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Smart TVs / TVs «intelligents».

How your smart TVs are spying on you and your loved ones. (John Mac Ghlionn - Blaze News - 29/10/2024)

Smart TVs a 'Vast System of Digital Surveillance' That Targets Everyone, Especially Kids: Calling it a "privacy nightmare," the Center for Digital Democracy issued a report on how the streaming TV industry has evolved into a vast data-driven viewer surveillance apparatus, transforming people's TVs into monitoring, tracking and targeting devices. (Brenda Baletti - The Defender - 16/10/2024)

Smart TV Makers Will Soon Make More Money Off Your Viewing Habits Than The TV Itself. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 17/5/2021)

The FBI Says Your TV is Probably Spying On You. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 6/12/2019)

Vizio Admits Modern TV Sets Are Cheaper Because They're Spying on You. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 15/1/2019)

What is a smart TV and the privacy risks of a smart TV. (Norton - 8/8/2018)

Smart TVs vacuuming up data from millions of homes, often without consumers knowing it. (Teri Webster - The Blaze - 5/7/2018)

Consumer Reports: Your 'Smart' TV Remains A Privacy & Security Dumpster Fire. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 12/2/2018)

FCC approves TV technology that gives better pictures but less privacy. (David Shepardson - Rueters - 16/11/2017)

Researcher: 90% of 'Smart' TVs Can Be Compromised Remotely. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 7/4/2017)

Vizio Fined $2.2 Million For Not Telling Customers Their TVs Were Spying On Them. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 7/2/2017)

7 Imminent IoT Threats: Attacks against smart home products, medical devices, SCADA systems, and other newly network-enabled systems signal the beginning of a new wave of attacks against the IoT. (Jai Vijayan - Dark Reading - 21/10/2016)

Silverpush Stops Using Sneaky, Inaudible TV Audio Tracking Beacons After FTC Warning. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 13/4/2016)

How to keep your smart TV from spying on you. (Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols - ZDnet - 25/2/2016)

TVs Now 'Smart' Enough To Get Hijacked, Pick Up Malware. (TechDirt - 2016)

Télés connectées : un espion dans le salon ?: Soupçonnés de mettre leurs utilisateurs sur écoute, les téléviseurs connectés collectent de grandes quantités de données personnelles. (Damien Leloup - Le Monde - 11/2/2015)

Smart TV Includes a Default Program That Tracks Viewer 'Behavior Data on a Massive Scale With Great Accuracy. (Liz Klimas - Blaze News - 12/11/2015)

Samsung's Smart TVs Are Collecting And Storing Your Private Conversations. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 9/2/2015)

Your Samsung SmartTV Is Spying on You. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 9/2/2015)

Owners ‘Smart’ TVs Should Be Aware of This ‘Very Scary’. (The Blaze - 2015)

Vie privée : télé connectée, l'espion parfait. (Fabien Soyez - CNET France - 6/9/2013)

The Return Of Cable Boxes That Spy On You. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 13/4/2009)