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Les camionneurs et motores canadiens et le Convoi pour la Liberté
The Canadian Truckers and the Freedom Convoy
And Bikers?

For Cowards Freedom is Always Extremist

Dossier Covid19

"Why, it is she that has got all Narnia under her thumb. It's she that makes it always winter. Always winter and never Christmas; think of that!"
(C. S. Lewis - The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe - 1950)

The Freedom Convoy was never a "threat to Canadian security", but it certianly was a threat to Davos pawn Justin Trudeau's intolerant neototalitarian regime...

Mighty Trucks of Midnight. (Bruce Cockburn - 1991 - Album: Nothing But a Burning Light)



Les vidéos affichant cet image Censored by YouTube ont été censurés par YouTube depuis leur mise en ligne....

Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents



Trudeau Bans the Unvaccinated from Leaving the Country and from Earning a Living. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 7/10/2021)

Ottawa interdira à toutes les personnes non vaccinées de quitter le Canada: Après le 30 novembre, les passagers aériens n'ayant pas reçu deux doses reconnues ne pourront pas se rendre dans un aéroport canadien. (Fannie Bussières McNicoll + Romain Schué - RadioCan - 8/10/2021) -> Tiens, étrange, le mur de Berlin aussi empêchait les gens de quitter le territoire!

Video: Truckers Block Highways on Canadian Border to Protest Vaccine Mandate: Comes after PM Justin Trudeau issued executive order banning unvaccinated truckers from crossing Canadian border. (Infowars - 18/1/2022)

Canadian truckers 'Freedom Convoy 2022' set to depart B.C. for Ottawa to protest vaccine mandate: The very first leg of the convoy is set to depart from Prince Rupert, B.C. on Saturday morning at 7:00am. (Dakota Christensen - Rebel News - 21/1/2022)

Truckers freedom convoy is driving through Canada to protest the vaccine mandate. (Rebel News - 23/1/2022)

Truckers Head to Ottawa In 'Freedom Rally' Against Vaccine Mandate. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 24/1/2022)

Massive Canadian Convoy Challenges Trudeau's "Vax or the Axe" Mandates "Twitter users were reporting the Freedom Convoy had grown to 70 kilometres long." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 25/1/2022)

100.000 camionneurs veulent bloquer Ottawa pour libérer le Canada: Les médias les diabolisent, leur mouvement risque faire boule de neige : le vent du réveil des peuples se lève dans le pays où les restrictions anti-covid sont les plus délirantes du monde. Enquête. (Thierry Lacroix - Cruciforme - 25/1/2022)

'You're TOAST, Justin': Canadians standing for freedom rally against government mandate. (The Blaze - 26/1/2022)

Truckers protest Canadian vaccine mandate in world record-breaking 'Freedom Convoy'. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 26/1/2022)

The Parable of The Good Samaritan: Canadian Pastors And The Convoy. (Jacob Reaume - Pastor'sBlog/Trinity Bible Chapel - 26/1/2022)

50,000 Strong Trucker Convoy Travels to Ottawa, Canada, Demanding End to Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates. (Captaindaretofly - The Exposé - 27/1/2022)

Canadians Furious After Trudeau's 'Fringe Minority' Comment as Thousands of Truckers Head to Capital. (Dillon Burroughs - DailyWire - 27/1/2022)

Elon Musk: Canadian Truckers Rule! Truckers Across the World Form Convoys! (M Dowling - The Sentinel - 27/1/2022)

Canadian 'Freedom Convoy' Receives First GoFundMe Payment After Temporary Halt. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/1/2022)

Massive Crowds Gather on Parliament Hill as Trucker Convoy Arrives in Ottawa. (Omid Ghoreishi, Noé Chartier, Limin Zhou and Rahul Vaidyanath - The Epoch Times - 28/1/2022)

Les routiers canadiens résistent et refusent la répression totalitaire de l'État policier. (Robert Bibeau - Les 7 du Québec - 29/1/2022)

Canadian Province Bans Support Protests of Trucker 'Freedom Convoy,' Jordan Peterson Unloads: 'Beware'. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 29/1/2022)

Cities across Canada join the movement. (JustinCredibleTV - YouTube - 4 minutes - 29/1/2022)

Canadian Provincial Head Backs 'Freedom Convoy,' Pledges to End Vaccine Mandate. (John Rigolizzo - DailyWire - 29/1/2022)

Convoi pour la liberté 2022. (Thé – 5 minutes - 29/1/2022)

'It Is Cold Today. Almost As Cold As Justin Trudeau's Heart': Trudeau Foe Ezra Levant Bashes P.M. At Massive Trucker Convoy Rally. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 30/1/2022)

Freedom Convoy Fights the Big State and Health Fascism: What an inspiration the Canadian Freedom Convoy is. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 30/1/2022)

Tens of thousands of Canadians uniting for freedom: Ezra shows some of the viral TikTok videos. (Rebel News - 30/1/2022)

Former sniper for Trudeau is now head of Freedom Convoy security. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 30/1/2022)

Canadian Official 'Expects Police to Take Appropriate Action' As Truck Convoy Blocks US-Canada Border Crossing. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 31/1/2022)

We Are All Canadian Truckers Now! (Ron Paul - Institute for Peace & Prosperity - 31/1/2022)

Video: Truckers Pray The 'Our Father' After Voting to Continue Blockade of U.S.-Canadian Border. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 31/1/2022)

Why Canada, NOT BLUE AMERICA, Pushed Back on COVID Mandates. (Steven Crowder - Louder With Crowder - 31/1/2022) -> à partir de 41min, 35sec, Crowder parle du Canada et de ce qui se passe actuellement aussi au Québec.

Camionneurs de la liberté à Ottawa : l'astucieuse et encourageante analyse d'une journaliste canadienne. (Hilary White - 31/1/2022)

Routiers canadiens : TRUMP s'en mêle et ça devient mondial !
(Florian Philippot - YouTube - 11 minutes - 31/1/2022)


The Canadian Truckers CAN'T Be Stopped!
(AwakenWithJP - YouTube - 11 minutes - 1/2/2022)

Trudeau is Playing with Fire. (Laura Rosen Cohen - Brownstone Institute - 1/2/2022)

Trucker Convoy Protest Speech-Aaron Rock
(Dr. Aaron Rock - YouTube - 4 minutes - 1/2/2022)
-> Sermon done outside the Canadian Parliament: A Christian view of the limits to State power

Farmers Break Through Police Blockade, Leading Trucker Convoy Closer to US-Canada Border. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 2/2/2022)

Ottawa City Councillor Demands Government Seize $7 Million Raised By Canadian Truckers. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 2/2/2022) -> Canadian politcians blatantly advocating THEFT!! How LOW can you go??

« La liberté ne se demande pas. Elle se prend ! Le convoi de la liberté, Trudeau s'est caché ! » (Charles SANNAT - Les moutons enragés - 2/2/2022)

RCMP member sent on unpaid leave writes this powerful letter you must read. (Easton Spectator - 2/2/2022)

Ottawa Police Threatens to Call In Military to Stop Trucker Protest. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 3/2/2022)

Convoi des camionneurs : GoFundMe convoquée à un comité des Communes. (journaliste servile - Radio-Canada - 3/2/2022)

Where did all of the THOUSANDS of trucks end up in Ottawa? Diverted by police AWAY from downtown While downtown Ottawa was quite a sight to behold — and it still is, with all of those trucks still there as I speak — I did not see tens of thousands of trucks parked downtown. So I began to investigate. (Dakota Christensen - Rebel News - 3/2/2022)

GoFundMe FREEZES Canadian 'Freedom Convoy' Campaign After Ottawa City Council demanded 'pipeline of funding' be cut off. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 3/2/2022)

Canadian soldiers cautioned against showing any support for trucker protest. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 4/2/2022)

Freedom Convoy Demonised – CIA-colour revolutions celebrated. (Gavin O'Reilly - Off-Guardian - 4/2/2022)

Attack of the Transphobic Putin-Nazi Truckers! (CJ Hopkins - The Consent Factory - 4/2/2022)

"Hold the Line, Stand your Ground!" The speech that Fired up the Truckers by Pastor Artur Pawlowski
(Artur Pawlowski TV - YouTube - 19 minutes - 4/2/2022)

Saskatchewan residents protest in solidarity with Freedom Convoy As all eyes were on Ottawa this past weekend, while smaller, but equally passionate, protests took place all across Canada — with Saskatchewan being no exception. (Kelly Lamb - Rebel News - 4/2/2022)

Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd) "In Hot" interview with Tom Quiggin from "Freedom Convoy 2022.
(Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms - Rumble - 30 minutes - 5/2/2022)
Tom Quiggin, intelligence officer, court certified expert on jihad terror and C3RF patron, is at ground zero of the earthshaking "Freedom Convoy 2022" protest. Strap in for more than a few revelations as he details his activities as "intel officer" for a worldwide phenomena that sees freedom and individuals rights facing off against the "global reset". Is this the protest and hinge point of our times?

Justin Trudeau's Brother Admits He Is 'Pawn' of New World Order Who Performs Scripts Written by Global Elites. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 5/2/2022)

Freedom Convoy: Video shows Ottawa police seize fuel; mayor declares state of emergency and says city is 'losing this battle'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 6/2/2022)

Ottawa police decree is illegal, Justice Centre warns. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 6/2/2022)

Will Canada's truckers score a victory for all free people? (Clifford C. Nichols - American Thinker - 6/2/2022)

Shock Video: Ottawa Police Assault, Arrest Elderly Man For Honking Horn. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 7/2/2022)

Coronavirus Police Threaten Arrests For People Giving Fuel to Freedom Convoy: Authorities try to tighten grip on demonstrators. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 7/2/2022)

"Le Freedom Convoy est un mouvement festif et exemplaire" Alexis Cossette de Radio Québec. (FranceSoir - 25 minutes - 7/2/2022)

Letter to Justin Trudeau. (Margaret Anna Alice - Off Guardian - 7/2/2022)

Canadians Are Better Americans Now. (Lex Greene - News With Views - 7/2/2022)

Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference.
(IrnieracingNews - 34 minutes - 7/2/2022)

Message des Routiers au Premier Ministre Trudeau. (Nicolas - RebootInfo - 13 minutes - 8/2/2022)

Canadian Elites Created The Ottawa Crisis, And They Have No Idea How To End It. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 8/2/2022)

18 Fundraisers Aiding Riots, Crime, Abortion, And Genital Mutilation That GoFundMe Didn't Shut Down. (Elle Reynolds - The Federalist - 8/2/2022)

Canadian Media Caught Promoting Nazi False Flag Ahead of Massive Ottawa Protest Arrests. (Infowars - 8/2/2022)

Ottawa police reminded that exercising Charter freedoms is not a crime. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 8/2/2022)

Calgary police officer resigns due to 'political policing'.
(Rebel News Clips - YouTube - 2 minutes - 8/2/2022)

How the Left betrayed the Truckers: The convoy is despised by those who should support it. (Malcom Kyeyune - UnHerd - 9/2/2022)

Rebel News Co-Founder DEMOLISHES Canadian Media's Lies About the Freedom Convoy. (Chris Queen - PJMedia - 9/2/2022)

Trudeau Responds to Freedom Trucker Convoy and Doubles-Down on Mandates
(Robert Gouveia - Rumble - 33 minutes - 9/2/2022)

CBC Workers In Ottawa "Must Watch" | IrnieracingNews: A Nurse takes on the CBC
(Marcel Irnie - YouTube - 5 minutes - 10/2/2022)
Kristen Nagle shames CBC workers in the streets of Ottawa. CBC people have no heart.

Canadian 'Freedom Convoy' Raises $7 Million On New Crowdfunding Platform. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/2/2022)

La révolte du Canada - Convoi de la Liberté
(MelGoyer - Rumble - 3 minutes - 9/2/2022)

Exclusive Video — Canadian YouTuber Viva Frei: 'Legacy Media' Are 'Outright Lying' About Freedom Convoy. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 9/2/2022)

Police officer Nick Motycka went viral for vid saying politicians using Ottawa cops as 'hired goons' Nick could face serious consequences after posting a video he uploaded to a private chat with other law enforcement officers. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 9/2/2022)

'Canada Has Absolutely ZERO Jurisdiction': GiveSendGo Slams Judge Trying to Freeze Funds For Truckers. (Brianna Lyman - Daily Caller - 10/2/2022)

Canadian provinces lift COVID mandates amid Freedom Convoy protests. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 10/2/2022)

Canadian Court Freezes Freedom Convoy GiveSendGo Donations. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 10/2/2022)

The Tyranny of Trudeau: The truckers are teaching him an overdue lesson in the limits of government. (George Neumayr - The American Spectator - 10/2/2022)

Ottawa trucker: Why we're not going anywhere Freddie Sayers investigates the Canadian anti-mandate movement. (UnHerd - 10/2/2022)

The Revolution is here! Canada shows the way! (Auto - UnshackledMinds - 10/2/2022)

Justin Trudeau's Ceauşescu Moment Denouncing truckers for "unacceptable views," Canada's Prime Minister skipped town rather than face evidence of his own unpopularity. Is neoliberalism finally cracking? (Matt Taibbi - TKNews - 10/2/2022)

While Media Lie - Trashes Canadian Truckers, Truckers Say They Will Die for This Cause. (M Dowling - The Sentinel - 10/2/2022)

Canadian Truckers Spark Global Movement To Fight Technocrat Tyranny. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy - 10/2/2022)

GiveSendGo fires back defiant message after Canadian government moves to freeze donations to Freedom Convoy. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 11/2/2022)

State of emergency declared in Ontario amid Canadian truckers convoy: 'This is a pivotal, pivotal moment for our nation'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 11/2/2022)

Canadian cop visits woman's home, admits police are monitoring her Facebook group, hands her info on 'peaceful protests': 'Nice to know that we're being watched'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 11/2/2022) -> Canada now has it's own Gestapo/KGB...

Former Detroit Police Chief James Craig Backs Canadian Trucker Protests, Infuriating Michigan Democrats. (Wendell Husebø - Breitbart - 11/2/2022)

Exclusive–Canadian Freedom Convoy VP: 'Our Biggest Tool is Patience'. (Charlie Spiering - Breitbart - 11/2/2022)

He "Sounds Like Hitler" - Bill Maher Blasts Trudeau Over "Do We Tolerate...Unacceptable Views" Comments. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 12/2/2022)

STANDOFF: Authorities Show up at Bridge Blockade, Freedom Protesters Honk: 'Remember Your Oath!' (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 12/2/2022)

TD Bank to Surrender Convoy Donations to Court as Organizers Turn to Crypto. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 12/2/2022)

Biden et Trudeau menacent les manifestants d'Ottawa. (Nicolas - RebootInfo - 13/2/2022)

BREAKING: Police sabotage heavy equipment at Coutts Police confirmed that they were behind the damage caused to vehicles on private land in Coutts, Alberta. (Rebel News - 13/2/2022) -> Canadian police involved in criminal activities???

Saskatchewan protesters join in Canada-U.S. border protests While tension ramped up for protesters at major border crossings nationwide, a peaceful convoy and rally visited the quiet, rural Regway crossing in the prairies. (Rebel News - 13/2/2022)

Ezra Reacts to Trudeau's Suspension of Civil Liberties. (Ezra Levant - Rumble - 75 minutes - 14/2/2022)

Trudeau, premiers discussing Emergencies Act to battle blockades across Canada: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is consulting the premiers about using the Emergencies Act as antigovernment blockades continue to paralyze Ottawa and shutter multiple border crossings with the United States. (The Canadian Press/MSN - 14/2/2022) -> note that not too long ago the Emergencies Act used to be called the "War Measures Act"...

Manifestations et blocages : Ottawa invoque la Loi sur les mesures d'urgence. (journaliste totalement servile - Radio-Canada - 14/2/2022)

Trudeau to Unleash Never-Before-Used 'Emergency Powers Act' to Counter Protests As US-Canada Bridge Reopens. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 14/2/2022) -> So Justin Trudeau is declaring WAR on Canadian citizens vor expressing "undesirable" political views?????

Trudeau invokes emergency powers to end Freedom Convoy protests. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 14/2/2022)

Ezra Reacts to Trudeau's Suspension of Civil Liberties. (Ezra Levant - Rumble - 75 minutes - 14/2/2022)

Free Speech Becomes Roadkill In The Crackdown on Canadian Truckers. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/2/2022)

GiveSendGo Hacked, Donor List to $8.6 Million Freedom Convoy Exposed. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 14/2/2022) -> a case of State Terrorism?

Trudeau Targets Crowdfunding Platforms, Cryptocurrencies Under 'Terrorist Financing' Rules. (Jordan Dixon-Hamilton - Breitbart - 14/2/2022)

Canadian Civil Liberties Association Condemns Trudeau For Invoking National Emergency Over Truckers. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 14/2/2022)

Canadian Media STILL Pushing Crackpot Theory That Truckers Are Russian Agents "Who would have reason right now to cause as much chaos in Canada as possible? Well, at the top of that list is Russia." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 14/2/2022)

'Threatens Our Democracy': Canadian Civil Liberties Association Condemns Trudeau Invoking 'Emergencies Act'. (Nicole Silverio - Daily Caller - 14/2/2022)

The Freedom Convoy to End Covid Tyranny is Getting Results All Over The World. (Arjun Singh - The Federalist - 14/2/2022)

After Vaccine Mandate Victory, Freedom Convoy Faces off Against Angry Prime Minister The premier claims his vaccine about-face has nothing to do with the protests. (Daniel J. Flynn - The American Spectator - 14/2/2022)

Canadian Freedom Convoy: The Movie The movie images alone would be spectacular. (Lou Aguilar - The American Spectator - 14/2/2022)

"Use of emergency powers unjustified by Ottawa facts and reality," explains Justice Centre. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 14/2/2022)

After Vaccine Mandate Victory, Freedom Convoy Faces Off Against Angry Prime Minister The premier claims his vaccine about-face has nothing to do with the protests. (Daniel J. Flynn - The American Spectator - 14/2/2022)

Tucker: Trudeau has declared Canada a dictatorship
(Tucker Carlson - Fox News - YouTube 5 minutes - 14/2/2022)

Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters' bank accounts. (BBC News - 14/2/2022)

Appel à tous les Canadiens à converger vers Ottawa. (Nicolas - RebootInfo - 15/2/2022)

Trudeau Invokes the Emergencies Act (aka Martial Law) in Canada … For a Bunch of Truckers - The Trudeau government invoked, for the first time in Canadian history, the Emergencies Act. The goal? To quell a bunch of truckers. Here's how this situation was purposely engineered to lead directly to this extreme measure. (Vigilant Citizen - 15/2/2022)

What is Canada's Emergencies Act, invoked against 'Freedom Convoy'? PM Justin Trudeau will use sweeping powers to crack down on truckers protesting against his Covid-19 mandates. (RT News - 15/2/2022)

BREAKING: Ottawa Police Chief resigns, source says A 'senior source close to the situation' has reportedly confirmed Sloly's resignation. (Dakota Christensen - Rebel News - 15/2/2022)

Ottawa Police Chief Resigns. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 15/2/2022)

Trudeau's Former Security Warns Elites Planning 'False Flag' to Discredit Freedom Convoy. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 15/2/2022)

Alberta Border Blockade Disbanded, Truckers Roll Out After Police Midnight Raid. (John Rigolizzo - DailyWire - 15/2/2022)

Convoi de la liberté Canada : Justin Trudeau va geler les comptes bancaires des manifestants. (FranceSoir - 15/2/2022)

'These Very Powers … Are Why We Are Here': Canadian Protesters 'Dig Their Heels In' Against Trudeau's Crackdown. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 15/2/2022)

Freedom Convoy Organizers Say They Notified Police After Being Told "Nefarious Elements" Plan to Discredit Protest. (Katabella Roberts/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/2/2022)

Trudeau's State Media Labels 'Freedom' A "Far Right" Concept CBC piece claims freedom is now a "malleable term" and is "open to interpretation". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 15/2/2022)

Canada invokes Emergencies Act to seize convoy funding. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 15/2/2022)

RCMP and Ontario Provincial Police set to take over law enforcement of protests in Ottawa Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said that the government is setting up an integrated command centre for the RCMP and the OPP to share and assume command and control over the ongoing protests. (Ian Miles Cheong - Rebel News - 15/2/2022)

Martial Law In Canada: It's Never Been Riskier to Not Own Bitcoin. (Mark Jeftovic/BombThrower - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/2/2022)

Trudeau Admits Real Purpose of Emergency Powers Is So Canadians Learn 'Consequences' of 'Breaking the Law'. (Jamie White - Infowars - 15/2/2022)

Trudeau Declares Himself Dictator! (Darrin McBreen - Infowars - 15/2/2022)

If Canada's Crackdown on The Freedom Convoy Spirals Out of Control, Trudeau Will Bear The Blame. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 15/2/2022)

Ce que nous enseignent les camionneurs canadiens. (H16 - Les moutons enragés - 16/2/2022)

Ottawa's "Freedom Convoy" Protesters Dig In As Canadian Government Suffers 'Alex Jones' Moment. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 16/2/2022)

Report: Tow-Truck Drivers Could Face Arrest For Refusing To Help Clear Canadian Freedom Convoy Trucks. (Dillon Burroughs - DailyWire - 16/2/2022)

Justin Trudeau: a liberal despot The Canadian PM has invoked emergency powers to crush the truckers' peaceful protest. (Meghan Murphy - Spiked - 16/2/2022)

Canada Orders Freeze of 34 Cryptocurrency Accounts Connected To 'Freedom Convoy'. (John Rigolizzo - DailyWire - 16/2/2022)

Canadian parents could face fines or jail time for bringing children to 'unlawful' Freedom Convoy protests under new emergency powers act . (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 16/2/2022)

Ottawa police are ticketing Freedom Convoy protesters, warning them to leave or face arrest. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 16/2/2022)

Report: Extremists Threaten to Throw Bricks at Cafe Owner ID'd in Alleged Freedom Convoy Hack. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 16/2/2022)

Freedom Convoy Protesters Are About to Get Arrested en Masse. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 16/2/2022) -> So Trudeau really wants to demonstrate to the world that Canadians live in a totalitairian State where dissident political opinions are NOT tolerated...

Loi d'urgence au Canada : vers le blocage des comptes bancaires des manifestants ? (Arnaud Florac - BVoltaire - 16/2/2022)

Dictator joins hacker, Big Banks, Big News Media and Big Tech to destroy liberty. (Wintery Knight - 17/2/2022)

Freedom Convoy Protesters Dismiss Justin Trudeau's Emergency Powers Move. (Gabrielle Reyes - Breitbart - 17/2/2022)

Very Moving Interview: Canadian Owner of Stella Luna Cafe in Ottawa Tammy Giuliani Joins @JesseBWatters to Discuss The Harassment She & Her Family Have Faced For Giving Money to The Freedom Convoy. (The Columbia Bugle - Twitter - 7minutes - 17/2/2022)

Trudeau's Trucker Terrorists: Why The Emergency Powers Endanger The Rights of All Groups. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 17/2/2022)

"Freedom Convoy" Exposes Canada's Hollow Liberal Universalism. (Richard Reinsch - Heritage Foundation - 17/2/2022)

Bank Run? Canada's Top Banks Mysteriously go Offline. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/2/2022)

In Show of Force, Ottawa Police Issue Formal Warnings, Set up 'Secured Area' Around 'Freedom Convoy'. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 17/2/2022)

Canadian Freedom Convoy Organizer Chris Barber Arrested in Ottawa. (Paul Bois - Breitbart - 17/2/2022)

Canada Police to Send Names of Trucker Protesters to Financial Institutions. (Simon Kent - Breitbart - 17/2/2022)

Convoy Chaos: Organizers Arrested, Dogs Threatened, Accounts Frozen And Govt. Sued. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/2/2022)

Society vs State: Canada Reveals the Core Conflict of Our Age. (David McGrogan - The Brownstone Institute - 17/2/2022)

Trudeau Does Not Want To End The Protests Peacefully. He Wants Violence. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 17/2/2022)

Elon Musk crée la polémique en comparant Justin Trudeau à Adolf Hitler. (RT France - 17/2/2022)

Ottawa Police Begin Making Arrests to Squash Freedom Convoy "Unlawful Demonstration". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/2/2022)

Justin Trudeau's phoney dictatorship Relying on emergency powers reveals his weakness. (Malcom Kyeyune - UnHerd - 17/2/2022)

BREAKING: Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich arrested Lich's reported arrest follows an earlier warning from Ottawa police that a crack down was imminent, and shortly after another convoy organizer was arrested. (Eitan Gilboord - Rebel News - 17/2/2022)

Convoy protesters link arms to prevent Ottawa police from arresting lone trucker: Alexa Lavoie captured the moment while livestreaming. (Efron Monsanto - Rebel News - 17/2/2022)

Trudeau's Harsh Response to Peaceful Trucker Protest is A Fool's Move. (Matthew Garnett - The Federalist - 18/2/2022)

Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in North America. (Matthew Ehret - Off-Guardian - 18/2/2022)

Key Freedom Convoy leaders arrested as police establish 100 checkpoints in Ottawa to clamp down on trucker protest. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 18/2/2022)

Canadian Parliament cancels meeting as police clear out protesters. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 18/2/2022)

Police on Horseback Trample 'Freedom Convoy' Protesters in Canada. (Mary Rooke - Daily Caller - 18/2/2022)

Media Wage Harassment Campaign Against Freedom Convoy Donors Doxxed In GiveSendGo Hack. (Ailan Evans - Daily Caller - 18/2/2022)

'It's a Beautiful Day': Trucker Stands His Ground as Police Enclose on Him. (Brianna Lyman - Daily Caller - 18/2/2022)

'Hold The Line': Canadian Police Arrest Leaders Of Freedom Convoy, Several Others Amid Crackdown. (Brianna Lyman - Daily Caller - 18/2/2022)

Ottawa Police Ban lawful protest in seat of Canadian democracy. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 18/2/2022) -> The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms sent a cease and desist demand letter to Steve Bell, Interim Police Chief Ottawa Police Service on February 17, 2022, after hearing his warning that Canadians should not come to Ottawa to protest.

Banks Have Begun Freezing Accounts Linked to Trucker Protest. (Katherine Fung - Newsweek - 18/2/2020)

Heavily-Armed Ottawa Police Arrest at Least 70 'Freedom Convoy' Protesters, Will Run "24 Hours A Day" to Clear City. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 19/2/2022)

LEAKED RCMP MESSAGES: "Time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground" RCMP currently in Ottawa to assist in the crackdown on peaceful protesters allegedly brag about using brutal force in a leaked group chat. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 19/2/2022)

RCMP admit sabotaging three excavators during Coutts border blockade A representative with the RCMP confirmed the sabotage to Rebel News during the now-disbanded blockade. (Rebel News - 19/2/2022)

Ottawa Arrests Top 100 As "Freedom Convoy" Organizers Face Judge For First Time. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 19/2/2022)

Ottawa Police On Horseback Trample Peaceful Protesters, Accuse Victims of Exhibiting 'Assaultive Behavior'. (Chris Menahan/Information Liberation - InfoWars - 19/2/2022)

Can Truckers' Horns in The Freedom Convoy Collapse Ottawa's Wall of Mandates? (Brian Wilson - Infowars - 19/2/2022)

Trudeau's Power Grab and the Roots of the Fabian Society of Canada (Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly). (The Canadian Patriot - 123 minutes - 19/2/2022)

The Fall of Canada, The Danger in the US: Understanding Martial Law. (Dr Naomi Wolf - Outspoken - 19/2/2022)

'It Is Our Job as The People to Hold Our Leadership Accountable': Marvel Actress Begs Trudeau to Sit Down With Truckers. (Virginia Kruta - DailyWire - 20/2/2022)

#BlackfaceHitler Trends as Justin Trudeau's Government Cracks Down on Truckers. (Virginia Kruta - DailyWire - 20/2/2022)

Robbie Picard joins Sheila Gunn Reid to discuss the Convoy being labelled as 'economic terrorism'. (Rebel News - 20/2/2022)

Justin Trudeau's Declaration of Martial Law Awakens World to Great Reset Takeover: Joe Rogan says it's "bizarre" how politicians openly brag about the Great Reset while at the same time insisting it's just a "conspiracy theory." ( - 20/2/2022)

The Naked Face of New Normal Fascism. (CJ Hopkins - The Consent Factory - 20/2/2022)

Trampling The Truckers – The Great Reset Becomes The Great Awakening. (Tom Luongo/Gold, Goats, 'n Guns - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 20/2/2022)

Washington Post hammered for painting Freedom Convoy as 'explicitly racist,' arguing 'freedom is a key component of white supremacy'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 20/2/2022)

RCMP Police Laugh About Trampling Elderly Disabled Woman In Leaked Texts. (Wintery Knight - 20/2/2022)

Police Lay 391 Charges on 191 Freedom Convoy Protesters in Ottawa Crackdown. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 21/2/2022)

Ottawa Mayor Proposes to Sell Confiscated 'Freedom Convoy" Trucks. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 21/2/2022)

Canadian Parliament approves of emergency powers to shut down trucker protest. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 21/2/2022)

Canada under the Emergencies Act, and Trudeau says we may stay that way Justin Trudeau put in a form of martial law to deal with peaceful protesters in Ottawa. The protest is done, but Trudeau wants to keep the emergency powers! (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 21/2/2022)

Tin Soldiers and Trudeau's Coming. (Douglas Wilson - Blog & Mablog - 21/2/2022)

Franklin Graham Thanks Canadian Truckers for Opposing 'Socialists'. (Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. - Breitbart - 21/2/2022)

Trudeau's Truckers Reveal Problems With Banking Infrastructure: And crypto isn't the solution you might think it is. (Jonathan Bartlett - MindMatters - 21/2/2022)

Convoi de la liberté Canada : le monde choqué par la répression policière des manifestants. (FranceSoir - 22/2/2022)

Canada : le Convoi de la liberté brisé, tous les participants seront traqués et punis au pénal. (FranceSoir - 22/2/2022)

Freedom Convoy Organiser Tamara Lich Denied Bail by Canadian Judge. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 22/2/2022)

Leading Israeli Doctors Slam Trudeau for Equating Freedom Convoy Protesters with Nazis. (Joshua Klein - Breitbart - 22/2/2022)

Canadian Lawmaker Claims Single Mom Had Bank Account Frozen After Donating $50 to Freedom Convoy. (Katabella Roberts/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/2/2022)

Le discours du sénateur Jean-Guy Dagenais (Ex policier)
(Québec Intégrité - YouTube - 15 minutes - 22/2/2022)

Indigenous Elder Trampled by Canadian Police: Report No One Was Hurt Is 'Bullsh*t'. (John Hayward - Breitbart - 22/2/2022)

What Have We Learned From Ottawa? (Lex Greene - News With Views - 22/2/2022)

Tamara Lich Denied Bail - Freedom Convoy 2022 Organizer Jailed Until Trial.
(Clyde Do Something - YouTube - 11 minutes - 23/2/2022)

Justin Trudeau Revokes Emergency Powers Used to Target Freedom Convoy. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 23/2/2022)

Canadian Lawmakers Press Trudeau Officials on Frozen Bank Accounts: 'Effectively Removing Them From Society'. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 23/2/2022)

Freedom Convoy GoFundMe organizer denied bail due to 'substantial likelihood' to 're-offend,' could face 'lengthy' prison term. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 23/2/2022)

Freedom Convoy Regroups in Rural Canada. (John Hayward - Breitbart - 23/2/2022)

Ontario Police Investigate Officers Who Allegedly Donated to Freedom Convoy. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 23/2/2022)

Canadian Veteran To March Over 2,700 miles in Support of Freedom Convoy. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 23/2/2022)

Google Maps Location Data of 'Freedom Convoy' Donors Posted Online. (Paul Joseph Watson/Summit News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 23/2/2022)

'Never Leave Anyone Stuck': Trucker Protester With 'Defund The CBC' Hat Pulls CBC Journalists Out of Ditch. (Jacob Yusufov - Daily Caller - 23/2/2022)

Mike Rowe Goes After Politicians For Hailing Truckers as Heroes Then Throwing Them Aside After Two Weeks. (Laurel Duggan - Daily Caller - 23/2/2022)

The Truckers Won. (David Marcus - DailyWire - 24/2/2022)

How the truckers split indigenous Canada We are fed up with being viewed as virtuous victims. (Ashley Frawley - UnHerd - 24/2/2022)

Allergic to The 'So-Called Freedom Convoy'. (Tim Graham - JWR - 25/2/2022)

39 Trucking Businesses Shut Down by Ontario Transportation Ministry for Involvement in 'Freedom Convoy' Protests. (Infowars - 25/2/2022)

Kicking Like Canadian Truckers. (Douglas Wilson - Blog and Mablog - 14 minutes/audio- 25/2/2022)

Debriefing: Abuse of Ottawa protesters, from trampling to vandalism. (Rebel News - 25/2/2022)

FULL FOOTAGE: Police crackdown on peaceful protesters in Ottawa last weekend Unfortunately, many dangerous police maneuvers were used during this weekend of intervention, injuring several people. This report is in fact a recap of the many hours of police interventions that took place between February 18 and 19. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 26/2/2022)

Trudeau's Police State, Truckers for Freedom, and the Coming Confrontation. (Steven Yates - News With Views - 26/2/2022)

Before the Russian Distraction Completely Overtakes Us, Can We Reiterate What We Just Saw in Canada? Don't get distracted from what's actually happening here at home. (Les Lanphere - Caldron Pool - 28/2/2022)

Could Canadians Targeted by Trudeau Qualify For Political Asylum in The United States? (Elle Reynolds - The Federalist - 28/2/2022)

Anti-mandate convoy rolls on in Edmonton as restrictions set to be rolled back Many demonstrators said they do not trust promises from Jason Kenney after being told once before that the province was "open for good". (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 28/2/2022)

The inconsistency of police checkpoints for entry into Ottawa's 'Red Zone': Who would've thought that in 2022, you'd ever hear the words 'your papers?' to simply do your job as a journalist in Canada. (Rebel News - 8 minutes - 3/3/2022)

Public Safety Minister accuses truckers of rape threats. But who are the real creeps in Ottawa? There are, indeed, creeps roaming the streets of Ottawa and the women in the nation's capital should be ever vigilant. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 8 minutes - 3/3/2022)

Trucker Encampment Outside of Ottawa
(Connor Desnoyers - YouTube - 7 minutes - 6/3/2022)

Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich released from custody after court overturns bail decision. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 7/3/2022)

Canadian banks say Freedom Convoy backers' frozen accounts will be flagged for life 'There would be something in the file indicating a freeze had taken place,' said the Canadian Bankers Association on Monday. (Jack Bingham - LifeSite - 8/3/2022)

More falsehoods about the convoy are now being retracted. (Lorne Gunter - Toronto Sun - 12/3/2022)

Truckers' Convoy for Freedom: Regular fed up Canadians or racists with unacceptable beliefs like Trudeau says? (Rebel News - 15/3/2022)

GoFundMe president debunks Liberal and CBC lies about Freedom Convoy foreign funding Deception over the convoy's funding led to the federal government's invoking of the Emergencies Act. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 18/3/2022)

Viva Frei tells his story of covering the Freedom Convoy David Freiheit, a.k.a Viva Frei, tells us why he hosted marathon livestreams in Ottawa, and gets into the nitty-gritty of the Emergencies Act and the anti-honk legal battles. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 18/3/2022)

What's the backstory of the inappropriate signs spotted during the first days of the Freedom Convoy? Despite the fact that the Freedom Convoy was one of the largest human rights demonstrations to take place in the country, it remained peaceful and respectable. Yet the mainstream media zoned in on two incidents of inappropriate flags to try and change the narrative and tell people otherwise. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 20/3/2022)

Aucune arme à feu n'a été trouvée lors de la manifestation du convoi de la liberté à Ottawa. (Francois Bullock (Patriote XV) - Twitter - 1 minute - 24/3/2022)

What the Toronto Star got very, very wrong about the Freedom Convoy: Rupa Subramanya with Ezra Levant The Toronto Star's Justin Ling wrote that loaded shotguns were discovered during the convoy clearance — a 'fact' that was later proved false when the Ottawa police chief said no firearms were found. (Rebel News - 27/3/2022)

Must Watch: A Powerful Tribute To The Freedom Convoy by @JB TwoFour
(Live From The Shed - YouTube - 15 minutes - 3/4/2022)

Convoy Protester Pat King Faces New Charges of Perjury, Obstruction of Justice. (Epoch Times - 18/4/2022)

Hundreds of police at temporary Ottawa HQ, multiple arrests of Rolling Thunder protesters Friday night in and around 'Exclusion Zone' Reports are that as many as 800 RCMP officers have been authorized to work within Ottawa to assist local officers. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 30/4/2022)

Canadian Conviviality vs. Global Helplessness. ( Sinead Murphy - Off-Guardian - 5/5/2022)

Coup d'État : Le plus grand scandale de l'histoire du Canada. La gauche radicale au Canada est mise à nu, et les grands médias l'ignorent. (Abraham Blondeau - Guy Boulianne - 8/5/2022)

'This is something I escaped from': Former Iranian political prisoner speaks out during Ottawa rally Salman shares his thoughts on both the trucker convoy and the Rolling Thunder rally in contrast to his experiences in Iran. (Lincoln Jay - Rebel News - 10/5/2022)

MOVIE PREMIERE: Get tickets to see our newest documentary in theatre in Calgary! Tickets are on sale now for Rebel News' documentary "Trucker Rebellion: The Story of the Coutts Blockade" which premieres in Calgary on May 26. (Rebel News - 14/5/2022)

The Freedom Convoy & the Collapse of Canadian Liberalism. (Ray McGinnis - Off-Guardian - 23/5/2022)

Tamara Lich can now travel to Ontario, and "courts are not thought police". (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 25/5/2022) -> Ms. Lich was jailed for 18 days, and eventually released on bail conditions that prohibited her from using social media and from exercising her Charter rights and freedoms to oppose vaccine passports and lockdown policies.

Did you take part in the Freedom Convoy? Maybe you were WIRETAPPED like this retired cop Rob Stocki, a veteran of the Ottawa Police Service, was recently notified that the government spied on his communications. Were you spied on too? Let us know! (David Menzies - Rebel News - 31/5/2022)

The Freedom Convoy is long gone, so why is Wellington St. STILL closed to traffic? The street in front of Parliament is still closed to vehicular traffic, despite it being months since the Freedom Convoy protest ended. What gives? (David Menzies - Rebel News - 31/5/2022)

Canadian Bank Apologizes to Freedom Convoy Protest Participant For Freezing His Accoun:t "Please accept our sincere apologies." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 2/6/2022)

How the Prime Minister Stole Freedom - A Parody Children's Book
(Clyde Do Something - YouTube - 5 minutes - 2/6/2022)

Viral TikTok video of Canadian woman threatening the livelihoods of 'freedom fighters' leads to HR investigation. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 7/6/2022)

Andrew Lawton's new book on the Freedom Convoy is already #1 on Amazon Canada. (Rebel News - 15/6/2022)

Tamara Lich Delivers a Speech for the Ages - Freedom Award
Tamara Lich gives her acceptance speech after receiving the 2022 George Jonas Freedom Award from the JCCF in Toronto, Canada.
(Live From The Shed - YouTube - 2 minutes - 20/6/2022)

Justice Centre granted full participatory standing at Emergencies Act inquiry. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 29/6/2022)

RCMP won't say if they used spyware on Freedom Convoy protesters In an email statement to The Counter Signal, the RCMP refused to say whether they utilized spyware technology on Freedom Convoy protesters. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 30/6/2022)

Freedom Convoy Protesters Show up on Canada Day to Protest COVID Mandates, Trudeau. (Leif Le Mahieu - DailyWire - 2/7/2022)

Alberta's Tamara Lich held as political prisoner in Ottawa by Trudeau regime: Tamara is no criminal and no threat to society, but she is a threat to the government's power structure and is being treated as a political prisoner. (Rebel News - 14/7/2022)

Farm Credit Canada spied on and terminated customers for convoy wrong-think: More like Social Credit Canada: 'If you become aware of potential customer involvement in blockades, occupations and other support of activity related to the 'Freedom Convoy' you must submit a tip to the customer diligence centre.' (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 26/7/2022)

Ontario Judge releases Tamara Lich. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 26/7/2022)

Here comes the rematch in the battle between Trudeau and the truckers. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 8/8/2022)

Will public inquiry hold Trudeau accountable for invoking Emergencies Act? After clamping down on the truckers who were taking a stand against government overreach, Prime Minister Trudeau's justification for invoking the Emergencies Act will be examined in a public inquiry. (Rebel News - 9/8/2022)

Trucker Rebellion: Convoy to Ottawa. (Rebel News - 23/8/2022)

Most Canadians thought the feds went too far in the freedom convoy crackdown, documents show A new story from Blacklock's Reporter reveals that the Cabinet was told the public thought they went too far in crushing the trucker protests that were meant to end public health mandates. (Rebel News - 4/9/2022)

Two Windsor cops face charges for alleged donations to Freedom Convoy: Constables Brisco and Fazekas allegedly donated $50 and $40 respectively, according to a leaked list of donors. (Rebel News - 20/9/2022)

Justin Trudeau to Take Stand Under Oath at Emergencies Act Inquiry
(Clyde Do Something - YouTube - 11 minutes - 4/10/2022)
In response to the Freedom Convoy, Trudeau, rather than negotiating, reached for the biggest club in his arsenal. He invoked the never before used Emergencies act to suspend civil liberties nation wide to dismantle the peaceful protest. Now he will have to answer, under oath, what justification he had.

Months After the Freedom Convoy, Trudeau's Lies and Cowardice are Clearer than Ever
(Clyde Do Something - YouTube - 16 minutes - 5/10/2022)

Business during lockdowns & having your bank frozen | Shaun 'The Viking' Zimmer | Andrew Says 93: The Winnipeg local tells guest host Lincoln Jay about what it was like to be fined thousands of dollars for simply running fitness classes in his backyard. (Lincoln Jay - Rebel News - 21 minutes - 9/10/2022)

Convoy lawyer Keith Wilson gives his thoughts on the Emergencies Act inquiry Tamara Lich's lawyer, Keith Wilson, speaks to Rebel News reporter William Diaz-Berthiaume about the Emergencies Act inquiry, the Freedom Convoy and COVID-19 mandates. (William Diaz-Berthiaume - Rebel News - 14 minutes - 14/10/2022)

Ottawa city officials only need feelings, not evidence, to accuse convoy protesters of violence 'There's something in the water in Ottawa, that the people in charge think feelings amount to evidence,' Sheila Gunn Reid told David Menzies. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 6 minutes - 30/10/2022)

'Modest, Christian men' on criminal trial for peaceful protest in Lethbridge, Alberta One of the three men facing up to ten years in prison is Marco, an elected official on the town council. (Rebel News - 8 minutes - 5/11/2022)

Commission hears Pastor Pawlowski's passionate speech to Coutts truckers: 'You have the power now': Regardless of who or what actually made the truckers stay…what does a covid-defiant pastor have to do with the Emergencies Act? (Selene Galas - Rebel News - 11/11/2022)

Our goal was to demand accountability, says Coutts protester currently facing 10 years in prison: On Friday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra spoke to Marco Van Huigenbos, a Fort Macleod councillor and protester who was charged with mischief over $5,000 in connection to the Coutts border blockade. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 10 minutes - 13/11/2022)

Day 26 Recap of Emergencies Act hearings | Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act without recieving a detailed threat assessment. (Harrison Faulkner - True North - 18/11/2022)

Trudeau government discussed using tanks to crush peaceful Freedom Convoy protests. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 25/11/2022)

Convoi de la liberté au Canada: quand des ministres du gouvernement Trudeau proposaient le recours... à des chars. (FranceSoir - 29/11/2022)

Emails show Trudeau staffers were shocked the Freedom Convoy had large military member support During the time of the protest, military officials said that any public support for the movement was a breach of its Code Of Service Discipline. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 2/12/2022)

Absolute insufferable Bastard. (Liz Churchill - Twitter - 8/12/2022) -> A Trudeau speech accompanied by video of violent police actions during Trucker protests...

The Russian scare of the Freedom Convoy is debunked again, this time by the Justice Department. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 14/12/2022)

The year we finally rose up against the pyjama classes: From Canadian truckers to Dutch farmers, working people have had enough of the laptop elites. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 24/12/2022)

WATCH: The Freedom Convoy Commission with the JCCF. (Off-Guardian - 55 minutes - 12/12/2022) -> James Corbett is joined by Rob Kittredge and Hatim Kheir of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms to talk about their participation in the Public Order Emergency Commission in Canada (aka the Trucker Commission).

Fighting for Freedom" – der Dokumentarfilm / the documentary
(Christine Anderson, MdEP - YouTube - 34 minutes - 23/1/2023)
-> English interview with German subtitles

Massive freedom convoy slow rolls in Hamilton next to Trudeau's hotel. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 24/1/2023)

Trucker Rebellion: Trudeau on Trial | Official Trailer #1. (Rebel News - 30/1/2023)

Justice Rouleau rules that Trudeau's cowardly use of the Emergencies Act was "justified". (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 17/2/2023) -> Le juge devrait se retrouver en prison aussi...

Joe Rogan SLAMS Trudeau, CBC for labeling Freedom Convoyers as 'far right' "Canada was kind of better than the United States, in my opinion," Rogan said. "I would go up there, and like people were friendlier, they're nice... But now under Trudeau... it's become this very weird thing." (The Post Millennial - 17/2/2023)

'No evidence of a threat': Freedom Convoy lawyer says Trudeau unlawfully invoked Emergencies Act: The Freedom Convoy lawyer said a ruling against the invocation of the Emergencies will have no immediate benefit for people affected by the EA "except for those few people who filed a lawsuit." (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 10/4/2023)

Canadian cop punished for giving $50 to Freedom Convoy, forced to perform 80 hours of unpaid labor. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 25/5/2023)

The federal government published a lie about the truckers and the regime media just ran with it. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 6/6/2023)

The Truckers Won. Everything. On the Ascendant Class Rebellion. (KULAK - Anarchonomicon - 7/6/2023)

Tamara Lich joins 'The Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Podcast' to discuss COVID -19, the Freedom Convoy, and more! 'We definitely didn't want to upset the Ottawa residents, that was never our intention, but you have to have some level of disruption,' said Lich. (Rebel News - video, 108 minutes - 23/6/2023)

The Road to Fascism (Part 2): Close to the Abyss. (Simon Elmer - UK Column - video, 91minutes - 27/6/2023) -> Simon Elmer's book (Part 1 is here), Elmer and David Scott start by examining the Canadian trucker protests and the extraordinary state response that it engendered. That response is summarised by a series of wild insults directed by Justin Trudeau against the ordinary working-class people of Canada who were doing nothing more sinister than standing up for their rights under the Canadian Constitution.

Freedom Convoy organizers win major evidentiary victory in court Tamara Lich and Chris Barber face multiple charges, including mischief, counselling to commit mischief and obstruction. Their trial, starting in September, is expected to last several weeks. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 18/7/2023)

Four men who were charged with conspiracy at the Coutts Blockade will be back in court on July 25: Anthony Olienick, Chris Carbert, Chris Lysak and Jerry Morrin were denied bail and have been in pre-trial custody for 521 days. (Sydney Fizzard - Rebel News - 19/7/2023)

Conservative senator violated ethics code with 'colourful' Freedom Convoy rant, says watchdog 'It's everybody's f—ing city; this is the capital of the country. It's not your goddamned city just because you have a six-figure salary and you work 20 hours a week,' said Senator Michael MacDonald. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 19/7/2023)

Doubts over evidence and motives grow as day 11 of Tamara Lich's trial concludes: The trial for Tamara Lich and co-defendant Chris Barber marks its 11th day in court. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 20/9/2023)

Ottawa tried to 'freeze out' Freedom truckers by preventing them from idling trucks in low temperatures: "Was the intention of the bylaw to freeze out the protesters?" (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 23/9/2023)

All charges dismissed against Ottawa protestor. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 24/10/2023)

Behind bars, but not forgotten: The Coutts conspiracy saga continues. (Rebel News - 8/11/2023)

Judge agrees with Tamara Lich's counsel that saying 'hold the line' was not a call to insurrection What the Freedom Convoy leader told truckers in the Ottawa anti-COVID jab mandate protest 'could mean, stay true to your conscience and convictions,' Judge Heather Perkins-McVey said on Day 29 of the trial. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 30/11/2023)

Senate censures Conservative senator for supporting the Freedom Convoy Conservative Senator Michael MacDonald found himself in hot water for a 'colourful rant' on the Freedom Convoy — and now, his colleagues have censured him. On November 30, the Red Chamber sanctioned him over a February 2022 incident in which he mocked complaints from Ottawa residents, describing them as 'overpaid' and 'underworked.' (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 6/12/2023)

$290 million lawsuit against Freedom Convoy participants designed to silence expression. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 12/12/2023)

'Thanks to the truckers': Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy shouts out Freedom Convoy truckers: The Canadian government showed how 'authoritarian' it was by freezing Freedom Convoy protesters' bank accounts, says Vivek Ramaswamy, who praised the truckers for fighting for liberty. (Rebel News - 18/12/2023)

Trudeau never forgets an enemy — that's why Ottawa took Freedom Convoyers to court. (Rebel News - 21/12/2023) -> Trudeau, or his handlers...

Court Ruling: Federal Government acted illegally in responding to 2022 Freedom Convoy. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 23/1/2024)

Ezra Levant reacts to Trudeau's invocation of the Emergencies Act ruled unconstitutional. (Rebel News/Rumble - video - 23/1/2024)

Trudeau Government Used Faked Intelligence to Illegally Frame Protesting Truckers As Violent Extremists: Canadian government used disinformation to invoke the "Emergencies Act" in 2022, and then shared it with other "Five Eyes" nations. (Alex Gutentag & John Morrison - Public - 24/1/2024)

TYRANNY ALERT: Federal Ruling Against Trudeau Spells His Doom – WEF Panics. (Alex Jones & Viva Frei - InfoWars - video, 26 minutes - 24/1/2024)

Court hears case of Harold Jonker, town councilor punished for supporting Freedom Convoy. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 30/1/2024)

Trudeau's media allies target youth with their Freedom Convoy 'misinformation'. (Rebel News - 2/2/2024)

Charges against Parliament Hill's "Peace Man" withdrawn. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 2/2/2024)

Freedom Convoy protestors take the feds to court over 'illegal' invocation of the Emergencies Act. (Rebel News - 14/2/2024)

Tamara Lich, Chris Barber, 18 other Freedom Convoy protesters sue Trudeau government for $2 million each over 'illegally invoking' Emergencies Act Trudeau announced he would be using the Emergency Act to stifle the trucker protest on Valentine's Day in 2022. (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 15/2/2024)

Coutts trucker trial: Search warrant under scrutiny while details remain under wraps: Publication ban limits reporting as two of the remaining 'Coutts Four' appear at a court hearing in Lethbridge. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 20/2/2024)

Disciplined police officer asks court to reverse violation of his privacy and freedom of expression. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 3/4/2024) -> this cop had donated $50 to the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa in 2022... He was just exercising his right to freedom of opinion as a Canadian citizen...

Coutts Three face up to ten years in prison for protesting 'tyrannical government'. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 17/4/2024)

'I just want our kids to be able to live free': Text messages from Coutts defendants used as evidence in trial Photos of firearms were found on Carbert's phone, with the RCMP alleging that the photos' data indicated that they were taken 'near' Carbert's home. (Robert Kraychik - Rebel News - 5/7/2024)

NOT GUILTY! Jury acquits Coutts border blockaders of conspiracy to commit murder In a shocking blow to the credibility of the RCMP, a Lethbridge jury has acquitted two men of conspiracy to commit murder. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 17/4/2024)

Court strikes secret police recording from trial and dismisses all charges against protestor. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 9/8/2024)

Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich's trial continues in Ottawa: Lich returns to court in Ottawa today as the longest-running mischief trial in Canadian history continues. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 13/8/2024)

Freedom Convoy trial resumes, leaders still face possible 10-year jail sentence After a five-month break, court is back in session for final arguments in the Canadian government's drawn-out case against Tamara Lich and Chris Barber. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 19/8/2024)

Criminalization of Freedom Trucker organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber would violate 'fundamental freedoms': defense attorney in closing arguments. (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 23/8/2024)

Two Freedom Trucker protesters sentenced to over 6 years in prison for blocking US-Canada border in protest of Trudeau government Covid mandates: In August, a jury found Olienick and Carbert not guilty of conspiracy to murder police officers but the pair were convicted on other charges of mischief and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose. Olienick was also convicted of possessing a pipe bomb. (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 10/9/2024)

Pastor Artur Pawlowski appeals criminal conviction from Coutts sermon. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 10/9/2024)

Tamara Lich's lawyer Lawrence Greenspon speaks on the trial's conclusion The trial of Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich has reached its end, but the ruling may not be done until 2025. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 14/9/2024)

Voici ce que pense Robert Kennedy jr du Canada: Une prédiction assez juste ce que nous réserve l'avenir. (Pat Laliberté - La Tribune du peuple - X- vidéo, 2 minutes - 17/9/2024)

VICTORY! Freedom Convoy protester Clayton McAllister has charges withdrawn. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 10/9/2024)

Child rapist gets three years while Crown fights to put away Freedom Convoy organizers for ten. (The Counter Signal - 14/11/2024)

How Trump can help get justice for Canada's Freedom Convoy prisoners. (Gord Magill - Blaze News - 22/11/2024)

Pro-Hamas gangs invade Parliament, but no Emergencies Act for them! Pro-Hamas agitators, some of whom were Jewish, happened to jam up the center block of Parliament. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 3/12/2024)

CBC FINALLY covers the Freedom Convoy fairly… three years after the fact. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 10/12/2024)

Rand Paul blasts Justin Trudeau for 'abuse' of emergency powers after Truckers' protest "Trudeau could freeze a bank account without a court order, without due process," Paul said. (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 24/12/2024)

Verdict against Freedom Convoy organizers expected for March 12: report: From the onset of the convoy, the Trudeau government failed to recognize their right to legitimate protest. Tamara Lich spent 49 days in prison for co-organizing the anti-lockdown protest. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 7/1/2025)

Convoy participant Pat King sentenced to three months house arrest King's defence highlighted his compliance with bail conditions and the personal and financial toll the legal proceedings have taken on him. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 19/2/2025)