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Le fanatisme religieux Covidien.
Meet the Covidian True Believers.

The Science

(Source : The Daily Sceptic)

Question pour le covidiste dévot : « Si tu as aujourd'hui une dévotion absolue au vaccin anti-Covid, t'es-t-il arrivé dans le passé d'avoir une dévotion comparable pour tout autre traitement médicale? Si la réponse est non, alors pourquoi cette différence? Qu'est-ce qui motive ta croyance et ta ferveur actuelle? »
Autre question pour le covidiste dévot : « Avant la crise du Covid, t'es-t-il arrivé une seule fois d'avoir du mépris, sinon de la colère à l'égard d'un individu refusant un traitement médical que tu avais accepté de subir ? D'autre part, t'es-t-il arrivé une seule fois d'avoir jugé qu'un tel individu devait être banni de la vie sociale ou puni pour ce refus? Si la réponse est négative, comment expliquer ton changement d'attitude ? »

The secularisation of the concept of eschatological King did not extinguish the hope, deeply rooted in the collective soul, for a universal renewal brought about by the exemplary Hero in one of the new forms – the Reformer, the Revolutionary, the Martyr, (in the name of the freedom of peoples), the Party Leader. The role and mission of the Founders and Leaders of the modern totalitarian movements include a considerable number of eschatological and soteriological elements. Mythical thought transcends and discards some of its earlier expressions, outmoded by History, and adapts itself to the new social conditions and new cultural fashions—but it resists extirpation.
(Mircea Eliade - Myth and Reality. Harper & Row, New York (1963/68) p. 176)

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) observes that the underlying condition for Covidism is blind faith in the State, particularly in patients with no other moral reference point with which to judge the State's discours, claims or behaviour. (Anonymous)

La religion du Covid a ses prophètes; Anthony Fauci (États-Unis), Olivier Véran (France) et Horracio Arruda (Québec). Cette religion a sa Bonne Nouvelle, son salut, le vaccin que l'on nous promet, règle tout. Cette religion est TRES zélée pour faire des convertis, des convertis volontaires ou sous la menace, peu importe (comme sous l'Islam, qui admet depuis toujours les conversions forcées... ou les apostats menacés de mort)... La religion du Covid nous proclame qu'il FAUT avoir FOI dans ses prophètes et dans le vaccin-salut. Ceux qui n'ont pas la foi feront l'objet de l'attention de l'Inquisition covidiste qui étouffe la voix de dissidents et, au besoin, chasse les hérétiques infidèles... Et pour les non-vaccinés, elle réserve son purgatoire, une vie de plus en plus marginale, si ce n'est pas la prison ou un Goulag sanitaire. Seule une soumission totale et aveugle est acceptable pour le "salut", le paradis à la fin de nos jours, le retour au normale... Une normalité promise qui, comme un mirage dans le désert, semble toujours plus loin, même si on fait de tous nos efforts pour s'en approcher... Mais le vrai covidiste dévot croit encore que "C'est juste pour deux semaines..."

There is no God but Science and Fauci is His messenger... (David Klinghoffer - 2020)

Le DSM-5 observe que la condition sous-jacente au syndrome de Covidisme est une foi aveugle en l'État, attitude qui se manifeste principalement chez les patients qui n'ont pas de point de repère moral Absolu (ou de Vérité) au-dessus de l'État, un tel absolu moral permettant alors aux individus de juger de manière critique le discours, les revendications ou le comportement de l'État. (Anonyme)

The DSM-5 observes that the underlying condition for the Covidism Syndrome is blind faith in the State/Authority, occurring principally in patients no moral Absolute (or Truth) reference point above the State, such a moral Absolute allowing individuals to critically judge the State's discourse, claims or behaviour. (Anonymous)

"You see," said Aslan. "They will not let us help them. They have chosen cunning instead of belief. Their prison is only in their own minds, yet they are in that prison; and so afraid of being taken in that they can not be taken out. But come, children. I have other work to do." (C.S. Lewis - The Last Battle/Narnia - 1956)

"Follow Dr. Mengele's science"?

Malheur à ceux qui prononcent des ordonnances iniques, et à ceux qui transcrivent des arrêts injustes, pour refuser justice aux pauvres, et ravir leur droit aux malheureux de mon peuple, pour faire des veuves leur proie, et des orphelins leur butin! Que ferez-vous au jour du châtiment, et de la ruine qui du lointain fondra sur vous? Vers qui fuirez-vous, pour avoir du secours, et où laisserez-vous votre gloire? Les uns seront courbés parmi les captifs, Les autres tomberont parmi les morts. Malgré tout cela, sa colère ne s’apaise point, et sa main est encore étendue.
(Ésaie 10: 1-4)

The thing that really is trying to tyrannise through government is Science. The thing that really does use the secular arm is Science. And the creed that really is levying tithes and capturing schools, the creed that really is enforced by fine and imprisonment, the creed that really is proclaimed not in sermons but in statutes, and spread not by pilgrims but by policemen--that creed is the great but disputed system of thought which began with Evolution and has ended in Eugenics. Materialism is really our established Church; for the Government will really help it to persecute its heretics. Vaccination, in its hundred years of experiment, has been disputed almost as much as baptism in its approximate two thousand. But it seems quite natural to our politicians to enforce vaccination; and it would seem to them madness to enforce baptism.
(G. K. Chesterton - Eugenics and Other Evils - 1921 chapl VII) -> Chesterton's comments apply of course to all belief systems derived from the Enlightenment such as Nazism or Communism....

You MUST believe, you MUST have faith in the WHO, in Athony Fauci, in Dr. Olivier Veran (France), in Horacio Arruda (Québec). You must!! (Anonymous)

If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell (Preface to Animal Farm)

Now that I look back, I realize that a life predicated on being obedient and taking orders is a very comfortable life indeed. Living in such a way reduces to a minimum one's need to think.
(Adolf Eichmann)

Ought we to be surprised at the approach of 'scientocracy'? In every age those who wish to be our masters, if they have any sense, secure our obedience by offering deliverance from our dominant fear. When we fear wizards the Medicine Man can rule the whole tribe. When we fear a stronger tribe our best warrior becomes King. When all the world fears Hell, the Church becomes a theocracy. 'Give up your freedom and I will make you safe' is, age after age, the terrible offer.
(CS Lewis - Letter to Dan Tucker - 8 Dec 1959)

Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.
(Hannah Arendt 1951/1976 The Origins of Totalitarianism. p. 350)

And since Theocracy is the worst, the nearer any government approaches Theocracy the worse it will be. A dogma, held by the rulers with the force of a religion, is a bad sign. It forbids them like the inquisitor, to admit any grain of truth or good in their opponents, it abrogates the ordinary rules of morality, and it gives a seemingly high, super-personal sanction to all the passions by which, like other men, the rulers will frequently be actuated. In a word, it forbids wholesome doubt."
(C. S. Lewis - “A Reply to Professor Haldane.” published in On Stories and Other Essays on Literature. 1966/1975 Harper-Collins pp. 128-129)

La doublepensée est le pouvoir de garder à l'esprit simultanément deux croyances contradictoires, et de les accepter toutes deux. Un intellectuel du Parti sait dans quel sens ses souvenirs doivent être modifiés. Il sait, par conséquent, qu'il joue avec la réalité, mais, par l'exercice de la doublepensée, il se persuade que la réalité n'est pas violée. Le processus doit être conscient, autrement il ne pourrait être réalisé avec une précision suffisante, mais il doit aussi être inconscient. Sinon, il apporterait avec lui une impression de falsification et, partant, de culpabilité.
(George Orwell - 1984)

I have built my organization upon fear.
(Al Capone)

I am not frightened of the word "persecution" when it is attributed to the churches; nor is it in the least as a term of reproach that I attribute it to the men of science. It is as a term of legal fact. If it means the imposition by the police of a widely disputed theory, incapable of final proof--then our priests are not now persecuting, but our doctors are. The imposition of such dogmas constitutes a State Church--in an older and stronger sense than any that can be applied to any supernatural Church today. There are still places where the religious minority is forbidden to assemble or to teach in this way or that; and yet more where it is excluded from this or that public post. (...)
Now here we find ourselves confronted with an amazing fact. When, in the past, opinions so arguable have been enforced by State violence, it has been at the instigation of fanatics who held them for fixed and flaming certainties. If truths could not be evaded by their enemies, neither could they be altered even by their friends. But what are the certain truths that the secular arm must now lift the sword to enforce? Why, they are that very mass of bottomless questions and bewildered answers that we have been studying in the last chapters--questions whose only interest is that they are trackless and mysterious; answers whose only glory is that they are tentative and new. The devotee boasted that he would never abandon the faith; and therefore he persecuted for the faith. But the doctor of science actually boasts that he will always abandon a hypothesis; and yet he persecutes for the hypothesis. The Inquisitor violently enforced his creed, because it was unchangeable. The savant enforces it violently because he may change it the next day.
(G. K. Chesterton - Eugenics and Other Evils - 1921 chapl VII)

L'immense majorité des scientifiques est tout à fait prête à accepter ce rôle de prêtres et de grands prêtres de la religion dominante d'aujourd'hui. Plus que n'importe qui, ils en sont imbus, et cela d'autant plus qu'ils sont plus haut situés dans la hiérarchie scientifique. Ils réagiront à toute attaque contre cette religion, ou l'un de ses dogmes, ou l'un de ses sous-produits, avec toute la violence émotionnelle d'une élite régnante aux privilèges menacés. Ils font partie intégrante des pouvoirs en place quels qu'ils soient, auxquels ils s'identifient intimement et qui tous s'appuient fortement sur leurs compétences technologiques et technocratiques.
(Alexandre Grothendieck (1971) La nouvelle église universelle, tiré de (Auto)critique de la science. (pp. 40-50) Seuil Paris 1975 310 p. Lévy-Leblond, J.M. et Jaubert, A. éds.)

Dossier Covid19

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Fanatisme religieux inavouée et intégrisme des partisans des restrictions

Nouvelle religion : le covidisme
(Karim Duval - YouTube - 4 minutes - 29/9/2020)

The Covidian Cult. (C. J. Hopkins - Consent Factory - 13/10/2020)

Brave New Normal: Turning The World Into A Covid-Cult. (Dr. Bruce Scott - Technocracy - 26/10/2020)

Endless Coronavirus Lockdowns Are The Epitome of 21st Century Privilege: The fear that drives people to religious zeal for COVID restrictions is a product of a 21st century Western privilege that makes unexpected death even in old age seem morally unacceptable. (Georgi Boorman - The Federalist - 28/10/2020)

Commentary: Mask-wearing fanaticism sure looks a lot like a religion: 'Kneel before Zod'. (Steve Deace - The Blaze - 13/11/2020)

Have Faith… in Masks: The Left’s Religious View of The COVID-19 Plague. (Ian Haworth - DailyWire - 1/12/2020)

Day 5: The Fitting of Technocracy And Transhumanism. (Patrick Wood - Technocracy - 16/12/2020)

2020: The Year we Sold Our Liberties For a Medical Tyranny. (Rob Slane - TheBlogMire - 19/12/2020)

‘The High Priest of The COVID Cult’: Tucker Carlson Pans DC Mayor’s ‘Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Day’ Declaration. (Scott Morefield - Daily Caller - 24/12/2020)

Pro ou anti vaccin : l'avis du psychiatre Frédéric Badel. (Le journal Catalan – 24/12/2020)

How Social Engineers Use Weaponized Psychology to Push Unproven Vaccines. (Ben Bartee/The Daily Bell - Zero Hedge - 30/12/2020)

Journalist: ‘I Want to Find an Antimasker And Beat ThemtTo Death’; ‘You F***ing Christians’ Are What ‘Jesus Condemns’: “You F***ING ‘Christians’ who preen about God saving you from COVID so you dont need masks. You're what Jesus condemns ... you’ll burn in hell.” (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 1/1/2021)

Christian liberty versus 'lockdownism'. (Dr. Joe Boot - Christian Concerns - 9/2/2021)

Anticovidisme : la nouvelle secte mondiale. (Marilis Valo - FranceSoir - 13/1/2021)

COVID-19 : « Les techniques de lavage de cerveau employées sont identiques à celles des sectes ». (Dr Badel, psychiatre - Nexus - 22/2/2021)

Faith Masks. (Lockdown Sceptics - 25/2/2021)

"Every Crisis Becomes a Religion if it Lasts Long Enough". (Lockdown Sceptics - 5/3/2021)

The Strange Gospel of Masking and Public Policy. (David Deavel| - The Imaginative Conservative - 9/3/2021)

Des dangers d'une idéologie sanitaire. (Ariane Bilheran - 16/3/2021)

« Les virologues ont remplacé les théologiens ». (Arnold Stadler - Le libre penseur - 23/3/2021)

Fauci's New Kids Book And The Cult of 'Scientism'. (Connor Boyack - DailyWire - 25/3/2021)

"But Dr. Fauci Says...". (Josh Kantrow/AmericanThinker - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 31/3/2021)

Biden's Easter message: Get the COVID-19 vaccine — it is a 'moral obligation': Echoing Pope Francis' sentiments. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 5/4/2021)

Why the Silence in the Face of Covid Tyranny? (Donald J. Boudreaux - American Institute for Economic Research - 5/4/2021)

'Data is in': Dr. Makary on Fauci cautioning against indoor dining after being vaccinated 'Medical officials are losing credibility' because of mixed messaging. (Dr. Marty Makary - Fox News - 13/4/2021)

Is Dr. Fauci the 'Father of the Pandemic?' Dr. Fauci's NIH funneled American taxpayer dollars -- some $7 million -- into the Wuhan Lab. (Peter Navarro - The Washington TImes - 13/4/2021)

VIDEO: Jim Jordan grills Dr. Fauci on when COVID restrictions will end. When Fauci refuses to answer, Maxine Waters jumps in telling Jordan, 'shut your mouth.' That spiraled quickly. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 15/4/2021)

Vaccins contre la Covid-19 : pourquoi ce « silence » des médias traditionnels (dominants) sur les « effets indésirables » des vaccins « BioNTech – Pfizer » et « Moderna » ? (Centre hospitalier de Cholet - 16/4/2021)

The Covidian Cult: Part II. (C. J. Hopkins - Consent Factory - 21/4/2021)

La secte des Covidiens exposée : Les six conditions du contrôle mental. (C. J. Hopkins - Aube Digitale - 22/4/2021)

After The Lockdowns, The Religion of Science Only Gets Darker: Historian Yuval Noah Harari promises that if we eat the apple of high technology, we shall be as gods. But will that apple be nourishing or poisonous? (Joe Allen - The Federalist - 6/5/2021)

The Left's Pro-Mask, Anti-Vaxxer Movement Is Built on Contempt: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lifted face mask recommendations for vaccinated people. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 14/5/2021)

The CDC Inadvertently Outs the Mask Cult This strange collection of secular zealots have zero scientific credibility. (David Catron - The Federalist - 16/5/2021)

Mask Psychosis: NYT Confirms The Liberal Mask Cult is Here to Stay. (Revolver - 19/5/2021)

Definitely Not a Cult.
(Paul Joseph Watson - YouTube - 10 minutes - 21/5/2021)

How Anthony Fauci Made Himself The Face of America's Institutional Decay: Few events have accelerated Western institutional decay as the coronavirus pandemic, and it's been Dr. Anthony Fauci's foot on the gas. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 27/5/2021)

The Twilight Zone, Hogan's Heroes, and the Emotional Support Mask. (Donald Siegel, Robert M. Sauer - American Institute for Economic Research - 28/5/2021)

There Will Be Consequences For Government And Big Tech Isolating Americans Through Lockdowns: After what the Democrats and their allies did to Americans, it is warranted for people to feel a sense of anxiety as they leave their homes. (Gabe Kaminsky - The Federalist - 1/6/2021)

COVID-19 Has Forever Destroyed Americans' Trust in Ruling Class 'Experts'. (Josh Hammer - Epoch Times - 4/6/2021)

Response to Fauci's Emails Proves Everything is Fake, Narrative Management Trumps Reality, and Those in Power Want it That Way. (Nebojsa Malic - Ron Paul Institute - 4/6/2021)

Fauci's Cost-Benefit Calculation: You Absorb The Cost, He Benefits The problem isn't that Fauci weighed costs and benefits. It's that he was willing to impose life-and-death costs on unwitting Americans in order to benefit himself. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 8/6/2021)

When Will the 'Experts' Stop Pretending Natural Immunity Doesn't Exist in Recovered COVID-19 Patients? (Stacey Lennox - PJMedia - 9/6/2021)

PROPAGANDA: In The Fourth Industrial Revolution. (Guy Crittenden - Druthers - 159/6/2021)

"Anti-Vaxxer" Is the New "That's Racist": Questioning the legitimacy of an untested, rushed vaccine isn't "anti-vaxx", it's pro-science, pro-people and pro-common sense. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 18/6/2021)

In This House, We Believe Science Is Real And that it can be used for both good and ill — something that too many scientists seem prone to forget. (Daniel J. Flynn - The Spectator - 18/6/2021) -> Science exploited for ideological and political purposes...

Iowa man jailed for 10 years after spitting on "mask Nazi". (Ethan Huff - Natural News - 20/6/2021)

Le covidisme, le vaccinalisme et le pape. (Jean-Yves Jézéquel - - 22/6/2021)

Like the mighty Murray, Covid public policy insanity never runs dry. (Ramesh Thakur - Spectator-Australia - 29/6/2021)

Be Safe: Don't Visit Your Dying Parent. Don't Leave Your House. Don't Get Married. Don't …: As many observers have noted, staying safe has become a religion. (Dennis Prager - 29/6/2021)

The COVID Cult Has Been Slowly Killing America's Economy And There's Not Much Time Left. (Brandon Smith/ - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 3/7/2021)

Internet Erupts After Biden, Psaki Push 'Door-To-Door' Plan Targeting Unvaccinated People. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 6/7/2021) -> Ouais, c'est officiel, le Covidisme est une religion. Et voilà qu'on songe sérieusement envoyer des missionnaires pour expliquer le salut qu'offre le vaccin.

Rupert Sheldrake: Science does not tolerate dissent: Freddie Sayers spoke to the biologist about the dogma of scientism. (UnHerd - 6/7/2021)

The lockdown addicts Polling shows that a sizable minority want to make lockdown measures permanent. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 9/7/2021)

L.A. County Confirms Masks Are America's Fastest-Growing Cult. (John Nolte - Breitbart - 16/7/2021)

The Church of Lockdown A CofE vicar faces the sack for hugging a mourner. (Calvin Robinson - Spiked - 19/7/2021) -> Anglican Church attacks its own...

Andrew Cuomo: We Must Knock on Doors, Put People in Cars, 'Drive them and Get that Vaccine in Their Arm'. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 26/7/2021)

Pardonnez-moi! (Reza Moghaddassi - Éloge de la raison dure - 26/7/2021)

A Tale of Two Narratives. (Raúl Ilargi Meijer - The Automatic Earth - 27/7/2021) -> A succincte description of the mainstream view of the Covid crisis as opposed to the Counter-Narrative

How Science Becomes Religion. (Sheldon Richman/The Libertarian Insititute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 31/7/2021)

True Believers, Blinded by Ideology. Richard Fernandez - PJMedia - 9/8/2021)

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture: "Authorities Are Viewing Their Own People as an Enemy" Professor to lead investigation of police brutality against anti-lockdown protesters. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 5/8/2021) -> heretic hunting...

'This is Not Science, This is Scientism': Will Cain Says Americans Have Traded Science For 'Experts' On COVID-19. (Jack Kerley - Daily Caller - 19/8/2021)

Is COVID Communism the New State Religion?: "Whether it be a vaccine, euthanasia, or aborting life in the womb, I am opposed to forced or coerced medical procedures." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 31/8/2021)

The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies on The Lie of The "Social Contract". (Brandon Smith/ - InfoWars - 2/9/2021)

The Covidian Cult: Part III. (C. J. Hopkins - Off-Guardian - 3/9/2021)

Certains humains me degoutent au plus au point. J'etais pret a me faire arrêter par la police. (Marty Duhamel - FaceBook - vidéo 7 minutes - 3/9/2021) -> le cas de l'agent de sécurité covidiste et sans coeur...

Travel Experiment The Criminalization of Physical Presence… and the Power of a Hug. (Margaret Anna Alice - Off-Guardian - 7/9/2021)

A New Sin, and a New Salvation Requirement?: Are you saved? The new Covid Gospel. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 10/9/2021)

Poll Finds Vaccinated Americans Significantly More Likely to Dump Their Friends Over Stance on COVID-19 Jab: So much for the tolerant left. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 14/9/2021)

The Vaccinated Sheep Are Being Taken For A Ride; How Long Before They Jump Off The Train? Never?: You're on the Tyranny Train, and with each mile the enveloping power of our so-called leaders tightens around you. (Jon Rappoport - Infowars - 16/9/2021)

New York Governor Confirms Covidianism is A Pagan Cult Self-appointed pope of all New Yorkers: Kathy Hochul appeared at a megachurch to preach her COVID doctrines, saying 'I need you to be my apostles' for preaching universal vaccination to the unsaved. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 29/9/2021)

The New COVID Revised Version "Believe in Fauci and Gates and the vaxxes and the lockdowns, and you will be safe and saved, you and your household." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 4/10/2021)

University of Chicago Demands New Level of COVID Compliance: Mental Submission In order to attend the in-person classes for which we pay tuition, all students must submit to the University of Chicago's point of view and sign their names to it. (Evita Duffy - The Federalist - 6/10/2021)

The Cult of the Vaccine "The jab" is just the latest story to be reported as mantra. (Matt Taibbi - TK News - 7/10/2021)

Letter to A Covidian: A Time-Travel Experiment. (Margaret Ann/Alice Through The Looking Glass substack - Tyler Durden//Zero Hedge - 10/10/2021)

The Science of Propaganda is Still Being Developed And Advanced: We live in a far less free society than most of us think. (Caitlin Johnstone/ - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/10/2021)

"When You Buy Into Fear, You Sell Your Reason". (Tom Luongo/Gold, Goats, 'n Guns - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/10/2021)

Des dangers d'une idéologie sanitaire. (Ariane Bilheran - Vigilance Pandémie - 19/10/2021)

COVID Authoritarians Are The Cause of America's Problems, Not The Unvaccinated. (Brandon Smith via Alt-Market - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/10/2021)

The COVID religion is forcing the left to abandon its false gods of Tolerance, Resistance, and Disobedience. (Delano Squires - The Blaze - 26/10/2021)

Are the Lockdown Zealots and Pro-Vaxx Fanatics Part of a Jim Jones-Style Cult? (Professor Roger Watson and Dr. Niall McCrae - Daily Sceptic - 15/11/2021)

They Live Amongst Us: Anatomy of a Cult. (Dustin Broadbery - Off-Guardian - 24/11/2021)

Une démarche quasi-religieuse qui n'a plus aucun lien avec la science. (Pierrick Tillet - Chroniques du Yéti - 27/11/2021)

The Worshipers of the Vax: The Rise of a New Idol " the minds of many, perhaps even in the minds of most people right now, the status of the vaccines is quickly being raised to a status of a quasi-divine entity upon whom the power of giving and taking life has been bestowed." (Giuliano Bordoni - Caldron Pool - 28/11/2021)

Tribune: « Une nouvelle religion vaccinale est née en Occident ». (Quartier Général - 12/12/2021)

The Covid Cult: the State is my Shepherd: We are in fact hugely religious. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 19/12/2021)

The Covid narrative is insane and illogical…and maybe that's no accident Maybe forcing people to believe your lies, even after you admit you're lying, is the purest form of power. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 29/12/2021)

The Worshipers of the Vax: The Rise of a New Global Religion "With the rise of a new priestly and evangelistic class, we have also witnessed the revelation of a new class of worshippers." (Giuliano Bordoni - Caldron Pool - 1/1/2022)

CNN Story Perfectly Captures The Mass COVID Neuroticism of 2021. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 2/1/2022)

Harmless Untruths: Our incurious faith in infallible science. (Julien Charles - Off-Guardian - 14/1/2022)

The Last Days of the Covidian Cult. (C. J. Hopkins - Consent Factory - 18/1/2022)

Media Lies & the Sacred Rites of the Vaccine Cult The coverage Szilveszter Csollany's death shows you being called an "anti-vaxxer" is more about what you think, than what you do. (Kit Knightly - Off Guardian - 26/1/2022)

La fissure: La secte « covidiste » animée par ses grands gourous, Macron, Véran et le « Conseil scientifique » qui n'a de scientifique que le nom, nous a répété que « Hors de la vaccination, il n'y avait pas de salut ! » (Jean-Yves Jézéquel - Les moutons enragés - 27/1/2022)

Zuby Nails It: 'Millions Have Replaced God With Pfizer, Safer to Criticise God Than the Shot': The cult of Covid is nothing short of the state religion of the day. (Caldron Pool - 29/1/2022)

BRAINWASHED mask crusader threaten, assault Costco worker for not wearing mask: 'You're threatening my life!' (The Blaze - 27/4/2022)

Menticide 101 and the Brainwashing of a World: Part I—The Biosecurity State. (Dr Bruce Scott - UK Column - 26/7/2022) -> see section on "Cult spells"

Vaccination: it's a religious experience. (Alex Berenson - 6/9/2022)

Voodoo Vaccine. (Todd Hayen [Canadian psychotherapist] - Off-Guardian - 15/10/2022) -> Voodoo Vaccine" seemed like a catchy title, but a more apt title for this article would be something like, "How the Covid Vaccine is More Like Superstition Than Science."

Daniel Darling Wants You To Forget His Branch Covidianism. (Ray Fava - The Evangelical Dark Web - 17/10/2022)

Coeurs sensibles s'abstenir... (Roxanne Labanane - FaceBook - 4 minutes - 6/12/2022) -> Voici le témoignage troublant d'une courageuse survivante ayant été victime d'un proche atteint de complotisme, cette maladie mentale incurable et dévastatrice pour l'entourage de la personne atteinte. Une exclusivité VTA.
-> Exemple patent (et à peine caricaturé) du caractère dysfonctionnel et pathologique de la foi covidiste.

Elon Musk Attacks Branch Covidianism by Name. (Ray Fava - The Evangelical Dark Web - 13/12/2022)

Will Scientific Evidence Ever Silence the Pro-Mask Cult? (Dr. Gary Sidley - Daily Sceptic - 24/8/2023) -> discussing the dogmatic belief in mask wearing

Anthony Fauci Claims He Doesn't Need God Anymore, Praises His Own 'Personal Ethics'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 12/12/2023)

Bizarre hypervaccinator from Magdeburg receives 217 Covid jabs over 29 months, finally achieves antibody levels necessary to prevent infection. (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 6/3/2024)

Pour le droit de critiquer les vaccins. (Bernard Massie - Libre Média - 26/11/2024)

That Was The Interesting Thing About Covid - A New Religion Formed. (Mark Changizi + Jordan B. Peterson - Daily Wire - 28/11/2024)

COVID Cautious' Bowling Is a Thing, and It Is Gloriously Ridiculous - Watch. (Samuel Short - The Western Journal - 27/12/2024)

Covid Response at Five Years: Religion. (Brownstone Institute - 1/3/2025)
