might explain the negative efficacy of the shots. (Daniel Horowitz - Thread Reader - 29/12/2022)
Dr. Atlas Stood Alone as Scientists Censored Truth, and People Died. (M Dowling - Independent Sentinel - 1/1/2023)
Oncologist worried Covid booster is worsening cancer. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 5/1/2023)
German Doctor Gets 2 Years In Jail For Illegally Writing Thousands of Mask Exemptions. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/1/2023)
Top Cancer Expert: Aggressive Cancers Appearing After Vaccine Boosters "Not a Coincidence" Covid boosters appear to be causing cancers. (Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology - Daily Sceptic/Summit News - 7/1/2023)
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on COVID-19 as One of the Most Divisive Events in American History. (Evolution News - podcast, 65 minutes - 7/1/2023)
The glorious counter-revolution: how the British beat back the New Normal A gonzo portrait, featuring Alan Miller, Laurence Fox, Dr Steve James, Molly Kingsley and Dick Delingpole, among others… (KB Goldtooth - Off Guardian - 8/1/2023)
Covid Vaccines Are "Obviously Dangerous" and Should Be Halted Immediately, Say Senior Swedish Doctors. (Dr Johan Eddebo - Daily Skeptic - 13/1/2023)
COVID Jab's Impact On The Brain, Heart & Fertility – Dr. Peter McCullough [VIDEO] (Red Voice Media - 3 minutes - 15/1/2023)
Unequivocal Safety Signals for Heart, Blood and Reproduction Found in Yellow Card Vaccine Data, Says Top Scientist – "Withdraw Them Immediately". (Dr. Richard Ennos - Daily Sceptic - 18/1/2023)
Improved Understanding of How COVID Vaccines Harm Some People. (Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn - America Out Loud - 20/1/2023)
"Après 6 mois, les vaccinés à 4 doses ont plus de chance d'avoir le Covid que les non-vaccinés" Pr Mariano Bizzarri. (FranceSoir - 22/1/2023)
Death Certificates & The Real Stories Behind Them. (Dr. Henry Ealy - America Out Loud - podcast, 58 minutes - 23/1/2023)
Pandemic Strategies, Lessons and Consequences: A hugely successful conference in Stockholm - shunned by the mainstream media of course. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 24/1/2023)
Growing Number of Doctors Say They Won't Get COVID-19 Booster Shots. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 2/2/2023)
Jenna Platt—the nurse that talks the talk and walks the walk. (UK Column - 2/2/2023)
99 Doctors and Medical Professionals Demand the British Heart Foundation Comes Clean About Vaccine Heart Injury 'Cover-Up'. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 2/2/2023)
The lethal cost of lockdowns Britain's high excess deaths show us why shutting down society was a fatal mistake. (David Livermore, professor of medical microbiology - Spiked - 5/2/2023)
Unconditional Surrender. (Todd Hayen - Off Guardian - 4/2/2023)
« Du 1er janvier à juillet 2022, les 2/3 des victimes covid en France étaient vaccinées, c'était une hécatombe chez les vax », selon le Pr Jean-Paul Bourdineaud de Bordeaux. (LE GÉNÉRAL Officiel - Twitter - 10 minutes - 4/2/2023)
Martin Kulldorff, Jay Bhattacharya and Colleagues Demand a Full Inquiry into America's Disastrous Covid Response. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 7/2/2023)
Government Refuses to Investigate What's Behind the Thousands of Excess Deaths. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 7/2/2023)
L'éminent professeur du MIT Retsef Levi appelle à la suspension immédiate de tous les vaccins à ARNm ! (Le libre penseur - 8/2/2023)
A Celebration of Dissent. (Dr Roger Watson - Daily Sceptic - 10/2/2023)
Five Canadian teenagers ages 17-19 died suddenly in their sleep in the past month... This is a public health emergency! (Dr. William Makis MD - COVID Intel - 12/2/2023)
I Was on the NHS Covid Frontline But Quit When I Saw the Harm We Were Doing. (Dr. Eashwarran Kohilathas - Daily Sceptic - 14/2/2023)
Report 56: Autopsies Reveal Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus. (Robert W. Chandler - The Daily Clout - 15/2/2023)
Cardiologist Asks: Why Is COVID Jab 'Not Being Pulled' After Showing Adverse Reaction Rate of 1 in 800? (Infowars - 19/2/2023)
Dissolution of Spike Protein by Nattokinase: Holy Grail of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification. (Peter A. McCullough, MD - Courageous Discourse - 21/2/2023)
The Profession Formerly Known As Medicine: Doctors must reject Big Pharma's soulless treatment model. (Dr. Steven Goldsmith - The American Mind - 27/2/2023)
Matt Hancock is a Monkey. But Who Was the Organ Grinder? (Anonymous Doctor - Daily Sceptic - 9/3/2023)
I Am Still Seething Mad at What the Political Class Did to Us. (Dr James Allan - Daily Sceptic - 9/3/2023)
Le Dr Cadegiani a fait l'objet de menaces suite à ses recherches sur les traitements précoces. (France-Soir - 10/3/2023)
The Cochrane Story Continued... Study authors stand firm against editor-in-chief's attempts at retrospectively altering their results and the study objective. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 15/3/2023)
"La confiance dans la santé publique est au plus bas niveau que j'aie jamais vu", Jay Bhattacharya, professeur de médecine et d'économie. (France-Soir - vidéo, 52 minutes - 20/3/2023)
"I Couldn't Remain Silent": Physician Assistant Fired For Reporting COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events to VAERS. (Matt McGregor/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/ZeroHedge - 20/3/2023)
When Anders Tegnell Stood Alone. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 23/3/2023)
Doctor's board certification revoked for making allegedly 'false and misleading claims' about COVID vaccine. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 24/3/2023)
Rand Paul: "I Wouldn't Vaccinate My Children For COVID" Says Fauci "weaponized the government". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 24/3/2023)
Mark Skidmore's paper showing the vaccines killed over 200,000 people in 2021 will be retracted by the journal There wasn't a valid reason given to justify the retraction decision; it's basically because they don't like the truth. Now we get to find out if there is an honest medical journal anywhere out there. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 31/3/2023)
La véritable histoire du Covid cachée par le secret-défense ? (Dr Gérard Maudrux - France Soir - 5/4/2023)
Why I don't believe there ever was a Covid virus. (Dr Mike Yeadon - OffGuardian - 6/4/2023)
"La liberté de ne pas obéir est une chance considérable", Didier Raoult, microbiologiste et infectiologue. (France-Soir - 6/4/2023)
"They Deliberately Gave the Unvaccinated a Lower Standard of Care" – a Doctor Speaks Out. (Dr James Miller - Daily Sceptic - 13/4/2023)
The False Messaging on Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women. (David Bell - Brownstone Institute - 19/4/2023)
Orthopedic surgeon who received covid "vaccine" and developed career-ending health condition says he's been "abandoned" by his colleagues. (Ethanh - Citizens News - 19/4/2023)
The Myth of The 'Covid-19 Pandemic' And Other Lies [Cp Interview With Dr Denis Rancourt']. (Matt Ehret - Canadian Patriot - podcast, 70 minutes - 20/4/2023)
Why is Vaccine Safety Research so Filled With Manipulation and Corruption? (Dr. Harvey Risch - America Out Loud - podcast, 59 minutes - 23/4/2023)
Prescription For Parents: Vet Your Child's Doctors. They No Longer Deserve Your Trust. (Dr. Adrian Gaty - The Federalist - 28/4/2023)
State Covid Propaganda Destroyed Public's Ability to Consent to Vaccines – Chairman of UK Council for Psychotherapy. (Dr. Christian Buckland - Daily Sceptic - 28/4/2023)
A deadly day in the ER My thoughts on a patient's deadly ER visit. (Daniel Nagase - Logical Surprises/Substack - 4/5/2023)
A Pandemic of Intentional Malfeasance That Cost Millions of Lives. (DrLee4America - America Out Loud - 6/5/2023)
How to Save Your Life and Those You Love When Hospitalized. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - LewRockwell - 8/5/2023)
Florida Surgeon General accuses CDC and FDA heads of ignoring 'many of the risks associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines'. (Alex Nitzberg- The Blaze - 10/5/2023)
The Israeli Survey That Shows the Pfizer Vaccine Hospitalised Hundreds of Times More People Than is Safe – and How it Was Downplayed. (Dr Eyal Shahar - Daily Sceptic - 17/5/2023)
Dr Thomas Binder—Corona Insanity: A remarkable story from a remarkable doctor. (UK Column - video, 70 minutes - 18/5/2023)
How to Manufacture a Pandemic. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 20/5/2023)
The Difference Between Negligence and Homicide a process of thought. (Daniel Nagase - Logical Surprises/Substack - 22/5/2023)
Experts urge suspension of COVID jabs for women of childbearing age over miscarriage data: Taken together, the links to miscarriage, reproductive changes, and declining birth rates raise major red flags about the safety of COVID-19 shots for people of reproductive age. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - LifeSite - 23/5/2023)
State Health Officers Must Be Held to Account. (Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Dr. Stewart Tankersley - America Out Loud - podcast, 57 minutes - 24/5/2023)
Hospital Murder or Conspiracy Theory? You Decide! (Tom Renz - America Out Loud - podcast, 57 minutes - 25/5/2023)
Curing the Corruption of Medicine: Dr Aseem Malhotra's Australian Tour "After the past few years of mandates and now emerging injuries, this topic is crucial and the timing critical." (Julie Sladden - Caldron Pool - 25/5/2023) -> a double-jabbed doctor...
Scott Atlas Heckled at College Commencement Ceremony For Dealing Harsh Truths About Covid. (Auguste Meyrat - The Federalist - 26/5/2023)
L'hydroxychloroquine, un traitement efficace contre la Covid-19 "saboté depuis le début" : "Il faut qu'il y ait une commission parlementaire à ce sujet", entretien avec le Professeur Raoult. (Chloé Lommisan - France-Soir - 26/5/2023)
The Pandemic Is Not COVID; It's a Pandemic of mRNA Technology. (Dr. Paul Alexander - America Out Loud - podcast, 57 minutes - 30/5/2023)
A Note to Legislators About What Ceding Power to the World Health Organisation Really Means. (Dr. David Bell - Daily Skeptic - 30/5/2023)
Dr Martin au Parlement européen – 20 minutes capitales ! Le Covid et sa longue préparation pour un crime contre l'humanité ! (Les moutons enragés - vidéo, 21 minutes + sous-titres français - 31/5/2023)
Primary Crimes Against Humanity — Genocide and Mass Murder. (Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin - America Out Loud - 31/5/2023)
Dr. Naomi Wolf: Pfizer's Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by its Own Documents. (The Vigilant Fox - DailyClout - 1/6/2023) -> "This is a mystery novel in which the question is, how do we stop women from having healthy babies? That's the story of the Pfizer documents."
M. Yeadon: La méthode scientifique ne mène pas à la vérité. Nous sommes dans une bataille pour l'âme. (Profession Gendarme - vidéo sous-titres, 5 minutes - 4/6/2023)
Christian Perronne et Didier Raoult : deux phares dans la nuit d'une pandémie gérée par la peur. (Alain Tranchant - France-Soir - 5/6/2023)
Principled Ontario physician has medical license revoked after standing up to the COVID regime: Dr. Phillips upheld an unwavering and principled stance that COVID-related public health measures were harming patients; his advocacy has ultimately led to the revocation of his medical license. (Tamara Ugolini - RebelNews - 7/6/2023)
"Vaccines Have Been Pulled For Much Less": Dr. Aseem Malhotra Makes Waves in Australia Renewing Call for Withdrawal of Covid Shots. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 8/6/2023)
Crimes et Châtiments - est-ce un crime de soigner les patients et d'informer ? (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - 8/6/2023)
Dr. Paul Alexander : The Silenced Jab Injured Are Committing Suicide. (Kristi Leigh - 8/6/2023)
The Covid Vaccine Did Not Save "Thousands of Lives" in Israel – and Sweden Proves It. (Dr. Eyal Shahar/Medium - Daily Skeptic - 9/6/2023)
'This Is a National Crisis': Japan Orders Investigation Into Covid Jabs As Excess Deaths Skyrocket. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 9/6/2023) - lawsuit filed by Dr. Masanori Fukushima.
This infectious diseases expert and former WHO advisor was attacked and censored during the pandemic 'I realized not at the very beginning, but progressively, that now [the] WHO is completely under control of the pharmaceutical companies, major sponsors,' says Dr. Christian Perronne. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - video, 16 minutes - 11/6/2023)
'Pandemic' is a Massive Medical Scandal Caused by Pharmaceutical Companies Whipping Up Panic, Said European Health Chief – in 2010. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Skeptic - 15/6/2023)
Peter Hotez is a sincere and non-corrupt scientist who has been right about everything in the last three years. (Dr. Simon Goddek - ThreadReader - 18/6/2023) -> Peter Hotez has been spreading lies from the beginning.
If You Thought Covid Vaccines Were Effective Against Serious Disease and Death, Think Again, Says Public Health Expert. (Dr. Eyal Shahar - Daily Skeptic - 22/6/2023)
NHS Conference Cancels Presentation by Risk Expert Professor Norman Fenton Over "Twitter Vaccine Controversy". (Dr. Norman Fenton - Daily Skeptic - 23/6/2023)
De quoi dépend aujourd'hui la vérité (et son message) en sciences médicales ? Des scientifiques français refusent la censure et un monde orwellien. (Gilles Gianni - France-Soir - 30/6/2023)
Without 6 Vaccines Grandparents Threaten Their Grandchildren. (Dr. Bryan Ardis - America Out Loud - 18/7/2023)
David Cartland—The honest doctor who refuses to be silenced. (UK Column - video, 67 minutes - 20/7/2023) -> clearly so many medical personnel have SHUT UP just to keep the paychecks coming in. Fear and intimidation has worked to shut down the great majority of critics...
Excellent entretien de cardiologue Dr Jean Stevens vacciné et victime des effets indésirables vax covid "On nous a menti [..] C'est criminel [..] L'activité de Big Pharma est une activité mafieuse!" (@LEGENERAL_OFF - Twitter - vidéo, 17 minutes - 21/7/2023)
More now known about vaccine-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (VAIDS). (Dr Jochen Ziegler - UK Column - 22/7/2023)
Vaccine skeptic suspects biopharma 'syndicate' had study yanked. (Steve Jordahl - American Family News - 25/7/2023)
Doctor critical of vaccines has personal, business bank accounts abruptly terminated by Chase — executives' accounts also shut down. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 27/7/2023)
Australian GP Sues Pfizer and Moderna Over Unapproved GMOs in mRNA Covid vaccines. (Rebekah Barnett - The Daily Declaration - 1/8/2023)
Conscience de la situation. (James Howard Kunstler/Le Saker Francophone - 2/8/2023) -> avertissements du virologue, Dr Geert Vanden Bossche.
The Cheerleader Who Demanded Lifelong Quarantine for the Unvaccinated Now Admits Nobody Under 50 Should Have Been Vaccinated: What is it that prompts Dr. Stefánsson to come forward now, years after it became abundantly clear how useless the vaccines were and how dangerous to the young and healthy? (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 3/8/2023)
"Les médecins ne sont plus autorisés à remettre en question le récit politique". (Charles Hoffe - France Soir - 4/8/2023) -> Hoffe est un médecin canadien
The Great Face Mask Con. (Dr Roger Watson - Daily Skeptic - 8/8/2023)
Moderna Admits Not Knowing Where mRNA Went in Body or Amount of mRNA in Each Batch - Dr. Byram Bridle. (Glen Jung - Bright Light News - video, 3 minutes - 9/8/2023)
Covid Was a Period of Sheer Insanity. Dr Clare Craig Lays Out Just How Crazy it Was. (Dr Roger Watson - Daily Skeptic - 10/8/2023)
World Renowned Scientists and Physicians Call For Full Ban on RNA Injections. (Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin - America Out Loud - 13/8/2023)
Excess Deaths Persist: "Where Is the Outcry?" "It's the equivalent of a fully laden 747 crashing every week," Kelly tweeted. (Caldron Pool - 14/8/2023)
Canceled doctors have message for their colleagues: 'You have failed Canadians': In an interview with LifeSiteNews at their annual general meeting this July near Toronto, Doctors Mary O'Connor, Mark Trozzi, Chris Shoemaker, and Byram Bridle were asked to state their messages to the medical community – and they did not hold back. (Dorothy Cummings McLean - LifeSite - 14/8/2023)
Academic medicine is covering up cardiac arrests from COVID shots: There is a strong suppression of information on sudden death after vaccination, as Dr. Jane Orient shows. (Dr. Peter McCullough - LifeSite - 15/8/2023)
Bilan de la plandémie Covid-19 et perspectives. (Matière à réflexion - vidéo, 132 minutes - 16/8/2023) -> Interview avec le Dr Stéphane GAYET, médecin infectiologue et hygiéniste
Moderna admet que le "vaccin" contre le Covid a été fourni sans savoir où l'ARNm se propage dans corps. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - Medias Presse Info - 16/8/2023) -> interview avec l'immunologiste canadien Byram Bridle.
Breaking: Dr. Meryl Nass Sues Maine Medical Board Over Suspension, Alleges Board Violated Her First Amendment Right:s Dr. Meryl Nass today filed suit against the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine and its individual members, alleging the board violated her First Amendment rights and her rights under the Maine Constitution. (Brenda Baletti - Children's Health Defense - 17/8/2023)
Dr Jobst Landgrebe—mRNA injections are inherently deadly. (UK Column - video, 78 minutes - 17/8/2023)
Doctor Sues Canadian University for Allegedly Pushing Him Out of Job Over His Covid Opinions. (Adrian Humphreys/National Post - Daily Sceptic - 22/8/2023) -> Dr. Matt Strauss, a former Canadian intensive care doctor, is suing Queen's University
Will Scientific Evidence Ever Silence the Pro-Mask Cult? (Dr. Gary Sidley - Daily Sceptic - 24/8/2023)
Those Doctors Calling for Spreaders of Covid Misinformation to be Punished Should be Careful What they Wish For. Many of their Claims – that the Vaccinated Couldn't Infect Others, For Instance – Turned Out to be False. (Dr. Nigel Wilson - Daily Sceptic - 24/8/2023)
Abandon du soin médical au temps du Covid, balance bénéfice/risque des vaccins : "Là où il y a la peur de parler, il n'y a pas de démocratie", rappelle le Dr Benoît Ochs. (France-Soir - vidéo, 47 minutes - 25/8/2023)
The Covenant of Death: "Pfizer knew that they were killing babies in utero…" The Most Devastating Interview of my Life -- with Dr James Thorp: How HHS Paid Millions to get 1000s of Drs to Damage Women; Hurt, Kill Babies. (Dr. James A. Thorp and Dr. Naomi Wolf - Global Research - 28/8/2023)
Le Pacte de Mort : « Pfizer savait qu'ils tuaient des bébés in utero… ». (James A. Thorp et Naomi Wolf/Mondialisation.ca - Les moutons enragés - 29/8/2023)
Le docteur Mikael Nordfors a rejoint le Valhalla. (Senta Depuydt - Covidhub.ch - 29/8/2023)
Free Speech in Medicine: upholding scientific integrity amid political subversion: The three-day conference will serve as a meeting of the minds to openly discuss contentious topics in medicine and science like transgenderism, the biomedical surveillance state, and harm reduction drug policy. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - vidéo, 12 minutes - 3/9/2023)
Non, le calvaire des personnels soignants suspendus n'est pas fini : "La réintégration, c'est pire que la suspension, moi je l'appelle la désintégration". Entretien avec Jean-Louis, du collectif "Les Essentiels". (Gilles Gianni - France-Soir - 9/9/2023)
Have We Only Seen the Tip of the Iceberg for mRNA Vaccine Harms? (Dr. Jonathan Engler - Daily Sceptic - 9/9/2023)
Top Health Official Urges Public To Avoid 'Deadly' mRNA Boosters Due to VAIDS Outbreak. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 11/9/2023)
Le Pr Henri Joyeux interdit d'exercer la médecine pendant deux ans. (France-Soir/AFP - 11/9/2023)
Top Doctor Warns 'Turbo Cancers' Caused by mRNA Are Set to Kill Billions. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 14/9/2023)
"Not A Good Decision For Young People" - Florida Surgeon-General Snubs FDA 'COVID Boosters-For-All' Guidance. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 15/9/2023)
The Symptom Burden of Post-Covid Vaccine Injury Syndrome Those chronically ill after Covid vaccination present very similarly to Myalgic Encephalitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with the addition of new and disturbing symptomatology. (Pierre Kory's Medical Musings - 16/9/2023)
Ordre des Médecins, ça va mal finir. (La rédaction - AIMSIB - 17/9/2023)
Doctors Finding It Hard To Differentiate Between Covid, Allergies & The Common Cold. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 18/9/2023)
Doctor censored by Biden administration calls out scheme of threats and 'coercion': Social media allows exchange of opinions and 'very powerful people' find that threatening. (Bob Unruh - WND - 21/9/2023)
mRNA in Animals: Roger Meacock, the gentle vet who roars. (UK Column - video, 61 minutes - 21/9/2023)
Cancers Appearing In Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch. (Efthymis Oraiopoulos and Jan Jekielek/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/9/2023)
Dr. Peter McCullough Says the Path Forward Is Clear: "No One" Should "Take Another Shot". (Mac Slavo - Discern Report - 24/9/2023)
Le Dr Karen Devore témoigne des pathologies observées chez les injectés depuis 2 ans ! (Divers/On en parle - CrowdBunker - vidéo, 4 minutes - 24/9/2023)
Top U.S. Government Vaccine Adviser Refuses to Get Latest Covid Shot as He Warns of Long Term Impact of Myocarditis. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 26/9/2023) -> And Dr. Paul Offit used to be a Covid vaccine cheerleader...
Jouissif de voir Didier Raoult donner une putain de leçon de science et de journalisme à Richard Vaccineau
— 🔥Vidoc RonaCO₂🔥 (@Vidoc_Ronaco) October 7, 2023
La naïveté du presstitué de s'être jeté dans la gueule du complotiste🫠
« Vous cherchez à faire de l'audimat, parce que si vous faites pas d'audimat, vous bouffez pas » pic.twitter.com/G58Owjm9tR
Saskatchewan nurse faces disciplinary proceedings over expressing her opinions. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 10/10/2023)
« Cela m'a coupé le souffle ». -Le docteur Drew parle d'une nouvelle étude qui montre que 50 % des jeunes hommes qui ont contracté une myocardite après avoir été vaccinés ont maintenant des lésions cardiaques permanentes et il ne comprend pas pourquoi cela ne fait pas la une des journaux. (Michel Jean-Dominique - Planetes360 - video, 2 minutes - 19/10/2023)
Carl Heneghan's Disgraceful Treatment by the Covid Inquiry. (Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 21/10/2023)
Dr. Ahmad Malik Suspended Without Pay for Warning of Vaccine Side-Effects. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 27/10/2023)
"Nous constatons une tendance continue et inquiétante d'arrêts cardiaques chez les personnes qui ont pris le vaccin", a rapporté vendredi le Dr Peter McCullough, cardiologue de renommée mondiale. (Libertatem/@pasdhypocrisie - X - 3/11/2023)
Navigating Mandatory Flu Vaccination: Implications for Medical Professionals. (Nurse Michele, RN - America Out Loud - podcast, 58 minutes - 3/11/2023)
Doctor who opposed Covid mandates found guilty of 'misinformation' by Ontario physicians board: His lawyer called that an affront to free speech in Canada. (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 6/11/2023)
Le Dr. Amine Umlil écope d'une suspension de trois ans avec un an de sursis, une décision politique alors qu'il n'a fait que son métier. Sa réaction à chaud. (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - 7/11/2023)
Crimes nazis : le « devoir de mémoire » des médecins. (Gènéthique - 9/11/2023)
Saskatchewan nurse receives disciplinary hearing for opposing COVID tyranny: From August to October 2021, Leah McInnes denounced the government's pandemic response, sparking an investigation by the College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan (CRNS) into her off-duty activism. They accused her of spreading 'misinformation' over her dissenting views. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 11/11/2023)
The Declaration That Wasn't Supposed to Happen. (Jeffrey Tucker - The Brownstone Institute - 11/11/2023)
Hippocratic Medicine: What Is It? What Issues Are Defined by the Oath? (Dr. Peter McCullough - America Out Loud - podcast, 58 minutes - 14/11/2023)
Didier Raoult : "Ce que l'on nous a fait subir est immoral et doit cesser". (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - 15/11/2023)
L'écho de la science française à l'International Covid Summit : débats et témoignages engagés sur la pandémie. (France-Soir - vidéo, 36 minutes - 21/11/2023)
Témoignage d'une médecin généraliste autrichienne au sujet des symptômes après vaccination. (@ResilientsTv - X - vidéo, 4 mnutes - 20/11/2023)
It's Time to Shout Down Pro-Vaxxine Zealots. (Dr. Henry Ealy - America Out Loud - podcast, 57 minutes - 30/11/2023)
Virologist: So-called medical 'misinformation experts' are 'often wildly off-base' Self-identified medical 'misinformation experts' are harming lives and careers even as they are often in error themselves, according to Dr. Byram Bridle. (Emily Mangiaracina - LifeSite - 30/11/2023)
"Il y a un lien entre des lots de vaccins Covid-19 et des effets secondaires" (Dr. Vibeke Manniche, PhD, et Max Schmeling). (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - 4/12/2023) -> médecin et statisticien danois
Top Doctors Urge UK Gov't to BAN All Covid Jabs Due to Soaring Deaths. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 6/12/2023)
Unvaccinated B.C. doctor loses appeal to get hospital privileges back On November 16, 2021, Interior Health (IH) terminated Dr. Theresa Szezepaniak for refusing the vaccine under order from Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 6/12/2023)
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo notes 'DNA fragments detected in mRNA COVID shots'. (Alex Nitzberg - Blaze News - 6/12/2023)
Behind The Biggest Nursing Exodus In 40 Years. (Matt McGregor/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/12/2023)
We've Never Seen Dying at This Rate': Critical Care Expert Sounds Alarm on 'Staggering' Excess Deaths in U.S. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 15/12/2023) -> interview with Dr. Pierre Kory
Le docteur Hélène Banoun nous présente son livre "La science face au pouvoir". (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - vidéo, 37 minutes - 16/12/2023)
"Sweden Had No Lockdown and Came Out Better": Anders Tegnell Submits Devastating Evidence to U.K. Covid Inquiry. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 20/12/2023)
Les dangers éternels des vaccins à ARN – Une lettre de mise en garde du Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi et son équipe. (KLA.TV - vidéo, 10 minutes - 22/12/2023) -> autre interview de 2020 avec Sucharit Bhakdi
Suède : chute du taux de natalité suite aux vaccinations Covid. Entretien avec le psychiatre Sven Román. (Xavier Azalbert et Romain Pauc -France-Soir - vidéo, 23 minutes - 25/12/2023)
Dr McCullough : « L'hyper-vaccination » des enfants est probablement à l'origine de l'augmentation de l'autisme et du transgenre. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - Médias-Presse.info - 26/12/2023)
Florida Surgeon General believes when real truth comes out on COVID vaccines, Pfizer will cease to exist… (Revolver - 27/12/2023)
Spare a Thought For the Perma-Masked this Christmas. (Dr. David Livermore - Daily Sceptic - 27/12/2023)
ADN dans les vaccins : les médecins allemands en colère ! L'institut de contrôle sanitaire accusé d'avoir caché l'information et trahi sa mission. (Covidhub_ch - 28/12/2023)
Incohérence dans la gestion de la crise sanitaire : le Dr Benoît Ochs témoigne dans un livre. (Romain - France-Soir - vidéo, 25 minutes - 29/12/2023)
Une médecin dénonce la gestion du Covid à l'hôpital. Entretien avec le Dr. ZL (Partie 1). (Romain Pauc - France-Soir - vidéo, 6 minutes - 3/1/2024)
Florida Surgeon General Calls for a Complete Halt on mRNA Vaccines. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 3/1/2024)
Grand cardiologue : Les partisans de la vaccination sont « complices de crimes contre l'humanité ». (Jade - Aube Digitale - 2/1/2024)
Racism, Anti-Semitism, Genocide, and Eugenics in the COVID Era. (Steven Kritz - The Brownstone Institute - 8/1/2024)
The Propaganda That Is Selective Science. (Lori Weintz/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/1/2024)
Pourquoi un moratoire sur les ARN est urgent et nécessaire. (Martin Zizi - BonsensOrg - vidéo, 75 minutes - 14/1/2024) -> Zizi est professeur de physiologie et Biophysicien, Ancien directeur épidémiologiste du Département de la Défense Belge
Dr Ahmad Malik: Sticks and stones won't break my bones and words will never hurt me. (Debi Evans - UK Column - video, 65 minutes - 16/1/2024)
College drops charges against Alberta doctor who granted Covid vaccine exemptions. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 18/1/2024)
A Critique of the "17 Million Deaths Caused by the Vaccines" Claim. (Dr Tracy Beth Høeg - Daily Sceptic - 22/1/2024)
Ontario doctor vindicated of regulatory witch hunt after denouncing COVID-19 public health measures on social media Allegations of misconduct wagered against Ontario physician Dr. Jean-Marc Benoit were withdrawn by his regulator who alleged that his posts on X during the COVID-19 pandemic were 'disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.' (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 31/1/2024)
Femmes enceintes et vaccin Covid: je ne peux plus me taire! (Jean St-Arnaud - Libre Média - 1/2/2024)
The Truth About the COVID Vaccine Is Finally Becoming Known. (Mark Tapscott - PJMedia - 2/2/2024)
Didier Raoult exige un moratoire sur la vaccination Covid et un retour au traitement des patients. (France-Soir - 2/2/2024)
The Surgeon Struck Off for Publishing Covid "Conspiracy Theories" Shows Our Right to Free Speech is Subject to the Whims of Officials and Judges. (Dr David McGrogan - Daily Sceptic - 5/2/2024)
Government Censorship Threatens Health, Safety, and Scientific Freedom. (Kara Thomas/The Spectator Australia - Daily Declaration - 8/2/2024)
One-third of Canadian doctors and over half of nurses fear COVID-19 vaccine side effects: One individual expressed concern about the speed at which the vaccines were released to the general public, stating that the inoculations were 'developed in a matter of a couple of months that's being handed out like candy.' (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 20/2/2024)
NHS Whistleblower: Gov't Secretly Ordered Millions of Euthanasia Drugs Before Pandemic. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 22/2/2024)
Dr. McCullough Sounds the Alarm on Stunning Act of Censorship by Medical Journal: Retracting a fully peer-reviewed and published analysis on COVID-19 vaccination without adequate justification is an unethical act of scientific censorship. (Dr. Peter McCullough - VNN - 24/2/2024)
Top Cardiologist Reports 47-Fold Increase in Serious Myocarditis Post Covid Vaccinations as He Calls on GMC to Investigate. (The Daily Sceptic - 27/2/2024)
This Senate Panel On The Vaccines Is The Red Pill We've All Been Waiting For: This excellent presentation meticulously breaks down exactly what went awry throughout COVID-19. What everyone needs to know is summarized below. (A MidWestern Doctor - The Forgotten Side of Medicine - 29/2/2024)
Ontario doctor survives regulatory turmoil after questioning risk-benefit of COVID vaccines: Doctor Jean-Marc Benoit has been vindicated by his regulatory body after it withdrew allegations against him based on his social media posts during the peak of COVID-19 hysteria. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 1/3/2024)
Top [Croatian] Pathologist Sounds the Alarm: '52% Increase in Turbo Cancer for Vaxxed'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 6/3/2024)
Dr. Joseph Sansone Files Writ of Mandamus in Florida to Force Gov. DeSantis to Ban Covid "Vaccines". (Ethan Huff/Natural News - Discern Report - 10/3/2024)
Le combat de Robert Béliveau pour la liberté d'expression. (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 14/3/2024)
Un médecin héroïque décède quelques jours après avoir exposé le composant mortel du COVID-Vax. (Peter et Ginger Breggin - America Out Loud - 15/3/2024)
Assisted suicide is the wrong prescription. (Dr Joseph E Marine/Kevinmd - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 15/3/2024)
Dr Martin Kulldorff « remercié » par Harvard pour avoir eu raison – Refuser d'écouter ou croire tout scientifique qui refuse le débat. (France-Soir - 18/3/2024)
Canada : Musk financera les frais de justice d'une soignante réfractaire aux injections COVID. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 25/3/2024)
Elon Musk's X to pay legal costs for Canadian doctor persecuted by Trudeau opposing Covid mandates "We must do whatever we can to protect it, and at X we will always fight to protect your right to speak freely." (Katie Daviscourt - The Post Millennial - 25/3/2024)
« Je préfère mourir plutôt que fermer ma gueule. » Entretien avec Christian Perronne, médecin et spécialiste des virus. (Stéphane Bureau - Contact - podcast, 74 minutes - 26/3/2024)
Virologist Says Imminent New Covid Crisis Among The Jabbed Will Cause Chaos & Collapse Society. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 2/4/2024) -> Belgian virologist Dr Geert Vanden Bossche
As an Epidemiologist, I Could See Straight Away That Covid Was Being Over-Hyped. (Dr. Eyal Shahar - Daily Skeptic - 9/4/2024)
Mayo Clinic argues it has legal right to punish professors for voicing unpopular opinions. (Blake Mauro - The College Fix - 10/4/2024)
Canceled doctor discusses new movie exposing alleged lies about mumps vaccine with BlazeTV's Sara Gonzales. (Cortney Weil - Blaze News - 11/94/2024)
As a Former NHS Doctor, I'm Appalled by the Damage Wrought by the Pandemic Response. (Dr. Colin M. Barron - Daily Skeptic - 12/4/2024)
Fin de vie : « le geste létal d'un médecin rompt un soin, il ne l'achève pas ». (Emmanuel Hirsch - Gènéthique - 15/4/2024)
The Ethical Doctor—David v. Goliath: Dr Charles Hoffe. (UK Column - video, 70 minutes - 16/4/2024)
Local Doctor Issues "Apology Over Covid-19 Vaccination After Pfizer News" But What Was It Really About? Dr Syafiq Nordin apologized on Facebook after recent news regarding Pfizer's 'social media behaviour' in 2020. (Adeline Leong - The Rakyat Post - 22/4/2024)
Globalists programming ChatGPT to "reduce vaccine hesitancy" by parroting public health narratives. (Dr Eddy Bettermann - 23/4/2024)
Who Was Responsible for the "Look Them in the Eyes" Campaign? (Dr Gary Sidley - Daily Skeptic - 24/4/2024)
'PLEASE FORGIVE ME:' Doctor Apologizes For Vaccinating Thousands With 'Dangerous' mRNA. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 25/4/2024) -> A Malaysian doctor speaks up
Excess Deaths In Japan Hit 115,000 Following 3rd COVID Shot; New Study Explains Why. (Joe Wang/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/4/2024)
VIDEO - CHD - Unvaxx husband (William McCallum) killed by hospital protocol (Mar.2024). (Dr. William Makis - Covid Intel - video, 16 minutes - 1/5/2024)
VIDEO - CHD - Unvaxxed best friend killed by hospital protocols (Lupe Espinoza) (March.2024). (Dr. William Makis - Covid Intel - video, 14 minutes - 2/5/2024)
VIDEO - Japanese Oncologist Professor Fukushima condemns mRNA Vaccines as "Evil Practices of Science" (Apr.2024). (Dr. William Makis - Covid Intel - video, 9 minutes - 3/5/2024)
" L'OMS n'a pas agi dans l'intérêt des populations, pourquoi donc lui faire confiance en transférant notre souveraineté sanitaire pour de nouvelles pandémies " - Joseph Tritto. (France-Soir - vidéo, 71 minutes - 3/5/2024)
Almost Half of Health Care Workers Hesitant to Take COVID-19 Boosters: Study. (Naveen Athrappully/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/ Zero Hedge - 4/5/2024) -> Poland health care workers
The Collapse of Medical Ethics During COVID-19. (Dr Alan Mordue - Daily Skeptic - 6/5/2024)
Les leçons du covid-19. (Mohamed Ben Amar - Réinfo Québec - 6/5/2024)
'People like me': Chris Cuomo admits COVID vaccines INJURED MILLIONS, including HIMSELF. (Dave Rubin - Blaze News - 8/5/2024)
Celebrity Doctors Being Paid to Promote Vaccines is Against the Law. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Skeptic - 15/5/2024)
Ontario nurse continues her battle for medical free speech against her regulator Former Registered Practical Nurse Sarah Choujounian has been fighting to vindicate herself from the medical oppression and censorship imposed on her by her regulator, the College of Nurses of Ontario, for over a year. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 21/5/2024)
BC's terminated nurses can get their jobs back IF Bonnie Henry ends her COVID vaccine mandate Nurses terminated for not getting two COVID jabs back in 2021 have learned they will be permitted to get their jobs back only if the province's public health officer rescinds her COVID vaccine mandate by January 31, 2025. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - video, 10 minutes - 28/5/2024)
On the anniversary of his passing: Arne Burkhardt on mRNA vaccines. (UK Column - video, 78 minutes - 30/5/2024)
Pro-Vaccine Doctor Realizes She's Been Injected With Poison. (Sean Miller - Infowars - video, 54 minutes - 31/5/2024)
Chambre disciplinaire Nationale de l'Ordre des Médecins. CDOM 84 contre le Docteur Maudrux. Audience du 3 juin 2024. (Gérard Maudrux - Covid Factuel - 3/6/2024)
Big Lie! H5N1 Bird Flu is NOT 100 X deadlier than COVID-19. (Dr. Bryan Ardis - America Out Loud - podcast, 58 minutes - 4/6/2024)
Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon: 'COVID Jabs Were Designed—Intentionally—to Harm, Maim & Kill, And Reduce Human Fertility'. (Infowars - 12/6/2024)
Dr. McCullough on Bird Flu: "A Perfect Storm is Brewing". (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 13/6/2024)
Losing Your Career for Speaking Truth: This Christian Doctor Needs Your Help. (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 15/6/2024)
Top medical journals were biased towards Zero Covid, studies find. (Kevin Bardosh - UnHerd - 20/6/2024) -> anyone surprised that scientists and science journals can be bought?
Covid-19 Vaccination and Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Disease. (Dr Mike Williams - UK Column - 23/6/2024)
Hundreds of Doctors and Scientists Sign Accord Calling for Suspension and Investigation of mRNA Vaccines. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 5/7/2024)
VIDEO - Former MERCK Whistleblower Brandy Vaughn (Died suspiciously Dec.2020). (Dr. William Makis - Covid Intel - video, 9 minutes - 13/7/2024)
Go Out Swinging: Nurse on a Mission—with Laura Demaray. (UK Column - video, 68 minutes - 16/7/2024) -> Using the guidance set out in Matthew Trewhella's The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, Laura talks of leaving fear at the door and realising the effect of starting to campaign at the lowest levels.
Jab-free healthcare workers speak out against B.C. government overreach: B.C. medical professionals say the compelled disclosure of vaccination status and lack of job security means the recently lifted COVID-19 vaccine mandate wasn't good enough. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 1/8/2024)
FLCCC Media Statement on ABIM Decision. (FLCCC Alliance - 14/8/20224) -> US doctors delicenced for speaking up...
«Ça me donne raison»: Patrick Provost réagit au rapport de l'INSPQ. (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 16/8/2024)
The Government Censored Me and Other Scientists. We are Winning the Battle as We Head to the Supreme Court. The Illusion of Consensus is closely documenting and examining the most important free speech battle of our age. (Jay Bhattacharya - The Illusion of Consensus - 12/9/2024)
Dr Jereth Kok's Tribunal Transcript and the Implications for Free Speech and Religious Freedom in Medicine "If the scientific community isn't watching Dr. Jereth Kok's case closely, it should be." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 14/9/2024)
Florida Health Department WARNS Providers NOT to Inject ANYONE with mRNA Vaccines, Not Even the Elderly: Surgeon General Ladapo issued Florida's updated COVID guidance warning healthcare providers against the use of COVID-19 mRNA injections and advising they warn their patients of their harmful effects. (Karen Kingston - The Kingston Report - 16/9/2024)
Those Published "17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths" Never Happened. (David Gortler, Pharm.D - the Brownstone Institute - 19/9/2024)
Doctor Raises Alarm over 'Epidemic' of Skyrocketing Cancer Cases. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 29/9/2024)
"I'm Glad I Stood Up and Said No": The Medical Ethics Professor Sacked for Standing up to Vaccine Mandates. (Hannes Sarv - Daily Skeptic - 5/10/2024)
Ontario physician stripped of his medical license fights back Former emergency room physician Dr. Mark Trozzi is appealing his college's decision to permanently revoke his medical license after he dared to write vaccine exemptions and express alleged 'unacceptable views.' (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 16 minutes - 7/10/2024)
A eulogy to Dr. Jackie Stone; An extraordinary woman who saved millions. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 8/10/2024)
New Fear Campaign Begins Over Bird Flu; Dr. Peter McCullough Warns 'No One Should Consider The Vax'. (Greg Hunter/USAWatchdog - Zero Hedge - 14/10/2024)
The House report on HHS covid propaganda is devastating. (@DrJBhattacharya - X - 25/10/2024)
Stanford doctor hailed as 'intellectual freedom' leader for challenging gov't on COVID-19. (James Samuel - College Fix - 25/10/2024)
UK surgeon describes new aggressive cancers with a different biology after rollout of covid injections. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 26/10/2024)
Dr Alain Colignon, un médecin qui soigne et résiste aux ordres. (France-Soir - vidéo, 38 minutes - 5/11/2024)
Dr. Kevin Stillwagon: "If You want to push back on an anti-vaxxer? Well, push back on me, Mr. Tedros Gebreyesus. I'm your worst nightmare anti-vaxxer." (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - video, 2 minutes - 9/11/2024)
Dr. Mike Yeadon: The covid "vaccines" were intentionally designed to injure, kill and cause infertility. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - video, 15 minutes - 11/11/2024)
Dr. Peter McCullough: "I have never seen something so injurious to the human body" as covid injections. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - video, 1 minutes - 15/11/2024)
« Les vaccins à ARNm liés à des dommages incroyables » déclare le Pr Angus Dalgleish devant des australiens stupéfiés sur SkyNews. (France-Soir - 26/11/2024)
17,000 Leading Doctors Demand Covid Vaccine Ban and Call For Nuremberg 2.0 Trials. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 29/11/2024)
Everything was a lie from the beginning. (Dr. Richard Urso - The Burning Platform - 1/12/2024)
Renowned Virologist Warns 'Vaccinated People' Face Looming Wave of Death & Disease. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 1/12/2024)
Canadian doctor who was censored over Covid speech appeals to Supreme Court after ruling upholding speech restrictions against her: "This is a case about physicians' Charter-protected right to express themselves without threat of punishment by their regulator." (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 3/12/2024)
Dr. Mike Yeadon's message to Northern Irish politicians: Speak out because if you don't the consequences are terrifying. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - video, 9 minutes - 6/12/2024)
More Than 100 Million Fully Jabbed Americans Now Suffer From Irreversible Heart Damage: Dr. Thomas Levy. (Ethan Huff - Natural News - 6/12/2024)
Quand la vaccination devient dogmatisme et mercantilisme. (Bernard Massie - Libre Média - 10/12/2024)
Disaster Caused by Medical Journal Censorship. (Dr. Pierre Kory - Brownstone Institute - 14/12/2024)
Key Figures From "Thank You Dr. Fauci" Lead The Quest For COVID-19 Accountability. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 16/12/2024)
Covid Dissident Doctor William Bay Exonerated, Suspension Overturned. (Rebekah Barnett - The Daily Declaration - 17/12/2024) -> regarding a Queensland doctor
La propagande vaccinale ne craint ni le mensonge ni le ridicule. (Dr Gérard Delépine - Profession Gendarme - 27/12/2024)
Covid Vaccine Critic Doctor Barred From Medicine. (Dr Copernicus - Daily Skeptic - 11/1/2025)