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Le Canada totalitaire ou la République populaire du Canada ?
A Totalitarian Canada or the People's Republic of Canada?

Le nouveau drapeau Canadien...

Beating up protestters

Find the scapegoat...

Dossier Covid19

There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.
(George Orwell - 1984) -> Ebook

Désinformation = discours qui contredit la propagande officielle...

"Why, it is she that has got all Narnia under her thumb. It's she that makes it always winter. Always winter and never Christmas; think of that!"
(C. S. Lewis - The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe - 1950)

Car devant les yeux de Yahweh sont les voies de l'homme; il considère tous ses sentiers. Le méchant est pris dans ses propres iniquités, il est saisi par les liens de son péché. Il mourra faute de correction, il sera trompé par l'excès de sa folie. (Prov. 5: 21-23, v. Crampon)

Under modern conditions any effective invitation to Hell will certainly appear in the guise of scientific planning’—as Hitler’s regime in fact did. Every tyrant must begin by claiming to have what his victims respect and to give what they want. The majority [of people] in most modern countries respect science and want [government] to be planned. And, therefore, almost by definition, if any man or group wishes to enslave us it will of course describe itself as scientific planned democracy.
(C. S. Lewis 1982: 74-75 - On Stories and Other Essays on Literature. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)

On peut toujours espérer bien sûr qu'il y aura de bonnes intentions dans ce qui passera par la tête de gens vides à ce point de raisons d'agir rationnelles ou spirituelles. Je me demande en tout cas si ces bonnes intentions auront beaucoup de poids sans la priorité et l'encouragement que le Tao nous apprend à leur donner, et si elles ne peuvent compter que sur la force et la fréquence de leur occurrence psychologique. Je me demande si l'histoire nous a laissé un seul exemple d'un homme qui soit arrivé au pouvoir après avoir dit adieu à la moralité traditionnelle, et qui ait usé de ce pouvoir pour faire le bien. Je croirais plutôt que les conditionneurs haïront les conditionnés.
(C. S. Lewis - Abolition de l'homme - 1943)

Papers please?

Les vidéos affichant cet image Censored by YouTube ont été censurés par YouTube depuis leur mise en ligne....




Canadian Members of the World Economic Forum (Beyond the Narrative)

Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents

C-250: Nouvelles mesures de censure au Canada. (Samizdat - 2003)

The Letter that Started It All. (CanadianPastor/Blogspot - 21/9/2005) -> discussing the case of pastor Stephen Boissoin

Écoles mennonites et pensée unique au Québec. (Samizdat - 2007)

Les mennonites quitteraient le Québec pour protéger leurs enfants... de Darwin. (Le Devoir - 20/8/2007)

I accuse Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach of anti-Christian bigotry. (TheRebel/Levant - 9/6/2008) [case: Stephen Boissoin]

Tolérance, relativisme et totalitarisme. (Conférence - Paul Gosselin - vidéo, 21 minutes - 3/9/2008)

Éthique et culture religieuse : la nouvelle religion d'État au Québec. (Samizdat - 9/2009)

Quebec's New State religion: Cultural Relativism. (Barbara Kay - PTBC - 17/12/2010)

Details Reveal Crypto Standard Controlled By NSA; And How Canada Helped. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 11/9/2013)

Le fisc doit sévir contre les intégristes religieux, dit François Legault. (La Presse - 4/2/2015)

Canada Passes 'Anti-Terror' Spy Bill, Taking Away Civil Liberties. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 10/6/2015)

France And Canada Both Move to Massively Expand The Surveillance State. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 6/5/2015)

UPDATE on Trinity-Western University's fight against anti-Christian bigotry. (Ezra Levant - 21/6/2016 - RebelMedia)

Canadian professor warns Americans about conflict between gay rights and free speech. (Wintery Knight - 26/10/2016)

Canadian Parliament Condemns Free Speech. (Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden - 10/11/2016)

Professeur en Colombie-Britannique licencié pour délit d'opinion. (Pour une école libre au Québec - 9-12-2016)

B.C. teacher fired for having the wrong opinion. (Christie Blatchford - National Post - 7/12/2016)

Canadian judge bans pro-life ads, because free speech makes people feel bad. (Wintery Knight - 12/1/2017)

Trudeau-Khomeiny entend interdire la critique de l'islam : le Canada bientôt 58ème pays musulman. (Christine Tasin - Résistance républicaine - 19/2/2017)

Des Albertains veulent interdire les thérapies de conversion. (Camille Martel - Radio-Canada - 17/6/2017)

In Canada, Big Brother is Ready to Raid Your Home and Steal Your Child: Canada is just one step ahead of the United States. (Michael Brown - The Stream - 6/6/2017)

Canadian Christian school under attack for teaching offensive Bible verses. (Justin Haskins - The Blaze - 24/6/2017)

Canada Forces Government Speech and Bans Bible Verses. (Avery Foley - AiG - 6/8/2017)

Doctors pressured this [Canadian] woman to die by euthanasia. One year later she is much better. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition – 28/8/2017)

L'Allemagne Nazi et le Québec de 2017 : convergences et divergences (un regard au-delà du mirage postmoderne). (Paul Gosselin - Samizdat - 1/10/2017)

It's 1984 all over again for Ontario lawyers arguing against compelled speech: The Law Society is forcing its 58,000 members to create a mandatorystatement of principles stating theirobligation to promote equality, diversity and inclusion. (Christie Blatchford - National Post - 8/11/2017)

Ils croient que l'homosexualité c'est mal, on leur refuse le droit à l'adoption: EDMONTON Un couple a vu sa demande d'adoption être rejetée par des fonctionnaires du ministère des Services à l'enfance de l'Alberta en raison de ses croyances religieuses liées au genre et à la sexualité, lesquelles seraient contraires à la position officielle de la province. (Agence QMI - Journal de Montréal - 6/11/2017)

Fascism in Canada: grad student dragged into kangaroo court for showing debate clip. (Wintery Knight - 22/11/2017)

Inside Bell's Push to End Net Neutrality in Canada: Documents obtained by CANADALAND reveal a plan to create a not-for-profit corporation responsible for maintaining a blacklist of alleged pirate sites. (Robert Hiltz - CANADALAND - 12/12/2017)

How We Can Restrict Free Speech and Be Just as Free as Canada. (Tom Gilson - The Stream - 31/12/2017)

"I Survived Communism – Are You Ready For Your Turn?" - An important warning for Canada. (Zuzana Janosova Den Boer - Spencer Fernando - 3/1/2019) + traduction automatique, faite par Google.

Canada's prime minister explains why pro-life groups are not eligible for job grants. (Wintery Knight - 13/1/2018)

Ontario Court decision forces doctors to refer patients to death. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 31/1/2018)

Canada : pour bénéficier des subventions emploi d'été, il faut reconnaître les « droits sexuels et reproductifs ». (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 21/3/2018)

Le PQ veut imposer des limites aux dérives sectaires des religions. (Jacques BOISSINOT - ICI Radio-Canada - 23/4/2018)

Vancouver adopte un règlement interdisant la thérapie de conversion. (Dirk Meissner - La Presse - 9/6/2018)

The Supreme Court just enforced conformity... to protect diversity, of course: It used to be that Canadians had the right to go their own way provided they didn't hurt others. The Trinity Western ruling proves that's over. (John Robson - National Post - 19/6/2018)

Canada Bans Christianity From The Classroom. (Baxter Dmitry - YourNewsWire - 22/6/2018)

Canadian Bus Driver Arrested For Criticizing Homosexuality, Faces up to 2 Years in Prison. (Jeremiah Keenan - The Federalist - 28/6/2018)

DPJ retire deux filles à leurs parents sur fond d'instruction à la maison. (Pour une école libre au Québec - 20/7/2018)

La Nouvelle-Écosse veut interdire les «thérapies de conversion». (La Presse - 11/9/2018)

Did #MeToo activists target a top Canadian prof for his blunt lessons about Islam?: Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim was hailed for his 'impressive research and teaching record.' Now he's being refused tenure. (Barbara Kay - National Post - 12/10/2018)

Eliminating the Sufferer: In Canada, Hospital Waiting Room Promotes Euthanasia. (Wesley J. Smith - Evolution New, Discovery Institute - 14/11/20118)

Canada Rejects A Free Press: Supreme Court Says Journalist Must Hand Over Sources. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 3/12/2018)

Anti-gay activist ordered to pay $55,000 to B.C. trans candidate in fight over hateful flyer: The judge said the discrimination was severe and it was an intentional effort to block Morgane Oger from participating in politics based on gender. (David Carigg - National Post - 28/3/2019)

Fascist Canadian Justice Francesca Marzari overrules father's freedoms of thought and speech. (Wintery Knight - 27/4/2019)

Canada Moves to Ban Christians From Demonstrating in Public Under New Anti-Hate Proposal. (Shane Trejo- Big League Politics - 11/5/2019)

Police handcuff and arrest black pastor for preaching plain gospel message. (Blog Winter Knight - 10/6/2019)

Justin Trudeau Wants ‘Significant Penalties’ for Social Media ‘Hate Speech’. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 16/12/2019)

La COVID-19 dangereuse pour la démocratie, dit le lieutenant-gouverneur. (Caroline Plante - La Presse - 22/4/2020)

Les droits en temps de crise – 2e partie. (Louis-Philippe Lampron - ContactUL - 24/4/2020)

Doug Ford gov't won't deny COVID-19 quarantine camps are coming to Ontario.
(Randy Hillier - Rebel-News - YouTube - 5 minutes - 9/10/2020)

Hundreds of Sick Canadians Euthanized for Loneliness. (Wesley J Smith - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 28/7/2020)

Serge Monast, journaliste enquêteur Québecois, disait la vérité depuis longtemps. "1993". (James Heavydayz - FaceBook - 28/9/2020) -> Eh oui, en 1993 Monast décrit notre réalité de 2022 au Canada...

Questions: What's Going On??? [quarantine/isolation camps in Canada: Question from Ontario MP, Randy Hillier]
(YouTube - 3 minutes - 8/10/2020)
Shamefully, Hillier is shut down and ignored...

Tyrannie au Canada: vous refusiez d'y croire? Et bien pleurez maintenant!. (Eric Montana - MediaZone - 26/10/2020)

Un rassemblement sous surveillance. (Yves Poirier - Journal de Montréal - 26/11/2020)

Pastor Pledges to ‘Take Church Underground’ After Facing Fine 100k and Year in Jail For Remaining Open. (Protestia - 24/12/2020) -> Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Une requête judiciaire a été déposée contre le gouvernement de l'Alberta pour mettre fin à la violation des libertés de la Charte des Albertains. (Guy Boulianne - 9/1/2021) -> Canada

Police Suggest Church May Lose Their Charitable Status For Having In-person Services. (Protestia – 15/1/2021) -> Canada

Erin Coates, wife of jailed Canadian Pastor James Coates speaks in front of the jail Feb 20, 2021
(Pastor Henry Hildebrandt - YouTube - 2 minutes - 21/2/2021)

Pastor James Coates Trial set for May 3. (Protestia - 24/2/2021) -> Alberta Canada

Le pasteur canadien en prison : Perspectives divergentes chez les évangéliques. (Paul Gosselin - Samizdat - 1/3/2021)

Breaking! Pastor James Coates Loses Hearing: To Spend 2 Months in Prison. (Protestia - 5/3/2021) -> Alberta Canada

Church of Jailed Pastor Charged Again for Refusing to Turn People Away. (Caldron Pool - 15/3/2021) -> Alberta Canada

Police Show up at GraceLife Church Service and are Barred Entry, Warn Elders of Criminal Charges. (Protestia - 31/3/2021)

'Gestapo Is Not Welcome Here' – Canadian Police Thrown Out of Easter Service by Polish Pastor. (Jack Montgomery - Breitbart - 4/4/2021)

'OUT OF THIS PROPERTY NOW': Police Came To Disrupt A Canadian Church Service And The Pastor Was Not Having it. (Jordan Lancaster - Daily Caller - 4/4/2021)

Police Statement Lies About Pastor Who Went Viral After Kicking Cops from Church. (Protestia - 5/4/2021)

Polish Pastor Who Kicked Police Out of Church Speaks Out: 'Just like The Communists,' 'A Repetition of History' "What happened on Saturday is just the tipping point of the harassment and intimidation I have been enduring for months." (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 6/4/2021)

Canada is drifting towards authoritarianism: Justin Trudeau's government has a shocking lack of respect for fundamental freedoms. (Andrew Sansone - Spiked - 11/5/2021)

Summary on the Police Occupation of GraceLife Church + Who Took the Fences Down. (Protestia - 12/4/2021)

Canadian Church has 26 Charges Before the Courts and Faces $30,000,000 in Fines + Jail Time. (Protestia - 14/4/2021)

'THIS is your future if you don't protect your First Amendment': SHOCKING video shows Canadian police arresting reporters - Reporters are handcuffed, slammed against vehicles and arrested 'because they had cameras pointed at the police'. (Glenn Beck - The Blaze - 14/4/2021)

Justice Centre successfully defends Ontario church against government attempt to lock its doors. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 16/4/2021)

WATCH: Canadians Issue Morse Code 'SOS' Signal Across U.S.-Ontario Border to Protest New Restrictions "We are hostages in our province now." (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 19/4/2021)

'Sickening': Polish Pastor Who Threw 'Gestapo' Calgary Police From Church Gets Another Visit, Kicks Them Out Again "Wake up or Else." (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 25/4/2021)

Pastor confronted by health inspector again, kicks out 'Gestapo' Calagary police from Canadian church. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 25/4/2021)

An Update on the Occupation of GraceLife Church. (Protestia - 27/4/2021)

Steven Guilbeault's platform should be taken down: Guilbeault campaigning to bring internet under greater government control and is lead minister on government's plan to extort cash out of Big Tech. (Terence Corcoran - Financial Post - 28/4/2021)

Pastor Who Chased out 'Gestapo Police' from Church Faces New Warrant. (Protestia - 30/4/2021)

After $40,000,000 in fines, Police to Lock Doors and Take Over Canadian Church. (Protestia - 1/5/2021)

Pastor James Coates' Trial Starts Today: How You Can Watch. (Protestia - 3/5/2021)

Police Disrupt Outdoor Church Service in the Middle of Communion, Ticket Pastor. (Protestia - 3/5/2021)

Manitoba pastor who openly defies pandemic restrictions tells court he has no authority to enforce rules: No authority "based on our Christian convictions" to limit church capacity, order mask-wearing, court told. (Ian Froese - CBC News - 3/5/2021)

GraceLife pastor ticketed in response to sermon critical of Alberta government, lawyer argues 'The best explanation for why that ticket was issued that particular Sunday … is because it was meant to impose a chilling effect on pastor Coates'. (Jonny Wakefield - The National Post - 4/5/2021)

Alberta gov't. ticketed pastor 'after he gave the sermon critical of the government' The judge adjourned the trial to June 7, at which time he will give his decision on the 'Charter breaches and potential remedy' for Pastor James Coates, who defied COVID lockdowns. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite News - 7/5/2021)

POLICE STATE: Watch the moment a SWAT team arrests a Canadian pastor. (RebelNews - 8/5/2021)

Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested for holding church service. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 9/5/2021)

'Nazi Cowards': Calgary Police Arrest Polish Pastor Who Refused to Allow Police, Health Officials to Disrupt Service "You Gestapo psychopaths!". (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 9/5/2021)

Breaking! Jailed Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski Released from Prison (Updated). (Protestia - 10/5/2021)

Police Issue 26 Churchgoers The Steepest Known Fines in North America for Attending Services. (Protestia - 12/5/2021)

Jailed Alberta Pastor Released on Bail; Recounts Harsh Imprisonment And Blasts 'Evil' Canadian Politicians: "We have become political prisoners in Canada because we dare to challenge their corruption..." (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 14/5/2021)

UPDATE: Lawyer says Pastor Tim Stephens unlawfully arrested under amended AHS order. (Rebel News - 16/5/2021)

Ontario euthanasia deaths increase, inspite of COVID lock-down. 24,000 estimated assisted deaths in Canada since legalization. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 17/5/2021)

Canadian pastor jailed while pro-Hamas protesters attacked Jews over weekend. (Andrew Lawton - Rebel News - 17/5/2021)

Another pastor arrested, his church ordered closed for violating COVID-19 rules in Canada. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 18/5/2021)

Breaking: Arrested Canadian Pastor Tim Stephens to be Released from Jail Tonight. (Protestia - 18/5/2021)

Fire! Arsonists Attack Pastor Artur's Home While Children Sleep Nearby. (Protestia - 18/5/2021)

L'état d'urgence sanitaire au service du gouvernement ? (Alex Boissonneault - Radio Can - 18/5/2021)

Bill C-10: Canada's Internet Censorship Bill. (Samuel Sey - Slow to Write - 8/6/2021)

'Our Country is Slipping': Pastor Whose Church Was Locked by Police Warns of Growing State Tyranny. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 10/6/2021)

Canada's Leap From Socialism to Communism. (Rev. Austin Miles - News With Views - 11/6/2021)

Breaking! Pastor Tim Stephens Arrested After Police Helicopters Find Secret Church Location. (Protestia - 14/6/2021)

'Give Unto Caesar': Alberta Pastor Jailed Again After Police Helicopter Finds Secret Church Gathering; Officer Quotes Jesus To Justify Arrest: "The gathering of the church is not Caesar's." (Jon Brown - The Daily Wire - 15/6/2021)

Pastor Tim Stephens to Spend at Least Two Weeks in Jail After Underground Church Discovered. (Protestia - 16/6/2021)

Pastor Faces Six Years in Prison and $600,000 in Fines for Refusing to Turn People Away From His Church. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 17/6/2021)

WHAT A JOKE: Handshakes, laughter illegal in the People's Republic of Peterborough. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 17/6/2021)

"Thin-skinned despots" cracking down on dissenters like Pastor Tim Stephens. (Adam Soos - Rebel News - 17/6/2021)

"Discrimination & bigotry": Adam Soos on why police are targeting pastors. (Rebel News - 17/6/2021)

Pastor Tim Stephens Jailed Until End of Month For Holding Outdoor Church Service. (Caldron Pool - 20/6/2021) -> Alberta

"Somebody wanted to kill us": Lug nuts allegedly loosened on Pastor Artur's truck. (Adam Soos - Rebel News - 23/6/2021)

Surgeon fired by College of Medicine for voicing safety concerns about Covid shots for children. ((Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 23/6/2021) -> Saskatchewan

Senator Hawley Calls on U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom to Consider Adding Canada to Watch List. (Josh Hawley, Senator - 24/6/2021)

Ontario government still seeking punitive enforcement orders against churches, despite province surpassing reopening goals. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 24/6/2021)

Justice Centre challenges governments on science behind lockdowns. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 24/6/2021)

U.S. senator requests Canada investigated for religious freedom violations over Alberta pastors arrests. (Bob Weber - Global News - 25/6/2021)

Canada Bans Unvaccinated Tourists: "I can tell you right now that's not going to happen for quite a while." (Caldron Pool - 9/7/2021)

Depuis mars 2020, le Québec n'est plus une démocratie. (Simon Leduc - QuebecNouvelles.info - 13/7/2021)

Canadian Pastor and Elder Team Ordered by Court to Pay $85,000 In New Fines for Defying Lockdown. (Protestia - 29/7/2021)

American Couple Fined $50,000 For Traveling To Canada With Fake Vaccination Documents. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 31/7/2021)

Toronto man does all the right things when crossing the Canada/U.S. border — but still gets stung with a $6,200 fine! (David Menzies - Rebel News - 31/7/2021)

Canadian Refused Entry To Own Country Despite Proving Strong Natural COVID Immunity And Negative Tests "Let's be clear: The Canadian government, by behaving in this manner, is routinely criminalizing those with Covid antibodies that are not derived from a manufactured experimental vaccine." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 9/8/2021)

Le vaccin contre la COVID-19 sera obligatoire pour tous les fonctionnaires fédéraux: Ottawa exigera aussi une preuve vaccinale pour les voyageurs à bord de vols commerciaux, de trains et de croisières. (Radio-Can - 13/8/2021)

Trudeau's vaccine passports are an affront to liberty: "The ferocity with which authorities and the general public are calling for their fellow citizens to either capitulate or be cast out of functioning society is shocking and irrational." (Lisa Bildy/The Post Millennial - Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 15/8/2021)

Canadian Church Facing $60 Million in Fines Remains Locked Down by Govt, Building Seized. (Protestia - 17/8/2021)

No Mask No Vote: Canadian Officials Threaten to Turn Away Unmasked Voters. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 21/8/2021)

Quebec police illegally seize footage and camera equipment from journalists: Freedom of the press is under attack as police target reporters. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 31/8/2021)

Canada's slide towards corona authoritarianism: Justin Trudeau used to say vaccine passports were divisive and damaging. Now he's embraced them. (Andrew Sansone - Spiked - 1/9/2021)

Patient threatened with withdrawal of life-saving surgery unless she gets Covid shot. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 3/9/2021)

Tyrannie : Justin Trudeau appelle à la condamnation et à la « correction » des personnes non vaccinées. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 5/9/2021)

Quebec Orders All Health-Care Workers to Get Vaccinated or be Suspended Without Pay. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 8/9/2021)

Justin Trudeau admire le régime dictatorial chinois. (Fawkes-News - 11/9/2021)

Ontario gov't polls citizens on support for removing COVID-19 nonconformists from their homes: Ontario Premier Doug Ford's chief pollster also asked citizens if they back 'jailing those who spread disinformation about COVID-19.' (Jack Bingham - LifeSite - 13/9/2021)

Alberta's Health Minister Says Unvaccinated "Will Not Be Permitted to Attend Indoor Private Gatherings". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 8/9/2021)

Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says A plan devised by the Canadian Joint Operations Command relied on propaganda techniques similar to those employed during the Afghanistan war. (David Pugliese/Ottawa Citizen - National Post - 27/9/2021)

Les chefs militaires ont vu dans la pandémie une occasion unique de tester des techniques de propagande sur les Canadiens, selon un rapport des Forces armées Cette affaire se passe au Canada. Mais on imagine très bien que la même chose se passe dans d'autres pays occidentaux, avec ou sans autorisation. (David Pugliese/Ottawa Citizen - Le Saker Francophone - 27/9/2021)

Canadian Gov't Can Now Seize Private Property in the Name of COVID. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 30/9/2021)

(Jason Shurka - Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting - YouTube - 23 minutes - 2/10/2021)
-> This video discusses a Minister's Order published by the government of Saskatchewan (signed by the premier of Saskatchewan Scott Moe, published Sept. 13th, 2021) implementing martial law in this province. This is not a law passed by the MPs of the Sask legislature, but a decree. A decree which would allow setting up travel checkpoints on roads in Saskatchewan, the seizure of farmer's crops, private property or even bank accounts... Item (n) mind-blowingly allows the government to do ANYTHING it likes!!

Une province canadienne publie de nouvelles règles COVID qui permettent au gouvernement de saisir des propriétés privées. (bertruxskydric - SOTT - 3/10/2021)

Le gouvernement canadien peut désormais saisir une propriété privée au nom de la COVID. (Giuseppe - Êtresouverain - 3/10/2021)

Covid Martial Law Declaration In Saskatchewan
(Josh Sigurdson/World Alternative Media - Covid Hoax - BitChute - 42 minutes - 4/10/2021)

Pastor arrested by 'Gestapo' police on airport tarmac issues warning to Americans: Soviet-style tyranny is 'coming for you' if you don't rise up. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 4/10/2021)

The groups speaking out against Trudeau's plans to censor the Internet. (Rebel News - Rebel News - 4/10/2021)

Vaccination obligatoire des travailleurs : Ottawa pourrait forcer la main des provinces. (Journaliste servile et anonyme - RadioCan - 4/10/2021)

Trudeau Bans the Unvaccinated from Leaving the Country and from Earning a Living. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 7/10/2021)

No jab, no joy: Canadian town requires vaccine proof to get married: A marriage license is required to get legally married in Canada, meaning that Oakville's rules effectively prohibit people who refuse the COVID shots from tying the knot. (Matt Lamb - LifeSite - 7/10/2021)

Unvaccinated NBA players who break Canada quarantine rules will face criminal charges: report. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 7/10/2021)

Trudeau Bans the Unvaccinated from Leaving the Country and from Earning a Living. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 7/10/2021)

Ottawa interdira à toutes les personnes non vaccinées de quitter le Canada: Après le 30 novembre, les passagers aériens n'ayant pas reçu deux doses reconnues ne pourront pas se rendre dans un aéroport canadien. (Fannie Bussières McNicoll + Romain Schué - RadioCan - 8/10/2021) -> Tiens, étrange, le mur de Berlin aussi empêchait les gens de quitter le territoire!

Contrôles policiers et ordonnances d'isolement dans des "sites d'isolement sûr" *Saskatchewan, Canada: renforcement du contrôle des mesures sanitaires et du statut vaccinal de la population dans les endroits publics et les milieux de travail par des policiers. (Conscience du peuple - 13/10/2021)

Canada's vaccine mandate is pointless and illiberal Justin Trudeau is riding roughshod over civil liberties for very little gain. (Andrew Sansone - Spiked - 14/10/2021)

BREAKING: New Brunswick pastor arrested for not enforcing COVID restrictions: Pastor Phil Hutchings of His Tabernacle Family Church was arrested for refusing to enforce COVID restrictions on his congregation. (Rebel News - 15/10/2021)

(Not Clickbait!) Canadian Pastor Jailed for NOT Requiring Proof of Vaccination to Attend Church + Sing. (Protestia - 15/10/2021)

Isolation Centers And Vaccine Mandates In Canada. (Greg Reese - Infowars - 16/10/2021) -> Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is helming one of the most tyrannical governments in the West, overseeing COVID quarantine camps and vaccine mandates that are sliding the nation into total medical tyranny.

State Controlled Sermons: Judge Orders Pastor to Preach Health Orders from Pulpit "They're telling me what I can and cannot preach," Pawlowski said. "They're telling me that every time I want to address the public, I have to spew their lie first in order for me to deliver my message. That's China. That's North Korea." (Caldron Pool - 18/10/2021)

Church in the Vine levied $5,000 in penalties for preventing inspectors from interrupting services: Since Alberta Health Services couldn't get in the front door past, they sent another government agency to go after the church. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 18/10/2021)

Saskatchewan sets up COVID snitch line, detainment centres and enforcement team The province is implementing a user-friendly 'snitch line' reporting system online, for citizens who wish to report individuals or businesses breaking COVID-19 rules or mandates. (Kelly Lamb - Rebel News - 25/10/2021)

When the State Tells Pastors What to Tell Their Congregations: If a pastor in England in the 1630s, or in Canada in the 2020s, can be compelled to speak certain messages at the state's command, then religious liberties are at risk. (Forrest L. Marion - The Aquila Report - 25/10/2021)

Les Québécois en route vers une identité numérique par reconnaissance biométrique. (Olivier Bossé - Le Soleil/Tribune numérique - 28/10/2021)

'Safety and security' is the battle cry of the new fascists. (John Carpay - Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 31/10/2021)

Alberta government overrules doctor, refuses COVID antibody testing to prove man had COVID. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 1/11/2021)

Camps d'Internement au Canada. Journaliste sur place. (Rebel News - 3 minutes - 6/11/2021)

HEARTBREAKING: 7-year-old refused critical medical care over valid mask exemption 7-year-old Zander suffered a complete fracture of his shoulder, and his mother is struggling to access adequate treatment because of health-care providers' refusal to accommodate her son's medical mask exemption. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 16/11/2021)

Website Blocking Comes to Canada With Federal Court Ruling: Consumer advocates fear a new era of web censorship. (Daniel Tencer - Huff Post - 18/11/2021)

Canada's largest school board bullies its teachers to get double vaccinated — or else! Teachers with the TDSB are now dismissed as "Covidiots" thanks to not wanting to get jabbed. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 22/11/2021)

Canadian pro-life and medical freedom protestors could face 10 years in jail under proposed bill Bill C-3 intends to amend the Criminal Code of Canada. (Kennedy Hall - LifeSite - 1/12/2021)

New Brunswick Grocery Stores Given Power to Ban the Unvaccinated: No jab, no food. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/12/2021)

Canadian Province Demands Forced Medication to Attend Church And Buy Groceries: The United States' once placid and benign neighbor to the north has been inching dangerously close toward authoritarianism. (Kiyan Kassam - The Federalist - 15/12/2021)

Canada Strikes Again: Allows Lawsuit Against Twitter to Proceed Over Speech of Twitter Users. (Mike Masnick - Techdirt - 16/12/2021)

POLICE STATE: Trudeau's RCMP bodyguards shut down independent press. (Rebel News - Twitter - 18/12/2021) -> This is exactly the kind of behaviour you would expect from a Mafia capo (and not from a Canadian Prime Minister)...

Canadian gov't used cell phone towers to spy on more than 33 million citizens during COVID The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) claimed the tracking was done to understand the 'public's responsiveness during lockdown measures.' (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 22/12/2021)

COVID Responses Defy Canadian Constitution, Says Last Living Architect of 1982 Legal Framework Former premier Brian Peckford says provincial governments are overriding Canadians' rights amid the pandemic. (Lee Harding - The Epoch Times - 22/12/2021)

Canadians should have "zero trust" after feds spied on 33M devices: privacy expert. (Cosmin Dzsurdzsa - True North - 22/12/2021)

Le gouvernement Canadien aurait espionné 33 millions d'appareils mobiles de citoyens durant les confinements. (Cosmin Dzsurdzsa - Québec Nouvelles - 27/12/2021)

Gov't Can't Be Trusted With Cellphone Tracking Amid Pandemic: Former Ontario Privacy Commissioner. (Noé Chartier - The Epoch Times - 29/12/2021)

Les non-vaccinés privés d'assurance-emploi tant que la pandémie est au premier plan. (journaliste servile - Radio Canada - 30/12/2021)

First interview with Artur Pawlowski after release from jail following latest arrest We now bring you an exclusive interview with Pastor Artur and Dawid mere hours after their latest release from jail. They filled us in on some new details about the arrest and their treatment behind bars. (Adam Soos - Rebel News - 22 minutes - 3/1/2022)

Dictature sanitaire : les églises du Québec fermées, sauf pour les funérailles. (Alain de TINTENIAC - Medias-Presse.info - 3/1/2022)

Quebec Under Curfew, Unvaxx'd Banned From Buying Booze, Marijuana. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/1/2022)

Vaccination obligatoire: aucun juge n'irait à l'encontre. (François-David Bernier - Journal de Québec - 12/1/2022) -> «Dans ce cas bien précis, la loi a des dents et permet même qu'on puisse procéder, via une dénonciation faite à un juge, à une forme d'arrestation des non-vaccinés pour [qu'ils soient] amenés dans un centre de vaccination et [...] vaccinés de force, tout comme on peut le faire pour une personne en difficulté mentale, via une ordonnance du tribunal, pour [qu'elle soit] traitée de force pour troubles mentaux», dit Me Boily.

Unvaccinated parents and their 4-year-old leukemia patient son to be evicted from Ronald McDonald House over vaccine status NEWS 'Some kind of crazy evil like I've never seen in my life'. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 13/1/2022)

Bioethics Professor to The Unvaccinated: "We Cannot Allow You to Circulate Freely": "You made the choice not to get the vaccine," she says. (Kelen McBreen - Infowars - 13/1/2022)

87% of Canadians had their cellphone location data secretly accessed by Public Health Canada to monitor their movement during the pandemic. (Rebel News - Twitter - 14/1/2022)

Supermarkets Report Food Shortages After Canada Imposes Trucker Vax Mandate. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 19/1/2022)

Why I am no longer a tenured professor at the University of Toronto: The appalling ideology of diversity, inclusion and equity is demolishing education and business. (Jordan Peterson - National Post - 19/1/2022)

Ontario court rules father cannot criticize COVID vaccines around 10-year-old son Anything that 'calls into question the safety or efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine' is not allowed, the Ontario Superior Court ruled. (Dakota Christensen - Rebel News - 20/1/2022)

Canadian Restaurant Forced to Close Dining Room Over Accepting Dog Pics as Proof of Vaccine. (Dillon Burroughs - DailyWire - 21/1/2022)

Non-respect des restrictions : des mères en font les frais dans une PN du Manitoba. (journaliste servile - Radio-Canada - 22/1/2022)

Unvaccinated to be Accompanied by Staff in Walmart to Make Sure They Don't Buy Anything Other Than Food & Pharma: Details of Quebec's draconian new vaccine passport scheme revealed. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 25/1/2022)

Canada has Fallen – Unvaccinated must be accompanied at all times by a staff member whn visting a retail store for essentials: Quebecers headed to IKEA, Wal-Mart, Costco, Canadian Tire and other big retail stores now have to show proof of vaccination and government-issued ID at the door. (THE EXPOSÉ - 25/1/2022)

Canadian Walmarts Install Vaccine Passport Scanner Booths to Screen Customers Welcome to the new normal. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 27/1/2022)

Canadian Province Bans Support Protests of Trucker 'Freedom Convoy,' Jordan Peterson Unloads: 'Beware'. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 29/1/2022)

Fitzgibbon en faveur d'un élargissement du passeport vaccinal: Le passeport vaccinal devrait être étendu à d'autres commerces, selon le ministre Pierre Fitzgibbon. (Geneviève Lajoie [journaliste servile] - TVA Nouvelles - 1/2/2022)

Convoi des camionneurs : GoFundMe convoquée à un comité des Communes. (journaliste servile - Radio-Canada - 3/2/2022)

Canadian soldiers cautioned against showing any support for trucker protest. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 4/2/2022)

Justin Trudeau's Brother Admits He Is 'Pawn' of New World Order Who Performs Scripts Written By Global Elites. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 5/2/2022)

Shock Video: Ottawa Police Assault, Arrest Elderly Man For Honking Horn. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 7/2/2022)

Coronavirus Police Threaten Arrests For People Giving Fuel to Freedom Convoy: Authorities try to tighten grip on demonstrators. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 7/2/2022)

Canadian Court Freezes Freedom Convoy GiveSendGo Donations. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 10/2/2022)

The Tyranny of Trudeau: The truckers are teaching him an overdue lesson in the limits of government. (George Neumayr - The American Spectator - 10/2/2022)

State of emergency declared in Ontario amid Canadian truckers convoy: 'This is a pivotal, pivotal moment for our nation'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 11/2/2022)

Canadian cop visits woman's home, admits police are monitoring her Facebook group, hands her info on 'peaceful protests': 'Nice to know that we're being watched'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 11/2/2022) -> Canada now has it's own Gestapo/KGB...

He "Sounds Like Hitler" - Bill Maher Blasts Trudeau Over "Do We Tolerate...Unacceptable Views" Comments. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 12/2/2022)

Canada is slipping further down the slope to tyranny Ezra discusses Canada's authoritarian ways as of late, and how the country is currently at a point of slipping even further down the slope toward all-out tyranny. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 12/2/2022)

BREAKING: Police sabotage heavy equipment at Coutts Police confirmed that they were behind the damage caused to vehicles on private land in Coutts, Alberta. (Rebel News - 13/2/2022) -> Canadian police involved in criminal activities???

Trudeau, premiers discussing Emergencies Act to battle blockades across Canada: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is consulting the premiers about using the Emergencies Act as antigovernment blockades continue to paralyze Ottawa and shutter multiple border crossings with the United States. (The Canadian Press/MSN - 14/2/2022) -> note that not too long ago the Emergencies Act used to be called the "War Measures Act"...

Manifestations et blocages : Ottawa invoque la Loi sur les mesures d'urgence. (journaliste totalement servile - Radio-Canada - 14/2/2022)

Trudeau to Unleash Never-Before-Used 'Emergency Powers Act' to Counter Protests As US-Canada Bridge Reopens. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 14/2/2022) -> So Justin Trudeau is declaring WAR on Canadian citizens vor expressing "undesirable" political views?????

Trudeau invokes emergency powers to end Freedom Convoy protests. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 14/2/2022)

Ezra Reacts to Trudeau's Suspension of Civil Liberties. (Ezra Levant - Rumble - 75 minutes - 14/2/2022)

Free Speech Becomes Roadkill In The Crackdown on Canadian Truckers. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/2/2022)

GiveSendGo Hacked, Donor List to $8.6 Million Freedom Convoy Exposed. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 14/2/2022) -> a case of State Terrorism?

Trudeau Targets Crowdfunding Platforms, Cryptocurrencies Under 'Terrorist Financing' Rules. (Jordan Dixon-Hamilton - Breitbart - 14/2/2022)

Tucker: Trudeau has declared Canada a dictatorship
(Tucker Carlson - Fox News - YouTube 5 minutes - 14/2/2022)

Convoi de la liberté Canada : Justin Trudeau va geler les comptes bancaires des manifestants. (FranceSoir - 15/2/2022)

'These Very Powers … Are Why We Are Here': Canadian Protesters 'Dig Their Heels In' Against Trudeau's Crackdown. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 15/2/2022)

Freedom Convoy Organizers Say They Notified Police After Being Told "Nefarious Elements" Plan to Discredit Protest. (Katabella Roberts/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/2/2022)

Trudeau's State Media Labels 'Freedom' A "Far Right" Concept: CBC piece claims freedom is now a "malleable term" and is "open to interpretation". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 15/2/2022)

Canada invokes Emergencies Act to seize convoy funding. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 15/2/2022)

Watch: Justin Trudeau Expresses 'Admiration' for China in Resurfaced Video. (Breccan F. Thies - Breitbart - 15/2/2022)

RCMP and Ontario Provincial Police set to take over law enforcement of protests in Ottawa Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said that the government is setting up an integrated command centre for the RCMP and the OPP to share and assume command and control over the ongoing protests. (Ian Miles Cheong - Rebel News - 15/2/2022)

Martial Law In Canada: It's Never Been Riskier To Not Own Bitcoin. (Mark Jeftovic/BombThrower - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/2/2022)

Flashback: Trudeau Says The Country He Most Admires Is China Because of Its Dictatorship. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 15/2/2022)

Trudeau Admits Real Purpose of Emergency Powers Is So Canadians Learn 'Consequences' of 'Breaking the Law'. (Jamie White - Infowars - 15/2/2022)

Trudeau Declares Himself Dictator! (Darrin McBreen - Infowars - 15/2/2022)

If Canada's Crackdown on The Freedom Convoy Spirals Out of Control, Trudeau Will Bear The Blame. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 15/2/2022)

What is Canada's Emergencies Act, invoked against 'Freedom Convoy'? PM Justin Trudeau will use sweeping powers to crack down on truckers protesting against his Covid-19 mandates. (RT News - 15/2/2022)

Report: Tow-Truck Drivers Could Face Arrest For Refusing To Help Clear Canadian Freedom Convoy Trucks. (Dillon Burroughs - DailyWire - 16/2/2022)

Justin Trudeau: a liberal despot The Canadian PM has invoked emergency powers to crush the truckers' peaceful protest. (Meghan Murphy - Spiked - 16/2/2022)

Canada Orders Freeze of 34 Cryptocurrency Accounts Connected To 'Freedom Convoy'. (John Rigolizzo - DailyWire - 16/2/2022)

Canadian parents could face fines or jail time for bringing children to 'unlawful' Freedom Convoy protests under new emergency powers act . (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 16/2/2022)

Ottawa police are ticketing Freedom Convoy protesters, warning them to leave or face arrest. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 16/2/2022)

Report: Extremists Threaten to Throw Bricks at Cafe Owner ID'd in Alleged Freedom Convoy Hack. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 16/2/2022)

Freedom Convoy Protesters Are About to Get Arrested en Masse. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 16/2/2022) -> So Trudeau really wants to demonstrate to the world that Canadians live in a totalitairian State where dissident political opinions are NOT tolerated...

Loi d'urgence au Canada : vers le blocage des comptes bancaires des manifestants ? (Arnaud Florac - BVoltaire - 16/2/2022)

Dictator joins hacker, Big Banks, Big News Media and Big Tech to destroy liberty. (Wintery Knight - 17/2/2022)

Very Moving Interview: Canadian Owner of Stella Luna Cafe in Ottawa Tammy Giuliani Joins @JesseBWatters to Discuss The Harassment She & Her Family Have Faced For Giving Money To The Freedom Convoy. (The Columbia Bugle - Twitter - 7minutes - 17/2/2022)

Trudeau's Trucker Terrorists: Why The Emergency Powers Endanger The Rights of All Groups. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 17/2/2022)

Bank Run? Canada's Top Banks Mysteriously go Offline. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/2/2022)

In Show of Force, Ottawa Police Issue Formal Warnings, Set up 'Secured Area' Around 'Freedom Convoy'. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 17/2/2022)

Canadian Freedom Convoy Organizer Chris Barber Arrested in Ottawa. (Paul Bois - Breitbart - 17/2/2022)

Canada Police to Send Names of Trucker Protesters to Financial Institutions. (Simon Kent - Breitbart - 17/2/2022)

Convoy Chaos: Organizers Arrested, Dogs Threatened, Accounts Frozen And Govt. Sued. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/2/2022)

Society vs State: Canada Reveals the Core Conflict of Our Age. (David McGrogan - The Brownstone Institute - 17/2/2022)

Trudeau Does Not Want To End The Protests Peacefully. He Wants Violence. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 17/2/2022)

Elon Musk crée la polémique en comparant Justin Trudeau à Adolf Hitler. (RT France - 17/2/2022)

Ottawa Police Begin Making Arrests to Squash Freedom Convoy "Unlawful Demonstration". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/2/2022)

Justin Trudeau's phoney dictatorship Relying on emergency powers reveals his weakness. (Malcom Kyeyune - UnHerd - 17/2/2022)

Revenge of the Technocrats: How Canada's Liberal Party Became an Appendage of the Great Reset. (Matthew Ehret - Canadian Patriot - 17/2/2022)

Trudeau admet que le véritable objectif de la loi martiale est de « terrifier les Canadiens » pour qu'ils se soumettent. (Anguille sous roche - 17/2/2022)

Trudeau's Harsh Response to Peaceful Trucker Protest is A Fool's Move. (Matthew Garnett - The Federalist - 18/2/2022)

Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in North America. (Matthew Ehret - Off-Guardian - 18/2/2022)

Canadian Parliament cancels meeting as police clear out protesters. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 18/2/2022)

Son of Political Prisoner Held Without Bond in Canada Calls for Peaceful Resistance. (Infowars - 18/2/2022)

Dictator Trudeau Officially Declares War on Freedom... and It Gets Worse. (Dan Bongino - FaceBook - 18/2/2022)

Trudeau and his police are the unchecked dictators of Canada: "They fired the Ottawa Police chief the other day. No reasons given. I think I know why — he wasn't prepared to get violent against peaceful protesters. So they found a cop dirty enough to do whatever Trudeau says." (Rebel News - 19/2/2022)

Video: Canadian MP CENSORED For Pointing Out WEF's Corrupt Influence Over Trudeau's Gov't. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 19/2/2022)

Ottawa Police on Horseback Trample Peaceful Protesters, Accuse Victims of Exhibiting 'Assaultive Behavior'. (Chris Menahan/Information Liberation - InfoWars - 19/2/2022)

Une employée du gouvernement de l'Ontario licenciée pour avoir contribué à hauteur de 100 $ au Convoi de la liberté. (Anguille sous roche - 19/2/2022)

The Fall of Canada, The Danger in the US: Understanding Martial Law. (Dr Naomi Wolf - Outspoken - 19/2/2022)

Trudeau's Power Grab and the Roots of the Fabian Society of Canada (Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly). (The Canadian Patriot - 123 minutes - 19/2/2022)

Canada's Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland (a trustee of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum) says they plan to make some of Canada's new & unprecedented emergency powers, permanent: "We will be putting forward measures to put those tools PERMANENTLY in place". (@MaajidNawaz - Twittter - 19/2/2022)

More On The Canadian Disease: What is happening in Canada right now is shocking. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 19/2/2022)

Trudeau Is Now an Authoritarian: The liberties guaranteed by the Canadian Constitution are now subject to his veto. (Shmuel Klatzkin - The American Spectator - 19/2/2022)

#BlackfaceHitler Trends as Justin Trudeau's Government Cracks Down on Truckers. (Virginia Kruta - DailyWire - 20/2/2022)

Justin Trudeau's Declaration of Martial Law Awakens World to Great Reset Takeover: Joe Rogan says it's "bizarre" how politicians openly brag about the Great Reset while at the same time insisting it's just a "conspiracy theory." (Infowars - 20/2/2022)

Ottawa Police Chief: Protesters Will be Hunted Down and Punished Even if They 'Retreat And go Home'. (Jamie White - Infowars - 20/2/2022)

Video: Canadian MP CENSORED For Pointing Out WEF's Corrupt Influence Over Trudeau's Gov't. (Jamie White - Infowars - 20/2/2022)

The Naked Face of New Normal Fascism. (CJ Hopkins - The Consent Factory - 20/2/2022)

Trampling The Truckers – The Great Reset Becomes The Great Awakening. (Tom Luongo/Gold, Goats, 'n Guns - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 20/2/2022)

PICS: More Arrests as Canadian Cops Sweep Through Ottawa with Clubs, Stun Grenades, Rifles. (Jack Montgomery - Breitbart - 20/2/2022)

Video: Canadian MP's Audio Feed CUT When He Asks Why Klaus Schwab Brags About Having "Infiltrated" Parliament Elected representative demanded to know which members of the Canadian cabinet are loyal to globalist Schwab. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 21/2/2022)

Why is the left silent on Trudeau's crackdown? Civil liberties have been sacrificed to the culture war. (Heydon Prowse - Spiked - 21/2/2022)

'Not Over': Trudeau Won't Relinquish Emergency Powers Despite Disbanded Convoy. (Virginia Kruta - DailyWire - 21/2/2022)

Bitcoin wallet exposes ineptitude of Canadian gov't with blistering response after court tries to freeze crypto assets. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 21/2/2022)

Canadian police vow to 'identify' Freedom Convoy protesters and issue 'financial sanctions and criminal charges' . (Samuel Mangold-Lenett - The Blaze - 21/2/2022)

Horowitz: Red states should offer asylum to persecuted Canadian truckers. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 21/2/2022)

'Stop Policing Thoughts' – Globalist Economist Magazine Turns on Trudeau. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 21/2/2022)

Ottawa Mayor Proposes to Sell Confiscated 'Freedom Convoy" Trucks. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 21/2/2022)

Decorated Canadian Veteran And Pastor: Trudeau Has Declared War On His Own People. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 21/2/2022)

Canadian Parliament approves of emergency powers to shut down trucker protest. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 21/2/2022)

Canada under the Emergencies Act, and Trudeau says we may stay that way Justin Trudeau put in a form of martial law to deal with peaceful protesters in Ottawa. The protest is done, but Trudeau wants to keep the emergency powers! (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 21/2/2022)

Canadian MP silenced, branded "disinformation" after questioning WEF influence. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 21/2/2022)

The End of Democracy and the Rise of Full-Tilt Tyranny. (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 22/2/2022)

The Gathering Storm In The West. (Victor Davis Hanson/AmGreatness - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/2/2022)

Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada says freedom is not unlimited and the Ottawa trucker convoy showed an 'ugly side of freedom' NEWS "Our governments must draw the difficult lines that mark the limits of freedom in a particular situation". (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 22/2/2022)

Leading Israeli Doctors Slam Trudeau for Equating Freedom Convoy Protesters with Nazis. (Joshua Klein - Breitbart - 22/2/2022)

Canadian Lawmaker Claims Single Mom Had Bank Account Frozen After Donating $50 To Freedom Convoy. (Katabella Roberts/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/2/2022)

When Boring People Turn Dangerous: Taibbi On Canada's Insane Power Grab. (Matt Taibbi/TK News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/2/2022)

Canada Extends Trudeau's Emergency Powers... After The Protest Has Ended. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/2/2022)

Le discours du sénateur Jean-Guy Dagenais (Ex policier)
(Québec Intégrité - YouTube - 15 minutes - 22/2/2022)

Jordan Peterson Tells Canadians to Withdraw Bank Funds to Avoid Trudeau Tyranny. (Joshua Klein - Breitbart - 23/2/2022)

Trudeau Revokes Emergency Powers Act. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 23/2/2022)

BOOM, Trudeau Reversal Motive Surfaces – Canadian Banking Association Was Approved by World Economic Forum to Lead the Digital ID Creation. (Sundance - The Conservative Treehouse - 23/2/2022)

Unvaccinated son prevented from caregiving for mother in long-term care: Jordy Hough serves as both his mother's power of attorney and essential caregiver. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 24/2/2022)

Proposed Canadian Law Would Penalize INTENT to Commit Online 'Hate Speech'. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 24/2/2022)

Cops block delivery of massive anti-Emergencies Act petition to Senate One police officer in Ottawa initially waved us past the checkpoint. But his superior officer immediately trumped that approval. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 24/2/2022)

Is Canada Becoming North America's Cuba? (Dennis Prager - The Stream - 24/2/2022)

Canada's Descent Into the Abyss And unlike the radical left activists that Trudeau has supported and not enacted emergency power over, the recent truck convoy did not result in one building being burned to the ground, any looting taking place, any businesses being attacked, or anyone being murdered. 'Worst. Terrorists. Ever.' (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 25/2/2022)

Trudeau's Emergency Act Sent A Shockwave Through The Cryptocurrency World. (Chris Brunet - Daily Caller - 25/2/2022)

Gel des comptes en Bitcoin : nouvelle arme contre les « dissidents » ? (Benoît Bailleul - Android MT - 25/2/2022)

39 Trucking Businesses Shut Down by Ontario Transportation Ministry for Involvement in 'Freedom Convoy' Protests. (Infowars - 25/2/2022)

The tyranny of Trudeau. (Douglas Murray - The Spectator - 26/2/2022)

Jordan Peterson, Brian Peckford and the Charter. (Catholic Insight - 27/2/2022)

Before the Russian Distraction Completely Overtakes Us, Can We Reiterate What We Just Saw in Canada? Don't get distracted from what's actually happening here at home. (Les Lanphere - Caldron Pool - 28/2/2022)

The Government From Hell. (David Solway - PJMedia - 28/2/2022) -> The fact is that the government from hell is working to transform a democratic nation into a police state and normalize totalitarian rule without having to mobilize the military and scramble its jet fighters. It moves subtly, insidiously, through legislation, decree, deception, legal subterfuge, financial penalties, and targeted defamation.

Canadian Bill Would Ban Suspected Intent to Commit 'Hate Speech' Online: Bill would allow courts to punish Canadians for things they hadn't even done yet. (Infowars - 1/3/2022)

The New Canadian Despotism: Besides using guns and brute force, the Trudeau regime also has weaponized banking. (Craig Duddy/Mises Institute - Infowars - 1/3/2022)

Canada's finance intelligence expert admits Freedom Convoy donors posed no threat: Yet, they were cut off from financial services. (Didi Rankovic/Reclaim The Net - InfoWars - 2/3/2022)

There is no war in Canada. But Trudeau is using the war in Ukraine as an excuse to bring in censorship — in Canada. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 3/3/2022)

Ohio state legislature introduces resolution urging Canada be placed on religious liberty watch list The resolution cited the ongoing treatment of Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who along with his brother have been repeatedly arrested after he refused to limit church attendance, as he was ordered to by a court. (Ian Miles Cheong - Rebel News - 5/3/2022)

Canadian banks say Freedom Convoy backers' frozen accounts will be flagged for life 'There would be something in the file indicating a freeze had taken place,' said the Canadian Bankers Association on Monday. (Jack Bingham - LifeSite - 8/3/2022)

WATCH: Democracy Doesn't Work Unless Citizens Think for Themselves; What does it mean to be Canadian? What makes a law a law? And what force does the Canadian Constitution really have? (Julie Ponesse & Bruce Pardy - Rebel News - 58 minutes - 9/3/2022)

Mesures coercitives contre la COVID-19: L'approche du Québec était inutilement punitive, selon une étude. (Pierre St-Arnaud - La Presse - 11/3/2022)

Trudeau Advisor Claims Freedom Convoy Protestors Wanted to Overthrow Government. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 12/3/2022)

If the lockdowns are over, why is Pastor Artur Pawlowski still in jail? (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 14/3/2022)

Two weeks to flatten the curve, two years to flatten our freedoms. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 15/3/2022)

Trudeau announces millions of dollars to attack news agencies he doesn't like. Gee, I wonder if that means us! (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 16/3/2022)

Russell Brand Calls Out Trudeau: If You Practice Authoritarianism Don't Preach Democracy. (Will & Amala LIVE/PragerU - DailyWire - 17/3/2022)

Pilots still face termination: The link between vax mandates and digital ID Greg Hill is a Canadian airline pilot and a military veteran who is co-founder and Director of Free2Fly, an initiative started by aviation professionals to stand alongside passengers in defence of freedom to travel and bodily autonomy. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 18/3/2022)

Croatian Politician HUMILIATES Trudeau! Calls Him DICTATOR to His Face!!!
(Dr. Steve Turley - YouTube - 2 minutes - 23/3/2022)

Mr. Trudeau, you are a disgrace to any democracy! (Christine Anderson - FaceBook - 1 minute - 23/3/2022) -> Anderson is a German MEP

Several Members of European Parliament SHREDDED Justin Trudeau — and they weren't wrong: Sheila Gunn Reid and David Menzies shared their reactions to the lambasting of Canada's prime minister and discussed the Canadian legacy media's reaction to Trudeau's embarrassing evisceration before the whole of the European Parliament. (Rebel News - 6 minutes - 26/3/2022)

BREAKING: Randy Hillier released from jail: The Ontario MPP was charged for actions during the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 28/3/2022)

Former Polish political prisoner: Pastor Artur is right to protest for freedom: At first, Regina Gorman, a fellow Polish immigrant to Canada, thought Pastor Artur Pawlowski was too radical. Now, after two years of the pandemic, she admits her opinion has changed. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 30/3/2022)

The Trudeau government moves to regulate the news media. (Marc Morano - Rebel News - 6/4/2022)

Trudeau's hand-picked censors declare that only 1% of what Rebel News publishes is news — so they won't give us a government news licence. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 6/4/2022)

Persecution in Ontario: Representatives in Ohio And Silence From Our Own MPP. (Jacob Reaume - Pastor'sBlog/Trinity Bible Chapel - 6/4/2022)

Liste des abonnements aux nouvelles numériques admissibles. (site officiel du Gouvernement du Canada - 12/4/2022) -> liste des médias canadiens achetés par le gouvernement canadien... Il s'agit de la liste de l'Agence du revenu du Canada des entreprises médiatiques qui sont autorisées par Trudeau, avec le QCJO. C'est ce que Trudeau appelle des journalistes "de confiance". Comme dans - il peut leur faire confiance. Ils sont "approuvés" - le QCJO est une sorte de licence. Et avec cette licence, vous obtenez de l'argent du gouvernement. Et vous aurez bientôt de l'argent de Facebook et Google, extrait par le gouvernement. Et, bientôt, vous aurez vos histoires boostées sur Internet par Facebook et Google, par ordre de la loi canadienne.

Justin Trudeau is determined to censor the internet: Ezra Levant discusses Justin Trudeau's plans for online censorship on The Candice Malcolm Show. (Rebel News - 32 minutes - 13/4/2022)

Twitter is Worried About Free Speech… In Canada. (Leif Le Mahieu - DailyWire - 22/4/2022)

Le Canada a utilisé la pandémie de COVID-19 pour s'aligner sur l'agenda du Forum économique mondial. (Ethan Huff - Cogiito - 24/4/2022)

EXCLUSIVE: Trudeau appoints Liberal donor judge to review use of Emergencies Act. (Kenan Bexte - The Counter Signal - 25/4/2022)

Urgent livestream on Bill C-11
(Wazooloo - YouTube - 82 minutes - 30/4/2022)

UPDATE: Ottawa police begin arresting Rolling Thunder demonstrators. (The Counter Signal - 30/4/2022)

Liberals Used Emergencies Act to End Convoy Protests to Quell Support in Party's 'Home Base' of Québec. (The Epoch Times - 6/5/2022)

Coup d'État : Le plus grand scandale de l'histoire du Canada. La gauche radicale au Canada est mise à nu, et les grands médias l'ignorent. (Abraham Blondeau - Guy Boulianne - 8/5/2022)

Health Authorities Tracked Movements of Canadians via Cellphones During Pandemic PHAC claims data was anonymized. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 9/5/2022)

'This is something I escaped from': Former Iranian political prisoner speaks out during Ottawa rally Salman shares his thoughts on both the trucker convoy and the Rolling Thunder rally in contrast to his experiences in Iran. (Lincoln Jay - Rebel News - 10/5/2022)

BREAKING: Justin Trudeau caught funding the World Economic Forum with tax money. (Kenan Bexte - The Counter Signal - 11/5/2022)

Horror: Tyrannical Government of Canada Will Pay to Euthanize Those Who Are "Too Poor to Continue Living With Dignity". (Julian Conradson - The Gateway Pundit - 12/5/2022)

Former political prisoner tells Dr. Bonnie Henry that isolation from unvaccinated, hospitalized loved ones worse than torture 'I'm a prisoner here in the hospital like when I was imprisoned in Chile with the dictatorship [of] Augusto Pinochet' said Jose Sanzana during a desperate video plea to B.C's public health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 20 minutes - 18/5/2022)

The Freedom Convoy & the Collapse of Canadian Liberalism. (Ray McGinnis - Off-Guardian - 23/5/2022)

Why do they want a digital ID? (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 27/5/2022)

Toronto's decrepit airport practices an emergency police response — not against terrorists, but against peaceful protesters. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 30/5/2022)

Health Canada is hiring for the Centre for Immunization Surveillance Health Canada has confirmed to The Counter Signal that they are hiring for the Centre for Immunization Surveillance as part of the Vaccine Rollout Task Force, which will gather the health data of millions of Canadians across the country. (Kenan Bexte - The Counter Signal - 30/5/2022)

Did you take part in the Freedom Convoy? Maybe you were WIRETAPPED like this retired cop Rob Stocki, a veteran of the Ottawa Police Service, was recently notified that the government spied on his communications. Were you spied on too? Let us know! (David Menzies - Rebel News - 31/5/2022)

Trudeau predicts new variants, says mandates must stay. (The Counter Signal - 2/6/2022)

MP Wagantall 'Blown Away by Incredible Response' After Being Removed From Parliament Hill for Not Revealing Vaccination Status. (Lee Harding - The Epoch Times - 7/6/2022)

OH and Canada. (Steve Jordahl - American Family News - 9/6/2022)

People Do Not Have 'The Absolute Right to Own Private Property', Says Canadian Attorney General. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 9/6/2022)

Justice Centre warns federal government it is illegally denying EI benefits based on vaccine status. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 14/6/2022)

Trudeau's hand-picked censorship commissars want to go even further than he does. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 20/6/2022)

Thousands of Canada Post employees STILL out of work due to vaccine mandates. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 25/6/2022)

Security accosts Rebel News journalist and warns to not ask tough questions: On June 24, 2022, when William Diaz-Berthiaume was speaking to Liberal politicians about Bill C-21, and asking difficult questions, Parliament security accosted the reporter and told him to essentially refrain from asking tough questions. (William Diaz-Berthiaume - Rebel News - 28/6/2022)

RCMP admits they hack Canadians' devices to spy on them. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 29/6/2022) -> In a breathtaking admission, the RCMP say they've secretly used spyware on Canadians' devices to get audio and visual recordings of Canadians without their knowledge.

I see some early warning signs that things are about to get worse. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 29/6/2022)

Court hearing today for Saskatchewan ban on outdoor protests. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 29/6/2022)

Justice Centre granted full participatory standing at Emergencies Act inquiry. (Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 29/6/2022)

RCMP won't say if they used spyware on Freedom Convoy protesters In an email statement to The Counter Signal, the RCMP refused to say whether they utilized spyware technology on Freedom Convoy protesters. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 30/6/2022)

Outrageous! Now the Justin Trudeau Liberals refuse to receive petitions! How is it they are afraid of receiving sheets of paper festooned with the signatures of thousands of concerned Canadians? (David Menzies - Rebel News - 4/7/2022)

Canada's Health Minister: "You Will Never Be Fully-Vaxxed": This is the new 'right way' to think about vaccinations... (Mark Jeftovic/BombThrower - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 5/7/2022)

Government-Funded Booklet Teaches Canadian Kids to be Suspicious of "Free Speech": Says it's "hate propaganda." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/7/2022)

News Canadian Armed Forces Considering Booting all Chaplains Who Teach Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (Protestia - 7/7/2022)

Trudeau gets called a traitor at Calgary Stampede. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 11/7/2022)

Judge says it's legally okay to deny an organ transplant to the unvaccinated. (Thomas Lambert - The Counter Signal - 13/7/2022)

'Canada is communist': Joe Rogan bashes Justin Trudeau as a 'f***ing dictator' over pandemic response. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 16/7/2022)

Canada's failed pandemic response continues to freefall into an authoritarian abyss The Orwellian ArriveCAN app used to track and trace Canadian citizens is another example of the Canadian Liberal government's bizarre, authoritarian, technocratic COVID-19 response plan. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 19/7/2022)

'Unscientific, unconstitutional, and discriminatory': Viva Frei on Canada's travel restrictions Viva Frei speaks out about the forced quarantine on his 12-year-old daughter, as well as problems related to the new electronic pass imposed on Canadians and tourists. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 20/7/2022)

Reporters banned from asking questions at Trudeau event. (Kenan Bexte - The Counter Signal - 20/7/2022)

Canadian-style book censorship comes to China. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 22/7/2022)

L'application ArriveCAN irrite toujours des utilisateurs malgré un correctif. (La Presse canadienne/Radio Canada - 25/7/2022) -> ArriveCAN sera utilisée après la pandémie...

Farm Credit Canada spied on and terminated customers for convoy wrong-think: More like Social Credit Canada: ??'?If you become aware of potential customer involvement in blockades, occupations and other support of activity related to the 'Freedom Convoy' you must submit a tip to the customer diligence centre.' (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 26/7/2022)

Justin Trudeau Looks to Ban Cryptocurrencies after Freedom Convoy Subverted Crackdown. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 4/8/2022)

Rebel News hand-delivers a human rights complaint about Trudeau to the United Nations: Yesterday, Rebel News reporter Sheila Gunn Reid and civil liberties lawyer Sarah Miller officially served a meticulously drafted human rights complaint against Justin Trudeau to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. (Rebel News - 9/8/2022)

Trudeau's intelligence agencies spying on politicians, opposition MP says Conservative MP Martin Shields is ringing the alarm bells after it was revealed that the RCMP and Trudeau's other intelligence agencies are using spyware to spy on elected officials. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 10/8/2022)

Trudeau is implementing a federal "Digital Identity Program". (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 11/8/2022)

What does Trudeau think about a foreign-funded campaign of mischief and vandalism that supports Vladimir Putin? I'll show you. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 15/8/2022)

This Rebel News video makes me extremely angry! I'm mad because those thuggish protesters repeatedly threatened our reporter Drea and our cameraman Matt. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 20 minutes - 25/8/2022)

Canada building INTERROGATION ROOMS with weapons armories to arrest and prosecute people for "climate crimes". (Mike Adams - Canadian Patriot - 30/8/2022)

Canadian Ministry denies 'climate police' plans — but leaked 'armoury' draft suggests otherwise: "If you want to see what 'climate enforcement' looks like, take a look at what Canada is building". (The Blaze - 6/9/2022)

Is Trudeau going to put us back into some sort of lockdown?: I'll show you a recent comment he made. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 6/9/2022)

Trudeau menace les Canadiens de restrictions si 80 à 90 % de la population ne se fait pas vacciner: Justin Trudeau a proféré une menace voilée la semaine dernière, suggérant que des restrictions sur le covid pourraient être imposées cet automne si 80 à 90 % des Canadiens ne se font pas vacciner pour le « rappel » du covid. (Anguille sous roche - 14/9/2022)

Trudeau's 'disinformation' czar served us with a lawsuit A terrible thing just happened. I'm sorry to bother you about it, but I really need your help. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 14/9/2022)

'According to Trudeau, I'm an extremist' campaign goes viral. (Joseph Mackinnon - The Blaze - 19/9/2022)

Two Windsor cops face charges for alleged donations to Freedom Convoy: Constables Brisco and Fazekas allegedly donated $50 and $40 respectively, according to a leaked list of donors. (Rebel News - 20/9/2022)

Toronto has unofficial Chinese police stations. (Jorgen Soby - The Counter Signal - 30/9/2022)

EXPOSED: $105 million Liberal partnership with WEF laid bare. (Rachel Emmanuel - The Counter Signal - 5/10/2022)

Le Canada veut mettre en œuvre le contrôle d'identité permanent souhaité par le Forum de Davos. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 10/10/2022)

Chinese police on Canadian soil Rebel News' David Menzies examines your reactions to the shocking story involving Chinese police outposts in Canada. (Rebel News - 18/10/2022)

Public Order Commission documents reveal the threat to take truckers' kids came from Trudeau's inner circle The plan to unleash Children's Aid on convoy protester parents was first proposed by Jody Thomas, Justin Trudeau's national security advisor, and was eventually packaged into a communications strategy with the help of crisis communications firm Navigator. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 27/10/2022)

Ottawa city officials only need feelings, not evidence, to accuse convoy protesters of violence 'There's something in the water in Ottawa, that the people in charge think feelings amount to evidence,' Sheila Gunn Reid told David Menzies. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 6 minutes - 30/10/2022)

Canada's euthanasia laws are a moral outrage Death is now treated as a solution to life's problems. (Kevin Yuill - Spiked - 17/11/2022) -> the logical result of Davos puppets in power...

Place Tian'anmen Canada?

Trudeau government discussed using tanks to crush peaceful Freedom Convoy protests. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 25/11/2022)

Canadian Psychiatric Association Targets Anti-Vaxxers – Greg Reese [VIDEO] Laying the groundwork for forced vaccination... (Red Voice Media - 5 minutes - 26/11/2022)

Desjardins Group tattled on customers to police over convoy support: One of Canada's largest credit unions flagged large fuel purchases and reported customers who made convoy supportive signs to the RCMP. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 28/11/2022)

Trudeau Regime Ordered Disabled Veteran to be 'EUTHANIZED' Because She Cost the State 'Too Much Money' . (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 4/12/2022)

Welcome to Canada, where the government offers to kill you when you complain about their incompetence… (Revolver - 5/12/2022)

Trudeau says he expects police to shut down another trucker 'occupation' before it happens. (Andrew Chapados - The Blaze - 5/12/2022)

Canada: B.C. Advances Law That Will Jail Doctors for 'Misinformation'. (Cullen McCue - National File - 6/12/2022)

Canada's expanding euthanasia laws: Making the unthinkable thinkable again. (Vanessa Beeley - UKColumn - 9/12/2022)

Canada to Begin Euthanizing Clinically Depressed People to Save Money. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 12/12/2022)

'He looks you in the eye and blames you for claiming he suspended civil liberties while he is suspending your civil liberties' 'The government believes in free speech,' said Justin Trudeau. 'But with social media, there is a new way to foment anger and hate that is different from anything we have seen before, difficult to counter and is destabilizing our democracy.' (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 14/12/2022)

Trudeau declares, 'Canada is a place of FREE expression' — is immediately RIDICULED for some reason. (The Rubin Report - The Blaze - 16/12/2022)

Ezra Levant wraps up 2022: 'I think that there is trouble on the horizon' 'I think the same forces of authoritarianism that were on the march with the lockdowns and then with the Emergencies Act, I think they're coming back,' said Ezra. (Rebel News - 8 minutes - 23/12/2022)

'PSYOPS Officer': Canadian government lists job for psychological operations. (Andrew Chapados - The Blaze - 27/12/2022)

Statement Regarding Charge Laid Against John Carpay. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 1/1/2023) -> A Canadian lawyer is arrested for defending Canadian's constitutional rights...

Professor so disappointed with Canadian university's COVID jab policy that he quit tenured job: Alexander Andrée said he believes in medical and academic freedom and that in good conscience he could no longer work for the school. (Anthony Murdoch - LifeSite - 11/1/2023)

'This is just incredibly disturbing': Stu Burguiere SLAMS Canada's war on Jordan Peterson. (The Blaze - 13 minutes - 12/1/2023)

Trudeau wants 60% of new cars to be electric by 2030. That's both stupid and dangerous: Every Canadian driver – including Trudeau – knows why his proposed car regulations can't work. (Jeremy Williamson - LifeSite - 12/1/2023)

An off-duty cop criticizes Trudeau, so the CBC knows what to do to him. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 12/1/2023)

Guards cleared in hospital death of Stephanie Warriner. Here's the footage no jury will ever see: Surprise move by judge means trial now won't happen, leaving family blindsided. (Shanifa Nasser - CBC News - 12/1/2023)

Terminally ill woman asks Canadian Supreme Court to rule on COVID jab mandate for organ transplants: Sheila Annette Lewis, who is dying of a terminal illness, has been denied a lifesaving organ transplant because she is unvaccinated against COVID-19. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - LifeSite - 13/1/2023)

Manslaughter Now Legal in Canada Despite a wealth of evidence, the judge decided to throw out the case, citing "lack of evidence". The guards had already been shown to lie in court. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 18/1/2023)

'Over my dead body': Jordan Peterson says he was fooled into COVID-19 vaccination, won't happen again amid statist calls for more boosters. (Joseph Mackinnon - The Blaze - 24/1/2023)

Un contrat fédéral pour McKinsey jusqu'en 2100. (Radio-Canada - 30/1/2023)

Canadian Court: Govt Justified in Denying Unemployment Benefits to Unvaccinated Man. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 2/2/2023)

The De-Banking of Dissent. (Gord Magill - Compact Magazine - 3/2/2023)

Canadian Govt CENSORS YouTuber After Top Sniper Spoke Out For Being Fired Over Vaxx Refusal. (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 14/2/2023)

China supported and helped Trudeau get elected in 2021. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 17/2/2023)

Les nazis n'ont pas été vaincus… ils sont entrés dans la clandestinité et dirigent maintenant le CANADA et le MONDE, poussant des programmes d'eugénisme et de dépopulation alignés sur les principes d'Adolf Hitler. (Cogiito - 19/2/2023)

Trudeau Libs Gaslight Canadians on Foreign Interference (Except When It Actually Happens). (Mark Jeftovic/BombThrower - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 21/2/2023)

Is Democracy under Attack in Canada? No, but It Should Be. (Lee Friday - Mises Institute - 27/2/2023)

WATCH: Canada Criminalizes Dissent. (OffGuardian - vidéo, 51 minutes - 27/2/2023)

WEF Panelist Brags About The Globalists Plan to Track What You Buy, Eat & Where/ How you Travel. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 1/3/2023) -> Canadian Alibaba President J. Michael Evans boasted about developing a tracking system for the globalists.

Communications between Finance Ministry & WEF exploded after Freeland became minister Exclusive documents reveal consistent communication between the Liberals' finance ministry and the World Economic Forum following Chrystia Freeland's appointment as finance minister. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 13/3/2023)

Justin Trudeau: Online Disinformation Fuels 'Flat-Earthers' and 'Anti-Vaxxers'. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 22/3/2023)

Leftist Canadian party seeks to create anti-free-speech zones around drag performances, punish 'offensive remarks' with $25,000 fines. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 5/4/2023) -> It has become VERY clear that the LGBTetc. ideology has become the State Religion in Canada. And to ram this down people's throats, they've set up a postmodern Inquisition to run roughshod over people's freedom of expression. Welcome to"friendly" neo-totalitarian Canada!

Canada is not a free country any more. (Pat Gray - The Blaze - 7 minutes - 10/4/2023) -> passing a law in Ontario creating no-free-speech zones. A further example of how much Davos puppets despise the people and their rights...

10 cops arrest pastor as he protests drag queen reading for kids; he spends Easter in jail — his latest stint behind bars for standing up to such events in Canada. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 10/4/2023)

Trudeau's four attempts to destroy free speech in Canada: Explaining the four pieces of legislation, including Bill C-11, Bill C-18, Bill C-36, and 'The Online Harms Act,' that Trudeau is pushing which will ruin freedom of speech in Canada as we know it. (Rebel News - 11/4/2023)

Five highly paid government prosecutors are trying to crush the Whistle Stop Diner. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 27 minutes - 13/4/2023)

Unvaccinated, Terminally-Ill Alberta Woman Denied Transplant Despite Proof Of COVID Natural Immunity. (Andrew Chen/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 21/4/2023)

Trudeau Lies: The Canadian prime minister claims that his government never forced COVID-19 vaccinations. (Elyse Apel - The American Spectator - 26/4/2023)

Can Justin Trudeau's Canada get any more authoritarian? The Liberal Party's new online-streaming bill is yet another egregious assault on our liberties. (Meghan Murphy - Spiked - 27/4/2023)

Former RCMP sniper Danny Bulford warns of self-censorship due to government surveillance The former member of the prime minister's security detail offered his testimony Wednesday at the National Citizen's Inquiry in Red Deer, AB. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 27/4/2023)

Trudeau's Online Censorship Bill Becomes Law - Independent Media Now Outlawed in Canada. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 30/4/2023)

'Post-Christian social ethics': Alarming number of young Canadians think the poor and mentally ill should be eligible for voluntary extermination by the state. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 8/5/2023) -> Nazis would be proud... (See Nazi T4 program)

Trudeau enters his 'mad king' phase. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 5/5/2023)

Canadian streaming law raises censorship fears: The measure applies broadcast regulations to online platforms. (Alexandra Ellison - World Mag - 12/5/2023)

'Canada has become almost this dystopian, futuristic nightmare': David Menzies joins Prime Time with Alex Stein. (Rebel News - 12/5/2023)

Watch: Christian Activist Arrested in Canada for Offering Bibles at Trans Protest. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 17/5/2023)

Justin Trudeau humiliates himself trying to shame Italy's conservative leader over 'LGBTQ2S+ rights' "Trudeau was reckless; he was the victim of fake news." (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 21/5/2023)

La ministre Proulx force l'annulation d'un événement anti-avortement à Québec. (Sébastien Bovet - RadioCan - 1/6/2023) -> Selon son cabinet, la tenue de l'activité créait un « grand malaise ». Alors si un événement LGBT devait provoquer « grand malaise » dans la population on annulerait aussi ?? En toute logique...

Canada Makes It Illegal NOT To Promote Hardcore Porn to Children. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 8/6/2023)

Trudeau Liberals polled on vaccine punishments: 'Financial rewards may be more effective for some demographic groups,' said the report, Applying Behavioural Science To The Government Of Canada's Response to Covid-19. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 7/6/2023) -> How to use marketing to violate Canadian citizen's rights...

Digital ID: The Liberals [Canadian governement under Justin Trudeau] partnership with the WEF - Further Exploring the Agile Nations Charter
(Leslyn Lewis - YouTube - 13 minutes - 10/6/2023)

Le crédit social expérimenté à Vaudreuil-Dorion. (Libre Média - 14/6/2023)

Middle-aged Canadian women sobs while confronting Justin Trudeau… his cruel "green agenda" is bankrupting her… (Revolver - 26/6/2023) -> story from 2017

MUST WATCH: Censorship enthusiast Justin Trudeau passionately defends BLOCKING news from Canadians on social media: Trudeau claimed the internet giants' refusal to comply with Bill C-18 "undermines the very fabric of our democracy." (Jarryd Jaeger - The Post Millennia - 6/7/2023)

"We no longer have freedom," says son of persecuted Canadian pastor to EU Parliament. (Rhoda Wilson - The Exposé - 6/7/2023)

Canada Has Fallen. (Jaysgirl44/FoxNews - TikTok - video, 5 minutes - 16/7/2023) -> begins with Arthur Palowski"s son testifying before an EU commision.

Four men who were charged with conspiracy at the Coutts Blockade will be back in court on July 25: Anthony Olienick, Chris Carbert, Chris Lysak and Jerry Morrin were denied bail and have been in pre-trial custody for 521 days. (Sydney Fizzard - Rebel News - 19/7/2023)

Canada Should be Ashamed of its Shambolic and Authoritarian Covid Response. (Nigel Jacklin - Daily Sceptic - 1/8/2023)

Meta Begins Removing Canadians' Access to All News on Facebook, Instagram. (Zach Jewell - DailyWire - 1/8/2023)

Pastor Artur Pawlowski explains effects of pre-trial custody as Coutts 4 reach 534-day mark: Denied bail for reasons hidden by a publication ban and facing additional delays, their jury trial is expected to take place next year in 2024, over two years after their arrests. (Sydney Fizzard - Rebel News - video, 20 minutes - 2/8/2023)

Canada's Orwellian assault on the past: The elites are rewriting history and could soon criminalise those who object. (Kevin Yuill - Spiked - 8/8/2023)

Jordan Peterson Hits Back After Canada Forces Him Into "Coaching Program" Over Controversial Statements. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 30/8/2023)

PHAC wants new surveillance tools to track Covid vaccination in 'hard-to-reach populations' The Public Health Agency of Canada previously came under fire after it was revealed the agency surveilled approximately 30 million Canadians for COVID compliance by collecting cell phone location data. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 5/9/2023)

Canada BANS All School Books Printed Before 2008 Due to Non-PC Content. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 15/9/2023)

Church Under Fire: Canada's War on Christianity. Review and Analysis. (Anthony Fava - Evangelical Dark Web - 16/9/2023)

Politically-motivated police are trying to seize our footage This is personal for the Calgary Police. They hate Rebel News. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 19/9/2023)

Parliament gives standing ovation to Ukrainian Nazi As many as 2,000 Waffen SS soldiers of Ukrainian heritage, including Yaroslav Hunka, changed their identities and masqueraded as 'refugees' before capture to seek refuge in Canada in the 1950s. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 24/9/2023)

Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation to Man Who Served in Waffen SS. (Noah Carl - Daily Sceptic - 24/9/2023) -> And Trudeau had the gall to call the truckers "Nazi sympathizers" even if he had no clear evidence of such... Yet here is CLEAR public evidence that Trudeau is a Nazi sympathizer.

Justin Trudeau's Nazi Hot Take Flexibility. (Matt Taibbi/Racket News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/9/2023)

Now Justin Trudeau wants to control censorship through Artificial Intelligence. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 6/10/2023)

Postes Canada vend vos données sans votre consentement La société d'État est visée par une demande d'action collective de 25 M$. (Julien McEvoy - Journal de Québec - 21/10/2023)

Feds quash debate into widespread church arsons, vandalism: Conservative MP Arnold Viersen received no condemnation from the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Committee for the 83 churches targeted by arson and vandalism since 2021. (Rebel News - 27/10/2023) -> so much for freedom of religion...

Trudeau's war on farmers could create catastrophe as food prices soar: The net income for Canadian farmers fell 8.3 percent in 2022 and the expense of running a farm increased by 21.2 percent in 2022, the largest gain since 1974. (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 1/11/2023)

Trudeau Joins Forces With EU For Digital ID Push. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 30/11/2023)

Half of private Canadian journalism could now be government supported. (Geoff Russ - The Hub - 30/11/2023) -> with few exceptions, Canadian journalists have been bought and sold...

RAID: Montreal's Police War Against Citizen Journalism. (Rebel News - 19/12/2023)

Canada broke the Nuremberg Code — what does that say about Trudeau? Last night on The Ezra Levant Show, Viva Frei commented, 'I can compare it to Nazi Germany when they made my wife show her papers to go out at night after curfew for her job... I'm unapologetic about it.' (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - video, 8 minutes - 27/12/2023)

Judge rules my "Libranos" book was illegal, orders me to pay $13,000 I'm a free man in a free country and this is an outrageous infringement on freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and because if Rebel News doesn't fight against this, no-one else will. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - video, 15 minutes - 28/12/2023)

Andrew Lawton talks upcoming WEF trip and Canadian censorship: Andrew delved into the value of freedom of discovery, and how the Trudeau Liberals are deliberately trying to take that freedom away with the use of their new censorship law, Bill C-11. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - video, 13 minutes - 30/12/2023)

Controversial McKinsey consulting firm granted access to Government of Canada emails: McKinsey's concealed influence raises national security concerns, with the external entity having direct access to information across multiple government sectors. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - video, 4 minutes - 6/1/2024)

Canadian Police Arrest Conservative Journalist on Trumped up Charge of Assault. (Jonathan Turley - 10/1/2024) -> This is precisely how a totalitarian government reacts to criticism...

Canada has revealed the horror of assisted dying: Poor and disabled people are being encouraged to choose death instead of 'burdening' the state. (Lauren Smith - Spiked - 15/1/2024)

RCMP officer who brutally arrested David Menzies without charge has been identified: On January 8, an RCMP detail manhandled and arrested Rebel News reporter David Menzies in Richmond Hill, Ontario. A plainclothes Mountie, later identified as Const. Greg Dumouchel, claimed the reporter committed 'assault.' They later released Menzies without charge. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - video, 4 minutes - 16/1/2024)

Dr. Jordan Peterson Sentenced to 'Re-Education' Camp to 'Correct His Views' by Canadian Gov't. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 17/1/2024)

Trudeau Government Used Faked Intelligence to Illegally Frame Protesting Truckers As Violent Extremists: Canadian government used disinformation to invoke the "Emergencies Act" in 2022, and then shared it with other "Five Eyes" nations. (Alex Gutentag & John Morrison - Public - 24/1/2024)

Canada is a sinking ship
(Jordan Peterson - Sun - YouTube - 2 minutes - 27/1/2024)

Justin Trudeau and the rise of the liberal strongman His crackdown on the truckers heralded a new era of 'centrist' authoritarianism. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 27/1/2024)

Why is Jordan Peterson being sent for re-education? (Candice Holdsworth, Tom Slater and Fraser Myer - Spiked - video, 5 minutes - 28/1/2024)

Trudeau Regime Urges Stressed Canadians to Get Euthanized to Help Save the Planet. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 30/1/2024)

Canada Killing Healthy People Against Family's Will. (Alex Jones Show with Ezra Levant - InfoWars - video, 53 minutes - 8/2/2024)

Digital Hostage Situation: Canadians need to see this now. (Joeb1286 - TikTok - video, 3 minutes - 9/2/2024)

Canadian intelligence admits to spying on parents who oppose child sex changes: "CSIS assesses that the violent threat posed by the anti-gender movement is almost certain to continue over the coming year." (Jarryd Jaeger - The Post Millennial - 16/2/2024)

Trudeau doesn't want a free press — he wants taxpayer-funded jockeys who push government narratives. (Rebel News - 22/2/2024)

Canada Set to Criminalise Christianity: "Canada is set to criminalise Christianity with the introduction of an amendment to the Criminal Code that could see believers face jail time for expressing historic Christian teachings." (Caldron Pool - 23/2/2024)

Trudeau Declares War on Free Speech: $70K Fines For 'Conspiracy Theories,' Life Imprisonment For 'Hate Speech'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 27/2/2024)

Trudeau's Online Harms Act includes life imprisonment for 'hate crime offense,' creates censorship czar The "new standalone hate crime offense … would apply to every offense in the Criminal Code and in any other Act of Parliament allowing penalties up to life imprisonment to denounce and deter this hateful conduct as a crime in itself." (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 27/2/2024)

Trudeau Panics as Arrest Warrants Issued Against WEF Young Global Leaders. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 29/2/2024)

Online Harms Act threatens free expression in Canada. (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 29/2/2024)

Trudeau wants to criminalize words, and no one is safe from his wrath. (Rebel News - 29/2/2024)

Canada defends placing citizens under house arrest on suspicion they MIGHT commit a hate crime in the future… (Revolver - 1/3/2024)

Justin Trudeau: un leader autoritaire? (Simon Leduc - Libre Média - 2/3/2024)

Canadian Government Moves to Criminalize Christianity. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 3/3/2024)

C-63, une atteinte à la liberté d'expression extrêmement grave. (Olivier Séguin - Libre Média - 4/3/2024)

Reasons Why Pre-Crime Should Be Punished. (William M Briggs - Science Is Not The Answer - 5/3/2024) -> A New Law Proposed by Justice Minister Arif Virani Kills Free Speech in Canada

'This is the slow walk towards full tyranny': Viva Frei on the Online Harms Act 'It's patently absurd to even float the idea of life in prison for words,' he stated. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - video, 9 minutes - 5/3/2024)

Canada's attorney general justifies arrests for 'thought crimes' under Trudeau's Online Harms Act Trudeau's Online Harms Act would place people under house arrest if accused of plotting to commit a hate offense. (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 6/3/2024)

Canada Prepares Harsh New Online Harms Bill To Fight "Hate": Canada is a comparatively peaceful country, so onlookers might puzzle over the assumption that draconian measures are needed to fight poorly defined "hate." (Denyse O'Leary - Mind Matters - 7/3/2024)

Trudeau Regime Lays Groundwork to Imprison Citizens Who Have Not Committed a Crime. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 9/3/2024) -> regarding Trudeau's "Online Harms Bill".

How Canada became a cauldron of authoritarianism: Now the woke Trudeau regime wants to punish people for 'precrime'. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 10/3/2024)

'Orwellian': Margaret Atwood, Elon Musk sound alarm over Trudeau Liberals' Online Harms Act Justin Trudeau has finally managed to unite people from across the political spectrum – against his Liberal government's Online Harms Act. (Jarryd Jaeger - The Post Millennial - 12/3/2024)

Assisted dying: Canada's sinister experiment: Why the 'right to die' is an affront to humanity. (Spiked - video, 8 minutes - 13/3/2024)

Expert warns about move to impose life sentences for disfavored speech Part of campaign over 'steady criminalization' of ideas. (Bob Unruh - WND - 14/3/2024)

Le projet de loi C-63
(Myl Traduction - Conspiration-Chercheur de vérité - 7 minutes - 15/3/2024)

Toronto Police just arrested David Menzies for practicing journalism: This arrest comes just days after Rebel News announced David's lawsuit against the RCMP for a pattern of intimidation and exclusion following shocking displays of police brutality against David. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 7 minutes - 15/3/2024) -> Postmodern Sharia Law is now being applied in Canada...

Le Canada incorpore le Crédit Social (ou encore appelé Passeport Social) à son Système Bancaire. (Hylactor - Agoravox - 18/3/2024)

'It's truly terrifying': True North's Candice Malcolm weighs in on Trudeau's drive to censor independent journalists: 'I think C-63 is the final chapter in this three-part play to come and kill independent journalism,' stated Ezra Levant. (Rebel News - 22/3/2024)

Novolangue et pré-crime : la loi C63 au Canada
(Philippe Langlois politicologue - Réinfo Québec - 12 minutes - 28/3/2024)

Canadians [in Toronto] Will Soon be Taxed For Rain Falling on Their Property if Gov't Isn't Stopped. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 28/3/2024) -> source

Video: Justin Trudeau Trembles With Fear as Furious Crowd Chant 'F**k You, Trudeau!' (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 3/4/2024)

'This is Canada, not Gaza': Cops drag away conservative reporter for supposedly 'trespassing' in Toronto's public square. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 8/4/2024)

Trudeau's Dystopian Online Harms Act Makes Margaret Atwood and George Orwell Look Like Amateurs. (Steven Tucker - Daily Skeptic - 9/4/2024)

Trudeau Liberals boost military spending, pledge domestic deployment to uphold 'civil authority' The Trudeau Liberals announced more funding for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), while detailing deployment at home to uphold 'civil authority.' It follows a secret RCMP report warning of more civil unrest, given the fleeting financial security of taxpayers. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 9/4/2024)

Could Justin Trudeau be Prosecuted for Encouraging Genocide Under the Terms of His Own 'Anti-Genocide' Online Harms Act? (Steven Tucker - Daily Skeptic - 14/4/2024)

Spy Agency Says Red China Interfered in Canada's Elections to Help Justin Trudeau. (Shawn Fleetwood - The Federalist - 13/4/2024)

Projet de loi 50 : sur le chemin du totalitarisme. (RéinfoQuébec - 15/41/2024)

La gouverneure générale Mary Simon au service de la censure. (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 16/4/2024) -> encore de la propagande pour le projet de loi C-63...

Coutts Three face up to ten years in prison for protesting 'tyrannical government'. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 17/4/2024)

Even Orwell's Thought Police didn't go as far as Trudeau. (Toby Young - The Spectator - 20/4/2024)

The Freedom to Hate. (Lawrence M. Krauss - Daily Skeptic - 21/4/2024) -> discussing Canada's Online Harms Act (Bill C-63)

Projet de loi 57 du Québec pourrait être utilisé pour censurer les citoyens: analyse: Simon Rocheleau, avocat basé au Québec, surveille de près les problèmes municipaux depuis plusieurs années. Selon son analyse, le projet de loi 57 est encore mal défini. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 22/4/2024)

Québec — Accès payant aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine ou comment implanter un contrôle de la population. (Jacques Paquin - Sott.net - 22/4/2024)

Projet de loi C-63: quand le wokisme canadien ressuscite l'URSS. (Olivier Séguin - Libre Média - 23/4/2024)

Patrick Provost: faut-il mettre l'Université Laval «sous tutelle»? (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 26/4/2024)

Canada introduces blood-curdling new 'thought police' law that would make even Stalin blush… (Revolver - 27/4/2024)

Affaire Patrick Provost: vers une autocensure généralisée? (Maxime Prévost - Libre Média - 29/4/2024)

De la Covid à Gaza: les manifestants tous égaux devant la loi? (John Carpay - Libre Média - 30/4/2024)

The toppling of the woke authoritarians: From Scotland to New Zealand to Canada, politicians are on a collision course with the public. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 3/5/2024)

Canada is euthanizing its poor and disabled. Euthanasia for poverty is horrifying, profane, the outcome of a failed social welfare system and it is indefensible. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 7/5/2024)

Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill: Life sentences for speech? Pre-crime detention? Ex post facto law? Anonymous accusers? It's all in Justin Trudeau's "Online Harms Bill," a true "threat to democracy". (Matt Taibbi - Racket News - video, 1 minute - 10/5/2024)

La liberté poursuit sa chute au Québec. (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 13/5/2024)

Projet de loi 50 : sur le chemin du totalitarisme. (Réinfo Québec - 15/4/2024) -> le projet de loi 50 est proposé par le gouvernement Legault au Québec

Ingérence chinoise au Canada : un rapport met en évidence les désaccords entre Trudeau et le renseignement quant à cette "menace". (France-Soir - 30/5/2024)

The Bill That Could Kill Free Speech in Canada: And how that might impact the U.S. if it succeeds. (Angelos Kyriakides - The Stream - 1/7/2024)

Liberals create new $200M online censorship bureaucracy: The new virtual hate crime unit further balloons the public sector under serial spender Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, ignoring the chronically underfunded and under-resourced Canadian military as real-life violent crime waves sweep the nation. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 5/7/2024)

Tommy Robinson arrested by Canadian police after speaking at Calgary free speech event Robinson was detained on an outstanding immigration warrant for allegedly failing to disclose that he had been arrested, charged, or convicted of a crime outside Canada. (Jarryd Jaeger - The Post Millennial - 8/7/2024)

Ontario Ministry of Transportation censors man holding government officials accountable. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 6/8/2024) -> the Covid Inquisition strikes again...

Amish community fined $400,000 for failing to download ArriveCan app: Ezra Levant reports from Chatsworth, Ontario, where the Trudeau Liberals' bureaucrats have targeted an Amish community with massive, punitive fines for failing to use the ArriveCan travel app — despite the Amish not using smartphones, let alone applications. (Rebel News - 15/8/2024)

Both Canada and the U.K. lurch towards tyranny. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 19/8/2024)

Jordan Peterson's Free Speech Battle. (Barry Bussey/The Epoch Times - Zero Hedge - 21/8/2024)

Criminalization of Freedom Trucker organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber would violate 'fundamental freedoms': defense attorney in closing arguments. (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 23/8/2024)

Supreme Court declines to hear Covid vaccine travel mandate cases. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 29/8/2024) -> this decision ensures the Canadian gov. can violate our rights AGAIN...

Lawyer says Canada's pandemic act paves path for totalitarian coup: Canadian pandemic prevention legislation paves the way for government control and censorship while aligning supposed preparedness policies with global health authorities to infringe individual freedoms. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 10/9/2024)

Ontario woman charged with 'assault with a weapon' after allegedly spraying water gun at neighbor "It just blows my mind that this has happened to me. The mental and financial stress that has put on my family, my children and my husband, is not right and is not fair." (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 12/9/2024) -> proof the insane are running Canada...

Voici ce que pense Robert Kennedy jr du Canada: Une prédiction assez juste ce que nous réserve l'avenir. (Pat Laliberté - La Tribune du peuple - X- vidéo, 2 minutes - 17/9/2024)

Canadian Conservatives Propose Bill for Online Digital ID Verification and Anonymity Restrictions. (Didi Rankovic - Reclaim The Net - 17/9/2024)

Trudeau's censorship regime denies Rebel a news license. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 19/9/2024)

Did you hear what Justin Trudeau is doing to the Amish farmers? The Canadian Amish go back and forth to the U.S. to visit other Amish communities. And every time they came back, they'd be hit with a $6,000 ArriveCan fine — every man, woman and child. It totalled hundreds of thousands of dollars. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 23/9/2024)

Le fédéral avoue: il manipule les Canadiens! (Nathalie Elgrably - Journal de Montréal - 3/10/2024)

Ottawa veut prédire et façonner le comportement des Canadiens. (Xavier Bélanger-Costa - Libre Média - 7/10/2024)

L'État de droit fragilisé au Canada? (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel avec John Carpay - Libre Média - vidéo, 30 minutes - 9/10/2024)

Canada's woke Stasi: An elderly school trustee who questioned trans ideology has been subjected to a legal witch-hunt. (Meghan Murphy - Spiked - 13/10/2024)

(Myl traduction - Odyssée - 2 minutes - 15/10/2024)

Justin Trudeau et le maccarthysme canadien. (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 16/10/2024) -> maccarthysme = chassse aux sorcières (idéologiques)...

More thought crimes coming to Canada? Calling out Indian mass-graves hoax could become illegal. (Joseph Mackinnon - Blaze News - 22/10/2024)

Pandémie: la loi C-293 risque de nous mener vers un dangereux totalitarisme sanitaire. (Nathalie Elgrably - Journal de Montréal - 31/10/2024)

Canada's Digital ID Drama Heats Up as Regulators Sidestep Parliament. (Didi Rankovic - Reclaim The Net - 4/11/2024)

Trudeau's 900 Nazis: Canadian PM Blasted for Keeping Secret the Name of War Criminals that Emigrated to Canada After WW2. (Paul Serran - The Gateway Pundit - 12/11/2024)

Canada Begins Imprisoning Citizens Who Refuse to Take Medication Ordered by Government. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 15/12/2024)

Feds recommend account freezing, crowdfunding oversight under Emergencies Act. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 18/12/2024)

Canada's Rainbow Mafia will ruin you for dissenting thought If you dare espouse a contrarian opinion, human rights tribunals will ruin you financially. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 26/12/2024)

Wackos: the People Running the (Canadian) Governement. (Pierre Poilievre - Marc Nixon - X - video, 11 minutes - 31/12/2024)

Bon &%$ ! débarras Justin! (Vidoc RonaCO2 - X - vidéo, 8 minutes - 6/1/2025)

«La prorogation du Parlement par Justin Trudeau est illégale». (John Carpay/Centre juridique pour les libertés constitutionnelles - Libre Média - 8/1/2025)

BREAKING: Alexa Lavoie detained by police for attempting to ask Trudeau a question 'This was a blatant attempt to target and punish me for doing journalism that challenges their narrative, meaning the narrative that aligned with the Liberals,' said Lavoie. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 20/1/2025)