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Les technocrates du système médical jouent à l'oracle
-> prédictions de nouvelles maladies
Medical Technocrats Play the Oracle
-> It was never about "The Science"...

Le technocrate est devenu l'intermédiaire indispensable entre le peuple et la divinité. À l'instar du prêtre d'antan, il détient la clé du tabernacle d'où il extrait de temps à autre, pour la distribuer, I'hostie, ces bribes du divin qui laissent le fidèle sur sa faim. L'hostie représente le savoir, la compréhension, la communication, l'illusion d'un accès au pouvoir. Et le tabernacle demeure ce qu'il a toujours été: le refuge caché de ce savoir qui fait du secret l'une des clés du pouvoir moderne*.
(John Ralston Saul - 1993 - Les bâtards de Voltaire: la dictature de la raison en Occident. pp. 27-28)

L'homme pervers, l'homme inique, marche la fausseté dans la bouche; Il cligne des yeux, parle du pied, fait des signes avec les doigts; La perversité est dans son coeur, Il médite le mal en tout temps, Il excite des querelles. Aussi sa ruine arrivera-t-elle subitement; Il sera brisé tout d'un coup, et sans remède.
(Proverbes 6: 12-15)

There is no God but Science and Fauci is His messenger... (David Klinghoffer - 2020)

L'immense majorité des scientifiques est tout à fait prête à accepter ce rôle de prêtres et de grands prêtres de la religion dominante d'aujourd'hui. Plus que n'importe qui, ils en sont imbus, et cela d'autant plus qu'ils sont plus haut situés dans la hiérarchie scientifique. Ils réagiront à toute attaque contre cette religion, ou l'un de ses dogmes, ou l'un de ses sous-produits, avec toute la violence émotionnelle d'une élite régnante aux privilèges menacés. Ils font partie intégrante des pouvoirs en place quels qu'ils soient, auxquels ils s'identifient intimement et qui tous s'appuient fortement sur leurs compétences technologiques et technocratiques.
Alexandre Grothendieck (1971) La nouvelle église universelle, tiré de (Auto)critique de la science. (pp. 40-50) Seuil Paris 1975 310 p. Lévy-Leblond, J.M. et Jaubert, A. (éds.)


Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents

'A Variant Worse Than Delta': Fauci Dials Fear to 11 As Emerging 'Lambda' Strain Appears More Resistant to Vaccine. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 4/8/2021)

Fauci annonce un nouveau variant cet hiver. (Le Courrier des Stratèges - 6/10/2022)

It Isn't Cognitive Dissonance; It's Doublethink. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson/From Symptoms to Causes Substack - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 13/11/2022)

Covidians Not again! (Summit News - 10 minutes - 4/1/2023)

The ideology of lockdown lingers on: We're still being pressured to suspend our freedom for 'the greater good'. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 4/1/2023)

The bougiecrats descend into mass psychosis. (Toby Rogers - uTobian - 5/1/2023)

Tim Robbins Says COVID Has Become a "New Religion" "It's dogmatic, it's absolute." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 5/1/2023)

Fear of Covid Is the Opiate of the People. (Mark Oshinskie - Brownstone Institute - 6/1/2023)

Right or Wrong, I am Sticking with What I Believe. (Todd Hayen - Off Guardian - 14/1/2023)

Martha Stewart: 'Unvaccinated Citizens Should Be Executed'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 19/1/2023)

How to Be Featured in "The Australian": How did this article pass into the mainstream media despite its heresies? (Robert Brennan - Caldron Pool - 1/2/2023)

Abp. Viganò: The globalist New World Order has the marks of the 'antichurch of Satan': Those who do not accept the anti-Gospel of Davos are ipso facto heretics and must therefore be punished, excommunicated, separated from the social body, and considered public enemies. (Carlo Maria Viganò - LifeSite - 17/2/2023)

Unmasking Prejudice? Professor Denounces Maskless People As "Racist, Ableist, And Classist". (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 27/2/2023)

Quadruple vaccinated Queensland woman claims to be on her tenth Covid infection, hopes more vaccine doses will save her. (Eugyppius - a Plague Chronicle - 10/7/2023)

The Religion of Masking. (Gwendolyn Kull/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 16/9/2023)

Les anciens dieux sont-ils revenus ? (Naomi Wolf - Vigilance Pandémie - 19/9/2023)

No Pandemic Amnesty: A reckoning is required. (Brad - Euphoric Recall - 7/11/2023 )-> The consensus was always religious in character, and the pandemic was a case study in authoritarian religiosity: Blind allegiance to conventional beliefs about right and wrong, respect for submission to acknowledged authority, and a tendency to project one's own feelings of inadequacy, rage, and fear onto a scapegoated group.

Just In Time, They Are Really Ramping Up The Fear For 3 Different Very Frightening Diseases. (Michael Snyder - The Most Important News - 27/8/2024)

« Aucune justification » : un groupe sud-africain de défense des victimes des vaccins met en garde contre le vaccin Mpox. (Children's Health Defense - Les moutons enragés - 23/8/2024)

Bird flu mania sets the stage for COVID 2.0. (Daniel Horowitz - Blaze News - 5/8/2024)

Bird Flu: They Fooled us Once. Looks Like They'll Try to Fool Us Again. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 22/7/2024)

The Year We Lost Our Common Sense, Courage And Civil Liberties. (Technocracy - 29/12/2020) -> On October 18, 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, together with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted the incredibly visionary Event 201, an exercise that simulated the outbreak of a pandemic "transmitted from bats to people that eventually becomes…transmissible from person to person." The simulation proved to be so uncannily similar to the real thing that started just three months later – from imagining a dramatic drop in air travel and business, to breaks in the global supply chain – that Johns Hopkins eventually felt compelled to release a statement saying their exercise was not intended to be a prophecy of future events.

Covid Will Become A 'Seasonal Virus' Like Flu' Says CDC Director. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 9/3/2022)

WHO Chief Tedros Warns H5N1 Bird Flu Could Jump to Humans, Spark Next Pandemic: Are the globalists ready to move onto the next phase of the Great Reset? (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 9/2/2023)

WHO Warns 'Billions Will Die' in Upcoming Bird Flu Pandemic. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 25/2/2023)

Cérémonie d'ouverture satanique PRÉMONITOIRE ?? des jeux olympiques de Barcelone de 1992. (Pascale Besse - Twitter - vidéo, 2 minutes - 26/2/2023)

Video: Fauci Promises That "There Will Absolutely be an Outbreak of Another Pandemic": "It may be next year". (Steve Watson - Summit News 7/4/2023)

Prepare for a Disease "Even Deadlier" than Covid, WHO Chief Warns. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 23/5/2023)

Scientists Warn Climate Change Could Unleash 'Zombie Viruses'. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 5/6/2023)

Next Pandemic Could be "Even Deadlier than Covid", Government Adviser Warns. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 6/7/2023) -> UK Professor Mark Woolhouse plays the oracle... How much was he paid to spout this fear-mongering??

WHO Declares Mass Vaccination Required to Combat Effects of Climate Change. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 26/8/2023) -> Mass vaccinations will soon be required to deal with the effects of climate change including the threat of diseases spread by mosquitoes migrating to new regions, according to the Bill Gates-funded World Health Organization.

Canadian doctors warn of 'tripledemic' this flu season: On August 24, Toronto Public Health's associate medical officer of health, Dr. Vinita Dubey told the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) to expect a 'triple threat' of respiratory viruses again this season. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 31/8/2023)

Sean Penn Says Covid Was a 'Mandatory Rehearsal For Things to Come'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 2/9/2023)

WHO Sounds Alarm Over "Concerning" Covid Wave Coming This Winter With "Increasing Deaths". (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 9/9/2023)

When You See a Snake…Like Covid. (Jeff Dover - News With Views - 10/9/2023)

Transparency under attack as Health Canada accused of misleading Canadians with COVID-19 messaging: Amid disclosures of once top-secret COVID-19 vaccine contracts between Pfizer and various countries, Health Canada's possibly deceptive promotion of safety and efficacy leaves at least one lawyer questioning how this hinders the agency's credibility. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 15/9/2023)

WEF Scientists Brag Next Pandemic Will 'Kill Billions'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 5/11/2023) -> WEF/NIAID scientists such as Michael Norris, Ph.D., assistant professor at the University of Toronto, Paul Duprex, a virologist at the University of Pittsburgh and Benhur Lee, a virologist at Mount Sinai's Icahn School of Medicine

WHO Says We Need to Prepare For Deadly Mosquito-Borne Disease. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 7/11/2023)

Gates Foundation Insider Boasts BILLIONS Will Die In 2024 Plandemic. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 25/11/2023)

Just in Time for Election: 'Charlatan' Dr. Peter Hotez Now Claims that Experts Are Predicting 'Disease X' is Coming Which Will Be '20 Times' Worse than COVID-19. (Jim Hᴏft - The Gateway Pundit - 29/11/2023)

Le nouveau variant du Covid-19 peut-il gâcher les fêtes de fin d'année ?
(Sud Radio - YouTube - 14 minutes - 13/12/2023)
André Bercoff avec le Professeur Didier Raoult, microbiologiste et directeur de l'IHU Marseille.

Setting The Stage: "Disease X" A propaganda campaign timeline. (Noor Bin Ladin - Substack - 16/1/2024)

Americans Yawn at CDC Warnings About 'Tripledemic'. (Stephen Green - PJMedia - 18/12/2023)

'Experts' Say New COVID Strain Will Cause Global "Heart Failure Pandemic". (Paul Joseph Watson/Modernity - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 30/12/2023) -> more bullshit predictions

Emergency Live Broadcast: UN/WEF Warn The Planet That Arrival of Disease X is Imminent — Alex Jones Exposes The Truth! (InfoWars - 14/1/2024)

Amid elites' talk of 'Disease X,' Chinese lab debuts mutant coronavirus with 100% kill rate in humanized mice: Having faced no meaningful repercussions over COVID-19, scientists in China continue to conduct dangerous experiments on coronaviruses. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 17/1/2024)

Johns Hopkins Wargames Disease X Killing 150 Million People, Collapsing Government: Remember when everything goes to Hell, you were warned and had a chance to prepare! (Alex Jones - InfoWars - video, 19 minutes - 17/1/2024)

La maladie X s'invite au World Economic Forum de Davos. (Trina Banderas - France-Soir - 17/1/2024)

Disease X and the Corrupt Lancet: The globalists launch their new weapon to take over the world. (Dr. Robert Malone - 17/1/2024)

Science by Making Things up: Expert Hubris & Disease X. (William M Briggs - Science Is Not The Answer - 18/1/2024)

WHO Director Who Predicted COVID Says 'Disease X' is Coming: Wants more power for WHO, warns against conspiracy theorists who say WHO wants more power. (Paul Joseph Watson - Modernity - 19/2/2024)

It's Never Wrong to be Wrong When You're Christian Drosten. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 20/3/2024) -> Drosten, the German teflon technocrat oracle...

Prophétie du Dr Geert Vanden Bossche. (Profession Gendarme - 7/4/2024)

Bird Flu, Censorship & 100 Day Vaccines: 7 Predictions for "The Next Pandemic". (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 19/4/2024)

Trump's CDC Director: Gain of Function Research Will Cause Bird Flu Pandemic With 25-50% Mortality Rate: "The recipe for how to make bird flu highly infectious for humans is already out there." (Daily Wire - 16/6/2024)

Bird Flu Pandemic Just "A Question of When", Says Ex-CDC Director: Robert Redfield was speaking to US network NewsNation on June 14. (Laura Simmons - IFLscience - 17/6/2024)

What's the Purpose of All the Bird Flu Fearmongering? There is a growing sentiment of fear being pushed on us surrounding a disease that has not had much of an impact on humans... yet. (JD Rucker - The Discern Report - 17/6/2024)

Former director of the CDC predicts the next pandemic will be from bird flu: While mortality from Covid-19 was 0.6 per cent, Robert Redfield says bird flu mortality likely to be 'somewhere between 25 and 50 per cent'. (Gustaf Kilander - Independent - 17/6/2024)

Comment (et pourquoi) la grippe aviaire est sur le point d'entrer dans la phase des tests de masse. (Kit Knightl/OffGuardian - Nouveau-Monde - 19/6/2024)

Is Trump's Former CDC Director Working on a Bird Flu Vaccine with Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturer? (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 30/6/2024)

Grippe aviaire : la prochaine pandémie annoncée ? (Hélène Banoun - AIMSIB - 30/6/2024)

Fausse panique autour du H5N1 : l'administration Biden verse 176 millions de dollars à Moderna pour un vaccin ARNm. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 3/7/2024)

Why is BioNTech Expecting Pandemic-Level Vaccine Sales in the Autumn? (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 16/7/2024)

Pandemic 2.0: FDA to Grant Emergency Use Authorization (EUA): For mRNA Bird-Flu Shots (Just Like What Happened With COVID). (Ethan Huff/NaturalNews - Zero Hedge - 28/7/2024)

Lancement d'une nouvelle initiatitve destinée à accélérer la mise au point d'un vaccin à ARNm contre la grippe aviare humaine (H5N1)
(Oliv Oliv - YouTube - 2 minutes - 1/8/2024)

New COVID vaccine approved by FDA for emergency use, but there's no emergency: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a new COVID-19 vaccine for babies as young as six months old through emergency use authorization — in the absence of an actual emergency — citing unsupported claims it reduces hospitalizations and deaths. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 28/8/2024) -> no doubt, they'll come up with an "emergency"...