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Seuls les hypocrites parlent de supprimer les discours haineux tandis que s'ils étaient honnêtes ils parleraient de supprimer les discours qu'ils ont pris en haine.
Only hypocrites talk about suppressing "Hate Speech" when (if they were honest) they would be talking about suppressing speech they hate. (PG)De toutes les tyrannies, une tyrannie exercée avec sincérité, pour le bien de ses victimes peut être la plus oppressive. Il vaudrait mieux vivre sous le joug d'un seigneur féodal pillard que sous le pouvoir des emmerdeurs moraux omnipotents. La cruauté du seigneur féodal peut dormir à l'occasion, sa cupidité peut parfois être assouvie; mais ceux qui nous tourmentent pour notre propre bien, nous tourmenteront sans fin, car ils le font avec l'approbation de leur propre conscience*.
(C. S. Lewis - God in the Dock)L'intolérance n'existe qu'à la condition que ça atteints des personnes dont je partage les croyances/valeurs
Intolerance only exists if it targets people who's beliefs/values I share (PG)Surely, no government can be expected to foster its own subversion, but in a democracy such a right is vested in the people (i.e. in the majority of the people). This means that the ways should not be blocked on which a subversive majority could develop, and if they are blocked by organized repression and indoctrination, their reopening may require apparently undemocratic means. They would include the withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and movements which promote aggressive policies, armament, chauvinism, discrimination on the grounds of race and religion, or which oppose the extension of public services, social security, medical care, etc. Moreover, the restoration of freedom of thought may necessitate new and rigid restrictions on teachings and practices in the educational institutions which, by their very methods and concepts, serve to enclose the mind within the established universe of discourse and behavior--thereby precluding a priori a rational evaluation of the alternatives.
(Herbert Marcuse - Repressive Tolerance - 1969)Les relativistes dirigent leurs attaques seulement contre ceux qu’ils affublent de l’épithète positiviste, c’est-à-dire le non-relativiste occidental, mais passent sous silence le conflit/désaccord qui les sépare du fondamentalisme religieux [non-occidental]. Leur attitude est, en somme, la suivante: l’absolutisme doit être toléré seulement s’il est suffisamment étrange sur le plan culturel. Ce n’est que chez soi qu’ils ne peuvent le tolérer.*
(Ernest Gellner - Postmodernism, Reason and Religion. 1992)La tyrannie consiste au désir de domination, universel et hors de son ordre.
(Pascal - Pensées 332)Ceux qui utilisent le plus souvent les expressions "Fake News" ou "désinformation" ont probablement quelque chose à cacher et exploitent ces expression pour jeter la poudre aux yeux (distraction...) de ceux qui pourraient poser des questions sérieuses... (Anonyme)
The real hate crime these days is the Orwellian intimidation wielded by the Left against those that don't think the way they do. It's worse than waterboarding."
(Andrew Breitbart, 1969 – 2012)Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream...
(Malcolm Muggeridge)Désinformation
Si on décode en langage non-ambigu ce terme ça veut dire: "Je n'aime PAS cette affirmation, opinion ou perspective et donc je lui colle l'étiquette "désinformation". Ça ne signifie rien d'autre... Évidemment ce terme ne dit strictement RIEN sur la vérité ou la non-vérité d’une opinion ou perspective. Il faut noter d'ailleurs que celui qui utilise l'étiquette "désinformation" rejette la liberté d'expression (celle des autres...) et préfère supprimer un débat ouvert où chacun sera libre de présenter ses arguments et où l'on pourrait arriver à la vérité sur les questions débattus. Celui qui utilise l'étiquette "désinformation" veut étouffer un tel débat.
(Paul Gosselin)The personality of this adversary comes in two forms, so to speak—although these two forms are inseparably linked. The fascist sacrifices his soul, which would enable him to confront change on his own, to the group, which promises to protect him from everything unknown. The decadent, by contrast, refuses to join the social world, and clings rigidly to his own ideas—merely because he is too undisciplined to serve as an apprentice. The fascist wants to crush everything different, and then everything; the decadent immolates himself, and builds the fascist from his ashes. The bloody excesses of the twentieth century, manifest most evidently in the culture of the concentration camp, stand as testimony to the desires of the adversary and as monument to his power.
(p. 307 - Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief - 1999 Routledge)Attaché à l'humanisme [et tout le projet des Lumières], il y a comme un désir de mort inhérent, un mouvement impulsif qui le pousse à combattre les sources de nos libertés et de notre culture. (Francis Schaeffer - L'héritage du christianisme. 1976)
Le mépris du nationalisme par les élites postmodernes occidentaux n'est qu'une expression de leur mépris de la démocratie et du peuple.
(Paul Gosselin)L’avantage principal, pour les médias, de contrôler le contexte d'expression, est le fait qu'il n'est plus nécessaire de procéder à une censure ouverte pour éliminer les adversaires idéologiques. Le contrôle du contexte d'expression a le même effet, tout en gardant le masque de la «tolérance». On joue sur tous les plans… La censure existe donc dans le contexte postmoderne, mais il s’agit d’une censure hypocrite, une censure qui ne se reconnaît pas et qui ne s’avoue pas. Il s’agit d’une censure à deux faces, qui fait taire le discours critique et qui l’exploite à ses propres fins.
(Gosselin - Fuite de l'Absolu vol. I 2006)Extreme diversity of opinion makes certain individuals uncomfortable; it affronts their own opinions. Then this discontent brings together a group that opposes pluralism in the name of some absolute, such as moral or national unity. This opposition to freedom of though must, according to that very thought, be tolerated, thus creating a general lack of direction that a dictator will supply. What is curious about 20th [century] dictatorships is that with their powerful means of repression they fear the slightest murmur of dissent. A careless word, a mistimed joke is enough to suggest heresy. This remains true under present-day "political correctness", but so far the penalties have been mild - opprobrium, loss of employment, and virtual exclusion from the profession.
(page 272 - Barzun, Jacques (2000) From Dawn to Decadence : 1500 to the Present, 500 Years of Western Cultural Life. HarperCollins New York)A man who has lived in many places is not likely to be deceived by the local errors of his native village; the scholar has lived in many times and is therefore in some degree immune from the great cataract of nonsense that pours from the press and microphone of his own age.
(C. S. Lewis - The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses, "Learning in War-Time")« Nos élites médiatiques parlent souvent d'Islamophobie, mais ne songeraient jamais de parler de nazismophobie. Cela expose une décision délibérée de leur part de faire de l'Islam, un cas à part, une idéologie/religion au-dessus de la critique alors que d'autres religions/systèmes de croyances n'auront pas droit à ce statut. Inévitablement cela pose la question: Pourquoi ce statut protégé pour l'islam, mais pas pour d'autres religions/idéologies? Nos élites occidentaux ne sont pas musulmans, alors quel est leur but? »
(Paul Gosselin 2017)Sous l'impitoyable poussée d'une surpopulation qui s'accélère, d'une organisation dont les excès vont s'aggravant et par le moyen de méthodes toujours plus efficaces de manipulation mentale, les démocraties changeront de nature. Les vieilles formes pittoresques — élections, parlements, hautes cours de justice — demeureront, mais la substance sous-jacente sera une nouvelle forme de totalitarisme non violent. Toutes les appellations traditionnelles, tous les slogans consacrés resteront exactement ce qu'ils étaient au bon vieux temps, la démocratie et la liberté seront les thèmes de toutes les émissions radiodiffusés et de tous les éditoriaux — mais une démocratie, une liberté au sens strictement pickwickien du terme. Entre-temps, l'oligarchie au pouvoir et son élite hautement qualifiée de soldats, de policiers, de fabricants de pensée, de manipulateurs mentaux mènera tout et tout le monde comme bon lui semblera.
(Aldous Huxley - Retour au meilleur des mondes)La gauche [= postmodernes] a bien compris que plus il y a des gens croient au christianisme (et au judaïsme), moins la gauche a de chances de gagner du pouvoir. La gauche ne se préoccupe pas de l'islam, car elle perçoit l'islam comme un allié dans sa guerre contre la civilisation occidentale, et aussi parce que les gauchistes n'ont pas le courage d'affronter l'islam. Ils savent que confronter des musulmans religieux peut être fatal, alors que confronter des chrétiens religieux ne comporte aucun risque.*
(Dennis Prager: Why The Left Doesn't Like Christmas. DailyWire - 21/12/2019)Puisque dans les États postmodernes on n’admet pas l’existence d’une loi transcendante, universelle, au-dessus de l’État, il faut alors admettre que ce sont désormais les juges des tribunaux supérieurs qui définissent ce qu’est le bien et le mal à la fois pour la société et la religion postmoderne. Cette attitude à l’égard de la religion est fort commune en Occident postmoderne. Mais il y a lieu de se demander si de tels juges avaient présidé au XVIIIe ou au XIXe siècles, serait-il raisonnable de croire que Wilberforce et ses confrères du mouvement anti-esclavagiste auraient pu parvenir à leurs buts, car ces derniers évoquaient, sans fausse pudeur, les convictions judéo-chrétiennes qui motivaient leurs interventions. Chose certaine, (...) il y a fort à parier que l’Occident tolérerait toujours l’esclavage.
(Gosselin - Fuite de l'Absolu vol. I 2006)We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next half century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives. This task does not consist solely in overcoming an ideological opponent, but must be accompanied at every step by a positive impetus: in this case that means the reconstruction of the German heritage in the widest and most comprehensive sense.
(Heinrich Himmler - 1937)The transition from free speech to enforced silence it no doubt painful. What torment for a living society, used to thinking for itself, to lose from some decreed date the right to express itself in print and in public, to bite back its words year in and year out, in friendly conversation and even under the family roof. (p. 4)
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, "As Breathing and Consciousness Return," published in From Under the Rubble. [1974] Regnery Gateway Chicago IL 308 p.A good case can be made that medieval anti-Hebraism and its modern offspring anti-Semitism are both forms of God-hatred, masquerading as self-justifying intolerance. The hatred of Christians for Jews may have its ultimate source in hatred of God, a hatred that the hater must carefully keep himself from knowing about. Why would one hate God? To find the answer we probably need look no further that the stark, unyielding Ten [Commandments].
(Thomas Cahill - The Gifts of the Jews - 1998)Au 21e siècle, la Bête qui confronte les chrétiens en Occident est différente et a un autre sorte de poil… Cette Bête est souriante et (en général) elle garde ses griffes rétractées. Au 20e siècle, les idéologies modernes, dont le nazisme et le communisme de type stalinien, ont exploité des moyens brutaux et coercitifs pour faire fléchir l’opposition et imposer une certaine uniformité de l’opinion. Et au 20e siècle, il y eut évidemment des chrétiens exemplaires comme Deitrich Bonhoeffer et Richard Wurmbrand qui ont eu le courage de se tenir debout devant le mensonge oppresseur ainsi que le courage de payer le prix pour leur foi et leur prise de position. Mais je pense très important que les chrétiens de cette génération comprennent certains aspects uniques et nouveaux de la situation qui nous confronte en Occident.
Le truc c’est qu’en Occident nos élites postmodernes ont appris une leçon très importante de cette expérience du 20e siècle. Ils ont constaté que les méthodes brutales et coercitives jettent les cartes sur table et attirent à celui qui les utilise des ennemis déterminés. Un ennemi à découvert, comme un régime communiste, force le chrétien à faire une réflexion très sérieuse au sujet de sa foi et de ses convictions et ensuite poser des gestes en conséquence. En somme, les méthodes brutales et coercitives rendent la situation idéologique (et les enjeux) trop claire. On peut supposer que les dirigeants de la Chine communiste actuelle font face à cette réalité, c'est-à-dire faisant face à une église chrétienne chinoise purifiée et courageuse devant la persécution. Ayant appris cette leçon, nos élites postmodernes ont donc mis de côté la persécution et la violence ouverte et s’appuient avant tout sur un pouvoir dissimulé et hypocrite ainsi que sur la manipulation et de petites attaques indirectes, venues d’ici et ensuite de là... Ainsi, dans notre génération, l’État n’est plus le foyer unique de leur pouvoir. Ils sont bien plus subtils, plus marketing, que les nazis ne l'ont jamais été. Pas besoin d’envoyer les chrétiens aux pelotons d’exécution ou en Sibérie… Nos élites postmodernes sont donc bien installées chez Google, NetFlix, Apple, Microsoft, YouTube, FaceBook, dans le système d’éducation, etc... Le pouvoir postmoderne est décentralisé, donc plus difficile à cerner.
Il faut ajouter, pour ce qui est du renoncement des moyens coercitifs (violence, brutalité et menace physique) par nos élites postmodernes, je pense qu’il faut ajouter qu’il s’agit d’un renoncement uniquement stratégique et non pas un renoncement par principe, c'est-à-dire que pour le moment les méthodes manipulatrices leur semblent assez efficaces pour parvenir à leurs objectifs de transformation sociale... Mais comme on le voit bien dans le mouvement Antifa (comparables aux chemises brunes des nazis), lorsque les postmodernes considèrent qu'ils sont près de réaliser leurs objectifs sociaux, leur comportement démontre que cela leur gène pas de supprimer le droit de parole des autres par des moyens de plus en plus coercitifs (intimidation, menaces, pertes d'emploie et violence).
(Gosselin - janv. 2020)For it is confidently reported, that two young gentlemen of real hopes, bright wit, and profound judgment, who, upon a thorough examination of causes and effects, and by the mere force of natural abilities, without the least tincture of learning, having made a discovery that there was no God, and generously communicating their thoughts for the good of the public, were some time ago, by an unparalleled severity, and upon I know not what obsolete law, broke for blasphemy. And as it has been wisely observed, if persecution once begins, no man alive knows how far it may reach, or where it will end.
(Jonathan Swift 1708 An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity)Malheur à ceux qui appellent le mal bien, et le bien mal, Qui changent les ténèbres en lumière, et la lumière en ténèbres, Qui changent l’amertume en douceur, et la douceur en amertume! (Isaïe 5: 20)
Detestation for any ethic which worships success is one of my chief reasons for disagreeing with most communists. In my experience they tend, when all else fails, to tell me that I ought to forward the revolution because 'it is bound to come'. One dissuaded me from my own position on the shockingly irrelevant ground that if I continued to hold it I should, in good time, be 'mown down'— argued, as a cancer might argue if it could talk, that he must be right because he could kill me.
(C. S. Lewis - “A Reply to Professor Haldane.” published in On Stories and Other Essays on Literature. 1966/1975 Harper-Collins. 117-118)Dans la bouche du postmoderne, l'accusation d'intolérance est d'une gravité qui se rapproche de l’accusation de sorcellerie au Moyen Âge. L'intolérant est celui qui pollue/souille l'ordre social, celui qui remet en question les idées dominantes. Il est le nouvel hérétique...
(Gosselin - Fuite de l'Absolu vol. I 2006)La conception de la liberté autonome de Rousseau se heurta à sa propre description quand il passa de l’individu à la société. Dans le Contrat social, de 1762, il écrit: « Afin donc que le pacte social ne soit pas un vain formulaire, il renferme tacitement cet engagement qui seul peut donner de la force aux autres, que quiconque refusera d’obéir à la volonté générale y sera contraint par tout le corps: ce qui ne signifie autre chose sinon qu’on le forcera d’être libre. » Une fois de plus, un humanisme utopique finit par la tyrannie, soit dans les écrits de Rousseau, soit sous le règne de la Terreur, qui poussa ce point de vue jusqu’à sa conclusion logique. Robespierre, le roi de la Terreur, réglera rationnellement ses actions, en disciple doctrinaire de Rousseau.
(Francis Schaeffer - How Should we Then Live?/L’héritage du christianisme - 1976)Are you Woke? Are you manipulated?
If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
(George Orwell - Preface to Animal Farm 1945)« En Occident, au 21e siècle, ceux qui parlent le plus souvent de tolérance, sont, en général, les plus intolérants. »
(Paul Gosselin - 2008)In the title essay of his collection, "There is No Such Thing as Free Speech and It's a Good Thing, Too," Fish forsakes philosophy in order to suggest suavely that it might be a good idea to shut some people up. Who would argue? Not me. But those whom Fish wishes to silence I am prepared to encourage; those that he encourages I would see silenced. Controversy over cases inevitably remains, prompting the corrosive suspicion that if there is no agreement on who is to be silenced, it might be the better part of wisdom to leave off silencing anyone.
(David Berlinisky - Human Nature - 2019: 85)L'intolérance postmoderne (cancel culture) c'est l'Inquisition des hypocrites...
(Paul Gosselin - 2020)«Fake News» = Opinion non-approuvée par l'Inquisition postmoderne. (Anonyme)
* Pour une explication de ce qu'est le système de croyances postmoderne, voir Fuite de l'Absolu vol. 1.
- Les articles sont en ordre chronologiques, les plus récents au début de la liste. / Articles are in chronological order, with the most recent at the top.
Freedom from Religion Foundation adopts 'the very orthodoxy' it was created to fight Group's gender ideology 'is itself quasi-religious, having many aspects of religions and cults'. (Bob Unruh - World Net Daily - 3/1/2025)
Canada's Rainbow Mafia will ruin you for dissenting thought If you dare espouse a contrarian opinion, human rights tribunals will ruin you financially. (David Menzies - Rebel News - 26/12/2024)
Meet the jihadist offended by a pub sign: The row over the Saracens Head Inn reveals the striking affinity between Islamism and wokism. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 16/12/2024)
How the left fell to authoritarianism: Luke Conway's Liberal Bullies gets to the heart of what turned today's progressives into tyrants. (Patrick West - Spiked - 15/12/2024)
Free Speech Row as Durham University Debate Society Banned by Student Union Over "DEI Non-Compliance". (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 3/10/2024)
Why did a Brussels bookshop cancel my book launch? The capital of the EU has become a no-go zone for dissent. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 26/9/2024)
Eurocrats Are Having a Very Big Sad About Twitter Right Now. (Eugyppius - Daily Skeptic - 21/8/2024) -> Breton vs. Musk...
Le psychologue Jordan Peterson condamné à un stage de rééducation pour ses critiques du wokisme. (Le Média en 4-4-2 - 14/8/2024)
Elon Musk vs the globalist censors: Australia's demand that X take down a violent video clip in every country in the world is wildly authoritarian. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 25/4/2024)
Australian Senator Says Elon Musk Should "Be In Jail And The Key Be Thrown Away:" Musk is under relentless attack from Aussie officials for allowing free speech on X. (Steve Watson - Modernity - 24/4/2024) -> one could get the impression that the Australian government feels threatened by freedom of speech...
'Totalitarian': 'Monty Python' Star John Cleese Blasts Cancel Culture. (Katie Jerkovich - DailyWire - 23/4/2024)
"Outrage en ligne" : Un nouveau délit jugé liberticide fait son entrée dans le projet de loi numérique SREN. (France-Soir - 3/4/2024)
Un roman réussi contre le totalitarisme woke. (Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Libre Média - 3/4/2024)
The Scottish Hate Crime Act has descended into farce Scottish Police are already overwhelmed with bogus complaints of 'hate'. (Thomas Osborne - Spiked - 3/4/2024)
R.I.P. The Scottish Enlightenment 1697-2024. (C.J. Strachan - Daily Skeptic - 20/3/2024) -> regarding the Hate Crime and Public Order Act (Scotland)
Report: Scottish Police Trained to Target Actors And Comedians Under Hate Crime Laws: Training materials claim "threatening and abusive" material can be communicated "through public performance". (Steve Watson - Modernity - 19/3/2024)
Justice Jackson Says It's Time to Abolish the First Amendment. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 19/3/2024) -> clearly the postmodern elites would prefer to rule over mindless zombies...
Free Speech Is Dead in Europe: Belgium's conviction of Dries Van Langenhove is proof. (Nate Hochman - The American Spectator - 13/3/2024)
UK's 'Islamophobia Is Racism' Backdoor Blasphemy Law Would Ban Criticism of Islam "Adopting a formal definition of 'Islamophobia' is a back door to Islamic blasphemy laws, which prevent open criticism of Islam's beliefs and practices." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 12/3/2024)
C-63, une atteinte à la liberté d'expression extrêmement grave. (Olivier Séguin - Libre Média - 4/3/2024)
Free speech is under attack all over: From nutty defamation verdicts to federal warnings about "misinformation," from French efforts to criminalize vaccine criticism to Germany's political crackdown, democracies no longer want debate. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 21/2/2024)
Marc Menant : «Cinquante ans de métier et enfin je vais connaître la censure !». (CNEWS - X - vidéo, 2 minutes - 13/2/2024)
The hate we refuse to name: A new report on the intimidation of politicians ignores the foul behaviour of Islamists and trans activists. (Ella Whelan - Spiked - 9/2/2024)
Growing hostility revealed toward Christians in the West. (Parrish Alford - American Family News - 2/2/2024) -> Speaking out biblically about issues such as homosexuality, same-sex "marriage," and transgenderism are actions that more and more are resulting in Christians being punished by their governments … even in countries where "free speech" used to be a given.
Why won't the police leave street preachers alone? British police are constantly arresting Christians for expressing their beliefs in public. (Andrew Tettenborn - Spiked - 24/1/2024)
How the radical left learned to love state censorship: In the Welling riots 30 years ago, phoney anti-fascists laid the groundwork for today's free-speech wars. (Neil Davenport - Spiked - 5/12/2023)
"The Responsibility to Not Report": Irish Journalist Defends Suppressing Stories For The Public Good. (Jonathan Turley - Zero Hedge - 4/12/2023)
Bloc Québécois bill seeks to eliminate religious belief as a defense against 'hate speech' 'This Bloc Quebecois bill is just a Trojan Horse to enable future pogroms against Christians and any religious believer from other faiths who publicly disagree with LGBT ideology,' reacted Campaign Life Coalition's Jack Fonseca. (Clare Marie Merkowsky - LifeSite - 30/11/2023)
'Safe debate' means no debate: A tyranny of hurt feelings is ruining university debating societies. (Omar Loubak Mohamed - Spiked - 28/11/2023)
Why are libraries hiding gender-critical books? Libraries are pandering to the demands of the LGBT lobby. (Carrie Clark - Spiked - 7/11/2023)
British Police Begin Arresting Citizens Who Break Sharia Law. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 1/11/2023)
Libraries are being destroyed from within: The public does not need protection from 'problematic' texts. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 30/10/2023) -> It should go without saying that it is not a library's job to designate which books in its collection are problematic. Academics and their students ought to have the moral and intellectual maturity to deal with the content of the books they read.
My Response to Rules I Don't Accept is to Break Them. (Lionel Shriver - Daily Sceptic - 25/10/2023) -> a novelist rants about the Woke Inquisition...
Ian McEwan is right to take on the sensitivity readers: A fear of causing offence is the enemy of artistic freedom. (Nick Tyrone - Spiked - 18/10/2023)
Blasphemy laws for the 21st century: Paul Coleman and Brendan O'Neill discuss how expressing everyday opinions became a crime. (Paul Coleman + Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - podcast, 56 minutes - 21/9/2023)
UK Gov't Order Police to Begin Arresting Citizens Who Get Fact Checked Online. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 21/9/2023)
Police drop AVO against women's rights advocate over online comments about trans footballer Kirralie Smith faces relief as NSW police withdraw an AVO linked to her criticism of a transgender athlete in women's football. (James Macpherson - Rebel News - 18/9/2023) -> AVO = Apprehended Violence Order
"The Woke Left Has Inherited The Stalinists' Hatred of Freedom", Warns British Columnist. (Olivier Bault/Remix News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 30/8/2023)
Why Did the Co-op Debank Feminists – But Let Rose West Keep Her Account? (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 26/8/2023)
Shock Retraction of Climate Science Paper Showing No Climate Emergency Draws Comparisons with Climategate Scandal. (Chris Morrison - Daily Skeptic - 26/8/2023)
Denmark's Plans for Jail Term for Burning Quran in Public Prompt Fears of Return of Blasphemy Laws to Europe to Appease Violent Muslims. (Will Jones - Daily Skeptic - 26/8/2023)
L'ONU annonce la création d'une "armée digitale" pour lutter contre une "désinformation meurtrière". (France-Soir- 25/8/2023) -> pour s'amuser, remplacez le mot désinformation par le terme hérésie...
Elite Crackdown on Free Speech Worldwide Intensifies: From North America to Australia to Europe, elites seek censorship, privacy invasions, and the prosecution of wrongthink as "pre-crime". (Michael Shellenberger - Public - 24/8/2023)
'Trans Rights' Protesters Spit on, Attack Women Attending 'Save Women's Sports' Bill Signing Ceremony. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 8/8/2023)
Everyone should have the right to insult Islam: No religion, idea, prophet or god should be protected from ridicule. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 3/8/2023) -> Sharia law becomes applicable in Europe...
Ireland's Draconian, Anti-Free Speech Law. (Toby Young - Daily Skeptic - 29/6/2023)
Collecting old books is now a radical act: Our literary past is being adulterated beyond recognition. (Philip Kiszely - Spiked - 25/6/2023)
The rise of the liberal apostate: They are far more compelling than the likes of DeSantis. (Joel Kotkin - UnHerd - 21/6/2023)
The revolutionary power of heresy: Freedom of speech has toppled tyrants and propelled humanity forward. We lose it at our peril. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 17/6/2023)
In Our Woke Universities, Even an Allegation Without Evidence Can Get You Cancelled. (Dr. Roger Watson - Daily Skeptic - 14/6/2023) -> this is how the Postmodern Inquisition works...
'Trans' Censorship: YouTube SILENCES Jordan Peterson, Candace Owens, Michael Knowles. (Luis Cornelio - Media Research Center - 12/6/2023)
INGFASC - War Is Peace - Freedom Is Slavery - Ignorance Is Strength. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 10/6/2023)
Cancelled Christian event in Quebec sparks battle for religious freedom In a statement to Rebel News, Pastor Art clarifies that while his ministry shares pro-life values the event itself was not a pro-life event. 'The whole event is about reconciliation and unity.' (Drea Humphrey - RebelNews - 7/6/2023)
Arrested For 'Disrespecting' an LGBT March. (Paul Joseph Watson - InfoWars - 6/6/2023)
Oxford College Can Now Expel Students For Using The Wrong Pronouns. (Anthony Cash - DailyWire - 2/6/2023)
Three Years Jail for a 'Bigoted' Facebook Post?: "Social media giants, with all of their billions of dollars, have demonstrated that wrong-speak cannot be policed with either a fair or consistent approach. A prevailing ideology always ends up punishing religious dissent while pardoning the sins of their own." (Ben Davis - CaldronPool - 2/6/2023)
Rowan Atkinson on free speech
(The Christian Institute - YouTube - 9 minutes - 31/5/2023)
Religious Liberty Advocates Warn Tennessee Lawmakers About Dangers of Politically Motivated 'De-Banking'. (Leif Le Mahieu - DailyWire - 27/2/2024)
EU Official Threatens Twitter For Pulling Out of Anti-Disinfo Pact. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/5/2023)
Shellyne Rodriguez smirks, sports 'FTP' tattoo after being charged over machete threat. (Joe Marino, Khristina Narizhnaya and Emily Crane - New York Post - 25/5/2023)
The neutering of Monty Python: Trans activists are even more censorious than fundamentalist Christians. (Simon Evans - Spiked - 24/5/2023)
Shellyne Rodriguez, Unhinged NYC college professor who cursed out anti-abortion students, holds machete to Post reporter's neck. (Reuven Fenton and Emily Crane - New York Post - 23/5/2023)
It's Time to Put The Woke Tattletales Ruining America in Their Place. (Casey Chalk - The Federalist - 22/5/2023)
I have been censored for warning about censorship Joanna Williams's upcoming talk on free speech and gender ideology has been cancelled by an Ontario public library. (Joanna Williams - Spiked - 16/5/2023)
Author Salman Rushdie warns that West is closing in on free speech. (Tom Howell Jr. - The Washington Times - 16/5/2023)
The New Puritans must be stopped: A regressive, authoritarian ideology is cannibalising public life. (Andrew Doyle - Spiked - 4/5/2023)
NSW Police Hit Kirralie Smith With Trans-Activist Apprehended Violence Order: "I am 51, with a busted knee, and have never been violent in my life! It is not violence to speak the truth!" (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 3/5/2023)
Picasso and the arrogance of the new censors: The cultural elite has no right to tell us what art we can enjoy. (Darragh McManus - Spiked - 17/4/2023) -> Who claims the "right" to be a cultural censor??
The Tower For Twitter? UK Minister Calls For Jailing Social Media Bosses Who Do Not Censor Speech. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/4/2023)
Homosexual teacher explodes at kids: You'll be 'dealt with severely' for rejecting LGBT ideology 'You don't have a choice whether or not you learn about LGBT+ in this school,' the British teacher said. 'It's one of our values, and if you refuse to do it, that will be dealt with severely.' (Jonathon Van Maren - LifeSite - 12/4/2023)
A Prankster's Conviction Sends A Message: Anti-Regime Speech Is A Crime. (Jonathan S. Tobin - The Federalist - 11/4/2023)
As number of women rises in higher ed, free speech declines on campuses: survey. (Noelle Fitchett/TAMU - College Fix - 10/4/2023)
CS Lewis, Tolkien, Orwell among works tagged as triggers for 'far-right' extremism by anti-terrorism group: Author Douglas Murray said 'dogmatic' attitude of UK elites has also infected US. (Jon Brown - Fox News - 28/3/2023) -> all of which raises the question: On which ideologico-religious system is this UK anti-terrorism unit (Prevent) using as a basis to determine what "extremism" is???
Sam Harris: 'It's Time to Ban Conservatives From Having Opinions'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 20/3/2023)
The Regime's War to Make Memes Illegal. (Andrew Isker - Gab News - 16/3/2023)
Joe Rogan, Russell Brand Slam Critics Who've Labeled Them And Others 'Right-Wing' For Being Against 'Censorship'. (Katie Jerkovich - DailyWire - 3/3/2023)
When a Wakefield boy brought a Koran to school: A British schoolboy has been suspended and threatened for committing blasphemy. What century is this? (Tom Slater - Spiked - 27/2/2023) -> events that went down in a UK school... This is clear proof that political and civil leaders in the UK (and elsewhere) are inforcing Sharia law. Did anyone ask them to do this? If so who?
Prayer Is Becoming Criminal In The U.K. (Elyssa Koren - The Federalist - 14/2/2023)
'There's a war going on': Jeremy Clarkson of 'Top Gear' calls out the radical left's attack on normalcy and free speech. (Joseph Mackinnon - The Blaze - 25/1/2023)
Video: Dem Rep Lauds Bill To Make It Criminal For White People To Criticise Non White People: Implies Tucker Carlson could be prosecuted for speaking out against legislation. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 24/1/2023)
World Economic Forum declares "misinformation" a top "global risk": The pro-censorship group has released a new report to coincide with its annual event. (Summit News - 17/1/2023)
Tenure No Longer Protects Creationist Professors: Professor Change Laura Tan expelled: A new book about a new case. (Jerry Bergman - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 11/1/2023)
The Politics of Zero. (Dr James Alexander - Daily Skeptic - 9/1/2023)
Jordan Peterson ordered to enter 're-education' program in Canada over his comments, speech that 'may cause harm.' He's refusing to comply. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 5/1/2023)
Are You A "Thought Criminal"? (Michael Snyder/TheMostImportantNews - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 30/12/2022)
Elon Musk slams CISA censorship network as 'propaganda platform' This DHS-backed censorship network used 120 analysts to censor millions of social media posts on elections and covid-19. (KanekoaTheGreat - 28/12/2022) quote -> "One could argue we're in the business of critical infrastructure, and the most critical infrastructure is our cognitive infrastructure, so building that resilience to misinformation and disinformation, I think, is incredibly important," Jen Easterly, Biden's CISA said. In other words, any US citizen spreading what the government deemed "misinformation or disinformation" was now carrying out a cyber attack on critical US infrastructure.
'Monty Python' Alum John Cleese Slams 'Wokes' And The Current 'Thrill of Being Offended'. (Katie Jerkovich - DailyWire - 19/12/2022)
Number of colleges with heavy restrictions on free speech rises. (Michael Gryboski - The Christian Post - 16/12/2022)
La mairie de Paris annule un colloque sous la pression de militants LGBT. (Amaury Coutansais pervinquière - Le Figaro - 17/11/2022)
Grèce : L'ancien joueur de football Vassilis Tsiartas condamné à de la prison pour avoir dit que Dieu a créé Adam et Ève. (Le feu de ta presence777 - 12/11/2022)
Students are running scared from debate: I faced boycotts, protests and online abuse for giving a talk on trade tariffs at York University. (William Clouston - Spiked - 10/11/2022) -> Recourse to Brown Shirt tactics is clear evidence you have a weak/no argument...
California doctors sue Gov. Newsom over 'misinformation' law that would discipline physicians who provide COVID advice contrary to 'contemporary scientific consensus'. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 7/11/2022)
FBI Arrests 87-Year-Old Pro-Life Concentration Camp Survivor for Peacefully Protesting Abortion. (Steven Ertelt - LifeNews - 12/10/2022)
Behold, the Regime Unveils Its New Catchphrase for All Political Dissent: "Stochastic Terrorism". (Revolver - 12/10/2022)
The New McCarthyism: Leftist McCarthyism is alive and well. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 5/10/2022)
The Never-Ending Persecution of Jack Phillips. (David Harsanyi - The Federalist - 6/10/2022)
This Shocked Even Me: The Stasi returns. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 27/9/2022 ) -> Authorities in Germany are raiding people's homes for 'online hate speech'.
PayPal is trying to silence us: The co-founder of UsForThem speaks out against Big Tech censorship. (Molly Kingsley - Spiked - 23/9/2022)
Big Tech is waging financial war on dissenters: PayPal's banning of the Free Speech Union is its most sinister move yet. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 21/9/2022)
Ben Shapiro Exposes Canadian Media's Dishonest Bid to Silence Him. (Greg Wilson - DailyWire - 20/9/2022) -> This is what you do when you are intellectually LAZY have no argument to offer your opponent, you label him "extremist" or "far-right"... Saves a lot of time and effort...
Big Tech and the Erasure of History: The censorship of the tech thought police is a huge problem. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 12/9/2022)
Bank Terminates Client's Account After He Complains About Rainbow-Themed App. (Protestia - 27/8/2022)
Fighting the thoughtpolice Harry Miller talks to Brendan O'Neill about the British police's censorious turn. (Brendan O'Neill and Harry Miller - Spiked - 45 minutes - 4/8/2022)
UK Veteran Arrested for Posting Meme Criticising LGBTQ+ Lawfare: "If you criticise the new woke ideology, you criticise the Pride movement, you end up in cuffs. Know that citizens of Great Britain; whether you have served this country and have long medals for distinction and good service, you will end up in cuffs for expressing a perfectly legal view," Fox said. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 2/8/2022)
Christian university fights back: Seattle Pacific University sues Washington AG for violating its First Amendment rights. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 29/7/2022)
Bigotry Isn't Having a Different Opinion, It's Refusing to Tolerate Different Opinions: "Inclusiveness implies an acceptance of differences without demanding those differences be forfeit. It is to accept the person despite their differences, which is unlike the ideological tyrants who can only accept the person once those differences are renounced." (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 27/7/2022)
Dehumanization is Just Another Way to Kill (C. R. Carmichael - The Sacred Sandwich - 5/7/2022)
The Great Reset in Action: The Elites Want to End Freedom of the Press, Speech, and Expression. (Birsen Filip - Mises Institute - 1/7/2022)
Spotify Censors Rapper For Criticizing Pride Month: "You can rap about killing people all day and be fine though." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 23/6/2022)
Antifa Thugs Shout "You're Gonna DIE" At Women's Rights Activists. (Steve Watson- InfoWars - 20/6/2022)
'Mr. Bean' star Rowan Atkinson hits back at cancel culture: 'The job of comedy is to offend'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 18/6//2022)
'Pure Madness': Noam Chomsky Says Social Media Censorship Means Freedom of Speech is Dead In America. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 14/6/2022)
Reaction to Musk Offer Suggests Content Moderation More About Control Than Safety. (Kalev Leetaru/RealClear Politics - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/4/2022)
YouTuber Who Said Cancel Culture Was A Good Thing Gets Cancelled. (Paul Joseph Watson/Summit News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 21/4/2022)
Why Elon Musk has rattled them: His attempted takeover of Twitter has revealed just how terrified the liberal elites are of freedom of speech. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 15/4/2022)
Deeply Troubling Message from Barack Obama. (M Dowling - The Independant Sentinel - 7/4/2022)
Barack Obama Backs Internet Controls to Grapple with the 'Demand for Crazy'. (Simon Kent - Breitbart - 7/4/2022)
'That's Not Discourse, That's Propaganda': Joe Rogan Blows up on People Who Call For Censorship on Social Media. (Katie Jerkovich - DailyWire - 6/4/2022)
New 'Antilynching' Federal Law Could Let Prosecutors Imprison You For A Crime You Never Committed: The Emmett Till Antilynching Act may become a key piece in the arsenal for U.S. intelligence agencies' war on free speech. (Liam Cosgrove - The Federalist - 5/4/2022)
Liberals "Terrified", Musk's Big Stake in Twitter "is Not at All Funny". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/4/2022)
In Going Mainstream, '60s Counterculture Has Lost Its Edge: There's nothing left to rebel against and no one left to shock. (Peter Laffin - The American Spectator - 26/3/2022)
Censorship Strikes Again. (Jerry Bergman - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 23/3/2022)
Twitter Suspends Charlie Kirk for Calling Biological Male Rachel Levine a 'Man'. (Alana Mastrangelo - Breitbart - 22/3/2022)
Digital Brownshirts And Their Masters. (David Souto Alcalde & Thomas Harrington/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 3/3/2022)
Joe Rogan Is Learning What Conservatives Already Know About Cancel Culture. (Christian Toto - Breitbart - 2/2/2022)
95 Getting Censored on YouTube. (Awaken With JP Sears Show - Apple Podcasts - 46 minutes - 1/2/2022 date incertaine??)
UK Man Gets Police Visit For Saying "Trans Rights Are Boring": Low bar. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 10/1/2022)
Un prof obligé de suivre un camp de réeducation mentale pour avoir posé une question problématique.
(Psyhodelik - YouTube - 15 minutes - 31/12/2021)
-> Le Professeur Jason Kilborn de la John Marshall School of Law (U. de l'Illinois/Chicago) se voit obligé de suivre un cursus de 8 semaines de reprogramations mentales pour avoir utilisé une question dans un test qui a mis en grand detresse des élèves...
Inclusion Inquisition Says Christians Have No Place In Politics As is often the case, those who talk most about love, inclusion, and acceptance tend to have a zero-tolerance stance for diversity in thought, belief, and opinion. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 22/12/2021)
How we uncancelled Jordan Peterson When Cambridge University withdrew his invitation to visit, we knew we had to fight back. (Arif Ahmed - Spiked - 26/11/2021)
John Cleese cancels event at university over 'woke rules,' says he is 'blacklisting' himself for his Hitler impersonation. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 10/11/2021)
Pope Demands Silicon Valley "In the Name of God" Censor "Hate Speech," "Conspiracy Theories" Pope Francis thinks empowering giant corporations to silence free speech is Godly. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 19/10/2021)
Learning to Fear Free Speech: How Politicians Are Moving to Protect us From Our Unhealthy Reading Choices. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 11/10/2021)
This Facebook Whistleblower Wants More Censorship, Not Less. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 4/10/2021)
Escaping the Clever "Kafka Trap". (Greg Koukl - Stand to Reason - 1/10/2021)
Does The Definition of 'Fascism' Apply to The Biden Administration?: Erasing the line between government and private enterprise. Ensuring only government-approved messages are heard. Squashing dissent. Intruding government into every aspect of our lives. (Ben Carson - The Federalist - 20/8/2021)
Pew: Democrats Increasingly Favor Government Censorship of 'False' Ideas. (Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. - Breitbart - 21/8/2021) -> And who get to decide what is TRUE and on what basis???
Democrats Using Big Tech To Control 'Misinformation' Is Totalitarian The proposed Health Misinformation Act amounts to government officials telling private companies to censor disfavored viewpoints on vital issues. (Amy Peikoff and Benjamin Chayes - The Federalist - 11/8/2021)
'I'm Not Sure When YouTube Became an Arm of The Government': Rand Paul Slaps Back After YouTube Suspension. (Ian Haworth - DailyWire- 10/8/2021)
'We're ALL being gaslit': Ben Shapiro on why THIS stat should scare both conservatives AND liberal: 'It's really, really dangerous stuff and everybody feels it'. (The Rubin Report - The Blaze - 5/8/2021)
PayPal Co-Founder Warns Financial Giant is Creating De Facto 'No Buy List' by Banning Dissidents: Says Silicon Valley's woke crusade will cause more extremism. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 2/8/2021)
The Answer to Political Correctness Isn't More Free Speech, But Better Speech: In Michael Knowles' new book, 'Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds,' the popular Daily Wire commentator takes a deep dive into the history of political correctness and offers suggestions for how to combat it. (Auguste Meyrat - The Federalist - 16/7/2021)
"Am I gagged or not?" Responding to speech stifling in a cancel culture world. (Marvin Olasky - WND - 15/7/2021)
The Increasing Aggressiveness of Petty Tyrants. (Mark Hendrickson/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/7/2021)
Wikipedia co-founder: I no longer trust the website I created Freddie Sayers spoke to Larry Sanger about why he left. (Spiked - 14/7/2021)
The Descent Into (Utter) Madness: The assault on language is an integral component of the unrelenting warfare being waged for the conquest and control of the mind. (Stephen Karganovic- Strategic Culture Foundation - 30/6/2021)
Winston Marshall's brilliant stand against cancel culture: The former Mumford & Sons banjoist reminds us how important it is to speak freely and honestly. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 25/6/2021)
Thanks To Supreme Court Cowardice, The Government Is Still Persecuting Jack Phillips For Being A Christian: Jack Phillips is not being persecuted for discrimination against LGBT people, but for religious beliefs and practices the Colorado Civil Rights Commission deems in need of correction. (Dennis Weisman - The Federalist - 25/6/2021)
Black American Conservatives Lead Fight Against Cancel Culture: They "trigger" bullies when they say what they think needs to be said, not what the Cancel mob insists on hearing. (Denyse O'Leary - Mind Matters - 24/6/2021)
Canada: Liberals Propose 'Hate Speech' Bill with $50,000 Fine, 1 Year Jail. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 24/6/2021) -> "hate propaganda" Bill C-36
The tyranny of woke capitalism CEOs are wielding their vast economic power to impose their values on everyone else. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 25/6/2021)
New Video Shows University of Oklahoma Faculty Teaching How to Silence And Punish 'Problematic' Conservatives 'In the classroom, free speech does not apply,' a workshop spokeswoman said. 'As instructors, we can tell our students no, you do not have the right to say that, stop talking right now.' (Audrey Unverferth - The Federalist - 23/6/2021)
'I won't let these arseholes make my life miserable:' Feminist artist Jess de Wahls on being dropped by the Royal Academy over her trans-sceptical views. (Spiked - 21/6/2021)
The hysterical campaign against GB News must be opposed: Shame on the big businesses caving in to Stop Funding Hate and its army of intolerant goons. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 17/6/2021)
Bill C-10: Canada's Internet Censorship Bill. (Samuel Sey - Slow to Write - 8/6/2021)
Is Britain now a police state? Genuine question The arrest of gender-critical feminists should concern anyone who believes in liberty. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 4/6/2021)
Rhode Island Mom Asked For Information About Critical Race Theory In Curriculum, Now Faces Potential Lawsuit From School Committee: "I will not stop asking questions." (Charlotte Pence Bond - DailyWire - 2/6/2021)
How Telling The Truth on Campus Gets You Persecuted: Canadian free speech activist Lindsay Shepherd's book, 'Diversity & Exclusion: Confronting the Campus Free Speech Crisis,' tells the Orwellian story of how colleges abandoned teaching truth in favor of conformity. (Casey Chalk - The Federalist - 28/5/2021)
A BLM Activist Sicced my University on a Conservative Student — And Failed: If you are a student, the parent of a student, or work with students, please watch for this phenomenon, and don't stay silent. (Laura Baxter- The Federalist - 27/5/2021)
Transgender Activists Do Not Want You To Hear Stories Of 'Gender Transition' Regret There is a reason the transgender movement unleashed such immediate and intense pushback for even a mild attempt at highlighting instances of disappointment and regret with hormone therapy. (Madeline Osburn - The Federalist - 25/5/2021)
The "Bonkers" Interview of Bonny Prince Harry: Why The Attack on The First Amendment Should Concern All Americans. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/5/2021)
Canada is drifting towards authoritarianism Justin Trudeau's government has a shocking lack of respect for fundamental freedoms. (Andrew Sansone - Spiked - 11/5/2021)
Facebook Is Doing Planned Parenthood's Bidding In Banning Pro-Life Group LifeSiteNews. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 8/5/2021)
Facebook Permanently Bans LifeSiteNews. (Caldron Pool - 6/5/2021)
BREAKING: In Chilling Video, Antifa Doxes, Threatens to KILL Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler. (Bryan Preston - PJMedia - 29/4/2021)
"BLM Global" Group Calls for the Rape and Murder of White People: "It Ain't Murder When It's For Equality". (Evelyn Rae - Caldron Pool - 4/5/2021)
We care nothing for free speech — Trudeau plan to regulate the internet is but a symptom: The state does not own the rights of its citizens. It's an inversion of the relationship between citizen and government to think so. (Rex Murphy - The National Post - 29/4/2021)
Johnny Rotten: Media, Colleges Responsible For Cancel Culture. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 28/4/2021)
They Censor Because They're Scared of Truth: This overthrow of elected representatives raises some important questions about where we go from here. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 28/4/2021) -> Shares Silicon Valley is yet again proving that they're an anti-democratic monopoly, willing to ban, block, boot, and blunt the voice of democratically elected representatives. Craig Kelly is their latest victim.
Critical Race Theory: The Enemy of Reason, Evidence, and Open Debate: How this pernicious ideology rejects rational inquiry and objective truth. (Peter J. Wallison - National Review - 26/4/2021)
Seattle Antifa Hate Group Threatens to Burn Down Church Over Event With Charlie Kirk. (Victoria Taft - PJMedia - 24/4/2021)
Big Tech's Iron Curtain Guillotine Comes for Rebel News and Project Veritas. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 16/4/2021)
The Commonalities Between the Rise of the Nazis and the Tactics of the American Left Cannot be Ignored. (Steve McCann - The American Thinker - 29/3/2021)
Patreon, Censorship, & The Self-Inflicted Wound. (Tom Luongo - Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog/Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 25/3/2021)
Cancel Culture in Science Professor Eric Hedin Canceled: How Evolutionists Win by Silencing the Opposition - A College Course Dropped for Teaching Both Sides of the Evolution Controversy. (Jerry Bergman - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 22/3/2021)
The tyranny of 'lived experience': How the woke elites are gaslighting the entire population. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 19/3/2021)
Banned Author of 'When Harry Became Sally' Urges State Attorneys General to Investigate Amazon. (Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. - Breitbart - 17/3/2021)
The free-speech crisis is not a right-wing myth: Those denying the existence of cancel culture are often in its vanguard. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 12/3/2021)
Amazon: from book-selling to book-burning: Its decision to stop selling a book criticising transgenderism is part of an alarming trend. (Tim Black - Spiked - 9/3/2021)
Politically Diverse Group of 200 Academics Form Alliance to Defend Free Speech Among Educators. (Marlo Safi - Daily Caller - 8/3/2021)
How censorship became a 'human right': The ECHR has ruled that the Bulgarian courts acted unlawfully by refusing to censor a politician. (Andrew Tettenborn - Spiked - 4/3/2021)
Gab Faces Financial Blacklisting, Says Efforts to Build 'Free Speech Internet' Won't Be Stopped. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 2/3/2021)
Kazuo Ishiguro is right: cancel culture kills creativity: The Nobel-winning author says young writers are self-censoring out of fear of the online 'lynch mob'. (Spiked - 1/3/2021)
'The End of Conservative Books': Amazon Quietly Bans Books They Deem Offensive, 'Hate Speech'. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire- 27/2/2021)
Why is the woke mob so scared? The no-platforming of yet another academic raises uncomfortable questions about free speech. (Douglas Murray - UnHerd - 26/2/2021)
Actor Kevin Sorbo says Facebook deleted his page with over 500,000 followers: The latest example of tech companies shutting down speech on the right. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 12/2/2021)
The US Ministry of Woke Propaganda Wants to Cancel You, Me, Fox, & Anyone Else Who Disagrees. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper/Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/2/2021)
Why Ibram X Kendi won't be cancelled He's accused of making 'transphobic' comments but woke enough to survive the scandal. (Lou Perez - Spiked - 12/2/2021)
The Doublethinkers In assessing my own liberation, I recall a conformity that feels terrifyingly familiar today. (Natan Sharansky and WITH Gil Troy - Tablet - 11/2/2021)
'The Mandalorian' star Gina Carano canceled by Lucasfilm over online outrage at her social media posts: Gina Carano was the focus of an angry hashtag cancel campaign. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 10/2/2021)
YouTube Blacklists LifeSite News. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 10/2/2021)
Erasing classic literature for kids. (John Kass - Chicago Tribune - 9/2/2021)
Blacklisting And Censorship Are Hallmarks of Repressive Societies. Let's Head Them Off at The Pass In America - China's Communist Party uses the Great Firewall to block information from its citizens. Blocking speech based on politics has been a hallmark of every totalitarian government. (Jane Hampton Cook - The Federalist - 9/2/2021)
Big Brother comes to America - Experts in the US are calling for the creation of a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 8/2/2021)
Ideology over biology at Twitter: Several accounts remain suspended for not using transgender language. (Mary Jackson - World Mag - 5/2/2021)
Victoria's Apostasy Laws: It's Now Illegal to Help LGBTQ People Who Want to Change. (Caldron Pool - 5/2/2021)
Jordan Peterson the Canary in the Woke Thought Police's Coal Mine. (Charles Hurt - Breitbart - 2/2/2021)
The Insiders' Game GameStop was a warning: Elites are weaponizing censorship to keep the outsiders out. (David Sacks - Persuasion - 1/2/2021)
Twitter Blocks Focus on the Family. (Caleb Parke - Todd Starnes - 28/1/2021)
Antifa death threats convince conservative journalist Andy Ngo to flee the United States 'For an number of months now there's just been increasing threats of violence against me, promises by Antifa extremists to kill me'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 26/1/2021)
Demain, l'euthanasie numérique ? (La Sélection du Jour/International - 25/1/2021)
Biden Will Merge Big Tech Power with State Power. (Allum Bokhari + Mark Levin - Breitbart - 25/1/2021)
Silencing the Churches: Increasingly the churches will either become tools of the State, or will be targeted by it. (Bill Muehlenberg - 23/1/2021)
Why The Left Has to Suppress Free Speech. (Dennis Prager - DailyWire - 23/1/2021)
For the first time in our lives, free speech is about to be criminalized: We never thought this day would arrive in America. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 18/1/2021)
Big Tech’s Big Brother Moves: There is no chance that Orwell would have supported unelected billionaires deciding what ideas the public should have access to. (Ben Hall - The Spectator - 17/1/2021)
How Big Tech took over: The establishment outsourced censorship to the private sector and created a tyranny. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 15/1/2021)
From the Weather Underground to Twitter Bans: The pieties of liberalism are hard to take. (George Neumayr - The American Spectator - 13/1/2021)
A lockdown of the mind: Big Tech wants us to outsource all our thinking to the authorities. (Emma Webb - Spiked - 13/1/2021)
Parler Sues Amazon Web Services For Nuking It Out of 'Political Animus'. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 11/1/2021)
ACLU Warns of ‘Unchecked Power’ After Facebook, Twitter Suspend Trump. (Kyle Morris - Breitbart - 9/1/2021)
The woke purge: Twitter’s suspension of Donald Trump is a chilling sign of tyranny to come. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 9/1/2021)
Apple threatens Parler: Moderate or You’re Out. (Ashe Schow - DailyWire - 9/1/2021)
Don’t censor the lockdown sceptics: Covid-era restrictions on what we can see and listen to are likely to outlast the disease. (Douglas Murray - UnHerd - 8/1/2021)
Why is Twitter censoring Trump, but not the CCP?: No one should be censored. But the tech firm’s double standards are absurd. (Paddy Hannam - Spiked - 8/1/2021)
Media Censorship in 2020: Were You Paying Attention? (Kurt Mahlburg - Caldron Pool - 7/1/2021)
Persecution of Darwin Skeptics in 2021 Likely to Get Worse: The way cancel culture grew in 2020, it will probably skyrocket in 2021 under a leftist government. (David F. Coppedge - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 1/1/2021)
Rowan Atkinson, Star of ‘Mr. Bean,’ Condemns Cancel Culture: A ‘Medieval Mob Looking For Someone to Burn’. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 5/1/2021)
#1 Story of 2020: Biology Journal Demands Government Censorship of ID. (Evolution News - 1/1/2021) -> BioEssays science journal
Family Doctor Doubles Down In Interview After Being Suspended Over Social Media Posts. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 31/12/2020)
Corporate Media’s Obsession With Fact-Checking is a Mission to Monopolize The Truth: Facts matter, but to allow left-wing institutions to monopolize their definition does more to undermine the truth than any kind of misinformation making waves on the internet. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 31/12/2020)
‘Disrupt Texts’ Aims To Scrub Schools Of ‘Violent’, Hateful Classic Literature. (Emily Zanotti - DailyWire - 30/12/2020)
Democrats in congress now backing a group calling to silence christians on the ‘religious right’ and a purge of ‘biblical principles’ in America. (Geoffrey Grider - Now the End Begins - 19/12/2020)
Australian Government Proposes Law to Fine People $110,000 For Online Posts That “Offend”. (Caldron Pool - 24/12/2020)
A good year for free-speech haters: Why the crusade against ‘hate speech’ has been a fashionable cause of 2020. (Mick Hume - Spiked - 23/12/2020)
Where Civil Rights Are Exalted Over Civil Liberties, Hell on Earth Is Sure to Follow. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 21/12/2020)
‘A climate of fear prevents people from speaking out’: Arif Ahmed on the Cambridge University free speech battle. (Spiked - 18/12/2020)
Selon Eric Dupond-Moretti, la haine en ligne pourrait bientôt être jugée en comparution immédiate. (RT France - 10/12/2020) -> mesures pour étouffer la liberté d'expression...
Leftist militants bully, physically attack Portland TV news reporter, videographer who dared to enter their 'autonomous zone': 'Call the cops!' one leftist taunted the journalists as they were forced out. 'Go file a police report and see how useful they are!' (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 9/12/2020)
The EU now wants to colonise our minds: The Brussels bureaucracy is determined to impose its values on reluctant nations like Hungary and Poland. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 7/12/2020)
You WILL Be Silenced!: The militants seeking to destroy Lyle Shelton are coming after all of us. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 6/12/2020)
Why has it fallen to a child to defend free speech?: A 14-year-old girl is threatening legal action against the police for recording ‘non-crime hate incidents’. (Spiked - 4/12/2020)
The Censorship of Dr. Briand. (Ethan Yang - The American Institute for Economic Research - 1/12/2020)
Policing men, demeaning women: Making misogyny a hate crime would end legal equality for men and women. (Joanna Williams - Spiked - 25/11/2020)
‘War on Whistleblowers’: Edward Snowden Says That Journalism is Slowly Being Criminalized. (Gabrielle Temaat - Daily Caller - 25/11/2020)
Penguin Random House Employees Want Jordan Peterson’s Upcoming Book Blacklisted. (John Nolte - Breitbart - 25/11/2020)
Tolerance is out of fashion at Cambridge University. (Nick Cohen - The Spectator - 24/11/2020)
John Cleese, under fire from woke mob, hopes they all 'fry in their own sanctimoniousness and narcissistic posturing': The Monty Python comedic legend held nothing back. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 23/11/2020)
Left Attacks Scott Atlas For Saying Same Things About COVID as The New York Times, Six Months Earlier: Power-hungry elites seek to destroy Scott Atlas because he and the scientific coalition he represents makes it clear that these public health emperors may have plenty of masks, but no clothes. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 20/11/2020)
A hate-filled war on press freedom: UK lawmakers are set on purging media outlets of dangerous ideas. (Andrew Tettenborn - Spiked - 23/11/2020)
The Censorious Left Is Obliterating Free Speech. (David Limbaugh - DailyWire - 21/11/2020)
Study: Scandinavian Countries Engaging in ‘Extremely Aggressive’ Internet Censorship. (John Hayward - Breitbart - 19/11/2020)
Science As God: Tech Hearing And COVID Show Us Exactly Where Censorship Is Headed. (Christopher Bedford - The Federalist - 18/11/2020)
The Associated Press’s mad new wokespeak: Its latest style advice warns journalists not to use words like ‘crazy’, ‘nuts’ and ‘deranged’. (Spiked - 12/11/2020)
New Blasphemy Laws: “Hate Speech” In Homes “Must Be Prosecuted”. (Ben Davis - Caldron Pool - 29/10/2020)
Even anti-vaxxers must have freedom of speech: Criminalising anti-vaccine groups would be deeply illiberal and counterproductive. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 11/11/2020)
The mad witch-hunting of Greg Clarke: The ritualistic humiliation of the FA boss confirms how insane speech-policing has become. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 11/11/2020)
L’Écosse et la police de la pensée. (Mathieu Bock-Côté - Journal de Québec - 7/11/2020)
Scotland is leading the way to totalitarianism: A bill brought forth by the SNP aims to police what citizens say at home. (Rod Dreher - UnHerd - 30/10/2020)
Biden Pledges to Gut Religious Freedom Protections, Saying They Give 'Hate' a 'Safe Harbor'. (Tyler O'Neil - PJMedia - 30/10/2020)
The extreme entitlement of trans activists: Cambridge students want to get a porter fired because he refused to say ‘trans women are women’. (Spiked - 27/10/2020)
Intelligent Design’s Yellow Star: Journal’s Disclaimer Refutes a Common Criticism of ID. (Evolution News - 26/10/2020)
Wikipedia Bans Christians From Contributing to the Website. (Jeff Maples - Reformation Charlotte - 19/10/2020)
Wikipedia bans editors from expressing support for traditional marriage. (Anugrah Kumar - Christian Post - 18/10/2020)
Antifa Knocks Out Black Man’s Teeth for Holding Free Speech Rally While Calling Him ‘N’ Word. (Bob Price - Breitbart - 18/10/2020)
The Leftist War on Free Speech. (Andrew Klavan - DailyWire - 17/10/2020)
Censorship by algorithm: Jeffrey Rosen on Silicon Valley’s war on free speech. (Spiked - 12/10/2020)
Supreme Court Should Rule to Protect Free Speech on Campus; This Egregious Case Shows Why. (Kristen Waggoner - DailyWire - 9/10/2020)
Live Not by Lies: From Solzhenitsyn to Rod Dreher: A bestseller for our pre-totalitarian times. (Daniel J. Flynn - The Spectator - 2/10/2020)
Former Twitter CEO Fantasizes About Violent Revolution, Assassinations. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 1/10/2020)
Now they’ve No Platformed Richard Dawkins: The famous atheist has been disinvited by a university debating society because of his views on Islam. (Spiked - 28/9/2020)
Free speech group warns university after it allowed Black Lives Matter protest but banned other gatherings. (Rachelle Hernandez - The College Fix - 28/9/2020)
‘Cancellers are cowards their beliefs are built on sand: Nick Buckley was sacked for criticising Black Lives Matter. He tells spiked how he got his job back. (Spiked - 25/9/2020)
Pastor Disagrees with LGBT Community, People Threaten to Burn Down His Church. (Ken Ham - Answers in Genesis - 14/9/2020)
Free Speech and Intelligent Design’s Warning. (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 9/9/2020)
Everything You Post Online Will Be Scanned by ‘Hate Speech Algorithms. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart Tech - 5/9/2020)
The Left Doesn’t Really Want to Abolish The Police. They Want to be The Police. (Nathanael Blake - The Federalist - 4/9/2020)
Cancel Culture is Only the Beginning of Big Tech’s Control. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 3/9/2020)
Is it now okay to kill people we find offensive?: The killing of a member of Patriot Prayer in Portland shows how unhinged identity politics has become. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 31/8/2020)
Free Speech on Campus: A Tale of Two Professors. (Tyson Langhofer - DailyWire - 26/8/2020)
Policing language, controlling thought?: We must resist the attempts to manipulate the meaning of the words we use. (Andrew Doyle - Spiked - 21/8/2020)
Only ‘Kamikaze Academics’ Can Save Our Universities from Cancel Culture. (James Delingpole - Breitbart - 15/8/2020)
Nick Cave compares cancel culture to 'bad religion'. (BBC News - 13/8/2020)
How Forced Isolation Makes Huge Power Grabs Possible: Today’s wannabe social controllers are clearly using the virus as a sort of obedience school where we can be conditioned through isolation to conform to their demands. (Stella Morabito - The Federalist - 11/8/2020)
Mr Bean Defends Free Speech: Rowan Atkinson Denounces Scottish Hate Crime Bill. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 11/8/2020)
Converse College Prof. May Be Fired for Refusing to Attend Diversity Training. (Tom Ciccotta - Breitbart - 10/8/2020)
La lettre de démission de Bari Weiss prouve que le New York Times s’est engagé dans une « censure totale », selon le critique. (Brian Flood - La Lumière - 9/8/2020)
The closing of the academic mind: A new report explodes the idea that campus censorship is a right-wing myth. (Joanna Williams - Spiked - 6/8/2020)
We need to be braver: Standing up to woke[postmodern] intolerance isn’t easy. But we must do it. (Andrew Doyle - Spiked - 5/8/2020)
In Australia, Academic Freedom Case Will Have Far-Reaching Consequences. (Sarah Chaffee - Evolution News - 3/8/2020) -> can "climate change" be debated? Or is it dogma?
How universities shut out conservative academics: A new report shows the extent of intolerance towards unorthodox thinkers in British academia. (Matthew Goodwin - UnHerd - 3/8/2020)
10 Officers Swarm and Arrest Pro-Life Students for Chalking Public Sidewalk in Front of DC Planned Parenthood. (Pulpit and Pen - 1/8/2020)
How I Ran Afoul of Campus Cancel Culture: My experience with the Goldman School at Berkeley. (Steven F. Hayward - Commentary - 1/8/2020)
Evolutionary biologist forced out of academia for insisting male and female are not social constructs. (Jennifer Kabbany - The College Fix - 31/7/2020)
Cancelled to Death: The Mike Adams I Knew: The iconoclastic UNC Wilmington professor was a more complicated figure than the media is willing to admit. (Esther O’Reilly - The American Conservative - 30/7/2020)
“Harper’s” Open Letter & University Cancel Culture. (Connor Murnane - The Imaginative Conservative - 29/7/2020)
Why heretics need to be heard: If we silence those who challenge groupthink, who knows what insights we are missing out on. (Paul Sloane - Spiked - 29/7/2020)
Hundreds of Sick Canadians Euthanized for Loneliness. (Wesley J Smith - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 28/7/2020)
De nouvelles preuves de la discrimination à l'égard des chrétiens en milieu universitaire. (Jerry Bergman - Samizdat)
‘Monty Python’ Star John Cleese: Cancel Culture ‘Misunderstands The Main Purposes of Life’: "...which is to have fun.” (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 22/7/2020) -> Clesse is nuts, but he's right... and what postmoderns enjoy is sucking the fun out of life...
Andrew Sullivan Leaves NYMag, Criticizes A Certain ‘Orthodoxy In Mainstream Media’. (Frank Camp - DailyWire - 18/7/2020)
Despicable Behavior of Today’s Academicians. (Walter E. Williams - DailyWire - 18/7/2020)
Woke Ideology Is a Psychological Disorder. (Edward Feser - The American Mind - 17/7/2020)
Christian Foster Agency must Change its Policy to Accept Gay Couples, Judge rules. (Pulpit and Pen - 1/7/2020)
Steven Pinker won’t be cancelled but you could be: The point of denouncing him is to dissuade the next generation of academics from dissent. (Shaun Cammack - Spiked - 9/7/2020)
Why woke leftists love the lockdown: Where the Left once stood up to the power of the state, it now embraces it. (Jacob Williams - Spiked - 14/7/2020)
Viewpoint diversity as long as it’s on the Left: The response to the Harper's letter calling for free speech showed the extent to which intolerance is now the norm. (Douglas Murray - UnHerd - 10/9/2020)
Harvard psychology graduate fired for threatening to stab people she disagrees with. (Wintery Knight - 3/7/2020)
Censorship by billionaires, applauded by the left: The Facebook boycott shows that the prospects for online freedom are bleak. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 2/7/2020)
The Left Takes Revenge on Facebook for Not Censoring Enough. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 29/6/2020)
The hatred for ‘Karens’ is out of control: The ritualistic humiliation of white women shows how poisonous identity politics has become. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 25/6/2020)
When cancel culture comes to newsrooms: Crusades against certain opinions aren’t new, but now journalists are joining in. (Megan Basham - World Mag - 22/6/2020)
Wokeness: the return of Medieval madness: Witch hunts, excommunication and iconoclasm are back with a vengeance. (Dominic Frisby - Spiked - 2/6/2020)
The Queer Movement Wants To Convert Christians, Not Coexist: The dream for compromise between those demanding absolute affirmation for ever-evolving gender and sexual convictions and others of strong religious faith is unrealistic and not because of religious folks. (Glenn T. Stanton - The Federalist - 26/6/2020)
Who dares resist the Thought Police?: The reaction to Jake Hepple's stupid stunt shows how dogmatism has poisoned society. (Paul Embery - UnHerd - 26/6/2020)
Cambridge University’s very modern bigotry: The institution promotes an academic tweeting racism, yet considers Jordan Peterson to be beyond the pale. (Douglas Murray - UnHerd - 26/6/2020)
Farage: The New Puritanism ‘Is Absolutely Terrifying’. (Oliver JJ Lane - Breitbart - 18/6/2020)
Conservative Clergy of Color Rips Google Over ‘Deliberate Censorship’ of Conservatives. (Jerome Hudson - Breitbart - 17/6/2020)
Google Financially Blacklists ZeroHedge, Threatens the Federalist over Comment Sections. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 16/6/2020
J.K. Rowling Threatens The Left Because She’s A Feminist Who Affirms Women’s Dignity: The feminist left's embrace of transgenderism probably means a lot of younger people have never encountered a feminist with Rowling's position on trans issues. To some of them, such a feminist is unthinkable. (Emily Jashinsky - The Federalist - 11/6/2020)
Facebook Keeps Killing Moms’ Group Dedicated to Ending Drag Queen Story Hour. (Pen and Pulpit - 4/6/2020)
Journalist attacked by Antifa speaks out on group's alleged extremism, radical ideology. (Matt London - Fox News - 1/6/2020)
Amazon Is 'Expressing Public and Open Hostility Toward Conservative and Religious Organizations'. (Tyler O'Neil - PJMedia - 27/5/2020)
Here's How to Fight Censorship In a 'Nutshell': The editors at the prominent science journal BioEssays recently published an editorial demanding government-mandated censorship of Intelligent Design. (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 19/5/2020)
Judge with gender agenda hushes lawyers: Transgenderism | Attorneys say their clients can't have a fair trial if they can't tell the truth. (Mary Jackson - World Mag - 15/5/2020)
Hate speech: blasphemy for the 21st century: We must never give the state the power to criminalise speech. (Emma Webb - Spiked - 15/5/2020)
Burning Books and Burying Scholars: Abolitio memoriae and the Wayback Machine. (Matthew Omolesky - American Spectator - 8/5/2020)
So when does the LGBT movement stop getting a pass for their blatant bigotry? (Peter Heck - DISRN - 6/5/2020)
Oxford: how censorship breeds ignorance: How can students challenge prejudice if they refuse to engage with it? (Spiked - 5/5/2020)
Alaska's snowflake school board: Its banning of The Great Gatsby reminds us that censorious college kids didn't spring from nowhere. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 1/5/2020)
Elitism Makes Evolutionary Psychologists Neurotic: 'The public is out to destroy rationality, and we must save the planet from stupidity! ' Elitists need to look in the mirror. (David F. Coppedge - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 21/4/2020)
Harvard Professor Wants A 'Presumptive Ban' on Homeschooling, Claims it Promotes White Supremacy. (Emily Zanotti - DailyWire - 20/4/2020)
Lawsuit: U. of North Texas Prof Fired for Saying 'Microaggressions' Are 'Garbage'. (Tom Ciccotta - Breitbart - 17/4/2020)
Colorado Baker Sued Again, This Time for Refusing 'Gender Transition' Cake. (Penny Starr - Breibart - 10/4/2020)
Coronavirus won't kill the culture wars: Even in the face of this crisis, the identitarians are doubling down. (Andrew Dayle - Spiked - 8/4/2020)
Press Goes Ape Over ID Supporter's Appointment: Intolerant Darwinists Show Their True Colors, Piling on Vituperative Rhetoric. (Jerry Bergman - CEH - 18/3/2020)
Prof still fighting school's demand to call he a 'she'. (Bob Kellogg - OneNewsNow - 17/3/2020)
Democrats punish whistleblowers who exposed organ harvesting by abortion providers. (Wintery Knight - 11/3/2020)
The Violence of the Left. (R. R. Reno - First Things - 5/3/2020)
Holland Patent biology teacher accused of unscientific lesson. (Amy Neff Roth - Observer-Dispatch - 1/3/2020)
Mayor Pete Wants to Crackdown on Religious Groups That Refuse to Hire LGBTQ Staff. (Todd Starnes - TownHall - 25/2/2020) [Pete Buttigieg fut un candidat présidentiel démocrate américain]
Male professor forced to say fake pronouns by female judges and female dean. (Wintery Knight - 24/2/2020)
California Court Arraigns David Daleiden on 10 Felony Counts For Exposing Abortion Industry Secrets. (Madeline Osburn - The Federalist - 21/2/2020)
Report: UK's National Health Service Can Refuse To Treat 'Racist', 'Sexist', and 'Homophobic' Patients Under New Rules. (Emily Zanotti - DailyWire - 18/2/2020)
'Daddy still butt-f***ing you?': Pro-abortion thugs one with nifty pentagram necklace gang up on pro-lifer, allegedly bump, grab, and even lick her: 'Stop coming to the clinic, and this all ends'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 17/2/2020)
"Surgeons as Vultures": Medical Journal Pushes Harvesting Kidneys from Dying Patients. (Wesley J. Smith - Evolution News - 11/2/2020)
Cancel Culture Comes to Poland. (Jonathan Wells - Evolution News - 10/2/2020)
Actual Vs. Counterfeit Intolerance. (David Limbaugh - DailyWire - 1/2/2020)
Totalitarians on the Loose in Science. (David F. Coppedge - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 1/2/2020)
Gospel Events hosted by Franklin Graham axed over Biblical views on Sexuality. (The Christian Institute - 31/1/2020)
Pressuring a Hospice to Kill. (Wesley J. Smith - Evolution News - 25/1/2020)
Controversial Study on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria and Transgenderism Re-Published. (Wintery Knight - 25/1/2020) -> on academic intolerance when research does NOT confirm postmodern dogma...
Religious Liberty Must Be Respected in the Era of Same-Sex Marriage. (Jeremy Dys - DailyWire - 7/1/2020)
UK Judge Rules in Favor of Firing People Who Disagree With Transgenderism. (Wintery Knight - 23/12/2019)
Justin Trudeau Wants ‘Significant Penalties’ for Social Media ‘Hate Speech’. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbard - 16/12/2019)
Corrupting Our Social Norms. (Walter E. Williams - DailyWire - 21/12/2019) -> analyse fine de l'hypocrisie postmoderne...
Man Gets SIXTEEN YEARS in Prison for Burning Church's LGBTQ Flag. (Pen and Pulpit - 19/12/2019)
Woman arrested for church knife attack 'over faux fur boots'. (BBCNews - 22/11/2019)
Christian Company Slammed For Refusing to Print College Magazine That Champions LGBT Messages. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 19/11/2019)
Journalists Who Exposed Planned Parenthood's "Baby Body Parts" Trade Found Guilty. (Phelim McAleer - DailyWire - 15/11/2019)
YouTube bans video featuring pediatrician who disagrees with transgender activism. (Wintery Knight - 7/11/2019)
How do LGBT activists respond to free speech discussions of LGBT issues? (Wintery Knight - 1/11/2019)
The Big Silence: The Left Wages War on Free Speech. (Andrew Klavan - DailyWire - 1/11/2019)
L'Éducation Nationale fait appel de la décision du tribunal et ne veut pas réintégrer l'enseignant qui avait lu la Bible en classe. (Évangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 28/10/2019)
Radical leftists allegedly threaten pastor for agreeing to show new Jordan Peterson 'propaganda' film at church. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 15/10/2019)
"Bigoted Nonsense": Sen. Ben Sasse Condemns Beto's Call To Strip Churches of Tax Exempt Status For Opposing Same-Sex Marriage. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 11/10/2019
Heterosexuals Marching for "Straight Pride" Need Police Protection to Not Get Killed. (News - Pulpit and Pen - 28/9/2019)
Should Christians who vote for socialism expect to keep their religious liberty? (Wintery Knight - 26/9/2019)
John Locke and the new intolerance: The discovery of a new Locke manuscript reminds us why tolerance must be defended. (Frank Furedi - Spiked - 5/9/2019)
Christian authors blast Amazon for banning their books, selling pedophilia titles. (Brandon Showalter - Christian Post - 30/8/2019)
Europe Considers The Nazi Idea of Requiring Jewish Businesses to Identify Themselves On Labels: The EU may begin targeting businesses in Israel in the name of neutrality, but the ramifications will be anything but neutral. (Melissa Langsam Braunstein - The Federalist - 21/8/2019)
University of Louisville attacks professor of psychiatry for disagreeing with transgenderism. (Wintery Knight - 30/7/2019)
Teacher Reports 10-year-old UK Girl and her Church to an Anti-Terrorist Group for 'Hate Speech'. (News - Pulpit and Pen - 25/7/2019)
Amazon retire de la vente des livres écrits par des personnes affirmant être sorties de l'homosexualité. (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 18/7/2019)
Christian Scholar Obtains PhD After Pro-abortion Fascists Tried to Suppress his Research. (Wintery Knight - 13/7/2019)
Royaume-Uni : un médecin chrétien licencié pour avoir refusé de qualifier de « madame » un « homme barbu ». (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 12/7/2019)
Petition Launched After Amazon Pulls a Number of Books About Leaving Homosexuality. (Heather Clark - ChristianNews.net - 11/7/2019)
Christian doctor lost his job after refusing to identify a six-foot-tall bearded man as 'madam', tribunal hears. (Gabriella Swerling - The Telegraph - 10/7/2019)
Canada - Des militants pro-avortement menacent de mort des propriétaires de cinéma qui vont projeter le film pro-Vie Unplanned. (Medias-press.info - 7/7/2019)
Enragé pour l'environnement. (Euclide - Vu-dailleurs.com - 25/6/2019)
Equality = Legal Persecution of Christians? (Peter Jones - TruthXchange - 1/6/2019)
Gender War Update: Scottish Student Expelled For Believing In Two Genders. (Diane Gaskins - Pulpit & Pen - 6/4/2019)
Vous n'aurez pas la paix : nous revendiquons l'attaque du local du gynécologue hétérofasciste Raphaël Nogier. (Site Pro-LGBTQ... - 14/6/2019)
-> un exemple de plus du djihad sexuel postmoderne...
LGBTQ Bigotry: Tyranny Masquerading as Tolerance. (David Horowitz - PJMedia - 11/6/2019)
The Persecution of Jack Phillips. (Matt Walsh - Daily Wire - 11/6/2019)
Police handcuff and arrest black pastor for preaching plain gospel message. (Wintery Knight - 10/6/2019)
Which Should Be Illegal: Sodomy or Christianity? (A Thought Experiment). (John Zmirak - The Stream - 7/6/2019)
I was forced out of my PhD program because of my open faith in Jesus Christ. Here's my story. (Corey Miller - The College Fix - 22/5/2019)
Euthanize, Abort, or Refer Trumps Doctor's Freedom of Conscience Canadian Court of Appeals Rules. (Cherie Vandermillen - Pulpit and Pen - 22/5/2019)
Facebook Targets Michelle Malkin: Gives Pass to Antifa: Michelle censored for protesting censorship. (Jeffrey Lord - American Spectator - 17/5/2019)
Immoralists: The Example of Brian Sims: An elected state representative bullies "an old white lady" in a manner worthy of Margaret Sanger. (Daniel J. Flynn - The American Spectator - 10/5/2019)
FaceBook bans Christian apologist David Wood for posting the death threats he received. (Wintery Knight - 5/5/2019)
Les chrétiens « devraient être éradiqués »: des chercheurs documentent un programme anti-chrétien parmi une puissante élite. (Paroles de Dieu - 4/5/2019)
Biased broadcaster promotes a liberal agenda: The Noble Liar. (Philip Bell - Creation.com - 30/4/2019
Fascist Canadian Justice Francesca Marzari overrules father's freedoms of thought and speech. (Wintery Knight - 27/4/2019)
Diversity Heretics: The consequences for dissent. (Christine Rosen - Commentary - 24/4/2019)
Many University Campuses Are Playgrounds For Insanity. (David Limbaugh - DailyWire - 27/4/2019)
Christian beliefs are 'pro-Nazi'? Teacher fired for opposing pro-transgender lessons recalls ordeal. (Leah MarieAnn Klett - Christian Post - 23/4/2019)
Critique du Film «Grâce à Dieu», la pédophilie et l'Église Catholique et l'hypocrisie des élites sur l'exploitation sexuelle des jeunes. (Gilles B - Yapasdpresse.blogspot - 13/4/2019)
Google Bigots and the High-Tech Lynching of Kay James. (Jeffrey Lord - The American Spectator - 9/4/2019)
Universities aren't for intellectuals anymore; they're just leftist echo chambers. (Samantha Sullivan - TheBlaze - 9/4/2019)
The Wrath of the Woke Workforce: Censorship in Silicon Valley. (Christine Rosen - Commentary - 4/4/2019)
Has Mark Zuckerberg not read Nineteen Eighty-Four?: Facebook can have any policies it likes about content, and we can stay or flee accordingly. Government censorship is another matter. (John Robson - National Post - 2/4/2019)
Twitter suspends account of pro-life movie "Unplanned", deletes 99% of their followers. (Wintery Knight - 1/4/2019)
Anti-gay activist ordered to pay $55,000 to B.C. trans candidate in fight over hateful flyer: The judge said the discrimination was severe and it was an intentional effort to block Morgane Oger from participating in politics based on gender. (David Carigg - National Post - 28/3/2019)
Cambridge University shows hideous intellectual weakness. (Quin Hillyer - Washington Examiner - 21/3/2019) -> Jordan Peterson, disinvited to teach...
Journalist investigated by police for opposition to radical gender ideology. (The Christian Institute - 21/3/2019)
The Prison of Purity. (Lars Walker - The American Spectator - 17/3/2019)
Beware The Rise of Censorship Under The Guise of Stopping Fake News: UK Regulators Push For Dangerous Plan. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 26/2/2019)
Academic stopped from researching "sex-swap regret" says accusations of "transphobia" are stifling debate. (The Christian Institute - 21/2/2019)
The Left Attacks 'Homophobia' In Christian Churches, Ignores Mosques. The Double Standard is Insane.* (Matt Walsh - DailyWire - 14/2/2019) * but typically postmodern...
UK police ignore underage sex-trafficking to focus on policing people's thoughts. (Wintery Knight - 11/2/2019)
Mise en garde d'un homme de gauche contre la censure qu'exerce la gauche: «Aujourd'hui, la gauche, souvent, est le lieu d'origine de ces interdictions de parole, de ces indignations morales au nom desquelles on somme des gens de se taire», dit Normand Baillargeon. (Marco Fortier - Le Devoir - 31/1/2019)
Pressure to conform: LGBT activists are dialing up the heat on parents and researchers who question transgender dogma, while peer influence may be leading some teens into life-changing hormone treatments. (Jamie Dean - World Mag - 30/1/2019)
Spotify joins Google, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter in censoring Prager University. (Wintery Knight - 28/1/2019)
Public college: Free speech doesn't protect Christian prof who refused to call transgender student female: The school wants the professor's federal lawsuit against it thrown out. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 17/1/2019)
Facebook bans Franklin Graham for 'hate speech', Google YouTube shadow-bans pro-life videos. (Wintery Knight - 31/12/2018)
UK Cops Have Decided Impolite Online Speech is Worth a Visit From an Officer. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 27/12/2018)
2018 Is the Year Big Tech Censors Revealed Their True Colors. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 27/12/2018)
Blasphémer : un droit de l'homme ? [ou les dédales de l'hypocrisie postmoderne] (ECLJ - 27/12/2018)
Two Christian women threatened with jail time for refusing to celebrate LGBT events. (Wintery Knight - 23/12/2018)
Arambula says he was only trying to discipline his daughter after recent child abuse arrest. [California Dem lawmaker arrested for child abuse] (Rory Appleton - The Fresno Bee - 12/12/2018)
How The New NAFTA Trade Deal Lets Big Tech Squelch Conservative Speech: Big Tech lobbyists orchestrated the quiet insertion of a seemingly innocuous provision into the deal that will allow them to silence conservative voices. (Jeremy Carl - The Federalist - 13/12/2018)
Climate scientist hit with campus 'inquisition' over post opposing carbon tax. (Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - 13/12/2018)
Who Defines Morality?: Apple CEO Tim Cook recently received the Courage Against Hate award,for his work as a champion of unity, diversity, and social progress. (Franklin Graham - The Stream - 12/12/2018)
Hollywood big shot launching group that 'targets anti-LGBTQ candidates.' And he calls them out by name. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 11/12/2018)
Pro-life Irish nurses, doctors and midwives will be forced to participate in abortions. (Wintery Knight - 5/12/2018)
Canada Rejects A Free Press: Supreme Court Says Journalist Must Hand Over Sources. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 3/12/2018)
L'ONU veut museler les journalistes? (Richard Martineau - Journal de Montréal - 28/11/2018)
Eliminating the Sufferer: In Canada, Hospital Waiting Room Promotes Euthanasia. (Wesley J. Smith - Evolution New, Discovery Institute - 14/11/20118)
Not The Babylon Bee: Christian At UC-Berkeley Harassed, Denounced For Saying There Are Two Sexes. (Brad Polumbo - The Federalist - 14/11/2018)
Jordan Peterson says criminalizing offensive speech is a cure 'so much more worse than the disease'. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 14/11/2018)
Trisomie 21 : « Nous postulons pour être les premières personnes sur la liste des espèces en voie de disparition »: Une campagne de communication a été lancée au Canada pour demander de faire entrer la trisomie 21 en haut de la liste des espèces menacées, au même titre que l ours par exemple, et demande à bénéficier comme tel des mêmes fonds, de la même protection, de la même intervention du gouvernement et de la même prise de conscience du public que ces espèces. (Entente des Églises Protestantes Évangéliques de l'Eurométropole de Strasbourg - 8/11/2018)
Is big tech becoming Big Brother?: First Amendment | Liberal groups and Google show an inclination for internet censorship. (Bonnie Pritchett - World Mag - 6/11/2018)
University uniformity: Signing - or writing - diversity statements is becoming a common part of the higher ed hiring process. (Leigh Jone - World Mag - 31/10/2018)
Oxford students vote to ban Christian group from college as it would threaten their 'physical and mental safety'. (The Telegraph - 24/10/2018) -> The Snowflake Inquisition...
Did #MeToo activists target a top Canadian prof for his blunt lessons about Islam?: Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim was hailed for his 'impressive research and teaching record.' Now he's being refused tenure. (Barbara Kay - National Post - 12/10/2018)
A Message to the Bigots in Scotland. (Michael Brown - The Stream - 11/10/2018)
Hate crime posters are reported... for being a hate crime! Church minister uses campaign's own website to complain its 'dear bigots' crusade actually ENCOURAGES hatred. (Alan Shields - The Scottish Daily Mail - 9/10/2018)
La Nouvelle-Écosse veut interdire les «thérapies de conversion». (La Presse - 11/9/2018)
American Atheists: Trips to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum Are "Unconstitutional". (Ken Ham - AiG - 6/9/2018)
The "We Are Too Right to Debate" Folly. (Wesley J. Smith - Evolution News - 28/8/2018)
DPJ retire deux filles à leurs parents sur fond d'instruction à la maison. (Pour une école libre au Québec - 20/7/2018)
Fake News is A Meaningless Term, and Our Obsession Over it Continues to Harm Actual News. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 10/7/2018)
NY Times, Winner of a Key 1st Amendment Case, Suddenly Seems Upset That 1st Amendment Protects Conservatives Too. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 3/7/2018)
Londres veut éradiquer les thérapies de conversion. (Agence France-Presse - La Presse - 2/7/2018)
Barronelle Stutzman religious liberty case parallels Jack Phillips case. (Wintery Knight - 30/6/2018)
Canadian Bus Driver Arrested For Criticizing Homosexuality, Faces Up To 2 Years In Prison. (Jeremiah Keenan - The Federalist - 28/6/2018)
Freedom of Speech and the Case of Tommy Robinson. (Gawain Towler - The American Spectator - 27/6/2018)
Canada Bans Christianity From The Classroom. (Baxter Dmitry - YourNewsWire - 22/6/2018)
Indoctrination in American Colleges into Atheism: Numerous recent surveys of colleges have found they are in favor of skin color and gender diversity, but not thought diversity. (Jerry Bergman - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 20/6/2018)
Were Nazis More Tolerant of Down Syndrome than Some European Countries Today? (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 20/6/2018)
New Book: Censoring the Darwin Skeptics. (Coppedge - By the Way - 24/6/2018)
Is anyone on the secular left not an intolerant, bigoted, violent, domestic terrorist? (Wintery Knight - 21/6/2018)
The Supreme Court just enforced conformity... to protect diversity, of course: It used to be that Canadians had the right to go their own way provided they didn't hurt others. The Trinity Western ruling proves that's over. (John Robson - National Post - 19/6/2018)
Facebook suspends pro-family expert for criticizing LGBT [CBC produced] indoctrination video. (Calvin Freiburger - LifeSite 18/6/2018)
Canada's Supreme Court bans Christians from practicing law in Canada. (Wintery Knight - 16/6/2018)
Reality Check: Southern Poverty Law Center is Indifferent to Muslim Anti-Semitism. (John Rossomando - Jewish World Review - 13/6/2018)
Vancouver adopte un règlement interdisant la thérapie de conversion. (Dirk Meissner - La Presse - 9/6/2018)
French opposition, media cry foul over 'fake news' bill. (Fabrice RANDOUX, Isabelle CORTES - AFP - 8/6/2018)
"Fake news" : une loi liberticide ?: Débat sur le plateau de Points de vue. (Le Figaro - 7/6/2018)
Did James Cook University Finally Get 'Ridd' of Him? An Interesting Case to Follow. (Sarah Chaffee - Evolution News - 2/6/2018)
Former Gays, Lesbians Blast Calif. for Regarding Them as 'Frauds' With Pending Therapy Ban. (Brandon Showalter - Christian Post - 21/5/2018)
Des religions dans la mire de la DPJ: Les services sociaux du Québec sont débordés par des cas complexes. (Nicolas Lachance - Journal de Montréal - 16/5/2018)
Nat'l Review writer: California bill targeting gay-conversion therapy also could ban Christian books. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 24/4/2018)
Le PQ veut imposer des limites aux dérives sectaires des religions. (Jacques BOISSINOT - ICI Radio-Canada - 23/4/2018)
Democrat bill to ban public expression of Biblical morality passes California Assembly. (Wintery Knight - 22/4/2018)
Affaire Faucher : comment la nouvelle laïcité étouffe les racines chrétiennes. (David Hérail-Lofaro - BlogDei - 20/4/2018)
At the University of Texas, the Left Lynches Its Own: In Austin, Antifa is taking the Inquisition into its own hands. (Matthew Vadum - American Spectator - 9/4/2018)
Living in a country where you daren't be anything but gay friendly: These days, those who don't embrace the full spectrum of gay and transgender life are often silenced (Christie Blatchford - National Post - 4/4/2018)
Canada : pour bénéficier des subventions emploi d'été, il faut reconnaître les « droits sexuels et reproductifs ». (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 21/3/2018)
Dans cette bibliothèque « Dieu te bénisse » et « Joyeux Noël » sont désormais considérés comme des micro-agressions. (Infochrétienne - 21/3/2018)
Help not wanted: Sexuality | California moves to ban Bible-based therapy for sex and gender issues. (Kiley Crossland - World.org - 16/3/2018)
Censorship Creep is Setting in As Social Media Companies Try to Stay Ahead of European Lawmakers. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 15/3/2018)
Délit de Fake News: Procès contre un opposant à la Théorie du Genre. (Nicolas Ciarapica - BlogDei - 15/3/2018)
EU Pushes More Censorship... To "Protect" You. (Judith Bergman - ZeroHedge - 15/3/2018)
A Professor Learns the Price of Speaking Her Mind. (Sarah Chaffee - Evolution News - 13/3/2018)
Assisted-Suicide Pushers Want Forced MD Participation. (Wesley J. Smith - Evolution News - 11/3/2018)
EU Commission Says Social Media Companies Must Take Down 'Terrorist Content' Within One Hour. (Tim Cushing - TechDirt - 5/3/2018)
The Lynching of a Darwin Skeptic: A Case of Political Correctness Run Amok. (Kevin H Wirth ed. - Leafcutter Press - 27-2/2018)
Une solution démocratique pour la protection du droit de conscience des médecins? (Collectif des médecins contre l'euthanasie - 24/2/2018)
Quebec Philosophy Prof Suspended for Christian Views. (CitizenGO Canada - 21/2/2018)
Don't let Bell censor the web and break Net Neutrality. (OpenMedia.org - 29/1/2018)
Non-voluntary euthanasia/organ harvesting - Coming soon to the Netherlands. (Wesley Smith - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 15/2/2018) [médecins devenus tueurs à gages...]
British Columbia (BC) Health Authority orders hospice to do euthanasia. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 14/2/2018)
An Orwellian Education Law in Britain: The freedom to follow. (Sohrab Ahmari - Commentary - 9/2/2018)
University Denies Free Speech to Ken Ham and Boots Him from Speaking: AiG President Gets Tossed from Speaking in Ironically Named Constitution Hall. (Patrick Kanewske + Mark Looy - AIG - 6/2/2018)
Ontario Court decision forces doctors to refer patients to death. (Alex Schadenberg - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 31/1/2018)
The alarming trend of Bullying Hospitals and Hospices into doing Assisted Suicide. (Will Johnston - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 2/1/2018)
Big Science Condemns Blasphemy Against Darwin: There's no escape. You can't flee anywhere in the world if you doubt Darwin. (David F. Coppedge - Creation-Evolution Headlines - 26/1/2018)
Atheist orgs 'intimidate' Trump's Cabinet over Bible study see Ben Carson's defiant response. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 27/1/2018)
Google now censoring conservative news, while giving leftist propaganda a free pass. (Wintery Knight - 15/1/2018)
Canada's prime minister explains why pro-life groups are not eligible for job grants. (Wintery Knight - 13/1/2018)
La religion doit rester « dans la sphère privée »: La ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur, Frédérique Vidal, a estimé que les convictions religieuses devaient rester « uniquement » dans « la sphère privée », tout en redisant son opposition à une loi interdisant le voile à l'université, le 7 janvier sur France 3. (Anne-Bénédicte Hoffner - EEPEES - 9/1/2018)
Que font les géants du Web contre les fausses informations ?: Alors que M. Macron veut une loi pour « responsabiliser les plates-formes », Google, Facebook et Twitter avaient déjà, ces derniers mois, annoncé plusieurs mesures. (Morgane Tual - Le Monde - 5/1/2018)
Macron annonce un projet de loi pour lutter contre la «propagande» et les «fake news», la liberté d'expression menacée: Le projet de loi pour lutter contre la propagation des «fake news» annoncé par Emmanuel Macron a été très critiqué par les internautes qui estiment que le président cherche en réalité à museler les voix discordantes. (Christian De Lablatinière - Europe/Israel News - 4/1/2018)
Christian Couple Loses Appeal, must pay $135,000 for not affirming same-sex marriage. (Wintery Knight - 2/1/2018)
How We Can Restrict Free Speech and Be Just as Free as Canada. (Tom Gilson - The Stream - 31/12/2017)
Ontario government seizes foster kids from Christian couple over Santa Claus and Easter bunny. (Wintery Knight - 30/12/2017)
Wiki Co-Founder Blasts 'Appallingly Biased' Wikipedia Entry on ID. (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 29/12/2017)
Inside Bell's Push to End Net Neutrality in Canada: Documents obtained by CANADALAND reveal a plan to create a not-for-profit corporation responsible for maintaining a blacklist of alleged pirate sites. (Robert Hiltz - CANADALAND - 12/12/2017)
Supreme Court to decide whether it is legal to be a Christian after same-sex marriage. (Wintery Knight - 5/12/2017)
Terre jeune : le chrétien Mark Armitage licencié par l'université de Californie pour avoir découvert des tissus mous sur un dinosaure, ébranlé le dogme évolutionniste et questionné la chronologie longue de la Terre. (Matthieu Lenoir - Reinformation.tv - 4/12/2017)
Is 'academic freedom' just a tired excuse for hate? (Bernard Goldberg - Jewish Wolrd Review - 4/12/2017)
After settlement, academia still opposes creationist: Mark Armitage says secular scientists have "blackballed" him. (Julie Borg - World Mag - 30/11/2017)
The New Anti-Semitism at the New School: Hatred gets a respectable cap and gown. (Phyllis Chesler - Tablet - 27/11/2017)
Campuses allowed anti-Semitism to fester. Now they're paying the price: A campus environment that winked at veiled anti-Semitism opened the door to blatant hatred, not only against Jewish students but other minorities. (Avi Benlolo - National Post - 23/11/2017)
Fascism in Canada: grad student dragged into kangaroo court for showing debate clip. (Wintery Knight - 22/11/2017)
Wikipedia Erases Record of Accomplished Scientist - 'Censored' for His Intelligent Design Position. (Tyler O'Neil - PJ Media 21/11/2017)
Darwinists Concede Wikipedia Erased Bechly for Coming Out in Favor of Intelligent Design. (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 21/11/2017)
Le délit d'opinion privée ou le totalitarisme de plain-pied: Le gouvernement français punira d'amende et de séance de rééducation politique les discussions privées jugées déviantes. [Décret n° 2017-1230 du 3 aoűt 2017] (Paroles de Dieu - 20/11/2017)
The Left's Hypocrisy on States Regulating Freedom of Expression of Businesses. (Rachel Alexander - The Stream - 15/11/2017)
The New Jew-Hatred: Right and Left. (James Kirchick - Commentary - 13/11/2017)
Ils croient que l'homosexualité c'est mal, on leur refuse le droit à l'adoption: EDMONTON Un couple a vu sa demande d'adoption être rejetée par des fonctionnaires du ministère des Services à l'enfance de l'Alberta en raison de ses croyances religieuses liées au genre et à la sexualité, lesquelles seraient contraires à la position officielle de la province. (Agence QMI - Journal de Montréal - 6/11/2017)
It's 1984 all over again for Ontario lawyers arguing against compelled speech: The Law Society is forcing its 58,000 members to create a mandatory statement of principles stating their obligation to promote equality, diversity and inclusion . (Christie Blatchford - National Post - 8/11/2017)
Antifa campaign puts 'target' on conservative leader's safety: College Republican chief sees his life in danger following 'hate speech' campaign. (Alicia Powe - WorldNetDaily - 28/10/2017)
Ontario bans pro-life witness outside abortion centers. (Lianne Laurence - LifeSite - 25/10/2017)
What My Latest Research on Christianophobia Means: We have to think creatively about how we can economically flourish in a post-Christian society. (George Yancey - The Stream - 23/10/2017)
British university cuts funding for research on sex-change regret. (Wintery Knight - 7/10/2017)
Documented cases of discrimination against religious people skyrocketing. (Wintery Knight - 25/9/2017)
I'm not "forcing my morality on you", you're forcing your immorality on me. (Matt Walsh - The Blaze - 19/9/2017)
Universities Ban Discussion of Creation by Speakers, Students. (Jerry Bergman - Creatoin/Evolution Headlines - 13/9/2017)
Europe's Destructive Holocaust Shame: How the narrative of Israel as the new Nazis and Palestinians as the new Jews helps Western Europe avoid its culpability in World War II. (Richard Landes - Tablet - 5/9/2017)
Another Ruthless Attack on a Pro-Family Group: Corporate America Flexes Its Muscle to Enforce Conformity. (Jennifer Roback Morse - The Stream - 4/9/2017)
Californie, le Lobby LGBT impose le dénie de la réalité au personnel hospitalier: Californie : les personnels soignants menacés d'amende et même de prison s'ils refusent d'employer les pronoms transgenres. (Jeanne Smits - Paroles de Dieu - 5/9/2017)
Rotten Apple: Tech CEOs like Apple's Tim Cook offer no quarter to conservatives in U.S. legislatures, but, with billions in profits on the line, they collaborate with dictators in China. (June Cheng - WorldMag - 2/9/2017)
City Journal publishes comprehensive profile of Southern Poverty Law Center. (Wintery Knight - 18/8/2017)
When "Freethinkers" Persecute the Faithful: Soft totalitarianism. (Sohrab Ahmari - Commentary - 16/8/2017)
Evolutionist: Free Speech for Me, Not for Thee, Certainly Not for ID. (Ray Bohlin & Michael Egnor - Evolution News - 13/8/2017)
Fired Google employee criticizes company's intolerance, alleges potentially illegal practices. (Brandon Morse - The Blaze - 10/8/2017)
Google engineer says the company is intolerant of different viewpoints. So they fired him. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 8/8/2017)
[Thanks for demonstrating I was right...]
Canada Forces Government Speech and Bans Bible Verses. (Avery Foley - AiG - 6/8/2017)
Dawkins Gets Expelled. (Michael Egnor - EvolutionNews - 22/7/2017)
Yes, LGBT Activists Want to Punish Christian Conservatives: Don't take my word for it. I'm simply quoting the foremost LGBT political donor. (Michael Brown - The Stream - 20/7/2017)
Stop pretending you're killing Charlie Gard 'for his own benefit' you monsters. (Matt Walsh: - The BLaze - 13/7/2017
Still Waters runs shallow. (David Cohen - Times of Israel - 9/7/2017) [Roger Waters vs Israel]
Refus de titularisation pour un astrophysicien chrétien. (Isabelle Goepp - ChrétiensInfo - 27/6/2017)
Pro-life doctor fights state law forcing him to act against his religion. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 25/6/2017)
Canadian Christian school under attack for teaching offensive Bible verses. (Justin Haskins - The Blaze - 24/6/2017)
In Canada, Big Brother is Ready to Raid Your Home and Steal Your Child: Canada is just one step ahead of the United States. (Michael Brown - The Stream - 6/6/2017)
Des Albertains veulent interdire les thérapies de conversion. (Camille Martel - Radio-Canada - 17/6/2017)
Crime de lèse-laïcité. (Êric Denimal - CPDH - 14/6/2017)
Democrat Bernie Sanders proposes rule barring Christians from political office. (Wintery Knight - 9/6/2017)
Christian farmers banned from city market over marriage views: Officials in East Lansing, Mich., crafted a new ordinance to keep the Tennes family from selling their local produce. (Mary Reichard - WorldMag - 6/6/2017)
Totalitarisme Gay au Canada : l'Ontario adopte une loi permettant d'arracher les enfants aux parents chrétiens. (Jeanne Smits - Reinformation.tv - 2/6/2017)
East Lansing bans farmer from selling produce because he opposes gay marriage. (Wintery Knight - 2/6/2017)
Mark Zuckerberg Finishes Another Long Day of Deciding What People Should Believe. [satire...] (Babylon Bee - 23/5/2017)
Christian staffer files lawsuit after school threatens to fire her for saying: "I will pray for you". (Tré Goins-Phillips - The Blaze - 23/5/2017)
Anti-Zionists and Anti-Semites: The definition of anti-Semitism. (Jonathan Marks - Commentary - 8/5/2017)
Breaking: Hazmat on Scene Where College Student May Have Been Exposed to Opposing Worldview. [satire...] (Babylon Bee - 27/4/2017)
Christian student expelled from course for views on gay marriage wins right to fight the university. (Tré Goins-Phillips - The Blaze - 26/4/2017)
How 'The Deranged Ones' Are Reshaping France. (Marc Weitzmann - Tablet - 24/4/2017)
UT Arlington student commits suicide after being disciplined for rejecting gay man. (Wintery Knight - 18/4/2017)
Belgique : un professeur d'université catholique licencié pour délit d'opinion. (Joël Hautebert - CNEF - 10/4/2017)
50 nuances de FAKENEWS. (Gilles Bernier - Blog: Yapasdpresse - 9/4/2017)
Professor calls her student's employer to get him fired for disagreeing with her. (Wintery Knight - 5/4/2017)
La croisade des LGBT contre la liberté d expression et les distinctions linguistiques immémoriales. (Pour une école libre au Québec - 2/4/2017)
Vimeo voids Christian videos: The sharing site is one of multiple web platforms to censor Biblical messages. (Bonnie Pritchett - World Mag - 31/3/2017)
Here's Epic Email Suspended Christian Sent Muslim Prof: 'There's something seriously wrong and depraved about you'. (Bob Unruh - WND- 29/3/2017)
Free Speech bus vandalized by LGBT activists. (Wintery Knight - 26/3/2017)
La conscience des médecins doit être « rééduquée »: Avortement et euthanasie forcés? Des bioéthiciens veulent forcer les médecins à assassiner. (Shaun Doyle - Paroles de Dieu - 20/3/32017)
These college students believe Muslims should have religious freedom rights - but not Christians. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 13/3/2017)
Grande-Bretagne: condamnés à l'amende pour avoir cité des versets bibliques dans la rue. (Evangeliques.info/Livenet - 7/3/2017)
The Loss of Free Speech in the UK and How We Should React as Christians. (Simon Turpin - AiG - 6/3/2017)
Christian street preachers fined over Bristol shopping centre sermon. (BBC - 1/3/2017)
Scientific Authority Becomes Scientific Authoritarianism: See Tom Bethell in Iconoclast Now. (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 22/2/2017)
Le délit d'entrave à l'IVG: un délit d'opinion et une propagande de mort: Entrave à l'IVG : les députés votent la pénalisation des sites Web. (Paroles de Dieu - 22/2/2017)
Trudeau-Khomeiny entend interdire la critique de l'islam : le Canada bientôt 58ème pays musulman. (Christine Tasin - Résistance républicaine - 19/2/2017)
Australian pop star cancels Israel concert after BDS pressure: Natalie Imbruglia has removed her planned concert in Israel from her list of upcoming performances. (Tal Polon - Aurtz Sheva - 12/02/2017)
The Unbearable Hypocrisy of MESA. (Michael Rubin - Commentary - 8/2/2017)
One rogue liberal: The shunning of Nat Hentoff. (Marvin Olasky - World Mag - 4/2/2017)
Bad Idea Or The Worst Idea? Having The FTC Regulate 'Fake News'. (Mike Masnick - TechDirt - 2/2/2017)
If your lifestyle is none of my business, stop demanding that I celebrate it. (Matt Walsh - The Blaze - 17/1/2017)
Canadian judge bans pro-life ads, because free speech makes people feel bad. (Wintery Knight - 12/1/2017)
Carmel High School censors and destroys poster from pro-life student club. (Wintery Knight - 22/12/2016)
Facebook enlists left-wing Politifact and Snopes to censor news critical of Democrats. (Wintery Knight - 16/12/2016)
Dean Kenyon and Academic Freedom -- A Case in Point. (Sarah Chaffee - Evolution News - 13/12/2016)
NASA on Trial: David Coppedge Fell Victim to Anti-ID Zeal at America's Space Agency. (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 13/12/2016)
Teacher fired for stating pro-life views that 'triggered' pro-abortion student. (Wintery Knight - 12/12/2016)
How a University Moved from Diversity to Indoctrination. (Daphne Patai - Minding the Campus - 11/12/2016)
Currently Turned Against Pro-Lifers, French Totalitarian Impulse Can Easily Jump Oceans. (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 9/12/2016)
Professeur en Colombie-Britannique licencié pour délit d'opinion. (Pour une école libre au Québec - 9-12-2016)
B.C. teacher fired for having the wrong opinion. (Christie Blatchford - National Post - 7/12/2016)
YouTube bans Prager U video of Muslim denouncing anti-semitism and promoting peace. (Brandon Morse - The Blaze - 5/12/2016)
French MPs vote to ban abortion websites that intimidate women: Government seeking to criminalise sites that pose as neutral sources of information, but promote anti-abortion propaganda. (Angelique Chrisafis - The Guardian - 1/12/2016)
IVG : les 3 sites dans le viseur du gouvernement. [Votée ce jeudi à l'Assemblée nationale, la proposition de loi pour élargir le délit d'entrave à l'interruption volontaire de grossesse aux sites internet diffusant des informations «biaisées» sur l'avortement vise trois sites pro-choix.] (Agnès Leclair - Le Figaro - 1/12/2016)
Public university gives credit for volunteering at Planned Parenthood, but not at church. (LifeSiteNews - 30/11/2016)
Tony Perkins: Liberal 'tolerance is a one-way street'. (Tré Goins-Phillips - The Blaze - 21/11/2016)
Canadian Parliament Condemns Free Speech. (Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden - 10/11/2016)
La Bible considère l'homosexualité comme une abomination. Christine Boutin condamnée en appel pour l'avoir dit ! (InfoChrétienne - 2/11/2016)
Canadian professor warns Americans about conflict between gay rights and free speech. (Wintery Knight - 26/10/2016)
Conservative student sues Iowa university over harassment policy: School administrators hold diploma hostage over failure to agree with speech-chilling rules. (Kiley Crossland - World Mag - 20/10/2016)
Massachusetts churches sue over 'anti-bias' law: Amended bill would force churches to abide by state s definition of gender and sexuality. (Bonnie Pritchett - WorldMag - 12/10/2016)
Menaces sur la liberté de la presse. (Le FIgaro - 7/10/2016)
Leonardo DiCaprio: Climate change deniers "should not be able to hold public office". (Ned Ehrbar - CBS News - 4/10/2016)
Forced abortion and euthanasia?: 'Bioethicists' want to force doctors to murder. (Shaun Doyle - CMI - 27/9/2016)
Ban conscientious objection by Canadian doctors, urge ethicists in volatile commentary. (Tom Blackwell - National Post - 22/9/2016)
U.S. Civil Rights Commission chairman says religious liberty is just intolerance". (Wintery Knight - 12/9/2016)
What happened to the Christian baker who declined to celebrate redefining marriage? (Wintery Knight - 8/9/2016)
Forced Reeducation for MDs Who Don't Want to Kill. (Wesley J. Smith - Evolution News - 3/9/2016)
Brendan Eich, Fired From Mozilla for Defending Marriage, Has a Brave New Web Browser. (The Stream - 26/8/2016)
Social justice training or institutionalized intolerance?: Free Speech | Critics say push for tolerance courses teaches university students that disagreement equals discrimination. (Kiley Crossland - WorldMag - 18/8/2016)
LGBTs vs. First Amendment: The Fight for Religious Freedom Ratchets. (Cheryl Chumley - The Blaze - 9/8/2016)
'Love', not rights: Winning recognition for gay marriage in America was all about spinning the right message. (Susan Olasky - WorldMag - 5/8/2016)
University hit with lawsuit after ordering campus religious group to get permit. (Michelle Leibowitz - 28/6/2016 - FoxNews)
UPDATE on Trinity-Western University's fight against anti-Christian bigotry. (Ezra Levant - 21/6/2016 - RebelMedia)
Nouveau scandale à l'ONU : On renoue avec l'antisémitisme dans l'Union Européenne. (Sandra Wildenstein - Alternatio - 28/5/2016)
After a fiery trial: Intelligent design proponent David Coppedge reflects on his wrongful termination lawsuit and walking through the valleys of life. (WorldMag - Sophia Lee - 13/5/2016)
Harvard professor: Start treating Christian conservatives like Nazis. (Bradford Richardson - The Washington Times - 10/5/2016)
Facebook and the Gatekeeper Code. (J. Tobin - Commentary - 10/5/2016)
Une journaliste néerlandaise brièvement arrêtée en Turquie pour des tweets critiques d’Erdogan. (Le Monde - 24/4/2016)
Ebru Umar est relâchée par la police turque, mais ne peut quitter le pays. (Lionel Baland - 24/4/2016)
Turkish-Dutch Journalist Detained for Tweeting About President Erdogan. (Carly Hoilman - The Blaze - 24/4/2016)
Australie : Un chrétien arrêté par la police pour avoir refusé de se taire alors qu’il prêchait dans la rue. (Infochrétienne - 20/4/2016)
Doctor fired after government hears his sermons: 'They can come after any of us for our beliefs on anything'. (Douglas Ernst - WorldMag - 20/4/2016)
Harvard v. Reality: The advance of liberal fascism continues apace. (John Steele Gordon - Commentary - 18/4/2016)
Professor Pens Op-Ed Suggesting That Climate Change Deniers do not Deserve Free Speech Protection. (Carly Hoilman - The Blaze - 12/4/2016)
University Reportedly Expels Student From Social Work Course Over Gay Marriage Comment — but He’s Not Backing Down. (Billy Hallowell - The Blaze - 11/4/2016)
Keeping the faith on campus: Colleges welcome diversity, except when it comes to evangelical Christian student groups. (Stephen V. Monsma & Stanley W. Carlson-Thies - WorldMag - 9/4/2016)
Procès en appel des deux chrétiens condamnés en première instance pour homophobie. (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 6/4/2016)
Belgique : Interdiction d’une campagne d’information sur les alternatives à l’avortement. (Gènéthique - 1/4/2016)
University Threatens to Fire Professor for Criticizing a Faculty Member Who Allegedly Silenced Student Who Opposed Gay Marriage. (Carly Hoilman - The Blaze - 29/3/2016)
Comment éviter de se laisser censurer par le biais d’un procès en "phobie" (islamo-, homo-, ou autre). (Atlantico - 20/3/2016 - Extrait de "La langue des médias" d'Ingrid Riocreux, éditions L'Artilleur 2/2)
LGBT activists apply financial lever to Christian colleges. (Nick Eicher - WorldMag - 18/3/2016)
The New Yorker vs. Free Speech: America’s most prestigious weekly seems determined to express solidarity with radicals who want to silence their ideological foes by any means necessary. (James Kirchick - Commentary - 16/3/2016)
Canadian Christian wins religious discrimination case. (Laura Finch - World Mag - 8/3/2016)
Hand of God? Scientific anatomy paper citing a 'creator' retracted after furore: Paper states hand coordination should indicate the mystery of the Creator's invention, although the Chinese authors say a linguistic mix-up is to blame. (Nicola Davis - The Guardian - 7/3/2016)
PLOS ONE "Creator" Scandal Enters Witch-hunt Territory. (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 7/3/2016)
Scientific paper which says the human hand was designed by a 'Creator' sparks controversy: The paper's perceived references to intelligent design have provoked anger and calls for a boycott of the journal. (Doug Bolton - Independant - 3/3/2016)
Chick-fil-A flap rocks another American university. (Todd Starnes - FoxNews - 23/2/2016)
The Hypocrisy of Big Business Attacking Georgia’s Religious Liberty Bill. (Ryan T. Anderson - The Daily Signal - 25/2/2016)
Days Before Scheduled Event, University Cancels Conservative Writer’s Lecture Due to Its ‘Dedication to the Free Exchange of Ideas’. (Tré Goins-Phillips - The Blaze - 23/2/2016)
The lie of pro-Palestinian activism. (Caroline B. Glick - Jerusalem Post - 22/2/2016)
Homophobie : le jugement du tribunal d’Angoulême où en est-on ? (CPDH - 22/2/2016)
A ‘progressive’ bully strikes again: The Southern Poverty Law Center continues its war on conservatives. (Robert Knight - The Washington Times - 21/2/2016)
Before You Join the BDS Movement, Read This. (Sally Abrams - Times of Israel - 20/2/2016)
Is the Labour Party's problem with racism beyond repair? The anti-Semitism row in Oxford is not an aberration – it is just what the modern Labour Party looks like. (Dan Hodges - The Telegraph - 17/2/2016)
State tries to ruin small-town florist who refused 'gay' wedding: 'No one should be faced with this choice'. (Leo Hohmann - WND - 8/2/2016)
De la christianophobie de l'élite américaine qui souhaite l'éradication des chrétiens. (Nicklas Pélès de Saint Phalle - Reinformation.tv - 5/2/2016)
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Omits Jews from His Holocaust Remembrance Statement. (Yair Rosenberg - Tablet Magazine - 28/1/2016)
Student punished for refusing to recite Islamic profession of faith: Lawsuit: Hands out failing grades, then threatens her father for objecting. (Bob Unruh - WorldMag - 28/1/2016)
A hit list of Christian colleges?: Higher Education | Department of Education grants LGBT lobby’s request to publish Title IX waiver recipients. (J.C. Derrick - World Mag - 25/1/2016)
Support swells for Christian family in Norway after authorities seize children. (Sarah Padbury - World Mag - 21/1/2016)
As Christianity Is Wiped Out By Islamic State, Obama Lectures Americans on Religious Tolerance. (Brad Schaeffer - The Blaze - 22/1/2016)
Planned Parenthood sues over undercover videos: The nation’s largest abortion provider claims the Center for Medical Progress broke laws in several states. (Leigh Jones - World Mag - 14/1/2016)
Christian Farm Owners Fought Back Against $13,000 Fine for Refusing to Host a Gay Wedding — but Here’s What Just Happened in Court. (Billy Hallowell - The Blaze - 14/1/2016)
Prominent doc says LGBT opposition got him excised from hospital staff. (Edmund DeMarche - WND - 5/1/2016)
An Israeli Group Created Fake Anti-Israel and Anti-Palestinian Facebook Pages. Guess Which One Got Taken Down? (Sharona Schwartz - The Blaze - 5/1/2016)
Lawyer for Christian Bakers Who Were Forced to Pay Nearly $137,000 to Lesbian Couple Reveals Most Shocking Element of the Case. (Billy Hallowell - The Blaze - 31/12/2015)
Harvard Professor and Physician Loses Medical Job for Voicing Objections to LGBT Practices. (Carly Hoilman - The Blaze - 31/12/2015)
Condamnée à 5 000 € d’amende pour avoir qualifié l’homosexualité d’« abomination ». (EEPEES - 29/12/2015)
Mark Regnerus on the science of families: Three years after academia rejected his research on same-sex families, the Texas professor reflects on what was gained and lost. (Warren Cole Smith - World Mag - 17/12/2015)
The campus threat to free speech. (Mary Reichard - World Mag - 1/12/2015)
Why Campuses Explode, From Sorcery to Victim Hood. (Abraham Miller - The Blaze - 27/11/2015)
A Generation that Hates Free Speech. (Noah Rothman - Commentary 12/11/2015)
L'Etat de Vaud légifère contre l'enseignement du créationnisme. (RTS Info - 11/11/2015)
Pro-Palestinian Protesters in Minnesota Shout Down Israeli Professor. If Only They’d Heard What He Said. (The Blaze - 5/11/2015)
Délibéré du procès des deux chrétiens accusés pour avoir partagé le témoignage d’un ex homosexuel. (InfoChrétienne - 2/11/2015)
Anti-Intellectualism on Campus. (Commentary - 2/11/2015)
Une loi mondiale contre le négationnisme des climatosceptiques en préparation. (Paroles de Dieu - 28/10/2015)
'Hate Speech' Laws Are Just Another Way For Governments To Punish People They Don't Like. (TechDirt - 28/10/2015)
Une loi mondiale contre le négationnisme des climatosceptiques en préparation. (Paroles de Dieu - 28/10/2015)
Lawyer for Defiant Football Coach Who Refuses to Stop On-Field Prayer Issues Warning: ‘We’re Getting Closer and Closer to the Point of No Return’. (The Blaze - 27/10/2015)
Forcing pro-lifers to promote abortion. (World Mag - 14/10/2015)
NY Times Angers Historians, Archaeologists Over Article Questioning Jewish Link to Temple Mount. (The Blaze - 11/10/2015)
Atheists Target School Prayer — but Students and Residents Flock to the Football Field to Respond With a Powerful Message. (TheBlaze - 6/10/2015)
From gay parents to prom dates, faith-based schools face LGBT dilemmas. (WorldMag - 1/10/2015)
Oxford: where free speech goes to die: A student magazine called No Offence has been banned for being offensive. (Catherine Johnson - Spiked - 30/9/2015)
Une ex-élue marseillaise condamnée pour avoir refusé de marier deux femmes. (Le Figaro - 29/9/2015)
First Person: Is “Bible” a Dirty Word?: Does Near Eastern politics affect archaeology? Unfortunately, yes. (Biblical Archaeology Review - 28/9/2015)
Canada : Un chauffeur de bus évangélique congédié après avoir refusé de conduire un bus aux couleurs de la « Gay pride ». (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 17 septembre 2015)
Persecution of Christians on rise – in U.S. (WND - 17/9/2015)
Jugés pour avoir diffusé le témoignage d’un chrétien ayant quitté l’homosexualité. (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 9/9/2015)
ETATS-UNIS Kim Davis refusait d'enregistrer des unions homosexuelles... (20 minutes - 8/9/2015)
SPLC dumps 'extremist' label on pro-lifers. (WND - 5/9/2015)
Une greffière du Kentucky opposée au mariage gai condamnée à la prison. (RadioCanada - 3/9/2013)
Etats-Unis : une greffière opposée au mariage homosexuel condamnée à de la prison. (Le Monde - 3/9/2015)
En France, deux chrétiens évangéliques traduits en justice pour un tract présumé homophobe. (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 1/9/2015)
Un film sur la persécution des chrétiens refusé au Festival de Locarno. (Evangéliques du Bas-Rhin - 25 août 2015)
Sweet Cakes bakers send cakes to LGBTQ groups as 'expression of love'. (OregonLive - 20/8/2015)
‘Unbelievable’: Evangelist Franklin Graham Responds to Gov’t Decision to Fine Christian Bakers $135,000 for Declining a Gay Wedding Cake. (TheBlaze - 7/7/2015)
Ontario court upholds Law Society’s decision not to accredit Trinity Western University. (The Star - 2/7/2015)
Private religious freedom is no freedom at all says ex-judge. (The Christian Institute - 15/5/2015)
Atheist militants who silence Christians are as bad as Tudor tyrants, says top judge. (Daily Mail - 14/5/2015)
Christian print shop wins discrimination case: Kentucky judge rules Blaine Adamson of Hands On Originals isn't guilty of discrimination for refusing to print gay pride T-shirts. (Jamie Dean - Wolrd Mag - 27/4/2015)
Prière à Saguenay: une facture de plus de 50 000 $ acheminée au maire Jean Tremblay. (Huffington Post - 20/4/2015)
Revers pour le maire Tremblay: Terminé la prière à Saguenay. (TVA Nouvelles - 15/4/2015)
Ken Ham Responds to Richard Dawkins' Accusation of Christian Parents Indoctrinating Children, Says Dawkins Wants Only 'Religion of Atheism' to Be Taught. (Christian Post - 4/3/2015)
Richard Dawkins on attack: “Children need to be protected” from religious parents. (Salon - 25/2/2015)
Permis pour les nouvelles mosquées: Legault veut des «inspecteurs» des valeurs québécoises. (TVA Nouvelles - 17/2/2015)
Censor of the Year: Neil deGrasse Tyson Broadcast His Photoshopped Narrative of Science to Millions. (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 12/2/2015)
European Anti-Semitism Starts from the Top. (Commentary - 11/2/2015)
De nombreuses préoccupations pour François Legault. Un intégrisme religieux préoccupant (Actualités - 10/2/2015)
Oregon Bakery Must Pay For Refusing To Make Wedding Cake For Lesbian Couple. (Huffington Post - 7/2/2015)
Le fisc doit sévir contre les intégristes religieux, dit François Legault. (La Presse - 4/2/2015)
B.C. revokes consent for controversial law school. (Globe & Mail - 11/12/2014)
Écoles juives: La menace d’une poursuite inédite met la pression sur Bolduc. (Le Devoir - 19/11/2014)
What Has the Guardian Got Against Jews? (Commentary - 10/11/2014)
What a Texas City Is Demanding These Pastors Do With Their Sermons About Homosexuality. (The Blaze - 15/10/2014)
Le parti pris d’une université pour la chasteté pourrait lui coûter sa faculté de droit. (RadioCanada - 26/9/2014)
Le Barreau du N.-B. vote contre une école de droit chrétienne. (La Presse - 139/2014)
Scientist claims California university fired him over creationist beliefs. (FoxNews - 307/2014)
University sued after firing creationist fossil hunter: Microscopist’s wrongful-dismissal case faces long odds. (Nature - 5/11/2014)
Man sues, says he was rejected by Md. college for citing "God". (The Washington Times - 29/4/2014) [educational institutiion actively filtering out non-postmodern views]
This new breed of militant atheists are as intolerant as any religious fundamentalists. (Daily Mail - 21/4/2014)
Gay Marriage—a big stick to beat the church with. (CMI - 5/3/2014)
The Closing of the Scientific Mind: Reflections on the zombie-scientist problem. (David Gelernter - Commentary - 1/1/2014)
Boycott by Academic Group Is a Symbolic Sting to Israel. (New York TImes - 16/12/2013)
La DPJ recule après plus 3 ans d'interrogatoires, de tests et de procès: une famille recouvre sa liberté. (Pour une école libre au Québec- 9/2013)
Québec se penche sur la neutralité religieuse des employés de l'État. (RadioCanada - 23/8/2013)
The Inquisition Strikes Very Close to Home: The case of Dr. Eric Hedin, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Ball State University (Prosologion - 30/5/2013)
Hausse des incidents antisémites au Québec. (TVA Nouvelles - 23/4/2013)
University Dean Says Creationists Should Not be Allowed to Graduate. (The Last Resistance - 23/10/2012)
Rev. Stephen Boissoin vindicated: court upholds right to express views on homosexuality. (LifeSiteNews - 22/10/2012)
Jonathan Kay: Victory, at last: Stephen Boissoin prevails against Alberta's human-rights censors. (National Post - 19/10/2012)
Chick-Fil-A Day on Wednesday: Supporters Respond to Boycott Over Gay Marriage Comments. (Christian Post - 23/7/2012)
George Jonas: Supreme Court puts the final nail in the coffin of religious freedom. (National Post - 28/2/2012)
Le cours ECR et la liberté des parents. (La Voix de l'Est - 23/2/2012)
Cours d'éthique et culture religieuse : les parents déboutés. (RadioCanada - 17/2/2012)
Quebec's new state religion: cultural relativism. (Barbara Kay - PTBC - 17/12/2010)
Éthique et culture religieuse : la nouvelle religion d'État au Québec. (Samizdat - 9/2009)
Opposition à une conférence sur le créationnisme au Cégep. (Le Mouton Noir - mars 2009)
Le Cégep de Sherbrooke a erré. (La Presse - 10/3/2009)
The Tablets of Ebla: Discovery And Controversy. (Chabad - 1/11/2008)
Tolérance, relativisme et totalitarisme. (Conférence - Paul Gosselin 3/9/2008)
Bible Publishers Sued for Anti-Gay References. (Rick Pedraza - NewsMax - 10/7/2008)
Se méprendre au sujet du cas Michael Reiss. (Luke Barnes - Blog: Letters to Nature - sept. 2008)
I accuse Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach of anti-Christian bigotry. (TheRebel/Levant - 9/6/2008) [cas: Stephen Boissoin]
Top 10 Reasons Why We Need to Outlaw Christmas. (Le Québécois LIbre - 16/12/2007)
Écoles mennonites et pensée unique au Québec. (Samizdat - 2007)
Les mennonites quitteraient le Québec pour protéger leurs enfants... de Darwin. (Le Devoir - 20/8/2007)
The Letter that Started It All. (CanadianPastor/Blogspot - 21/9/2005) -> discussing the case of pastor Stephen Boissoin.
On Hating the Jews: Is there a single explanation for the astonishing persistence of anti-Semitism? (Natan Sharansky - Commentary - 1/11/2003)
C-250: Nouvelles mesures de censure au Canada. (Samizdat - 2003)
France: La foi sous surveillance. interview du pasteur de Mulhouse, Samuel Peterschmitt. (Samizdat - 30/12/2003)
Le plaisir douteux de taper sur Israël. (Samizdat - 2002)
An Academic's Reluctant Conclusion: Fundamentalist Teachers Don't Belong in College Classrooms. Prying Open a Closed Mind. (Robert Jensen - School of Journalism, U. of Texas - 2000)
Les articles énumérés ici sont présentés simplement en ordre chronologique, en commençant par les plus récents, ce qui permet de voir évoluer les choses.
Bien des gens sont conscients que les valeurs issues du système de croyances judéo-chrétiennes sont de plus en plus attaquées en Occident. On n'a qu'à penser à légalisation de l'avortement et (plus récemment) de l'euthanasie et des bagarres autour du "mariage gai". Mais le but de cette page est de permettre un recul afin de regarder, comme le disent les américains, le "big picture", c'est-à-dire voir les choses dans leur ensemble. S'éloigner des bagarres localisés, pour prendre conscience de la guerre...
Il faut bien se rendre compte que si, il y a bien des années on pouvait encore légitimement parler d'un «Occident chrétien», depuis plusieurs centaines d'années, la réalité est tout autre. On a eu d'abord la montée d'une élite moderne, issue des penseurs des Lumières. Chez les français, il est représenté par des individus tels qu'Albert Camus ou Michel Onfray et dans le monde anglophone par des individus tels que Hume, les Huxleys, Richard Dawkins ou Christopher Hitchens. Ce sont des penseurs matérialistes, très ancrés dans le mythe d'origines matérialiste, la théorie de l'évolution. Ils méprisent "la religion". Mais ce qu’il faut noter est que le système des Lumières est fondamentalement une RÉACTION au système judéo-chrétien et la tentative d’ériger un système idéologico-religieux alternatif. Les élites postmodernes, pour leur part, poursuivent cette réaction au système judéo-chrétien et vont plus loin encore. Les postmodernes (qui sont très présents dans le monde culturel et dans les sciences sociales), par contre, ne sont pas aussi emmerdants, ni attachés au matérialisme (la matière est TOUT ce qui existe). Les postmodernes sont donc "ouverts" à la religion sous TOUTES ses formes, même l'occultisme et les cultes sataniques, mais ils rejettent de manière absolue l’idée qu’il puisse y avoir un Juste Juge devant qui tous devront rendre des comptes un jour... Si pour les modernes (les disciples des Lumières), la vérité se trouve dans la Science (S majuscule obligatoire) pour les postmodernes, la seule vérité qui leur reste est l'individu, ses pulsions, ses désires...
Si les bagarres autour du "mariage gai" font actuellement les manchettes, et que l'on observe des pressions de plus en plus fortes exercées sur des organismes chrétiens ou sur des commerçants chrétiens pour de se compromettre afin de se laisser mouler par l'idéologie postmoderne, en examinant les articles signalés dans ce dossier, on constatera que la poussée contre tout vestige de concepts ou de références morales tirés du système de croyances judéo-chrétiennes affecte des choses inattendus comme les recherches en archéologie. Là aussi, toute découverte qui pourraient appuyer le fondement du système judéo-chrétien, c’est-à-dire la Bible, est sujet à une censure (hypocrite) ou à la désinformation... Quelques articles dans cette liste témoignent de cette réalité.
En Occident nous faisons les frais d'une élite raffinée qui aime bien nous faire la morale en nous rappelant notre responsabilité d'être "tolérants". Mais lorsqu'on y regarde de plus près, les grands intolérants ce sont justement nos élites postmodernes! À la question: Qu'est-ce que le postmodernisme?, lisez cet article.
Ici au Québec on a été témoin en 2008 de l'intolérance et de l'hypocrisie postmoderne lors du débat sur le fameux cours Éthique et culture religieuse qui a été imposé sur les étudiants de tout le système scolaire québécois, du début du primaire jusqu'à la fin du secondaire (lycée en France). Les partisans de ce cours affirmaient qu'il devait apprendre aux Québécois la "tolérance", mais dans les faits les partisans de ce cours ont démontrés qu'ils ne savaient rien à ce sujet car ils ont eux-mêmes piétinés les droits de toutes les personnes concernées, soit les parents, des enseignants et des commissions scolaires afin d'imposer ce cours sur tout le système et le rendre obligatoire. Avant 2008 le système scolaire était bien plus tolérant et offraient aux parents des choix réels, c'est-à-dire des cours de religion catholiques, protestants, moral (pour parents athées) et dans les écoles privées, des cours de religion judaïques ou influencés par l'Islam. Il aurait été fort intéressant d'offrir ce cours en parallèle aux cours existants pour voir combien de parents Québécois l'auraient librement choisis. On peut gager que ça aurait été un FLOP risible... L'imposition de ce cours sur tous les Québécois est la meilleure démonstration que l'on peut trouver du mépris des droits individuels et de l'hypocrisie de nos élites postmodernes.
L'intolérance postmoderne peut prendre plusieurs formes, mais il faut surtout prendre conscience où nous mène cette logique, c'est-à-dire vers une situation où pour ceux qui croient vraiment à la vision du monde judéo-chrétienne, la «liberté religieuse» finira par signifier rien d'autre que la possibilité de cultiver un état d'esprit «émotif/intellectuel» particulier, mais sujette à la clause suivante, c'est-à-dire que l'expression de l'une de ces croyances en public sera considéré comme une "offense", une "offense" (au besoin) sujette à des sanctions pénales...
Il se peut que certains se demanderont pourquoi il est question dans cette
liste d'antisémitisme. Et bien, il ne faut pas se cacher que le phénomène hypocrite (et croissant) de l'antisémitisme en Occident au 21e siècle fait partie de ce phénomène. La version postmoderne de l'antisémitisme est hypocrite, car elle masque sa haine des Juifs derrière des considérations "politiques" et un souci de "justice" (mais pour les ennemis des Juifs uniquement)...