For if crime and disease are to be regarded as the same thing, it follows that any state of mind which our masters choose to call 'disease' can be treated as crime; and compulsorily cured. It will be vain to plead that states of mind which displease government need not always involve moral turpitude and do not therefore always deserve forfeiture of liberty. For our masters will not be using the concepts of Desert and Punishment but those of disease and cure. We know that one school of psychology already regards religion as a neurosis. When this particular neurosis becomes inconvenient to government, what is to hinder government from proceeding to 'cure' it? Such 'cure' will, of course, be compulsory; but under the Humanitarian theory it will not be called by the shocking name of Persecution. No one will blame us for being Christians, no one will hate us, no one will revile us. The new Nero will approach us with the silky manners of a doctor, and though all will be in fact as compulsory as the tunica molesta or Smithfield or Tyburn, all will go on within the unemotional therapeutic sphere where words like 'right' and 'wrong' or 'freedom' and 'slavery' are never heard. And thus when the command is given, every prominent Christian in the land may vanish overnight into Institutions for the Treatment of the Ideologically Unsound, and it will rest with the expert gaolers to say when (if ever) they are to re-emerge. But it will not be persecution.
(CS Lewis - The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment - God in the Dock)
La persécution des chrétiens aujourd'hui: James Dobson (pdf)
La grande Babylone. Richard Wurmbrand
des chrétiens, le réalisateur Raphaël Delpard dénonce.
ZebuzzTV 2011
De nouvelles preuves de la discrimination à l'égard des chrétiens en milieu universitaire. Jerry Bergman
Analysis: Leftists Burning Bibles Now, Christians Later. (Capstone Report - 1/8/2020)
‘Live Not by Lies’: Rod Dreher tells Christians to prepare for ‘soft totalitarianism’ in the US. (Michael Gryboski - Christian Post - 28/9/2020)
Christian Animator Blacklisted for Declining to Promote Transgenderism and BLM. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 12/10/2020)
Silencing the Churches: Increasingly the churches will either become tools of the State, or will be targeted by it. (Bill Muehlenberg - 23/1/2021)
Christianity Is the World's Most Persecuted Religion, Confirms New Report: Every year Open Doors USA releases its World Watch report of the 50 states most likely to punish Christians for their faith. (Doug Bandow - Cato Institute - 7/3/2022)
The Ongoing War on Christians: "The once-Christian West is now the most anti-Christian part of the planet." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 10/9/2023)
The Global Assault on Religious Freedom. (Brownstone Institute - 21/10/2024)
États-Unis |
California Judge Issues Restraining Order Against Anyone Attending Megachurch. (Pulpit and Pen - 12/8/2020)
Has California Become A Place Faithful Christians Cannot Live? (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 13/8/2020)
Breaking: CA Prosecutors Threaten New Criminal Charges for Megachurch Congregation: ‘Your Compliance is Mandatory’ . (Pulpit and Pen - 22/8/2020)
When They’re Done Burning Down Businesses, They’re Coming for Your Church Building. (Jeff Maples - Reformation Charlotte - 27/8/2020)
‘I Plead With You, Back Off’: California Church Fined Thousands For Meeting In-Person And Singing. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 29/8/2020)
‘It Must Stop’: California Church Pleads For Relief After County Fines Approach $60,000. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 6/9/2020)
Idaho Police Arrest 3 at Outdoor Church Worship Event in Defiance of Mask Mandate. (Ezra Dulis - Breitbart - 24/9/2020)
Churches, Christian Schools, and a Pro-Life Ministry Standing Up to Virginia’s Alarming New Law. (Sarah Kramer - CNS News - 29/9/2020)
Virginia Forces Christian Ministries to Adopt 'Government Ideology' or Pay $100K. (Tyler O'Neil - PJMedia - 30/9/2020)
Chris Cuomo: Get In The Closet, Serious Christians, Your Kind Aren’t Welcome In Public Life: The left believes Christians should be free to worship whatever sky-fairies they want, providing it’s a part-time commitment behind closed doors. (Carina Benton - The Federalist - 19/10/2020)
‘I Have No Idea Why’: Vietnamese Baptist Church Torched During Philly Protests. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 29/10/2020)
Biden Pledges to Gut Religious Freedom Protections, Saying They Give 'Hate' a 'Safe Harbor'. (Tyler O'Neil - PJMedia - 30/10/2020)
Antifa bro smashes up Portland church so now it's forced to close shelter, halt homeless program that provides meals to hundreds daily: Way to go, comrade. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 6/11/2020)
Billionaire asked to retract false statements. (Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 9/11/2020)
30-Year Military Chaplain Fired from Air Force His Crime? Biblical Views on Sexual Morality. (Eric Phillips - FaithWire - 20/11/2020)
Democrats in congress now backing a group calling to silence christians on the ‘religious right’ and a purge of ‘biblical principles’ in America. (Geoffrey Grider - Now the End Begins - 19/12/2020)
Gay activists tell Biden to strip accreditation from Bible-believing schools. (WIntery Knight - 22/11/2020)
Suspect goes on stabbing rampage at California church; at least 2 dead: Several other people were injured. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 23/11/2020)
You Can’t Be Free Without This. (PRAGERU - Daily Wire - 23/11/2020) -> the nation’s largest legal firm dedicated exclusively to protecting individual liberty warns viewers of the growing threat to religious freedom in the United States.
Lawsuit: Christian Claims NJ Starbucks Fired Her for Refusing to Wear ‘Pride’ T-Shirt. (Dr. Susan Berry - Breitbart - 27/11/2020)
'We're Not Ready': Pastor Andrew Brunson Predicts Worsening Religious Persecution In U.S. Regardless Of Election Outcome: "I believe that persecution is still coming and it's coming quickly and it's coming soon." (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 8/12/2020)
SCOTUS Hears Case of Christian Student Barred from Sharing His Faith on College Campus. (Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. - Breitbart - 12/1/2021)
Thanks To Supreme Court Cowardice, The Government Is Still Persecuting Jack Phillips For Being A Christian: Jack Phillips is not being persecuted for discrimination against LGBT people, but for religious beliefs and practices the Colorado Civil Rights Commission deems in need of correction. (Dennis Weisman - The Federalist - 25/6/2021)
'Brownshirts of Biden And Fauci': Pastor Maced at Portland Prayer Rally Alleges Police Complicit in Antifa Ambus:h "It was a total setup." (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 11/8/2021
Nineteen state attorneys general warn JPMorgan Chase & Co. about discrimination: 'Not an anomaly'. (Vivek Saxena - BPR - 3/5/2023)
Arrested For 'Disrespecting' an LGBT March. (Paul Joseph Watson - InfoWars - 6/6/2023)
Pro-LGBTQ mayor says freedom of speech doesn't apply to man arrested after trying to quote Bible at Pride rally. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 12/6/2023)
Young Man Arrested for Preaching the Gospel Outside Drag Queen Event for Children: "According to the authorities, children can now be exposed to what was once regarded as 'adult entertainment,' but adult entertainers and their supporters should be protected from being exposed to the Gospel. Evil is now good. Good is now evil." (Caldron Pool - 2/8/2023)
Christian leader in critical condition after being shot in head preaching: 'People are following darkness instead of light'. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 17/11/2023)
FBI's sinister anti-Christian 'PATCON' program is the internet's best kept secret. Until now…. (Revolver - 12/5/2024)
Left-Wing 'Smear Factory' SPLC Doxxes Babylon Bee-Linked Writers SPLC was founded by a supporter of segregationist George Wallace who saw an opportunity to make money by likening moderate groups to the KKK. (Luke Rosiak - DailyWire - 19/11/2024)
Colorado To Pay $1.5 Million To Christian Web Designer After Losing Supreme Court Case. (Matthew Vadum/The Epoch Times - Zero Hedge - 22/11/2024)
Europe |
Une ex-ministre risque la prison pour un verset biblique. (Nicolas - RebootInfo - 5/2/2022)
Grèce : L'ancien joueur de football Vassilis Tsiartas condamné à de la prison pour avoir dit que Dieu a créé Adam et Ève. (Le feu de ta presence777 - 12/11/2022)
Where the Reformation flourished, religious liberty may die out: Officials in Geneva crack down on public baptisms, citing a secularization law. (Peter Randewijk- World Mag - 31/5/2024)
Angleterre |
L'absurde déni de crédit à des associations étudiantes chrétiennes sous le prétexte de discrimination envers les non-chrétiens. Jean Degert
Discriminations anti-chrétiennes et prédicateurs de rue arrêtés: comment la Grande-Bretagne en arrive à transformer le Christianisme en délit. (BlogDei)
Christian ministry to sue bank over dropping account due to gay reparative therapy. (Michael Gryboski - Christian Post - 9/11/2020)
Stop picking on Christians: Anti-Christian sentiment is on the rise among certain sections of the British establishment. (Jamie Gillies - Spiked - 5/52021)
Human rights lawyers want 'tracking systems' to monitor pastors who do 'conversion therapy'. (Mike Judge - Evangelical Times - 1/11/2021)
British police versus Christians: can Dia Moodley preach? (David Scott - UK Column - audio 34 minutes - 28/9/2022)
NHS Nurse's Fight for Freedom of Belief. (UK Column - video interview, 58 minutes - 24/11/2022) -> Cultural Marxism's long march through the institutions has captured the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in North London. Tavistock's clinical training now includes lectures on "whiteness" and the problematic and "racist" nature of Christianity.
The Bible "No Longer Appropriate In Modern Society," Says Crown Prosecution Service: "There are references in the bible which are simply no longer appropriate in modern society and which would be deemed offensive if stated in public," lawyers claimed. (Caldron Pool - 28/11/2022)
Woman Arrested For Silently Praying: Outside an abortion clinic. (Paul Joseph Watson
- Summit News - 23/12/2022)
British pro-life advocate again arrested for 'thoughtcrime' of silent prayer near abortion clinic. (Mark A. Kellner - The Washington Times - 6/3/2023)
When will the Brits rethink their 'thought crime' of praying? (Parrish Alford - American Family News - 26/9/2023)
I was sacked as a school chaplain for my Christian beliefs: When I delivered a sermon criticising wokeness, I was dismissed from my job and reported to Prevent. (Bernard Randall - Spiked - 4/12/2023)
Police Threaten to Arrest Street Preachers Over 'Hate Crime' of Preaching Gospel. (Protestia - 17/2/2024)
Royaume-Uni: Une association juridique chrétienne s'inquiète de la nouvelle définition du terme «extrémisme». (Charlotte Moulin - Évangéliques.Info - 19/3/2024)
Two-tier policing is real – just ask Christians: A street preacher was assaulted for expressing his beliefs… And then the police arrested him. (Paul Sapper - Spiked - 18/10/2024)
France |
France: La foi sous surveillance, interview du pasteur de Mulhouse Samuel Peterschmitt (2003)
Une plainte déposée contre un maire évangélique opposé au mariage pour tous. (Marie Lefebvre-Billiez - Ré - 2020)
Lettres d'un pasteur en prison. (Guy de Brès - Samizdat - 1567)
Canada/Québec |
L’épreuve de la foi de cette génération de leaders évangéliques québécois. Paul Gosselin
State Controlled Sermons: Judge Orders Pastor to Preach Health Orders from Pulpit "They're telling me what I can and cannot preach," Pawlowski said. "They're telling me that every time I want to address the public, I have to spew their lie first in order for me to deliver my message. That's China. That's North Korea." (Caldron Pool - 18/10/2021)
EN PRISON À CAUSE DE SON NOM ! Entrevue avec le Pasteur David Lynn. (TheoVox - 2021)
10 cops arrest pastor as he protests drag queen reading for kids; he spends Easter in jail — his latest stint behind bars for standing up to such events in Canada. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 10/4/2023)
Justice Centre defends religious freedom in Quebec. (Alexandra Lavoie - Rebel News - 16/11/2024)
JD Vance denounces anti-Christian bigotry in Canada: The incoming vice president responded to Conservative MP Jamil Jivani's social media video sounding the alarm over growing anti-Christian sentiment in government and corporations. (Rebel News - 6/12/2024
Demand letter sent to Premier Legault following remarks about banning public prayer. (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 10/12/2024)
La persécution hypocrite des évangéliques au Québec. Paul Gosselin
Australie |
New Legislation Could See Christians in Victoria Jailed for 10 Years for Attempting to Convert People. (Caldron Pool - 25/11/2020)
Bill Muehlenberg Erased. (Caldron Pool - 27/5/2021)
PLEASE STAND WITH THIS PERSECUTED AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIAN: This Christian doctor desperately needs your support. (Bill Muehlenberg - 21/8/2021)
Let's Finish Off Christian Schools: The Andrews Government perpetual war on Christianity. (Bill Muehlenberg - 16/9/2021)
Christians Will Not Be Tolerated "...within hours of my appointment being announced, the media and leaders of our community had spoken. They made it clear that my Christian faith and my association with a Church are unacceptable in our culture if you wish to hold a leadership position in society." (Bill Muehlenberg - Caldron Pool - 5/10/2022)
Monde musulman |
Les chrétiens sous la férule des Ayatollahs. Frédéric Goguel
Une lettre à l'église globale de l'église protestante de Smyrne. Darlene N. Bocek
Au moins 7 personnes incarcérées en Iran suite à des rafles durant la période de Noël. Nicolas Ciarapica
Nigerian Pastor Says Government 'Fully' Supports Killings of Christians: Report. (Leif Le Mahieu - DailyWire - 5/9/2021)
Nigerian Journalist Arrested After Reporting on Attacks Against Christians. (Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. - Breitbart -23/11/2021 )
We Need to Talk About the Islamist Genocide of Nigerian Christians "Westerners being muted on the matter is a stark contrast to 2020's black squares, black power fists, BLM protests, and the blank cheque pandering to the 'Black Lives Matter' narrative." (Rod Lampard - CaldronPool - 2/6/2022)
The persecution of Christians can no longer be ignored Fifty worshippers were gunned down in Nigeria, and Western leaders have barely noticed. (Paul Coleman - Spiked - 10/6/2022)
Victims Demand an End to Pakistan's Unjust Islamic Blasphemy Laws:s "Pressured into converting to Islam, on the premise her death sentence would become life in prison, Shagufta refused, declaring 'I would rather be hanged than deny Jesus Christ.'" (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 9/12/2022)
Nigerians demand change after deadly Christmas carnage: The peace march comes as violent attacks still plague Christian communities in the north. (Onize Ohikere - World Mag - 12/1/2024)
The shameful silence over Nigeria's persecuted Christians Western leaders are turning a blind eye to Islamist violence. (Paul Coleman - Spiked - 19/3/2024)
Whole Christian Communities Have Been Wiped Out In Nigeria, New Report Says: "Now, all the churches in Gwoza have been destroyed by Boko Haram," one Christian said. (Leif Le Mahieu - DailyWire - 3/9/2024)
Chine |
China Arrests at Least Ten Christians in Raid of Private Bible Study. (Gabrielle Reyes - Breitbart - 19/3/2021)
Like Paul, Chinese Christians counting everything as loss. (Charlie Butts - American Family News - 5/9/2022)
Re-Writing God's Word: China Is Following The Nazis' Playbook In Its Tactics Against The Church. (Rob Schwarzwalder - Harbinger's Daily - 27/1/2024)
Cuba |
Cuban Evangelical Journalist: 'There Is Nothing Less True than That Christians Cannot Get into Politics'. (Frances Martel - Breitbart - 10/2/2023)
Pour en savoir plus sur le Laogai (l'équivalent du Gulag soviétique) où un grand nombre de chrétiens travaillent dans les camps de travaux forcés voir le Laogai Research Foundation