« Vous ne pouvez plus dire que se faire vacciner est un acte d'amour, car un acte d'amour sans consentement et sous chantage s'appelle un viol. » (Jan van Elzen)
Les foules n'ont jamais eu soif de vérité. Devant les évidences qui leur déplaisent, elles se détournent, préférant déifier l'erreur, si l'erreur les séduit. Qui sait les illusionner est aisément leur maître ; qui tente de les désillusionner est toujours leur victime."
(Gustave Le Bon - Psychologie des foules - 1895)L'homme violent séduit son prochain, et le fait marcher dans une voie qui n'est pas bonne.. (Prov. 16: 29 - LSG)
Vn homme cruel abuƒe autrui, e le fait aller par vn chemin qui n'êt pas bon. (Prov. 16: 29 - Bible Castellion, 1555)Il y a eu des gens qui ont dit autrefois : Vous croyez des choses incompréhensibles, contradictoires, impossibles, parce que nous vous l'avons ordonné ; faites donc des choses injustes parce que nous vous l'ordonnons. Ces gens-là raisonnaient à merveille. Certainement qui est en droit de vous rendre absurde est en droit de vous rendre injuste. Si vous n'opposez point aux ordres de croire l'impossible l'intelligence que Dieu a mise dans votre esprit, vous ne devez point opposer aux ordres de malfaire la justice que Dieu a mise dans votre cœur.
(Voltaire - Œuvres complètes Garnier tome 25)"The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth."
"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
(George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty-Four)L'Histoire nous apprend que l'humanité n'évolue significativement que quand elle a vraiment peur : elle met alors d'abord en place des mécanismes de défense ; parfois intolérables (des boucs émissaires et des totalitarismes) ; parfois futiles (de la distraction) ; parfois efficaces (des thérapeutiques, écartant si nécessaires tous les principes moraux antérieurs). Puis, une fois la crise passée, elle transforme ces mécanismes pour les rendre compatibles avec la liberté individuelle, et les inscrire dans une politique de santé démocratique.
La pandémie qui commence pourrait déclencher une de ces peurs structurantes.
(Jacques Attali - Changer, par précaution. L'EXPRESS BLOG - 3/5/2009)"I don't believe you can do that," said Mark."Not with the papers that are read by educated people."
"That shows you're still in the nursery, lovey," said Miss Hardcastle. "Haven't you yet realised that it's the other way round?"
"How do you mean?"
"Why you fool, it's the educated reader who can be gulled. All our difficulty comes with the others. When did you meet a work- man who believes the papers? He takes it for granted that they're all propaganda and skips the leading articles. He buys his paper for the football results and the little paragraphs about girls falling out of windows and corpses found in May-fair flats. He is our problem. We have to recondition him. But the educated public, the people who read the highbrow weeklies, don't need reconditioning. They're all right already. They'll believe anything."
(CS Lewis - That Hideous Strength - 1945)"The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective."
(Aldous Huxley, Brave New World / Brave New World Revisited)Surtout ne vous mentez pas à vous-même. Celui qui se ment à soi-même et écoute son propre mensonge va jusqu'à ne plus distinguer la vérité ni en soi ni autour de soi; il perd donc le respect de soi et des autres.
(Fiodor Dostoïevski - Les Frères Karamazov - 1880. Première partie, Livre II, chap. 2)Eleventhly, by their Daemonology, and the use of Exorcisme, and other things appertaining thereto, they keep (or thinke they keep) the People more in awe of their Power.
Lastly, the Metaphysiques, Ethiques, and Politiques of Aristotle, the frivolous Distinctions, barbarous Terms, and obscure Language of the Schoolmen, taught in the Universities, (which have been all erected and regulated by the Popes Authority,) serve them to keep these Errors from being detected, and to make men mistake the Ignis Fatuus of Vain Philosophy, for the Light of the Gospell.
(Hobbes - Leviathan- 1651 - Part IV; chap. 47)J. A. - Je ne crois pas à l'orwellisme, parce que c'est une forme de totalitarisme technique avec un « Big Brother » visible et centralisé. Je crois plutôt à un totalitarisme implicite avec un « Big Brother » invisible et décentralisé. Ces machines pour surveiller notre santé, que nous pourrions avoir pour notre bien, nous asservissent pour notre bien. En quelque sorte nous subirons un conditionnement doux et permanent... (p. 271)
Conversation avec Jacques Attali, (1981) tiré de « L’avenir de la Vie » par Michel Salomon (Éditions Robert Laffont, collection Les Visages de l'avenir. Prospective sociale, France, Paris, 1 février 1981)Such lies believed! Never, surely, has there been credulity like it. African witchdoctors and makers of love-potions must look with sick envy at the impositions of our advertisers and psychiatrists, reflecting that their clientele, though black savages, would never for an instant countenance deception so gross and palpable. When people cease to believe in God, G. K. Chesterton has pointed out, they do not then believe in nothing, but - what is far more dangerous - in anything. The Christian religion requires us only to believe in certain specific dogma and supernatural happenings like miracles; the religion of Science which has succeeded it, as I indicated in The Thirties bestows its imprimatur upon any proposition, however nonsensical, which can be stated in terms of the requisite statistical-scientific mumbo-jumbo. Thus a condition of moral, intellectual and spiritual confusion has been created in which, not only faith, but meaning itself, has disappeared.
(Malcom Muggeridge - Things Past - 1978 - p. 86)Cette propagande continue dépasse les capacités d'attention ou d'adaptation de l'individu, et de ce fait dépasse ses possibilités de résistance. C'est ce caractère de continuité qui explique la possibilité des « virages » de la propagande. On est toujours stupéfait que la propagande soit instable dans son contenu, qu'elle puisse affirmer aujourd'hui ce qu'elle condamnait hier.
(p. 30 - Jacques Ellul (1962/2008) Propagandes. Economica Paris (coll. Classiques des sciences sociales) 361 p.)While the administrators of permanently increasing power in the past era of moderate imperialism did not even try to incorporate conquered territories, and preserved existing backward political communities like empty ruins of bygone life, their totalitarian successors dissolved and destroyed all politically stabilized structures, their own as well as those of other peoples. (...) However, one should not overlook the fact that Hobbes wanted most of all to protect private interests by pretending that, rightly understood, they were the interests of the body politic as well, while on the contrary totalitarian regimes proclaim the nonexistence of privacy.
(Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism - 1948/1976 pp. 138-139)Detestation for any ethic which worships success is one of my chief reasons for disagreeing with most communists. In my experience they tend, when all else fails, to tell me that I ought to forward the revolution because 'it is bound to come'. One dissuaded me from my own position on the shockingly irrelevant ground that if I continued to hold it I should, in good time, be 'mown down'— argued, as a cancer might argue if it could talk, that he must be right because he could kill me.
(C. S. Lewis - “A Reply to Professor Haldane.” published in On Stories and Other Essays on Literature. 1966/1975 Harper-Collins. 117-118.)« Une société dont la plupart des membres passent une grande partie de leur temps, non pas dans l'immédiat et l'avenir prévisible, mais quelque part dans les autres mondes inconséquents du sport, des feuilletons, de la mythologie et de la fantaisie métaphysique, aura bien du mal à résister aux empiétements de ceux qui voudraient la manipuler et la dominer. »
« Il est parfaitement possible qu'un homme soit hors de prison sans être libre, à l'abri de toute contrainte matérielle et pourtant captif psychologiquement, obligé de penser, de sentir et d'agir comme le veulent les représentants de l'Etat ou de quelque intérêt privé à l'intérieur de la nation. »
(Aldous Huxley – Le meilleur des mondes ; retour au meilleur des mondes. 1957)Under modern conditions any effective invitation to Hell will certainly appear in the guise of scientific planning’—as Hitler’s regime in fact did. Every tyrant must begin by claiming to have what his victims respect and to give what they want. The majority [of people] in most modern countries respect science and want [government] to be planned. And, therefore, almost by definition, if any man or group wishes to enslave us it will of course describe itself as scientific planned democracy.
(C. S. Lewis 1982: 74-75 - On Stories and Other Essays on Literature. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)La question ne se limite toutefois pas à l'usage que les régimes totalitaires actuels feront de l'ordinateur. La question est de savoir ce que toutes ces techniques de manipulation disponibles signifieront dans nos propres pays. Nous ne devons pas penser à un changement du jour au lendemain, mais plutôt à une tendance subtile des dirigeants vers un contrôle et une manipulation toujours plus grande de l'individu. Bien sûr, certains pourraient se sentir mal à l'aise face à ce contrôle et cette manipulation accrus à une époque relativiste, mais où traceraient-ils une limite ? Beaucoup de ceux qui parlent de libertés civiles sont également attachés au concept de la responsabilité de l'État de résoudre tous les problèmes ; ainsi, à une époque de pressions de plus en plus fortes (et avec la perte moderne de toute distinction qualitative entre l'homme et le non-homme), à un moment donné, le sentiment de malaise [face aux pertes de liberté] sera submergé.
(Francis Schaeffer - How Should we Then Live?/L’héritage du christianisme - 1976)Toute l'histoire du contrôle sur le peuple se résume à cela : isoler les gens les uns des autres, parce que si on peut les maintenir isolés assez longtemps, on peut leur faire croire n'importe quoi.
Noam Chomsky (2006) Comprendre le pouvoir : L'indispensable de Chomsky. [deuxième mouvement]. (trad. Hélène Hiessler), Éditions Aden, p. 33Or, les philosophies officielles des régimes totalitaires proclament unanimement que la conception de la vérité objective, une pour tous, n'a aucun sens; et que le critère de la "Vérité" n'est pas sa valeur universelle, mais sa conformité à l'esprit de la race, de la nation ou de la classe, son utilité raciale, nationale ou sociale. Prolongeant et poussant jusqu'au bout les théories biologistes, pragmatistes, activistes, de la vérité, et consommant ainsi ce que l'on a très bien nommé "la trahison des clercs". Les philosophies officielles des régimes totalitaires nient la valeur propre de la pensée qui, pour eux, n'est pas une lumière, mais une arme; son but, sa fonction, nous disent-ils, n'est pas de nous révéler le réel, c'est-à-dire, ce qui est, mais de nous aider à le modifier, à le transformer en nous guidant vers ce qui n'est pas. Or, pour cela, ainsi qu'on l'a reconnu depuis bien longtemps, le mythe est souvent préférable à la science, et la rhétorique qui s'adresse aux passions, à la démonstration qui s'adresse à l'intelligence. Aussi dans leurs publications (même dans celles qui se disent scientifiques), dans leurs discours et, bien entendu, dans leur propagande, les représentants des régimes totalitaires s'embarrassent-ils très peu de la vérité objective. Plus forts que Dieu tout puissant lui-même, ils transforment à leur guise le présent, et même le passé [5]. On pourrait en conclure et on l'a fait parfois que les régimes totalitaires sont au-delà de la vérité et du mensonge. Nous croyons, pour notre part, qu'il n'en est rien. La distinction entre la vérité et le mensonge, l'imaginaire et le réel, reste bien valable à l'intérieur même des conceptions et des régimes totalitaires. C'est leur place et leur rôle seulement qui sont, en quelque sorte, intervertis: les régimes totalitaires sont fondés sur la primauté du mensonge.
(Alexandre Koyré - Réflexions sur le mensonge - 1943)Civilization presupposes the integrity and inviolability of each separate human being, and it is contemporary neobarbarisms like Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, which have sought to destroy the individual in favour of the collectivity. Institutional Christianity, even when least practised, has clung to the concept of separate souls, all infinitely and equally precious in the eyes of a Creator, who has numbered the hairs on each head, and who knows when each sparrow falls to the ground. By contrast, the materialists, the power-worshippers, the demon-demagogues of our time, insist that individual men and women are of no account, and have no destiny of their own to work out apart from mankind's. (...) We know from the past that mass or mob judgements have nearly always been mistaken. As Hitler and other demagogues have abundantly shown, unhappily the democratic process can be perverted to bring about the opposite - enslavement - by means of substituting collective judgements for the summation of individual judgements on which true democracy must ever rest. True democracy, in fact, requires a non-conforming citizenry. Its worst and most dangerous propensity is the impulse to conform. The greatest and most enduring achievements have been due to individual skills and insight.
(Malcom Muggeridge - Things Past - 1978 - p. 102, 103)And it is this pseudomysticism that is the stamp of bureaucracy when it becomes a form of government. Since the people it dominates never really know why something is happening, and a rational interpretation of laws does not exist, there remains only one thing that counts, the brutal naked event itself. (...) One of the most glaring differences between the old-fashioned rule by bureaucracy and the up-to-date totalitarian brand is that Russia's and Austria's pre-war rulers were content with an idle radiance of power and, satisfied to control its outward destinies, left the whole inner life of the soul intact. Totalitarian bureaucracy, with a more complete understanding of the meaning of absolute power, intruded upon the private individual and his inner life with equal brutality. The result of this radical efficiency has been that the inner spontaneity of people under its rule was killed along with their social and political activities, so that the merely political sterility under the older bureaucracies was followed by total sterility under totalitarian rule.
(Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism - 1948/1976 Harvest/Harcourt pp. 243-245)I believe a man is happier, and happy in a richer way, if he has 'the freeborn mind'. But I doubt whether he can have this without economic independence, which the new society is abolishing. For economic independence allows an education not controlled by Government; and in adult life it is the man who needs, and asks, nothing of Government who can criticise its acts and snap his fingers at its ideology. Read Montaigne; that's the voice of a man with his legs under his own table, eating the mutton and turnips raised on his own land. Who will talk like that when the State is everyone's schoolmaster and employer? Admittedly, when man was untamed, such liberty belonged only to the few. I know. Hence the horrible suspicion that our only choice is between societies with few freemen and societies with none.
Again, the new oligarchy must more and more base its claim to plan us on its claim to knowledge. If we are to be mothered, mother must know best. This means they must increasingly rely on the advice of scientists, till in the end the politicians proper become merely the scientists' puppets. Technocracy is the form to which a planned society must tend. Now I dread specialists in power because they are specialists speaking outside their special subjects. Let scientists tell us about sciences. But government involves questions about the good for man, and justice, and what things are worth having at what price; and on these a scientific training gives a man's opinion no added value. Let the doctor tell me I shall die unless I do so-and-so; but whether life is worth having on those terms is no more a question for him than for any other man.
(CS Lewis - Is Progress Possible? Willing Slaves of the Welfare State - 1958 - Etext)Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.
(Hannah Arendt 1951/1976 The Origins of Totalitarianism. p. 350)Alors que nous envisageons la venue d'une élite, d'un État autoritaire, comblant le vide laissé par la perte des principes chrétiens, nous ne devons pas penser naïvement aux modèles de Staline et d'Hitler. Nous devons plutôt penser à un gouvernement autoritaire manipulateur. Les gouvernements modernes ont à leur disposition des formes de manipulation que le monde n'a jamais connues auparavant.* (p. 228)
Nous ne devons pas penser à un changement du jour au lendemain, mais plutôt à une tendance subtile des dirigeants à contrôler et à manipuler davantage l'individu. Bien sûr, certains pourraient se sentir mal à l'aise face à ce contrôle et cette manipulation accrus à une époque relativiste, mais où traceraient-ils leur limite ? Beaucoup de ceux qui parlent des libertés civiles sont également attachés au concept que l'État doit résoudre tous les problèmes ; ainsi, à une époque de pressions écrasantes (et avec la perte moderne de toute distinction qualitative entre l'homme et le non-homme), à un moment donné, le sentiment de malaise sera submergé/étouffé.* (p. 244)
(Francis Schaeffer - How Should we Then Live?/L’héritage du christianisme - 1976)"You see," said Aslan. "They will not let us help them. They have chosen cunning instead of belief. Their prison is only in their own minds, yet they are in that prison; and so afraid of being taken in that they can not be taken out. But come, children. I have other work to do."
(CS Lewis - The Last Battle - Naria - 1956 - Etext)To the propaganda assertion that all happenings are scientifically predictable according to the laws of nature or economics, totalitarian organization adds the position of one man who has monopolized this knowledge and whose principal quality is that he "was always right and will always be right." To a member of a totalitarian movement this knowledge has nothing to do with truth and this being right nothing to do with the objective truthfulness of the Leader's statements which cannot be disproved by facts, but only by future success or failure. The Leader is always right in his actions and since these are planned for centuries to come, the ultimate test of what he does has been removed beyond the experience of his contemporaries.
(Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism - 1948/1976 Harvest/Harcourt p. 383)La conception de la liberté autonome de Rousseau se heurta à sa propre description quand il passa de l’individu à la société. Dans le Contrat social, de 1762, il écrit: « Afin donc que le pacte social ne soit pas un vain formulaire, il renferme tacitement cet engagement qui seul peut donner de la force aux autres, que quiconque refusera d’obéir à la volonté générale y sera contraint par tout le corps: ce qui ne signifie autre chose sinon qu’on le forcera d’être libre. » Une fois de plus, un humanisme utopique finit par la tyrannie, soit dans les écrits de Rousseau, soit sous le règne de la Terreur, qui poussa ce point de vue jusqu’à sa conclusion logique. Robespierre, le roi de la Terreur, réglera rationnellement ses actions, en disciple doctrinaire de Rousseau.
(Francis Schaeffer - How Should we Then Live?/L’héritage du christianisme - 1976)
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La technologie comme outil de manipulation / Technology as a Manipulative Tool
Paternalisme manipulateur / Paternalistic Manipulation
Celebrity Doctors Being Paid to Promote Vaccines is Against the Law. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Skeptic - 15/5/2024)
Franklin Graham Supports COVID Vaccinations…. And Gets "Cancelled" For It By Some of His Followers? I just got my first COVID-19 Moderna vaccine. (Clarke Morledge - Veracity - 5/4/2021)
Prince Harry urges people to get vaccinated: 'This pandemic cannot end unless we act collectively'. (MarketWatch - 3/5/2021)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: 'Selfish' People Who Decline Vaccines Are Like Deadly Drunk Drivers. (Jack Montgomery - Breitbart - 19/5/2021)
[Hysterical] Justin Trudeau excitedly describes 'amazing feeling' after vaccine shot, begs fans to push 'that crusty old uncle who resists' to also get vaccinated. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 3/6/2021)
White House Vaccine Collab Shows Olivia Rodrigo is Another Virtue-Signaling Elite. (Haley Strack - The Federalist - 15/7/2021)
NFL quarterback opposed to getting COVID-19 vaccine says he finally got the shot after league 'forced my hand'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 30/7/2021)
Jennifer Aniston Rips 'Anti-Vaxxers,' Says They Have 'Moral' Duty to Identify Themselves. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 4/8/2021) -> of course, Aniston doesn't specify WHERE she get this (nonsense) "moral duty"...
Arnold Schwarzenegger to Americans Against Tyrannical Covid Restrictions: "Screw Your Freedom!" (VIDEO). (Cristina Laila - The Gateway Pundit - 11/8/2021)
Prince Harry Endorses Social Media Crackdown On COVID-19 Vaccine 'Misinformation'. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 2/9/2021)
STOP ! Manipulations, masques, mensonges, PEUR…” un collectif international de professionnels de santé dénonce des “mesures folles et disproportionnées” (26/8/2020)
Un collectif de professionnels de santé a lancé le 28 août un “Message d’alerte international” adressé aux gouvernements et citoyens du monde entier. Parmi les signataires, des médecins de nombreux pays et plusieurs professeurs en médecine dont le microbiologiste et spécialiste en maladies infectieuses et tropicales Martin Haditsh.
Le collectif revient sur la dangerosité réelle du virus, la manipulation des chiffres, le rôle de l’OMS, les conséquences du confinement ou du port du masque, et demande notamment aux gouvernements de “lever toutes les restrictions et les obligations sur les citoyens”. Vous pouvez télécharger l’intégralité de cette lettre ici en français, ou ici en anglais.
Les professionnels de santé´ qui le souhaitent sont invités à rejoindre le collectif “United Health Professionnals” en le contactant à l’adresse join.unitedhealthprofessionals@gmail.com
British Cabinet Office Collaborates With French Brainwashing Guru to Change The Way we Think. (Brian Gerrish - UKColumn - 14/2/2011) ) -> discusses the influence of French technocrat, Olivier Oullier
Coronavirus: how media coverage of epidemics often stokes fear and panic. (Karin Wahl-Jorgensen - The Conversation - 14/2/2020)
The Covidian Cult. (CJ Hopkins - Consent Factory - 13/10/2020)
The Government's Covid scaremongering: It is an insult to the public's intelligence to treat us like a volatile rabble. (Timandra Harkness - UnHerd - 6/11/2020)
La pathologisation de la dissidence : Aujourd’hui la psychopolice semble prête à développer de nouveaux outils dignes d’une psychodictature. (Enrica Perucchietti - Guy Boulianne - 24/11/2020)
The Biderman Report of 1956 and Covid-1984: Methods for Eliciting Individual Compliance. (Russ Winter - Winter Watch - 6/12/2020)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Psychological Warfare Disguised as a Pandemic Threat. (John W. Whitehead [Constitutional attorney and author] - The Rutherford Institute - 7/12/2020)
Pro ou anti vaccin : l'avis du psychiatre Frédéric Badel. (Le Journal Catalan - 24/12/2020)
Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism. (James Lindsay - New Discourses - 25/12/2020)
How Social Engineers Use Weaponized Psychology to Push Unproven Vaccines. (Ben Bartee/The Daily Bell - Zero Hedge - 30/12/2020)
'Emotionally Manipulative Propaganda': UK Govt Releases 'Stay Home' Coronavirus Scare Video. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 23/1/2021)
Ceci n'est pas un complot. (Akasha - Les moutons enragés - 8/2/2021)
Le virologue Marc Van Ranst, le manipulateur assumé financé par Bill Gates ! (Salim Laïbi - Le libre penseur - 9/2/2021)
Une vidéo de Marc Van Ranst refait surface dans le documentaire «Ceci n'est pas un complot»: «Il explique comment faire pour tromper les gens». (Pierre Nizet - SudInfo - 23 minutes - 11/2/2021) -> Une conférence de Marc Van Ranst, tenue en janvier 2019 à Londres, devant un parterre de journalistes scientifiques au sujet du virus H1N1. Comment manipuler le publique...
'Fauci-ing': New Dating Trend Demands Singles Dump Partners Who Don't Take COVID Seriously. (Emily Zanotti - DailyWire - 15/2/2021)
Manipulations d'état : la presse victime ou complice ? (Jean-Dominique Michel - Antropo-Logiques - 16/2/2021)
COVID-19 : « Les techniques de lavage de cerveau employées sont identiques à celles des sectes ». (Dr Badel, psychiatre - Nexus - 22/2/2021)
Popularité des Médias au Canada : Sondage. (Ezra Levant -CosmiQ/InfoVF - 23/02/2021) -> Le fondateur du média alternatif Rebel News, Ezra Levant, discute d'un article du Toronto Star à propos d'un sondage récent sur la confiance des canadiens envers les grands médias.
The big lie behind the panic over COVID 'variants' exposed: 'Variants' are the new '15 days to flatten the curve'. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 3/3/2021)
The right to protest could be lost forever: Lockdown has emboldened the state to trample over our most basic freedoms. (Luke Gittos - Spiked - 15/3/2021)
On the psychology of the conspiracy denier: A closer look at the class that mocks. (Tim Foyle - LifeSite - 17/3/2021)
Le contrôle mental au temps du Covid. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Antropo-Logiques - 23/3/2021)
Biden's Easter message: Get the COVID-19 vaccine — it is a 'moral obligation': Echoing Pope Francis' sentiments. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 5/4/2021)
Frederick Forsyth Says Government Has Launched "Campaign of Mass Fear" Against British Public: Iconic author says it reminds him of how East Berliners were treated in 1960's. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 9/4/2021)
The Covidian Cult: Part II. (C. J. Hopkins - Consent Factory - 21/4/2021) -> The Six Conditions of Mind Control
La secte des Covidiens exposée : Les six conditions du contrôle mental. (C. J. Hopkins - Aube Digitale - 22/4/2021)
Why lockdown has become a lifestyle: The culture of fear has made a lifetime of quarantine look attractive. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 30/4/2021)
Buying a Single Version of the Truth. (Iain Davis - UK Column - 3/5/2021) -> discussing Covid marketing deals made by the UK government
An army of Big Biotech companies is using psych tactics to 'create vaccine demand': A new 'Vaccination Demand Observatory' is using surveillance, bots, and 'behavior change' mass marketing schemes to press reluctant people into getting the shots. (Celeste McGovern - LifeSite - 7/5/2021)
Report: Government Scientific Advisors Admit They Used 'Totalitarian' Fear Tactics to Control People During Pandemic: "The way we have used fear is dystopian". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 17/5/2021)
Messing with your head: the government's psychological war against the nation explained. [Brian Gerrish and Reiner Füllmich interview] (Bill Kloss - 5/6/2021)
Be Very Afraid: Why Today's Bureaucrats Love Fear-Based Politics. (Gary Galles - The Mises Institute - 11/6/2021)
"Absolutely Disgusting": Australian Government Slammed Over "Scaremongering" Campaign: The Chief Medical Officers said the ads clear purpose is to urge people to stay home, get tested, and book in for a vaccination. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 12/7/2021)
How Google And Wikipedia Brainwash You: Internet giants cover-up for Big Pharma, suppress alternative medicine and bury inconvenient facts... (Ryan Matters/Off-Guardian - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 13/7/2021)
The Propaganda War (And How to Fight It). (CJ Hopkins - Consent Factory - 17/7/2021)
Cascade of Consequences. (Jim Quinn/The Burning Platform - Tyler Durden/Breitbart - 26/7/2021)
Soumission à l'autorité : l'obéissance n'est pas ce que Stanley Milgram croyait. (Laurent Bègue-Shankland, professeur de psychologie sociale - The Conversation - 29/7/2021)
Covidiotisme : la folie générale n'a plus de limites ! (Le libre penseur - 3/8/2021)
Gaslighting: The Psychology of Shaping Another's Reality. (Cynthia Chung - The Saker Blog - 8/8/2021)
Fauci: 'Inexplicable' People Are Attacking Me — 'Enemy Is the Virus'. (Pam Key - Breitbart - 12/8/2021) -> hypocrites playing the victim rather than answer the questions put to them...
Éteignez la télévision – La programmation neurolinguistique a été utilisée contre les populations dans de nombreux pays et le Royaume-Uni pourrait être aux commandes. (Numidia-Liberum - 17/8/2021)
Perspectives on the Pandemic #18: "2020: A Propganda Masterpiece: Divide and Conquer. (Mark Crispin Miller is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University and John Kirby - Off-Guardian - 37 minutes - 20/8/2021)
There's Something Rotten in Society When Caring for Others Makes Me no Better Than a Domestic Terrorist: The "we're all in this together" crowd are unconcerned with how their requests for neighbour to police neighbour cause paranoia, division and hatred. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 22/7/2021)
« Libérez-vous de la peur : arrêtez de jouer aux jeux d'esprit du gouvernement ». (John W. Whitehead et Nisha Whitehead - Guy Boulianne - 22/9/2021)
"Immunity as a Service" - The Snake-Oil Salesmen & The COVID-Zero Con. (Julius Ruechel - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/9/2021)
Détournement de l'amygdale du cerveau : tous hackés par le narratif de la peur ? (Nexus - 27/9/2021)
COVID-19: The Weaponization of Fear & The Loss of Freedom. (John Mac Ghlionn/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 11/10/2021)
The Science of Propaganda is Still Being Developed And Advanced: We live in a far less free society than most of us think.. (Caitlin Johnstone/Medium.com - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/10/2021)
"When You Buy Into Fear, You Sell Your Reason". (Tom Luongo/Gold, Goats, 'n Guns - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/10/2021)
A Desperate Biden Administration Turns To Terrorism. (Daniel McAdams via The Ron Paul Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 17/10/2021)
The New Covid Binary: Freedom or Fear - Do liberty and basic human rights even matter anymore? (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 18/10/2021)
It Takes A Lot of Education to Keep us This Stupid. (Caitlin Johnstone/Medium.com - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 19/10/2021)
COVID Authoritarians Are The Cause of America's Problems, Not The Unvaccinated. (Brandon Smith via Alt-Market - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/10/2021)
Los Angeles Psychiatrist Says COVID Policies Are 'Not About Health,' They're About Authoritarian Control. (Debra Heine - American Greatness - 22/10/202 )
How stupid do our governments think we are?: Re-imposed restrictions. (Neil Oliver/GB News - Rebel News - 27/10/2021)
Biden's Next Tactic For Forcing The Vaccine is 'Counseling' You to do as He Says. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 28/10/2021) -> counseling=manipulation...
False Gospel Gaslighting: How Manipulation Is Dividing the Church "It isn't unusual today to hear progressive Christians calling conservative Christians 'extreme' or 'crazy', and this is especially true when politicians get involved in the church." (Em Mertens - Caldron Pool - 12/11/2021)
Sweden's "Vaccine Passes" should teach us an important lesson. The Scandinavian country has been a touchstone for lockdown skeptics, but this U-turn shows us the danger of accepting any part of the narrative. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 18/11/2021)
A Fearstorm Is Upon Us. (Paul Rosenberg - Free Man's Perspective - 26/11/2021)
World Medical Association Chair Demands National Lockdowns, Compulsory Jabs, Fears COVID "Variant As Dangerous As Ebola." (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/11/2021)
« MindSpace » ou les PsyOps et la guerre limbique — Comment gagner la bataille de l'Esprit face aux techniques d'ingénierie sociale et de guerre psychologique. (David Gosselin - The Canadian Patriot/Sott.net - 2/12/2021)
Dr. Mark McDonald: Covid & the United States of Fear – a Psychiatric Perspective on Vaccination, Mandates & Authoritarianism. (Concerned American Dad - 53 minutes - 7/12/2021)
Governments Admit Using 'Mass Formation Psychosis' as Tool of Population Control. (Paul Joseph Watson/Summit News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 5/1/2022)
You Know Global Elites Are Triggered When The Propaganda Institutions Collaborate to Refute "Mass Formation Psychosis". (Sundance - TheConservativeTreehouse - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 9/1/2022)
British Government Used "Propagandistic" Fear Tactics to Scare Public Into Mass Compliance: Behavioral scientist who co-founded Downing Street nudge unit speaks out. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 14/1/2022)
Think For Yourself: Amid mass formation psychosis, use your own critical thinking skills even when outside your core competencies. (Dr. Robert Malone - InfoWars - 28/1/2022)
A Never-Ending Fear Campaign Is Being Used to Manipulate and Control the Public Fear, when it takes hold, has a tendency to blind us to reality. (Ben Davis - CaldronPool - 4/3/2022)
Another predicted spike in heart attacks (but it's still nothing to do with the vaccines). (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 11/3/2022)
"L'opinion publique peut tout accepter, si c'est bien présenté et si c'est émouvant". Radu Portocala. (FranceSoir - 11/3/2022)
Those Who Chose Shaming Over Science. (Gabrielle Bauer - Brownstone Institute - 14/3/2022)
Counterinsurgency, PSYOPS and the Military Origins of the Internet. (Dustin Broadbery - Off-Guardian - 15/3/2022) -> discussion on Covid manipulation towards the end.
How the Chinese Communist Party Enslaved One Billion People With Their Consent. (Dr. Pingnan Shi - Salvo - 16/3/2022)
Poll: Vaccinated People Far More Likely to Support Risking WWIII Over Ukraine: Unvaxxed far more likely to support more diplomatic measures. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 22/3/2022)
How Compulsive Conformity Can Get People Killed. (Stella Morabito - The Federalist - 30/3/2022)
Why Did so Many Fall for the Covid Narrative?: A hidden global coup uses mass-formation psychosis, propaganda, and corporatism to promote its transhumanist agenda and the fourth industrial revolution. (Dr. Robert Malone - The New American - 11/4/2022)
La Doxa du Covid : récit clinique d'une manipulation. (Guillaume Basquin - FranceSoir - 12/4/2022)
La manipulation psychologique, ou comment on tente de vous influencer. (ReinfoCovid.ca - 23/4/2022)
BRAINWASHED mask crusader threaten, assault Costco worker for not wearing mask: 'You're threatening my life!' (The Blaze - 27/4/2022)
Won't Get Fooled Again: After the pandemic, Americans should never let public-health authorities deprive them of their liberties. (John Tierney - City Journal - 1/5/2022)
Covid and the Crushing Use of Coercive Control: "At the highest end, perpetrators micromanage the lives of their victims, prevent them from seeing friends and family, track their movements and force them to obey a unique set of rules." (Tony Archer - CaldronPool - 10/5/2022)
'Never Let a Good Crisis go to Waste': Understanding Propaganda and COVID. (Piers Robinson - Propaganda In Focus - 23/5/2022)
Covid-19 : le contrôle des populations par la peur était « totalitaire »: Des responsables scientifiques passent aux aveux. (Gordon Rayner - Mediapart - 2/6/2022)
Mass hypnosis: why can't people see through the COVID deception? (Dr. Joseph Mercola - LifeSite - 30/6/2022) -> Despite the statistics and mathematical models dramatically overrating the risk of the virus, and the obvious side effects of the vaccine, many are not capable of seeing it. The most salient characteristic of this psychological trend is that it makes people radically blind to everything that goes against the narrative in which they believe.
Understanding the Covid Catastrophe: How to make sense of Big Brother and the Covid crisis. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 13/7/2022)
Menticide 101 and the Brainwashing of a World: Part I—The Biosecurity State. (Dr Bruce Scott - UK Column - 26/7/2022)
L'opération Trust. (Conscience du peuple - 31/7/2022) -> un exemple de manipulation de l'époque soviétique...
UN Recruited Over 100,000 'Digital First Responders' to Push Establishment COVID Narrative: October 2020 admission gets fresh attention. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 18/8/2022)
L'ONU a engagé 100.000 agents pour renforcer la propagande sur le Covid-19. (Franck Pengam - Les moutons enragés - 27/8/2022)
Rockefeller Foundation Wants Behavioral Scientists to Come up With More Convincing COVID Vaxx Narratives. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 29/8/2022) -> Discusses the "Mercury Project"... (webarchive)
How to Protect Yourselves From The Ministry of Propaganda. (Charles Hugh Smith/OfTwoMinds blog - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 30/8/2022)
The Mis-Use of PCR Tests and Other Ways the Psychotic Covid Panic Narrative Was Created. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 30/8/2022)
UK Column Interview—Lockdown: British Government's psychological attack on the public. (UK Column - 25 minutes - 30/8/2022) -> Brian Gerrish interviews psychotherapist Dr Christian Buckland, who warns of the dangers of the use of applied psychology for political purposes.
Silencing the Lambs — How Propaganda Works. (John Pilger - Consortium News - 7/9/2022 ) -> Leni Riefenstahl said her epic films glorifying the Nazis depended on a "submissive void" in the German public. This is how propaganda is done.
Why so Many Cling to COVID Panic. (Mark Oshinskie/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 19/9/2022)
Comprendre la psychologie derrière la pandémie de COVID. (Dr Joseph Mercola - Vigilance Pandémie - 19/9/2022)
Menticide 101 and the Brainwashing of a World: Part II — Beyond The Fear. (Dr Bruce Scott - UK Column - 19/9/2022)
How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and much more. (Meryl Nass - Meryl's COVID Newsletter - 25/9/2022)
The normalization of previously unheard of heart conditions in children: As medical institutes run awareness campaigns about this new phenomenon, there is little investigation into what causes it – other than deciding that it definitely is not the unmentionable novel pharmaceutical products that the vast majority of the population have been heavily coerced into taking. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 2/10/2022)
Behavioural Experts Used to Psychologically Manipulate the Public Into Compliance Behavioural scientists were similarly employed in the UK to scare or 'nudge' the public into compliance through the use of propaganda – a tactic that has been slammed as "anti-democratic." (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 4/10/2022)
A Vaccine is a Vaccine is a Vaccine: 'Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 11/10/2022)
Keeping Our Community Safe: Well into the 1950s doctors promoted cigarette brands and study after study, sponsored by tobacco producers "proved" there was no link; that smoking was not only harmless, but good for our health. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 20/10/2022)
Ce n'est pas de la dissonance cognitive, c'est de la double pensée. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson/From Symptoms to Causes Substack – Anguille sous roche - 14/11/2022)
Why is Nature Praising the Use of Propaganda During the Pandemic and Calling for More? (Dr Gary Sidley - Daily Sceptic - 15/11/2022)
More "sudden heart attacks" …with a "climate change" twist. (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 15/11/2022)
Feds Pay Journalism Group $5M to Create Software to Turn People Into Anti-'Misinformation' Bots. (Luke Rosiak - DailyWire - 1/12/2022)
Google Introduces 'Behavioral Interventions' to Punish 'Conspiracy Theorists' Who Seek 'Wrong' Information. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 2/12/2022)
Ubiquitous Federal Nudge Platoons: Wouldn't you love some wonderful injections mmm yes you would. (Chris Bray - Tell Me How This Ends - 15/12/2022)
Solving the Anti-VAXXER Riddle of Disinformation. (Nurse Michele, RN - America Out Loud - 15/12/2022)
Canada targets kids with cringeworthy video of Mrs. Claus urging vaccination, mask wearing. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 22/12/2022)
COVID-19 is the largest, most sophisticated propaganda operation in history Psychological techniques were extensively used during 2020 to incite fear and panic in the population, while other persuasion strategies were used to get people to support and defend COVID measures such as masking, isolation, social distancing, lockdowns and jab mandates. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - LifeSite - 9/1/2023)
Massachusetts Anecdrokes Birdie on a par 4 OR back, butterfly, and breast; thromboembolic death is the new normal. (Coquin de Chien - 7/1/2023) -> Much like the way Trump humorously nicknames an adversary, the covid vaccine enterprise also plays word games to capture the minds of lazy thinkers.
Report: Google To Step Up "Prebunking" Scheme To "Inoculate People" Against 'Conspiracy Theories' "Prebunking could help communities reach a kind of herd immunity when it comes to misinformation". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 14/2/2023)
Fear – the virus that afflicts the vaccinated. (Liz Hodgkinson - TCW - 6/4/2023)
This Isn't Creepy at Al: There's scope for the UK's first ever 'emergency alert system' to be expanded into some very creepy territory. (Paul Joseph Watson - InfoWars - 3 minutes - 20/4/2023)
State Covid Propaganda Destroyed Public's Ability to Consent to Vaccines – Chairman of UK Council for Psychotherapy. (Dr. Christian Buckland - Daily Sceptic - 28/4/2023)
Elites Manufacture Fake "Hate" Crisis As Pretext For Mass Spying, Blacklists, And Censorship. (Michael Shellenberger - Summit News - 11/5/2023)
Le contrôle des masses par la peur. (Marie-Estelle Dupont - Profession Gendarme - vidéo, 46 minutes - 13/5/2023)
Never Forget: A Retrospective on The Media Lies Surrounding COVID. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - video, 3 minutes - 14/5/2023)
Think about the crazy covid stuff people did simply because the government told them to. (CulturalHusbandry - PingThread - 18/5/2023)
Gouverner par le chaos. (Lucien Cerise, interview - Les moutons enragés - vidéo, 27 minutes - 16/5/2023)
Govt. Nudge Units Find the "BEST" Ways to Manipulate the Public. (Marie Hawthorne - The Organic Prepper - 1/6/2023)
"Cool the Mark Out": How the media minimizes Covid vaccine injuries. (Dennis Riches/Propaganda in Focus - Off Guardian - 1/6/2023)
Britain Has "Practised the Drill" for Lockdown and is Ready for Future Pandemics, Says Nudge Unit Chief. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 6/7/2023)
On the media hype around bad weather The disaster hysteria is meant to frighten. In reality, deaths from extreme weather events have PLUNGED over the last 50 years. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 10/7/2023)
How Lies Prevail: How many of those who want to believe the liars will look around in 30 years time commenting on how "there are a few of them here, the unvaccinated, but it's OK I guess." (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 12/7/2023)
A Disturbing Proposal: Drug the population to cure their racism. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - video, 3 minutes - 17/7/2023)
The shameless fearmongering of the lockdown lobby: The authorities treated us as children to be scared into compliance, rather than citizens to be reasoned with. (Laura Dodsworth - Spiked - 18/7/2023)
Bright Red Weather Maps and Fake Temperature 'Records' Drive Climate Panic. (Chris Morrison - Daily Skeptic - 18/7/2023)
First it was Covid – Now We're Being Scared into Submission Over the Weather. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 19/7/2023)
The Unwitting Coup: Was the Response to COVID Effectively a Coup by the Western Intelligence Community? The world has been counting on the intelligence community to call out anything untoward about the response to COVID. Of course, that won't happen, because they're the ones who planned it. (Michael P Senger - The New Normal - 1/8/2023)
WEF Unveils 'Neurostrike Weapons' That Can 'Control Brains' of World Leaders. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 8/8/2023)
In the Age of Conformity, Standing Against Tyranny Is a Radical Act: How Today's Toxic Society Echoes Milgram's Obedience Experiment. (Armando Simón/Brownstone Institute - Daily Skeptic - 12/8/2023)
Enough of the Covid fear-mongering No, we don't need mask mandates to cope with every new variant. (David Livermore - Spiked - 21/8/2023)
Credible whistleblower steps forwards, reveals CIA bribed experts to lie about COVID… (Revolver - 13/9/2023)
On Psy-ops, Demoralization, and Dystopia Porn. (CatGirl Kulak - Threadreader - 27/9/2023)
Vaccins et "désinformation" : Musk jette un pavé dans la mare avec une courte vidéo. (France-Soir - 27/9/2023)
Globalists Using 'Climate Change' to Distract Public From Their Crimes Against Humanity. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 13/11/2023)
Why Dumb Ideas Capture Smart and Successful People: Intelligent individuals are better at understanding the reputational consequences of their beliefs. (Rob Henderson's Newsletter - 19/11/2023)
Do Scientists Need to Learn to Lie More Believably? As public trust in science diminishes, one serious proposal that scientists should manipulate our beliefs for our own good. (Denyse O'Leary - Mind Matters - 3/12/2023)
The Tug of the Herd Conformity: The Power of Social Influences—A Review. (Rob Henderson's Newsletter - 17/12/2023) -> Our urge to obey authority is powerful. But our drive to conform appears to be stronger. -> This is the conformity paradox: The more you care about the people in your group, the stronger the immediate social incentive to be dishonest with them.
La prochaine stratégie manipulatrice: ériger des obstacles à l'accès à des animaux de compagnie. (Florian Philippot - X/Twitter - 18/12/2023) -> pour le moment on se contente de taxes et de culpabilisation... Le but final? Les gens isolés et seuls sont plus facilement manipulables...
The Perfidious Unreality of the "New Normal". (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 5/1/2024) -> To an authoritarian ruling elite insane narratives serve as both loyalty test and humiliation ritual.
L'irréalité perfide de la « nouvelle normalité ». (Kit Knightly/OffGuardian - Jade/Aube Digitale - 8/1/2024) -> Pour une élite dirigeante autoritaire, les récits insensés servent à la fois de test de loyauté et de rituel d'humiliation.
The Propaganda That Is Selective Science. (Lori Weintz/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/1/2024)
"No One is Safe": When Health Policy is Reduced to Sinister Slogans. (Dr David Bell - Daily Skeptic - 18/1/2024)
Davos Elites: "Ve Vont to Protect You From Dis Information". (David Craig - Daily Sceptic - 22/1/2024)
How to Thwart The Nefarious Propaganda Technique of Projection. (James Agresti/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 24/1/2024)
The Perfidious Unreality of the "New Normal". (Kit Knightly - OffGuardian - 5/2/2024)
AI and the new kind of propaganda: Some dystopian nightmare fuel. (Johan Eddebo - Off Guardian - 12/2/2024)
Bird Flu, Censorship & 100 Day Vaccines: 7 Predictions for "The Next Pandemic". (Kit Knightly - Off Guardian - 19/4/2024)
Globalists programming ChatGPT to "reduce vaccine hesitancy" by parroting public health narratives. (Dr Eddy Bettermann - 23/4/2024)
Who Was Responsible for the "Look Them in the Eyes" Campaign? (Dr Gary Sidley - Daily Skeptic - 24/4/2024)
Government Advisers Caught Falsely Claiming Never to Have Supported Pandemic Fear Messaging. (Laura Dodsworth - Daily Skeptic - 27/4/2024)
Don't let the left demoralize you into staying on the sidelines. (Albin Sadar - The Blaze - 7/5/2024) -> discusses manipulative techniques used by elites...
Behavioural Science at its Worst. (Dr David Seedhouse - Daily Skeptic - 14/5/2024)
Journalism's Pro-active Propaganda Tactic. (Richard W. Stevens - Salvo Mag - 4/6/2024)
Big Lie! H5N1 Bird Flu is NOT 100 X deadlier than COVID-19. (Dr. Bryan Ardis - America Out Loud - podcast, 58 minutes - 4/6/2024)
Reminder: The Insidious Propaganda Campaign to Shame America Into Jabbing Up. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 25/6/2024)
How Government Psychological Manipulation of the Public Became Normal. (Dr Gary Sidley - Daily Sceptic - 26/6/2024)
Why we Cannot be Nudged For Long. (James Alexander - Daily Sceptic - 1/7/2024)
Fear is the mind killer: America's dangerous obsession with 'safety'. (Artis Shepherd - Mises Wire - 16/7/2024)
NIH's Latest Desperate Attempt to Incite Fear. (Ian Miller - The Brownstone Institute - 24/7/2024)
Pandémie de propagande, de peur et de confinements (épisode 2). (Wolf Wagner - France-Soir - 14/8/2024)
The Rise of Global Conformism. (Bruce Davidson - The Brownstone Institute - 30/8/2024)
L'apocalypse sanitaire et le triomphe de la peur. (John Carpay - Libre Média - 12/9/2024)
Atlantic mag admits "pandemic" FAILED to brainwash people into "unifying". (Catte Black - Off Guardian - 18/9/2024)
Spiciest one-minute take on entire COVID sham: it was all about hysterical female energy… (Revolver - 25/9/2024)
Le fédéral avoue: il manipule les Canadiens! (Nathalie Elgrably - Journal de Montréal - 3/10/2024)
New Fear Campaign Begins Over Bird Flu; Dr. Peter McCullough Warns 'No One Should Consider The Vax'. (Greg Hunter/USAWatchdog - Zero Hedge - 14/10/2024)
Coercive compliance: Using chatbots to boost vaccination efforts A behaviourally-informed chatbot increased COVID booster uptake by three-fold in Argentina, where study participants were not given informed consent that they were partaking in this psychological operation. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 23/10/2024)
University Scare Tactics. (Jessica Rose - Brownstone Institute - 31/1/2025)
Prince Harry urges people to get vaccinated: 'This pandemic cannot end unless we act collectively'. (MarketWatch - 3/5/2021)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: 'Selfish' People Who Decline Vaccines Are Like Deadly Drunk Drivers. (Jack Montgomery - Breitbart - 19/5/2021)
[Hysterical] Justin Trudeau excitedly describes 'amazing feeling' after vaccine shot, begs fans to push 'that crusty old uncle who resists' to also get vaccinated. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 3/6/2021)
White House Vaccine Collab Shows Olivia Rodrigo is Another Virtue-Signaling Elite. (Haley Strack - The Federalist - 15/7/2021)
NFL quarterback opposed to getting COVID-19 vaccine says he finally got the shot after league 'forced my hand'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 30/7/2021)
Jennifer Aniston Rips 'Anti-Vaxxers,' Says They Have 'Moral' Duty to Identify Themselves. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 4/8/2021) -> of course, Aniston doesn't specify WHERE she get this (nonsense) "moral duty"...
Prince Harry Endorses Social Media Crackdown On COVID-19 Vaccine 'Misinformation'. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 2/9/2021)
Covid: des influenceurs payés pour des partenariats avec le gouvernement? (FranceSoir - 20/6/2022)
Canadian Actress Reveals She Has Bell's Palsy Two Weeks After Vax, Says She Would Take It Again: July 2021 clip goes viral on Twitter. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 30/9/2022)
Artificial Grass Roots: Never trust the song of a bard who was paid to write it. (el gato malo - 11/10/2022) -> These documents confirm what many of us have long suspected: That HHS and CDC paid stand-up comedians to mock the unvaccinated in their comedy routines.
French MP Says Macron and Most Elites in France Received 'Fake' Covid Jabs. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 12/10/2022)
Founder of 'Informed Consent Matters' Writes Open Letter to Piers Morgan & Jeremy Vine. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 20/10/2022) -> Miriam Finch, founder of Informed Consent Matters has written an open letter to well known and outspoken pro-covid vaccine TV personalities.
Rock Legends And Resist Libs Both Become Neurotic Babies When Faced With Mortality. (Samuel Mangold-Lenett - The Federalist - 19/12/2022)
NFL Star Travis Kelce Slammed Over Pfizer Covid Vax Campaign Urging 'Two Jabs at Once'. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 25/9/2023)
Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said. "One can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." (Alice in Wonderland)Par ses lèvres celui qui hait se déguise, et il met au dedans de lui la tromperie. Lorsqu'il prend une voix douce, ne le crois pas, car il y a sept abominations dans son coeur. S'il cache sa haine sous la dissimulation, sa méchanceté se révélera dans l'assemblée. (Prov. 26: 24-26)
"Historically, the claim of consensus is the first refuge of the scoundrel; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had. Let's be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics."
Michael Crichton, PhD, MD, author, screenwriter and academic
« Pl@ndemic II : Indoctornation ». (Dr David Martin - SOTT - 75 min. - 2/8/2020)
Vaccination : mises en scènes grotesques et infantilisante ! (Salim Laïbi Salim Laïbi - Le libre penseur - 8/1/2021)
Anthony Fauci: Military Members Skipping Vaccine are Inadvertently 'Part of the Problem'. (Joshua Caplan - Breitbart - 5/3/2021)
Let's Not Assume 'Christian Vaccine Refusal' is A 'Spiritual Problem': While David French and those like him are free to adopt every line the CDC manifests, there is room for well-informed and well-meaning Christians to disagree about COVID vaccinations. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 12/3/2021)
Step-By-Step Look at How COVID Passport Propaganda Works. (Adam Dick/The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 1/4/2021)
Use the Promise of Freedom as a "Carrot" to Incentivise People to Take the Vaccine, CNN Medical Analyst Says. (Caldron Pond - 2/4/2021)
Fear-mongering Goes Nuclear — 'We're in Brand-New Pandemic' Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola. (Mercola - 14/4/2021)
Have You Been 'Recalibrated' for COVID? (Dr. Joseph Mercola - 16/4/2021)
Trudeau tells Canadians to get vaccinated as soon as possible to end pandemic: Trudeau didn't directly challenge NACI's advice, but said Canadians should be considering how quickly they want the pandemic to end when they decide whether to wait. (Ryan Tumilty - The National Post - 4/5/2021)
Fauci: 'As Close to Back to Normal' by Next Mother's Day if 'Overwhelming Proportion' of People Get Vaccinated. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 9/5/2021)
Biden Says 'Rule Is Simple": Get Vaccinated or Wear A Mask Until You do. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/5/2021)
Cuomo's "Vax & Scratch": New York Will Now Reward Vaccinations With Scratch-Off Lotto Tickets. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 20/5/2021)
DO NOT QUESTION: YOU MUST OBEY: Our leaders are seeking blind obedience and total devotion from us peons. (Bill Muehlenberg - 20/5/2021) -> Questioning the mandatory vaccine in Australia.
These Florida concert tickets are $18 if you're vaccinated, $1,000 if you're not: The promoter behind the discount hopes it encourages people to get their shot. (Catherine Thorbecke - ABCNews - 27/5/2021)
United Airlines to require full COVID-19 vaccinations for all new employees: It's the 'right thing to do,' CEO says. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 9/6/2021)
HK$120 million worth of perks, prizes on offer for vaccinated Hongkongers in a summer bonanza of lotteries: Brand new flat, Tesla car, private flight, gold bars and shopping vouchers among the bevy of prizes put up by Hong Kong's private sector - Companies have responded in their droves to the government's call to boost vaccination take-up – only those who have taken the jabs need apply. (Denise Tsang Denise Tsang - South China Morning Post - 9/6/2021)
Pakistan : Les opérateurs coupent le service de téléphonie mobile aux personnes qui refusent de se faire vacciner. (WikiStrike.com - 12/8/2021)
Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry, British Columbia Provincial Health Officer: re: Moderna Vaccine Reactions. (Dr. Charles Hoffe - Concerned American Dad - 132/6/2021)
La 1ère preuve que les segments d'ARN peuvent être réécrits dans l'ADN. Et ça change tout! l (Liliane Held Khawam - Les moutons enragés - 14/6/2021)
8 Vaccinated Crew Members Test Positive For COVID-19 on Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship, Delaying Trip. (Harry Wilmerding - Daily Caller - 16/6/2021)
Kamala Harris Trains Activists to Pressure People Into Getting Vaccinated. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 20/6/2021)
Target Evangelicals to Boost COVID Vaccine Confidence, Says Advocate: Other witnesses at Senate HELP committee hearing debate natural immunity, vaccine safety in kids. (Shannon Firth - MedPage - 22/6/2021)
"Propagande est le mot qui me vient pour qualifier la politique de vaccination". (Dr Peter McCullough - FranceSoir - 28/6/2021)
Covid dans un Ehpad des Landes : Véran accuse une soignante "non vaccinée", la CGT réplique. (Axel Perru - Marianne - 29/6/2021)
Covid-19 : Olivier Véran "demande à la Cnil" d'autoriser la diffusion de listes de patients non-vaccinés aux médecins généralistes - Objectif : leur permettre d'inciter ces patients à se faire vacciner. (Boursorama - 2/6/2021)
World Economic Forum Releases Guide on How to Coerce and Manipulate Public into Getting the Covid-19 Vaccine. (The Liberty Beacon - 1/7/2021) -> The WEF guide to tackle vaccine hesitancy, discussed below, is written by three marketing professors from prominent universities, and reads like a first-year undergraduate piece on painfully simplistic SALES techniques. Nowhere is there any focus on real medical information being propagated about these dangerous injections.
Scott Morrison Pushes For A Divided Australia: "You Get Vaccinated and All This Changes". (Caldron Pool - 2//7/2021)
Chronique N°65 – « Invariablement, les variants servent d'épouvantails pour forcer à la vaccination… » (François Pesty - FranceSoir - 2/7/2021)
Compulsory jabs: Pressure grows on anti-vaxxers: A growing number of countries and territories around the world are forcing people, often in specific sectors, to be vaccinated against COVID-19. (MedicalXpress - 5/7/2021)
The Great Big 'Delta' Scariant. (Raul Ilargi Meijer/The Automatic Earth blog - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 6/7/2021)
Internet Erupts After Biden, Psaki Push 'Door-To-Door' Plan Targeting Unvaccinated People. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 6/7/2021)
Biden Health Secretary: "Absolutely The Government's Business" to Know Who Gets Vaccinated. (Jack Phillips/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/7/2021)
Dr. Fauci tells the unvaccinated to 'Get over this political statement' and get inoculated against COVID-19. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 8/7/2021)
Video: CNN Doctor Says It's "Time to Start Mandating" COVID Vaccines: MSNBC says conservatives are 'cowardly' for not wanting mandatory vaccines. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 9/7/2021)
CNN medical analysts say life 'needs to be hard' for Americans who don't get the vaccine, call for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 11/7/2021)
Fauci: Smallpox Wouldn't Have Been Eradicated If We Had Fox News 'False Information'. (Pam Key - Breitbart - 18/7/2021)
The Panic Pandemic: Fearmongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus. (John Tierney/City-Journal - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 19/7/2021)
Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell urges Americans to get vaccinated ASAP — or risk another shutdown. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 21/7/2021)
MSNBC contributor: 'There's an idiot percentage of this population that just needs to be told what to do'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 25/7/2021) -> Extraordinarily blant example of elitist contempt for ordinary people
'I Just Left the ER' COVID Fearmongering Goes Viral on Twitter. Where Are the Fact-Checkers? (Victoria Taft - PJMedia - 26/7/2021)
Taibbi: The Vaccine Aristocrats. (Matt Taibbi via TK News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/7/2021)
Big Science Demands the Trust It Isn't Getting Don't ask questions. Submit, or you will be mocked as a science denier. You may be censored. We, the propaganda arm of the Left, are the experts. (David F. Coppedge, aerospace engineer - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 31/7/2021)
Utah GOP governor says he won't mask to protect unvaccinated: 'I'm not real excited to sacrifice to protect someone who doesn't seem to care'. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 4/8/2021)
'A Variant Worse Than Delta': Fauci Dials Fear to 11 As Emerging 'Lambda' Strain Appears More Resistant to Vaccine. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 4/8/2021)
L'Allemagne prévoit des mesures sévères pour les non-vaccinés: "Ils ne seront autorisés à entrer nulle part". (7sur7.be - 4/8/2021)
Here Comes The Fear Campaign to Vaccinate All of America's Minors. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/8/2021)
If Fauci Really Wanted More Americans to Get Vaccinated, He'd Resign Americans have reasonable questions about the vaccine, which should be answered with a transparent presentation of the facts — not browbeating. (Beverly Hallberg - The Federalist - 5/8/2021)
Reports: White House Considers Withholding Federal Money to Pressure People to Take Vaccine. (Wendell Husebø - Breitbart - 6/8/2021)
Wen: Not Being Vaccinated Same as Drunk Driving — They Are Endangering Others' Health. (Pam Key - Breitbart - 6/8/2021)
The Pandemic of The Scared Vaccinated. (Emily Miller/Emily Posts - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 10/8/2021)
Fauci says vaccine-hesitant Americans should 'put aside' their 'concern about liberties and personal liberties' to fight 'common enemy' in COVID-19. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze News - 16/8/2021)
Dr. Fauci moves the goalposts again, says US could return to 'normal' by spring 2022 — if vaccination rates increase. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 24/8/2021)
No Jab, No Medicare? How far are they ready to go? (Joseph Hippolito- FrontPageMag - 25/8/2021)
Ruling Class Increasingly Calls Upon The Private Sector to Make Lives of The "Unvaccinated" Difficult. (Mac Slavo/SHTFplan - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/8/2021)
Legault croit qu'il est raisonnable de congédier un non-vacciné: Les propos du premier ministre sont dénoncés par les principales centrales syndicales. (Olivier Bourque - Journal de Québec - 27/8/2021)
Crises, Fear, And Big Brother Statism: Statists love to ramp up fear and panic to control the masses. (Bill Muehlenberg - 31/8/2021)
Patient threatened with withdrawal of life-saving surgery unless she gets Covid shot. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom - 3/9/2021)
The Left's Dishonest 'Vaccine Mandates Work' Slogan Really Means 'Shut Up And do as We Say'. (Eddie Scarry - The Federalist - 14/10/2021)
L'OMS révèle enfin ses techniques de manipulation des masses pour faire accepter le vaccin. (Éric Verhaeghe - le Courrier des Stratèges - 13/5/2022)
Menticide 101 and the Brainwashing of a World: Part I—The Biosecurity State. (Dr Bruce Scott - UK Column - 26/7/2022)
What Made us so Compliant With Insane, Tyrannical COVID Policies? A society ridden with fear will acquiesce to any policy that promises safety. How do we reduce ambient levels of fear? (Charles Eisenstein - The Defender - 11/8/2022)
Never Again - Five-part Docuseries — A Five-Part Series by Vera Sharav: Part 2: Anyone Who Wants to Start A War Has to Lie. (Children's Health Defense - 66 minutes - 31/1/2023)
'Never Again' documentary takes deep dive comparing COVID propaganda with Nazi Germany: 'The people responsible for the pandemic have used two of the weapons the Nazis used, which was fear and propaganda.' (LifeSiteNews - 3/2/2023)
The Positive Feedback Loop: How Totalitarians Instill Fear and Restrict Human Rights. (Scott Sturman - The Brownstone Institute - 24/8/2023)
Le Projet Virality, acteur clé de la «désinformation» des pro-vaccin Un nouveau lobby de la censure s'est construit, décrypté par un célèbre journaliste d'investigation étasunien. (Matt Taibbi - Covid Hub - 15/10/2023)
Quelle meilleure démonstration du mépris du peuple, de sa vie, de ses droits ???
US20210082583 - Methods And Systems of Prioritizing Treatments, Vaccination, Testing And/Or Activities While Protecting The Privacy of Individuals. (WIPO IP Portal - 30/11/2022) The patent application describes this cell phone application in the following manner:
"System and methods for anonymously selecting subjects for treatment against an infectious disease caused by a pathogen. The system comprises a plurality of electronic devices comprising instructions to generate an ID and, when in proximity of another such electronic device, one or both electronic devices transmit/receive the ID to/from the other electronic device. Then, a score is generated based on a plurality of such received IDs. Additionally, based on information received from a server, relevant treatment instructions are displayed to the subjects based on the received information and the score. The server comprises instructions for sending to the plurality of electronic devices the information to be displayed with the relevant treatment instructions, additionally the server and/or the electronic devices comprise instructions to generate a prediction of likelihood of a subject transmitting the pathogen, based on the score of the subject.
Will such an application be installed WITHOUT the owner's consent? ESSENTIALLY, this is an instrument of propaganda instilling FEAR and paranoia in the population and isolating and stigmatising individuals who do not have ALL their vaccines up to date. One should expect ALL promises of respecting users privacy to be immediately violated... The lesson being taught? Drop your cell phone in the garbage can and learn to live without a leash.
How games are used to control you: You don't have to play by other people's rules. (Gurwinder Bhogal - UnHerd - 13/4/2024)
"It's all for your own good". (TE Creus - Off-Guardian - 29/8/2021)
Dr. Fauci: American Independent Spirit Made Pandemic Worse. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 17/12/2020)
De plus en plus de citoyens infectés refusent de partager leurs contacts. (Sébastien Tanguay - Radio Canada - 9/1/2021)
Corrupt Corporate Media Are Profiting Off of Shaming, Mocking Unvaccinated COVID Patients Viral stories about unvaccinated individuals highlight the corrupt media's willingness to boost narratives that serve no purpose but to advance their agenda. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 26/7/2021)
CNN Medical Analyst: "We Can't Trust the Unvaccinated" "Everybody should still be wearing masks." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 4/8/2021)
The Unvaccinated: the new COVID Scapegoats - Are vaccine mandates next? They have found a COVID scapegoat. It is you. (Techno Fog - 5/8/2021)
My university ignores COVID natural immunity and wants to blame people like me for outbreaks. (Rachel Lalgie - College Fix - 12/8/2021)
Baltimore mayor tells unvaccinated citizens to 'shut up': 'It's your fault that we're going back to having an indoor mask mandate'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 25/7/2021)