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Déshumanisation et démonisation des non-vaccinés/dissidents, qui deviennent les nouveaux hérétiques
Witch-Hunting and Demonizing the Unvaccinated/Dissidents


Affiche antisémite nazi publiée en Pologne en
1941 faisant le lien entre les Juifs, les poux
et le typhus. Les médecins allemands
ont été complices dans cette propagande.

Question pour le covidiste dévot : « Avant la crise du Covid, t'es-t-il arrivé une seule fois d'avoir du mépris, voir de la colère à l'égard d'un individu refusant un traitement médical que tu avais subi ? D'autre part, t'es-t-il arrivé une seule fois d'avoir jugé qu'une telle personne devait être bannie de la vie sociale ou punie pour ce refus? Si la réponse est négative, comment expliquer ton changement de comportement ? »

A Party member is expected to have no private emotions and no respites from enthusiasm. He is supposed to live in a continuous frenzy of hatred of foreign enemies and internal traitors, triumph over victories, and self-abasement before the power and wisdom of the Party. The discontents produced by his bare, unsatisfying life are deliberately turned outwards and dissipated by such devices as the Two Minutes Hate, and the speculations which might possibly induce a skeptical or rebellious attitude are killed in advance by his early acquired inner discipline.
(George Orwell - 1984)

Eleventhly, by their Daemonology, and the use of Exorcisme, and other things appertaining thereto, they keep (or thinke they keep) the People more in awe of their Power.
Lastly, the Metaphysiques, Ethiques, and Politiques of Aristotle, the frivolous Distinctions, barbarous Terms, and obscure Language of the Schoolmen, taught in the Universities, (which have been all erected and regulated by the Popes Authority,) serve them to keep these Errors from being detected, and to make men mistake the Ignis Fatuus of Vain Philosophy, for the Light of the Gospell.
(Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan - 1651 - Part IV; chap. 47)

Detestation for any ethic which worships success is one of my chief reasons for disagreeing with most communists. In my experience they tend, when all else fails, to tell me that I ought to forward the revolution because 'it is bound to come'. One dissuaded me from my own position on the shockingly irrelevant ground that if I continued to hold it I should, in good time, be 'mown down'— argued, as a cancer might argue if it could talk, that he must be right because he could kill me.
(C. S. Lewis - “A Reply to Professor Haldane.” published in On Stories and Other Essays on Literature. 1966/1975 Harper-Collins. 117-118.)

« Une société dont la plupart des membres passent une grande partie de leur temps, non pas dans l'immédiat et l'avenir prévisible, mais quelque part dans les autres mondes inconséquents du sport, des feuilletons, de la mythologie et de la fantaisie métaphysique, aura bien du mal à résister aux empiétements de ceux qui voudraient la manipuler et la dominer. »
« Il est parfaitement possible qu'un homme soit hors de prison sans être libre, à l'abri de toute contrainte matérielle et pourtant captif psychologiquement, obligé de penser, de sentir et d'agir comme le veulent les représentants de l'Etat ou de quelque intérêt privé à l'intérieur de la nation. »
(Aldous Huxley – Le meilleur des mondes ; retour au meilleur des mondes. 1957)

Alors que nous envisageons la venue d'une élite, d'un État autoritaire, comblant le vide laissé par la perte des principes chrétiens, nous ne devons pas penser naïvement aux modèles de Staline et d'Hitler. Nous devons plutôt penser à un gouvernement autoritaire manipulateur. Les gouvernements modernes ont à leur disposition des formes de manipulation que le monde n'a jamais connues auparavant.* (p. 228)
Nous ne devons pas penser à un changement du jour au lendemain, mais plutôt à une tendance subtile des dirigeants à contrôler et à manipuler davantage l'individu. Bien sûr, certains pourraient se sentir mal à l'aise face à ce contrôle et cette manipulation accrus à une époque relativiste, mais où traceraient-ils leur limite ? Beaucoup de ceux qui parlent des libertés civiles sont également attachés au concept que l'État doit résoudre tous les problèmes ; ainsi, à une époque de pressions écrasantes (et avec la perte moderne de toute distinction qualitative entre l'homme et le non-homme), à un moment donné, le sentiment de malaise sera submergé/étouffé.* (p. 244)
(Francis Schaeffer - How Should we Then Live?/L’héritage du christianisme - 1976)

Dossier Covid19

les non-vaccinés...
ou pour le totalitarisme??

Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents

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U.N. Seeks ‘New Social Norms,’ Declares Itself a ‘Trusted’ Coronavirus News Source. (Simon Kent - Breitbart - 27/10/2020)

La pathologisation de la dissidence. (Enrica Perucchietti - - 24/11/2020)

Trois mois chez les complotistes québécois. (Jean Balthazard - TVA Nouvelles - 15/1/2021)

"Anti-Vaxxer" Is the New "That's Racist": Questioning the legitimacy of an untested, rushed vaccine isn't "anti-vaxx", it's pro-science, pro-people and pro-common sense. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 18/6/2021)

Sebelius: Unvaccinated Americans Should Not be Allowed to Work, Have Access to Children. (Pam Key - Breitbart - 13/7/2021)

The Demonization of the Unvaxxed. (Karen Hunt - OffGuardian - 17/7/2021)

MP Calls for Unvaccinated Australians to Be Banned From Public Places: "There would need to be a requirement incorporated with QR code information that if you want to travel on public transport, airlines, enter venues, shopping malls, restaurants, and cafes, you will need to show you have been vaccinated." (Caldron Pool - 21/7/2021)

Video: Alabama Governor Declares 'It's Time to Blame The Unvaccinated For COVID': "Let's be crystal clear about this issue. The new cases of Covid are because of unvaccinated folks." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 23/7/2021)

Israel Bans Unvaccinated From Public Places, Brands Them a Danger to the Health and Freedom of Every Israeli: "They Hurt Us All": All Israelis will be required to provide either a vaccination certificate or a recent negative test result, at their own expense, whenever authorities demand "Your papers, please." (Caldron Pool - 24/7/2021)

California Governor Gavin Newsom Compares Unvaccinated People to 'Drunk Drivers'. (Ryan Saavedra - DailyWire - 26/7/2021)

White Evangelicals Resist Covid-19 Vaccine Most Among Religious Groups: Nearly one-quarter don't want shot, new study finds, and church leaders face hurdles persuading them. (Ian Lovett - Wall Street Journal - 28/7/2021) -> Perhaps the clueless Wall Street Journal doesn't know that Christians come in all skin colors...

Man Forcibly Imprisoned in Mental Asylum For Different Opinion on COVID: His own wife grassed him up!
(Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 4 minutes - 13/8/2021)

Shocking & Dehumanizing Discrimination Against The Unvaxx'd is About to Make Life Very Difficult. (Daisy Luther/The Organic Prepper - Tyler Durden//Zero Hedge - 16/8/2021)

Fouché, Raoult : le patron de l'AP-HM veut faire le ménage à Marseille. (FranceSoir - 19/8/2021)

Le personnel soignant exaspéré des patients COVID non vaccinés « Au nom des libertés individuelles, "j'ai pas à subir la vaccination" est le type d'argumentaire qu'on entend ces temps-ci », déplore le docteur Patrick Bellemare. (Davide Gentile + Daniel Boily - Radio Canada - 26/8/2021)

CNN's Lemon to 'Selfish' Unvaccinated: 'Don't Go to the Hospital' When You Get Sick. (Pam Key - Breitbart - 1/9/2021)

The Covid Untouchables: You WILL be made "safe" – or else! (Bill Muehlenberg - 8/9/2021)

Jimmy Kimmel says unvaccinated Americans who've taken ivermectin should be denied ICU beds and left to die: 'Rest in peace, wheezy'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 8/9/2021)

Report: College Textbook Says People Who Oppose Lockdowns Caused COVID Deaths: "Lives were lost because some Americans held beliefs that were at odds with the facts." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 9/9/2021)

À la veille d'un chaos social... (Isabelle - Conscience du peuple - 9/9/2021)

De plus en plus d'incidents impliquant des militants anti-vaccin près des écoles. (Dominique Scali/Journal de Montréal - TVA Nouvelles - 10/9/2021)

Little Faith In the Jab: NSW Premier Says She Wouldn't Want to Be Anywhere Near An Unvaccinated Person: "I, myself, would not want to be anywhere with someone who's not vaccinated," the NSW Premier said. (Caldron Pool - 10/9/2021) -> Australia

Professor of Public Ethics: The Vaccine-Hesitant Are as Evil as Climate Change "Deniers": For all the vitriolic claims about "anti-vaxxer and climate change deniers" all being nut-cases and conspiracy theorists, Hamilton is guilty of his own tin-foil hat nonsense. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 10/9/2021)

Ontario gov't polls citizens on support for removing COVID-19 nonconformists from their homes: Ontario Premier Doug Ford's chief pollster also asked citizens if they back 'jailing those who spread disinformation about COVID-19.' (Jack Bingham - LifeSite - 13/9/2021)

Professor of Public Ethics: The Vaccine-Hesitant Are as Evil as Climate Change "Deniers" For all the vitriolic claims about "anti-vaxxer and climate change deniers" all being nut-cases and conspiracy theorists, Hamilton is guilty of his own tin-foil hat nonsense. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 15/9/2021)

Les antivax font mal aux commerces. (Clara Loiseau et Olivier Faucher/Journal de Montréal| - TVANouvelles - 16/9/2021)

CNN's Don Lemon Urges Viewers "It's Time to Start Shaming" Unvaccinated People. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 16/9/2021)

Viral Video Shows Man Following Woman Around Store, Publicly Shaming Her For Being Unvaccinated: Members of the public turn on the creepy stalker. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 17/9/2021)

Doublement vaccinés, 6 patients israéliens hospitalisés, blâmés pour ne pas avoir reçu la 3e dose ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 20/9/2021)

The Unvaccinated Become the Untouchables. (Joseph D'Hippolito - The Stream - 5/10/2021)

"Expert" Calls For Denying Life-Saving Hospital Treatment to the Unvaccinated Says they are "not fit for life on earth" in unhinged rant. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 15/10/2021)

Popular Australian Cartoonist Axed for Criticising Mandatory Vax "When the only allowable opposition is what the Left approves as opposition, we are no longer dealing with reasoned debate, but a manufactured narrative and its badly constructed religion." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 27/10/2021)

Our Degenerate Elites Are Losing Control And Lashing Out in Desperation: The increasingly authoritarian tendencies of our elites and the institutions they control is a sign of their weakness and impotence and loss of control. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 28/10/2021)

Conférence de presse du 3 novembre 2021
« Des soignants se réveillent au Québec »
(Réinfo Covid Québec - YouTube - 20 minutes - 7/11/2021)

Virtue-signaling pizza parlor in Seattle shames unvaccinated people. Another in town requires vaccinations to enter — even if it's just for to-go orders. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 9/11/2021)

Pfizer CEO declares that people who spread 'misinformation' about vaccines are 'criminals'. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 9/11/2021)

Singapour ne va plus payer les frais médicaux des non-vaccinés. (TVA Nouvelles - 9/11/2021)

'If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy,' KISS star Gene Simmons declares. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 9/11/2021)

Washington Post columnist ripped to shreds for suggesting unvaccinated be prosecuted: 'This is demented beyond words'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 9/11/2021)

Cardiologist Who Vowed Not to Cry for Unvaccinated Deaths Dies in Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Jab. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 12/11/2021)

Un mauvais vent se lève contre les non-vaccinés en Europe... et en France ? (FranceSoir - 15/11/2021)

Austria Orders Lockdown for the 'Filthy Unvaxxed'; Deploys Police to Carry Out Spot-Checks. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 15/11/2021)

Report: Whistleblower Nurse Reveals Medical Tracking Code Used to Find Anti-Vaxxers: Chilling account reveals how establishment can create a database of dissenters under the guise of healthcare. (InfoWars - 15/11/2021)

'Psychographic' poll guided Trudeau Liberals' divisive and hateful campaign against the unvaxxed in 2021 federal election It would appear that the hateful and divisive rhetoric peddled by Trudeau during the 2021 federal election was not an idle slant, but a targeted strategic decision based on polling data. (Dakota Christensen - Rebel News - 16/11/2021)

Pourquoi les vaccinés détestent-ils les non vaccinés ? (Jean-Pierre Aussant - Les Moutons Enragés - 17/11/2020)

How fear fuels the vaccine wars: Covid has been a revelation and an accelerant. (Paul Kingsnorth - UnHerd - 30/11/2021)

Video: Pfizer CEO Declares "Annual Revaccination" For COVID Is Coming It's "the most likely scenario". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 30/11/2021) -> Bourla declared that people who spread "misinformation" about COVID-19 vaccines, meaning anything running counter to what he and the CDC says about them, should be treated as "criminals."

Jimmy Carr is an Idiot: Publicly shaming a minority of people who chose not to undergo a medical procedure. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 1/12/2021)

« Le non-vacciné correspond à ce que l'anthropologie désigne comme un bouc émissaire »: À quand les sacrifices de vierges de 18 ans non vaccinées pour calmer les dieux du covidisme ! (Danièle Dehouve et Christophe Lemardelé - Le libre-penseur - 3/12/2021)

Obsessing Over 'The Health of The Nation' Conjures Some Very Dark Place: Hatred of vaccine dissidents expresses itself first in marginalization and demonization. Then it advances to punishment. The larger end game appears to have little to do with public health. (Maureen Mullarkey - The Federalist - 8/12/2021)

'Experts' Claim Vaxx Refusers Need to be Deradicalized or Reeducated Like Cult Members and Terrorists. (Matt Agorist - Based - 10/12/2021)

Media: 'Hardcore Vaccine Refuseniks' May Need To Be 'Deradicalized' Like 'Terrorists' And 'Punished'. (Chris Menahan - InformationLiberation - 11/12/2021)

MSM Thugs Ramp Up War on Vaccine 'Refuseniks. (James Delingpole - Breitbart - 15/12/2021)

White House To Unvaxx'd: "You're Looking At A Winter of Severe Illness And Death." (Nick Ciolino/The Epoch Time - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/12/2021)

The Left would sacrifice the unvaccinated: What happened to the principle that everyone deserves healthcare? (Kat Rosenfield - UnHerd - 20/12/2021)

Biden warns of 'a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated' amid Omicron surge: So much for 'Merry Christmas'. (The Blaze - 21/12/2021)

As His Presidency Founders, Biden Scapegoats The Unvaccinated. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 21/12/2021)

SCANDAL in Germany Over Scapegoating of Unjabbed Lies, damn lies and statistics. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 22/12/2021)

CNN Medical Analyst Demands Biden "Further Restrict the Activities of the Unvaccinated:" No jab, no peace. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 23/12/2021)

According to Trudeau, unvaccinated Canadians are «science deniers, and also often misogynists and racists too.» (Maxime Bernier - FaceBook - 28/12/2021) -> Justin Trudeau participe activement à la démonisation de ceux qui refusent le vaccin.

If the unvaccinated should pay for their own healthcare, then why not smokers, addicts, and obese people? Would Winnipeg gastroenterologist Dr. Charles Bernstein argue that obese people or smokers should be barred from entering grocery stores and supermarkets? (John Carpay - Post Millennial - 28/12/2021)

Francis Collins's Troubling Record at NIH. (John G. West - Evolution News - 28/12/2021) -> see subsection: "Collins's War on Medical Conscience"

Macron : «les non-vaccinés, j'ai très envie de les emmerder». (Valérie Bugault - Telegram - 4/1/2022)

Stigmatizing the Unvaxxed and Unboosted: An Analysis. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - 5/1/2022)

CNN medical guest and ethics 'expert' declares America must do more to punish the unvaccinated: 'Here's the stick. Get on board.' (Chris Field - The Blaze - 5/1/2022)

"Emmerder" les antivax : derrière la phrase choc, la stratégie calculée d'Emmanuel Macron. (Clément Parrot + Margaux Duguet - France Info - 5/1/2022) -> Les propos du chef de l'Etat tenus face à des Français lors d'une rencontre organisée par "Le Parisien" font bondir l'opposition et provoquent une vague de commentaires dans les médias. Mais ces déclarations sont bien loin d'être une sortie incontrôlée.

«Les non-vaccinés sont les boucs-émissaires du pouvoir!» L'analyse brillante de ce journaliste!
Extrait tiré de l'émission «LCI Midi», diffusée le 5 Janvier 2022 sur LCI
(Le sang français - YouTube - 1 minute - 6/1/2022)

« La citoyenneté selon Emmanuel Macron, c'est trois mois et une dose »
(Marie-Estelle Dupont - Rumble - 2 minutes - 7/1/2022)
-> Et à tous les trois mois, encore une nouvelle dose?? sinon plus de citoyenneté?

Nous, non-vaccinés, ce groupe témoin que Big Pharma doit éliminer coûte-que-coûte. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 7/1/2022)

It's time to punish Britain's five million vaccine refuseniks: They put us all at risk of more restrictions, says ANDREW NEIL. So why shouldn't we curb some of their freedoms? (Andrew Neil - The Daily Mail - 9/1/2022)

Les influenceurs religieux aussi doivent être critiqués. (Richard Martineau - Journal de Montréal - 10/1/2022) -> incitations à la haine de la part d'un journaliste québécois servile...

Othering Unvaccinated Persons. (Jared McBrady - The Brownstone Institute - 10/1/2022)

Vaccins: le paradoxe du réfractaire ou celui du résistant. (Gérard Luçon - Les 7 du Québec - 10/1/2022)

Vaccine purity has infected the West: The unjabbed are dismissed as modern-day sinners. (Mary Harrington - UnHerd - 12/1/2022)

Here's What Your Fellow Americans Think Should Happen to The Unvaccinated. (Jeff Thompson/The Organic Prepper - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 19/1/2022)

Hirsch et d'autres vaccinés haineux veulent absolument punir les non vaccinés. (H16 - Les moutons enragés - 30/1/2022)

Joe Rogan Rips Into Justin Trudeau For 'Demonizing' The Unvaccinated. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 12/2/2022)

Premier Children's Hospital Fires Unvaxxed Nurses After Questioning And Rejecting Their Religious Beliefs. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 24/2/2022)

Christian Leaders Silent While Unvaccinated are Dehumanized. (John G. West - The Stream - 25/2/2022)

Le jour où j'ai compris "le bon Allemand". (Filipe Rafaeli - FranceSoir - 26/2/2022)

L’avocat Claude Laferrière nous amène tous à réfléchir face à la propagande haineuse au Québec en se basant sur l’arrêt R. c. Keegstra. (Guy Boulianne - 1/7/2022)

Dehumanization is Just Another Way to Kill (C. R. Carmichael - The Sacred Sandwich - 5/7/2022)

"Every Bit as Bad and Biased as Feared": A Review of the BBC's "Unvaccinated". (Norman Fenton and Martin Neil - Daily Sceptic - 25/7/2022)

A Look Back at the Demonisation of the Unvaccinated. (Michael P. Senger - Daily Sceptic - 2/8/2022)

Texas Vaccine Policy Symposium Declares Unvaccinated People a Danger to Public Health (VIDEO). (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 15/10/2022)

Martha Stewart: 'Unvaccinated Citizens Should Be Executed'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 19/1/2023)

How the Unvaccinated Got It Right. (Robin Koerner - Daily Sceptic - 1/2/2023) -> Whatever the risks associated with a Covid infection on the one hand, and the 'vaccine' on the other, the vaccination policy enabled massive human rights violations.

The Federal Government is Tracking Unvaccinated People Who go to The Doctor And to The Hospital Due to CDC-Designed Surveillance Program: 'There is interest in being able to track people who are not immunized or only partially immunized'. (Patrick Howley - National File - 2/2/2023)

British Politicians Urge Police to Add 'Unvaccinated People' to Terrorism Watchlist. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 9/2/2023)

Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI. (Michael Kane - Teachers For Choice - 9/2/2023)

Top Democrat Doctor Calls for Unvaccinated to be Shot to Death in Nazi-Style Executions. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 26/2/2023)

Unmasking Prejudice? Professor Denounces Maskless People as "Racist, Ableist, and Classist". (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 27/2/2023)

Démonstration factuelle de la folie et de l'hystérie covidiste ! Le covidisme est une maladie mentale. (Le libre penseur - 15/9/2023) discours haineux d'un Canadien (Doug Little) contre les non-convertis, cad non-vaccinés...