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« Vous ne pouvez plus dire que se vacciner est un acte d'amour, car un acte d'amour sans consentement et sous chantage s'appelle un viol. » (Jan van Elzen)
Les non-vaccinés ne sont pas une menace pour la Société, mais ils sont une menace pour tout régime totalitaire...
Si la classe dirigeante est si disposé à exploiter autant de moyens malhonnêtes (comme les menaces, l'intimidation et le chantage) comme moyen de pression pour imposer le vaccin, cela pose la question : « Peut-il y avoir quelque chose de bon dans le vaccin lui-même? »
C'est notre inquiétude, c'est notre impatience qui gâte tout, et presque tous les hommes mueurent de leurs remèdes, et non pas de leurs maladies.
(Molière - Le Malade imaginaire - Acte III, scène 3 - 1673)Praud : Pourquoi dites-vous que l’hydroxychloroquine marche ?
Perronne : Parce que c’est publié, il y a des méta-analyses internationales qui le prouvent de façon formelle. (...) Si jamais on avait reconnu que l’hydroxychloroquine marchait, l’industrie pharmaceutique n’aurait jamais eu l’autorisation même transitoire d’utiliser le vaccin parce que s’il y a un traitement efficace on ne peut pas commercialiser un vaccin.
Me Jakubowicz : "Complotiste !" - Pr Perronne : "J'assume complètement." (François Roby - Éloge de la raison dure - 25/11/2022)I like to reassure vaccinated friends, telling them "Relax! You don't have to worry about COVID (or the unvaccinated). The vaccine's going to kill you anyway." (Anonymous)
I have a new nickname for those that go door to door proclaiming the Good News of the Covid vaccine. JaCovidwitnesses...
Si quelqu'un veut me faire boire une tisane, devient obsessionnel puis agressif, puis fait du chantage pour que je la boive "pour mon bien", j'ai tendance à me méfier !
(Aldo Sterone)Qu'en sera-t-il si le but réel du vaccin anti-Covid serait la stérilisation de la génération qui monte? PG
Qu'en sera-t-il si la confiance du peuple dans les médecins et le système de santé servait d'arme contre le peuple??
Le rejet du vaccin, la nouvelle hérésie?
“Ne fais jamais rien contre ta conscience, même si l'Etat te le demande.”
(Albert Einstein: Source)N'est-ce pas sujet de réflexion sérieuse que l'on soit prêt à imposer ce vaccin de manière aussi coercitive plutôt que simplement patiemment convaincre le peuple de ses bénéfices médicaux véritables?
"One Vaccine to bind them and in the darkness find them"...*
La porte de l'auditorium était grande ouverte et un groupe lourd d'une quinzaine d'hommes en sortait lentement. Au reste, hommes n'est pas le terme : ils n'avaient pas de jambes, mais je ne sais quelle espèce de mécanisme mû par une machine invisible. Ils étaient devenus des tracteurs à forme humaine. Une bannière blanche portant un soleil d'or claquait au vent, au-dessus de leurs têtes. Les mots suivants étaient écrits autour du soleil : « Nous sommes les premiers ! Nous avons subi l'Opération. Faites-en autant. !
Ils se frayaient un chemin à travers la foule et, s'ils s'étaient trouvés devant un mur, un arbre ou une maison, ils ne se seraient pas arrêtés et auraient marché à travers ces obstacles. Arrivés au milieu de l'avenue, ils se donnèrent le bras, se développèrent en chaîne, le visage tourné vers nous. Nous attendions crispés et le cou tendu. Le vent sifflait sous les nuages noirs. Brusquement, les extrémités de la chaîne s'incurvèrent, se refermèrent sur nous et, aussi vite qu'une machine pesante descendant une côte, ils nous poussèrent vers la porte grande ouverte...
« Ils nous cernent, sauve-qui-peut ! » cria une voix perçante
(Evgueni Zamiatine - Nous - 1920) Ebook
Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents
Réseau des victimes d'accidents vaccinaux (REVAV)
How to Resist Vaccination Coercion. (Liberty Coalition Canada)
Obligation vaccinale : comprendre la dictature... (pp. 18-22 - Biocontact n° 282 – septembre 2017)
Le droit au refus de la vaccination. (Hélène Hécochard - Blog Mediapart - 7/11/2017)
VACCINS UN PLAN MONDIAL: Vaccination tout au long de la vie, vaccination dans les pharmacies, les écoles, sur le lieu de travail ou au supermarché: une politique de vaccination constante à l'échelle planétaire se déploie à grande vitesse. (Senta Depuydt - Nexxus - mars 2019, no. 121, pp. 38-51) -> PDF
Vidéo - Témoignage public du pédiatre Larry Palevsky devant le Public Health Committee en vue d'un projet de loi sur les immunisations le 19 février 2020. (Odysée - Vidéo de 3mn10 - 19/2/2020) - > Palevsky discute des dangers qu'impliquent la présence de nanoparticules d'aluminium dans les vaccins et leur introduction potentiel dans le cerveau
Le Folketing a adopté une loi urgente de grande portée contre la couronne : Un certain nombre des propositions initiales du gouvernement ont été ajustées. (Thomas Klose Jense - Nyheder - 12/3/2020) -> GoogleTranslate
Le vaccin contre la grippe augmente les risques de coronavirus de 36 % selon une récente étude du Pentagone. (Le Tribunal de l'infaux - 21/4/2020)
The issue of mandatory and forced vaccination in light of COVID-19. (Justice Centre Staff - Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 7/5/2020) [au Canada]
Alan Dershowitz: You Have ‘No Right’ to Refuse Mask, Open Your Business; State Has ‘Right’ To ‘Plunge A Needle Into Your Arm’ And Forcibly Vaccinate. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 20/5/2020)
Will We All Be Forced to Get COVID Vaccines? Even Alan Dershowitz has chosen the coercion route. (Wesley J. Smith - The American Spectator - 20/5/2020) -> Intéressant de constater que ce n'est pas un médecin qui affirme qu'il FAUT appliquer le vaccin à tout le monde, mais un avocat... Un avocat qui croit savoir ce qu'il FAUT sur le plan médical... intéressant...
Experts raise doubts about Oxford University vaccine after it fails to stop Covid-19 in animal trials. (New Statesman - 18/5/2020)
Why Colleges May Be Able to Order Students to Get Covid-19 Vaccinations. (Christopher Rim - Forbes - 20/5/2020)
Breaking: ALL Test Subjects of Bill Gates’ Vaccine Got Coronavirus When Exposed. (Pulpit and Pen - 27/5/2020)
Connaissez-vous le code de Nuremberg? Une vaccination obligatoire? Woh, minute! (Alain Patenaude - Vigile Québec - 18/6/2020)
Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017–2018 influenza season. (Greg G. Wolff - Letter to the Editor - Vaccine, Volume 38, Issue 30, 19 June 2020, Pages 4651)
2022: A Vaccination Passport. The EU Keeps Quiet Over Suspicious Documents. (Daniele Pozzati - Strategic Culture Foundation - 28/6/2020)
CoV19 passeport vaccinal, dictature sanitaire, Commission Européenne et OMS… des documents bien suspicieux dont (presque) personne ne parle… Horizon 2022, un passeport de vaccination… l'UE rase les murs au sujet de documents bien suspicieux. (Daniele Pozzati - Resistance71 - 1/7/2020)
Trump to mobilize military to deliver COVID vaccine to millions ‘very, very quickly’: Trump said that a military general is overseeing the logistics of delivering the vaccine once it is developed. (Martin Bürger - LifeSite - 31/7/2020)
En Australie, le futur vaccin contre le Covid-19 obligatoire pour tous ? (Courrier international - Paris - 19/8/2020)
What Should We Make of the Push for Compulsory Vaccines?: On Morrison’s Mandatory Vaccines. (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 20/8/2020)
Comment surseoir à la vaccination : comment défendre ses droits. (Jonathan - ExoPortail - 29/8/2020)
Moderna Neglected to Disclose Pentagon's Financial Support In Applications For More Than 100 Patents: Darpa is now looking into which patents may have been developed with US government money... (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 30/8/2020)
Enquête Choc — Les vaccins ont-ils vraiment sauvé l'humanité ? (J.B. Handley - Sott.net - 30/8/2020)
Hundreds Rally at Massachusetts State House Against Mandatory Flu Vaccine For All Students: "We feel like we have to just comply". (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 31/8/2020)
Selon la loi sur la Santé publique, Québec peut ordonner et imposer la vaccination de tous ses citoyens. (José Soucy - CMATV - 2/9/2020)
The dangers inherent in a 'miracle' coronavirus vaccine – opinion Trump's miracle coronavirus vaccine could actually work, it would be a miracle – but miracles don't happen often. (Gwynne Dyer - The Jerusalem Post - 10/9/2020)
“Le vaccin rend(ra) libre”. (Michel Dogna - 28/9/2020)
First They Said We Need to Lock Down Until There’s a Vaccine. Now They Say We Can’t Trust The Vaccine. (Matt Walsh - DailyWire - 19/10/2020)
Why The COVID-19 Vaccine Should Be FORBIDDEN And Avoided At All Cost. (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - The World We Live In - 20/11/2020)
Le vaccin contre la grippe interrompu à Singapour après 59 décès en Corée du Sud ! (Angus Liu/Fierce Pharma - Aguelid/Le LIbre Penseur - 26/10/2020)
Vaccination obligatoire: tous les coups sont permis. (Guillaume Chopin - Paroles de Dieu - 24/11/2020)
China Proposes ‘Global Mechanism’ to Track Humans for COVID-19. (Andrea Morris - FaithWire - 24/11/2020)
Le Pr Eric Caumes très sceptique sur le vaccin anti-Covid. (Aguelid - Le LIbre Penseur - 26/11/2020)
'We won't force vaccine; but here's what we will do': Health Ministry Director claims vaccines won't be forced, but Dr. Eyal Zimlichman tells Knesset committee 'they'll understand themselves.' (Mordechai Sones - Israe Inational News - 26/11/2020)
Yes, They Can Vaccinate Us Through Nasal Test Swabs And Target The Brain (Silviu "Silview" Costinescu - TapNewsWire - 28/11/ 2020)
What pro-lifers should know about COVID-19 vaccines: Abortion | Most of the drugs bear some connection to the abortion industry. (Leah Hickman - World Mag - 30/11/2020)
Biblical Refutation of Biologos COVID Statement: Part 1. (Randall Rathbun - Berean Beacon - 1/12/2020)
Les docteurs Wodarg et Yeadon demandent l'arrêt de toutes les études sur la vaccination contre la corona et appellent à cosigner la pétition. (2020News - 1/12/2020)
"Vaccin" contre le Covid : la mise en garde du Pr Perronne. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 2/12/2020)
'Immunity Cards' to be Issued to All Americans; Enable CDC to Track COVID-19 Vaxx Status in Database. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 3/12/2020)
Claire-Anne Siegrist, vaccinologue, refuse de se vacciner ! (Aguelid/Le LIbre Penseur - 3/12/2020)
Can Employers Fire Any Employees That Choose Not To Take The COVID Vaccine?: A COVID vaccine is not even available yet, but the mainstream media is already full of stories about whether or not it is legal for employers to fire employees that refuse to take it. (Michael Snyder/TheMostImportantNews - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 4/12/2020)
Greek Court Gives Okay to Kick Out Non-Vaccinated Kids from Kindergartens. (Chris Tomlinson - Spiked - 5/12/2020)
Bill Gates Admits COVID Vaccine Changes DNA, Now Doctors Rebel! (John O'Sullivan - Principia Scientific International - 5/12/2020)
Vaccination Must Not be Compulsory Tell Your MP. (LockDown Sceptics - 6/12/2020)
Ex-Pfizer Exec Demands EU Halt COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Over 'Indefinite Infertility' And Other Health Concerns. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/12/2020)
Experts: Halt CV19 Vaccines Over ‘Infertility’ & Other Health Concerns. (Tyler Durden - Principia Scientific International - 7/12/2020)
Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!! (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 8/12/2020)
VIDEO « Je demande aux militaires, conducteurs de camions, ingénieurs médicaux… n’obéissez à ces ordres illégitimes de distribution de vaccins. » Un militaire canadien. (Rico - Patriote.info - 10/12/2020)
Reports: Vaccine ‘Proof’ Will Be Ultra-Violet Mark Left Under Skin. (Protestia - 10/12/2020)
Freed by the vaccine? Don’t hold your breath: The promise of vaccination has been used, not to liberate us, but to keep us locked down for longer. (Rob Lyons - Spiked - 11/12/2020)
Groundbreaking study shows unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children: Despite the rigor with which this study was conducted, expect critics to do anything but cite opposing science. They cannot. (Alix Mayer - LifeSite - 14/12/2020)
« La principale finalité de la vaccination n’est pas sanitaire ». (Philippe Guillemant - Le LIbre Penseur - 14/12/2020)
Épidémie de maladies chroniques Une étude révolutionnaire révèle que les enfants non vaccinés sont en meilleure santé que les enfants vaccinés. (Alix Mayer/The Defender - Sott - 14/12/2020)
First Glitches Emerge In COVID-Vax Rollout; Alaska Health Worker Suffers 'Serious Allergic Reaction'. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 16/12/2020)
Le petit dictateur Jérôme Marty appelle à « taper fort » contre les anti-vaccins. (Aguelid - Le LIbre Penseur - 16/12/2020)
"Who Wants To Be A Guinea Pig?": Health Workers Balk At Vaccine; 40% of Staff at One Chicago Hospital Refuse to Take. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/12/2020)
Vaccin Pfizer : une infirmière américaine s'évanouit après avoir reçu une injection contre le Covid. (RT France - 18/12/2020)
Me Carlo Alberto Brusa dépose une plainte pénale relative aux vaccins auprès du Procureur de la République près le Tribunal Judiciaire de Paris sous le numéro 20351000746. (Guy Boulianne - 17/12/2020)
Fears Prompt Some Medical Workers to Balk at Getting the Vaccine - Concerns about side effects, speed of approval dissuade them - In one Chicago hospital, 40% of staff say they won’t take it. (Shruti Singh - Henry Goldman and Angelica LaVito - Bloomberg - 17/12/2020)
Le consentement à l’épreuve de la vaccination contre la COVID-19. (Olivier Drunat, Médecin gériatre, chef de service de neuro-psychogériatrie, Hôpital Bretonneau HUPNVS, AP-HP / Nathalie Peterka, Professeur de droit privé à l'Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC, Paris12) / Mouna Romdhani, 2- Gériatre, Service de Neuro-Psycho-Gériatrie, Hôpital Bretonneau, GHU Paris Nord, Université de Paris / Anne Caron Déglise, Magistrat, Avocat général à la Cour de cassation - Espace-Éthique - 18/12/2020)
-> "En l’état actuel du droit français, la vaccination contre la COVID-19 ne peut pas être imposée. Elle nécessite donc une information objective et loyale de tous les individus, y compris des médecins prescripteurs. Toutes les personnes doivent pouvoir exprimer leur volonté d’être ou non vaccinées et respectées dans leur choix, y compris si elles présentent des troubles intellectuels."
CDC Issues New Guidelines, Launches Probe After 1000s Negatively-Affected Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Thousands of people have been unable to work or perform daily activities, or required care from a healthcare professional, after getting the new COVID-19 vaccine, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 20/12/2020)
Texas hospital responds over accusations that medical worker was given fake COVID vaccine shot: 'Syringe is empty, the guy didn't push the syringe at all, bad acting'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 20/12/2020)
Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination. (James Lyons-Weiler [The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, Pittsburgh, PA] + Paul Thomas [Integrative Pediatrics, Portland, OR] - Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - 22/11/2020) -> The data indicate that unvaccinated children in the practice are not unhealthier than the vaccinated and indeed the overall results may indicate that the unvaccinated pediatric patients in this practice are healthier overall than the vaccinated.
Cinq évêques publient une déclaration contre les vaccins du covid-19 liés aux cellules de fœtus avortés. (Augustin Morin - Campagne Québec-Vie - 21/12/2020)
Hospital Workers Turn Down COVID Vaccine: "There's Too Much Mistrust". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 23/12/2020)
NYT: Fauci admits to deceiving the public about herd immunity because he wanted more people to get vaccinated: Fauci apparently thinks it's appropriate to deceive the public for their own good. (Leon Wolf - Breitbart - 24/12/2020)
Pro ou anti vaccin : l'avis du psychiatre Frédéric Badel. (Le Journal Catalan - 24/12/2020)
Réflexion sur la légitimité morale du vaccin contre le Covid. (Olivier Nguyen et Roselyne Legall - La Nef - 26/12/2020)
Covid-19 : Les Technologies Vaccinales à la loupe. (Vidéo - 48 min.) (Dr Christian VÉLOT, généticien moléculaire à l’université Paris-Saclay et Président du Conseil Scientifique du CRIIGEN - 26/12/2020)
Boston doctor experiences 'severe' reaction just minutes after receiving Moderna vaccine: The government is investigating numerous reactions. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 27/12/2020)
Des nanoparticules dans le vaccin COVID : confirmation par le Dr Fouché médecin anesthésiste-réanimateur à Marseille. (Vivre Autrement - Odysée- 28/11/2020)
WHO Chief Scientist Says it’s Unclear if Vaccine Will Prevent Covid19 From Spreading. (Brianna Lyman - Daily Caller - 28/12/2020)
Spain to register people who refuse the coronavirus vaccine and share the data with other countries: But the vaccine is not mandatory, they say. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 29/12/2020)
Un autre homme de 88 ans meurt à Jérusalem quelques heures après avoir été vacciné ! (Salim Laïbi - Le libre penseur - 29/12/2020)
How Social Engineers Use Weaponized Psychology to Push Unproven Vaccines. (Ben Bartee/The Daily Bell - Zero Hedge - 30/12/2020)
Canada : 80 résidents et employés vaccinés ont contracté le covid-19 ! (Salim Laïbi - Le libre penseur - 30/12/2020)
Fauci Floats Possibility That COVID-19 Vaccine Will Be Mandatory For School And Travel. (Elizabeth Louise - Daily Caller - 1/1/2021)
High Percentage of Frontline Workers Refusing to Take The COVID-19 Vaccine, Many Citing Political Reasons. (Ashe Schow - DailyWire - 2/1/2021)
‘Don’t Want To Be A Guinea Pig’: Health Care Workers Rejecting COVID-19 Vaccine In Droves: Ohio governor says about 60% of nurses in state are refusing the shot. (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 3/1/2021)
LAPD Chief Says Only 60% of Police Dept Inclined to Take Vaccine, Cites Internal Survey. (Jeffrey Cawood - DailyWire - 5/1/2021)
Moderna compare sa technologique d’ARNm à un «système d’exploitation» et à un «logiciel». (Jonathan - ExoPortail - 5/1/2021)
The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP vaccine killed more children in Africa than the diseases it targeted: Anyone defending the Bill Gates/WHO global vaccine program needs to explain this study. (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - LifeSite - 5/1/2021)
It Is an Abuse to Call This a Vaccine. (Dr. David Martin/OpenMindedWellness - FaceBook - 5/1/2021)
CDC investigating death of Florida doctor after receiving COVID-19 vaccine: Pfizer is also investigating the death. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 8/1/2021)
Covid-19 : décès brutal d’un médecin de Floride après avoir reçu le vaccin Pfizer/BioNTech. (Salim Laïbi - Le libre penseur - 8/1/2021)
Health care workers weighing risks, declining vaccine. (Chris Woodward - OneNewsNow - 11/1/2021)
Can Flu Vaccine Increase COVID Risk? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola. (12/1/2021)
Doctor demolishes Gates 'Covid' vaccine in devastating analysis. (Gareth Icke - David Icke - 12/1/2021)
Norwegian medical experts warn COVID-19 vaccine side effects could be devastating for patients over 80 and the terminally ill: 23 people reportedly died a short time after receiving the vaccine. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 15/1/2021)
Un communiqué anti-vaccin de l’Ordre des médecins de la Charente sème le trouble. (Salim Laïbi - Le libre penseur - 16/1/2021)
Vaccin, la généticienne Alexandra Henrion-Caude nous dit tout. (TV LIberté - Vimeo - 60 minutes - 16/1/2021)
13,000 NY Nursing Home Residents And Nearly Half of Staff Decline COVID-19 Vaccine. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 18/1/2021)
Norvège, encore des décès après le “vaccin” anti-covid de Pfizer. (Francesca de Villasmundo - Médias Presse.Info - 18/1/2021)
13 000 résidents d'une maison de retraite new-yorkaise et près de la moitié du personnel refusent le vaccin contre le COVID-19. (Aube Digitale - 19/1/2021)
Les soi-disant-vaccins à ARNm « sont parfaitement sûrs »... Et pourtant le nombre de personnes vaccinées qui meurent peu après augmente. (M.K. Scarlett - Sott.net - 20/1/2021)
Experimental mRNA Gene Therapy Covid-19: This is Not a Vaccine. (Dr Mark Trozzi - 23/1/2021)
« On a hâte de commencer à vacciner pour éliminer nos personnes vulnérables », dixit Christian Dubé, ministre Santé québécois ! (Salim Laïbi - Le libre penseur - 31/1/2021)
31 Reasons NOT to take the Vaccine. (Chananya Weissman (Israeli rabbi) - 2/2/2021)
mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are really 'gene therapy' and not vaccines: ethicist - The media and big pharma are part of a 'propaganda war' creating public confusion with misleading claims, University of Virginia professor David Martin explained. (David McLoone - LifeSiteNews - 4/2/2021)
Dr Lee Merrit : les vaccins ARNm sont potentiellement des armes biologiques. (Neuf de Coeur - Chaîne Odysee/InfoVF - 8/2/2021)
J'ai 75 ans, je suis médecin, pas cobaye, je ne me ferai pas vacciner. (Gérard Delépine - Riposte laïque - 6/2/2021)
Covid-19 : doublement vaccinés, des résidents d'une maison de retraite allemande testés positifs ! (Salim Laïbi - Le libre penseur - 9/2/2021)
Third of Americans Skeptical of COVID Vaccine, Says Poll. ( Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/2/2021)
The Public Should Use Yellow Card Reporting System to Report Vaccine Side Effects. (LockDown Sceptics - 14/2/2021) -> England
Whistleblower from Berlin nursing home: the terrible dying after vaccination. (2020News - 14/2/2021)
L'ANSM demande de ralentir la vaccination des soignants à cause des effets secondaires nombreux et lourds ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 15/2/2021)
Le vaccin contre la grippe peut-il augmenter le risque de COVID ? (Dr. Joseph Mercola - 15/2/2021)
Hécatombe : mort de 11 résidents « vaccinés » dans une maison de retraite à Madrid a conduit à une plainte pour homicide. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 16/2/2021)
Alain Fischer recommande de ne pas administrer le vaccin d'AstraZeneca aux soignants du département de Moselle. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 16/2/2021)
Project Veritas: Mark Zuckerberg Expressed Concern About 'Modifying DNA and RNA'. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 16/2/2021)
Significant Numbers of US Military Members Refusing COVID-19 Vaccination. (Gabrielle Temaat - Daily Caller - 17/2/2021)
Careful What We Wish For. (Mark Shaw - LockDown Sceptics - 18/2/2021)
Covid : questions sur les vaccins. (Dr. Gérard Maudrux - Blogue: Ce que vous ne devez pas savoir - 19/2/2021)
Babies were aborted alive, placed in fridge to harvest cell lines used in some vaccines: researcher 'These babies were literally placed into the fridge alive and then stored between one and 24 hours until they could be dismembered.' (Pete Baklinski - LifeSite - 19/2/2021)
Espagne : interruption des injections après le décès de 46 résidents d'une maison de retraite. (Olivier Demeulenaere - SOTT.net - 20/2/2021)
La vaccination mondiale : le véritable objectif de l'opération COVID-19 « Entre dépeuplement planifié et cynisme financier, l'humanité doit se réveiller ». (Dr Pascal Sacré - Mondialisation.ca - 22/2/2021)
Israël : spectaculaire augmentation de la mortalité après la vaccination. (Gérard Delépine, chirurgien - Riposte laïque - 24/2/2021)
Coronavirus : Israël adopte une loi permettant de connaître les noms des personnes non vaccinées. (LCI - 24/2/2021)
Annonce du "passeport sanitaire" lors du point de presse du 25 février. (Christian Dubé, ministre de la santé Québec - FaceBook - 25/2/2021)
'Everyone Agreed' on Vaccine Passports, Says Merkel at EU Coronavirus Summit. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 26/2/2021)
Mandatory Vaccinations Arrive in UK While Britain's children face the mandatory swab. (Katie Hopkins - FrontPage Mag - 26/2/2021)
Quarter of London NHS Staff Have Refused to Take Coronavirus Vaccines. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 2/3/2021)
Olympic Sprinter Would Rather 'Miss the Olympics' than Take Covid Vaccine. (Dylan Gwinn - Breitbart - 2/3/2021)
« Moi, le passeport vaccinal, je ne comprends pas », William Dab, ancien DG de la Santé. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 2/3/2021)
What is Happening With Mortality in Israel? (LockDown Sceptics - 5/3/2021)
Transhuman 101: Moderna Declares COVID Vaccine To Be An 'Operating System'. (John O'Sullivan/Principia Scientific - Technocracy - 4/3/2021)
Ministère israélien de la santé : Le vaccin Pfizer a tué "environ 40 fois plus de personnes âgées que la maladie elle-même n'en aurait tué". (Profession-Gendarme - 8/3/2021)
Vaccine Passports Will Lead to Algorithmic Discrimination, Warns Privacy Firm CEO. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 9/3/2021)
Is Dr Geert Vanden Bossche Right That "Vaccination Amidst a Pandemic Creates an Irrepressible Monster"? (LockDown Sceptics - 9/3/2021)
Moderna's Top Scientist: 'We Are Actually Hacking The Software of Life'. (Leo Hohmann - 9/3/2021)
Vaccinated President Joe Biden Undermines Vaccine Efficacy With Double Mask Inside Small Business. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 9/3/2021)
Utah woman, 39, dies 4 days after 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccine; autopsy ordered. (Heidi Hatch - KUTV Staff - 10/3/2021)
Le ministre australien de la Santé hospitalisé après la vaccination contre le covid19 ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 11/3/2021)
Covid-19. Projet de vaccination « obligatoire » des soignants : lettre ouverte au Ministre des solidarités et de la santé. (Dr Amine Umlil - Bible & Science Diffusion - 12/3/2021) -> Umlil est Pharmacien des hôpitaux, praticien hospitalier Juriste (Droit de la santé)
Being forced to take COVID vaccine to keep your job would be 'illegal': Canadian lawyer 'Any medical treatment including vaccination, without the informed consent of the citizen is unconstitutional.' (Pete Baklinski - LifeSite - 12/3/2021)
Here's why mRNA injections do not meet the legal definition of 'vaccine' What is an mRNA injection? 'Let's be very clear,' says scientist David Martin, 'This is not a vaccine!' (Leo Hohmann -12/3/2021)
Les assureurs crachent le morceau : le vaccin antiCovid est expérimental. (Dr. Nicole Delépine - Riposte laïque - 12/3/2021) -> En cas de décès dû au vaccin, comment réagira votre compagnie d'assurances ?
Exploring the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links Analysis. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - 13/3/2021)
Réflexion métaphysique sur les vaccins. (Jacques Duverger - Bible & Science Diffusion - 14/3/2021)
Frontline Health Care Workers Are Biggest COVID Vaccine Skeptics. (Lawrence Solomon - Technocracy - 14/3/2021)
125 enseignants et membres du personnel se sont retirés en raison des effets secondaires du vaccin ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 15/3/2021) -> Illinios, États-Unis
Un kinésithérapeute de 28 ans mort 2 jours après avoir reçu une injection du vaccin à ARNm ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 15/3/2021)
Expert Virologist Warns: COVID-19 Vaccine is Creating a Global Catastrophe. (Michelle Edwards - UnCoverDC - 16/3/2021) -> Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, Ph.D., is a vaccine expert and independent virologist from Belgium.
AstraZeneca : des chercheurs norvégiens établissent un lien entre le vaccin et les thromboses Selon cette étude, il a provoqué une réaction immunitaire démesurée chez trois personnes. ( Anne-Françoise Hivert(Malmö (Suède), correspondante régionale) - Le Monde - 18/3/2021)
Centre Hospitalier de Cholet : Débat public sur les vaccins contre la Covid-19. Réponse au Docteur Jean-Michel DEBARRE : proposition d'un duel télévisé en direct. (Dr Amine Umlil - Bible & Science Diffusion - 203/2021)
'No jab, no job' could do more harm than good: We should persuade – not compel – care-home staff to take the vaccine. (Rob Lyons - Spiked - 23/3/2021)
Vaccin AstraZeneca : une autopsie ordonnée après la mort d'un patient à Arles ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 23/3/2021)
Mort d'un Nantais vacciné à l'AstraZeneca: « Il avait 1,7 litre de sang dans le ventre » Le frère d'Anthony R., l'étudiant en médecine nantais retrouvé mort le 18 mars dans son appartement de l'île de Nantes, a une intime conviction : le vaccin AstraZeneca a déclenché la thrombose fatale. (Y. G. - Ouest-France - 23/3/2021)
La vaccination de masse pourrait grandement abaisser et contourner nos anticorps pour causer une bombe biologique de masse : l'échappée immunitaire. Un virologue belge lance l'alerte ! (Geert Vanden Boossche, expert vaccinal - FaceBook - 25/3/2021)
Charlatanisme : Québec affirme qu'une dose de vaccin suffit aux personnes qui ont eu la COVID-19. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 26/3/2021)
Le Chili se reconfine, malgré son taux de vaccination le plus élevé du monde Alors que le Chili est le pays le plus avancé du monde pour la vaccination anti-Covid-19, les infections ont brutalement augmenté. (HuffPost - 27/3/2021)
Vaccin : a-t-on encore droit à l'esprit critique et de poser les bonnes questions ? (Jean-Dominique Michel - Antropo-Logiques - 28/3/2021)
La Commission d'enquête civile située en Israël demande l'arrêt obligatoire de l'administration des vaccins Pfizer en raison de l'absence d'un système de surveillance des effets secondaires. (Profession-Gendarme - 29/3/2021)
Liberal Author Naomi Wolf Warns 'Vaccine Passports' Are the 'End of Human Liberty in the West'. (Victoria Taft - PJMedia - 30/3/2021)
Canada suspends use of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine for those under 55: Immunisation panel says there is 'substantial uncertainty about the benefit' of the vaccine given risk of rare type of blood clot. (The Guardian - 30/3/2021)
The coming death match against vaccine passports in the states: 'Remember, these governors are just getting warmed up'. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 31/3/2021)
Vaccine passports: the end of liberty as we know it Britain could become a two-tier, papers-please society. (Mark Johnson - Spiked - 31/3/2021)
Reaction to COVID-19 Vaccine Caused Man's Skin to Peel Off: Doctors. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 31/3/2021)
Germany Limits Use of AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine for Under-60s. (LockDown Sceptics - 31/3/2021)
Vaccine Passports Are A Serious Threat To American Civil Liberties Are Americans supposed to accept that the government, private employers, and businesses such as airlines and Costco may stop you and demand that you show your COVID-19 papers? (Harmeet K. Dhillon - The Federalist - 2/4/2021)
Doute sur la qualité intrinsèque des produits présentés comme vaccins anti-Covid et leurs procédés de fabrication sur base de documents officiels publiés par l'Agence européenne du médicament. (Catherine Frade - Medias-Presse.info - 2/4/2021) -> Frade est Docteur en pharmacie, et ancienne directrice des affaires réglementaires internationales dans l'industrie pharmaceutique.
18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine. (Christian Eliot - True Whole Human - 5/4/2021)
Colorado vaccination site closes early after reactions to Johnson & Johnson vaccine: 'We followed our protocols and in an abundance of caution, made the decision'. (Louis Casiano FOX News - 7/4/2021)
Évaluation théologique des vaccins à la lumière de Lévitique 19. (Jacques Duverger - Bible & Science Diffusion - 8/4/2021)
Flambée de cas et de décès dans les pays qui ont massivement vacciné. (Francesca de Villasmundo - Medias-Presse.info - 8/4/2021)
L'OMS offre le vaccin AstraZeneca à Haïti, qui n'en veut pas. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 9/4/2021)
University of Notre Dame to Require COVID-19 Vaccinations For Students. (Charlotte Pence Bond - DailyWire - 9/4/2021)
Le diner de cons des vaccinés ! (Ema Krusi - Planète360 - 10/4/2021)
Shocking Study Reveals mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease. (GreatGameIndia - 10/4/2021)
LETTRE OUVERTE. Vaccins contre la Covid-19 : Réponse à la direction du centre hospitalier de Cholet. (Dr Amine Umlil - Ctiapch Cholet.Blogspot - 10/4/2021)
FDA & NIH - Covid-Vaccines are Poison - Read Test Results. (Joseph Pede - 10/4/2021)
Les médecins doivent-ils avoir le vaccin contre le covid-19 ? Réflexion d'un médecin anglais. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 10/4/2021) -> K Polyakova
Business : une troisième dose du vaccin Pfizer « probablement » nécessaire ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 10/4/2021) -> Évidemment, jamai$ deux $an$ troi$...
Bombe en Grande-Bretagne : 60 à 70% des victimes de la troisième vague seraient des patients… vaccinés. (Rodolphe Bacquet - Réseau International - 11/4/2021)
Vaccins Vaxzevria™ ou COVID-19 Janssen™, bonnet noir, noir bonnet. (La rédaction - AIMSIB - 11/4/2021)
Get Vaxxed? You Might Be 8 Times More Likely Than Non-Vaxxed to Catch South African Variant. (Jack Phillips/The Epoch Times - Technocracy - 12/4/2021)
UK gov't. predicts 'third wave' of COVID deaths 'dominated' by those who are vaccinated 'This is not the result of vaccines being ineffective, merely uptake being so high,' the government agency argued. (Michael Haynes - LifeSite - 12/4/2021)
Vaccine regulators are deceiving us about the risks, say doctors. (The Conservative Woman - 12/4/2021)
3 vaccinated hospitalized COVID patients 'a bit surprising,' says epidemiologist Social Sharing Facebook Twitter Email Reddit LinkedIn But vaccines are not 'bulletproof vests,' says University of Ottawa associate professor Raywat Deonandan. (Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon - CBC News - 13/4/2021)
Why I'm Not Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Layman Responds. (David Morrill - Protestia - 13/4/2021)
Vacciner de force des handicapés. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - Médias-Presse.Info - 14/4/2021)
Study: mRNA-Based Vaccines And The Risk of Prion Disease. (J. Bart Classen/Principia-Scientific - Technocracy.News - 15/4/2021)
10 cas de réactions « sévères » au vaccin contre la COVID-19 au Nouveau-Brunswick. (Radio-Canada - 15/4/2021)
Vaccins contre la Covid-19 : pourquoi ce « silence » des médias traditionnels (dominants) sur les « effets indésirables » des vaccins « BioNTech – Pfizer » et « Moderna » ? (Centre hospitalier de Cholet - 16/4/2021)
800 Américains entièrement vaccinés ont contracté la Covid-19, 74 morts dit le CDC. (France-Soir - 16/4/2021)
Les ARNm vaccinaux atteignent les organes reproducteurs. (Volti - Les moutons enragés - 16/4/2021)
Rapport exclusif : voici les contrats «secrets» de Pfizer et Moderna pour les vaccins anti-Covid. (France-Soir - 17/4/2021)
5 800 Américains entièrement vaccinés ont contracté le Covid-19 ; 74 sont morts. (Zachary Stieber - The Epoch TImes - 17/4/2021)
'First Do No Harm' Means Not Giving the Covid Vaccination to Young People. (Dr Alan Mordue - LockDown Sceptics - 19/4/2021)
La famille d'un septuagénaire mort douze jours après une injection de Pfizer porte plainte. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 21/4/2021)
What You Should Know About the Possibility of COVID-19 Illness After Vaccination: A small percentage of people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will still develop COVID-19 illness. (CDC/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - 21/4/2021) -> But, of course, the vaccine is never at fault...
Big Pharma Conglomérat avec un casier judiciaire: Pfizer «reprend» le marché européen des vaccins. 1,8 milliard de doses. (Michel Chossudovsky/GlobalResearch - Les moutons enragés - 21/4/2021)
L'acteur tamoul Vivek, ambassadeur de l'Inde pour la santé, meurt un jour après avoir pris le vaccin COVID. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 22/4/2021)
French drug assessment center demands removal of all four widely used COVID vaccines According to the CTIAP, all of the vaccines were put on the market and actively used on human beings before 'proof of quality for the active substance and the finished product' was produced. (Jeanne Smits - LifeSite - 22/4/2021)
Mère ordinaire: J'ai attendu avant de parler publiquement de notre histoire d'effets secondaires de vaccination et de prise en charge. (Bianca Longpré - FaceBook - 23/4/2021)
Eight Ways mRNA COVID Vaccine Can Kill You. (Sherri Tenpenny - Forbidden KnowledgeTV - 23/4/2021)
Israël enquête sur les effets secondaires du vaccin Pfizer. Un rapport alarmant. (blog de Liliane Held-Khawam - 24/4/2021) -> Israël enquête sur le lien entre l'injection Pfizer et des problèmes cardiaques chez des jeunes de moins de 30 ans.
Open Letter from Physicians to Universities: Allow Students Back Without COVID Vaccine Mandate. (Paul M. Kempen, M.D., Ph.D. – AAPS President - 24/4/2021)
COVID Shots to "Decimate World Population," Warns Dr. Bhakdi. (John Gideon Hartnett - Bible Science Forum - 25/4/2021)
Un bébé allaité est décédé de thrombocytopénie un jour après que sa mère eut reçu sa 2e injection du Pfizer ! (Aguelid - Les moutons enragés - 25/4/2021) -> États-Unis
Millions Are Skipping Their Second Doses of Covid Vaccines in the U.S. (Lockdown Sceptics - 25/4/2021)
Le centre français d'évaluation des médicaments déclare que les quatre vaccins Covid-19 sont dangereux et devraient être retirés du marché. (Profession Gendarme - 25/4/2021)
Identifying Post-Vaccination Complications & Their Causes: an analysis of Covid-19 Patient Data - An AFLDS Issue Brief for Citizens, Policymakers and Physicians. (Dain Pascocello - America's Frontline Doctors - 26/4/2021)
Bientôt 10.000 morts et 2 millions d'effets secondaires susceptibles d'être liés aux « vaccins » contre la Covid-19. (Frederic Gobert - AgoraVox - 26/4/2021)
Third COVID Wave Will Kill or Hospitalize 60 to 70% People Who Took Both The Vaccine Doses Says Official UK Govt Model. (Great Game India - 26/4/2021)
Norvège : Le gouvernement interdit le vaccin d'AstraZeneca, affirmant qu'il est plus susceptible de vous tuer que le Covid. (Aguelid - Les moutons enragés - 27/4/2021)
Halt Covid Vaccine, Prominent Scientist Tells CDC. (Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay [molecular biologist and toxicologist] - Jennifer Margulis - 27/4/2021)
Stop Asking People If They've Gotten A COVID-19 Vaccine: It's not just rude and selfish to pry into other people's private medical decisions, it's also unscientific and totally unnecessary. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 27/4/2021)
Le légendaire scientifique du web Dan Kaminsky est mort 10 jours après avoir reçu une 2e dose de Pfizer ! (Aguelid - Les moutons enragés - 27/4/2021)
"The UK Currently Operates a System of Informed Consent for Vaccinations." Currently, Minister? (Lockdown Sceptics - 27/4/2021)
Le danger actuel n'est pas le virus mais bien le vaccin ! (Nicole Delépine - Riposte Laïque - 27/4/2021)
Un ingénieur de 27 ans en bonne santé meurt 3 semaines après avoir été vacciné contre le coronavirus. (Aube Digitale - 28/4/2021)
American Universities Order Students to Take Covid Vaccine before Returning to Classes. (Lockdown Sceptics - 28/4/2021)
Dans la maison de retraite protestante de Montpellier, 19 personnes ont été déclarées positives au Covid-19 (variant anglais). (BFMTV - 28/4/2021) -> Pourtant, 85% des résidents et 60% du personnel de la maison de retraite est vacciné, un coup dur pour les pensionnaires et la direction qui avaient pourtant pris toutes les précautions nécessaires.
UK Study Finds Pfizer Vaccine Doesn't Offer "Full Protection" From Mutant COVID Strains. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 29/4/2021)
Un nouveau rapport fait la lumière sur le culte apocalyptique des vaccins. (Mike Whitney - Réseau international - 29/4/2021)
GENOCIDE in the U.S. Continues: 3,848 DEATHS 118,902 Injuries Following COVID Injections – Children Now being Reported as Dying Also. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 1/5/2021)
« Les vaccins à adénovirus vivants autres que l'AstraZeneca sont également dangereux », par le Dr Michel de Lorgeril: Le Dr Michel de Lorgeril revient sur cette technologie vaccinale hasardeuse utilisée contre le covid19 rappelant qu'elle présente un danger pour les citoyens. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur- 1/5/2021)
"I Just Wanted a Little More Time" - Texas Nurse Was Fired For Refusing COVID Vaccine. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 2/5/2021)
Connecticut Ends Religious Vaccine Exemptions For Students. (Ella Kietlinska/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 2/5/2021)
Une femme de 32 ans tuée par le vaccin d'Astrazeneca. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 2/5/2021)
"Vaccin" Covid : baguette magique ou roulette russe ?! Lettre ouverte de médecins aux Médecins cantonaux et à la FMH. (Jean-Dominique Michel - 2/5/2021)
Patients Stricken by Vaccine Blood Clots Seek Payout From Government Fund. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 3/5/2021)
Vaccinating children is a crime against humanity. (George Cooper - The Conservative Woman - 4/5/2021)
If you let Democrats force you to get the vaccine, they'll have complete control forever ': Joe Biden is not pro choice. He is pro mandate'. (Tucker Carlson - Fox News - 4/5/2021)
Vaccin Pfizer, la Rolls-Royce des poisons ? (Philippe Huysmans - AgoraVox - 5/5/2021)
Seychelles Experiencing COVID-19 Surge, Enforcing Restrictions, Despite Leading World In Vaccination Rate. (Ian Haworth - DailyWire - 5/5/2021)
New Brunswick reports first death linked to AstraZeneca vaccine. (Alex Cooke - Global News - 5/5/2021)
Michigan Hospital Officials Tell Sons: Without COVID Shot, You Cannot Visit Dying Mother. (Mat Staver/Liberty Counsel - Protestia - 5/5/2021)
Un petit pays où la majorité de la population est vaccinée aux prises avec une importante éclosion de COVID-19. (Alex Proteau - 24hres - 5/5/2021)
Trevor Noah: 'Why Are People Who Get the Vaccine Still Being Made to Wear Masks?' Leftist comedian didn't get the "new normal" memo. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/5/2021)
Tucker Carlson Asks: How Many Americans Have Died After Taking the Covid Vaccines? (Lockdown Sceptics - 6/5/2021)
Êtes-vous sous hypnose? (Gilles B - YapasdPresse.Blogspot - 6/5/2021)
COVID Shot Killing Large Numbers, Warns Top COVID Doctor Peter McCullough. (John Gideon Hartnett - Bible-Science Forum - 6/5/2021)
USA: 4 000 enfants vaccinés, 9 morts, 7 sur le chemin de la mort, 3 invalides à vie. (Alexander Doyle - WikiStrike - 6/5/2021)
Crimes against humanity: Israeli lawyers sue government for forcing citizens to take the Pfizer mRNA shot. (Sara Middleton - Natural Health 365 - 6/5/2021)
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Risque viral pour les personnes non vaccinées provenant de personnes vaccinées. (Mohamed Tahiri - France-Médias numérique - 8/5/2021)
Analyse très complète sur les effets secondaires des vaccins covid en Europe : 10 570 décès et 405 259 complications selon les institutions officielles américaines (Vaers) et européennes (Eudravigilance). (Dre Nicole Delépine - Réaction19 - PDF - 8/5/2021)
57 scientifiques et médecins demandent l'arrêt immédiat de toutes les "vaccinations" Covid-19. (FranceSoir - 9/5/2021)
Majority of Covid Hospital Admissions Over Winter Were Vaccinated, PHE Study Shows. (Lockdown Sceptics - 11/5/2021)
Pour le Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, les vaccins sont des machines à tuer parfaitement conçues. (Quantum Leap — InfoVF - 12/5/2021) -> vidéo, 6 minutes
57 Top Scientists And Doctors: Stop All Covid Vaccinations. (Principia-Scientific - 12/5/2021)
Le cycle menstruel altéré par le vaccin contre la COVID? (TVA Nouvelles - 13/5/2021)
Bill Maher Tests Positive For Coronavirus, Friday Show Is Canceled. (David Hookstead - Daily Caller - 13/5/2021) -> The statement also lets fans know that Maher is fully vaccinated and "feels fine."
Yankees Suffer COVID Resurgence as 8 Fully-Vaccinated Players, Staff Test Positive. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 14/5/2021)
Vaccin Covid : les médecins ne servent plus à rien. (Nicole Delépine - Riposte Laique - 16/5/2021)
Covid-19 : d'après « The Lancet », mélanger les vaccins augmente les risques d'effets secondaires ! (Salim Laïbi - Le libre penseur - 16/5/2021)
La recherche d'anticorps n'a aucune valeur pour les autorités. (Républicain - AgoraVox - 17/5/2021)
The insanity of marketing mass vaccination to those already recovered from COVID. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 17/5/2021)
Legendary guitarist Eric Clapton says he suffered 'disastrous' side effects from COVID-19 vaccine, blames 'propaganda' insisting they're safe. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 17/5/2021)
BOMBSHELL: Connecticut govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines are DEADLY, but withholds the same information from the public. (Mike Adams - Natural News - 18/5/2021)
Nobel Prize winner: Mass COVID vaccination an 'unacceptable mistake' In every country, 'the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths,' the famous virologist said. (Celeste McGovern - LifeSite - 19/5/2021)
Le bilan élevé des pertes causées par les vaccins à ARN messager appelle une réponse urgente. (William F. Engdahl − Le Saker Francophone - Source New Eastern Outlook -19/5/2021)
Anthony Fauci: We Will Require Coronavirus Vaccine Booster Shots 'Within a Year'. (Charlie Spiering - Breitbart - 19/5/2021)
Rand Paul Says He Won't Get COVID-19 Vaccine: 'Show Me Evidence'. (Jack Phillips - The Epoch Times - 23/5/2021)
La sénatrice Marie-Laure Phinéra-Horth ne veut pas se faire vacciner : trop de morts dans son entourage après la vaccination anti-Covid ! (Pierre-Alain Depauw - Médias-Presse.Info - 24/5/2021)
Vaccinations, Coercion, And Big Brother: Everywhere we find coercion, threats and bribes being used to get people to get the vaxx. (Bill Muehlenberg - Culture Watch - 25/5/2021)
Covid-19 : confessions de trois médecins qui refusent le vaccin. (Profession: Gendarme - 25/5/2021)
L'hécatombe post vaccinale s'étend dans le monde. (Dr Gérard Delépine - Mondialisation.ca - 25/5/2021)
California Joins The Long List of States, Companies, & Sports Leagues Bribing Americans to Get Vaccinated. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 27/5/2021)
Il serait illégal de rendre obligatoire une substance expérimentale génique (appelée « vaccin anticovid »). (Dr. Nicole Delépine - Nouveau-Monde.ca - 30/5/2021)
Israel Spots Probable Link Between Pfizer Vaccine, Myocarditis. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 2/6/2021)
La rébellion NoVaxx : Résister, refuser, rejeter. (Mike Whitney - Mondialisation.ca - 4/6/2021)
"Vaccin" génique : sommes-nous prêts à sacrifier des enfants et des ados pour rien ? (Jean-Dominique Michel - 4/6/2021)
2 Passengers on 'Fully Vaccinated' Cruise Quarantined After Testing Positive For COVID-19. (Harry Wilmerding - Daily Caller - 11/6/2021)
Open Letter to Professor Devi Sridhar – Chair of Global Public Health / University of Edinburgh. (UK Medical Freedom Alliance - 14/6/2021) -> on Covid-19 vaccines for children.
Majority of US Physicians Decline COVID Shots, According to Survey. (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - 16/6/2021)
Pharmacist Quits CVS Job Over Refusal to Kill People with COVID-19 Shots and Becomes a Whistleblower (Video). (John Gideon Hartnett - Bible Science Forum - 17/6/2021)
Hundreds of vaccinated doctors, medical workers catch COVID-19 in Indonesia; some have been hospitalized. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 17/6/2021)
Some college students balk at COVID vaccine requirement. (Joseph Silverstein - Cornell University/The College Fix - 17/6/2021)
Toulouse. Vaccins Covid-19 : les déclarations d'effets indésirables explosent ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 18/6/2021)
Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality: The Evidence is Overwhelming Country Case Studies. Mortality and Morbidity. (Gérard Delépine - Global Research - 25/6/2021)
Quand Moderna et Fauci presentent au Papa du virus un projet de vaccin 19 jours avant l'emergence officielle du covid19 (décembre 2019). (Patrice Gibertie - 19/6/2021)
«Pourquoi la quatrième vague de Véran va-t-elle arriver à l'automne»; et «Synthèse vidéo de la covid dans le monde». (Dr Vernon Coleman - Qactus - 19/6/2021)
NFL Wide Receiver Refuses Vaccine, Wants To 'Represent' Other Silent Players: 'If I'm Forced Into Retirement, So Be It'. "My way of living and my values [are] more important to me than a dollar." (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 21/6/2021)
Thousands of Women Report Period Problems Potentially Tied to COVID Jabs. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 21/6/2021)
Is the Danger COVID or the Vaccine? Why is so much evidence being suppressed? (Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - Global Research - 21/6/2021)
En quoi les vaccins contre la Covid 19 sont-ils liés à l'avortement? (Docteur Eva-Maria Hobiger - Medias-Presse.info - 21/6/2021)
Massachusetts records nearly 4,000 positive COVID-19 tests among fully vaccinated The number could be higher, but the CDC's new reporting guidelines only include individuals who are hospitalized or died. (David McLoone - LifeSiteNews - 21/6/2021)
Les témoignages des drames post-vaccination s'accumulent chaque heure. (Nicole Delépine - Riposte laîque - 21/6/2021)
Vaccins et consentement « éclairé ». (Dr. Gérard Maudrux - Blogue: Ce que vous ne devez pas savoir - 22/6/2021)
"Vaccins" : le double langage du gouvernement. (Alain Tranchant - FranceSoir - 23/6/2021) -> France
The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy. (Harald Walach, Rainer J. Klement, Wouter Aukema - MDPI [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute] - 24/6/2021)
Le variant Delta a touché en majorité des personnes déjà vaccinées dans l'Ehpad des Landes. (Ouest-France - 24/6/2021)
Dr Robert Malone, inventeur de la technologie ARNm : « Le gouvernement ne fait pas preuve de transparence quant aux risques ». (Daily Mail/Anguille sous roche - 25/6/2021)
Indiana University sued by students over its vaccine requirement. (Alex McKenna - The College Fix - 26/6/2021)
Holocaust Survivors Write to the European Medicines Agency Letter. (Doctor4CovidEthics - 26/8/2021) -> traduction française
Vaccinés ré-infectés, fichés, infantilisés… le lourd prix de la docilité. (Qactus.fr - 27/6/2021)
Vaccines to be made MANDATORY for thousands of Australians and jabs to be opened up to under-40s as Scott Morrison seeks to escalate nation's slow rollout in midst of fresh Covid outbreak. (Tita Smith - Daily Mail Australia - 28/6/2021)
Covid-19: The countries that have mandatory vaccination for health workers. (Chris Stokel-Walker - British Medical Journal - 29/6/2021)
When thousands of experts urge caution and the government merely sneers, the government is up to no good. (Steve Cook - The Liberty Beacon - 1/7/2021)
French Government Considers Making COVID Vaccine Mandatory for Everyone Aged 24-59: Doctors could also be given lists of unvaccinated people. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 2/7/2021)
Craig Kelly Says Vaccine Program Must Be Halted: "Informed Consent Is Not Occurring". (Caldron Pool - 3/7/2021) -> Australia
Historian Slams Push for Mandatory COVID Vaccinations for Kids: "History Will Judge Us by What We Do Next". (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 4/7/2021)
Had COVID, Not Getting Vaccinate:d Forcing vaccines on previously infected people goes against science and constitutional freedoms. (Paul Kengor - The Spectator - 5/7/2021)
Military Members Say They'll "Quit" If Army Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine: Congressman. (Jack Phillips/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 6/7/2021)
Video: White House Says "STRIKE FORCES" Being Sent to Get Kids Vaccinated: This sounds like the plot of a dystopian horror movie. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 8/7/2021)
Star U.S. Swimmer Refuses Coronavirus Vaccine Ahead of Olympics. (Warner Todd Huston - Breitbart - 9/7/2021)
GOP Rep. Jackson: Biden Admin Doesn't Have the Right to Force Americans to Get Vaccinated. (Trent Baker - Breitbart - 9/7/2021)
Forced Vaccination Plan Unveiled. (Bill Sardi - Lew Rockwell - 10/7/2021) - > United States
Q SCOOP - Israël : Un homme vacciné infecte des dizaines de personnes - l'affaire fait grand bruit. (Qactus.fr - 10/7/2021)
Herd Immunity to Herd Mentality: Forcing vaccines on those who have had COVID is a baaaaaad move. (Paul Kengor - The Spectator - 12/7/2021)
Macron Announces Those Without 'COVID Vaccine Pass' Will be Banned From Routine Life Activities Barred from entering bars, cafés, restaurants and shopping malls. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 13/7/2021)
Doctors Can Vaccinate Kids in DC Without Parental Knowledge. (Barbara Loe Fisher - John Mercola - 13/7/2021) -> Washington, DC
Analyse des assertions scientifiques d'Emmanuel Macron par le Pr Peter McCullough. (FranceSoir - 14/7/2021)
Parents Sue City of Washington D.C. For Vaccinating Minors Without Parental Consent. (Evita Duffy - The Federalist - 14/7/2021)
World-renowned St. Jude children's hospital tells employees: Get vaccinated or get fired. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 15/7/2021)
Medical Doctor Warns of Vaccine Push Leading to Human Rights Violation: Once we deprive people of their right to say "no" to an intervention upon their body, the moral and legal precedent is set, and the door is opened to further abuses of human rights. (Caldron Pool - 18/7/2021)
Pour le Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, la vaccination met votre vie en danger. (Nice Provence Info - 18/7/2021)
GOP Rep. Donalds: 'As a Free-Thinking Human Being' I Won't Get Vaccinated. (Trent Baker - Breitbart - 19/7/2021)
Mapping Tyranny: The Countries Where Vaccination Is Mandatory. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 20/7/2021)
List of UK Venues That Could Mandate 'Vaccine Passports' Already Expanding: UK minister says business & sporting venues as well as music festivals will have to ban the unvaccinated. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 22/7/2021)
California reports higher COVID-19 rates in areas with higher vaccination rates, and vice versa. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 27/7/2021)
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons dismantles push to mandate COVID vaccines for all: 'The ethical commitment to protect others does not require workers to surrender their bodily integrity and self-determination.' (Patrick Delaney - LifeSite News - 29/7/2021)
Une mortalité inédite : il y a urgence à suspendre la vaccination". (FranceSoir - 30/7/2021)
Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates? (Brandon Smith - Alt-Market - 31/7/2021)
Mandatory Vaccinations Undermine Roe v. Wade and Choice Suddenly Democrats no longer subscribe to "my body, my choice." (Jeffrey Lord - The Spectator - 5/8/2021)
Gerald Grosz, auteur et ancien politicien autrichien, s'est fait vacciner deux fois et le regrette ! (tARTE à la crême - Rumble - 3 minutes 5/8/2021)
"Une erreur stratégique qui impacte l'avenir de l'humanité" : appel du Pr Luc Montagnier. (FranceSoir - 7/8/2021)
Dr. Fauci warns Americans should expect 'flood' of COVID vaccine mandates after FDA gives shots full approval. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 8/8/2021)
Bombshell leak: Countries that buy Pfizer's vaccine undertake to break the law. (Free West Media - 8/8/2021) -> Leaked information from confidential agreements that vaccine manufacturer Pfizer concluded with a large number of buyer countries, revealed slave contracts that violate legislation in each and every country. Buyers undertake to break all laws that stand in the way of mass vaccination. The buyers also undertake to bear all costs and all responsibility for the experimental jabs and waive the right to breach the agreement.
Pentagon will require COVID-19 vaccine for US military members by Sept. 15 — a refusal could 'constitute failure to obey an order,' a punishable offense. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 9/8/2021)
Ph.D.s actually the most hesitant to get COVID-19 vaccines compared to all other education levels, study finds. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 11/8/2021)
Coercing People to Get COVID-19 Vaccines Is Damaging Trust in Public Health: Harvard Professor. (Zachary Stieber and Jan Jekielek - The Epoch Times - 11/8/2021)
'All hail Gladys': Students at Sydney's stadium vaccination hub are creeped out by giant screens showing Gladys Berejiklian. (Kate Rooney - Daily Mail Australia - 11/8/2021)
Prankster Performs "Vaccinated Only" Carriage Social Experiment: Passengers asked to prove they've had the jab before boarding train. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 12/8/2021)
Lawyers Expect Lawsuits as Employers Navigate "Touchy" Subject of Religious Objections to Vaccines. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/8/2021)
Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For "Immediate Halt" to Vaccinations, Says They Encourage "Escape Mutant" Variants. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/8/2021)
Threatening the Unvaccinated With Social Penalties Flies in the Face of Informed Consent. (Daily Sceptic - 13/8/2021)
Even if we Set Liberty and Social Responsibility Aside, Vaccine Passports Are Still a Bad Idea, a Doctor Writes. (Dr Steven R. Hopkins - Daily Sceptic - 14/8/2021)
Just Get The Damn Vaccination. (Michael Peroutka - News With Views - 14/8/2021)
COVID-19: Anglade demande à Legault d'élargir la vaccination obligatoire. (TVA Nouvelles - 22/8/2021) -> citation: "Dominique Anglade a aussi attaché un lien vers une pétition à sa publication pour la vaccination obligatoire, «Le dernier droit vers notre liberté»." Quelle ironie d'appeler un passeport vaccinal un "dernier droit vers notre liberté". Débile. Pourquoi pas le dernier verrou sur nos menottes???
Fully-Vaxxed Jesse Jackson Hospitalized With Covid. (Chris Menahan - InformationLiberation - 22/8/2021)
Why The Military's Covid Vaccination Mandate is an Ethical Abomination: Control over one's own body is the basis of all freedom. If the government can mandate injections in the name of health and welfare, then it can mandate other procedures as well. (Josiah Lippincott - The Federalist - 24/8/2021)
"Your Papers Please" Is Only the Beginning. (Kelleigh Nelson - News With Views - 24/8/2021)
Staten Island Hospital Workers Protest Vaccine Mandate: 'I Am Not a Lab Rat'. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 24/8/2021)
FDA Grants Full Approval of Pfizer Vaccine, Critics Blast Agency for Lack of Data, Scientific Debate Critics said it was concerning that full approval was based on only six months' worth of data — despite clinical trials designed for two years — and that there was no public discussion of the data. (Megan Redshaw - The Defender/Children's Health Defense - 23/8/2021)
Pfizer Just Got 'Full FDA Approval' For Its COVID Vaccine. There's Just One Thing... ('Sundance /TheConservativeTreehouse - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 24/8/2021)
Scientists: Delta Infections of Fully Vaccinated Produce 251 Times The Viral Load. (Dr Peter McCullough - The Exposé - 24/8/2021)
Statement of Non-Compliance With Mandatory Vaccination. (Joseph Postma - Principia Scientific International - 24/8/2021) -> Canadian Universities
Even Mainstream Media Is Now Asking Big Questions About Covid Vaccines. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 25/8/2021)
Vaccine Mandates and the "Great Reset". (Philipp Bagus - Mises Institute - 25/8/2021)
Are pregnant women given enough informed consent in the risk-benefit analysis of the vaccine vs. the virus? (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 27/8/2021)
mRNA "Vaccines", Eugenics & the Push for Transhumanism: The worldwide rollout of mRNA "vaccines" is part of a much larger agenda that encompasses eugenics and transhumanism. This agenda is being funded and promoted by a network of global institutions, politicians, and billionaire technocrats. (Ryan Matters - Off-Guardian - 28/8/2021)
Military members speak out against vaccine mandates: 'I wanted to serve my country, now I am looking at a result in which I am lumped in with felons'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 29/8/2021)
Military Members Speak Out Against Vaccine Mandates: 'Servicemembers Should Be Given the Right to Decline'. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 29/8/2021)
Mass Resistance Arises as Washington Makes it Nearly Impossible to Get Vaccine Exemptions: It's unlikely Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee expected this level of pushback. In progressive Washington, it's rare to see such bipartisan ire towards an Inslee policy. How will he respond? (Jason Rantz - The Federalist - 30/8/2021)
Say No To Vaccine Passports: Whether imposed by government or the private sector, vaccine passports must be resisted. (Helen Andrews - The American Conservative - 30/8/2021)
Quatre arguments contre l'obligation vaccinale des soignants : Me Protat détaille sa plaidoirie. (FranceSoir - 31/8/2021)
Covid-19 : des survivants de l'Holocauste écrivent à l'Agence européenne des médicaments. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 31/8/2021)
Mandatory Vaccination. (Liberal Party of Canada - 1/9/2021)
Harvard Epidemiologist Says The Case For COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished. (Jon Miltimore/Foundation for Economic Education - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 2/9/2021)
The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies on The Lie of The "Social Contract". (Brandon Smith/Alt-Market.us - InfoWars - 2/9/2021)
"Faîtes-vous vacciner par amour pour votre prochain". Les Pharisiens sont parmi nous. (Sola Gratia - YouTube - audio seulement - 93 minutes - 4/9/2021) -> débat sur la vaccination obligatoire chez les chrétiens et une prise de position de la Commission d'éthique protestante évangélique.
Mandatory Vaccinations Turn the State Into Master and the Citizen Into Slave: "The door that allows Government to get away with mandating medical procedures under threat of losing your livelihood, gives them the power to mandate the theft of your land, your house, your savings, your kids, and your property." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 7/9/2021)
Five Reasons the Church Should Oppose A Vaccine Passport System. (Caldron Pool - 8/9/2021) -> "The church would be appalled at any sort of racial/ethnic prejudice or segregation, but now in some quarters, segregation that Christ has not established, is being lauded as a solution for a return to normalcy. If there is no Jew nor Greek in the church, why should the vaccinated and unvaccinated be segregated?"
Quebec Orders All Health-Care Workers to Get Vaccinated or be Suspended Without Pay. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 8/9/2021)
Hospital to pause delivering babies as maternity workers quit over vaccine mandate. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 11/9/2021)
Fauci: No "Firm Answer" On Why Americans Who Recovered From COVID-19 Should Get Vaccinated. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 11/9/2021) -> Fauci steps on a banana peal??
In Surprising Reversal, England Drops Vaccine Passport Plan. (Lily Zhou/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/9/2021)
1930S Germany Revisited: We MUST learn from history, or we will lose it all. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 13/9/2021)
Panel of Scientists Determines Most People Don't Need Boosters; Moderna Plummets. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/9/2021)
UK Government Says Vaccine Passports Integral to COVID Winter Plan Day After They Were Supposedly Scrapped: 24 hour flip flop. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 13/9/2021)
Le décret gouvernemental stipulant l'obligation vaccinale n'a toujours pas été publié. (Conscience du peuple - 13/9/2021) -> Québec
Vaccine Mandate Protests Explode Across New York City, With Some Chanting 'F*ck Joe Biden'. (Brianna Lyman - Daily Caller - 14/9/2021)
Les Russes et la vaccination : une défiance qui s'explique par l'histoire. (FranceSoir - 14/9/2021)
L'obsession de la « vaccination » contre la COVID-19. (Jean-Yves Jézéquel - Les Moutons Enragés - 14/9/2021)
Your Child May Be Vaccinated Against COVID Without Your Consent, Government Tells Parents: "We have written to your child to provide them with information about their eligibility for getting a vaccination." (Caldron Pool - 15/9/2021)
The Vaccinated Sheep Are Being Taken For A Ride; How Long Before They Jump Off The Train? Never?: You're on the Tyranny Train, and with each mile the enveloping power of our so-called leaders tightens around you. (Jon Rappoport - Infowars - 16/9/2021)
One reason for the push for COVID vaccination may be to eliminate a potential control group. (Peter Skurkiss - American Thinker - 17/9/2021)
Italy Becomes First In EU To Mandate Vaccine Passports For All Workers. (Gabe Kaminsky - The Federalist - 17/9/2021)
Sept soignants suspendus : "Ils nous empêchent de travailler alors qu'on a besoin de médecins". (FranceSoir - 18/9/2021)
Est-ce la fin de la médecine libre ? (Jérôme - Fondation Hippocrate - Réseau International - 18/9/2021)
Renvoi du personnel non vacciné: au Québec aussi, le système de santé au bord de l'effondrement? (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Sputnik.fr - 20/9/2021)
Scientists: Edible Plants Being Altered to Carry mRNA Vaccine Payload. (Chris Malore/StudyFinds - Technocracy.News - 21/9/2021)
Le Président de la Croatie refuse de vacciner davantage de citoyens contre le Covid 19. Pour lui, "Il est tout simplement impossible de mettre ces gens en danger". (Telegram - 22/9/2021)
Federal Workers Sue Biden Over Vaccine Mandate. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 23/9/2021)
Italy Orders Companies Not to Pay Unvaccinated Workers Unjabbed employees face large fines if they show up to work. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 24/9/2021) -> mesures tout à fait dignes des Nazis...
Le Québec espère vacciner les enfants de 5 à 11 ans cet automne. (Isabelle Maltais - Radio-Canada - 28/9/2021)
Fauci Indicates People Might Not Be Considered Fully Vaccinated Until Booster Shots. (Paul Bois - Breitbart - 30/9/2021)
Fully Vaccinated Justice Kavanaugh Quarantines After Testing Positive For COVID-19. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 1/10/2021)
Appel solennel de survivants de l'Holocauste à la Cour Pénale Internationale pour un arrêt de la « vaccination » anticovid Compte rendu sur la plainte à la CPI pour génocide et crimes contre l'humanité à partir d'armes biologiques concernant Sars-cov2 et le vaccin Covid19. (Collectif des Syndicats et Associations Professionnels Européens - Mondialisation.ca - 1/10/2021)
State workers have religious exemptions revoked at the last minute — now forced to decide within days: Get the vaccine or lose their job. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 1/10/2021)
Injections anti-Covid : « Ayez très peur de votre gouvernement ! » — Mike Yeadon, ex vice-président de Pfizer explique tout et lance l'alerte (Vidéo). (Profession Gendarme - 2/10/2021)
The country with the best data shows infection rates higher among the vaccinated. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 4/10/2021)
Vaccination obligatoire des travailleurs : Ottawa pourrait forcer la main des provinces. (Journaliste servile et anonyme - RadioCan - 4/10/2021)
Seattle PD May Lose 40% of Officers Over Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 11/10/2021)
Pilot warns Biden's vaccine mandate could have 'catastrophic effect' on supply chain, transportation system. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 12/10/2021)
Sanjay Gupta Left Nearly Speechless as Joe Rogan Explains Why Some Parents do Not Want to Vaccinate Their Kids. (Katie Jerkovich - Daily Caller – 13/10/2021)
Suppression du remboursement des tests: le chantage à la vaccination continue… (Julien G. - Courrier-Strateges - 12/10/2021) -> France
211: Resisting The Mandates. (Douglas Wilson - Podcast - 13 minutes - 20/10/2021)
NASA Engineer Prepared to Retire After 37 Years if Religious Exemption to Vaccine Mandate Denied. (Nick Gilbertson - Breitbart - 21/10/2021)
Cargo Shipping Companies: Vaccine Mandate Will Increase Worker Shortage, Wreaking Havoc on Supply Chain. (Wendell Husebø - Breitbart - 22/10/2021)
Denmark Reports Highest Infection Rate Since May Despite 75% of Population Being Fully Vaccinated R number of virus highest since January. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 25/10/2021)
Jordan Peterson: "I'm Not Impressed by This Creeping Authoritarianism in the Name of Public Safety": For Peterson, forced vaccination is a "sign of the failure of the 'vaccine' arguments. To use political and police force to insist is only going to increase distrust, and drive resistance." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 25/10/2021)
CDC Director: Unvaccinated Police, Government Workers To Be Sent For "Education And Counseling:" "There is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 25/10/2021)
Biden's "Come on, Man" Defense Will Not Fly on Religious Freedom. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/10/2021)
Buried 6 Hours Into FDA Video: Doctor Makes Chilling Admission on Child COVID Vax. (Abby Liebing - The Western Journal - 26/10/2021) -> "We're never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it, and that's just the way it goes. That's how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines," Dr. Eric Rubin said in the meeting.
Pfizer's emails are the tip of the iceberg: Aborted fetal cells have been used in vaccines for 50 yrs. The vaccines were made by destroying lives in the most brutal way and the use of these vaccines seriously harm many who have received them, even though the damage may not be recognized as such. (Caryn Lipson - LifeSite - 26/10/2021)
Irish county with 99.7% vaccination rate has highest COVID case rate. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 28/10/2021)
Danish Health Minister Threatens to "Shut Down Society" if More People Don't Get Vaccinated Opposition calls announcement a "completely wild message." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 27/10/2021)
'Imminent threat to public safety': LA County sheriff warns vaccine mandate is causing 'mass exodus' in his department. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 29/10/2021)
Supreme Court permits Maine's healthcare worker vaccine mandate to go into effect without any religious exemptions. (Leon Wolf - The Blaze - 30/10/2021)
Pfizer n'est pas Pasteur : la troisième dose, et après? (Bio Moon - FranceSoir - 30/10/2021)
Vaccine Passports Were Planned Long Before the Pandemic "Immunization poses a huge opportunity to scale digital identity," ID2020 wrote in 2018. (George Christensen - Caldron Pool - 1/11/2021)
ESPN Forced Me Out Over Their Vaccine Mandate. Here's Why I Stood My Ground. (Allison Williams - DailyWire - 1/11/2021)
Why Do They Want to Vaccinate Children? (Vasko Kohlmayer - The American Thinker - 5/11/2021)
Covid, Coercion And Children: Healthcare tyranny and coercion must be resisted. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 6/11/2021)
The media used Vermont over the summer to tout vaccines and bash Florida. Now Vermont is seeing record cases and spikes in hospitalizations, deaths. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 8/11/2021)
Theresa Long, médecin de l'armée américaine, alerte sur la vaccination contre le Covid-19. (FranceSoir - 8/11/2021)
Vaccination des enfants : des chercheurs polonais dénoncent des "essais cliniques" grandeur nature. (FranceSoir - 10/11/2021)
Fully Vaccinated Choir Concert Ends in Substantial COVID-19 Outbreak: Unvaccinated who could provide negative test were banned from attending. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 10/11/2021)
Worldwide Vaccine Failure. (Alex Berenson/'Unreported Truths' Substack - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/11/2021)
Keep Complying, Idiots! Fool me twice… (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 18/11/2021)
UK Planning to Vaccinate 5-11 Year Old Children by the Spring: Report. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 21/11/2021)
Jim Cramer Demands Biden Impose Military-Enforced Vaccine Mandate For All Americans. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/12/2021)
COVID Outbreak on US Cruise Ship Despite Fully Vaxxed Passengers. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/12/2021)
La vaccination obligatoire : l'ultime violence. (Laurent Toubiana - FranceSoir - 8/12/2021)
Coup de théâtre aux Etats-Unis : l'Etat de Géorgie suspend l'obligation vaccinale pour violation de droits. (Les moutons enragés/Le Courrier de Soir - 10/12/2021)
You will NEVER be "fully vaccinated" It's time everyone realised they are chasing an intentionally impossible goal that will be pushed back over the horizon, forever. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 14/12/2021)
The vaccines are working... exactly as they were designed. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 16/12/2021)
Forcing People Into COVID Vaccines Ignores Important Scientific Information: Now more than ever we need substantive debate about decisions that affect the health of hundreds of millions of people, including views counter to official positions. (Harvey Risch, Robert W. Malone, and Byram Bridle - The Federalist - 14/12/2021)
Japanese Government Tells Citizens: "Don't Discriminate Against the Unvaccinated" "Do not force anyone" to get the jab. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 21/11/2021)
Vaccination obligatoire : « S'il faut aller là, on ira là », dit le ministre Dubé. (journaliste servile - Radio-Canada - 22/12/2021)
UK Mulls Door-to-Door Vaccination Squads. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 27/12/2021)
To be or not to be Vaccinated? (Ted Fenske - Ezra Institute - 29/12/2021)
«L'État a institué la vaccination obligatoire de facto, il doit en assumer les conséquences!» (Alain Houpert et Philippe Gosselin - Profession Gendarme - 4/1/2022)
Nous, non-vaccinés, ce groupe témoin que Big Pharma doit éliminer coûte-que-coûte. (Éric Verhaeghe - le Courrier des Stratèges - 7/1/2022)
Didier Raoult se lâche : "Est-ce que la vaccination sert à quelque chose ? La réponse est non". (Eric Berger - La Dépéche - 8/1/2022)
"51 raisons pour lesquelles la vaccination doit rester un choix individuel", avec Mariane Borie. (FranceSoir - 10/1/2022)
I'm Never Getting A Covid Vaccine, And I'm Not Alone. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 11/1/2022)
Vaccination obligatoire: aucun juge n'irait à l'encontre. (François-David Bernier - Journal de Québec - 12/1/2022) -> «Dans ce cas bien précis, la loi a des dents et permet même qu'on puisse procéder, via une dénonciation faite à un juge, à une forme d'arrestation des non-vaccinés pour [qu'ils soient] amenés dans un centre de vaccination et [...] vaccinés de force, tout comme on peut le faire pour une personne en difficulté mentale, via une ordonnance du tribunal, pour [qu'elle soit] traitée de force pour troubles mentaux», dit Me Boily.
Desperate For More Recruits, Army Offers $50,000 Signing Bonus. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 12/1/2022)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. « Si vous voulez savoir pourquoi il y a un tel acharnement à vacciner les enfants, vous devez comprendre comment la loi fonctionne ». (Children's Health Defense/Mondialisation.ca - Les moutons enragés - 13/1/2022)
No, doctor, I will not bow to the deadly toxin pushers Exclusive: Mychal Massie whacks 'the parlous reprobates' insisting Americans submit to the jab. (Mychal Massie - WND - 14/2/2022)
B.C. health-care workers protest against new workplace vaccine mandate: Last Friday, a group of health care workers rallied on the corner of Robson and Burrard in Vancouver, British Columbia to protest the ongoing COVID-19 mandates. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 3/3/2022)
Bell Canada hangs up on employee who just got suspended for refusing to get vaccinated: We interview a Bell Canada employee who just got suspended without pay for (gasp!) refusing to get vaccinated. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 3/3/2022)
La 3e dose est-elle « sure et efficace »? (ReinfoCovid.ca - 24/3/2022)
German Health Minister STILL Wants Forced Vax Despite Lack of Parliament Support. (Peter Caddle - Breitbart - 3/4/2022)
Some federal agencies report that over 50% of those fired over vax status were women. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 10/5/2022)
Lockdown Forever! German Court Finds Forced Vax for Caregivers Constitutional. (Peter Caddle - Breitbart - 20/5/2022)
Masked and Boosted Justin Trudeau Contracts Covid-19 For Second Time This Year. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 14/6/2022)
Une étude du CNRS prouve que le passe sanitaire a profondément échoué. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratège - 15/6/2022)
Top Scientist: Human Genome Poisoned by mRNA "Jabs" Can Be Passed on to Future Generations. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 22/6/2022) -> Fully jabbed individuals are at high risk of passing on their artificially altered DNA to their future offspring, molecular biologist Dr. Daniel Nagase has warned.
Pourquoi il faut surtout pas vacciner nos enfants pour leur avenir. Un message a passer. (Alain Sebilleau - Les moutons enragés - 22/6/2022)
Mistake to Recommend COVID-19 Vaccines For All Children: Top Danish Health Official. (Zachary Steiber/The Epoch Times - Zero Hedge - 23/6/2022)
Être «pleinement vacciné», une formule qui «ne fonctionne plus» selon Duclos. (Raphaël Pirro - TVA Nouvelles - 30/6/2022)
Parents Not Rushing To Vaccinate Very Young Children For COVID, Report Finds. (Greg Wilson - DailyWire - 9/7/2022)
Caregiver Was Forced to Get Vaxxed, Suffers Seizures. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - 20/7/2022)
Vaccination des enfants : sommes-nous toujours dans un État de droit? (Réinfo Covid Québec - 26/7/2022)
U.S Coast Guard Dismissing Unvaccinated Members Despite Medical & Religious Exemption Appeals Documents from whistleblowers inside the U.S. Coast Guard show that there will be a 30 day separation or discharge period of personnel that did not get the COVID-19 vaccine starting August 25. (Juan Mendoza - Rebel News - 2/8/2022)
Why are we vaccinating children? (Hugh McCarthy - UKColumn - 4/8/2022)
Covid-19 : Le Costa Rica supprime l'obligation vaccinale et lance une enquête sur les achats des vaccins. (FranceSoir - 6/8/2022)
Denmark bans COVID vaccine for youth under 18. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 9/8/2022)
Vaccination anti-Covid Québec: François Legault annonce la cinquième dose pour tous les adultes. (FranceSoir - 21/8/2022)
No Evidence to Back Autumn COVID-19 Boosters: UK Mathematician. (Lily Zhou - The Epoch Times - 2/9/2022)
La HAS autorise trois vaccins contre Omicron et leur couplage à celui de la grippe sans essai clinique. (FranceSoir - 21/9/2022) -> HAS = Haute Autorité de santé
La vaccination anti-Covid ne devrait plus être recommandée en dessous de 60 ans, selon un rapport canadien. (Jean-Pierre Kiekens - FranceSoir - 24/9/2022)
Informed Consent: Surgeon Greg Hopkinson. (UK Column - video 80 minutes - 29/9/2022)
Getting Vaccinated to Prevent Transmission to Others Was 'Always a Lie' Says Dutch MEP. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 12/10/2022)
La coercition vaccinale en Russie est aussi débile que dans les pays occidentaux. (Conscience du peuple - 13/10/2022)
Covid, Consent, and the Code of Conduct. (Dr Julie Sladden - The Daily Declaration - 13/10/2022)
Voodoo Vaccine. (Todd Hayen [Canadian psychotherapist] - Off-Guardian - 15/10/2022) -> Voodoo Vaccine" seemed like a catchy title, but a more apt title for this article would be something like, "How the Covid Vaccine is More Like Superstition Than Science."
"Experts" now admit you will NEVER be "fully vaccinated". (Kit Knightly - Off Guardian - 22/10/2022)
Comment la caste a obtenu le consentement aveugle de la majorité au vaccin. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 25/10/2022) -> De mon point de vue, le seul fait que ce droit au consentement libre et éclairé ait été bafoué à coup de passes vaccinaux et d'interdiction diverses et variées est une bonne indication de l'irrationalité qui a guidé la stratégie vaccinale.
First Time in History, Experimental Genetic Injections Recommended for Routine Childhood Vaccine Schedule. (Dr. Peter McCullough - America Out Loud - 29/10/2022)
I Used To Think School Vaccine Mandates Made Sense, But The Covid Jab Changed Everything. (Georgi Boorman - The Federalist - 11/11/2022)
'An Anti-Science Institution': Long After End of COVID Pandemic, Notre Dame Imposes Vaccine Mandate on All Students, Even Remote Ones, For 2023-24 School Year. (John Rigolizzo - DailyWire - 16/11/2022)
Cachez cette surmortalité que je ne saurais voir (Décoder l'éco). (François Roby - Éloge de la raison dure - 19/11/2022)
Scammers arrested in Brasilia are taken to cells, vaccinated against Covid and receive hygiene kit: About a thousand prisoners are sent to cells in the Papuda prison in Brasília, for men, and the Colmeia penitentiary, for women; upon arrival, they received a rolled-up mattress, but without a pillow, to avoid the risk of violence. (Andre Borges - Estadao - 01/11/2023) -> Forced vaccination = Death sentance??
12-year-olds could get vaccinated without parental consent under bill proposed in Connecticut. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 18/1/2023)
Tony Blair plaide pour une "infrastructure digitale" afin de savoir qui a reçu les "multiples injections des futurs vaccins". (FranceSoir - 20/1/2023)
Brazil's new globalist president is using a truly evil ploy to force poverty-stricken parents to VAXX children… (Revolver - 13/2/2023)
US to end COVID vaccination requirements on May 11 for foreign travelers, federal workers. (David Shepardson - Reuters - 1/5/2023)
Obligation vaccinale : plus de 300 militaires canadiens portent plainte contre l'Armée et réclament 500 millions de dollars. (France-Soir - 29/6/2023)
Test of mRNA Technology Using Unknowing Humans as Test Subjects. (InfoWars - video, 23 minutes - 30/6/2023)
New Biden CDC Head Pushes Annual Covid Vaccines: "I was literally suspended from Twitter for predicting this". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 31/7/2023) -> Yup, the installed operating system still needs annual "updates"...
Federal Court Upholds Connecticut Law Eliminating Religious Exemptions For Childhood Vaccines. (Corinne Murdock - DailyWire - 4/8/2023) -> a criminal violation of informed consent, yet initiated by a judge (who should go to prison for this decision)...
B.C.'s provincial health officer calls new COVID jab a 'seasonal vaccine,' not a booster: B.C. is gearing up for a fall booster campaign after the National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommended people get the 'updated vaccine' if six months have passed since the last dose or infection. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 8/8/2023)
The Canadian Armed Forces COVID-19 vax mandate may have violated certain soldiers' Charter rights. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 11/8/2023)
World Renowned Scientists and Physicians Call For Full Ban on RNA Injections. (Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin - America Out Loud - 13/8/2023)
Is this the REAL reason "Eris" cases are spiking? (OffGuardian - 18/8/2023)
Biden to Fund New COVID Vaccine "For Everybody... Whether They've Gotten it Before or Not". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/8/2023)
You Can Stick Your Vaccine Mandates Up Your Ass. (Greg Reese/Banned.video- InfoWars - video, 5 minutes - 30/8/2023)
Major Hospital Issues 'Updated' Covid Vaccine Mandate for Caregivers. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 14/9/2023)
What You Need to Know About the Latest Covid Jab Rollout. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Discern Report - 19/9/2023)
Dr. McCullough: No One Should Take Another Shot, COVID Vaccines Are Not Safe For Human Use. (Dr Peter McCullough - The Daily Exposé/SHTF Plan - 14/11/2023)
Why were German politicians so eager to vaccinate children, and why are they lying about it now? (Eugyppius - 18/11/2023)
WEF Bureaucrat Calls for Military to Vaccinate Public: 'No Science'. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 27/11/2023) -> A powerful European Union (EU) bureaucrat, Maria Leptin, has called on governments around the world to stop trying to explain "the science" to their citizens and start using the military to vaccinate the public instead.
Behind The Biggest Nursing Exodus In 40 Years. (Matt McGregor/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/12/2023)
Australian Gov't Tells Doctors to 'Opportunistically' Vaccinate Patients Under Anasthesia. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 31/12/2023)
Loi sur les "dérives sectaires" : pour Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, "c'est un article de loi anti-Raoult, anti-Perronne, anti-moi, anti-vous". (Romain Pauc - France-Soir - 14/2/2024) -> loi qui permettrait au gouvernement français de filé des amendes ou sentences de prison à ceux qui oseraient contester les vaccins anti-Covid...
Entre science et éthique : Les vaccins COVID-19 soulèvent les questions de consentement éclairé et de droits de l'Homme. (Martin Zizi - France-Soir - 28/3/2024)
WHO Official Admits Vaccine Passports May Have Been a Scam: Testifying in a lawsuit, WHO's leading vaccine expert said she advised against COVID vaccine passports as the vaccines did not stop transmission and gave a false sense of security. (Paul D. Thacker - The DisInformation Chronicle - 12/4/2024)
Alberta now recommends Covid boosters every THREE MONTHS, working out to "320 doses for the average lifespan". (Harris Rigby - Not The Bee - 16/4/2024)
Courts Set Precedent for Mass Forced Vaccination of All Children. (Cassie B/Natural News - Discern Report - 22/4/2024)
Democrat Judge Sets Precedent for Mass Forced Vaccination of ALL Children. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 23/4/2024)
COVID mRNA Jabs Are NOT Vaccines, Federal Court Rules. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 7/6/2024)
Principled Opposition to Lockdown and Vaccine Coercion. (Nick Rendell - Daily Sceptic - 25/6/2024)
Avant les J.O, la HAS pousse les groupes vulnérables à la vaccination COVID. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 2/7/2024)
Mother Wins Battle to Stop Son Having Covid Vaccine She Feared Could Kill Him. (Steve Bird/The Telegraph - Daily Skeptic - 14/7/2024) -> another case where the "greater good of society" is used as a bludgeon to violate people's rights...
Abrogation des obligations vaccinales. (Marie-Pierre TONDELLA - Pétitions Sénat - 17/7/2024)
Vermont Supreme Court Rules Schools Can Force Vaccinate Children Without Parental Consent. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 30/7/2024)
Parmi les pires ignominies de ce général, l'acceptation de la vaccination obligatoire des gendarmes avec une arme biochimique. (Profession Gendarme - 13/9/2024)
La conscience au Tribunal, le cas de Florent Madelaine, pompier suspendu puis révoqué pour avoir refusé l'obligation vaccinale. (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - 23/9/2024)
Mandatory Vaccination and Confinement Included in Draconian Health Bill for NI. (Dr. Elizabeth Evans - The Daily Sceptic - 26/9/2024) -> NI = Northern Ireland
Proposed Northern Ireland Legislation Would Green-Light Forced Vaccination, Quarantine, Health Monitoring, Property Confiscation/Destruction. (Sean Miller - InfoWars - 1/10/2024)
NHS is sedating a man with Down's syndrome to force vaccinate him. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 1/11/2024) -> criminal charges should be laid against the doctor ordering this...
Fallout from Vermont Ruling on Unauthorized Vaccinations. (John Klar - Brownstone Institute - 26/11/2024)
Dr. Mike Yeadon's message to Northern Irish politicians: Speak out because if you don't the consequences are terrifying. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - video, 9 minutes - 6/12/2024) -> In July 2024, Northern Ireland published a consultation document regarding a proposed Public Health Bill which appears to include, among others, a proposal to enable forced vaccination. It hasn't been made clear, but it seems the purpose of Dr. Yeadon's video is so that it can be submitted to the Northern Ireland Assembly in response to this proposed bill, the consultation for which ended on 14 October 2024.
Attorneys Claim 'Millions of Americans' Were Covertly Vaccinated By Hospitals for Financial Bonuses. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 27/12/2024)
mRNA Inventor Blows Whistle on Plans for 'Infectious Vaccines' to Vaccinate Public 'Whether You Want It or Not'. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 2/1/2025)
Enfants et obligation vaccinale : un appel à l'action auprès du gouvernement et des parlementaires. (Estelle Brattesani - Nexus - 20/1/2025)
Doctors lay out plan to ‘punish’ people who refuse coronavirus vaccine: ‘There is no alternative’: 'Simply put, getting vaccinated is going to be our patriotic duty,' and America should consider making it difficult for the unvaccinated to participate in society, three doctors wrote. (Claire Chretien - LifeSite - 11/8/2020)
Andrew Cuomo: ‘Post-COVID Future’ Depends on Getting Vaccines ‘in People’s Arms’. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 28/12/2020)
Le mondialiste de premier plan Klaus Schwab : "Tant que tout le monde n'est pas vacciné, personne ne sera en sécurité". (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 29/1/2021)
DEUS EX VACCINA ?! dissimulation, propagande, risques et consentement... (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 31/1/2021)
UK Govt Scientific Advisor Predicts Annual Coronavirus Vaccine. (Victoria Friedman - Breitbart - 2/2/2021)
Le silence assourdissant du sacrifice de nos aînés. (Quantum Leap - Chaîne Rumble - 24/2/2021) - > avec vidéo de 3 minutes
Coronavirus 'vaccine passports' offer 'freedom,' 'mobility,' access to 'certain jobs' — and are inevitable, NYU medical ethics prof tells CNN: May I see your papers? (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 8/3/2021)
Hospital Workers Face Termination Over Refusal to Get COVID-19 Vaccine. (Charlotte Pence Bond - DailyWire - 9/6/2021)
Dr. Fauci moves the goalposts again, says US could return to 'normal' by spring 2022 — if vaccination rates increase. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 24/8/2021)
Ce que l'on disait du vaccin contre un virus à l'époque de H1N1...
Un vaccin capable de protéger spécifiquement l'organisme contre le virus A(H1N1). Larme absolue contre la pandémie? C'est évidemment ce que l'on pourrait penser. Pourtant, ce n'est pas toujours le cas, car le temps joue contre le vaccin. Plus il se fait attendre, moins il devient utile pour combattre l'épidémie en cours. Dans leur modèle épidémiologique, Fabrice Carrat et son équipe ont créé trois versions du scénario de la vaccination en faisant varier le moment où les doses sont disponibles. Dès le premier jour de l'épidémie, 14 jours ou 28 jours plus tard. Et le résultat est sans appel. Administré massivement dès le premier jour, il permet de faire chuter le pourcentage de la population infectée à 4,2 % contre près de 50 % dans le scénario catastrophe, celui où rien n'est tenté pour endiguer la pandémie. Plus de vague épidémique. À peine une vaguelette de 40 jours. Si on l'administre au bout de 14 jours, la courbe épidémique peut encore être contenue. Mais au-delà de 28 jours, le résultat final serait pratiquement le même que s'il n'y avait pas eu de vaccin. "Dans notre simulation, nous avons pourtant été optimistes, insiste Fabrice Carrat. Le vaccin est injecté à 70 % de la population, et il suffit d'une seule dose pour voir le risque de contamination diminuer de 80 % au bout de deux semaines... Or, les laboratoires l'ont reconnu et les autorités sanitaires le savent, les vaccins ne pourront pas être livrés en masse avant novembre, voire décembre.
Caroline Tourbe (2009) Grippe A : Ce que contiennent réellement les vaccins. Sciences et Vie septembre 2009 p. 66
Une affaire troublante. (Joseph Facal - Journal de Montréal - 15/2/2010) -> vaccination contre le virus H1N1 et vaccins inutiles
L’épidémie inventée. (Isabelle Maréchal - Journal de Montréal - 2/10/2011) -> vaccin contre le cancer du col de l’utérus
History shows us why vaccines must be voluntary: Victorian vaccination campaigns became a tool of social control – and generated a fierce backlash. (James Heartfield - Spiked - 31/5/2021)
Il est urgent de ne pas vacciner les enfants. (Christian Vélot, maître de conférences en génétique moléculaire à l'Université Paris-Sud et responsable d'une équipe de recherche au centre scientifique d'Orsay - Les moutons enragés - 21/6/2021)
'It's gonna be a matter of when, not if': Fauci expects the definition of 'fully vaccinated' to change. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 8/12/2021)
Two Zoom calls were the only consultations the feds intended to do on vaccine mandates Access to information request documents obtained by Rebel News reveal concerns from employers about the government's one-size-fits-all policy. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - video, 3 minutes - 24/12/2023)
A Crime Against Humanity: False Propaganda and Deadly Covid-19 Policies in Brazil "…the government has decided to engage itself in a compulsory vaccination program based on false and misleading propaganda about the efficacy and safety of mRNA vaccines." (Augusto Zimmermann - Caldron Pool - 31/1/2024)
* Allusion abusive à Tolkien: "One Ring to bind them and in the darkness find them"...