Étant un aimant de la liberté, lorsque est venue la révolution [nazie] en Allemagne, je comptais sur les universités pour la défendre, sachant qu’elles avaient toujours affirmé haut et fort leur dévotion à la cause de la vérité, mais non, les universités ont été réduites au silence immédiatement. J’ai alors tourné mon regard vers les grands éditeurs de quotidiens, dont les éditoriaux enflammés d’autrefois avaient proclamé leur amour de la liberté, mais comme les universités, ils furent réduits au silence en quelques semaines.
Seule l'Église s'est prononcée clairement contre la campagne hitlérienne qui supprimait la liberté. Jusqu'alors, l'Église n'avait jamais attiré mon attention, mais aujourd'hui je veux exprimer mon admiration et ma plus profonde estime pour cette Église qui, seule, a eu le courage de lutter pour les libertés morales et intellectuelles. Je dois admettre que ce que je méprisais autrefois, j’admire sans réserve maintenant.*
(Albert Einstein, cité dans German Martyrs. Time magazine 23 déc., 1940 vol. 36 no. 26 pp. 38-41)Le régime soviétique a pour fin, non pas la sujétion, ni même l’asservissement de l’Église, mais son élimination complète et définitive. L’athéisme militant est le fond même de l’idéologie soviétique. Par conséquent, l’asservissement de l’Église n’est qu’une étape transitoire sur le chemin menant à son extermination. Tout croyant russe, à la lumière de sa foi, est pleinement conscient de cette situation de l’Église.
(p. 71 Lettre d'un groupe de croyants envoyé de l'Union Soviétique par le truchement du Samizdat. André Martin (1973) Soljenitsyne le Croyant. Éd. Albatros Paris)Hitler responded to the opposition of the church in the same way all hostile governments respond to those who would disagree with them; He created a flurry of new laws and then accused pastors and church leaders of breaking them. In one way or another God had to be separated from government policies and ejected from the public square. The voice of courageous Christians had to be silenced. God had to be removed to make way for the National Socialist policies.
(p. 23, Erwin W. Lutzer [2010] When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany)
Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) -> articles plus récents
À Paris, des policiers armés somment un prêtre d’interrompre sa messe dominicale. (L'Entente des Églises Protestantes Évangéliques de l'Eurométropole de Strasbourg - 23/4/2020)
Alberta Government Bans Singing in Church: Alberta's United Conservative government has followed a California county and banned singing during live-streamed church services which are restricted to fewer than 15 people allegedly to stop the spread of the coronavirus. (Pulpit and Pen News - 29/4/2020)
Church members get $500 tickets for sitting in their vehicles with windows closed during radio service in church parking lot. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 10/4/2020)
Yet another Democrat bans religious gatherings in face of coronavirus fears. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 13/4/2020)
Kansas City Mayor Denies ‘Church Registrations’- But We Have The Receipts. (Pulpit and Pen News - 3/5/2020)
Mass. Governor Targets Churches For Shutdown Rules He Didn’t Apply To Home Depot. (Carol McKinley - The Federalist - 15/5/2020)
New York pastor threatened with $1,000 fine for holding drive-in church service. (Caleb Parke - Fox News - 19/5/2020)
'Bet You Stay Home Now Hypokrits': Church That Refused to Close During Lockdown Gets Burned Down, Investigated As Arson. (DailyWire - 20/5/2020)
Chicago Threatens to Close or Destroy Church they Deem ‘Public Nuisance’. (Pulpit and Pen News - 25/5/2020)
“CHAZ” Protestors Sexually Assault/Choke Street Preacher. (Pulpit and Pen News - 14/6/2020)
Fauci Attacks Church Choirs, Implies Worship Is Less Important Than Protests. (Madeline Osburn - The Federalist - 31/7/2020)
Analysis: Leftists Burning Bibles Now, Christians Later. (Capstone Report - 1/8/2020)
Los Angeles County Threatens John MacArthur With Arrest for Holding Worship Services. (Jeff Maples - Reformation Charlotte - 3/8/2020)
California Judge Issues Restraining Order Against Anyone Attending Megachurch. (Pulpit and Pen - 12/8/2020)
Has California Become A Place Faithful Christians Cannot Live? (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 13/8/2020)
Breaking: CA Prosecutors Threaten New Criminal Charges for Megachurch Congregation: ‘Your Compliance is Mandatory’ . (Pulpit and Pen - 22/8/2020)
When They’re Done Burning Down Businesses, They’re Coming for Your Church Building. (Jeff Maples - Reformation Charlotte - 27/8/2020)
‘I Plead With You, Back Off’: California Church Fined Thousands For Meeting In-Person And Singing. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 29/8/2020)
‘It Must Stop’: California Church Pleads For Relief After County Fines Approach $60,000. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 6/9/2020)
Louisiana Pastor Faces 3 Years in Prison for Defying Church Lockdown Orders. Arraignment set for Tuesday. (Protestia - 19/9/2020)
California Church Relents to County Demands After Fines Exceed $100,000. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 23/9/2020)
Quebec gov't lowers indoor worship limit from 250 people to 50. (Michael Gryboski - Christian Post - 23/9/2020)
Idaho Police Arrest 3 at Outdoor Church Worship Event in Defiance of Mask Mandate. (Ezra Dulis - Breitbart - 24/9/2020)
#BigEva and WokeFolk are Lying About the Reason Idaho Hymn Worshippers were Arrested. (Protestia - 24/9/2020)
‘I Have No Idea Why’: Vietnamese Baptist Church Torched During Philly Protests. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 29/10/2020)
Le Conseil d’État maintient la suspension des messes publiques. (Aleteia - 7/11/2020) -> situation en France
‘Previously Unimaginable’: Alito Criticizes Coronavirus Restrictions, Warns Religious Liberty Becoming ‘Disfavored Right’. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 13/11/2020)
Gérald Darmanin prêt à faire verbaliser « des croyants » devant des églises : « Il n’y aura plus de week-end de mansuétude », a prévenu le ministre de l’Intérieur. (FranceInfo - 13/11/2020) -> situation en France
The Covid inquisition: Police are now breaking up baptisms which contravene the Covid rules. (Spiked - 16/11/2020)
Police Crash Small Church Baptism, Threaten “Financial Penalties”. (Caldron Pool - 16/11/2020) -> London Engiand
Messe : la jauge des trente personnes au cœur des débats au Conseil d'Etat : Ce samedi, 24 heures avant le premier dimanche de l'Avent, la Cour suprême administrative a étudié en urgence la limitation du culte. (Paule Gonzalès - Le Figaro - 28/11/2020)
UK Police Apologize After Nine Officers Storm Legal Online Church Service. (Christian Concern - 29/11/2020) -> Milton Keynes, Engiand
‘Very Heartbreaking’: Police Block Cars From Attending Drive-In Church Service. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 30/11/2020)
VIDEO: Reporter actually counts people exiting church, calls their actions 'bold breach' of Canadian COVID rules. Then reporter is compared to Hitler. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 30/11/2020)
LEOs Use Squad Cars to Block Church from Having Drive-in Service. (Protestia - 29/11/2020)
For Many Churches, It Is Too Late. (Jeffrey A. Tucker - The American Institute for Economic Research - 1/12/2020)
Church cited after maskless pastor who's alone in building answers door for health official. Warnings of closure, fines, jail time follow: 'The health official seemed intent on finding something worthy of a citation,' the pastor later said. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 2/12/2020) -> Maryland USA
This Year’s ‘War On Christmas’ Looks A Little Different In A Pandemic. (Mary Margaret Olohan - Daily Caller - 22/12/2020)
Press Release All Elders of Trinity Bible Chapel Charged. (Jacob Reaume - Trinity Bible Chapel - 31/12/2020)
Scottish Churches Fight to Re-Open. (LockDown Sceptics - 17/1/2021)
Master's Seminary Pastor Jailed. (Eric Davis - Cripplegate - 18/2/2021)
Christian Pastor Jailed for Holding Church Services in Canada A Christian pastor from Edmonton, Canada, has been jailed for breaking Alberta's Public Health Act by continuing to hold church services when ordered to stop. (Thomas D. Williams - Breitbart - 18/2/2021)
EXCLUSIVE: 'Just Like The Communists': Pastor Who Kicked Police Out of Church Has Choice Words For Lockdown Tyrants. (Jordan Lancaster - Daily Caller - 6/4/2021)
Police Shut Down Church of Alberta Pastor Who Was Imprisoned For Holding Church Services. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 7/4/2021)
Australian authorities ban church from singing—on Zoom New South Wales introduced new guidelines that ban singing in places of worship, even for livestreams. These restrictions are inspired by the slight increase in cases in the area. (Elie Cantin-Nantel - The Post-Millennial - 5/7/2021)
Pastor Received 1,500 Death Threats Over COVID Resistance. (Bob Adelmann - The New American - 14/7/2021)
Police In Australia May Be Monitoring Livestreamed Church Services for Non-Compliance: "Commissioner Fuller has made it very clear that that activity cannot go on," Worboys said. "Police will go to those locations at those times and take the appropriate action." (Caldron Pool - 25/8/2021)
Bus fire nearly destroys Pastor Artur Pawlowski's church: Carol Henke of the Calgary Fire Department alleges that the fire was an accident caused by young children playing with matches. (Sydney Fizzard - Rebel News - 23/3/2022)
Soignants suspendus, Maître Marian vous dit comment réagir à une convocation au commissariat. (Le Courrier des Stratèges - 4 minutes - 11/11/2022)
The Lockdown, Evangelicals and the Afterlife: A Response to Steven Pinker. (Dennis Prager - TownHall - 26/5/2020)
Wokeness: old religion in a new bottle: Joseph Bottum on how the decline of Protestant America fuelled the rise of identity politics. (Sean Collins - Spiked - 14/8/2020)