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Malheur à vous, pharisiens! parce que vous aimez les premiers sièges dans les synagogues, et les salutations dans les places publiques. Malheur à vous! parce que vous êtes comme les sépulcres qui ne paraissent pas, et sur lesquels on marche sans le savoir. Un des docteurs de la loi prit la parole, et lui dit: Maître, en parlant de la sorte, c'est aussi nous que tu outrages. Et Jésus répondit: Malheur à vous aussi, docteurs de la loi! parce que vous chargez les hommes de fardeaux difficiles à porter, et que vous ne touchez pas vous-mêmes de l'un de vos doigts. (Luc 11: 43-46)
To sum it all up, I must say that I regret nothing.
Adolf Eichmann"Comrades!' he cried. 'You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink the milk and eat those apples."
(George Orwell - Animal Farm)Le pain du mensonge est doux à l'homme, et plus tard sa bouche est remplie de gravier. (Prov. 20: 17)
When SAGE scientists call for another national lockdown (an idea Boris Johnson rejected), you get the impression that the job security and economic comfort enjoyed by these experts makes them blind, at least partially, to the devastation lockdown has wreaked on other people’s livelihoods and their mental and spiritual health. When middle-class commentators and academics bark at Boris for failing to lock down sooner and harder, what I hear are the entitled voices of people who are largely bubble-wrapped from the worst consequences of the manmade recession of the Covid era. Still working at home, Zooming their colleagues, having meals delivered by underpaid Deliveroo workers, making their sourdough bread there is a whiff of Marie Antoinette to the lack of concern for other people’s lives implied in their lockdown fanaticism.
We have to get out of this spiral of authoritarianism. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 13/10/2020)Bill Clinton is not a hypocrite. If a man believes that it is just and moral to redistribute wealth, there is nothing hypocritical in his attempts to redistribute some of that wealth to himself.
(P. J. O'Rourke)
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Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents
Spreading Coronavirus Classified as “Domestic Terrorism”: But Democrats Want to Decriminalize Spreading AIDS. (Pen and Pulpit - 31/3/2020)
Did Bill Gates Just Reveal the Reason Behind the Lock-Downs? (Rosemary Frei - OffGuardian - 4/4/2020)
Confinement : Raisons sanitaires ou politiques Lettre à Horacio Arruda Arrêtez de vous contredire, JOUALVERT! (Alain Patenaude - Vigile Québec - 14/5/2020)
Mass. Governor Targets Churches For Shutdown Rules He Didn’t Apply To Home Depot. (Carol McKinley - The Federalist - 15/5/2020)
Democrat Lockdowners Keep Getting Caught Breaking Their Own Rules. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 27/5/2020)
Gretchen Whitmer Encourages ‘Areas for Peaceful Demonstrations’ While Churches Are Still Restricted. (Kyle Olson - Breitbart - 30/5/2020)
Wisconsin city refuses to arrest rioters, but hands out hefty fines to churches with more than 50 worshipers: The city is more strict about church services than criminals looting businesses. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 31/5/2020)
The hypocrisy of the BLM lockdown-breakers: For months the left warned us not to break the lockdown, yet now they are doing so with impunity. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 4/6/2020)
CNN’s Cooper: Protesters Risking Getting COVID Because They ‘Urgently’ Want Change Trump Ignored COVID Warnings at Presser. (Ian Hanchett - Breibart - 6/6/2020)
The Collapse of Social Distancing and Establishment Authority. (Richard Fernandez - PJMedia - 5/6/2020)
The Tale of 3 Gatherings. (Andrew Rouchotas - Druthers - 6/6/2021)
The extraordinary hypocrisy of public-health experts: They support BLM marchers but wanted to deny medical care to lockdown protesters. (Michael Cook - Spiked - 8/6/2020)
Trudeau defends decision to attend protest despite advice to avoid large crowds during COVID-19: 'As best I could, I followed social distancing measures... It is a difficult situation where we are trying to balance very important competing interests'. (Ryan Tumilty - National Post - 8/6/2020)
Hillary Clinton Criticizes Trump Campaign over Coronavirus Waiver: ‘Shouldn’t Be Holding’ Rallies. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 13/6/2020)
New York City Instructed Contact Tracing Team Not To Ask About Protest Participation. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 15/6/2020)
De Blasio: 'We're not going to allow people to take the law into their own hands.' He wasn't talking about the protesters, he was talking about Jewish families. (Leon Wolf - The Blaze - 16/6/2020)
Media Raises Hysteria Over Trump Tulsa Rally After Celebrating Mass Protests: The mainstream media suddenly cares about social distancing again. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 19/6/2020)
Massive crowds gather in Chicago and NYC for Pride month as global COVID-19 deaths surpass 500,000. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 28/6/2020)
Sen. Marco Rubio Shreds Ruling Class Hypocrisy: ‘Why Would People Trust You?’. [Sen. Marco Rubio ripped into politicians and so-called experts over their glaring double standard for Wuhan virus regulations and lawless mobs last week, and it was exactly the kind of boldness the GOP desperately needs right now.] (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 2/7/2020)
Health Experts ‘Grappling’ With Double-Standard Between Anti-Lockdown And BLM Protests. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 7/7/2020)
NYTimes Blames Churches For CV Spike. (Prophecy Update - 10/7/2020)
3 churches sue Newsom after California bans singing in places of worship because of coronavirus: They claim a double standard because of Newsom's support of protests. (Morgan Phillips - Fox News- 16/27/2020)
« Le problème, ce sont les rassemblements privés », dit François Legault. (Joëlle Girard (Joëlle Girard - Radio Can - 17/7/2020) -> mais les bars, c'est ok. Exemple flagrant et extraordinaire d'hypocrisie...
Arruda ne se sent pas obligé de porter le masque: Une pandémie exagérée qui fonctionne bien Devons-nous réellement museler la vie pour mieux sauver la mort ? (Alain Patenaude - Vigile Québec - 20/7/2020)
Andrew Cuomo: I’m ‘Appalled’ At People Attending Saturday Concert. He’s Silent About Sunday’s March. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 28/7/2020)
Dr. Fauci: 'There's No Inconsistency' in Banning Church and Business But Allowing Mass Protests. (Tyler O'Neil - PJMedia - 31/7/2020)
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Broke Up Gay Beach Party; Failed to Protect Downtown. (Joel B. Pollak - Breitbart - 10/8/2020)
Jacinda Ardern’s Covid autocracy: New Zealand has delayed its election, even though just five people are in hospital with Covid. (Spiked - 17/8/2020)
Chicago Mayor Who Can’t Contain Rioting Elsewhere Bans Protests From Her Block. (Paulina Enck - The Federalist - 21/8/2020)
New York exempts celebrities from forced mandatory quarantine which normal people could be jailed for violating: Different rules for the rich and famous. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 24/8/2020)
Hey California! Just Because Nancy Pelosi's Nephew Shut Your Business Down Doesn't Mean She Can't Get a Haircut! (Bryan Preston - PJMedia - 1/9/2020)
Protesters hang hair dryers on tree outside Pelosi's house amid salon uproar: 'It's a freedom tree, everybody!' (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 3/9/2020)
Protest for me, but not for thee: The left silence on the state’s clampdown on protest is deafening. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 4/9/2020)
Our political police won’t allow protests they disagree with: Police are clamping down on anti-lockdown protests, while woke causes are largely given free rein. (Paddy Hannam - Spiked - 22/9/2020)
British Man Arrested For Not Wearing Mask Asks Cops Where They Were During BLM Riots. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 25/9/2020)
Free speech group warns university after it allowed Black Lives Matter protest but banned other gatherings. (Rachelle Hernandez - The College Fix - 28/9/2020)
The hypocrisy of Margaret Ferrier: The SNP MP slammed Dominic Cummings for bending Covid rules. Then she broke them herself. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 2/10/2020)
Gavin Newsom Sends His Kids Back to Class at Fancy Private School While Public Schools Remain Closed. (Ashe Schow - DailyWire - 1/11/2020)
It seems the rules don't apply to everyone. (Chris Woodward - OneNewsNow - 11/11/2020)
Lori Lightfoot Tells Chicago: Cancel Thanksgiving, Avoid Family, Days After Hosting Crowded Biden Street Party. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 14/11/2020)
Democrats Hold Big, Fancy Dinners While Telling America to Cancel Thanksgiving. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 15/11/2020)
Media goes nuts after Alito warns religious freedoms at risk. (Billy Davis, Steve Jordahl - OneNewsNow - 16/11/2020)
California Governor Breaks His Own COVID Rules To Eat Fancy French Food While Americans Go Hungry In Lockdown. (Christopher Jacobs - The Federalist - 17/11/2020)
CA Judge Orders San Diego Strip Clubs to Reopen as Churches Fight For Same Right. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 18/11/2020)
Your Political Leaders Hate You And Think You’re Stupid: Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 20/11/2020)
Laughter Will Win Against Totalitarianism. (Annie Holmquist - Chronicles Mag - 20/11/2020)
The great lockdown hypocrites: Maybe politicians should stop preaching what they won't practise. (Douglas Murray - UnHerd - 20/11/2020)
Gov. Cuomo blasted as a hypocrite for inviting his 89-year-old mother to Thanksgiving dinner: He has now reportedly changed his holiday plans. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 23/11/2020)
Fauci on SCOTUS Ruling on Religious Gatherings: ‘Considerable Risk’ for Coronavirus Spread. (Pam Key - Breitbart - 29/11/2020)
COVID-19 Lockdowns: Liberty and Science. (Sam Jacobs - Libertas Bella - 29/11/2020)
Why Is Big Media Hiding That Illinois Has Far More COVID Cases Than Florida? Because Illinois Has A Democrat In Charge And Tighter Lockdowns. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 27/11/2020)
Covid Hypocrite of the Week. (LockDown Sceptics - 29/11/2020) -> Mayor of Denver, Michael B. Hancock
Texas County Judges Caught Red-Handed Violating Their Own COVID Rules. (Evita Duffy - The Federalist - 1/12/2020)
California Bureaucrat Eats at Restaurant Just Hours After Voting to Ban Outdoor Dining. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 1/12/2020)
Hypocrite! LA County Sup. who is Forbidding John MacArthur’s Church from Opening Breaks Own Rules. (Protestia - 2/12/2020)
Popular Los Angeles lifestyle boutique goes viral for mercilessly mocking Democrats, leftist celebrities over hypocrisy and more: On the nose. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 3/12/2020)
'Daily Show' host Trevor Noah sounds off on Democratic leaders like Gov. ‘hair gel’ Gavin Newsom over COVID hypocrisy: 'Everyone has given up their lives and then you've got these politicians who are just hypocrites out here'. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 4/12/2020)
Rick Santelli Demands CNBC Panel Defend Big Box Stores Opening While Churches, Restaurants Closed. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 4/12/2020)
Rich People & Journalists Made Exempt From Having to Enter COVID Quarantine in UK. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/12/2020)
California business owner says 'pick-and-choose' lockdown policies from hypocritical Democrats don't make sense: 'It's been very, very difficult'. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 7/12/2020)
Govt Closes Churches but Allows Sex Shops: They’re ‘Safety Supply Stores’. (Protestia - 7/12/2020) -> Canada
Calls for Hypocritical State Governments to Ease Restrictions on Churches After Thousands Allowed to Pack Sporting Events. (Caldron Pool - 12/12/2020)
Why the well-off love the lockdown: Julia Hartley-Brewer and Brendan O’Neill discuss Britain’s slide into Covid tyranny. (Spiked - 16/12/2020) -> podcast
«Passeport Vert» pour les vaccinés: comment rendre indispensable un vaccin non obligatoire. (Adrien Peltier - Sputnik News - 18/12/2020)
Dr. Birx took family trip to Delaware vacation home, flouting her own coronavirus guidance: Three generations of her family from two households ate a meal together. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 20/12/2020)
The year journalists stopped doing their job: Why did so much of the media become cheerleaders for lockdown? (Paddy Hannam - Spiked - 21/12/2020)
If Dr. Birx Doesn’t Worry About Coronavirus, Why Should Anyone Else? (John Nolte - Breitbart - 21/12/2020)
Van Morrison: Politicians ‘Haven’t Missed a Paycheck Since Lockdown Began’. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 22/12/2020)
Head of Scotland's government gets caught breaking her own COVID-19 law: 'This was a stupid mistake': The hypocrisy isn't limited to U.S. politicians. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 23/12/2020)
Lockdowns Were Inspired by the CCP, admits Professor Pantsdown. (James Delingpole - Breitbart - 27/12/2020)
5 Big Things We Learned About Our Elites In 2020: It’s been a hard year but at least we know, beyond all doubt, that our elites despise us and will do anything to expand their power. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 28/12/2020)
Every time a Canadian politician broke coronavirus rules. (True North Wire - 2/1/2021)
Swedish Official Defends Christmas Vacation to Canary Islands After Telling Citizens Not to Travel. (Elizabeth Louise - Daily Caller - 3/1/2021)
Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore Traveled to D.C. For Pelosi Vote Despite Positive COVID Test. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 4/1/2021)
UK: Public Blamed For COVID Spread For Lack Of Obeisance to Government Orders. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart/Technocracy - 6/1/2021)
Don’t exaggerate the threat of the Capitol rioters: This was a nasty anti-democratic mob. But I’m more worried about the anti-democratic elites. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 7/1/2021)
If Twitter Can Deny Service to a Customer, Why Not Christian Bakeries, Florists and NGOs? (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 14/1/2021)
UK Police Chief: ‘Now Is Really Not the Time’ for Freedom of Speech, Right to Assembly. (Jack Montgomery - Breitbart - 15/1/2021)
Biden doesn't wear mask at Lincoln Memorial hours after mandating masks be worn at all federal property: Vice President Kamala Harris and celebrities were also seen maskless on Inauguration Day. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 21/1/2021)
Leftists Must Be Punished At The Ballot Box For Their COVID-19 Hypocrisy Many deserve to be held accountable at the ballot box and in public memory for every shuttered business, stunted education, and livelihood lost. (Chip Roy - The Federalist - 30/1/2021)
Which Dr. Fauci Should We Listen To? (Michael Knowles - DailyWire - 1/2/2021)
Project Veritas: Mark Zuckerberg Expressed Concern About 'Modifying DNA and RNA'. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 16/2/2021)
Project Veritas : Mark Zuckerberg s'inquiète de la « modification de l'ADN et de l'ARN ». (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart – Traduit par Anguille sous roche - 17/2/2021)
How to Spread the Virus in Hospital. (LockDown Sceptics - 19/2/2021)
Flashback: Fauci describes Ebola quarantines as 'draconian,' warns of 'unintended consequences' "You don't want to have policy that would have negative unintended consequences." (Jordan Schachtel - Substack - 19/2/2021)
Coronacircus : des journalistes de BFMTV et des consultants santé de l'AP-HP se font verbaliser dans un restaurant clandestin ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 3/3/2021)
Fauci: 'I Might Modify' Statements about Vaccinated People Transmitting Virus in a Few Months to Say 'It Would Be Extremely Unusual'. (Ian Hanchett - Breitbart - 13/3/2021)
Assembly for me, but not for thee: The anger over the police assault on the Sarah Everard vigil has exposed the double standards of the liberal elite. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 14/3/2021)
Democrats Want 'Vaccine Passports' Required to Attend Concerts, But No IDs Required to Vote. (Gabe Kaminsky - The Federalist - 15/3/2021)
Despising Liberal Coercion and Hypocrisy — And Knowing You Are Not Alone. If millions of fed-up Americans stand up and resist, we can truly make America great again. (Dov Fischer - TheAmerican Spectator - 19/3/2021)
Former Trump chief of staff wants to know why Dr. Fauci isn't saying something about the COVID dangers of the border crisis: Curiously quiet. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 1/4/2021)
French Politicians Investigated Over Claims of Secret Parties Despite Lockdown. (Andrew Jose - Daily Caller - 5/4/2021)
French Police Tell Airbnb to Report Customers Who Violate Lockdown Rules While Parisian elite break the law with secret dinner parties. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 9/4/2021)
While GraceLife Church is Shut Down, Islamic Mosques are Left Alone. (Protestia - 9/4/2021) -> Canada
'Data is in': Dr. Makary on Fauci cautioning against indoor dining after being vaccinated 'Medical officials are losing credibility' because of mixed messaging. (Dr. Marty Makary - Fox News - 13/4/2021)
Why the elites have no shame Like every aristocrat, Boris Johnson thinks he's exempt from moral norms. (Mary Harrington - UnHerd - 29/4/2021)
Biden's go Maskless During Visit with Elderly, Frail Carters. (John Nolte - Breitbart - 4/5/2021)
Top Democrat grilled for spending $29K on travel last year after urging constituents to 'stay home' and 'stop spreading this virus': Democratic New York Rep. Sean Maloney's unusual spending habits have prompted ethics concerns. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 5/5/2021)
Counting Down Dr. Fauci's 5 Biggest COVID Flip-Flops. (Beth Baumann - DailyWire - 10/5/2021)
Over A Year Into The Pandemic, Politicians Are Still Getting Caught Ignoring Their Own COVID Restrictions. (Mary Margaret Olohan - Daily Caller - 12/5/2021)
Logique sanitaire: Les bordels rouvrent, les discothèques restent fermées. (WikiStrike - 13/5/2021)
Free Pass for Palestine: Pastor Artur Pawlowski speaks out against outrageous COVID double-standards. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 14/5/2021)
Canadian pastor jailed while pro-Hamas protesters attacked Jews over weekend. (Andrew Lawton - Rebel News - 17/5/2021)
Mass Anti-Israel Protests Celebrated While Pastors Are Arrested for Holding Church Services. (Rod Lampard- Caldron Pool - 17/5/2021) -> People can't do Church. They can join a mass protest to hate on Israel because it's part of the approved narrative – COVID rules need not apply.
Rand Paul wins: Dr. Fauci admits he wore a mask for show to avoid sending 'mixed signals'. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 18/5/2021)
A 10-Year-Old Kid Just Outed COVID Mask Tyrants as Total Hypocrites. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 18/5/2021)
Emails Show Anthony Fauci Recommended Canceling Religious 'Services' but Approved Campaign Rallies, Cruise Ships Days Later. (Wendell Husebø- Breitbart - 2/6/2021)
Hypocrites! Govt Shuts Down Canadian Church Days After Being Caught Breaking Their Own Rules. (Protestia - 5/6/2021)
No Masks, No Distancing – The Disgraceful Covid Hypocrisy of the G7 Elite. (James Delingpole - Breitbart - 12/6/2021)
Urgent !! Vous doutiez de la mascarade ?? En Voici la preuve !! Réveillez-vous bordel !! (Profession-Gendarme - 13/6/2021)
The G7 and the arrogance of Covid theatre - Politicians know how pointless many Covid rules are. But they still expect the rest of us to follow them. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 14/6/2021)
Report: California 'Fully Re-Opens' with Many Restrictions Still in Place. (Penny Starr - Breitbart - 15/6/2021)
Party dans la rue pour un gain du Canadien [équipe de hockey à Montréal]. (Samuel Grenier - FaceBook - 21/6/2021) -> et le silence radio des politiciens ou grands médias, eux qui protestaient haut et fort les manifestations anti-covid...
"Vaccins" : le double langage du gouvernement. (Alain Tranchant - FranceSoir - 23/6/2021) -> France
The hypocrisy of Matt Cockblock: His lockdown rules kept couples apart. Now he's been caught with his trousers down. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 25/6/2021)
Make-a-Wish Foundation will only grant wishes to terminally ill children who are fully vaccinated. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 26/6/2021)
Jailed Canadian Pastor Alleges Double Standard For Muslims Regarding Lockdown Enforcement: "...their heads would be chopped off." (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 27/6/2021)
Les séries du Canadien révèlent au monde entier l'absurdité des mesures sanitaires québécoises. (Félix Racine - QuebecNouvelles.info - 3/7/2021)
Was it Personal? Health Minister that ordered GraceLife Church Shut Down Was President of Atheist Club. (Protestia - 4/7/2021)
Ex-Planned Parenthood CEO Is Not 'Pro-Choice' When It Comes To Vaccine Mandates. (Haley Strack - The Federalist - 12/7/2021)
CONFIRMED: UK's Return to 'Freedom' Will See Continued Use of Masks, Government Tracking and Introduction of Vaccine Passports: It's the complete antithesis of freedom. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 13/7/2021)
Fauci on L.A. Mask Mandate: One Might Want 'Extra Degree of Protection' – Not Worried It'll Hurt Trust in Vaccine Efficacy. (Ian Hanchett - Breitbart - 17/7/2021)
On 'Freedom Day', Boris Johnson Announces Mandatory Vaccine Passports: Oh, the irony. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 19/7/2021)
HIV, herpès, gastro, grippe… Le pass sanitaire doit d'urgence être étendu à d'autres pathologies ! (Erwan Lubovski - FranceSoir - 20/7/2021)
Never-Ending Leftist Hypocrisy: Leftism and hypocrisy are now fully synonymous. (Bill Muehlenberg - 22/6/2021)
Billionaires Segregate Themselves on Luxury Private Islands as Ordinary People Told They Can't Travel Neo-feudalism: The elite is hiding out from the devastation their policies have caused. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 23/7/2021)
Fauci: Bringing Back Mask Mandates Is 'Under Active Consideration'. (Pam Key- Breitbart - 25/7/2021) -> National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" that mask mandates for vaccinated Americans was "under active consideration."
Why is The CDC Quietly Abandoning The PCR Test For COVID? (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 25/7/2021)
Former acting ICE director slams Biden for restricting travel while border is 'wide open' for COVID-positive migrants. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 26/7/2021)
"The CDC just raised its travel advisory warning to Level 3 for one of the most vaccinated countries in the world—Israel. "We need to emulate vaccine distribution in Israel…but it's too dangerous to travel there." (James Todaro, MD - Twitter - 26/7/2021)
CDC to Reverse Course, Recommend Masks for Vaccinated People. (Wendell Husebø - The Blaze - 27/7/2021)
'Vaccines Work. This Sign Says That They Do': Peter Doocy Challenges Jen Psaki on Mask Mandates For Vaccinated People. (Virginia Kruta - Daily Caller - 27/7/2021)
Trans Activists Object to Vax Pass Because It Would Reveal Their Gender. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 31/7/2021)
Hypocrisy: Democrat Mayors Bowser & Lightfoot Face Backlash For Flouting Their Own COVID Rules. (Jamie White - Infowars - 1/8/2021)
«Un ton grave et catastrophique»: le préfet de Guadeloupe filmé donnant des instructions polémiques – vidéo. (Youlia Zvantsova - FR.SputnikNews - 3/8/2021)
Safety For me But Not For Thee: Rep. Cori Bush Justifies Her Private Security Before Demanding to Defund The Police. (Evita Duffy - The Federalist - 5/8/2021)
One Rule For Us… Google Co-Founder Allowed To Enter Country With Closed Border While Others, Including Citizens, Were Blocked: Elites making their own rules amid pandemic. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 5/8/2021)
Mandatory Vaccinations Undermine Roe v. Wade and Choice Suddenly Democrats no longer subscribe to "my body, my choice." (Jeffrey Lord - The Spectator - 5/8/2021)
If They Want Compliance, Officials Should Follow Their Own Rules: History shows that true leaders choose to suffer alongside those they lead, as did Alexander the Great. Democrats should take note. (Robert Busek - The Federalist - 6/8/2021)
Pro-lockdown bureaucrats seemingly 'immune' from the effects of restrictions. (Sky News - 6/8/2021)
'Your body, my choice' is the new guiding principle. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 9/8/2021)
Dr. Fauci complains about Sturgis motorcycle rally — but somehow misses Obama's birthday bash. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 9/8/2021)
MSNBC Host: It Was OK To Be An Anti-Vaxxer When Trump Was President: "If a psychopath is telling you, this vaccine is what you should take, there's a good reason not to trust that." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 10/8/2021)
Liberal Hypocrisy: Private Jets Clogged Martha's Vineyard Airport Ahead of Obama's Maskless Party. (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 10/8/2021)
A COVID Apology to the World on Behalf of the Evangelical Church :"...the response of the professing evangelical and even Reformed church during the coronavirus has been one of the most discouraging and disheartening parts of this whole year." (Chris Hume - Caldron Pool - 10/8/2021)
Macron Says Showing Police Your Papers to Visit a Cafe is About "Freedom": Orwell rolls in his grave. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 11/8/2021)
Russell Crowe Slammed for Shooting Movie in Locked Down Australia: 'People Can't See Family … But 'A-Listers' Producing Movies Is Essential?' (David Ng - Breitbart - 12/8/2021)
'Save Our Paychecks' Tour to Expose Democrat Policies Leveling Small Businesses: 'I thought if I ever lost my business, I would've lost it in an earthquake,' Kious said. 'Never did I ever think that I would've lost everything I worked for to leftist politics.' (Haley Strack - The Federalist - 13/8/2021)
Nancy Pelosi torched for swanky maskless Napa Valley fundraiser: 'It's utter hypocrisy'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 22/8/2021)
'My Body, My Choice' Was Always A Lie, And Injection Mandates Prove It: The raw abuse of authority shows that the actual agenda is often 'my choice, your compliance,' whether the issue is abortion, COVID-19, or anything else. (Kristan Hawkins - The Federalist - 23/8/2021)
In Viral Video, Fed Up Mother Unloads On Kafka-esque School Mask Rules. (Haley Strack - The Federalist - 24/8/2021)
Dr. Fauci moves the goalposts again, says US could return to 'normal' by spring 2022 — IF vaccination rates increase. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 24/8/2021)
Will Doctors Refusing Service For Unvaccinated Patients Also Refuse Treatment For Obese People? (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 25/8/2021)
How not to talk to a science denier A Harvard professor's new book is filled with sneering conceit. (Tom Chivers - UnHerd - 31/8/2021)
ACLU Says the State Forcing People to Take Vaccines is a Victory For Civil Liberties: Good God... (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 2/9/2021)
House of Lords Member Asked Why Brits Are Forced to Take PCR COVID Tests on Returning to UK But Illegal Migrants Aren't Brits face harsher restrictions than foreign asylum seekers. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 3/9/2021)
Australians erupt after PM takes advantage of COVID double standards to see family while millions remain in lockdown: 'What a disgrace of a leader'. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 7/9/2021)
The ACLU, Prior to COVID, Denounced Mandates And Coercive Measures to Fight Pandemics. (Glenn Greenwald - ZeroHedge - 8/9/2021)
Biden's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for 100 million Americans doesn't apply to illegal immigrants. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 10/9/2021)
Biden, Fauci, Pelosi, & Newsom All Objected to Mandatory Vaccines. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 10/9/2021)
Health Minister Says He's Not Concerned About Crowds Gathering at the Beach After Rejecting Church's Request for Outdoor Service. (Caldron Pool - 11/9/2021)
Today, Fauci Is Worried About A 'Monster Variant.' But Watch What He Said Last Week. (Ben Johnson - DailyWire - 14/9/2021)
PJW Live: Winter 'COVID Surge' Required For New Lockdown. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 14/9/2021)
Climate-Crusading Billionaires To Take Their Private Jets To Davos Again Next Year. (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 16/9/2021)
The Death of Science. (Victor Davis Hanson - Zero Hedge - 17/9/2021)
Debunking Biden's Claim We Must "Protect The Vaccinated From The Unvaccinated". (Ryan McMaken/The Mises Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/9/2021)
Global Elite EXEMPT From New York's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate For U.N. General Assembly: Only the peasant class must submit to the COVID tyranny while the elite are free to flout their own rules. (Infowars - 19/9/2021)
Man Fined €10,000 for Portraying Macron as Hitler Over Vaccine Passports. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 20/9/2021)
Dr. Deena Hinshaw takes vacation after claiming to be too busy for trial. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 29/9/2021)
Why Are Christian Leaders Undermining Conscience and Human Rights? We must strongly oppose the campaign being waged by some evangelical intellectuals to de-legitimise the concerns and emotions that lie behind Covid vaccine hesitancy and thereby void the church's responsibility to speak up about significant human rights violations. (Gregory Chan - Caldron Pool - 4/10/2021)
Pastor Who Urged Readers Not to Sign "Divisive" Ezekiel Declaration Will Exclude Unvaccinated From Worship Gatherings. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 7/10/2021)
Gavin Newsom slammed with more accusations of hypocrisy after revealing his daughter isn't vaccinated after he enacted vaccine mandate for children. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 10/10/2021)
When can fully vaccinated Americans stop wearing masks? Dr. Fauci doesn't provide answer. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 11/10/2021)
Media Now Claims That "Double Jabbed" Brits Who Have Bad Colds Are Actually Suffering From COVID Need to bump those numbers up. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 11/10/2021)
Video: Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau's Vaccine Jab. (Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research - 14/10/2021)
Why I'm Still a Religious Conscientious Objector to the Vaccine "Is the fact that ethical vaccines for COVID are not being developed rather heavily predicated on the fact that we cooperated with the system over the last few decades in using morally objectionable common childhood vaccines where we could have demanded ethical alternatives that already existed?" (Susan Staples - Caldron Pool - 14/10/2021)
Why The F**k is Anyone Still Listening to Dr. Anthony Fauci? (Virginia Kruta - Daily Caller – 14/10/2021)
Fauci says his critics 'deny reality,' embrace 'conspiracy theories' — but his supporters are 'guided by the truth'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 17/10/2021) -> So denying Fauci is the same as denying reality?????? This would imply Fauci thinks he's God??
Video: Vindicated Rand Paul Blasts Lying Fauci Over "Civilization-ending" Experiments: "If you have half a brain you know if you combine two viruses it might be more deadly". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 7 minutes - 22/10/2021)
Crickets From Media As COVID Hospitalizations Rise In The North, Drop In The South. (Dylan Housman - Daily Caller - 22/10/2021)
New Zealand PM smiles chillingly as she admits COVID policies will create 'two different classes of people'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 25/10/2021)
The COVID religion is forcing the left to abandon its false gods of Tolerance, Resistance, and Disobedience. (Delano Squires - The Blaze - 26/10/2021)
Pfizer répète pour la troisième dose les promesses d'efficacité non tenues pour les deux premières doses. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Courrier-Strateges - 25/10/2021)
The elites are laughing in our faces COP26 promises to be a grotesque spectacle of decadence and hypocrisy. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 1/11/2021)
Hypocritical? Al Mohler, SBTS, file lawsuit against Biden Vaccine Mandate. (The Evangelical Dark Web - 7/11/2021)
Règles Sanitaires: Deux poids, deux mesures? Malaise sur le plateau de Morandini Live... (Évangéliste Abdel - FaceBook - 17/11/2021) -> GROSSE hypocrisie de la classe dirigeante française...
'You First' policy would impose a penalty on our most hypocritical politicians. (Delano Squires - The Blaze - 30/11/2021)
They're laughing at us: The fallout from the Downing Street Christmas party has exposed the government's contempt for the public. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 8/12/2021)
Anthony Fauci One Year Ago: Pandemic Won't Last 'A Lot Longer' Due to Vaccines. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 11/12/2021)
Biden's Perverse Conception of Risk He freaks out over COVID while his FDA approves abortion pills by mail. (George Neumayr - The American Spectator - 22/12/2021)
Media Says No Shame In Breakthrough COVID After Guilting The Unvaxxed For Months. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 23/12/2021)
A private business can discriminate based on a vaccine? Tell that to Christian photographers. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 27/12/2021)
If the unvaccinated should pay for their own healthcare, then why not smokers, addicts, and obese people? Would Winnipeg gastroenterologist Dr. Charles Bernstein argue that obese people or smokers should be barred from entering grocery stores and supermarkets? (John Carpay - Post Millennial - 28/12/2021)
Canada – Des politiciens organisent une réception de Noël avec 200 personnes quelques heures après avoir annoncé à la population qu'elle devait fêter Noël et Nouvel An en tout petit comité. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - Medias-Presse.info - 29/12/2021)
Les enfants et le personnel exposés au virus pourront rester dans les garderies Les groupes ne seront plus dissous après un cas de COVID-19, indique une nouvelle directive controversée qui vient d'être transmise discrètement aux services de garde par le gouvernement. (Thomas Gerbet, Romain Schué - RadioCan - 31/12/2021)
Focus on the Family Cites Money in Enforcing Biden Vaccine Mandate. (The Evangelical Dark Web - 8/1/2022)
In California, Hospitals Can Force COVID-Infected Staff to Work, But Unvaxxed Workers Get Fired. (Elle Reynolds - The Federalist - 11/1/2022)
Ted Cruz explodes at reporter for one-sided questions about face masks, challenges media to stop their 'hypocrisy'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 12/1/2022)
If You're A Tennis Star, Being Unvaxxed is as Scandalous as Being Disappeared by a Communist Government. (Elle Reynolds - The Federalist - 21/1/2022)
Michigan State University allows nearly 15,000 basketball fans at sold-out games but shuts down in-person learning in January. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 22/1/2022)
Canadian journalist flees lockdown by vacationing in Florida — then complains about freedom, lack of COVID restrictions. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 24/1/2022)
Ingraham: Unvaxxed Illegals Can Go Anywhere 'on the Taxpayer's Dime,' 'But Unvaxxed Truckers Can't Cross the Border'? (Emily Robertson - CNS News - 26/1/2022)
Media Lies & the Sacred Rites of the Vaccine Cult The coverage Szilveszter Csollany's death shows you being called an "anti-vaxxer" is more about what you think, than what you do. (Kit Knightly - Off Guardian - 26/1/2022)
Covid — Sournois et radical, le CDC modifie le sens du statut vaccinal. (Kit Knightly/Off Guardian - Les moutons enragés - 28/1/2022)
Rick Warren promoted churches to fight a pandemic at World Economic Forum in 2008. (Capstone Report - 2/2/2022)
18 Fundraisers Aiding Riots, Crime, Abortion, And Genital Mutilation That GoFundMe Didn't Shut Down. (Elle Reynolds - The Federalist - 8/2/2022)
How the Left betrayed the Truckers: The convoy is despised by those who should support it. (Malcom Kyeyune - UnHerd - 9/2/2022)
Trudeau Says Restrictions Are Necessary to Prevent Further Restrictions Sorry, what? (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 11/2/2022)
Remember when Canadian PM Trudeau supported a massive protest that shut down a nation's capital? The NY Times does, and it's calling him out for his blatant double standard. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 15/2/2022)
The elite unmasked: Of course celebs don't wear masks – Covid rules are only for the little people. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 16/2/2022)
The Media Couldn't Stop Calling Them 'Heroes.' Then The Vaccine Mandates Came. (Christine Sellers - Daily Caller - 17/2/2022)
Trudeau Does Not Want to End The Protests Peacefully. He Wants Violence. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 17/2/2022)
Trudeau's Prohibition on Protests Exempts Refugees, Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities: Native Canadians are second class citizens. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 18/2/2022)
Canada condemns harsh sentencing of Cuban protesters following sedition convictions Canada issued a harsh condemnation of the Cuban government's sentencing of protesters who participated in anti-government rallies last July, after judges sentenced 20 protesters to two decades in prison earlier this week. (Ian Miles Cheong - Rebel News - 18/2/2022)
Robbie Picard joins Sheila Gunn Reid to discuss the Convoy being labelled as 'economic terrorism'. (Rebel News - 20/2/2022)
Pro-mask school board member has SPECTACULAR meltdown when fed-up mom whips out telling photos. (The Blaze - 21/2/2022)
Far-Left 'Defund the Police' Champion Jagmeet Singh Leads Support of Trudeau Protest Crackdown. (John Hayward - Breitbart - 22/2/2022)
Trudeau Boldly Declares Opposition to Authoritarianism – in Ukraine. (John Hayward - Breitbart - 23/2/2022)
China Calls Out Canadian Hypocrisy on Human Rights After Crushing Freedom Convoy. (John Hayward - Breitbart - 23/2/2022)
Mike Rowe Goes After Politicians For Hailing Truckers as Heroes Then Throwing Them Aside After Two Weeks. (Laurel Duggan - Daily Caller - 23/2/2022)
Trudeau's Totalitarian Double Standards: Silence After Violent Environmentalists Attack Pipeline "...unlike the peaceful Freedom Convoy, there are virtually no legacy media outlets or Canadian politicians referring to the attacks against CGL as domestic terrorism, or the violent protesters as domestic terrorists." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 24/2/2022)
Allergic to The 'So-Called Freedom Convoy'. (Tim Graham - JWR - 25/2/2022)
'So…he's talking about himself?': Canadian PM Justin Trudeau says there has been 'slippage' in democracies and nations have adopted 'slightly more authoritarian leaders'. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 6/3/2022)
CDC Removes 24 Percent of Child COVID-19 Deaths, Blames Coding Error. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/3/2022)
High-Level University Administrators Don't Wear Masks at Event Where Students Were Required to. (Ashe Schow - DailyWire - 21/3/2022)
Rand Paul likens Anthony Fauci to 'mafia don,' shares old video of Fauci praising natural flu immunity as 'most potent vaccination'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 2/4/2022)
While the 'public health' doctors were telling you not to fly, they made hundreds of flights — at your expense. (Rebel News - 8/4/2022) -> Regarding Canadian politicians and technocrats...
Dr. Hypocrite: Fauci Stays Away From Big Media Dinner, Attends Packed Media Party. (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 2/5/2022)
Broadway Star Angrily Lectures Audience Member For Not Wearing a Mask While Not Wearing a Mask: "It's okay when we do it!". (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 12/5/2022) -> Patti LuPone
Free Pass for Palestine: Pastor Artur Pawlowski speaks out against outrageous COVID double-standards. (Keean Bexte - Counter Signal - 14/5/2022)
Justin Trudeau Wants Freedoms for Ukrainians That He Won't Allow Canadians to Enjoy. (Rachel Marsden/RT - InfoWars - 15/5/2022)
Bill Gates – who caught COVID despite 4 shots – says people over age 50 need vaccine boosters every 6 months, calls popular conspiracy theory about him 'tragic' . (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 15/4/2022)
Unvaccinated Ukrainians are exempt from travel ban. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 17/5/2022) -> Canada
Just How Much CO2 Did Woke Elites Spew Flying Private Jets to Davos? (Thomas Catenacci - The Daily Caller - 27/5/2022)
President of European Pharma Giant Charged for Falsifying COVID Vaccination Record & Purchasing Fake Vaccine Passport. (Rhoda Wilson/The Exposé - InfoWars - 30/5/2022)
Robb Elementary and the cowardice of the elites: Why did it take cops more than an hour to storm the classroom and kill the gunman? (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 31/5/2022)
WHO Says Gay Pride Events Should Go Ahead Despite Monkeypox Threat: Virtue signaling more important than stopping spread of virus. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 31/5/2022)
Hypocrite & liar: Trudeau bans handguns while slashing sentences for several gang-related gun crimes The problem isn't guns in our communities. It's criminals. And Trudeau is stripping away the one rule that stopped activist judges from letting them out over and over again. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 4/6/2022)
On se moque de notre intelligence. (Nathalie Elgrably - Le Journal de Montréal - 10/6/2022)
What will make Trudeau end his vendetta against unvaccinated Canadians? (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 10/6/2022)
New docs detail pandemic VIP flights being organized by Transport Canada One of the most frequent consumers of the pandemic VIP flights was Health Minister Patty Hajdu, who warned Canadians against non-essential travel. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 13/6/2022)
Masked and Boosted Justin Trudeau Contracts Covid-19 For Second Time This Year. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 14/6/2022)
The Fauci Protocol: Treating Fauci's Covid Diagnosis According to His Own 'Standard of Care'. (Jordan Schachtel - The Brownstone Institute - 17/6/2022)
Masks not included in Liberal single-use plastic ban. (Counter Signal - 21/6/2022)
Senior Official Claims The EU Never Pushed People Into Getting Covid Jabs. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 22/6/2022)
"My Body, My Choice" Activists Malfunction When Asked About Vaccine Mandates "Get the f**k out of here"!. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 28/6/2022)
Trudeau Thinks Bodily Autonomy Allows Women to Murder Babies But Not Make Their Own Vax Decisions. (Shawn Fleetwood - The Federalist - 30/6/2022)
U.S. Corporate Elites Drive Private Jet Spending to 10-Year High. (Simon Kent - Breitbart - 4/7/2022)
Coronavirus Fauci Acknowledges Vaccines Don't Protect "Overly Well" Against COVID Infection: He should know. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 13/7/2022)
Our New Antoinettes These humanitarian rich feel just terrible about the sins of America, but not terrible enough to sacrifice any element of their privileged lifestyles—the just deserts they feel for being so righteous. (Victor Davis Hanson - American Greatness - 10/7/2022)
Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit. (Jeffrey A. Tucker - The Brownstone Institute - 16/7/2022)
Congressional Leftists Block Bans on Vaccine Mandates For U.S. Military: "An important lesson drawn from COVID-19's vaccine mandates is the cognitive distortions they expose." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 23/7/2022)
Unlike COVID, There's No Behavior-Shaming to Halt Monkeypox Spread. (John Nolte - Breitbart - 25/7/2022)
Fauci claims he 'didn't recommend locking anything down' over COVID — but the internet NEVER forgets THE RUBIN REPORT 'He knows the shutdowns were a catastrophic mistake, so he's trying to rewrite history'. (Dave Rubin - The Blaze - 26/7/2022)
'Gaslighting Racist! You Dress In Blackface': Trudeau Mocked After Celebrating Emancipation Day. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 2/8/2022)
Hypocrite Trudeau Caught Maskless After Flying on Private Jet "It's okay when we do it!" (Paul Joseph Watson/INFOWARS - NewsWars - 5/8/2022)
Public Health Officials Say You Can't Expect People to Change Behavior to Prevent Monkeypox. (Laurel Duggan - Daily Caller - 5/8/2022)
What does Trudeau think about a foreign-funded campaign of mischief and vandalism that supports Vladimir Putin? I'll show you. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 15/8/2022)
'The Regulatory State Needs To Die. A Stake Needs To Be Driven Through Its Heart.' "There's a deep state in every bureaucratic agency." (Ben Shapiro - Daily Wire - 18/8/2022)
VIEWERS REACT: Private-jet-flying WEF members want to take away our cars David Menzies reads viewers letters about the WEF's latest scheme designed to keep us on the road to 'owning nothing and being happy'. (Rebel News - 4 minutes - 19/8/2022)
ACLU Fought Chemical Castration of Sex Offenders, Supports Use of Same Drugs on Trans Kids. (Spencer Lindquist - Breitbart - 24/8/2022)
Reporter Asks White House "How Come Migrants Are Allowed To Come In Unvaccinated, But World-class Tennis Players Are Not?": "Somebody unvaccinated comes over on a plane, you say that's not okay. Somebody walks into Texas or Arizona unvaccinated, they're allowed to stay?" (Steve Watson - Summit News - 30/8/2022)
Justin Trudeau hypocritically comments on 'rise in anger and violence' in population. (William Diaz-Berthiaume - Rebel News - 1/9/2022)
Trudeau Liberals hone in on anger and 'violence' aimed at politicians: The prime minister previously wondered out loud if we should 'tolerate' unvaccinated Canadians. (Rebel News - 1/9/2022)
World Economic Forum Official Lashes Out: Critics 'Shouldn't Really Be Talking About' Globalist Organization: The WEF is losing the information war as more people wake up to its destructive Great Reset agenda. (Jamie White -- InfoWars - 4/9/2022) -> Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Netherlands have closely followed the United Nations and WEF's Great Reset agenda, specifically its proposal to reduce nitrogen emissions by limiting fertilizer, which has resulted in massive uprisings by farmers.
The plane snobbery of our green elites Travel has now been colonised by the posh. (Julie Burchill - Spiked - 12/9/2022)
Can you say hypocrisy? VP Kamala Harris hops on gas-guzzling jet, flies to New York, and delivers speech about climate change. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 14/9/2022)
Pompeo Chides Biden 'Kicking' Unvaccinated Soldiers Out After Declaring Pandemic's End. (Charles Kim - NewsMax - 19/9/2022)
Biden personally thanks Coast Guard hurricane hero who will be fired in a matter of days because of president's vaccine policy. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 2/10/2022)
Ces gouvernants ivres qui nous demandent d'être sobres mais feraient bien de se faire discrets! (Le Courrier des Stratèges - 7/10/2022) -> Et si nous imposions un plan "discrétion gouvernementale"?
Getting Vaccinated to Prevent Transmission to Others Was 'Always a Lie' Says Dutch MEP. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 12/10/2022)
French MP Says Macron and Most Elites in France Received 'Fake' Covid Jabs. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 12/10/2022)
Dr. Fauci: 'The Misconception is That I Was Misleading People' About Face Masks, School Lockdowns. (John Rigolizzo - DailyWire - 16/10/2022)
Eva Vlaardingerbroek: 'Climate Transition' Is Globalist Pretext to 'Starve' and 'Freeze' Europe. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 19/10/2022)
Lockdowns: The Great Gaslighting The lockdowns of 2020 were very real. And few opposed them. (Michael P. Senger - The New Normal - 28/10/2022)
We Need Justice For The Pandemic, Not "Forgiveness." Here is what restorative justice would look like for the pandemic. (Brendon Marotta - Hegemon Media - 31/10/2022)
UK Man Sent to PRISON For 6 Months For Serving Snacks at Club During Lockdown: Judge in the case cited his "anti-establishment" attitude as a factor. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 10/11/2022) -> Meanwhile, the British government was literally holding parties in Downing Street.
Ontario government defends Dr. Moore amidst maskless party controversy. (Elie Cantin-Nantel - True North - 19/11/2022)
Les hypocrites du climat. A nous les insectes et la viande synthétique, à eux le bœuf Angus. (Report24.news - Les moutons enragés - 20/11/2022)
HYPOCRITE Trudeau supports protesters in China after cracking down on anti-lockdown Canadians last winter: This messaging stands in contrast to comments he made the previous week during the Emergencies Act inquiry, where he described the Freedom Convoy protests as "worrisome." (Alex Timothy - The Post Millennial - 29/11/2022)
WATCH: Coverage of Lockdown Protests in China Reveals Unbelievable Hypocrisy of Manipulative Western Media and Politicians "News outlets and politicians that once slammed anti-lockdown protesters in the West and described them as selfish extremists are today praising the 'bravery' and 'courage' of crowds in China protesting the government's 'Covid-zero' approach." (Caldron Pool - 6 minutes - 1/12/2022)
The brass neck of the Western lockdown zealots: Justin Trudeau's condemnations of the CCP's Covid authoritarianism are a sick joke. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 2/12/2022)
Why is Justin Trudeau so afraid of the working class? (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 6/12/2022)
In Danistan Islam Is Promoted While Christianity Is Attacked: "So let me get this straight: Dan Andrews hates with a passion biblical Christianity, especially because it condemns homosexuality. But he loves Islam, even though it also condemns homosexuality, and is happy to see the death penalty applied to homosexuals." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 8/12/2022)
Fourteen Year-Old Jack Watson Says the Only Lesson He Learned During the Pandemic Was the Rules Don't Apply to Those Who Make Them. (Daily Sceptic - 14/12/2022)
I'm Sorry, But This is Hilarious: How the tables have turned. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 4 minutes - 16/12/2022)
Trudeau declares, 'Canada is a place of FREE expression' — is immediately RIDICULED for some reason. (The Rubin Report - The Blaze - 16/12/2022)
Oh, so now you care about Big Tech censorship?: Elon Musk's suspension of journalists has revealed the depths of liberal hypocrisy. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 18/12/2022)
Top White House Covid Advisor Admits: 'No Study in the World Shows Masks Work': Despite his admission, Dr. Jha and other top Covid advisers have previously advocated for masking. (Infowars - 28/12/2022)
Such an Odd Coincidence: Move along, nothing to see here. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 2 minutes - 10/1/2023)
It's a Big Club And You"re Not in It: Davos men are back. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 2 minutes - 13/1/2023) -> ecological hypocrites...
Australians Were Once Prosecuted For Claiming Face Masks Worked Against Viruses Businesses faced £100k fines for making claim during SARS outbreak. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 23/12/2022)
You Can't Make It Up. (Noah Carl - Daily Skeptic - 26/1/2023) -> regarding incoherences in policies at the American Society of Human Genetics...
The Billionaires Behind The Gas Bans: The hypocrisy of the billionaires who are funding anti-hydrocarbon campaigns, including bans on gas stoves. Natural gas bans are more about class than climate change. (Robert Bryce - 26/1/2023)
What do the Trudeau Liberals know about their own carbon emissions? Nothing, it turns out. (Ezra Levant & Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 3/2/2023)
Wyoming GOP speaker believes you have a right to castration but not to bodily autonomy. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 24//2/2023)
Three Years Late, the Lancet Recognizes Natural Immunity: The public-health clerisy rediscovers a principle of immunology it derided throughout the pandemic. (Allysia Finley - Wall Street Journal - 26/2/2023)
Hypocrisy Unlimited: Hollywood's Secret Counterfeit Vaccine Network. (Roger L. Simon/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/2/2023)
The sinister cruelty of lockdown has been laid bare We now know just how drunk on tyranny the political class was during the pandemic. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 3/3/2023)
John Kerry's Defense of Climate Change Activists' Private Jet Use Is Beyond Comical. (Matt Vespa - Townhall - 28/3/2023)
"Rewriting History": Justin Trudeau Claims He Never Forced Anyone to Get Vaccinated Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has claimed he never forced anyone to take the Covid vaccines after his government implemented one of the world's strictest vaccine mandate policies. (Caldron Pool - 25/4/2023) -> 1984...
Les Français veulent sauver le climat, les Chinois avec toujours plus de centrales à charbon ! (Insolentiae - Les moutons enragés - 26/4/2023)
Trudeau Lies: The Canadian prime minister claims that his government never forced COVID-19 vaccinations. (Elyse Apel - The American Spectator - 26/4/2023)
Fauci Wants All The Credit, None of The Blame. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 29/4/2023)
Why Are So Many COVID Authoritarians Suddenly Shifting Their Narratives? (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/5/2023)
The classist war on the car: The unique freedom of car-driving is being pummelled by bourgeois anti-modernists. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 10/5/2023)
Trudeau réinvente sa politique vaccinale: L'extorqueur hypocrite. (Nathalie Elgrably - Vigile Québec - 12/5/2023)
Victorian Liberals silent on Antifa violence while condemning Nazis: Critics accuse the Victorian Liberals of hypocrisy for condemning Neo-Nazi actions, yet ignoring Antifa assaults. (Rebel News - 16/5/2023)
Lockdown Proponents Try to Evade Reckoning With Whitewash Report. (Jeffrey A. Tucker - Daily Sceptic - 22/5/2023)
The West's Hypocrisy on Uganda's Anti-gay Law. (Noah Carl - Daily Sceptic - 31/5/2023)
Killing Words: A Suicide by Any Other Name Is Still a Suicide. (Bryan Just - Salvo - 1/6/2024) -> hypocritical use of language regarding Euthanasia in the US
Don't forget this doozy: disgraced "Covid expert" Peter Hotez said BLM protests during pandemic were a-okay… (Revolver - 23/6/2023)
Swiss climate activist left red-faced after being caught flying from Zurich to Mexico weeks after blocking motorways to save the planet: Max Voegtli was heavily criticized for taking a short-haul flight to the French capital before embarking on a two-month vacation in Central America. (REMIX NEWS - Thomas Brooke - 26/6/2023)
After Ordering Agencies to Track Emissions, Biden Admin Doesn't Know How Much Fossil Fuel Its UN Climate Trips Burned. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 29/6/2023)
Have any Scottish parliamentarians (MSPs) taken a Covid 'vaccine'? (David Tait - UK Column - 4/7/2023)
'Misgendering' Violates YouTube's Guidelines, Exposing Genitals Apparently Doesn't. (Michael Whittaker - DailyWire - 6/7/2023)
Watch: Virtue-Signalling Spanish Environmental Minister Bikes to Climate Conference With Escort of Gas Cars. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 12/7/2023)
Bizarre, The Huw Edwards Saga: One rule for thee… (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 13/7/2023)
Continuez d'admirer et de vénérer nos p'tites vedettes, elles le méritent car elles sont tellement plus spéciales et intéressantes que nous. (@R0xanneLabanane - Twitter - vidéo, 2 minutes - 13/7/2023)
Why can't greens practise what they preach? Even eco-warriors don't want to live in the miserable world they are trying to inflict on us. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 17/7/2023)
Scottish Govt Axes 16 Million Trees to Clear Way For 'Greener' Solutions. (OliviaMurray/AmericanThinker - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 7/8/2023)
Uncovering the media's cover-up: The disappearance of Quebecor's pandemic columns: 'To delete an article that has been published without rectification, without a new notice that adds new context, and so on, there really has to be a problem,' said Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel, chief editor of Libre Média. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 17/8/2023)
German Military Plane Dumps 200,000 Litres of Jet Fuel into the Atmosphere on Two Failed Attempts to Fly Germany's Foremost Green Politician to Australia. (Eugyppius - Daily Sceptic - 17/8/2023) -> Green hypocrisy...
U.K. Population Collapse "Good for the Planet", WEF Adviser Prof Sarah Harper Explains. (Igor Chudov - Daily Sceptic - 20/8/2023)
Downplaying Covid Jab Injuries, New Zealand's PM Claims: 'No One Was Forced to Have The Vaccine'. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 5/9/2023) -> hmmm... Define "forced"...
Video Shows Mark Zuckerberg Admitting mRNA Jabs Are Deadly While Censoring This Fact on Facebook. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 5/9/2023)
Retournement de veste du siècle : « Personne n'a été forcé de se faire piquer. » C'est la panique chez les covidiots vaccinolâtres... (Aguellid - Le libre penseur - 6/9/2023)
Bill Gates Says He is 'The Solution' to Climate Change So It's OK to Own Four Private Jets. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 7/9/2023)
'Hypocrite' Sadiq Khan and his team rack up more than 430,000 air miles since he was elected London Mayor in 2016. (David Churchill - Daily Mail - 17/9/2023)
Rebel News CONFRONTS Freeland, Jacinda Ardern and more at 'Global Action Summit' in Montreal: Reporter Alexa Lavoie confronted several important guests at the event, questioning them about their carbon footprint in light of their participation in lecturing people about climate change. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 19/9/2023)
Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation to Man Who Served in Waffen SS. (Noah Carl - Daily Sceptic - 24/9/2023) -> And Trudeau had the gall to call the truckers "Nazi sympathizers" even if he had no clear evidence of such... Yet here is CLEAR public evidence that Trudeau is a Nazi sympathizer.
Canada's House Speaker Apologizes For Honoring Actual Nazi; Still Radio Silence From ADL. (Tyler Durden- Zero Hedge - 25/9/2023)
Justin Trudeau's Nazi Hot Take Flexibility. (Matt Taibbi/Racket News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/9/2023)
Justin Trudeau calls you a Nazi – but he literally cheered for an actual Nazi SS officer. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 25/9/2023)
Mayo Clinic Nukes Hydroxychloroquine Information Page After People Take Notice. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 27/9/2023)
NYU Professor Who Pushed Lockdown Tyranny Now Wants 'A Little Grace & Forgiveness' Over Pandemic Propaganda. (Infowars - 2/10/2023)
COVID Authoritarians Want Forgiveness – Here's Why They Don't Deserve It. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 30/10/2023)
Professor Lockdown Denies Ever Calling for Lockdown. (Will Jones - Brownstone Institute - 30/10/2023)
Suella is right – the Met's double standards are a disgrace Islamists and anti-Semites have been given far more licence than other groups of protesters. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 9/11/22023) -> "MET" = London Metropolitan Police
N.B. changes definition of 'serious' COVID-19 reactions, cuts number in half Serious reactions drop to 154 from 313 after province adopts federal definition to enable comparison of data. (Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon · CBC News - 10/11/2023) -. yup, change the definition and ignore the facts...
Why were German politicians so eager to vaccinate children, and why are they lying about it now? (Eugyppius - 18/11/2023)
Why the public isn't buying electric cars: They're more expensive, less convenient and give you far less freedom than their petrol-powered siblings. (Hugo Griffiths - Spiked - 20/11/2023) -> explores the hypocrisy of automotive journalists regarding electric cars...
World Health Organization unveils ironic 'Stop The Lies' campaign: The selective critique of Big Tobacco by the World Health Organization sparks questions about Big Pharma's role as an even larger and more powerful player in the health policy arena. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 5 minutes - 22/11/2023)
Tiny Fraction of Global Elites Emit As Much Carbon as Bottom Two-Thirds of Humanity. (Tom Ozimek/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 24/11/2023) -> the guilt-mongering hypocrites...
Jet-Set Hypocrites Want to Keep Billions in Poverty Around The World. (Vijay Jayaraj - Daily Caller - 28/11/2023)
Report: Climate Summit Elites Dine on 'Succulent Gourmet Meats' Steve Watson 9th December 2023 3 comments UN delegates are being served "slabs of succulent meat" while lecturing the world to stop eating it. (Steve Watson - Modernity - video, 2 minutes - 9/12/2023)
Why is Professor Neil Ferguson Now Denying He Told the Government to Lock Down? (David Campbell and Kevin Dowd - Daily Sceptic - 14/12/2023)
Police response to anti-Israel railway blockades is a lot different than the Freedom Convoy response: Despite anti-Israel protesters blocking critical infrastructure in various parts of the country, politicians and police have treated the demonstrations much differently than the Freedom Convoy. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 25/9/2023) -> Canadian legal hypocrisy...
New Zealand Drs Were Granted Covid Jab Exceptions While Forcing The Public to Have Them. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 28/12/2023)
Video: John Kerry Snaps At Reporter's "Stupid Question" About Davos Carbon Footprint: "I have done a huge amount…" (Steve Watson - Modernity - 17/1/2024)
"Hold a Drink at All Times": Humza Yousaf Told by Top Medical Adviser How to Get Round Face Mask Laws. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 23/1/2024)
Canadian Health Minister Invents New Euphemism For Doctor Killings. (William M Briggs - Science Is Not The Answer - 1/2/2024)
The Perfidious Unreality of the "New Normal". (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 5/2/2024)
Quebec politician admits to breaking gathering and curfew restrictions with premier: Parti Québécois MNA Pascal Bérubé recalled how he met with Premier François Legault during the height of Quebec's COVID hysteria, seemingly breaking the strict gathering and curfew rules the province had in place at the time. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 12/3/2024)
Cochrane's Double Standards. (Prof Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 14/2/2024)
Éric Duhaime slams Quebec Premier Legault for COVID hypocrisy and $11 billion deficit: The mismanagement of finances by the current government has left many disillusioned. Éric Duhaime criticized their approach, stating, 'It's purely incompetence. It's a government that's trying to please everybody except future generations and taxpayers.' (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 14/3/2024)
Government Advisers Caught Falsely Claiming Never to Have Supported Pandemic Fear Messaging. (Laura Dodsworth - Daily Skeptic - 27/4/2024)
De la Covid à Gaza: les manifestants tous égaux devant la loi? (John Carpay - Libre Média - 30/4/2024)
Watch: The Insane Flip-Flops Over Vaccines, Masks And Ivermectin. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 11/5/2024)
The Archbishop of Airmiles: Justin Welby Racks Up 48,000 Miles on Foreign Trips Despite Lecturing People About Climate Change. (Richard Eldred - Daily Skeptic - 25/5/2024)
Flashback: Trudeau Claimed Covid Jabs 'Safe & Effective' for Canadians — Now Acknowledges Vaccine Injuries! (Infowars - 27/5/2024)
Man Responsible for World's Longest Lockdown Given Australia's Top Honour. (Rebekah Barnett - Daily Skeptic - 10/6/2024)
NY Gov. Who Mandated Masking During Pandemic Now Wants to Criminalize Masks on the Subway. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice Community - 25/6/2024)
Glastonbury has exposed the fake virtue of the elites: Few events highlight the hypocrisy of the woke as much as 'Glasto'. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 1/7/2024)
Kamala Harris' Fully Vaccinated, Triple-Boosted Husband Doug Emhoff Tests Positive for COVID-19. (Jim Hᴏft - The Gateway Pundit - 7/7/2024)
Dr. Fauci Reveals He's Infected With COVID For Third Time After Being "Vaccinated and Boosted Six Times": 100 per cent safe and effective. (Paul Joseph Watson - Modernity - 12/8/2024)
CBC reports on alleged Russian interference in right-wing media group with air of moral superiority: If the CBC is going to condemn RT for receiving government money, it may be time for them to acknowledge that their own $1 Billion a year government payout makes them a propagandized mouthpiece of the Trudeau Liberals. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 8/9/2024)
Crowder Confronts: Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma. (Steven Crowder - X - video, 17 minutes - 19/9/2024)
On the enraging - and evil - hypocrisy of public health authoritarians Dr. Jay Varma, who helped lead New York's Covid response, was caught on video admitting he went to sex parties while he pushed lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Yet that's NOT the worst thing he said. (Alex Berenson- Unreported Truths - 20/9/2024)
The NYC lockdown: an orgy of hypocrisy New York's Covid tsar spent the pandemic preaching social distancing while attending raves and sex parties. (Jenny Holland - Spiked - 23/9/2024)
England's Chief Medical Officer admits "we may have overstated danger of Covid". (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 26/9/2024)
Child rapist gets three years while Crown fights to put away Freedom Convoy organizers for ten. (The Counter Signal - 14/11/2024)
Climate Doomer Harrison Ford Seen Disembarking Private Jet in LA After Promoting Climate Change Activism. (David Ng - Breitbart - 19/11/2024)
Australian Broadcasting Boss Attacks Joe Rogan As 'Malevolent Figure Preying on The Public'. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/12/2024)
Cat Eccles sums up the moral rot of 'assisted dying': The Labour MP thinks it's 'coercion' to persuade your loved ones not to kill themselves. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 2/12/2024) -> provides examples of smug homicidal hypocrites...
The WHO Rallies in Square Formation. (Tom Jefferson + Carl Heneghan - Brownstone Institute - 6/12/2024) -> entrenched hypocrisy at the World Health Organisation...
The cult of the keffiyeh: How pitying Palestine and hating Israel became the ultimate luxury belief. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 20/12/2024)
Co-Founder and CEO of BioNTech Refuses to Take the mRNA Covid Vaccine Because He says, "We Need to Ensure Functionality of Our Whole Company". (InfoWars - Discern Report - 8/1/2025)
The euphemistic language for killing. (David Albert Jones/ British Medical Journal blog - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 31/1/2025)
Covid: l'arrogance ne remplace pas le débat scientifique. (John Carpay - Libre Média - 24/2/2025) -> si on as pas d'arguments, on se replie sur les injures et les insinuations...