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Mangez des insectes
[tandis que les marionnettes de Davos mangent leurs steaks]!
/ Eat Bugs
[while Davos Pawns Eat Their Steaks].


Bugs for supper

Or l'Esprit dit expressément que, dans les temps à venir, quelques-uns abandonneront la foi, en suivant des esprits d'erreur et des doctrines diaboliques, enseignées par des imposteurs pleins d'hypocrisie, dont la conscience est noircie de crimes ; qui interdiront le mariage, et l'usage des viandes que Dieu a créées pour être reçues avec action de grâces par les fidèles, et par ceux qui connaissent la vérité. Car tout ce que Dieu a créé est bon, et l'on ne doit rien rejeter de ce qui se mange avec action de grâces ; parce qu'il est sanctifié par la parole de Dieu, et par la prière.
(1Tim. 4: 1-5 - Bible de Sacy)

Or l'esperit dit manifestement, que ês derniers tems il en y aura qui ƒe retireront de la foi, e s'amuƒeront a des esperits abuseurs, e a doctrines de diables, par le faux semblant de gens mensongers, qui auront la conscience brulée, e defendront de ƒe marier, e commanderont de s'abƒtenir des viandes que Dieu a creées pour s'en ƒeruir e l'en remercier, pour les croyans, toute creature de Dieu êt bonne, e n'y a rien qui ƒoit a reietter, quand on le prend en remerciant Dieu : car cela ƒe purifie par la parolle de Dieu, e par oraison.
(1Tim. 4: 1-5 - Bible de Castellion)

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
(1Tim. 4: 1-5)

Faire bouffer des insectes n'est que le crachat de mépris des élites au visage du peuple...

Si en général on nous demande de bouffer des vers seulement après notre mort, c'est un indice claire du mépris ABSOLU du peuple de la part des pions de Davos est qu'ils veulent nous faire bouffer des vers avant notre mort...

Si on dit à un Québécois "Mange d'la marde!" c'est une grande insulte, alors comment se fait-il que si on y ajoute "pour l'environnement" que ça devient tout à coup un propos raisonnable?

Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus récents d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (most recent first, older articles at the bottom)

Les vidéos affichant cet image Censored by YouTube ont été censurés par YouTube depuis leur mise en ligne....

Bugs and Goo: Welcome to "alternative protein". (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 6/9/2024) -> Why not Solyent Green while they're at it?? -> But when your product is a few thousand freeze-dried crickets ground into a powder (including their eyes, intestines and faeces), mixed with chemical preservatives, thickeners and artificial flavourings to mimic real meat… well, you can patent the hell out of that. That's part of the reason the edible insect market is expected to grow to ten times its current size in the next decade.

[UK] Government Funded Group Explores Using Psychological Propaganda to Make People Eat Bugs: The infamous 'nudge unit' is back. (Paul Joseph Watson - Modernity - 28/8/2024)

Bug Diets, Once Labeled 'Conspiracy Theory' By MSM, Now Becomes Fact After UK Gov't Backs 'Sustainable' Food. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/8/2024)

"Eating Ze Bugs is Vegan" – What the rise of "ento-veganism" REALLY means. (Off-Guardian - 11/8/2024) -> to manipulate the masses to believe ANYTHING...

Des odeurs nauséabondes dérangent des résidents d'un quartier résidentiel à Drummondville. (Éric Beaupré - Vingt55 - 29/7/2024) -> Sauver la planète avec des usines qui font de la farine d'insectes en leur faisant bouffer de la nourriture pourrie nauséabonde?

BANKRUPT - The WEF Agenda is FAILING! (Peter Sweden - The Gateway Pundit - 26/7/2024)

Japan Still Pushing Globalist Insect-Eating Fad Despite Continued Population Decline. (Angeline Tan/Lifesite - Infowars - 17/6/2024)

UK Grocery Chain to Sell Edible Insects as Affordable Protein Source Amid Cost-of-Living Crisis. (Belle Carter/Natural News - Infowars - 12/6/2024)

Democrats Push to Hide Insects in American Food Supply. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 8/4/2024)

Democrats Block Amendment to Require Informing People if They're Eating Bugs: Democrats don't want people to know whether they're consuming products with insect-based ingredients. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 6/4/2024)

Du steak à l'insecte, nous grillons ! (France-Soir - 26/2/2024)

Le buffet de Frankenstein à l'Agenda 2030.
(KlagemauerTV - Français - YouTube - 12 minutes - 20/2/2024)

« Vous mangerez de la merde et vous serez heureux ! Farine d'insectes, viande cellulaire, comprendre la crise agricole ». (Charles Sannat/Insolentiae - Les moutons enragés - 5/2/2024)

EAT MORE BUGS EXCLUSIVE: Natural News releases high-magnification cricket snacks, cricket flour and whole cricket microscopy photos from the lab. (Mike Adams - Natural News - 2/2/2023)

We Will Not Eat the Bugs, Klaus! My foreword for "The Eggs Benedict Option", by Raw Egg Nationalist. (Noor Bin Ladin - Substack - 30/1/2024)

Report: Climate Summit Elites Dine on 'Succulent Gourmet Meats' Steve Watson 9th December 2023 3 comments UN delegates are being served "slabs of succulent meat" while lecturing the world to stop eating it. (Steve Watson - Modernity - video, 2 minutes - 9/12/2023)

United Nations Wants Americans to Reduce Meat Consumption in The Name of 'Climate Change': Reports. (Brandon Drey - DailyWire - 28/11/2023)

Feds spent $420,000 on 'cricket corporate welfare' since 2018: disclosures According to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), the federal government signed eight deals with five companies, excluding Aspire Food Groups, which received $8.5 million through four handouts in the recent year. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 12/9/20223)

Let Them Eat Bugs: Challenging the WEF's Corporate-Driven Food Reset. (Colin Todhunter - Off-Guardian - 31/7/2023)

The right's war against "eating the bugs" is actually working… (Revolver - 22/7/2023)

Lab-Grown Meat Suffers Significant Setback With Shocking New Scientific Findings. (Chris Morrison - Daily Sceptic - 18/6/2023)

Carbon Footprint of Lab-Grown Beef "Orders of Magnitude" Worse Than Traditionally Raised: Study. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 31/5/2023)

"CBS Saturday Morning" – Put Bugs In Food Supply to Stop Climate Change. (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 17/5/2023)

Insectes dans l'alimentation : vers une révolution ? (Julien Taillefer - France-Soir - 16/5/2023)

CBS segment pushes insects as 'low-carbon solution to feed animals and the world's population'. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 15/5/2023)

Scientists Reveal Deadly 'WEF Diet' Will Drive Human Race to Extinction. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 11/5/2023)

Meat is crucial for human health, scientists say as they call for end to the 'zealotry' pushing vegetarian and vegan diets Scientists have said farming is too important to 'become the victim of zealotry' . (Erian Jane Prosser - Daily Mail - 30/4/2023)

Meat is crucial for human health, scientists warn. (Sarah Knapton - The Telegrap/MSN - 29/4/2023)

Video: Days Before Being Fired, Tucker Carlson Exposed WEF Efforts to Force People to Eat Bugs "You must eat ze bugs!" (Steve Watson - Summit News - 25/4/2023)

Resto zéro carbone
(Les films à l'arrache - YouTube - 4 minutes - 21/4/2023)

La nourriture de demain. (Patrick Vesin - ReinfoQuebec - 15/4/2023) -> Vous allez bouffer des bebittes!

London [Ontario] in talks for a second cricket plant, possibly for human consumption: According to a Research and Markets report, the edible insect market will reach $3.5 billion by 2029. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 3/4/2023)

Italians Refuse to 'Eat Ze Bugs' . (Tom Kington/The Times - Daily Sceptic - 25/3/2023)

German ice cream parlor offers cricket-flavored scoops. (AP News - 2/3/2023) -> vile pro-bug propaganda... "Let them eat BUGS!"

WEF Insider: Bug Eating Agenda Makes Humans Susceptible to Engineered Viruses. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 11/2/2023)

Tyson Foods Announces Partnership with Protix, Construction of Insect Ingredient Facility. (Food Engineering - 19/10/2023)

L'UE autorise l'utilisation des insectes comme denrées alimentaires - "On marche sur la tête" V. Joron
(Sud Radio - 11 minutes - 25/1/2023)

La « Grande Réinitialisation Alimentaire » : Qui est derrière le plan de réorganisation de l'approvisionnement alimentaire mondial ? Le journaliste James Corbett identifie les personnages à l'origine de la Grande Réinitialisation Alimentaire, un plan visant à réorganiser l'approvisionnement alimentaire mondial sous le couvert d'une fausse crise alimentaire. (Children's Health Defense - 25/1/2023)

Bugs to be used in bread, beer, and various other items 'intended for the general population,' courtesy of the EU. (Joseph Mackinnon - The Blaze - 24/1/2023)

Who is Behind the Great Food Reset? (James Corbett - The Corbett Report - 22/1/2023)

MSNBC Says It's A 'Lizard People Conspiracy Theory' That WEF Is Promoting Vaccines And Bug Eating: It's practically all they do… (Steve Watson - Summit News - 20/1/2023)

Environnement, Insolite: Des insectes dans votre baguette ? Souriez, l'U.E. vient de l'approuver. (Audrey D'Aguanno - Breizh-Info - 19/1/2023)

Innovative New Process Converts Plants Into Meat by Feeding Them to Cows. (BabylonBee - 16/12/2022) -> satire....

Here's The Latest Sign Americans Are Going to Eat Bugs And be Happy. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 15/12/2022)

Washington Post Tells Americans To EAT BUGS As They Can No Longer Afford Traditional Seasonal Dinners: "Consumers can already find foods like salted ants on Amazon and cricket powder protein bars in grocery stores." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 28/11/2022)

Les hypocrites du climat. A nous les insectes et la viande synthétique, à eux le bœuf Angus. ( - Les moutons enragés - 20/11/2022)

UK Supermarkets Begin Selling BUGS to Low Income Families. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 20/10/2022)

It Begins… Schools in The Netherlands Serve Mealworms and Insects to Children to Save Planet from Global Warming. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 15/10/2022)

Israeli Company Introduces 3D Printed "Meat" As The Future of Food. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 15/10/2022)

Elites continue push for insects on our dinner plates 'Oh, not that King Schwab will be chowing down on insects anytime soon mind you,' said David Menzies. (Rebel News - 7/10/2022)

The U.K. government is experimenting on African children by feeding them a bug-based diet Poor African kids are the subject of an experiment to determine whether regular bug consumption can improve their nutrition without consideration of potential inflammatory effects from insects. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 7/10/2022)

WEF Insider Reveals 'Bug-Eating Agenda' Is About Destroying the Human Soul. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 3/10/2022)

The Elite is Desperately Trying to Convince You to Eat Bugs. Here's Why. They're using celebrities. They're using the "news". They're using the educational system. The elite is using its bag of tricks to convince the public that it should eat bugs. What's behind this massive push to drastically change our diets? Here's a look at this nasty agenda. (Vigilant Citizen - 29/9/2022)

Giant Food Companies Stampede to Raise Insects For Food. (Business Wire - Technocracy News - 26/9/2022)

Insect-protein startup raises $250 million in funding. (Eric Cervone - The Blaze - 24/9/2022)

World Economic Forum Introduces Pumpkin Spice Crickets. (The Babylon Bee - 12/9/2022) -> satire...

Insects loaded with parasites!: Why eating insects is bad news in 2022. (Conrad Scott - HerculeanStrength - 6/9/2022)

Mealmoth Flambé. (Sylvia Shawcross - Off-Guardian - 2/9/2022)

I have found the worst journalist in Canada. You're not going to believe this guy — and of course he's with the CBC. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 30/8/2022) -> Aspire Food Group's new plant in London, Ontario, is ready to produce 9000 metric tons of crickets annually for human and pet consumption... And David Rosenberg, is on the board of Aspire, and he just happens to be a key WEF leader...

Vous devriez commencer à lire les étiquettes. Ils mettent des grillons dans votre nourriture, que vous le vouliez ou non ! (BrainlessReborn - Twitter - 18/8/2022)

UK to reverse "accidental" ban on edible insect farming Propaganda push is selling eating bugs as usual, and suggests the UK is just going back to normal. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 10/8/2022)

La cabale mondialiste promeut un régime alimentaire à base d'insectes – et le cannibalisme. (Dr Joseph Mercola - La Lumière du monde - 5/8/2022)

I Can't Believe It's Not Bugs - Turns Out, Eating Bugs Can Make You Sick - Chitins
(Clyde Do Something - YouTube - 5 minutes - 15/8/2022)

Why we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems. (Antoine Hubert - WEF - 12/7/2022) -> the usual WEF propaganda. "Let them eat BUGS!!!"

Elite Scientists Urge Africans to Eat Baked Goods Made of Insects. (John Hayward - Brietbart - 16/6/2022)

L'Université Laval lance une chaire d'enseignement sur les insectes comestibles. (journaliste servile - Radio Canada - 12/6/2022)

Une usine d'insectes verra le jour à Drummondville. (journaliste servile - TVA Nouvelles - 26/4/2022) -> avec du fric du fédéral et provincial...

Bill Gates Says He Will Force You to Eat Fake Meat: Could there be a link between Bill Gates' investment on fake meat and his large farmland ownership in the US? (Dr. Joseph Mercola - 25/9/2021)

Pourquoi manger des insectes est bon pour nous… et pour la planète. (Grant Vandenberg - Forum Économique Mondiale - 2/7/2019) -> retiré sur le site officiel, mais archivé sur WebArchive -> propagande hypocrite de Davos évidemment....


Supper is served at Karl Schwab's