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Covid19: la question médicale
Covid19: The Medical Issue

"Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed."
(CS Lewis - Magician's Nephew)

Peu importe ce que l’on peut penser de la mortalité due au Covid19, je pense qu’il faut constater que dans l’histoire de la médecine, même en examinant les événements d’épidémies beaucoup plus mortelles du passé, il n’y a aucun précédent pour toutes les restrictions extraordinaires imposées depuis l’apparition du Covid19. Dans aucun cas antérieur a-t-on procédé au confinement de populations en santé non seulement sur le plan régional, mais aussi national et continental. Ça, c’est complètement sans précédent et sans justification médicale...  Par exemple on estime que la pandémie grippale de 1918-19, ou grippe espagnole, a causé de 20 à 50 millions de morts selon l'Institut Pasteur. À l'époque les mesures sanitaires sont prises ville par ville. Il n'est donc pas question de mesures nationales et encore moins continentales. Et si on rejette l’affirmation que le pandémie justifie les mesures de confinement des populations en santé alors inévitablement cela pose la question à QUI ces mesures sont jugées utiles ? En toute logique ces mesures doivent servir des objectifs autres que médicaux. Lesquels? Évidemment si on place notre confort au sommet de nos valeurs, alors toutes ces questions ne se posent pas...
(Paul Gosselin - mai 2020)

Être dans l'ignorance est mauvais. Vouloir rester dans l'ignorance est pire... (David Webb)

Le port du masque en population générale ne fait pareillement aucun sens pour contrer la propagation d'un virus respiratoire, sinon en tant que fétiche, au même titre que les gousses d'ail pour éloigner les vampires. Même en salle d'opération, porté selon un protocole très strict, le masque chirurgical ne sert au mieux qu'à limiter la circulation des bactéries, mais aucunement des virus…
(Préface: Aux racines de la « théorie du complot », un outil de contrôle de la pensée. - Anthropo-logiques - 24/2/2022)

Qu'en sera-t-il si la confiance du peuple dans les médecins et le système de santé servait d'arme contre le peuple??

Now I hold that scientific theories are never fully justifiable or verifiable [or proven], but that they are nevertheless testable. I shall therefore say that the objectivity of scientific statements lies in the fact that they can be inter-subjectively tested.
(Karl Popper - The Logic of Scientific Discovery. University of Toronto Press 480 p. - 1934/1959 p. 44)

Le masque anti-Covid ?: un superstition subventionnée par l'État et RIEN d'autre...

Et si, pour certains, il serait inconcevable que les autorités puissent nous mentir ouvertement au sujet de la gravité du Covid19, il faut songer à QUI on fait affaire, c'est-à-dire les mêmes qui partout en Occident ont ouvert les portes à la destruction du mariage (lois sur le divorce), qui nous ont apporté l’avortement, le mariage gai, qui imposent la propagande LGBT aux plus petits et Drag Queen story time pour les corrompre, et qui depuis longtemps font des démarches pour éliminer les cours de religion au primaire et éroder les libertés religieuses (Canada et France). Ce sont les mêmes qui tentent d'éliminer toute trace d'influence des croyances judéo-chrétiennes en Occident. Ce sont eux qui font avancer le djihad sexuel postmoderne. Ce sont eux qui font la promotion de l'euthanasie (et veulent jouer à Dieu, décidant qui vivra, qui mourra). Ce sont ces intolérants qui étouffent de plus en plus la liberté d'expression. Ce sont ceux-là, nos élites postmodernes, qui sont aux contrôles.
Tenant compte du fait que leur vision du monde postmoderne n'offre aucun obstacle au mensonge, est-ce raisonnable de penser que ceux-là ne pourraient jamais nous mentir à grande échelle si cela leur semblait utile ?
(Paul Gosselin - déc. 2020)

How a Mask Works
Sans doute il en faut encore un autre...

mask protection...

Dossier Covid19

Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents

Les vidéos affichant cet image Censored by YouTube ont été censurés par YouTube depuis leur mise en ligne....


Un peu d'histoire médicale pour comparer notre situation

On exploite le Covid19 pour pousser l'euthanasie? (c'est-à-dire ciblant ceux que nos élites postmodernes jugent non-essentiels)


The Great Barrington Declaration. (Sunetra Gupta, Jay Bhattacharya & Martin Kulldorff - 4/10/2020) -> version française. (document signé par 33,000 personnel médical et 12,000 scientifiques)

World Doctors Alliance: Uniting around the world with integrity and right action.

Doctors for Covid Ethics. (We are doctors and scientists from 30 countries, seeking to uphold medical ethics, patient safety and human rights in response to COVID-19)

Très Urgent: message d'alerte international sur le Covid19: Lettre à Emmanuel Macron, Président de la France, Jean Castex et Olivier Véran. (United Health Professionals - 12/2/2021)

Very Urgent : International Alert message about COVID-19: Letter to Joe Biden, president of the United States. (United Health Professionals - 6/2/2021)

Canada Health Alliance. (15/5/2021)

Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth. (15/5/2021)

Open Letter to Professor Devi Sridhar – Chair of Global Public Health / University of Edinburgh. (UK Medical Freedom Alliance - 14/6/2021) -> on Covid-19 vaccines for children.

Remèdes mortels et crime organisé: Comment l'industrie pharmaceutique a corrompu les services de santé. (livre par Peter Gotzsche - Presses de l'Université Laval, 2015 - Traducteur : Fernand Turcotte)

A Tale of Two Narratives. (TAE Summary/Raúl Ilargi Meijer - The Automatic Earth - 27/7/2021) -> A succincte description of the mainstream view of the Covid crisis as opposed to the Counter-Narrative

The Warrenton Declaration on Medical Mandates, Biblical Ethics, & Authority. (23/6/2021)

We for Humanity – Who We Are and What We Do. (Holocaust survivors against mandatory vaccines)

How Bad is My Batch? -> Are some batches more toxic than others? Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines (Moderna Batch Codes, Pfizer Batch Codes and Janssen Batch Codes)

OpenVAERS. -> The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of VAERS reports without the need to compose an advanced search in the VAERS database.

More Than 12.7 Billion Shots Given: Covid-19 Tracker In the US, 613 million doses have been administered. (Vaccine Tracker - Bloomberg - 6/10/2022) -> pro-vaccine web site...

Le Covid Index: un outil pour retrouver la science censurée. (Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D./The Defender - Essentiel News - 1/10/2024)

Médecins et scientifiques pas d’accord sur la gravité du Covid19, l’utilité du confinement ou l'intérêt du pseudo-vaccin.

Le vaccin, un geste anodin? (Extrait du documentaire de Valentin Thurn, sur Arte en 2007). (InitiativeCitoyenne - 13/8/2015)

A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data. (John P. A. Ioannidis - Stat News - 17/3/2020)

Coronavirus: Why masks don't work: Quebec's public health director and medical experts say they can do more harm than good. (René Bruemmer - Montreal Gazette - 18/3/2020) - > featuring comments by Horacio Arruda.

CORONAVIRUS, Après les questions, les certitudes ? (Claude MEUNIER BERTHELOT - Volontaires pour la France - 26/3/2020)

How to understand – and report – figures for ‘Covid deaths’. (Dr. John Lee - The American Spectator - 29/3/2020)

Bill Gates calls coronavirus pandemic a ‘nightmare scenario,’ but predicts lower death toll than Trump: Gates predicted things won’t “go back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that we’ve gotten out to basically the entire world”. (Michael Wayland - CNBC - 5/5/2020) -> VERY strange, Bill Gates pretends to be an epidemiologist...

Le nombre de décès lié au Covid19 est "considérablement surestimé". (Kit Knightly - Le-Blog-Sam-La-Touch - 6/4/2020)

La panique générale autour du coronavirus n’est pas justifiée. (P C. Gøtzsche - Dr. Marc Girard - 15/4/2020 - traduction)

Dr John Lee : "Il n'existe aucune preuve que le confinement fonctionne". (SOTT - 20/4/2020)

The Superstition of ‘Science’: Can the media’s favorite experts predict the pandemic’s future? (Robert Stacy McCain - The American Spectator - 20/4/2020)

Masks Don't Work: A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy. (Denis G. Rancourt, PhD - ResearchGate - 20/4/2020)

There is no empirical evidence for these lockdowns: Comparing US states shows there is no relationship between lockdowns and lower Covid-19 deaths. (Wilfred Reilly - Spiked - 22/4/2020)

Antibody Testing: Proves We've Been Had! (Kevin McCullough - TownHall - 23/4/2020)

La grande escroquerie du confinement. (Léon Fournol - La France Chrétienne et son histoire - 25/4/2020)

Which epidemiologist do you believe?: The debate about lockdown is not a contest between good and evil. (Freddie Sayers - UnHerd - 27/4/2020)

Microbiologists: Testing shows lockdowns are actually harmful: Doctors say death rate similar to flu, and sheltering at home weakens immunity. (WND Staff - WND - 27/4/2020)

Des médecins urgentistes dénoncent la situation et demandent « une société plus ouverte » car « les confinements affaiblissent notre système immunitaire ». (Jade - La Lumière - 27/4/2020)

Herd Immunity, Not Herd Mentality. (Michael Egnor - EvolutionNews - 28/4/2020)

Full lockdown policies in Western Europe countries have no evident impacts on the COVID-19 epidemic.. (Thomas A. J. Meunier - medRxiv - 1/5/2020)

Un hommage aux dénonciateurs du coronavirus COVID-1 9 (SARS-CoV-2). (Soren Ventegodt & Joav Merrick - ResearchGate - 1/5/2020)

Big Tech’s Big Brother Moves: YouTube and Facebook can’t act as purveyors of public forums while banning legitimate opinions they don’t like. (Scott McKay - The American Spectator - 1/5/2020)

COVID-19: le doc qui dérange. (Élisabeth Fleury - Le Soleil - 8/5/2020)

John Ioannidis Responds to His Critics: John Ioannidis answers Undark's questions on his controversial antibody study and participation in partisan media. (Michael Schulson - Undark - 9/5/2020)

Germany’s Bild Newspaper Says ‘Lockdown Was a Huge Mistake’. (Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. - Breitbart - 11/5/2020)

Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to The Healthy. (Russell Blaylock, MD - Technocracy.News - 11/5/2020)

How Becoming A Partisan Weapon Will Destroy Medicine: Our country is in trouble. Mutually exclusive worldviews now hinder the quest for scientific truth. The accelerated politicization of medicine has me more concerned than ever. (Gregg Schmedes - The Federalist - 12/5/2020)

We Need to Stop Running From the Virus: A North Carolina Congressman and Physician Explains Why. (Greg Murphy - The American Spectator - 13/5/2020)

Surveillance de l'épidémie ? Une atteinte au secret médical et à la vie privée. (Gènéthique - 15/5/2020)

Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdown: 'Mass casualty incident'. (Tyler Olson - Fox News - 20/5/2020)

Over 600 doctors send letter to Trump urging an end to lockdowns, calling it a 'mass casualty incident': 'Exponentially growing health consequences'. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 21/5/2020) -> Examine les CONSÉQUENCES du confinement.

Physicians: ‘Forcing Healthy Americans to Quarantine Inflicted Devastating Harm’. (Dr. Susan Berry - Breitbart - 22/5/2020)

A Year's Worth of Suicide Attempts in the Last Four Weeks: California Doctor Calls for End to Lockdown. (Tobias Hoonhout - National Review - 22/5/2020)

Who Believes the Lockdowns Were About Science?: Genuine epidemiologists questioned the economic interruptions from the beginning. (David Catron - The American Spectator - 22/5/2020)

Nobel Prize-winning scientist explains why COVID lockdowns may have cost more lives than they saved: 'I think lockdown saved no lives'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 24/5/2020)

Does This CDC Study Deliver the Knockout Blow in the COVID Lockdown Debate? (Matt Vespa - TownHall - 24/5/2020)

How Lethal Is COVID-19 For The Young And Healthy? Military Ships Offer Case Study. (Maclen Stanley - The Federalist - 1/6/2020)

Un rapport officiel allemand dénonce la pandémie COVID-19 comme « une fausse alerte mondiale ». (Daniele Pozzati - - 1/6/2020)

« Le confinement est véritablement l’escroquerie sanitaire du XXIe siècle » selon une étude qui souligne la responsabilité de l’OMS. (Covidinfos - 1/6/2020)

Epidemiologist Who Triggered Worldwide Lockdowns Admits: Without Instituting Full Lockdown, Sweden Essentially Getting Same Effect. (Hank Berrien - Daily Wire - 2/6/2020)

Mortalité toutes causes confondues pendant la COVID-19 : Pas de fléau et une signature probable d’homicide de masse par la réponse du gouvernement. (Denis G. Rancourt – The ResearchGate - 2/6/2020)

The COVID Skeptics Were Right: The cure was worse than the disease. (George Neumayr - The American Spectator - 11/6/2020)

LancetGate ou ScienceGate ? Un autre révélateur de la Covid-19. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Bible & Science Diffusion - 13/6/2020)

Waking Up To the Cost. (Bionic Mosquito blog - 13/6/2020)

The Coronavirus Mask Charade Continues. (John G. Maguire - American Thinker - 14/6/2020)

Données de santé : l’Ordre des médecins demande la suppression d’un article du projet de loi sur la fin de l’état d’urgence sanitaire. (Gènéthique - 16/6/2020)

Connaissez-vous le code de Nuremberg? Une vaccination obligatoire? Woh, minute! (Alain Patenaude - Vigile Québec - 18/6/2020)

Oxford Experts: "There Is No Scientific Evidence For COVID Two-Meter-Rule". (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 18/6/2020)

Covid-19 is far more widespread than we think: Epidemiologist Tom Jefferson on the continued uncertainty around coronavirus. (Spiked - 19/6/2020)

‘The lockdown is causing so many deaths’: Dr Malcolm Kendrick on the disastrous response to Covid-19. (Spiked - 26/6/2020)

Drugs, money and misleading evidence It's time to take trials out of the hands of pharmaceutical makers, argues the latest in a long line of books on corruption and the pharmaceutical industry. (Laura Spinney - Nature - 29/6/2020) -> Book review: The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine: Exposing the crisis of credibility in clinical research. Jon Jureidini & Leemon B. McHenry Wakefield (2020)

Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence. (Swiss Policy Research - 1/7/2020)

«Personne n'est mort du coronavirus» Des révélations importantes partagées par le Dr Stoian Alexov, président de l'Association bulgare de pathologie. (DeToxNews - 10/7/2020)

New study: Millennials think their risk from COVID-19 is exponentially more than the true threat. (Daniel Horowitz - Conservative Review - 14/7/2020)

Covid-19 : regardez les courbes des décès ! (L'Échelle de Jacob - 14/7/2020)

Masks Are Neither Effective Nor Safe: A Summary of The Science. (Colleen Huber, NMD - Primary Doctor - 16/7/2020)

New study shows 17 years of potential T cell immunity in SARS-infected patients. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 16/7/2020)

Oxford epidemiologists: suppression strategy is not viable. (UnHerd - 18/7/2020)

Un médecin antimasque. (Nicolas Saillant - Journal de Québec/TVA Nouvelles - 27/7/2020)

Une conférence de presse donnée par un groupe de médecins devant la Cour suprême des États-Unis est censurée en moins de 12 heures. (Laurent Freeman - Guy Boulianne - 28/7/2020)

Crise du coronavirus en France: épidémie terminée versus panique organisée. Pourquoi ? (Dr. Nicole Delépine - France Soir - 31/7/2020)

Les « Médecins pour la vérité » remettent en cause la version officielle du Coronavirus lors d’une conférence tenue en Espagne. (Guy Boulianne - 2/8/2020)

Face masks, lies, damn lies, and public health officials: "A growing body of evidence". (D. G. Rancourt - Ontario Civil Liberties Association/ResearchGate - 3/8/2020)

COVID-19: Contre-propagande sur TV Liberté par la généticienne Alexandra Henrion-Caude (3/8/2020)
(YouTube - 8 minutes)


Le masque : où, quand, pour qui ? (Dr. Jacques Michel Lacroix - Boulevard Voltaire - 6/8/2020)

Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection. (Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Ronan J. Kelly, MD Gaetano Ruocco, MD William W. O'Neill, MD Marcus Zervos, MD Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD - The American Journal of Medicine - 6/8/2020)

The Consequences of Wearing a Mask: A Scientific Review. (Harrison Broer - Healthmasters - 8/8/2020)

Masques faciaux, mensonges et responsables de la santé publique: « Un nombre croissant de preuves ». (Denis G. Rancourt, PhD - Guy - 9/8/2020)

An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful. (Jim Meehan, MD - Ratical - 10/8/2020)

Pr Jean-François Toussaint : un scientifique compétent et honnête qui donne un avis objectif et documenté sur le port du masque obligatoire 3 mois après la fin d'une épidémie... (Émission Grandes Gueules - FaceBook - 1:47min - 12/8/2020)

Le chef du CDC confirme qu'il existe une incitation économique "perverse'' pour les hôpitaux à gonfler le nombre de décès dus au coronavirus. (Edwin Mora - Breitbart/Fawkes News - 11/8/2020)

Covid-19 : l'origine du virus - L'analyse du Pr Tritto confirme celle du Pr Montagnier. (FranceSoir - 13/8/2020)

Media Fearmongering Has Led to Misconceptions About Risk of Death From COVID-19. (Ashe Schow - DailyWire - 18/8/2020)

Le professeur Toussaint lâche une BOMBE sur mensonges incroyables de ce gouvernement concernant cette crise CO VIDE! (El Baze - Facebook - 19/8/2020 - vidéo 7 minutes)

"Get On With Your Lives!" - Oxford Professor Says "People Have Become Overly Frightened" of COVID-19. (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 24/8/2020)

“On ne meurt pour ainsi dire plus du Covid-19” selon le Docteur Olivier de Soyres. ( - 25/8/2020)

Les directives du CDC indiquent que le port d’un masque pendant une exposition prolongée au coronavirus n’empêchera pas la contagion. (Salim Laïbi - LeLibrepenseur - 26/8/2020)

“STOP ! Manipulations, masques, mensonges, peur…” un collectif international de professionnels de santé dénonce des “mesures folles et disproportionnées” (26/8/2020)

Un collectif de professionnels de santé a lancé le 28 août un “Message d’alerte international” adressé aux gouvernements et citoyens du monde entier. Parmi les signataires, des médecins de nombreux pays et plusieurs professeurs en médecine dont le microbiologiste et spécialiste en maladies infectieuses et tropicales Martin Haditsh.

Le collectif revient sur la dangerosité réelle du virus, la manipulation des chiffres, le rôle de l’OMS, les conséquences du confinement ou du port du masque, et demande notamment aux gouvernements de “lever toutes les restrictions et les obligations sur les citoyens”. Vous pouvez télécharger l’intégralité de cette lettre ici en français, ou ici en anglais.

Les professionnels de santé´ qui le souhaitent sont invités à rejoindre le collectif “United Health Professionnals” en le contactant à l’adresse

UK lockdown was a 'monumental mistake' and must not happen again – Boris scientist says LOCKDOWN will come to be seen as a "monumental mistake on a global scale" and must never happen again, a scientist who advises the Government on infectious diseases says. (Lucy Johnston Sunday Express - 26/8/2020)

Mask-wearing for schoolkids is a terrible idea: Anyone who has ever worked in a school knows it just won’t work. (Ella Whelan - Spiked - 27/8/2020)

Un médecin français dénonce la propagande: "j'ai pas votée pour Rothschild"
[entrevue non-diffusé... avec des journalistes de la chaîne BFM]
(YouTube - 12 minutes - 27/8/2020)

Face à la Covid-19, des professeurs de médecine dénoncent une panique entretenue. (Philippe Oswald - Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 27/8/2020)

Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative. (Bronson Stocking - TownHall - 29/8/2020)

Le CDC annonce que seulement 6% des 164.280 décès sont dus au coronavirus ! (Le libre penseur - 30/8/2020)

Coronavirus : un délire collectif ? (Jean-Yves Jézéquel - - 31/8/2020)

Message d’alerte international de professionnels de santé aux gouvernements et aux citoyens du monde. (Cogiito - 2/9/2020)

Médiapart censure un pneumologue lanceur d'alerte !
(La chaîne qui pique ! - YouTube - 7 minutes - 6/9/2020)

Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th: the Science, Logic and Data Explained.
(Ivor Cummins - YouTube - 37 minutes - 8/9/2020)

E-MASK-ulation: How we have been lied to so dramatically about masks. (Patriots 4 Life - 10/9/2020)

Les médecins se manifestent massivement et exigent l’arrêt immédiat de toutes les mesures coronariennes. (DOCS4 - - 11/9/2020)

SRAS-CoV-2 – Lettre ouverte des médecins et des professionnels de la santé à toutes les autorités belges comme aux médias belges. (Médecins et professionnels de la santé belge - - 11/9/2020)

Pas plus dangereux qu'une grippe ! Docteur Rosenberg sur CTV News 14/9/2020
(La chaîne qui pique ! - YouTube - 7 minutes - 21/9/2020)

Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity? (Peter Doshi - British Medical Journal - 17/9/2020)

Covid Madness. (Dr. Manfred Horst - Lockdown Sceptics - 18/9/2020)

Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives. (Dr Michael Yeadon - Lockdown Sceptics - 20/9/2020)

The Real Science of Covid. (Lockdown Sceptics - 20/9/2020)

Covid-19. Selon un article du BMJ, de nombreuses personnes auraient une immunité préexistante. (Peter Doshi - Le-Blog-Sam-La-Touch - 21/9/2020)

Mask Fanatics Have Officially Abandoned Science to Control Your Life: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is now requiring people to wear masks while playing sports. 'Experts' say that’s dangerous, but mask fanatics apparently know better than those they revered just months ago. (Georgi Boorman - The Federalist - 22/9/2020)

Les tests de coronavirus au laboratoire de Boston suspendus après près de 400 faux positifs ! C’est le énième laboratoire à produire des centaines – voire milliers -faux positifs qui vont pourtant induire des décisions politiques parfois très graves et lourdes de conséquences économiquement et socialement! (Lelibrepenseur - 24/9/2020)

The making of Britain’s Covid catastrophe: A witches' brew of weak leadership, scientific groupthink and the precautionary principle has caused our current crisis. (John Lee - Spiked - 25/9/2020)

Viral Loads In COVID-19 Infected Patients Drop, Along With Death Rate, Study Finds: Researchers find "a downward trend in the amount of virus detected.” (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 27/9/2020)

Let's stop the continued self-destruction and test for Covid immunity: We should focus on quantifying the extent of our immunity rather than pursuing ruinous measures like more lockdowns. (Dr. Michael Levitt, Uri Gavish, Eyal Shahar, Ifat Aabadi-Korek - The Telgraph - 17/9/2020)

Il est urgent de changer de stratégie sanitaire face à la Covid-19: Dans cette tribune, près de 250 scientifiques, universitaires et professionnels de santé critiquent la dérive de la politique sanitaire du gouvernement français. (Laurent Mucchielli - MédiaPart - 27/9/2020)

ADRESSE à M. Olivier VÉRAN Ministre de la Santé.
(Jean-Dominique Michel - YouTube - 5 minutes - 27/9/2020)

Censuré par la presse, Jean François Toussaint clash le gouvernement Macron.
(interview - CNews/ Break Time TV - 7 minutes - 28/9/2020)

Horowitz: Tennessee data exposes the lie of coronavirus panic & masks. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 29/9/2020)

Elon Musk Says He And His Family Won’t Get Covid Vaccine: Says his family's "not at risk," lockdowns did not "serve the greater good". (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 29/9/2020)

Hold-Up: Film. (Tprod et Tomawak - 3 minutes - 1/10/2020)

The Trouble With PCR Tests. (Swiss Policy Research - 1/10/2020)

La grippe et la pneumonie ont tué 10 fois plus de Britanniques que le coronavirus encore la semaine dernière ! (Aguelid - Le Libre Penseur - 2/10/2020)

The Absurdity of COVID "Cases". (Jeff Deist/The Mises Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 3/10/2020)

The Great Barrington Declaration. (Sunetra Gupta, Jay Bhattacharya & Martin Kulldorff - 4/10/2020) -> version française. (document signé par 33,000 personnel médical et 12,000 scientifiques)

La Déclaration de Great Barrington. (Sunetra Gupta, Jay Bhattacharya & Martin Kulldorff - 4/10/2020)

Covid experts: there is another way: Three eminent epidemiologists met in Massachusetts to plan a better response to the pandemic. (Sunetra Gupta, Jay Bhattacharya & Martin Kulldorff - UnHerd - 5/10/2020)

Crise sanitaire : vers un « humanicide ? ». (Stephen ELLIS, Médecin - Front Populaire - 5/10/2020)

If Lockdowns, Masks and Social Distancing Work, Why Haven’t Deaths From Flu and Pneumonia Declined? (LockDown Sceptics - 5/10/2020)

ANOTHER 10 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic. (OffGuardian - 6/10/2020)

Did WHO official just admit that COVID-19 death rate is similar to that of the flu?: It's just what we thought. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 6/10/2020)

Medical Experts, Scientists Denounce Pandemic Lockdowns, Urge ‘Focused Protection'. (Dr. Susan Berry - Breitbart - 8/10/2020)

Une neurologue allemande met en garde contre le port du masque : « La privation d'oxygène provoque des dommages neurologiques irréversibles ». ( - 8/10/2020)

‘Lockdown is a terrible experiment’: Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff on the Great Barrington Declaration and why lockdown harms public health. (Spiked - 9/10/2020)

Traitement du Covid-19 : interdit de savoir. (Dr. Gérard Maudrux [Chirurgien urologue] - 10/10/2020)

Top WHO official to world leaders: 'Stop using lockdowns' to control COVID; 'Terrible, ghastly, global catastrophe': '...making poor people an awful lot poorer'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 11/10/2020)

Covid : questions sur le couvre-feu. (Dr. Gérard Maudrux [Chirurgien urologue] - 15/10/2020)

What SAGE Has Got Wrong. (Mike Yeadon - Lockdown Sceptics - 16/10/2020)

Two Doctors Document Growing Medical Consensus That Lockdowns Make COVID Worse. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 16/10/2020)

Science Findings Can Be Counter-Intuitive: It takes honesty and courage to report findings that don’t make sense or go against “common knowledge.” (David F. Coppedge - Creation/Evolution Headlines - 17/10/2020)

Peru has the toughest lockdown in the world and still ended up with the worst fatality rate” – We would rather demand crackdowns than accept that we are dealing with something outside our control. (Daniel Hannan - The Telegraph - 18/10/2020)

Herd Immunity To COVID Is Not Reckless. It Would Protect The Vulnerable. (Jay W. Richards, Douglas Axe and William Briggs - The Federalist - 19/10/2020)

America's Frontline Doctors : Sommet des blouses blanches II - Conférence de presse SCOTUS: Anglais avec sous-titres français - October 20th, 2020

German Neurologist on Face Masks: 'Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage'. (Henna Mills/SOTT - Technocracy - 21/10/2020)

Purges covidiennes : chapeau bas au Dr Pascal Sacré, coup de gueule et cri du cœur. (Blogue Jean-Dominique Michel - 24/10/2020) -> discute de l'illusion de la « deuxième vague »...

La stratégie du coronavirus génère intentionnellement l'anxiété et la peur. (SOTT/ - 25/10/2020)

Ce collectif résistant récuse l’utilité du reconfinement
(Sputnik France - YouTube - 20 min. - 30/10/2020)
Depuis le 30 octobre, la France est à nouveau confinée. Face à un Président de la République qui s’est voulu pédagogue, Louis Fouché, médecin anesthésie-réanimation au CHU de Marseille et membre actif du collectif «Réinfo Covid», dénonce «une manipulation» et «une politique sanitaire actuelle injuste, inadaptée et disproportionnée».

Dr Astrid Stuckelberger - Conférence. [exposé dans le cadre de la conférence de presse que les Ami.e.s de la constitution ont tenue à Lausanne le 30.10.202] - Viméo - 20 min. -> remise en question des stats de décès et relate quelques magouilles à l'OMS où Stuckelberger a travaiilé... Et Stuckelberger n'est PAS payé par l'industrie pharmaceutique... [le son n'est pas très bon...]

A Sensible and Compassionate Anti-COVID Strategy. (Jay Bhattacharya - Imprimis - October 2020 • Volume 49, Number 10)

My Personal Testimony Originally written as a letter to World Doctors Alliance in November 2020. (Dr. Mark Trozzi - 1/11/2020)

Another COVID-19 'Myth' Busted: Schools Aren't Driving Infection Rates, Study Finds. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 4/11/2020)

[mensonges étatiques et médiatiques au sujet du Covid]
(Tprod & Tomawak - YouTube - 2: 38hres. - 5/11/2020 - site indépandant)

Coronavirus Fact-Check #8: "New daily cases" and the second wave: The media are renewing panic thanks to a "second wave", but are we really seeing one? And what does "daily cases" actually mean? (Off-Guardian - 7/11/2020)

Joe Biden’s Coronavirus Adviser Has Argued That Nobody Should Live Past 75. (Matt Walsh - DailyWire - 10/11/2020)

Why Did New York Have COVID Policy That Killed Elderly Patients?: For all practical purposes, the government directive was essentially an order to spread COVID to people in nursing homes. (Michael Egnor - Mind Matters - 13/11/2020)

Témoignage d'un expert canadien DR Roger Hodkinson sur le covid, les masques et le confinement. ( - 13/11/2020) -> Anglais avec sous-titres français

New data show hospital levels not much worse than flu season: From watching the news, you'd get the impression that there has never been such a run on hospital bed space in the history of our country. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 17/11/2020)

Selon l'ancien président de la commission Covid du Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens : « C'est le plus grand canular jamais perpétré sur un public sans méfiance ». (SOTT - 18/11/2020)

Landmark Danish study finds no significant effect for facemask wearers. (Prof Carl Heneghan & Tom Jefferson - The Spectator - 19/11/2020)

Health and Safety Breaches at a Lighthouse Lab. (LockDown Skeptics - 20/11/2020)

Les dix pires erreurs décisionnelles dans la gestion du Covid selon les meilleurs experts. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-Logiques - 20/11/2020)

If Lockdown Was a Drug, Would We Use It? (LockDown Skeptics - 21/11/2020)

Dr Roger Hodkinson Was a Lockdown Sceptic Back in April. (LockDown Skeptics - 24/11/2020)

Politicians’ Attacks on Thanksgiving Gatherings Are Not ‘Data-Based,’ Epidemiologists Say. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 25/11/2020)

Pourquoi tout le monde semble-t-il avoir oublié comment fonctionne le système immunitaire ? Le « terrain », les nutriments essentiels, le Covid-19 et les vaccins. (Dr Alan Palmer/Children's Health Defense - - 29/11/2020)

Renowned Doctor Blasts Government Officials: ‘Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public’. (Justin Plosz - Public Relations Canada - 30/11/2020)

Brase: Mandate won't work because masks don't work: A Registered Nurse says she does not support the latest push for legislation that calls for a national mask mandate. (Chris Woodward - OneNewsNow 2/12/2020)

Claire-Anne Siegrist, vaccinologue, refuse de se vacciner ! (Aguelid/Le LIbre Penseur - 3/12/2020)

No Science Justifies Bans on Indoor or Outdoor Dining: Nonetheless, political leaders of both parties continue to one-up each other with preposterous rules to restrict both indoor and outdoor dining. (Julie Kelly American Greatness - 7/12/2020)

Anti-Lockdown Medical Experts Rip Fauci Over ‘Erroneous Statements’ on Pandemic, Lockdowns: “He really does seem blind to the harms of the lockdown”. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 8/12/2020)

Whistleblowers Claim Pandemic is The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated on The Human Race. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy.News - 9/12/2020)

Coronavirus Fact-Check #9: Is the vaccine safe? Reports of allergic reactions, bells palsy and conflicting opinions of many experts make the question difficult to answer. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 10/12/2021)

Rumours of Covid Deaths Have Been Greatly Exaggerated. (LockDown Skeptics - 12/12/2020)

Discerning Truth: COVID-19 Part 1.
(Jason Lisle - Biblical Science Institute - YouTube - 41 min. - 14/12/2020)

L'épidémie, les mutants, les visons et le traitement
Bulletin d'information scientifique de l'IHU - Nous avons le droit d'être intelligents !
Pr Didier Raoult, Directeur de l'IHU Méditerranée Infection.
(YouTube - 18 minutes - 15/12/2020)

Have COVID-19 Lockdowns Saved Any Lives? Let's Take a Look at Federal Data. (Stacey Lennox - PJMedia - 15/12/2020) -> United States

Vaccin: le flou scientifique - Conférence de Presse sur la stratégie vaccinal et la lutte contre le Covid19. (Pr Alain Fischer - CNEWS - Paris - 3 minutes - 3/12/2020) -> site alternatif.

Mask Wearing Can Do Harm: For those who claim to “follow the science,” here is a lesson on the difficulty of proving the benefit of a blanket policy. (David F. Coppedge - Creation - Evolution Headlines - 16/12/2020)

Nurse Union from Edmonton Canada, Sharing the Truth about the Hospitals.
(BitChute - 15 minutes - 16/12/2020)

Colorado coroner outraged over 'inflated' COVID death tolls after finding gunshot victims were included in toll: Uh-oh. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 17/12/2020)

Le virus a peur d’attraper le palu ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 17/12/2020)

Lockdowns do Not Control The Coronavirus: The Evidence. (Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - The American Institute for Economic Research - 21/12/2020)

Twelve Principles of Public Health. (Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - Dr. Martin Kulldorff/The American Institute for Economic Research - 21/12/2020)

New Study Shows Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect in Florida or Nationwide, But the Lie Continues. (Scott Morefield - TownHall - 21/12/2020)

"On veut m'abattre" : rassemblement en soutien à Christian Perronne devant l'hôpital de Garches : Mardi 22 décembre 2020, un rassemblement en soutien à Christian Perronne a été organisé devant l'hôpital de Garches (Hauts-de-Seine) où le Professeur n'est plus en fonction. (Maxime Gil - Actu.FR - 22/12/2020)

Preuves que la pandémie a été planifiée ? (Joseph Stroberg - Nouveau Monde - 24/12/2020)

330,000 Americans Die ‘With’ China Coronavirus – CDC says Number Who Died “From” Coronavirus Is Much Less, Around 6 Percent. (Joe Hoft - Gateway Pundit - 27/12/2020)

Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya: Lockdowns Haven’t ‘Contributed In Any Meaningful Way’ To [Reduce] California’s COVID-19 Death Toll. (Scott Morefield - Daily Caller - 28/12/2020)

“If The New COVID-19 Strain is More Transmissible, Why Isn’t It Taking Over in Every Region?” (Lockdown Sceptics - 30/12/2020)

Abortion Was The Leading Cause of Death in 2020. (Caldron Pool - 3/1/2021)

Première grande étude allemande importante sur les dégâts occasionnés par le port du masque chez les enfants. (Salim Laïbi - Le libre penseur - 4/1/2021)

Canadian public health officials have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification performed anywhere, ever. (Christine Massey, M.Sc. - People For Justice Canada - 5/1/2021)

Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019, Ending the Lives of Over 73 Million Unborn Babies. (Reformation Charlotte - 8/1/2021)

Canadian expert's research finds lockdown harms are 10 times greater than benefits. (Anthony Furey - Toronto Sun - 9/1/2021)

Le manifeste "La quatrième voie". (Collectif "laissons les médecins prescrire" - 12/1/2021)

What They Said about Lockdowns before 2020. (Amelia Janaskie, Micha Gartz - American Institute for Economic Research - 13/1/2021)

Are COVID-19 Patients in Hospital Really Getting Younger? (LockDown Sceptics - 17/1/2021)

The Empirical Case for a Mask Mandate Lacks Scientific Grounding. (Phillip W. Magness - American Institute for Economic Research - 19/1/2021)

New Study Indicates Lockdowns Didn’t Slow the Spread of Covid-19. (Ethan Yang - American Institute for Economic Research - 19/1/2021)

« C'est du jamais vu dans l'histoire de la médecine »
(Dr Louis Fouché - YouTube - 61 minutes - 20/1/2021)

Infectious Diseases Expert Says UK Lockdown is Not Working: Infections higher after lockdown went into place. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 21/1/2021)

Comment et pourquoi nos gouvernements nous mentent : ABC de la corruption systémique. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 28/1/2021)

What Has To Happen For A Pandemic To Be Declared Over? (Kaylee Greenlee - Daily Caller - 28/1/2021)

« On va rendre tout le monde fou » : Didier Raoult s'emporte et refuse un nouveau confinement. (Réseau International - 29/1/2021)

« On a hâte de commencer à vacciner pour éliminer nos personnes vulnérables », dixit Christian Dubé, ministre Santé québécois ! (Salim Laïbi - Le libre penseur - 31/1/2021)

Congressman accuses CDC of misleading the public about need for vaccine for those already recovered from COVID-19: Why? (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 2/2/2021)

Is it True that the New Variants are Very Dangerous? (Rosemary Frei, MSc - 3/2/2021)

mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are really 'gene therapy' and not vaccines: ethicist: The media and big pharma are part of a 'propaganda war' creating public confusion with misleading claims, former University of Virginia professor David Martin explained. (David McLoone - LifeSiteNews - 4/2/2021)

CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, "Violated Multiple Federal Laws" Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act. (Patty McMurray - Gateway Pundit - 9/2/2021)

Covid : du mythe aux statistiques, les vérités cachées ! (Jean-Dominique Michel - Antropo-Logiques - 10/2/2021)

The Seasonality of COVID-19. (LockDown Sceptics - 14/2/2021)

Québec: La falsification des données sur la mortalité attribuable à la Covid-19. (Michel Chossudovsky - - 14/2/2021)

Questioning Lockdowns BECAUSE of the Science. (Matthew Littlefield - Caldron Pool - 17/2/2021)

The Hierarchy of Clinical Evidence: of Lockdowns, COVID-19 and Chickens. (LockDown Sceptics - 18/2/2021)

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How The Depopulation Covid Vaccines Will Start Working In 3-6 Months. (ForbiddenKnowledge - 19/2/2021)

L'échec du confinement et des vaccins, reconnu par ceux qui les ont conseillés, le Pr Delfraissy et coll. (Dr Gérard Delépine - Réseau International - 23/2/2021)

Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns. (Doctors for Covid Ethics - 28/2/2021)

"Surmortalité Covid" en 2020 ? C'est la démographie, idiot ! (Thomas Fernique, chargé de recherche au CNRS - Anthropo-Logiques - 1/3/2021)

The big lie behind the panic over COVID 'variants' exposed: 'Variants' are the new '15 days to flatten the curve'. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 3/3/2021)

False Death Certificates and Fake Statistics?: Watch Montana Physician Dr. Annie Bukacek explain how how death certificates are being manipulated. (Dr Mark Trozzi - 4/3/2021)

Japan Supercomputer Finds Double-Masking Doesn't Work. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/3/2021)

Covid-19. Projet de vaccination « obligatoire » des soignants : lettre ouverte au Ministre des solidarités et de la santé. (Dr. Amine UMLIL - 5/3/2021)

If We Can't Stop Wearing Masks Now, Then When? (Madeline Osburn - The Federalist - 5/3/2021)

Forcing People to Wear Masks Isn't Kind, It's Selfish Pro-maskers need to see that, for the other side, this supposed symbol of 'charity' and 'solidarity' has become the exact opposite. (Auguste Meyrat - The Federalist - 9/3/2021)

The Strange Gospel of Masking and Public Policy. (David Deavel| - The Imaginative Conservative - 9/3/2021)

Noted Physician Makes Definitive Moral Case Against Mask Mandates. (Colleen Huber, NMD - Technocracy - 11/3/2021)

Dr Mark Trozzi, le seul médecin honnête et courageux en Ontario qui respecte le serment d'Hippocrate : « Nous sommes manipulés ! ». (Guy Boulianne - 14/3/2021)

The biggest COVID lie right now: No immunity from prior infection: How much longer will the government get away with denying the science? (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 15/3/2021)

La Manipulation Dévoilée !
(Sylvano Trotta; 30 min. - Rumble - 19/3/2021)

Former FDA chief admits 6-foot social distancing not 'based on clear science': 'Single costliest mitigation tactic' : We should have re-adjudicated this much earlier.' (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 20/3/2021)

Lancet Paper Flagging up Risk of Reinfection is Garbage. (Mike Hearn - LockDown Sceptics - 21/3/2021)

The Covid Models Were Tested Against the Real World, and Failed. (Will Jones - LockDown Sceptics - 21/3/2021)

Reconfinement : J'accuse. (Dr. Gérard Maudrux - Blogue: Ce que vous ne devez pas savoir - 21/3/2021)

A freedom spring after the dark winter of tyranny?: It didn't have to be this way. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 22/3/2021)

Dr Violaine Guérin : « Confiner les gens sains, c'est du jamais-vu ». (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 22/3/2021)

« C'est le protocole Covid appliqué dans les hôpitaux qui tue les malades ! » (Flavia Groșan, pneumologue roumaine - Visegrad Post - 23/03/2021) -> texte original roumain.

How Closely Does the Trajectory of the Epidemic in Each Country Resemble a Flu Season? (Toby Young - LockDown Sceptics - 23/3/2021)

Où l'on prouve que le Covid19 n'a pas causé de réelle surmortalité. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 29/3/2021)

Statistiques sur les décès. En quoi Covid-19 est-elle une « pandémie » ? La réponse vient du roman de 1984 et de l'OMS. (Dr Mark Trozzi - Profession-Gendarme - 29/3/2021)

Health Canada says a citizen complaint launched mask recall; other masks under investigation. (Selena Ross & Gabrielle Fahmy - CTV News Montreal - 31/3/2021)

L'urgence sanitaire, VRAI OU FAUX ?
(YouTube - 64 min. - 2/4/2021)
Lucie Mandeville et Robert Béliveau discutent de l'urgence sanitaire, débattent autour de l'usage des statistiques pour tromper la population et nourrir le virus de la peur.

'What we are breathing through our mouth and nose is actually hazardous waste': Scientists find evidence of toxic chemicals in some face masks. (Joe Pinkstone - Daily Mail - 1/4/2021)

« Les médias disent que seul le vaccin nous sauvera »
(Louis Fouché - Magazine Nexus - 2 minutes - YouTube - 1/4/2021)
Le Dr Louis Fouché est médecin anesthésiste-réanimateur, il a fondé le collectif Réinfo Covid.

Avis - Les masques contenant du graphène peuvent présenter des risques pour la santé. (CISION/Santé Canada - 2/4/2021)

Le réseau sentinelles et la Covid-19. (Collectif Reinfocovid - 5/4/2021)

Dr Roger Hodkinson : Le scandale de l'humanité masquée ! (Planète360 - 6/4/2021)

Shocking report: 55% of Brits have antibodies, despite 12 months of restrictions. A year later. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 6/4/2021)

Mask-Wearing Represents Fear and Blind Obedience, Not Science. (Dennis Prager - PJMedia - 6/4/2021)

L'ancien vice-président de Pfizer : "Les gouvernements vous mentent et préparent le dépeuplement massif". (Dr Michael Yeadon - - 8/4/2021)

The Dangers of Masks. (Paul-E-Alexander & Howard C. Tenenbaum - AIER - 9/4/2021)

Laboratories in US can't find Covid-19 in one of 1,500 positive tests. (Great - 11/4/2021)

Vaccine regulators are deceiving us about the risks, say doctors. (The Conservative Woman - 12/4/2021)

Seven Peer-Reviewed Studies That Agree: Lockdowns Do Not Suppress the Coronavirus. (Will Jones - LockDown Sceptics - 15/4/2021)

Les ARNm vaccinaux atteignent les organes reproducteurs. (Reinfocovid - 15/4/2021)

Physical Inactivity Doubles Risk of Covid Death, Study Suggests. (LockDown Sceptics - 15/4/2021)

First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. (Torsten Hansen, Ulf Titze, Nidhi Su Ann Kulamadayil-Heidenreich, Sabine Glombitza, Johannes Josef Tebbe, Christoph Röcken, Birte Schulz, Michael Weise, and Ludwig Wilkens - NCBI - 16/4/2021)

Stanford study quietly published at proves face masks are absolutely worthless against Covid The diapers most of us are wearing on our face most of the time apparently have no effect at stopping Covid-19. This explains a lot. (JD Rucker - American Conservative Movement - 18/4/2021)

Une revue d'un médecin de Stanford confirme l'inutilité et la nocivité du port du masque…mais les gouvernements ne sont pas prêts de l'abandonner. (Jean-Dominique Michel - 21/4/2021)

MIT social distancing study finds 'there really isn't much of a benefit to the 6-foot-rule' indoors: Researchers say 'this emphasis on distancing has been really misplaced from the very beginning'. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 23/4/2021)

Case Numbers do Not Always Decline After Lockdowns. (LockDown Sceptics - 26/4/2021)

New Canadian study breaks down 'ineffectiveness' and harms of lockdowns. (Anthony Furey - Toronto Sun - 26/4/2021)

Le danger actuel n'est pas le virus mais bien le vaccin ! (Nicole Delépine - Riposte Laïque - 27/4/2021)

Ten reasons to be more afraid of a car crash than Covid. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 28/4/2021)

Mensonge des autorités sanitaires : l'appel du Dr Bhakdi. (FranceSoir - 30/04/2021)

Masques à l'école : résultats de mesures oxymétriques constatées par huissier. (ENFANCE & LIBERTÉS - 30/04/2021)

Forced Vaccines Are a Holocaust-Level Crime Against Humanity Dr. Lee Merritt [with Mike Adams].
(Brighteon - 54 min. - 4/5/2021)
[bref résumé avec comentaires en français - PDF]

Why Is There No Correlation between Masks, Lockdowns, and Covid Suppression? (Anthony Rozmajzl - Mises Institute - 4/5/2021)

Rapport d'expert du Professeur Christian PERRONNE, médecin infectiologue, à propos de la COVID-19. (Fondation pour la défense des droits et libertés du peuple - 5/5/2021)

"The Toxicity of Some of the Chemicals Found Raises the Question of Whether Face Masks are Safe to be Used on a Daily Basis" – Study. (LockDown Sceptics - 5/5/2021)

Imperial College Predicted Catastrophe in Every Country on Earth. Then the Models Failed. (Phil Magness - American Institute for Economic Research - 5/5/2021)

No Jab for Me – My 35 Reasons as a North American Physician. (Gary G. Kohls, MD - Transcend Media Service - 10/5/2021)

NYT catches CDC in gravely consequential lie about outdoor transmission. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 11/5/2021)

Bill Cassidy: Americans 'Lost Patience' with CDC Coronavirus Guidelines. (Sean Moran - Breitbart - 11/5/2021)

CTIAP (Centre Hospitalier de Cholet) : LETTRE OUVERTE. Vaccins contre la Covid-19 : Réponse à la direction du centre hospitalier de Cholet. (Bible & Science Diffusion - 13/5/2021)

3 Persistent Myths Keeping Americans Stuck With Outdated COVID-19 Rules: Here are few of the major COVID-19 narratives, the scientific perspective on the other side, and why ongoing restrictions should be reconsidered. (Cathy Stein - The Federalist - 14/5/2020)

La recherche d'anticorps n'a aucune valeur pour les autorités. (Républicain - AgoraVox - 17/5/2021)

Nobel Prize winner: Mass COVID vaccination an 'unacceptable mistake' In every country, 'the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths,' the famous virologist said. (Celeste McGovern - LifeSite - 19/5/2021)

How scientists sacrificed scepticism: There's a reason the medical establishment dismissed the lab leak theory. (Matthew Crawford - UnHerd - 21/5/2021)

L'immunité naturelle est plus forte que l'immunité vaccinale !:
Le Dr Ben Edwards témoigne devant le Sénat de l'État du Texas au sujet des injections expérimentales inefficaces contre le Covid.
(ExcaliburTraduction - Odysée - 2 minutes - 21/5/2021)

La médecine et la santé publique à l'épreuve du Covid.
(Jean-Dominique Michel, anthropologue de la santé, à l'IHU Méditerranée-Infection, Marseille - YouTube - 54 minutes - 21/5/2021)

"C'est une arme biologique", Dr Richard Fleming retrace les incohérences autour du Covid-19. (FranceSoir - 25/5/2021)

Life Insurance and Covid-19; Something Doesn't Make Sense. (Jeff Harris - Ron Paul Institute - 26/5/2021)

Findings from preprint study suggest masks had little effect on slowing COVID-19. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 27/5/2021)

COVID infection elicits long-lasting immunity, nullifying worldwide vaccine push: study 'We found antibody-producing cells in people 11 months after first symptoms. These cells will live and produce antibodies for the rest of people's lives. That's strong evidence for long-lasting immunity.' (David McLoone - LifeSite - 31/5/2021)

Judy Mikovits Predicted in 2020 What is Unfolding in 2021 with the COVID Vaccine. (John Gideon Hartnett - Bible Science Forum - 1/6/2021)

Toronto ER Doctor's Personal Testimony. (Mark Trozzi - Druthers - 5/6/2021)

Leading Immunologist: 'We Can't Hide Down A Hole Every Time There's A New Variant:' Says it's time to "move on" with reopening society. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 2/6/2021)-> England

Why I spoke out against lockdowns: On the necessity of challenging the Covid consensus. (Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School - Spiked - 4/6/2021)

German Study Finds Lockdown 'Had No Effect' on Stopping Spread of Coronavirus Infection rates already falling before restrictions put in place. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 4/6/2021)

Doctors vs The State: Excessive Lockdowns are Political, Not Medicinal. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 4/6/2021)

When Will the 'Experts' Stop Pretending Natural Immunity Doesn't Exist in Recovered COVID-19 Patients? (Stacey Lennox - PJMedia - 9/6/2021)

Urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data up to 26th May 2021. (Dr. Tess Lawrie - Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd - 9/6/2021) -> PDF ->The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects.

Why Parents, Teens, and Children Should Question the COVID-19 Vaccine. (Dr. Byram Bridle - Canadian Covid Care Alliance - 10/6/2021)

Les prédictions mortelles du Professeur Luc Montagnier sur les vaccinés. (Mehdi Messaoudi - Algérie54 - 11/6/2021)

"Global Time Bomb" First case of postmortem study of patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2; "viral RNA found in every organ of the body". (Hal Turner Radio Show- 13/6/2021

Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry, British Columbia Provincial Health Officer: re: Moderna Vaccine Reactions. (Dr. Charles Hoffe - Concerned American Dad - 132/6/2021)

La 1ère preuve que les segments d'ARN peuvent être réécrits dans l'ADN. Et ça change tout! l (Liliane Held Khawam - Les moutons enragés - 14/6/2021)

Parents send face masks worn by children at school for lab analysis. Results show 'dangerous pathogens' on masks. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 16/6/2021)

Majority of US Physicians Decline COVID Shots, According to Survey. (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - 16/6/2021)

Report: Perspex Screens Installed to Stop COVID May Have Actually Increased Its Spread Whitehall document suggests government about to scrap screens. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 16/6/2021)

Exclusive Interview with Dr Bhakdi – "Parents are willingly allowing their children to be killed if they allow them to have the Covid Vaccine". (The Exposé - 16/5/2021)

Hundreds of vaccinated doctors, medical workers catch COVID-19 in Indonesia; some have been hospitalized. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 17/6/2021)

It's time to junk the Covid models: The government has once again used out-of-date modelling to justify restrictions. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 17/6/2021)

Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons. (Shimabukuro, Tom T., M.D., Shin Y. Kim, M.P.H., Tanya R. Myers, Ph.D., Pedro L. Moro, M.D., Titilope Oduyebo, M.D., Lakshmi Panagiotakopoulos, M.D., Paige L. Marquez, M.S.P.H., Christine K. Olson, M.D., Ruiling Liu, Ph.D., Karen T. Chang, Ph.D., Sascha R. Ellington, Ph.D., Veronica K. Burkel, M.P.H., et al. - New England Journal of Medecine - 17/6/2021) -> N Engl J Med 2021; 384:2273-2282 - June 17, 2021

Les cloches du Covid. (Dr. Gérard Maudrux - FranceSoir - 18/6/2021) -> La gestion de la crise du Covid, une analyse statistique

Grand Débat: Le Covid et sa gestion. (avec la participation de Louis Fouché, Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Vincenzo Castronovo, Martin Zizi, Julie Michotte, Frédéric Goaréguer, Kaarle Parikka - Kairos - vidéo 3 hres - 18/6/2021)

Rep. Thomas Massie Slams Fauci and CDC for COVID-19 'coverup': 'One of the biggest scandals during this whole pandemic'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 19/6/2021)

«Pourquoi la quatrième vague de Véran va-t-elle arriver à l'automne»; et «Synthèse vidéo de la covid dans le monde». (Dr Vernon Coleman - Qactus - 19/6/2021)

Vaccination Covid-19 – Dernier avertissement par le Dr Vanden Bossche: «Les autorités sanitaires autorisent l'administration de vaccins d'une manière qui menace la santé publique, et plus particulièrement lorsque les preuves scientifiques sont ignorées.» (Jean-Yves Jézéquel - - 19/6/2021)

The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or a Huge Mistake?
(Interview with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche - YouTube - 22/6/2021)

Israel empowers health officials to quarantine those exposed to virus variants — even if they're already vaccinated. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 23/6/2021)

Lockdowns and the Science of Covid. (Dr. Jay Bhattacharya [a tenured Stanford professor of medicine] - Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 23/6/2021)

New Study Finds Lockdowns Didn't Save Any Lives And May Have Killed More People Than Doing Nothing. (Spencer Lindquist - The Federalist - 24/6/2021)

La généticienne Alexandra Henrion-Caude : "Personne ne peut vous dire exactement ce qui va se passer avec ce new code génétique d' ARN messager !" Terrifiant. (Eva Angela - VK - vidéo 2 minutes - 24/6/2021 )

The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy. (Harald Walach, Rainer J. Klement, Wouter Aukema - MDPI [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute] - 24/6/2021)

Justice Centre challenges governments on science behind lockdowns. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 24/6/2021)

Dr Robert Malone, inventeur de la technologie ARNm : « Le gouvernement ne fait pas preuve de transparence quant aux risques ». (Daily Mail/Anguille sous roche - 25/6/2021)

Lockdowns were not effective in slowing COVID spread, engineering professor concludes. (Dace Potas - The College Fix - 25/6/2021)

Sportifs de haut niveau, les vaccins covid diminuent vos performances ! MàJ. (Dre Nicole Delépine et Dr Gérard Delépine - - 27/6/2021)

Des médecins à travers le monde mettent en garde contre les "vaccins" Covis-19. (Qactus - vidéo 29 minutes - 28/6/2021) -> plus infos sur Pfizer.

"Ne faisons pas un remède pire que le mal" : l'entretien essentiel. (Christian Vélot - FranceSoir - 73 minutes - 29/6/2021) -> Vélot est maître de conférence en génétique moléculaire à l'université Paris-Sud, directeur scientifique du comité scientifique du Comité de recherche de l'information indépendante du génie génétique (CRIIGEN).

Covid-19. Le vaccin causerait des inflammations cardiaques Selon l'agence Reuters, les membres de l'armée américaine qui ont été vaccinés contre le COVID-19 ont montré des taux d'inflammation cardiaque plus élevés que prévu, bien que la maladie soit encore extrêmement rare, selon une étude publiée mardi 29 juin. (Hakim Arif - L'Observateur - 30/6/2021)

"Panic Porn Dressed up as Science" - Exposing The Truth About The Delta Variant. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 30/6/2021)

Why COVID is like AIDS Hint: not because the risks are similar. (Alex Berenson - 30/6/2021)

The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative, Debunked in 10 or 26 Minutes. (Dr Thomas Binder - Doctors for COVID Ethics - 30/6/2021)

Apportez nous la démonstration que le vaccin ne pose pas de prblm et apportez nous les preuves que ce vaccin protège". (Dr Christian Vélot maître de conférence en génétique moléculaire à l'université Paris Sud - Twitter - vidéo, 2 minutes - 1/7/2021)

AMA Journal: Masks Are Bad For Your Kids. Quit Forcing Them To Wear Them. (Maggie Hroncich - The Federalist - 1/7/2021) -> AMA = American Medical Association

Dr. Peter McCullough: Covid vaccines are killing babies in the first trimester at an astonishing rate… an "atrocity" to vaccinate expectant mothers. (Lance D Johnson - Natural News - 1/7/2021)

Fauci: 'There Are Now Two Americas, The Vaccinated and The Unvaccinated': Fauci is completely ignoring the science on natural immunity again. (Steve Watson - Summit News- 1/7/2021)

COVID injections cause 82% abortion rate, CDC tries to hide it. (Mike Adams - John Gideon Hartnett - 2/7/2021)

The origins of lockdown: Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism sheds light on today's socially isolated world. (Daniel Ben-Ami - Spiked - 2/7/2021)

Chronique N°65 – « Invariablement, les variants servent d'épouvantails pour forcer à la vaccination… » (François Pesty - FranceSoir - 2/7/2021)

Rapport officiel anglais: Il est urgent d'arrêter la vaccination anti COVID. (Stephane Guay microbiologiste - Conscience du peuple - 5/7/2021)

Boy, 13, Dies in Sleep Three Days After 2nd Dose of Pfizer Covid Vaccine: Boy, who was otherwise healthy and had no previous known underlying health conditions, complained of fatigue and fever days prior to his death. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 5/7/2021)

Those dying post-vaccine: Where are the autopsies? Exclusive: Jane M. Orient, M.D., sounds alarm over lack of typical protocol with unexpected deaths. (Jane M. Orient, M.D. - WND - 7/7/2021)

Robert Malone, pionnier des vaccins ARNm: "je déclare que la protéine native Spike est toxique". (FranceSoir - 8/7/2021)

L'OMS confirme le lien entre des problèmes cardiaqu es et les vaccins à ARNm... (Agence France-Presse/Radio-Canada - 9/7/2021)

Vaccinés covid : et maintenant ? (Dr Maudrux - FranceSoir - 11/7/2021)

Herd Immunity to Herd Mentality: Forcing vaccines on those who have had COVID is a baaaaaad move. (Paul Kengor - The Spectator - 12/7/2021)

More Data Confirms Risk of COVID-19 Death, Serious Illness Very Low in Children. (Meiling Lee/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/ Zero Hedge - 12/7/2021)

Pfizer Sells "Booster" Jabs to Israel As COVID Cases Rebound. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 12/7/2021) -> If nothing else, this simply demonstrates that "the science" is no longer the priority for either Big Pharma, nor the federal government...

Analyse des assertions scientifiques d'Emmanuel Macron par le Pr Peter McCullough. (FranceSoir - 14/7/2021)

Israeli government data shows natural immunity from infection much stronger than vaccine-induced immunity. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 14/7/2021) -> Israel's channel 13 reports very preliminary data showing that the resurgence of COVID infections in Israel is being driven almost exclusively by those who never had prior infection – whether they are vaccinated or not. In fact, 40% of the 7,700 new cases since May 1 in this very heavily tested and traced country were among those who were fully vaccinated.

Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 14/7/2021)

Un message urgent du professeur Sucharit Bhakdi
(France Réinfo - Rumble - 17 minutes - 14/7/2021)

Épidémie de Covid-19 sur le vaisseau amiral de la marine anglaise malgré 100% de vaccinés ! (Aguelid - Le Libre Penseur - 15/7/2021)

Israël : Les vaccinés tombent tous malades (M. Bildermann - WikiStrike - 15/7/2021)

Bennett: 'Vaccines on their own won't solve the problem' Vaccine protection 'weaker than we'd hoped' against Delta, PM says; inoculations help, but 'significantly less' than with previous strains; gov't seeks to approve home testing kits. (Times of Israel - 16/7/2021)

Vacciner les jeunes, pourquoi c'est une mauvaise idée. (Christian Vélot, généticien - FranceSoir - 16/7/2021)

"This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit": mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 16/7/2021)

Three Fully Vaccinated TX Democrats Who Fled to D.C. to Protest Election Integrity Measures Test Positive for Chinese Coronavirus. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 17/7/2021)

Yeadon Sums It Up "These are not 'slip-ups', 'well-intentioned mistakes', 'erring on the side of caution' or similar. They're deliberately misleading." (Dr Mike Yeadon - Off-Guardian - 17/7/2021)

C'est officiel, Israël reconnait publiquement que les vaccins ne protègent pas contre les variants. (Les moutons enragés - 18/7/2021)

JPM's Kolanovic: Stop Freaking Out About The Delta Case Spike. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 19/7/2021)

Fully vaccinated House lawmaker tests positive for COVID-19. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 19/7/2021)

Stanford's Dr. John Ioannidis destroys the Covid lockdown narrative. (Covid Call to Humanity - 20/7/2021)

49 fully vaccinated people in New Jersey have died from COVID-19: More than half of those deaths occurred in people who suffered underlying medical issues. (Alex Nittzberg - The Blaze - 21/7/2021)

Coronavirus in Israel: What do we know about the 143 hospitalized people? Of the 143 hospitalized patients, 58% were vaccinated, 39% were not at all, and 3% were partially vaccinated. (Maayan Jaffe-Hoffaman - The Jerusalem Post - 21/7/2021)

Dr. Fuellmich/Dr. Martin - Les brevets autour du covid.
(JeanneTraduction - Rumble - 80 minutes - 21/7/2021)
Le Dr David Martin et son équipe ont analysé plus de 4000 brevets déposés avant 2019 sur le SARS-CoV-2, les tests et les traitements du COVID19. Chaque étape de la vidéo permet de comprendre l'origine du virus, l'organisation d'un business très lucratif et les évidents conflits d'intérêt d'un grand nombre de laboratoires pharmaceutiques dont les noms sont clairement cités.

Des moyens naturels et sûrs pour renforcer la première ligne de défense de votre corps. (Dr. Mercola - 21/7/2021)

Data from India continues to blow up the 'Delta' fear narrative. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 22/7/2021)

Similitudes entre l'obligation des pseudos vaccins anti-covid et l'obligation faite aux déportés de subir des essais de vaccins. (Gérard Delépine - Nouveau Monde - 22/7/2021)

Government Advisor Admits Masks Are Just "Comfort Blankets" That Do Virtually Nothing "But now it is entrenched, and we are entrenching bad behaviour." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 23/7/2021)

Israel Finds Pfizer Jab Only 39% Effective at Stopping Delta Variant. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 23/7/2021)

Johns Hopkins Study Found Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy Kids: Rather than acknowledge science, Dr. Makary says the CDC continues to use 'flimsy evidence' to push the COVID vaccine upon children. (Audrey Unverferth - The Federalist - 23/7/2021)

Why is The CDC Quietly Abandoning The PCR Test For COVID? (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 25/7/2021)

"Pfizerleak: Exposing The Pfizer Manufacturing and Supply Agreement". (Ehden - Twitter - 26/7/2021)

California reports higher COVID-19 rates in areas with higher vaccination rates, and vice versa. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 27/7/2021)

What about Covid in hospitals? Yet again, we are failing to protect the most vulnerable. (Paddy Hannam - Spiked - 28/7/2021)

The CDC's Hysterical Delta Flip-Flop Might be its Final Undoing. (Jeffrey Tucker/RealClearMarkets - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/7/2021)

Leaked Data Reveals Over Half of COVID Hospitalisations Tested Positive to the Virus AFTER Admission. (Caldron Pool - 28/7/2021)

Covid rampant among fully vaccinated sailors on Britain's new aircraft carrier. (Free West Media - 29/7/2021) -> The new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth has more than 100 sailors on board with Covid-19 even though all of them have had two jabs. The Royal Navy announced the outbreak during the Carrier Strike Group's maiden voyage in a statement.

The Pointless Drive to Make Masks Great Again. (Brian McGlinchey/Stark Realities - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 29/7/2021) -> further empirical evidence of how USELESS masks are...

The Pfizer mRNA Vaccine: Pharmacokinetics and Toxicity - Analysis. (Michael Palmer and Sucharit Bhakdi - Doctors for COVID Ethics - 29/7/2021)

La vaccination à l'épreuve des faits. 1ère partie : les chiffres de l'épidémie. (Laurent Mucchielli - - 30/7/2021)

«La guerre a changé» : les vaccinés transmettraient autant le variant Delta que les autres. «La guerre a changé» : les vaccinés transmettraient autant le variant Delta que les autres. Selon une étude américaine du Centre de prévention et de contrôle des maladies, les personnes vaccinées transmettent également le variant Delta du Covid-19. (Afp - La Voix du - 30/7/2021)

Les vaccins ne fonctionne pas ! « les personnes contaminées semblent autant le transmettre qu'elles soient vaccinées ou non, selon des documents officiels américains. » (Stephane Guay, microbiologiste - FaceBook - 31/7/2021)

États-Unis. Vaccinés ou non, la charge virale est la même chez les contaminés au Covid-19 [Vidéo]. (Breizh-info - 31/7/2021)

Gay rights activist exposes how CDC study justifying new face mask guidance is 'skewed': 'Too politically correct'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 31/7/2021)

Laurent Mucchielli, sociologue et directeur de recherche au CNRS : « Une mortalité inédite : il y a urgence à suspendre la vaccination. » (FranceSoir/ - 35 minutes - 31/7/2021)

"Vos dirigeants devraient avoir honte d'avoir refusé les traitements précoces" Paolo Zanotto. (FranceSoir - vidéo 57 minutes - 1/8/2021)

Certains vaccinés ont 7 fois moins d'anticorps que les non vaccinés, selon une étude du Pr Gili Regev Yochay ! (Aguelid - Le LIbre Penseur - 3/8/2021)

La vaccination Covid à l'épreuve des faits. 2ème partie : une mortalité inédite. (Laurent Mucchielli - - 3/8/2021)

L'escroquerie Covid s'effondre sur tous les fronts. (Paul Craig Roberts - Jacques Henry/ - 3/8/2021)

'Stop the Shot… The Rest of the Story' August 4 Conference. (LifeSite - 4/8/2021) -> LifeSite will be hosting a townhall conference with The Truth For Health Foundation, "Stop the Shot… The Rest of the Story." This online meeting will feature Dr. Peter McCullough, Attorney Thomas Renz, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Sister Deidre Byrne, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Dr. Jose Trasancos, and other prominent physicians, scientists, attorneys, and religious leaders who will be discussing vital information related to the COVID jab, clinical trials, and more.

Les pseudovaccins anticovid (injections geniques) ne protegent ni les vaccines, ni leurs contacts. (Dr Gérard Delépine - 4/8/2021)

Study Finds Greater Antibody Response in Recovered COVID-19 Patients Than Vaccinated Ones. (Shawn Fleetwood - The Federalist - 5/8/2021)

Fully vaccinated GOP Rep. Ralph Norman tests positive for COVID-19. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 5/8/2021)

Trump's Doctor Vladimir Zelenko Talks to Israeli Politicians and Health Minister About Vaccine.
(Nunyabids345345 - BitChute - 30 minutes - 5/8/2021)

Analysis of all-cause mortality by week in Canada 2010- 2021, by province, age and sex: There was no COVID-19 pandemic, and there is strong evidence of response-caused deaths in the most elderly and in young males. (Denis G. Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Jérémie Mercier - Ontario Civil Liberties Association - 6/8/2021)

CDC Director Makes Case Vaccination Passports are Futile, Vaccines do Not Prevent COVID Infection or Delta Variant Transmission. (Sundance - The Conservative Treehouse - 6/8/2021)

The Astonishing Hubris of a Global Experimental Vaccine: It is an objective, indisputable fact: never in the history of the world has there been a global push to administer an experimental medicine to all of humanity, billions of us, at the same time. (Larry Sanger - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 6/8/2021)

"Une erreur stratégique qui impacte l'avenir de l'humanité" : appel du Pr Luc Montagnier. (FranceSoir - 7/8/2021)

18 928 morts, 1,8 million de blessés (dont 50 % GRAVES) signalés dans la base de données de l'Union européenne sur les effets indésirables des médicaments pour les injections de vaccins COVID-19. (Brian Shilhavy - Vigilance Pandémie - 7/8/2021)

Bombshell leak: Countries that buy Pfizer's vaccine undertake to break the law. (Free West Media - 8/8/2021) -> Leaked information from confidential agreements that vaccine manufacturer Pfizer concluded with a large number of buyer countries, revealed slave contracts that violate legislation in each and every country. Buyers undertake to break all laws that stand in the way of mass vaccination. The buyers also undertake to bear all costs and all responsibility for the experimental jabs and waive the right to breach the agreement.

Alerte sur les données VAERS : "67% des décès enregistrés arrivent dans les 21 jours après l'injection". (Christine Cotton, biostasticienne - FranceSoir - 69 minutes - 9/8/2021)

Pediatrician: Don't 'Facemask' Your Child Medical science proves a face mask can be harmful for children. (Deane Waldman, M.D. - The American Spectator - 9/8/2021)

No, this is not an epidemic of the unvaccinated. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 10/8/2021)

Le Dr. Laurent Montesino Réanimateur - à coeur ouvert.
La vérité sur les traitements, les tests et procédures, sur l'efficacité des injections.
(France Réinfo - Rumble - 34 min. - 10/8/2021)

La TV officielle suisse confirme que la vaccination ne marche pas ! (Dana Anderson - VK - 1 minute - 12/8/2021) -> on examine des données touchant l'Icelande

Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For "Immediate Halt" to Vaccinations, Says They Encourage "Escape Mutant" Variants. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/8/2021)

Fully vaccinated Southwest flight attendant dies from COVID-19: Southwest Airlines confirmed to Fox News that flight attendant Maurice Shepperson died. (Cortney Moore - Fox News - 15/8/2021)

Une infirmière : "Quels monstres sont-ils pour injecter ça à des enfants ?" (Michel Rosenzweig - FaceBook - 15/8/2021)

Le coronavirus se propage parmi les personnes vaccinées dans les pays fortement vaccinés. (The Vaccine Reaction - Dr. Mercola - 16/8/2021)

NIH Director Francis Collins Admits Masking Rules For Kids Are Based on Rare Anecdotes, Not Data. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 17/8/2021)

Neurologist explains why unvaccinated previously infected people are less likely to spread COVID than never-infected vaccinated people. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 17/8/2021)

27 vaccinated people — including 26 crew members, 1 passenger — test positive for COVID on cruise ship. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 17/8/2021)

Massive fraud in reporting vaccine injuries; withheld data, pretense of "safe and effective". (Jon Rappoport - 17/8/2021)

Des réserves concernant le passeport vaccinal. (Robert Béliveau - TVA Nouvelles - 17/8/2021)

Parsonage-Turner Syndrome Following COVID-19 Vaccination: MR Neurography. (Sophie C. Queler, Alexander J. Towbin, Carlo Milani, Jeremy Whang, Darryl B. Sneag - Radiology, Vol. 302, No. 1 - 17/8/2021) -> Vaccination is one of the several known triggers of Parsonage-Turner syndrome (PTS). This case series describes two individuals with clinical presentations of PTS whose symptoms began 13 hours and 18 days following receipt of the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 and Moderna mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine, respectively.

Allemagne: Plus de 23 000 médecins sur 52 600 se sont retirés de la campagne de vaccination. (BusinessBourse - 18/8/2021) -> texte allemand

Vaccins COVID - millions d'effets secondaires.
(Vivre sainement - Odysée - 104 minutes - 18/8/2021)

Lettre ouverte au clergé de France et au peuple de Dieu. Peut-on « pirater » impunément « le logiciel de la vie » ? (Olivier Nguyen et Roselyne Legall - La Nef - 18/8/2021) -> perspective catholique sur le vaccin mARN

Dr Astrid Stuckelberger écoutez bien c'est une bombe !!!!!!!!
(Yger - Rumble - 8 minutes - 18/8/2021)
-> Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger est scientifique, chercheuse et enseignante à la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Genève et de Lausanne. Experte internationale dans différents domaines liés à la santé et à la santé publique

Landmark Study Proves COVID Vaccines Much Less Effective Than Advertised. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 19/8/2021)

Le variant Delta, les tests PCR et «la dissonance Covid». (F. William Engdahl - - 19/8/2021)

Pourquoi la protéine Spike est toxique dans le COVID-19... Et aussi dans les vaccins ARNm et ADN. (Dr Jean-François Lesgards - FranceSoir - 20/8/2021)

CoVid : Dr. Shawn Brooks alerte sur les vaccins
(BisbilleZizanie - Odyssée - 3 minutes - 20/8/2021)

US Investigates Moderna Jab After Data Show 2.5x Higher Risk of Heart Inflammation. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 20/8/2021)

CDC Buries Study Finding That Student Masking Has 'No Statistically Significant Benefit'. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 21/8/2021)

Israël: 8 hospitalisations sur 10 concernent des personnes entièrement vaccinées. (Wall - Les Moutons Enragés - 21/8/2021)

COVID 19 (diagnostic, traitements, vaccin) : panorama d'une escroquerie. (Le médecin résistant - FranceSoir - 22/8/2021)

A Victory for Natural Immunity and Sanity Thirty-five million Americans have tested positive for COVID-19. (Paul Kengor - The American Spectator - 22/8/2021)

The FDA's indefensible approval of the Pfizer shot. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 23/8/2021)

Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a covid-19 vaccine? The FDA should demand adequate, controlled studies with long term follow up, and make data publicly available, before granting full approval to covid-19 vaccines, says Peter Doshi. (Peter Doshi, senior editor - The BMJ - 23/8/2021)

Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers: A preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated. (Peter A. McCullough, M.D., MPH - The Defender/Children's Health Defense - 23/8/2021)

Informed Consent for Medical Procedures Is a Basic Human Right. (Taylor Pace - The Mises Institute - 23/8/2020)

Injection Pfizer complètement approuvée aux Etats-Unis, le British Medical Journal y voit une décision politique et mercantile. (Francesca de Villasmundo - - 24/8/2021)

« Les injections anti-Covid accélèrent le vieillissement et seront encore plus mortelles si répétées ». (Walter Chesnut - SOTT.NET - 24/8/2021)

Scientists: Delta Infections Of Fully Vaccinated Produce 251 Times The Viral Load. (Dr Peter McCullough - The Exposé - 24/8/2021)

Regulators Knew in 2020 Covid Vaccines Would Cause Severe Reactions. ( Scientific International - 25/8/2021)

De nouvelles preuves ont été soumises à la Cour pénale internationale selon lesquelles les gouvernements mondiaux sont complices de crimes contre l'humanité ? (Marta Michels - ArtLoft - 25/8/2021)

VIDEO. Covid-19: Un chirurgien de l'hôpital de Tarbes qualifie la vaccination de "génocide" et appelle à la refuser. (La Dépêche - 25/8/2021)

Les effets secondaires ne seront publiés qu'après l'autorisation définitive de mise sur le marché, c'est Pfizer qui l'a exigé. (Volti - Les Moutons Enragés - 25/8/2021)

Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion. Myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in Ontario: December 13, 2020 to August 7, 2021. (Public Health Ontario - 25/8/2021)

Journalist Speaks Out After Being Diagnosed With "Inflammation of the Heart Due to Pfizer Vaccine": Hitchcock said he initially battled over whether to publish the post, but said after being a journalist for almost three decades, it would be hypocritical for him not to. (Caldron Pool - 26/8/2021)

The Government's Dark and Senseless War on ALL Early Treatments. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 26/8/2021)

"Il n'y avait aucune raison d'approuver définitivement le vaccin Pfizer" Peter McCullough. (FranceSoir - 26/8/2021)

'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines at Stopping Delta. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 27/8/2021)

KISS Concert Canceled After Fully Vaccinated Paul Stanley Tests Positive for Coronavirus. (Breitbart News - 27/8/2021)

Un médecin de l'armée américaine révèle que plus de soldats sont morts du vaccin que du COVID: "Le 'Vaccin' tue plus de gens que le COVID. Pourquoi ne l'arrêtons-nous pas ? Nous sommes en guerre, qui est l'ennemi ?" (PLANETES360 - Twitter - vidéo 2 minutes - 27/8/2021)

Blachier: "Finalement ce sont les vaccinés qui contaminent les non vaccinés"
(Diverses Archives - Odysée - 1 minute - 28/8/2021)
Martin Blachier est épidémiologiste...

The Delta Scam. (Jim Quinn - The Burning Platform - 29/8/2021)

Study finds mask mandates have no substantial effect on slowing COVID-19 spread. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 30/8/2021)

American Scientists Confirm Toxic Graphene Oxide, and More, in Covid Injections. (Rhoda Wilson - The Exposé - 30/8/2021)

Une étude israélienne montre que l'immunité naturelle est 13 fois plus efficace que les vaccins pour arrêter le variant Delta. (Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - Robert Bibeau/Les 7 du Quebec - 30/8/2021)

German Doctors and Lawyers Assess Blood Smears from People Who Have Had Covid Injections: "For me this is euthanasia, for me this is mass murder, a crime on a grand scale". (Rhoda Wilson - The Exposé - 31/8/2021)

Harvard epidemiologist: Major study demolishes case for vaccine passports: Natural immunity offers exponentially more protection than shots. (Art Moore - WND - 31/8/2021)

Covid 19 : vaccins et autopsies - Dr. Ryan Cole
(@JeanneTraduction - Odysée - 17 minutes - 1/9/2021)

60% of Those Older Than 50 Who Die From COVID Are Double Vaxxed. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy.News - 30/8/2021)

La Suisse comptabilise déjà au moins 96 myocardites post vaccinales ! (Admin - Le libre penseur - 1/9/2021)

A Look At Scientific Evidence Suggesting Face Masks Damage Your Health Scientists have found significant impaired thinking or concentration after only 100 minutes of mask use, correlating significantly with reduced blood oxygen levels in the test subjects. (Ilya Feoktistov - The Federalist - 2/9/2021)

Israel is now the world's Covid hotspot despite leading jab charge. (Connor Boyd - MSN - 2/9/2021)

Peut-on « pirater » impunément « le logiciel de la vie » [1] ? Lettre ouverte au clergé de France et au peuple de Dieu. (Olivier Nguyen - Vigilance-Pandemie - 3/9/2021)

COVID-19 jabs are 'not really vaccines': Top infectious diseases expert - The world-class expert, censured and censored for his support for COVID-19 treatments, described how the pandemic should be managed. (Peter Levinson - LifeSite News - 3/9/2021)

More than 100 Ontario youth sent to hospital for vaccine-related heart problems: Report There were 54 persons aged 25-39 included in the tally and 44 persons aged 40 and over. (Anthony Furey - Toronto Sun - 3/9/2021)

Report: Fully vaccinated make up 30%-40% of COVID hospitalizations in Maryland counties — and the number is 'increasing rapidly'. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 8/9/2021)

Why the rush to vaccinate children? Parents have every right to be concerned about the government's plans. (Jennie Bristow - Spiked - 8/9/2021)

Why Isn't Anyone Talking About Natural Immunity? (Joanna Miller/The Organic Prepper - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 9/9/2021)

Study Finds Teenage Boys Six Times More Likely to Suffer Heart Problems From Vaccine Than be Hospitalized by COVID Damning data proves clear risk of vaccinating children. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 10/9/2021)

Fauci: No "Firm Answer" On Why Americans Who Recovered From COVID-19 Should Get Vaccinated. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 11/9/2021) -> Fauci steps on a banana peel??

Des scientifiques justifient le choix du refus du vaccin par les blouses blanches. La protéine spike est dangereuse. (Blog de Liliane Held-Khawam - 11/9/2021)

Un parlementaire anglais énonce la liste des morts & des effets secondaires graves enregistrés dans la base de pharmacovigilance anglaise. (Bertruxskydric - Résistance mondiale - 12/9/2021) -> Il y a beaucoup plus de dommages causés à nos citoyens par les vaccinations au COVID19 que par tout autre programme de vaccination dans l'histoire. "Sir Christopher Chope, membre du Parlement Britannique detaille la liste des effets secondaires

As vaccinated COVID hospitalizations soar, government blocks the one option that works. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 13/9/2021)

Michigan Health Care System Says Workers With Natural Immunity Don't Need Vaccine. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/9/2021)

Outgoing FDA Leaders Break With Biden, Say COVID-19 Vaccines Don't Need Boosters In New Letter. (Dylan Housman - Daily Caller - 13/9/2021)

Écosse – 80% des décès dus au Covid-19 en août étaient des personnes qui avaient été vaccinées selon les données de santé publique. (Profession Gendarme - 13/9/2021)

"Life Has Not Improved by as Much as we Hoped" - Singapore Outbreak Worsens With 80% Vaccinated. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 14/9/2021)

TV station asks for stories of unvaxxed fatalities but gets deluged with jab death and injury stories An ABC affiliate in Detroit sought stories of death to the unvaccinated. Instead, it got countless stories of harm from the COVID jab. (Emily Mangiaracina - LifeSiteNews - 14/9/2021)

Nearly Half of All Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 Had Only Mild or Asymptomatic Cases, Study Shows. (Dylan Housman - Daily Caller - 14/9/2021)

Funeral Directer John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid.
(TheCrowHouse - Odysee - 39 minutes - 15/9/2021)

Données relatives aux vaccins : l'ANSM ne possède pas les informations demandées par Me Teissedre. (FranceSoir - 16/9/2021)

BREAKING – Study finds the current Covid-19 Vaccines will cause 'Vaccine Induced Enhanced Disease' when infected with Delta. (Daily Exposé - 16/9/2021)

UNE INFIRMIÈRE parle vrai: "Vous pensez vraiment qu'il n'y a que 3 000 soignants mis à la porte ? Les vrais chiffres sont 300 000 !! [...]"
(Laurent Du Mcse - VK - 7 minutes - 16/9/2021)

DeSantis Office: Over Half of Those Seeking Lifesaving COVID-19 Treatment in South Florida Fully Vaccinated. (Jack Phillips/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/9/2021)

ISRAËL: La catastrophe sanitaire récurrente de l'injection Pfizer. (Gérard Delépine - JemInformeTV - 18/9/2021)

BREAKING – Fully vaccinated account for a huge 74% of Covid-19 deaths in the UK summer wave according to latest Public Health England report. (Daily Exposé - 18/9/2021)

Dr Jessica Rose at FDA public hearing session: COVID vaxxines are dangerous and unneeded. (John Gideon Hartnett - Bible Science Forum - 19/9/2021)

Vaccination contre la COVID-19 : un remède pire que le mal ? ( - 19/9/2021)

REPORT: Orwellian Medical Newspeak Revealed. (Infowars - 4 minutes - 19/9/2021)

Woman Shares Horrifying Details of Her Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries from a Hospital Bed. (CaptainDaretofly - Daily Exposé - 6 minutes - 20/9/2021)


Un directeur des pompes funèbres témoigne.
(OnNeNousDitPasTout - Odysée - 39 minutes - 20/9/2021)

Project Veritas : ''' Vaccins dénoncés ''' (Partie 1)
(Phillipe Le Bel - Odysee - 13 minutes - 21/9/2021)

Allemagne : sur dix autopsies, cinq décès seraient "très probablement" liés aux vaccins. (FranceSoir - 23/9/2021)

Les conséquences de la vaccination sur la fertilité. (Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude - JeminformeTV - 24/9/2021)

"Immunity as a Service" - The Snake-Oil Salesmen & The COVID-Zero Con. (Julius Ruechel - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/9/2021)

Vaccins Covid et cancer Une brève mise à jour sur les effets indésirables du vaccin Covid. (Swiss policy Research - Le Saker Francophone - 25/9/2021)

UK hospital data shocks the world: 80% of COVID deaths are among the vaccinated… COVID deaths up 3,000% after vaccine wave. (Lance D Johnson - NaturalNews - 28/9/2021)

Plus de 5000 médecins et scientifiques accusent les gouvernements d'incompétence (criminelle) contre le COVID-19. (Edouard Husson - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 28/9/2021)

Covid et vaccination : 30 points à connaître par cœur pour argumenter sans faille. ( - 28/9/2021)

Steve Kirsch estime que les effets secondaires de la vaccination sont sous-déclarés d'un facteur 41. (FranceSoir - 30/9/2021)

Urgent message from university hospital manager and academic Kieran Morrissey.
(Freedommedia - Odysee - 9 minutes - 30/9/2021)

1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots but Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get the Shot. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 1/10/2021)

Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Trusted Treatments with Untested Novel Therapies. (Dr. Peter McCullough - AAPS Speech - video, 65 minutes - 1/10/2021)

Belgian physicist on the COVID-19 response from scientists and the healthcare community Mr. Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur, a Belgian physicist and recipient of several awards, was one of the few scientists to have debated the H1N1 vaccination in the mainstream media in Quebec. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 3/10/2021)

The country with the best data shows infection rates higher among the vaccinated. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 4/10/2021)

New Lancet Study Confirms Plummeting Vaccine Effectiveness. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 6/10/2021)

Les scandales des sociétés pharmaceutiques. (Cindy - Destyneo - 6/10/2021)

Leaked Emails Reveal Pfizer Execs Sought to Conceal Use of Aborted Fetal Cells in Covid-19 Vaccine Program. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 7/10/2021)

Navy SEALs Lawyer: Military Ignoring Natural Immunity. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 7/10/2021)

En faisant produire la protéine Spike par les cellules, vacciner revient à inoculer la maladie. (Jamila Buret - FranceSoir - 7/10/2021)

The Vital Necessity of Informed Medical Consent: Numerous human rights declarations speak out against coercive medicine. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 10/10/2021)

An intramuscular injection that enters the bloodstream "While at the outset of the vaccination campaign in 2020 it was unknown to what extent COVID vaccines entered the bloodstream, human data from 2021 reveal that the spike protein shows up within the circulation on the very day of the injection. (Free West Media - 12/10/2021)

Harvard Research Confirms What We've Been Saying for Months: There is not evidentiary correlation between cases and vaccination rates. (Justin Hart - Rational Ground - 13/10/2021)

The virus that doesn't exist: Lies and Consequences. (Jon Rappoport - NoMoreFakeNews - 14/10/2021)

Why It's A Serious Violation of Medical Ethics to Force Kids to Get COVID Shots : Forcing children who are not at risk for serious illness to receive a vaccine of marginal benefit undermines confidence in legitimate vaccine programs. (Dr. Scott Sturman - The Federalist – 14/10/2021)

Wrong: CNBC Lies About COVID Hospitalizations in Effort to Amplify Calls For New Lockdown Claim that they're "steadily increasing" since restrictions were lifted is just not true. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 20/10/2021)

Is It 'Informed Consent' If The Facts Are Suppressed? "It appears that in many cases, there has not been 'valid consent' because of undue pressure, coercion, manipulation and withholding of risks. This is wicked and shameful, particularly considering that we are supposed to be a democratic and free society." (Bob Cotton - Caldron Pool - 21/10/2021)

Pfizer and BioNTech announce their vaccine is USELESS 11 months after dosing… (Alex Berenson - 21/10/2021)

B.C. health whistleblower says 50% of COVID hospitalizations asymptomatic, unrelated Reaching out to Rebel News, a whistleblower from British Columbia's Interior Health region claims that half of reported COVID hospitalizations are unrelated to the virus. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 25/10/2021)

New Evidence for Infanticide in the Creation of the Fetal Cell Line Used for COVID Vaccine Testing. (John Gideon Hartnett - Bible Science Forum - 25/10/2021)

Pfizer's emails are the tip of the iceberg: Aborted fetal cells have been used in vaccines for 50 yrs.: The vaccines were made by destroying lives in the most brutal way and the use of these vaccines seriously harm many who have received them, even though the damage may not be recognized as such. (Caryn Lipson - LifeSite - 26/10/2021)

Selon le Dr Robert Young, la microscopie électronique à balayage et à transmission révèle la présence d'oxyde de graphène dans les vaccins contre le CoV-19. (Dr Robert Young - Vigilance Pandémie - 27/10/2021)

Medical Bombshell: Pfizer Vax Attacks Human Blood Creating Clots Under Microscope. (John Gideon Hartnett - Bible Science Forum - 27/10/2021)

Irish county with 99.7% vaccination rate has highest COVID case rate. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 28/10/2021)

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G. (Beverly Rubik and Robert R. Brown - Journ. Clin Transl Res. 2021 Oct 26; 7(5): pp. 666–681- 29/10/2021)

Lockdowns and vaccines have failed nursing home residents. Proactive treatment is the answer. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 29/10/2021)

Latest Lancet Study Exposes Limits of Vaccines at Preventing COVID Infection. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 29/10/2021)

Study says vaccinated people easily spread Delta variant in households, COVID vaccine protection wanes earlier than previously believed. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 29/10/2021)

There's NO case for "vaccinating" children…& the FDA meeting proves it: Figures and statements from the recent FDA advisory board meeting totally destroy any argument for jabbing kids. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 30/10/2021)

Marc Doyer témoigne pour son épouse des effets secondaires du vaccin : "C'est un devoir citoyen". (FranceSoir - 31/10/2021)

Un autre médecin du Québec dénonce l'injection forcée des enfants avec la technologie à ARNm. (Gilles B. - YaPasDePRESSE - 31/10/2021)

Dr. Ben Carson blasts COVID vaccinations for children: 'This is really a giant experiment'. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 1/11/2021)

Alberta government overrules doctor, refuses COVID antibody testing to prove man had COVID. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 1/11/2021)

Analyses sanguines post-injection : l'inquiétude grandit...
Jérémie Mercier reçoit le médecin généraliste luxembourgeois Benoît Ochs
(CrowdBunker - 74 minutes - 1/11/2021)

'Falsified Data': Pfizer Vaccine Trial Had Major Flaws, Whistleblower Tells Peer-Reviewed Journal. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 2/11/2021)

FDA Knew About Numerous Adverse Events For Children 'Related' to Pfizer Vaccine, Approved it Anyway. (Patrick Howley - InfoWars - 2/11/2021)

Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America. (Michael Snyder/TheMostImportantNews - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 3/11/2021) -> ERs are swamped... but not with COVID cases...the main things that are being treated include "blood clots" and "heart conditions"…

Double Vaxxed LA Mayor Tests Positive For COVID: Forced to self-isolate in hotel room at Cop26 summit. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 3/11/2021)

24-Year-Old Hockey Player Dies After Suffering Cardiac Arrest During Game: Boris Sádecký tragically dies in hospital after intensive care treatment. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 4/11/2021)

Why Do They Want to Vaccinate Children? (Vasko Kohlmayer - The American Thinker - 5/11/2021)

Study Reveals 'Dramatic' Decline In All Three COVID-19 Vaccines' Efficacy Over Time. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/11/2021)

A List of World Class Athletes Who Died Or Suffered Severe Injuries After COVID-19 Vaccine. (The COVID World - 7/11/2021)

One of Fauci's Top Scientists Opposes Vaccine Mandates, is Unvaccinated. (Dylan Housman - Daily Caller - 8/11/2021)

FDA's own Pfizer approval document suggests myocarditis from shot might be bigger threat than COVID. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 9/11/2021)

Why Politicians And Bureaucrats Are so Threatened by The People COVID Couldn't Kill: Science, history, and multiple studies confirm what we know about the immunity of COVID-19 survivors. So why won't government officials admit it? (Jane Coleman - The Federalist - 9/11/2021)

Dr. Robert Malone: "This is the Largest Experiment Performed on Human Beings in the History of the World." (Veronika Kyrylenko - The New American - 9/11/2021)

Les décès excessifs indiquent un programme de dépopulation. [Interview avec Dr Mike Yeadon, ancien vice-président de Pfizer] (Mike Whitney - Réseau International - 9/11/2021)

Senator Calls for Immediate Suspension of Vaccine Rollout for Children Following the Death of 14-Year-Old Girl "If ever there was a reason when the precautionary principle should be applied, then the safety of our children should be it." (Caldron Pool - 10/11/2021)

Is Europe getting crushed by variant completely immune to COVID shots? (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 10/11/2021)

Fully Vaccinated Choir Concert Ends in Substantial COVID-19 Outbreak: Unvaccinated who could provide negative test were banned from attending. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 10/11/2021)

New study shows more effective immunity from prior infection than in vaccinated among organ transplant recipients. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 12/11/2021)

Les vaccins covid résumés en 7 minutes ! (Jeanne Traduction Chaîne Odysee - 7 minutes - 12/11/2021)

CDC Admits it Has no Evidence of Recovered COVID Patients Spreading The Virus. (Shawn Fleetwood - The Federalist - 12/11/2021)

CDC Admits No Record of Naturally Immune Transmitting COVID-19. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/11/2021)

Worldwide Vaccine Failure. (Alex Berenson/'Unreported Truths' Substack - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/11/2021)

Norway Study Finds ZERO Vaccine Effectiveness Against Death for Covid Hospital Patients. (Daily Sceptic - 14/11/2021)

Worldwide Search Trend For "Died Suddenly" Spikes to Record Highs. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 14/11/2021)

"Most Vaccinated" Nation on Earth Cancels Christmas Over Surge in COVID Cases. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/11/2021)

Respirator specialist says masks are worse than useless Chris Schaefer, a respirator specialist, recently sent an open letter to Alberta's chief medical officer stating why he thinks the broad usage and mandate of masks is not an effective COVID mitigation strategy. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 18/11/2021)

Another major red flag about Covid vaccines and death: This one coming from data on more than 4 million vaccinated Swedes. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 18/11/2021)

La 5è vague de la peur: quand les gouvernements européens perdent leur sang-froid face à des contaminations qui révèlent l'inefficacité de la vaccination. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 19/11/2021)

Experts befuddled by 'mysterious' fact that Africa is less than 6% vaccinated but has avoided COVID disaster — unlike Europe and the US. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 19/11/2021)

Les vaccinés sont-ils une menace pour les non-vaccinés ? (Laure Gonlézamar - FranceSoir - 22/11/2021)

If the Vaccines Work, Why Aren't They Working? (Brian C. Joondeph, M.D. - American Thinker - 22/11/2021)

Pr Christian Perronne : « Ce n'est pas des vaccins »
(Interview de professeur Christian Perronne invité par Ivan Rioufol sur CNews - 16 minutes - 22/11/2021)

Pr Luc Montagnier : des cas de Creutzfeldt-Jakob liés au vaccin contre le Covid ? (FranceSoir - 23/11/2021)

The Deadliest Shots in Medical History. (Dr. Mercola & Steven Kirsch Dr. Mercola - InfoWars - 23/11/2021)

Jean Quatremer : "Ces mesures de confinement n'ont strictement aucun sens". (FranceSoir - 25/11/2021)

Thérapie génique chez les 5 à 11 ans : quels sont les risques ?
(Réinfo Covid Québec - YouTube - 17 minutes - 25/11/2021)
Nicolas Derome (PhD), professeur titulaire au département de biologie de l'Université Laval, apporte des informations importantes, afin de faire un choix libre et éclairé à ce sujet. Est-ce utile ? Recommandé ? Légal, éthique ?

Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report. (Serge Goldman, Dominique Bron, Thomas Tousseyn, Irina Vierasu, Laurent Dewispelaere, Pierre Heimann, Elie Cogan and Michel Goldman - Frontiers in Medicine - 25/11/2021)

ONS Slapped Down by UK Statistics Watchdog For Misleading Claim that Unvaccinated Have "32 Times" Risk of Covid Death. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 26/11/2021)

Just coincidences!!
(Zay Truth 444 - YouTube - 2 minutes - 27/11/2021)

Omicron is "Extremely Mild" Says Doctor Who First Discovered Strain as Numerous Mutations "Destabilize" The Virus. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/11/2021) -> "we haven't admitted anyone" to the hospital with the new variant," she said. "I spoke to other colleagues of mine, the same picture."...

Omicron est « extrêmement bénin », selon le médecin qui a découvert la souche, car de nombreuses mutations « déstabilisent » le virus. (jipp - Ma France - 28/11/2021)

It's now clear that the leaky shots have made the virus worse than ever. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 29/11/2021)

Dr Noack Killed 4 Days After Posting This Vid on How Graphene Hydroxide Nano-Razors Destroy Body
(KA - BitChute - 29/11/2021)

Oxford University Says "No Evidence" Vaccines Won't Protect Against Severe Disease Caused By Omicron. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 30/11/2021)

COVID-19 is currently surging in the most vaccinated states — and the least vaccinated states are seeing cases drop. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 30/11/2021)

All Confirmed Cases of Omicron in Europe Are People Who Are "Asymptomatic or With Mild Symptoms": Dire warnings about new variant looking increasingly alarmist. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 30/11/2021)

Video: Senior Cardiologist Warns Study Linking COVID Vaccines To Massive Increase In Heart Attacks Is Being Totally Ignored "They're not going to publish their findings because they are concerned about losing research money from the drug industry." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 1/12/2021)

Pfizer vaccine injury data ordered released by judge shows shocking risk level. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 2/12/2021)

World Health Organization Says "No Evidence" Booster Jabs Would Offer "Greater Protection" to the Healthy: Challenges UK decision to offer 3rd jab to entire population. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 2/12/2021)

Selon le LANCET, stigmatiser les non-vaccinés n'est pas justifié. (Collectif Reinfocovid - 5/12/2021)

Covid 19: Chop the whole tree down...
(Rynso - YouTube - 14 minutes - 6/12/2021)
-> Reexamining the basic presupositions of the Covid crisis, a New Zealand perspective

« La fin de la pandémie est une décision politique et non épidémiologique », dixit le Dr Jay Bhattacharya: Stop au terrorisme politico-sanitaire covidiste ! (Le libre-penseur - 7/12/2021)

Panel du 7 décembre - des scientifiques et médecins [québécois] prennent la parole. (Réinfo Covid Québec - 7/12/2021) -> Panel avec Conseil scientifique indépendant de Réinfo Covid Québec au cours de laquelle des médecins interrogent des scientifiques quant à l'injection des enfants.

"Le délire scientiste" croqué par Patrice Gibertie. (FranceSoir – 8/12/2021)

Sweden and Germany: No Deaths In Children Due to Covid. (Paul Elias Alexander PhD. - The Brownstone Institute - 8/12/2021)

Plus de 400 études scientifiques démontrent l'échec des mesures dites « sanitaires » contre le Covid. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 9/12/2021)

Le site de la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) américaine publie au sujet de Cominarty® (Pfizer) « Myocardite et péricardite : les données de post-commercialisation démontrent des risques accrus de myocardite et de péricardite, en particulier dans les 7 jours suivant la deuxième doseSelon l'épidémiologiste de l'université de Yale Harvey Risch, la COVID-19 est une pandémie de peur « créée » par les autorités. (Isabel van Brugen et Jan Jekielek - Vigilance-Pandemie - 9/12/2021)

COVID-19 : les vraies données au 1er décembre 2021. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Réseau International - 11/12/2021)
-> un tableau significatif tiré de cet article:

Forcing People Into COVID Vaccines Ignores Important Scientific Information: Now more than ever we need substantive debate about decisions that affect the health of hundreds of millions of people, including views counter to official positions. (Harvey Risch, Robert W. Malone, and Byram Bridle - The Federalist - 14/12/2021)

"Vaccines Are Not Stopping Transmission," Says NSW Health Minister "The one thing that we know about this--the one thing that it would appear to be likely with the Omicron variant is that the vaccines are not stopping transmission. The transmission appears to be quite high," Hazzard said. (Caldron Pool - 15/12/2021)

The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming "Pandemic of The Unvaccinated". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 15/12/2021)

The vaccines are working... exactly as they were designed. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 16/12/2021)

L'immunité naturelle en questions : "on n'a jamais autant appris sur l'immunité que depuis deux ans". (FranceSoir - 16/12/2021)

Toxicité des vaccins ARN contre la Covid-19 : une investigation chez les thanatopracteurs. (Le Collectif citoyen - FranceSoir - 21/12/2021)

FDA Releases More Data on "Adverse Reactions" to Pfizer Vaccine. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 22/12/2021)

Tripled Vaxxed 4.5 Times More Likely to Test Positive For Omicron Than Unvaxxed: Not a 'pandemic of the unvaccinated'. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 22/12/2021)

Sortir d'une «torpeur invraisemblable» : un épidémiologiste dénonce un emballement autour du Covid. (RT France - 23/12/2021)

Two-thirds of new Covid hospital patients in England only tested positive AFTER being admitted for a different illness, official data shows amid mounting evidence Omicron is milder. (John Ely - Daily Mail - 23/12/2021)

US Navy Warship Pauses Deployment After COVID-19 Outbreak Among '100 Percent Immunized' Crew. (Mimi Nguyen Ly - The Epoch Times - 24/12/2021)

It's Madness What Is Happening to College Kids. (Vinay Prasad MD, hematologist-oncologist - Brownstone Institute - 25/12/2021)

Ces chiffres COVID-19 de 2020 à ne JAMAIS OUBLIER. (YaPasDePRESSE - 27/12/2021)

COVID-19 Will Become "Just Another Cause of Common Cold": UK Professor. (Alexander Zhang/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 29/12/2021)

Germany: Govt Reports 96% of Omicron Cases Are Among Fully Vaccinated, 4% Are Unvaccinated. (Chris Menahan/Information Liberation- InfoWars - 31/12/2021)

Fauci points out that many of the kids included in count of COVID-19 hospitalizations actually tested positive after being hospitalized for another reason. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 30/12/2021)

The Psychological Cruelty of Denying Natural immunity. (Jeffrey A. Tucker - The Brownstone Institute - 30/12/2021)

Analysis Overview: COVID-19 Genetic Vaccine Safety in Children. (Robert W Malone MD - undated 1/1/2022?) -> Le Dr. Malone est l'inventeur des vaccins à ARNm.

Christian Perronne, témoignant devant la commission européenne du Luxembourg. (8 minutes - 1/1/2022) -> Perronne est médecin, professeur et un infectiologue français qui a été consultant au gov français et a siégé sur un comité de l'OMS qui gère les maladies infectieuses en Europe et au Moyen Orient

COVID, Ivermectin, And 'Mass Formation Psychosis': Dr. Robert Malone Gives Blistering Interview to Joe Rogan. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/1/2022)

CNN Story Perfectly Captures The Mass COVID Neuroticism of 2021. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 2/1/2022)

Nearly two-thirds of Antarctica station researchers get COVID despite being fully vaccinated, passing multiple tests, quarantining, and living miles from civilization. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 2/1/2022)

Up to Half of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Admitted for Non-COVID Reasons, Including Broken Bones, Labour Pains "A reasonable proportion of cases being classified as Covid hospitalisations are actually people with other reasons for admission," NSW Health Minister said. (Caldron Pool - 3/1/2022)

Des résultats d'autopsie donnent des preuves irréfutables du rôle des injections à base d'ARNm dans les décès post vaccination. (Sucharit Bhakdi, MD et Arne Burkhardt, MD. - Profession Gendarme - 3/1/2022)

Health 'Experts' Finally Admit Masks Control People, Not Viruses. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 5/1/2022)

Whoopi Goldberg 'Shocked' at Catching COVID Despite Being Triple Vaxxed Tells people to get vaccinated. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/1/2022)

Who are actually the super-spreaders? (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 7/1/2022)

Report: Omicron Could End Up Being Less Deadly Than Seasonal Flu: Justification for maintaining restrictions disappearing. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 7/1/2022)

Nous, non-vaccinés, ce groupe témoin que Big Pharma doit éliminer coûte-que-coûte. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 7/1/2022)

Didier Raoult se lâche : "Est-ce que la vaccination sert à quelque chose ? La réponse est non". (Eric Berger - La Dépéche - 8/1/2022)

COVID Vaccines do Disrupt Menstrual Cycles, New Study Reveals. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/1/2022)

CDC Changed Tune Before Omicron: 'What the Vaccines Can't Do Anymore Is Prevent Transmission'. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 10/1/2022)

Professor Ehud Qimron: "Ministry of Health, it's time to admit failure": Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists, has written an open letter sharply criticizing the Israeli – and indeed global – management of the coronavirus pandemic. (Swiss Policy Research - 10/1/2022)

Has the Great Barrington Declaration been vindicated? Lockdowns failed to serve the collective good. (Thomas Fazi + Toby Green - UnHerd - 10/1/2022)

Une épidémie de non-vaccinés? (Christian Leray M.A., Nicolas Derome PhD, Jean-Yves Dionne Pharm.D., Marc Ferron M.Sc., Danielle Fisch M.D., Stéphane Guay M.Sc., Franck Hugbéké D.M.D., René Lavigueur M.D., Bernard Massie PhD, Euridice Prado DDS PhD, Alain Roux M.D., Nathalie Ste-Marie M.Sc., Snezana Stanojlovic M.D. - ReInfoCovidQC - 10/1/2022)

Vaccins Covid-19 : preuves scientifiques suggérant leur létalité. (Vigilence Pandémie - 11/1/2022)

European Medicines Agency Warns Endless Booster Shots Could Cause "Immune Response" Problems: "We should be careful in not overloading the immune system." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 12/1/2022)

NIH Study Shows Covid Shots Affect Women's Periods After Media Insisted The Opposite For Months: Headlines downplay the latest evidence as 'small' and 'temporary,' as if that makes vaccine side effects insignificant to a woman's overall health. (Madeline Osburn - The Federalist - 14/1/2022)

COVID-19 : L'effroyable gâchis !: Ehud Qimron, immunologiste de renom dénonce la réaction mondiale au COVID, motivée par une « propagande mensongère ». (Swiss Policy Research/Les Moutons Enragés - 15/1/2022)

Official data suggests the Triple Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome at an alarming rate. (The Exposé - 15/1/2022)

We need to talk about the vaccines: Public debate on side-effects is being censored. (Vinay Prasad - UnHerd - 19/1/2022) - > Prasad is Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco. He is a practising hematologist and oncologist.

South African Scientists Confirm Boosters Offer Little Protection From Omicron. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 20/1/2022)

CDC Study: Natural Immunity Beats Vax Against Delta Variant. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 20/1/2022)

New state data shows nearly half of all 'COVID-19 hospitalizations' in Massachusetts are admitted for reasons other than the virus. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 21/1/2022)

C'est une bombe à retardement !!! Les données officielles indiquent que les personnes triplement vaccinées développent le syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise (Sida) à un rythme alarmant. (The Exposé/ - 21/1/2022)

Canada « 86 bébés morts-nés de janvier à juillet dans la région de Waterloo, alors que normalement, c'est seulement 1 tous les 2 mois. » – Les mères étaient complètement vaccinées. ( - 22/1/2022)

Over 90% of People Who Died With Covid in the UK Had Pre-existing Health Conditions For comparison, the average number of deaths from the flu each year in the UK ranges from 10,000 to 25,000. (Caldron Pool - 23/1/2022)

Whistleblowers share DOD medical data that blows vaccine safety debate wide open. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 26/1/2022)

Des lanceurs d'alerte partagent des données médicales du ministère de la Défense qui font exploser le débat sur la sécurité des vaccins. (Daniel Horowitz - Actuintel - 26/1/2022)

Les chrétiens et la vaccination (Covid). (Egbert Egberts - Alternatio.Blogspot - 27/1/2022)

COVID Testing Company Faked Results, Lied To Patients And Improperly Stored Samples: Lawsuit. (Tyler Durden- Zero Hedge - 1/2/2022)

'80% of serious COVID cases are fully vaccinated' says Ichilov hospital director: Vaccine has "no significance regarding severe illness," says Prof. Yaakov Jerris. (Israel National News - 3/2/2022)

« The Exposé » annonce que les triples vaccinés contre le COVID développent le sida : démêler le vrai du faux. (Laurent Aventin - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 3/2/2022)

Dr Mike Yeadon's key testimony — Part III: The Hot Lots. (UKColumn - 3/2/2022)

Johns Hopkins Study Shows Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good "Lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality to 0.2% on average." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 4/2/2022)

Why Weren't These Vaccines Put Through the Proper Safety Trials For Gene Technology, Asks a Former Pharmaceutical Research Scientist. (Dr. John D. Flack - Daily Sceptic - 7/2/2022)

Nuremberg Code and the COVID-19 "Vaccines". (Paul Engel - News With Views - 7/2/2022)

Authoritarian Science and the Case of Hydroxychloroquine: The approach to medical information increasingly taken by authorities and the media is damaging to public health and scientific inquiry. (Connor Harris - City Journal - 11/2/2022)

Investigating trends in those who experience menstrual bleeding changes after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. (Katharine MN Lee, Eleanor J Junkins, View ProfileChongliang Luo, Urooba A Fatima, Maria L Cox, Kathryn BH Clancy - MedRxiv, Preprint server for Health Sciences - 11/2/2022)

Effets secondaires : la face cachée des vaccins – Documentaire (projection & débat avec le Dr. Christian Perronne)
(Raphaël Berland - Magazine Nexus - CrowdBunker - 1:41hres - 12/2/2022)
Censuré par YouTube...

Are They Finally Admitting Natural Immunity? (Jeffrey A. Tucker - Tthe Brownstone Institute - 14/2/2022)

Titanium dioxide particles frequently present in face masks intended for general use require regulatory control. (Eveline Verleysen, Marina Ledecq, Lisa Siciliani, Karlien Cheyns, Christiane Vleminckx, Marie-Noelle Blaude, Sandra De Vos, Frédéric Brassinne, Frederic Van Steen, Régis Nkenda, Ronny Machiels, Nadia Waegeneers, Joris Van Loco & Jan Mast - Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 2529 - 15/2/2022)

"Effets secondaires : la face cachée des vaccins" le documentaire de Raphaël Berland. (FranceSoir - 15/2/2022)

MUST WATCH: Dr Peter McCullough on The Caldron Pool Show Dr McCullough, a leading cardiologist and epidemiologist and the most published physician in his field, cites numerous studies and papers in addressing the question of whether the COVID vaccines are "safe and effective." (Evelyn Rae - Caldron Pool - 21/2/2022)

German Health Insurer Reveals 'Alarming' Underreporting of Vaccine Side-Effects. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 23/2/2022)

Effets secondaires des vaccins: un assureur allemand pulvérise les rapports officiels. (FranceSoir - 25/2/2022)

Jean-Pierre Pernaut, victime des effets secondaires du vaccin ? (Nicolas - RebootInfo - 4/3/2022) -> Pernaut fut 32 ans présentateur vedette de TF1...

Senior Epidemiologist Apologizes to Daughter's Generation For "Morally Wrong" Lockdown Measures. (Paul Joseph Watson - InfoWars - 8/3/2022)

Comment Pfizer a truqué ses essais. (ReinfoCovid.qc - 9/3/2022)

Doctors' Irrational Mask Obsession Forces This Disabled Veteran to Suffocate to Get Health Care. (Ilya Feoktistov - The Federalist - 10/3/2022)

Et si l'émergence du Covid relevait du bioterrorisme? (Liliane Held-Khawam - 13/3/2022)

Retrotranscription de l'ARNm des vaccins : un début de preuve in vitro. ( - 14/3/2022)

Israeli study finds fourth mRNA vaccine dose 'may only have marginal benefits' for young, healthy people. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 17/3/2022)

CDC Removes 24 Percent Of Child COVID-19 Deaths, Blames Coding Error. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/3/2022)

Incertitudes scientifiques au sujet des dangers des vaccins covid. (Xelnaga - Les moutons enragé - 20/3/2022) -> revue de presse à partir du 4 sept. 2020

"En interdisant l'expression de la différence, on a empêché le débat". Marc Girardot. (FranceSoir - 25/3/2022)

(Influenza) virus gonna virus: We increased flu shots over 15-fold between 1980 and 2020. You'll never BELIEVE what happened next! (Alex Berenson - 29/3/2022)

Les vaccins contre Covid détériorent le système immunitaire et provoquent un syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise (SIDA). (Le Courrier des Stratèges - 30/3/2022)

Des scientifiques du monde entier réunis mercredi et jeudi à l'IHU de Didier Raoult pour l'International covid summit. (FranceSoir - 42 minutes - 31/3/2022)

Concluding our COVID immunity experiment: One was double vaccinated. The other was confirmed to have recovered from the virus. Here's what we learned after five months of private clinical testing. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 4/4/2022)

Numerous Health Problems More Likely Due to COVID-19 Vaccines Than Coincidence: VAERS Data Analysis. (Petr Svab/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 5/4/2022)

Editorial: COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? (Russell L. Blaylock - Surgical Neurology International • 2022 • 13(167) - PDF - 22/4/2022)

La Criminelle Arnaque du COVID-19:Le département de la Défense des États-Unis a attribué un contrat pour la «recherche sur la COVID-19» en Ukraine 3 mois avant même que l'existence la Covid ne soit connue. (Michel Duchaine - 22/4/2022)

Scientists Discover Heart Inflammation More Prevalent Among Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated: Study. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/4/2022)

L'échec avéré des vaccins Covid. (Dr. Gérard Delépine - - 1/5/2022)

Rheumatologist Robert Jackson: 40% of my 3,000 vaccinated patients report a significant vaccine injury People who claim VAERS is unreliable are wrong. We see evidence all the time from the direct observation of doctors who are paying attention of absurdly high rates of adverse events. (Steve Kirsch - 1/5/2022)

Les vaccins contre COVID modifient l'ADN humain. Et ce n'est plus vraiment une hypothèse… (Laurent Aventin/Le Courrier des Stratèges - Les Moutons Enragés - 4/5/2022)

Preuve que la pandémie a été planifiée avec un but. (Diane Vincero- Nouveau - 31 minutes - 7/5/2022)

Les chercheurs Denis Rancourt et Joseph Hickey ont rédigé une critique scientifique incisive d'un article de modélisation fondamentalement défectueux qui a été publié dans le CMAJ. (Denis Rancourt et Joseph Hickey - Guy Boulianne - 8/5/2022)

Resurfaced video of pro-mask health expert from 2018 reveals the real reason for mask mandates. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 9/5/2022)

Study Finds Masks NOT Effective - In Fact May Be Worse
(Clyde Do Something - YouTube - 7 minutes - 10/5/2022)

Lockdown Advocate Admits Negative Impacts Were Never Considered: Another technocrat flees the sinking narrative. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 12/5/2022)

Covid : Une équipe internationale d'experts explique la modification de l'hémogramme chez les personnes vaccinées contre la Covid. (Vigilance Pandémie - 12/5/2022) -> avec le Dr Klaus Retzlaff

How harmful is my COVID-19 Vaccine Batch? – FIND OUT NOW…(The Exposé - 18/5/2022

Imagine The Compliance': Pfizer CEO Pitches Davos Elites on WiFi Microchip Pills. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 21/5/2022)

Les masques sont responsables d'un plus grand nombre de décès Covid, selon une étude. (FranceSoir - 29/5/2022)

Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide - It's Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies. (Dr Naomi Wolf - Outspoken - 29/5/2022)

Après l'été, l'Europe va cibler les personnes non vaccinées. (Florent David - Exoconscience - 31/5/2022)

ALERTE ! – VARIOLE DU SINGE ! Ne surtout pas prendre le Vaccin Antivariolique ! (ConscienceU12 - Les Moutons Enragés - 31/5/2022)

Le phénomène des anticorps facilitants est-il responsable des cas et des décès observés dans les pays à taux de vaccination élevé? (Jean-François Lesgards et Annelise Bocquet FranceSoir - 31/5/2022)

Retour sur la question de la présence de graphène dans les vaccins anti-Covid. (Laurent Aventin - Le Courrier des Stratège - 31/5/2022)

Chers amis, désolée d'annoncer un génocide: C'est réellement vrai : ils savent qu'ils tuent les bébés. (Dr Naomi Wolf - Nouveau Monde - 31/5/2022)

Variole du singe. Vous avez peur ? Notre invité au Québec en 2022, Dr Christian Perronne, vous rassurera en 2 minutes. (Fondation pour la défense des droits et libertés du peuple - vidéo, 2 minutes - 1/6/2022)

FDA Data Shows 97% of Pregnant Women Injected with Pfizer Jab Lost Their Babies. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 1/6/2022)

Les inquiétantes découvertes de Jacques Bauer, pharmacien-clinicien. (Ligne Droite • La matinale de Radio Courtoisie - YouTube - audio avec images - 19 minutes - 1/6/2022)

Coup de théâtre : l'OMS reconnaît officiellement que ses gros chiffres sur la mortalité Covid étaient faux. (Cheikh Dieng - Le Courrier du Soir - 6/6/2022)

The UK changed the definition of "case" to INCREASE Covid numbers. Again... (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 11/6/2022)

NIH Article Condemns The Campaign For mRNA Vaccines As Worst Medical Disaster Ever In Vaccines. (The Cognitive Man - 13/6/2022)

D'où vient le "déficit immunologique" qui envoie les vaccinés à l'hôpital? (FranceSoir - 16/6/2022)

Contagious Vaccines: A Warning. (Aaron Kheriaty - The Brownstone Institute - 16/6/2022)

So, Now It's Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: "A lot of people are dying of heart attacks lately, have you noticed? I don't recall seeing so many articles with the headlines "died suddenly" yet containing no further explanation being so common prior to 2021, do you?" (Lincoln Brown - Caldron Pool - 17/6/2022)

At the Military Olympics, October 2019, Wuhan, China, Athletes Caught Covid. (Jeffrey A. Tucker - The Brownstone Institute - 18/6/2022)

Top Scientist: Human Genome Poisoned by mRNA "Jabs" Can Be Passed on to Future Generations. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 22/6/2022)

Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials. (Joseph Fraiman, Lallie Kemp, Juan Erviti, Mark Jones, Sander Greenland, Jonathan and Karin Fielding, Patrick Whelan, Robert M. Kaplan, Peter Doshi - SSRN - 23/6/2022)

Une étude danoise réalisée sur 6000 personnes démontre que les masques ne servent à rien Une bonne étude randomisé en double aveugle comme les aiment les covidiots ! (Le LIbre Penseur - 1/7/2022)

Evaluating the Effect of Lockdowns On All-Cause Mortality During the COVID Era: Lockdowns Did Not Save Lives. (John A. Johnson and Denis G. Rancourt - ResearchGate/Correlation - 9/7/ 2022)

La toxicité des injections Covid augmente-elle avec le nombre de rappels ? (Laurent Aventin - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 12/7/2022)

Coronavirus Fauci Acknowledges Vaccines Don't Protect "Overly Well" Against COVID Infection: He should know. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 13/7/2022)

Stunning official Canadian data show vaccines now RAISE the risk of death from Covid. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 15/7/2022)

Largest study to date finds alarming percentage of women experienced menstrual cycle changes after receiving COVID vaccines. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 16/7/2022)

German Government Admits Covid Vaccines Cause Serious Injury for One in 5,000 Doses – But its Own Data Show the Real Rate is One in 300 Doses. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 21/7/2022)

Article R4127-39 du code de santé publique : Cas des vaccins Covid. (ReinfoCovid - 25/7/2022)

The danger of lying about mRNA vaccine failure: It's not exactly what you think. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 26/7/2022)

Does mRNA permanently change your DNA??? (Kim Iversen - Citizen Free Press - 12 minutes - 1/8/2022)

COVID-Period Mass Vaccination Campaign and Public Health Disaster in the USA From age/state-resolved all-cause mortality by time, age-resolved vaccine delivery by time, and socio-geo-economic data. (Denis G Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Jérémie Mercier - Research Gate - 2/8/2022)

Étude: 22 % des moins de 50 ans diagnostiqués avec une nouvelle maladie post-vaccination. (FranceSoir - 3/8/2022)

Wayne Root's story is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to explain if the vaccines are safe Government figures are hard to verify. But personal anecdotes that you hear over and over are hard to ignore. One of the most stunning anecdotes I've heard recently is from talk show host Wayne Root. (Steve Kirsch's Newsletter - 5/8/2022)

The COVID Shell Game. (Catte - Off-Guardian - 5/8/2022)

Covid Vaccination Offers No Protection Against Hospitalisation, Official U.K. Data Suggest. (Amanuensis - Daily Sceptic - 7/8/2022)

42% of vaccinated women reported heavier menstrual bleeding following vaccine. (Thomas Lambert - The Counter Signal - 10/8/2022)

La vaccination contre le Covid-19 favorise-t-elle le développement du cancer ? (FranceSoir - 10/8/2022) -> Discussion des travaux du Dr Ute Kruger, anatomo-pathologiste - Växjö (Suède).

Selon Dr McCullough, l'altération de l'ADN par les vaccins covid pourrait s'étendre aux cellules reproductrices et affecter les bébés. (Augustin Hamilton - Campagne Québec-Vie - 12/8/2022)

My interviews with Ryan Cole, Deb Conrad, and Gina Doane: Why aren't docs seeing vax deaths? Want to know why nobody is seeing any deaths from the vaccine? It's because they aren't looking! Duh! These two 90 minute interviews will explain it in detail. (Steve Kirsch's Newsletter - 13/8/2022)

New Study from Iceland Shows Infection Rates Rise With Number of Injections In the authors' own words: "Surprisingly, 2 or more doses of vaccine were associated with a slightly higher probability of reinfection compared with 1 dose or less." (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 14/8/2022)

Nurses Who Left the Health Care System to Focus on Early Treatment Describe 'Brutal' COVID-19 Treatment Protocols: The protocols require 'mind-blowing cognitive dissonance'. (Matt McGregor - The Epoch Times - 14/8/2022)

Report: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs For Expectant Mothers Anyway. (Debra Heine - American Greatness - 16/8/2022)

Should you get any vaccines? The data shows the more you vax, the sicker you are. If you took 100% of the vaccines they want you to take, you're about 10X more likely to have medical issues. That's not a typo: 10X, not 10%! (Steve Kirsch Newsletter - 19/8/2022)

War Zone: New Pfizer Data Reveal Horrifying Rates of Miscarriage. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy News - 30/8/2022)

No Evidence to Back Autumn COVID-19 Boosters: UK Mathematician. (Lily Zhou - The Epoch Times - 2/9/2022)

Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up Israel didn't start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program. They gathered 6 months worth of data and found that the vaccines weren't safe so they lied to the world about it. (Steve Kirsch - 2/9/2022)

Israel's Ministry of Health Concealed Serious, Long-Lasting Covid-Vax Safety Hazards. (Alliance for Human Research Protection - 5/9/2022)

Science Confirms: Lockdowns Don't Stop The Spread: Nearly every country in the world enacted authoritarian measures that proved to be useless. The data show lives were not saved. (Dr. Daid Willhite - The Federalist - 7/9/2022)

Pablo Campra a identifié et montré l'existence de graphène dans les vaccins Covid. (Profession Gendarme - 8/9/2022)

Peer-Reviewed Study Finds 'Metal Objects' in 94% of Jabbed People. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 8/9/2022)

'Unethical' and up to 98 Times Worse Than the Disease: Top Scientists Publish Paradigm-Shifting Study About COVID-19 Vaccines. (Jennifer Margulis + Joe Wang - The Epoch Times - 10/9/2022)

Masks are not a small thing. They're not sensible and they're not normal. They're ugly, they stink, many of them are full of carcinogens, and they're ruining our kids and our lives. It's time to stop. Reflections on mandates, as the German Bundestag extends the rules for another six months. (Eugyppius - 13/9/2022)

Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID: As boosters that have not been tested on humans are being rolled out across the country, a new study indicates that the jab is far more dangerous than COVID-19 itself. And the CDC has provided false information regarding their tracking of adverse events linked to the vaccines. (Jonas Vesterberg - The Florida Standard - 14/9/2022)

Every day there is more evidence that the SARS-2 outbreak began months before the earliest documented Wuhan infections. Why does nobody care? Brief remarks on a sensational study from Lombardy, which finds conclusive evidence of SARS-2 infection in a patient sample from 12 September 2019. (Eugyppius - 15/9/2022)

Yale Professor Emeritus on the Biggest Pandemic Lie – Treatment. (M Dowling - The Sentinel - 17/9/2022)

NIH-Funded Study Doesn't Offer Great News for Vaccinated Children. (Spencer Brown - NewsMax - 19/9/2022) -> the effectiveness for all waned over time until it dipped into negative effectiveness at 20 to 22 weeks post-vaccination. That means vaccinated children in the cohort were more likely to become infected with COVID than their unvaccinated counterparts.

Un excès de mortalité inquiétant et innatendu.
(Dr. John Campbell - MediainfociteTV - Odysée - 72 minutes - 20/9/2022)
-> anglais avec sous-titres français

Dr. Paul Offit, one of the world's most respected vaccine experts, is now officially an anti-vaxxer! Welcome to the club, Paul. (Steve Kirsch's Newsletter - 20/9/2022)

Evidence of harm A short collection of key pieces of evidence showing the COVID vaccines are not "safe and effective." Not even close. They are the most deadly vaccines we've ever produced. (Steve Kirsch's Newsletter - 21/9/2022)

CDC Discloses Just How Fast mRNA Boosters Fail. (Denis Kovac - IHeart - Audio Only - podcast, 3 minutes - 22/9/2022)

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Who Claimed Vax Was "100% Effective," Catches Covid For Second Time in 2 Months. (Chris Menahan - Summit News - 26/9/2022)

Europe Suffers Horrifying 755% Increase in Excess Deaths Among Children Since EMA Approved COVID Vaccine For Kids. (Expose-News - InfoWars - 26/9/2022)

New Study Reveals Trace Amounts of COVID-19 Vaccine mRNAs Found in Breast Milk. (Brandon Drey - DailyWire - 26/9/2022)

Thermographie de vaccinés - Dr Felipe Reitz
(Pigeon - Odysée - 6 minutes - anglais avec sous-titres français - 27/9/2022)
-> deux médecins discutent des caillots sanguins énormes chez les vaccinés...

Six recent "Covid" deaths, per the Milwaukee Coroner's Office. (Steve Kirsch's Newsletter - 27/9/2022)

Covid Tyrants Told Women 'It's Just Your Period, Honey.' Millions of Jabs Later, They Admit It Wasn't: 'Women said coronavirus shots affect periods. New study shows they're right,' The Washington Post admitted on Tuesday. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 28/9/2022)

The first real evidence mRNA shots RAISE the risk of Covid hospitalization and death over time: A big Swedish study offers fragmentary but suggestive data. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 3/10/2022)

Injection-Injured Tell All in 'Safe and Effective' Documentary. (Kurt Mahlburg - The Daily Declaration - 4/10/2022)

Why Did the Coronavirus Suddenly Cause Thousands of Deaths in Spring 2020 When it Had Been Hanging Around Quietly All Winter? (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 6/10/2022)

What has happened to the ordinary human-infecting coronaviruses? These harmless cold-causing viruses appear to have been displaced by Omicron, in much the same way as pre-Omicron SARS-2 lineages displaced influenza. (Eugyppius - 6/10/2022)

Forty-Two Volunteers Snort AstraZeneca Intramuscular Vector Vaccine, Fail to Develop Mucosal Immunity Womp womp. (Eugyppius - 11/10/2022)

A Vaccine is a Vaccine is a Vaccine: 'Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 11/10/2022)

OB/GYN laments COVID jab's 'massive,' 'unprecedented' side effects for pregnant women, babies: Adverse events for expectant mothers and developing children are 'way off the charts.' (Calvin Freiburger - LifeSite - 12/10/2022)

The Government Thought Publishing the Raw Vaccine Data Was a Good Idea – Until it Wasn't. (Amanuensis - Daily Skeptic - 13/10/2022) -> Analysis of UK gov. reports on Covid vaccines impact

Gov't Insider: Cancer Deaths From the Toxic COVID Jabs Are Being Hidden. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 14/10/2022) -> COVID jabs have resulted in soaring cancer rates and the government are actively colluding with Big Pharma to cover-up the evidence, a former intelligence official has warned.

Case Report of a Pro-Vaccine Researcher Suggests mRNA Vaccine Might Worsen Lymphoma Cancer. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 15/10/2022)

"Il y a une menace immédiate de mort avec chaque vaccin" Peter McCullough. (FranceSoir - 49 minutes - 14/10/2022)

Not Great: Expert Virologist Claims Government Approval Process For Deadly Experiments is Too Confusing. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 19/10/2022)

Video: Moderna CEO Admits COVID Is Like Seasonal Flu, Only Vulnerable Need Jabs Younger people "are going to have to decide for themselves what they want to do". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 19/10/2022)

RNm du sars-cov-2 dans le noyau : impossible nous disait-on ! (Collectif Reinfocovid - 20/10/2022)

How Worried Should We Be About Boston University's Gain-of-Function Covid Virus That Kills 80% of Mice? (Dr. Randall Bock - Daily Skeptic - 23/10/2022)

mRNA Vaccines Injure the Heart of ALL Vaccine Recipients and Cause Myocarditis in Up to 1 in 27, Study Finds. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 23/10/2022)

SAFE and EFFECTIVE: European Medicines Agency Recommends Adding "Heavy Menstrual Bleeding" to Pfizer and Moderna's COVID Shots Product Information as a Side Effect. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 28/10/2022)

Sign the open letter: End mask "requirement" in healthcare settings. (SmileFree - 1/11/2022) -> the Smile Free campaign wrote an open letter to the NHS Chief Executives of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland calling for the lifting of the face mask requirement for all staff, patients and visitors in healthcare settings.

Finland Exposes Massive Covid Reporting Scandal: Nearly 40% of 'Covid Deaths' Were Fraudulent. (Kyle Becker - Trending Politics - 3/11/2022)

Informed Consent is the Key to Saving Healthcare. (Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen - America Out Loud - 4/11/2022)

Record Surge of Infections in Children. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Lew Rockwell - 5/11/2022)

Mesures « sanitaires » inutiles et dommageables selon les meilleurs experts. Comment sortir de l'impasse ? (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 5/11/2022)

Wot's in the shots? Graphene oxide? Nanobots? (Rebecca Weisser - The Spectator Australia - 5/11/2022)

Sweden Wins! Country That Refused Lockdown and Kept Schools Open Has Lowest Pandemic Mortality in the World. (Joel Smalley - Daily Sceptic - 8/11/2022)

Brain inflammation and the mRNA vaccines: Case reports and a major new study raise troubling signals. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 9/11/2022)

Independent scientist discovers poor health outcomes plague vaccinated children more than unvaccinated counterparts The analysis found an increase in chronic disorders including developmental delays, allergies, ear infections, and gastrointestinal ailments. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 10/11/2022)

Protection From 4th Dose of COVID Vaccine Wanes Completely Within Months: Study. (Lia Onely/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/11/2022) -> Discussing an Israeli study.

Experimental, Untested Genetic Biotechnology Administered in Pregnancy: An Egregious Breach of Bioethics. (Maggie Thorp JD and Jim Thorp MD - America Out Loud - 12/11/2022)

Study: 100% of mRNA Jab Recipients Have Heart Implications. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy News - 14/11/2022)

Le gouvernement australien estime que le risque de vaccination est trop élevé pour les moins de 30 ans : Le gouvernement australien estime que le risque de myocardite lié à un rappel de COVID pourrait être plus important que le COVID lui-même – il n'autorisera donc pas les personnes de moins de 30 ans à recevoir un quatrième vaccin. (Anguille sous roche - 15/11/2022)

Quand, comment et pourquoi les vaccins transfectant peuvent être dangereux ? - Un exercice de visualisation: Mythe de la procédure médicale inoffensive - La théorie du Bolus, une théorie unifiée sur les effets indésirables des vaccins transfectants. (Marc Girardot - Covid Myth Buster (Version Française) - 21/11/2022)

"Disturbed and Alarmed": 66 Doctors, Clinicians and Scientists Call for Stop to Covid Vaccination of Pregnant Women Over Serious Safety Concerns. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 22/11/2022)

Covid: un professionnel de santé sur quatre en incapacité de travail après une injection de vaccin bivalent, selon une étude. (FranceSoir - 22/11/2022)

Comment la Spike circulante post-vaccination se compare-t-elle au venin d'abeille, d'araignée ou de Black Mamba ? Mythe de la Protéine de Pointe - Comparaison de Toxicité. (Marc Girardot - Covid Myth Buster (Version Française) - 23/11/2022) -> Si le venin d'abeille est inoffensif dans les tissus, et mortel par voie intravasculaire, il est raisonnable de penser que le vaccin pourrait être inoffensif par voie intramusculaire, mais très dangereux par voie intravasculaire ….

"Died Suddenly": Anti-Vaxx documentary on fibrous clots goes viral… (Revolver - 24/11/2022)

Answering the critics of "Died Suddenly" I respond to a critic and a "fact checker." You get to decide who is telling you the truth. (Steve Kirsch - 24/11/2022) -> Ryan Cole, MD responds...

As an Oncologist I Am Seeing People With Stable Cancer Rapidly Progress After Being Forced to Have a Booster. (Dr. Angus Dalgleish - Daily Sceptic - 26/11/2022)

Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination. (Constantin Schwab, Lisa Maria Domke, Laura Hartmann, Albrecht Stenzinger, Thomas Longerich & Peter Schirmacher - Clinical Research in Cardiology/Springer - 27/11/2022)

Y a-t-il une "contagion" des vaccins à ARNm anti-Covid? Ceci n'est pas une question complotiste. (Hélène Banoun - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 28/11/2022)

Vaccine Damage—Real People: Adam. (UK Column - 28/11/2022)

Not Even N95 Masks Work to Stop Covid. (Ian Miller - The Brownstone Institute - 1/12/2022)

Japanese Professor Say Billions of Lives Could Be In Danger Because of The 'Covid' Jabs: Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, has warned the Japanese Ministry of Health about the dangers of the experimental Covid injection. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 2/12/2022)

Can You Catch Covid From Groceries? (Dr. Carl Heneghan and Dr. Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 3/12/2022)

McGill's "fact checker" fails to find critical flaws in Died Suddenly McGill's Jonathan Jarry is back with another "fact check" in order to mislead people into thinking that they can ignore the embalmers. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 3/12/2022)

Dr. Ryan Cole on whether the blood supply is safe: "We don't know". (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 4/12/2022)

Dr. Mike Yeadon and Pharma Insider Hedley Rees Bring New Evidence on Vaccines (Truth For Health Team - 8/12/2022)

Imagine being able to see how your blood would react to a Covid-19 vaccine BEFORE you put it inside your body? Well this guy from the HighWire just did. (The White Rabbit - Twitter - 6 mionutes - 11/12/2022)

Catastrophic Contagion: Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins & WHO Conduct Another Pandemic Simulation With Deadlier Virus That Targets Children. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 11/12/2022)

The dumbest, most dishonest argument for Covid jabs yet A computer model claims they prevented 3 million American deaths and almost 19 million hospitalizations. Imagine what they would have done if they actually WORKED against Omicron. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 14/12/2022)

Personality Changes and Heart Damage After Covid Vaccine. (Dr. John Ure - News With Views - 17/12/2022)

Plus d’effets indésirables ? Des chercheurs ont découvert un nouvel effet secondaire inquiétant. ( - 17/12/2022) -> les vaccins anti-Covid affectent la vue

I Have Tried Sounding the Alarm About the Vaccines Causing Cancer Relapse, But the Mainstream Media Don't Want to Know. (Dr. Angus Dalgleish - Daily Sceptic - 19/12/2022)

FDA Links Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine to Blood Clots, But... (Matt Margolis - PJMedia - 19/12/2022)

Fact Checkers: It's OK to Inhale Nanosized Titanium Dioxide. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - 27/12/2022)

"Genetic Code For The Covid-19 Shots Could Be Passed Down From Parent to Child". (Dr Peter McCullough - Infowars - 28/12/2022)

Cleveland Clinic Publishes Study Showing that mRNA Jabs INCREASE Covid Risk with Each Subsequent "Boost". (Ethan Huff - NaturalNews/Infowars - 28/12/2022)

Japanese Researchers Investigate Link Between Covid Jabs and Deaths, Severe Adverse Reactions: Scientists in Japan discover curious anomalies in autopsies of vaccinated patients and accumulation of spike proteins in skin lesions. (Adan Salazar - Infowars - 28/12/2022)

Top White House Covid Advisor Admits: 'No Study in the World Shows Masks Work': Despite his admission, Dr. Jha and other top Covid advisers have previously advocated for masking. (Infowars - 28/12/2022)

2 foot long "clot" pulled from a living person is the new normal if you are vaccinated: I'm consistently hearing stories of very long clots being pulled from people, but so far, nobody wants to go on the record about this. Here's the latest story I heard. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 28/12/2022)

How the discovery of the shots causing more production of IgG4 as opposed to the other classes of antibodies might explain the negative efficacy of the shots. (Daniel Horowitz - Thread Reader - 29/12/2022)

Confidential Pfizer and Government Documents confirm ADE, VAED, and AIDS due to COVID-19 Vaccination leading to Millions "Dying Suddenly" & still counting. (The Exposé - 30/12/2022)

Forget Masking - The Real Science Continues to Leak Out.
(Stephen Petty/Petty Podcast - Rumble - video, 9 minutes - 1/1/2023)
-> Petty notes: "I'm a certified industrial hygienist, certified safety professional, professional engineer. I've been working 45 years in the field of health and safety. I spent my entire life trying to protect workers and the public from toxins, I've sampled for anthrax, biotoxins, the whole list. I've been in over 400 cases named with respect to exposure control and exposure and PPE [personal protective equipment]. And most recently I testified in the state of Kentucky, and a result of my testimony the mask mandate was overturned statewide."

Top Cancer Expert: Aggressive Cancers Appearing After Vaccine Boosters "Not a Coincidence" Covid boosters appear to be causing cancers. (Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology - Daily Sceptic/Summit News - 7/1/2023)

HUGE: Lead Author of Peer-Reviewed Research Re-Examining Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccine Trials Calls for Immediate Suspension Due to Serious Adverse Events (VIDEO) (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 9/1/2023)

17 percent of teenagers had heart symptoms after their second Pfizer mRNA jab, a new peer-reviewed paper shows: 1 percent had abnormal ECGs; 1 in 1000 had myocarditis or significant arrhythmias. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 11/1/2023)

Safety And Good Medicine Revisited: In 1976 the first cases of Guillain-Barré, the first deaths, were enough. Why is it taking so long this time? (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 13/1/2023)

Even more proof: Masks don't work A new study shows COVID is highly likely present on every plane. No surprise! But when the mask mandate was lifted, COVID death rates remained FLAT. The masks made NO difference. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 13/1/2023)

Liens potentiels entre les doses injectées "anti-Covid-19" et la surmortalité en Europe. (Patrice Taravel - FranceSoir - 17/1/2023)

Proof: Strokes are caused by the COVID vaccines I bet $1M that the vax causes strokes. Any takers? They knew this at the very start of the vaccination campaign if they were paying attention to the adverse event reports. I'll show you how they knew. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 18/1/2023)

Unequivocal Safety Signals for Heart, Blood and Reproduction Found in Yellow Card Vaccine Data, Says Top Scientist – "Withdraw Them Immediately". (Dr. Richard Ennos - Daily Sceptic - 18/1/2023)

Improved Understanding of How COVID Vaccines Harm Some People. (Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn - America Out Loud - 20/1/2023)

RNm du sars-cov-2 dans le noyau : impossible nous disait-on ! (Collectif Reinfocovid - 20/1/2023)

Australians Were Once Prosecuted For Claiming Face Masks Worked Against Viruses Businesses faced £100k fines for making claim during SARS outbreak. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 23/12/2022)

The scientific case against face masks: The press is once again promoting a measure proved to be ineffective. (Leslie Bienen, Jeanne Noble and Margery Smelkinson - UnHerd - 13/1/2023)

U.K. Becomes Latest Country to Ban Covid Boosters for Under-50s. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 25/1/2023)

Massive Peer-Reviewed Mask Study Shows 'Little to no Difference' in Preventing COVID, Flu Infection. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/2/2023)

Project Veritas dévoile une nouvelle vidéo de Jordon Walker (Pfizer) : "J'espère que l'ARNm ne persiste pas dans le corps (...) Ou toute la future génération (serait) super foutue. T'imagines le scandale ?" (FranceSoir - 3/2/2023)

PLANDEMIC: Indoctornation - The Movie
(London Real - YouTube - 45 minutes - 4/2/2023)

It's time to put a nail in the coffin of the mask religion once and for all. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 6/2/2023)

[VIDEO] Doctor's research may have just solved the "mystery" surrounding soaring cancer cases: Spike Protein… (Revolver - 1 minute - 15/2/2023)

Face masks –Medical Protection, or Badge of Obedience? (Martin Hanson - OffGuardian - 15/2/2023) -> or badge of servility??

Effets secondaires de la vaccination: les chercheurs Vincent Pavan et Emmanuelle Darles entendus au Parlement européen. (France-Soir - 71 minutes - 16/2/2023)

Les masques complètement inutiles selon une nouvelle étude. (Libre Média - 23/2/2023)

Three Years Late, the Lancet Recognizes Natural Immunity: The public-health clerisy rediscovers a principle of immunology it derided throughout the pandemic. (Allysia Finley - Wall Street Journal - 26/2/2023)

URGENT: mRNAs jabs may have caused tens of millions of serious new health problems worldwide, a huge peer-reviewed study shows Covid vaccines are linked to a 20 percent rise in new diagnoses for at least three months after vaccination; a second report finds even higher risks for people with preexisting autoimmune problems. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 28/2/2023)

URGENT: Stillbirths nearly doubled in Singapore, one of the world's most mRNA vaccinated countries, in 2022 Meanwhile, live births plunged. The changes began in March 2022, EXACTLY nine months after Singapore mass vaccinated people of childbearing age. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 1/3/2023)

How Bill Gates hijacked a failing pharma system and smashed it: A tale of incompetence, deceit, greed, and an unmitigated thirst for power. (Hedley Rees - UK Column - 1/3/2023)

« Les vaccins à ARNm ne sont ni sûrs ni efficaces, mais carrément dangereux ». (RéinfoCovid Québec - 7/3/2023)

Covid 'Not Deadly Enough' to Justify Risk of Fast-Track Vaccines, Chris Whitty Told Government. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 8/3/2023)

Italy 2020: Inside Covid's Ground Zero. (Michael Bryant - OffGuardian - 11/3/2023)

Clear and Present Danger This chain of events is a shockingly clear example of how the censorship industry works. It is all the more shocking considering how seriously flawed Carballo-Carbajal's "fact-check" article is. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 12/3/2023) -> discusses Carballo-Carbajal's attempted "fact-check" on the Cochrane mask study.

60 years later, they still are hiding the flu vaccine data So do you honestly think they are going to release the COVID vaccine data anytime in the near future? (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 17/3/2023)

Vaccins ARNm : Vivre avec une épée de Damoclès. (Christophe Lemardelé - France-Soir - 18/3/2023)

Newly Unearthed Emails From 2020 Prove That COVID PCR Testing Is a WEF Scam. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 19/3/2023)

The UK government's attempt to frighten people into covid protective behaviours was at odds with its scientific advice. (Stephen Reicher, John Drury, Susan Michie, Robert West - British Medical Journal - 21/3/2023)

Hospital Admissions Double. (M Dowling - The Independant Sentinel - 24/3/2023)

40 Facts You NEED to Know: The REAL Story of "Covid". (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 24/3/2023)

Whatever Happened to the 'Pandemic'? (Simon Elmer - UKColumn - 28/3/2023)

WHO Now Says COVID Vaccines Not Recommended For Healthy Kids & Teens. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 30/3/2023)

L'analyse de Bombshell Vax révèle 147 milliards $ de dommages et des dizaines de millions de blessés. (Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - Les7duQuébec - 2/4/2023)

Half of 'Long Covid' Sufferers Have Never Had Covid, Says New Study. (Ian Macleod - Daily Sceptic - 3/4/2023)

Why I don't believe there ever was a Covid virus. (Dr Mike Yeadon - OffGuardian - 6/4/2023)

Masks Made No Difference to Hospital Covid Infection Rates, Study Finds. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 7/4/2023)

Confidential Pfizer Documents Confirm Graphene Oxide Is In The Covid Jabs. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 11/4/2023) -> One of the most recent documents published by the FDA saved as 125742_S1_M4_4.2.1 vr vtr 10741.pdf, confirms the use of Graphene Oxide in the manufacturing process of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.

Study Finds "No Evidence" Face Masks Protect Vulnerable Against COVID Three years later. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 13/4/2023)

Doubled Pregnancy Loss Rate, Raised Foetal Abnormality Rate and Concentration of Lipid Nanoparticles in Ovaries – How Could They Call This Vaccine 'Safe'? (Alex Kriel and Dr David Bell - Daily Sceptic - 14/4/2023)

COVID contrarian doctors express concerns over mRNA technology in the food chain. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 15/4/2023)

The False Messaging on Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women. (David Bell - Brownstone Institute - 19/4/2023)

The Spike: A growing number of scientists are sounding the alarm about the risks of both COVID and its cures. (Clayton Fox - Tablet - 20/4/2023)

Moderna hid serious side effects suffered by its Covid vaccine recipients when it reported clinical trial results for the shot Moderna scientists said in a 2021 paper no mRNA jab recipients in the trial had "serious adverse effects." In fact, 14 ultimately did, including three miscarriages. No placebo recipients did. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 21/4/2023)

Why Is Vaccine Safety Research So Filled With Manipulation and Corruption? (Dr. Harvey Risch - America Out Loud - podcast, 59 minutes - 23/4/2023)

Explosive New Study Finds Face Masks May Increase Stillbirths, Testicular Dysfunction, Cognitive Decline IN KIDS Research finds that face coverings can cause carbon dioxide poisoning, leading to serious health issues. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 24/4/2023)

Pfizer, FDA, Dr Walensky Knew Fetuses, Babies Died Three Days Later Dr Walensky Told Pregnant Women to get MRNA Vaccinations Anyway. (Dr Naomi Wolf - LewRockwell - 2/5/2023)

The Scam That Spins '95% Vaccine Efficacy' From a Placebo. (Norman Fenton and Martin Neil - Daily Sceptic - 3/5/2023)

German Government Admits it Has no Evidence Face Masks Work. (Eugyppius - Daily Sceptic - 3/5/2023)

Yet Another Attempt at Downplaying Worrying Results The results of a new study strongly confirm concerns over vaccine-related menstrual problems. Why do the authors knowingly misinterpret their own findings? (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 6/5/2023)

COVID Vaccines Linked to Untreatable Eyeball Clots, Reveals Massive Study. (Jack Montgomery - The National Pulse - 5/5/2023)

Study Reveals MOST People's Lungs Now Riddled With Microplastics Found in Disposable Masks. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 8/5/2023)

Pour une reprise post-pandémie, le Japon traite le Covid comme la grippe. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 10/5/2023)

Shocking study in the journal Nature indicates people who received COVID vaccines are far more likely to suffer blurred vision or blindness. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 11/5/2023)

Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients — Study. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 14/5/2023)

Universal flu vaccine based on mRNA tech to be tested by National Institutes of Health. (Spencer Kimball - CNBC - 15/5/2023)

The Israeli Survey That Shows the Pfizer Vaccine Hospitalised Hundreds of Times More People Than is Safe – and How it Was Downplayed. (Dr Eyal Shahar - Daily Sceptic - 17/5/2023)

How to Manufacture a Pandemic. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 20/5/2023)

'COVID Was a Scam': Ventilator-Acquired Pneumonia Killed Millions – Bombshell Study. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 21/5/2023)

URGENT: Huge new study shows mRNA Covid jabs sharply raise the risk of severe vaginal bleeds: The researchers then tried to downplay their findings; welcome to the age of vaccine-apologetic science. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 22/5/2023)

Experts urge suspension of COVID jabs for women of childbearing age over miscarriage data: Taken together, the links to miscarriage, reproductive changes, and declining birth rates raise major red flags about the safety of COVID-19 shots for people of reproductive age. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - LifeSite - 23/5/2023)

Majority of COVID Hospital Deaths Were Due to Untreated Bacterial Pneumonia. (James Lyons-Weiler - The Epoch Times - 28/5/2023)

Zero Young Healthy Individuals Died of COVID-19, Israeli Data Show. (Lia Onely/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 29/5/2023)

Don't let them rewrite history: Ventilators KILLED people…and it was no accident: New studies claim many "Covid patients" were killed by invasive mechanical ventilation, but we knew this at the time and now people are re-writing history. (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 30/5/2023)

European Union Issues Urgent Warning to Women: "COVID Vaccines Cause Infertility". (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 31/5/2023)

Did Lockdown Work ? The verdict on Covid Restrictions. (Jonas HERBY, Centre for Political Studies, Copenhague Pr. em. Lars JONUNG, Knud Wicksell Centre for Financial Studies, Université de Lund Pr. em. Steve HANKE, John Hopkins University, Institute of Applied Economics, Baltimore - IEA, Perspectives 1, London, Juin 2023)

How can I be so sure that vaccines cause autism? I asked the ONE question that no autism researcher has EVER asked. I asked parents when they first noticed ASD behaviors in their child relative to the time of the NEAREST vaccination visit. The results were stunning. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 3/6/2023)

Why We Must Continue to Question The Mortality Statistics. (Iain Davis - UK Column - 3/6/2023)

The Covid Vaccine Did Not Save "Thousands of Lives" in Israel – and Sweden Proves It. (Dr. Eyal Shahar/Medium - Daily Skeptic - 9/6/2023)

Le vaccin ARNm, une thérapie génique à base d'ADN de singe? (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 15/6/2023)

Will the anti-anti-vaxxers ever acknowledge when they are wrong? Some things just aren't debatable. When the Cleveland Clinic study first came out, it was bad news for the anti-anti-vaxxers. But a new paper made it even worse. A lot worse. Will they admit it? (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 18/6/2023)

Did Pfizer know? A stark but honest warning from Naomi Wolf. (UK Column - video, 37 minutes - 22/6/2023)

Les vaccins à ARNm contre la COVID-19 détruisent votre système immunitaire. La Cleveland Clinic l'a prouvé, mais les effets négatifs du vaccin étaient connus dès décembre 2021. Neuf graphiques choquants prouvent que le système immunitaire est endommagé par l'ARNm ! (Dr. William Makis - - 28/6/2023)

Steve Kirsch Testifies About Why Amish Communities Suffered Such Low Covid Death Rates. (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 29/6/2023)

They finally debated RFK Jr. on vaccines and it did NOT go well for "the science"… (Revolver - 29/6/2023)

Negative Evidence: COVID-19 Vaccines and Sudden Deaths. (Jane M. Orient, M.D. - Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 28 Number 2 Summer 2023) PDF

Covid Vaccines have caused a Dangerous & Deadly Alliance between Graphene, mRNA, and Nanotechnology. (The Exposé - 2/7/2023)

'This Is Not Normal': Embalmer Continues to Sound Alarm on Freakish Blood Clots Found in Vaxxed People. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 3/7/2023)

CDC Altered Minnesota Death Certificates that List a Covid Vaccine as a Cause of Death. (Aaron Hertzberg - Brownstone Institute - 3/7/2023)

Israeli Nursing Home Study Shows Evidence of Vaccine Deaths. (Dr Eyal Shahar - Daily Skeptic - 6/7/2023)

Science Mag: 'Rare Link Between Coronavirus Vaccines and Long Covid-Like Illness Starts to Gain Acceptance'. (Chris Menahan/Information Liberation - Summit News - 6/7/2023)

'Alarming' Sevenfold Increase in Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Linked to COVID-19 And Vaccine. (Megan Redshaw, J.D./The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 10/7/2023)

The junk science behind face masks: There is still no evidence that mask mandates limit the spread of Covid. (Tom Jefferson & Carl Heneghan - Spiked - 19/7/2023)

Une étude dévoile l'inefficacité des confinements. (Jean-Pierre Chamoux - Contrepoints - 20/7/2023)

This pro-mask "study" is why you should NEVER "Trust the Science". (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 27/7/2023)

mRNA "Vaccines" Have Caused Irreversible Heart Damage to BILLIONS of People – Study. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 28/7/2023)

Data Shows Increase in Miscarriages & Stillbirth Rates Directly Linked to Covid Jabs. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 29/7/2023)

More now known about vaccine-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (VAIDS). (Dr Jochen Ziegler - UK Column - 22/7/2023)

Risk of Stroke Skyrockets in Vaccinated on Covid Infection. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 31/7/2023)

Top Scientist: 'Nanotechnology Detected in Both Vaxxed and Unvaxxed'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 6/8/2023)

The Great Face Mask Con. (Dr Roger Watson - Daily Skeptic - 8/8/2023) -> two book reviews

Moderna Admits Not Knowing Where mRNA Went in Body or Amount of mRNA in Each Batch - Dr. Byram Bridle. (Glen Jung - Bright Light News - video, 3 minutes - 9/8/2023)

World Renowned Scientists and Physicians Call For Full Ban on RNA Injections. (Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin - America Out Loud - 13/8/2023)

Moderna admet que le "vaccin" contre le Covid a été fourni sans savoir où l'ARNm se propage dans corps. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - Medias Presse Info - 16/8/2023) -> interview avec l'immunologiste canadien Byram Bridle.

Dr Jobst Landgrebe—mRNA injections are inherently deadly. (UK Column - video, 78 minutes - 17/8/2023)

Covid-19 is best understood as a Cold+Flu merger and rebrand: Cold + Flu = Covid-19. It's that simple.. (Jordan Schachtel - The Dossier - 21/8/2023)

Will Scientific Evidence Ever Silence the Pro-Mask Cult? (Dr. Gary Sidley - Daily Sceptic - 24/8/2023)

Those Doctors Calling for Spreaders of Covid Misinformation to be Punished Should be Careful What they Wish For. Many of their Claims – that the Vaccinated Couldn't Infect Others, For Instance – Turned Out to be False. (Dr. Nigel Wilson - Daily Sceptic - 24/8/2023)

Pfizer Documents Show COVID-19 Vaccines Contain Potentially Harmful 'Modified' RNA, Not mRNA. (Megan Redshaw, JD/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/8/2023)

New study shared by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks create dangerous of level toxic compounds linked seizures, cancer. (Vivek Saxena - BPR - 27/8/2023)

A 10-point primer on why the mRNA Covid shots are different from and riskier than other vaccines. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 30/8/2023)

Conflicting Evidence of mRNA Technology Raises Serious Concerns About Rush For Use In New Vaccine Development. (Megan Redshaw/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 1/9/2023)

CDC Nursing Home Data: The vaccine increased the risk of the elderly dying from COVID: This "gold standard" data proves the "misinformation spreaders" were right. The COVID vaccine did the opposite of what the CDC promised you: it actually made things worse, not better. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 5/9/2023)

Un diluant "dangereux" présent dans certains vaccins anti-Covid-19 ? Entretien choc avec Patrick Jaulent. (France-Soir - 5/9/2023)

mRNA Chemicals Have Triggered Worldwide VAIDS Epidemic, Scientist Warn. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 10/9/2023) - Study by Australian scientists

Face Masks Decrease Cognitive Function and Increase Reaction Time, Study Finds. (Dr Roger Watson - Daily Sceptic - 15/9/2023)

Even more evidence that nobody should wear a face mask: First of all, they don't work. Second of all, they are detrimental to your health. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 16/9/2023) -> 1) A paper published in JAMA in 2019 showed that surgical masks and N95 masks were completely ineffective against the flu. 2)A tweet by Robin Monotti summarizes a new study done in Germany showing that masks cause unsafe levels of CO2 with devastating health consequences

Dr Mike Yeadon, ancien vice-président de Pfizer. (Le Déclencheur/Twitter - Les moutons enragés - 17/9/2023)

Doctors Finding It Hard To Differentiate Between Covid, Allergies & The Common Cold. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 18/9/2023)

You Just Have A Cold. Don't Give Branch Covidians Their Numbers by Testing. (Richard Cromwell - The Federalist - 21/9/2023)

Le Dr Karen Devore témoigne des pathologies observées chez les injectés depuis 2 ans ! (Divers/On en parle - CrowdBunker - vidéo, 4 minutes - 24/9/2023)

Des scientifiques s'alarment de leur découverte sur les vaccins ARNm. (France-Soir - 26/9/2023)

Quantitative evaluation of whether the Nobel-Prize-winning COVID-19 vaccine actually saved millions of lives. (Denis G. Rancourt and Joseph Hickey - Correlation - 8/10/2023)

The "died suddenly" vax vs. unvaxxed statistics tell you everything you need to know: The vaccine advocates claim that people have been dying suddenly throughout history and it's nothing unusual. But they aren't telling you that nearly all the "died suddenly" were COVID vaccinated. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 18/10/2023)

Covid: «le déni de l'immunité naturelle était surréaliste». (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 24/10/2023)

Pfizer Purchaser Agreement [with South Africa] Released – Reckless and Insane. (M Dowling - Independent Sentinel - 24/10/2023)

More proof the mRNAs rewire the immune system with unknown long-term effects The biggest study yet on post-jab IgG4 "class switching" just came out. You will be shocked - SHOCKED - to hear American researchers had nothing to do with it. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 24/10/2023)

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Reduce A Major Beneficial Bacteria, Gut Biodiversity: Research. (Marina Zhang/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/10/2023)

Elderly Who Got COVID And Flu Shots In Same Visit May Have Higher Stroke Risk, FDA-Funded Study Suggest:s A Pfizer commercial promotes getting both shots at once. (Mairead Elordi - DailyWire - 30/10/2023)

Pfizer Covered-Up Tsunami of Vaccine Trial Deaths To Secure Authorization for Public Use. (Sean Adl-Tabataba - The People's Voice - 30/10/2023)

CDC Warns COVID Jabs Reduce Lifespan by at Least 24 Years. (Sean Adl-Tabataba - The People's Voice - 30/10/2023)

Vaccins grippe et Covid: risqués et inefficaces selon une vaste étude Les données portant sur 11'000 patients montrent accidentellement que ces deux injections ne réduisent ni les hospitalisations ni les décès. Au contraire. (Igor Chudov et Steve Kirsch - - 31/10/2023)

Hospitals murdered with ventilators for profit and panic… (Inversionism - ThreadReader - 1/11/2023) -> How the Covid protocols killed patients

Health Canada Confirms Presence of Plasmid DNA in mRNA Vaccines, Including the SV40 Sequence Everything you need to know about the shocking admission made by the Canadian government's health regulator regarding plasmid DNA contamination of Covid-19 vaccines. (World Council for Health - 1/11/2023)

Didier Raoult  : "Ce que l'on nous a fait subir est immoral et doit cesser". (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - 15/11/2023)

Lockdowns Had Zero Impact on Covid, Major Study Finds. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 20/11/2023) -> Oxford U study

Pfizer Failed to Disclose Risks of Preterm Birth And Neonatal Death to Pregnant Women In RSV Vaccine Trial. (Megan Redshaw/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/11/2023)

Norwegian Researchers Find Masks Linked With Covid Infections. (Guy Gin - Daily Sceptic - 25/11/2023)

Choc des révélations sur l'inefficacité des vaccins anti-Covid au Parlement européen. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - MédiasPresseInfo - 28/11/2023)

Scientists Admit People Who Wore Masks Got COVID More Often. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 29/11/2023)

DNA Contamination In COVID-19 Vaccines May Explain Rise In Cancers, Clots, Autoimmune Diseases: Pathologist. (Tom Ozimek and Jan Jekielek/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 29/11/2023)

No Proof Face Masks Ever Worked Against Covid and They May Have Made Things Worse, Says UKHSA Boss. (Emily Craig/Daily Mail - Will Jones/Daily Sceptic - 30/11/2023)

Japan Approves World's First 'Self-Amplifying mRNA' Covid Vaccine – With No Safety or Efficacy Data. (Guy Gin - Daily Sceptic - 30/11/2023)

Child Mask Mandates Have No Clear Benefits and Cause Harm, BMJ Review Finds. (Guy Gin - Daily Sceptic - 6/12/2023)

Study Dismisses Concerns About Sudden Cardiac Deaths of U.S. Students. Here's What's Wrong With It. (Dr Clare Craig - Daily Sceptic - 6/12/2023)

25% of Vaxxed Now Have VAIDS, Cambridge Scientists Warn. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 9/12/2023)

More bad news for the mRNAs A new paper in a top scientific journal shows they accidentally cause our cells to create vast numbers of random misshapen proteins; no one has any idea how serious the risks of those might be. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 11/12/2023)

The Propaganda That is Selective Science. (Lori Weintz/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/1/2024)

Epic new study just revealed the true horror and lies behind the vaxx… (Revolver - 15/12/2024)

A Car With No Brakes or Steering Wheel, just a great big gas pedal. (Chris Bray - Tell Me How This Ends - 15/12/2023)

Marc Doyer détaille l'expertise reconnaissant les liens entre vaccin Covid et maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob. (Romain, NJ - France-Soir - 15/1/2024)

Chinese Lab Sequenced COVID-19 and Uploaded it to American Database on December 28th 2019. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 19/1/2024)

US Congressional Hearing raises cancer concerns for the vaccinated. (Dr. Peter McCullough - America Out Loud - 20/1/2024)

The CDC Covered Up The Vaccine's Risks. (Jeffrey Tucker/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/1/2024)

Covid Vaccines Are Officially Deadliest Drug In History and Nobody Is Allowed to Talk About It. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 30/1/2024)

Major Study Exposes Spike in Heart Failure among Vaccinated. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 31/1/2024)

The Truth About the COVID Vaccine Is Finally Becoming Known. (Mark Tapscott - PJMedia - 2/2/2024)

Quand la doxa se heurte finalement à la science : fact-checking d'une tribune contre les fausses informations médicales, signée par des personnes qui véhiculent elles-mêmes des fausses informations. (France-Soir - 3/2/2024)

US Officials Concede No Active Surveillance on Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines. (Megan Redshaw/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/2/2024)

Child Injured in Covid Jab Trial is Ignored. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Discern Report - 19/2/2024)

A Flawed Medical Procedure x Billions of Times = A Medical Armageddon: Letter to my friend Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein, and Tucker Carlson. (Marc Girardot - Covid Myth Buster Series - 28/2/2024)

Mild Myocarditis Post-Vaccination Can Result in Sudden Death, Japanese Autopsy Finds. (Dr Jonathan Engler - Daily Sceptic - 29/2/2024)

Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles are in COVID Vaccines; a new report says they are safe for humans. They are lying! (Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin - America Out Loud - 2/3/2024)

Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to 'Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History' Public health agencies have refused to study or to publicly release data comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. (Michael Nevradakis - VNN - 3//3/2024)

Broken hearts and unanswered COVID questions. (Daniel Horowitz - Blaze News - 18/4/2024)

Effets secondaires des vaccins Covid: «les données ne se rendent pas». (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 24/4/2024)

'They Kinda Had to Be Put Down': Medical Whistleblower Says COVID Jabs Caused Patients to 'Die So Horrifically, So Quickly'. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 24/4/2024)

The easiest way to show the COVID vaccines are a disaster and that the medical community is looking the other way If you look at the VAERS data by vaccine type, and look at the time of onset of symptoms, you gain insights into the vaccines that nobody else pays attention to. Why are doctors ignoring this data? (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 29/4/2024)

Scientific Journal Confirms 80% of Pregnant Women Had Miscarriages After Covid 'Lethal' Injection. (Sean Miller - Infowars - 29/4/2024)

Watch: Government Minister Admits Covid Vaccines Did Not Prevent Transmission. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 3/5/2024)

Les autorités le reconnaissent : il y a plus de décès après l'épidémie que pendant. (Gérard Maudrux - Covid Factuel - 3/5/2024)

Pfizer Stock Hit After Boy Dies of Cardiac Arrest During Gene Therapy Trial. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 7/5/2024)

AstraZeneca Pulls COVID Vaccine After Admitting Rare Side Effect. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 8/5/2024)

Pour camoufler la dangerosité de son vaccin COVID, AstraZeneca cesse sa production. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 9/5/2024)

Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection. (Margaret Flavin - The Gateway Pundit - 2/6/2024)

COVID mRNA Jabs Are NOT Vaccines, Federal Court Rules. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 7/6/2024)

Prominent Expert: mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Are Bioweapons. (M Dowling - Independent Sentinel - 8/6/2024)

Californie : "le vaccin Covid n'est pas un VACCIN.. .s'il ne protège pas de la transmission" debriefing avec l'avocat George Wentz. (France-Soir - vidéo, 26 minutes - 9/6/2024)

[UK] Researchers Claim Covid Vax 'Safe' Despite Kids Getting Epilepsy, Allergic Shock, Myocarditis & Appendicitis — Study. (Sean Miller - Infowars - 10/6/2024)

Prior COVID-19 Infection May Protect Against Common Colds: Study. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/6/2024)

U.S. Federal Court Opens Up Litigation on the Question: Was it Really a Vaccine? (Thomas Buckley - Daily Skeptic - 17/6/2024)

The COVID "vaccine" had no benefit. Zero. Zip. Nada. Here's official US government data, all in plain sight, so you can decide for yourself. If the vaccine reduced the risk of death, this data is simply impossible to explain. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 19/6/2024)

Top medical journals were biased towards Zero Covid, studies find. (Kevin Bardosh - UnHerd - 20/6/2024) -> anyone surprised that scientists and science journals can be bought?

Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at 'Exponentially' Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays. (Brenda Baletti - The Defender - 20/6/2024)

Vaccins covid inefficaces et dangereux : les plus hauts responsables US le reconnaissent et avouent qu'ils le savaient. (Gérard Maudrux - Covid Factuel - 13/7/2024)

Excès de mortalité post covid. Quelles causes ? (Gérard Maudrux - Covid Factuel - 23/7/2024)

Danemark vs République Tchèque – une mesure confirme la sous déclaration des effets secondaires avec des variations importantes par lots de vaccin. (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - 22/7/2024)

Une étude coréenne sur 558000 personnes démontre que la vaccx covid ARNm triple les risques de déficience cognitive (type Biden) et augmente les risques d'Azheimer. (Blog de Patrice Gibertie - 23/7/2024)

A Summary of Why the Czech Republic Vaccine Data are So Devastating to the "Safe and Effective" Narrative. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 30/7/2024)

Leaked Emails Reveal How the New York Times Sought to Discredit Scientific Review That Found No Evidence Masks Work. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 2/8/2024)

We got Google AI to finally admit the truth about the COVID vaccines and the US childhood vaccine schedule: We found a way to have a frank discussion with Google AI. I'm sure it will be re-programmed so it will never tell the truth again. So this is an important reference point to judge AI veracity. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 16/8/2024)

SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine-related myocarditis and pericarditis: An analysis of the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database. (Keisuke Takada Kazuaki Taguchi Masaru Samura Yuki Enoki Koji Tanikawa Kazuaki Matsumoto - Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy - 5/8/2024) -> conclusion: In the Japanese population, SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination was significantly associated with the onset of myocarditis/pericarditis.

Parents Fight Back With Rising Use of Religious Vaccine Exemptions For Their Children. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 27/8/2024) -> situation in Maryland

Japan Links Covid Shots to 201 Dangerous Diseases. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 4/9/2024)

Self-Assembling Nanoparticles Confirmed in mRNA Covid Injections — Study: The researchers documented what they referred to as 'magnetic nanobot-like structures' that responded to EMF stimuli and assembled themselves into various bizarre structures. (Sean Miller - Infowars - 9/9/2024)

Fighting Goliath: A Review of Norman Fenton and Martin Neil's New Book. (Dr. Roger Watson - Daily Skeptic - 12/9/2024)

Oxford University Study: Hydroxychloroquine Is a 'Safe & Effective' Treatment for Covid. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 13/9/2024)

Those Published "17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths" Never Happened. (David Gortler, Pharm.D - the Brownstone Institute - 19/9/2024)

Explosive Study: Covid 'Vaccines' Caused 74% of ALL Deaths. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 22/9/2024)

Public Health Agency confirms higher death rates among boosted Canadians compared to the unvaccinated: Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall questioned the government about delays and discrepancies in Statistics Canada's excess mortality data, particularly concerning COVID-19 deaths by vaccination status, and the agency acknowledged that booster recipients have higher death rates. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 24/9/2024)

The rot in medicine and public health is growing worse and worse: The dishonest way the Cleveland Clinic presented the results of its new study on Covid and heart health is only the latest example. (Alex Berenson - 14/10/2024)

Un peu d’histoire médicale pour comparer notre situation / A Little Medical History as a Reference Point.

"Those who ignore history, are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

« Dans un État totalitaire en temps de guerre, il n'y a pas de responsabilité personnelle ; c'est la nécessité de l'État qui se substitue à la volonté individuelle, et il n'y a pas de consentement qui vaille, ni des médecins expérimentateurs, ni des sujets ; dans ces conditions, l'intérêt de la science au service de la défense de la Nation prime sur celui de l'individu ».
Argument principal mis en avant par les défenseurs des accusés au procès de Nuremberg (1947)

Qu'est-ce que la thalidomide? Histoire de la thalidomide. (Association canadienne des victimes de la thalidomide) -> La thalidomide fut mise en marché en 1956 par Chemie Grünenthal en Allemagne de l'Ouest, d'abord comme médicament contre la grippe, puis, en 1957, comme hypnotique. Le médicament était alors disponible sans prescription.

The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century. (JOHN B. McKINLAY AND SONJA M. McKINLAY - Health and Society - Summer 1977) -> discusses vaccines

Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza. (Thomas V. Inglesby, Jennifer B. Nuzzo, Tara O'Toole, and D. A. Henderson - Biosecurity And Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science Volume 4, Number 4, 2006) -> PDF

Pandemics: avoiding the mistakes of 1918. (John M. Barry - Nature volume 459, pages 324–325 - 20/5/2009)

H1N1: Révélation radio Québec 93.3FM Québec. (Jeff Filion - 2009 - audio seulement - 10 minutes) -> scandale de vaccination au Québec.

Grippe H1N1, l'OMS a-t-elle menti? (C.Lalo & E.Bourbotte), 20H de TF1 17/02/2010
(InitiativeCitoyenne - YouTube - 5 minutes - 17/2/2010)
Un docteur a contesté l'avis de l'OMS que la H1N1 a été une pandémie dangereuse...

Fausse pandémie et conflits d'intérêt?: Le gouvernement du Québec est blâmé d'avoir «naïvement» suivi le mouvement mondial. (Journal de Québec - 8/2/2010) -> servilité des états occidentaux face à l'OMS

VACCINS fraude, mensonges et dissimulation. (Cyrinne Ben Mamou, Ph. D., ARTICLE N° 45 - NéoSanté - 1/3/2013)

The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI): are they at odds? Pages 1 through 25. (Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD - Our World Commentary - 25/6/2014

Stérilisations : l'Inde et le Kenya touchées par deux affaires. (CNEWS - 14/11/2014) -> Kenya : des vaccins visés par des médecins catholiques

Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens. (Andrew F. Read, Susan J. Baigent, Claire Powers, Lydia B. Kgosana, Luke Blackwell, Lorraine P. Smith, David A. Kennedy, Stephen W. Walkden-Brown, Venugopal K. Nair - PLoS Biol ogy - 27/7/2015)

Une grippe dévastatrice l'hiver dernier: La Faucheuse, appuyée de la grippe, a fait une récolte historique durant l'hiver 2014-2015, confirment les plus récentes données démographiques compilées par l'Institut de la statistique du Québec. (Baptiste Ricard-Châtelain - Le Soleil - 8/12/2015) -> Québec -> et une perle... "On a eu une souche de grippe qui était particulièrement virulente. Et, également, le vaccin s'est avéré peu efficace pour lutter contre cette souche précise. En fait, l'immunisation choisie pour la saison 2014-2015 avait complètement raté la cible. L'efficacité était de... 0 %."

Lifton, Robert Jay (2017) The Nazi doctors: medical killing and the psychology of genocide. Basic Books, New York - xvii-561 p.

Spreading Coronavirus Classified As “Domestic Terrorism” But Democrats Want to Decriminalize Spreading AIDS. (Pen and Pulpit - 31/3/2020)

France : « Sur les dix semaines d’épidémie grippale, le nombre de décès en excès est estimé à 21.200 » … en 2017. (Covidinfos - 10/4/2020)

Our Ancestors Would Be Amazed at Our Cowardly Coronavirus Hysteria: The Venerable Bede and his contemporaries knew there are things worse than physical death, which is why their fear in the midst of epidemics was not paralyzing. (Keith Stanglin - The Federalist - 6/5/2020)

Half a century ago stoic Britons battle a similar health crisis without any lockdown. (Asa Bennett - The Telegraph - 2/5/2020)

Time to Stop the Madness: Given what is now known about the coronavirus, governors opposed to ending the shutdown are on a fool’s errand. (George Parry - The American Spectator - 11/5/2020)

The last pandemic couldn’t even stop Woodstock: The Hong Kong Flu is now largely forgotten because governments didn’t use it to disrupt our lives. (Norman Lewis - Spiked - 17/8/2020)

L'homme que tous devraient écouter est le Professeur Robert Malone, inventeur des vaccins à ARNm. Il met en garde. Les vaccins aggravent l'infection. (Anna @Annamddk - Twitter - 2 minutes - 19/8/2020)

Visualizing The World's Deadliest Pandemics by Population Impact: Humanity has been battling against disease for centuries. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 20/3/2021)

Niall Ferguson: How Ike's 1950s America Beat The 'Asian Flu' With Science & Common Sense. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 2/5/2021)

Réunion publique n°13 du CSI (Conceil Scientifique Indépendant): Les non-leçons du H1N1 ou …. « l'ignorance » d'une intelligence collective ». (Philippe de Chazourne & Jean Dominique Michel - CrowdBunker - 9/7/2021)

What the Spanish Flu can tell us about 'Freedom Day': Mass partying after the First World War didn't lead to a viral explosion, either. (David Livermore, professor of medical microbiology at UEA - Spiked - 29/7/2021)

Businesses Were Once Threatened With Large Fines For Exploiting Fears About SARS and Exaggerating Health Benefits of Masks: "As soon as they become saturated with the moisture in your breath, they stop doing their job and pass on the droplets." (Caldron Pool - 2912/2021)

Joseph Lister 1827 - 1912. (David F. Coppedge - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 25/1/2022) -> Lister wasa pionnier in disinfection techniques

Resistance Not Futile: History Lesson on How to End Vaccine Mandates. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy News - 23/2/2022)

The madness of lockdown: SAGE adviser Mark Woolhouse on why he spoke out against lockdown. (Spiked - 25/2/2022)

In Memoriam: The Nuremberg Code, 1947-2022. (Rabbi Michoel Green - Off-Guardian - 21/8/2022)

Vaccins anti-Covid: une étude allemande rapporte des effets inquiétants sur le sang: « Les programmes de vaccination Covid-19 doivent cesser sur-le-champ ». C'est ainsi que s'achève un rapport allemand sur les effets néfastes des vaccins anti-Covid. (FranceSoir - 30/8/2022)

Flashback: Video Shows Children Dying After Taking Dengue Vaccine. (Infowars - 20/10/2022)

Keeping Our Community Safe: Well into the 1950s doctors promoted cigarette brands and study after study, sponsored by tobacco producers "proved" there was no link; that smoking was not only harmless, but good for our health. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 20/10/2022)

Zika: The Pandemic That Never Was. (Dr Roger Watson - Daily Sceptic - 14/4/2023)

The Amish Rejected Covid Vaccines, Lockdowns and Masks. The Result? 30X Less Deaths. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 26/5/2023)

'Pandemic' is a Massive Medical Scandal Caused by Pharmaceutical Companies Whipping Up Panic, Said European Health Chief – in 2010. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Skeptic - 15/6/2023)

Thalidomide tragedy a history lesson we should have learned from. (Ezra Levant - RebelNews - video - 5/7/2023)

1950s doctors knew not to vaccinate certain kids… (Jessica Rojas - ThreadReader - 30/10/2023)

The Lancet Commission on medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust: historical evidence, implications for today, teaching for tomorrow. (Prof Herwig Czech, PhD * Sabine Hildebrandt, MD * Prof Shmuel P Reis, MD * Tessa Chelouche, MD Matthew Fox, MD Prof Esteban González-López, MD et al. - The Lancet - 8/11/2023)

Lancet busts myths about Nazi medicine; reveals German medical establishment convinced itself it was following the science. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 9/11/2023)

Crimes nazis : le « devoir de mémoire » des médecins. (Gènéthique - 9/11/2023)

Did The Vaccine Eradicate Smallpox? (Yuhong Dong/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/1/2024)

The AstraZeneca Vaccine Debacle Shows the Lessons of Thalidomide Have Not Been Learned. (Dr. Maggie Cooper - Daily Skeptic - 10/5/2024)

The decline of mortality attributed to vaccination rates is HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE according to graphs of Measles, Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria and Smallpox. (S.D. Wells - Natural News - 24/9/2024)

On exploite le Covid19 pour pousser l’euthanasie? (c'est-à-dire ciblant ceux que nos élites postmodernes jugent non-essentiels)

MAiD lobby using Covid-19 crisis to pressure Canadian governments to force Catholic hospitals to do euthanasia. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 4/5/2020)

Texas Man with Disability Dies after Doctors Refuse to Treat him for COVID-19. (LiveAction - 26/6/2020)

Stealth euthanasia. How many Canadian seniors with COVID-19 were killed? (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 26/6/2020)

California Governor Newsom forced nursing homes to accept contagious COVID-19 residents. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 20/7/2020)

BC woman asks for assisted suicide based on COVID-19 isolation. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 17/8/2020)

Why Did New York Have COVID Policy That Killed Elderly Patients?: For all practical purposes, the government directive was essentially an order to spread COVID to people in nursing homes. (Michael Egnor - Mind Matters - 13/11/2020)

90-year-old woman dies by (MAiD) euthanasia rather than go through another COVID-19 lockdown. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 20/11/2020) -> Canada

NHS Pressuring People to Sign “Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate” Orders. (Will Jones - LockDown Sceptics - 6/12/2020)

'Do Not Resuscitate' Notice Given for COVID Patients With Learning Disabilities. (Caldron Pool - 15/2/2021) -> England

Eugenics Is Alive and Well, and the "Covid-19" Scam is the Engine for Accomplishing Depopulation. (Gary D. Barnett - - 27/2/2021)

People with disabilities were far more likely to die from COVID-19 in the UK. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 20/4/2021) -> Canada

Killing to cure loneliness. Canada's euthanasia experiment. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 5/7/2021) -> Canada

Midazolam was used to prematurely end the lives of thousands who you were told had died of Covid-19 and we can prove it; here's the evidence… (Daily Exposé - 29/8/2021) -> England

Why every red state has an obligation to fight hospitals killing patients on ventilators. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 24/11/2021)

Notons qu'au Canada (tout comme dans bien des pays occidentaux) l'idéologie de l’euthanasie (promus d'abord par les Nazis -> programme T4) a profondément pénétré le système politique et bureaucratique (système de santé) et des factions cherchent à donner à cette pratique toute la sanction de la loi.

Le projet de loi C-7 doit tenir compte des leçons de la pandémie! : Devant la détresse de personnes en fin de vie, malades ou vivant avec un handicap grave et incurable, prenons soin des personnes vulnérables avant de penser leur offrir « l’aide médicale à mourir ». (Collectif des médecins contre l’euthanasie - 5/10/2020)

Stop Bill C-7 from expanding Canada's euthanasia law. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 5/10/2020)