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Survival guide
for evangelical divorcees.

Gary Hitch

Unfortunately in our generation a growing number of evangelicals are confronted in their personal lives with the unthinkable: a divorce. A large number of these divorces are can not be justified on a New Testament basis.

Most of us do not realize that the New Testament is very restrictive as far as divorce is concerned. Only adultery (Mal 2:16; Mat. 5: 31-32; 19:7-9; Mk 10: 3-12) is considered a valid justification. But whatever the biblical constraints a growing number of evangelicals today are confronted with the reality of a divorce. Here is some advice for those caught in such circumstances.

Get it in your head right from the start the following facts:

Certainly not an exhaustive list - these are just some basic rules of thumb that helped me


Morally acceptable responses to (impending) divorce. (Christianity and masculinity Blog - 17/12/2017)