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Le voleur ne vient que pour dérober, égorger et détruire; Moi, je suis venu afin que les brebis aient la vie, et qu'elles soient dans l'abondance. (Jean 10: 10)
En Occident, le système juridique sert d'instrument coercitif à l'Inquisition du djihad sexuel postmoderne...
(PG)Extreme diversity of opinion makes certain individuals uncomfortable; it affronts their own opinions. Then this discontent brings together a group that opposes pluralism in the name of some absolute, such as moral or national unity. This opposition to freedom of though must, according to that very thought, be tolerated, thus creating a general lack of direction that a dictator will supply. What is curious about 20th [century] dictatorships is that with their powerful means of repression they fear the slightest murmur of dissent. A careless word, a mistimed joke is enough to suggest heresy. This remains true under present-day "political correctness", but so far the penalties have been mild - opprobrium, loss of employment, and virtual exclusion from the profession.
(page 272 - Barzun, Jacques (2000) From Dawn to Decadence : 1500 to the Present, 500 Years of Western Cultural Life. HarperCollins New York)Une femme ne portera point un habillement d'homme, et un homme ne mettra point des vêtements de femme; car quiconque fait ces choses est en abomination à l'Eternel, ton Dieu.
(Deutéronome 22: 5)[Examinant la propagande de type horizontale sous le régime communiste de Mao]
Cette forme de propagande suppose deux conditions : tout d'abord la rupture des autres groupes. Il ne faut pas que l'individu inséré dans le micro-groupe de propagande puisse appartenir à d'autres groupements où il ne subirait pas cette influence, où il pourrait donc se retrouver lui-même, et prendre appui pour résister. C'est ce qui explique la résolution en Chine de briser les structures traditionnelles, par exemple la famille. La famille, en tant que groupe privé et hétérogène (diversité des âges, des sexes, des occupations) est un obstacle terrible à cette propagande. Il fallait la faire éclater dans la mesure où elle était encore très puissante en Chine. Le problème n'est pas du tout le même aux U.S.A. et dans les sociétés occidentales...
(p. 97 - ELLUL, Jacques "Propagandes." Economica Paris (coll. Classiques des sciences sociales) 1962/2013 361 p.)Give all these exalted modern teachers a real chance to destroy the old society and build it anew and there will result such darkness, such chaos, something so crude, blind and inhuman, that the whole edifice will fall apart under the curses of all mankind…
(Dostoevsky - 1873 - Vremya)À mon avis, il y a derrière l' idéologie LGBTQ+ un objectif avant tout politique, car si on peut rendre une société confuse au sujet d'une question d'aussi fondamentale que son identité sexuelle, alors on pourra lui fait croire et avaler n'importe quoi, ABSOLUMENT n'importe quoi... Situation très intéressante pour une élite néototalitaire. (PG - 2022)
Young's First Law: 'The more progressive a country is when it comes to sex and gender, the more authoritarian it is when it comes to speech and language.'
La gauche [= postmodernes] a bien compris que plus il y a des gens croient au christianisme (et au judaïsme), moins la gauche a de chances de gagner du pouvoir. La gauche ne se préoccupe pas de l'islam, car elle perçoit l'islam comme un allié dans sa guerre contre la civilisation occidentale, et aussi parce que les gauchistes n'ont pas le courage d'affronter l'islam. Ils savent que confronter des musulmans religieux peut être fatal, alors que confronter des chrétiens religieux ne comporte aucun risque.*
(Dennis Prager: Why The Left Doesn't Like Christmas. DailyWire - 21/12/2019)He turned his back on the pictures and sat down. He understood the whole business now. Frost was not trying to make him insane: at least not in the sense Mark had hitherto given to the word "insanity". Frost had meant what he said. To sit in the room was the first step towards what Frost called objectivity — the process whereby all specially human reactions were killed in a man so that he might become fit for the fastidious society of the Macrobes. Higher degrees in the asceticism of anti-Nature would doubtless follow: the eating of abominable food, the dabbling in dirt and blood, the ritual performances of calculated obscenities. They were, in a sense, playing quite fair with him — offering him the very same initiation through which they themselves had passed and which had divided them from humanity, distending and dissipating Wither into a shapeless ruin while it condensed and sharpened Frost into the hard, bright, little needle that he now was.
(CS Lewis - That Hideous Strength - 1945)Mais, si quelqu’un scandalisait un de ces petits qui croient en moi, il vaudrait mieux pour lui qu’on suspendît à son cou une meule de moulin, et qu’on le jetât au fond de la mer. (Matt 18: 6)
« Alduous Huxley disait finalement plus la liberté politique disparaît, plus la liberté, ou la licence, sexuelle sera autorisé. C'est-à-dire que la libération sexuelle n'est pas faite pour faire plaisir mais pour contrôler mieux... »
(Arnaud Upinsky - Opposition/Fausse opposition et Franc-maçonnerie - YouTube - vidéo, 25 minutes - 29/7/2023)« Une forme d'expression établie est aussi une forme d'oppression. » (Eugène Ionesco)
In pretty much any university in the West, male students will be subject to guilt-mongering rants by postmodern profs about "Toxic masculinity"... But as a matter of Social Justice such postmodern profs should be more INCLUSIVE and also seriously talk about Toxic Feminity... Unless the real issue is that there is no such thing as "Toxic Feminity" any more than there is such a thing as "Toxic masculinity"... As such feminity and masculinity are basically GOOD things. And all there is in fact are specific toxic women and specific toxic men, each toxic according to characteristics of their own sex...
Puisque dans les États postmodernes on n’admet pas l’existence d’une loi transcendante, universelle, au-dessus de l’État, il faut alors admettre que ce sont désormais les juges des tribunaux supérieurs qui définissent ce qu’est le bien et le mal à la fois pour la société et la religion postmoderne. Cette attitude à l’égard de la religion est fort commune en Occident postmoderne. Mais il y a lieu de se demander si de tels juges avaient présidé au XVIIIe ou au XIXe siècles, serait-il raisonnable de croire que Wilberforce et ses confrères du mouvement anti-esclavagiste auraient pu parvenir à leurs buts, car ces derniers évoquaient, sans fausse pudeur, les convictions judéo-chrétiennes qui motivaient leurs interventions. Chose certaine, (...) il y a fort à parier que l’Occident tolérerait toujours l’esclavage.
(Paul Gosselin - Fuite de l'Absolu vol.1 - 2006)We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next half century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives. This task does not consist solely in overcoming an ideological opponent, but must be accompanied at every step by a positive impetus: in this case that means the reconstruction of the German heritage in the widest and most comprehensive sense.
(Heinrich Himmler - Public speech - 1937)Malheur à ceux qui appellent le mal bien, et le bien mal, qui changent les ténèbres en lumière, et la lumière en ténèbres, qui changent l’amertume en douceur, et la douceur en amertume!
(Isaïe 5: 20)Dans la bouche du postmoderne, l'accusation d'intolérance est d'une gravité qui se rapproche de l’accusation de sorcellerie au Moyen Âge. L'intolérant est celui qui pollue/souille l'ordre social, celui qui remet en question les idées dominantes. Il est le nouvel hérétique...
(Paul Gosselin - Fuite de l'Absolu vol. I 2006)La conception de la liberté autonome de Rousseau se heurta à sa propre description quand il passa de l’individu à la société. Dans le Contrat social, de 1762, il écrit: « Afin donc que le pacte social ne soit pas un vain formulaire, il renferme tacitement cet engagement qui seul peut donner de la force aux autres, que quiconque refusera d’obéir à la volonté générale y sera contraint par tout le corps: ce qui ne signifie autre chose sinon qu’on le forcera d’être libre. » Une fois de plus, un humanisme utopique finit par la tyrannie, soit dans les écrits de Rousseau, soit sous le règne de la Terreur, qui poussa ce point de vue jusqu’à sa conclusion logique. Robespierre, le roi de la Terreur, réglera rationnellement ses actions, en disciple doctrinaire de Rousseau.
(Francis Schaeffer - How Should we Then Live?/L’héritage du christianisme - 1976)If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
(George Orwell - Preface to Animal Farm 1945)"Men became scientific because they expected Law in Nature, and they expected Law in Nature because they believed in a Legislator. In most modern scientists this belief has died: it will be interesting to see how long their confidence in uniformity survives it. Two significant developments have already appeared - the hypothesis of a lawless sub-nature, and the surrender of the claim that science is true. We may be living nearer than we suppose to the end of the Scientific Age."
(C. S. Lewis - Miracles - 1947)I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning; consequently assumed it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption... The philosopher... is also concerned to prove there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do... The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system and liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom.
(Aldous Huxley, "Confessions of a Professed Atheist," Report: Perspective on the News, Vol. 3, June, 1966 p. 19)"Quite probably, the break-through to the scientific miracle was only possible because some men were passionately, sincerely, whole-heartedly concerned with Truth. Will such passion survive the habit of granting oneself different kinds of truth according to the day of the week ?"
(p. 93 in GELLNER, Ernst (1992/1999) Postmodernism, Reason and Religion.)« En Occident, au 21e siècle, ceux qui parlent le plus souvent de tolérance, sont, en général, les plus intolérants. »
(Paul Gosselin - 2008)As the desert first teaches men to love water, or as absence first reveals affection, there rose up against this background of the sour and the crooked some kind of vision of the sweet and the straight. Something else — something he vaguely called the "Normal" — apparently existed. He had never thought about it before. But there it was solid, massive, with a shape of its own, almost like something you could touch, or eat, or fall in love with. It was all mixed up with Jane and fried eggs and soap and sunlight and the rooks cawing at Cure Hardy and the thought that, somewhere outside, daylight was going on at that moment. He was not thinking in moral terms at all; or else (what is much the same thing) he was having his first deeply moral experience. He was choosing a side: the Normal. "All that," as he called it, was what he chose. If the scientific point of view led away from "all that," then be damned to the scientific point of view! The vehemence of his choice almost took his breath away; he had not had such a sensation before. For the moment he hardly cared if Frost and Wither killed him.
(C. S. Lewis - That Hideous Strength - 1945 - Ebook)In the title essay of his collection, "There is No Such Thing as Free Speech and It's a Good Thing, Too," Fish forsakes philosophy in order to suggest suavely that it might be a good idea to shut some people up. Who would argue? Not me. But those whom Fish wishes to silence I am prepared to encourage; those that he encourages I would see silenced. Controversy over cases inevitably remains, prompting the corrosive suspicion that if there is no agreement on who is to be silenced, it might be the better part of wisdom to leave off silencing anyone.
(David Berlinisky - Human Nature - 2019: 85)A man who has lived in many places is not likely to be deceived by the local errors of his native village; the scholar has lived in many times and is therefore in some degree immune from the great cataract of nonsense that pours from the press and microphone of his own age.
(C. S. Lewis - The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses, "Learning in War-Time")
* Pour une explication de ce qu'est le système de croyances postmoderne, voir Fuite de l'Absolu vol. 1.
- Les articles sont en ordre chronologiques, les plus récents au début de la liste. / Articles are in chronological order, most recent ones on top.
'Conversion Therapy' Bans Are An Outrageous Attack On Free Speech You're commanded to think of these alleged "conversions" as acts of unspeakable evil. (Matt Walsh - DailyWire - 12/3/2025)
Study: Gen Z Has More Traditional Views of Marriage Than Their Parents. (Daily Signal - Discern Report - 9/3/2025)
La prostitution: nouveau droit des femmes? (Priscille Kulczyk - ECLJ - 6/3/2025)
The Demasculisation of Society And Church: Both the world and the church are being emasculated and sexually confused. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 4/3/2025)
Teen acquitted of hate crime after posting flyers on transgender surgery risks: Following a two-day trial at the Ontario Court of Justice, a young man who was accused of inciting hate against transgender individuals has been acquitted. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 3/3/2025)
Blogger loses $380K defamation case over drag queen 'groomers' comments: Double standards in free speech persist, as an Ontario court rules a blogger who accused drag queen performers of grooming children was not protected speech. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 24/2/2025)
Rhonda Miller: Trafficking of children by NGOs and Child Protective Services feeds child sex abuse industry in the USA. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 24/2/2025)
The Modern-Day Nicodemite Evangelicals. (DISNTR - 21/2/2025) -> betrayal of Christian sexual morality by Christian leaders...
Darwin, Kinsey, and Stockholm Syndrome Christianity. (John G. West - Evolution News - 17/2/2025)
'Suspended but not silenced: Columbia Bible College Bearcats' supporters take a stand for suspended coach and women's rights. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 19/2/2025)
Evil, demonic behavior': Drag queen and trans worship at the Cathedral of Hope church. (Stu Burguiere - Blaze News - 19/2/2025)
New study: break-ups are harder for men than for women. (Wintery Knight - 14/2/2025)
Meek, not weak: The era of Christian loserdom is over. (Chase Davis - Blaze News - 9/2/2025) -> breaking the post-feminist passive male mould
Même ces pourris de journalistes de #BFMTV sont choqués… (Profession Gendarme - 7/2/2025) -> concernant une déclaration de la sénatrice française Annick Billon moussant l'inceste (ou pédophilie familiale)
Parents non informés des séances d'éducation sexuelle : l'amendement qui fait grincer des dents. (Mathilde de Robien - Aleteia - 31/1/2025)
I asked ChatGPT, "If you were the devil, how would you make women hate their role at home?" (Athomeonpurpose - Instagram - video, 1 minute - 31/1/2025)
Un agent immobilier banni après une publication sur les réseaux sociaux critique à l'égard de la fierté. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 26/1/2025)
Understanding Sexuality: Prince Charming. (Roy Masters - News With Views - 12/1/2025)
Parents non informés des séances d'éducation sexuelle : l'amendement qui fait grincer des dents. (Association CPDH - 31/1/2025)
Freedom from Religion Foundation adopts 'the very orthodoxy' it was created to fight Group's gender ideology 'is itself quasi-religious, having many aspects of religions and cults'. (Bob Unruh - World Net Daily - 3/1/2025)
Study Finds 12-Fold Higher Suicide Risk For People Who Had Gender Surgery: "The butchers and liars were murderously wrong." (Zach Jewell - DailyWire - 27/12/2024)
Parents Blast High School LGBTQ Assignment Given to Their Kids "I am totally disgusted. I am ashamed I work for the district, and you guys allow this to happen in our schools," a bus driver said. (Katie Jerkovich - DailyWire - 18/12/2024)
This doctor warned against child transition — now the DOJ is ruining his life. (Allie Beth Stuckey - Blaze News - video, 55 minutes - 12/12/2024)
The dirty secret about OnlyFans: It's not hot to be a prostitute. (Poppy Sowerby - UnHerd - 11/12/2024)
Nowhere is safe from the tyranny of Pride: A sleepy Canadian fishing village has been fined for failing to celebrate Pride Month. (Gareth Roberts - Spiked - 6/12/2024)
Canadian mayor fined for opposing Pride Month. He won't pay. (Lauren Canterberry - World Mag - 6/12/2024)
Pseudo-court fines town for refusing to fly imperial LGBT flag. Emo mayor ordered to undergo re-education says he won't pay. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 4/12/2024)
Proponents of Transgender Procedures Make Shocking Admissions Before SCOTUS: The Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday on Tennessee's law banning transgender procedures for kids. (Leif Le Mahieu - DailyWire - 4/12/2024)
Mike Johnson fights back against radical gender ideology. (Riley Gaines - Blaze News - 3/12/2024)
When women accuse, men are always guilty — or are they? (Leslie Corbly - Blaze News - 2/12/2024) -> alternative title: Are Women ALWAYS Victims??
Why men need faith for mental health and meaningful lives. (Carrie Sheffield - Blaze News - 1/12/2024)
NYT — You Stink!': Paper Blasted For Reducing Biological Females To 'Non-Transgender Women' "First, they made us a subcategory of women — calling us 'Cis' women. Now, we are we are a subcategory of 'transgender.'" (Virginia Kruta - DailyWire - 29/11/2024)
Ontario town forced by Human Rights Tribunal to pay LGBTQ group $10,000 after not honoring Pride month, mayor must give $5,000 of his own money. (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 26/11/2024)
The dark underbelly of trans ideology: Genevieve Gluck on how predatory men are exploiting Western society's gender derangement. (Brendan O'Neill & Genevieve Gluck - Spiked - 12/11/2024)
The Left's New Approach: Hide the Science. (Katrina Trinko - The Daily Signal - 26/10/2024)
Microsoft's "Inclusivity Checker" Sparks Fears of a Looming "Speech Police," Flagging Terms Like "Mother" and "Father" for More "Gender-Neutral" Alternatives. (Didi Rankovic - Reclaim The Net - 25/10/2024)
James Esses: How I Fought the Trans Mob and Won. (Richard Eldred - Daily Sceptic - video, 33 minutes - 24/10/2024)
Parents pull students from Nova Scotia school after nonbinary drag queen gives compulsory gender identity presentation: report "He could see people were not comfortable and that other people asked to leave, and they weren't allowed to. There wasn't any other option." (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 22/10/2024)
The story of what the 'expert' doctors did to detransitioner Clementine is horrifying… (Billboard Chris - Thread Reader - 22/10/2024) -> the transitioning business uses intimidation to force sex changes...
Academia is women's work now. (John Carter - ThreadReader - 17/10/2024)
Canada's woke Stasi: An elderly school trustee who questioned trans ideology has been subjected to a legal witch-hunt. (Meghan Murphy - Spiked - 13/10/2024)
Y It Matters: When It Comes to Strength & Speed, It Matters a Lot. (Bruce Woodall - Salvo - 1/10/2024)
The Rightward Rebellion: Why Young Men Are Flocking to Conservatism American society seems dedicated to punishing youthful masculinity. (Nate Hochman - The American Spectator - 26/9/2024) -> a political angle on the postmodern sexual djihad...
Kentucky's counseling problem: Gov. Andy Beshear's conversion therapy ban would prevent Christian counselors from discussing Biblical sexuality. (Travis K. Kircher - World Mag - 24/9/2024)
Le Dr Alfred Kinsey, père de la « théorie du genre » : torture, pédophilie sur les nourrissons au nom de la science ! Un combat pour l'innocence. Judith Reisman a dénoncé toute sa vie les sombres recherches d'Alfred Kinsey sur la sexualité infantile. (Média en 4-4-2 - 2/9/2024)
Colorado school district requires kids to suffer LGBT propaganda against parents' wishes. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 29/8/2024)
Canadian pastor convicted of 'criminal harassment' after opposing drag queen story hours: Calgary judge Karen Molle has proclaimed Canadian pastor guilty of "criminal harassment" for protesting a "drag queen story time" for children that a city library was hosting early this year. (David Krayden - The Post Millennials - 28/8/2024)
Viral 'get off my lawn' mom hit with $30K ATIP blil. (Rebel News - 21/8/2024)
UK Health Workers Ordered to Ask MEN If They're Pregnant Before X-Rays: Report: 'Inclusivity guidance' criticised for "indoctrinating" children. (Steve Watson - Modernity - 14/8/2024)
Prisoner of Conscience: The Latest Developments in the Martyrdom of the Irish Christian Schoolteacher Jailed For Refusing to Call a Boy a Girl. (Steven Tucker - Daily Sceptic - 14/8/2024)
Massachusetts Legislature Unanimously Passes Radical LGBTQ Bill Redefining Family Removes the words "mother" and "father" from statutes — and more. Pushed by aggressive LGBT group. Children will be the major victims. House and Senate Republicans all voted for it. (MassResistance - The Stream - 11/8/2024)
Bulgaria bans LGBT propaganda in schools: Bulgaria's parliament has enacted a law prohibiting "the promotion of ideas associated with non-traditional sexual orientations" and gender identities in preschools and schools. (Grzegorz Adamczyk - ReMix - 8/8/2024)
Father wins custody of son from woman who wanted to raise him non-binary. (Wintery Knight - 31/7/2024)
Judge Rules Teachers Must 'Celebrate' Transgender Students: "In his judgment, Pepperall said that teachers must use compelled speech and 'respect and celebrate the pupil's personal autonomy,' regardless of the teacher's religious or philosophical beliefs." (Caldron Pool - 29/7/2024)
How banning 'conversion therapy' threatens our freedoms: Labour wants to make it a crime to question someone's sexuality or gender identity. (Jacob William - Spiked - 19/7/2024)
Women's Sports and Feminism; the Conflict and the Irony. (George Lujack| - News With Views - 5/7/2024)
Whistleblower gives bold Christian testimony after exposing sex-change program at children's hospital: 'No matter the cost'. (Chris Enloe - Blaze News - 4/7/2024)
Transgenrisme, témoignage - « On nous appelle les 'détransitionneurs'. Je suis une femme victime d'un mouvement sociétal plutôt qu'une détransitionneuse » - Lyo Kessler. (Laurence Beneux - France Soir - 20/6/2024) -> snon une femme victime d'élites perverses et manipulatrices...
Grade two students to learn about sexuality and gender identity in new Quebec curriculum Starting at the elementary level, children as young as six will receive lessons on sexuality, body needs, sexual assault prevention, and diverse family compositions. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 19/6/2024)
Sexualisation des enfants dès l'âge de 6 ans, Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec: Le Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec a mis en place un nouveau programme obligatoire axé sur la sexualité et l'identité de genre dans les écoles primaires et secondaires. Les enfants dès l'âge de six ans seront désormais initiés aux complexités de la sexualité. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 18/6/2024)
James May is Right: Pride is Becoming Authoritarian – and Christians are Bearing the Brunt. (Julian Mann - Daily Sceptic - 13/6/2024)
Brave kid sent home for wearing 'only two genders' shirt to school loses First Amendment lawsuit appeal. (Cortney Weil - Blaze News - 11/6/2024)
Idéologie transgenre : interdiction de réfléchir ? « Il n'y a plus de liberté de parole, il n'y a plus de droit d'informer » Sophie Robert. (Laurence Beneux - France-Soir - vidéo, 67 minutes - 10/6/2024)
Homosexual "Marriage" Declines in Support Among Pastors After Record High. (Evangelical Dark Web - 8/6/2024)
Indictment of Texas Doctor Who Exposed Kids' Transing Proves no One Is Safe From Biden's Weaponized DOJ. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 7/6/2024)
United Methodist Church loses more than 1 million members in single day when group takes stand for 'God and His word'. (Chris Enloe - Blaze News - 4/6/2024)
Trans-Identifying Women on Testosterone Suffering Menopausal Symptoms In 20s, Study Shows: The researchers looked at 68 trans-identifying women. (Mairead Elordi - DailyWire - 28/5/2024)
Les chirurgies de changement de genre associées à une augmentation des suicides. (Gènéthique - 27/5/2024)
Montana parents who lost custody of daughter after opposing gender transition claim 14-year-old was taken without warrant. (Emily Crane - MSN - 23/5/2024)
Maher Rails Against Medical Establishment For Being 'Afraid' to Admit It Was Wrong on Trans-Identifying Minors. (Daily Wire - 18/5/2024)
People Who Undergo Gender-Reassignment Surgery Have a 12x Increased Risk of Suicide. (Raw Egg Nationalist - Infowars - 18/5/2024)
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Excommunicates Whistleblower Who Called Out Liberalism. (Ray Fava - Evangelical Dark Web - 16/5/2024) -> Fitting the theme, we have utter and complete downplaying of the satanic forces and malicious collaborators behind both transgenderism and sodomy. The New Catechism instead opts to treat them as emergent "burdens". Not sinful action committed by sinful people, but "burdens".
No, it's still not right: Twenty years later, you still cannot redefine marriage. (Andrew T. Walker - World Mag - 15/5/2024)
Trans kids will be STERILE, 'gold mine of opportunity' for big pharma and reproductive technologies. (Glenn Beck - Blaze Media - 13/5/2024)
The Trinity Forum and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) Platforms PRIDE-Celebrating 'Pastor'. (Protestia - 9/5/2024)
African Methodists take a stand for biblical marriage after United Methodist Church adopts pro-LGBT measures. (Chris Enloe - Blaze News - 6/5/2024)
To be Happy, Women Must do The Opposite of Everything Secular Western Culture Tells Them. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 3/5/2024)
Well, that didn't take long The United Methodists quickly abandon Biblical Christianity. (Albert Mohler Jr. - World Mag - 2/5/2024)
The bullies of the gender cult are finally getting their comeuppance Social worker Rachel Meade has won a devastating court victory against her trans-pandering employers. (Jo Bartosch - Spiked - 2/5/2024)
Votes at United Methodist conference may pave way for LGBTQ+ clergy, weddings in US: 'This is God's vision'. (Cortney Weil - Blaze News - 30/4/2024)
Men need single-sex spaces, too: They've been demonised as dens of casual misogyny for far too long. (Jenny Watson - Spiked - 29/4/2024)
Tennessee Is First State to Criminalize Adults Who Help Minors Receive "Gender-Affirming" Care Without Parental Consent. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 25/4/2024)
The Cass Review: The end of the trans cult? The scandal of gender-affirming care has been brutally exposed. (Tom Slater - Spiked - video, 10 minutes - 24/4/2024)
Scientific American Claims It Is "Misinformation" That There Are Just Two Sexes: Ideologically captured. (Steve Watson - Modernity - 23/4/2024)
Disney World Turns Park Into Drag Show for Kids With Transgender Snow White Character. (Jon Del Arroz - PJMedia - 23/4/2024)
Blaze News investigates: 'Where the fight is' — Virginia teen refuses to compromise her faith for gender ideology; takes school district to court. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 23/4/2024)
Brave School Girl Reveals In Graphic Detail How Trans Student Savagely Assaulted Her Friend While Blasting Woke School Officials to Their Face for Letting it Happen. (Cullen Linebarger - The Gateway Pundit - 21/4/2024)
Lord of The Lies: A Pediatrician's Take on The Latest Child Gender-Transition Research. (J. Edward Les, MD/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 20/4/2024)
Exposing 'Regime Evangelicals' "Behind it all is often an extremely anti-Christian political cause. A cause that can't advance if it doesn't cloak itself in Christian euphemisms and persuade believers, not just to get out of the way, but to jump wholeheartedly onboard, and thank you for the generous donations." (Ben Davis - CaldronPool - 19/4/2024)
UN Report Declares 'Children Can Consent to Sex With Adults'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 19/4/2024)
L'ONU voudrait transformer la critique de l'idéologie de genre en « crime contre l'humanité » ! (Dr Gérard Delépine - Profession Gendarme - 16/2/2024)
Boy smokes the competition in girls' track and field heat in Oregon: 'Getting more and more masculine'. (Cortney Weil - Blaze News - 15/4/2024)
Female transvestite's luck runs out in men's boxing match — in just 21 seconds. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 15/4/2024)
The War on Boys – and Men. (Bill Muehlenberg - Daily Declaration - 15/4/2024)
Écosse: Une organisation chrétienne prête à contester une loi contre les thérapies de conversion jusqu'à la Cour suprême. (Charlotte Moulin - Évangéliques.Info - 11/4/2024)
Stop Blaming Men For The Marriage Crisis: Social changes and female choice are bigger factors than guys playing video games. (Scott Greer - Highly Respected - 9/4/2024)
Therapists are waking up to the threat of gender ideology: A major psychotherapy body has raised doubts about banning 'trans conversion therapy'. (James Esses - Spiked - 9/4/2024)
Have you heard the story of the Golem of Prague? (Devon Eriksen - X - 7/4/2024)
Calgary pastor accused of hate-motived crimes against LGBTQ community arrested again: Derek Reimer remains in custody and will appear in court Thursday. (Meghan Grant - CBC News - 5/4/2023)
Uganda's Top Court Upholds Nearly All of Anti-Sodomy Law, Infuriating Biden Administration: Uganda's Constitutional Court overwhelmingly upheld the country's criminal ban on homosexual activity, prompting outrage from the pro-LGBT, far-left Biden White House. (Andreas Wailzer - Lifesite - 5/4/2024)
France's 'Gender Equality Minister' Demands Priest be Prosecuted for Calling Homosexuality a 'Weakness'. (Protestia - 5/4/2024)
France: La poursuite d'un abbé pour «propos homophobes» interpelle des chrétiens. (Jonathan Herment - Évangéliques.Info - 4/4/2024)
Ontario school board trustee who opposes gender ideology resigns rather than be censured "If 23 students all have different pronouns and the teacher gets one wrong, would that be grounds for a complaint?" (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 4/4/2024)
Churches Embracing Queer Ideologies are Idolatrous, Robbing God of the Glory He Deserves. (DISNTR - 3/4/2024)
15 Year Study: Vast Majority of Children Grow Out of Gender Confusion: But not if they're plied with puberty blocking hormones or worse. (Steve Watson - Modernity - 3/4/2024)
Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery. (John J. Straub • Krishna K. Paul • Lauren G. Bothwell • Sterling J. Deshazo • Georgiy Golovko • Michael S. Miller • Dietrich V. Jehle - Cureus/Springer-Nature - 2/4/2024)
Heartbreaking Memoir Troubled Indicts The Elites Tearing Apart Two-Parent Homes. (Beverly Willett - The Federalist - 29/3/2024)
Hell Hath No Fury Like A Single Liberal Woman: I know because I was one. (Jennifer Galardi - The Federalist - 29/3/2024)
First Nations feminist says 'two spirit' gender expression is a colonial invention "First Nations women know where babies come from." (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 28/3/2024)
The Island of Lost Boys: Male survivors of the trans cult speak out. (Bethel McGrew - Further Up - 23/3/2024)
The nihilism of nonbinary: There is nothing liberating or progressive about erasing every trace of one's sex. (Malcolm Clark - Spiked - 24/3/2024)
The Transgender Movement Is Morphing Into The Transhumanist Movement And The Results Are Horrific. (Matt Walsh - DailyWire - 22/3/2024)
The Delusional Feminist Power Fantasy Relies on Male Charity And Tolerance. (Brandon Smith - Alt-Market - 22/3/2024)
High Schoolers Walk Out as Adults Push Transgenderism. (Alana Mastrangelo - Breitbart - 20/3/2024)
Espagne : des soldats changent de genre pour bénéficier des avantages des femmes. (Frédéric Haroche/Le Figaro - Gènéthique - 15/3/2024)
The battle for the Hampstead ladies' pond Another single-sex sanctuary has been opened up to men. (Lauren Smith - Spiked - 14/3/2024)
Rapidly Declining Mainline Church Seeks to Require Ministers to Support Transgenderism, Gay Marriage: Has a religion separate from Christianity developed? (Ellie Gardey - The American Spectator - 5/3/2024)
Entretien avec Marie-Jo Bonnet et Nicole Athea : "La transition de genre, c'est le cheval de Troie du transhumanisme". (Laurence Beneux - France-Soir - 5/3/2024)
The Feminist-Deep Gov Complex Is Crying Again: Female Athletes' Injuries Are Men's Fault. (Selwyn Duke - The New American - 5/3/2024)
Banning 'conversion therapy' is a threat to religious freedom: Should it really be a crime for a priest to counsel a parishioner? (Jacob Williams - Spiked - 21/2/2024)
Woman Threatened With Prosecution For Putting Gender Critical Notices On Her OWN FRONT DOOR: Council claims poster has a 'detrimental effect on the public and the LGBT community'. (Steve Watson - Modernity - 16/2/2024) -> case in the UK
The Maoist cruelty behind the trans crusade: The ousting of a 90-year-old charity worker for querying preferred pronouns is a new low for woke. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 16/2/2024)
Minneapolis Area School District Says It Will Let Muslim Families Opt Out of LGBT Lessons: The families said their elementary school children were exposed to LGBT characters. (Mairead Elordi - DailyWire - 16/2/2024)
Demonic Insane Woke Abusers Target Children "This isn't about health, it's about ideology." (John Gideon Hartnett - Caldron Pool - 14/2/2024)
Parkrun can't run away from biological reality Its 'trans inclusive' policies allowed men to smash women's running records. (James Esses - Spiked - 12/2/2024)
Why won't progressives speak up about NHS conversion therapy? Kemi Badenoch laid out evidence of the practice in a letter today. (Josephine Bartosch - UnHerd - 7/2/2024)
Pre-Ban Study: 53% of Mothers With Gender-Confused Boys Have Mental Illness. (Wintery Knight - 4/2/2024)
Selon Harari, le lobbyiste du WEF, les Droits de l'humanité ne sont qu'une fiction. La légitimation de la pédophilie devient une formalité. (Le blog de Liliane Held-Khawam - 2/2/2024)
« Nous ne vivons pas une époque sexiste, mais une époque misandre. » Entretien avec la journaliste et essayiste Noémie Halioua. (Stéphane Bureau - Contact - podcast, 63 minutes - 2/2/2024)
Growing hostility revealed toward Christians in the West. (Parrish Alford - American Family News - 2/2/2024) -> Speaking out biblically about issues such as homosexuality, same-sex "marriage," and transgenderism are actions that more and more are resulting in Christians being punished by their governments … even in countries where "free speech" used to be a given.
New Research on 'Conversion Therapy' Turns LGBTQ Narrative on Its Head. (Tyler O'Neil - Daily Signal - 31/1/2024)
Trans Takeover: Five 'trans women' dominate female volleyball game. (Rebel News - ThreadReader - 30/1/2024)
School Chaplain Almost Sees Ability to Work With Children Taken Away by Govt After Sermon Supporting Biblical Marriage. (Protestia - 27/1/2024)
Ten Reasons Why a Christian Should Never Attend a Homosexual "Wedding". (Jeff - DSNTR - 26/1/2024)
Internal memo shows RCMP offering police $75,000 benefit to change genders RCMP officers have just been informed that they're entitled to a new "crucial" benefit: sex change surgery. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 25/1/2024)
The lies behind the 'conversion therapy' panic: There is no evidence whatsoever that LGBT Brits are being tortured because of their identities. (Malcolm Clark - Spiked - 25/1/2024)
'Her penis' – the most Orwellian phrase of our age Nothing better captures the moral derangement of our times than this two-word lie. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 25/1/2024)
American Family Radio Drops Alistair Begg Over LGBTQ Wedding Remarks. (Protestia - 25/1/2024)
Side B Theology Exposed: The Push For More Homosexual Pastors. (Ray Fava - Evangelical Dark Web - 24/1/2024)
Why won't the police leave street preachers alone? British police are constantly arresting Christians for expressing their beliefs in public. (Andrew Tettenborn - Spiked - 24/1/2024)
Massachusetts Medical Center Threatens to Deny Care for Patients Who Use 'Unwelcome Words' in an 'Inclusive Environment'. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 19/1/2024) -> threats of blackmail??
Former Harvard Biologist Who Defended Biological Sex Says School Failed To Support Her Amid Attacks: "I gave everything to that place." (Mairead Elordi - DailyWire - 16/1/2024)
Finnish Politician Räsänen Again Facing Demands For Prosecution Over Quoting Bible. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/1/2024)
Radié trois mois pour avoir mégenré un patient trans. (Ariane Lacoursière - La Presse - 15/1/2024) -> Un médecin de Montréal vient de se voir imposer une période de radiation de trois mois pour avoir adopté « une attitude inappropriée et irrespectueuse » envers un patient trans qui le consultait pour obtenir un traitement hormonal. Évidemment, LaPresse est un organe de propagande asservie à l'idéoogie LGBTQ...
Government Workers Told to "THINK" Trans People Are Women: Not enough to just use preferred pronouns. (Steve Watson - Modernity - 14/1/2024)
"Safeguarding Mostly Involves Protecting Children From Their Families": The Safeguarding Scandal of a Labour Council Shutting Out Parents to Push Gender Identity Ideology in Schools. (Adrian Hart - Daily Sceptic - 13/1/2024) The Postmodern Inquisitors are hard at work in the UK...
A Doctor Blew The Whistle on His Hospital's Transgender Clinic. Now The Feds Are Trying to Ruin His Life. The whistleblower who exposed shocking surgeries at the country's largest children's hospital comes forward. (Brent Scher - DailyWire - 10/1/2024)
La « théorie du genre », un exemple de « colonisation idéologique ». (Gènéthique - 9/1/2024)
The Only School Shootings Corporate Media Don't Hype Are By Gender-Fluid Murderers. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 9/1/2024) -> postmoderns can only see Evil when it is ideologically convenient...
Parents Who Refuse Children Gender Change Face Seven Years in Jail in Scotland. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 9/1/2024)
UK Church Replaces 'Husband And Wife' With More 'Inclusive' Terms: Claims the terms could be "hurtful". (Steve Watson - Modernity News - 2/1/2024)
A call for courage and clarity: At a time when the messaging on marriage is being "muddled," a Southern Baptist leader says church members should encourage their pastors to speak biblical truth. (Parrish Alford - AFN - 5/1/2024)
United no more: The United Methodist Church loses more than 7,600 churches due to disaffiliation ahead of Dec. 31 deadline. (Mary Reichard, Myrna Brown - World Mag - 4/1/2024)
LGBT 'Conversion Therapy' Reduces, Not Increases, Suicide Risk: Study. (Ben Johnson - Daily Declaration - 4/1/2024)
Trash-Talking Female Boxing Champ Gets Knocked Out by Average Male Fighter. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 2/1/2024)
Kentucky Clerk Who Refused to Issue Licenses Following SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling Must Pay Over $260K In Fees, Judge Rules: The ruling is the latest against Kim Davis in an over eight-year legal struggle. (Zach Jewell - DailyWire - 2/1/2024)
Australian State May BAN Words 'Brother' And 'Sister' Under Anti-Discrimination Law: Gendered language under attack down under. (Steve Watson - Modernity News - 1/1/2024)
'Heresy': African Bishop Rejects Vatican's Call to Bless Those in Same-Sex Relationships. (Dylan Gwinn - Breitbart - 30/12/2023)
When A Christian Professor Spoke About His Struggle With Homosexuality, The LGBT Mob Came For Him. (Robert Renner - The Federalist - 22/12/2023)
Christian Parents Sue Michigan School District For Allegedly Using Male Pronouns, Masculine Name For Autistic Daughter Without Telling Them. (Zach Jewell - DailyWire - 21/12/2023)
Epic Struggle: Transgenderism And Transhumanism v. Christianity. (Walt Garlington - The Hayride - 18/12/2023)
Why the Radicals Need to Hide Their Real Agenda. (Michael Brown - The Stream - 18/12/2023)
Police File 'Hate Incident' Against Conservative MP For Sharing Post Describing Trans Person as a Man In A Wig: "The law allows me to say what a woman is and the difference between a woman and a trans woman." (Steve Watson - Modernity - 18/12/2023)
Mentally ill liberal mother decides 2-year-old son is a girl, when Dad fights back, California bulldozes him… (Revolver - 18/12/2023)
Vicar Faces Official Rebuke From Church of England For Saying Trans Archdeacon is "Biologically a Bloke". (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 17/12/2023)
A Review of Double-Minded: How Sex is Dividing The Australian Church. by Mark Durie. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 12/12/2023)
Ireland: Teacher to Remain in Prison Over Gender Pronouns Row: Enoch Burke was initially suspended last year after refusing to refer to a transgender student as 'they'. (RT - InfoWars - 13/12/2023)
Our LGBT Empire: Why is it America's business to queer the Donbass? (Helen Andrews - The American Conservative- 11/12/2023)
Netflix goes WAY too far with trans propaganda cartoon. (Blaze News - 6/12/2023)
World Vision Serves as Stark Warning to Christian Ministries. (Daily Citizen - 5/12/2023)
'Escaping Twin Flames' Shows How Easy It Is to Brainwash People With Radical Gender Ideology. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 4/12/2023)
Mental Health Issues Persist After Transgender Medical Treatment, New Finnish Study Shows "Ever younger ages and with more psychiatric needs." (Mairead Elordi - DailyWire 4/12/2023)
Let's Stop Anti-Science Indoctrination: "What amazes me is how quickly a generation can be lost, in fact, destroyed with toxic propaganda like this, which has no basis in science. Is it due to a departure from the basic creation God put in place at the beginning?" (John Gideon Hartnett - Caldron Pool - 3/12/2023)
Father says teen daughter suffered a concussion from transgender volleyball player that knocked her out entire season. (Paul Sacca - Blaze News - 1/12/2023)
UK Bible College Axed Theology Professor After Activists Whinged About Him Affirming Biblical Doctrin:e "In sum, the Bible College argued that Edwards posting about sound Biblical doctrine, was a breach of the biblical institution's social media policies." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 30/11/2023)
Report: UN May Exile UK From Human Rights Council For Referring To 'Biological Sex': After harrying from trans rights lobby groups. (Steve Watson - Modernity News - 28/11/2023)
A right to expose a minor but no right to be free of Pfizer? (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 28/11/2023) -> US courts complicity in the postmodern sexual djihad...
Massive Porno Bust At Bill Gates' House. (Noah - 100PercentFedUp - 26/11/2023)
Franklin Graham Laments Church of England's LGBT Capitulation "It's a sad day for the Church of England," Graham wrote. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 23/11/2023)
Biden's NSA Pushing Marxism & 'Queer Theory' onto Employees, Leaked Doc Shows. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 22/11/2023)
Scholarly article argues zoophilia is 'morally permissible'. (Therese Joffre - The College Fix - 21/11/2023) -> zoophilia=sex with animals...
More than 200 Georgia congregations leave Methodist denomination over LGBTQ issue. (Lauren Canterberry - Wolrd Mag - 20/11/2023)
How Fashion Destroyed America: Designer Pierre Cardin Dedicated His Life to Blurring Gender, Destroying God, Tradition, and Beauty. (Revolver - 20/11/2023)
WEF Orders World Govt's to Lower Age of Consent to 12. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 19/11/2023)
Video Exposes Trans 'Indoctrination' in Primary School. (Richard Eldred - Daily Sceptic - 19/11/2023)
Nurse accused of 'transphobia' for defending women's safe spaces speaks out after hearing: Drea Humphrey hears from nurse Amy Hamm, self-proclaimed women's and same-sex rights advocate, who faced a hearing from the BC College for Nurses and Midwives after she helped put up a billboard backing Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling's stance on gender ideology in 2020. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 15/11/2023)
Polymorphous perversity in the heartland: The scandal of the Kinsey Institute and Indiana University. (Albert Mohler Jr. - World Mag - 15/11/2023)
What Oregon High School Boys Do to Tampon Dispenser in Their School Bathroom Reaches Legendary Status. (Victoria Taft - PJMedia - 11/11/2023)
"My State Banned Conversion Therapy. It's Been a Disaster". (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 11/11/2023)
Princeton Professor Says 'Zoophilia Is Morally Permissible,' Demands LGBTQI+ Add a Z. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 11/11/2023) -> about the deranged views of postmodern philosophy prof Peter Singer
Kirk Cameron Calls Out Scholastic for Pushing Explicit LGBTQ+ Content onto Kids: "Cameron said Scholastic was behind a flood of material appearing in school libraries, which contained age-inappropriate content." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 9/11/2023)
Silencing Trans Dissent: The trans militants are harming children and silencing those who care for children. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 8/11/2023)
Kinsey: Instigator of the Sexual Revolution and Its Crazed and Criminal Evolution. (Sidney Secular - News With Views - 8/11/2023)
WEF Professor Says Parents Will Soon Need a 'License' to Raise Their Own Children. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 6/11/2023)
BC nurse Amy Hamm testifies to keep her nursing license after anonymous complaints of 'transphobia' Hamm had never even met— let alone treated— either of the people who brought the complaints. (Madeline Martin - The Post Millennial - 5/11/2023)
Popular Christian Leaders Share Platform With Queer and Transgender "Christians" at "Christian" Conference. (DISNTR - 3/11/2023)
Why Are Schools so Desperate to Keep What They're Teaching Kids About Sex a Secret From Parents? (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 3/11/2023)
Can You Trust The Police in Britain to Enforce The Law Fairly? (Wintery Knight - 2/11/2023) -> how cries of "racism" serve to protect sexual abusers
U.K. Council Member Cancelled for Criticising PRIDE Speaks Out: "Any Christian, especially those holding public positions, should be concerned by what has happened and anyone who cares about free speech in the UK." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 1/11/2023)
The Millionaire Slut Apologists: How Call Her Daddy made bank off of lost young women. (Patricia Patnode - The American Mind - 31/10/2023)
The myth of LGBT conversion therapy: There's no credible evidence that Britons face torture for being gay or trans. (Malcolm Clark - Spiked - 30/10/2023)
Cocky Runner Sprints From 172nd to 5th Place After Competing as a Girl. (Jackson Elliott/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durde/Zero Hedge - 29/10/2023)
Virginia elementary school teacher arrested after coaxing child into van, exposing himself: police: James William Nugent II, 27, of Alexandria, Virginia, has been charged with 13 counts of child pornography. (Katie Daviscourt - The Post Millennial - 28/10/2023)
Christian teachers warn against conversion therapy Bill. (The Christian Institute - 27/10/2023) -> discusses pressure in the UK for a ban against so-called "conversion therapy"...
Amy Hamm's 'witch trial' enters Day 14 over 'comments on transgenderism' 'Funny how I'm allowed to work despite their accusations that my off-duty conduct makes me unsafe,' Amy Hamm posted on her X feed October 4. She called the hearing a 'witch trial.' (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 25/10/2023)
The fall of Scientific American: This once objective magazine now regularly panders to trans-activist pseudoscience. (James Esses - Spiked - 24/10/2023)
Confronting today's lies: A conversation with Rosaria Butterfield. (Nick Eicher, Myrna Brown - World Mag - 21/10/2023)
Lessons From the Soviets about Sexual Morality: The experiment of abolishing marriage and family. (John Stonestreet and Kasey Leander - Breakpoint - 12/10/2023)
Avoiding the truth: Religion, medicine and genital mutilation. (Charles Malet - UKColumn - 10/10/2023)
A Few Good Men: Magnum, P.I. (Anthony Esolen - Salvo - 1/10/2023)
Lobby Pédocriminel - Un mouvement devenu international (partie 1). (Laurence Beneux - France-Soir - 30/9/2023)
Texas Church Pays to Send Minors Across State Lines For Genital Mutilation Surgery. (Jonathan Richie - The Federalist - 27/9/2023) -> DSP corruption in churches...
Newsom Signs Bill Mandating Gender Neutral Restrooms In California Schools. (Micaela Ricaforte/The Epoch Times - Tyler DurdenZero Hedge - 27/9/2023) -> "California is proud to have some of the most robust laws in the nation when it comes to protecting and supporting our LGBT community, and we're committed to the ongoing work to create safer, more inclusive spaces for all Californians," Mr. Newsom said.
Trans: the new ideology of the ruling class: How trans activists became the footsoldiers of the boss regime. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 25/9/2023)
New study: there is no gay gene that causes homosexuality. (Wintery Knight - 25/9/2023)
GERMANY: Pro-Prostitution Picture Book Offered to Children by Government Officials. (Genevieve Gluck - Reduxx - 25/9/2023)
'Parental rights really anger me': 'Non-binary' author indicates that efforts by parents to protect kids from his LGBT propaganda have prompted him to 'do it more'. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 25/9/2023)
Poll: Most Canadians Disagree with New Transgender Policies. (Alana Mastrangelo - Breitbart - 25/9/2023)
40,000 Canadians support Saskatchewan's fight for parental rights: Sheila Gunn Reid drops off Rebel News' Stop Classroom Grooming petition at the Saskatchewan legislature in Regina. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 25/9/2023)
Healthcare Workers Invited to Three-Day Diversity Conference Featuring Pronouns and Gender. (Richard Eldred - Daily Sceptic - 25/9/2023) -> DSP propaganda pressure in the UK health system
Reclaiming the Rainbow: Responding to LGBT Challenges with Grace & Truth. (Ted Fenske - Ezra Institute - 22/9/2023)
Calgary pastor charged during drag queen story time appears in court: A frustrated Pastor Derek Reimer initially refused to sign bail conditions he insisted were a set up, before eventually agreeing to terms and attempting to continue his protests. He was then arrested two more times before stepping back from protests. (Angelica Toy - Rebel News - 22/9/2023)
Succumbing to blasphemy: LGBTQ affirmation within the Church. (Steve Jordahl - American Family News - 22/9/2023)
Thousands take to the streets across Canada as part of parental rights protests against LGBT indoctrination in schools. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 22/9/2023)
TERRIFYING: California PASSES bill allowing children to be TAKEN AWAY from parents who refuse to 'affirm' their gender. (The Blaze - 22/9/2023)
ELCA Publishes Book Encouraging 'Queer Children' to Ignore and 'Limit Contact' with Non-Affirming Parents. (Protestia - 21/9/2023) -> The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has published a pro-LGBTQ+ book targetiing kids...
Students take a stand when school board won't. (Chris Woodward - American Family News - 21/9/2023)
Third of Children Put on Puberty Blockers Saw Mental Health 'Reliably Deteriorate', UK Researchers Find. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 21/9/2023)
Canadians Gather Nationwide For '1 Million March 4 Children' Protest: Leave Our Kids Alone. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 21/9/2023)
Massive crowds of parents march in Canadian cities to protest Trudeau Liberals' far-left gender indoctrination in schools Those present chanted, "Leave our kids alone" in defiance of the school curriculum. (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 20/9/2023)
Mayor fights back after LGBT advocates complain about rule banning pride flag displays on public property. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 20/9/2023)
Pennsylvania: Hundreds of Students Walk out of Classes in Protest at Trans Bathrooms. (Paul Bois - Breitbart - 20/9/2023)
Why I Blew Up My Life to Campaign Against Gender Identity Ideology. (Dr Helen Joyce - Daily Skeptic - 19/9/2023)
Canada : Marche d'un million pour protéger les enfants de la propagande LGBT. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - Média-Presse Info - 18/9/2023)
Former Kentucky clerk ordered to pay $100,000 for denying gay partners a marriage license in 2015. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 15/9/2023)
Blame Women: The Sexual Revolution debate failed to confront the real problems with the Sexual Revolution. (Hengist A. Horsa - The Carousel - 15/9/2023) -> Not a Christian perspective (pro-abortion), but provides some interesting thoughts on the outcomes of the Sexual Revolution with some interesting thoughts on on postmodern women's behaviour/attitudes...
Liberals want to let kids make 'irreversible' life-altering decisions, says psychologist: Psychologist Michelle Bataluk spoke in favor of protecting children against gender ideology and gender-affirming care at the Conservative Convention. She stated, 'Our brains don't fully develop until around our mid-twenties, so for kids to make these life altering decisions that will impact the rest of their life is fundamentally wrong.' (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 14/9/2023) -> Canada
Voyage au bout de l'empire transgenre. (Ludovic Lavaucelle - La sélection du jour - 13/9/2023)
« Je ne suis pas transphobe ni homophobe », « je n'ai aucune compétence pour m'occuper des hommes ». (Stéphanie Kovacs/Le Figaro - Gènéthique - 13/9/2023)
Le totalitarisme LGBT. (Rémy Mahoudeaux - AgoraVox - 9/9/2023)
Le Nouveau-Brunswick poursuivi pour sa révision de la politique 713. (Radio-Canada - 8/9/2023) -> un gouvernement puni pour ne pas assez appuyer le DSP...
California School to Pay $100,000 Settlement For Keeping 11-Year-Old's Gender Transition Secret. (Brad Jones/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 6/9/2023)
Stealing the Law: Dr Anna Loutfi on suing the Government for sexualising children. (UK Column - video, 95 minutes - 5/9/2023)
Alice Cooper Canceled by Cosmetic Line For Stating Mainstream Views on Transgenderism. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 1/9/2023) -> an old rockstar targetted by the sexual djihad...
Newest NATO Country Escalates Prosecution of Christians For Quoting The Bible: The appeal escalates this U.S. ally's prosecution of leftist politicians' opponents, a marker of repressive regimes. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 1/9/2023)
Mom Lands $100,000 Legal Win After School Secretly Transitions Daughter: "Parents, please be bold, stand up for your children; fight for them, and fight for your rights." (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 1/9/2023)
L'association « Torrents de vie » condamnée avant d'être jugée. (Matière à réflexion - 1/9/2023) -> procès hypocrites par contre la conversion chrétienne par les promoteurs de conversion à l'idéologie LGBTQ+...
Video: Pastor Forcibly Removed From School Board Meeting For Reading Aloud Porn Book From Kids' Library. (Steve Watson - InfoWars - vidéo, 1 minute - 1/9/2023)
Changement de genre : le Danemark prend du recul. (Gènéthique - 30/8/2023)
Suisse: Benoît Gaillard interpelle le Conseil communal de Lausanne sur la vente de livres chrétiens qu'il juge «homophobes». (Évangéliques.info - 30/8/2023)
Majorities of Church of England Priests Support Gay Marriage, Premarital Sex, Survey Finds. (Samuel Spencer - Daily Caller - 30/8/2023)
NBC's Trans Propaganda Accidentally Reveals The Horrific Truth About Trans Ideology. (Matt Walsh - DailyWire - 30/8/2023)
The new religion's strict rules: Adoption and foster care rejections show that the LGBTQ movement was never about tolerance. (Bethel McGrew- World Mag - 29/8/2023)
Canadian Father Jailed After 'Misgendering' Daughter Lands Win In Appeal Court: "One day your child is healthy and the next day your child is on testosterone." (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 29/8/2023)
67 People Arrested at Gay Wedding in Africa: 'We Cannot Copy the Western World'. (AP - The Western Journal - 29/8/2023)
Tory Councillor Arrested For 'Hate Crime' After Defending Colleague's Right to Free Speech. (Toby Young - Daily Sceptic - 28/8/2023)
What is Gender Ideology? (Jay Richards - The Stream - 27/8/2023)
'A woman is a woman': Music legend Carlos Santana under fire for alleged 'anti-trans' comment for saying God created everyone with a plan, agreeing with Dave Chappelle. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 24/8/2023)
Alice Cooper's rock'n'roll revolt against trans ideology: Yes, the trans movement is a 'fad' – and a dangerous one at that. (Lauren Smith - Spiked - 24/8/2023)
What happened when Soviets ruined marriage? (Crémieux - Thread Reader - 23/8/2023) -> republishing a 1926 article...
Federal Court Sides With Catholic Farmer Booted From Farmer's Market Over Traditional Marriage Views The farmer sued the city of East Lansing in 2017. (Mairead Elordi - DailyWire - 22/8/2023)
De l'expansion constante des catégories LGTBQIA2S+ qui défient l'hétérosexualité en tant que norme : et l'avenir commun dans tout ça ? (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - 18/8/2023)
Pour le gouvernement québécois, le sexe est une catégorie sociale, la biologie abolie: Comme d'habitude, les réformes du gouvernement (même censé être de droite ou du moins centriste) sont l'occasion d'un détournement par les coteries les plus militantes à gauche. (Pour une école libre - 18/8/2023)
Boys are Knights in Training. (M.A. Franklin - Thread Reader - 17/8/2023)
Feminism Destroys Women. (The Ruth Institute - The Stream - 17/8/2023)
Orthodox, Muslims, and Jews unite to fight for parent rights: Maryland parents want to opt their children out of new pro-LGBTQ school books. (Adele Fulton - World Mag - 15/8/2023)
The detransitioners offer devastating testimony: But the LGBTQ movement still controls most policies. (Katie J. McCoy - World Mag - 14/8/2023)
The treachery of the atheists: Why so many rationalist bros have fallen for the hocus pocus of the trans cult. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked -13/8/2023)
How Feminist Movement Drew Ideology From the Occult. (Virginia Allen – The Stream – 11/8/2023)
Finnish Grandmother Is Back In Court Facing 'Hate Speech' Charges For Tweeting Bible Verses. (Elyssa Koren - The Federalist - 11/8/2023)
UN Declares Christians Who Don't Accept Pedophiles Will Be Removed From Society. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 10/8/2023)
The callous authoritarianism of the trans ideology: Women have been blocked from accessing medical services for expressing gender-critical beliefs. (Jenny Holland - Spiked - 9/8/2023)
Sorry Church Ladies, Jesus is Not Your Romantic Partner. (DSNTR - 8/8/2023)
Californian Doctors' Lawsuit Seeks to End Political Takeover of Medicine: "For a doctor to have their licence renewed, they must be Intersectionality approved." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 8/8/2023)
Massachusetts Bans Couple From Fostering Children Because of Conservative Catholic Beliefs on Marriage and Gender. (Cassandra MacDonald - TimCast - 8/8/2023)
World's Top Biologist Debunks Gender Ideology: "There Are Just TWO Sexes". (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 8/8/2023)
Gender Critical Group's Website Blocked on Train's WiFi Over Supposed Links to 'Terrorism' and 'Hate'. (James Clark Reynolds - Daily Mail - 6/8/2023)
School district's no-opt-out policy regarding LGBT books challenged by religious parents who say it requires teachers 'to shame children' for their faith. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 4/8/2023)
Nancy Pearcey's New Book Flips the Script on Toxic Masculinity. (Lael Arrington - The Stream - 3/8/2023)
WATCH: Voddie Baucham Chats with Ben Shapiro "Your presuppositions have been tried before, and they've led to catastrophe… My presuppositions have led to Western civilization." (Caldron Pool - video, 47 minutes - 2/8/2023)
Africa Fights For Faith, Family And Freedom: 'There's some good in this world and it is worth fighting for'. (CultureWatch - 2/8/2023)
Richard Dawkins Slams Transgender Ideology as 'Distinctly Weird' And an 'Odd Distortion of Reality'. (DailyWire - 31/7/2023)
Based: Christian School Fires Teacher For Attending Drag Show. (Ray Fava - The Evangelical Dark Web - 30/7/2023)
Canadian Transgender Person Denied Euthanasia Request over Post-Surgical Pain and Regret. (Wesley Smith - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 29/7/2023)
Female Swimmers Who Complained About Having to Undress Next to Trans Teammate, Told to Get 'Reeducated'. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 29/7/2023)
No Space for Debate: Trans-Activists Force AMC Theatres to Cancel Premier of No Way Back. (Joshua Pauling - Salvo - 28/7/2023)
Témoignage de Chloé Cole, détransitionneuse, lors de son procès contre les médecins qui l'ont mutilée. (Sarah Weaver/Daily Caller - Juristes pour l'enfance - 27/7/2023)
'Trans' rugby player confronted as unhinged teammates scream: police arrive. (Rebel News - video, 21 minutes - 26/7/2023) -> scene on a rugby field where a man is playing in an all-female match. Women have been hurt and taken off the field after taking hits from this male...
The Muslim revolt against Justin Trudeau: Canada's Muslim communities are rising up against gender ideology. (Rupa Subramanya - Spiked - 24/7/2023)
How David Bowie predicted the trans movement: His 1995 album, Outside, gave us a chillingly accurate foretaste of the contemporary cult of gender. (Gareth Roberts - Spiked - 23/7/2023)
Trudeau faces criticism from Muslim community over LGBTQ+ propaganda in the public school system. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 20/7/2023)
Gender ideology has captured the state: The government's attempts to ban social transitioning in schools are being thwarted at every turn. (Joanna Williams - Spiked - 20/7/2023)
Barack Obama Says Pedophiles Deserve 'Same Rights' as 2SLGBTQI+. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 19/7/2023)
YouTube is Pulling 'Sound of Freedom' Interviews, Reviews: "I did not realize saving children and bringing awareness to the sex trafficking of kids was against the community guidelines". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 19/7/2023) -> The non-bullshit version of "YouTube community guidelines" is: "Users must always post content pushing LGBTQP+ ideology".
Finnish DOJ's Persecution of Acquitted Bible Quoting Legislator Is a Massive Waste of Taxpayer Funds: "Christians in the West need to wake up. You've got to understand what's going on, and what's happening. This is an absolute strategy designed to take away rights, and the outlawing of Christians would be the end product." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 18/7/2023)
LBGTQ group says Christian mayor must meet demands or resign after speaking against church's Pride worship service. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 18/7/2023)
Trudeau says Muslims against LGBTQ ideology in schools are misled by 'misinformation and disinformation' from the 'American right-wing' The prime minister suggested the Muslim objections were based on "misinformation and disinformation" and the work of the "American right-wing." (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 16/7/2023)
Consent is no Basis for Morality: "A workable ethic, or morality, should take into consideration what harm can be done to your body, and to your relationships by practicing a certain behaviour. This is why it is important to transcend basing your morality on merely something like consent." (Matthew Littlefield - Caldron Pool - 14/7/2023)
The War on Men. (John Mac Ghlionn - Revolver - 14/7/2023)
'Health Centers' Inside Seattle Public Schools Offering Free Hormone Therapies For Kids Without Parental Consent. (Kelen McBreen - Infowars - 13/7/2023)
Did God Really Create Us Male and Female?: A peer-reviewed study published in a leading scientific journal finds transgender transitioning causes far more harm than benefit. (Jerry Bergman - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 12/7/2023)
Why Did This True Story "Sound of Freedom" Hit Every Obstacle In The Making & Releasing? (Bradlee Dean - News With Views - 12/7/2023)
Bowing to Ungodly Pressures. (D. Eaton - The Fight of Faith - 11/7/2023) -> The Church dealing with the pressure to compromise with LGBTQ+ ideology...
Forecasted trickle of disaffiliations became a 'wave'. (Steve Jordahl - American Family News - 10/7/2023)
Watch: Dad Fumes as Doctor Asks 7 and 9-Year-Old Sons What 'Gender' They 'Identify' With. (Infowars - 10/7/2023)
Britain's Passive Surrender to a Woke Minority Risks Everything We Cherish. (Nick Timothy/The Telegraph - Richard Eldred/Daily Sceptic - 10/7/2023) -> LGBT+ ideology promoted by Church of England/Anglicans
Christian Ministry Allegedly De-banked by Left-Wing Lobbyists Handed £20,000 Pay-Out "The hate campaign to cripple CIT is one more sad example in a growing list of examples where lives and livelihoods are being used to force compliance with far-left-wing ideology." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 7/7/2023)
6,000 congregations are leaving the United Methodist church in a split over LGBTQ agenda. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 6/7/2023)
Mexico has made it a crime to tell the truth: Two politicians have been convicted for speaking out against trans activism. (Paul Coleman - Spiked - 6/7/2023)
How Christianity makes men better. (The Blaze - 6/7/2023)
'Misgendering' Violates YouTube's Guidelines, Exposing Genitals Apparently Doesn't. (Michael Whittaker - DailyWire - 6/7/2023)
Blasphemy? This woke pastor invokes TAYLOR SWIFT and claims God is NON-BINARY. (The Blaze - 5/7/2023)
Recovering the Christian Virtue of Intolerance. (Andrew Isker - Gab News - 3/7/2023) -> dissecting the LGBTQ programme and the Christian reaction to it...
WATCH: Pro-Life Man Hilariously Trolls Women's March: I'm Not Paying for Child Support, "Your Body, Your Problem". (Protestia - 2/7/2023)
Gender ideology infects family court: California bill could strip "non-affirming" parents of child custody. (Mary Jackson, Grace Snell - World Mag - 29/6/2023)
University Creates Language Guide That Erases 'Man' And 'Mother' From Existence - Newspeak. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 29/6/2023)
Rejecting Your Maker Means Rejecting Your True Identity Transgender ideology subverts the role of the Maker by allowing the creature to determine its identity. (Alan Shlemon - Stand to Reason - 27/6/2023)
Our Lord or LGBTQ+? (Rolaant McKenzie - News With Views - 25/6/2023)
Matt Walsh Reveals the Degenerate Filth Who Started the Transvestite Cult. (JD Rucker - Discern Report - 23/6/2023)
Report: Washington School District Declines Requests For Students to Opt Out of 'Pride' Lessons: Superintendent says it would be "offensive" to allow students to opt out of LGBTQ+ activities. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 23/6/2023)
Holy Intersectional Conundrum. (James Macpherson - Daily Declaration - 22/6/2023)
UN Certified 'Expert': Religious Communities Must Yield To LGBT Demands. (Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. - Breitbart - 22/6/2023)
Student Removed From Class For Saying There Are Only Two Genders. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 22/6/2023)
Wearing Shirt Saying 'There Are Only Two Genders' Not Protected Speech, Rules Obama-Appointed Judge. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 21/6/2023)
Social Security employees forced to attend 'mandatory' transgender training: Employees of the federal agency were informed that all staff members must respect the "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" of their colleagues. (Ben Zeisloft - The Sentinel - 20/6/2023)
Parents of 13 Year-Old Girl Called "Despicable" by Teacher for Standing up to Trans Ideology Say How Proud They Are of Her. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 20/6/2023)
Now is the time to counter the Rainbow Jihad's assault on marriage. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 20/6/2023)
Des opposants à une lecture pour enfants par des drag-queens contrôlés par la police à Bordeaux. (Marie-Hélène Hérouart - Le Figaro - 15/6/2023) -> Il est manifeste que l'idéologie LGBT+ est devenue religion d'État en France aussi car il a même mis en place son Inquisition pour chasser les hérétiques...
Middle School Students Stage Rebellion Against LGBTQ Indoctrination (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 14/6/2023)
'Only two genders' 7th grader back in court today to defend free speech. (Chris Woodward - American Family News - 13/6/2023)
University professor defends failing a student for using term 'biological women' because it's 'outdated terminology' that causes 'systemic harm'. (Andrew Chapados - The Blaze - 13/6/2023)
Students groan, jeer, boo when Pride video is shown in class; teacher threatens 'Saturday school' if they don't 'knock it off'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 12/6/2023)
Pro-LGBTQ mayor says freedom of speech doesn't apply to man arrested after trying to quote Bible at Pride rally. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 12/6/2023)
Doctor Who Was Fired For Not Using Trans Pronouns Urges Others to Stand Up & Affirm Truth. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 12/6/2023) -> The case of British Doctor David Mackereth
Watch: Woman Becomes a "Trans Man" Then Realizes Being a Man is Too Hard. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 11/6/2023)
Study: The Tide is Turning on Transgender Ideology. (Ray Fava - The Evangelical Dark Web - 11/6/2023)
Activision punishes 'Call of Duty' superstar player over tweet about young children being taught Pride month in school, gamers call for boycott. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze- 10/6/2023)
Muslim kids stomp on pride flag in Ottawa with families protesting gender ideology in schools: Ezra also talked about the mass boycott of school pride events this past week, with up to 60% of kids from some Ottawa schools staying home. (Rebel News - Ezra Levant - 10 minutes - 10/6/2023)
Blue Jays Release Anthony Bass After Saying He Didn't Think Target Boycott Video Was 'Hateful'. (Dylan Gwinn - Breitbart - 9/6/2023)
California law would punish parents who don't affirm gender choice of their children. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 9/6/2023)
Mayo Clinic medical college to doctor: Sit down and shut up: Censorship infects Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science when administrators impose gag order on professor for speaking to journalists. (Zach Greenberg - Fire - 7/6/2023)
UK Catholic mama bear struggles under the weight of massive state persecution for 'misgendering'… (Caroline Farrow - Thread Reader - 7/6/2023)
Canada Makes It Illegal NOT to Promote Hardcore Porn to Children. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 8/6/2023)
Gender Gnosticism "Rather than teaching the true roles of men and women, the Church has almost universally capitulated to Gender Gnostic teachings." (Matthew Littlefield - Caldron Pool - 7/6/2023)
Junior high teacher in Canada berates Muslim students for boycotting Pride events: 'If you don't think that should be the law, you can't be Canadian'. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze- 7/6/2023)
Armenian, Hispanic Parents Clash With Antifa, School Board Over LGBTQ Agenda. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 7/6/2023)
Anatomy of a sneer: Watch for three ways progressive activists push their opponents into a corner. (Kevin DeYoung - World Mag - 5/6/2023) -> dissecting postmodern sexual rhetoric/propaganda
Uganda and its opposition to LGBTQ normalization: The country's new "anti-gay" laws hit Western controversy. (R. Albert Mohler Jr. - World Mag - 2/6/2023)
Oxford College Can Now Expel Students For Using The Wrong Pronouns. (Anthony Cash - DailyWire - 2/6/2023)
America's LGBTQ establishment: Pride Month shows who really has power in America. (Carl R. Trueman - World Mag - 1/6/2023)
The Dodgers and Blue Jays both gave in to pressure from woke activists. (Wokal Distance - Thread Reader - 1/6/2023) -> "Power mapping": How woke and LGBT activists extract concessions from their targets with a carefully calculated playbook…
'The Chosen' Can't Serve Both God And LGBT 'Pride' Activists. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 31/5/2023)
The West's Hypocrisy on Uganda's Anti-gay Law. (Noah Carl - Daily Sceptic - 31/5/2023)
How to Speak up And Opt Out of 'Pride' Month Activities at Your Child's School. (Peachy Keenan - The Federalist - 31/5/2023)
School district strips families of opt-out for Pride books Parents of diverse religions sue Montgomery County Schools. (Lindsay Wolfgang - World Mag - 30/5/2023)
Une mère récupère sa fille des griffes du programme Trans d'un collège – Voici comment. (Michael Wing - Profession Gendarme - 30/5/2023)
Canadian parents urged to keep children home from school on June 1 to protest 'Pride Month': Campaign Life Coalition is urging 'all parents and grandparents to organize and make this walkout happen in their school on June 1st , and every year after until the moral education of children is returned to us.' (Clare Marie Merkowsky - LifeSite - 27/5/2023)
Quebec students tear down, trample school 'pride' flag in protest of LGBT agenda: A 51-second video clip shows a crowd of over a hundred students cheering as the 'pride' flag is tossed from an upper balcony by another student. (Jean Mondoro - LifeSite - 26/5/2023)
Corporate America Has Launched A Religious War. It's Time to Choose Your Side: In this war there are only two sides: the Tao and the Machine, God or Satan. You have to choose, but choose wisely. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 26/5/2023)
Meet GARM, the World Economic Forum's Swiss Army Knife for Woke-ifying Planet Earth. (Kurt Mahlburg - The Daily Declaration - 26/5/2023)
New Study: Psychotherapy Improves Mental Health of Autistic Teens With Gender Dysphoria. (Wintery Knight - 27/5/2023)
L'école ouverte à la propagande « trans » par le ministre de l'éducation nationale. (La Sélection du Jour - 24/5/2023)
Cotton Blasts "Target's Partnership With Satanist to Push Trans Agenda on Children": 'Remarkable, even by the standards of woke corporations'. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 24/5/2023)
Why is the WHO sexualising children? Global institutions are waging a silent culture war in the classroom. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 19/5/2023)
Des gestes homophobes dans des écoles secondaires de l'Estrie. (Anick Berger - TVA Nouvelles - 18/5/2023) -> de jeunes québécois forcés de se convertir à l'idéologie LGBT+ par les autorités du système scolaire. Il est clair qu'au Canada, l'idéologie LGBT+ est devenu religion d'État...
I have been censored for warning about censorship: Joanna Williams's upcoming talk on free speech and gender ideology has been cancelled by an Ontario public library. (Joanna Williams - Spiked - 16/5/2023)
WHO Pushes "Early Childhood Masturbation" For Toddlers, Encourages Questions About Gender Identity For Kids Aged 4: "sexuality education starts from birth". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 15/5/2023)
Defiant 7th-grader sent home for 'There Are Only Two Genders' T-shirt wears it to school again — with 'censored' on it. He's told to remove shirt; now he's suing. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 12/5/2023)
Teacher allegedly suspended for removing pride flag from Canadian classroom may be paying price for her son's defiance of LGBT indoctrination. (Joseph Mackinnon - The Blaze - 12/5/2023)
Taking a Biblical Stand Against the LGBTQ Movements Assault on Life. (DISNTR - 10/5/2023)
Never trust a politician who can't say what a woman is 'What is a woman?' is the most important political question of our times. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 9/5/2023)
Two unlikely heroes save "gender confused" young man on his way to a castration appointment… (Revolver - 9/5/2023)
Parents of Catholic student who spoke out against gender neutral bathrooms in Ontario school put on leave from teaching positions: Josh believes his parents are now "under attack" simply for having raised him. (Mia Ashton - The Post Millennial - 8/5/2023)
The New Puritans must be stopped: A regressive, authoritarian ideology is cannibalising public life. (Andrew Doyle - Spiked - 4/5/2023)
NSW Police Hit Kirralie Smith With Trans-Activist Apprehended Violence Order: "I am 51, with a busted knee, and have never been violent in my life! It is not violence to speak the truth!" (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 3/5/2023)
"Les écoles doivent préparer les enfants à avoir des partenaires sexuels" affirment l'ONU et l'OMS. (Stop World Control - 1/5/2023)
7th-grader sent home for wearing 'there are only two genders' T-shirt takes school officials to task. (Michele Blood - The Blaze - 1/5/2023)
Politicians Make the Worst Theologians: "Bach appeals to the Biblical command to love while attempting to scold Christians for holding to the Biblical definition of love." (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 1/5/2023)
New Study: More Than Half of All Female-to-Male Transgender Teens Attempt Suicide. (Wintery Knight - 28/4/2023)
World's Largest Baptist University Hosts 'Queer Sex Ed' Night. (Alex Parker - Red State - 26/4/2023)
Global Anglicans Issue Statement: 'We Cannot Walk Together' with Apostate Anglicans in Church of England. (Paul Brown - Protestia - 26/4/2023)
18-Year-Old Boy Died After Doctors Tried to Create A Vagina From Part of His Colon: A disturbing story from the UK reveals that a trans-identified teenager died from complications that arose from a surgery in which doctors tried to build him a vagina using parts of his colon. (Gina Florio - Evie - 25/4/2023)
Progressive Infiltration and Christian Conviction: The Tale of a Tweet. (Aaron Edwards - American Reformer - 21/4/2023 )
Tranissaries: The Trans Movement's Striking Parallels to a Dark and Forgotten Practice in the Ottoman Empire. (Revolver - 21/4/2023)
'New Zealand's Strongest Man' enters women's powerlifting competition to protest its transgender policy, forcing organizers to change the rules overnight. (Joseph Mackinnon - The Blaze - 20/4/2023)
A More Than Material Matter. (Jeremy Carl - The American Mind - 18/4/2023)
Say Goodbye to Religious Freedom ": They are looking to prohibit Christian schools from teaching, promoting, and adhering to the Bible's teachings with which the LGBTQI+ does not agree." (Eleanor Matthews - Caldron Pool - 16/4/2023) -> examines Australian government violations of religious rights.
Homosexual teacher explodes at kids: You'll be 'dealt with severely' for rejecting LGBT ideology 'You don't have a choice whether or not you learn about LGBT+ in this school,' the British teacher said. 'It's one of our values, and if you refuse to do it, that will be dealt with severely.' (Jonathon Van Maren - LifeSite - 12/4/2023)
Le Canada durcit l'arsenal législatif contre les opinions anti-LGBT . (Rémy Mahoudeaux/Boulevard Voltaire - Vigile Québec - 12/4/2023)
Popular 82-Year-Old Elected Official Forced Out Over LGBT Flag, Ordered to Undergo 'Emotional Intelligence Training'. (Jake Welch Jake - The National Pulse - 12/4/2023) -> occured in the United Kingdon.
How Rejecting Biblical Masculinity Turns Men From Protectors to Predators. (Nancy Pearcey - The Federalist - 12/4/2023)
Courage Is Contagious. (Chris Queen - PJ Media - 5/4/2023)
Uganda Bans Homosexuality, and the Left Blames…Evangelical Americans? (J.W. Baker - Protestia - 5/4/2023)
The Left Keeps Parents Like The Nashville Shooter's From Helping Their Anguished Kids. (Taylor Reece - The Federalist - 3/4/2023)
LGBT 'Day of Vengeance' Cancelled to Preserve "Safety of Our Trans Community" Who is under threat? (Steve Watson - Summit News - 31/3/2023)
Christians Blamed for Trans Terrorist Massacre: "Actual violence, racism, and bigotry are deployed against anything perceived to be violence, racism, and bigotry." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 30/3/2023)
Disagreement Isn't Murderous Hatred, and Those Who Say Otherwise Are Grooming Killers. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 29/3/2023)
Give Dawkins credit for guts: He is taking on the "gender" claims. (Denyse O'Leary - Uncommon Descent - 23/3/2023)
The Push to Normalize Weird Sexuality in the Church is Increasing at an Alarming Rate. (DISNTR - 22/3/2023)
Ugandan President Blasts Western Countries For Promoting LGBT in Africa "Western countries should stop wasting their time." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 20/3/2023)
Freedom of Preach – How a Street Preacher Was Arrested for 'Misgendering'. (Nick Dixon - Daily Sceptic - 20/3/2023)
NHL Goalie Issues Best Response We've Ever Read After League Demands He Wear LGBT Jersey. (Jack Davis - The Western Journal - 19/3/2023)
Pastor Jailed Weeks For Protesting All-Ages Drag Event Released On Bail Following Health Concerns. (Protestia - 9/3/2023)
UK Street Preacher Convicted of "Misgendering" Man Under Counter-Terrorism "Extreme Views" Law. (DISNTR - 8/3/2023)
Why It's No Surprise Women Are Sadder Than Ever. (Samuel Mangold-Lenett - The Federalist - 8/3/2023)
Commentary: Transhumanism seeks to dismember mankind to fit Procrustes' bed when we should be fitting ourselves to the cross of Christ. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 5/3/2023)
Are evangelical leaders as courageous as J.K. Rowling? Now is the time for prominent leaders and institutions to push back against the gender revolution. (Carl R. Trueman - World Mag - 23/2/2023)
The Anglican Church and 'Sacramental Sodomy'. (Mark Powell - Daily Declaration - 22/2/2023)
THIS is how you TAKE DOWN drag queen story hour! (The Blaze - video, 7 minutes - 20/2/2023)
Canada : un adolescent exclu de son lycée catholique et arrêté par la police pour avoir dit qu'il n'y avait que deux genres. (Vigile Québec - 14/2/2023)
God Does Not Have Gender Identity Issues: Do we need to remake God to keep the trans activists happy? (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 9/2/2023)
Catholic high school student arrested for trying to attend class after he was suspended for 'transphobia': Report. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 8/2/2023)
Catholic HS Student Allegedly Suspended For Opposing Transgenderism Gets Arrested After Attempting to Attend Class: REPORT. (Joe Roberts - Daily Caller - 7/2/2023)
UN to push religious communities to 'fully comply' with human rights law to 'empower' LGBT+ people. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 6/2/2023)
Dr John Money and the sinister origins of gender ideology: How a cruel, amoral experiment helped birth today's trans movement. (Lauren Smith - Spiked - 5/2/2023)
Bishop Reports Church Member to Police For 'Hate Crime' on Twitter: Police contacted Margrave and ordered him to effectively hand himself in before police turned up at his front door. (Caldron Pool - 3/2/2023)
Baptist church requires members to sign 'biblical sexuality' pledge: 'An exercise in clarity... in a sexually confused world'. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 1/2/2023)
What Does Andy Stanley Believe About Homosexuality? (Evangelical Dark Web - 25/1/2023)
LGBT 'Conversion Therapy' Lawfare's First Victim Is Ex-LGBT: Born This Way vs. Born Again: "Conversion therapy lawfare claims its first victim with Maltese police criminally charging a former homosexual under Malta's 2016 'conversion therapy' laws." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 24/1/2023)
Voddie Baucham Exposes Gay Attack on Churches, Rips Pastors Who Fall For It. (DISNTR - 20/1/2023)
Transgenderism as the Conduit for the Persecution of the Church. (DISNTR - 19/1/2023)
Lawsuit seeking to force Christian universities to conform to LGBT-sanctioned ideology thrown out by federal judge. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 19/1/2023)
Marguerite Stern - Dora Moutot : "Le transgenrisme est un cheval de Troie masculiniste s'apparentant à une religion": Les deux féministes lancent Femelliste, un mouvement visant à réaffirmer qu' "être une femme est une réalité biologique". (Alix L'hospital - L'Express - 9/1/2023)
U.S. 'opening Pandora's box that will lead to unspeakable atrocities' 'Government officials using the words of Christ to validate perversion'. (Bob Unruh - WND - 8/1/2023) -> James Dobson on moral decline in the US.
Sex Is Binary: Switzerland Rejects Gender Ideology In New Ruling. (Christina Buttons - DailyWire - 31/12/2022)
Signature de la lettre ouverte face à la mise en place du guide EVRAS dans l'enseignement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. (SF Synode Fédéral - Google Forms - 1/12/2022) -> touchant l'éducation sexuelle des enfants en Belgique
La confusion des genres au Québec. (Agrippa d'Aubigné - Samizdat - 21/12/2022)
Gender Reassignment Phenomenon, Mind Control for the Masses Podcast. (Kami Moreno, RN & Emily Thoms, RN/Paramedic - America Out Loud - audio, 58 minutes - 16/12/2022)
Two Fed-Up Pastors Have Brilliant Solution to Drag Queen Story Hour: 'Push Back on Evil'. (Mike Landry - The Western Journal - 5/12/2022)
The Gospel Coalition Uses the Book of Ruth to Defend Same-Sex Civil Unions. (The Dissenter - 2/12/2022)
Charges Dropped Against British Street Preacher Accused of 'Hate Speech'. (Ben Zeisloft - DailyWire - 25/11/2022)
Baptists, Liberty of Conscience, and Same-Sex Marriage "The Baptist distinctive of 'liberty of conscience' was never a liberty to disobey the commands of God, rather, it's a liberty to be afforded in disputable matters." (Tim Grant - Caldron Pool - 22/11/2022)
Conservatives Can't Run And Hide From The Left Anymore. They Have to Stand And Fight: A tale of two parades in a small Texas town illustrates why conservatives can't hide from the left. Not anymore. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 18/11/2022)
Grèce : L'ancien joueur de football Vassilis Tsiartas condamné à de la prison pour avoir dit que Dieu a créé Adam et Ève. (Le feu de ta presence777 - 12/11/2022)
Le Robert transforme sa définition du mot « famille » après des pressions LGBT Deux associations se sont insurgées sur les réseaux sociaux de voir une définition de la famille correspondant au modèle traditionnel dans plusieurs dictionnaires. Le Robert ne se fait pas prier pour seffectuer des modifications. (Tanguy Letty - Famille Chrétienne - 2810/2022)
'Founded on God's Words': Judge Rules For Christian Baker Who Refused to Make Cake For Lesbian Wedding: Lesbian couple first found another cake elsewhere they were "happy with," then sued the Christian baker. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 2410/2022)
Virginia Democrat Wants to Criminalize Parents Who "Misgender" Their Children. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/10/2022)
Behold, the Regime Unveils Its New Catchphrase for All Political Dissent: "Stochastic Terrorism". (Revolver - 12/10/2022)
When 'Not Seeing My Movie' Is 'Homophobia,' America Is Awesome. (John Nolte - Breitbart - 6/10/2022) -> A rejoinder to Postmodern ideological intimidation...
Council of Pastors Elects Persecuted European Bishop to Preach Christianity to The World. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 3/10/2022)
Belgian Bishops Formally Bless Homosexual Relationships: This punctuates the liberal hierarchy's long subversion of Church teaching. (George Neumayr - The American Spectator - 21/9/2022) -> catholic bishops...
Courts are unilaterally redefining sexuality against legitimate rights. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 19/9/2022)
Teacher who refused to use student's pronouns jailed after returning to school Enoch Burke, an evangelical Christian, refused to use a student's preferred pronouns. (Holly Bancroft - The Independant - 8/9/2022) -> case in Ireland
The Tyranny And Terrorism of Trans Militancy: Oppose trans madness and you will be thrown into prison. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 8/9/2022)
Preacher Sentenced to 80 Hours of Community Work for Calling Trans Bystander 'Man in Woman's Clothing'. (Alex Colett - Premier Christian News/Protestia - 8/9/2022)
Teacher Jailed After Refusing to Use Gender-Neutral Pronouns for Transgender Student: "I am here today because I said I would not call a boy a girl," he told the judge before his jailing. (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 8/9/2022)
Religious University Forced to Recognize LGBT Student Club Takes The Fight to SCOTUS. (Sarah Parshall Perry and Jason Bedrick - The Federalist - 7/9/2022)
The Transgender Movement Isn't Just Targeting Kids, It's Targeting Families. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 5/9/2022)
Woman Who Pretended to be a Man Dies By Assisted Suicide Years After Realizing How Difficult It Was to be One. (Nicole Dominique - Evie - 2/9/2022)
« Changer de sexe une fois par an »: Qui se cache derrière cette nouvelle loi sur l'autodétermination ? (Kla.TV/Les moutons enragés - 31/8/2022) -> examine une nouvelle loi Allemande et les sources de cette loi dans la Fondation Rockefeller et des programmes mis en place par l'ONU...
Nobel Prize-winning biologist: Trans movement's 'unscientific' claims are 'madness' — taking hormones is 'inherently dangerous'. (Joseph Mackinnon - The Blaze - 30/8/2022)
Bank Terminates Client's Account After He Complains About Rainbow-Themed App. (Protestia - 27/8/2022)
No Apologies' Book Illustrates The Vicious Cycle of Weak Men, A Stand-In State, And Societal Decline. (David Weinberger - The Federalist - 30/8/2022)
Stolen Identity: The Theft of the Binary in Contemporary Society: Online Symposium. (Dr. Peter Jones - TruthXchange - 29/8/2022)
Justin Trudeau dévoile le premier Plan d'action fédéral 2ELGBTQI+ du Canada. (journaliste servile et anonyme - Radio-Canada - 28/8/2022)
Mennonites Go Gay, Pass Resolution Allowing LGBTQ Weddings and "Repents" for Excluding LGBTQ People. (The Dissenter - 24/8/2022)
When Churches Go Bad: Fight or Flight? On the Anglican Church split. (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 18/8/2022) -> What to do when a Church rejects Biblical morality.
80-Year-Old Woman Banned From Community Pool After Complaining Man Watching Little Girls Undress In Shower Room. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 5/8/2022)
Lawyers Fear Californian Trans Bill Could Enable Kidnappers and Predators "Effectively, the state of California would be able to deny a parent's rights by stopping a concerned father or mother from contacting, speaking to, or intervening in their alleged 'trans' child's 'gender reassignment' surgery." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 4/8/2022)
Woman regrets transforming after only 2 hours of counseling. (Wintery Knight - 2/8/2022)
UK Veteran Arrested for Posting Meme Criticising LGBTQ+ Lawfare: "If you criticise the new woke ideology, you criticise the Pride movement, you end up in cuffs. Know that citizens of Great Britain; whether you have served this country and have long medals for distinction and good service, you will end up in cuffs for expressing a perfectly legal view," Fox said. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 2/8/2022)
Christian university fights back: Seattle Pacific University sues Washington AG for violating its First Amendment rights. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 29/7/2022)
I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery: Here's What The Media Doesn't Tell You. (Scott Newgent - DailyWire - 25/7/2022)
Elevating homosexuality to a national religion. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 25/7/2022)
Fired for Being a Christian "It is disturbing how Christian beliefs on marriage, which have been held and expressed for thousands of years, are being silenced and treated with such hostility and disdain." (Caldron Pool - 20/7/20222)
Are Marxist agendas to blame for a rise of sexualization of children in Canada? 'If you understand marxism, they believe that everything is owned by the State, including your children.' (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 12/7/2022)
To be Ashamed of God's Law is to be Ashamed of God: "For too many, those parts the modern world has deemed most unacceptable have been the parts most ignored. As a result, we have professed Christians selectively blending the Bible with culturally acceptable sins." (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 9/7/2022)
Seattle Preacher Arrested During Pride Event Says 'Crime' Was Reading Bible In Park. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 1/7/2022)
Matt Walsh Counters Transgender Ideology With A Caustic Truth Bomb. (Josh Herring - The Federalist - 1/7/2022)
Twitter Censors Jordan Peterson for Calling 'Elliot Page' by Birth Name Ellen. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 29/6/2022)
Roe v Wade Has Fallen!: "Just as with the falling of the Berlin Wall, there is hope that evil regimes with their murderous laws need not dominate." (Mark Powell - Caldron Pool - 25/6/2022)
Spotify Censors Rapper For Criticizing Pride Month: "You can rap about killing people all day and be fine though." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 23/6/2022)
Fairfax County School Board Votes To Make It A Potential Crime To Call A Boy A Boy. (Auguste Meyrat - The Federalist - 21/6/2022)
Antifa Thugs Shout "You're Gonna DIE" At Women's Rights Activists. (Steve Watson- InfoWars - 20/6/2022)
Bishop Strips Massachusetts School of Catholic Status After Flying Black Lives Matter, Gay Pride Flags. (Breccan F. Thies - Breitbart - 17/6/2022)
Pro-Life Groups Sound The Alarm Over Repeated Attacks, Call Out FBI, DOJ For Not Doing Enough. (Diana Glebova and Nicholas Pope - Daily Caller - 17/6/2022) -> and if abortion clinics were attacked in the SAME way, would the police react the same way?
Jailed Canadian Father Still Fighting Child's Gender Transition. (Mairead Elordi - DailyWire - 17/6/2022)
Christian Schools In Victoria Banned From Firing or Refusing to Hire LGBTQ+ Staff: "Fundamental to the Christian faith is the belief that Jesus is Lord over everything, not just Biblical studies. Math, history, science, biology, art, and everything else, are all grounded in this basic, long-held Christian confession." (Ben Davis - CaldronPool - 15/6/2022)
PayPal, Etsy Financially Blacklist Biologist After Criticism of Transgender Ideology. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 14/6/2022)
Bruce Jenner vs Lia Thomas - Transgender Highlander: There Can Only Be One. (The Evangelical Dark Web - 3/6/2022)
A Strasbourg, une association LGBTQI enseigne "l'identité de genre" à des collégiens: Le collectif de la Station affirme vouloir informer les enfants sur les sujets de l'orientation sexuelle ou encore de l'intersexuation, et se défend de faire de la « propagande homosexuelle ». Valeurs Actuelles - 2/6/2022) -> quels hypocrites...
Welcome to Pride Month, Christian: Social justice demands our opposition to its celebration and symbols. (Carl R. Trueman - Wordl Mag - 1/6/2022)
'I Wish We Could Say We Invented That': Matt Walsh Confirms 'Over-The-Top' Interviews With Leftist Gender Experts Were 'Very Real'. (John Rigolizzo - DailyWire - 1/6/2022)
Christianity in the Crosshairs: Conversion Bill C-4 Takes Aim at Canadian Freedoms. (Ted Fenske - Ezra Institute - 31/5/2022)
Un lycée change le genre d'une élève sans en aviser les parents: Les parents de Lucie ont découvert que les enseignants du lycée appelaient leur fille de 15 ans Louis et s'adressaient à elle au masculin. (Valeurs Actuelles - 31/5/2022)
Methodist Church's First Drag Queen Pastor: 'God Is Nothing':In a new poem, a gender-bending minister for the nation's third-largest denomination says that queerness is divine. (Ellie Gardey - The American Spectator - 31/5/2022)
Fairfax, Va. Parents Rally Against Policy Punishing Their Middle-Schoolers For Calling Boys Boys And Girls Girls. (Olivia Hajicek - The Federalist - 28/5/2022)
Transgenderism: The Theft of Children's Identity. (Joshua Gielow - TruthXchange - 48 minutes - 27/5/2022)
Dans certaines écoles, la Fête des mères remplacée par la « fête des gens qu'on aime » Certains instituteurs prennent la liberté de modifier la fête des mères, qu'ils jugent trop peu inclusive. (Valeurs Actuelles - 27/5/2022)
Canadian school accused of giving kindergarteners homework assignment on masturbation. (Samantha Kamman - Christian Post - 20/5/2022)
Rattled Mom Whose Audio Is Cut Off Just Seconds Into Reading Daughter's Purported 'Pornographic' Assignment Poses Mic-Drop Question For School Officials. (Billy Hallowell - Faithwire - 18/5/2022)
Texas Church Evicted After Pastor Criticized LGBTQ Mural In City Council Meeting. (Katelynn Richardson - The Federalist - 18/5/2022)
Adult Female Person' Is Not Enough: "We're not here because society decided to wage war on the dictionary. We're here because society is at war with the Bible..." (Ben Davis - CaldronPool - 16/5/2022)
Tucker: This Is About Attacking Christianity "It's about displacing God as the great decider. Democrats now reserve the right to re-write biology, which is to say dominion over nature... Christianity stands in their way." (Lincoln Brown - Caldron Pool - 13/5/2022)
B.C. school trustee continues to defend right to sound the alarm on gender ideology in public schools: Barry Neufeld, a school trustee in Chilliwack, B.C., has found his back up against the wall once again after advocating for public school education without gender ideology for the children he serves. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 10/5/2022)
'This Is A Religious War': Jesse Watters Predicts The Pro-Abortion Protests Are Only Going To Get Worse. (Virginia Kruta - DailyWire - 9/5/2022)
Pastor Wins Discrimination Case After Being Forced Out of Job for Warning Against LGBTQ Pride Events "For sending one tweet, that raised genuine concern for children, he was vilified, threatened, and hounded out of his employment." (Caldron Pool - 4/5/2022)
Mom suing school over 13-year-old daughter's 'protected' secret gender transition issues stark warning to parents across the country. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 2/5/2022)
Helping LGBT Activists Isolate Children From Their Parents Puts The Kids In Grave Danger: There is simply no reason a school official should provide materials to a student without a parent's knowledge. (Chad Felix Greene - The Federalist - 27/4/2022)
I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery. Here's Why I Regret It. (Walt Heyer - DailyWire - 22/4/2022)
WEF Imagines a World Where Algorithms Determine if Teens Are Gay Without Knowing It: "Even if you keep hiding from your classmates, or from yourself, you will not be able to hide from Amazon, and Alibaba and the secret police." (Caldron Pool - 7/4//2022)
The Left Is the Culture War Aggressor. (Ben Shapiro- PJMedia - 6/4/2022) -> LBGT+ propaganda at Disney...
Banning conversion therapy is a terrible idea The government has paid a heavy price for trying to appease the trans lobby. (Jo Bartosch - Spiked - 6/4/2022)
The Left Unmasks Its Desire To Destroy Families — And The Nation — With Sexual Chaos. (Carina Benton - The Federalist - 4/4/2022)
Biden Invokes God to Explain Why Parents Should 'Affirm' Trans Identity. (Ben Zeisloft - DailyWire - 2/4/2022)
Democratic NYC Mayor Eric Adams forces Christian minister — who wrote book that 'called homosexuality a sin' — to resign from education panel. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 1/4/2022)
Censored ministries to adversaries: Our hope eclipses your hate: Big Social is censoring groups that help people who are struggling with same-sex attraction, arguing that "sexual orientation" can't be changed – and that it's harmful to try. (Steve Jordahl - American Family News - 28/3/2022)
Christian colleges face a clear choice: There is no "third way" on sexuality. (Barton J. Gingerich - World Mag - 28/3/2022)
New study: more than half of all female-to-male transgender teens attempt suicide. (Winter Knight - 28/3/2022)
Stop Arguing For Religious Liberty And Start Arguing Against Religious Discrimination. (Auguste Meyrat - The Federalist - 28/3/2022)
Twitter Suspends Charlie Kirk for Calling Biological Male Rachel Levine a 'Man'. (Alana Mastrangelo - Breitbart - 22/3/2022)
Grieving mother claims LA County school pushed transgender treatments on her teenage daughter who ultimately committed suicide: 'Why did they play with her life?' (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 19/3/2022)
The choice for Christian conservatives: Christ or chaos? (Delano Squires - The Blaze - 18/3/2022)
'No Such Thing as Other People's Children': Progressive Group Slammed For Creepy Attack on Florida's Parental Rights Bill. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 11/3/2022)
Conservative Methodists Pull Trigger on New Denomination After LGBTQ-Libs Cancel General Conference. (Protestia - 8/3/2022) - > regarding the United Methodist Church...
The Pedophiles and their Apologists Are on the Move. (Neil English - Salvo - 8/3/2022)
Nearly 3 in 4 Protestant pastors say identifying as transgender 'morally wrong': Similar numbers reject physical attempts to change gender, survey says. (Mark A. Kellner - The Washington Times - 4/3/2022) -> A condescending postmodern perspective on "resistance" to transgender ideology in Protestant churches...
Major Christian denomination splits over 'divisive and destructive debates' on LGBT issues. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 4/3/2022) - > regarding the United Methodist Church...
Latham's Parental Rights Bill Comes Out of COVID-Stasis: "What's most to like about Latham's bill is that it stops parents from being written out of the education system, and ends political indoctrination in schools." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 3/3/2022) -> Australia
Christian college cancels speaker who told students to avoid sexual immorality. (Margaret Peppiatt - The College Fix - 28/2/2022)
American father loses parental rights after ex-wife announces their child is transgender. (Wintery Knight - 27/2/2022) -> And how the divorce courts DESTROY men...
Humanists UK seek to 'ban repentance'! (Gavin Cox - CMI - 22/2/2022)
Dieu m'a créé comme je suis : Un livre pour aider les enfants à protéger leur corps. De Justin S. Holcomb et Lindsey A. Holcomb. (CPDH - 17/2/2022)
The dogmas that must be questioned: The claims of the LGBTQ+ movement don't hold up under the scrutiny of medical reality. (Carl R. Trueman - World - 16/2/2022)
Christian Pastor Trends Over Tweet on Female Modesty That Outrages Feminists; He Poses Question in Response to Backlash "Many of you likely use and promote the #MeToo movement—yet hundreds of you are sending me unsolicited sexual images and videos." (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 9/2/2022)
SUNY Professor: "It's a Mistake" to Think Pedophilia is Wrong Claims there are "evolutionary advantages to child/adult sex." (Paul Joseph Watson - Sunmit News - 2/2/2022)
The Return of Roman Religion. (TruthXchange - 27/1/2022) -> Killing Distinctions between the sexes
Christians, Stop Selling Other Christians Out to Get Pagan Elites' Approval: Big-name evangelicals engaged with elite culture often go far beyond legitimate calls for accountability within the church. (Nathanael Blake - The Federalist - 25/1/2022)
Sodom's Vine And Gomorrah's Grapes: Canada's Apostasy And Bill C-4. (Jacob Reaume - Pastor'sBlog/Trinity Bible Chapel - 19/1/2022)
Thousands of American Pastors Preach in Solidarity With Canadian Christians Crushed by Demonic New Law. (Protestia - 17/1/2022)
One Little Word Shall Fell Him. (Douglas Wilson - Blog & Mablog - 15/1/2022) -> regarding the Canadian law called C4 outlawing "conversion therapies"...
John MacArthur Urges Pastors to Join Him by Preaching on This Topic on January 16. (Protestia - 31/12/2021)
Broad 'conversion therapy' ban: A proposed ban risks criminalising the ordinary work of churches. (The Christian Institute - Dec. 2021)
A Fellow Pastor's Exhortation to Greg Johnson: Repent In no way is he qualified to be anywhere near the pulpit—other than kneeling in front of it and repenting. (Mark Kozak - The Aquila Report - 23/12/2021)
Big Eva's Effeminate Response to Canada's New Law. (Evangelical Dark Web - 16/12/2021)
Former Celibates Admit the "Gay Christian Celibate" Movement Gateway to Full, Practicing Homosexuality. (Reformation Charlotte - 12/11/2021)
Therapists Have Betrayed The Parents of Gender-Confused Kids, And There'll Be Hell To Pay: My fellow therapists have lost all credibility because of their surrender to a destructive, unscientific ideology. We've harmed thousands of parents and children, and they've had it with us. (Miriam Grossman - The Federalist - 11/11/2021)
Furious mother who exposed 'pedophilia,' pornography in high school library books now banned from high school library: Report. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 8/11/2021)
George Soros : L'argent et le pouvoir derrière le mouvement transgenre LGBTQ. (Julian/Le Grand Réveil - Strategika - 4/11/2021)
Loudoun County and the cruelty of trans ideology: When a girl was assaulted in a gender-neutral bathroom, the school covered it up and had her father arrested. (Sean Collins - Spiked - 30/10/2021)
School Takes Young Students on a Field Trip to a Gay Bar "Menu items at the bar where children were taken for a field trip... includes dishes called 'Naked Sweaty Lovin,' 'Young Ranch Hand,' 'Ivana Hooker,' and 'The Big Dripper Wrap,'" one respondent noted. (Caldron Pool - 29/10/2021)
Il n'y a aucune raison pour que quiconque parle à un enfant de transgendérisme, d'homosexualité, de toutes ces saletés. (Michel Janva - Salon Beige - 15/10/2021)
The Trans War on Children: Trans militants have declared war on our children. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 15/10/2021)
What is Queer Theory and How Are Churches Embracing It Either Intentionally or Inadvertently. (Reformation Charlotte - 6/10/2021)
'Manipulating humanity': French medical professionals, academics denounce transgenderism While progressive elites in North America have accepted the diktats of gender ideology as dogma, Europeans appear far more willing to push back. (Jonathon Van Maren - LifeSite News - 24/9/2021)
Changement de sexe chez les enfants : « un des plus grands scandales sanitaire et éthique ». (Génétique - 21/9/2021)
PMA pour toutes : les médecins se préparent face à un afflux de demandes. (Agnès Leclair - Le Figaro - 15/9/2021) -> Dans un contexte de crise sanitaire toujours en cours, alors que les hôpitaux manquent de moyens, de lits et de soignants, le Ministre de la santé annonce 8 millions d'euros pour la PMA sans père… Encore une mesure qui nous montre que l'idéologie passe avant la santé des Français pour notre gouvernement, et bien avant la protection des droits des enfants.
'We're here! We're queer! Get used to it!': President of college founded by Methodists promotes LBGTQ mural in freshman dorm. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 7/9/2021)
It Is My Business. (Dr. Peter Jones - TruthXchange - 28/8/2021) -> Christians facing the postmodern sexual djihad.... and a UK clergman treated like a terrorist because he rejected LGBTQ+ ideology....
Major Evangelical Figure Comes Out as Gay. (Marsha West - Christian Research Network - 12/8/2021)
'Youth is being HIJACKED to normalize a divergent sexual ethic': Student calls out far-left push to DESTROY children's innocence: 'What agenda will we not accept if the degradation of our youth is allowed to continue?' (Glenn Beck- The Blaze - 5/8/2021)
American Medical Association Pushes To Remove Sex From Birth Certificates. (Haley Strack - The Federalist - 2/8/2021)
British Gender Studies Student: 'Picture This, I Hold A Knife To Your Throat And Spit My Transness Into Your Ear.' (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 28/7/2021)
Federal judge rules Christian web designer has 'monopoly' over her own creativity, must give equal access to LGBT customers. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 27/7/2021)
New children's book 'Elephants Are Not Birds' is 'unapologetic rebuke' of transgender agenda. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 26/7/2021)
LGBT Activists Attack Left-Wing Muslim School Board Member For Not Being Pro-LGBT. (Shakhzod Yuldoshboev - Daily Caller - 18/7/2021)
Thanks to Neil Gorsuch, The Biden Administration is Forcing Employers Everywhere to End Free Speech And Put Men in Women's Bathrooms Thanks to Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, the EEOC has declared war on people who hold traditional views on sex, women who value their safety and privacy, and people who simply believe in science. (Laura Baxter - The Federalist - 13/7/2021)
Medical Journal: 'Parents Should Lose Veto Power' over Children Going Trans: Governments should exclude parents who oppose the hormonal and surgical transformation of their children, according to an article published in the establishment Journal of Medical Ethics. (Neil Munro - Brietbart - 12/7/2021)
Keep your kinks to yourself: Destigmatising sexual depravity can only end badly. (Mary Harrington - UnHerd 7/7/2021)
'We're Coming For Your Children': San Francisco Gay Men's Choir Sings In Viral Video 'You think that we'll corrupt your kids. Funny, just this once, you're correct.' (Megan Basham - DailyWire - 7/7/2021)
New Report Details Activists Working to Push LGBTQ Agendas in Children's Programming. (Megan Basham - DailyWire - 5/7/2021)
Canadian Government to Extend 'Pride Month' to the Whole Summer: Why not the whole year? (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 2/7/2021)
Supreme Court Refuses to Decide If Floral Artist Loses Her Religious Liberty At Shop Door. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 2/7/2021)
'God Is Non-Binary' Says Church of England's First Transwoman Priest. (Jack Montgomery - Brietbart - 1/7/2021)
Flashers' rights: Trans activists are now defending the right of men to show their genitals to young girls. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 30/6/2021)
Thanks to Supreme Court Cowardice, The Government Is Still Persecuting Jack Phillips For Being A Christian: Jack Phillips is not being persecuted for discrimination against LGBT people, but for religious beliefs and practices the Colorado Civil Rights Commission deems in need of correction. (Dennis Weisman - The Federalist - 25/6/2021)
Orban contre la déferlante progressiste: Hier les militants LGBT protestaient dans toute l'Allemagne contre le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban, et l'un deux s'introduisait dans le stade munichois au début du match Allemagne-Hongrie. Face à la déferlante progressiste, Orban ne semble pas faiblir. (Athanase de Magneval - L'incorrect - 24/6/2021)
Push to Criminalize Prayer: Jayne Ozanne, a prominent LGBT campaigner, described all prayer as dangerous and harmful if offered with the intent to change an individual's sexuality or 'gender identity.' (Caldron Pool - 22/6/2021)
City Pays $35k in Damages to Christian Ministry For Cancelling Event Because Speaker Refused to Affirm LGBTQ Ideology. (Caldron Pool - 14/6/2021)
Judge fines Masterpiece Cakeshop for refusing to make a cake celebrating a transgender woman's transition: First, Jack Phillips was targeted for refusing to make a cake celebrating a same-sex marriage, and now he is being punished for refusing to celebrate a gender transition. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 17/6/2021)
Jack Phillips Appeals After Colorado Court Fines Him $500 For Refusing To Design Gender Dysphoria Cake. (Maggie Hroncich - The Federalist - 16/6/2021)
Nationals Power-Brokers Use False Gay Conversion Therapy Accusations to Target Church. (Heidi McIvor - Caldron Pool - 15/6/2021) -> Australia
Council Cracks Down on Free Speech, Forces Employees to Fly LGBTQ Flags. (Caldron Pool - 5/6/2021)
Is Britain now a police state? Genuine question: The arrest of gender-critical feminists should concern anyone who believes in liberty. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 4/6/2021) -> England now has heretic hunters...
Christian teacher sues school district after being suspended, barred from property for refusing to 'lie' to students about their biological sex. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 3/6/2021)
Christian Realtor Who Left Gay Lifestyle Allows License to Expire After Broker Forbids Talking Publicly Against Homosexuality. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 25/5/2021)
Transgender Activists Do Not Want You To Hear Stories Of 'Gender Transition' Regret There is a reason the transgender movement unleashed such immediate and intense pushback for even a mild attempt at highlighting instances of disappointment and regret with hormone therapy. (Madeline Osburn - The Federalist - 25/5/2021)
Activists Plan to Protest Church Event Because Christian Speakers Are Former LGBTQ. (James Parker - Caldron Pool - 23/5/2021)
Baylor University exposed as "anti-Christian" in its teachings. (Ethan Huff - News Target - 22/5/2021) -> A Baylor alumnus himself, Jeffress made these comments in response to a recent resolution that was adopted by the school creating a university-sanctioned LGBTQ organization.
Judge sides with Biden, rules that Christian college must open women's bedrooms and showers to biological males. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 21/5/2021)
The Deconstruction of The Family: The ferocious assault on the family is now nearly complete. (Bill Muehlenberg - 18/5/2021)
Revoice Leaders Promoting "Homosexuality is a Blessing" Nonsense. (Reformation Charlotte - 10/5/2021)
School Reports Chaplain to Anti-Terror Unit for Telling Students They Can Disagree With LGBT Ideology. (Caldron Pool - 9/5/2021)
Why are the police handcuffing street preachers? British police are arresting and investigating people over entirely legal speech. (Paul Coleman - Spiked - 30/4/2021)
Cops arrest, get rough with Christian pastor, 71, in London. He said he merely defined marriage as between men and women; complaint was for homophobia.(Dave Urbansky - The Blaze - 29/4/2021)
WATCH: Police Arrest 75-Year-Old Preacher Whose Gospel Message Was "Homophobic". (Caldron Pool - 28/4/2021)
Why The Cultural Assault on Natural Womanhood Robs Women of Fulfillment The feminists' march to androgyny appears to give women more options. In reality, they cut women off from the very things that lead to flourishing and happiness. (Carrie Gress - The Federalist - 26/4/2021)
A prisoner of conscience over transgender ideology: Canadian father sentenced to jail time for violating gag order. (Kiley Crossland - WorldMag - 23/4/2021)
Those Who Warned About the 'Slippery Slope' Were Right. (Caldron Pool - 19/4/2021)
Canadian Father Jailed For Talking About Court-Ordered Transgendering of His Teenage Daughter Robert Hoogland's arrest has garnered significant attention, nationally and internationally. Canada's version of the Equality Act has put him in jail for saying what he thinks about transgendering children. (Jeremiah Keenan - The Federalist - 26/3/2021)
LGBT Activists Haul Jack Phillips Into Court Again, This Time Over Transgender And Satan Cakes: Hearings began in a new case against Masterpiece Cakeshop over a Colorado baker's refusal to bake a cake celebrating a man's decision to become transgender. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 23/3/2021)
Not Clickbait! Canadian Father Jailed for Calling his Transitioned Daughter by her Birth name, Birth Pronouns. (Protestia - 18/3/2021)
B.C. father arrested, held in jail for repeatedly violating court orders over child's gender transition therapy. (Tyler Dawson - National Post - 17/3/2021) -> Mainstream media alleges here that the father was imprisoned for disclosing information about his daughter, but it is more likely his real "sin" in the eyes of the court was to have exposed the names of the government officials involved in this procedure to public view...
LGBT activists sue Canadian pastor for preaching biblical sexuality: 'Our services are our services,' the pastor said in response. 'You don't go into a bake shop and ask them to fix your car. Then you can't come into a Christian church and expect us to convey messages that we don't agree with.' (Jonathon Van Maren - LifeSite - 15/3/2021)
Why the State Won't Tolerate Christianity's Moral Code. (Zachary Yost - Lew Rockwell.com - 12/3/2021)
Largest Protestant Adoption Agency In U.S. Opens to LGBTQ Couples. (Charlotte Pence Bond – DailyWire – 1/3/2021)
SUNY Suspends Education Student For Posting Views on Biological Gender. (Jonathan Turley - Zero Hedge - 27/2/2021)
Amazon removes scholar's trans-critical book as Equality Act to be voted on in US House Amazon removes scholar's trans-critical book as Equality Act to be voted on in US House. (Brandon Showalter - Christian Post - 23/2/2021)
We Knew This Was Coming: Pastor Fined For Speaking Out Against Homosexuality. (Jonathon Van Maren - Bridgehead.ca - 15/2/2021)
Washington National Cathedral cowers to woke mob, apologizes for letting famed pastor Max Lucado preach. His offense? Holding biblical views on sexuality and marriage. NEWS So much for building bridges. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 12/2/2021)
Report: Joe Biden's Vow to Expand Title IX Seeks to 'Shape Sexual Norms of Future Generations'. (Dr. Susan Berry - Breitbart - 10/2/2021)
La guerre aux mots. (Denise Bombardier - Journal de Montréal - 8/2/2021) -> Les termes père et mère ont été dénoncés au Québec le 28 janvier dans un jugement de la Cour supérieure.
Ideology over biology at Twitter: Several accounts remain suspended for not using transgender language. (Mary Jackson - World Mag - 5/2/2021)
Christian scholar tossed in Facebook jail for 'violence and incitement.' His crime? Objecting to Biden's transgender military policy: 'A thinly veiled and pathetic excuse for censorship of any critical views toward trans-tyranny over our consciences, religion, and reason'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 29/1/2021)
Biden's LGBT Agenda: Pedophilia Coming Down the Pike? (Amy Contrada - American Thinker - 28/1/2021)
School Coloring Book: 'Everyone Gets to Choose if They Are a Girl or a Boy or Both or Neither or Something Else'. (Craig Bannister - CNSNews - 26/1/2021)
ACLU Lawyer: Beliefs That Men Are Better Athletes And Sex Is Binary Come From ‘Misogny And White Supremacy’. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 15/1/2021)
Equality Act would stomp religious conservatives. (Billy Davis, Steve Jordahl - OneNewsNow - 12/1/2021)
Who Believes in Science, Now? Medical Journal Claims Biological Sex Has 'No Clinical Utility'. (Tyler O'Neil - PJMedia - 17/12/2020)
Jail Time for “Hate Speech” Against Transgenders, Even if Spoken in the Privacy of Your Own Home. (Caldron Pool - 15/12/2020)
Transgender activist says all children should be put on puberty blockers until they can decide their gender. Sounds like a terrible idea. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 14/12/2020)
Dictator Daniel Andrews has positioned himself as the high priest of all faiths in seeking to ban ‘I can change’, a belief held by many same-sex attracted people. (Darryl Budge - Caldron Pool - 11/12/2020)
Family Doctor Suspended After Sharing Christian Beliefs Online. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 10/12/2020)
Victoria’s Anti-Conversion Legislation Is Precisely What Many Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage Said Was Coming. (Stephen Chavura - Caldron Pool - 9/12/2020)
Lyle Shelton Sued for $20,000 in Damages After Criticizing Drag Queen Storytime. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 7/12/2020)
You WILL Be Silenced!: The militants seeking to destroy Lyle Shelton are coming after all of us. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 6/12/2020)
Parents Lose Custody of Daughter After Denying Her Irreversible Gender Transition Treatment. (Caldron Pool - 30/11/2020)
Starbucks Fires Christian Barista For Refusing To Wear Pro-LGBTQ Shirt, Lawsuit Claims. (Caldron Pool - 28/11/2020)
John Cleese, under fire from woke mob, hopes they all 'fry in their own sanctimoniousness and narcissistic posturing': The Monty Python comedic legend held nothing back. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 23/11/2020)
The extreme entitlement of trans activists: Cambridge students want to get a porter fired because he refused to say ‘trans women are women’. (Spiked - 27/10/2020)
Wikipedia Bans Christians From Contributing to the Website. (Jeff Maples - Reformation Charlotte - 19/10/2020)
Wikipedia bans editors from expressing support for traditional marriage. (Anugrah Kumar - Christian Post - 18/10/2020)
The rights of parents of children with gender dysphoria during a Biden presidency. (Wintery Knight - 17/10/2020)
Pastor Disagrees with LGBT Community, People Threaten to Burn Down His Church. (Ken Ham - Answers in Genesis - 14/9/2020)
Evolutionary biologist forced out of academia for insisting male and female are not social constructs. (Jennifer Kabbany - The College Fix - 31/7/2020)
Christian Foster Agency must Change its Policy to Accept Gay Couples, Judge rules. (Pulpit and Pen - 1/7/2020)
The Queer Movement Wants to Convert Christians, Not Coexist: The dream for compromise between those demanding absolute affirmation for ever-evolving gender and sexual convictions and others of strong religious faith is unrealistic and not because of religious folks. (Glenn T. Stanton - The Federalist - 26/6/2020)
J.K. Rowling Threatens The Left Because She’s A Feminist Who Affirms Women’s Dignity: The feminist left's embrace of transgenderism probably means a lot of younger people have never encountered a feminist with Rowling's position on trans issues. To some of them, such a feminist is unthinkable. (Emily Jashinsky - The Federalist - 11/6/2020)
Facebook Keeps Killing Moms’ Group Dedicated to Ending Drag Queen Story Hour. (Pen and Pulpit - 4/6/2020)
Judge with gender agenda hushes lawyers: Attorneys say their clients can't have a fair trial if they can't tell the truth. (Mary Jackson - World Mag - 15/5/2020)
So when does the LGBT movement stop getting a pass for their blatant bigotry? (Peter Heck - DISRN - 6/5/2020)
Prof still fighting school's demand to call he a 'she'. (Bob Kellogg - OneNewsNow - 17/3/2020)
Canada introduces a bill to make it a CRIME to help children overcome gender confusion and same-sex attraction. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 10/3/2020)
Mayor Pete Wants to Crackdown on Religious Groups That Refuse to Hire LGBTQ Staff. (Todd Starnes - TownHall - 25/2/2020) [Pete Buttigieg fut un candidat présidentiel démocrate américain]
Male professor forced to say fake pronouns by female judges and female dean. (Wintery Knight - 24/2/2020)
Gospel Events hosted by Franklin Graham axed over Biblical views on Sexuality. (The Christian Institute - 31/1/2020)
Controversial Study on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria and Transgenderism Re-Published. (Wintery Knight - 25/1/2020) -> on academic intolerance when research does NOT confirm postmodern dogma...
Religious Liberty Must Be Respected in the Era of Same-Sex Marriage. (Jeremy Dys - DailyWire - 7/1/2020)
Arson attack against Pentecostal church in Germany A radical feminist group claims the attack. It caused damages of 40,000 Euro, but pastor says the church "hopes and prays for a peaceful coexistence" in Tübingen. (Evangelical Focus - 2/1/2020)
UK Judge Rules in Favor of Firing People Who Disagree With Transgenderism. (Wintery Knight - 23/12/2019)
Christian Company Slammed For Refusing to Print College Magazine That Champions LGBT Messages. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 19/11/2019)
How do LGBT activists respond to free speech discussions of LGBT issues? (Wintery Knight - 1/11/2019)
"Bigoted Nonsense": Sen. Ben Sasse Condemns Beto's Call To Strip Churches of Tax Exempt Status For Opposing Same-Sex Marriage. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 11/10/2019
Heterosexuals Marching for "Straight Pride" Need Police Protection to Not Get Killed. (News - Pulpit and Pen - 28/9/2019)
Christian doctor lost his job after refusing to identify a six-foot-tall bearded man as 'madam', tribunal hears. (Gabriella Swerling - The Telegraph - 10/7/2019)
Gender War Update: Scottish Student Expelled For Believing In Two Genders. (Diane Gaskins - Pulpit & Pen - 6/4/2019)
Vous n'aurez pas la paix : nous revendiquons l'attaque du local du gynécologue hétérofasciste Raphaël Nogier. (Site Pro-LGBTQ... - 14/6/2019) -> un exemple de plus du djihad sexuel postmoderne...
LGBTQ Bigotry: Tyranny Masquerading as Tolerance. (David Horowitz - PJMedia - 11/6/2019)
Le Canada ouvre la sodomie aux jeunes Le gouvernement canadien a annoncé mardi son intention d'abroger une loi interdisant la pratique de la sodomie avant l'âge de 18 ans, la qualifiant de "discriminatoire". (BELGA - 7/7 - 12/5/2019)
Christian beliefs are 'pro-Nazi'? Teacher fired for opposing pro-transgender lessons recalls ordeal. (Leah MarieAnn Klett - Christian Post - 23/4/2019)
Critique du Film «Grâce à Dieu», la pédophilie et l'Église Catholique et l'hypocrisie des élites sur l'exploitation sexuelle des jeunes. (Gilles B - Yapasdpresse.blogspot - 13/4/2019)
Journalist investigated by police for opposition to radical gender ideology. (The Christian Institute - 21/3/2019)
Academic stopped from researching "sex-swap regret" says accusations of "transphobia" are stifling debate. (The Christian Institute - 21/2/2019)
The Left Attacks 'Homophobia' In Christian Churches, Ignores Mosques. The Double Standard is Insane.* (Matt Walsh - DailyWire - 14/2/2019) * but typically postmodern...
British Police Arrest Mother at Home for Using Wrong Pronoun on Twitter. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 10/2/2019)
Pressure to conform: LGBT activists are dialing up the heat on parents and researchers who question transgender dogma, while peer influence may be leading some teens into life-changing hormone treatments. (Jamie Dean - World Mag - 30/1/2019)
Public college: Free speech doesn't protect Christian prof who refused to call transgender student female: The school wants the professor's federal lawsuit against it thrown out. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 17/1/2019)
Two Christian women threatened with jail time for refusing to celebrate LGBT events. (Wintery Knight - 23/12/2018)
Who Defines Morality?: Apple CEO Tim Cook recently received the Courage Against Hate award, for his work as a champion of unity, diversity, and social progress. (Franklin Graham - The Stream - 12/12/2018)
Hollywood big shot launching group that 'targets anti-LGBTQ candidates.' And he calls them out by name. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 11/12/2018)
Not The Babylon Bee: Christian At UC-Berkeley Harassed, Denounced For Saying There Are Two Sexes. (Brad Polumbo - The Federalist - 14/11/2018)
En Alberta, les écoles chrétiennes menacées par le ministre David Eggen, sectateur de la sexualisation des enfants. (Matthieu Lenoir - Reinformation.TV. - 27/9/2018)
La Nouvelle-Écosse veut interdire les «thérapies de conversion». (La Presse - 11/9/2018)
Londres veut éradiquer les thérapies de conversion. (Agence France-Presse - La Presse - 2/7/2018)
Canadian Bus Driver Arrested For Criticizing Homosexuality, Faces Up To 2 Years In Prison. (Jeremiah Keenan - The Federalist - 28/6/2018)
Facebook suspends pro-family expert for criticizing LGBT [CBC produced] indoctrination video. (Calvin Freiburger - LifeSite 18/6/2018)
Vancouver adopte un règlement interdisant la thérapie de conversion. (Dirk Meissner - La Presse - 9/6/2018)
Former Gays, Lesbians Blast Calif. for Regarding Them as 'Frauds' With Pending Therapy Ban. (Brandon Showalter - Christian Post - 21/5/2018)
Nat'l Review writer: California bill targeting gay-conversion therapy also could ban Christian books. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 24/4/2018)
Democrat bill to ban public expression of Biblical morality passes California Assembly. (Wintery Knight - 22/4/2018)
Living in a country where you daren't be anything but gay friendly: These days, those who don't embrace the full spectrum of gay and transgender life are often silenced (Christie Blatchford - National Post - 4/4/2018)
Canada : pour bénéficier des subventions emploi d'été, il faut reconnaître les « droits sexuels et reproductifs ». (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 21/3/2018)
Help not wanted: Sexuality | California moves to ban Bible-based therapy for sex and gender issues. (Kiley Crossland - World.org - 16/3/2018)
Délit de Fake News: Procès contre un opposant à la Théorie du Genre. (Nicolas Ciarapica - BlogDei - 15/3/2018)
Christian Couple Loses Appeal, must pay $135,000 for not affirming same-sex marriage. (Wintery Knight - 2/1/2018)
Il faut forcer les comportements. Et si vous ne forcez pas les comportements, que ce soit sur le genre ou la race ou n'importe quelle manière dont vous voulez définir la composition de votre équipe, vous allez être impacté. » — Larry Fink, New York, 9 novembre 2017. (Faits & Documents - Twitter - 5/6/2023)
Ils croient que l'homosexualité c'est mal, on leur refuse le droit à l'adoption: EDMONTON Un couple a vu sa demande d'adoption être rejetée par des fonctionnaires du ministère des Services à l'enfance de l'Alberta en raison de ses croyances religieuses liées au genre et à la sexualité, lesquelles seraient contraires à la position officielle de la province. (Agence QMI - Journal de Montréal - 6/11/2017)
It's 1984 all over again for Ontario lawyers arguing against compelled speech: The Law Society is forcing its 58,000 members to create a mandatory statement of principles stating their obligation to promote equality, diversity and inclusion . (Christie Blatchford - National Post - 8/11/2017)
Support Dr. Peterson Against Totalitarian Political Correctness! (Culture Guard - 17/10/2017)
British university cuts funding for research on sex-change regret. (Wintery Knight - 7/10/2017)
I'm not "forcing my morality on you" you're forcing your immorality on me. (Matt Walsh - The Blaze - 19/9/2017)
Californie, le Lobby LGBT impose le dénie de la réalité au personnel hospitalier: Californie : les personnels soignants menacés d'amende et même de prison s'ils refusent d'employer les pronoms transgenres. (Jeanne Smits - Paroles de Dieu - 5/9/2017)
Fired Google employee criticizes company's intolerance, alleges potentially illegal practices. (Brandon Morse - The Blaze - 10/8/2017)
Google engineer says the company is intolerant of different viewpoints. So they fired him. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 8/8/2017) -> [Thanks for demonstrating I was right...]
Canada Forces Government Speech and Bans Bible Verses. (Avery Foley - AiG - 6/8/2017)
Yes, LGBT Activists Want to Punish Christian Conservatives: Don't take my word for it. I'm simply quoting the foremost LGBT political donor. (Michael Brown - The Stream - 20/7/2017)
Canadian Christian school under attack for teaching offensive Bible verses. (Justin Haskins - The Blaze - 24/6/2017)
In Canada, Big Brother is Ready to Raid Your Home and Steal Your Child: Canada is just one step ahead of the United States. (Michael Brown - The Stream - 6/6/2017)
Des Albertains veulent interdire les thérapies de conversion. (Camille Martel - Radio-Canada - 17/6/2017)
Christian farmers banned from city market over marriage views: Officials in East Lansing, Mich., crafted a new ordinance to keep the Tennes family from selling their local produce. (Mary Reichard - WorldMag - 6/6/2017)
Totalitarisme Gay au Canada: l'Ontario adopte une loi permettant d'arracher les enfants aux parents chrétiens. (Jeanne Smits - Reinformation.tv - 2/6/2017)
East Lansing bans farmer from selling produce because he opposes gay marriage. (Wintery Knight - 2/6/2017)
Christian student expelled from course for views on gay marriage wins right to fight the university. (Tré Goins-Phillips - The Blaze - 26/4/2017)
UT Arlington student commits suicide after being disciplined for rejecting gay man. (Wintery Knight - 18/4/2017)
Backgrounder: SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity). (Culture Guard - 4/4/2017) -> discussing the violation of parent's rights in Canada
La croisade des LGBT contre la liberté d expression et les distinctions linguistiques immémoriales. (Pour une école libre au Québec - 2/4/2017)
Free Speech bus vandalized by LGBT activists. (Wintery Knight - 26/3/2017)
If your lifestyle is none of my business, stop demanding that I celebrate it. (Matt Walsh - The Blaze - 17/1/2017)
Professeur en Colombie-Britannique licencié pour délit d'opinion. (Pour une école libre au Québec - 9-12-2016)
B.C. teacher fired for having the wrong opinion. (Christie Blatchford - National Post - 7/12/2016)
La Bible considère l'homosexualité comme une abomination. Christine Boutin condamnée en appel pour l'avoir dit ! (InfoChrétienne - 2/11/2016)
Canadian professor warns Americans about conflict between gay rights and free speech. (Wintery Knight - 26/10/2016)
Massachusetts churches sue over 'anti-bias' law: Amended bill would force churches to abide by state s definition of gender and sexuality. (Bonnie Pritchett - WorldMag - 12/10/2016)
What happened to the Christian baker who declined to celebrate redefining marriage? (Wintery Knight - 8/9/2016)
Brendan Eich, Fired From Mozilla for Defending Marriage, Has a Brave New Web Browser. (The Stream - 26/8/2016)
LGBTs vs. First Amendment: The Fight for Religious Freedom Ratchets. (Cheryl Chumley - The Blaze - 9/8/2016)
'Love', not rights: Winning recognition for gay marriage in America was all about spinning the right message. (Susan Olasky - WorldMag - 5/8/2016)
Doctor fired after government hears his sermons: 'They can come after any of us for our beliefs on anything'. (Douglas Ernst - WorldMag - 20/4/2016)
University Reportedly Expels Student From Social Work Course Over Gay Marriage Comment — but He’s Not Backing Down. (Billy Hallowell - The Blaze - 11/4/2016)
Procès en appel des deux chrétiens condamnés en première instance pour homophobie. (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 6/4/2016)
Belgique : Interdiction d’une campagne d’information sur les alternatives à l’avortement. (Gènéthique - 1/4/2016)
University Threatens to Fire Professor for Criticizing a Faculty Member Who Allegedly Silenced Student Who Opposed Gay Marriage. (Carly Hoilman - The Blaze - 29/3/2016)
Comment éviter de se laisser censurer par le biais d’un procès en "phobie" (islamo-, homo-, ou autre). (Atlantico - 20/3/2016 - Extrait de "La langue des médias" d'Ingrid Riocreux, éditions L'Artilleur 2/2)
LGBT activists apply financial lever to Christian colleges. (Nick Eicher - WorldMag - 18/3/2016)
Homophobie : le jugement du tribunal d’Angoulême où en est-on ? (CPDH - 22/2/2016)
State tries to ruin small-town florist who refused 'gay' wedding: 'No one should be faced with this choice'. (Leo Hohmann - WND - 8/2/2016)
A hit list of Christian colleges?: Higher Education | Department of Education grants LGBT lobby’s request to publish Title IX waiver recipients. (J.C. Derrick - World Mag - 25/1/2016)
Christian Farm Owners Fought Back Against $13,000 Fine for Refusing to Host a Gay Wedding but Here’s What Just Happened in Court. (Billy Hallowell - The Blaze - 14/1/2016)
Prominent doc says LGBT opposition got him excised from hospital staff. (Edmund DeMarche - WND - 5/1/2016)
Lawyer for Christian Bakers Who Were Forced to Pay Nearly $137,000 to Lesbian Couple Reveals Most Shocking Element of the Case. (Billy Hallowell - The Blaze - 31/12/2015)
Harvard Professor and Physician Loses Medical Job for Voicing Objections to LGBT Practices. (Carly Hoilman - The Blaze - 31/12/2015)
Condamnée à 5 000 € d’amende pour avoir qualifié l’homosexualité d’« abomination ». (EEPEES - 29/12/2015)
Mark Regnerus on the science of families: Three years after academia rejected his research on same-sex families, the Texas professor reflects on what was gained and lost. (Warren Cole Smith - World Mag - 17/12/2015)
Délibéré du procès des deux chrétiens accusés pour avoir partagé le témoignage d’un ex homosexuel. (InfoChrétienne - 2/11/2015)
From gay parents to prom dates, faith-based schools face LGBT dilemmas. (WorldMag - 1/10/2015)
Une ex-élue marseillaise condamnée pour avoir refusé de marier deux femmes. (Le Figaro - 29/9/2015)
Canada : Un chauffeur de bus évangélique congédié après avoir refusé de conduire un bus aux couleurs de la « Gay pride ». (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 17 septembre 2015)
Jugés pour avoir diffusé le témoignage d’un chrétien ayant quitté l’homosexualité. (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 9/9/2015)
ETATS-UNIS Kim Davis refusait d'enregistrer des unions homosexuelles... (20 minutes - 8/9/2015)
Une greffière du Kentucky opposée au mariage gai condamnée à la prison. (RadioCanada - 3/9/2013)
Etats-Unis : une greffière opposée au mariage homosexuel condamnée à de la prison. (Le Monde - 3/9/2015)
En France, deux chrétiens évangéliques traduits en justice pour un tract présumé homophobe. (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 1/9/2015)
Sweet Cakes bakers send cakes to LGBTQ groups as 'expression of love'. (OregonLive - 20/8/2015)
‘Unbelievable’: Evangelist Franklin Graham Responds to Gov’t Decision to Fine Christian Bakers $135,000 for Declining a Gay Wedding Cake. (TheBlaze - 7/7/2015)
Ontario court upholds Law Society’s decision not to accredit Trinity Western University. (The Star - 2/7/2015) -> An Ontario court has upheld the Law Society of Upper Canada’s decision not to accredit an evangelical Christian law school that forbids students from having sex outside of heterosexual marriage.
Christian print shop wins discrimination case: Kentucky judge rules Blaine Adamson of Hands On Originals isn't guilty of discrimination for refusing to print gay pride T-shirts. (Jamie Dean - Wolrd Mag - 27/4/2015)
Oregon Bakery Must Pay For Refusing To Make Wedding Cake For Lesbian Couple. (Huffington Post - 7/2/2015)
Le fisc doit sévir contre les intégristes religieux, dit François Legault. (La Presse - 4/2/2015)
What a Texas City Is Demanding These Pastors Do With Their Sermons About Homosexuality. (The Blaze - 15/10/2014)
Le parti pris d’une université pour la chasteté pourrait lui coûter sa faculté de droit. (RadioCanada - 26/9/2014)
Le Barreau du N.-B. vote contre une école de droit chrétienne. (La Presse - 139/2014)
Gay Marriagea big stick to beat the church with. (CMI - 5/3/2014)
Feminism's V-Day Eliminates Men, Marriage & Romance—and Kills Sex. (Robin Phillips - Salvo no. 27 - Winter 2013)
BIRTH CONTROL: How Did We Get Here? (The Birth Control Movie - trailer, 3 minutes - 19/3/2013)
Rev. Stephen Boissoin vindicated: court upholds right to express views on homosexuality. (LifeSiteNews - 22/10/2012)
Il est homosexuel et contre le mariage gay Homosexuel, Xavier Bongibault est opposé à l'ouverture du mariage et de l'adoption aux personnes du même sexe. (Benoît de Villeneuve - la Manche Libre - 20/10/2012)
Victory, at last: Stephen Boissoin prevails against Alberta's human-rights censors. (Jonathan Kay - National Post - 19/10/2012)
Chick-Fil-A Day on Wednesday: Supporters Respond to Boycott Over Gay Marriage Comments. (Christian Post - 23/7/2012)
Slave Master: How Pornography & Drugs Changes Your Brain. (Donald L. Hilton, Jr. - Salvo - Summer 2010)
I accuse Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach of anti-Christian bigotry, (TheRebel/Levant - 9/6/2008) [cas: Stephen Boissoin]
Bible Publishers Sued for Anti-Gay References. (Rick Pedraza - NewsMax - 10/7/2008)
The Letter that Started It All. (Canadian Pastor/Blogspot - 21/9/2005) -> discussing the case of pastor Stephen Boissoin.
Bien des gens sont conscients que les valeurs issues du système de croyances judéo-chrétiennes sont de plus en plus attaquées en Occident. On n'a qu'à penser à légalisation de l'avortement et (plus récemment) de l'euthanasie et des bagarres autour du "mariage gai". Mais le but de cette page est de permettre un recul afin de regarder, comme le disent les américains, le "big picture", c'est-à-dire voir les choses dans leur ensemble. S'éloigner des bagarres localisés, pour prendre conscience de l'ensemble de la guerre...
Il faut bien se rendre compte que si, il y a bien des années on pouvait encore légitimement parler d'un «Occident chrétien», depuis plusieurs centaines d'années, la réalité est tout autre. On a eu d'abord la montée d'une élite moderne, issue des penseurs des Lumières. Chez les français, il est représenté par des individus tels qu'Albert Camus ou Michel Onfray et dans le monde anglophone par des individus tels que Hume, les Huxleys, Richard Dawkins ou Christopher Hitchens. Ce sont des penseurs matérialistes, très ancrés dans le mythe d'origines matérialiste, la théorie de l'évolution. Ils méprisent "la religion". Mais ce qu’il faut noter est que le système des Lumières est fondamentalement une RÉACTION au système judéo-chrétien et la tentative d’ériger un système idéologico-religieux alternatif. Les élites postmodernes, pour leur part, poursuivent cette réaction au système judéo-chrétien et vont plus loin encore. Les postmodernes (qui sont très présents dans le monde culturel et dans les sciences sociales), par contre, ne sont pas aussi emmerdants, ni attachés au matérialisme (la matière est TOUT ce qui existe). Les postmodernes sont donc "ouverts" à la religion sous TOUTES ses formes, même l'occultisme et les cultes sataniques, mais ils rejettent de manière absolue l’idée qu’il puisse y avoir un Juste Juge devant qui tous devront rendre des comptes un jour... Si pour les modernes (les disciples des Lumières), la vérité se trouve dans la Science (S majuscule obligatoire) pour les postmodernes, la seule vérité qui leur reste est l'individu, ses pulsions, ses désires...
Si les bagarres autour du "mariage gai" font actuellement les manchettes, et que l'on observe des pressions de plus en plus fortes exercées sur des organismes chrétiens ou sur des commerçants chrétiens pour de se compromettre afin de se laisser mouler par l'idéologie sexuel postmoderne, en examinant les articles signalés dans ce dossier, on constatera que la poussée contre tout vestige de concepts ou de références morales tirés du système de croyances judéo-chrétiennes affecte des choses inattendus comme les recherches en archéologie. Là aussi, toute découverte qui pourraient appuyer le fondement du système judéo-chrétien, c’est-à-dire la Bible, est sujet à une censure (hypocrite) ou à la désinformation... Quelques articles dans cette liste témoignent de cette réalité.
En Occident nous faisons les frais d'une élite raffinée qui aime bien nous faire la morale en nous rappelant notre responsabilité d'être "tolérants". Mais lorsqu'on y regarde de plus près, les grands intolérants ce sont justement nos élites postmodernes! À la question: Qu'est-ce que le postmodernisme?, lisez cet article.
L'intolérance postmoderne peut prendre plusieurs formes, mais il faut surtout prendre conscience où nous mène cette logique, c'est-à-dire vers une situation où pour ceux qui croient vraiment à la vision du monde judéo-chrétienne, la «liberté religieuse» finira par signifier rien d'autre que la possibilité de cultiver un état d'esprit «émotif/intellectuel» particulier, mais sujette à la clause suivante, c'est-à-dire que l'expression de l'une de ces croyances en public sera considéré comme une "offense", une "offense" (au besoin) sujette à des sanctions pénales...