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Leaving the System

Trucs pour préserver son autonomie, résister le chaos et le néototalitarisme des pions de Davos/
Tricks for Preserving Your Autonomy, Resisting the Davos Pawn's Chaos and Neo-Totalitarianism

"Résistez" - Marie Durand, emprisonnée à la Tour de Constance d'Aigues Mortes

Don't Tread On Me

Dossier Covid19

I believe a man is happier, and happy in a richer way, if he has 'the freeborn mind'. But I doubt whether he can have this without economic independence, which the new society is abolishing. For economic independence allows an education not controlled by Government; and in adult life it is the man who needs, and asks, nothing of Government who can criticise its acts and snap his fingers at its ideology. Read Montaigne; that's the voice of a man with his legs under his own table, eating the mutton and turnips raised on his own land. Who will talk like that when the State is everyone's schoolmaster and employer? Admittedly, when man was untamed, such liberty belonged only to the few. I know. Hence the horrible suspicion that our only choice is between societies with few freemen and societies with none.
(CS Lewis - Is Progress Possible? Willing Slaves of the Welfare State - 1958 - Etext)

Toute l'histoire du contrôle sur le peuple se résume à cela : isoler les gens les uns des autres, parce que si on peut les maintenir isolés assez longtemps, on peut leur faire croire n'importe quoi.
Noam Chomsky (2006) Comprendre le pouvoir : L'indispensable de Chomsky. [deuxième mouvement]. (trad. Hélène Hiessler), Éditions Aden, p. 33

Au chef des chantres. Sur Colombe des térébinthes lointains. Hymne de David. Lorsque les Philistins le saisirent à Gath. Aie pitié de moi, ô Dieu! car des hommes me harcèlent; Tout le jour ils me font la guerre, ils me tourmentent. Tout le jour mes adversaires me harcèlent; Ils sont nombreux, ils me font la guerre comme des hautains. Quand je suis dans la crainte, En toi je me confie. Je me glorifierai en Dieu, en sa parole; Je me confie en Dieu, je ne crains rien: Que peuvent me faire des hommes? Sans cesse ils portent atteinte à mes droits, Ils n'ont à mon égard que de mauvaises pensées. Ils complotent, ils épient, ils observent mes traces, Parce qu'ils en veulent à ma vie. C'est par l'iniquité qu'ils espèrent échapper: Dans ta colère, ô Dieu, précipite les peuples! Tu comptes les pas de ma vie errante; Recueille mes larmes dans ton outre: Ne sont-elles pas inscrites dans ton livre? Mes ennemis reculent, au jour où je crie; Je sais que Dieu est pour moi. Je me glorifierai en Dieu, en sa parole; Je me glorifierai en l'Eternel, en sa parole; Je me confie en Dieu, je ne crains rien: Que peuvent me faire des hommes? O Dieu! je dois accomplir les voeux que je t'ai faits; Je t'offrirai des actions de grâces. Car tu as délivré mon âme de la mort, tu as garanti mes pieds de la chute, afin que je marche devant Dieu, à la lumière des vivants. (Psaume 56)

Anti-mondialisme / Anti-Globalism

Les articles sont en ordre chronologique décroissant, c'est-à-dire textes plus récents au début. / Articles are in chronological order, most recent first.

'Self-Rescue' - Yes, You Need To Be Able To Do This... (Karl Denninger/Market-Ticker - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/10/2024)

Breaking out of 'the matrix': The next generation of homesteaders rejecting 'an unreliable system'. (Glenn Beck - Blaze News - video, 60 minutes - 7/10/2024)

The rise of cottagecore: Why Millennials and Gen Z are escaping to the 1800s. (Wickedly - 2/10/2024) -> sad, escape into an illusion...

Watch: Matt Taibbi And Walter Kirn Give Epic Speeches Everyone Should Watch. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/10/2024)

Ripe for harvest: To prevent waste and provide for needy people, a group in Australia works to preserve fruit from forgotten trees. (Myrna Brown - World Mag - podcast, 6 minutes - 5/9/2024)

Refuser le compteur Linky va rester légal et les"sans-Linky" ne vont pas payer d' amendes". (Stéphane Lhomme/Refus-Linky-Gazpar - Les moutons enragés - 1/9/2024)

Boycott Big Tech now or lose your freedom forever. (Sean Patrick Tario - Blaze News - 31/8/2024)

Recent Events Prove Western Nations Are Highly Vulnerable to Cyber Calamity. (Brandon Smith - - 27/8/2024)

Backyard Camping: Important Lessons Preppers Can Learn. (Fabian Ommar - The Organic Prepper - 13/8/2024)

The Indoctrinated Brain: Michael Nehls MD PhD—Part 2: Solutions. (UK Column - video, 61 minutes - 16/7/2024)

Playing the Long Game. (Andrew Torba - Gab News - 8/7/2024)

100 Miles South of Salt Lake City, a New Type of Off-Grid Community. (Allan Stein/ The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/7/2024)

How Radical Gratitude Can Help You Get Through Hard Times. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 2/7/2024)

A Manifesto on the Home Economy from a Techie-Turned-Farmer. (Joshua Pauling - Salvo - 22/6/2024)

15 Stockpile Foods You Could Store Forever. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 11/6/2024)

Une étude finlandaise confirme les effets positifs du jardinage sur la santé. (France-Soir - 5/6/2024)

Thrift Store Preppers: Save Money with Second-Hand Survival Supplies. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 21/5/2024)

Live By Truth, Whatever the Cost: We must heed the warnings of Solzhenitsyn. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 16/5/2024)

Mass Starvation: Here's Why Most of America is Completely Unprepared. (Brandon Smith/Prepper All-Naturals - - 11/5/2024)

The Indoctrinated Brain. (Michael Nehls MD PhD - UK Column - video, 81 minutes - 9/5/2024) -> How to resist manipulation...

Al's Afternoon Tea: 'No Second Amendment, No First'. (Al Perrotta - The Stream - 9/5/2024) -> interview with John Zmirak on resistance to the abusive State

Don't let the left demoralize you into staying on the sidelines. (Albin Sadar - The Blaze - 7/5/2024) -> discusses manipulative techniques used by elites...

Afficher les produits 0:04 / 9:02 • Intro the lazy way to grow tons of potatoes... (The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni - YouTube - video, 9 minutes - 17/4/2024))

Homesteading curious? Try these small steps. (Pheonix Painter - Blaze News - 16/4/2024)

Why Preppers Should Spend More Time Learning (and Less Time Shopping). (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 5/4/2024)

17 Basic Skills You'll Have to Learn After the Collapse. (Epic Economist - 25/3/2024)

How Revolution Happens—and How to Stop It: In spiritual war, bravery's the strongest weapon. (Tucker Carlson - Mondern Age - 18/3/2024)

Global Governance Is a Threat That Must Be Resisted "…since the nation state has proved to be a stable foundation of democratic government and secular jurisdiction, we ought to improve it, to adjust it, even to dilute it, but not to throw it away." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 19/2/2024)

Americans are getting de-banked, but some companies are fighting back. (Peter Gietl - Blaze Media - 17/2/2024)

The High Price of Convenience Technology: Intentional Inconvenience as a Curb against Digital Passivity. (Keith Lowery - Slavo 8/2/2024)

How to survive if you ever become homeless. (A.M. Hickman - Blaze Media - 5/2/2024) -> paywalled...

How to escape the surveillance state: Be wary of 'the internet of things'. (Michael Matheson Miller - Blaze Media - 3/2/2024) -> paywalled...

The Countercultural Family Marriage & Family: In a Culture that Prizes Autonomy, Family and Church Connections Offer the Superior Freedom. (Joshua Pauling - Salvo - 1/2/2024)

We Will Not Eat the Bugs, Klaus! My foreword for "The Eggs Benedict Option", by Raw Egg Nationalist. (Noor Bin Ladin - Substack - 30/1/2024)

"Rural Renaissance": Venture Fund Plans New Community in Appalachia to Escape Soros-Enabled-Hellhole Cities. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 23/1/2024)

Davos, Trust, & The End of "Comfortable Wolves." (Tom Luongo/Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 21/1/2024)

Sweden Scraps Agenda 2030 Goals. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 19/1/2024)

No, these masked men are not Antifa—they're patriotic vigilantes doing the Lord's work… (Revolver - 2/1/2024) -> stuff going down in the UK

The ultimate Return guide to escaping the surveillance state. (Michael Matheson Miller - The Blaze - 2712/2023)

8 Espionage Hacks to Outsmart The Masters of Miscommunication. (Nicole James/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 1/12/2023) -> or "Big Brother"...

Food for Self-Sufficiency and Health. (Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin - America Out Loud - podcast, 57 minutes - 14/11/2023)

Les patates dans la bouilleuse. (Georges Darveau - Samizdat - 7/11/2023)

56 Survival Uses for Heavy-Duty Garbage Bags. (Chloe Morgan/The Organic Prepper - Discern Report. - 6/11/2023)

La grande évasion des villes. (Les moutons enragés - vidéo, 35 minutes - 3/11/2023)

3 Steps to Digital Freedom (Part 1 of 2). (Sean Patrick Tario - Mark37 - 31/10/2023)

The Counterculture Everyone Forgot: Rather than mocking the Counterculture, we would benefit from re-acquiring its values that favored frugality and the ownership of skills, work, enterprise and land. (Charles Hugh Smith - OfTwoMinds - 29/10/2023)

Living Off-Grid Has Shown Me That Modern Society Cannot Function on Renewable Energy. (Pseudonaja Textilis - Daily Sceptic - 25/10/2023)

Keeping a Cool Head: To me, at least, having been trained in robust logical analysis was certainly an important factor in preventing me from succumbing to the irrationality and hysteria at the time. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 23/9/2023)

Why Canned Foods May be Ideal for "Late Preppers" Who Aren't Too Picky. (JD Rucker - Discern Report - 19/9/2023)

The Hard Truth About Storing Fuel. (Jose - The Organic Prepper - 18/9/2023)

The Parallel Economy Goes Mainstream. (Andrew Torba - Gab News - 15/9/2023) -> The most effective economic strategy within the parallel economy is also the most straightforward: avoid purchasing from those who hate you, and instead, support businesses that align with your values. It's extraordinarily simple, but powerful enough to topple a brand like Bud Light.

L'Angleterre est sur le point d'abandonner la ville de 15 minutes de l'agenda du WEF. (Étienne Chouard - Twitter - 14/9/2023)

This Town Banned Kids from Having Smart Phones and The Results Were Stunning… (Cassie Cole - Washington Engager - 4/9/2023)

It's Not Too Late to Start Prepping Ahead of the Massive Hardships to Com:e There was a time not too long ago when I laughed at preppers. I was so wrong and I'm glad I was brought to my senses. (JD Rucker - Discern Report - 3/9/2023)

Ulez Expansion Scheme Begins in Chaos. (Toby Young - Daily Sceptic - 29/8/2023)

Upholding Free Speech Amidst the EU's DSA Law. (Andrew Torba - Gab News- 25/8/2023)

Don't Kill Cash "I don't want to live in a society where you're one wrong word from going bankrupt." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 25/8/2023)

'No One in The Federal Government Is Coming to Save us': Oliver Anthony on Family, Self-Reliance. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 25/8/2023)

'Blade Runners' Fight London's Car Emission Monitoring Cameras. (Daniel Chaitin - DailyWire - 13/8/2023)

On Home Libraries: The importance of setting up a home library. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 9/8/2023)

I've got into the privacy rabbit hole and now I think it's meaningless. (Somebodya - Reddit - 9/8/2023)

Kenya Kicks Eye-Scanning Worldcoin to The Curb -- Refuses to Become 'Data Harvesting Guinea Pigs'. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/8/2023)

Farmer who lives off-grid in remote Appalachia with no government ID reveals what it is really like to survive without running water, electricity or SHOES - as he sets out to find a WIFE to share his unique lifestyle. (Sadie Whitelocks - Daily Mail - 6/8/2023)

Austrian leader proposes enshrining the use of cash in his country's constitution. (Geir Moulson - Associated Press - 4/8/2023)

Plaidoyer pour un enfant de plus. (Kevin DeYoung/First Things - - 1/8/2023)

The Calm Before The Storm. (Thomas Harry - Z3 - 28/7/2023) -> a Christian Reflection

Count It All Joy. (Rob Pue - News With Views - 30/7/2023) -> a Christian Reflection

The Lost Art of Connecting Dots. (Todd Hayen - OffGuardian - 29/7/2023)

Staying Local — Roots + Wings. (Rory Feek, Plain Values - Gab News - 18/7/2023)

Survival Expo à Paris : prévenir les risques d'une "décivilisation" ou essor des pratiques de plein air? (Partie 1/3). (Claude Corse - France-Soir - 17/7/2023)

Amish Rejected Big Pharma Vaccines, Now They Are Officially 'Healthiest People in the World'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 17/7/2023)

If You Were a Sheep During Covid, Admit You Were Wrong and do Better Next Time: Those who were Covid cowards need to stand up against tyranny in the future. It's the least they can do. (Evita Duffy-Alfonso - The Federalist - 15/7/2023)

The Neo-Amish Movement: How to Preserve Tradition in a Technological World. (Andrew Torba - Gab News - 13/7/2023)

Is this the Dutch farmers' moment? The fall of Mark Rutte's government presents a real opportunity for change. (John Lee Shaw - Spiked - 11/7/2023)

Build the Parallel Polis to counteract totalitarianism. (Rhoda Wilson - The Exposé - 5/7/2023)

What You Can Learn About Preparedness from Traditional Food. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 3/7/2023)

The Fatal Error of Sheep. (Todd Hayen - OffGuardian - 1/7/2023)

Terminal Decline of Civilization and Hope for the Future. (Gab News - 23/6/2023

Slojd: Opting Out by MAKING What You Need. (Aden Tate - The Organic Prepper - 17/6/2023)

Why HG Wells' World Brain and Yuval Harari's Hackable Human Will Not Succeed
(Cynthia Chung - Rising Tide Foundation - YouTube - 61 minutes - 14/6/2023)
-> presentation delivered to an audience of 300 in Switzerland (sponsored by Kernpunkte Magazine)

I've been radicalised by Just Stop Oil. (Toby Young - The Spectator - 10/6/2023)

What to Do When COVID Tyranny Returns. (Jeff Thomas - InternationalMan - 4/6/2023)

Vivre sous terre dans Bellechasse, le choix d'une petite famille. (Philippe Chabot - Le Soleil - 2/6/2023)

The Pandemic Is Officially Over… But What's Next? (J.G. Martinez D - The Organic Prepper - 30/5/2023)

No Meat? No Problem: Meal Hacks For Times of Inflation: With meat at such ridiculous prices, I decided it's time to go back to my great-grandma's hollers cookbook. (Mike Howard - American Spectator - 26/5/2023)

Here's What People Are Doing in Venezuela to Get Through Hard Times. (J.G. Martinez D - The Organic Prepper - 25/5/2023)

WATCH: Thwarting Facial Recognition – #SolutionsWatch. (James Corbett - OffGuardian - 25/5/2023)

Financial Ice Age: What Would Happen If EVERY Bank Account Was Frozen? (J.G. Martinez D - The Organic Prepper - 18/5/2023)

After Covid: 12 Challenges for a Shattered World (Jeffrey A. Tucker/Brownstone Institute - Daily Skeptic -16/5/2023)

The working-class revolt against Net Zero: Danish truckers are the latest workers to rise up against eco-authoritarianism. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 16/5/2023)

Tolerance is Overrated: It's Time to Start Gatekeeping American Society Again. (Brandon Smith/Alt-Market - Lew Rockwell - 13/5/2023)

We Cannot Stop the Societal Collapse That's Coming The writing on the wall is as clear to us as it was to Daniel. (JD Rucker - America First Report - 9/5/2023)

How to Save Your Life and Those You Love When Hospitalized. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - LewRockwell - 8/5/2023)

Why You Might Need to Rethink the Possibility of Bugging Out. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 5/5/2023) -> Bugging Out = Fleeing your home...

20-Minute Neighbourhoods—Bob Seys and Thetford residents hold their councillors to account. (UK Column - 27/4/2023)

Wow: Vivek Ramaswamy is now suing the World Economic Forum for spreading lies about him… (Revolver - 25/4/2023)

Angela Lewis-Wright of The Freedom Alliance—Opposing the creeping totalitarianism in our lives. (UK Column - video, 53 minutes - 20/4/2023)

"La liberté de ne pas obéir est une chance considérable", Didier Raoult, microbiologiste et infectiologue. (France-Soir - 6/4/2023)

A New Wave of Nationalism Is Coming to Europe: We are still in the embryonic phase of a new swing of the pendulum in Western history. (Itxu Díaz - The American Spectator - 5/4/2023)

Confessions of a Steward — Carbon Economy. (Joel Salatin/Plain Values - Gab News - 4/4/2023)

Italy tells the "Great Reset" to go screw itself… (Revolver - 3/4/2023)

This is What They Fear Most: Us. This is why we will win. (Elizabeth Nickson - Welcome to Absurdistan - 1/4/2023)

How to go Rogue. (John Moody - Gab News - 30/3/2023)

People Can Win. (Matt Taibbi/Racket News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/3/2023)

La débandade agricole. (Les moutons enragés - 11/3/2023) -> difficultés de la relève agricole en France.

Clarkson's Farm: Another Front in The War on Food. (Tom Luongo/Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/2/2023)

We need a peasants' revolt against the new green feudalism: The eco-elites are determined to stop us from travelling and earning. (Julie Burchill - Spiked - 17/2/2023)

Trust is the Currency of a Parallel Christian Society: 1Samuel: Parallel Christian Society in 1000 BC. (Andrew Isker - Gab News - 15/2/2023)

Buying a Wood Stove: Cautionary Tales for Thrifty Shoppers. (Colette - The Frugalite - 13/2/2023)

The retreat from globalism: People don't want to be squelched by big business or big government. (Joel Kotkin - Spiked - 12/2/2023)

The Technological Age Collapse. (Andrew Isker - Gab News - 7/2/2023)

Parallel Christian Society in 1000 BC: King David's Israel as a Model For Life in 21st Century America. (Pastor Andrew Isker- Gab News - 2/2/2023)

The Roundtable — Amish Insights on: Pride. (Ivan Keim/Plain Values - Gab News - 31/1/2023)

Noor Bin Ladin Issues a Direct Message to Klaus Schwab & His Handlers. (Twitter - 20/1/2023)

I Want to Stop CBDCs – What Can I Do? (Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts - Solari Report - 15/1/2023)

Three Cheers For the Dutch Resistance: Way to go Dutch freedom fighters. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 13/1/2023)

COVID : pourquoi les non-vax étaient mieux organisés que l'équipe Macron. (Arkébi - Le Courrier des Stratèges/Les moutons enragés - 28/12/2022)

Reclaiming the Anti-State Roots of Christmas: Shortly after hearing about the birth of Jesus, Herod the king tried to have the child murdered. (Jeffery L. Degner - - 24/12/2022)

The year we finally rose up against the pyjama classes: From Canadian truckers to Dutch farmers, working people have had enough of the laptop elites. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 24/12/2022)

The Desire to be Left Alone is Quickly Being Denied Us by the Ever-Expanding State: "Everything is now being politicised – including our leisure time, sport, entertainment, and even what we might grow in our own home veggie patch." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 19/12/2022)

Why Even NON-City Folks Need to Read Jim Cobb's Urban Prepper's Guide. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 7/12/2022)

Menticide 101 and the Brainwashing of a World: Part III—New Courage for Old Lies. (Dr. Bruce Scott - UKColumn - 21/11/2022)

Parallel Economies - Agriculture. (Joel Salatin - The Lunatic Farmer/Hillsdale College - 16/11/2022)

Local Food as Parallel Agriculture. (Joel Salatin - Hillsdale College - video conference, 63 minutes - 15/11/2022)

Time to Join the Covidian Resistance: We are seeing encouraging signs of a fightback against the Covid cult. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 25/10/2022)

The new colonialism: Africa rebuffs US overtures to commit energy suicide. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 14/10/2022)

To Stop Totalitarianism, We Must Understand How it Weaponizes Loneliness: Victory in the war against tyranny depends more than anything else on understanding how imposed loneliness works on our psyches. (Stella Morabito - The Federalist - 12/10/2022)

Want to Make It Through Hard Times in One Piece? Focus on Your Family. (Aden Tate - The Organic Prepper - 22/9/2022)

This Clever Anti-Censorship Tool Lets Russians Read Blocked News: Samizdat Online syndicates banned news sites by hosting them on uncensored domains—allowing people to access independent reporting. (Matt Burgess - Wired - 8/9/2022)

This Is What You Need to Know About a Wood Stove. (Jeremiah Johnson - The Organic Prepper - 19/8/2022)

How to Bake Bread Off-Grid. (Aden Tate - The Organic Prepper - 18/7/2022)

Eating off the grid with Julie Walker of Full Circle Adventures: Foraging, which means gathering wild food for free, is a sustainable and completely off the grid way to get some healthy options on the table. (Adam Soos - Rebel News - 19/6/2022)

We Must Never Forget: We are still in the phase of denial, we still cling to our false beliefs, we still cannot comprehend the consequences of what was done to us ... But this stage cannot last long... (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 18/6/2022)

What It's REALLY Like to Live Off-Grid. (Jeremiah Johnson - The Organic Prepper - 3/6/2022)

The State of Meat – Opportunities for the Parallel Economy. (Jesse Dustin/Heartland Goats - Gab News - 12/5/2022)

Buy Chicken NOW, Stockpile Chicken NO REFRIGERATION | Prepping | Canning Chicken
(Riverside Homestead Life - YouTube - 18 minutes - 10/4/2022)

Reset on Your Terms, or be Forced into the "Great Reset" on Theirs. (Kratos - The Organic Prepper - 6/7/2021) -> or having the courage to reduce expectations...s

How to Prep for a Cyberattack. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 14/6/2021)

SELCO: The Importance of Friends and Family When the SHTF. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 3/8/2018)


Anti-mondialisme / Anti-Globalism

The Great Reset Is Dead, Long Live The Great Reset. (Tom Luongo/Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/2/2024) -> going beyond dead 20th century political categories...

The Truth About the One World Government and Global Conspiracies "Through the forces of compelled multiculturalism, mass immigration, aggressive de-Christianization, and the degradation of biblical morals, our nations currently bear little resemblance to the world our grandparents once knew." (Ben Davis - CaldronPool - 31/5/2023)

The "Great Reset" and the Future of Money… Here's What You Need to Know. (Nick Giambruno - The International Man - 26/1/2023)

We're Becoming Indentured Servants: THIS is why global elites & the WEF want you to OWN NOTHING. (Glenn Beck - 16 minutes - 24/1/2023)

Les sombres origines de la grande réinitialisation de Davos. (F.William Engdahl - GlobalResearch/ Les moutons enragés - 27/12/2022)

The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset. (F. William Engdahl - The Canadian Patriot - 26/10/2022)

Mgr Vigano: Le GR [Great Reset] est une religion - YouTube
(Civitas - YouTube - 61 minutes - 28/8/2022)
Il est triste de voir un tel homme qui a besoin de l'approbation d'un bout de plâtre (ou de plastique) pour établir sa crédibilité...
Qu'est-ce qu'une telle superstition peut ajouter à ses propos??

Globalism Is Satanic: "As the people of the world abandoned God, He was replaced by visions of heaven built by man. And every time those visions have been attempted by totalitarian regimes, they've led to hell on earth." (David Hilton - Caldron Pool - 2/8/2022)

Beginner's Guide to Understanding "The Great Reset". (Ryan Craswell - Druthers - 4/3/2021)

H.G. Wells’ Dystopic Vision Comes Alive With the Great Reset Agenda. (Matthew Ehret - Strategic Culture Foundation - 24/12/2020)

La plus grande réinitialisation – Le film
(Vivre sainement - Odysée - 2hres 37 minutes - 7/12/2022)

Plans of a Technocratic Elite: 'The Great Reset' Is Not A Conspiracy Theory. (Michael Rectenwald/The Mises Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 4/11/2021)

Maurice Strong and the Roots of the Great Reset Agenda. (Matthew Ehret - Strategic Culture Foundation - 25/11/2020)

What Is “The Great Reset”? (Michael Snyder - InfoWars - 20/11/2020)

We’ve Been Warned About the Great Reset and Technocrat Tyranny. (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 19/11/2020)

This Is How the World Economic Forum Wants to Reset You: But you’ll have to be at your resilient best. (Itxu Díaz - American Spectator - 14/11/2020)

The New Globalism Looks a Lot Like the Old Imperialism. (Liam Richards - Caldron Pool - 24/10/2020)

Has the post-Covid future already been decided?: Few will have heard of the ‘Great Reset’, but it already has the backing of the Davos elite. (Simon Marcus - Spiked - 17/8/2020)

Constitutional Q&A: Knock-and-Talk Police Tactics. (The Rutherford Institute - 27/4/2017)