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Le Cloud Computing.

(données sur serveurs et synchonisation de données entre appareils)

La propagande techno la plus récente nous affirme que:

"Cloud computing is a natural evolution of the widespread adoption of virtualization, autonomic, and utility computing. Details are abstracted from end-users, who no longer have need for expertise in, or control over, the technology infrastructure "in the cloud" that supports them.
Cloud computing is an economical solution for those looking at business agility within limited resources."

On exploite énormément de ce type de verbiage techno pour jeter la poudre aux yeux des usager et les distraire de ce qu'ils peuvent perdre dans ce marché de cons... Et les promoteurs de cette technologie vont évidemment accuser leurs critiques de vouloir "freiner le progrès" et tenter de retourner la planète à l'âge de pierre. Je me méfie comme de la peste lorsque les gens nous affirment que les usagers "doivent" se plier à ceci ou cela ou encore que tel ou tel truc est inévitable... Sans doute c'est que l'on souhaite... Ça me semble TRES louche. Pourquoi serai-ce "nécessaire"? "Nécessaire" à qui et pourquoi? Et je me méfie de telles affirmations même si c'est de la part d'Apple, ma compagnie d'ordis favorite... Sur cette question de "l'inévitabilité" du cloud computing, Richard Stallman, fondateur du GNU et guru du logiciel libre, affirme (2008):

"It's stupidity. It's worse than stupidity: it's a marketing hype campaign," he told The Guardian. "Somebody is saying this is inevitable – and whenever you hear somebody saying that, it's very likely to be a set of businesses campaigning to make it true."
His comments echo those made last week by Larry Ellison, the founder of Oracle, who criticised the rash of cloud computing announcements as "fashion-driven" and "complete gibberish".

Évidemment il y a des avantages pour l’usager dans ce genre de synchronisation de données. Pour ceux qui utilisent régulièrement un Iphone, je comprends l’intérêt de la chose, mais dans le cas d’un laptop ou un desktop il a été possible autrefois de faire la synchronisation sans l’intermédiaire d’un serveur Apple/MicroSoft/Google.



Three critiques of cloud computing. [Reliability, Control, Security] (Minutiae, et al - October 25, 2008)

There are three main reasons why I’m luke warm on cloud computing. Cloud computing requires the user to depend upon a machine, run by someone else, whose only connection to him is through the internet. Cloud computing means sending to and storing data on a server that you don’t control, and whose security measures you cannot be sure of. Cloud computing also has the potential of being less secure than traditional desktop computing.

Beware of the Cloud - Don't trust the Cloud. No, not that one, the other one. (John Glynn - The American Spectator - 7/7/2019)

Microsoft sues US government over secret data requests. (Dave Lee - BBC - 14/4/2016)

Not OK, Google. (Natasha Loma - Tech Crunch - 5/10/2016)
At its hardware launch event in San Francisco yesterday, Alphabet showed the sweeping breadth of its ambition to own consumers  personal data, as computing continues to accelerate away from static desktops and screens, coalescing into a cloud of connected devices with the potential to generate far more data  and data of a far more intimate nature  than ever before.

The 'Cloud' is DEFINITELY a Huge and Tempting Target for Hackers. (Diglloyd - 2014)

The Implications of a Centralized App Store and Centralization in General: Single Point of Failure. (Diglloyd - 2013)

Why the key to Apple's future is in the clouds. (Michael Gartenberg, Macworld - 2012)

Google Drive: Half-Baked Cloud, With Scary License. (Network Computing - 2012)

Microsoft Boosts SkyDrive Software, Storage: SkyDrive, Windows' free personal cloud storage service, now appears as regular files and folders on Windows and Mac, just like Dropbox.. (Network Computing - 2012)

Apple holds the master decryption key when it comes to iCloud security, privacy: While your iCloud data is relatively safe from hackers, Apple has a master key …. (Chris Foresman - ArsTechnica 2012)

Ce que pense Stallman de Chrome OS et du Cloud Computing. (Framablog - 2011)

Internet Privacy: Control Your Computing Before It Controls You. (Richard Stallman - A Commentary - 07/19/2011 Spiegel Online).

Criticism Abounds, but Cloud Computing Is Here to Stay. (Tom Gillis - CISCO Blogs - 2011)

Are there criminals hiding in the cloud?: Following the exposure of the Sony PlayStation 3 security flaws - and with so much of our data stored online - are we making it too easy for criminals to get hold of our information? (Hudson - BBC - 2011)

Richard Stallman : le cloud computing, un piège propriétaire: Le guru du Logiciel Libre est loin de succomber à la mode industrielle du cloud computing, trop proche de son ennemi de toujours... le logiciel propriétaire. (Jérôme G. - GNT - 2008)

The 'Cloud' is DEFINITELY a Huge and Tempting Target for Hackers as well as for companies for whom the concept "private life" has no meaning.