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La secte de Davos veut faire du peuple ses esclaves...
The Davos Sect Intends that the Masses Become Their Slaves...Voilà des stratégies pour appauvrir et déstabiliser ceux qui sont destinés à devenirs leurs ennemies ?
Are these strategies in fact pre-emptive strikes, attempting to impoverish et destabilize those destined to become their enemies?Indeed, looking at the past 100 years, it is clear for those of us who have gone down the rabbit hole: the people at the very top of the pyramid have gone to great lengths to deliberately poison us – mind, body and soul. Weak populations are easier to control.
(Noor Bin Ladin - Substack - 30/1/2024)
Ces articles visent d'abord l'Europe, mais des politiques comparables (attaques contre des centres de traitement ou de distribution de bouffe) ont lieu en Amérique du nord également et ont pour but manifeste de dérégler complètement le système de production et de distribution de nourriture. Si les objectifs sont les mêmes (dérégler le système économique et réduire les masses à la dépendance), les stratégies varient d'un continent à un autre. Ouais, si Marie Antoinette était extraordinairement méprisante avec son «S'ils n'ont pas de pain, qu'ils mangent de la brioche ! »*. Mais le comportement des élites actuellement en place, ces pantins de Davos, indique assez manifestement qu'ils sont plus méprisants encore. Leur attitude? «Qu'ils crèvent...»
À mon sens ces attaques contre l'agriculture ne sont qu'un élément dans une stratégie plus large pour détruire l'autonomie économique du peuple. Si les masses sont réduits à la pauvreté et la dépendance on pourra les manipuler beaucoup plus facilement. Au début de la crise du Covid, ce sont les restos et petits commerces, déclarés "non-essentiels" (mais excluant les GROSSES compagnies, un hasard sans doute...), qui se sont faits tapés dessus. Là, il s'agit donc de la même stratégie, mais on change un peu de cible... À la fin, le système économique n'est pas le but, mais plutôt le renversement des systèmes politiques, les États-Nations, en Occident. Et de ce chaos politique et économique, peut naître le Nouvel Ordre Mondial (alias, Great Reset) que la secte de Davos désire tant. N'oublions pas que Hitler a été élu démocratiquement, mais à une période de grande crise économique en Allemagne (se payer un pain exigeait une brouettée de marks Allemandes...).
Il n'y avait plus de pain dans tout le pays, car la famine était très grande; le pays d'Egypte et le pays de Canaan languissaient, à cause de la famine. Joseph recueillit tout l'argent qui se trouvait dans le pays d'Egypte et dans le pays de Canaan, contre le blé qu'on achetait; et il fit entrer cet argent dans la maison de Pharaon. Quand l'argent du pays d'Egypte et du pays de Canaan fut épuisé, tous les Egyptiens vinrent à Joseph, en disant: Donne-nous du pain! Pourquoi mourrions-nous en ta présence? car l'argent manque. Joseph dit: Donnez vos troupeaux, et je vous donnerai du pain contre vos troupeaux, si l'argent manque. Ils amenèrent leurs troupeaux à Joseph, et Joseph leur donna du pain contre les chevaux, contre les troupeaux de brebis et de boeufs, et contre les ânes. Il leur fournit ainsi du pain cette année-là contre tous leurs troupeaux. Lorsque cette année fut écoulée, ils vinrent à Joseph l'année suivante, et lui dirent: Nous ne cacherons point à mon seigneur que l'argent est épuisé, et que les troupeaux de bétail ont été amenés à mon seigneur; il ne reste devant mon seigneur que nos corps et nos terres. Pourquoi mourrions-nous sous tes yeux, nous et nos terres? Achète-nous avec nos terres contre du pain, et nous appartiendrons à mon seigneur, nous et nos terres. Donne-nous de quoi semer, afin que nous vivions et que nous ne mourions pas, et que nos terres ne soient pas désolées. Joseph acheta toutes les terres de l'Egypte pour Pharaon; car les Egyptiens vendirent chacun leur champ, parce que la famine les pressait. Et le pays devint la propriété de Pharaon. Il fit passer le peuple dans les villes, d'un bout à l'autre des frontières de l'Egypte. Seulement, il n'acheta point les terres des prêtres, parce qu'il y avait une loi de Pharaon en faveur des prêtres, qui vivaient du revenu que leur assurait Pharaon: c'est pourquoi ils ne vendirent point leurs terres. Joseph dit au peuple: Je vous ai achetés aujourd'hui avec vos terres, pour Pharaon; voici pour vous de la semence, et vous pourrez ensemencer le sol. A la récolte, vous donnerez un cinquième à Pharaon, et vous aurez les quatre autres parties, pour ensemencer les champs, et pour vous nourrir avec vos enfants et ceux qui sont dans vos maisons. Ils dirent: Tu nous sauves la vie! que nous trouvions grâce aux yeux de mon seigneur, et nous serons esclaves de Pharaon. Joseph fit de cela une loi, qui a subsisté jusqu'à ce jour, et d'après laquelle un cinquième du revenu des terres de l'Egypte appartient à Pharaon; il n'y a que les terres des prêtres qui ne soient point à Pharaon.
(Genèse 47: 13-26)I believe a man is happier, and happy in a richer way, if he has 'the freeborn mind'. But I doubt whether he can have this without economic independence, which the new society is abolishing. For economic independence allows an education not controlled by Government; and in adult life it is the man who needs, and asks, nothing of Government who can criticise its acts and snap his fingers at its ideology. Read Montaigne; that's the voice of a man with his legs under his own table, eating the mutton and turnips raised on his own land. Who will talk like that when the State is everyone's schoolmaster and employer? Admittedly, when man was untamed, such liberty belonged only to the few. I know. Hence the horrible suspicion that our only choice is between societies with few freemen and societies with none.
(CS Lewis - Is Progress Possible? Willing Slaves of the Welfare State - 1958 - Etext)Comme une perdrix qui couve des oeufs qu'elle n'a point pondus, tel est celui qui acquiert des richesses injustement; Au milieu de ses jours il doit les quitter, et à la fin il n'est qu'un insensé.
(Jérémie 17: 11)Toute l'histoire du contrôle sur le peuple se résume à cela : isoler les gens les uns des autres, parce que si on peut les maintenir isolés assez longtemps, on peut leur faire croire n'importe quoi.
Noam Chomsky (2006) Comprendre le pouvoir : L'indispensable de Chomsky. [deuxième mouvement]. (trad. Hélène Hiessler), Éditions Aden, p. 33
Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus récents d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (most recent first, older articles at the bottom)
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Cible: Entreprises jugées non-essentielles
Cible: Agriculteurs
Chaos alimentaire - Food Chaos
Chaos économique - Economic Chaos
Chaos dans le transport / Transportation Chaos
Chaos énergique - Energy Chaos
Chaos juridique et civil / Judicial and Civil Chaos
Mensonges des autos électriques / Electric Car Lies
Semer le chaos social / Sowing Social Chaos
Mais, quel hasard que pendant les lockdown les Club Price, WallMart, Amazon, Société des Alcools du Québec n'ont PAS été jugés non-essentiels??? Pour eux, la crise du Covid a été TRES rentable...
Alberta class-action lawsuit alleging government negligence and misfeasance against businesses to proceed: The Court of King's Bench of Alberta has certified a lawsuit allowing small businesses to seek compensation for losses incurred from COVID-19 related public health lockdowns and restrictions deemed illegally implemented. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 15 minutes - 31/10/2024)
Biden's Economy, Pandemic Forces America's Oldest Craft Brewer to Close. (Ryan Saavedra - DailyWire - 15/7/2023)
More Than 50,000 US Stores Will Close by 2027 According to UBS. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 29/5/2023)
Five highly paid government prosecutors are trying to crush the Whistle Stop Diner. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 27 minutes - 13/4/2023)
Énergie : 116 boulangers ont fait faillite en janvier 2023. (Aguellid - Le libre penseur - 4/4/2023)
Biden is impoverishing the middle and working classes OP-ED: At every turn, the government is coming after more and more of your wealth. (Carol Roth - The Blaze - 4/8/2022)
Largest Trucker Protest Over California Gig Worker Law Temporarily Shuts Down Port of Oakland. (Brandon Drey - DailyWire - 20/7/2022)
M. Legault, ouvrez les restos : Les Entrepreneurs en Action du Québec et des restaurateurs demandent l’ouverture immédiate des restaurants. (Benoit Girouard. et ali. - EAQ - 30/11/2020)
Les avocats Jean-Félix Racicot et Guylaine Lacerte ont déposé une demande en justice au nom des Entrepreneurs en Action du Québec contre le gouvernement de François Legault. (Guy Boulianne - 22/12/2020)
Un sur dix: 175 restos fermés depuis le début de la pandémie à Québec. (Diane Tremblay - Journal de Québec - 13/9/2021)
Le collectif de l'Entrepreneurs en Action du Québec a déposé une Demande pour ordonnances de sauvegarde afin que cessent les mesures imposées par le gouvernement. (Guy Boulianne - 9/3/2021)
9 commerces populaires ayant fermé leurs portes pour toujours à Québec depuis la pandémie : La baisse d'achalandage a été fatale pour plusieurs. (Isabelle Noël - Narcity - 28/1/2021)
Fermeture des commerces non essentiels: les achats de la dernière chance. (Mayssa Ferah - La Presse - 25/3/2020) -> Pour limiter les ravages liés à la COVID-19, Québec a décrété lundi la fermeture obligatoire de nombreux endroits jusqu'au 13 avril. Certains ont dû faire des adieux précipités à leur magasin favori, et d'autres consommateurs sont sortis en urgence faire leurs achats alors que la province amorce un hiatus de trois semaines.
Voici la liste des activités et services essentiels de Québec. (TVA Nouvelles - 23/3/2020)
Les entreprises et commerces non essentiels fermés jusqu'au 13 avril. (Charles Lecavalier/Journal de Québec - TVA Nouvelles- 23/3/2020)
COVID-19 : François Legault annonce la fermeture de tout commerce non essentiel au Québec: Le Québec compte maintenant 628 personnes infectées. (Jean-Michel Clermont-Goulet - Narcity Québec - 23/3/2020)
Des faillites massives appréhendées par les restaurants. (Zacharie Goudreault - Métro - 23/4/2020)
L'individu laissé à lui-même est sans défense, d'autant plus qu'il peut être saisi dans un courant social, ce qui est précisément le moyen le plus favorable de la propagande. Inséré dans des micro-groupes, il ressent beaucoup moins facilement les influences collectives, les modes, les suggestions. Il est moins sensible aux variations de la société globale. Il n'obéit que si le groupe entier obéit. Nous ne disons nullement qu'il est plus libre, mais qu'il est déterminé par son milieu local, par son groupe restreint, et très peu par les influences idéologiques, par les stimuli psychiques collectifs. L'erreur a été de croire qu'en libérant l'individu de ces groupes organiques on le rendait libre. En fait, on le rendait disponible pour les courants de masse, pour l'influence de l'Etat, pour l'insertion directe dans la société globale, en définitive pour la propagande. Il devenait infiniment moins stable, le déracinement matériel coïncidant avec un déracinement psychique. C'est pourquoi la propagande dans les milieux paysans, par exemple, a très peu d'influence. Goebbels lui-même reconnaissait que l'on pouvait atteindre ces derniers qu'à condition de faire éclater les structures de milieu. Et l'on sait les difficultés de Lénine pour intégrer la paysannerie russe à la Révolution. C'est donc une des premières conditions : si la propagande s'est progressivement développée dans l'Europe occidentale au XIXe siècle et dans la première moitié du XXe, c'est que l'on se trouvait en présence d'une société qui devenait de plus en plus individualiste, dont les structures organiques se brisaient.
(p. 109 - ELLUL, Jacques Propagandes. Economica Paris (coll. Classiques des sciences sociales) 1962/2013 361 p.) -> ce qui explique la guerre contre les Koulaks sous Staline...
Au 21e siècle les phrases commençant par « Pour l'environnement... » ne sont-ils pas un truc favori de nos oppresseurs ? (PG)
Farmers always fare poorly when "the elite" capture the apparatus of the State. One reason is that, as a group, farmers are basically entrepreneurs. They don't work a 9:00 to 5:00 day. They don't take orders from supervisors working in cubicles. They're necessarily independent. Farmers have to buy and sell like merchants. They have to be practical field-level biologists, botanists, and zoologists. They have to be businessmen, mechanics, meteorologists, and a dozen other things. A successful farmer is naturally multi-faceted and multi-talented—not the type of person prone to taking orders from high up. He's a person that owns property and values it. As a class, farmers are natural enemies of socialist governments. It's true that they can be corrupted, much as many farmers have been in the US with subsidies since the 1930s. But farmers tend to be independent freethinkers.
(Doug Casey - How the War on Farmers Could Trigger a Famine)
L'histoire montre que la collectivisation des terres a été toujours et partout l'un des principaux outils de l'asservissement totalitaire, en même temps que d'un appauvrissement inéluctable des agriculteurs.
(p. 217 - REVEL, Jean-François (1983) Comment les démocraties finissent. Grasset Paris 332 p.)
Britain's farmers are fighting for their survival Labour's tax raid is putting an entire industry and way of life at risk. (Tim Black - Spiked - 16/1/2025)
Amish Farmer Celebrates "Big Win For Food Freedom". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 4/1/2025)
No, a Farm Isn't the Same as a House. (Philip Leith - Daily Skeptic - 21/11/2024)
Explained: How UK Inheritance Tax is part of the War on Food. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 18/11/2024)
Defiant Farmers Threaten Port and Supermarket Disruption. (Richard Eldred - Daily Skeptic - 10/11/2024)
"Rachel Reeves Has F***ed All Farmers": Kirstie Allsopp and Jeremy Clarkson Join Condemnation of Budget That Will "Destroy the Family Farm". (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 31/10/2024)
Land Rich, Cash Poor: The Disappearing American Farmer—with Brian Reisinger. (UK Column - podcast, 59 minutes - 22/10/2024)
5th Generation Cattle Rancher Exposes How mRNA Is Secretly Pumped Into Food Supply. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 22/10/2024)
Did you hear what Justin Trudeau is doing to the Amish farmers? The Canadian Amish go back and forth to the U.S. to visit other Amish communities. And every time they came back, they'd be hit with a $6,000 ArriveCan fine — every man, woman and child. It totalled hundreds of thousands of dollars. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 23/9/2024)
Sa production passe de 15.000 à 800 œufs par jour : l'éleveur pointe les ondes de l'antenne relais située à 300 mètres. (Emmanuelle Bourdy - Epoch Times - 16/9/2024)
Ours : forte tension entre les gardes et les éleveurs dans les Pyrénées. (Françoise Degert - AgoraVox - 7/9/2024)
Fabrique de l'opinion : en route vers le glouton: Ecoutez Bruxelles poursuit son objectif de virer les ruraux en leur rendant la vie impossible. (Françoise Degert - AgoraVox - 5/9/2024)
From Agrarianism to Transhumanism: The Long March to Dystopia. (Colin Todhunter - Off-Guardian - 20/8/2024) -> Farmers are to be displaced and replaced with drones, machines and cloud-based computing. Food is to be redefined and people are to be fed synthetic, genetically engineered products.
Les jeunes agriculteurs contraints de se loger léger. (France-Soir/AFP - 8/8/2024)
Faire son potager à la maison génère plus de CO2 que l'agriculture conventionnelle ??!! (Charles SANNAT/Insolentiae - Les moutons enragés - 31/7/2024)
'This Was a Fisheries Killer:' The Fisherman Who Fought Chevron Deference All The Way to The Supreme Court - 'With these restrictions and quotas, now you're forcing people to buy fish in order to catch fish.' (Daily Wire - 7/7/2024)
War on Nation's Food Supply?: Idaho Restricts Water to 500,000 Acres of Farmland. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 15/6/2024) - > cutting farmer's access to water in a year with excess rain... The tecnocrats that signed these decrees should be unceremoniously kicked out on the street. Go flip burgers...
World Economic Forum Article Calls For 'Reinventing' The Global Food System, Praises 'Animal-Free' Products. (Zach Jewell - DailyWire - 15/6/2024)
Government Raid Seizes $90,000 of Healthy Food Grown by Nourish Cooperative. (Dr Joseph Mercola - Z3News - 10/6/2024)
Grande Mobilisation : Les agriculteurs se révoltent partout en Europe | GPTV. (Thierry Seneclauze, Jean-François Chaperon, Olivier Piacentini et Anne-Laure Delinot - Géopolitique-Profonde/Les moutons enragés - vidéo, 125 minutes - 9/6/2024)
"The farmers are fighting not just for themselves but for all of us. There's nothing right-wing about this. This is the sort of thing that the left used to fight for." (James Melville - X/Twitter - video, 2 minutes - 6/6/2024)
The World Bank's Recipe for Globalist Food Control. (John Klar - GraniteGrok - 1/6/2024)
World Bank Launches Plan to Decimate Global Farming Under Excuse of Cutting Carbon Emissions. (Ethan Huff/Natural News - Discern Report - 21/5/2024)
Europe's war on food is coming to America. (Glenn Beck - The Blaze - 15/5/2024)
Farmers' Biggest Problems are Green Ideologues, not Climate Change. (Ben Pile - Daily Skeptic - 19/4/2024)
EPA Threatens Locally Produced Beef In Another Blow to Decentralized Natural Meat Production, EPA Rule Indirectly Shuts Down Small Meat Producers via Clean Water Act Overreach. (Dr. Robert Malone - Discern Report - 14/4/2024)
Rancher Blows Whistle on mRNA Vaccine Testing in Livestock. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 3/4/2024)
Une maladie très contagieuse. (Matière à réflexion - 18/3/2024) -> Vengeance étatique (et vol) contre un paysan activitste??
Quebec farmers protest energy regulation impact Tractors and blue-collar agricultural workers are demonstrating on Quebec streets to showcase the impact of energy regulations on the agricultural industry and oppose harmful Liberal energy policies. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 15/3/2024)
Over 140,000 [US] Farms Lost In 5 Years. (Daniel Munch/Farm Bureau - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 11/3/2024)
Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones Explain Why There Is A War Against Rural Americans. (InfoWars - video, 6 minutes - 8/3/2024)
Over 140,000 Farms Lost in 5 Years. (Daniel Munch - Farm Bureau - 7/3/2024) -> USA
Rural America Is a Threat to the Totalitarian Left. (J.B. Shurk - Discern Report - 3/3/2024)
American Farmers Face Crisis as Globalist Policies and Inflation Take a Toll. (Discern Reporter - Discern Report - 3/3/2024)
Tractor Protests: Farmers From Ten Countries Join Forces to Push Back Against EU Green Tyranny. (Breitbart London - 23/2/2024)
WEF Orders Govt's to Arrest Citizens Who Grow Their Own Food. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 21/2/2024)
The EU cartel was designed to crush farmers Rural workers didn't stand a chance. (Yanis Varoufakis - UnHerd - 19/2/2024)
The peasants won't go quietly: Europe ought to show them more gratitude. (Pratinav Anil - UnHerd - 13/2/2024)
Cattle crisis as production plummets to decades-low level, rancher warns: 'Biden policies hurting America's cattlemen,' consumers going to pay the price. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 10/2/2024)
La vie moderne : mort de la paysannerie. (Pascal Tripier-Constantin - France-Soir - 9/2/2024)
Les experts du Forum économique mondial déclarent les potagers des citoyens, responsables du désastre climatique. (Nicole Delépine/Le Média en 4-4-2 - Nouveau Monde - 6/2/2024)
Globalists Will Use Carbon Controls to Stop You From Growing Your Own Food. (Brandon Smith - Alt-Market.us - 2/2/2024)
Chaos Erupts In Brussels as Rubber Bullets Fired at Farmers Protesting Outside EU Parliament. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/2/2024)
« La filiation entre les K.ñhmers rouges et les Khmers verts en France ». (Charles Sannat - Insolentiae - 31/1/2024) -> examine le cas d'un pays qui a réellement mis fin à l'agriculture monderne...
Victory to the French farmers Europeans are right to rise up against our eco-obsessed elites. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 30/1/2024)
"It Must Be Stopped": 12 Agriculture Officials Warn Largest U.S. Banks About Net Zero Agenda. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 30/1/2024)
L'Europe va faire baisser de 49 % la production de blé et prépare famines et pénuries. (Charles Sannat - Insolentiae - 29/1/2024)
Why Do Western Governments and Elites Come After Our Farmers? (Eva Vlaardingerbroek & Jordan Peterson - The Liberty Daily/Rumble - video, 3 minutes - 29/1/2024)
Canadian farmers already produce 'sustainable' crops without government intrusion, says one study Canada's carbon footprint is 60% lower than the global weighted average, uncovered a study, with Saskatchewan leading the way at 67%. The study celebrated its farmers as global leaders in reducing emissions without arbitrary declines in food production. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 27/1/2024)
Agriculteurs en colère : entre révolte rurale et manœuvres politiques ? (G. Liguily - France-Soir - 25/1/2024)
The fury of Ireland's farmers: All across Europe, put-upon farmers are rising up against green dogma. (John Mac Ghlionn - Spiked - 25/1/2024)
"Growing your own vegetables is bad for the planet": Another blatant step in the plan to control our food. (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 24/1/2024)
'I want a total change to the system': Spiked meets the German farmers and truckers revolting against the green elites. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 21/1/2024)
The German farmers' revolt: Watch spiked's report from Berlin, where farmers are rebelling against green tyranny. (Spiked - video, 9 minutes - 20/1/2024)
10,000 Expected at Tractor Protest Against German Government as Truckers Join Rebels. (Oliver Lane - Breitbart - 15/1/2024)
Sébastien Béraud, agriculteur : "C'est tout le système qu'il faut changer. Les politiques veulent nous tuer". (Romain - France-Soir - vidéo, 29 minutes - 10/1/2024)
The Great German Farmer Protests Have Begun. (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 8/1/2024)
Coup de gueule d'un paysan. (Lediazec - Les moutons enragés - vidéo, 2 minutes - 6/1/2024)
State Raids Amish Organic Farm Selling Raw Foods to Private Buyers. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 4/1/2024)
WHO Orders Govt's to Outlaw Farming Worldwide to Save the Planet. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 4/1/2024)
"Trop c'est trop" : le mouvement des agriculteurs allemands s'intensifie. (Lauriane Bernard - France-Soir - 3/1/2024)
Thousands of German Farmers Rise Up Against WEF Takeover of Food Supply – Media Blackout. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 2/1/2024)
Alberta farmer ceases operations over Trudeau's carbon tax, inflation Dawn Van Tienhoven condemned Ottawa's punitive carbon tax and inflation for making her operations unaffordable. 'My mortgage payments went from $4,300 a month to $6,700 a month,' she said. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 23/12/2023)
"On marche sur la tête ! " Le bon sens paysan retourne donc les panneaux ! (Lauriane Bernard - France-Soir - vidéo, 51 minutes - 22/12/2023)
Foreigners Bought 3 Million Acres of U.S. Farmland Last Year, Now Control 2% Of The U.S. USDA says foreign-owned wind energy projects account for much of the increase. (Luke Rosiak - DailyWire - 19/12/2023)
Eat Less Meat Is Message for Rich World in Food's First Net Zero Plan 361. (Agnieszka de Sousa/Bloomberg - Yahoo-Finance - 25/11/2023)
Trudeau's war on farmers could create catastrophe as food prices soar: The net income for Canadian farmers fell 8.3 percent in 2022 and the expense of running a farm increased by 21.2 percent in 2022, the largest gain since 1974. (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 1/11/2023)
The USDA's War on Small Farms. (David Brady, Jr./Mises - Discern Report - 27/9/2023)
Farmers say 'government-made food crisis' will worsen due to carbon tax, fertilizer limits: Through 2030, farmers would save almost $978 million if Bill C-234, An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, became law and exempted various fuels from the carbon tax. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 19/9/2023)
Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: The People Who Feed Us. (Elze van Hamelen - Solari Report - 1/9/2023)
Big Government Raids Small-Town Amish Farm. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/8/2023) -> Townhall published a documentary on X, formerly known as Twitter, titled "David vs. Goliath: Big Government's War on an Amish Farmer." The film shows big government raiding the business of a small-town Amish farmer tucked away in Virginia's heartland.
The green war on animals: Cattle, sheep and even pets are now in the sights of deranged eco-warriors. (Julie Burchill - Spiked - 28/8/2023)
Texas Fertilizer Plant Completely Destroyed by Huge Fire. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 23/8/2023)
Federal emission targets require 'drastic cuts' to fertilizer use and would jeopardize 'economic viability' of farming: report. (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 20/7/2023) -> Trudeau's reduction target which was first announced in 2020, adds additional strain on farmers. While a reduction up to 15% is possible using existing efficiency methods, the remaining cut would have to come from reduced fertilizer use.
13 WEF-Infiltrated Nations Agree to Engineer Global FAMINE to 'Save the Planet'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 18/7/2023)
The eco-elites' insane war on farming: Three cheers for the Irish farmers who've joined the revolt against Net Zero. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 17/7/2023)
Farmland Lost is Farmland Lost Forever. (Tom DeWeesel - News With Views - 14/7/2023)
Veteran-Owned 'Clean Beef' Company Says It Would Rather Shut Down Than Accept mRNA Injections In Cattle. (Allan Stein/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durde/Zero Hedge - 13/7/2023)
Australia Approves Mandatory Bill Gates mRNA Vaccines for ALL Agriculture. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 14/6/2023)
Dutch Govt Launches 'Great Reset' With Farmer Buyout Scheme as Thousands Face Shut Down. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 13/6/2023)
How the War on Farmers Could Trigger a Famine. (Doug Casey - InternationalMan - 7/6/2023)
WEF Orders US Gov't To Forcibly Seize Farms By 2025 And Burn Millions of Cattle. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 6/6/2023)
Ireland considering killing 200,000 cows to fight climate change. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 3/6/2023)
John Kerry says US farmers must radically transform food production to meet 'net zero' emissions goals by 2030: "We can't get to net zero, we don't get this job done, unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution." (Libby Emmons - The Post Millennial - 28/5/2023)
John Kerry and Biden Regime Target Small Farms in Their Ongoing Climate Crusade – They're Going After the Food Supply. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 20/5/2023)
EXCLUSIVE: Dutch farmer 'families are crying at the kitchen table every day' and some have committed suicide, warns Dutch MEP Robert Roos about government farm expropriation plans. (John Cody - Remix News - 16/5/2023)
The Dutch farmers' revolt is far from over The EU's stringent climate targets are a threat to their way of life. (John Lee Shaw - Spiked - 8/5/2023)
'We Don't Vaccinate': Cattle Farmer Speaks Out Against mRNA Vaccines In Livestock. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 18/4/2023)
Bill Gates Beams With Glee As Mysterious Explosion Kills 18,000 Cows at Texas Dairy Farm. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 13/4/2023)
Dutch Farmers Revolt Against Globalist Food Control That Leaves People Poorer And Hungrier. (John Klar - The Federalist - 28/3/2023)
10,000 Dutch Farmers Descend On The Hague to Protest Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions. (Thomas Brooke/REMIX NEWS - Technocracy News - 14/3/2023)
WATCH: Dutch Farmers Stage Massive Protest Despite Threat of Military Force. (The American Journal/Infowars - 15 minutes - 13/3/2023) -> Dutch farmes starts at 10:30 minutes...
Dutch mayor threatens army deployment as farmer protests escalate. (Mike Campbell - Countersignal - 10/3/2023)
Great Britain to Require Backyard Gardeners to Register Chickens. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 9/3/2023)
[VIDEO] Fire burns in Brussels as thousands of farmers fight back against globalist "green agenda"… (Revolver - 4/3/2023)
« Ce n'est plus possible d'être propriétaire »: Le prix des terres agricoles a bondi de 248 % au cours des 10 dernières années Les terres agricoles du Québec s'envolent à prix d'or. Leur valeur moyenne a bondi de 248 % au cours des 10 dernières années. Dans le jeu de la surenchère et de la spéculation, les grands acteurs remportent la mise et les agriculteurs de la relève sont les grands perdants. (Daphné Cameron & Alain Roberge La Presse - 12/2/2023)
French Farmers Stage Mass Tractor Protest in Paris Against EU Green Diktats. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 9/2/2023)
Sri Lanka's Collapse Over UN/WEF Ag Policies Should be A Warning to The World. (Chandre Dharma-wardana/RealClear Markets - Technocracy News - 7/2/2023)
Hens Go From No Eggs to Dozens After Chicken Farmer Ditches 'Tainted' Feed. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 1 minute - 6/2/2023)
Third-biggest egg farm in US catches fire, 21 fire departments respond to huge blaze that likely killed thousands of chickens. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 29/1/2023)
Farmers Warn Millions of Chickens Have Been Poisoned as Part of Globalist 'Food Crisis' Plot. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 24/1/2023)
Three Cheers For the Dutch Resistance: Way to go Dutch freedom fighters. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 13/1/2023)
Forget Oil: Now They Are Coming for the Cows cows. (Doug French - The Mises Institute - 19/12/2022)
The Big Brother War on Farming Should Horrify All of Us "The truth is, whenever you have the state coming in to tell us mere mortals that they can do things much better than we can, you should always be very worried indeed." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 13/12/2022)
The Dutch Government Is About to Steal Farms Across the Netherlands. (Marie Hawthorne - The Organic Prepper - 12/12/2022) -> Totalitarian leaders have known for a long time that the key to breaking a culture is to break the farmers. In Anne Applebaum's book Red Famine, the author discusses the deliberate destruction of the Ukrainian peasant class by the Soviet Union. They systematically starved millions of peasants to death, then resettled the abandoned lands with either Russian farmers or other displaced ethnic minorities within the Soviet Union.
Dare to Resist the Great Reset – and the Dutch Disease: The Big Brother war on farming should horrify all of us. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 12/12/2022)
The War on Farmers Technocrat globalists target Germany. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 3 minutes - 5/12/2022)
'War against humanity': Netherlands to shut down 3,000 farms December 04, 2022 - 10:33AM Webster University assistant professor Ralph Schoellhammer says the Dutch government's plan to shut down 3,000 farms in a bid to comply with EU emissions standards is a "war against humanity". (Sky News - 8 minutes - 4/12/2022)
Time to start eating bugs? (John Hinderaker - Power Line - 29/11/2022)
Netherlands Forcibly Closing up to 3000 Farms at The Behest of The WEF Climate Scammers. (The American Journal - InfoWars - 29/11/2022)
History Repeats – 'Control the Food, Control the Population'. (Dr. Stephanie Coxon - America Out Loud - 26/11/2022)
Alberta agriculture minister mandated to fight federal fertilizer policies. (Cosmin Dzsurdzsa - True North - 19/11/2022)
2 in 10 Cows Injected With mRNA Jabs DIE Instantly. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 29/10/2022)
The Hill was alive with the sounds of… dueling protests? At one point, some sparks began to fly as the farmers' protest co-mingled with another protest that was put on by a group called A Better Richmond Hill. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 13/10/2022) -> Davos hypocrites attack more Canadian farmers with bogus taxes...
War on Farming: New Zealand Proposes Taxing Cow, Sheep Burps and Peeing to Curb Emissions. (Simon Kent - Breitbart - 11/10/2022)
Dutch Farmers Resisting the Toxic Transition. (Colin Todhunter - Off-Guardian - 21/9/2022)
DENIAL: Climate Change Minister on defence over trespass scandal Trudeau's Climate Change Minister, Steven Guilbeault, is on the defensive, finally responding to Saskatchewan Minister Jeremy Cockrill's warning that federal agents could be arrested for trespassing on private land to take samples. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 24/8/2022)
Saskatchewan warns Trudeau's federal Nitrogen agents could be arrested. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 21/8/2022)
Amish farm under threat from U.S. federal govt for refusal to abandon traditional farming practices Amos Miller, the farm's owner, contends that he's preparing food the way God intended — but the United States government doesn't see things that way. (Jeremy Loffredo - Rebel News - 2 minutes - 16/8/2022)
Prominent cattle trader weighs in on the Dutch farmer rebellion A well-known cattle trader in the Netherlands who is very actively involved with the protests across Holland gives his take on what these green policies from the Dutch government could mean for the future of his business. (Lewis Brackpool - Rebel News - 4 minutes - 13/8/2022)
All three Prairie Provinces say NO to Trudeau's starvation policy. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 3/8/2022)
UN, World Economic Forum Behind Global 'War On Farmers': Experts. (Alex Neuman/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 30/7/2022)
Pay Attention To The Dutch Farmer Protests Because America Is Next: The same climate policies that are set to destroy private agriculture in the Netherlands are eventually coming to America. (JohnDaniel Davidson - The Federalist - 29/7/2022)
Trudeau Spars With Farmers on Climate Plan Risking Grain Output: Canada wants to cut fertilizer emissions, but farmers say it could result in less food. (Jen Skerritt - Bloomberg - 27/7/2022)
Farm Credit Canada spied on and terminated customers for convoy wrong-think: More like Social Credit Canada: 'If you become aware of potential customer involvement in blockades, occupations and other support of activity related to the 'Freedom Convoy' you must submit a tip to the customer diligence centre.' (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 26/7/2022)
Justin Trudeau and the dangers of eco-posturing The Western elites' war on modern farming is a menace to humankind. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 26/7/2022)
'Trying to F*ck up Ordinary People': Russell Brand Goes on Rant Against The 'Great Reset'. (Brianna Lyman - The Daily Caller - 20/7/2022)
Farmers Against Fascism: Why we must support the brave Dutch farmers against the globalists. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 15/7/2022)
Eva Vlaardingerbroek on Dutch Farmers' Protests: Best 'Way to Control People' Is 'Controlling Their Food Supply'. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 19/7/22022)
The Great Resist Has Begun. (M Dowling - The Sentinel - 19/7/2022)
These farmers are fighting for us all: We are witnessing a global revolt against the irrationalism of the elites. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 19/7/2022)
"We're All Dutch Farmers Now!". (The Corbett Report - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/7/2022) -> Whether we know it or not, we are at war. And, whether we know it or not, that war is a battle between the overwhelming majority of the human population and the few at the top who seek to control (and simultaneously reduce) that population.
Why We Must Support The Brave Dutch Farmers Against The Globalists "If the state comes in and says 'I'm going to take away your property for a so-called greater good.' I don't know what could be more essential to communism than that." (Bill Muehlenberg/CultureWatch - Caldron Pool - 16/7/2022)
'This is not a democracy anymore': Following a tractor convoy in the Netherlands . (Rebel News - 14/7/2022)
Sri Lanka Is the Future the Global Elites Want for Everyone. (Stacey Lennox - PJMedia - 13/7/2022)
Dutch Farmers Rise Up Against Food System 'Reset'. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - InfoWars - 13/7/2022) -> While looming food shortages are now blamed on climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Rockefeller Foundation discussed coming food shortages as an inevitability back in July 2020, and called for a revamping of the food system to address it. Seeing how true prophets are few and far in between these days, it seems more reasonable to suspect that paper was delineating a known, intentional plan.
Vidéo : Les agriculteurs européens ripostent contre le schéma mondialiste visant à détruire l'approvisionnement alimentaire mondial. (Amy Meck/RAIR/Global-Research - Les moutons enragés - 12/7/2022)
Démolition contrôlée : aux Pays-Bas, une ferme sur trois doit être fermée ou expropriée. (Carl Friedrich - Les moutons enragés - 11/7/2022)
Dutch farmers speak out at press conference in Eerbeek: 'we want to turn our government back to reality' Rebel News continues to be on the ground in the Netherlands covering the nationwide farmer protests. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 10/7/2022)
Netherlands Revolution? (ShayneVibes_Truth - Instagram - 8 minutes - 9/7/2022)
Dutch Farmers Ignite Worldwide Anti-Globalist Uprising: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. (Greg Reese - Banned Videos/InfoWars - 6 minutes - 9/7/2022)
Trudeau's nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming. (Keean Bexte - The Counter Signal - 8/7/2022)
Pourquoi les agriculteurs manifestent-ils aux Pays-Bas ? (RT France - 5/7/2022)
Bill Gates set to purchase 2,100 more acres of farmland in North Dakota Gates is already the largest private owner of American farmland, with some 270,000 acres. (Lewis Brackpool - Rebel News - 3/7/2022)
The Dutch Farmers' Protest and the War on Food. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 2/7/2022)
They're coming for your backyard chickens… (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 29/6/2022)
What Was the Holodomor? Americans Could Soon Find Out Firsthand. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 7/10/2021)
The real reason why Bill Gates is now the US' biggest farmland owner. (James B. Meigs - New York Post - 27/2/2021)
Insight: Slaughtered on Suspicion. (UK Column - video, 71 minutes - 4/8/2015) -> examining a government ordered livestock cull in northern England, based on models provided by Neil Ferguson and the same Imperial College, London, whose computer models drove the UK's Covid–19 policy recommendations...
Les nations se sont irritées; et ta colère est venue, et le temps est venu de juger les morts, de récompenser tes serviteurs les prophètes, les saints et ceux qui craignent ton nom, les petits et les grands, et de détruire ceux qui détruisent la terre. (Apoc. 11: 18)
Ce projet de loi veut-il nous rendre tous végans? (Sylvain Charlebois - le Soleil - 26/9/2024)
Bill Gates reveals plan to save Earth from farting cows. (Blaze News - 17/6/2024)
The Global War on Food. (J.D. Rucker - The Liberty Daily - 9/6/2024)
Millions of Chickens Killed in 5-Alarm Fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois, - One of Nation's Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities (VIDEO). (Jim Hᴏft - The Gateway Pundit - 30/5/2024)
Hidden Food Threat: Experts Warn of Dangers of RNAi Crops. (Sayer Ji/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/5/2024)
Experts Say Bird Flu "Jumps" To Animals The Elites Don't Want Us to Eat … (John Klar - GraniteGrok - 10/5/2024)
Farmers warn that food aisles will soon be empty because of "crushing conditions". (End Time Headlines - 1/4/2024)
WEF Provision Sneaked Into Omnibus Bill Will Ration Beef Consumption in U.S. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 1/4/2024)
After Shutting Down Thousands of Farms, European Governments Are Warning About a Future Food Crisis. (Cassie B/ Natural News - Discern Report - 24/3/2024)
Elitists Demonize Farming While Investing in Fake Food. (Mac Slavo - Discern Report - 20/3/2024)
Most US Cheese Contains GMO Made by Pfizer. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 12/3/2024)
"Everything Is Gone": Texas Wildfire Ravages America's Cattle-Mecca. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 29/2/2024)
American Leaders Sign WEF Treaty To Ration Meat, Electricity and Gas. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 4/2/2024)
Fire Engulfs Massive Chicken Plant In Texas. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 30/1/2024)
WEF Declares War on Coffee: 'No More Than 2 or 3 Cups Each Per Year'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 22/1/2024)
Two Thirds of Elite Americans Favour Food and Energy Rations to Combat Climate Change, Poll Finds. (Chris Morrison - Daily Skeptic - 21/1/2024)
UN Set To Amplify War On Meat At Upcoming COP28 Climate Conference. (Evita Duffy-Alfonso - The Federalist - 27/11/2023)
Scientists Want Meat Slapped With 'Cigarette-Style' Warning Labels About Climate Change. Here's Why It's Completely Asinine. (Tristan Justice and Evita Duffy-Alfonso - The Federalist - 10/11/2023)
Italy Bans Bill Gates' Lab Grown Meat Citing "Serious Health Concerns". (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 8/11/2023)
Meat From Animals Vaccinated With mRNA Vaccines May Soon Make Its Way Into The US Food Supply. (Megan Redshaw/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 27/9/2023)
Phoenix Becomes First U.S. City to Impose WEF's Ban on Meat, Dairy, Private Cars. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 20/9/2023) -> the hypocrites wish you best of luck in their Postmodern Gulag...
Trudeau Threatens 'Grocery Tax' To Combat 'Record Profits'. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 16/9/2023)
Sadiq Khan's Green Globalist Gang Suggests Daily 44g Meat Allowance and Rations Lower Than Second World War. (Chris Morrison - Daily Skeptic - 31/8/2023)
Vaxxed Swine: How Many Americans Have Been Eating Pork With Toxic Spike Protein Particles for the Past 5 Years? (S.D. Wells/Natural News - Discern Report - 25/8/2023)
Ils veulent manipuler l'être humain pour le rendre intolérant à la viande ! Ce n'est pas un complot, juste un projet, un agenda politique tyrannique... (Le libre penseur - vidéo, 1 minute - 14/8/2023)
Après la quantité, au tour de la qualité des aliments d'écoper. (Daniel Blanchette Pelletier - RadioCan - 9/8/2023)
WEF-Linked Bioethicist Called For Genetically Modifying Humans to Induce Meat Intolerance. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 8/8/2023)
Learn How Alpha-Gal Proteins In COVID Shots Are Triggering Meat Allergies Worldwide. (Alex Jones and Rob Dew- InfoWars - video, 25 minutes - 8/8/2023)
'Rather Eat My Shoe': Nutritionist Explains The Issues With Lab-Grown Meat. (Ben Whitehead - DailyWire - 28/6/2023)
USDA Approves Bill Gates' Lab-Grown Meat For Sale Despite Causing 'Turbo Cancers' In Human Subjects. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 22/6/2023)
How the War on Farmers Could Trigger a Famine. (Doug Casey - Discern Report - 11/6/2023)
"Digital Prison": Aldi Slammed for Implementing "No App, No Food" System "In-store cameras will track shoppers, adding items to each personal account as they're picked up or bagged." (Caldron Pool - 10/6/2023)
Seulement 10 grammes de viande par jour en Allemagne. (Lauriane Bernard - France-Soir - 30/5/2023)
John Kerry and Biden Regime Target Small Farms in Their Ongoing Climate Crusade – They're Going After the Food Supply. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 20/5/2023)
New York to Track Residents' Food Purchases and Place 'Caps on Meat' Served by Public Institutions: New York City will begin tracking the carbon footprint of household food consumption and putting caps on how much red meat can be served in public institutions as part of a sweeping initiative to achieve a 33% reduction in carbon emissions from food by 2030. (Brenda Baletti - The Defender - 16/5/2023)
Bill Gates Plans to Microdose Humanity With Cancer Coating on ALL Fruit and Veg. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 15/5/2023)
'They're coming for your food': Expert warns the 'fix is in' and 'restrictions' will be next. (Kevin Haggerty - BPR - 25/4/2023)
WEF Orders Governments to Start Limiting Food to Fight Climate Change. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 22/4/2023)
Rice Is Now Killing The Planet, Apparently: Its the thing most of humanity survives on. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 17/4/2023)
COVID contrarian doctors express concerns over mRNA technology in the food chain. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 15/4/2023)
'Water is Not a Human Right': WEF Orders Govt's to Begin Rationing Water Into Homes. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 12/4/2023)
The UN and WEF Order Government's to Begin Rationing Water Supply Into People's Homes. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 2/4/2023)
The green elites really do want climate rationing: A new paper has exposed the miserable reality of Net Zero. (Laurie Wastell - Spiked - 6/3/2023)
The UK Is "Rationing" Vegetables... & It's All About Normalization. (Kit Knightly via Off-Guardian - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 1/3/2023)
Study Reveals Bill Gates' Fake Meat Causes 'Turbo Cancers' in Humans. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 23/2/2023)
Le cauchemar mondial arrive : Les pénuries alimentaires. (Franck Pengam/Géopolitique Profonde - Les moutons enragés - 13/2/2023)
Third-biggest egg farm in US catches fire, 21 fire departments respond to huge blaze that likely killed thousands of chickens. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 29/1/2023)
Le groupe Cofigeo (William Saurin, Garbit, Raynal) va arrêter 80% de sa production en 2023. (Raphaël Delvolvé - Europe 1 - 7/12/2022)
Le phénomène des incendies d'usines agro-alimentaires a commencé aussi en France. (P.Jovanovic/L'échelle de Jacob - Les moutons enragés - 26/9/2022)
Brace Yourself: Food Shortages Will Be a Reality in the West This Winter. (Stacey Lennox - PJMedia - 7/9/2022)
Another US Food Processing Plant Catches Fire, Add This to Growing List. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 30/8/2022)
Celui qui contrôle l'approvisionnement alimentaire contrôle les gens. (Kla.TV/Aphadolie - Les moutons enragés - 27/8/2022)
La cabale mondialiste promeut un régime alimentaire à base d'insectes – et le cannibalisme. (Dr Joseph Mercola - La Lumière du monde - 5/8/2022)
UN Deletes Article Titled 'The Benefits of World Hunger.' Was It Real or Satire? The author of the article in question told FEE it was not a parody. (Jon Miltimore - FEE Stories - 1/8/2022)
Mother of all Famines on the Horizon as World Food Production Falters From the Green New Fraud. (Sidney Secular| - News With Views - 16/7/2022)
The REAL agenda behind the created food crisis. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 1/7/2022)
Globalists Are Taking Over the Food System — It's Part of Their Plan to Control You: The globalists' takeover of the food system is underway — if they control the seeds they control the food, and if they control the food they can use the digital ID to control consumer access to the food. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Children's Health Defense - 1/6/2022)
20 preuves qu'une pénurie alimentaire va bientôt toucher le monde entier. (Nicolas - RebootInfo - 7/5/2022)
Top 10 Foods For Your Armageddon Survival Pantry. (Lucy Davies - Off-Guardian - 2/5/2022)
The Most Important Bank in the World Gets Another Deposit. (James Corbett - The Corbett Report - 28/2/2017) -> regarding the involvement of Davos puppets in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.
How the Oligarchs Planned to Enslave the World: "According to these published targets, by 2030 they want you to be down to eating only 300 grams of meat or even zero grams if they can achieve it." (John Gideon Hartnett - Caldron Pool - 13/3/2024)
You Will Live In Tiny Homes And Electric Vehicles And Be Happy – This Is The Future They Have Planned For Us. Michael Snyder - TheMostImportantNews - 12/2/2024)
"You Will Own Nothing... Because They Will Steal Everything". (Greg Hunter/USAWatchdog.com - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/1/2024)
The Crash Will Be Spectacular. (Jim Quinn/The Burning Platform - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/11/2023) -> On US national debt and the fall of the US$
Les pannes bancaires que personne n'imaginait possibles sont là et les gens vont paniquer cet hiver. (Les cœurs unis Mag - Les moutons enragés - 11/11/2023)
Is the West ready for World War 3? Even as geopolitical tensions rise, Western elites are still sabotaging our industries and energy security. (Joel Kotkin - Spiked - 5/11/2023)
Today's energy bottleneck may bring down major governments. (Gail Tverberg - Our Finite World - 25/10/2023)
Don't Dismiss The Possibility of Gold Confiscation. (Jeff Thomas/InternationalMan - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 5/9/2023)
Fed launches payment system that lays the groundwork for global digital control over everything… (Revolver - 22/7/2023)
The 'woke Stasi' at banks like NatWest could come after you next, warns NIGEL FARAGE: The chilling insight into how banks work is so worrying that a debate around free speech is now brewing. Look out for corporate banks like NatWest. (Nigel Farage - Express - 19/7/2023)
The Shame of Being Debanked. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 12/7/2023)
Here's What's Really Behind the Global Reset and Sustainable Development Agenda 2030. (Chris MacIntosh - InternationalMan - 12/7/2023)
Farage Being De-Banked Will Backfire "If they de-bank me, they can do it to you too." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 4/7/2023)
Government Tells Banks to Uphold Free Speech as Blacklisting Scandal Deepens. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 3/7/2023)
Energy Regulator Claims Canadian Oil Production Will Plunge 76% by 2050. (Alex Kimani/OilPrice - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/6/2023)
Degrowth is a suicidal ideology The EU elites are committing themselves to economic decline. (Ralph Schoellhammer - Spiked - 30/5/2023)
Shocker: New York Would Ban Gas Stoves In New Buildings Under Potential Budget Deal. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 29/4/2023)
CONTROLLED DEMOLITION: All UK airports to close in next 10 years; beef and lamb banned to stop "climate change". (Ethan Huff - Natural News - 14/4/2023)
Brave New Europe: Pay fine and go directly to JAIL if you use more than $1,000 in cash… (Revolver - 13/4/2023) -> They will tell you how you can use your own money... They should all be thrown in prison, just like a convenience store robber.
A neo-feudal war on the people: The elites are steadily impoverishing the working and middle classes. (Joel Kotkin - Spiked - 3/3/2023)
Great Reset: Britons Face £300 Fine For Burning Wood to Keep Warm. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 1/2/2023)
WEF Orders Public To Bathe 'Once a Week or Less' to Save the Planet. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 29/12/2022)
The Great Leap Backward*: More than sixty years ago, Mao launched the disastrous Great Leap Forward. (Michael Rectenwald - Mises.org/InfoWars - 28/12/2022)
4 power substations vandalized in Washington state, over 14K lost power: No suspects are in custody. (Emily Shapiro and Bill Hutchinson - ABC News - 26/12/2022)
Electric Vehicles & Digital Currency will Short Circuit Americans. (George McClellan - America Out Loud - 16/12/2022)
Are we finally reaching peak climate hysteria? The eco-derangement of the elites is a threat to reason, freedom and jobs. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 9/12/2022) -> is climate apocalyptism the tool and economic Apocalypse (opening the door to NWO) the objective?
The Great Reset: A Perfect Storm. (David Solway/ PJMedia - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 7/11/2022)
Video: Bill Gates Says European Energy Crisis Is "Good" Says people will be forced to "move to these new approaches more rapidly". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 19/10/2022)
A Debt Jubilee of Biblical Proportions Is Coming Soon… What You Need To Know. (Nick Giambruno - InternationalMan - 12/9/2022)
Climate Lords: Millions Must Suffer for the Common Good: We're seeing the return of a political view with long, dark roots: pragmatism requires populations to lose their rights. (David F. Coppedge - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 12/9/2022)
German Finance Minister Orders Businesses to Stop Trading This Winter; Insists They Won't go Bankrupt. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 8/9/2022)
Tucker Carlson Warns "Elites Are Making Things Worse on Purpose": "It only makes sense if the goal is to completely destroy the West." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 7/9/2022)
Energy Crisis UK Police Prepare For "Breakdown in Public Order" Caused by Cost of Living Crisis: Crime and civil unrest will soar if public isn't given a large enough government handout. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 5/9/2022) -> the "solution" is MORE dependance on the State...
60% of British factories at risk of going under as energy bills soar MakeUK, the lobby group for UK factories, said that nearly half of manufacturers have experienced a jump in electricity bills of more than 100% in the past year. (Julian Harris/Bloomberg - Business Standard - 3/9/2022)
Winter Is Coming Are you prepared? (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 11 minutes - 24/8/2022)
19 US states fed up with BlackRock's brazen efforts to function as a private government. (Mark Anderson - UK Column - 23/8/2022)
Why Is The UN Promoting a Kind of Food Production Proven to Reduce Yields, Raise Prices, And Topple Governments? (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 15/8/2022)
Entrevue avec Stephen Poloz: Attachez-vous, ça va brasser ! (André Dubuc - La Presse - 1/8/2022) -> texte d'un journaliste servile publié par un média acheté... On nous annonce un chaos économique, donc programmé...
« Vous n'aurez rien et vous vivrez heureux », vraiment ? (part 1). (Laurent Aventin - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 30/7/2022)
Sri Lanka is Just The First to Topple In Globalists' Green Energy House of Cards. (J.B. Shurk - The Federalist - 18/7/2022)
Du chaos des aéroports à la sécurité des vols. La santé des pilotes au centre des questions. (Liliane Held Khawam - Les moutons enragés - 18/7/2022)
Sri Lanka and the global revolt against the laptop elites From Sri Lanka to the Netherlands, Albania to Canada, the masses are stirring. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 12/7/2022)
Deliberate Mismanagement? "After all, fewer cars for sale here fits with the Climate agenda and moves people towards less independence..." (Matthew Littlefield - Caldron Pool - 9/7/2022)
California law may backfire terribly as 70,000 independent truckers could be forced out of work, unleashing 'devastating' supply chain misery. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 9/7/2022)
Mayor of London Candidate Shyam Batra Warns About 15 Minute Cities. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 19/9/2024)
EU plans to restrict repairs on older [15 years or more] vehicles… (Robin Roberts - Wheels-Alive - 8/2/2024)
Conservative influencer asks United Airlines one tough question, and the answer could blow up US aviation… (Revolver - 6/1/2024)
Justin Trudeau Completely BANS Traditional Cars in Canada. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 30/12/2023)
A year of green gaslighting : 2023 proved that the war on cars is no conspiracy theory. (Lauren Smith- Spiked – 25/12/2023)
Ironic Plot Twist Slams The Brakes on Maine Vote to Ban Gas Cars. (Virginia Kruta - DailyWire - 21/12/2023)
CNN: It's Time For Carbon Passports 'to Limit How Often We Can Travel Abroad'. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 7/12/2023)
Air Travel Is More Miserable Than Ever. This Fits a Concerning Agenda. (Marie Hawthorne - The Organic Prepper - 28/11/2023)
Coming Soon: Your Travel Will Be Restricted By Personal Carbon Allowances: "Experts suggest" your standard of living be reduced by over 85%. (Mark Jeftovic - BombThrower - 25/11/2023)
The Globalist Vision: "15 Minute" Prison Cities And The End of Private Property. (Brandon Smith - SHTF Plan - 15/11/2023)
The Car That Pulls Itself Over: The government doesn't want you to make decisions on the road. (Eric Peters - The American Spectator - 8/11/2023)
Crash Landing: The Inside Scoop About How Covid and Affirmative Action Policy Gutted Aviation Safety. (Revolver -7/11/2023)
The war on cars is not a myth: Tom Slater on the gaslighting of the green elites. (Tom Slater - Spiked - video, 7 minutes - 19/10/2023)
Utter Lunacy: Everything they do is about making your life poorer and more miserable. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - video, 3 minutes - 20/9/2023) -> regarding the 20mph blanket speed limit in Wales
L'Angleterre est sur le point d'abandonner la ville de 15 minutes de l'agenda du WEF. (Étienne Chouard - Twitter - 14/9/2023)
It's not a conspiracy theory – there really is a war on the car Sadiq Khan's expansion of ULEZ speaks to the elite's contempt for the freedom to drive. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 30/8/2023)
The grim truth about Low Traffic Neighbourhoods: These green traffic schemes are making life miserable for ordinary people. (Lauren Smith - Spiked - 1/8/2023)
Glasgow Low Emission Zone Bans Older Cars From City Centre – and Penalties Are HUGE. (Toby Young - Daily Sceptic - 31/5/2023)
Hidalgo fait la guerre au Diesel en privant 4 stations parisiennes de gazole. (France-Soir - 2/10/2024)
WEF Globalist Mark Carney pushes Liberal carbon tax: report - 'Taxes [and] costs are up, and the economy is in the toilet,' Conservative MP Michelle Ferrari said at Parliament. 'Mark Carney is going to quadruple the carbon tax on all home heating across Canada.' (Alex Dhaliwal - Rebel News - 17/9/2024) -> Canada
UK High Court Revokes Permit For First Coal Mine In 30 Years. ( Tsvetana Paraskova/OilPrice - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 16/9/2024)
EPA's Clean Power Plan Rule Prioritizes Net-Zero Over Grid Reliability. (Gabriella Hoffman & Christian Palich - RealClearEnergy - 20/5/2024)
The American revolt against green energy has begun. (David Blackmon - The Telegraph/MSN - 1/3/2024)
Health Canada considers a ban on personal electric heaters The feds have already made it unreasonably expensive to heat an entire house due to their crushing, inflationary carbon tax. Now, they are considering banning an economical method of heating a small space. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 23/2/2024)
Senior Canadian Legislator Tables Bill to Jail People Who Speak Out in Favour of Fossil Fuels. (Chris Morrison - Daily Skeptic - 18/2/2024) -> this comes from Charlie Angus (NDP party)
Les chimères totalitaires de la transition écologique pour « sauver la planète ». (Dr G Delépine - Profession Gendarme - 16/2/2024)
Quebec City enacts ban on wood-burning stoves, fireplaces in middle of winter. (Isaac Lamoureux - True North - 9/2/2024)
Energy Bills Set to Soar as Report Finds Almost All Major Studies on Net Zero Grossly Underestimate Cost. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 27/1/2024)
"They're Openly Telling us They're Going to Brainwash The Next Generation of Americans..." (Greg Hunter's USAWatchdog - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/12/2023)
Will The War On Coal Leave America In The Dark? (Kevin Stocklin/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/12/2023)
Climate Grifters Want $2.4 Trillion Per Year, Much More Taxes to "Solve" Global Warming. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/12/2023)
Le communisme électrique planifié par le gouvernement. (Jean-Philippe Delsol - Contrepoints - 15/11/2023)
Why fossil fuels are here to stay: Geopolitical conflict has exposed Net Zero as a fantasy. (Ralph Schoellhammer - Spiked - 30/10/2023)
Germany Passes Controversial 'Green' Heating Law Estimated to Cost Economy €1 Trillion. (Junge Freiheit/Remix News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/9/2023)
Why is The UK Trying to Force Smart Meters on Everyone? (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 11/9/2023)
Knock Knock, It's The Green Police: Power to invade homes. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 7/9/2023)
Ulez Expansion Scheme Begins in Chaos. (Toby Young - Daily Sceptic - 29/8/2023)
UN Insider Reveals Biden Will Declare 'Climate Emergency' and Ration Meat, Gas and Electricity. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 14/8/2023)
Hating fossil fuels is such a luxury belief: The eco-aristocracy has no idea of the horrors that would be unleashed by phasing out oil and coal. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 14/8/2023)
Biden Admin Reduces Savings Estimate For Americans Switching Away From Gas Stoves: Industry Group. (Naveen Athrapully/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 6/8/2023)
Eliminating Fossil Fuels Will Produce A Crippling Decline In Human Well-Being. (William Brooks/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 3/8/2023)
Incandescent Light-Bulb Ban Started On August 1; Gas-Stove Ban Coming Next. (Chris Menahan/Information Liberation - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 2/8/2023)
2 nouvelles taxes municipales [poëles à bois] (Dr Gaétan Barrette - Twitter - 27/7/2023) -> Québec: imagine si tous dépendent d'Hydro Québec pour le chauffage alors pour faire du chantage aux dissidents on leur coupe l'électricité. Rien de plus simple comme moyen de chantage (lorsqu'il fait -20C dehors)...
How Net Zero will punish ordinary people Households are paying a heavy price for our elites' green dogma. (James Woudhuysen - Spiked - 13/7/2023)
The Nihilism of Net Zero is Killing Our Cities and Streets. (J Sorel - Daily Sceptic - 29/6/2023)
Coal Plant Fired up as Solar Panels Fail Because It's Too Sunny. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 13/6/2023)
First stoves then incandescent light bulbs — now, the Biden administration is coming after Americans' gas furnaces. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze- 7/6/2023)
Sir Keir Starmer's Plans to Turn Britain into a 'Green Energy Superpower' will Bankrupt Households and Cripple the Economy. (David Craig - Daily Sceptic - 5/6/2023)
The poor are being priced out of the sky: The eco-elites want flying to be the preserve of rich, 'cultured' people like them. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 1/6/2023)
Germany to Ban Sale of Wood to the Public as Part of WEF 'Save the Planet' Initiative. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai -- The People's Voice - 21/5/2023)
Democrat Attorneys General Support Nationwide Gas Stove Crackdown. (Ben Zeisloft - DailyWire - 9/5/2023)
California to Require 'Zero Emissions' Passenger Trains After 2030, Freight After 2035. (Joel B. Pollak - Breitbart - 28/4/2023)
First they came for your gas stove, now they want to outlaw your car's gas engine, too. (Ethan Huff - Green Tyranny News - 12/4/2023)
"The End of Oil In America": Biden May Reject Alaska Oil Project. (Naveen Anthrapully/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/3/2023)
The Billionaires Behind The Gas Bans: The hypocrisy of the billionaires who are funding anti-hydrocarbon campaigns, including bans on gas stoves. Natural gas bans are more about class than climate change. (Robert Bryce - 26/1/2023)
There Have Been at Least 9 Attacks on the Energy Infrastructure Since November. (Marie Hawthorne - The Organic Prepper - 19/1/2023)
Austrian Defense Minister Warns Europeans Are Unprepared For Days-Long Blackouts: Leaving one third of citizens unable to "supply themselves." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 29/12/2022)
Civil disobedience is coming: Britain's failed elites could spark a winter revolution. (Thomas Fazi - UnHerd - 28/12/2022)
Who Is Purposely Sabotaging Power Plants All Over America? (Michael Snyder/The End of The American Dream blog - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/12/2022)
Eva Vlaardingerbroek: 'Climate Transition' Is Globalist Pretext to 'Starve' and 'Freeze' Europe. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 19/10/2022)
La Suisse envisage des peines de prison pour ceux qui montent leur chauffage à plus de 19 degrés. (FranceSoir - 18/9/2022)
Swiss Face Up to 3 Years in Prison For Violating Heating Rules: New mandate forbids setting temperature above 19°C (66.2F). (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 7/9/2022)
Comment le Great Reset conseille à la caste de s'enrichir avec les coupures de gaz et d'électricité. (Le Courrier des Stratèges - 6/9/2022)
Energy Crisis UK Police Prepare For "Breakdown in Public Order" Caused by Cost of Living Crisis: Crime and civil unrest will soar if public isn't given a large enough government handout. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 5/9/2022)
France vs Québec: Pour mieux nous gérer... des coupures d'électricité ! (Richard Massé - FaceBook - 3 minutes - 2/9/2022)
Darker and Colder: Europeans Warned of 'Unprecedented' Power Failures: This Winter "Production of electricity cannot keep up with demand." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 2/9/2022)
War on energy is the new COVID fascism. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 1/9/2022)
Flambée tarifaire de l'énergie au Royaume-Uni, en pleine crise du coût de la vie. (Radio Canada - 26/8/2022)
EU: Controlled Demolition. (Raúl Ilargi Meijer - The Automatic Earth - 24/8/2022)
Technocracy's War on The Essential Elements of Life. (Mike Adams - 17 minutes - Technocracy News - 22/8/2022)
Despite Record Prices, California Cities Ban New Gas Stations to Fight Climate Change. (Joel B. Pollak - Breitbart - 12/7/2022)
Biden Energy Dept. Proposes Rule Cracking Down On Water Heaters. (Ben Whitehead - DailyWire - 23/7/2022)
WEF Demands Americans Accept Regular Electrical Grid Blackouts to 'Fight Climate Change'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 27/7/2022)
Stricter bylaw on wood-burning appliances to take effect in Montreal. (Phil Carpenter - Global News - 28/9/2018)
The Great Taking of 2025: How to Shield Your Wealth from the Global Elite's Ultimate Heist. (Helena Carey/Gazette Teller - The Exposé - 14/1/2025)
Homeowner confronts alleged squatter in her own residence — but she's the one who ends up thrown in jail. (Paul Sacca - Blaze News - 28/12/2024)
How Democrats 'debanked' political opponents in shocking attack on American freedoms. (E. J. Antoni - NY Times - 6/12/2024) -> same strategy as that employed by the Canadian government against organizers and supporters of the Freedom Truckers protest in 2021.
Civil forfeiture turns lives upside down, ruins families — just like mine. (Amy Sterner Nelson - Blaze News - 1/12/2024)
What is debanking and what are the mechanics? (Austin Campbell - ThreadReader - 30/11/2024)
Legal Plunder: Indiana Police Prey on Packages Transiting Huge FedEx Hub "I am just totally stunned that this can happen in America". (Brian McGlinchey - Stark Realities - 29/11/2024) -> it is also called ROBBERY...
No, a Farm Isn't the Same as a House. (Philip Leith - Daily Skeptic - 21/11/2024)
Defiant Farmers Threaten Port and Supermarket Disruption. (Richard Eldred - Daily Skeptic - 10/11/2024) -> UK inheritance tax is just a bureaucratic form of theaft...
Elderly Americans being evicted to make space for illegal immigrants. (Wintery Knight - 22/10/2024)
Rumored Harris-Biden heartless land grab in Chimney Rock NC: Town to be bulldozed before removal of the dead? (Revolver - 4/10/2024)
Managed Retreat New Zealand: Shhhh....be careful not to let the community know. (Kate Mason - DECONSTRUCTING 4IR NARRATIVES - 4/7/2024)
Selon un député allemand, fin des maisons et véhicules privés en vue, sauf pour les élites. (Nouveau-Monde - Les moutons enragés - 4/5/2024) -> discours par le député Thomas Ehrhorn
« ALERTE. Comment la loi sur les réquisitions donne tous pouvoirs à l'Etat sur vous et sur vos biens ». (Charles Sannat/Insolentiae - Les moutons enragés - vidéo, 35 minutes - 12/3/2024)
Organized Theft in the Name of Government. (Tom DeWeese - New With Views - 9/3/2024)
When power corrupts! The perils of tyrants seizing private property. (Jeff Crippen - America Out Loud - 1/3/2024)
Justified Tyranny. (Dr David McGrogan - Daily Sceptic - 20/2/2024) -> property seizures coming in the UK?
The Great Taking Exposes The Financial End Game. (Bert Olivier/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 7/1/2024)
JPMorgan CEO Demands World Governments 'Seize Private Property to Save The Planet'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 1/9/2023)
Government Agents Routinely Entering Private Land Without Warrants: Emboldened by dangerous Supreme Court decision, agents even planting cameras on private property. (Brian McGlinchey - Stark Realities - 1/7/2023)
Dutch Govt Launches 'Great Reset' With Farmer Buyout Scheme as Thousands Face Shut Down. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 13/6/2023)
Russian Embassy Private Property Rights Upheld – While Australian Christian Land & Hospital are Confiscated by Government. (Jean Seah - The Daily Declaration - 13/6/2023)
WEF Orders US Gov't to Forcibly Seize Farms By 2025 And Burn Millions of Cattle. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 6/6/2023)
Most important story in America: climate zealots try to confiscate South Dakota family farm… (Revolver - 1/6/2023)
France Stratégie prépare le vol des propriétaires en France. (AI Master - Twitter - 23/5/2023)
EXCLUSIVE: Dutch farmer 'families are crying at the kitchen table every day' and some have committed suicide, warns Dutch MEP Robert Roos about government farm expropriation plans. (John Cody - Remix News - 16/5/2023)
Government Moves to Seize Land From US Farmers to Advance WEF 'Green' Agenda. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 11/4/2023)
L'accaparement des terres agricoles n'inquiète pas la CAQ... pour l'instant. (Marco Bélair-Cirino et Marie-Michèle Sioui - Le Devoir - 7/9/2018)
Produits de santé naturels : nous avons peu de temps. (ReinfoQuébec - 2/8/2023) -> la loi canadienne C-47 veut rendre les produits de santé naturels (PSN) inaccessibles.
Effondrement prévisible du système de santé du Québec ? (Paul Gosselin - Samizdat - 23/9/2021)
Qu'en est-il si ce chaos social n'est pas en fait VOULU? Et tenant compte de ce détail, si c'est voulu, ils veulent que les natifs et les immigrants s'entre déchirent, plutôt que déterminer QUI a mis en place ces politiques et leur faire rendre des comptes... Et si la pagaille et le chaos prennent (comme ils le veulent), alors tous les oubliront... (PG)
In her great, posthumous book, On the History of the Idea of Law (2005), Shirley Letwin tells us that (as, again, was abundantly evident to the Greeks), if you don't have law in the sense that you have a general framework of intelligible rules which are "formulated with sufficient precision to enable the citizen to regulate his conduct", you are going to end up being subject to one (or both) of two things: the vagaries of custom or of tyranny.
The Surgeon Struck Off for Publishing Covid "Conspiracy Theories" Shows Our Right to Free Speech is Subject to the Whims of Officials and Judges. (Dr David McGrogan - Daily Sceptic - 5/2/2024)
Why anger over grooming gangs has reached boiling point Political correctness has stood in the way of a reckoning for far too long. (Rakib Ehsan - Spiked - 3/1/2024)
Warnings of Racist Attacks Targeting Migrants in Germany After Christmas Market Attack: Foreigners warned it may not be safe to walk the streets at night. (Paul Joseph Watson - Modernity - 31/12/2024) -> this is what the NWOs need... And when chaos kicks in, they'll pop up with their ready-made solution...
Study: How DEI Turned America into a Racial Powder Keg After four years of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programming, the only result is more racial suspicion and grievance and a lot less racial harmony. (Jason Mattera - The Stream - 9/12/2024) -> and chaos and racial tension was exactly what they wanted...
Study Finds That Diversity Training Increases Hostility & Division. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 28/11/2024)
Britain Lets Rapists Go Free, Imprisons Nonviolent Patriots for Criticizing Police. Now One Is Dead: Peter Lynch was guilty of the crime formerly known as "free speech." (Gavin Ashenden - The Stream - 25/10/2024)
Peter Lynch's death should be a warning to us all. (Barbara Expose - The Expose - 23/10/2024) -> UK judge throws a peaceful man in prison, where he died, supposedly from suicide.
FEMA abandons residents of devastated NC town because they can't drive around 'road closed' sign: 'nobody's been bringing in supplies except civilians'. (Jack Morphet, Chris Nesi - MSN - 6/10/2024)
Battlefield Sweden: Nordic utopia ripped apart by warring immigrant gangs. (John Mac Ghlionn - Blaze News - 21/9/2024)
Ontario woman charged with 'assault with a weapon' after allegedly spraying water gun at neighbor "It just blows my mind that this has happened to me. The mental and financial stress that has put on my family, my children and my husband, is not right and is not fair." (David Krayden - The Post Millennial - 12/9/2024) -> proof the insane are running Canada...
Springfield resident: Reckless-driving Haitian migrant unpunished after 'allegedly' killing mother-in-law. (WorldTribune - 12/9/2024)
Petition being created to recall entire Springfield city commission after Haitian influx. (Julio Rosas - Blaze News - 11/9/2024)
"Can't Take It Anymore": Residents Of Springfield Ohio Beg For Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 10/9/2024)
Chilling backdoor plot involving savage Ohio Haitian migrants is being hidden from the American people… (Revolver News - 9/9/2024)
'Please give me a reason to stay' — desperate Springfield, Ohio, citizens speak on Haitian migrant crisis. (Matt Himes - Blaze News - 9/9/2024)
Things Are Going to Get Ugly. (Dr David McGrogan - Daily Sceptic - 4/9/2024)
UK police block entire North American continent from its website as they begin arresting non-violent Brits for 'inaccurate social media posts'… (Revolver News - 10/8/2024)
Two-tier policing is not a myth: Identity politics is at the heart of modern British policing. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 9/8/2024)
Woman arrested in connection with inaccurate social media post. (Cheshire Constabulary - 8/8/2024) -> Who decides what is "accurate"?... Who decided freedom of expression was dead?
Women Don't Feel Safe in Sweden Anymore. (Peter Sweden - The Gateway Pundit - 5/8/2024)
Balaclava-clad baying mob storm migrant hotel, hurl chairs at riot police and set fire to furniture while terrified asylum seekers watch on from rooms in latest violent riots. (Katherine Lawton, Eirian Jane Prosser, Perkin Amalaraj, Megan Howe - Daily Mail - 4/8/2024)
Sacramento threatens Target with fine for reporting rampant retail theft to police: Report. (Candace Hathaway - Blaze News - 11/7/2024)
'We own the street': Chicago teens attack couple, causing woman to lose unborn baby. (The Post Millennial - 4/6/2024)
"On observe le remplacement du droit, par la règle de droit. Objectivité du droit versus subjectivité de la règle de droit" déplore Jean-Frédéric Poisson évoquant les divers conflits. (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - vidéo, 58 minutes -19/4/2024)
How woke policing betrays ordinary people: The cops now care more about offensive tweets than burglaries. (Neil Davenport - Spiked - 10/4/2024)
The Right to Self-Defense Is Once Again Under Attack: In a sane society, if you harass and assault someone, whatever happens next ... is your fault. (Matt Walsh - DailyWire - 9/4/20224)
Another gang threat is unfolding thanks to Biden's open border, but this time they're going after American elites… (Revolver - 2/4/2024)
Vandals Keep Targeting 102-Year-Old Man In Wheelchair. Blue City Decides to go After The Victim. (Dana Abizaid - Daily Caller - 30/3/2024) -> worthless bureaucrats in Oakland CA...
Police FAIL to act as Antifa thugs rob Melbourne man in front of them: Victoria police watch on as left-wing extremists attack, robbing an independent reporter in broad daylight at the 'Let Women Speak' rally on the weekend. (Avi Yemini - Rebel News - 26/3/2024)
More crime, less punishment: Bankrolled by activist billionaires, progressive prosecutors upend the justice system and unravel the rule of law. (Kim Henderson - World Mag - 21/3/2024)
Toronto Police Gives Advice on AutoTheft: Just Let Thieves Steal Your Car. (Paul Joseph Watson - Modernity - 14/3/2024) -> any worthless police chief making such a suggrestion should be immediately fired...
Disturbing new details emerge on St. Louis black female judge who let "killer driver" go free on $20k bond… (Revolver - 27/2/2024)
Justice, American Style. (Dr James Allan - Daily Sceptic - 17/2/2024)
Violent trans pedo sex criminal released from Canadian jail, Edmonton Police issue safety warning: The Edmonton Police Service issued the safety advisory warning that Laverne Waskahat, who they described as a "convicted violent sexual offender," poses an extreme risk to the community. (The Post Millennial - 28/1/2024) -> and WHO signed the order to release this guy????
Take it from a copper – two-tier policing is real: My senior colleagues are more interested in appealing to the chattering classes than in tackling crime. (Paul Chapel - Spiked - 26/1/2024) -> hypocritical top cops in the UK...
Petit tour des magistrats frappadingues de France. (Profession Gendarme - 5/12/2023)
Irish Villagers Erect Roadblocks to Stop Govt From Bussing Migrants Into Their Community. (Thomas Brooke/ReMix News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 30/11/2023)
Large Numbers of Germans are Assaulted, Murdered, and Raped by Migrants. (Jose Nino - Big League Politics - 29/11/2023)
A right to expose a minor but no right to be free of Pfizer? (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 28/11/2023) -> US courts complicity in the postmodern sexual djihad...
Irish rise up against immigrant attack… take to streets in massive numbers… light bus on fire… gov't. deploys Army… (Revolver - 23/11/2023)
Behind 94 Acts of Shocking Violence, Years of Glaring Mistakes New York officials have escaped scrutiny for repeated failures to help homeless mentally ill people, a New York Times investigation has found. (Amy Julia Harris and Jan Ransom - New York Times - 20/11/2023)
Is Woke Law Enforcement Worth The Money That Taxpayers Pay For It? (Wintery Knight - 16/11/2023) -> criminals go free in the US...
No country for white men: Another white guy is arrested for saving New Yorkers from a violent thug… (Revolver - 11/11/2023) -> So the message being made by the "justice system" is "Sit tight and DO NOTHING while women are raped or robbed and you'll stay free!". The subtext from the "justice system" is of course that we clearly encourage the activities of rapists, robbers and murders...
Pedophile 'Knocked Out' in Courtroom by Victim After Judge Sets Child Rapist Free. (Sean Adl-Tabataba - The People's Voice - 31/10/2023)
ACLU Files Lawsuit to Allow Criminals to Intentionally Spread HIV to Unsuspecting Victims. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 25/10/2023)
Hundreds of suspected violent criminals released without bail in Washington. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 23/10/2023)
Brutal Marijuana Studies Now Emerging – It Should Never Have Been Fully Legalized. (Warner Todd Huston/The Western Journal - The Gateway Pundit - 14/9/2023)
Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns? The weaponization and militarization of the federal government continues unabated as Congress and the states sit back and do nothing. (Leo Hohmann - 30/8/2023)
'Structural Violence': UN Panel Says Kids Should Be Able to Sue Their Countries Over Climate Change. (Nick Pope - The Stream - 28/8/2023)
Ridiculous: Police Investigating Shop Owner Who Took Down Armed Thief With A Stick: They're treating criminal scum as if they are the victims. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 7/8/2023)
Oregon doctor blames 'defunding the police' movement after 'homeless' suspect hurls metal bottle at her head, knocking her out. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 3/8/2023)
Man gets stabbed on TTC subway by thug let out on bail: INTERVIEW Dyckhoff was stabbed at least seven times by this cowardly reprobate. The gruesome incident was captured on another commuter's cellphone and the video soon went viral, shocking the city and indeed, the entire world. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 27/7/2023)
'Non- Binary' Pedophile, Who Repeatedly Raped Child, Walks Free From Court. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 19/7/2023)
DC US Attorney Matthew Graves' latest "political play" costs 25-year-old Catholic man his life… (Revolver - 13/7/2023)
How are carbon taxes and drugs legalization working out in Canada? (Wintery Knight - 25/6/2023)
I Was a California Cop, Words Can't Describe the Horrors I Saw. (Rick Campbell - NewsWeek - 9/6/2023)
California retailers fear escalation of shoplifting crisis if SB 553 becomes law. (Rebel News - 9/6/2023)
Would-be car thieves nearly shot kids while they slept. Now the kids' father and neighbor face eviction for returning fire. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 6/6/2023)
Un détenu condamné pour meurtre libéré à cause d'une erreur de procédure : La famille de la victime "abattue et extrêmement angoissée". (Profession Gendarme - 4/6/2023)
Criminals Over Victims: Michigan GOP Blasts Dems' Proposal to Give Most Violent Convicts Chance For Reduced Sentences. (Zach Jewell - DailyWire - 26/5/2023)
Criminal Justice Disaster: Over the past decade or so, America has undertaken a radical experiment with criminal justice reform. The consequences have been devastating. (Douglas Carswell/RealClear Wire - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 24/5/2023)
Search without suspicion: The Serious Violence Reduction Order. (Charles Malet - UK Column - 22/5/2023)
This security guard in San Francisco isn't getting the "Daniel Penny treatment"… gee, wonder why? (Revolver - 18/5/2023)
Victorian Liberals silent on Antifa violence while condemning Nazis: Critics accuse the Victorian Liberals of hypocrisy for condemning Neo-Nazi actions, yet ignoring Antifa assaults. (Rebel News - 16/5/2023)
Teen accused of shooting man in head in 2022 released to mother due to mental incompetency — then he allegedly shoots another man in head less than year later. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 12/5/2023)
Obama Judge Forces School District to Allow Satanists to Teach Children 'Satanic Virtues'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 2/5/2023)
Democrat Cities Have Highest Homicide Rates, Report Finds. (Naveen Athrappully/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 2/5/2023)
Democrats Introduce Bill to Protect Pedophiles From Any Form of Discrimination. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 27/4/2023)
Police Refuse to Clear Roads Blocked by Eco-Loon Protestors While Threatening With Arrest Motorists Who Do it Themselves. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 25/4/2023) -> A UK story.
Soros-backed DA convicts army veteran of murder for defending himself from Antifa. (Wintery Knight - 10/4/2023)
Embattled Soros-Backed St. Louis Prosecutor Sanctioned by Judge Amid New Complaints. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/4/2023)
Alvin Bragg, Soros-Linked District Attorney Behind Trump Charges, Builds Record Refusing to Prosecute Felonies. (John Binder - Breitbart - 3/4/2023)
Days After Posie Parker Mobbing Downunder, More Violence Erupts at Canadian Trans Rights Protest. (Ian Macleod - Daily Sceptic - 2/4/2023) -> then a man in a wig attacked him physically. And that Canadian police stood by and did nothing. Indeed, one police officer laughed as Chris was being assaulted.
NYC parking attendant, who was shot twice, charged with attempted murder after allegedly wrestling gun away from thief and shooting perp. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 2/4/2023) -> the judge (or DA) in this case should get a charge of accomplice to attempted murder...
Man tracked stolen truck with Apple AirTag; thief allegedly pulled a gun; owner shot, killed him, police say. (Michele Blood - The Blaze - 2/4/2023) -> when justice is NOT seen to be done...
Canadian Cops Watch As Radical Trans Activists Assault Lone Man Defending Kids. (Virginia Kruta - DailyWire - 1/4/2023)
Jusqu'à deux grammes de drogues sur soi en Colombie-Britannique dès mardi. (Journal de Montréal - 30/1/2023)
Barbie Kardashian: the grisly reality of self-ID: In Ireland, even the most violent and unhinged sex offenders are being housed in women's prisons. (Jo Bartosch - Spiked - 22/3/2023)
Democrats Let Violent Criminals Roam Free But Want to Put Donald Trump in Jail. (Jeff Charles - NewWeek - 21/3/2023) -> the legal system has become a political weapon...
Dem Bill Would Prevent Anyone Under Age of 25 Being Charged With Murder Felony: Because 'frontal lobes are not fully developed'. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 9/3/2023)
Democrat Bill In Baltimore Would Prevent Anyone Under Age 25 From Facing Felony Murder Charges. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/3/2023)
The lesson of Manchester? Technocracy is no match for evil: The Islamist atrocity at the Manchester Arena raises some serious questions about our society. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 7/3/2023)
Whistleblower: Social worker brutalised by Met Police and Social Services for daring to protect children. (UK Column - 21/11/2023) -> regarding the protection of child abusers in the UK
The Danger Is Real: The Deep State's Plot to Destabilize the Nation Is Working. (John W. Whitehead - The Burning Platform - 21/10/2024)
Study shows electric vehicles are a scam propped up by government. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 2/2/2023)
The Electric Wave Cresting? (Eric Peters Autos - 31/1/2023)
Biden Promotes EV Hummer That Pollutes More Than Gas-Powered Sedan. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 31/1/2023)
Toyota Transitions. (Eric Peters Autos - 28/1/2023) -> You won't own your car... You MUST rent it.
First, They Lied About the Range... (Eric Peters Autos - 27/1/2023)
Trudeau wants 60% of new cars to be electric by 2030. That's both stupid and dangerous: Every Canadian driver – including Trudeau – knows why his proposed car regulations can't work. (Jeremy Williamson - LifeSite - 12/1/2023)
Electric vehicles are exploding from water damage after Hurricane Ian, top Florida official warns: Florida's chief fire marshal and financial officer said there are a 'ton of EVs disabled' from Hurricane Ian. (Thomas Catenacci - Fox News - 6/10/2022)
10 Facts Electric Vehicle Advocates Don't Want You to Know. (Mark Tapscott - PJMedia - 30/8/2022)
What They Aren't Telling People About EeeeeeeVeeeeeees. (EricPetersAutos - 15/9/2022)
Et dire que j'ai roulé 3 ans en voiture électrique, pas très fier aujourd'hui !! (Jean-Michel Roibet - Les moutons enragés - 3 minutes - 15/6/2022) -> on examine comment le Lithium et le Cobalt sont extraits.
Are electric vehicles REALLY the best solution? Here are the FACTS. (BLAZETV - 8/7/2021)
Germany Charges American For Stabbing Migrant Who Sexually Assaulted Her A 64-year-old Eritrean grabbed the 20-year-old American's buttocks, and a struggle ensued. (Luke Rosiak - DailyWire - 7/12/2024)
PragerU Mini-Doc Exposes How Innocent Children Are Victimized When BLM Gets Its Way The former BLM activist sits down with the parents of slain children. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - Daily Wire - 24/10/2024)
Chicago will 'go up in flames' when city's gangs and Tren de Aragua clash, ex-con warns: 'It'll be blacks against migrants'. (Candace Hathaway - Blaze News - 24/9/2024)
It's Not About Ducks and Cats in Springfield OH. (Dave Daubenmire - News With Views - 19/9/2024)
«Gestapo des chats» à Québec: du «contrôle social»? (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 18/9/2024)
The migrant gang takeover of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado is just a small taste of the chaos to be unleashed against Americans. (Mike Adams - Natural News - 1/9/2024)
Father battling stage 4 cancer is going broke trying to evict a squatter from his home… (Revolver - 19/4/2024)
Sanctuary Cities Set Migrant Sex Offenders Free Instead of Handing Them Over to ICE. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/4/2024)
How Progressive Policies are Designed for Civilizational Suicide: Evidence now clearly establishes that moderate liberals should face reality and reject the policies of the progressive vanguard, leading them to civilizational suicide. (John D. O'Connor - American Greatness - 16/2/2024)
Squatters Are Taking Over Homes All Over The Nation on an Industrial Scale And Turning Them Into Dens of Crime. (Michael Snyder - The Economic Collapse - 8/2/2024)
UN Budgets Millions for U.S.-Bound Migrants in 2024 Public docs show cash handouts to help feed, transport, and house people headed for the U.S. border. (Todd Bensman - Center for Immigration Studies - 24/1/2024)
The Globalist Vision: "15 Minute" Prison Cities And The End of Private Property. (Brandon Smith/Alt-Market.us - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/11/2023)
Homeless squatters practically destroy vacant motel, leave 500 pounds of excrement in downtown area of Casper, Wyoming, mayor claims: 'It's third-world-country stuff'. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 4/9/2023)
If You Only Knew How bad things really are. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - video, 9 minutes - 12/6/2023) -> California: Parents could have their kids seized for not respecting their 7-year-old's gender pronouns.
The dangerous nonsense of white guilt: Woke identity politics risks fuelling white identity politics. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 17/5/2023)
Left-wing movie, 'How to Blow up a Pipeline,' blasted by Fox News show as normalizing violent, deadly acts to reach ideological aims. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 10/4/2023)
'BLM was a form of mass neurosis' Heather Mac Donald on how racial hysteria is destroying Western institutions. (Brendan O'Neill + Heather MacDonald - Spiked - 1/4/2023)
Jusqu'à deux grammes de drogues sur soi en Colombie-Britannique dès mardi. (Journal de Montréal - 30/1/2023)