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"Smart" Automobiles
Big Brother dans ton auto?

«Le progrès, c'est une automobile à laquelle il faut demander permission pour aller à l'épicerie...»
"Progress is a car that you need to ask it's permission to go to the grocery store..."


Floating car data. (Wiki)

Vehicle Privacy Report



Big Brother Ford awarded patent to snitch to cops when you speed. (Ethan Xu - Blaze Media - 10/8/2024)

Les Ford vont-elles devenir des radars ambulants ? (France-Soir - 5/8/2024)

Orwell Hits The Highway: Starting This Month Cars In Britain Will Have "Speed Limiters". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 4/7/2024)

Is your car spying on you? Here's how to check. (Lauren Fix - Blaze Media - 28/6/2024)

Highway robbery: How car companies steal your data. (Lauren Fix - Blaze Media - 14/5/2024)

Modern Cars Enslaving Owners in Dystopic Technocratic Takeover: The automobile, once a tool of personal freedom, has became a tool of control under big brother smart grid technologies. (Sean Miller - Infowars - 9/4/2024)

Hyundai Kona goes in for software upgrade - Resets to 1984 - This is SHOCKING
(Geoff Buys Cars - YouTube - video, 11 minutes - 5/4/2024)
-> In this video we're talking abour GEOFENCING and GEOTIMING and how it could stop your car from going where you want, when you want, and it applies to all cars after around 2016. Scary stuff.

Your Vehicle Is Already Spying on You, and Now They Are Going to Start Installing ChatGPT in New Volkswagen Models. (Michael Snyder/End of the American Dream - Discern Report - 10/1/2024)

When You Sit in a "Digital Car" You Consent to Being Recorded And Personal Data Sold. (Jo Nova - 3/1/2024)

The Car That Pulls Itself Over: The government doesn't want you to make decisions on the road. (Eric Peters - The American Spectator - 8/11/2023)

Les voitures classées « pires produits ». (Karim Benessaieh - La Presse/Confidentialité - 4/10/2023)

Étude de la fondation Mozilla: Les voitures, un « cauchemar » pour la protection des données personnelles. (AFP - La Presse - 6/9/2023) -> Quelque 84 % des constructeurs évoquent la possibilité de partager les informations recueillies, et 76 % (19) celle de les vendre....

Tesla workers violated drivers' privacy, shared embarrassing car camera footage, lawsuit alleges. (Michelle Bood - The Blaze - 9/4/2023)

Ford Files For Patent That Can "Remotely Shut Down" Parts of Your Car When Your Bill Isn't Paid. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 4/3/2023)

Big Brother Gets a Seat in Your Car Federal infrastructure law empowers the feds to monitor impaired driving and shut off your car. What could go wrong? (Steven Greenhut - The American Spectator - 25/1/2023) -> Here we go again. "Beginning 2026, a kill switch will be a mandatory feature on vehicles," read an image posted on Facebook by conservative musician Ted Nugent. "The device allows the government, the police, and car makers to disable your car from the comfort of their offices."

Motorcyclist In Florida Killed After Being Hit From Behind In Tesla. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 27/8/2022)

Géolocalisation des voitures de location: la CNIL sanctionne Ubeeqo. (FranceSoir - 28/7/2022)

WEF calls for an end to private car ownership. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 25/7/2022)

From Tomorrow, All New Vehicles in the EU Will Have Surveillance Black Boxes Greasing the skids for speed-limiting technology. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 5/7/2022)

Hackers Can Steal Your Tesla by Creating Their Own Personal Keys: A researcher found that a recent update lets anyone enroll their own key during the 130-second interval after the car is unlocked with an NFC card. (Ars Technica - Wired - 9/6/2022)

San Francisco Cops Are Accessing Autonomous Vehicle Recordings to Collect Evidence. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 27/5/2022)

Joe Biden is Threatening Our Freedom of Movement. (Levi Russell - RealClearEnergy - 10/5/2022)

Bill Would Give U.S. Government 'Kill Switch' in All New Cars Law would "prevent or limit motor vehicle operation," give law enforcement access. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 17/1/2022)

All New Cars Sold in EU to Be Fitted With Data Recording 'Black Box': Will be accessible by law enforcement. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 3/1/2022)

Biden Infrastructure Bill Includes Passive Monitoring Vehicle "Kill Switch" Mandates For Automakers. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 4/12/2021)

"Gone In Seconds" - British Thieves Use Device Disguised As Game Boy to Steal Cars. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/10/2021)

New Document Exposes How This Company Tracks Car Locations In Real-Time. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 18/3/2021)

'Going Dark?': Cops Grab Vehicle Data to Identify A Murder Suspect. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 7/1/2021)

As cars grow more vulnerable to cyber-attacks, Israeli company takes lead in new solutions. (Yaakov Lappin - JNS - 20/8/2020)

Star self-driving truck firm shuts; AI not safe enough soon enough. (Brendan Dixon - MindMatters - 24/3/2020)

Washington Post Hacks Into Chevy to Show How Much Cars Are Spying on Owners. (Ryan Saavedra - DailyWire - 26/12/2019)

Elon Musk: You Are Liable for my Malfunctioning Code!: He hopes to put the blame for self-driving mishaps in parking lots on customers. (Jonathan Bartlett - Mind Matters News - 15/7/2019)

True Believer Loses Faith in Fully Self-Driving Cars: Levandowski sees the futureand it is tech aids for safer driving. (Brendan Dixon - Mind Matters News - 24/6/2019)

Hackers have weaponized a Tesla: A Chinese research lab tricks a Tesla Model S into driving into opposing traffic. (David Booth - Driving.CA - 3/4/2019)

The UK and EU Will Require All New Cars to Include Devices That Prevent You From Speeding. (Jennings Brown - Gizmodo - 27/3/2019)

Connected Cars Pose New Security Challenges. (James Plouffe - Dark Reading - InformationWeek - 6/3/2018)

Hackers hijack Tesla system in bold cryptocurrency attack. (James Rogers - Fox News - 22/2/2018)

Tesla Autopilot 'partly to blame' for crash. (BBC - 12/9/2017)

Tesla Remotely Extended The Range of Drivers In Florida For Free... And That's NOT A Good Thing. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 11/9/2017)

Infographic: Data and the Connected Car  Version 1.0. (Melanie Bates - Future of Privacy Forum - 29/6/2017)

Self Driving Taxis Are Going To Be A Nightmare To Secure, Warns Ex-Uber Security Researcher. (TechDirt - Karl Bode - 21/4/2017)

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada to fund project on connected cars code of practice. (Canadian Underwriter - 30/3/2017)

State Appeals Court Says There's an Expectation of Privacy in Vehicle Data Recorders. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 6/4/2015)

Delphi looks to profit from your connected car's data. (Bill Howard - Extreme Tech - 7/4/2017)

Self-Driving Cars Won't Just Watch the World - They'll Watch You. (Jack Stewart - Wired - 13/2/2017)

YOUR next new car will know where you're driving, where you've parked, and even how often you've braked: The computing power behind it is incredible. (Malcolm Farr - - 31/10/2016)

7 Imminent IoT Threats: Connected Cars. (Jai Vijayan - Dark Reading - 21/10/2016)

Team of hackers take remote control of Tesla Model S from 12 miles away. (Olivia Solon - The Guardian - 20/9/2016)

Pourquoi les données qu'enregistre votre voiture sur vous intéressent tant les géants du web. Les données collectées lorsque les conducteurs conduisent semblent mener à une ruée vers l'or pour Google et Apple. En réaction, certains constructeurs automobiles, comme Renault, développent leurs propres systèmes internes et applications. (Atlantico - 14/7/2016)

Volkswagen Created A 'Backdoor' to Basically All Its Cars... And Now Hackers Can Open All of Them. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 25/2/2015)

The Jeep Hackers Are Back to Prove Car Hacking Can Get Much Worse. (Andy Greenberg - Wired - 1/8/2016)

The real prize and threat of the driverless car revolution is data: ‘The car knows a lot about you’. (Claire Brownell - Financial Post 20/5/2016)

Feds Urge Caution on Aftermarket Devices That Plug Into Vehicle Diagnostic Ports: Vulnerabilities in such products could give attackers a way to access and control critical vehicle systems, the FBI, DOT, and NHTSA Warn. (Jai Vijayan - Information Week - 18/3/2016)

Mandated car communication spells windfall for chipmakers. (Wayne Cunningham - Road Show - 7/3/2016)

Nissan Forgets Security Exists, Opens Leaf Owners To Remote Attack. (TechDirt - Karl Bode - 25/2/2015)

Géolocalisation d’une voiture de fonction : attention à la collecte des données. (Guide d'achat France)

Newsflash: Car Network Security Is Still A Horrible, Very Dangerous Joke. (Karl Bode - TechDirt - 21/7/2015)

Cars Are Delivering Tons of Driving Data to Manufacturers With Minimal Security And Even Less Transparency. (Nearly 100% of 2014 vehicles record and transmit driving history.) (TechDirt - 2015)

Connected cars perfect for harvesting personal data, report warns: Cars generate data extremely valuable to insurers, governments, law enforcement agencies, companies. (CBC - 2015)

What private information is your car sharing with others?: Advance of in-vehicle computer systems raises some important privacy issues, warns B.C. group. (Driving - 2015)

A privacy policy for cars: What automakers know about you (and what they re doing with it). ( Brian Fung - Washington Post - 9/12/2014)

Car Companies Are Collecting Drivers' Location Data: Privacy advocates fear how such information may be used, new report says. (AutoBlog - 7/1/2014)

Is Your Car A Privacy Threat? (Amadou Diallo - Forbes -16/12/2013)

Télématique : la géolocalisation prend son envol. (Flottes automobiles - 25/3/2013)

Propagande techno écervellée et pathétique, puisque la technologie 'doit avancer' / Totally Brain-Dead Tech Propaganda... Of course technology MUST advance... (and consumer gotta swallow this garbage)...

Carmakers have less than a decade to reinvent themselves or die, warns Sergio Marchionne: We're in a seismic shift in how vehicles are powered, driven and purchased. (Tommaso Ebhardt - Financial Post - 16/1/2018)

Driverless cars became a reality in 2017 and hardly anyone noticed. (Timothy B. Lee - Arse Technica - 12/26/2017)

Qualcomm Is Building a Vehicle-to-Everything Chip for Safer Cars. (Bill Howard - ExtremeTech - 7/9/2017

Autotalks brings motorcycles into the conversation. (Kristen Hall-Geisler - TechCrunch - 27/6/2017

What Do Cars, Cybersecurity, and IoT Have In Common? More Than You'd Think: A high-end sedan contains over 100 million lines of code. That number's only going to get bigger. But what brought about this change? (BlackBerry - 29/5/2017)

How Cars Could 'Talk' to Each Other in The Future' And Why That Has to Happen. (Ryan Felton - Jalopnik - 30/3/2017)

Toyota the next automaker to launch vague data-centric company: Toyota Connected plans to extend its services to just about every corner of human existence, and it's expanding a partnership with Microsoft to do so. (Krok - RoadShow - 4/4/2016)

Toyota and Microsoft Want to Free You From In-Car 'Tyranny of Technology'. (Gizmodo - 5/4/2016)