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It is an interesting weird world… Companies like Facebook and Apple, are somewhat cultish. And I don't mean that in necessarily a bad way… You have to have a religious faith in what the company is doing. Because often there are real doubts about whether the company can succeed. And it's a motivating factor.
(Antonio García Martínez - UnHerd - 2021)
"About 10 years ago we had one of our most important insights. That was that the PC was going to become the hub of your digital life." That model Mr Jobs said has broken down as mobile devices became more powerful"All these new devices have communications built into them and they can talk to the cloud whenever they want. Now if I get something on my iPhone, it sends to the cloud immediately. We are going to demote the PC to just be a device. We are going to move the digital hub, the centre of your digital life, into the cloud."
Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveils the unveiled the iCloud service at the company's annual developers' conference in San Francisco.That means software updates will be delivered over the internet. There will be no need to plug an iOS device like your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad into the PC or Mac to activate it. Photos, music, documents, e-mail, contacts and so on will be automatically synced and backed up to the cloud. "It just works," said Mr Jobs as iCloud stores your content and wirelessly pushes it to all your devices.
La question se pose, sera t-on assez naïfs et imbéciles pour embarquer dans cette galère?? Évidemment Apple n’est pas le premier à avoir pensé au "Cloud computing", mais il semble en position de pouvoir l’imposer... Évidemment, il y aura des "bugs" de sécurité, mais on peut penser que ça sera "réglé". Ces trucs me ouvrent la porte à la tentation de contrôle de plus en plus poussée des réseaux et des agissements individuels.
And about Tim Cook: "Instead of making users more aware of what AI is doing for them, he sees a future where it handles tasks transparently, like remembering where your car is parked, or suggesting songs you'll likely enjoy." and also telling us what to think???? (Gamet 2016)
Apple Nukes End-to-End Encryption In UK After Refusing to Give Backdoor Access. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 21/2/2025) -> The UK Stasi demands total surveillance...
Données personnelles : La Ligue des droits de l'Homme porte plainte contre Apple. (France-Soir - 20/2/2025)
Vie privée et protection des données : Londres exige d'Apple de lui fournir un accès aux données stockées sur son cloud. (France-Soir - 10/2/2025)
The UK Just Ordered Apple to Kill Encryption for 2 Billion People—And They Can't Even Talk About It - A global privacy nightmare is unfolding. (Sayer Ji - ThreadReader - 8/2/2025)
Apple Ordered to Provide UK Gov't Access to All User Data On The Cloud. (Ken Silva/Headline USA - Zero Hedge - 8/2/2025)
Une plainte déposée contre Apple pour surveillance illégale des employés. (France-Soir - 5/12/2024)
Elon Slams Apple's Farcical "AI" Launch, Says Will Ban Tim Cook's "Creepy Spyware" Devices If They Integrate OpenAI. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 11/6/2024)
Apple has declared war on our humanity: The new iPad Pro ad presents a dystopian vision of a fully digitised society. (Simon Evans - Spiked - 9/5/2024)
Telegram Founder Says Apple & Google More Dangerous Than Governments. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 17/4/2024)
iDisaster: Apple in Talks to Integrate Google's Ultra Woke Gemini AI in iPhones. (Lucas Nolan - Breitbart - 18/3/2024)
Apple Vision Pro Is Sleepwalking Us Into Our Dystopian Future. (Pamela Danziger - The Federalist - 9/2/2024) -> how do you define "insane"? Someone disconnected from reality??
White House Orders Apple to Censor 'Non-Mainstream' Messages in Users Texts. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 7/2/2024)
In Lieu of Spending $3500 on Apple Vision Pro, Man Just Puts Sign On His Face That Says 'I Am A Complete Tool'. (BabylonBee - 4/2/2024) -> satire...
Apple Quietly Changes Policy, Search Warrant Now Required to Send Certain Customer Data to Law Enforcement. (Stephen Katte/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/12/2023) -> so before that Apple was quietly doing what??
Apple Reveals Governments Use App Notifications to Surveil Users. (Ken Macon/Reclaim The Net - Discern Report - 7/12/2023)
Apple Will Curb Your Internet Freedom Until Congress Crushes Its Monopoly: Apple has consistently proven itself to be driven by greed and a dangerous political agenda. (Caleb Larson - The Federalist - 19/9/2023)
Apple's creepy new climate change ad proposes killing all of us to "save the planet"… (Revolver - 14/9/2023)
Apple says AI is 'virtually embedded in every product,' dispelling concerns company is falling behind in tech race. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 8/8/2023)
Apple's New 'Mixed-Reality' Headset Is Designed To Isolate And Control You. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 7/6/2023)
Apple Begins Blocking 'Non-Compliant' Users From Withdrawing Cash From Bank Accounts. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 5/6/2023)
Apple Investigated for 'Planned Obsolescence': French authorities are probing the tech giant for allegedly rendering its old iPhones unrepairable. (RT - InfoWars - 16/5/2023)
Apple Removes Decentralized Twitter-Like App Damus From Chinese App Store. (Aldgra Fredly/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 6/2/2023)
FBI Document Says the Feds Can Get Your WhatsApp Data — in Real Time A previously unreported FBI document obtained by Rolling Stone reveals that "private" messaging apps WhatsApp and iMessage are deeply vulnerable to law-enforcement searches. (Andy Kroll - Rolling Stone - 29/11/2022) -> While Apple describes iCloud as an encrypted service, it comes with a giant loophole. Apple holds an encryption key that can unlock user data in iCloud, and so police departments or federal agencies can request that key with a search warrant or a customer's consent to access certain user data.
F**k Apple! (Paul Joseph Watson - InfoWars - 8 minutes - 29/11/2022)
Apple's Diabolical Plan to Control The Ads. (Jack Raines/Young Money - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/8/2022)
Major Security Flaw Gives Hackers Admin Access to Most Apple Products. (The American Journa/InfoWars - 19/8/2022)
Apple Lobbies Corporate World to Denounce Bills Protecting Children from Body-Altering Procedures. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 4/4/2022)
How to Make Sure Your Phone Isn't Keeping Recordings of Everything You Say: If you're not careful, Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri and Google's Assistant may be saving your every word. Here's how to delete that personal data. (David Nield - Gizmodo - 18/3/2022)
WHO moving foward on GLOBAL vaccine passport program: Tech giants and US gov't co-operate on "SMART Health Cards", and their use is spreading across the US…& maybe the world. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 1/3/2022)
Apple Wants Future iPhones to Read Your Face to Decide if You Are Depressed. (Lucas Nolan - Breitbart - 21/9/2021)
The All-Seeing "i": Apple Just Declared War On Your Privacy. (Edward Snowden/Continuing Ed - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/8/2021)
"This Is About Control, Not Children": Eric Weinstein Calls Out Apple's Virtuous Pedo-Hunter Act. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 8/8/2021)
Are The Tech Giants Afraid of Something? (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 6/8/2021)
'Privacy Company' Apple Plans to Monitor All US iPhones For Evidence of Child Porn. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/8/2021)
Despite 'Uncompromising Commitment to Security And User Privacy,' Apple Is Handing Over Data to China. (Ian Haworth - DailyWire - 28/5/2021)
Apple allows Chinese government to control Chinese users' data, investigation reveals. (Rebel News - 19/5/2021)
Apple is not your friend: Its claim to be the saviour of our privacy is self-serving nonsense. (Andrew Orlowski - Spiked - 28/4/2021)
Apple refuses to let Parler back on its App Store 'until it complies with the guidelines': 'There is no place for hateful, racist, discriminatory content on the App Store.' (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 10/3/2021)
Apple Judge Rejects Suit Claiming Siri Serial Eavesdropping. (Malathi Nayak - Bloomberg - 10/2/2021)
You Don't Really Want an Apple Car Apple is already everything you currently hate about car companies. (Aaron Gordon - VISE - 5/2/2021)
Just Whose Coup Is It, Anyway? (Patrick Wood - Technocracy - 13/1/2021) -> Trump banned and Parler destroyed...
A lockdown of the mind: Big Tech wants us to outsource all our thinking to the authorities. (Emma Webb - Spiked - 13/1/2021)
The cancellation of Parler: Apparently any free-speech alternative to Big Tech can and will be crushed. (Tom Slater Spiked - 11/1/2021)
Apple threatens Parler: Moderate or You’re Out. (Ashe Schow - DailyWire - 9/1/2021)
Parler removed from Google Play Store, threatened by Apple for lack of speech moderation: The alternative social media site is being accused of 'fostering calls to violence' in wake of Capitol attack. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 8/1/2021)
Apple Punished Employee for Approving App That Was Critical of Beijing, Lawsuit Alleges. (DigiLoyd - 28/12/2020)
Apple Spyware in macOS Big Sur Cannot be Disabled (“sneak.berlin: Your Computer Isn’t Yours”). (Digilloyd - 27/11/2020)
NYT: Google and Apple Formed Agreement to Control the Internet. (Lucas Nolan - Breitbart - 26/10/2020)
Apple T2 Chip: Unfixable Security Flaw that Gives Attacker Full Control. (Digilloyd - 6/10/2020)
Rollout of Canada's 'COVID Alert' app criticized over download requirements: The app requires users to have Apple or Android phones made in the last five years, and a relatively new operating system. (Nick Wells - National Post - 3/8/2020)
Apple, Google’s Covid-19 Tool Gives Health Authorities More Data. (Mark Gurman and Gerrit De Vynck - Bloomberg - 20/5/2020)
Beware the Lofty Promises of Covid-19 'Tracker' Apps: A popular symptom-tracking app made a splash for its surprising discoveries. But a deeper look at the data calls those findings into question. (Kaiser Fung - Wired - 13/5/2020)
Coronavirus: Apple-Google Contact Tracing Tech Picks Up Steam as Germany Buys In. (Lucas Nolan - Breitbart - 27/4/2020)
Privacy Experts: Google and Apple's Chinese Virus Tracing Technology Could Be Abused. (Lucas Nolan - Breitbart - 17/4/2020)
Apple et Google vont vous tracer. (Bladi.net - 12/4/2020)
Apple and Google to launch coronavirus contact-tracing software on billions of cellphones. (Aaron Colen - The Blaze - 10/4/2020)
Apple, Google Join Forces to Create Free Tools For Coronavirus Tracking. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 10/4/2020)
Many popular iPhone apps secretly record your screen without asking: And there's no way a user would know. (Zack Whittaker - TechCrunch - 10/4/2020)
Can you Trust Apple with Anything at All? Claimed 0-Day Exploit for Stealing Every Password in Your Keychain on macOS Mojave and earlier macOS. (Diglloyd - 4/2/2019)
New Site Exposes How Apple Censors Apps in China. (Ryan Gallagher - The Intercept - 1/2/2019)
Tim Cook vs Franklin Graham : Ne vous y trompez pas le web n'est plus l'espace de liberté qu'il était. (Infochrétienne - 13/12/2018)
Apple quietly implements "trust scores" based on users' phone data. (Teri Webster - The Blaze - 21/9/2018)
Adware Doctor, l'anti-malware du Mac app Store qui vole les historiques de navigation. (Arnaud - Slice42 - 7/9/2018)
Mac Adware Tool Sends Your Data to China. (The Mac Observer - 7/9/2018)
Google and Apple's Systems to Track you in Person: What the Media Isn't Telling You. (Michael Kwet - CounterPunch - 6/9/2018)
Apple Tries to Stop Developers From Sharing Data on Users' Friends. (Sarah Frier & Mark Gurman - Bloomberg - 12/6/2018)
Turning Off Significant Locations on Your Mac. (Melissa Holt - Mac Observer - 1/6/2018)
Apple frequently forced to give customer iCloud data to police. (Ed Hardy - Cult of Mac - 25/5/2018)
Is Apple really better about privacy? Here's what we found out. (Jefferson Graham - USA Today - 18/4/2018)
Apple, Verizon Continue to Lobby Against The Right to Repair Your Own Devices. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 1/2/2018)
Apple announces effortless solution bringing health records to iPhone: Health Records Brings Together Hospitals, Clinics and the Existing Health App to Give a Fuller Snapshot of Health. (Apple - 24/1/2018) [Blind Trust: give all your health data to Apple]
Apple is sharing your face with apps. That's a new privacy worry. (Geoffrey A. Fowler - The Washkington Post - 30/11/2017)
iOS Camera Permission Lets Apps Take Photos Without Telling You. (Ryan Whitwam - ExtremeTech - 30/10/2017)
How to Stop iOS Apps From Secretly Spying Through Your Camera. (Patrick Lucas Austin - LifeHacker - 26/10/2017)
The five biggest questions about Apple's new facial recognition system: Can police use facial recognition to unlock your phone? (Russell Brandom - The Verge - 12/9/2017)
Rotten Apple: Tech CEOs like Apple's Tim Cook offer no quarter to conservatives in U.S. legislatures, but, with billions in profits on the line, they collaborate with dictators in China. (June Cheng - WorldMag - 2/9/2017)
iOS 11's blue bar will shame apps that overzealously access your location. (Sarah Perez - TechCrunch - 26/6/2017)
Apple iPhone Secretly Uploading Call Logs when iCloud is Enabled? (Lloyd Chambers NewsBlog - 18/11/2017)
Apple Uploading Call Data, Including From Third-Party Call Apps, To Users' iCloud Accounts. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 17/11/2016)
Apple Has Plans for Better AI, Cashless Society. (Jeff Gamet - Mac Observer - 17/10/2016)
Apple exec reveals how your iPhone data is used to improve Maps. (Buster Hein - Cult of Mac - 10/8/2016)
New Apple Patent Could Stop You From Taking Photos and Videos at Concerts. (Royel Edwards - Gizmodo - 28/6/2016)
Apple complies with greater proportion of US data demands. (Kevin Rawlinson - BBC - 19/4/2016)
If FBI Can Get Into A Device Running iOS 9, Why Does It Say It Still Needs Apple's Help To Get Into One Running iOS 7? (TechDirt - Mike Masnick - 29/3/2016)
The Crypto Wars Redux. (DigiLloyd - 26/2/2016)
Alternate Titles: Apple Now Looking To Close The Backdoor The FBI Discovered. (TechDirt - Mike Masnick - 25/2/2016)
No, The FBI Does Not 'Need' The Info On Farook's iPhone; This Is Entirely About The Precedent. (TechDirt - Mike Masnick - 22/2/2016)
Siri is always listening. Are you OK with that? (Lisa Eadicicco - BusinessInsdier - 9/9/2015)
Spotlight Builds in a Feature Spammers Could Only Dream About. [OSX] (Diglloyd - 2015)
Apple wants to know more about your listening habits. (Mikael Ricknäs - MacWorld - 21/1/2015)
Troubling Precedent: Apple Pushes Security Update Without User Permission (NTP Security Flaw). (Diglloyd - 2014)
The Implications of a Centralized App Store and Centralization in General: Single Point of Failure. (Diglloyd - 2013)
Apple holds the master decryption key when it comes to iCloud security, privacy: While your iCloud data is relatively safe from hackers, Apple has a master key …. (Chris Foresman - ArsTechnica 2012)
Why the key to Apple's future is in the clouds. (Michael Gartenberg, Macworld - 2012)
Apple Support Allowed Hacker Access to Reporter's iCloud Account. (Macrumors - 2012)
Apple boss Steve Jobs shows off iCloud service. (BBC - 6/6/2011)