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Émergeance d'un totalitarisme médical /
The Emergence of Medical Totalitarianism


Healthcare will be used as a weapon against you.
Ton droit aux soins de santé sera utilisée comme une arme contre toi...

There is a nightmare which often assails me. I imagine myself waking up one morning and finding that England has become overnight a monolithic, totalitarian state, without anyone noticing; without revolution of the Left or of the Right, or any large constitutional controversy or last stand by defenders of individual liberty.
(Malcom Muggeridge - Things Past - 1978 - p. 202)

Si au mois de mars 2020 on nous disait que "C'est juste pour deux semaines..." depuis il FAUT constater que le comportement de la secte hypocrite de Davos, actuellement au pouvoir presque partout en Occident, démontre qu'elle n'a AUCUNE intention de nous restituer nos droits ni de les respecter. Évidemment, la secte de Davos a sciemment procédé par étapes, de manière à minimiser les dommages pour elle (tout en se foutant complètement des dommages pour le peuple, peuple qu'elle méprise profondément) et en accordant de brefs répits pour bon comportement, avant de biffer encore d'autres droits. Il est temps de se poser des questions sur la destination qu'ils ont prévue pour nous... (Anonyme)

To call it a "vaccine passport" is a lie. It's spyware, it's a permanent surveillance and control mechanism. Which is why it will be permanent. It's outrageous enough that you will have to tell every clerk, waiter and bouncer your private medical status. But now we know that you'll also have to expose that information to criminals and fraudsters. And it's a safe bet that the entire file has already been hacked and downloaded into China's security database. Do you doubt it?
(Rebel News - 20/8/2021)

J. A. - Je ne crois pas à l'orwellisme, parce que c'est une forme de totalitarisme technique avec un « Big Brother » visible et centralisé. Je crois plutôt à un totalitarisme implicite avec un « Big Brother » invisible et décentralisé. Ces machines pour surveiller notre santé, que nous pourrions avoir pour notre bien, nous asservissent pour notre bien. En quelque sorte nous subirons un conditionnement doux et permanent... (p. 271)
Conversation avec Jacques Attali, (1981) tiré de « L’avenir de la Vie » par Michel Salomon (Éditions Robert Laffont, collection Les Visages de l'avenir. Prospective sociale, France, Paris, 1 février 1981)

Under modern conditions any effective invitation to Hell will certainly appear in the guise of scientific planning’—as Hitler’s regime in fact did. Every tyrant must begin by claiming to have what his victims respect and to give what they want. The majority [of people] in most modern countries respect science and want [government] to be planned. And, therefore, almost by definition, if any man or group wishes to enslave us it will of course describe itself as scientific planned democracy.
(C. S. Lewis 1982: 74-75 - On Stories and Other Essays on Literature. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)

There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.
(George Orwell - 1984) -> Ebook

Alors que nous envisageons la venue d'une élite, d'un État autoritaire, comblant le vide laissé par la perte des principes chrétiens, nous ne devons pas penser naïvement aux modèles de Staline et d'Hitler. Nous devons plutôt penser à un gouvernement autoritaire manipulateur. Les gouvernements modernes ont à leur disposition des formes de manipulation que le monde n'a jamais connues auparavant.* (p. 228)
Nous ne devons pas penser à un changement du jour au lendemain, mais plutôt à une tendance subtile des dirigeants à contrôler et à manipuler davantage l'individu. Bien sûr, certains pourraient se sentir mal à l'aise face à ce contrôle et cette manipulation accrus à une époque relativiste, mais où traceraient-ils leur limite ? Beaucoup de ceux qui parlent des libertés civiles sont également attachés au concept que l'État doit résoudre tous les problèmes ; ainsi, à une époque de pressions écrasantes (et avec la perte moderne de toute distinction qualitative entre l'homme et le non-homme), à un moment donné, le sentiment de malaise sera submergé/étouffé.* (p. 244)
(Francis Schaeffer - How Should we Then Live?/L’héritage du christianisme - 1976)

Once the old Christian idea of a total difference in kind between man and beast has been abandoned, then no argument for experiments on animals can be found which is not also an argument for experiments in inferior men. If we cut up beasts simply because they cannot prevent us and because we are backing our own side in the struggle for existence, it is only logical to cut up imbeciles, criminals, enemies, or capitalists for the same reasons. Indeed, experiments on men have already begun. We all hear that Nazi scientists have done them. We all suspect that our own scientists may begin to do so, in secret, at any moment.
(C. S. Lewis 1947 - God in the Dock. p. 227)

To the propaganda assertion that all happenings are scientifically predictable according to the laws of nature or economics, totalitarian organization adds the position of one man who has monopolized this knowledge and whose principal quality is that he "was always right and will always be right." To a member of a totalitarian movement this knowledge has nothing to do with truth and this being right nothing to do with the objective truthfulness of the Leader's statements which cannot be disproved by facts, but only by future success or failure. The Leader is always right in his actions and since these are planned for centuries to come, the ultimate test of what he does has been removed beyond the experience of his contemporaries.
(Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism - 1948/1976 Harvest/Harcourt p. 383)

Et alors que ces nouveaux droits d'urgence en voie d'être imposés présentent certaines caractéristiques de systèmes totalitaires, elles nous invitent à nous rassurer (et à avaler docilement la pilule) au motif que, précisément, nous ne sommes pas en dictature. Le débat helvétique est un modèle du genre : la loi Covid prévoit ainsi expressément la possibilité d'imposer une vaccination généralisée - contraire au droit de la santé telle que la déclaration de Nuremberg, au sortir de la guerre et des atrocités nazies, l'avait coulé dans le bronze : nul acte médical ne peut être imposé de force à quiconque contre son gré !
(Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-Logiques - 28/11/2020)

So inveterate is their appetite for heaven that our best method, at this stage, of attaching them to earth is to make them believe that earth can be turned into heaven at some future date by politics or eugenics or "science" or psychology, or what not.
(CS Lewis - Screwtape Letters - 1941 - Ebook)

Dossier Covid19

Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents

Les vidéos affichant cet image Censored by YouTube ont été censurés par YouTube depuis leur mise en ligne....

The socialist elites want a 'forever pandemic' to erode our freedoms. (Rebel News - 24/6/2024)

Skeptics from around the world rally against WHO pandemic treaty: Ezra Levant shares his final thoughts from Geneva, Switzerland, where the bureaucrats at the World Health Organization met to continue discussing a global pandemic treaty. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 6/6/2024)

Globalists suffer big upset in Geneva; WHO chief urges aggressive crackdown on 'global pandemic agreement' skeptics. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 3/6/2024)

No Deal: W.H.O. Fails to Secure Global Pandemic Treaty. (Simon Kent - Briebart - 26/5/2024)

Meet the world's most powerful doctor: Bill Gates The software mogul's sway over the World Health Organization spurs criticism about misplaced priorities and undue influence. (Natalie Huet and Carmen Paun - Politico - 4/5/2017)

VACCINS UN PLAN MONDIAL: Vaccination tout au long de la vie, vaccination dans les pharmacies, les écoles, sur le lieu de travail ou au supermarché: une politique de vaccination constante à l'échelle planétaire se déploie à grande vitesse. (Senta Depuydt - Nexxus - mars 2019, no. 121, pp. 38-51) -> PDF

Former UK Prime Minister Calls For Global Government to Fight Coronavirus: Gordon Brown wants new powers for international bodies to deal with outbreak. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 26/3/2020)

Gordon Brown, envoyé spécial de l'ONU, prône le gouvernement global face au coronavirus, ennemi invisible de l'humanité. (Jeanne Smits - - 27/3/2020)

Antonio Guterres présente le rapport de l’ONU qui réclame des solutions « globales » contre le coronavirus en vue du « rebirthing » de la société. (Jeanne Smits - - 3/4/2020)

WHO Doctor Suggests Door-to-Door Searches to Find Sick and Then 'Remove Them and Isolate Them'. (Christine Favocci - The Western Journal - 7/4/2020)

Coronavirus : le rapport de l'ONU qui annonce la globalisation des solutions en vue d'une société plus égalitaire et plus inclusive . (Jeanne Smits - - 9/4/2020)

La COVID-19 dangereuse pour la démocratie, dit le lieutenant-gouverneur. (Caroline Plante - La Presse - 22/4/2020)

Les droits en temps de crise – 2e partie. (Louis-Philippe Lampron - ContactUL - 24/4/2020)

La gestion de la crise cache mal une espèce de coup d’Etat de l’oligarchie… (Blog de Liliane Held-Khawam - 30/4/2020)

Totalitarisme sanitaire : “C’est pour ton bien”... Le mal radical. (Ariane Bilheran [normalienne, psychologue, docteur en psychopathologie] - 12/5/2020)

L’ONU se prépare-t-elle au « second verrouillage de la société » ? Mesures d’oppression dans le monde entier, obéissance et acceptation… La mondialisation de l'alarmisme. Cela correspond à un programme, un énorme programme sinistre. (Peter Koenig - - 4/9/2020)

COVID-19 Is Not A Legitimate Excuse to Erase Human Rights And Turn Free Countries Into Tyrannies: What we’re witnessing is the dangerous normalization of a dystopian concept of “freedom” in which government dominates your life “for your own good.” (Carina Benton - The Federalist - 15/1/2021)

Liberal Author Naomi Wolf Warns 'Vaccine Passports' Are the 'End of Human Liberty in the West'. (Victoria Taft - PJMedia - 30/3/2021)

Vaccine passports: the end of liberty as we know it Britain could become a two-tier, papers-please society. (Mark Johnson - Spiked - 31/3/2021)

Canada sending COVID positive travelers to 'internment' facilities'.
(Tucker Carlson - FoxNews - 12 minutes - 31/3/2021)

La loi controversée sur la sécurité globale adoptée par un Parlement déserté par les 4/5 de ses membres ! (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 16/4/2021)

'It's for your own good': The rise of health fascism – for our own good of course. (Bill Muehlenberg - 13/6/2021)

WHO Is Working on "Digital Wallet" to Store Vaccination Certification: Official. (Jack Phillips/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/7/2021)

Resisting the Health Dictatorships: We are now fully in the throes of health fascism. (Bill Muehlenberg - 13/7/2021)

Mike Lee: WH Flagging Misinformation on Social Media Looks 'an Awful Lot Like a First Amendment Violation'. (Trent Baker- Breitbart - 16/7/2021)

Did GloboCorp Assassinate 3 National Presidents to Further the COVID Narrative & Import Vaccines? (Steven Yates - News With Views - 17/8/2021)

The Totalitarian Roots of Vaccine Mandates. (Barry Brownstein - Ron Paul Institute - 6/9/2021)

Australian Health Official Shocks Sydney With "New World Order" Comment. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/9/2021)

Jordan Peterson: "I'm Not Impressed by This Creeping Authoritarianism in the Name of Public Safety": For Peterson, forced vaccination is a "sign of the failure of the 'vaccine' arguments. To use political and police force to insist is only going to increase distrust, and drive resistance." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 25/10/2021)

World Economic Forum Is Collecting All Your Data to Allow A Digital ID For You, Like China.
(Glenn Beck - BitChute - 4 minutes - 2/3/2022)

L'OMS travaille discrètement à l'établissement d'une dictature techno-sanitaire. (H16 - Les moutons enragés - 16/3/2022)

Preuve que la pandémie a été planifiée avec un but. (Diane Vincero - Nouveau - 31 minutes English - 7/5/2022)

"Pandemic Treaty" will hand WHO keys to global government Suggested clauses would incentivize reporting "pandemics", and see nations punished for "non-compliance". (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 19/4/2022) -> Two African countries – Burundi and Tanzania – had Presidents who banned the WHO from their borders, and refused to go along with the Pandemic narrative. Both Presidents died unexpectedly within months of that decision, only to be replaced by new Presidents who instantly reversed their predecessor's covid policies.

Fauci Decrees That CDC Should be Above Authority of Courts "Fauci is saying that unelected CDC bureaucrats should be able to impose their will on the country without question or pushback". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 22/4/2022)

Looks like fun times in Geneva in the next couple weeks folks. (BLACK SHEEP TRUTH MEDIA - FaceBook - 7 minutes - 13/5/2022) -> The World Health Organisation aquires political powers...

Australian PM wants to give WHO "Power and Authority" for pandemics. (The Counter Signal - 17/5/2022)

We're Witnessing the Greatest Power Grab In Our Lifetime: "Even worse, compulsory vaccination is part of the International Health Regulations, and may now be forced on all Australians if this vote succeeds," Senator Roberts warned. (Caldron Pool - 17/5/2022)

Elites Meet to Plan Your Health: The Role of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Kiley Holliday/ - InfoWars - 18/5/2022)

Tyranny and the Pandemic Treaty: Australia and other nations will become puppet states of the WHO and the WEF. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 19/5/2022)

Dr. McCullough: 'Medical crisis' is being exploited to push global government The world-renowned physician has spoken prolifically about how to treat, and not to treat COVID. Now, he is cutting to the heart of what he believes is behind harmful protocols. (Emily Mangiaracina - LifeSite - 20/5/2022)

Hiding in Plain Sight: Technocratic Tyranny Behind a Medical Mask. (Valerie Kyrie, Daniel Broudy - Propaganda In Focus - 22/5/2022)

'Smart Device' Covid Test Sends Data Directly to CDC & Other Federal or State Agencies. (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 23/5/2022)

American sovereignty is about to be overruled by the World Health Organization. For your own good, of course. (Steve Deace - The Blaze - 24/5/2022)

WHO withdraws 12 Biden 'sovereignty' amendments amid fierce opposition Proposals cede authority to U.N. agency during health 'emergencies'. (WND News - 24/5/2022)

Bill Gates features on WEF panel titled 'Preparing for the next pandemic' Is the Microsoft founder really the person you want prepping for the next pandemic? (Tabitha Peters - Rebel News - 25/5/2022)

World Health Organization "Global Pandemic Treaty" Includes Plan For Mandatory, Universal Digital Passport and ID System. (Julian Conradson - The Gateway Pundit - 25/5/2022)

Trudeau's Health Minister wants to empower the WHO. (The Counter Signal - 25/5/2022)

WHO Pandemic Treaty: Fear Porn for the Right. (Anthony Fava - The Evangelical Dark Web - 25/5/2022)

Watch: Klaus Schwab Cosies Up With Head of Pfizer As They Condemn 'Conspiracy People' And 'Anti-vaxxers': "There is a very fanatic group that would go after us no matter what." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 27/5/2022) -> As he hangs out with Schwab, Albert Bourla (Pfizer CEO) seems quite intent on confirming the wildest conspiracy theories...

World Leaders All But Admit Major WHO Empowerment is Imminent. (Mark Anderson - UKColumn - 16/6/2022)

Australian healthcare regulator to PERMANENTLY mandate vaccines Ahpra's new code of conduct takes effect on the 29th of June, 2022. (Avi Yemini - Rebel News - 17/6/2022)

Canada's Health Minister: "You Will Never Be Fully-Vaxxed": This is the new 'right way' to think about vaccinations... (Mark Jeftovic/BombThrower - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 5/7/2022)

Menticide 101 and the Brainwashing of a World: Part I—The Biosecurity State. (Dr Bruce Scott - UK Column - 26/7/2022)

Son trespassed from ailing mother's hospital bedside Quinte Health Care trespassed an only child from tending to his frail, elderly mother in her final weeks of life. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 29/7/2022)

Toxicologie contre Virologie : L'Institut Rockefeller et la fraude criminelle de la polio. (F. William Engdalh/Mondialisation - SOTT - 31/7/2022)

Medical Censorship: California Democrats Approve Bill To Punish Doctors Who Spread COVID 'Misinformation'. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 5/9/2022)

Vera Sharav Statement Against Efforts by the World Health Organization to Dictate Global Health Policy. (Alliance for Human Research Protection - 20/9/2022)

The Growing Menace of Bill Gates' 'Global Health'. (Dr Roger Watson and Dr Niall McCrae - Daily Skeptic - 20/9/2022)

The End of Doctors' Freedom to Ignore What the Government and Pharmaceutical Industry Say Should Worry Us All. (Dr. Frank Mercy Daily Sceptic - 4/10/2022)

En Californie, l'Etat reprend les médecins "déviants" en main et refuse la libre discussion scientifique. (Le Courrier des Stratèges - 6/10/2022)

Only Dictators Censor Physicians – California Gov Newsom Exemplifies Tyranny. (Dr. Steve LaTulippe - America Out Loud - 16/10/2022)

'Shared Response': WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Pushes Countries to Sign New Global 'Pandemic Accord'. (Dylan Housman - Daily Caller - 17/10/2022)

Les scientifiques tirent la sonnette d'alarme alors que Gates et le Forum économique mondial promeuvent la technologie d'édition des gènes pour tout, de la fausse viande aux bébés sur mesure. (Michael Nevradakis - - 20/10/2022) -> Bill Gates et le Forum économique mondial comptent parmi les plus grands promoteurs de CRISPR, une technologie d'édition de gènes récemment mise au point, mais les scientifiques interrogés par The Defender ont mis en garde contre les défauts et les risques de cette technologie.

Comment la caste a obtenu le consentement aveugle de la majorité au vaccin. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 25/10/2022) -> De mon point de vue, le seul fait que ce droit au consentement libre et éclairé ait été bafoué à coup de passes vaccinaux et d'interdiction diverses et variées est une bonne indication de l'irrationalité qui a guidé la stratégie vaccinale.

YouTube Announces It Will 'Certify' Medical Information in Cahoots With The World Health Organisation: Applicants for certification must fall into line with the "authoritative sources". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 28/10/2022)

Christian Perronne : « L'OMS est devenue une succursale de la fondation Bill et Melinda Gates ». (Les moutons enragés - 52 minutes - 4/11/2022)

California doctors sue Gov. Newsom over 'misinformation' law that would discipline physicians who provide COVID advice contrary to 'contemporary scientific consensus'. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 7/11/2022)

G20 Pushes Vaccine Passports For All Future International Travel. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 18/11/2022)

WHO and other 'covidocracy' agencies working toward 2024 World Pandemic Treaty deadline. (Mark Anderson - UK Column - 21/11/2022)

Technocracy And Totalitarianism: The Rise of The Biomedical Security State. (Aaron Kheriaty/Brownstone Institute - Technocracy News - 21/11/2022)

"That Is Where Tyranny Starts": New Zealand May Take Baby From Parents Demanding 'Unvaccinated' Blood For Heart Surgery. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/12/2022)

Duke hospital DENIES orphaned girl from Ukraine lifesaving surgery over COVID vaccine: 'This child ... and her brother have been through so much'. (The Blaze - 15/12/2022)

Background to my interview with James Corbett, as requested by a reader. (Meryl Nass - 15/12/2022) -> discussing World Health Organisation's incursions into areas of National jurisdiction. -> one of the faces of New World Orderism...

Report: Medical School Lecturer Tells Students Not to Debate Her During Anti-Racism Training Session. (Ethan Letkeman - Breitbart - 19/12/2022)

Bill Gates Plans for New Catastrophic Contagion. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - 19/12/2022)

Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for Global Takeover: The World Health Organization is attempting to seize control over global pandemic monitoring and response and, ultimately, all health care decisions. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - 26/12/2022)

COVID Tyranny: Federal Judge Rules 'Public Safety' Overrides Personal Medical Autonomy. (Ben Bartee - PJMedia - 30/12/2022)

Trudeau Liberals signed a WEF led 'Charter'. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 19/1/2023)

No to 'Health Communism'. (Leila Mechoui - Compact Magazine - 26/1/2023)

We Must Heed Hayek's Warning If a proposed amendment to the third article of the International Health Regulations is accepted, the principle of respect for fundamental human rights will no longer be part of the Regulations. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 4/2/2023)

Victoire : l'OMS fait marche arrière
(Ciel Voilé - Odysée - 5 minutes - 10/2/2023)
Anglais avec sous-titres français

CDC Adds EUA COVID Shots to their Childhood Immunization Schedule to Target Poor Families on Government Aid. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 10/2/2023)

'One Health' and the demotion of humankind to the level of livestock. (Mark Anderson - UK Column - 13/2/2023)

Death, injury, no liability, and now a part of the child vaccination schedule. (Daniel Horowitz - Conservative Review - 14/2/2023)

Rise of the Biosecurity State. (Ramesh Thakur - Daily Declaration - 16/2/2023)

Transforming WHO into a Public-Health Technocracy. (Wesley J. Smith - Evolution News - 21/2/2023)

Bill Gates Calls for Western Nations to Surrender Sovereignty to the WHO. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 24/3/2023) -> But seeing Bill owns the WHO, this is actually a call for Western nations to Surrender Sovereignty to HIM...

America Must Opt Out of The World Health Organization's Global Medical Tyranny. (Chuck DeVore - The Federalist - 28/3/2023)

RFK Jr. Reveals Globalist Plan To Use Health Crises To Impose New World Order Tyranny. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 12/4/2023)

What you are not being told about outrageous plans to give the WHO power over your life. (Dr Tess Lawrie - The Conservative Woman - 14/4/2023)

Microsoft's Coup D'Etat of UK Medicines Regulatory Agency. (Truth For Health Team - America Out Loud - 26/4/2023)

WHO Still Planning to Launch Global Digital Health Certificate. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 11/5/2023)

WHO do you think you are? Exposing the Globalist's WHO scheme. (UK Column - 19/5/2023) -> a series of 8 video conferences.

Mais pourquoi le vaccin et l'OMS obsèdent-t-il tant le G7 et la caste ? (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 22/5/2023) -> Non seulement le G7 projette de vacciner à tout-va, mais il valide le futur traité de l'OMS sur les pandémies, qui devrait créer une gouvernance mondiale de la vaccination.

WHO Boss Orders World Govt's to 'Hand Over Sovereignty' Before Next Pandemic. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 24/5/2023)

A Note to Legislators About What Ceding Power to the World Health Organisation Really Means. (Dr. David Bell - Daily Skeptic - 30/5/2023)

One Ring to Rule Them All—The WHO's Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Treaty. (Simon Elmer/OffGuardian - UK Column - 3/6/2023)

L'OMS veut lancer un passeport sanitaire mondial inspiré du modèle européen. (Agence France-Presse - TVA Nouvelles - 5/6/2023) -> débité par des journalistes serviles...

'Mark of the Beast?': 1st step toward Global Digital Health Certification World Health Organization launches digital monitors for ... everyone! (Bob Unruh - WND - 6/6/2023)

'Death Sentence for Millions': WHO, EU Launch New Global Vaccine Passport Initiative Technology expert Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., told The Defender that, under the guise of preserving freedom, a digital passport system "means restraints on movement and living for the unvaccinated and forced vaccination to participate in life." (Michael Nevradakis - The Defender - 6/6/2023)

Non à l'idée d'un passeport sanitaire mondial. (Mathieu Bock-Côté - Journal de Montréal - 12/6/2023)

If It Was Allowed, I'd Hold You Down and… (Edward Curtin - OffGuardian - 18/6/2023)

WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Give it Power to Declare Pandemics, Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates With Force of Law, Leading Experts Tell MPs. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 23/6/2023)

New COVID Variant Has Unusual Symptom; WHO Launches Global Vax Passports.
(Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov - YouTube - video 14 minutes - 26/6/2023)

International group of lawyers join forces to oppose WHO's power grab. (Roda Wilson - The Exposé - 8/7/2023)

Un groupe international d'avocats unissent leurs forces pour s'opposer à la prise de pouvoir de l'OMS. (Collectif - - 10/7/2023)

The WHO Is a Real and Present Danger. (David Bell - Brownstone Institute - 11/7/2023)

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan : l'OMS nous menace d'un pass sanitaire mondial. (Profession Gendarme - 12/7/2023)

The End of the Freedom to Travel. (Gwendolyn Kull - Brownstone Institute - 13/7/2023)

A Disturbing Proposal: Drug the population to cure their racism. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - video, 3 minutes - 17/7/2023)

"We Will Bring You Down": German MP Vows to Dismantle WHO's Grip on Governments. (Zero Hedge/Summit News - 17/7/2023)

Produits de santé naturels : nous avons peu de temps. (ReinfoQuébec - 2/8/2023) -> la loi canadienne C-47 veut rendre les produits de santé naturels (PSN) inaccessibles.

Dr. Meryl Nass Warns: WHO Pandemic Treaty Is About Global Dominion by the Few and Total Control of the Masses. (Laura Harris/Natural News - Discern Report - 279/2023)

The Rise of Pharma Fascism and the Ruination of the Commons. (Toby Rogers - Brownstone Institute - 8/10/2023)

L'horrible agenda secret de l'ONU et de l'OMS : asservissement total de l'humanité par une « dictature sanitaire mondiale ». (Peter Koenig , Dr Astrid Stuckelberger et Mike Adams/Global-Research - Les moutons enragés - 3/11/2023)

Why is Everyone Concerned About the WHO? (Meryl Nass - The Brownstone Institute - 14/11/2023)

CDC Announces Expansion Of Airport Surveillance: What It Means For You. (Jack Phillips/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/11/2023)

How your DNA is being used against you: The CDC's Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance Program isn't about health & safety, it's about feeding your DNA to the Vast Machine. (Karen Hunt - Off-Guardian - 25/11/2023)

Full-Scale Medical Martial Law Coming to America in 2024. (Ethan Huff/Natural News - Discern Report - 3/12/2023)

WHO Whistleblower Warns: "They're Creating a Perpetual Pandemic". (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 28/12/2023)

"The Death Toll of a Global War": Bret Weinstein And Tucker Discuss COVID Vaccine, WHO's Authoritarian Plans For Humanity. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/1/2024)

Biologist Warns WHO Planning to Take Control Over Nations For Next Pandemic, Confirms COVID 'Vaccines' Killed 17 MILLION People. (Infowars - 6/1/2024)

Le pari de l'OMS. (Bruce Pardy/Brownstone Institute - ReinfoQué - 16/1/2024)

Disease X and the Corrupt Lancet: The globalists launch their new weapon to take over the world. (Dr. Robert Malone - 17/1/2024)

Bird Flu, Censorship & 100 Day Vaccines: 7 Predictions for "The Next Pandemic". (Kit Knightly - Off Guardian - 19/4/2024)

"I'm a Public Health Fascist": Journalist Who Led Calls for Lockdown Publishes Book Demanding We Prepare to Do it All Again But Harder (So it Works This Time). (Jeffrey A. Tucker - Daily Sceptic - 20/1/2024)-> he could simply admit he is a fascist...

FDA Just Quietly, Deceitfully 'Finalized a Rule' To Allow 'Medical Research Without Consent'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 24/1/2024)

WHOse time is running out? (James Roguski - UK Column - video, 53 minutes - 1/2/2024)

Tedros Ghebreyesus ou l'aspiration à un gouvernement mondial sanitaire. (France-Soir - 10/2/2024)

OMS : Une menace pour la démocratie ? (Philippe Langlois, Christian Leray, Christian Linard - Réinfo-Québec - vidéo, 85 minutes - 14/2/2024)

WHO Director Who Predicted COVID Says 'Disease X' is Coming: Wants more power for WHO, warns against conspiracy theorists who say WHO wants more power. (Paul Joseph Watson - Modernity - 19/2/2024)

If You Think Parliament Will Get Any Opportunity to Scrutinise the WHO Pandemic Treaty, Think Again. (Shiraz Akram - Daily Sceptic - 20/2/2024) -> Bill Gates needs more power...

The WHO Pandemic Agreement may be worrying, but it is also really stupid. (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 23/2/2024) -> End result? A scam targetting pharmaceutical products (and loss of sovereignty for nations)...

The WHO's Public Health Colonialism. (Dr David Bell - Daily Sceptic - 9/3/2024)

Entrevue avec Christian Perronne - NON au traité de l'OMS!
(FreedomNews NouvellesLibres - 40 minutes - 4/4/2024)

The WHO's Road to Totalitarianism. (Bert Olivier - Brownstone Institute - 9/4/2024) -> so we can all become Bill Gates subjects/slaves??

Dérives sectaires : un nouveau délit créé contre les "gourous 2.0" et leurs remèdes miracles. (AFP - France Soir - 10/4/2024)

Huge Japanese Protest Against The WHO Pandemic Treaty. (M Dowling - Independent Sentinel - 14/4/2024)

Traité sur les pandémies de l'OMS : le Sénat de la Louisiane aux États-Unis dit niet. (France-Soir - 15/4/2024)

" L'OMS n'a pas agi dans l'intérêt des populations, pourquoi donc lui faire confiance en transférant notre souveraineté sanitaire pour de nouvelles pandémies " - Joseph Tritto. (France-Soir - vidéo, 71 minutes - 3/5/2024)

Everything Wrong With the WHO Pandemic Treaty: The UsForThem Briefing. (Ben Kingsley and Molly Kingsley - Daily Sceptic - 7/5/2024)

Britain Refuses to Sign WHO Pandemic Treaty That Would Force it to Give Away a Fifth of Vaccines. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 9/5/2024)

WHO's Fascist F**kery: "Homicidal Racketeering Scheme Masquerading as Disease Prevention". (James Howard Kunstler - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 17/5/2024)

The Prime Minister Must Reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty. (Senator Alex Antic - Daily Declaration - 21/5/2024)

A World State Through the Back Door? (James Alexander - Daily Sceptic - 23/5/2024)

Swiss Cardiologist [Dr. Thomas Binder] Calls For The Abolishment of The World Health Organization. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 8/6/2024)

How the WHO pandemic treaty is similar to tactics used by organized crime. (Sargis Sangari/The National Security Hour - America Out Loud - podcast, 58 minutes - 8/6/2024)

Don't Believe in "International Community"? You're Hardly Human! Who said that? Not a streetcorner doomsday crank. No, it's the editor of a highly respected medical journal. (Wesley J. Smith - Mind Matters - 10/6/2024) -> regarding comments by Richard Horton, The Lancet's editor in chief

Hey Ho, The WHO Has Got to Go. (James Roguski - UK Column - video, 64 minutes - 11/6/2024)

Another "vaccine passport" bill FAILS to pass in New York where medical legislation is disguised so the nanny-state can impose vaccine mandates later. (S.D. Wells - Natural News - 26/6/2024)

NATO will now enforce LOCKDOWNS and VACCINE mandates?
(Clayton Morris - Redacted - YouTube - 10 minutes - 9/8/2024)

For Your Own Good: The Looming Health Authoritarianism. (Wesley J. Smith - Evolution News - 10/9/2024)

Nous vivons bel et bien dans un monde totalitaire !
(Vincent Pavan - Tocsin - YouTube - 35 minutes - 16/9/2024)

The Technocratic Authoritarians Still Want Their "Pandemic Treaty". (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 19/9/2024)

The UN's Support for Covid Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates Shows Why We Should Fear its 'Pact for the Future'. (Dr. Thi Thuy Van Dinh & Dr. David Bell - Daily Skeptic - 23/9/2024)

Mandatory Vaccination and Confinement Included in Draconian Health Bill for NI. (Dr. Elizabeth Evans - The Daily Sceptic - 26/9/2024) -> NI = Northern Ireland