Si les pions de Davos méprisent autant la liberté du peuple, liberté d'expression, liberté économique, il le craint également. C'est ce qui le motive tant de le contrôler de toutes sortes de manières. PG
We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth. We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity.
(John Perry Barlow - 1996 - A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace)La liberté est rétrécie comme peau de chagrin. Nous sommes dans une société surveillée où la parole, la présence, l'expression, la pensée, les idées, le déplacement sont traçables et repérables. De sorte que toutes les informations engrangées permettent l'instruction d'un dossier à destination du tribunal de la pensée.
Nous sommes archivés: par notre téléphone portable, qui est l'instrument nomade suprême de la servitude volontaire; par notre ordinateur, qui est une variation connectée du premier instrument; par les caméras de surveillance partout présentes, dans la rue, dans les parkings, dans les magasins, dans les immeubles, dans les dispositifs de filtrage, genre digicodes à caméra, aux entrées des domiciles; par la domotique connectée, du type Alexa, qui installe ses micros dans les domiciles avec lesquels tout peut être entendu; par le bornage de ces instruments nomades; par les montres digitales elles aussi connoctées qui auscultent les corps, (...) par les réseaux sociaux, plaie des plaies, dispositif d'exposition de soi dans tous les sens - on y exhibe en effet sans retenue ses achats de nourriture, la cuisine de cette nourriture, l'ingestion de cette nourriture, l'excrétion de cette nourriture, on y montre sans honte son corps, tatoué, bronzé, obèse, musclé, ridé, coiffé, rasé, bodybuildé, maquillé, habillé, dénudé, enceint, malade, blessé, on y expose sans pudeur ses avis, ses jugements, ses commentaires, ses réflexions, ses insultes, sa dilection, sa haine.
(Michel Onfray - Théorie de la dictature. 2019 pp. 190-191)In mainstream media there are recurring stories out there about major Internet firms being "hacked", that is with personal information leaked because of the "cyberattack". I have to admit I've gotten cynical to the point where it seems likely this is deliberate disinformation nothing more than a bogus alibi and that in fact the information was sold or given away (blackmail?), NOT stolen. The "hacking" stories are then just "insurance" providing a plausible alibi when users become aware that their account information has come into hands that should not have access... (PG - 2024)
Sous l'impitoyable poussée d'une surpopulation qui s'accélère, d'une organisation dont les excès vont s'aggravant et par le moyen de méthodes toujours plus efficaces de manipulation mentale, les démocraties changeront de nature. Les vieilles formes pittoresques élections, parlements, hautes cours de justice demeureront, mais la substance sous-jacente sera une nouvelle forme de totalitarisme non violent. Toutes les appellations traditionnelles, tous les slogans consacrés resteront exactement ce qu'ils étaient au bon vieux temps, la démocratie et la liberté seront les thèmes de toutes les émissions radiodiffusés et de tous les éditoriaux mais une démocratie, une liberté au sens strictement pickwickien du terme. Entre-temps, l'oligarchie au pouvoir et son élite hautement qualifiée de soldats, de policiers, de fabricants de pensée, de manipulateurs mentaux mènera tout et tout le monde comme bon lui semblera.
(Alduous Huxley Retour au meilleur des mondes. 1990: 144)Les inquisiteurs postmodernes aiment beaucoup les expressions tels que "désinformation" ou "mésinformation"... ce qui présuppose qu'eux (seuls) sont la source de la Vérité.
The postmodern inquisition is VERY fond of expressions such as "disinformation" ou "misinformation"... which of course assumes they own the Truth. PGI couldn't help but think while I sat through this Indoc[trination] that the presenters were preaching to the choir. You don't need to tell a bunch of computer whizzes that they possess superior knowledge and skills that uniquely qualify them to act independently and make decisions on behalf of their fellow citizens without any oversight or review. Nothing inspires arrogance like a lifetime spent controlling machines that are incapable of criticism. This, to my thinking, actually represented the great nexus of the Intelligence Community and the tech industry: both are entrenched and unelected powers that pride themselves on maintaining absolute secrecy about their developments. Both believe that they have the solutions for everything, which they never hesitate to unilaterally impose. Above all, they both believe that these solutions are inherently apolitical, because they're based on data, whose prerogatives are regarded as preferable to the chaotic whims of the common citizen.
(Edward Snowden (2019) Permanent Record - p. 122)Cette surveillance est la plus aboutie qui soit, car aucun régime totalitaire n'aurait pu espérer mieux qu'un sujet qui, narcissisme et égotisme obligent, se fait l'indicateur de lui-même avec jubilation, satisfaction, ravissement et allégresse ! Térence avait théorisé l'Heautontimoroumenos dans une pièce homonyme, Baudelaire en avait fait un poème sublime, l'individu postmoderne l'incarne: bourreau et victime de lui même, marteau et enclume de soi, plaie et couteau de sa propre chair, soufflet et joue de lui, membres et roue, cette logique atteint son raffinement avec l'avènement de l'informatique et de la connectique.
(Michel Onfray - Théorie de la dictature. 2019 pp. 192)"It's a great time to be paranoid" (Anonymous)
Ordre chronologique: articles plus récents d'abord... / Articles in chronlogical order, most recent articles first...
Our Surveillance Culture and the Erosion of Freedom and Privacy: "It does not matter how 'good' or law-abiding you may think you are as a citizen today. Tomorrow, the state can decide that you are a lawbreaker and a threat to the system." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 27/12/2024)
Telegram Launches World's First 'Mass Surveillance' Program Using AI. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 16/12/2024)
Rhode Island says personal data likely breached in social services cyberattack. (Anthony Ha - TechCrunch - 14/12/2024)
You'd Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Is Making a List, and You're On It. (John & Nisha Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - 4/12/2024)
Internet age verification is a smokescreen to coerce us into using digital IDs. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 12/11/2024)
Hacking of Internet Archive led to a "black hole" of archiving webpages before they were changed or removed; could this have been the aim? (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 9/11/2024)
Inside the Push for Police-Run "Misinformation" Units. (Didi Rankovic - Reclaim The Net - 3/11/2024)
Ils ont dit quoi ? Les technocrates effacent l'histoire d'Internet. (Jeffrey A. Tucker + Debbie Lerman / L'institut Brownstone - Technocracy NewsFR - 31/10/2024)
They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now. (Jeffrey A. Tucker + Debbie Lerman /Brownstone Iinstitute - 30/10/2024)
Musk Derangement Syndrome: European Censors Warn They May Level Fines Based on All of Elon's Businesses. (Jonathan Turley - Zero Hedge - 23/10/2024)
Big Brother is Watching: New Misinformation Law Protects the Powerful, Silences the People "Once the government can control speech, they control everything. You won't be able to challenge the system, question policies, or express opinions without fear of being silenced." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 25/9/2024)
Oracle Founder Larry Ellison Imagines a Dystopian Future of Constant AI-Powered Surveillance to Enforce "Best Behavior". (Didi Rankovic - Reclaim The Net - 18/9/2024)
U.N. Summit of the Future 2024: The Digital Gulag Is Coming. (Mat Staver - The Stream - 16/9/2024)
Août 2024, mois noir pour la liberté d'expression dans le monde. (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 1/9/2024)
Boycott Big Tech now or lose your freedom forever. (Sean Patrick Tario - Blaze News - 31/8/2024)
Durov: Macron veut exporter la censure qui règne déjà en France. (Yves-Marie Adeline - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 27/8/2024)
France's Detention of Telegram's Founder Fuels Global Battle for Free Speech: Anti-censorship campaigners warn of worldwide crackdown on government intrusion into private communications. (Jules Gomes - The Stream - 27/8/2024)
Pavel Durov arrêté: une guerre contre les plateformes rebelles? (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 26/8/2024)
Australia's 'eSafety' chief wants to censor the whole world: Julie Inman-Grant's feud with Elon Musk poses a threat to free speech well beyond Australia's borders. (Hugo Timms - Spiked - 22/8/2024)
Fascism 2.0 – The changing face of social media censorship: AI-driven content moderation is subtly shaping public opinion and political engagement. (Paul Lancefield - Off Guardian - 21/8/2024)
EU Officials Seem Pretty Pissed Off at Thierry Breton For His Censorial Letter to Elon. (Mike Masnick - Techdirt - 14/8/2024)
Search Engines Are Not Value Neutral. (J.V. Fesko - TableTalk - 9/8/2024)
'Think before you post': Britain's slide into censorship This authoritarian mess has been decades in the making. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 9/8/2024)
Woman arrested in connection with inaccurate social media post. (Cheshire Constabulary - 8/8/2024) -> Who decides what is "accurate"?... Britain now has it's own Ministry of Truth. Orwell would be so proud (or depressed)...
Censorship Industry: GARM Members Receive Billions in Federal Contracts. (Foundation for Freedom Online - 1/8/2024)
La méga-panne informatique provoque de nombreuses questions: Plusieurs circonstances suscitent la perplexité, allant jusqu'à soulever l'hypothèse de la préméditation. (Essentiel News - 2/97/2024) -> au sujet de la panne informatique/CrowdStrike du 19/7/2024
During The Crisis, Free Speech Worked Brilliantly. (Jeffrey Tucker - The Brownstone Institute - 18/7/2024) -> how free speach panned out in the US after Trump shooting...
EU Offered X Secret Censorship Deal To Avoid Fines For 'Deceptive Dark Patterns', Musk Says. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/7/2024)
Beware of Trojan Horse Censorship Bill Disguised as Big Tech 'Child Safety' Regulation. (Revolver - 29/6/2024)
En France, la surveillance augmente avec des outils de renseignement de plus en plus « intrusifs ». (The Epoch Times - 28/6/2024)
EU's 'Going Dark' Expert Group Publishes 42-Point Surveillance Plan For Access to All Devices And Data at All Times. (Glyn Moody - Techdirt - 26/6/2024)
After Pushback From Service Providers, Australian Regulators Strip Encryption Breaking Demands From Online Safety Bill. (Tim Cushing - Techdirt - 25/6/2024)
Scientist wants to implant prisoners with 'memories' of their crimes that show the victim's perspective. (Stacy Liberatore - Daily Mail - 24/6/2024)
Did I Miss the Bit Where We Decided it Was Okay to Track Children? (Joanna Gray - Daily Sceptic - 26/6/2024)
Adobe to Start Spying on all Your Images and Videos to Enforce New Content Censorship Rules. (Cassie B./Natural News - InfoWars - 17/6/2024)
859 million Tweets surveilled by government. (Booker Scott - America Out Loud - 9/6/2024)
Warning: Windows Chatbot Will Watch Literally Everything You Do. (Steve Green - PJMedia - 21/5/2024)
Crypto-Libertarian Erik Voorhees Warns Your Chatbot Queries Are Not Safe. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 15/5/2024)
Virtual Home Invasions: We're Not Safe from Government Peeping Toms. (John & Nisha Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - 8/5/2024)
Telegram Founder Says Apple & Google More Dangerous Than Governments. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 17/4/2024)
How games are used to control you: You don't have to play by other people's rules. (Gurwinder Bhogal - UnHerd - 13/4/2024)
Big Brother s'intéresse aux amateurs de jeux vidéo. (Ludovic Lavaucelle - LSdJ - 11/4/2024)
There's no going back: feds are now hunting down Americans who simply viewed "certain" YouTube videos… (Revolver - 27/3/2024)
Google Isn't Just Trying to Rewrite History. It's at the Centre of a Worldwide Web of Censorship. (Lee Taylor - Daily Sceptic - 25/2/2024)
The American Stasi Controls What You Hear And See to Control What You Think And Do. (Sean Davis - The Federalist - 23/2/2024
The censorship industrial complex's new target: gamers. (Park MacDougald - UnHerd - 21/3/2024)
AI and the new kind of propaganda: Some dystopian nightmare fuel. (Johan Eddebo - Off Guardian - 12/2/2024)
White House Orders Apple to Censor 'Non-Mainstream' Messages in Users Texts. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 7/2/2024) -> targetting WhatsApp, Messenger, and Telegram...
The Greatest Trick Big Brother Ever Pulled. (Daniel Nuccio - Brownstone Institute - 4/2/2024)
Microsoft fo Disable Computers of Users Who Share 'Non-Mainstream Content' Online. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 3/2/2024)
Today's Censorship is Personal. (Jeffrey Tucker - The Brownstone Institute - 1/2/2024)
NSA secretly buying Americans' data without a warrant. (Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - 25/1/2024)
Oregon uses AI to flag election 'misinformation,' raising fresh concerns about censorship: Oregon's secretary of state is currently facing a lawsuit regarding an anti-MDM contract. (Natalia Mittelstadt - JusttheNews - 20/1/2024)
Anouar : "les Gilets Jaunes ont lancé la surveillance généralisée des Français". (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 18/1/2024) -> on passe de l'État Providence à l'État Surveillance...
Biologist Warns WHO Planning to Take Control Over Nations For Next Pandemic, Confirms COVID 'Vaccines' Killed 17 MILLION People. (Infowars - 6/1/2024) -> "What I believe is going on is the World Health Organization is now revising the structures that allowed the dissidents to upend the narrative. And they are looking for a rematch, I think."
Artificial Intelligence Is Allowing Them To Construct A Global Surveillance Prison From Which No Escape Is Possible. (Michael Snyde/ EndofTheAmericanDream - InfoWars - 5/1/2024)
Google settles $5 billion lawsuit accusing it of tracking Chrome's Incognito users. (Candace Hathaway - Blaze News - 29/12/2023)
Online Moral Conformity. (Noah Carl - Daily Sceptic - 19/12/2023)
Can Anything Now Arrest Our Descent into a Chinese-Style Surveillance State? (Nick Rendell - Daily Sceptic - 13/12/2023) -> discussing the situation in the UK
Husband Reaches Out to NSA to See if They Know What His Wife Wants For Christmas. (Babylon Bee - 6/12/2023) -> satire??
New York's Hunger Games Governor is Now "Collecting Data" From "Surveillance Efforts" on Social Media to Monitor "Hate Speech". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/11/2023)
The Invisible Court's Verdict: You Are Hereby Exiled To Digital Siberia. (Charles Hugh Smith/OfTwoMinds - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 10/11/2023)
Big Brother is Flagging You: A damning House report and new docs from the Twitter Files expose the "Election Integrity Partnership" as state censorship in a ski mask. (Matt Taibbi. - Racket News - 9/11/2023)
The Tragic Victimhood of "Disinformation Experts": Hey, digital censors are people, too. (Matt Taibbi. - Racket News - 9/11/2023)
Online disinformation : UNESCO unveils action plan to regulate social media platforms. (UNESCO - 6/11/2023) -> "Any opinion we don't like is disinformation"...
China Launches 'Global A.I. Police' to Monitor What Users Say Online. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 21/10/2023)
Doter 80% des Français d'une identité numérique, obliger les navigateurs à bloquer des sites... Le projet de loi SREN adopté par commission spéciale de l'Assemblée. (France-Soir - 27/9/2023)
La liberté d'expression en France, c'est fini ! (Franck Pengam/Géopolitique Profonde - 25/9/2023)
The State Against Anonymity. (Ryan Turnipseed/Mises Institute - InfoWars - 25/9/2023)
Big Tech must not be judge, jury and executioner YouTube's clampdown on Russell Brand is an affront to due process. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 19/9/2023)
Your WiFi Can See You. (Mr.E/BombThrower - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/9/2023)
DHS Awards $20 Million To Program That Flags Americans As Potential "Extremists" For Their Online Speech: The money will be spent from the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) grant program. (Cindy Harper/Reclaim the Net - Summit News - 15/0/2023)
WEF Granted Backdoor Access to Regulate Hate Speech Online. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 8/9/2023)
Orwellian Hate Speech Laws Are Coming to the United States. (M Dowling - Independent Sentinel - 7/9/2023)
SOCOM to Deploy Argus AI to Scour Social Media For Disinformation, Misinformation And Malinformation. (Sundance/The Conservative Treehouse - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 4/9/2023)
Defense Dept to Crack Down on 'Disinformation' on Social Media with the Help of AI. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 3/9/2023)
The UN Is Building a 'Digital Army' to Eradicate Non-Mainstream Content Online. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 22/8/2023)
YouTube va supprimer les vidéos de désinformation médicale. (Luc Blanchot - Doctissimo - 17/8/2023)
Taxpayer-Funded Research Seeks to Devise New Stealth Censorship Technology. (Eric Lundrum/American Greatness - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/8/2023)
Le FBI a fait un « usage inapproprié » de la surveillance des Américains. (Eric Boehm - Reason - Contrepoints - 8/8/2023)
Ben Shapiro Details The Global Entities Working to 'Demonetize And Deplatform' Conservative Voices. (Leif Le Mahieu - DailyWire - 1/8/2023)
Meta Begins Removing Canadians' Access to All News on Facebook, Instagram. (Zach Jewell - DailyWire - 1/8/2023) -> and the Canadian gvt is the main offender and oppressor here...
Loi sur les services numériques : Un cadre pour prendre le contrôle mondial de l'Internet. (The Organic Prepper - Les moutons enragés - 1/8/2023)
FBI Made 'Inappropriate Use' of Foreign Surveillance Program To Spy on Americans: A White House panel says the FBI's internal control over Section 702 databases are "insufficient to ensure compliance and earn the public's trust." (Eric Boehm - Reason - 31/7/2023)
Obama proposes 'digital fingerprints' to combat 'misinformation' — and cites 'vaccination stuff' as justification. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 19/6/2023)
WEF Orders Govt's To Prepare for BILLIONS of 'Social Credit Prisoners' As Spy Bills Enacted Around the World. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 11/7/2023)
Today's Surveillance Technology Makes 2013 Look Like 'Child's Play,' Snowden Warns Protecting the public from surveillance "is an ongoing process," whistleblower Edward Snowden told The Guardian on Thursday. "And we will have to be working at it for the rest of our lives and our children's lives and beyond." (Common Dreams - The Defender - 9/6/2023)
Elon Musk's Claim to be Defying the EU's Censorship Code is an Empty Boast. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 30/5/2023)
L'Assemblée adopte l'activation à distance des appareils électroniques. (La Quadrature du net - Profession Gendarme - 25/7/2023)
WATCH: Thwarting Facial Recognition – #SolutionsWatch. (James Corbett - OffGuardian - 25/5/2023)
Microsoft Adds Mandatory System-Wide Artificial Intelligence Engine "Windows Copilot" to Windows 11, Promising "Helpfulness." Exactly How Will Your Data be Analyzed? (Jeff.Pro - 24/5/2023) -> Microsoft adds a Stasi feature to Windows...
The Internet is Not Forever. (Paul Skallas - The Lindy Newsletter - 23/5/2023)
What Is Agent C? NSW Government Funding Anti-Far-Right Workshop: "At least when the Church was at the helm of our moral compass, its message was impartial. The way to live your life was decreed by God, not a political ideology." (Steven Tripp - Caldron Pool - 23/5/2023)
Andrew Torba Calls Elon Musk Out For Lying. (Ray Fava - Evangelical Dark Web - 15/5/2023) -> Musk accepts gov. requests for censorship...
The Disinformation Governance Board is Out. The "Foreign Malign Influence Center" is in. (Didi Rankovic/Reclaim The Net - Summit News - 13/5/2023)
Strong Encryption is a Must If Big Tech is Creating Back Doors For Feds. (Caleb Larson - The Federalist - 11/5/2023)
The Censorship-Industrial Complex: Top 50 Organizations to Know. (Susan Schmidt, Andrew Lowenthal, Tom Wyatt, Techno Fog, and 3 others/Racket News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 10/5/2023)
UK GovernmentiIs Offering £600,000 to Contractors For Social Media Surveillance of "Misinformation Narratives: Public-funded speech surveillance". (Didi Rankovic - Reclaim The Net - 10/5/2023)
These people want to be able to read and censor your private text messages. (Michael Shellenberger - ThreadReader - 5/5/2023) -> The Censorship Industrial Complex want to sensor "problematic content" on WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram and other encrypted text apps.
Ireland Passes Law Making It ILLEGAL To Read Non-Mainstream News Sources. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 1/5/2023)
Now They're Trying Censor Your Text Messages The Censorship Industrial Complex wants to censor "problematic content" on WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, and other encrypted text messaging apps. (Michael Shellenberger - Public - 26/4/2023)
Is the West Copying Communist China's Surveillance State? "…the only thing worse than this Big Brother overreach was the way the masses so readily went along with it all. They were more than happy to act as Stasi spies and even turn in friends and family who dared to believe that basic human rights and liberties are utterly essential and inviolate." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 18/4/2023)
Clearview AI Scraped Billions of Facebook Photos For Facial Recognition Database. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 7/4/2023)
WARNING: The Ban TikTok Bill Is NOT What You Think It Is. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 30/3/2023)
How Google Accesses the data in your Phone (And How to Prevent It): The Firebase 'Interception' Risk. (Jeff.Pro - 28/3/2023) -> applies to ALL Android phones...
Every State Should Pass Florida's Digital Bill Of Rights To Protect Citizens From 24/7 Surveillance. (Caleb Larson - The Federalist - 24/3/2023)
Manufacturing Consent for private and public sector clients for over 250 years: The Censorship Industrial Complex. (CJ Hopkins - Consent Factory - 10/3/2023)
Meet the software company tracking college students' behavior. (Margaret Peppiatt - College Fix - 2/3/2023)
WEF Want to Lobotomize the Human Race to Become 6G Antennas. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 28/2/2023)
UN Orders World Governments to 'End Free Speech'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 23/2/2023)
Ministry of Truth NZ: The documents that reveal the government's many-tentacled approach to mass political monitoring. (A Curious Girl - UK Column - 20/2/2023)
Report: Google to Step Up "Prebunking" Scheme to "Inoculate People" Against 'Conspiracy Theories' "Prebunking could help communities reach a kind of herd immunity when it comes to misinformation". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 14/2/2023)
UK Government Still Looking For Ways to Criminalize Encryption. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 101/2/2023)
Is the Government spying on you? A secretive disinformation unit has no place in a democracy. (Timandra Harkness - UnHerd - 31/1/2023)
Big Brother Gets a Seat in Your Car Federal infrastructure law empowers the feds to monitor impaired driving and shut off your car. What could go wrong? (Steven Greenhut - The American Spectator - 25/1/2023) -> Here we go again. "Beginning 2026, a kill switch will be a mandatory feature on vehicles," read an image posted on Facebook by conservative musician Ted Nugent. "The device allows the government, the police, and car makers to disable your car from the comfort of their offices."
EU Globalist Threatens Elon Musk With "Sanctions" If He Allows Free Speech on Twitter Unelected technocrat demands billionaire 'behave' himself. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 24/1/2023)
WEF: Americans Must Be Stripped of First Amendment Rights "For Their Own Good". (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 20/1/2023)
Politicians Who Refuse to Stop Big Tech's Rabid Data Mining Are Complicit in Tyranny: Regulation will not be enough to stop Big Tech. We must also starve the beast that feeds on your private information and uses it against you. (David Thalheimer - The Federalist - 18/1/2023)
With A DVD Player And Paperbacks, Anybody Can Beat Big Tech Censors. (Samuel Mangold-Lenett - The Federalist - 9/1/2023)
In War For Control of Humanity, Thoughts And Emotions Are The Battlefield: Dr. Robert Malone. (Masooma Haq and Jan Jekielek/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 1/1/2023)
Elon Musk slams CISA censorship network as 'propaganda platform' This DHS-backed censorship network used 120 analysts to censor millions of social media posts on elections and covid-19. (KanekoaTheGreat - 28/12/2022)
The great unpersoning 2022 revealed the terrifying power of Big Tech censorship. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 28/12/2022)
You'd Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State is Making a List, and You're on It. (John & Nisha Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - 13/12/2022)
Police seize on COVID-19 tech to expand global surveillance Millions worldwide believed government officials who said they needed confidential data for new tech tools to help stop coronavirus' spread early on in the pandemic. (Garance Burke, Josef Federman, Huizhong Wu, Krutika Pathi and Rod McGuirk - Associated Press/ABC - 20/12/2022)
With FBI Supervisor's Admission of Feds' Synergy With Big Tech, The 'Private Company' Defense Is Dead: Big Tech is so in sync with big brother that the former reliably does the bidding of the latter. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 7/12/2022)
Here's How The CDC Used a Backchannel With Twitter to Control The COVID-19 Narrative. (Alexa Schwerha - Daily Caller - 7/12/2022)
L'Union européenne menace Elon Musk de fermer Twitter si la plateforme ne se soumet pas à ses règles. (FranceSoir - 30/11/2022)
Here's what toes get stomped if Elon Musk goes his own way with Teslaphone plus OS… (Aristophanes Athenaeum - ThreadReader - 29/11/2022)
F**k Apple! (Paul Joseph Watson - InfoWars - 8 minutes - 29/11/2022)
Amazon affirme que la surveillance à bord des véhicules est destinée à assurer la sécurité des employés et non à les espionner : Surveiller leurs moindres mouvements. (Anguille sous roche - 16/11/2022)
Big Tech Isn't a VictimiIn The Biden Regime's Speech Crackdown, It's an Eager Collaborator. (Rachel Bovard - The Federalist - 2/11/2022) -> A self-government cannot survive the two-pronged assault from the government and tech companies working together to suppress disfavored speech and control the public narrative.
Big Tech Worked Closely With The FBI And DHS to Police 'Disinformation'. (Brandon Drey - DailyWire - 1/11/2022)
She Just Admitted It: As if it was nothing. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 4 minutes - 3/10/2022)
Government Overreach Intelligence Community Developing AI Tool to Unmask Anonymous Writers: The program will also be used to scramble linguistic patterns, making it impossible to crack the identity of authors that they wanted to keep under lock and key… (Jack Hadfield - Valiant News - 30/9/2022)
The simple reason why you should stop using Gmail We all need to get off Gmail. They read every email and can prevent us from receiving emails. (Andreas Wailzer - LifeSiteNews - 28/9/2022)
Postal Service monitored social media for posts regarding conservative, anti-Biden protests: Report. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 23/9/2022)
Whistleblower Reveals What Information Twitter Collects From Users. (Ben Zeisloft - DailyWire - 13/9/2022)
This Clever Anti-Censorship Tool Lets Russians Read Blocked News: Samizdat Online syndicates banned news sites by hosting them on uncensored domains—allowing people to access independent reporting. (Matt Burgess - Wired - 8/9/2022)
"The Regime of Censorship Being Imposed on the Internet is Dangerously Intensifying in Ways I Believe Are Not Adequately Understood". (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 7/9/2022)
It looks like a street lamp in a leafy London road... but this is actually a Chinese-made facial recognition camera - one of millions of sinister-looking CCTV cameras quietly installed across Britain in recent months. (Sian Boyle - The Daily Mail - 4/9/2022)
Data Broker Helps Police See Everywhere You've Been with the Click of a Mouse: EFF Investigation Fog Data Science sells local police cheap access to a massive digital dragnet without well-defined rules. (The Electronic Frontier Foundation - 1/9/2022)
Here Is the Manual for the Mass Surveillance Tool Cops Use to Track Phones Police departments across the U.S. have been using Fog Reveal for 'mass surveillance on a budget,' investigations by the EFF and Associated Press revealed. Now, we're publishing the manual. (Joseph Cox - MotherBoard - 1/9/2022)
Legality questioned of mass-surveillance tool that warrantlessly tracks US citizens and their 'patterns of life'. (Joseph Mackinnon - The Blaze - 1/9/2022) -> regarding the Fog Reveal app...
FTC files lawsuit against data broker for allegedly selling sensitive location-tracking information, including church and health clinic visits. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 29/8/2022)
Working From Home Now Means Letting Corporate Surveillance Into Your Daily Life. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 24/8/2022)
World Economic Forum Calls For Merging of Human and AI Intel to Censor 'Hate Speech' & 'Misinformation:' Maybe they should just stick to the economy. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 12/8/2022)
Sur quelles plateformes Internet Macron et ses sbires vous espionnent-ils pour vous ficher ? (Eric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 9/8/2022)
Fighting the thoughtpolice Harry Miller talks to Brendan O'Neill about the British police's censorious turn. (Brendan O'Neill and Harry Miller - Spiked - 45 minutes - 4/8/2022)
Twitter and the Curse of Social Media "But all that knowledge comes with a price. My mind can no longer readily switch off to enjoy the slow, beautiful rhythms of life. My mind is constantly rushing toward how much danger lies ahead, how many enemies we face, and how ruthless people have become." (Annemarie Smuts - Caldron Pool - 3/8/2022)
The Genetic Panopticon: We're All Suspects in a DNA Lineup, Waiting to be Matched with a Crime. (John & Nisha Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - 27/7/2022)
Dorries spreads disinformation as the UK Government continues to attack democracy. (Iain Davis - UK Column - 23/7/2022)
New insight on Klaus Schwab's 'You will own nothing and be happy': How AI and the Internet of Things will control everything you do in life. (Leo Hohmann - 14/7/2022)
AI Would Run The World Better Than Humans, Google Research Claims Don't Believe The Headlines: Google's Inhouse Game Does Not Show That Ai Is Ready To Rule The World. (Gary Smith - Mind Matters - 11/7/2022)
Big Tech isn't Woke. It's Totalitarian. "You are now my Enemy—and I am Yours." (Michael P Senger - The New Normal - 4/7/2022)
China Tightens Rules For Online Platforms, Requiring Companies to Authenticate Users' Identities. (Kane Zhang/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 3/7/2022)
The Great Reset in Action: The Elites Want to End Freedom of the Press, Speech, and Expression. (Birsen Filip - Mises Institute - 1/7/2022)
YouTube CEO Reassures Davos Elites That They Will Continue to Control The Narrative. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 31/5/2022)
10 Examples When 'Empire Managers' Exposed Their Desire to Control Our Thoughts. (Caitlin Johnstone - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 31/5/2022)
Health Canada is hiring for the Centre for Immunization Surveillance Health Canada has confirmed to The Counter Signal that they are hiring for the Centre for Immunization Surveillance as part of the Vaccine Rollout Task Force, which will gather the health data of millions of Canadians across the country. (Kenan Bexte - The Counter Signal - 30/5/2022)
At the Water Cooler: They're Talking About Computer Hacks Again Some people appear to know all the answers to the latest assaults on our finances and privacy. If only the government would listen… (?) (Mind Matters News - 30/5/2022)
Twitter Hit With $150 Million Fine For Using Two-Factor Authentication Data For Marketing. (Karl Bode - Techdirt - 27/5/2022)
DuckDuckGo slammed for allowing Microsoft trackers on its browser DuckDuckGo claims that "this issue is occurring on browsers and pertains to non-DuckDuckGo websites." (Ian Miles Cheong - Rebel News - 25/5/2022)
'Smart Device' Covid Test Sends Data Directly To CDC & Other Federal or State Agencies. (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 23/5/2022)
People Don't Need a "Reason" to Want Privacy: We naturally don't want either government or Big Tech following us around. (Mind Matters News - 9/5/2022)
GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Torches Biden Over Admin's New 'Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board'. (Ryan Saavedra - DailyWire - 28/4/2022)
Report: Google Rolls Out Feature That Corrects You With Woke 'Inclusive' Language: Completely Orwellian. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 25/4/2022)
Intel Wants to Add Unproven 'Emotion Detection' AI to Distance Learning Tech: (Mis)Uses of Technology from the and-what-does-disabling-the-camera-denote? (Tim Cushing - Techdirt - 20/4/2022)
THE CYBERCRIMINAL ISN'T NECESSARILY WHO YOU THINK… Chances are, the "human data collector" is just someone who works for a company that makes money collecting data about you. (Mind Matters News - 15/4/2022)
Freedom is Tyranny: Robert Reich Goes Full Orwellian in Anti-Free Speech Screed. (Jonathan Turley - 13/4/2022)
Justin Trudeau is determined to censor the internet: Ezra Levant discusses Justin Trudeau's plans for online censorship on The Candice Malcolm Show. (Rebel News - 32 minutes - 13/4/2022)
Where Governments Have The Tightest Grip on The Internet. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 26/3/2022)
Counterinsurgency, PSYOPS and the Military Origins of the Internet. (Dustin Broadbery - Off-Guardian - 15/3/2022)
Warning: Controlling All Absolute Data About You Is Controlling You Absolutely. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy.News - 8/3/2022)
Nightmare Voyeurism: Google Tech Can Read Your Body Language – Without Cameras. (Lucas Nolan - Breitbart - 5/3/2022)
Google's New Tech Can Read Your Body Language—Without Cameras The company's ATAP research team is using radar to help computers respond to your movements, like turning off a TV if it senses you've dozed off. (Julian Chokkattu - WIRED) -> based on Soli and Google Nest hubs...
Canadian Bill Would Ban Suspected Intent to Commit 'Hate Speech' Online: Bill would allow courts to punish Canadians for things they hadn't even done yet. (Infowars - 1/3/2022)
Why Tech Totalitarianism Threatens to Turn America Into Canada or China Unless We Stop It. (Kara Frederick - The Federalist - 23/2/2022)
Google m'a souhaité un bon anniversaire... (Rosemar - - 18/2/2022)
Popular 'Family Safety' App Busted Selling Precise Location Data on Millions - Including Children. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 7/12/2021)
The great nudge: Government, Big Tech and the media are all trying to nudge us into adopting the 'right' behaviour. (Joel Kotkin - Spiked - 2/12/2021)
Website Blocking Comes to Canada With Federal Court Ruling: Consumer advocates fear a new era of web censorship. (Daniel Tencer - Huff Post - 18/11/2021)
The Metaverse Is Big Brother in Disguise: Freedom Meted Out by Technological Tyrants. (John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - 9/11/2021)
Meta: The Final Disconnect From Reality? (Technocracy.News - 29/10/2021)
Billionaires to Fund "Anti-Disinformation" Media Companies to "Restore Social Trust". (Katabella Roberts/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 27/10/2021)
Le grand mensonge de la collecte de données de santé "anonymisées". (FranceSoir - 7/9/2021)
"Nothing To Hide," A Poor Excuse To Justify Surveillance. (Bruce Wilds - AdvancingTime Blog - 6/9/2021)
Pew: Democrats Increasingly Favor Government Censorship of 'False' Ideas. (Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. - Breitbart - 21/8/2021) -> And who get to decide what is TRUE and on what basis???
The World Economic Forum's Totally Not Creepy New Idea: Schwab and the boys are at it again. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 18/8/2021)
Five Eyes: Biden Authorizes Access to Everyone's Social Media. (MassPrivateI - Technocracy.News - 3/8/2021)
Chinese censorship comes to the West: The internet has never been so authoritarian. (Jamie Bartlett - UnHerd - 9/8/2021)
Are The Tech Giants Afraid of Something? (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 6/8/2021)
'Privacy Company' Apple Plans to Monitor All US iPhones For Evidence of Child Porn. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/8/2021)
How Digital ID can help citizens access government services from anywhere. (Kristel Teyras - Thales - 27/7/2021)
Breitbart's Marlow, Bokhari on Big Tech's 'Ideological Discrimination': 'Dystopian,' 'Unregulated'. (Jeff Poor - Breitbart - 5 minutes - 26/7/2021)
Big Tech 'Counterterrorism' Org Shifts Focus from Islamic Extremism to 'Far Right'. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 26/7/2021)
Internet et votre vie privée : oui vous êtes espionné ; oui, plus que vous croyez ; et oui, vous pouvez vous protéger, voici comment. (Tsinapah - - 20/7/2021)
When Big Tech and the government combine: The war on 'misinformation' is shrinking the public square. (Tracey Follows - Spiked - 19/7/2021)
Wikipedia co-founder: I no longer trust the website I created: Freddie Sayers spoke to Larry Sanger about why he left. (Spiked - 14/7/2021)
Washington Moves to Make Sensitive Private Data Available For "Minority Report"-Style AI Research. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 10/6/2021)
Chinese-owned TikTok can now collect your kids' faceprints and voiceprints. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 5/6/2021)
Loi antiterrorisme: «la police de la pensée» en marche?: Une surveillance globale des connexions Internet et un renforcement du système d'assignation à domicile. L'ambitieux projet de loi sur l'antiterrorisme ne fait pas l'unanimité parmi les élus. Pour le député LFI Ugo Bernalicis, ce serait le droit chemin vers une société liberticide. (Victor Lefebvre - Sputnik - 2/6/2021)
The Age of Coercive Control: We're in an Abusive Relationship with Our Government. Now What? (Megan Fox - PJMedia - 21/5/2021)
Canada is drifting towards authoritarianism: Justin Trudeau's government has a shocking lack of respect for fundamental freedoms. (Andrew Sansone - Spiked - 11/5/2021)
Comment la surveillance totale de la société s'imposera en Occident à la faveur de l'après-COVID. (Simone Wapler - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 7/5/2021)
Schwab Wants a Digital Citizenship to Use the Internet. (Martin Armstrong - Armstrong Economics - 2/5/2021)
Projet de loi antiterroriste : le renseignement va analyser l'historique web de tous les internautes ! (Aguelid - Les moutons enragés - 27/4/2021) -> France
US Postal Service is secretly keeping tabs on Americans' social media posts as part of 'covert operations program': Sharing data with Homeland Security. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 21/4/2021)
7 Key Reasons Why Vaccine Passports Are a Dangerous Idea. (Nick Corbishley/Naked Capitalism - Technocracy.News - 14/4/2021)
Even kids aren't safe from the thoughtpolice Police have recorded over 2,000 'non-crime hate incidents' by under-17s since 2014. (Spiked - 7/4/2021)
Metadata: The Digital Fingerprint You Had No Idea Is Attached To Every Photo You Take. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/3/2021)
Deep Nostalgia: une application qui pose des questions éthiques. (FranceSoir - 24/3/2021)
Digital Trails: How the FBI is Identifying, Tracking and Rounding up Dissidents. (John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - 16/3/2021)
Facebook Executive Caught on Secret Recording Warns About Big Tech's Power: 'They Must Be Stopped'. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 16/3/2021)
The terrifying rise of the tech aristocracy Joel Kotkin on the neo-feudal dominance of Silicon Valley. (Spiked - 9/3/2021)
Vaccine Passports Will Lead to Algorithmic Discrimination, Warns Privacy Firm CEO. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 9/3/2021)
Big Brother comes to America Experts in the US are calling for the creation of a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 8/2/2021)
Demain, l'euthanasie numérique ? (La Sélection du Jour/International - 25/1/2021)
Biden Will Merge Big Tech Power with State Power. (Allum Bokhari + Mark Levin - Breitbart - 25/1/2021)
We ignore Big Tech censorship at our peril: The glee of seeing Trump banned has blinded left-wingers to the threat posed by Silicon Valley. (Andrew Doyle - Spiked - 21/1/2021)
« L’Archipel du Googlag ! ». (Charles SANNAT - Les moutons enragés - 13/1/2021)
Just Whose Coup Is It, Anyway? (Patrick Wood - Technocracy - 13/1/2021) -> Trump banned and Parler destroyed...
Now they want to cancel the First Amendment: The claim that President Trump is guilty of "incitement to violence" is a threat to free speech for all. (Mick Hume - Spiked - 12/1/2021)
The question everyone should be asking about the Big Tech fascist purge of conservatives: And the answer to the question is as troubling as it is obvious. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 11/1/2021)
Alexei Navalny: Big Tech has emboldened the autocrats: The Russian opposition leader says Trump’s Twitter ban is bad news for dissidents around the world. (Spiked - 11/1/2021)
The cancellation of Parler: Apparently any free-speech alternative to Big Tech can and will be crushed. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 11/1/2021)
Without Freedom of Speech, What Is Going to Happen to America? (Michael Snyder - The Economic Collapse - 10/1/2021)
Parler removed from Google Play Store, threatened by Apple for lack of speech moderation: The alternative social media site is being accused of 'fostering calls to violence' in wake of Capitol attack. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 8/1/2021)
Big Tech has become a tyranny: Facebook’s banning of Donald Trump sets a terrifying precedent. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 8/1/2021)
France : le Conseil d’Etat valide le fichage des opinions politiques, syndicales ou religieuses, des données de santé, des identifiants sur les réseaux sociaux, etc. ( - 6/1/2021)
Corporate Media’s Obsession With Fact-Checking is a Mission to Monopolize The Truth: Facts matter, but to allow left-wing institutions to monopolize their definition does more to undermine the truth than any kind of misinformation making waves on the internet. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 31/12/2020)
Faciliter les démarches administrative? L’exécutif crée un fichier de données personnelles pour identifier les personnes éligibles à la vaccination. (Jonathan - ExoPortail - 26/12/2020)
IMF Calls For Internet Search History to Be Linked to Your Credit Score. (Justin Fitzgerald - Reality Circuit - 23/12/2020)
Dave Rubin on Big Tech Censorship: ‘2021 Will Be the Year of the Bannings’. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 22/12/2020)
Big Brother in Disguise: The Rise of a New, Technological World Order. (John Whitehead/Rutherford Iinstitute - 15/12/2020)
China Proposes ‘Global Mechanism’ to Track Humans for COVID-19. (Andrea Morris - FaithWire - 24/11/2020)
Study: Scandinavian Countries Engaging in ‘Extremely Aggressive’ Internet Censorship. (John Hayward - Breitbart - 19/11/2020)
Instructors And School Administrators Are Somehow Managing To Make Intrusive Testing Spyware Even Worse. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 17/11/2020)
Scotland is leading the way to totalitarianism: A bill brought forth by the SNP aims to police what citizens say at home. (Rod Dreher - UnHerd - 30/10/2020)
-> A society in which family members have to fear each other, and in which people are not free to say what they think even inside their own homes, is totalitarian, even if it does not have secret police and gulags. I have called this new totalitarianism “soft” primarily because it presents itself in therapeutic terms as motivated by caring for victims of society’s prejudices. The cultural critic James Poulos predicts the coming of the “Pink Police State”: a polity in which people will willingly trade political liberties for guarantees of personal pleasure and security.
Senator Wyden Wants To Know If The NSA Is Still Demanding Tech Companies Build Backdoors Into Their Products. (Tim Cushing - TechCrunch - 29/10/2020)
Dan Andrews Suggests Tagging People With Electronic Devices So the Government Can Monitor Their Health and Location. (Evelyn Rae - Caldron Pool - 21/10/2020) -> Victorian Premier Daniel Andrew [Australia]
Bokhari: Critical Race Theorists Control the Big Tech Algorithms that Control Us. (Breitbart Tech - 3/10/2020)
China Is Spying On Millions Of People: And They Aren't In China. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 22/8/2020)
Cancel Culture Is Only the Beginning of Big Tech’s Control. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 3/9/2020)
Données de santé Covid-19 livrées au Health Data Hub : un recours déposé auprès du Conseil d’Etat. (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 9/6/2020)
Senator Wyden Wants Congress to Investigate Which Local Cops Have Hacking Tools: The move comes after Motherboard found the U.S. branch of NSO Group pitched hacking tech to American police. (Joseph Cox - MotherBoard - 13/5/2020)
Slack now strips location data from uploaded images. (Zack Whittaker - TechCrunch - 11/5/2020)
We need to stop the spread of Big Tech censorship: Facebook and YouTube must not be the arbiters of truth on Covid or anything else. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 8/5/2020)
As More Students Sit Online Exams Under Lockdown Conditions, Remote Proctoring Services Carry Out Intrusive Surveillance. (Glyn Moody - TechDirt - 7/5/2020)
Rennes : les étudiants vont être télé-surveillés pendant les examens de fin d'année. (Nina Valette - France Bleu - 5/5/2020)
Une université américaine crée une IA pour détecter les discours de haine sur internet, et se rend compte qu’ils viennent principalement des “minorités”. (Campus Vox - 1/5/2020)
We're Saved! Company Claims It's Patented 'Containing the Spread of Disinformation' And Will Stop COVID-19 Disinfo. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 1/5/2020)
Hard Pass: Clearview Offers to Help Out With COVID-19 Contact Tracing. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 30/4/2020)
Les données de santé, un trésor mondialement convoité. (Laure Belot - Le Monde - 2/3/2020)
China's Hacking Spree Will Have a Decades-Long Fallout: Equifax. Anthem. Marriott. OPM. The data that China has amassed about US citizens will power its intelligence activities for a generation. (Garrett M. Graff - Wired - 11/2/2020)
Should Your Antivirus Software Be Spying on You? (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 30/1/2020)
Whoops, Twitter The Latest To Use Two Factor Authentication Phone Numbers For Marketing. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 10/10/2019)
So what can FaceApp do with your 150 million faces? (Osmond Chia - Slash Gear - 21/7/2019)
Have your tax returns, Nest videos, and medical info been made public? (Dan Goodin - Ars Technica - 18/7/2019)
Facebook To Start Handing User Info to French Government so it Can Start Punishing People For Being Stupid. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 27/6/2019)
Google internal document calls prominent Jews Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro "Nazis". (Wintery Knight - 26/06/2019)
Mystery data breach reportedly exposes 80 million names, addresses, and income info in U.S: No one has any idea who's to blame. (Michael Simon - PCWorld - 29/4/2019)
Google Does Not Believe in Life After Google: He offers chilling insight into the ultimate visions of technocrats. (George Gilder - - 25/4/2019)
Report: Unknown Data Breach Exposes 80 Million US Households. (vpnMentor - 28/4/2019)
Big Tech Lobbying Gutted a Bill That Would Ban Recording You Without Consent: The Illinois Keep Internet Devices Safe Act would have empowered average people to sue big companies for recording them without consent, but industry association lobbying defanged it. (Rob Dozier - MotherBoard - 12/4/2019)
Has Mark Zuckerberg not read Nineteen Eighty-Four?: Facebook can have any policies it likes about content, and we can stay or flee accordingly. Government censorship is another matter. (John Robson - National Post - 2/4/2019)
Big Artificial Brother: Corporations & Governments Want to Keep an Eye on the Rest of Us. (Denyse O'Leary - Salvo - Spring 2019)
Beware The Rise of Censorship Under The Guise of Stopping Fake News: UK Regulators Push For Dangerous Plan. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 26/2/2019)
Indian Government Wants Tech Companies to Give Law Enforcement 24-Hour Access to User Data and Broken Encryption. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 27/12/2018)
How The New NAFTA Trade Deal Lets Big Tech Squelch Conservative Speech: Big Tech lobbyists orchestrated the quiet insertion of a seemingly innocuous provision into the deal that will allow them to silence conservative voices. (Jeremy Carl - The Federalist - 13/12/2018)
Tim Cook vs Franklin Graham : Ne vous y trompez pas le web n'est plus l'espace de liberté qu'il était. (Infochrétienne - 13/12/2018)
Réseaux sociaux : votre activité en ligne intégrée à votre dossier médical. (Paroles de Dieu - 25/11/2018)
In A Speech Any Autocrat Would Love, French President Macron Insists The Internet Must Be Regulated. (Cathy Gellis - TechDirt - 20/11/2018)
Is big tech becoming Big Brother?: First Amendment | Liberal groups and Google show an inclination for internet censorship. (Bonnie Pritchett - World Mag - 6/11/2018)
How Regulating Platforms' Content Moderation Means Regulating Speech - Even Yours. (Cathy Gellis - TechDirt - 18/9/2018)
How You And I Are Helping Facebook 'DeepFace' Facial Recognition Create The Global Surveillance System. (Geoffrey Grider - Now the End Begins - 10/7/2018)
Copyright Industries Reveal Their Ultimate Goal: An Internet Where Everything Online Requires A License From Them. (Glyn Moody - TechCrunch - 3/7/2018)
Goodbye, Privacy? How New EdTech Is Turning Students Into Lab Rats. (Karen Effrem & Jane Robbins - American Spectator - 29/6/2018)
Facebook shared data with Chinese telecom Huawei, raising US government security concerns. (Taylor Hatmaker - TechCrunch - 5/6/2018)
Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier – review: Lanier was there for the creation of the internet and is convinced that social media is toxic, making us sadder, angrier and more isolated. (Zoe Williams - The Guardian - 30/5/2018)
Facebook will now start ranking news organizations by their trustworthiness . (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 1/5/2018)
Facebook can track you online even if you never sign up, and people are upset with the explanation. (Teri Webster - The Blaze - 15/4/2018)
Yahoo and AOL just gave themselves the right to read your emails (again): Though Yahoo was already scanning its users' emails to maximize ad opportunities, doubling-down on the policy could raise eyebrows in a post-Cambridge Analytica world. (Sean Hollister - CNET - 13/4/2018)
Zucked: It's time to start paying attention to Facebook and Google and what they're doing to shape our society. (Scott McKay - Spectator - 6/4/2018)
You've already 'clicked away your privacy rights': 'We're being served up as products to be exploited'. (Art Moore - WND - 9/4/2018)
Department of Homeland Security to establish monitoring system that tracks journalists in live time. (Teri Webster - The Blaze - 7/4/2018)
More Governments Granting Themselves Extra Censorship Powers With 'Fake News' Laws. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 5/4/2018)
A long awaited privacy awakening is here. (Seth Fiegerman - CNN Tech - 29/3/2018)
Let Our Data Go: This Passover, let's break free from the new Pharaoh, Mark Zuckerberg, and cast aside the chametz that is social media. (Liel Leibovitz - Tablet - 26/3/2018)
Mark Zuckerberg Promises to do Better at Hiding Facebook's Data Mining Activities. (The Babylon Bee - 22/3/2018)
If You're Pissed About Facebook's Privacy Abuses, You Should be Four Times as Angry at The Broadband Industry. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 21/3/2018)
Facebook hit with Federal Trade Commission probe over personal data use. (Michael Potuck - 9to5mac - 20/3/2018)
EU Commission Says Social Media Companies Must Take Down 'Terrorist Content' Within One Hour. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 5/3/2018)
Privacy advocates raise concerns about Facebook's tracking of even non-users' habits. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 1/3/2018)
Facebook 'Security': A New VPN That's Spyware And Two-Factor Authentication That Spams You. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 20/2/2018)
Facebook's New 'Onavo Protect' VPN is a Spyware App. (Joel Hruska - ExtremeTech - 14/2/2018)
Social Media Becomes the New Big Brother: Governments were to be feared before 1984, and still are, but these days giant corporations are watching you. (David F. Coppedge - CEH - 14/1/2018)
Scoop: Trump team considers nationalizing 5G network. (Jonathan Swan, David McCabe, Ina Fried, Kim Hart - Axios - 28/1/2018)
The Constant Pressure For YouTube To Police 'Bad' Content Means That It's Becoming A Gatekeeper. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 19/1/2018)
China Plans to Turn Country's Most Popular App, WeChat, Into an Official ID System. (Glyn Moody - TechDirt - 4/1/2018)
Facebook's Collection And Use of Data From Third-Party Sources is 'Abusive', Says Germany's Competition Authority. (Glyn Moody - TechDirt - 21/12/2017)
Facebook Swears It Won't Use Its New Powerful Face Recognition to Suggest 'People You May Know'. (Kashmir Hill - GIZMODO - 19/12/2017)
La reconnaissance faciale sur Facebook (et pourquoi il faut impérativement arrêter de participer à ce réseau) (Paroles de Dieu - 7/12/2017)
No, you're not being paranoid. Sites really are watching your every move: Sites log your keystrokes and mouse movements in real time, before you click submit. (Dan Goodin - Ars Technica - 11/20/2017)
Smartphones have turned us into tech-addicted zombies. Here's why we should ban them for kids. (Steve Hilton - FoxNews - 11/11/2017)
Founder of web browser Opera [Jon Von Tetzchner] says worried about online privacy. (Axel Bugge - Reuters - 9/11/2017)
The inventor of the Facebook like now bans himself from social media. Here's why. (Aaron Colen - The Blaze - 9/10/2017)
The NSA's Weird Interest In File Sharing Programs. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 20/9/2017)
Advanced CIA firmware has been infecting Wi-Fi routers for years: Latest Vault7 release exposes network-spying operation CIA kept secret since 2007. (Dan Goodin - Ars Techica - 15/6/2017)
Do You Know How Much Private Information You Give Away Every Day? (Manoush Zomorodi - TIME - 29/5/2017)
Australian Gov't Accessed Domestic Metadata Thousands Of Times, Shared Some of It With China. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 22/8/2017)
Espionnage: impact dévastateur sur la vie privée: John McAfee : « La confidentialité n'existe pas, chaque routeur est suspect ». (Paroles de Dieu - 10/7/2017)
Micro Satellites Are Spawning A Global Surveillance Arms Race. (Edmondo Burr - News Punch - 25/6/2017), the Email Unsubscription Service, Has Been Collecting and Selling Your Data. (Thorin Klosowski - LifeHacker - 24/4/2017)
Fraudsters need just three details to steal your identity and most of it can be found on Facebook. (Amelia Murray - The Telegraph 13/4/2017)
If Facebook Becomes The Internet's Authentication System, Can Citizen Scores Around The World Be Far Behind? (Glyn Moody - TechDirt - 6/4/2017)
Seven Simple Steps Toward Online Privacy. (Robert Epstein Robert - Medium - 17/3/2017
Revealed: The 48 organisations that can see your entire online browsing history, even if you delete it. (ABIGAIL BEALL - Daily Mail - 25/11/2016)
Yahoo's Bulk Surveillance of Every Account under Government Coercion. (Mac Performance Guide - 10/10/2016)
Not OK, Google. (Natasha Loma - Tech Crunch - 5/10/2016)
At its hardware launch event in San Francisco yesterday, Alphabet showed the sweeping breadth of its ambition to own consumers' personal data, as computing continues to accelerate away from static desktops and screens, coalescing into a cloud of connected devices with the potential to generate far more data and data of a far more intimate nature than ever before.
EFF Exposing The Back-Room Deals That Allow Corporations And Governments to Control The Web. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 5/10/2016)
Basically All Big Tech Companies Deny Scanning Communications For NSA Like Yahoo Is Doing. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 5/10/2016)
Yahoo secretly built spying software to search customer emails for NSA, FBI. (Tré Goins-Phillips - The Blaze - 4/10/2016)
Time to Kill Security Questions - or Answer Them With Lies. (Lily Newman - WIRED - 28/9/2016)
Facebook Protects Your Privacy, Just Look. (William Turton - GizModo - 28/9/2016)
Orwell Could Never Have Predicted This Level of Surveillance. (Mark Nestmann - 24/8/2016)
University Tracks Students' Movements Using WiFi, But Says It's OK Because It's Not Tracking Students. (Glyn Moody - TechDirt - 16/8/2016)
How did Facebook get my number? And why is it giving my name out to strangers? (The Telegraph - Cara McGoogan - 9/8/2016)
Always Watching: Company Builds Profile on Every American Adult. (Jon Street - The Blaze - 7/8/2016)
Facebook uses your location data to suggest new friends, despite huge privacy concerns. (Joel Hruska - 28/6/2016 - ExtremeTech)
How online retailers collect and use consumer data: To get your dollars, online retailers first need to get your data. (Cult of Mac - 26/5/2016)
The FBI ‘Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ If It’s Wiretapping Your Amazon Echo. (Tré Goins-Phillips - The Blaze - 11/5/2016)
Secret US spy court approved every surveillance request in 2015: Perfect batting average continues with the FISA Court two years in a row now. (David Kravets - Ars Technica - 2/5/2016)
Supreme Court Approves Rule 41 Changes, Putting FBI Closer To Searching Any Computer Anywhere With A Single Warrant. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 29/4/2016)
Expanding Unconstitutional Backdoor Searches of Surveillance Data Is Easy: Just Change What Words Mean. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 23/4/2016)
L’autocensure des idées minoritaires, conséquence de la surveillance de masse. (Morgane Tual - Le Monde - 30/3/2016)
Long Before the Apple-FBI Battle, Lavabit Sounded a Warning. (Wired - 18/03/2016)
Facebook Ordered to Stop Tracking Non-Users In France. (Natasha Lomas - TechCrunch - 9/2/2016)
La CNIL met publiquement en demeure FACEBOOK de se conformer, dans un délai de trois mois, à la loi Informatique et Libertés. (CNIL - 8/2/2016)
Why You Should Be Concerned About The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. (Graeme Caldwell - TechCrunch - 7/2/2016)
What's The Difference Between 'Mass Surveillance' And 'Bulk Collection'? Does It Matter? (Glyn Moody - TechDirt - 20/1/2016)
Do The 'Smart Cities' of Tomorrow Really Want Fraud-Plagued, NSA Pal AT&T As A Partner? (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 8/1/2016)
Canada Passes 'Anti-Terror' Spy Bill, Taking Away Civil Liberties. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 10/6/2015)
France And Canada Both Move to Massively Expand The Surveillance State. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 6/5/2015)
Details Reveal Crypto Standard Controlled By NSA; And How Canada Helped. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 11/9/2013)
NSA Defends Encryption Backdoors by Promising It's Only Used to Spy on All of us. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 6/9/2013)
Consumers turning off personal data tap. (MacTech - 2017)
Moving beyond passwords and 2FA: Could biometrics be the answer to our password woes? (Ben Todd - TechRadar - 2/11/2020)