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On se défend, en Angleterre.
England Fights Back

Risk worth taking

Stay Home... Con men...

There is a nightmare which often assails me. I imagine myself waking up one morning and finding that England has become overnight a monolithic, totalitarian state, without anyone noticing; without revolution of the Left or of the Right, or any large constitutional controversy or last stand by defenders of individual liberty.
(Malcom Muggeridge - Things Past - 1978 - p. 202)

I believe a man is happier, and happy in a richer way, if he has 'the freeborn mind'. But I doubt whether he can have this without economic independence, which the new society is abolishing. For economic independence allows an education not controlled by Government; and in adult life it is the man who needs, and asks, nothing of Government who can criticise its acts and snap his fingers at its ideology. Read Montaigne; that's the voice of a man with his legs under his own table, eating the mutton and turnips raised on his own land. Who will talk like that when the State is everyone's schoolmaster and employer? Admittedly, when man was untamed, such liberty belonged only to the few. I know. Hence the horrible suspicion that our only choice is between societies with few freemen and societies with none.
Again, the new oligarchy must more and more base its claim to plan us on its claim to knowledge. If we are to be mothered, mother must know best. This means they must increasingly rely on the advice of scientists, till in the end the politicians proper become merely the scientists' puppets. Technocracy is the form to which a planned society must tend. Now I dread specialists in power because they are specialists speaking outside their special subjects. Let scientists tell us about sciences. But government involves questions about the good for man, and justice, and what things are worth having at what price; and on these a scientific training gives a man's opinion no added value. Let the doctor tell me I shall die unless I do so-and-so; but whether life is worth having on those terms is no more a question for him than for any other man.
(CS Lewis - Is Progress Possible? Willing Slaves of the Welfare State - 1958 - Etext)

Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I find. It is small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.
(Tolkien - The Hobbit - 1937)

Such lies believed! Never, surely, has there been credulity like it. African witchdoctors and makers of love-potions must look with sick envy at the impositions of our advertisers and psychiatrists, reflecting that their clientele, though black savages, would never for an instant countenance deception so gross and palpable. When people cease to believe in God, G. K. Chesterton has pointed out, they do not then believe in nothing, but - what is far more dangerous - in anything. The Christian religion requires us only to believe in certain specific dogma and supernatural happenings like miracles; the religion of Science which has succeeded it, as I indicated in The Thirties bestows its imprimatur upon any proposition, however nonsensical, which can be stated in terms of the requisite statistical-scientific mumbo-jumbo. Thus a condition of moral, intellectual and spiritual confusion has been created in which, not only faith, but meaning itself, has disappeared.
(Malcom Muggeridge - Things Past - 1978 - p. 86)

As long as people trust the BBC and don't question them, the State can simply feed propaganda into the machine and vacuous BBC mouthpieces will repeat it until you believe it. It washes over you like a heavy dose of soma, and none of it is even vaguely plausible. (...) This is an essential tool of the propagandists. They highlight everything which supports their agenda and ignore or, where needed, flatly deny the existence of anything and everything which challenges it. This is precisely what the BBC have done throughout, what I refer to, as the pseudopandemic.
(Iain Davis - The BBC Are A Disgrace - Off-Guardian)

Ought we to be surprised at the approach of 'scientocracy'? In every age those who wish to be our masters, if they have any sense, secure our obedience by offering deliverance from our dominant fear. When we fear wizards the Medicine Man can rule the whole tribe. When we fear a stronger tribe our best warrior becomes King. When all the world fears Hell the Church becomes a theocracy. 'Give up your freedom and I will make you safe' is, age after age, the terrible offer.
(C. S. Lewis - Letter to Dan Tucker - 8 Dec 1959)

Dossier Covid19

Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents

Is shutting down Britain – with unprecedented curbs on ancient liberties – REALLY the best answer? (Peter Hitchens - Daily Mail - 21/3/2020)

The British Military Information War Waged on Their Own Population. (Mike Robinson - UKColumn - 26/4/2020)

Our culture of fear has driven us to irrationality: The lockdown was a product of society’s pre-existing anxieties and conditions. (Inaya Folarin Iman - Spiked - 1/5/2020)

Lockdown fanatics scare me far more than Covid-19: Their extremism is a menace to liberty and livelihoods. They must be stopped. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 8/5/2020)

Bad Dreams — The Coronavirus Enabling Act: Fascism In The UK. (Paul Dunbar - The Lethal Text - 13/5/2020)

The lockdown left is no friend of the working class: Middle-class Corbynistas are using fear and hysteria to keep working people under house arrest. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 13/5/2020)

Our dimwitted police state: We have handed unprecedented powers to bumbling idiots. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 21/5/2020)

The new authoritarian State’s dream has come true thanks to the repulsive word 'lockdown': they’ve made us all prisoners. (Peter Hitchens - Daily Mail - 23/5/2020)

Dominic Cummings broke the lockdown? Good: The hysteria over his trip to his parents' home is driven by nothing more than Remainer revenge. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 23/5/2020)

Will the government ever let the crisis end?: Excess deaths have been below average for five weeks now. So why are we facing new restrictions? (Simon Marcus - Spiked - 29/7/2020)

‘The lockdown has caused a humanitarian tragedy’: Barrister Francis Hoar explains why the lockdown may have been unlawful. (Spiked - 31/7/2020)

Van Morrison calls on musicians to reject COVID-19 'pseudo-science,' 'save live music'. (Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - 25/8/2020)

UK lockdown was a 'monumental mistake' and must not happen again – Boris scientist says LOCKDOWN will come to be seen as a "monumental mistake on a global scale" and must never happen again, a scientist who advises the Government on infectious diseases says. (Lucy Johnston Sunday Express - 26/8/2020)

Why won’t the opposition oppose this Covid authoritarianism?: MPs, judges and much of civil society are as committed to curtailing our freedoms as the government is, if not more so. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 21/9/2020)

We need to take back control from the government: Covid authoritarianism is out of control. It’s time the people pushed back. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 22/9/2020)

Parliament’s pathetic Covid response: At times of national crisis, shouldn't our MPs hold Government to account? (Paul Embery - UnHerd - 22/9/2020)

Sir Graham Brady: I can’t vote for another lockdown.
(Freddie Sayers - UnHerd - 18 minutes - 22/9/2020)

British Man Arrested For Not Wearing Mask Asks Cops Where They Were During BLM Riots. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 25/9/2020)

The making of Britain’s Covid catastrophe: A witches' brew of weak leadership, scientific groupthink and the precautionary principle has caused our current crisis. (John Lee - Spiked - 25/9/2020)

Van Morrison’s anti-lockdown stance is a relief – rock needs more contrarians: Forget the pearl-clutching about ‘dangers to the public’. A great musician will never be told what to do, think or say. (Ella Whelan - The Telegraph - 25/9/2020)

Thousands Protest Coronavirus Restrictions in London. (Breitbart London - 26/9/2020)

Covid and the collapse of reason: How we got here, and how we might get back to normality. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 28/9/2020)

There is no student mental health crisis: Depression and anxiety have become status symbols — while sadness and loneliness are taboo. (Louise Perry - UnHerd - 30/9/2020)

The revolt against lockdown: More and more people are standing up for their communities and liberties. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 2/10/2020) -> Marseille, Madrid and Middlesbrough

We cannot ignore the harms of lockdown: An open letter from 66 GPs says our ‘one-track response’ to Covid is threatening public health. (Spiked - 5/10/2020)

More Pointless, Incomprehensible, Unevidenced Restrictions Imposed on North. (Toby Young - LockDown Sceptics - 5/10/2020)

We have to get out of this spiral of authoritarianism: Lockdowns are having a devastating impact on people’s lives. It’s time for some serious dissent. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 13/10/2020)

Local Lockdown Protests (LockDown Sceptics - 18/10/2020)

Mask Non-Compliance Is a Moral Duty. (James Delingpole - LockDown Sceptics - 25/10/2020)

‘Shove Your New World Order Up Your *ss!’ — London Erupts in Protest Against Lockdown. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart London - 26/10/2020)

Police issue first street preacher pay out for heavy handedness during lockdown. (Christian Concern - 26/10/2020)

‘We need an anti-lockdown movement’: Brendan O’Neill talks to Kevin O’Sullivan about the destructive impact of the lockdown and why we need to stand up for freedom and jobs. (Spiked - 27/10/2020)

Farage Relaunching Brexit Party as Reform Party, Will Campaign Against Lockdown. (Jack Montgomery - Breitbart - 2/11/2020)

Christian leaders to challenge government over church lockdown in England. (Christian Concern - 2/11/2020)

71 Christian Leaders Challenge Government’s Decision to Close Churches During Second Lockdown. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 3/11/2020)

This destructive lockdown experiment must end: The damage from the first lockdown has barely been comprehended. A second is pure insanity. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 5/11/2020)

The Government's Covid scaremongering: It is an insult to the public's intelligence to treat us like a volatile rabble. (Timandra Harkness - UnHerd - 6/11/2020)

England Lockdown: Revellers Clashed with Police on Final Night of Freedom. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 6/11/2020)

Boris Johnson doesn’t get God: This second lockdown has robbed church-goers of more than community. (Giles Fraser - UnHerd - 6/11/2020)

Lockdown Rebellion: Students Rip Down Fences Around Dorms. (Victoria Friedman - Breitbart - 7/11/2020)

The government is locking down liberty: Fear and one-sided advice is driving Britain's pandemic response. (Steven Woolfe - Spiked - 10/11/2020)

Christmas Shop in Ipswich Stays Open by Selling Toilet Paper. (LockDown Skeptics - 10/11/2020)

Infections Were Falling BEFORE Local Lockdowns. (LockDown Skeptics - 12/11/2020)

Church leaders pursue judicial review over ‘unlawful’ government church closures. (Christian Concern - 1/11/2020)

Scottish Librarian’s Fiery Thread Describing Why She Defied COVID Restrictions to Help Desperate People Get Benefits: "F*** anyone who would deny these desperate, starving people." (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 18/11/2020)

This is an abusive government’: Emma Kenny on lockdown’s disastrous impact on mental health. (Spiked - 20/11/2020)

“Don’t Kill Gran” Guilt-tripping Returns to Spoil Christmas. (LockDown Sceptics - 20/11/2020)

‘Let us disobey’: Churches defy lockdown with secret meetings: Gathering in barns, cafes and bookshops, worshippers are flocking to illegal services around the country. (Harriet Sherwood - The Guardian - 22/11/2020)

"This Is No Free Country": Anti-Lockdown Protests Rage In London, Dozens Arrested. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/11/2020)

Lockdown III – BoJo’s Most Destructive Idiocy Yet. (James Delingpole - Breitbart - 28/11/2020)

Protest Chaos in London. (Jonathan Barr - LockDown Sceptics - 29/11/2020)

Is the NHS Really on the Brink? (LockDown Sceptics - 29/11/2020)

Down with the New Normal: Who wants to live in a nerdy world of no handshakes and no big sweaty crowds? (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 4/12/2020)

“Queues of Patients Nursed on Trolleys in Corridors – The NHS Was Overwhelmed”. (Will Jones - LockDown Sceptics - 6/12/2020)

How Will the Fiction be Sustained? (David Mackie - LockDown Skeptics - 12/12/2020) -> discussing pro-vaccine agitprop...

Freed by the vaccine? Don’t hold your breath: The promise of vaccination has been used, not to liberate us, but to keep us locked down for longer. (Rob Lyons - Spiked - 11/12/2020)

Why I won’t be closing my church this Christmas: I won't again abandon my congregation in their hour of need. (Giles Fraser - UnHerd - 24/12/2020)

Royaume-Unis : Troisième confinement !!! Allez vous faire foutre! La moyenne d’âge des décès du Covid est de 82 ans! (Volti - Les moutons enragés - 10/1/2021)

The sinister ‘spirit’ of lockdown: Police should enforce the law, not government guidance. (Luke Gittos - Spiked - 14/1/2021)

Scottish Churches Fight to Re-Open. (LockDown Sceptics - 17/1/2021)

SAGE Should Not Even Exist: Governments should never be in thrall to scientists. (Sean Walsh - LockDown Sceptics - 22/1/2021)

‘Covid “denier” is a disgusting, dog-whistle slur’: Peter Hitchens on the witch-hunting of lockdown sceptics. (Spiked - 25/1/2021)

We must never surrender to the New Normal Covid poses a serious threat to humankind. So does the culture of fear. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 5/2/2021)

"We Don't Debate with Anti-Vaxxers Whether They're Right Or Wrong", Says BBC. (Dr Vernon Coleman - The Truth Seeker - 14/2/2021)

Government scientist speaks out: we want the old normal back When is life going to go back to normal? (UnHerd - 28 minutes - 24/2/2021)

Britain has one of the world's strictest lockdowns: Yet we have still suffered appalling losses from Covid. (Spiked - 23/2/2021)

David Blunkett and Charles Walker join forces to question lockdowns. (UnHerd - 26 minutes - 24/2/2021)

It's time to reopen society: Covid has virtually disappeared from hundreds of areas across England. (Spiked - 2/3/2021)

Lord Sumption: civil disobedience has begun - The retired Supreme Court justice believes we have no moral obligation to obey the law. (Freddie Sayers - UnHerd - 4/3/2021)

Why is the Government Ignoring the Evidence on Harms to Schoolchildren of Wearing Masks? (LockDown Sceptics - 5/3/2021)

'Back to Normal' Supports Anti-Lockdown Candidates in May Elections. (LockDown Sceptics - 9/3/2021)

Tory Rebellion Over Extension of Lockdown Regulations Looms. (Michael Curzon - LockDown Sceptics - 14/3/2021)

Blanket 'do not resuscitate' orders imposed on English care homes, finds CQC: Regulator finds disturbing inconsistencies, including order being applied to everyone over 80 with dementia in one residence. (Diane Taylor - The Guardian - 18/3/2021)

Tory MPs warn Johnson not to extend Covid curbs: The prime minister is under pressure to resist an 'excess of caution' as a third wave of infections grips Europe. (Michael Savage & Robin McKie - The Guardian - 20/3/2021)

Every Day Britain Remains in Lockdown Adds £1 Billion to the National Debt. (LockDown Sceptics - 22/3/2021)

Young people are sick of lockdown: More and more are disobeying lockdown – and who can blame them? (Spiked - 24/3/2021)

Scottish Church Closure Deemed Unlawful. (Michael Curzon - LockDown Sceptics - 24/3/2021)

Do we now need permission to be free? The government's lockdown regime has transformed the very idea of civil liberties. (Tim Black - Spiked - 26/3/2021)

This holiday ban is another kick in the teeth for my industry - it's no kind of 'freedom' that stops us travelling. (Sir Rocco Forte - The Daily Mail - 28/3/2021)

Why the travel ban must be lifted: Banning holidays won't stop new variants. (David Livermore [professor of medical microbiology] - Spiked - 29/3/2021)

What They Don't Talk About on the BBC. (Dr Mark Shaw - LockDown Sceptics - 31/3/2021)

Vaccine passports and the recalibration of social ethics: Vaccine passports would undermine one of the most fundamental rights in a civilised society: autonomy over one's own body. (Tom Moran - The Critic - 2/4/2021)

Vaccine Passports Would be State Reaching Too Far into Britons' Lives, Warns Senior Tory MP. (Victoria Friedman - Breitbart - 5/4/2021)

BREAKING NEWS They're lying to you – Official NHS data shows only 3.5K have died of COVID-19. (Daily Exposé - 5/4/2021)

'Lockdown is an assault on our humanity' Lord Sumption tells Brendan O'Neill why he refuses to obey the 'immoral' Covid restrictions. (Spiked - audio, 54 minutes - 6/4/2021)

Vaccine passports are the thin end of the wedge If we allow this to happen, our civil liberties will be irreparably damaged. (Richard Tice - Spiked - 7/4/2021)

How the Left gave up on freedom Today's progressives snigger at Britain's history of liberty. (Giles Fraser - UnHerd - 8/4/2021)

Nearly 1,000 Church Leaders Sign Letter Opposing Vaccine Passports. (Protestia - 13/4/2021)

End the lockdown now: There is no justification for the glacial pace of the reopening. (David Paton - Spiked - 14/4/2021)

Mick Jagger's rock'n'roll fightback against lockdown The Rolling Stones frontman is still kicking against the pricks. (Henry Williams - Spiked - 16/4/2021)

1,200 Church Leaders Denounce Boris Johnson's Vaccine Passport Scheme. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 18/4/2021)

Why are we still banned from gathering outdoors? Organisers of an AJ Tracey gig have been handed a ridiculous £10,000 fine. (Spiked - 19/4/2021)

Pub Landlord Who Banned Keir Starmer is Sceptic of the Week. (LockDown Sceptics - 19/4/2021)

London Mayor Candidate Laurence Fox Says 'Get Your Mask Off; Grow Some Balls!'. (James Delingpole - Breitbart - 22/4/2021)

Le NHS anglais passe aux aveux sur le nombre de décès liés au Covid-19. (Nicole Delépine - Riposte laïque - 24/4/2021)

Open Letter from Christian Leaders to the Prime Minister Concerning Vaccine Passport Proposals. (Christian Leaders — Vaccine Passport Letter - 30/4/2021)

The Covid fines are a monstrous assault on justice More than a quarter have been issued unlawfully. They must be scrapped. (Laura Dodsworth - Spiked - 3/5/2021)

Buying a Single Version of the Truth. (Iain Davis - UK Column - 3/5/2021) -> discussing Covid marketing deals made with the Omnicom firm by the UK government

Covid Recovery Group Calls on Boris to End All Restrictions on June 21st. (Lockdown Sceptics - 10/5/2021)

SAGE cannot be serious Its latest predictions of doom are completely disconnected from reality. (David Paton - Spiked - 18/5/2021) -> SAGE = Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, a UK government advisory body

Dom's dictatorship of weirdos Cummings' call for a Covid king proves the man is an authoritarian nutcase. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 27/5/2021)

Nottingham Police SHAME :️ £17K Fine, ASBO & Arrest Lady Christian Bookshop & Tea Room
(Alex Belfield - THE VOICE OF REASON - YouTube - 7 min. - 27/5/2021)

Leading Immunologist: 'We Can't Hide Down A Hole Every Time There's A New Variant' Says it's time to "move on" with reopening society. (Steve Watson- Summit News - 2/6/2021)

Over Million Attend Latest Covid19 Protest In London! (TheTruthHunter - Principia-Scientific - 2/6/2021)

Five reasons why Freedom Day must go ahead on 21 June: We have far more to fear from a never-ending state of emergency than from opening up society. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 8/6/2021)

The UK's Never Ending Lockdown
(Anything Goes - YouTube - 4 minutes - 8/6/2021)

Urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data up to 26th May 2021. (Dr. Tess Lawrie - Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd - 9/6/2021) -> PDF ->The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects.

After Trashing Vaccine Dodgers, Andrew Lloyd Webber Pledges to Defy COVID Restrictions. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 10/6/2021)

Eric Clapton: Exclusive & Uncensored
(Oracle Films - YouTube - 24 minutes - 13/6/2021)

Open Letter to Professor Devi Sridhar – Chair of Global Public Health / University of Edinburgh. (UK Medical Freedom Alliance - 14/6/2021) -> on Covid-19 vaccines for children.

It's time to junk the Covid models: The government has once again used out-of-date modelling to justify restrictions. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 17/6/2021)

America is Open, So Why Aren't We? (Mark + John - Lockdown Sceptics - 18/6/2021)

The lockdown lobby: How the pandemic exposed the conformism of our media. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 18/6/2021)

This isn't 'just a few more weeks' for the hospitality industry: The delay to 'Freedom Day' will mean more job losses and more businesses closing down for good. (Paddy Hannam - Spiked - 22/6/2021)

The hypocrisy of Matt Cockblock: His lockdown rules kept couples apart. Now he's been caught with his trousers down. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 25/6/2021)

The government's travel quarantine plans don't make sense: Ministers are confused about the powers they have over the public. (George Peretz - UnHerd - 26/6/2021)

Stop forcing healthy children to isolate: The school testing regime has got to go: We cannot disrupt kids' education a moment longer. (Joanna Williams - Spiked - 28/6/2021)

British mainstream media insists coronavirus vaccines are effective even though most covid deaths now occur in vaccinated people. (Arsenio Toledo - Natural News - 1/7/2021)

My shamefully silent Church: As football terraces sing out, compliant Bishops surrender to Government dictat. (Giles Fraser - UnHerd - 1/7/2021)

Historian Slams Push for Mandatory COVID Vaccinations for Kids: "History Will Judge Us by What We Do Next". (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 4/7/2021)

Preacher Arrested, Fined, Told "Jesus Wasn't Essential". (Caldron Pool - 5/7/2021)

Communist Party Lockdown Zealot Freaks Out When Asked About Her Beliefs: Twitter bed-wetters rush to her defense. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/7/2021)

Morrissey vs the Conformist Cult: This charming man. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/7/2021)

Scientist Vows to Stop Wearing Face Masks in Solidarity With Children and the Disabled: Refuses to be lectured on morality of unmasking. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 7/7/2021)

British Rock Star Refuses to be Part of "Government Experiment" Festival: "The festival was informed over 10 days ago that I wouldn't be playing once it had become part of a government testing programme". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 9/7/2021)

Camilla "Can't Wait to Get Rid of" Face Masks: Duchess of Cornwall looking forward to "freedom day." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 9/7/2021)

'Freedom Day' is a Joke: Freedom to conform.
(Paul Joseph Watson - YouTube - 3 mninutes - 15 July, 2021)

The 'pingdemic': another mess of the government's making the NHS app was a good idea. But now it's wreaking havoc with the economy. (Andrew Orlowski - Spiked - 16/7/2021)

I believe the real purpose of masks is social control - it's time to turn down the fear dial, writes GRAHAM BRADY, Chairman of the Tory 1922 Committee. (Daily Mail - 17/7/2021)

Masks Are About 'Social Control' Realises Leading Tory, Finally… (James Delingpole - Breitbart - 18/7/2021)

Let's live freely again! Liberties mean nothing if we are fearful of exercising them. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 19/7/2021)

Is UK's "Freedom Day" All Mouth & No Trousers? (Off-Guardian - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 19/7/2021)

Nightclub Owners Say They'll Refuse to Enforce Vaccine Passports as a Condition of Entry: UK government minister refuses to rule out same system for pubs. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 20/7/2021)

The Great Betrayal. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 21/7/2021) -> Destroy their education. Destroy their jobs and their job prospects. Destroy their social life, their friendships, their mental health. Force them to work long hours at school or in physically demanding jobs in uncomfortable and breath-inhibiting face masks. This is what our country has done to our young people in the past 16 months.

Eric Clapton Says He Reserves 'The Right to Cancel' Shows at Venues That Require Proof of Vaccination: "Unless there is provision made for all people to attend, I reserve the right to cancel the show." (Megan Basham - DailyWire - 21/7/2021)

1,250 Clergy Members Warn Vaccine Passports Would Create "Medical Apartheid" in UK ": One of the most dangerous policy proposals ever to be made in the history of British politics." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 23/7/2021)

Exclusive Video: 'I Thought We Won the War?' — Thousands Protest Against 'Fascist' Vaccine Passports. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 25/7/2021) -> 2 min.

Leaked Data Reveals Over Half of COVID Hospitalisations Tested Positive to the Virus AFTER Admission. (Caldron Pool - 28/7/2021)

Clarkson: "Communist" Government Advisors Want to Lock Us Down Forever "It could be 40 years." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 3/8/2021)

Even if We Set Liberty and Social Responsibility Aside, Vaccine Passports Are Still a Bad Idea, a Doctor Writes. (Dr Steven R. Hopkins - Daily Sceptic - 14/8/2021)

The BBC Are A Disgrace. (Iain Davis - Off-Guardian - 19/8/2021)

Demonstrators Occupy London News Headquarters Over Pandemic Coverage. (Simon Veazey/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 24/8/2021)

Open Letter To UK Prime Minister On Vaccine Passport Proposals. (UK Christian Leaders - Principia Scientific International - 24/8/2021)

Midazolam was used to prematurely end the lives of thousands who you were told had died of Covid-19 and we can prove it; here's the evidence… (Daily Exposé - 29/8/2021)

Eric Clapton chante sa lassitude avec "This has gotta stop". (FranceSoir - 30/8/2021)

Vaccine passports are unnecessary, unsupportable and totalitarian - the Government must stamp out the drive to impose them. (Toby Young - Mail+ - 1/9/2021)

Study: Fully Covid-19 Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients and Colleagues. (Captaindaretofly - The Expose - 1/9/2021)

Ticket Sales "Flatlining" as Rebellion Against Vaccine Passports Grows Industry faces financial oblivion if made to enforce new scheme. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/9/2021)

Why the rush to vaccinate children? Parents have every right to be concerned about the government's plans. (Jennie Bristow - Spiked - 8/9/2021)

Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Bill. (Sir Christopher Chope - UK Parliament - 8/9/2021)

Un parlementaire anglais énonce la liste des morts & des effets secondaires graves enregistrés dans la base de pharmacovigilance anglaise. (Bertruxskydric - Résistance mondiale - 12/9/2021) -> Il y a beaucoup plus de dommages causés à nos citoyens par les vaccinations au COVID19 que par tout autre programme de vaccination dans l'histoire. "Sir Christopher Chope, membre du Parlement Britannique detaille la liste des effets secondaires

U-Turn: No Vaccine Passports for England, Health Secretary Sajid Javid Announces. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 12/9/2021)

UK Government Says Vaccine Passports Integral to COVID Winter Plan Day After They Were Supposedly Scrapped: 24 hour flip flop. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 13/9/2021)

Whitty and Vallance warn 'winter is coming' and Boris might need to 'go early and hard' with curbs as PM says compulsory masks, Covid passports and even 'last resort' lockdown are on the table if 'Plan A' of booster jabs fails Boris Johnson is unveiling 'winter plan' for dealing with an expected surge in coronavirus in coming months. (James Tapsfield - Daily Mail - 14/9/2021)

The Unintended Consequences of Vaccine Passports. (Noah Carl - The Daily Skeptic - 14/9/2021)

COVID19/11 – Mike Yeadon. (Off-Guardian - 5 minutes - 15/9/2021) -> COVID19/11: Narratives Intertwined is OffG's new series of short interviews with prominent voices in the alternate media, vocal Covid sceptics and leading figures in the 9/11 truth movement.

Funeral Directer John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid.
(TheCrowHouse - Odysee - 39 minutes - 15/9/2021)

COVID-1984: NHS Admits Vax Pass App is Sharing User Facial Recognition Data With Police. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 16/9/2021)

The daily horror of being a GP: The NHS is forcing us to betray our parents. (Jane Smith - UnHerd - 1/10/2021)

Au Royaume-Uni, l'agence du médicament a déclaré les vaccins COVID-19 dangereux pour une utilisation chez l'homme. (Rusty James/Canalblog - Profession Gendarme - 2/10/2021)

The student fightback against the virtual university Universities are using the pandemic to make online learning permanent. But students are having none of it. (Noah Eastwood - The Federalist - 5/10/2021)

Scottish Venues Rebel Against Vaccine Passport Scheme Refuse to enforce it after tech fails at first attempt. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 5/10/2021)

Shouldn't the NHS be protecting us? We cannot keep submitting to new restrictions to save our failing healthcare system. (Rob Lyons - Spiked - 20/10/2021)

Wrong: CNBC Lies About COVID Hospitalizations in Effort to Amplify Calls For New Lockdown: Claim that they're "steadily increasing" since restrictions were lifted is just not true. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 20/10/2021)

How stupid do our governments think we are?: re-imposed restrictions. (Neil Oliver/GB News - Rebel News - 27/10/2021)

We need more Jonathan Sumptions: His principled defence of liberty during the pandemic has been a lifeline to many of us. (Simon Evans - Spiked - 28/10/2021)

[UK] Study says vaccinated people easily spread Delta variant in households, COVID vaccine protection wanes earlier than previously believed. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 29/10/2021)

Doctor Banned From Using Social Media Over "Masks Do Nothing" Claim Takes Case to High Court "This is about freedom of expression." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 5/11/2021)

It's time to put Covid behind us England's 'dangerous and unethical experiment' of lifting all restrictions has been a resounding success. (Christopher Snowdon - Spiked - 12/11/2021)

Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it's correct, based on weekly data from the British government. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 20/11/2021)

Lord Sumption Blasts Authoritarian European Regimes. (Daily Sceptic - 22/11/2021)

Paul Kingsnorth Hits Vaccine Tipping Point: Dissident writer convinced that Covid crisis exposes something deep and sinister. Austrian professor warns, 'We have been here before'. (Rod Dreher - The American Conservative - 24/11/2021)

Doctor Banned For Questioning Efficacy of Masks Wins High Court Case: Censorship was "clearly wrong and cannot stand." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/12/2021)

They're laughing at us: The fallout from the Downing Street Christmas party has exposed the government's contempt for the public. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 8/12/2021)

The cruelty of lockdown Covid restrictions have blighted so many lives. (Joanna Williams - Spiked - 9/12/2021)

You will NEVER be "fully vaccinated" It's time everyone realised they are chasing an intentionally impossible goal that will be pushed back over the horizon, forever. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 14/12/2021)

The UK New Normal Dictatorship. (Iain Davis - UKColumn - 14/12/2021)

MSM Thugs Ramp Up War on Vaccine 'Refuseniks. (James Delingpole - Breitbart - 15/12/2021)

UK Pastor Vows To Never Close Church Doors Again "Our government, and the scientists they choose to listen to, have successfully whipped up such an atmosphere of fear that people are now genuinely frighted to do things which pose only a minimal risk to them." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 23/12/2021)

Two-thirds of new Covid hospital patients in England only tested positive AFTER being admitted for a different illness, official data shows amid mounting evidence Omicron is milder. (John Ely - Daily Mail - 23/12/2021)

Coronavirus Fact-Check #14: No, 500 Children were NOT admitted to hospital with Covid this week. The press are reporting "worrying" figures in the headlines, but admit they are meaningless in the body of the text. One of the older tricks in the book. (Off-Guardian - 30/12/2021)

Mark Drakeford is an Idiot Lockdown by fraud. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 7/1/2022)

"I Do Not Want to Have a Vaccination": NHS Doctor Tells UK Health Secretary on Camera. (Lily Zhou/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 9/1/2022)

Coup de théâtre au Royaume-Uni : l'ex "Monsieur Vaccin" se révolte et exige la fin de la vaccination de masse. (Cheikh Dieng - Le Courrier du Soir - 10/1/2022)

Has the Great Barrington Declaration been vindicated? Lockdowns failed to serve the collective good. (Thomas Fazi + Toby Green - UnHerd - 10/1/2022)

British Government Used "Propagandistic" Fear Tactics to Scare Public Into Mass Compliance: Behavioral scientist who co-founded Downing Street nudge unit speaks out. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 14/1/2022)

Official data suggests the Triple Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome at an alarming rate. (The Exposé - 15/1/2022)

What lockdown took from my parents: They rebelled as best they could against Covid restrictions. (Kate Clanchy - UnHerd - 17/1/2022)

Celebrity Chef Puts Sign Above Pub: "Unvaccinated Welcome" Antony Worrall Thompson called "anti-vaxxer" for refusing to discriminate. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 17/1/2022)

Injury Figures & Death Counts Under Criminal Investigation!
(Dr Charlie Ward - BitChute - 9 minutes - 18/1/2022)

Mask Freaks Take the L: It's over. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 19/1/2022)

England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 19/1/2022)

Scottish Pastor Calls Pro-Mandate Churches to Repent: "The Church's default position has been a proof-texting of Romans 13, and an almost blind compliance of everything that our government has said…[through] the propaganda machinery of state news channels, spouting out the latest narrative that we are being expected to follow." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 21/1/2022)

'Midazolam Is Being Used To Secretly Euthanize the Elderly' – Eyewitnesses Speak Out. (Jacqui Deevoy - News Punch - 21/1/2022)

Over 90% Of People Who Died With Covid in the UK Had Pre-existing Health Conditions For comparison, the average number of deaths from the flu each year in the UK ranges from 10,000 to 25,000. (Caldron Pool - 23/1/2022)

Eric Clapton Suggests Vaxxed Are 'Victims of Mass Formation Hypnosis'. (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 24/1/2022)

Businesses in Wales Demand Vaccine Passport Exemptions After Government Fails to Prove They Work: "Unbelievable" response to FOIA request shows restrictions aren't justified. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 25/1/2022)

Dr Mike Yeadon's key testimony — Part III: The Hot Lots. (UKColumn - 3/2/2022)

Canada's fight for freedom. (Spiked - 5 minutes - 5/2/2022)

Why Weren't These Vaccines Put Through the Proper Safety Trials For Gene Technology, Asks a Former Pharmaceutical Research Scientist. (Dr. John D. Flack - Daily Sceptic - 7/2/2022)

NHS in Crisis: COVID 19 Vaccines A Duty of Care and why Doctors are leaving the NHS. (UKColumn - 15/2/2022)

Doctors Group Demands Investigation Into Sudden Increase In Young Male Deaths In UK. (Owen Evans/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 17/2/2022)

All Covid Restrictions Including Self-Isolation to Be Lifted From Thursday. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 21/2/2022)

The madness of lockdown: SAGE adviser Mark Woolhouse on why he spoke out against lockdown. (Spiked - 25/2/2022)

Why Are There so Many Heart Attacks? (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 25/2/2022)

British Airways and Virgin Atlantic Embrace Freedom, Remove Mask Mandates on Flights. (Nathaniel Charles - Breitbart - 16/3/2022)

Gates, Fauci, Daszak Charged With Genocide In International Criminal Court. (Justus R. Hope, MD - The Desert Review - 21/3/2022)

The Truth Is Coming Out
(Russell Brand - YouTube - 15 minutes - 22/3/2022)
-> After a request from the FDA to suppress vaccine data for the next 75 years, a 55,000-page set of Pfizer documents has recently been released. Vaccine efficiency aside - why has it been so hard to gain access to data about vaccines that we the public paid for?

U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for 'COVID-19 Research' in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist. (The Exposé - 13/4/2022)

"I Knew It"
(Russel Brand - Rumble - 11 minutes - 1/5/2022)
(The red-pilled Leftist on Covid and Fauci)

Lockdown Advocate Admits Negative Impacts Were Never Considered: Another technocrat flees the sinking narrative. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 12/5/2022)

This pandemic treaty is the greatest power grab any of us has seen in our lifetime, says Neil Oliver
(GBNews - YouTube - 8 minutes - 14/5/2022)

Neil Oliver interviews Sophie Corcoran on GBNews about her trip to the World Economic Forum: Sophie was part of a six-person team sent by Rebel News to Switzerland last week to cover the global elites' meet-up in Davos. (Rebel News - 28/5/2022)

26-Year-Old Graduate Died from Blood Clots on His Brain Less Than Two Weeks After Receiving Covid Shot – Inquest Says Staff 'Reassured Him' of No Risks. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 30/5/2022)

When You Accept That Modern Western Government Considers Citizens Their Enemy, Then All the Outcomes Make Sense. (Neil Oliver - The Last Refuge- 9 minutes - 4/6/2022)

Alex Mitchell And His Fight For Vaccine-Induced Thrombocytopenia Sufferers. (Iain Davis - UKColumn - 6/6/2022)

The UK changed the definition of "case" to INCREASE Covid numbers. Again... (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 11/6/2022)

Britain, 2049: You'll own nothing, and you won't be particularly happy about it.... (Sam Ashworth-Hayes/The Critic - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 13/6/2022)

World Leaders All But Admit Major WHO Empowerment is Imminent. (Mark Anderson - UKColumn - 16/6/2022)

Data from National Statistics in England Reveals Almost 530,000 Vaccinated Have Died Including Non-COVID Deaths Between January 2021 and March 2022. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 20/6/2022)

Ivermectin : "Maybe there wouldnt' even be a pandemic" - Dr. Tess Lawrie keeps fighting
(FranceSoir - 27 minutes - 22/6/2022)

Senior Official Claims The EU Never Pushed People Into Getting Covid Jabs. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 22/6/2022)

Don't hate mainstream journalists—feel sorry for them. (UK Column - 30/6/2022)

Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid Office for National Statistics data leads health experts to call for urgent investigation into what is causing the excess mortality. (Sarah Knapton - The Telegraph - 5/7/2022)

Doctors for Covid Ethics Fourth Symposium: Freedom is the Cure. (UK Column - 7 hres - 10/7/2022)

Mark Steyn - Victims of the Vax Special
(GBNews - YouTube - 58 minutes - 13/7/2022)

'AstraZeneca Widow' Hits Back at Mainstream Media for Downplaying Deadly Vaccine Risks. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 18/7/2022)

'Victims of the Vaccine'. (Mark Steyn Show - 57 minutes - 18/7/2022)

Why the BBC's new "anti-vaxxer documentary" is a complete farce. (Iain Davis - Off-Guardian - 18/7/2022)

Adverse reactions to Covid jabs: "Will I wake up in pain—or will I wake up at all?" (UK Column - 18/7/2022)

Dorries spreads disinformation as the UK Government continues to attack democracy. (Iain Davis - UK Column - 23/7/2022)

"Every Bit as Bad and Biased as Feared": A Review of the BBC's "Unvaccinated". (Norman Fenton and Martin Neil - Daily Sceptic - 25/7/2022)

Menticide 101 and the Brainwashing of a World: Part I—The Biosecurity State. (Dr Bruce Scott - UK Column - 26/7/2022)

Professor Norman Fenton questions vaccine data analysis. (UK Column - 85 minutes - 28/7/2022)

Masks of Benevolence: the art and times of Bob Moran. (KB Goldtooth - Off-Guardian - 29/7/2022)

Vaccine Damage—Real People. (Wayne Cunnington - UK Column - 29/7/2022)

The BBC's Psychology Behind Conspiracy Theories. (Iain Davis - UK Column - 1/8/2022)

The BBC's "Unvaccinated": Propaganda with Professor Fry – Part 1. (Iain Davis - UK Column - 2/8/2022)

Unvaccinated—or unmasked? BBC documentary participant speaks. (UK Column - 2/8/2022)

Teenager Who Was Diagnosed With 'Long Covid' Actually Had A Brain Tumour. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 4/8/2022)

England Excess Deaths: Comparing the last 8 weeks of [2022] data with the same period in 2021 and 2020. Non CV19, by Age Group & Sex… (Stuart Allan - Twitter - 4/8/2022)

Covid Vaccination Offers No Protection Against Hospitalisation, Official U.K. Data Suggest. (Amanuensis - Daily Sceptic - 7/8/2022)

1 in every 246 Vaccinated People has died within 60 days of Covid-19 Vaccination in England according to UK Government. (The Exposé - 9/8/2022)

"Anything But A Cashless Society": Physical Money Makes Comeback as UK Households Battle Inflation. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 10/8/2022)

Report: Effects of Lockdown May Now Be Killing More People Than COVID Non-COVID excess deaths hit 1,000 a week, but media largely silent. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 19/8/2022)

The Media's Culpable Refusal to Consider the Role of the Vaccines in Driving Excess Deaths. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 21/8/2022)

The Media Still Refuses to Consider Role of Covid Jabs Amid Alarming Rise of Excess Deaths: The UK Government is finally looking into what could be behind the alarming wave of unexplained excess deaths currently gripping the country. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 23/8/2022)

'Fit, healthy, in the peak of condition, and dead - and nothing to see here.' Mark Steyn questions why young healthy people are dying across the UK. (Mark Steyn - Twitter - 24/8/2022)

Lockdown and the price of suppressing dissent: In times of crisis, we need more debate – not less. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 26/8/2022)

Challenging the Covid-19 Narrative: Former ITV and BSkyB news boss Mark Sharman speaks with UK Column. (Brian Gerrish - UK Column - 60 minutes - 26/8/2022)

Why There Will Never Be a Reckoning for Lockdown. (Dr. David McGrogan - Daily Sceptic - 29/8/2022)

UK anti-lockdown protesters sentenced for using 'abusive words and threatening behaviour' toward BBC journalist. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 30/8/2022)

UK Column Interview—Lockdown: British Government's psychological attack on the public. (UK Column - 25 minutes - 30/8/2022) -> Brian Gerrish interviews psychotherapist Dr Christian Buckland, who warns of the dangers of the use of applied psychology for political purposes.

Royaume-Uni: le vaccin anti-Covid est finalement déconseillé aux femmes enceintes. (FranceSoir - 31/8/2022)

Former soccer star wants to know why young athletes are dying and no one seems to notice: Medical experts have linked the sudden rise in heart attacks and illnesses to the COVID vaccines. (Joseph Summers - LifeSite - 1/9/22022)

No Evidence to Back Autumn COVID-19 Boosters: UK Mathematician. (Lily Zhou - The Epoch Times - 2/9/2022)

Energy Crisis UK Police Prepare For "Breakdown in Public Order" Caused by Cost of Living Crisis: Crime and civil unrest will soar if public isn't given a large enough government handout. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 5/9/2022)

The Lockdown Post-Mortem: Reverse Ferreters v Double Downers. (James Alexander - Daily Sceptic - 6/9/2022)

Excess Non-Covid Deaths Hit 16,600 in 18 Weeks as Investigators Ask: Is it Vaccine or Virus? (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 8/9/2022)

Charles the Terrible: He will be a king for the global elites. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 13/9/2022)

No Time To Grieve: Death by Pathway. (UK Column - 16/9/2022) -> or death by medical protocol... All of which leads to the question: Who established this protocol and signed it into policy??? A name is demanded...

The Rabid Dog, Academia. (David Scott - UK Column - video 72 minutes - 16/9/2022) -> Interview with professor Norman Fenton, a British mathematician who is Professor of Risk Information Management at Queen Mary University of London

Menticide 101 and the Brainwashing of a World: Part II — Beyond The Fear. (Dr Bruce Scott - UK Column - 19/9/2022)

Hey, Covidian! Leave Those Kids Alone! (Fraser Krats - Daily Sceptic - 26/9/2022)

British Cardiologist Who Initially Promoted COVID Vaccines, Releases Peer Reviewed Papers Calling For Suspension of mRNA Shots. (Debra Heine - American Greatness - 27/9/2022)

Informed Consent: Surgeon Greg Hopkinson. (UK Column - video 80 minutes - 29/9/2022)

I resign from the NHS: With permission to use the author's name, we publish a letter of resignation from the National Health Service by an experienced nurse in Scotland. (Frances Adamson - UK Column - 30/9/2022)

Scottish Government Orders Investigation Into Mysterious Spike of New Born Baby Deaths. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 2/10/2022) -> For the second time in six months death records for new born babies have hit a worrying level in Scotland.

Injection-Injured Tell All in 'Safe and Effective' Documentary. (Kurt Mahlburg - The Daily Declaration - 4/10/2022)

Journalists must stop believing the false reality they create. (Barry Wheedon - UK Column - 7/10/2022)

Funeral Directors & Embalmers Unite to Expose A Day in the Death of Life. (Counterspin - InfoWars - video 119 minutes - 9/10/2022) -> Three experts in the funeral industry, from three time zones (USA, UK, NZ) are blowing the whistle as they simultaneously witness unique, devastating similarities in the "died suddenly" booming burial industry.

Open Letter to Therese Coffey Urging Her to Apologise to the Care Workers Forced Out by Vaccine Mandate. (Toby Young - Daily Skeptic - 10/10/2022)

"The Spike in Heart Attacks Has Coincided With the Vaccinations": An Emergency Department Doctor on What's Behind the NHS Crisis. (Anonymous Doctor - Daily Skeptic - 12/10/2022)

The Government Thought Publishing the Raw Vaccine Data Was a Good Idea – Until it Wasn't. (Amanuensis - Daily Skeptic - 13/10/2022)

INTERVIEW: The Burnetts recall their horrific treatment by Scottish police during lockdown In the wake of a viral video filmed by Gabbie Burnett showing the police searching her home, many questions were left unanswered. In this report, Callum Smiles attempts to find out what really happened to the Burnetts on that night in January 2021. (Callum Smiles - Rebel News - 10 minutes - 13/10/2022)

Interview with a Stormtrooper revisited: Do we have rights? (Charles Malet - UK Column - 14/10/2022) -> Examines police behaviour in the UK during the Covid crisis

Why I had to leave the NHS. (Fran Adamson - UK Column - 19/10/2022)

Lockdown's collateral cancer timebomb: 40 THOUSAND tumours were 'missed' during first year of Covid pandemic - the equivalent of one every 13 minutes... but top experts fear this is just 'the tip of the iceberg'. (Emily Craig - Daily Mail - 20/10/2022)

Founder of 'Informed Consent Matters' Writes Open Letter to Piers Morgan & Jeremy Vine. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 20/10/2022) -> Miriam Finch, founder of Informed Consent Matters has written an open letter to well known and outspoken pro-covid vaccine TV personalities.

"Experts" now admit you will NEVER be "fully vaccinated". (Kit Knightly - Off Guardian - 22/10/2022)

Imperial Scared the World into Lockdown With a Covid Fatality Rate up to 20-Fold Higher Than the Latest Data Show. (Dr Carl Heneghan, Dr Tom Jefferson and Dr Jason Oke - Daily Skeptic - 27/10/2022) -> regarding predictions put out by London's Imperial College

Man Who Loved to Run Now Can Barely Walk Due to AstraZeneca Vaccine. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 30/10/2022)

Is a 'Great Reset' Inevitable? (Rosie Langridge - Daily Skeptic - 31/10/2022) -> conferance organised by the Together Foundation, with speakers: Matt Gubba, Alan Miller, Frank Furedi, Nick Hudson

Lockdown Proponent Calls for Amnesty – But Where's the Apology? (Michael P Senger - Daily Sceptic - 1/11/2022)

Sign the open letter: End mask "requirement" in healthcare settings. (SmileFree - 1/11/2022) -> the Smile Free campaign wrote an open letter to the NHS Chief Executives of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland calling for the lifting of the face mask requirement for all staff, patients and visitors in healthcare settings.

All Those Responsible Must Pay a Price for Terrorising and Harming the People They Are Meant to Serve. (Dr Gary Sidley - Daily Sceptic - 2/11/2022)

NHS England Admits its Hospital Mask Mandate is Based on Modelling That Simply Assumes They Work. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 6/11/2022)

We Will NEVER Forgive Them for What They Did to Our Elderly. (Jacqui Deevoy - News Punch - 7/11/2022)

"There are no plans for an inquiry solely on vaccine safety". (UK Column - 8/11/2022)

UK Researchers: "Paradoxically, despite the success of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns, vaccine confidence has significantly declined since the onset of the pandemic": To the surprise of nobody, it turns out that the campaign to increase vaccine uptake via social exclusion, threats, lies and firings has reduced public confidence in vaccination across the board. (Eugyppius - 8/11/2022)

How selling mince pies landed a pensioner in prison: We are still living with the fallout of our hysterical reaction to Covid. (Laurie Wastell - Spiked - 10/11/2022)

UK Man Sent to PRISON For 6 Months For Serving Snacks at Club During Lockdown: Judge in the case cited his "anti-establishment" attitude as a factor. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 10/11/2022)

Low Booster Rates Show the U.K. is Slowly Coming to its Senses. (Nick Rendel - Daily Sceptic - 15/11/2022)

Why is Nature Praising the Use of Propaganda During the Pandemic and Calling for More? (Dr Gary Sidley - Daily Sceptic - 15/11/2022)

More "sudden heart attacks" …with a "climate change" twist. (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 15/11/2022)

The grand folly of lockdown is coming home to roost: Britain is now paying an extraordinary price for shutting down society. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 23/11/2022)

New study blames VAXXED deaths on the UNVAXXED…because they cause anxiety. Seriously. (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 24/11/2022)

Test and Trace Cost £37 Billion and Achieved Nothing. Lessons Must Be Learned From Such Colossal Waste. (Dr. Carl Heneghan and Dr. Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 24/11/2022)

Vaccine Damage—Real People: Adam. (UK Column - 28/11/2022)

Why Are Some Hospitals and Clinics Mask Free, While Others are Aggressively Insisting on Face Nappies? (Paul Stevens - Daily Sceptic - 2/12/2022)

Can You Catch Covid From Groceries? (Dr. Carl Heneghan and Dr. Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 3/12/2022) -> The BBC's pandemic coverage has strictly followed what is now known as official science. No questions asked; just report what you are told.

Climate lockdowns coming? You will be tracked/trapped in your suburb and happy about it. (Jo Nova - JoanneNova - 3/12/2022) -> Welcome to the Davos Gulag near you...

And So It Begins: County Council in Oxfordshire, England, Edges Toward Restrictions on Residents Travel "For the Planet". (Margaret Flavin - The Gateway Pundit - 7/12/2022)

Fourteen Year-Old Jack Watson Says the Only Lesson He Learned During the Pandemic Was the Rules Don't Apply to Those Who Make Them. (Daily Sceptic - 14/12/2022)

Leading Figure in British Heart Foundation is Suppressing Evidence of Vaccine Heart Damage, Says MP. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 14/12/2022)

I Have Tried Sounding the Alarm About the Vaccines Causing Cancer Relapse, But the Mainstream Media Don't Want to Know. (Dr. Angus Dalgleish - Daily Sceptic - 19/12/2022)

My interview with UK cardiologist Aseem Malhotra, survey results, and more I interview Aseem Malhotra. Did you know that none of the UK cardiologists are getting any more jabs? The narrative is falling apart. Plus other big news... (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 21/12/2022)

Arise, AstraZeneca! (Simon Elmer - Off Guardian - 23/12/2022) -> How the UK rewards the Covid oppressors...

"Sir Jonathan Van Tam, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England, missed his own inauguration ceremony because he tested positive to the novel coronavirus to which the vaccine for whose roll-out he was being awarded a knighthood supposedly conferred immunity. In reality, the only form of immunity these knights and dames have developed is their own immunity to prosecution for crimes against the British people."

Civil disobedience is coming: Britain's failed elites could spark a winter revolution. (Thomas Fazi - UnHerd - 28/12/2022)

Scottish cardiac ambulance data shows worrying increase in incidents. (Prof. Norman Fenton - UK Column - 3/1/2023)

The Vaccine Injured Journey—Where are they now? (Vaccine Damage—Real People). (UK Column - 5/1/2023)

The glorious counter-revolution: how the British beat back the New Normal A gonzo portrait, featuring Alan Miller, Laurence Fox, Dr Steve James, Molly Kingsley and Dick Delingpole, among others… (KB Goldtooth - Off Guardian - 8/1/2023)

Such an Odd Coincidence: Move along, nothing to see here. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 2 minutes - 10/1/2023)

Excess Deaths Need Proper Investigation, Not the BBC's Guessing Games. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 12/1/2023)

Dead bodies stored at Wiltshire grit depot as hospital morgue hits capacity. (Daniel Jae Webb & Sophie Watson - Wiltshire999S - 12/1/2023) -> no one blames the Covid vaccine for the excess deaths...

Unequivocal Safety Signals for Heart, Blood and Reproduction Found in Yellow Card Vaccine Data, Says Top Scientist – "Withdraw Them Immediately". (Dr. Richard Ennos - Daily Sceptic - 18/1/2023)

U.K. Becomes Latest Country to Ban Covid Boosters for Under-50s. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 25/1/2023)

Video: Man Arrested On 'Suspicion' Of Assaulting UK Health Minister Behind COVID Lockdowns. (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 25/1/2023)

Army spied on lockdown critics: Sceptics, including our own Peter Hitchens, long suspected they were under surveillance. Now we've obtained official records that prove they were right all along Military operatives were part of an operation that targeted politicians and high-profile journalists who raised doubts about the official pandemic response. (Glen Owen - Daily Mail - 28/1/2023)

Warning: sharing a spiked article could get you in trouble with the government An explosive new report reveals that the British state waged a sinister surveillance campaign against critics of lockdown. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 29/1/2023)

Peter Hitchens: the Covid censors are moving on to Ukraine The journalist warns that the Government is extending its surveillance. (UnHerd - 23 minutes - 30/1/2023)

Big Brother is Watching Me. (Toby Young - Daily Sceptic - 2/2/2023)

99 Doctors and Medical Professionals Demand the British Heart Foundation Comes Clean About Vaccine Heart Injury 'Cover-Up'. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 2/2/2023)

Jenna Platt—the nurse that talks the talk and walks the walk. (UK Column - 2/2/2023)

The lethal cost of lockdowns Britain's high excess deaths show us why shutting down society was a fatal mistake. (David Livermore, professor of medical microbiology - Spiked - 5/2/2023)

Government Refuses to Investigate What's Behind the Thousands of Excess Deaths. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 7/2/2023)

British Politicians Urge Police to Add 'Unvaccinated People' to Terrorism Watchlist. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 9/2/2023)

A Celebration of Dissent. (Dr Roger Watson - Daily Sceptic - 10/2/2023)

UK Gov't Bombshell: 'Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths Linked to COVID Jabs'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 11/2/2023)

I Was on the NHS Covid Frontline But Quit When I Saw the Harm We Were Doing. (Dr. Eashwarran Kohilathas - Daily Sceptic - 14/2/2023)

Cardiologist Asks: Why Is COVID Jab 'Not Being Pulled' After Showing Adverse Reaction Rate of 1 in 800? (Infowars - 19/2/2023)

Two Lockdown Protestors Have Charges Dropped – But Mull Taking the Government to Court Anyway. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 20/2/2023)

The Government Needs to Come Clean About the Role of Midazolam in the Pandemic. (Amanuensis - Daily Sceptic - 21/2/2023)

Suspending Covid vaccine is a "no brainer"
(Mark Steyn - YouTube - 2 minutes - 22/2/2023)

The sinister cruelty of lockdown has been laid bare: We now know just how drunk on tyranny the political class was during the pandemic. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 3/3/2023)

The green elites really do want climate rationing: A new paper has exposed the miserable reality of Net Zero. (Laurie Wastell - Spiked - 6/3/2023)

The Lockdown Files. (The Telegraph - 7/3/2023)

Matt Hancock is a Monkey. But Who Was the Organ Grinder? (Anonymous Doctor - Daily Sceptic - 9/3/2023)

Conspiracy Theories Become Conspiracy Facts. (Ramesh Thakur - Brownstone Institute - 9/3/2023) -> discusses Matt Hancock and the Lockdown Files. The UK, US, and Australia don't need an inquiry strung out over years, focused on small details to the neglect of the big picture, with the tame conclusion that lessons will be learnt but blame cannot be apportioned. Instead we need criminal charges, and the sooner the better.

Why I released the Lockdown Files: Isabel Oakeshott on the cruelty of lockdown and the complicity of the media. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - podcast, 47 minutes - 9/3/2023)

The Thing That Swallowed Britain. (Dan Hitchens - Compact - 9/3/2023)

The real Covid conspiracy: Supine scientists such as Jeremy Farrar are being let off the hook. (Ian Birrell - UnHerd - 11/3/2023)

You are not alone—Peter Todd, Consultant Solicitor, 'Maverick' Vaccine Injury Expert. (UK Column - 14/3/2023)

It Was A 'Vaccine Strategy' From The Start. (Alex Starling - Daily Sceptic - 18/3/2023)

The 14-Day Isolation Rule Cost Me Weeks of Education. Now We Know Matt Hancock Ignored Advice to Scrap it Just to Save Face. (Jack Watson - Daily Sceptic - 20/3/2023)

The UK government's attempt to frighten people into covid protective behaviours was at odds with its scientific advice. (Stephen Reicher, John Drury, Susan Michie, Robert West - British Medical Journal - 21/3/2023)

The Twitter Files reveal an elite at war with the truth: Even established facts can be branded as 'misinformation' if they upset the official narrative. (Jenny Holland - Spiked - 23/3/2023)

Hospital Admissions Double. (M Dowling - The Independant Sentinel - 24/3/2023)

40 Facts You NEED to Know: The REAL Story of "Covid". (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 24/3/2023)

Would You Rather be a Fool or a Tool? (James Alexander - Daily Sceptic - 25/3/2023) -> Some time ago Sinead Murphy in the Sceptic asked why academics failed us so badly during the pandemic. Her answer was polite. The less polite answer is that academics are, by and large, tools.

Whatever Happened to the 'Pandemic'? (Simon Elmer - UKColumn - 28/3/2023)

The jab victims denied heart treatment, and the remedies the NHS won't even consider. (Neville Hodgkinson - TCW - 3/4/2023) -> "with all deceit of unrighteousness for them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." ( 2Th 2: 10)

Masks Made no Difference to Hospital Covid Infection Rates, Study Finds. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 7/4/2023)

Comedian Jimmy Dore reveals vaccine injury is "killing me"… (Revolver - 7/4/2023) -> trusted his doctor, but...

What would Scruton have thought about the Covid obsession? He'd have been appalled. (Frank Palmer - TCW - 8/4/2023)

Husband of BBC Presenter Killed by Covid Vaccine Sues AstraZeneca, Says Vaccine is Unsafe "Defective Product". (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 11/4/2023)

Study Finds "No Evidence" Face Masks Protect Vulnerable Against COVID Three years later. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 13/4/2023)

CONTROLLED DEMOLITION: All UK airports to close in next 10 years; beef and lamb banned to stop "climate change". (Ethan Huff - Natural News - 14/4/2023)

What you are not being told about outrageous plans to give the WHO power over your life. (Dr Tess Lawrie - The Conservative Woman - 14/4/2023)

This Isn't Creepy at all: There's scope for the UK's first ever 'emergency alert system' to be expanded into some very creepy territory. (Paul Joseph Watson - InfoWars - 3 minutes - 20/4/2023)

Angela Lewis-Wright of The Freedom Alliance—Opposing the creeping totalitarianism in our lives. (UK Column - video, 53 minutes - 20/4/2023)

The Tower For Twitter? UK Minister Calls For Jailing Social Media Bosses Who Do Not Censor Speech. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/4/2023)

Bank of England Chief Says Brits Must Accept That They're Poorer After Covid & Energy Crisis. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 26/4/2023)

20-Minute Neighbourhoods—Bob Seys and Thetford residents hold their councillors to account. (UK Column - 27/4/2023)

State Covid Propaganda Destroyed Public's Ability to Consent to Vaccines – Chairman of UK Council for Psychotherapy. (Dr. Christian Buckland - Daily Sceptic - 28/4/2023)

Professor Norman Fenton: Covid Censorship and Academic Subversion. (UK Column - 2/5/2023)

'Brits are dying in their tens of thousands - and we don't really have any idea why:' Tens of thousands more Brits died than usual from May to December 2022, excluding Covid as a cause of death, raising serious questions as to why so many died. (Kieren Williams - Mirror - 11/5/2023) -> it was not the vaccine, it was not the vaccine, it was not the vaccine, it was not the vaccine, repeat after me, it was NOT the vaccine! When I snap my fngers, you will remember nothing...

WHO issues alert about 'unusual' cluster of deadly infant myocarditis cases in the UK. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 18/5/2023)

Dr Thomas Binder—Corona Insanity: A remarkable story from a remarkable doctor. (UK Column - video, 70 minutes - 18/5/2023)

London Mayor Khan Left 'Barely Conscious' Due to Heart Attack Suffered Days After Receiving Covid Booster. (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 23/5/2023)

Royaume-Uni : augmentation inquiétante des cas de myocardite chez les nouveau-nés. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 24/5/2023)

Countering Censorship With Free Speech and Facts. (Dr Carl Heneghan + Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 25/5/2023)

Downton Abbey, the Corruption of the Great Families and the Future of Freedom. (Jeffrey A. Tucker/Brownstone Institute - Daily Sceptic - 31/5/2023)

Government Had 'Chilling' Secret Unit to Curb Lockdown Dissent. (Toby Young - Daily Sceptic - 3/6/2023)

Mistakes were NOT made: An Anthem for Justice. (Margaret Anna Alice - UK Column - 3/6/2023)

Why We Must Continue to Question The Mortality Statistics. (Iain Davis - UK Column - 3/6/2023)

The war on disinformation is really a war on dissent: The British state's monitoring of lockdown sceptics is a democratic outrage. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 4/6/2023) -> Tackling disinformation is now just a euphemism for demonising and silencing dissent.

Lockdown Sceptic Molly Kingsley: "I Was Cast as an Extremist But I've Since Been Proved Right". (Toby Young - Daily Sceptic - 6/6/2023)

UK Govt. Officially Admits That 92% of Deaths Are From 'Triple Vaccinated'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 7/6/2023)

"Digital Prison": Aldi Slammed for Implementing "No App, No Food" System "In-store cameras will track shoppers, adding items to each personal account as they're picked up or bagged." (Caldron Pool - 10/6/2023)

The Covid surveillance state. (Tom Slater, Fraser Myers and Candice Holdsworth - Spiked - video, 9 minutes - 10/6/2023)

INGFASC - War Is Peace - Freedom Is Slavery - Ignorance Is Strength. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 10/6/2023)

Covid Inquiry Invites Input From 17 Members of Pro-Lockdown Left-wing Lobby Group 'Independent SAGE': Led by Communist Susan Michie. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 12/6/2023)

WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Give it Power to Declare Pandemics, Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates With Force of Law, Leading Experts Tell MPs. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 23/6/2023)

NHS Whistleblower: 'We were ordered to "Euthanise" Patients to falsely increase COVID Death Counts while Hospitals were Empty'… (The Exposé - 23/6/2023)

What Happened to Ethics During the Pandemic? (Dr. David Seedhouse - Daily Skeptic - 25/6/2023)

NHS Secretly EUTHANIZED Hundreds of Thousands To Inflate COVID Deaths in Hospitals. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 29/6/2023)

The Fatal Error of Sheep. (Todd Hayen - OffGuardian - 1/7/2023)

Have any Scottish parliamentarians (MSPs) taken a Covid 'vaccine'? (David Tait - UK Column - 4/7/2023)

Farage Being De-Banked Will Backfire "If they de-bank me, they can do it to you too." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 4/7/2023)

Britain Has "Practised the Drill" for Lockdown and is Ready for Future Pandemics, Says Nudge Unit Chief. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 6/7/2023)

Lockdown Files, partie 4 : les Britanniques ont-ils été "conditionnés" pour accepter de futures restrictions sanitaires comme le confinement? (France-Soir - 13/7/2023)

More Than 28,000 Convicted of Covid Rule Breaches as Prosecutions Continue. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 18/7/2023)

The shameless fearmongering of the lockdown lobby: The authorities treated us as children to be scared into compliance, rather than citizens to be reasoned with. (Laura Dodsworth - Spiked - 18/7/2023)

First it was Covid – Now We're Being Scared into Submission Over the Weather. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 19/7/2023)

David Cartland—The honest doctor who refuses to be silenced. (UK Column - video, 67 minutes - 20/7/2023)

Curbing Censorship Will Require a Full-Scale Assault on the Surveillance State. (Aaron Kheriaty - Daily Skeptic - 25/7/2023)

British Spy Chief Confesses: 'COVID Was Engineered to Depopulate the Planet'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 27/7/2023)

Become Ungovernable: UK Weatherman Pays With Cash at Cashless Convenience Store. (Infowars - 31/7/2023)

Lockdown Zealots Were Well-Intentioned, But Should Face Charges of Criminal Negligence Given the Harms they Caused. (Michael Tomlinson/Brownstone Institute - Daily Sceptic - 6/8/2023)

UK Gov't Admit 92% of COVID Deaths Were From Triple Vaxxed. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 7/8/2023)

Andrew Bridgen MP: Not pulling punches. (UK Column - video, 40 minutes - 8/8/2023)

The Remarkable Report Commissioned by the Scottish Covid Inquiry that Savages Lockdowns and Vaccines. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 9/8/2023)

Covid Was a Period of Sheer Insanity. Dr Clare Craig Lays Out Just How Crazy it Was. (Dr Roger Watson - Daily Skeptic - 10/8/2023)

What They Did to the Children. (Dr David Bell and Hugh McCarthy - Daily Sceptic - 10/8/2023)

On the Proposed Replacement of the Human Rights Act 1998 with a Modern Bill of Rights. (Margaret Anna Alice - UK Column - 10/8/2023)

Two and a Half Times More Students Are Absent From School Than Before the Pandemic. (The Times - Daily Sceptic - 11/8/2023)

Source gvt britannique : 92% des décès dus au Covid en 2022 étaient des triples vaccinés. (Profession Gendarme - 14/8/2023)

Royaume-Uni : point sur les cas de lèpre liés au vaccin Pfizer. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 16/8/2023)

Kim Jong-Drakeford Steps Down, After Turning Wales into North Korea During Pandemic. (Richard Eldred - Daily Sceptic - 16/8/2023)

Enough of the Covid fear-mongering No, we don't need mask mandates to cope with every new variant. (David Livermore - Spiked - 21/8/2023)

Are they prepping for Plandemic 2.0? (OffGuardian - 22/8/2023)

Will Scientific Evidence Ever Silence the Pro-Mask Cult? (Dr. Gary Sidley - Daily Sceptic - 24/8/2023)

Ulez Expansion Scheme Begins in Chaos. (Toby Young - Daily Sceptic - 29/8/2023)

The Royal Society's lockdown report is deeply flawed: The organisation ignores uncomfortable truths about our pandemic response. (Kevin Bardosh - UnHerd - 30/8/2023)

ULEZ Backlash accelerates. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - video, 6 minutes - 1/9/2023)

Sir Iain Duncan Smith Says He is "Happy" for 'Blade Runner' Ulez Vandals to Destroy Cameras Because They Have Been "Lied To". (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 1/9/2023)

Western Isles FoI: No Covid deaths during the entire pandemic. (David Tait - UK Column - 2/9/2023) -> the Western Isles are in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland

Sir Christopher Chope: MPs must fight for Covid-injection victims. (Henry Widdas - UK Column - 6/9/2023)

Why Is The UK Trying to Force Smart Meters on Everyone? (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 11/9/2023)

The myth of 'plague island' The demonisation of Brexit Britain during Covid was based entirely on fake news. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 14/9/2023)

ONS Data Show That the 'Pandemic of the Unvaccinated' was Always a Myth. (Nick Rendell - Daily Sceptic - 14/9/2023)

L'Angleterre est sur le point d'abandonner la ville de 15 minutes de l'agenda du WEF. (Étienne Chouard - Twitter - 14/9/2023)

Scottish FoI Update: Covid–19 front-line deaths by occupation. (David Tait - UK Column - 15/9/2023) -> During the last thee years, the total number of NHS Scotland staff 'on the front lines' who sadly died from causes 'involving the virus' was thankfully extremely small, at 57, or 0.036% of the entire workforce. This means that 99.96% of the workforce has survived 'Covid–19' in the past three years.

Furious motorists destroy more ULEZ cameras across London in protest against Sadiq Khan - as one man scales ladders to block enforcement van The London mayor's unpopular Ulez scheme was expanded further last month. (Eirian Jane Prosser - Daily Mail - 20/9/2023)

mRNA in Animals: Roger Meacock, the gentle vet who roars. (UK Column - video, 61 minutes - 21/9/2023)

UK Gov't Order Police To Begin Arresting Citizens Who Get Fact Checked Online. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 21/9/2023)

Carl Heneghan's Disgraceful Treatment by the Covid Inquiry. (Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 21/10/2023)

What's Behind the 26% Rise in Heart Failure Deaths, 22% Rise in Cirrhosis Deaths and 19% Rise in Diabetes Deaths? (Nick Rendell - Daily Sceptic - 25/10/2023) -> Looking at UK mortality stats after the anti-Covid vaccines were rolled out.

Children Attempted Suicide and Families Considered Suicide Pacts Due to Sturgeon's Lockdown, Inquiry Told. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 25/10/2023) -> But one should expect that Davos pawns will downplay/ignore such consequences as in their view, such results are in fact expected/desirable...

Dr. Ahmad Malik Suspended Without Pay for Warning of Vaccine Side-Effects. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 27/10/2023)

"The Covid Inquiry Isn't Interested in the Truth About Lockdown". (The Telegraph - Will Jones/Daily Sceptic - 28/10/2023)

AstraZeneca Taken to Court Over "Defective" Covid Jab in Landmark Legal Case. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 8/11/2023)

Why Was a Graph That the Government Knew to Be Wrong Used to Justify the Second Lockdown? (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 9/11/2023)

Patrick Vallance Branded Chris Whitty a "Delayer", Covid Inquiry Told, as Former Chief Scientist Says Future Lockdowns Must Be "Harder and Earlier". (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 20/11/2023)

UK Govt Quietly Confirms It Will No Longer Publish 'Deaths By Vaccination Status'. (Niamh Harris - Daily Sceptic - 20/11/2023)

Lockdown Was Necessary to Prevent "Extraordinarily High Loss of Life", Chris Whitty Tells Covid Inquiry – Despite Sweden. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 22/11/2023)

The Covid Inquiry Isn't Asking the Only Question That Matters: Was Lockdown a Terrible Mistake? (Camilla Tominey/Telegraph - Richard Eldred/Daily Sceptic - 25/11/2023)

How Covid killed parliamentary democracy Draconian lockdown rules were imposed on us with minimal scrutiny from MPs. (Molly Kingsley - Spiked - 27/11/2023)

No, 'Circuit Breaker' Lockdowns Didn't Work. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 29/11/2023)

No Proof Face Masks Ever Worked Against Covid and They May Have Made Things Worse, Says UKHSA Boss. (Emily Craig/Daily Mail - Will Jones/Daily Sceptic - 30/11/2023)

No Smoke Without Fire Part 5: PREVENTing a War on Domestic Terror in the United Kingdom? (UK Column - 5/12/2023)

Dr. Mike Yeadon's address to the Members of UK Parliament 4th December 2023. (Patricia Harrity - The Exposé - 5/12/2023) -> Yeadon is the former Vice-President of Pfizer...

Child Mask Mandates Have No Clear Benefits and Cause Harm, BMJ Review Finds. (Guy Gin - Daily Sceptic - 6/12/2023)

Top Doctors Urge UK Gov't to BAN All Covid Jabs Due to Soaring Deaths. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 6/12/2023)

Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter Tells BBC That Covid Infections Were Dropping Before Lockdown and He "Really, Really Regrets" Not Having Evidence Sooner That Closing Schools Was Pointless. (Guy de la Bédoyère - Daily Sceptic - 7/12/2023)

The Numbers Don't Lie: Excess Deaths—Ed Dowd. (UK Column - video, 67 minutes - 7/12/2023)

Vaccinated Piers Morgan Reveals He Has VAIDS – Blames Non-Vaxxed. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 10/12/2023) -> sad, blaming the non-vaxxed for his VAIDS?? Seems the vax has affected his brain too...

UK Gov't Bombshell: "Over One Million Vaxxed Have Died This Year". (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 11/12/2023)

Why is Professor Neil Ferguson Now Denying He Told the Government to Lock Down? (David Campbell and Kevin Dowd - Daily Sceptic - 14/12/2023)

Spare a Thought For the Perma-Masked this Christmas. (Dr. David Livermore - Daily Sceptic - 27/12/2023)

The Year the World Went Mad: Philippa's Story. (Sallust - Daily Sceptic - 27/12/2023) -> more evidence the Davos pawns in power doin't give a shit about common people...

The World Desperately Needs Heroes Who Will Speak Truth Whatever the Cost. (Mike Fairclough - Daily Sceptic - 2/1/2024) -> explores the cost of breaking out of silence

Neil Oliver: I'm Proud to Wear the Badge of "Conspiracy Theorist" – "Like a Battle Scar": "To this day, I don't know anyone personally who died of Covid, but I do know, or knew, too many people who have since, suddenly and unexpectedly, died of something else, or been diagnosed with life-changing chronic illness." (Caldron Pool - 8/1/2024)

Dr Ahmad Malik: Sticks and stones won't break my bones and words will never hurt me. (Debi Evans - UK Column - video, 65 minutes - 16/1/2024)

Confidence in Government on Vaccines and Public Health Plummets Following Pandemic, New Polling Shows. (Molly Kingsley - Daily Sceptic - 17/1/2024)

The Who's Roger Daltrey Blasts Scientists and Big Pharma: 'They Don't Want to Find a Cure for Cancer'. (Paul Serran - The Gateway Pundit - 17/1/2024)

WATCH: Beware the "Dream Team" Narrative Police. (OffGuardian - video, 36minutes - 19/1/2024)

"Hold a Drink at All Times": Humza Yousaf Told by Top Medical Adviser How to Get Round Face Mask Laws. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 23/1/2024)

BBC "Misrepresented" Covid Risk to Boost Lockdown Support, Says Top Government Scientific Adviser. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 25/1/2024)

Spike in Middle-Aged Deaths Poses Conundrum for U.K. Insurers. (Bloomberg - Richard Eldred/Daily Sceptic - 28/1/2024)

We MPs Need to Recognise That What We Did to the Country During Covid Was Wrong. (Danny Kruger - Daily Sceptic - 30/1/2024)

COVID Inquiry Finds Lockdowns Were Terrible, While Reporters Call Bullshit on Government's Lead Academic Advisor: BBC gets its pants pulled down, ass paddled for spreading COVID misinformation. (Paul D. Thacker - The DisInformation Chronicle - 31/1/2024)

Scotland's Covid narrative is unravelling The restrictions in Scotland were cruel, politically motivated and failed to save lives. (David Livermore - Spiked - 31/1/2024)

COVID Inquiry Finds Lockdowns Were Terrible, While Reporters Call Bullshit on Government's Lead Academic Advisor BBC gets its pants pulled down, ass paddled for spreading COVID misinformation. (Paul D. Thacker - The DisInformation Chronicle - 31/1/2024)

Devi Sridhar's Knowledge of the Epidemiology of Respiratory Viruses Could be Written on the Back of a Postage Stamp. (Prof Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 1/2/2024)

Cela n'aurait jamais dû être injecté à un seul être humain - Pr Ian Brighthope
(Le Déclencheur - Odyssée - 7 minutes - 4/2/2024)
-> Pr Ian Brighthope évoque le "vaccin" Covid lors de la Commission royale d'enquête COVID

The Surgeon Struck Off for Publishing Covid "Conspiracy Theories" Shows Our Right to Free Speech is Subject to the Whims of Officials and Judges. (Dr David McGrogan - Daily Sceptic - 5/2/2024)

Jacqui Deevoy Warns of UK Democide. (UK Column - podcast, 60 minutes - 6/2/2024)

Cochrane's Double Standards. (Prof Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 14/2/2024)

Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Wilson Sy - Medical & Clinical Research - 15/2/2024)

The Covid Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. (Ramesh Thakur - Daily Sceptic - 18/2/2024)

Medical Staff Ordered to Euthanize 'Covid' Patients: Leaked Docs. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 18/2/2024)

Scotland's Stale State Church Finds Lively Baptist Buyers – Here's How You Can Help "Noble is among the few Christian leaders in Scotland – and around the world, who, during COVID, rightly condemned churches for putting authoritarianism over and above God's authoritative moral law." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 21/2/2024)

NHS Whistleblower: Gov't Secretly Ordered Millions of Euthanasia Drugs Before Pandemic. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 22/2/2024)

Orwellian Lie: UK 'Disappears' Thousands of Excess Deaths Too many people died in the last few years, so they've come up with a new method to calculate excess deaths. (John-Michael Dumais - VNN - 24/2/2024)

The Midazolam Murders: Exposing State-Sanctioned Involuntary Euthanasia At 6pm on February 25th, the UK Column livestreamed an eye-opening and thought-provoking symposium on the systematic use of Midazolam and morphine to end the lives of patients. (Jacqui Deevoy et al. - UK Column - video, 158 minutes - 25/2/2024)

Dying of Thirst. (Debi Evans - UK Column - 27/2/2024) -> details on hypocritical killer protocols in the medical system

Top Cardiologist Reports 47-Fold Increase in Serious Myocarditis Post Covid Vaccinations as He Calls on GMC to Investigate. (The Daily Sceptic - 27/2/2024)

New and damning evidence
(Dr John Campbell - YouTube - 8 minutes - 6/3/2024)
-> discussing a letter sent by Andrew Bridgen MP, to Sir Mark Rowley, Commisioner of the New Scotland Yard regarding criminal activity in the UK government regarding Covid vaccines.

NHS Insider: "Gov't Ordered us to Euthanize MILLIONS of Patients Before First COVID Lockdown". (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 9/3/2024)

British MP Demands Bill Gates Face Death Penalty For 'Crimes Against Humanity' During Pandemic. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 12/3/2024)

Lockdown's Fourth Birthday. (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 23/3/2024)

Fitness coach, 22, who suffered a 'widow-maker' heart attack reveals 999 call handlers dismissed life-threatening illness for anxiety. (Rebecca Whittaker - DailyMail - 26/3/2024)

Another Vaccinated Top Soccer Player Dies Suddenly at 24 – Doctors Baffled. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 2/4/2024)

We Must Not Forget Lockdown. (Joanna Gray - Daily Sceptic - 10/4/2024)

Canceled doctor discusses new movie exposing alleged lies about mumps vaccine with BlazeTV's Sara Gonzales. (Cortney Weil - Blaze News - 11/94/2024)

As a Former NHS Doctor, I'm Appalled by the Damage Wrought by the Pandemic Response. (Dr. Colin M. Barron - Daily Skeptic - 12/4/2024)

Royaume-Uni : les autorités sanitaires poussent les groupes vulnérables à la vaccination. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 15/4/2024)

Quad-Vaxxed Young People 318% More Likely to Die Than Unvaxxed. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 22/4/2024)

Who Was Responsible for the "Look Them in the Eyes" Campaign? (Dr Gary Sidley - Daily Skeptic - 24/4/2024)

Government Advisers Caught Falsely Claiming Never to Have Supported Pandemic Fear Messaging. (Laura Dodsworth - Daily Skeptic - 27/4/2024)

'Bigger Than the Holocaust': British MP Says 10-20 Million People Were Killed By COVID Vaccines. (Jamie White - Infowars - 29/4/2024)

Watch: Government Minister Admits Covid Vaccines Did Not Prevent Transmission. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 3/5/2024)

Lockdowns Were Unquestionably the Stupidest Government Intervention of Our Lifetimes. (Luke Johnson - Daily Skeptic - 4/5/2024)

The Collapse of Medical Ethics During COVID-19. (Dr Alan Mordue - Daily Skeptic - 6/5/2024)

Everything Wrong With the WHO Pandemic Treaty: The UsForThem Briefing. (Ben Kingsley and Molly Kingsley - Daily Sceptic - 7/5/2024)

Britain Refuses to Sign WHO Pandemic Treaty That Would Force it to Give Away a Fifth of Vaccines. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 9/5/2024)

The Indoctrinated Brain. (Michael Nehls MD PhD - UK Column - video, 81 minutes - 9/5/2024) -> How to resist manipulation...

The AstraZeneca Vaccine Debacle Shows the Lessons of Thalidomide Have Not Been Learned. (Dr. Maggie Cooper - Daily Skeptic - 10/5/2024)

Behavioural Science at its Worst. (Dr David Seedhouse - Daily Skeptic - 14/5/2024)

Celebrity Doctors Being Paid to Promote Vaccines is Against the Law. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Skeptic - 15/5/2024)

Why Our Elites Are Unpersuaded by the Evidence of Human Suffering. (Joanna Gray - Daily Skeptic - 27/5/2024)

Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection. (Margaret Flavin - The Gateway Pundit - 2/6/2024)

Celebrity doctors promoted Covid vaccine without declaring payments. (Camilla Turner - The Telegraph/MSN - 5/6/2024)

[UK] Researchers Claim Covid Vax 'Safe' Despite Kids Getting Epilepsy, Allergic Shock, Myocarditis & Appendicitis — Study. (Sean Miller - Infowars - 10/6/2024)

Hey Ho, The WHO Has Got to Go. (James Roguski - UK Column - video, 64 minutes - 11/6/2024)

Mark Steyn Takes Ofcom to Court Saying Regulator Killed His Career Over Covid Vaccine Claims. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 12/6/2024)

The Covid Conspiracy of Silence Nobody is Talking About. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 17/6/2024)

NHS Waiting Lists – Don't Mention Lockdown. (Alex Kriel - Daily Skeptic - 18/6/2024)

Blocked by the MHRA, reported to the Health Security Agency—A day in the life of vaccine-injured Adam Rowland. (UK Column - video, 75 minutes - 18/6/2024)

Principled Opposition to Lockdown and Vaccine Coercion. (Nick Rendell - Daily Sceptic - 25/6/2024)

How Government Psychological Manipulation of the Public Became Normal. (Dr Gary Sidley - Daily Sceptic - 26/6/2024)

La conspiration du silence Covid dont personne ne parle. (Anguille sous roche - 26/6/2024)

Lockdowns Were Britain's Biggest Ever Peacetime Mistake, Says Farage. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 27/6/2024)

Why We Cannot be Nudged For Long. (James Alexander - Daily Sceptic - 1/7/2024)

Mask Mandates Return in NHS Hospitals. Here's How to Complain. (Dr. Gary Sidley - Daily Skeptic - 9/7/2024)

Mother Wins Battle to Stop Son Having Covid Vaccine She Feared Could Kill Him. (Steve Bird/The Telegraph - Daily Skeptic - 14/7/2024) -> another case where the "greater good of society" is used as a bludgeon to violate people's rights...

The Covid Inquiry is Right to Name and Shame Matt Hancock. (Dr. Angus Dalgleish - Daily Skeptic - 18/7/2024)

Morrissey Calls Out Klaus Schwabb, Fauci, Bill Gates As "Criminals" During Concert: "Educated criminals work within the law". (Steve Watson - Modernity - 30/7/2024)

The MPs Hiding Behind Parliamentary Privilege to Make False Vaccine Claims. (Nick Hunt - Daily Skeptic - 2/8/2024)

Oxford Study Lays Bare the Terrible Decision to Vaccinate Children Against Covid. (Nick Rendell - Daily Skeptic - 2/8/2024)

Both Canada and the U.K. lurch towards tyranny. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 19/8/2024)

Government Funded Group Explores Using Psychological Propaganda to Make People Eat Bugs: The infamous 'nudge unit' is back. (Paul Joseph Watson - Modernity - 28/8/2024)

Fighting Goliath: A Review of Norman Fenton and Martin Neil's New Book. (Dr. Roger Watson - Daily Skeptic - 12/9/2024)

Oxford University Study: Hydroxychloroquine Is a 'Safe & Effective' Treatment for Covid. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 13/9/2024)

Pharmacist Commits Suicide over 'Devastating' Covid 'Vaccine' Injury. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 23/9/2024)

Lockdowns Turned Boris Johnson into Oliver Cromwell, Says James Cleverly. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 26/9/2024)

Proposed Northern Ireland Legislation Would Green-Light Forced Vaccination, Quarantine, Health Monitoring, Property Confiscation/Destruction. (Sean Miller - InfoWars - 1/10/2024)

Man Says He Has Been "Left to Rot" After Covid Vaccine – BBC Report. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 14/10/2024)

Health Care – Then and Now. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 25/10/2024) -> regarding a new NHS smartphone app in the UK

"Godfather of vaccines" admits vaccine researchers experimented on orphans, the mentally handicapped and babies of mothers in prison. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 30/10/2024) -> In the early 1960s, Stanley Plotkin was doing a paediatric residency in London, England..

NHS is sedating a man with Down's syndrome to force vaccinate him. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 1/11/2024) -> criminal charges should be laid against the doctor ordering this...

Hancock Admits Do Not Resuscitate Orders Were Wrongly Applied During Covid as He Calls on Lockdown Defenders to "Unite" Against Sceptics. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 22/11/2024)

Covid Lockdowns, Children Lost from Education and 21st Century Schools. (Martin Edwards - UK Column - 8/12/2024)

We have lost loved ones, been left disabled and even diagnosed with cancer after taking the Covid vaccine - but no one will take our heartbreaking experiences seriously. (Aidan Radnedge - Daily Mail - 4/1/2025)

Covid Vaccine Critic Doctor Barred From Medicine. (Dr Copernicus - Daily Skeptic - 11/1/2025)

Dozens of British Women Have Seen Their Breasts Grow After the Covid Jab. (Richard Eldred - Daily Skeptic - 12/1/2025)

The proof that lockdown critics were 'debanked' because of their views PayPal admits it terminated Molly Kingsley's account after she spoke out against Covid vaccinations for children and school closures. (Camilla Turner - The Telegraph - 18/1/2025)

During covid, the MHRA failed and allowed the biggest assault on civil liberties and economic prosperity in my lifetime, Rupert Lowe MP said. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 18/1/2025)

The Vaccine Safety Questions No One is Asking at the Covid Inquiry. (Nick Hunt - Daily Skeptic - 20/1/2025)

Deadly Delays: MHRA's Shameless Failure to Investigate Vaccine Deaths. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Skeptic - 26/1/2025)

"I'm Relieved," Says Haematologist at the News AstraZeneca's Jab Has Been Withdrawn From Britain. (Sallust - Daily Skeptic - 26/1/2025)

The UK government is normalising tyranny. (Jamie Jessop - The Expose - 29/1/2025)

Families whose relatives were allegedly killed by the UK state using midazolam has final hearing before inquest. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - video, 23 minutes - 10/2/2025)

Caught on Camera: Police Scotland Boss Ordered Officers to Ignore COVID Vaccine Crime Reports. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 20/2/2025)

The petty authoritarianism of Britain's thoughtpolice. (Candice Holdsworth, Tom Slater and Fraser Myers - Spiked - video, 7 minutes - 2/3/2025)

Who Said That the WHO Is the Executive Arm of the Greatest Experiment in Social Control in History? (Clue: Not Starmer). (James Alexander - The Daily Sceptic - 3/3/2025)

Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 8/3/2025)

Alleged Criminality In UK Peer-Related Contracts Probed Behind Closed Doors At COVID Inquiry. (Rachel Roberts/The Epoch Times - Zero Hedge - 9/3/2025)

'They lied, people died!': Vax-injured Brits march in London to expose jab fallout: Has anyone admitted to this failure of public policy? Will anyone be held accountable? (Sammy Woodhouse - Rebel News - 11/3/2025)