Malheur à ceux qui prononcent des ordonnances iniques, et à ceux qui transcrivent des arrêts injustes, Pour refuser justice aux pauvres, et ravir leur droit aux malheureux de mon peuple, Pour faire des veuves leur proie, et des orphelins leur butin! Que ferez-vous au jour du châtiment, et de la ruine qui du lointain fondra sur vous? Vers qui fuirez-vous, pour avoir du secours, et où laisserez-vous votre gloire? Les uns seront courbés parmi les captifs, les autres tomberont parmi les morts. Malgré tout cela, sa colère ne s'apaise point, et sa main est encore étendue.
(Ésaïe 10: 1-4)... the modern intelligentsia is in no respect alienated from the modern state: those who feel that way, either in their private thoughts or among their immediate circle of friends, with a sense of constriction, depression, doom and resignation, are not only maintaining the state by their daily activities as members of the intelligentsia, but are accepting and fulfilling an even more terrible condition laid down by the state: participation with their soul in the common, compulsory lie.
(Alexander Solzhenitsyn - The Smatterers p. 243 - in Solzhenitsyn et al. From Under the Rubble. Regnery Gateway Chicago 1974/1981)La langue fausse hait ceux qu'elle écrase, et la bouche flatteuse prépare la ruine.
(Proverbes 26: 28)Ceux qui utilisent le plus souvent les expressions "Fake News" ou "désinformation" ont probablement quelque chose à cacher et exploitent ces expression pour jeter la poudre aux yeux (distraction...) de ceux qui pourraient poser des questions sérieuses... (Anonyme)
L'homme pervers, l'homme inique, marche la fausseté dans la bouche; Il cligne des yeux, parle du pied, fait des signes avec les doigts; La perversité est dans son coeur, Il médite le mal en tout temps, Il excite des querelles. Aussi sa ruine arrivera-t-elle subitement; Il sera brisé tout d'un coup, et sans remède.
(Proverbes 6: 12-15)Now, that specialists are valuable for this particular and practical purpose, of predicting the approach of enormous and admitted human calamities, nobody but a fool would deny. But that does not bring us one inch nearer to allowing them the right to define what is a calamity; or to call things calamities which common sense does not call calamities. We call in the doctor to save us from death; and, death being admittedly an evil, he has the right to administer the queerest and most recondite pill which he may think is a cure for all such menaces of death. He has not the right to administer death, as the cure for all human ills. And as he has no moral authority to enforce a new conception of happiness, so he has no moral authority to enforce a new conception of sanity. He may know I am going mad; for madness is an isolated thing like leprosy; and I know nothing about leprosy. But if he merely thinks my mind is weak, I may happen to think the same of his. I often do.
(G. K. Chesterton - Eugenics and Other Evils - chap 4. - 1922)Dans les discours, et dans les choses, ce sont deux sortes de personnes, que vos grands médecins. Entendez-les parler, les plus habiles gens du monde ; voyez-les faire, les plus ignorants de tous les hommes.
(Molière - Le Malade imaginaire - Acte III, scène 3 - 1673)On est tous leurs patients (ad vitam æternam) ou on est tous leurs prisonniers? (Paul Gosselin - 2021)
By the second half of the nineteenth-century, the dramatic achievements of the experimental and theoretical sciences had brought a certain prestige to science. Science in the middle decades of the century becomes a major source of military, industrial, and economic strength. As a consequence, one sees a fundamental transformation in the political function of science. Science becomes increasingly a metaphor for the explanation of why things are as they are: people look to science to explain the origin of human character and institutions; science becomes an important part of ideological argumentation and a means of social control.
(Robert Proctor - Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis - Harvard University Press Cambridge (1988) pp. 12-13)Their branch of service does not require them to be educated people of broad culture and broad views — and they are not. Their branch of service does not require them to think logically — and they do not. Their branch of service requires only that they carry out orders exactly and be impervious to suffering — and that is what they do and what they are. We who have passed through their hands feel suffocated when we think of that legion, which is stripped bare of universal human ideals.
(A. Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation. Volume I - 1973: 145)Mainstream media journalists and executives should be let go and find jobs they are better qualified for: Flipping burgers...
Leur fonction n'exige pas d'eux qu'ils soient instruits, qu'ils aient une vaste culture, une grande ouverture d'esprit, et ils n'ont rien de tout cela. Leur fonction ne leur demande pas de raisonner logiquement, et cela n'est pas dans leur nature. Leur fonction requiert seulement qu'ils exécutent les directives avec ponctualité et qu'ils soient insensibles aux souffrances d'autrui: et ces qualités-là, ils les possèdent, elles existent. Nous qui sommes passés entre leurs mains, nous éprouvons une sensation d'étouffement à l'idée de cette corporation entièrement étrangère à toutes les notions humaines reconnues.
(A. Soljenitsyne, Archipel du Goulag 1974, v1: 111-112)Ce qui me frappait chez le coupable, c'était un manque de profondeur évident, et tel qu'on ne pouvait faire remonter le mal incontestable qui organisait ses actes jusqu'au niveau plus profond des racines ou des motifs. Les actes étaient monstrueux, mais le responsable - tout au moins le responsable hautement efficace qu'on jugeait alors - était tout à fait ordinaire, comme tout le monde, ni démoniaque ni monstrueux. Il n'y avait en lui trace ni de convictions idéologiques solides, ni de motivations spécifiquement malignes, et la seule caractéristique notable qu'on décelait dans sa conduite, passée ou bien manifeste au cours du procès et au long des interrogatoires qui l'avaient précédé, était de nature entièrement négative: ce n'était pas de la stupidité, mais un manque de pensée.
(Hannah Arendt - La Vie de l'esprit, vol I : La Pensée - Paris, PUF, 1981, p.19) -> commentaire sur le procès d'Adolf Eichmann.There is no God but Science and Fauci is His messenger... (David Klinghoffer - 2020)
Now that I look back, I realize that a life predicated on being obedient and taking orders is a very comfortable life indeed. Living in such a way reduces to a minimum one's need to think.
(Adolf Eichmann)Le technocrate moderne cherche à tout prix à initier le dialogue. De cette façon, dès le début de la conversation, il peut établir les paramètres de la discussion théorique sur le point de s'ouvrir. (...) L'auditoire visé accepte sans réfléchir le cadre qui lui est imposé. Après quoi, il se laisse prendre dans le tourbillon de la logique qui en découle, totalement absorbé par le va-et-vient du processus questions-réponses indissociable de la structure préétablie de l'échange. S'il arrive à suivre, il se sent satisfait; dans le cas contraire, lorsqu'il a le sentiment d'être largué en cours de route, il sombre dans le désespoir, miné par un sentiment d'infériorité. Quoi qu'il en soit, il n'a pas le temps de réfléchir ni de jauger les paramètres de base [de l'argument]. (p. 127-128)
(John Ralston Saul - 1993 - Les bâtards de Voltaire: la dictature de la raison en Occident. Payot [Paris])La terre est déchirée, La terre se brise, La terre chancelle. La terre chancelle comme un homme ivre, elle vacille comme une cabane; Son péché pèse sur elle, elle tombe, et ne se relève plus. En ce temps-là, l'Eternel châtiera dans le ciel l'armée d'en haut, et sur la terre les rois de la terre. Ils seront assemblés captifs dans une prison, ils seront enfermés dans des cachots, et, après un grand nombre de jours, ils seront châtiés. La lune sera couverte de honte, et le soleil de confusion; car l'Eternel des armées régnera sur la montagne de Sion et à Jérusalem, resplendissant de gloire en présence de ses anciens.
(Ésaie 24: 19-23)La presse est devenue une des plus grandes puissances en Occident, dépassant celle de la législature, de l'exécutif, et du judiciaire. Et pourtant on peut se demander selon quelle loi a-t-il été élu et à qui doit-il rendre des comptes? Dans l'Est communiste, un journaliste est, sans ambiguïté, un agent de l'État. Mais qui a voté afin d'investir les journalistes occidentaux de leurs positions de pouvoir, pendant combien de temps et avec quelles prérogatives?
Il y a encore une autre surprise qui attend celui qui est habitué au totalitarisme de l'Est avec sa presse rigoureusement centralisée. On découvre une orientation, des préférences communes dans la presse occidentale dans son ensemble (l'esprit du temps). On constate des jugements moraux prévisibles et largement admis et possiblement des intérêts corporatifs communs. L'effet de tous ces facteurs réunis étant non pas la compétition, mais l'homogénéisation de la pensée. La liberté sans contrainte existe bien pour la presse, mais pas pour le lecteur, car les journaux transmettent surtout, et ce, d'une manière énergique et vigoureuse, les opinions qui ne contredisent pas trop ouvertement leurs propres positions ainsi que la tendance générale.*
(Alexandr Soljenitsyne - A World Split Apart. Commencement Address Delivered At Harvard University, June 8, 1978)But the man-moulders of the new age will be armed with the powers of an omnicompetent state and an irresistible scientific technique: we shall get at last a race of conditioners who really can cut out all posterity in what shape they please. (...) Values are now mere natural phenomena. Judgements of value are to be produced in the pupil as part of the conditioning. Whatever Tao there is will be the product, not the motive, of education. The conditioners have been emancipated from all that. it is one more part of nature which they have conquered. The ultimate springs of human action are no longer, for them, something given. They have surrenderedlike electricity: it is the function of the Conditioners to control, not to obey them. They know how to produce conscience and decide what kind of conscience they will produce. They themselves are outside, above. for we are assuming the last stage of Man’s struggle with nature. The final victory has been won. human nature has been conquered and, of course, has conquered, in whatever sense those words may now bear. (...)
To some it will appear that i am inventing a factitious difficulty for my Conditioners. other, more simple-minded, critics may ask, ‘Why should you suppose they will be such bad men?’ but i am not supposing them to be bad men. They are, rather, not men (in the old sense) at all. They are, if you like, men who have sacrificed their own share in traditional humanity in order to devote themselves to the task of deciding what ‘humanity’ shall hence-forth mean. ‘Good’ and ‘bad’, applied to them, are words without content: for it is from them that the content of these words is henceforward to be derived. (C. S. Lewis - Abolition of Man)But the specifically modern versions of communalism advocated by fascist and communist rulers have been far more coercive than older, traditional versions because they have been connected to ideologies that promise to transform society according to established scientific principles in order to bring about utopias. Elevating the community and nation at the expense of the individual, and trying to mobilize the entire population for great transforming efforts is a mixture particularly likely to create tyranny.
(Daniel Chirot - Modern Tyrants: The Power and Prevalence of Evil in Our Age. 1994, Princeton University Press - pp. 264-265)Malheur à ceux qui prononcent des ordonnances iniques, et à ceux qui transcrivent des arrêts injustes, pour refuser justice aux pauvres, et ravir leur droit aux malheureux de mon peuple, pour faire des veuves leur proie, et des orphelins leur butin! Que ferez-vous au jour du châtiment, et de la ruine qui du lointain fondra sur vous? Vers qui fuirez-vous, pour avoir du secours, et où laisserez-vous votre gloire? Les uns seront courbés parmi les captifs, les autres tomberont parmi les morts. Malgré tout cela, sa colère ne s’apaise point, et sa main est encore étendue. (Ésaie 10: 1-4)
Presumption of Riches
Therefore it happeneth commonly, that such as value themselves by the greatnesse of their wealth, adventure on Crimes, upon hope of escaping punishment, by corrupting publique Justice, or obtaining Pardon by Mony, or other rewards.
And Friends
And that such as have multitude of Potent Kindred; and popular men, that have gained reputation amongst the Multitude, take courage to violate the Lawes, from a hope of oppressing the Power, to whom it belongeth to put them in execution.
And that such as have a great, and false opinion of their own Wisedome, take upon them to reprehend the actions, and call in question the Authority of them that govern, and so to unsettle the Lawes with their publique discourse, as that nothing shall be a Crime, but what their own designes require should be so. It happeneth also to the same men, to be prone to all such Crimes, as consist in Craft, and in deceiving of their Neighbours; because they think their designes are too subtile to be perceived. These I say are effects of a false presumption of their own Wisdome. For of them that are the first movers in the disturbance of Common-wealth, (which can never happen without a Civill Warre,) very few are left alive long enough, to see their new Designes established: so that the benefit of their Crimes, redoundeth to Posterity, and such as would least have wished it: which argues they were not as wise, as they thought they were. And those that deceive upon hope of not being observed, do commonly deceive themselves, (the darknesse in which they believe they lye hidden, being nothing else but their own blindnesse;) and are no wiser than Children, that think all hid, by hiding their own eyes. And generally all vain-glorious men, (unlesse they be withall timorous,) are subject to Anger; as being more prone than others to interpret for contempt, the ordinary liberty of conversation:
(Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan - 1651 - chap. 27)Blague du Goulag
Au vingtième congrès du Parti communiste de l'Union soviétique, Khrouchtchev fit un discours percutant et parla de toutes les horreurs perpétrées pendant le régime de Staline. Au milieu de son discours, une voix bouleversée sortit des rangs : – Si ça s'est passé vraiment comme tu le dis, pourquoi n'as-tu jamais protesté ? Khrouchtchev cessa de parler, laissa passer quelques instants puis cria d'une voix forte : – Qui est le camarade qui vient de poser cette question ? Qu'il se lève immédiatement ! Personne ne se leva et dans la salle la peur se fit matérielle, si épaisse que tous étaient paralysés. Quelques minutes passèrent ainsi. Khrouchtchev savoura cette terreur puis, à la surprise de tous, expliqua calmement : – Voilà, camarades, à présent vous avez compris pourquoi je me suis tu pendant toutes ces années.Hitler’s dictatorship differed in one fundamental point from all its predecessors in history. His was the first dictatorship in the present period of modern technical development, a dictatorship which made the complete use of all technical means for domination of its own country. Through technical devices like the radio and loudspeaker, 80 million people were deprived of independent thought. It was thereby possible to subject them to the will of one man…
(Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks; Andrew D. Evans; William Bruce Wheeler; Julius Ruff (1 January 2014). Discovering the Western Past, Volume II: Since 1500. Cengage Learning. pp. 350)If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell (Preface to Animal Farm)On the usefulness of of Bureaucrats
The mob, the underworld of the bourgeois class, hoped that the helpless masses would help them into power, would support them when they attempted to forward their private interests, that they would be able simply to replace the older strata of bourgeois society and to instill into it the more enterprising spirit of the under- world. Yet totalitarianism in power learned quickly that enterprising spirit was not restricted to the mob strata of the population and that, in any event, such initiative could only be a threat to the total domination of man. Absence of scruple, on the other hand, was not restricted to the mob either and, in any event, could be taught in a relatively short time. For the ruthless machines of domination and extermination, the masses of co-ordinated philistines provided much better material and were capable of even greater crimes than so-called professional criminals, provided only that these crimes were well organized and assumed the appearance of routine jobs.
(Hannah Arendt 1951/1976 The Origins of Totalitarianism. p. 337)Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.
(Hannah Arendt 1951/1976 The Origins of Totalitarianism. p. 350)Dans les dictatures plus efficaces de demain, il y aura sans doute beaucoup moins de force déployée. Les sujets des tyrans à venir seront enrégimentés sans douleur par un corps d'ingénieurs sociaux hautement qualifiés. Un défenseur enthousiaste de cette nouvelle science écrit: «Le défi que relève de nos jours le sociologue est le même que les techniciens il y a un demi-siècle. Si la première moitié du vingtième siècle a été l'ère des ingénieurs techniques, la seconde pourrait bien être celle des ingénieurs sociaux» - et je suppose que le vingt et unième sera celui des Administrateurs Mondiaux, du système scientifique des castés et du Meilleur des Mondes. À la question qui custodiet custodes? - qui gardera nos gardiens, qui organisera les organisateurs techniques?, on répond sereinement qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de surveillance. Il semble régner parmi certains docteurs en sociologie la touchante conviction que leurs pairs ne seront jamais corrompus par l'exercice du pouvoir.
(Aldous Huxley - Retour au meilleur des mondes - 1958/1990)
Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant, c'est-à-dire textes plus anciens au début / Texts are in chronological order, oldest first. -> articles plus récents
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La compagnie pharmaceutique Bayer et leur trafic d'êtres humains pendant le régime nazi. (Wiki)
Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page - pharmaceuticals (Good Jobs First)
COVID-19 Lockdown: A Global Human Experiment: No matter what’s the origin of COVID-19, the response to this virus lead to a series of drastic and unprecedented changes on a global level. The dystopian future is now. Here’s how this pandemic created the largest human experiment in history. (Vigilant Citizen - 27/3/2020)
Coronavirus and the smell of Saul Alinsky. (Cheryl K. Chumley - Washington Times - 18/4/2020)
Covid-19 : Neil Ferguson, le Lyssenko libéral. (Thierry Meyssan - - 18/4/2020) -> examine les premières attaques contre Didier Raoult
Le scientisme, notre principal problème. (Claude Rochet - Blogue - 19/4/2020)
The Superstition of ‘Science’: Can the media’s favorite experts predict the pandemic’s future? (Robert Stacy McCain - The American Spectator - 20/4/2020)
Mayor Bill de Blasio's social distancing 'snitch' line backfires spectacularly: New Yorkers let their mayor know how they really feel about the 'service'. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 21/4/2020)
Italian Law Professor Warns Lockdown Presents Serious Abuse of Authority. (Thomas D. Williams - Breitbart - 27/4/2020)
Un hommage aux dénonciateurs du coronavirus COVID-1 9 (SARS-CoV-2). (Soren Ventegodt & Joav Merrick - ResearchGate - 1/5/2020)
What Neil Ferguson’s booty call tells us about modern politics: His hypocrisy is staggering. But it's his scaremongering we should hold him to account for. (Brendan O'Neill - 6/5/2020)
Wisconsin Judge Slams Dem Governor’s Stay-At Home Orders: ‘The Very Definition of Tyranny’. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 6/5/2020)
Lockdown fanatics scare me far more than Covid-19: Their extremism is a menace to liberty and livelihoods. They must be stopped. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 8/5/2020)
Dem Governors Face Dozens of Lockdown Lawsuits: All have used the pandemic as a pretext for curtailing constitutional rights. (David Catron - The American Spectator - 8/5/2020)
Vous dites qu'il faut se fier à la science: Lettre à Richard Martineau Jean Dominique Michel le scientifique et Arruda le clown. (Alain Patenaude - Vigile Québec - 8/5/2020)
The Science Guild’s Mask Is Falling Off. (Michael Egnor - Evolution News - 8/5/2020)
What the Pandemic Revealed: a Morally Bankrupt Culture. (Charles Hugh Smith - Of Two Minds - 12/5/2020)
Dr. Fauci is testifying before the Senate today. Here's what some brave senator should ask him. (Leon Wolf - The Blaze - 12/5/2020)
VIDEO: Anti-lockdown protesters insult and berate reporter covering their protest on Long Island: 'The level of anger directed at the media from these protestors was alarming'. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 14/5/2020) [et ils sont surpris que le peuple, qu'ils méprisent tant, ne les respect plus...]
Ils vont arracher les enfants à leur famille, sous prétextes de dérives sectaires. (Blogue Michelle d'Astier de la Vigerie - 16/5/2020)
Will We All Be Forced to Get COVID Vaccines? Even Alan Dershowitz has chosen the coercion route. (Wesley J. Smith - The American Spectator - 20/5/2020) -> Intéressant de constater que ce n'est pas un médecin qui nous dit qu'il FAUT TOUS se soumettre au vaccin, mais un avocat...
Rand Paul: Fauci’s Policies ‘Emasculated The Medical Care System And Ruined The Economy’. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 21/5/2020)
Where Is Cuomo’s Apology for Killing 10,000 People?: No ifs, no ands, no buts just a tearful mea culpa from the Nursing Home Killer. (Dov Fischer - The American Spectator - 23/5/2020)
Anthony Fauci and his not-so-true claim about 'safe' COVID-19 vaccine. (Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - 22/5/2020)
Justice Department Warns Los Angeles Stay-at-Home Extension Could be Illegal. (Breitbart News - 22/4/2020)
The public must lead us out of the lockdown: The political elites have lost the plot over Covid-19. The people must take over. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 25/5/2020)
How the media lost the plot: An anonymous insider on why ‘gotcha’ journalism is failing in the age of coronavirus. (Anonymous - Spiked - 25/5/2020)
A short guide to justifying re-lockdown: Or why the media is so desperate to turn good COVID-19 news into bad. (Heather MacDonald Spectator 25/5/2020)
INTERVIEW EXCLUSIVE : La «science» de la pandémie, Marcos Eberlin, PhD, science collaborative acte 2. (Marcos Eberlin/Xavier Azalbert - FranceSoir - 26/5/2020)
With Social Utility, How Much Are Grandpa And Grandma Really Worth? (Russell Blaylock - Technocracy.News - 28/5/2020)
Lil Wayne Interviews Anthony Fauci About Coronavirus Predictions. (Alana Mastrangelo - Breitbart - 30/5/2020)
It's high time Fauci and the rest of the 'experts' were made to answer some questions: What did Dr. Fauci know, and when did he know it? (Steve Deace - The Blaze - 2/6/2020)
Why Does The New York Times Brazenly Deny The Obvious? (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 5/6/2020)
COVID censorship at ResearchGate: Things scientists cannot say. (Denis J, Rancourt - Internet Archive - 5/6/2020)
America’s Make-Believe Moment: It just might be later than you think. (Daniel J. Flynn - The American Spectator - 5/6/2020)
Exclusive Gov. Noem: Establishment Media Coronavirus Bias Shows in ‘What They Choose to Cover, Not Cover’. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 10/6/2020)
LancetGate ou ScienceGate ? Un autre révélateur de la Covid-19. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Bible & Science Diffusion - 13/6/2020)
Données de santé : l’Ordre des médecins demande la suppression d’un article du projet de loi sur la fin de l’état d’urgence sanitaire. (Gènéthique - 16/6/2020)
The Miserable Pseudo-Science Behind Face Masks, Social Distancing And Contact Tracing. (Patrick Wood - Technocracy News & Trends - 19/6/2020)
8 Times Dr. Fauci Revised The Coronavirus Narrative. (Jeffrey Cawood - DailyWire - 23/6/2020)
Covid-19 et évolution du virus, ce qu'on peut dire fin juin 2020. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 1/7/2020)
Dr. Fauci Is No Nostradamus: How COVID-19 Ran Amok Under His Watch. (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 4/7/2020)
Why we must always question ‘The Science’: Tim Knox on the pernicious role of the ‘scientific blob’ in the UK’s response to Covid-19. (Spiked - 10/7/2020)
Why We Can’t Trust Anything ‘The Science’ Says Any More: These scientists are attempting to hide information that doesn’t conform to what roving violent mobs are attempting to impose at the blunt ends of bricks, sticks, and guns. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 10/7/2020)
Why woke leftists love the lockdown: Where the left once stood up to the power of the state, it now embraces it. (Jacob Williams - Spiked - 14/7/2020)
Trade adviser Peter Navarro tears into Fauci in blistering op-ed: ‘Wrong about everything’. (Brooke Singman - Fox News - 15/7/2020)
Nashville Man Told By State He’s Positive For Coronavirus. He Was Never Tested. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 21/7/2020)
"Honey, I Shrunk the People's Constitutional Rights!" How Public-Health Officials and Other Administrators Got so Much Power. (Rosemary Frei - 25/7/2020)
Lettre ouverte adressée au Parlement suisse: Projet de loi fédérale sur le Coronavirus mis en consultation par le Conseil fédéral. (Dr. Christian Zürcher - Association Santé Suisse - 26/7/2020) -> PDF
Head of CDC Admits Lockdown Killing Way More Americans Than COVID! Urges Masks. When Will These People Be Held Accountable for the Carnage They’ve Caused? (Michael Thau - Red State - 27/7/2020)
Anthony Fauci Floats Eye Protection and Masks for Every Flu Season Ever. (John Nolte - Breitbart News - 30/7/2020)
Fauci Stunned by Question About Limiting Protesting, Says He Can’t Determine What Government Can Do. (Jeff Maples - Reformation Charlotte - 31/7/2020)
‘Do You See The Inconsistency?’ Jim Jordan Grills Fauci on Protests, Church During Pandemic: Fauci: "I’m not favoring anybody over anybody." (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 31/7/2020)
Tucker Carlson Rips Fauci As ‘A Fraud’. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 1/8/2020)
La censure des médias envers les médecins américains en dit long: Quand la science est muselée BIG PHARMA A DU « POWER ». (Alain Patenaude - Vigile Québec - 9/8/2020)
More COVID-19 facts the media does NOT want you to know: 'This time, it's straight from the CDC'. (BlazeTV - 12/8/2020)
Facebook Censored 100+ Million Coronavirus ‘Misinformation’ Posts in 3 Months. (Lucas Nolan - Breitbart - 12/8/2020)
Open letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19. (George C. Fareed, MD; Michael M. Jacobs, MD; Donald C. Pompan, MD - The Desert Review - 13/8/2020)
Questions for Dr. Fauci: Why such opposition to Hydroxychloroquine? An open letter. (George Parry - The American Spectator - 17/8/2020)
Why The Price of Face Masking is Not As Small As It Seems: According to my governor’s order, the mask requirement is based on 'the unanimous recommendation of the public health experts,' but who are these experts, and are they really unanimous? (Laura Baxter - The Federalist - 17/8/2020)
Media Fearmongering Has Led to Misconceptions About Risk of Death From COVID-19. (Ashe Schow - DailyWire - 18/8/2020)
Fear Is A Viral Monster. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 19/8/2020)
Governor Cuomo opposes investigation of nursing home deaths in New York. (Wintery Knnight - 19/8/2020)
Why Is The Media Suppressing Information About Hydroxychloroquine’s Effectiveness Against COVID?: There are now 53 studies that show positive results of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 infections. So, why is the media still spreading misinformation? (Steven Hatfill - The Federalist - 17/8/2020)
“In Fauci We Trust”? C. S. Lewis Foresaw Scientific Authoritarianism. (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 20/8/2020)
Media Deems Cashless Society A "Conspiracy Theory" (After Admonishing Cash Use). (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 23/8/2020)
Shutting down more than school: California parents fight for in-person religious education. (Steve West - World Mag - 24/8/2020)
Le port du masque, la liberté d'expression et la pensée unique: les Décrypteurs et les grands médias québécois s'en mêlent... (Emeth Doxa - Samizdat - 3/9/2020)
Why won’t the opposition oppose this Covid authoritarianism?: MPs, judges and much of civil society are as committed to curtailing our freedoms as the government is, if not more so. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 21/9/2020)
Follow the Science? How COVID Authoritarians Get It Wrong: If “the Science” told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it? (Robert Harris - The American Spectator - 22/9/2020)
Parliament’s pathetic Covid response: At times of national crisis, shouldn't our MPs hold Government to account? (Paul Embery - UnHerd - 22/9/2020) -> "HR"=Human Ressources
Sen. Rand Paul Questions Dr. Fauci at HELP Hearing Over Lockdowns
(Sen. Rand Paul - YouTube - 7 minutes - 23/9/2020)
-> l'attitude infantilisante et condescendante de Fauci rappelle précisément le commentaire de John Ralston Saul cité au début de cette page...
Rachel Maddow Attacks Kristi Noem On COVID. Noem Fires Back, ‘Stop Spreading Fear’. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 25/9/2020)
The making of Britain’s Covid catastrophe: A witches' brew of weak leadership, scientific groupthink and the precautionary principle has caused our current crisis. (John Lee - Spiked - 25/9/2020)
Covid19 et techniques hypnotiques utilisées dans la narration médiatique... (Dr Louis Fouché, anesthèsiste-réanimateur - Peter El Baze - 27/9/2020)
Covid and the collapse of reason: How we got here, and how we might get back to normality. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 28/9/2020)
How we bend the knee to our HR overlords: Our managerial class is asserting itself, drunk with its own power. (Aris Roussinos - UnHerd - 29/9/2020)
Covid-19 : mise en accusation d’Anthony Fauci pour son gros mensonge sur l’hydroxychloroquine. (Aguelid - Le Libre Penseur - 3/10/2020)
“La plupart préfère s’illusionner quand bien même nous allons directement à l’abattoir” selon la psychologue et docteur en psychopathologie Ariane Bilheran. (CovidInfos - 4/10/2020)
We cannot ignore the harms of lockdown: An open letter from 66 GPs says our ‘one-track response’ to Covid is threatening public health. (Spiked - 5/10/2020)
COVID & The Escalation of Medical Tyranny. (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 8/10/2020)
After The Great Barrington Declaration, No One Can Honestly Say ‘Science’ Demands Lockdowns: While left-leaning media and pundits claim that evidence and science guide their decisions, the Great Barrington Declaration proves their ignorance and dishonesty. (Helen Raleigh - The Federalist - 17/8/2020)
Big Tech Wants You to Stay Muzzled, Locked Down Forever. (James Delingpole - Breitbart - 13/10/2020)
To beat Covid we need real science, not scientism: True scientific discoveries are doubted until they can be doubted no longer. (Kurt Mahlburg - Mercatornet - 14/10/2020)
Cuomo admits ‘fear,’ not science, driving his restrictions on New York’s Jewish community: 'It's not the best way to do it, but it is a fear-driven response'. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 14/10/2020)
With Lockdowns, Progressives Peddle a Sham ‘Right to Safety: But it’s not a right we want or need. (Robert Harris - American Spectator - 14/10/2020)
Pourquoi un reconfinement ? Que risque-t-il de se passer ? (Michel Dogna - 19/10/2020)
The danger of scientific dogmatism: Science that challenges the Covid orthodoxy is being too easily dismissed. (Norman Lewis - Spiked - 19/10/2020)
“Superstition in the Pigeon”: Can Lockdowns Really Stop Death? (Stacey Rudin - American Institute for Economic Research - 19/10/2020)
Dr. Arnaud Chiche : « On est face à un dysfonctionnement majeur de l'incompétence du gouvernement ». (SOTT/ - 25/10/2020)
Why Would Media Frighten People About a Virus?: Of course, they wouldn’t be media if they didn’t. (Donald Devine - American Spectator - 26/10/2020)
Dr. Anthony Fauci Guilty of Negligent Homicide? (Kelleigh Nelson - News With Views - 27/10/2020)
Nouveau confinement : 100.000 morts de plus (en France) ? (Jean-Dominique Michel - 28/10/2020)
The same organization that brought us lockdown now scaremongering over 'reinfection': How ironic that the media are turning to the same institution that induced the unprecedented first wave of panic to create long-term panic. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 28/10/2020)
Endless Coronavirus Lockdowns Are The Epitome of 21st Century Privilege: The fear that drives people to religious zeal for COVID restrictions is a product of a 21st century Western privilege that makes unexpected death even in old age seem morally unacceptable. (Georgi Boorman - The Federalist - 28/10/2020)
Kirstie Alley Rips CNN’S COVID Coverage: ‘Fear of Dying Is Their Mantra’. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 30/10/2020)
‘The media are addicted to fear’: Ivor Cummins on the lockdown ideology that has spread across the world. (Spiked - 30/10/2020)
The Government’s Covid scaremongering: It is an insult to the public's intelligence to treat us like a volatile rabble. (Timandra Harkness - UnHerd - 6/11/2020)
Coronavirus Fact-Check #8: "New daily cases" and the second wave: The media are renewing panic thanks to a "second wave", but are we really seeing one? And what does "daily cases" actually mean? (Off-Guardian - 7/11/2020)
The government is locking down liberty: Fear and one-sided advice is driving Britain's pandemic response. (Steven Woolfe - Spiked - 10/11/2020)
Fauci Admitted The Truth About COVID-19 Tests In July And Has Misled The Public Since". (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 10/11/2020)
Dr. Scott Atlas Attacks Fauci, Raising Tensions Among Task Force Members. (Andrew Trunsky - Daily Caller - 11/11/2020)
The pandemic has emboldened the puritans: Nanny statists are using Covid-19 to clamp down on the things we enjoy. (Annabel Denham - Spiked - 12/11/2020)
Cuomo Crackdown: Only 10 People Allowed In Home; Former Lt. NY Gov: ‘Defy His Petty, Despotic Edicts’. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 12/11/2020)
‘Previously Unimaginable’: Alito Criticizes Coronavirus Restrictions, Warns Religious Liberty Becoming ‘Disfavored Right’. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 13/11/2020)
Why Did New York Have COVID Policy That Killed Elderly Patients?: For all practical purposes, the government directive was essentially an order to spread COVID to people in nursing homes. (Michael Egnor - Mind Matters - 13/11/2020)
Michigan Lawmakers Push For Whitmer’s Impeachment Over New Lockdown Order: ‘Call Is Overdue’. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 17/11/2020)
Candace Owens sues Facebook fact-checkers for defamation: 'Time to fact-check the fact-checkers': Not going to give up and sit down'. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 18/11/2020)
Illinois Governor Dodges Question on Thanksgiving Plans to Flee to Florida to Escape Restrictions. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 18/11/2020)
Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests "Unreliable" & Quarantines "Unlawful". (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 22/11/2020)
Left Attacks Scott Atlas For Saying Same Things About COVID as The New York Times, Six Months Earlier: Power-hungry elites seek to destroy Scott Atlas because he and the scientific coalition he represents makes it clear that these public health emperors may have plenty of masks, but no clothes. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 20/11/2020)
When Facebook fact-checkers conflict with peer-reviewed studies, who is right? (Wintery Knight - 20/11/2020)
Michigan State Rep.: Impeach ‘Mean Karen’ Gretchen Whitmer for Nursing Home Coronavirus Policy. (Kyle Olson - Breitbart - 22/11/2020)
Lockdowns Are Serial Killers. End Them Now. (David Solway - The American Thinker - 22/11/2020)
«Nous n’avons pas voté pour ça» : 33 personnalités interpellent Macron dans une tribune. (RT France - 24/11/2020)
Not Led By Science. (Iain Davis - UKColumn - 24/11/2020)
Politicians’ Attacks on Thanksgiving Gatherings Are Not ‘Data-Based,’ Epidemiologists Say. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 25/11/2020)
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Fox News’ Janice Dean Is Continuing To Fight After Cuomo’s Disastrous Nursing Home Mandate. (Shelby Talcott - Daily Caller - 25/11/2020)
American Stasi. (Bruce Townshend - The American Thinker - 26/11/2020)
Dr. Anthony Fauci Warns of Bleak Winter: Looking Forward to ‘Christmas in 2021’. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 27/11/2020)
Moral Decay Leads To Collapse. (Charles Hugh Smith/OfTwoMinds blog - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/11/2020)
What No One Is Saying About The Lockdowns. (James Corbett/Corbett Report - Tyler Durden/ZeroHedge - 29/11/2020)
Is the NHS Really on the Brink? (LockDown Sceptics - 29/11/2020) -> situation in England
Why aren’t more artists standing up to lockdown?: Live music and theatre has been decimated. But those who’ve made their names from it have said nothing. (Candice Holdsworth - Spiked - 30/11/2020)
Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Over Abuse of Power During Coronavirus Pandemic. (Alana Mastrangelo - Breitbart - 30/11/2020)
Tucker Carlson: ‘Dr. Fauci Was Revealed as a Power-Mad Incompetent’. (Jeff Poor - Breitbart - 1/12/2020)
David Mamet Calls Out ‘Experts’ and Questions Lockdowns: ‘The Virus Here Is Government’. (David Ng - Breitbart - 1/12/2020)
All about Dr. Eileen de Villa, the bureaucrat who ordered the raid on a peaceful Toronto barbecue restaurant. (The Ezra Levant Show - 1/12/2020) -> Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The toxic British worship of the NHS: We need to protect patients, not sanctify the institution and place halos on staff. (Ian Birrell - UnHerd - 2/12/2020)
Matt Taibbi: Don't Trust The News: If you feel you can’t trust the news anymore, you have good reason. (Adam Taggart/PeakProsperity - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 3/12/2020)
The COVID and the Condescension. (Noah Rothman - Commentary - 3/12/2020)
Dr. Anthony Fauci on Christmas: ‘Don’t Travel; Don’t Congregate Together. (Joshua Caplan - Breitbart - 3/12/2020)
Kirstie Alley says pro-lockdown politicians should forego their salaries while Americans suffer from their policies: Her solution went viral on Twitter. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 4/12/2020)
California Sheriff: I Won’t Enforce Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ‘Ridiculous’ COVID-19 Rules. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 5/12/2020)
“Queues of Patients Nursed on Trolleys in Corridors The NHS Was Overwhelmed”. (Will Jones - LockDown Sceptics - 6/12/2020)
Policier, il claque la porte et dénonce une dérive autoritaire des dirigeants français. (Marie-Eve Bédard - Radio Can - 6/12/2020)
Envisageons des mesures restrictives sur les âneries du gouvernement. (Volti - Les moutons enragés - 6/12/2020)
The Constitution is immune to coronavirus power-grabs: What has happened to 'consent of the governed'? (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 7/12/2020)
More Evidence of a Pseudo-epidemic? (Lockdown Sceptics - 9/12/2020)
How Will the Fiction be Sustained? (David Mackie - LockDown Skeptics - 12/12/2020) -> discussing pro-vaccine agitprop...
Gates on CNN: ‘Appropriate’ to Close Bars And Restaurants. Cruz: Halt CNN, Microsoft, Dems’ Salaries. Then Let’s Hear You on Lockdowns. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 14/12/2020)
2020: The Year we Lost the Plot. (Rob Slane - TheBlogMire - 14/12/2020)
Le chef de l’OMS, Tedros Ghebreyseus, est accusé d’avoir contribué au génocide en Éthiopie par le candidat au prix Nobel de la paix. (Rachael Bunyan/Mailonline - FR24News - 14/12/2020)
A New Warning That International Pandemic Responses Are Eroding Freedom: Authoritarian-minded officials have found opportunity in public health fears. (J.D. Tuccille - Reason - 14/12/2020)
It’s not our job to protect the NHS: In limiting our lives for the health service, we've set a bleak precedent. (Timandra Harkness - UnHerd - 15/12/2020)
Covid-19 : l’OMS accusée d’avoir conspiré avec l’Italie pour supprimer un rapport accablant. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 16/12/2020)
David Mamet Rips COVID-19 Lockdowns: ‘We’ve Forgotten The Constitution’. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 17/12/2020)
EXCLUSIVE Rand Paul: Masks ‘Are All About Submission’. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 20/12/2020)
The year journalists stopped doing their job: Why did so much of the media become cheerleaders for lockdown? (Paddy Hannam - Spiked - 21/12/2020)
Christian Drosten : l'heure des comptes ?: Le "Monsieur Corona" allemand, le virologue Christian Drosten, va devoir répondre devant la justice des prémisses faussés de la gestion de crise. Il est poursuivi par l'avocat Reiner Fuellmich. (Nicole Delépine - FranceSoir - 21/12/2020)
Why Do We Continue to Follow Nonsensical COVID Rules? (David Solway - PJMedia - 23/12/2020)
The new Covid-19 strain is a political disaster of our own making: By seeking answers to scientific questions no-one had asked, we find ourselves assigning importance to discoveries which may have none. (Rob Sutton - The Critic - 23/12/2020)
Pro ou anti vaccin : l'avis du psychiatre Frédéric Badel. (Le Journal Catalan - 24/12/2020)
NYT: Fauci admits to deceiving the public about herd immunity because he wanted more people to get vaccinated: Fauci apparently thinks it's appropriate to deceive the public for their own good. (Leon Wolf - Breitbart - 24/12/2020)
Lockdown: a deadly, failed experiment: It has been a global catastrophe. We must never go down this road again. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 27/12/2020)
CNN Asks Fauci About Not Being ‘Straight With The American People’ On Number Needed For Herd Immunity. (DailyWire - 27/12/2020)
Lockdowns Were Inspired by the CCP, admits Professor Pantsdown. (James Delingpole - Breitbart - 27/12/2020)
The technocratic tedium of modern politics: We should treat socio-economic questions with the beauty, drama, tragedy and pathos they deserve. (Dan Hitchens - UnHerd - 28/12/2020)
5 Big Things We Learned About Our Elites In 2020: It’s been a hard year but at least we know, beyond all doubt, that our elites despise us and will do anything to expand their power. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 28/12/2020)
We Are Winning The Fight To Recall Governor Newsom. (Kevin Kiley - Daily Caller - 28/12/2020) -> California USA
Enquête sur Horacio Arruda et l'OMS. (NostradaMart - Odyssée - 29/12/2020 - 34 minutes) -> Québec
Why Those Who Claim To ‘Follow The Science’ Are More Likely To Ignore It: We'll be able to have more productive and honest conversations with one another the sooner we realize that while morality takes sides, science does not. (Benedict Beckeld - The Federalist - 4/1/2021)
Lockdowns do not work why are we having another?: After a year of unprecedented restrictions, Britain’s Covid epidemic is worse than ever. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 5/1/2021)
Don’t exaggerate the threat of the Capitol rioters: This was a nasty anti-democratic mob. But I’m more worried about the anti-democratic elites. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 7/1/2021)
Canadian expert's research finds lockdown harms are 10 times greater than benefits. (Anthony Furey - Toronto Sun - 9/1/2021)
Le manifeste "La quatrième voie". (Collectif "laissons les médecins prescrire" - 12/1/2021)
Lockdowns, Tyranny, and the Empty Promises of World Leaders. (James Jeffery - Caldron Pool - 13/1/2021)
UK Govt Shock Ad Campaign Claims Buying a Coffee, Seeing Friends ‘Cost Lives’. (Victoria Friedman - Breitbart - 15/1/2021)
SAGE Should Not Even Exist: Governments should never be in thrall to scientists. (Sean Walsh - LockDown Sceptics - 22/1/2021) -> England
Virtue Hoarders: our scolding elites: How the professional-managerial class presents its power over the working class as moral superiority. (Philip Hammond - Spiked - 21/1/2021)
What Has to Happen For a Pandemic to be Declared Over? (Kaylee Greenlee - Daily Caller - 28/1/2021)
Congressman accuses CDC of misleading the public about need for vaccine for those already recovered from COVID-19: Why? (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 2/2/2021)
Code de couleurs: Québec refuse de rendre publics ses critères. (Tommy Chouinard - La Presse - 3/2/202) -> Le gouvernement Legault a rejeté formellement une demande du Parti québécois visant à rendre publics les nouveaux critères de santé publique derrière son code de couleurs.
Aurélien Taché dénonce «le césarisme technocratique» d'Emmanuel Macron dans sa gestion de la crise sanitaire. (Le Figaro - 4/2/2021)
We must never surrender to the New Normal Covid poses a serious threat to humankind. So does the culture of fear. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 5/2/2021)
How Many Americans Has the American Medical Establishment Killed? (Denis Prager - 9/2/2021)
CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, "Violated Multiple Federal Laws" Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act. (Patty McMurray - Gateway Pundit - 9/2/2021)
'Bombshell' report says thousands more coronavirus patients were sent to nursing homes than Cuomo previously admitted: 'The numbers are skyrocketing'. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 11/2/2021)
The Modelling-paper Mafiosi. (Rosemary Frei, MSc - 11/2/2021)
Facebook's incompetent censorship Its hypocritical attempts to clamp down on 'misinformation' are ultimately self-defeating. (Douglas Murray - UnHerd - 12/2/2021)
Why Trust The 'Experts'? (Lipton Matthews - The Mises Institute / Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge 12/2/2021)
De l'urgence d'être complotiste. (Alain Leduc - FranceSoir - 12/02/2021)
"We Don't Debate with Anti-Vaxxers Whether They're Right Or Wrong", Says BBC. (Dr Vernon Coleman - The Truth Seeker - 14/2/2021)
Project Veritas: Mark Zuckerberg Expressed Concern About 'Modifying DNA and RNA'. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 16/2/2021)
Manipulations d'état : la presse victime ou complice ? (Jean-Dominique Michel - Antropo-Logiques - 16/2/2021)
The Web of Players Trying to Silence Truth. (Dr. Joseph Mercola – 16/2/2021)
Government scientist speaks out: we want the old normal back When is life going to go back to normal? (UnHerd - 28 minutes - 24/2/2021)
Le plus grand Nuremberg de tous les temps se prépare. (Jean-Michel Grau - La Lumière - 17/2/2021) -> Aujourd’hui, c’est un deuxième tribunal de Nuremberg qui se prépare, avec la mise en place d’une «Class Action» sous l’égide de milliers d’avocats mondiaux derrière l’avocat américano-allemand Reiner Fuellmich qui poursuit les responsables du scandale de la Covid-19 instrumentalisée par le Forum de Davos.
Questioning Lockdowns BECAUSE of the Science. (Matthew Littlefield - Caldron Pool - 17/2/2021)
NY Assemblyman: Cuomo Threatened to 'Destroy' Me over Nursing Home Scandal. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 17/2/2021)
Contre la censure, signez la pétition de soutien à FranceSoir. (FranceSoir - 18/2/2021)
Trust, But Verify, the Science. (James B. Meigs - Commentary - March 2021)
Opportunity, Incentive and Rationalisation. (Jonny Peppiatt - LockDown Sceptics - 19/2/2021)
Flashback: Fauci describes Ebola quarantines as 'draconian,' warns of 'unintended consequences' "You don't want to have policy that would have negative unintended consequences." (Jordan Schachtel - Substack - 19/2/2021)
First Anniversary of a Day That Will Live in Infamy. (Jonathan Barr - LockDown Sceptics - 21/2/2021)
Premier Faces Backlash After Pastor Was Jailed for Holding Church Services. (Caldron Pool - 21/2/2021) -> Alberta Canada
We must not be ruled by 'The Science': Science is not equipped to make political choices. (Kya Shoar - Spiked - 22/2/2021)
L'échec du confinement et des vaccins, reconnu par ceux qui les ont conseillés, le Pr Delfraissy et coll. (Dr Gérard Delépine - Réseau International - 23/2/2021)
5 Times Anthony Fauci Proved He 'Understands Science' as a Tool to Lie To Americans Meghan McCain is right: Fauci should be fired. He should have been a long, long time ago. He is a liar, and he even admits it. So why is he still on TV? (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 23/2/2021)
Covid : « le dégoût et le mépris ». (Michel Rosenzweig, psychanalyste et philosophe - Ariane Bilheran - 22/2/2021)
Former Clinton Adviser: America Becoming 'Totalitarian State' Under Biden: "Characteristic of totalism fascism in the '20's". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 23/2/2021)
Ordre des médecins et liberté de prescription, de pensée, d'expression. (Dr. Gérard Maudrux - Blogue: Ce que vous ne devez pas savoir - 23/2/2021)
How lockdown changed us Like prisoners, we're grateful for the slightest glimpse of freedom — but did it have to be like this? (Freddie Sayers - UnHerd - 24/2/2021)
Des pervers narcissiques au pouvoir ? (Jacques Henry - 24/2/2021)
The Danger of the Administrative State. (Ethan Yang - American Institute for Economic Research - 27/2/2021)
Is Anyone Else Fed Up With Dr. Fauci's Forever Moving Goalposts?: Despite vaccines and a falling number of cases Dr. Fauci keeps moving the goalposts. (Mike Shedlock - MishTalk - 26/2/2021)
Gov. Kristi Noem At CPAC: 'Dr. Fauci Is Wrong A Lot'. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 28/2/2021)-> South Dakota did not shut down...
Professor Neil Ferguson's Technocratic Despotism. (LockDown Sceptics - 28/2/2021)
In This Covid Pandemic, We've Been Plagued by Craven Leaders. (Steve Waterson - LockDown Sceptics - 28/2/2021) -> "craven" = gutless...
More and more Americans are realizing that Dr. Fauci is not their friend: Enough. (Steve Deace - The Blaze - 1/3/2021)
Fauci One Year Ago Today: 'No Need To Change Anything You're Doing On A Day-By-Day Basis. (Jordan Lancaster - Daily Caller - 1/3/2021)
NY Legislature moves to strip Gov. Andrew Cuomo of emergency powers NEWS Top Democrats reached a deal to revoke special authority from the scandal-plagued leader. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 2/3/2021)
« Moi, le passeport vaccinal, je ne comprends pas », William Dab, ancien DG de la Santé. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 2/3/2021)
Ultimatum lancé à Emmanuel Macron par United Health Professionals. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-Logiques - 3/3/2021)
Lord Sumption: civil disobedience has begun - The retired Supreme Court justice believes we have no moral obligation to obey the law. (Freddie Sayers - UnHerd - 4/3/2021)
Why is the Government Ignoring the Evidence on Harms to Schoolchildren of Wearing Masks? (LockDown Sceptics - 5/3/2021)
Cuomo's Top Aides Altered Nursing Home COVID Death Data to Save Their Own Butts. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 5/3/2021)
Can We Trust the Government Ever Again? (Jonny Peppiatt - LockDown Sceptics - 8/3/2021)
Forcing People to Wear Masks Isn't Kind, It's Selfish: Pro-maskers need to see that, for the other side, this supposed symbol of 'charity' and 'solidarity' has become the exact opposite. (Auguste Meyrat - The Federalist - 9/3/2021)
Vaccinated President Joe Biden Undermines Vaccine Efficacy With Double Mask Inside Small Business. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 9/3/2021)
Confronting Toxic 'Maskulinity'. (Steve Deace - The Blaze - 9/3/2021)
Fauci Admits Science Doesn't Drive All of The CDC's Decisions. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 10/3/2021)
Stanford Medical Professor Insists COVID Lockdowns "Worst Public Health Mistake In Last 100 Years". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 10/3/2021)
Do COVID-19 Restrictions Serve the Common Good? (Stephen Sammut, PhD - Crisis Magazine - 10/3/2021)
One Year Later, Vindication for Lockdown Skeptics The overwhelming majority of Americans last March acted in good faith to do what we were told was in the best interest of our country. That faith has been abused and squandered. (Julie Kelly - AmGreatness - 11/3/2021)
On the Pursuit of Tyrannical Policies and Zero-Risk Societies From insane spending to growing hygiene socialism, our COVID-19 response has been one long fool's errand. (Veronique de Rugy - The American Spectator - 11/3/2021)
Fauci: 'I Might Modify' Statements about Vaccinated People Transmitting Virus in a Few Months to Say 'It Would Be Extremely Unusual'. (Ian Hanchett - Breitbart - 13/3/2021)
Assembly for me, but not for thee: The anger over the police assault on the Sarah Everard vigil has exposed the double standards of the liberal elite. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 14/3/2021)
Rand Paul trashes Dr. Fauci: 'He fashions himself some sort of Greek philosopher, tells you noble lies': Rand Paul does not hold back on Fauci or President Biden. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 13/3/2021)
The One-Year Anniversary of Lockdowns. (Edward Peter Stringham - American Institute for Economic Research - 15/3/2021)
Once Pandemic Heroes, Democratic Governors Are Now Tyrannical Villains. (The Federalist - 16/3/2021)
Celebrating One Year of Rebellion Against Dr. Fauci And The Government's Arbitrary Tyranny. (Christopher Bedford - The Federalist - 17/3/2021)
On the psychology of the conspiracy denier: A closer look at the class that mocks. (Tim Foyle - LifeSite - 17/3/2021)
Blanket 'do not resuscitate' orders imposed on English care homes, finds CQC: Regulator finds disturbing inconsistencies, including order being applied to everyone over 80 with dementia in one residence. (Diane Taylor - The Guardian - 18/3/2021)
People's lives have been signed away: A new report into the use of 'Do Not Resuscitate' orders during the pandemic makes for grim reading. (Paddy Hannam - Spiked - 18/3/2021)
"Isn't It Just Theater?" Rand Paul Pummels Fauci Over Science Behind Multi-Mask Mayhem. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 18/3/2021)
One of The Lockdowns' Greatest Casualties Could Be Science: Politicians, journalists, and scientists have transferred the disease burden onto the working class. They've also dangerously undermined scientific inquiry. (Martin Kulldorff & Jay Bhattacharya - The Federalist - 18/3/2021)
Rand Paul: Fauci 'Very Blasé and Unconcerned About Liberty' — 'Burden Should Be on the Gov't' to Prove Need to Dictate Behavior. (Jeff Poor - The Blaze - 20/3/2021)
Former FDA chief admits 6-foot social distancing not 'based on clear science': 'Single costliest mitigation tactic' : We should have re-adjudicated this much earlier.' (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 20/3/2021)
Pfizer, un historique judiciaire qui mérite d'être mieux connu. (Liliane Held-Khawam - 21/3/2021)
Rand Paul Questions Efficacy of Mask Mandates — 'Why Shouldn't the Burden Be on the Government?' (Jeff Poor - The Blaze - 23/3/2021)
GAVI Vaccine Alliance: The source of terror behind global lockdowns and vaccine coercion. Lance D Johnson - Natural News - 23/3/2021)
Ivermectine : le complotisme de l'EMA. (Dr. Gérard Maudrux - Blogue: Ce que vous ne devez pas savoir - 23/3/2021)
Barbier révèle enfin le complot Covid. (Éric Montana - Réseau International - 24/3/2021)
Fauci "Needs to Put up or Shut Up", 'America's Doctor' Dismantled in Scathing Op-Ed. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 25/3/2021)
Newsom, Biden Engage in Neanderthal Thinking on Texas Mask Mandate. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 30/3/2021)
Fauci Has No Idea What's Going on in America, And That's Just How We Might Beat Him: Outside of our most liberal strongholds and even inside some of them, Americans are sick and tired of unending lockdowns. (Christopher Bedford - The Federalist - 30/3/2021)
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau warns his subjects: Cancel your holiday plans. If you dare travel, remember the harsh rules you'll be subject to when you want to come home: Subtle... (Chris Field - The Blaze - 30/3/2021)
The coming death match against vaccine passports in the states OP-ED 'Remember, these governors are just getting warmed up'. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 31/3/2021)
What They Don't Talk About on the BBC. (Dr Mark Shaw - LockDown Sceptics - 31/3/2021)
Former Trump chief of staff wants to know why Dr. Fauci isn't saying something about the COVID dangers of the border crisis: Curiously quiet. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 1/4/2021)
Canadian activist: U.S. could be next for COVID 'internment camps'. (Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 5/4/2021)
In 2017 Dr Fauci Predicted the Trump Administration Would Face A "Surprise" Infectious Disease Outbreak. (Caldron Pool - 5/4/2021)
Why the Silence in the Face of Covid Tyranny? (Donald J. Boudreaux - American Institute for Economic Research - 5/4/2021)
Fauci must answer why his agency bypassed security oversight for Wuhan lab grant, GOP lawmaker says 'Very concerning'. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 6/4/2021)
Frederick Forsyth Says Government Has Launched "Campaign of Mass Fear" Against British Public Iconic author says it reminds him of how East Berliners were treated in 1960's. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 9/4/2021)
'He's a Faucist': Dave Rubin on why Fauci finds Texas' dropping COVID-19 rates 'confusing' : 'Fauci has gone so far with this thing, I just don't see how you can trust him at this point'. (The Blaze - 13/4/2021)
Lettre ouverte à nos gouvernants. (Capitaine Jean-Pierre FABRE-BERNADAC - 14/4/2021) -> signée aujourd'hui par 8 500 militaires français.
VIDEO: Jim Jordan grills Dr. Fauci on when COVID restrictions will end. When Fauci refuses to answer, Maxine Waters jumps in telling Jordan, 'shut your mouth.' That spiraled quickly. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 15/4/2021)
Tucker Carlson Responds To Fauci Labelling His Basic Questions 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' "Why do people who have been previously infected and show high levels of antibodies have to live under the restrictions that the vaccines were supposed to eliminate?" (Steve Watson - Summit News - 15/4/2021)
Canadians deserve to see the science behind COVID lockdowns: When asked directly to provide the specific medical and scientific authorities that might justify the violations of our Charter freedoms, governments simply stonewall. (John Carpay - PM - 19/4/2021)
Covid : vers un nouveau tribunal de Nuremberg ? Entretien avec l'avocat Rainer Fuellmich. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 19/4/2021)
Covid19 – Vaccination : Rétablir la confiance par une réelle transparence. (Cleguevaques - MediaPart.FR - 19/4/2021)
Americans Are Irrationally Afraid of COVID Because The Ruling Class Has Demonized Risk 'Why do so many vaccinated people remain fearful?' David Leonhardt asks with a straight face in Monday's New York Times newsletter. Let me tell you. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 20/4/2021)
Notices of Liability for COVID-19 Vaccine Harms and Deaths Served on All Members of the European Parliament. (Doctors for Covid Ethics - 20/4/2021)
Anthony Fauci Tells Congress Texas Has a Lower Infection Rate Than Michigan Because People are Ignoring Lockdown Rules. (LockDown Sceptics - 21/4/2021)
Quand le Quotidien du Médecin dérape grave. (Dr. Gérard Maudrux - Blogue: Ce que vous ne devez pas savoir - 21/4/2021)
The 'Masks Forever' Crowd Is Real. Here's What They Want. (Kaylee Greenlee - Daily Caller - 22/4/2021)
Well, Now We Have Another Fauci Flip-Flop to Add to the List. (Matt Margolis - PJMedia - 25/4/2021)
Campaign to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom has obtained enough signatures to trigger special election: California governor blamed white supremacy and conspiracy theorists. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 26/4/2021)
Shh — The Media Doesn't Seem to Want You to Know COVID-19 Cases Are Plummeting Nationally. (Dylan Housman - Daily Caller - 26/4/2021)
Tennessee Republican Governor Strips Mask Mandate Authority From Health Departments. (Eric Quintanar - DailyWire - 27/4/2021)
COVID 'Experts' Shut Out the Light at the End of the Tunnel: But what people really need is assurance that the pandemic will end. (J.T. Young - The Spectator - 21/4/2021)
Ben Domenech: Joe Biden's First 100 Days Were Filled With An 'Enormous Amount of Anti-Scientific Activity'. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 28/4/2021) -> 'When the president comes out with a mask over, and over, and over again, he sends the message implicitly that if you get vaccinated, nothing will change.'
Who Is Still Listening to the CDC? (Noah Rothman - Commentary - Podcast, 54 min. - 28/4/2021)
How science has been corrupted The pandemic has revealed a darkly authoritarian side to expertise. (Matthew B Crawford - UnHerd - 1/5/2021)
Can We Ever Trust Our Public Health Officials Again? (Marisa Herman - NewsMax - 4/5/2021)
The funeral of our craven, spineless media. (James Delingpole - The Conservative Woman - 4/5/2021)
Why Is There No Correlation between Masks, Lockdowns, and Covid Suppression? (Anthony Rozmajzl - Mises Institute - 4/5/2021)
Leftists like Stephen Colbert don't care about your freedoms. They desire power and will do what they must to keep it. (Steve Deace - The Blaze - 6/5/2021)
Anthony Fauci Is Funding Experiments on Aborted Baby Scalps and Livers. (Kurt Mahlburg - Caldron Pool - 8/5/2021)
L'AFP épinglée une nouvelle fois pour publication d'informations inexactes sur le vaccin. (FranceSoir - 8/5/2021)
Counting Down Dr. Fauci's 5 Biggest COVID Flip-Flops. (Beth Baumann - DailyWire - 10/5/2021)
Montana Governor Strips Mask Fanatics of Their Power: Greg Gianforte signs law invalidating mask laws and other COVID-related restrictions. (Brian D'Ambrosio - American Spectator - 10/5/2021)
America's elites are fuelling vaccine hesitancy: Their refusal to open up society has led many to conclude that vaccination is pointless. (Sean Collins - Spiked - 11/5/2021)
NYT catches CDC in gravely consequential lie about outdoor transmission. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 11/5/2021)
Bill Cassidy: Americans 'Lost Patience' with CDC Coronavirus Guidelines. (Sean Moran - Breitbart - 11/5/2021)
Michigan Restaurant Sues Gretchen Whitmer over Coronavirus Penalties. (Kyle Olson - Breitbart - 11/5/2021)
House Republicans introduce bill to fire Dr. Fauci. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 12/5/2021)
"C'est un refus de traiter", le Dr Maudrux, très critique envers les instances médicales. (Dr Gérard Maudru - FranceSoir - 12/5/2021)
How a Year of Unfounded, Contradictory CDC Guidelines Destroyed That Agency's Credibility Forever Will Americans ever be able to trust the CDC again after the agency mismanaged, lied, and bent to politics of this moment? (Madeline Osburn - The Federalist - 14/5/2021)
5 Big Things Wrong With Biden's Mask-Or-Vaccine Ultimatum: From being impractical to contradicting his own actions to being just plain obnoxious, here's a list of problems with Biden's latest bout of Twitter preaching. (Elle Reynolds - The Federalist - 14/5/2021)
Des chercheurs financés par Fauci ont participé à la conférence sur les "gains de fonction" du laboratoire de Wuhan. (WikiStrike - 16/5/2021)
Report: Government Scientific Advisors Admit They Used 'Totalitarian' Fear TacticstTo Control People During Pandemic "The way we have used fear is dystopian". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 17/5/2021)
Rand Paul wins: Dr. Fauci admits he wore a mask for show to avoid sending 'mixed signals'. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 18/5/2021)
Fauci and the Fed: America's Technocratic Frauds. (Tho Bishop - The Mises Institute - 18/5/2021)
SAGE cannot be serious Its latest predictions of doom are completely disconnected from reality. (David Paton - Spiked - 18/5/2021) -> SAGE = Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, a UK government advisory body
Anthony Fauci: We Will Require Coronavirus Vaccine Booster Shots 'Within a Year'. (Charlie Spiering - Breitbart - 19/5/2021) -> Dr. Anthony Fauci estimated Americans will need a coronavirus booster vaccine shot within a year, he predicted at a media event sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry.
Me Joseph explique sa plainte contre le président du Conseil de l'Ordre des Médecins. (Me Jean-Pierre Joseph - FranceSoir - 20/5/2021)
Stop Trusting the Experts! (Bruce Abramson - RealClear Politics - 25/5/2021)
Ordre des médecins : police politique ? (Dr. Gérard Maudrux - Blogue: Ce que vous ne devez pas savoir - 25/5/2021)
The manufacturing of fear - The media have terrorised the public during the pandemic. Be afraid. Be very afraid. (Laura Dodsworth - Spiked - 28/5/2021)
Fauci failed to alert White House about gain-of-function research ban being lifted, claimed the risk outweighed potential pandemic: report An investigation has found that Dr. Anthony Fauci did not warn Trump administration officials before a ban was removed on gain-of-function research back in 2017. (Hannah Nightingale - The Post Millennial - 28/5/2021)
Even Ottawa's own experts think Canada's COVID border controls are nonsensical: In countries that can't, won't or don't want to pursue a COVID 'elimination strategy' — Canada is all three — the panel doesn't see the point of proper hotel quarantine. (Chris Selley - National Post - 28/5/2021)
Governments need to stop playing God: The suspension of social life has done enormous harm. (David Thunder - Spiked - 1/6/2021)
Emails Show Anthony Fauci Recommended Canceling Religious 'Services' but Approved Campaign Rallies, Cruise Ships Days Later. (Wendell Husebø- Breitbart - 2/6/2021)
"That Was A Lie": Tucker Carlson Levels Fauci After FOIA Emails Connect The Dots. (Tyler Durden - Breitbart - 3/6/2021)
Never Let a Plague Go to Waste. (Victor Davis Hanson - PJMedia - 3/6/2021)
FNC's Carlson: Fauci Deserves to be Under Criminal Investigation. (Jeff Poor - Breitbart - 3/6/2021)
Liberating Yourself from Faucism. (Barry Brownstein - American Institute for Economic Research - 3/6/2021)
How The Media's COVID Lies Weaken America What happens when the next big disease rolls around? And what if it's one that's actually as deadly as people thought COVID might be? Who can people trust? (Christopher Bedford - The Federalist - 3/6/2021)
SMOKING GUN: FAUCI LIED, MILLIONS DIED — Fauci Was Informed of Hydroxychloroquine Success in Early 2020, but Lied to Public Instead Despite the Science. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 3/6/2021)
Sen. Josh Hawley: 'The Time Has Come For Fauci To Resign' And Congress to Investigate COVID Origins. (Spencer Lindquist - The Federalist - 4/6/2021)
Le meilleur est à venir: ?La loi et le droit restent notre dernier espoir avant que les choses ne dégénèrent. (Reiner Fuellmich - - 6/6/2021)
Playing a Doctor on TV is Better Than Playing a Preacher in the Pulpit. (Douglas Wilson - Blog & Mablog - 7/6/2021)
Summary of Some of Fauci's Many Lies. (Barry Arrington - Uncommon Descent. - 7/6/2021)
'I AM Science, Says the Sun King': Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Others Scorch Fauci Claim. (Scott Morefield - Townhall - 9/6/2021)
Drunk on Power: Some Politicians Just Can't Let Go of Their COVID Lockdowns. (Rick Moran - PJMedia - 11/5/2021)
Be Very Afraid: Why Today's Bureaucrats Love Fear-Based Politics. (Gary Galles - The Mises Institute - 11/6/2021)
Five Quick Things: Kennedy Sticks the Knife in Fauci It's going to be hard for Dr. Fauci to survive what America's most quotable senator just did to him. Plus, a few other sundry items. (Scott McKay - The Spectator - 11/6/2021)
Navarro says Fauci and CNN have 'blood' on their hands after study shows hydroxychloroquine doubles COVID survival rate. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 12/5/2021)
Carlson on Censorship: 23-Year-Old Oberlin Grads at Facebook Think They Know More About COVID-19 than a Wuhan Virologist. (Jeff Poor - Breitbart - 12/6/2021)
100% Vaccination is More Important Than Your Individual Freedom. (Devvy Kidd| - News With Views - 14/6/2021)
Will the COVID Lawsuit Lead to Indictments? (Devvy Kidd| - News With Views - 16/6/2021)
Rep. Thomas Massie slams Fauci and CDC for COVID-19 'coverup': 'One of the biggest scandals during this whole pandemic'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 19/6/2021)
The lockdown lobby: How the pandemic exposed the conformism of our media. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 18/6/2021)
David Marcus: Pandemic Power Grabs By Governors, Big Tech Were Anything But Sensible. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 23/6/2021)
Mainstream media ignores Canadian doctors speaking out against official COVID narrative. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 24/6/2021)
Covid-19 : les médias cachent aux Français les graves conséquences vaccinales. (Nicole Delépine - Riposte laïque - 26/6/2021)
The government's travel quarantine plans don't make sense: Ministers are confused about the powers they have over the public. (George Peretz - UnHerd - 26/6/2021)
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast. (A Former NHS doctor - LockDown Sceptics - 27/6/2021)
"Propagande est le mot qui me vient pour qualifier la politique de vaccination". (Dr Peter McCullough - FranceSoir - 28/6/2021)
Why COVID is like AIDS Hint: not because the risks are similar. (Alex Berenson - 30/6/2021)
When thousands of experts urge caution and the government merely sneers, the government is up to no good. (Steve Cook - The Liberty Beacon - 1/7/2021)
CNN pushes Delta Variant as SUPER SCARY, claiming teenagers and kids need the dangerous, blood-clotting, heart-inflaming covid vaccine. (S.D. Wells - Natural News - 1/7/2021)
British mainstream media insists coronavirus vaccines are effective even though most covid deaths now occur in vaccinated people. (Arsenio Toledo - Natural News - 1/7/2021)
Fauci: 'There Are Now Two Americas, The Vaccinated and The Unvaccinated': Fauci is completely ignoring the science on natural immunity again. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 1/7/2021)
Health Fascism And Big Brother Overreach: The rise of health fascism should alarm us all. (Bill Muehlenberg - 2/7/2021)
Was it Personal? Health Minister that ordered GraceLife Church Shut Down Was President of Atheist Club. (Protestia - 4/7/2021)
Communist Party Lockdown Zealot Freaks Out When Asked About Her Beliefs: Twitter bed-wetters rush to her defense. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/7/2021)
Why Most People Outsource Their Thinking to "The Experts". (Doug Casey - International Man - 7/7/2021)
An Inside Look At Lockdown Orders From 2020. (Jeffrey Tucker/RealClear Markets - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/7/2021)
Ex-Planned Parenthood CEO Is Not 'Pro-Choice' When It Comes To Vaccine Mandates. (Haley Strack - The Federalist - 12/7/2021)
Le journaliste de BBC NewsNight Nick Watt poursuivi par une foule de manifestants anti-verrouillage. (Les Actualites - 15/7/2021)
Hohmann: Technocrats are Leading The World Into a New Dark Age. (Patrick Wood - Technocracy.News - 15/7/202 )
The 'pingdemic': another mess of the government's making The NHS app was a good idea. But now it's wreaking havoc with the economy. (Andrew Orlowski - Spiked - 16/7/2021)
"Les médias non indépendants sont au service de l'Etat et ne jouent plus leur rôle". (Eric Verhaeghe - Debriefing FranceSoir - 16/7/2021)
Fauci on L.A. Mask Mandate: One Might Want 'Extra Degree of Protection' – Not Worried It'll Hurt Trust in Vaccine Efficacy. (Ian Hanchett - Breitbart - 17/7/2021)
"C'est précisément en continuant de faire la leçon aux gens que les journalistes continueront à perdre du crédit". (Laurent Mucchielli - FranceSoir - 19/7/2021)
The Panic Pandemic: Fear-mongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus. (John Tierney/City-Journal - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 19/7/2021)
Fauci Unleashes His Propaganda Horde In War With The Free Press: Dr. Fauci blames conservative news sites for spreading 'disinformation' and supports the Biden administration's campaign to ban people from social media sites. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 19/7/2021)
La responsabilité des médecins: Alerter les citoyens du monde entier de la grave criminalité des états et du camouflage de la fraude. (Stephen Frost - - 19/7/2021)
Rand Paul: I Will Be Seeking a Criminal Referral Against Fauci for Lying to Congress. (Jeff Poor - Breitbart - 21/7/2021)
Michigan GOP lawmakers end Gov. Whitmer's 'rule by decree' — and she is powerless to veto it NEWS Republican lawmakers in Michigan killed a law Wednesday that underpinned Whitmer's draconian coronavirus restrictions. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 21/7/2021)
Fauci or Frankenstein? He funded the type of research that led to the outbreak of a monster virus. (Daniel J. Flynn - The Spectator - 22/7/2021)
Michigan Legislature Yanks Emergency Powers That Enabled Whitmer's COVID Tyranny. (Maggie Hroncich - The Federalist - 23/7/2021)
Joe Biden Spreads Vaccine Misinformation Live on CNN to Millions of Americans. (Revolver - 23/7/2021)
How Science Lost the Public's Trust: From climate to Covid, politics and hubris have disconnected scientific institutions from the philosophy and method that ought to guide them. (Tunku Varadarajan - Wall Street Journal - 23/7/2021)
Fauci: Bringing Back Mask Mandates Is 'Under Active Consideration'. (Pam Key- Breitbart - 25/7/2021) -> National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" that mask mandates for vaccinated Americans was "under active consideration."
MSNBC contributor: 'There's an idiot percentage of this population that just needs to be told what to do'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 25/7/2021) -> Extraordinarily blant example of elitist contempt for ordinary people
Here we go again: You know how I know public health authorities are lying? Their own data. (Alex Berenson - 25/7/2021)
Sen. Rand Paul Sends Criminal Referral For Fauci to Department of Justice. (Ryan Saavedra - DailyWire - 26/7/2021)
Cascade of Consequences. (Jim Quinn/The Burning Platform - Tyler Durden/Breitbart - 26/7/2021)
"Pfizerleak: Exposing The Pfizer Manufacturing and Supply Agreement". (Ehden - Twitter - 26/7/2021)
Stop the Fearmongering: Johns Hopkins Doctor Shreds Latest COVID Madness Peddled by CDC and Fauci. (Matt Vespa - Townhall - 27/7/2021)
Governors and legislatures must declare war on the CDC. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 28/7/2021)
Congress Has Refused to Enforce Perjury, And Now People Like Fauci Lie To Them Constantly: Few who have testified on Capitol Hill have been prosecuted for false statements to Congress. Prosecution of Dr. Anthony Fauci would be a rare break from tradition. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 28/7/2021)
Why Anthony Fauci's Next Heroic Crusade Needs to be Against Lightnin:g The odds of being struck by lightning in a given year are 1 in 1,222,000. Together, we can reduce them to zero. (Rich Cromwell - The Federalist - 28/7/2021)
The CDC's Hysterical Delta Flip-Flop Might Be Its Final Undoing. (Jeffrey Tucker/RealClearMarkets - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/7/2021)
Viral Video Shows Fauci May Be The "Biggest Spreader of Misinformation". (Caldron Pool - 28/7/2021)
Makary to Fauci: "It's Time to Stop The Fearmongering" Amid Widespread Natural Immunity: It is not the first time Dr. Marty Makary has dared to speak out against the establishment's doom narrative. (Tyler Durden' - Zero Hedge - 29/7/2021)
Who watches the watchmen? Fauci's 'noble lie,' exposed: In our moment of greatest need, Science protected... itself. (Charles Rixley - The Blaze - 29/7/2021)
Imagine If They Hadn't Lied to Us for the Last 18 Months. (Kurt Schlichter - TownHall - 29/7/2021)
If You Let COVID-19 Fearmongers Bridle You Again, You Learned Nothing From The Last Year: A real return to normal would mean giving up the power trip that came with telling an entire country how to live their lives. (Elle Reynolds - The Federalist - 30/7/2021)
Big Science Demands the Trust It Isn't Getting Don't ask questions. Submit, or you will be mocked as a science denier. You may be censored. We, the propaganda arm of the Left, are the experts. (David F. Coppedge, aerospace engineer - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 31/7/2021)
We Haven't Been Given the Full Picture: "While it is a comforting idea to believe the government is our only source of truth, a superficial dig below the surface reveals this is not the case." (Caldron Pool - 31/7/2021)
«Un ton grave et catastrophique»: le préfet de Guadeloupe filmé donnant des instructions polémiques – vidéo. (Youlia Zvantsova - FR.SputnikNews - 3/8/2021)
Who will call out Covid's prophets of doom?: The experts who said Freedom Day would be a disaster were catastrophically wrong. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 4/8/2021)
'What Are You Willing to do' About Power-Hungry Elites Threatening America? 'Because, you see, the stakes don't change and neither does the enemy. Only the circumstances do.' (Ben Domenech - The Federalist - 4/8/2021)
"They Can't Arrest Us All" - Sen. Rand Paul Urges Americans To "Resist" Pelosi & The Petty Tyrants. (Rand Paul/Fox News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 4/8/2021)
If Fauci Really Wanted More Americans to Get Vaccinated, He'd Resign Americans have reasonable questions about the vaccine, which should be answered with a transparent presentation of the facts — not browbeating. (Beverly Hallberg - The Federalist - 5/8/2021)
Mandatory Vaccinations Undermine Roe v. Wade and Choice Suddenly Democrats no longer subscribe to "my body, my choice." (Jeffrey Lord - The Spectator - 5/8/2021)
If They Want Compliance, Officials Should Follow Their Own Rules: History shows that true leaders choose to suffer alongside those they lead, as did Alexander the Great. Democrats should take note. (Robert Busek - The Federalist - 6/8/2021)
This Is Why People Don't Trust the Government or the Media: The family told the Daily Telegraph that Alaskar had received a negative test result for Covid the day before his death. (Caldron Pool - 6/8/2021)
"He's A Pathological Liar": Cornell Chemistry Professor Dave Collum Unloads on Dr. Fauci And Covid Hysteria. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/8/2021)
Trust the Science? (Jim Quinn - The Burning Platform - 7/8/2021)
After Russiagate, Why Wouldn't People Be Skeptical About COVID. (Caitlin Johnstone - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 7/8/2021)
Stop The Lies! (James Rickards/ - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/8/2021)
Technocrats Created an Epidemic of Mandatory. (Richard Fernandez/PJMedia - Technocracy.News - 9/8/2021)
Fauci Says His Baseless Mandates Are More Important Than Your Constitutional Rights: In another one of his infamous corporate media talking head moments, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that baseless mandates for masks and vaccines are more important than Americans' constitutional rights. (Jordan Davidson -The Federalist - 10/8/2021)
Florida's Health Department Blasts CDC For Pushing Misinfo About State's COVID Numbers. (Shawn Fleetwood - The Federalist - 10/8/2021)
America's Elites Want to Control You More Than They Want to Control COVID: America's elites have seized the pandemic to expand their control over our political discourse, our freedom, and our social lives. (Spencer Lindquist - The Federalist - 10/8/2021)
Coercing People to Get COVID-19 Vaccines Is Damaging Trust in Public Health: Harvard Professor. (Zachary Stieber and Jan Jekielek - The Epoch Times - 11/8/2021)
Outrage erupts against Justice Amy Coney Barrett over vaccine mandate decision. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 12/8/2021)
Fauci: 'Inexplicable' People Are Attacking Me — 'Enemy Is the Virus'. (Pam Key - Breitbart - 12/8/2021) -> hypocrites playing the victim rather than answer the questions put to them...
Lockdown Policy Based on Faith, Not Evidence. (Sunetra Gupta and Paul Dolan - Daily Sceptic - 13/8/2021)
Just Get The Damn Vaccination. (Michael Peroutka - News With Views - 14/8/2021)
Gaslighting, a Covid love story If at first you don't succeed, lie about what you promised. (Alex Berenson - 14/8/2021)
Fauci Exposed: Censors Science to Protect Himself. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy.News - 15/8/2021)
Trudeau's vaccine passports are an affront to liberty: "The ferocity with which authorities and the general public are calling for their fellow citizens to either capitulate or be cast out of functioning society is shocking and irrational." (Lisa Bildy/The Post Millennial - Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 15/8/2021)
WATCH: Trust the Science! (James Cobett - Off-Guardian - 46 minutes - 16/8/2021) -> mostly discusses the effects of chemicals on human health, not Covid.
Massive fraud in reporting vaccine injuries; withheld data, pretense of "safe and effective". (Jon Rappoport - 17/8/2021)
Will Americans Accept No-Fly List For Unvaccinated? (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy.News - 17/8/2021)
Ça porte à réflexion!! Demandez à Google "Qui a reçu la plus grosse amende?" Vous serez surpris de la réponse... (Le FACTEUR - Twitter - 17/8/2021)
Leftists Love The Pandemic And Want You to Learn to Love it, Too. (Eddie Scarry - The Federalist - 18/8/2021)
'This Is Not Science, This Is Scientism': Will Cain Says Americans Have Traded Science For 'Experts' On COVID-19. (Jack Kerley - Daily Caller - 19/8/2021)
Joe Rogan blasts Anthony Fauci for public mistrust in science, says people are expected to believe him when he's '100 percent wrong'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 19/8/2021)
The BBC Are A Disgrace. (Iain Davis - Off-Guardian - 19/8/2021)
Does The Definition of 'Fascism' Apply to The Biden Administration?: Erasing the line between government and private enterprise. Ensuring only government-approved messages are heard. Squashing dissent. Intruding government into every aspect of our lives. (Ben Carson - The Federalist - 20/8/2021)
There's Something Rotten in Society When Caring for Others Makes Me no Better Than a Domestic Terrorist: The "we're all in this together" crowd are unconcerned with how their requests for neighbour to police neighbour cause paranoia, division and hatred. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 22/7/2021)
La fable du lion malade et des renards. (Jean-Yves Jézéquel/ - Les Moutons Enragés - 21/8/2021)
America's Elites Want to Control You More Than They Want to Control COVID: America's elites have seized the pandemic to expand their control over our political discourse, our freedom, and our social lives. (Spencer Lindquist - The Federalist - 10/8/2021)
The FDA's indefensible approval of the Pfizer shot. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 23/8/2021)
FDA Grants Full Approval of Pfizer Vaccine, Critics Blast Agency for Lack of Data, Scientific Debate Critics said it was concerning that full approval was based on only six months' worth of data — despite clinical trials designed for two years — and that there was no public discussion of the data. (Megan Redshaw - The Defender/Children's Health Defense - 23/8/2021)
Fauci Dismisses "Freedom" In Call For Vaccine Mandates: "The Time Has Come. Enough Is Enough." "We've just got to get people vaccinated." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 24/8/2021)
Demonstrators Occupy London News Headquarters Over Pandemic Coverage. (Simon Veazey/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 24/8/2021)
Who Is 'The Real Anthony Fauci'? (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Principia Scientific International - 25/8/2021)
Even Mainstream Media Is Now Asking Big Questions About Covid Vaccines. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 25/8/2021)
The Weaponization of Medicine. (Paul Rosenberg/Freemans Perspective - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/8/2021)
Screaming Mom crashes Portland press conference, goes ballistic on media for ignoring blatant attack on family church service. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 26/8/2021)
Absolute Power Is No Covid Safety Net. (James Bovard – American Institute for Economic Research - 26/8/2021)
Unlimited Power: The Latest Supreme Court Dissent Is A Window Into The Mind Of The COVID Bureaucracy: The left thinks its power is so broad as to be essentially limitless, and so singularly vested as to be checked virtually solely at its own discretion. (Christopher Bedford - The Federalist - 27/8/2021)
The Media's Addiction to Covid-19 'Fear Porn' is Perpetuating an Ever-Worsening Cycle of Societal Damage Across the World. (Eva Bartlett - Ron Paul Institute - 28/8/2021)
CNN's COVID 'Expert' Wants You Vaccinated Even if You Have Antibodies Because She Says So. (Eddie Scarry - The Federalist - 1/9/2021)
Dr. Scott Atlas: Science Killed Itself Over COVID-19 'Science is not supposed to be about intimidating, or abusing, or censoring data... There is never supposed to be 'an accepted view' of science.' (Helen Raleigh - The Federalist - 1/9/2021)
We've rejected reason and science for lies. Tough questions are no longer allowed. (Steve Deace - The Blaze - 3/9/2021)
Justin Trudeau Pelted by Rocks at Campaign Event. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 7/9/2021)
Un expert en sécurité informatique révèle les contrats de Pfizer pour le COVID jab : Il y a une bonne raison pour que Pfizer se soit battu pour cacher les détails". (Profession Gendarme - 7/9/2021)
The Elite are Building Remote Doomsday Mansions: Peter Thiel invests in luxury bunker. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 8/9/2021)
Biden, Fauci, Pelosi, & Newsom All Objected to Mandatory Vaccines. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 10/9/2021)
Which Media Benefitted From The Trudeau Government's Covid-19 Funds? Heritage ministry added over 30 million dollars in 'recovery' funding to undisclosed media recipients. (Jonathan Bradley - CanadaLand - 10/9/2021)
Commentary: Here's the real reason the press is mostly uninterested in covering Fauci's lies. (Leon Wolf - The Blaze - 10/9/2021)
Hot Mic Catches Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are About Coercion: Officials unaware comments were being broadcast live on television. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 13/9/2021)
Le professeur Denis Rancourt et onze autres universitaires canadiens ont envoyé une lettre ouverte aux agents de santé publique du pays. (Denis Rancourt, et al. - Guy Boulianne - 13/9/2021)
Why The Expert Class is Incapable of Persuading People to Get Vaccinated. (Emily Jashinsky - The Federalist - 14/9/2021)
Carlson Warns: "If The Powers That Be Can Force You to Get A Shot, What Can't They Make You Take" "What's the limiting principle on them?" (Steve Watson - Summit News - 14/9/2021)
TV station asks for stories of unvaxxed fatalities but gets deluged with jab death and injury stories An ABC affiliate in Detroit sought stories of death to the unvaccinated. Instead, it got countless stories of harm from the COVID jab. (Emily Mangiaracina - LifeSiteNews - 14/9/2021)
Everything Wrong with Vaccine Passports and Mandatory Jabs. (Rowan Dean/Outsiders/SkyNews - Gary Green - FreedomTube - 14/9/2021)
Professor of Public Ethics: The Vaccine-Hesitant Are as Evil as Climate Change "Deniers" For all the vitriolic claims about "anti-vaxxer and climate change deniers" all being nut-cases and conspiracy theorists, Hamilton is guilty of his own tin-foil hat nonsense. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 15/9/2021)
Anthony Fauci Dismissed Masks in 2019 as a 'Paranoid' Tool. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 16/9/2021)
Time to hold pharmaceutical companies responsible Readers highlight post-vaccine deaths. (Myron Blaine - WND - 16/9/2021)
The Death of Science. (Victor Davis Hanson - Zero Hedge - 17/9/2021)
Mike Rowe hammers Biden for mixed messaging on COVID vaccine: 'The evidence is real, and it demands a verdict'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 18/9/2021)
"The Story Is Not Over" - Fauci Rejects "The Science", Says Covid Boosters Still Likely Despite FDA Rebuke. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 19/9/2021)
Scott Gottlieb Embodies The Sheer Incompetence of The COVID 'Experts'. (Eddie Scarry - The Federalist - 20/9/2021)
EXCLU - L'interview choc d'un ancien juge d'instruction dans "Morandini Live": "Ne faites pas confiance à la justice ! Les juges décident sous la pression des politiques". (Jean-Marc Morandini - 20/9/2021)
Pulmonary Nurse of 31 Years Testifies How he Unknowingly Killed Patients by Following COVID Protocols. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 22/9/2021)
"We Are Being Lied to and It Is Far From Being a 'Conspiracy Theory'" The professionals I spoke with today assure me that we, as a nation are being railroaded, we are being lied to and it is far from being a "conspiracy theory". As a nation, we are facing some very serious issues and time will expose them all. (Bob Cotton - Caldron Pool - 24/9/2021)
Injections anti-Covid : « Ayez très peur de votre gouvernement ! » — Mike Yeadon, ex vice-président de Pfizer explique tout et lance l'alerte (Vidéo). (Profession Gendarme - 2/10/2021)
Pfizer fait-il des essais hors cadre sur des bébés orphelins en Pologne, en Espagne, en Finlande et aux États-Unis ? Questions au sénat en Pologne, le monde attend des réponses. (Children's Health Defense Europe - 30/9/2021)
La dérive totalitaire d'autorités paranoïaques. (Pierrick Tillet - Chroniques du Yéti - 1/10/2021)
Fauci gets hammered for saying it is 'too soon to tell' if American families can gather for Christmas: 'We are living in two different realities right now'. (Pauk Sacca - The Blaze - 3/10/2021)
The COVID Survey That Should Have Rocked the World Instead, to protect blue staters from the consequences of their obsessions, the New York Times punted. (Jack Cashill - The Spectator - 3/10/2021)
Fauci Isn't Sure You Can Gather For Xmas, But Is Sure You Must Give Up Your Individual Rights. (Thomas Lifson/AmericanThinker - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 4/10/2021)
Dr. Fauci declares Americans should 'give up' individual freedom 'for the greater good of society'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 4/10/2021)
"L'État français est un des plus gros producteur de fake news" Idriss Aberkane. (FranceSoir - 4/10/2021)
Victoria's Dictator Has Utterly Lost His Mind. (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 5/10/2021) -> Australia
Dear NIH Director Collins: Before You Step Down, We Have Just One Question. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/10/2021)
Going To Buy Fauci's Angry Elf Schtick For Another Christmas: There's a simple fact that everyday Americans have internalized, adapted to, and accepted: The pandemic is endemic. Fauci isn't fooling them. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 5/10/2021)
Rand Paul Rips 'Lying' Fauci: He Is Ignoring the Reality of Natural Immunity to Push Mass Vaccinations. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 5/10/2021)
A Message To Fauci: You Are In No Position To Dictate The "Greater Good". (Brandon Smith - Alt-Market - 6/10/2021)
Leaked Emails Reveal Pfizer Execs Sought to Conceal Use of Aborted Fetal Cells in Covid-19 Vaccine Program. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 7/10/2021)
Rand Paul's Warning to Americans: 'Be Afraid of Your Government'. (Matt Margolis - PJMedia - 7/10/2021)
Le puzzle de la pandémie – #1 L'argent. (Senta Depuydt - Children's Health Defense Europe - 8/10/2021)
Health Officials Said Cigarettes, Heroin, And Asbestos Were Safe. Today They Say, 'Get A COVID Shot' Lead paint, asbestos, heroin, and cigarettes were all once considered 'safe' by the U.S. government. But now we must not question their vaccine mandate. (Aaron Poynton - The Federalist - 12/10/2021)
Oregon Senators Call For Investigation Into Alleged COVID-19 Statistical Manipulation. (Tammy Hung/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/10/2021)
Revolver Uncovers Buried Details on Just Who's Funding Newsguard's Fraudulent "Covid Fact-Checking" Scam. (Revolver News - 12/10/2021)
Why The F**k Is Anyone Still Listening To Dr. Anthony Fauci? (Virginia Kruta - Daily Caller – 14/10/2021)
A Desperate Biden Administration Turns to Terrorism. (Daniel McAdams/The Ron Paul Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 17/10/2021)
Le Dr Anthony Fauci et les responsables du ministère de la santé américain discutent de l'utilisation d'un nouveau virus provenant de Chine pour imposer les vaccins universels à partir d'octobre 2019. (Vigilance Pandémie - 18/10/2021)
I Trust the Science, but Not the Political Agenda Being Injected Into the Pharmaceutical Industry. (Giuliano Bordoni - Caldron Pool - 19/10/2021)
Even doctors in red states are being punished for saving people from COVID. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 19/10/2021)
Shouldn't the NHS be protecting us? We cannot keep submitting to new restrictions to save our failing healthcare system. (Rob Lyons - Spiked - 20/10/2021)
Wrong: CNBC Lies About COVID Hospitalizations in Effort to Amplify Calls For New Lockdown Claim that they're "steadily increasing" since restrictions were lifted is just not true. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 20/10/2021)
Olivier Véran et les chiffres de l'ANSM : Eric Verhaeghe met le ministre au défi de la vérité. (FranceSoir - 20/10/2021)
Former ESPN reporter Allison Williams says President Biden's comment on COVID-19 vaccination 'was something a dictator says'. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 21/10/2021)
Video: Vindicated Rand Paul Blasts Lying Fauci Over "Civilization-ending" Experiments: "If you have half a brain you know if you combine two viruses it might be more deadly". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 7 minutes - 22/10/2021)
Crickets From Media As COVID Hospitalizations Rise In The North, Drop In The South. (Dylan Housman - Daily Caller - 22/10/2021)
B.C. health whistleblower says 50% of COVID hospitalizations asymptomatic, unrelated Reaching out to Rebel News, a whistleblower from British Columbia's Interior Health region claims that half of reported COVID hospitalizations are unrelated to the virus. (Drea Humphrey - Rebel News - 25/10/2021)
Two Surprising Things That Dr. Fauci's National Institutes of Health Funded. (Wintery Knight - 25/10/2021)
Pourquoi les médias ont failli à leur mission d'informer correctement sur la crise sanitaire. (Christian Campiche - Anthropo-Logiques - 25/10/2021)
How stupid do our governments think we are?: re-imposed restrictions. (Neil Oliver/GB News - Rebel News - 27/10/2021)
Our Degenerate Elites Are Losing Control And Lashing Out In Desperation: The increasingly authoritarian tendencies of our elites and the institutions they control is a sign of their weakness and impotence and loss of control. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 28/10/2021)
The elites are laughing in our faces COP26 promises to be a grotesque spectacle of decadence and hypocrisy. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 1/11/2021)
Romanian EU Representatives Expose Culture of Silence on Vaccines, Big Pharma Deals and Vaccine Mandates "What we have seen in this crisis is that civil rights and liberties have been transformed from fundamental rights to privileges that governments grant or revoke as they see fit." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 2/11/2021)
Les erreurs du Monsieur Covid américain impactent le monde occidental, Suisse comprise. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Covid-Hub - 2/11/2021)
Emmanuel Macron, arrêtez de dire n'importe quoi ! (Xavier Bazin - FranceSoir - 10/11/2021)
There Is No Hard Scientific Justification for Hazardous Public Health Policies Under Hazzard's watch, if Schindler's List, Sarah's Key, or Life is Beautiful, were to be released today in cinemas around New South Wales, (ironically) only those deemed superior by the state - those with pledge passports - would be able to go and watch them. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 11/11/2021)
How to break Pfizer's pfascist grip on our country and our bodies. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 11/11/2021)
Man Shot to Death Counted as COVID-19 Fatality: Not the Babylon Bee. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 11/11/2021)
Le Temps étiquette plus vite que son ombre. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 14/11/2021)
Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny Stand Down … So You Can Stand Up. (Margaret Anna Alice - Off-Guardian - 18/11/2021)
Leftists Are the Real Enemies of Freedom and Choice "Who are the ones demanding mandatory vaccinations and vax passports? Who are the ones fully supporting draconian lockdowns and coercive health mandates? Who are the champions of Big Government controlling every aspect of our lives? Yep – the new left despots." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 14/11/2021)
Reports COVID Test Firm Is Planning to Sell Swabs With Customers' DNA The company has since denied the claims, saying customers' DNA is only used for COVID-19 testing. (Caldron Pool - 16/11/2021)
Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based on Opinion Polls, Not Science: Elicit fear then use calls for lockdown as justification for lockdown. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 18/11/2021)
Video: Rand Paul Warns "Authoritarian" Fauci's "Casual Disdain" For Rights Is "Recipe For Totalitarianism" Fauci declared that Americans have a "misplaced perception" about individual rights. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 18/11/2021)
Corona Task Force Insider Reveals: Fauci and Birx Knew NOTHING About COVID. (Selwyn Duke - The New American - 18/11/2021)
Le Québec a «pratiquement euthanasié» des milliers d'aînés, dit l'ex-chef du PCQ. (Vincent Larin/Agence QMI| - TVA Nouvelles - 21/11/2021)
Rand Paul warns: Fauci could 'easily be a medical DICTATOR' — and no one on the left seems to care: Can you imagine if the next one that comes out of the lab has 15% or 50% mortality? (Glenn Beck - The Blaze - 22/11/2021)
Guardian Article Claims Covid in Hospitals Has "Largely Become a Disease of the Unvaccinated" – Yet Data Shows 71% of Adults Hospitalised with Covid are Vaccinated. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 23/11/2021)
I Watched The Nation's 'Top Scientists' Lie About COVID And Get Away With It: After watching this debacle on TV, I knew full well what was coming later that day. The media would latch on to this and create even more public panic. (Scott Atlas - The Federalist - 23/11/2021)
Australian Medical Association: "You Won't Be Able to Hide. Your Life Will Be Miserable:" "'No jab, no job' is political, not medical. It is a fierce medical violation of a person's conscience, rights, body, and consent. It is not patient care." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 26/11/2021)
ONS Slapped Down by UK Statistics Watchdog For Misleading Claim that Unvaccinated Have "32 Times" Risk of Covid Death. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 26/11/2021)
Le médecin défenseur de la vaccination a été payé 161 646€ par Big Pharma pour forcer à faire vacciner les 0-11 ans. (jipp - Ma France - 27/11/2021)
Rand Paul, Ted Cruz roar back at Dr. Fauci, who claims criticism of him is 'dangerous' because 'I represent science'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 28/11/2021)
The Madness of Anthony Fauci: Rather than own up to his disastrous policy and medical advice, Fauci instead is accelerating his messianic impulses. (Julie Kelly - AG - 29/11/2021)
Media Says Rise in Football Players Suddenly Collapsing is a "Coincidence": Case closed. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 29/11/2021)
Pfizer Is Lobbying to Thwart Whistleblowers From Exposing Corporate Fraud: Pfizer is among the Big Pharma companies trying to block legislation strengthening whistleblowers' ability to report corporate fraud. (Lee Fang - The Intercept_ - 29/11/2021)
Oxford University Says "No Evidence" Vaccines Won't Protect Against Severe Disease Caused by Omicron. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 30/11/2021)
Escobar: Fauci As Darth Vader of The COVID Wars. (Pepe Escobar/The Asia Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 30/11/2021) -> McCullough complained last year that Fauci has never, to date, published anything on how to treat a Covid patient." He additionally alleged: "Anyone who tries to publish a new treatment protocol will find themselves airtight blocked by the journals that are all under Fauci's control."
Droit de réponse à l'émission Les Décrypteurs de Radio-Canada. (Réinfo Covid Québec - 2/12/2021)
Anthony Fauci's dangerous narcissism: Science can't be above questioning. (Kat Rosenfield - UnHerd - 3/12/2021)
Lettre ouverte au chroniqueur haineux Patrick Lagacé — aura-t-il poursuite criminelle pour ses propos dans le Journal La Presse contre les gens qui sont anti-vaccin ? (Richard Girgis - Les Manchettes - 3/1/2022)
Rand Paul: 'Throw Fauci in Prison for Five Years for Crimes Against Humanity'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 4/12/2021)
Vaccine Mandates and the Great Resignation: The Media Pretends There's No Connection. (Liam Cosgrove - The Mises Institute - 11/12/2021)
Aussie PM Compares Vaccinated People to Sheep: That's pretty offensive. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 13/12/2021)
Dr. Scott Atlas savages Fauci, claims he undermined Trump and misled Americans on COVID: 'I was stunned at what I saw'. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 13/12/2021)
While Holocaust Survivors Denounce Resurgent Nazi Medical Ethics, David Frum Channels Himmler at Posen. (John Zmirak - The Stream - 14/12/2021)
Video: Rand Paul Warns COVID Mandates Are "About Conditioning The American Individual to Submit to Government": "If you love the dictates on vaccines, you'll love it when Fauci is in charge of who can be dialyzed". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 14/12/2021)
16 of Biden's Biggest Whoppers About COVID-19 Vaccines: Here are the president's top 16 lies about the jab. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 15/12/2021)
Fauci's Finished. (James Rickards/DailyReckoning - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 21/12/2021)
As His Presidency Founders, Biden Scapegoats The Unvaccinated. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 21/12/2021)
'First Omicron Death an Anti-Vaxxer' Story Falls Apart Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 23/12/2021)
Media Says No Shame In Breakthrough COVID After Guilting The Unvaxxed For Months. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 23/12/2021)
Video: Fauci Admits Mandates Are 'Just a Mechanism' to Get More People Vaccinated: Nothing to do with 'following the science'. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 28/12/2021)
Aaron Rodgers: Science That 'Can't be Questioned' is 'Propaganda'. (Warner Todd Huston – Breitbart – 28/12/2021)
Francis Collins's Troubling Record at NIH. (John G. West - Evolution News - 28/12/2021)
The Covid narrative is insane and illogical…and maybe that's no accident Maybe forcing people to believe your lies, even after you admit you're lying, is the purest form of power. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 29/12/2021)
Scandale aux Pays-Bas : des héros populaires ont révélé les liens accablants entre des politiciens corrompus et le Forum Économique Mondial. (Archibald - - 30/12/2021)
CDC Sued For Withholding Post-Licensure V-Safe Data On COVID Vaccines. (Katabella Roberts/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 31/12/2021)
Trudeau Implies Black Canadians "Racist, Misogynistic" - Questions Whether Unvaxx'd Should be "Tolerated". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/1/2022)
Ben Shapiro Eviscerates COVID Cult And 'Authoritarian Lockdown Nonsense' That's Destroyed 'Millions of Lives'. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/1/2022)
Macron : «les non-vaccinés, j'ai très envie de les emmerder». (Valérie Bugault - Telegram - 4/1/2022)
Dr. Robert Malone: We've been watching Fauci lie for decades He and colleagues 'just shrug our shoulders and shake our heads and say it's Fauci'. (Art Moore - WND - 4/1/2022)
More bad news on Covid vaccines and myocarditis in men under 40 - even as more colleges require booster shots for students. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 4/1/2022)
"Plainte auprès de la Commission des Requêtes de la Cour de Justice de la République: Initiative SIC [Sommation Interpellative Citoyenne]. ( - 5/1/2022)
Fabrice Di Vizio s'en prend violemment à Emmanuel Macron avec Jordan Bardella et la député LFI, Mathilde Panot, taclent le président de la République. (Touche Pas à Mon Poste - FaceBook - 6/1/2022)
We Have Been Lied To': Megyn Kelly Slams Bureaucrats Like 'Prophet' Dr. Fauci Raking In The Cash. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 7/1/2022)
Mark Drakeford is an Idiot Lockdown by fraud. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 7/1/2022)
'Dangerous': U.S. rejected gain-of-function COVID project, but Fauci forged ahead Documents 'hidden in a top secret shared drive'. (Bob Unruh - WND - 11/1/2022)
Why Biden is Guilty of Murder. (Anthony Fava - The Evangelical Dark Web - 12/1/2022)
BOMBSHELL: Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID — BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC. (Jim Hoft - Gateway Pundit - 12/1/2022)
Dr. Mehmet Oz challenges Dr. Anthony Fauci to a debate, calls him 'a petty tyrant' and 'the J. Edgar Hoover of public health'. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 13/1/2022)
Why Ruling Class Minions Are so Suddenly Doing Damage Control on Covid. (Stella Morabito - The Federalist - 18/1/2022)
Why Ruling Class Minions Are So Suddenly Doing Damage Control On Covid. (Stella Morabito - The Federalist - 18/1/2022)
A Litany of Absurdity. (The Brownstone Institute - 20/1/2022)
Elite Panicking That the Public Doesn't Trust Them. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 3 minutes - 21/1/2022)
The CDC Has Destroyed Public Trust By Pushing Obvious Falsehoods. (Doug Badger - The Federalist - 21/1/2022)
"Anti-Vax" Olympic Gold Medallist Dies of COVID (But He Was Vaccinated) Sky News publishes massively misleading headline. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 25/1/2022)
The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! (James Corbett - Wardo Rants - 60 minutes - 29/1/2022)
How The Federal Government Used Evangelical Leaders to Spread Covid Propaganda to Churches. (Megan Basham - Daily Wire - 2/2/2022)
It's time for a government shutdown fight over COVID measures. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 3/2/2022)
L'AFP : la plus grande fabrique française de fausses nouvelles. (Dr Gérard Delépine/Nouveau-monde - Les moutons enragés - 5/2/2022)
Trudeau, Legault et les médias, vous êtes la honte de notre pays ! (Alain Patenaude - Vigile Québec - 8/2/2022)
Exclusive Video — Canadian YouTuber Viva Frei: 'Legacy Media' Are 'Outright Lying' About Freedom Convoy. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 9/2/2022)
Law Enforcement (or) Gestapo for Hire? (Lex Greene - News With Views - 10/2/2022)
Canadian Media STILL Pushing Crackpot Theory That Truckers Are Russian Agents "Who would have reason right now to cause as much chaos in Canada as possible? Well, at the top of that list is Russia." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 14/2/2022)
Trudeau's State Media Labels 'Freedom' A "Far Right" Concept CBC piece claims freedom is now a "malleable term" and is "open to interpretation". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 15/2/2022)
The propaganda war on the Canadian truckers: The US media are shamefully smearing the 'Freedom Convoy' as a far-right menace. (Sean Collins - Spiked - 16/2/2022)
The Media Are Going After 'Freedom Convoy' Donors. (Ailan Evans - Daily Caller - 17/2/2022)
'Christian' Scientist Francis Collins Tries to Walk Back Comments about Vaccine Safety. (Protestia - 17/2/2022)
Robbie Picard joins Sheila Gunn Reid to discuss the Convoy being labelled as 'economic terrorism'. (Rebel News - 20/2/2022)
Media loves heart attack stories — just don't mention the COVID vaccine! Some stories are real, some are fake news. But they all bury the idea that the COVID vaccines may be a contributing factor. (Lewis Brackpool - Rebel News - 20/2/2022)
Washington Post hammered for painting Freedom Convoy as 'explicitly racist,' arguing 'freedom is a key component of white supremacy'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 20/2/2022)
The Centers For Disease Control's Lies Have Destroyed Its Legitimacy. (Gregg Schmedes - The Federalist - 22/2/2022)
How Eisenhower Predicted Fauci. (Rafi Eis - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 23/2/2022)
The Covid Cartel Lied, People Died. Now They Say It's All Your Fault: Americans were manipulated and turned against each other to hide government mismanagement, while many died unnecessary deaths. (Ron Johnson & Dr. Robert W. Malone - The Federalist - 24/2/2022)
If He Wasn't A Swamp Creature, Francis Collins Would Be Banned From YouTube For Covid Misinformation: Former NIH Director Francis Collins and others were wrong about how long mRNA from the Covid vaccines persists in the body, research shows. (John G. West - The Federalist - 25/2/2022)
Allergic to The 'So-Called Freedom Convoy'. (Tim Graham - JWR - 25/2/2022)
Joe Rogan blasts Bill Gates for lecturing people about health when he has 'man boobs,' a gut, and 'toothpick arms' . (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 27/2/2022)
The CDC Discovers Actual Public Health, Just In Time. (Jeffrey Tucker/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 27/2/2022) -> Follow the politics, NOT the Science...
Public Safety Minister accuses truckers of rape threats. But who are the real creeps in Ottawa? There are, indeed, creeps roaming the streets of Ottawa and the women in the nation's capital should be ever vigilant. (Sheila Gunn Reid - Rebel News - 8 minutes - 3/3/2022)
Digital Brownshirts And Their Masters. (David Souto Alcalde & Thomas Harrington/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 3/3/2022)
EXCLUSIVE: In Leaked Audio Former NIH Director/New Biden Science Adviser Laughs Over Threatening Unemployment to Force Vaccines, Blames Trump For Covid Deaths. (Megan Basham - DailyWire - 7/3/2022)
'Half The Country' Did Speak The Covid Truths The CDC Director Insists 'Nobody Said' — And They Were Smeared. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 8/3/2022)
Fauci's Criminal Covid Bombshell. (Jon Bowne - Infowars - 8/3/2022)
BOMBSHELL: Government BRIBED 'conservative' media to push the vaccine. (The Blaze - 8/3/2022)
Francis Collins and Russell Moore: Evil Revealed In Leaked Audio. (Evangelical Dark Web - 9/3/2022)
Jamming The Mainstream Media: People Are Starting to Catch on. (Bradlee Dean - News With Views - 10/3/2022)
Another predicted spike in heart attacks (but it's still nothing to do with the vaccines). (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 11/3/2022)
Australian Media Tries to Hide Massive Heart Attack Vaccine Damage: Establishment creates an excuse for the incoming slew of health issues. (Infowars - 7 minutes - 15/3/2022)
Covid Isn't Over Until Every Official Who Abused It Is Held Accountable For The Destruction They Caused. (Carina Benton - The Federalist - 16/3/2022)
Scientists Should Earn Trust, Not Demand It: Some academics are role-playing the churchmen who condemned Galileo. (David F. Coppedge - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 16/3/2022)
Les publications scientifiques en tant que propagande de guerre ? (Xelnaga - Les moutons enragés - 18/3/2022) -> « D'après une étude parue dans The Lancet, le nombre de décès liés au Covid serait trois plus élevé que le nombre officiellement recensé. » 11 mars 2022
Journalists, or PR Agents? Why science reporters don't report fairly on the origins of Covid-19. (Nicholas Wade - City Journal - 20/3/2022)
Gates, Fauci, Daszak Charged With Genocide In International Criminal Court. (Justus R. Hope, MD - The Desert Review - 21/3/2022)
CDC Tells New York Times It Hid Covid Data For Political Reasons. (Dr. David Gortler, professor of pharmacology - The Federalist - 22/3/2022)
Kyle Sandilands Says He 'Conned' the Public Into Getting Vaccinated Through 'National Campaign': "I'm fit and proper to do the national campaign to con everyone into getting vaccinated." (Caldron Pool - 23/3/2022)
NIH Director Francis Collins Ordered "Takedown" of The Great Barrington Declaration. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Technocracy.News - 24/3/2022)
US Government Paid News Media $1 Billion For Propaganda to Promote mRNA Vaccines. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy.News - 25/3/2022) -> Virtually every one of the news organizations paid by HHS, including ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and the New York Post, covered stories about the vaccines and did not disclose they had accepted taxpayer dollars to support the vaccine effort.
"L'Occident est à poil". (Mehdi Belhaj Kacem - FranceSoir - 42 minutes - 28/3/2022)
(Influenza) virus gonna virus: We increased flu shots over 15-fold between 1980 and 2020. You'll never BELIEVE what happened next! (Alex Berenson - 29/3/2022)
Lettre ouverte à un médecin français. (Martine - Samizdat - 8/4/2022)
The Church Is to Blame for the Destructive Extent of the Mandates "Instead of being at the front of this issue, having roundly condemned evil from the start, the Church sat on its haunches and cuddled up to the world, submitted itself to the mandates, stayed quiet about their injustice, and in some instances even enforced them in their spheres of influence." (Matthew Littlefield - CaldronPool - 13/4/2022)
U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for 'COVID-19 Research' in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist. (The Exposé - 13/4/2022)
"Pandemic Treaty" will hand WHO keys to global government Suggested clauses would incentivize reporting "pandemics", and see nations punished for "non-compliance". (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 19/4/2022) -> Two African countries – Burundi and Tanzania – had Presidents who banned the WHO from their borders, and refused to go along with the Pandemic narrative. Both Presidents died unexpectedly within months of that decision, only to be replaced by new Presidents who instantly reversed their predecessor's covid policies.
"Une politique sanitaire inhumaine et indigne": échange tendu entre Jordan Bardella et Olivier Véran sur LCI. (FranceSoir - 19/4/2022)
Fauci crushed for saying it's 'disturbing' that a U.S. court can overrule the CDC 'Fauci may want to take a little time and review the Constitution and the case law.' (Gabriel Hays - Fox News - 22/4/2022)
Biden official says court plays 'important role' days after Fauci questions their involvement The White House and CDC have asked the DOJ to fight the court decision. (Peter Aitken - Fox News - 24/4/2022)
Covid Jab Victims Remain Uncompensated For Death and Injuries: Time to Make Big Pharma Liable. (Ray Fava - Evangelical Dark Web - 24/4/2022)
Media's Collusion With Executive Branch Destroyed Trust In Public Health: Dr. Ben Carson. (Masooma Haq and Roman Balmakov/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/4/2022)
It's time for governments to apologize for COVID response. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 27/4/2022)
Judge rules Deena Hinshaw isn't protected by 'cabinet confidentiality'. (Thomas Lambert - The Counter Signal - 27/4/2022)
Rand Paul: Fauci "Is A Man That Is Against Everything That America Stands For" "He's against individual choice, he's against American freedoms". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 29/4/2022)
Victorian Government Attempting To Give Chief Health Officer Full Immunity For The Past Two Years: "I will not allow them, over the last two years, not to be held to account. Not at all." (CaldronPool - 6/5/2022)
Did Fauci and Collins Receive Royalty Payments from Drug Companies? (Wesley J. Smith - Evolution News/Discovery Institute - 12/5/2022)
L'OMS révèle enfin ses techniques de manipulation des masses pour faire accepter le vaccin. (Éric Verhaeghe - le Courrier des Stratèges - 13/5/2022)
The Day I Realised Pragmatism and Unprincipled Politics Killed the Party: "A politician who will not lead according to what is right, even if the majority, at the time, disagreed with him, is more of a liability than an asset.". (Giuliano Bordoni - Caldron Pool - 19/5/2022)
Le crépuscule des dieux en blouse blanche. (Angélique - RebootInfo - 21/5/2022)
Exclusive – RSC Memo: Holding Partisan Public Health Bureaucrats Like Fauci 'Accountable' Should Be Major Priority Under GOP Majority. (Sean Moran - Breitbart - 23/5/2022)
Medical Journal Says Maybe We Were Right After All "Christian leaders should have been on top of these issues as soon as there was even a hint of discussion of mandates and passports, especially from the perspective of religious conscientious objections. Instead, most were silent." (Tim Grant - CaldronPool - 28/5/2022)
Video: Fauci Openly Admits Biden Mask Mandate Is About Preserving "Authority": "It's more of a matter of principle of where the authority lies". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 2/6/2022)
Elections Won't Fix This. (Jeffrey Tucker/The Brownstone Institute -Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 6/6/2022)
Trudeau's Supreme Court chief judge says you'd better not criticize him — he's 'warning' you. (Ezra Levant - Rebel News - 6/6/2022)
Blanquer rigole face à une maman qui a perdu son mari suite à injection Covid-19 ! Vidéo d'une rare violence qui démontre à quel point nos dirigeants sont hors-sol... (Le LIbre Penseur - 7/6/2022)
Why Progressives Love Government "Experts."(Ryan McMaken/The Mises Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 11/6/2022)
Le camp de la déraison. (Cédric d'Ajaccio - FranceSoir - 17/6/2022)
The Fauci Protocol: Treating Fauci's Covid Diagnosis According to His Own 'Standard of Care'. (Jordan Schachtel - The Brownstone Institute - 17/6/2022)
How the Media Fueled the Lockdowns. (Michael Betrus - The Brownstone Institute - 19/6/2022)
While the COVID Virus Mostly Spared Children, Dr. Fauci Did Not… Tony Fauci Killed from 300,000 to 900,000 Children with His Lockdowns, Mostly in Africa. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 19/6/2022)
Des scientifiques plongés dans la terreur par des charlatans. (Teresita Dussart - FranceSoir - 26/6/2022)
Moi, journaliste fantôme au service des lobbies… (Julien Fomenta Rosat/Journal Fakir - Les moutons enragés - 28/6/2022)
Don't hate mainstream journalists—feel sorry for them. (UK Column - 30/6/2022)
Le gros coup de gueule de @mouradhfc contre les médecins et le Pr Casalino : "Vous m'avez gonflé pendant 2 ans !" (Les Grandes Gueules - Twitter - 1 minute - 1/7/2022)
Révélation explosive : Pfizer exercerait une forte pression pour faire taire les lanceurs d'alerte qui révèlent ses fraudes. (Lee Fang - Le Courrier du soir/Profession Gendarme - 1/7/2022)
AI Would Run The World Better Than Humans, Google Research Claims Don't Believe The Headlines: Google's Inhouse Game Does Not Show That Ai Is Ready To Rule The World. (Gary Smith - Mind Matters - 11/7/2022)
New insight on Klaus Schwab's 'You will own nothing and be happy': How AI and the Internet of Things will control everything you do in life. (Leo Hohmann - 14/7/2022) -> In a technocracy, you have no rights, only privileges.
Deborah Birx's Guide To Destroying A Country From Within. (Michael Senger/'The New Normal' - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/7/2022)
Media Alarmists Are Desperate to Turn Monkeypox into The Next COVID. (Dylan Housman - Daily Caller - 15/7/2022)
'AstraZeneca Widow' Hits Back at Mainstream Media for Downplaying Deadly Vaccine Risks. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 18/7/2022)
Why the BBC's new "anti-vaxxer documentary" is a complete farce. (Iain Davis - Off-Guardian - 18/7/2022)
They Would Rather Influence You Than Inform You "Knowing this one fact, that media is more about influencing you than informing you, allows you to turn it into a valuable source of counter-narrative information." (Matthew Littlefield - Caldron Pool - 19/7/2022)
Dr. Birx Admits She And Fauci Made Up 'The Science' On Lockdowns, Social Distancing. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 21/7/2022)
CBC paid $30 million in bonuses during first two years of COVID-19 pandemic. (National Post/MSN - 22/7/2022)
"Every Bit as Bad and Biased as Feared": A Review of the BBC's "Unvaccinated". (Norman Fenton and Martin Neil - Daily Sceptic - 25/7/2022)
Facebook Blinks: No Longer Wants to Censor COVID "Misinformation": Global Affairs President Nick Clegg has revealed that Facebook is seeking the guidance of its Oversight Board about removing "false claims". (MindMatters - 26/7/2022)
Big Pharma's COVID lies have profoundly damaged the medical industry Falsehoods concerning COVID jab trials have caused profound damage to medicine, the entire public health enterprise, and to the disciplines of clinical research and regulatory affairs. (Dr. Robert Malone - LifeSite - 26/7/2022)
The BBC's Psychology Behind Conspiracy Theories. (Iain Davis - UK Column - 1/8/2022) -> For some reason, all those researching the psychology of those they have labelled conspiracy theorist imagine, without reason, that the so-named "conspiracists" don't have any evidence to back up their arguments.
Public Health Officials Say You Can't Expect People to Change Behavior to Prevent Monkeypox. (Laurel Duggan - Daily Caller - 5/8/2022)
Zero Covid has cost New Zealand dearly Jacinda Ardern was never the pandemic heroine she was made out to be. (Jay Bhattacharya MD - Spiked - 7/8/2022)
Trust Me, Someone Paid Me to Tell You This: "The nation's ruling elites might do well to remember that the cosy images of consensus being broadcast on the nightly news and on 'your ABC' are the result not of genuine journalism but of government funding; and the censorship, in league with Big Tech, of dissidents." (John Stapleton - Caldron Pool - 10/8/2022)
Why Misinformation Comes From the Top as Well as the Bottom At Big Think, Cameron English asks us to look at the incentives for academic scientists to publish questionable research that gains widespread attention. (Mind Matters - 10/8/2022)
In His Own Words, Fauci Says He Symbolizes Truth, Integrity, Caring, Consistency. (M Dowling - Independant Sentinel - 11/8/2022)
It's Over: CDC Says People Exposed to COVID no Longer Need to Quarantine. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 12/8/2022)
Emboldened by success in pushing lockdowns and mandates the Left now thinks it's invincible: The left are confident, as America's new 'god,' that they are invincible, infallible and will be in power in perpetuity, believing the majority of the populace will always look to them for salvation. (Steve McCann - LifeSite - 13/8/2022)
Reporter corners DC mayor with her own data on city's vaccine mandate hurting black students — but she denies it anyway. (ChrisEnloe - TheBlaze - 16/8/2022)
A Deeper Dive Into The CDC Reversal. (Jeffrey Tucker/The Brownstone Institute - Zero Hedge - 18/8/2022)
'The Regulatory State Needs to Die. A Stake Needs to be Driven Through Its Heart.' "There's a deep state in every bureaucratic agency." (Ben Shapiro - Daily Wire - 18/8/2022)
Pfizer paye Facebook pour éliminer toute critique de son vaccin à ARNm! (Le Libre Penseur/JeminformeTV - 21/8/2022)
The Media's Culpable Refusal to Consider the Role of the Vaccines in Driving Excess Deaths. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 21/8/2022)
Trusting the experts left Canadians susceptible to misinformation Canadians were told to trust the experts; experts who are riddled with conflicts of interest and have been wrong from the onset. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 22/8/2022)
Tucker Carlson just crucified Lord Fauci once and for all… (Revolver - 17 minutes - 22/8/2022)
Good Riddance, Saint Fauci: No person has ever done more to damage trust in public health. (David Harsanyi - The Federalist - 23/8/2022)
Mary Holland: COVID Globalists Who Violated Nuremberg Code Must be Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 23/8/2022)
The Media Still Refuses to Consider Role of Covid Jabs Amid Alarming Rise of Excess Deaths: The UK Government is finally looking into what could be behind the alarming wave of unexplained excess deaths currently gripping the country. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 23/8/2022)
Les dix recommandations des vrais experts pour réformer les agences de santé. (Anthropo-logiques - 24/8/2022) -> recommandations visant surtout le CDC (Centers for Disease Control) américain.
Why There Will Never Be a Reckoning for Lockdown. (Dr. David McGrogan - Daily Sceptic - 29/8/2022)
Rockefeller Foundation Wants Behavioral Scientists to Come up With More Convincing COVID Vaxx Narratives. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 29/8/2022) -> Discusses the "Mercury Project"...
The Lockdown Post-Mortem: Reverse Ferreters v Double Downers. (James Alexander - Daily Sceptic - 6/9/2022)
The COVID Reckoning Is Overdue: The damage done to children is manifest. (Scott McKay - The American Spectator - 13/9/2022)
When Republicans Take Back Congress, They Must Hold The Covid Cabal Accountable. (Chip Roy - The Federalist - 14/9/2022)
The Rabid Dog, Academia. (David Scott - UK Column - video 72 minutes - 16/9/2022) -> Interview with professor Norman Fenton, a British mathematician who is Professor of Risk Information Management at Queen Mary University of London
How Could We Have Been So Naive About Big Tech? (Jeffrey A. Tucker via Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 24/9/2022)
Naomi Wolf: Elites covering up deadly vax 'complicit in a massive crime': 'Nice' people turn out to be 'monsters and barbarians'. (Art Moore - WND - 1/10/2022)
"Les médias ne font plus de l'information, mais de la communication": Corinne Lalo, grand reporter. (FranceSoir - 3/10/2022)
Why Did So Many Intellectuals and Medics Refuse to Speak Out? (Jeffrey A. Tucker - Daily Sceptic - 7/10/2022)
Journalists must stop believing the false reality they create. (Barry Wheedon - UK Column - 7/10/2022)
Pourquoi la Commission Européenne a besoin d'orchestrer une nouvelle crise du COVID. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 7/10/2022)
Waking up the sheep': Group exposes deadly hospital COVID protocols: Families charge loved ones died from federally funded treatment regimen. (WND News - 10/10/2022)
CDC Officials Concealed Millions of Adverse Events Reported to CDC V-Safe System Following Covid Jabs. (Alliance for Human Research Protection - 10/10/2022)
"Les journalistes n'enquêtent plus, ils copient-collent des dépêches AFP" Jean-Michel Jacquemin-Raffestin. (FranceSoir - 13/10/2022)
Dr. Fauci: 'The Misconception is That I Was Misleading People' About Face Masks, School Lockdowns. (John Rigolizzo - DailyWire - 16/10/2022)
COVID, cette dite 8ème vague qui arrange le gouvernement. (Patrick de Casanove - FranceSoir - 19/10/2022)
Fabrice Fries, PDG et directeur de publication de l'AFP, mis en examen pour un article à charge contre le documentaire Hold-up. (FranceSoir - 21/10/2022)
Judge Grants MO AG Request to Depose Dr. Fauci, Jen Psaki, FBI Agent Elvis Chan, etc. in Social Media Collusion Case Featuring TGP's Jim Hoft as Plaintiff. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 21/10/2022)
Judge Orders Fauci to Testify Under Oath on Social Media Censorship. (Michael P. Senger - Daily Sceptic - 24/10/2022)
Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Paul Rip Fauci, Elites Who 'Believe They Are God'. (Nicole Silverio - Daily Caller - 25/10/2022)
FDA Advisory Panel & CDC Director are Complicit in Sacrificing Children's Lives to Protect Pfizer from Liability. (Alliance for Human Research Protection - 26/10/2022)
Sécession : vous aussi, signalez vos soupçons sur Ursula von der Leyen à la justice européenne ET française. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 30/10/2022)
Not A Chance: Atlantic Writer Begs For 'Pandemic Amnesty,' Forgiveness For COVID Tyranny. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 31/10/2022)
Don't bother to let the CDC know about safety issues with the COVID vaccines: they will ghost you Robert Edmonds developed severe tinnitus after getting one dose of the COVID vaccine. He discovered he was not alone. He found proof of causality. The CDC ghosted him. The proof. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 1/11/2022)
Dissecting the Deceptive Plea for COVID-19 Amnesty. (A Midwestern Doctor - The Forgotten Side of Medicine - 1/11/2022)
Lockdown Proponent Calls for Amnesty – But Where's the Apology? (Michael P Senger - Daily Sceptic - 1/11/2022)
No Amnesty for Pandemic Madness: "Oster would have hit a better tone if she acknowledged that for many victims, solutions start where restitution begins." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 2/11/2022)
Once More on Renowned Fool Emily Oster, and the Malign Influence of Head Girls More Generally: Our governing elite are increasingly selected not for intelligence or ability, but for conscientiousness, agreeability and conformity. The consequence is a new kind of midwit tyranny. (Eugyppius - a plague chronicle - 2/11/2022)
Why Are Fact-Checkers Ignoring False Statements On School Closures? (Chandler Lasch/RealClearPolitics - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 5/11/2022)
Rona Wars: A Day of Reckoning is Needed: Yes they want amnesty and no they should not get it. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 6/11/2022)
Top Ten Foolish Remarks About Rona Amnesty: There is some really bizarre 'thinking' when it come to Covid amnesty. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 8/11/2022)
Doctor Calls Out CDC, FDA – Warns They Are Deliberately 'Breaking the Law'. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 8/11/2022)
COVID Dictators Nervous Over Retaliation, Plead For Amnesty. (Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D. - Technocracy News - 8/11/2022)
"Un fonctionnement soviétique": Éric Verhaeghe dézingue le "cartel de la presse subventionnée". (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 10/11/2022)
I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying watching this case unfold. Thank you @Eric_Schmitt for initiating this lawsuit. (Julie Kelly - Thread Reader - 14/11/2022) -> A lawsuit targetting Fauci...
Les politiques "sanitaires" ont été imposées à partir de fraudes scientifiques massives. (Vincent Pavan - Anthropo-logiques - 15/11/2022)
Why has the Church Not Spoken Out? (John Lincoln Downie - The Brownstone Institute - 24/11/2022)) -> an Orthodox Church perspective
WaPo Finally Admits 'Vaccinated People Now Make Up a Majority of COVID Deaths'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 24/11/2022)
Test and Trace Cost £37 Billion and Achieved Nothing. Lessons Must Be Learned From Such Colossal Waste. (Dr. Carl Heneghan and Dr. Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 24/11/2022)
Deposition extracts shocking admission: China convinced Fauci to push lockdowns… (Aaron Kheriaty, MD - ThreadReader - 24/11/2022)
Ils ne pourront plus marcher dans les rues, le Premier ministre interpellé et sommé d'expliquer la mort des 83 000 Danois dues aux soi-disant vaccins corona. (Qactus - 26/11/2022)
12 Ways The New Congress Should Hold Big Pharma Accountable For Covid Evils. (David Thalheimer - The Federalist - 29/11/2022)
The Question Fools Don't Ask: The abandonment of the question, "What is the price?" has led to terrible consequences in every area of life. (Dennis Prager - American Greatness - 29/11/2022)
WATCH: Coverage of Lockdown Protests in China Reveals Unbelievable Hypocrisy of Manipulative Western Media and Politicians "News outlets and politicians that once slammed anti-lockdown protesters in the West and described them as selfish extremists are today praising the 'bravery' and 'courage' of crowds in China protesting the government's 'Covid-zero' approach." (Caldron Pool - 6 minutes - 1/12/2022)
Rand Paul: Fauci Caused 7 Million People to Die; "We've Caught Him Red Handed, He Won't Get Away": "This is right up there with decisions, some of them malevolent or military to kill millions of people". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 2/12/2022)
Google Introduces 'Behavioral Interventions' to Punish 'Conspiracy Theorists' Who Seek 'Wrong' Information. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 2/12/2022)
Can You Catch Covid From Groceries? (Dr. Carl Heneghan and Dr. Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 3/12/2022) -> UK doctors expose media incompetence on medical issues...
Trudeau's Covid-19 Spending Programs Wasted Billions, Audit Finds. (Brian Platt - Bloomberg/MSN - 6/12/2022)
Faisons le point sur l'épopée covidiste. (Jean-Yves Jézéquel/Mondialisation - Les moutons enragés - 6/12/2022)
Government Curated 'Science': Corporate Lies, Greed and Human Destruction. (Maggie Thorp JD and Jim Thorp MD - America Out Loud - 11/12/2022)
Elon Musk Triggers Deep State Operative With 'Prosecute Fauci' Tweet: Promises that Twitter files on COVID information suppression are "coming bigtime". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 12/12/2022)
Seeking Justice for Covid Crimes. (Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen - America Out Loud - 17/12/2022)
Why can't we talk about any of the sudden deaths? The Director of Parliamentary affairs at Health Canada during the pandemic DEAD at 35! He lead the team of Canada's response to COVID. Why do they keep this silent? (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 17/12/2022
The truth about Covid McCarthyism: The elites' blacklisting of lockdown dissenters was shameful and self-destructive. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 19/12/2022)
'Scientists lie to get huge grants': Gain-of-function research has never contributed to vaccine development, scientists say. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 20/12/2022)
Nuremberg 2: What a Real Inquiry Into the Response to COVID Would Look Like – Must-Read Mega-Thread: "Reports have revealed that military leaders saw COVID as a unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on the public. Who advised western leaders to use military-grade propaganda on their own people?" (Ben Davis - CaldronPool - 28/12/2022)
Why Did So Many Academics, Trained to Think Critically, Embrace the Pandemic Narrative? (Dr Sinead Murphy - Daily Sceptic - 3/1/2023)
Will universities ever admit they were wrong about COVID policy? (Matthew G. Andersson - American Thinker - 7/1/2023)
Where's the Woodward and Bernstein of the Covid Scandals? (Bill Rice - Brownstone Institute - 8/1/2023)
The White House Covid Censorship Machine: Newly released emails show how officials coerce social-media companies to toe the government line.. (Jenin Younes and Aaron Kheriaty - Wall Street Journal - 8/1/2023)
How Can We Ever Trust The Institutions That Have Lied to Us Again and Again? (Abir Ballan - Daily Sceptic - 11/1/2023)
Excess Deaths Need Proper Investigation, Not the BBC's Guessing Games. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 12/1/2023)
Gardasil : 10 mensonges dans un seul article de l'AFP Factuel. (Dr Gérard Delépine - FranceSoir - 13/1/2023)
Play Long and count no man happy until he is dead. (Chris Bray - Tell Me How This Ends - 18/1/2023) -> Bray provides an interesting analysis of a debate between a smug conformist (Sam Harris), a True Believer in the official Covid Narrative and an actual scientist (Bret Weinstein) who provides reasoned arguments to differ.
The Boosters: "We're in Your Hearts": A new hit by a notorious boys band. They're on tour. Performing at a hospital near you. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 25/1/2023)
That's Science? Congress Must Probe The Rationale For COVID Mask Mandates. (Robert E. Moffit/RealClear Wire - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/1/2023)
Justin Trudeau Called a Tyrant as he is Swarmed by Angry Mandate Protesters. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - video, 1 minute - 26/1/2023)
MSNBC host shocks viewers when she announces on-air she's developed Myocarditis… (Revolver - 31/1/2023)
"It's Time For The Scientific Community To Admit We Were Wrong About COVID & It Cost Lives". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 31/1/2023)
Short Term is Long Term - Early is Late What on earth does "short term" mean to Rachel DuRose? What does "early" mean to her? And now, with the surge of excess deaths in many of the lockdown countries, she claims lockdowns "saved lives". (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 2/2/2023)
Lettre transmise par des médecins, des scientifiques et autres soignants québécois au Dr Mauril Gaudreault, Président du Collège des médecins du Québec. (Dr René Lavigueur, et al. - RéinfoCovid Québec - 4/2/2023)
Government Refuses to Investigate What's Behind the Thousands of Excess Deaths. (Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 7/2/2023) -> UK government...
What Fauci Knew About Vaccine Ineffectiveness... And When. (Jeffrey A. Tucker/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/2/2023)
Who Benefitted From This Chaos? (Jeffrey Tucker/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 11/2/2023)
The Unforgivable Sin: I thought of this 14 year old chaiwallah, his life, his hopes, his dreams being destroyed, of how his fate was symbolic of the fate of the hundreds of millions sacrificed on the altar of panic. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 12/2/2023)
Don't Be Fooled by the Faux Apologies From the Lockdown Fanatics. (Eugyppius - Daily Sceptic - 15/2/2023)
Three Years In, How Did the Lockdowns Go? (Jeffrey A. Tucker/Brownstone Institute - Daily Sceptic - 16/2/2023)
Watch: Rand Paul Grills School of Nursing Head On Student COVID Vaccine Mandate: "If you exclude everybody from being a nurse who believes in basic immunology, you're gonna exclude a lot of smart people". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 17/2/2023)
'See You in Court, Criminals!' Pfizer Whistleblower Case is Being Taken to the Next Level. (Becker News - 18/2/2023)
What Did They Get Right? (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 26/2/2023) -> How many of the Covid technocrats claims/statements on Covid were right??
Naomi Wolf: 'The Ancient Gods Have Returned to Earth.' (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 24/2/2023)
More Calls for Church Leaders to Be Held Accountable for Pushing False COVID Narrative: "It's time to hold the Christian leaders who pushed that lie accountable," said U.S. Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence. (Ben Davis - CaldronPool - 26/2/2023)
JAG Arrests Past and Current Covid Task Force Members. (Joe Tuzara, M.D. - 26/2/2023)
The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right Again. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 8 minutes - 28/2/2023)
Video: Rand Paul Accuses Fauci of "Elaborate Cover-up" of COVID Lab Leak: "Fauci can remember all the mandates… but he can't recall anything he did with setting up that first journal article to justify the cover-up". (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6 minutes - 8/3/2023)
Matt Hancock is a Monkey. But Who Was the Organ Grinder? (Anonymous Doctor - Daily Sceptic - 9/3/2023)
Conspiracy Theories Become Conspiracy Facts. (Ramesh Thakur - Brownstone Institute - 9/3/2023) -> The UK, US, and Australia don't need an inquiry strung out over years, focused on small details to the neglect of the big picture, with the tame conclusion that lessons will be learnt but blame cannot be apportioned. Instead we need criminal charges, and the sooner the better.
Énormités vaccinales de Brigitte Autran, présidente du nouveau conseil scientifique – partie 2. (Xavier Bazin - 13/3/2023)
The Twitter Files reveal an elite at war with the truth: Even established facts can be branded as 'misinformation' if they upset the official narrative. (Jenny Holland - Spiked - 23/3/2023)
How Zeynep Tufekci and Jeremy Howard Masked America: Zeynep Tufekci and Jeremy Howard played a decisive role in shifting CDC guidance and ushering in mask mandates across America. Zeynep's role in the COVID story goes far deeper than most realize. (Michael P Senger - The New Normal - 26/3/2023)
The Day the World Became China: Tuesday March 10th 2020. (Eugyppius - Daily Sceptic - 31/3/2023) -> How They Convinced Trump to Lock Down...
Former Director of National Intelligence Admits That Fauci Lied About Gain of Function Research. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 19/4/2023)
The Media Needs Urgent and Drastic Reform: Whatever the reason, it is abundantly clear that the media has failed its mission. It must be reformed, immediately and from the ground up. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 24/4/2023)
Twitter files : Le Dr Antony Faucy " a menti sous serment. (Franck Pengam - Les moutons enragés - 24/4/2023)
CLAIM: Pfizer BRIBED over 400 "independent" medical organizations and nonprofits to propagate alleged false narratives about their so-called vaccine. (Lance D Johnson - NaturalNews - 26/4/2023)
Why Are So Many COVID Authoritarians Suddenly Shifting Their Narratives? (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/5/2023)
Landmark Class Action Filed Against Australian Government Over Vaccine Injuries: "What has been frightening and quite distressing is that I continue to get emails daily from people with extremely severe, life-changing events: deaths, amputations, blood clots, gynaecological conditions," Dr McCann said. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 4/5/2023)
Randi Weingarten Goes Mega-Karen After Twitter Community Notes Expose Lockdown Lies. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/5/2023)
VAX CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT: Australians Demand Justice For Govt's Medical Tyranny. (InfoWars - 6/5/2023)
A Pandemic of Intentional Malfeasance That Cost Millions of Lives. (DrLee4America - America Out Loud - 6/5/2023)
Never Forget What They Did... Never! (Jeffrey Tucker/DailyReckoning - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/5/2023)
Dr. Rochelle Walensky's Dishonourable Acts. (Ian Miller - Daily Sceptic - 9/5/2023)
Trudeau réinvente sa politique vaccinale: L'extorqueur hypocrite. (Nathalie Elgrably - Vigile Québec - 12/5/2023)
Non-Profit Hospitals Made Huge Profits During Pandemic While Receiving $23 Billion In Federal COVID-19 Aid: Report. (Mark Tapscott/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 13/5/2023)
Never Forget: A Retrospective on The Media Lies Surrounding COVID. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - video, 3 minutes - 14/5/2023)
Don't Tread On Me! (Jeffrey Tucker/DailyReckoning - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/5/2023)
Covid: Radio-Canada aurait censuré des journalistes. (Laurie Smith - Libre Média - 19/5/2023)
What Healthcare Professionals Learned from the Pandemic ... ... and what we should learn from that. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 20/5/2023)
Lockdown Proponents Try to Evade Reckoning With Whitewash Report. (Jeffrey A. Tucker - Daily Sceptic - 22/5/2023)
State Health Officers Must Be Held to Account. (Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Dr. Stewart Tankersley - America Out Loud - podcast, 57 minutes - 24/5/2023)
Hospital Murder or Conspiracy Theory? You Decide! (Tom Renz - America Out Loud - podcast, 57 minutes - 25/5/2023)
Journalists and the Elephant in the Room: What was once perceived as a reliable and impartial media has increasingly been transformed into entities that often resemble mere mouthpieces for corporations. (Helgi Viggosson - From Symptoms to Causes - 27/5/2023)
This is Exactly What Mind-Control Looks Like... (DogeDesigner - Twitter - 27/5/2023)
The Silencing of the Experts: As Kant explained in 1784, the silencing of the experts drives the loop of immaturity, preventing enlightenment. How we can go about breaking that spell is perhaps the most urgent question of our time. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 1/6/2023)
We Will Forgive You When You go Away. (David Morrill - Protestia - 1/6/2023)
No Forgiveness For Pandemic Sins Until The Guilty Repent: The people who abused their power and imposed tyranny during the pandemic will do it again if we don't hold them accountable. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 3/6/2023)
Mistakes were NOT made: An Anthem for Justice. (Margaret Anna Alice - UK Column - 3/6/2023)
New CDC Director Is Another Lockdowner. (Jeffrey A. Tucker/Brownstone Institute - Daily Sceptic - 3/6/2023)
Covid: Une chroniqueuse sur CNews reconnaît une "obligation" des journalistes "à confesser des choses qui se sont révélées être fausses, voire des mensonges". (France-Soir - 3/6/2023)
Former CBC Journalist Marianne Klowak Gives Testimony At The National Citizens Inquiry: Ottawa, veteran CBC reporter Marianne Klowak, with 34 years of experience, testified that when COVID hit the broadcaster "betrayed the public, broke their trust, pushed propaganda". (Frontier Centre for Public Policy - video, 9 minutes - 7/6/2024)
Jacinda Ardern Awarded Damehood for Handling of the Pandemic – As Excess Deaths Continue to Mount and Media Censorship Intensifies. (Igor Chudov - Daily Sceptic - 7/6/2023)
Lawsuit: Legacy Media Illegally Colluded With Big Tech to Censor Online News. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 7/6/2023)
Who Owns BioNTech? No, it's Not Bill Gates or the Chinese Communist Party. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 11/6/2023)
Has Science Become a Threat to Human Health? (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 12/6/2023)
Covid Inquiry Invites Input From 17 Members of Pro-Lockdown Left-wing Lobby Group 'Independent SAGE': Led by Communist Susan Michie. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 12/6/2023)
'Did forcing 2-year-olds to wear masks save lives?' Congressman grills HHS secretary on mask mandates. (Andrew Chapados - The Blaze - 14/6/2023)
Peter Hotez is a sincere and non-corrupt scientist who has been right about everything in the last three years. (Dr. Simon Goddek - ThreadReader - 18/6/2023) -> Peter Hotez has been spreading lies from the beginning.
The Ministry of Truth - Revisited: Protecting the interests of the Oligarchy on Digital Platforms. (Jacob Nordangård, PhD - The Pharos Chronicle - 18/6/2023)
Pro-COVID-Mandate Scientists Use The "Expert" Fallacy to Avoid Fair Debate. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 21/6/2023)
Nation's Biggest Pediatrics Hospital Pushes Leftism, Discredited COVID Theories On Texas Doctors, Investigation Reveals: "We're done playing this game." (Luke Rosiak - DailyWire - 16/6/2023)
The mRNA fanatics are nervous And they should be. Joe Rogan exposed them this weekend as the cowards they are. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 19/6/2023)
What Happened to Ethics During the Pandemic? (Dr. David Seedhouse - Daily Skeptic - 25/6/2023)
2,000 Athletes Had Fatal Heart Attacks Since Jab Rollout – Media Blackout. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 2/7/2023)
The Hubris of Bending Modernity to Fauci's Will. (Justin Hart /Brownstone Institute - InfoWars - 5/7/2023)
RFK Jr Blasts Media's "Organized Conspiracy" to Suppress COVID Information And Stick to "Government Orthodoxy": "They agreed not to print stories or facts that departed from government orthodoxy". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 7/7/2023)
NHS Whistleblower: « On nous a ordonné d' »euthanasier » les patients pour augmenter à tort le nombre de décès dus au COVID alors que les hôpitaux étaient vides »… (The Exposé - Profession Gendarme - 10/7/2023)
Video: GOP Rep. Asks Scientists Why They "Did A 180" On COVID Lab Leak After Fauci Emailed Them "Are you both conspiracy theorists? (Steve Watson - Summit News - 12/7/2023)
CDC Used Journal to Promote Masks Despite 'Unreliable' And 'Unsupported Data': New Analysis. (Megan Redshaw, J.D./The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 16/7/2023)
19 000 médecins inculpés pour les crimes de Covid. (Michael Baxter - Profession Gendarme - 18/7/2023)
The junk science behind face masks: There is still no evidence that mask mandates limit the spread of Covid. (Tom Jefferson & Carl Heneghan - Spiked - 19/7/2023)
Une étude dévoile l'inefficacité des confinements. (Jean-Pierre Chamoux - Contrepoints - 20/7/2023)
Aloof senior health official faces scrutiny over COVID-related health strategies: A Health Canada senior executive responsible for authorizing and prioritizing novel COVID injections over repurposed drugs is facing scrutiny over her competency at a labour board tribunal. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 20/7/2023) -> A Health Canada senior executive responsible for authorizing and prioritizing novel COVID injections over repurposed drugs is facing scrutiny over her competency at a labour board tribunal.
Les effets secondaires d'un vaccin font-ils de la politique? Pascal Najadi répond à la députée européenne Nathalie Loiseau: "C'est grâce à la connaissance et non l'ignorance que nous jugeons bien". (France-Soir - vidéo, 33 minutes - 20/7/2023)
Vaccine Safety Concerns Sparked by Cosy Relationship Between BioNTech and German Regulator. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 21/7/2023)
The Government, My Enemy. (Ramesh Thakur - Daily Sceptic - 21/7/2023) -> discusses recent book by John Stapleton, titled: Australia Breaks Apart.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: 'Fauci Must Be Charged With Homicide, He KNEW That Remdesivir Would Kill You'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 22/7/2023)
Covid Wars: Shoddy Science And Medical Malpractice: Medicine and science have been massively abused over the past few years. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 29/7/2023)
Rand Paul Files CRIMINAL Referral Against 'Absolute Liar' Fauci. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 31/7/2023)
Neil deGrasse Tyson beclowns himself again… (Revolver - 4/8/2023)
Lockdown Zealots Were Well-Intentioned, But Should Face Charges of Criminal Negligence Given the Harms they Caused. (Michael Tomlinson/Brownstone Institute - Daily Sceptic - 6/8/2023)
If Joe Rogan keeps this up, Fauci may actually face prison time… (Revolver - 7/8/2023)
Rand Paul Escalates Fauci Criminal Referral Biden DOJ failed to even respond. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 9/8/2023)
The Remarkable Report Commissioned by the Scottish Covid Inquiry that Savages Lockdowns and Vaccines. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 9/8/2023)
Dre Betsy Eads sur l'exécution d'un médecin en Malaisie pour avoir "vacciné" COVID-19 en vertu du Code de Nuremberg. (Benoit Martin - Twitter - vidéo anglais avec sous-titres, 2 minutes - 10/8/2023)
Exclusive: Dad Describes Hospital's COVID 'Protocols' He Believes Killed His 19-Year-Old Daughter. (Michael Nevradakis - Children's Health Defense - 10/8/2023)
Science fiction: the crisis in research. (Matt Ridley - The Spectator - 12/8/2023)
German MEP Christine Anderson: COVID Pandemic Was Beta Test For Globalist Totalitarian Agenda. (Infowars - 12/8/2023)
Never Forget: Leftists Showed Their True Authoritarian Colors During COVID. (Brandon Smith/Alt-Market - InfoWars - 12/8/2023)
Tous vaccines, tous protégés ? En attendant que justice soit faite ! (Profession Gendarme - 13/8/2023)
On the cowardice of American scientists: Researchers everywhere are doing work that raises hard questions about the safety of mRNA Covid shots. Everywhere except the United States, that is. Why? (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 14/8/2023)
Canceled doctors have message for their colleagues: 'You have failed Canadians': In an interview with LifeSiteNews at their annual general meeting this July near Toronto, Doctors Mary O'Connor, Mark Trozzi, Chris Shoemaker, and Byram Bridle were asked to state their messages to the medical community – and they did not hold back. (Dorothy Cummings McLean - LifeSite - 14/8/2023)
Des millions de dollars de paiements occultes versés au Dr Fauci et à d'autres membres des NIH. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 17/8/2023)
Is this the REAL reason "Eris" cases are spiking? (OffGuardian - 18/8/2023)
Explosif : Selon le sénateur Ron Johnson, la pandémie a été «planifiée par un groupe d'élites». (Franck Pengam /Géopolitique Profonde - Les moutons enragés - 21/8/2023)
US Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing The 'Covid' Jabs. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 22/8/2023)
CDC Caught Scrubbing COVID Vaccine Adverse Events From Website. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 29/8/2023)
Le Pacte de Mort : « Pfizer savait qu'ils tuaient des bébés in utero… ». (James A. Thorp et Naomi Wolf/ - Les moutons enragés - 29/8/2023)
The Royal Society's lockdown report is deeply flawed: The organisation ignores uncomfortable truths about our pandemic response. (Kevin Bardosh - UnHerd - 30/8/2023)
The Scandalous EU Contract with Pfizer-BioNTech Has Been Online For Two Years. Why Has Nobody Seen It? (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 30/8/2023)
Why Won't COVID Lockdown Tyrants Admit They Were Wrong? (Stephen Moore/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 31/8/2023)
Western Isles FoI: No Covid deaths during the entire pandemic. (David Tait - UK Column - 2/9/2023) -> the Western Isles are in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland
Gov't Admit 'Millions of Children Now Have VAIDS' – Media Blackout. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 2/9/2023)
Fauci Confronted With Study That Raised Doubts About Masks. (Daniel Chaitin - DailyWire - 3/9/2023)
The Covid-19 "crisis" is back, until it rebrands into something else: "The goal is an endless war, not a successful war." (Jordan Schachtel - The Dossier - 5/9/2023)
The COVID Scammers Are Renewing Their Vows of Tyranny. (Dr. Steve LaTulippe - America Out Loud - podcast, 56 minutes - 5/9/2023)
The Death of Informed Consent. (Stella Paul - American Thinker - 7/9/2023)
Maybe a Temporary Government Lockdown Is Necessary. The Alternative May Be Worse. (Stephen Moore - Taki's Magazine - 11/9/2023)
Ordre des Médecins, ça va mal finir. (La rédaction - AIMSIB - 17/9/2023)
Mainstream Psychosis Is the New Normal. (Chris Bray - Tell Me How This Ends - 22/9/2023)
New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public "You can't kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you're literally burning up too much political capital." (The Vigilant Fox - 22/9/2023)
Smoking Gun Emails Prove Biden White House Knew COVID Vaccines Would Kill Millions. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 24/9/2023)
Mayo Clinic Nukes Hydroxychloroquine Information Page After People Take Notice. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 27/9/2023)
False, Misleading Information About COVID-19 Vaccines And Myocarditis Spreads Widely. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 27/9/2023)
L'intubation des patients Covid était "plus mortelle" que le virus. (CovidHub - 13/10/2023)
Should Scientists be Allowed to Tell the Truth?: Paul Offit cautiously points out how public health officials have lied and how they continue to do so. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 25/10/2023)
Pfizer Hid Almost 80% of Covid Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 29/10/2023)
Pascal NAJADI, fils d'un co-fondateur du Forum économique mondial, demande l'arrestation des responsables des "vaccinations" forcées contre le coronavirus sars-cov 2. (Gontran Paume - Medias Presse Info - 3/11/2023)
WEF Insiders Jump Ship As Prosecutors Prepare Nuremberg 2.0 Trials. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 4/11/2023)
No Pandemic Amnesty: A reckoning is required. (Brad - Euphoric Recall - 7/11/2023)
AstraZeneca Taken to Court Over "Defective" Covid Jab in Landmark Legal Case. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 8/11/2023)
Australian Excess Deaths Fuel Fears About Role of Covid Vaccines. (Dr Clare Craig - Daily Sceptic - 9/11/2023)
Why Was a Graph That the Government Knew to Be Wrong Used to Justify the Second Lockdown? (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 9/11/2023)
Critics Cast Doubt on Christian Drosten's Doctorate. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 9/11/2023) -> Christian Drosten is well known as Germany's Covid 'oracle'.
Vaccine confidence wanes as public trust in health authorities dwindles: Public trust in vaccine programs is declining, a direct reflection of the erosion of confidence caused by COVID-19-related public health measures. The loss of credibility is empowering people to take control of their health, breaking free from the pharmaceutical industry's customer-generating chains. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 15/11/2023)
Sen. Rand Paul Says He Wants Federal Prosecution of Fauci For COVID Coverup. (Austin Alonzo and Jan Jekielek/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 16/11/2023)
Les Contrats UE: Comment ont été passés les contrats d'acquisition de vaccins au sein de l'Union Européenne ? (Olivier Frot - - vidéo, 13 minutes - 20/11/2023)
World Health Organization unveils ironic 'Stop The Lies' campaign: The selective critique of Big Tobacco by the World Health Organization sparks questions about Big Pharma's role as an even larger and more powerful player in the health policy arena. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - video, 5 minutes - 22/11/2023)
Media Censorship Organisation NewsGuard Has Ties to Big Pharma Fund. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 24/11/2023)
The Covid Inquiry Isn't Asking the Only Question That Matters: Was Lockdown a Terrible Mistake? (Camilla Tominey/Telegraph - Richard Eldred/Daily Sceptic - 25/11/2023)
Pfizer Failed to Disclose Risks of Preterm Birth And Neonatal Death to Pregnant Women In RSV Vaccine Trial. (Megan Redshaw/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/11/2023)
CIA analysts were 'bribed to change position' on COVID-19 origins as Fauci led 'orchestrated' effort to undermine lab-leak origin theory: A new Sky News Australia documentary reveals further evidence of the "orchestrated effort" to push the narrative that COVID-19 had natural origins, despite intelligence officials saying it "most likely" leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. (Patrick Hannaford - SkyNews - 28/11/2023)
Virologist: So-called medical 'misinformation experts' are 'often wildly off-base' Self-identified medical 'misinformation experts' are harming lives and careers even as they are often in error themselves, according to Dr. Byram Bridle. (Emily Mangiaracina - LifeSite - 30/11/2023)
We now know why Fauci feared the "lab leak" theory so much… (Revolver - 30/11/2023)
A Crime Against Humanity... (James Howard Kunstler/ - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 2/12/2023) -> Steve Kirsch vs the Covid Mafia
Moderna Employs Former FBI Analyst, AI to Secretly Police COVID 'Vaccine Misinformation'. (Megan Redshaw/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 4/12/2023)
Trust In Science Drops: Good. (William M Briggs - Science Is Not The Answer - 4/12/2023)
Do Scientists Need to Learn to Lie More Believably? As public trust in science diminishes, one serious proposal that scientists should manipulate our beliefs for our own good. (Denyse O'Leary - Mind Matters - 3/12/2023)
Anthony Fauci Claims He Doesn't Need God Anymore, Praises His Own 'Personal Ethics'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 12/12/2023)
Why is Professor Neil Ferguson Now Denying He Told the Government to Lock Down? (David Campbell and Kevin Dowd - Daily Sceptic - 14/12/2023)
Assembly Line Elite Culture we are the best because we are all the same, which means we are very diverse. (Chris Bray - Tell Me How This Ends - 16/12/2023)
CIA being sued for hiding COVID pandemic records Were there payoffs for those who discounted the Wuhan lab leak? (Bob Unruh - WND - 2612/2023)
WHO Whistleblower Warns: "They're Creating a Perpetual Pandemic". (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 28/12/2023)
Grand Inquisitor Says Oops. (Jeffrey A. Tucker - Daily Sceptic - 29/12/2023)
Les mensonges du Covid sous la loupe de J-D Michel. ( - 7/1/2024)
Seven Questions for Covid-19 'Expert' Francis Collins. (Kurt Mahlburg - Daily Declaration - 8/1/2024)
Didier Raoult atomise toute la classe politique dans ses vœux pour 2024. (Yoann - Profession Gendarme - 8/1/2024)
43 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse: Bringing death, suffering, pain, job loss, collaterol damage, destroyed lives & futures to societies, to America, Canada, UK etc.. (Dr. Paul Alexander - Alexander COVID News - 12/1/2024)
Rand Paul Says Anthony Fauci Must Spend His Life Behind Bars to Restore Trust in Gov't. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 19/1/2024)
"I'm a Public Health Fascist": Journalist Who Led Calls for Lockdown Publishes Book Demanding We Prepare to do it All Again But Harder (So it Works This Time). (Jeffrey A. Tucker - Daily Sceptic - 20/1/2024) -> Donald G. McNeil could simply admit he is a fascist...
BBC "Misrepresented" Covid Risk to Boost Lockdown Support, Says Top Government Scientific Adviser. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 25/1/2024)
The CDC Covered Up The Vaccine's Risks. (Jeffrey Tucker/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/1/2024)
COVID Inquiry Finds Lockdowns Were Terrible, While Reporters Call Bullshit on Government's Lead Academic Advisor: BBC gets its pants pulled down, ass paddled for spreading COVID misinformation. (Paul D. Thacker - The DisInformation Chronicle - 31/1/2024)
4 Years Later: Never forget what they did to us Some thoughts on forgiveness, pandemic amnesty, and the path forward. (Jordan Schachtel - The Dossier 1/2/2024)
Devi Sridhar's Knowledge of the Epidemiology of Respiratory Viruses Could be Written on the Back of a Postage Stamp. (Prof Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 1/2/2024)
L'ancien officier de l'armée de l'air suisse Pascal Najadi a fait un rapport et présenté des preuves aux officiers du corps du JAG de l'USAF et de l'USSF le 27 janvier 2024. (Profession Gendarme - 7/2/2024)
CDC Warns CDC's Own Scientists That Their Finding on Masks "Is Not Scientifically Correct": During a congressional hearing, CDC Directory Mandy Cohen did not rule out mandating masks again for toddlers. (Paul D. Thacker - The DisInformation Chronicle - 8/2/2024)
Cochrane's Double Standards. (Prof Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson - Daily Sceptic - 14/2/2024)
First Look at the 'Free-Text' COVID Vaccine Safety Data the CDC Wanted to Hide. (Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards/The Highwire - InfoWars - 17/2/2024)
"License to Play God": Physician Group Files Brief Against Biden In COVID. (Naveen Athrappully/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/2/2024)
US Officials Concede no Active Surveillance on Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines. (Megan Redshaw/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/2/2024)
Une dernière visite impossible durant le confinement : l'Etat condamné pour « faute lourde ». (Le Figaro - Gènéthique - 19/2/2024)
Les sociétés pharmaceutiques abandonnent discrètement les vaccins à ARNm face à l'augmentation des décès soudains. (Jade - Aube Digital - 19/2/2024)
Top FDA Official Testifies: 'We Knew mRNA Would Cause Millions to Die'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 21/2/2024)
They Called Him "Crooked Cohen": Science Magazine's Jon Cohen is a case study in embarrassing pandemic reporting and highlights why science writing should rarely be called journalism. (Paul D. Thacker - The DisInformation Chronicle - 1/3/2024)
[Canadian] Journalist, Who Demanded Concentration Camps for Unvaccinated, Dead at 33. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 6/3/2024)
NHS Insider: "Gov't Ordered us to Euthanize MILLIONS of Patients Before First COVID Lockdown". (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 9/3/2024)
15 Covid Vaccine 'Conspiracy Theories' That Turned Out To Be Conspiracy Facts. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 9/3/2024)
Buried Project Veritas Recording Shows Top Pfizer Scientists Suppressed Concerns Over COVID-19 Boosters, MRNA Tech. (Liam Cosgrove - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/3/2024)
Tucker Carlson Asks the Forbidden Question. (Vigilant Fox - VNN - 13/3/2024) -> why the people who made the claim "safe and effective" aren't being held to criminal liability for abetting the "killing of all these Americans."
Snakes in the Garden: Navigating Fear Porn, Christian Virtue-Signaling & Censorship in Conservative Media. (Kristi Leigh/UncoverDC - InfoWars - 15/3/2024)
Olivier Véran, janissaire macroniste, adepte du double-standard. (France-Soir - 16/3/2024)
Anderson Cooper confronted on Mexican beach about his fake COVID reporting: "How do you sleep at night?" (Revolver - 19/3/2024)
"Epidemie de fraude", la vérité est une pilule amer - interview avec le réalisateur John Davidson. (France-Soir - vidéo, 45 minutes - 19/3/2024)
It's Never Wrong to be Wrong When You're Christian Drosten. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 20/3/2024)
Bill Maher tears into the government for working with social media companies to shut down COVID-19 debate. (Collin Jones - The Blaze - 24/3/2024)
« Moins dangereux qu'une grippe », « mise en scène »… Le coup de tonnerre des RKI Files! ( - 28/3/2024) -> Le magazine allemand « Multipolar » a intenté une action en justice sur la base de la loi allemande sur la liberté d'information pour la publication des procès-verbaux des réunions de l'équipe allemande de crise sur la covid, basée au RKI (Institut Robert Koch)
La médecine corrompue ? Stephan Bureau a reçu le professeur Christian Perronne. (Gilles B - - 29/3/2024)
New Report Details Horrifying Cost of Fauci's Failures. (Ian Miller - Brownstone Institute - 2/4/2024)
"Insane": US Physicians Received Billions From Pharmaceutical And Medical Device Industry, New Research Finds. (Megan Redshaw/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 3/4/2024)
Allison Neitzel served as physician-expert on misinformation stories at NBC, Mother Jones, MedPage Today, & others, but was forced to apologise last week for spreading misinformation and defaming physicians. Also, she's not a physician! (Paul D. Thacker - ThreadReader - 3/4/2024)
15 US Agencies Knew Wuhan Lab Was "Trying To Create A Coronavirus Like COVID-19": Rand Paul. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 10/4/2024)
WHO Official Admits Vaccine Passports May Have Been a Scam: Testifying in a lawsuit, WHO's leading vaccine expert said she advised against COVID vaccine passports as the vaccines did not stop transmission and gave a false sense of security. (Paul D. Thacker - The DisInformation Chronicle - 12/4/2024)
Les « Morts du Covid » sont des récupérations des autres causes de décès. (Matière à réflexion - vidéo, 8 minutes - 14/4/2024)
Deborah Birx Gets Her Close-Up. (Bill Rice/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/4/2024)
Ten years ago, microbiologist Ralph Baric told Tony Fauci and the world he would make coronaviruses more lethal. Then - with Fauci's backing - he did. Baric, who worked hand-in-glove with the lab in Wuhan from which Sars-Cov-2 likely leaked, also insisted the government keep its rules on coronaviruses loose so he could tinker with them more easily. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 15/4/2024)
Affaire des contrats d'acquisition des vaccins : Décision du magistrat Truchot en moins de 2h chrono après la publication de l'article de France-Soir. (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - 19/4/2024)
#CovidFilesSuisse, les révélations d'Amèle Debey et Viviane Cuendet. (France-Soir - vidéo, 39 minutes - 23/4/2024)
Who Was Responsible for the "Look Them in the Eyes" Campaign? (Dr Gary Sidley - Daily Skeptic - 24/4/2024)
In 2021, they tried to destroy me for telling the truth This isn't paranoia. Hard evidence shows the White House and media targeted my right to speak - and support my family. If not for all of you, they would have succeeded. Yeah, I'm still angry. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 6/5/2024)
Pfizer Stock Hit After Boy Dies Of Cardiac Arrest During Gene Therapy Trial. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 7/5/2024)
Pfizer very quietly agrees to settle 10,000 cancer lawsuits… (Revolver - 10/5/2024)
Ex-NIH Director Confirms 'No Science' Behind 6-Foot Distancing Rules. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 18/5/2024)
The Great Pandemic Walkback. (Jeffrey Tucker/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 23/5/2024) -> ex-CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield does a takedown on "The Narrative"...
Covid Conspiracy Fact: Vindication Is Bittersweet. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 23/5/2024)
Why Our Elites Are Unpersuaded by the Evidence of Human Suffering. (Joanna Gray - Daily Skeptic - 27/5/2024)
Fauci Admits 6-Foot Social Distancing Standard 'Sort of Just Appeared'. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 2/6/2024)
Fauci Can't Name One Study To Support Child Masking Before Pandemic. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 2/6/2024)
Tidal Waves Don't Discriminate: Limited Hangouts. (Lori Weintz - Brownstone Institute - 3/6/2024)
Flashback: Why did Moderna sign a government contract for its vaccines before COVID-19? (Glenn Beck - Blaze News - 4/6/2024)
Celebrity doctors promoted Covid vaccine without declaring payments. (Camilla Turner - The Telegraph/MSN - 5/6/2024)
3 minutes pour exposer les crimes contre l'humanité de #Fauci. (@sergiodde - X/Twitter - video, 3 minutes - 4/6/2024)
Fauci is Called to Testify on Accusations of Covid Speech Suppression. (Cindy Harper/Reclaim The Net - Infowars - 12/6/2024)
Time for the truth about the pandemic Betsy McCaughey applauds those exposing the lies about COVID and cures. (Betsy McCaughey - WND - 12/6/2024)
859 million Tweets surveilled by government. (Booker Scott - America Out Loud - 9/6/2024) -> Anthony Fauci grilled in a congressional hearing...
The Covid Conspiracy of Silence Nobody is Talking About. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 17/6/2024)
Kansas sues Pfizer for claiming its vaccine was 'safe and effective'. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 18/6/2024)
Top medical journals were biased towards Zero Covid, studies find. (Kevin Bardosh - UnHerd - 20/6/2024) -> is anyone surprised that scientists and science journals can be bought?
Scientific American's Laura Helmuth Continues to Embarrass And Humiliate Herself: Too many scicomm writers can't see beyond their own bigotries and personal politics. (Paul D. Thacker - The Disinformation Chronicle - 21/6/2024)
German CDC documents show politics drove COVID response, not science The health authorities deliberately lied the public about COVID because they didn't want to lose the respect of the lawmakers. They knew that COVID was LESS dangerous than the flu!! (Steve Kirsch's Newsletter - 25/6/2024)
Pfizer Gets Sued Again. Why Is BioNTech Escaping Justice? (Robert Kogon - Daily Skeptic - 25/6/2024)
Supreme Court Turns Away COVID-19 Vaccine Appeals. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/6/2024)
The Devastating Charge Sheet Against Pfizer. (Dr Carl Heneghan - Daily Skeptic - 27/6/2024)
Did Fauci Admit That School Closures Were a Mistake? (Ian Miller - The Brownstone Institute - 28/6/2024)
Is Trump's Former CDC Director Working on a Bird Flu Vaccine with Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturer? (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 30/6/2024)
Russell Brand Blasts Corporate Media for Normalizing Heart Failure in Young People. (Frank Bergman - Slay News - 5/7/2024)
The corrupt revolving door of vaccine bureaucrats is worse than you think. (Daniel Horowitz - Blaze News - 9/7/2024)
Vaccins covid inefficaces et dangereux : les plus hauts responsables US le reconnaissent et avouent qu'ils le savaient. (Gérard Maudrux - Covid Factuel - 13/7/2024)
The 'National Citizen's Inquiry' in Canada is Seeking Covid Vaccine Accountability. (Sean Miller - Infowars - 17/7/2024)
The Covid Inquiry is Right to Name and Shame Matt Hancock. (Dr. Angus Dalgleish - Daily Skeptic - 18/7/2024)
What Turned an Esteemed Doctor into a Scheming Authoritarian? (Denyse O'Leary - Evolution News - 19/7/2024)
Francis Collins and Walter Kim Unironically Hosting Event on 'Rebuilding Trust in Science and Faith'. (Protestia - 22/7/2024)
Espagne : les ex-ministres de la santé poursuivis après les décès d'enfants vaccinés Pfizer. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 26/7/2024)
The MPs Hiding Behind Parliamentary Privilege to Make False Vaccine Claims. (Nick Hunt - Daily Skeptic - 2/8/2024)
Leaked Emails Reveal How the New York Times Sought to Discredit Scientific Review That Found No Evidence Masks Work. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 2/8/2024)
Fauci's "DNA Of Caring". (Randall Block - The Brownstone Institute - 9/8/2024)
Deranged regime virologoid Christian Drosten explains that lockdowns were necessary in Germany because Germans lack education, social cohesion and respect for government recommendations. (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 13/8/2024)
Propagande et Covid 19 : confession d'une journaliste. (Le Déclencheur - X - vidéo, 2 minutes - 23/8/2024)
The COVID lies they told us continue to warp our lives: Full Comment podcast: Vanessa Dylyn, the award-winning director of the new documentary Covid Collateral, Joins Brian. (National Post - posdcast, 34 minutes - 26/8/2024)
Autorités et covid-19 : l'illégalité indispensable pour protéger l'industrie pharmaceutique. (Gérard Maudrux / Catherine Teilhet - Covid Factuel - 29/8/2024)
Australia's Excess Deaths Inquiry Suppresses Majority of Submissions, Omitting Key Evidence from Record. (Rebekah Barnett/Dystopian Down Under - Daily Skeptic - 4/9/2024)
Scientific 'Experts' Are Upset That COVID Vaccine Propaganda is no Longer Working. (Ben Kew - The Gateway Pundit - 5/9/2024)
Top health official admits in court that 'independent' pandemic expert advice was steered by politicians, that virus risk assessments were political & that vaccine mandates had no scientific rationale: The President of the Robert Koch Institut (the German CDC) destroyed much of the public mythology of the pandemic response in testimony before an Osnabrück administrative judge earlier this week. (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 5/9/2024)
Atlantic mag admits "pandemic" FAILED to brainwash people into "unifying". (Catte Black - Off Guardian - 18/9/2024)
NYC Covid Czar Who Held Secret Drug-Fueled Orgies During Pandemic Admits He "Forced" Vaccinations on the Public by Making Their Lives "Uncomfortable". (Cristina Laila - The Gateway Pundit - 19/9/2024)
Crowder confronts: Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma. (Steven Crowder - X - video, 17 minutes - 19/9/2024)
'Experts' Who Lied to us About COVID Confused Why We Didn't Listen to Them. (Ian Miller - OutKick - 19/9/2024)
Accountability on The Covid Craziness: What happened back then MUST be seriously addressed and assessed. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 22/9/2024)
Victims' families want Andrew Cuomo to face justice over COVID nursing home deaths following bombshell report. (Candace Hathaway - Blaze News - 23/9/2024)
Spiciest one-minute take on entire COVID sham: it was all about hysterical female energy… (Revolver - 25/9/2024)
Lockdowns Turned Boris Johnson into Oliver Cromwell, Says James Cleverly. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 26/9/2024)
Fauci admits mRNA vax myocarditis risk, especially for young men—#LockHimUp… (Revolver - 1/10/2024)
Ordres professionnels: les syndics manquent-ils à leur devoir? (Libre Média - 2/10/2024) -> La Covid a révélé à quel point les ordres professionnels en menaient large au Québec, souvent au détriment de la protection du public et au profit de leurs seuls intérêts. Au cœur de ce système: les syndics.
Entretien avec l'expert qui démonte toute l'arnaque sanitaire Covid L'analyste et ses collègues ont récupéré plus de 2'000 documents officiels des autorités allemandes. (Senta Depuydt + Tom Lausen - Essentiel News - 5/10/2024)
Abbé Pierre, Covid : que de similitudes. (Gérard Maudrux - Covid Factuel - 8/10/2024)
Pour ne pas oublier : Compilation des plus gros mensonges d'Olivier Véran pendant la « pandémie ». (Yoann - Le Média en 4-4-2 - 9/10/2024)
On the awful Catch-22 the media and public health face over Covid jabs Everyone now knows mRNA shots are neither safe nor effective. But the people who pushed them fear telling the truth will wreck their credibility. So they keep lying - and wrecking their credibility. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 11/10/2024)
Bill Gates tries to squirm out of court case but the Dutch aren't having it. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 23/10/2024)
Pfizer Exposed: Shocking truth about shocking criminality. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 29/10/2024)
Trump's top healthcare priority must be repealing Big Pharma's legal immunity for vaccines - Other products do not have absolute lawsuit protection; why should vaccines - especially expensive new ones - be any different? (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 6/11/2024)
Francis Collins' Latest Book Doubles Down on His Massive Abuses of Power. (John G. West - The Federalist - 18/11/2024)
The COVID Cover-Up: 19 Questions We MUST Answer. (Justin Hart - Rational Ground - 20/11/2024) -> Dr. Fauci is the patron saint of TERRIBLE COVID policies. He was wrong on SO MANY POINTS.
Andrew Cuomo's nursing home disaster declared 'medical malpractice': House report. (Candace Hathaway - Blaze News - 3/12/2024)
Experts with Feet of Clay. (Dr. Vernon Coleman - The Expose - podcast, 12 minutes - 8/12/2024)
l'Amnésie volontaire de BFM ! Effacement d'archives. (Profession Gendarme - 14/12/2024)
Disaster Caused by Medical Journal Censorship. (Dr. Pierre Kory - Brownstone Institute - 14/12/2024)
Key Figures From "Thank You Dr. Fauci" Lead The Quest For COVID-19 Accountability. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 16/12/2024)
Pandemic Coverup Intensifies: Scripps Institute's Kristian Andersen Cannot Tell The Truth. (Paul D. Thacker/The Disinformation Chronicle - Zero Hedge - 19/12/2024)
Thank You, Dr. Fauci: A documentary that investigates the origin of Covid. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - video, 91 minutes - 7/1/2025)
'Experts' killed trust in vaccines Politicised agencies and irrational rules alienated parents. (Karol Markowicz - UnHerd - 14/1/2025)
Pr Philippe Even qui dénonce la corruption médicale entre médecins, État & Big Pharma. (Le Général - X - vidéo, 10 minutes - 14/1/2025) -> explique tout le fric que met sur la table pour acheter les médecins et assurer leur servilité
People Over Profits: End Big Pharma's Vaccine Immunity. (Mat Staver - The Stream - 16/1/2025)
'Made-up boogeyman': COVID accountability is on its way. (Liz Wheeler - Blaze News - 16/1/2025)
The Vaccine Safety Questions No One is Asking at the Covid Inquiry. (Nick Hunt - Daily Skeptic - 20/1/2025)
"Gigantic Rat's Nest": Taibbi Hints FBI Communications With COVID Scientists Will Be Exposed. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 27/1/2025)
Nuremberg 2.0? Here's what REAL COVID accountability looks like. (Blaze News - 3/2/2025)
Un contact travaillant en milieu hospitalier m’a filé ce qui suit. Il s’agit d’un décret (date: 16 avril 2020, signée Lucie Opatmy) émis par la Direction générale des affaires universitaires, médicales, infirmières et pharmaceutiques, Ministère de la santé et services sociaux du Québec qui explique comment traiter les décès et ÉVITER les autopsies dans le cas de décès jugés dus au Covid19. Ça démontre un truc incroyable c'est-à-dire qu’on encourage les médecins à faire de FAUSSES déclarations sur les causes de décès dans le système hospitalier au Québec. Il semble manifeste qu’on a BESOIN de maintenir la population dans la crainte (et l’habituer à la perte de ses droits)... À ce sujet, un contact m'a demandé ce que pouvait signifier
les décès dont la cause probable est attribuable à la COVID-19 sont considérés comme "naturels"??? je ne comprends pas trop ce que cela veut dire ?? (indiqué sur la lettre)
Cela veut dire que l’intervention d’un coroner sera jugé PAS nécessaire. Dans le système de santé au Québec, si un décès est jugé “suspect” l’intervention d’un coroner est automatique et exigée, mais dans le cas d’un décès par cancer ou crise cardiaque, on ne le fait pas intervenir. Évidemment si un coroner (honnête) devait vérifier une cause de décès pour Covid19, il pourrait avoir un avis différent et donc réduire le nombre de décès attribués au Covid19... Ce décret, signée Lucie Opatmy, vise à éviter une telle chose...
Reste à voir s’il y a des décrets semblables dans d’autres pays de l’Occident... Semble que oui...
Fiddling the Hospital Figures. (Lockdown Sceptics - 4/10/2020) -> Angleterre
Minnesota legislators say COVID-19 death totals have been inflated in their state, call for an audit. (Leon Wolf - The Blaze - 31/12/2020)
Les chiffres Covid gonflés grâce à un amalgame dans la collecte des données. Le nombre des hospitalisations en cause. (Blog de Liliane Held-Khawam - 20/1/2021)
Québec: La falsification des données sur la mortalité attribuable à la Covid-19. (Michel Chossudovsky - - 14/2/2021)
They're lying to you – Official NHS data shows only 3.5K have died of COVID-19. (Daily Exposé - 5/4/2021)
Le NHS anglais passe aux aveux sur le nombre de décès liés au Covid-19. (Nicole Delépine - Riposte laïque - 24/4/2021)
La nouvelle étude indépendante du probabiliste et économiste Damian Rafal : La mortalité liée à la Covid-19 en 2020 est fortement surestimée. (Guy Boulianne - 17/5/2021)
Quand l'INSEE relativise fortement la surmortalité du COVID. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 3/10/2021)
Finland Exposes Massive Covid Reporting Scandal: Nearly 40% of 'Covid Deaths' Were Fraudulent. (Kyle Becker - Trending Politics - 3/11/2022)
L'INSPQ prouve enfin que les hospitalisations covid ont été gonflées à plus de 50% . (Le Tribunal de l'infaux - 21/1/2023)
Les langues commencent à se délier !
Jean-Pierre Door, député du Loiret, vice président des affaires sociales et cardiologue :
« On a des patients très âgés décédés dont j’ai pu constater les certificats de décès marqués Covid19, or il n’y a jamais eu de Covid19 chez ces patients...»
(Quoi2News - 1 minute - 5/11/2020)