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Book Reviews

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English Reviews


Urbain Olivier, un auteur oublié... Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Création et science: l'œuvre de Stanley L. Jaki. Ellen Myers - Samizdat

Stephen R. Lawhead: romancier évangélique. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Si on devait passer devant le juge? Paul Gosselin - Samizdat -> Commentaire sur les Épîtres rédigées par Pline le Jeune, avocat, homme d'État et historien roman

Théorie de la dictature par MIchel Onfray : un compte rendu. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Lire à nouveau un livre d'histoire... Paul Gosselin - Samizdat -> compte rendu de How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe, par Thomas Cahill.

BHL au pays des créationnistes... Paul Gosselin - Samizdat -> compte rendu de American Vertigo par Bernard-Henri Lévy

Commentaires sur les Revendications: Une théologie politique protestante sous la crise du Covid. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Comment les démocraties finissent: Un compte rendu. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Alexandre Dumas et le « mystère Reepicheep ». Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Dieu a un plan merveilleux pour ta vie. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat -> livre par Ray Comfort

Les Trois Mousquetaires - Vingt après par Alexandre Dumas. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

"Toi, vas-y !": Albert Burkhardt, missionnaire, homme de Dieu par Jean-Marie Ribay, Rebecca Redon. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Les enfants du Goulag: Chronique de l'enfance opprimée en URSS. par Sergiu Grossu. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Mille Villages par Claude Tremblay. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Le prince par Niccolò Machiavelli. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

La vraie vie chrétienne par Bob George. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Discours Sur l'Inégalité par Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Le meilleur des hommes: L'histoire de Guy Biéler, le plus grand espion canadien par Guy Gendron. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

La Trahison des Clercs par Julien Benda. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Opium des intellectuels par Raymond Aron. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Christ philosophe by Frédéric Lenoir. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Dans les bras de mon père : l'étonnante histoire du retour d'un enfant prodigue by Alain Rodrigue. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Introduction à l'histoire de notre temps : Tome I : L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution, 1750-1815 par René Rémond. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

La Tentation de L'Occident: par André Malraux. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Les Tragiques par Agrippa d'Aubigné. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Le retour de Jésus-Christ: livre par Réné Pache. Raymond Boivin - Samizdat

Le livre de la Genèse, d'après Hugh Ross. Eric J. Blievernicht - Samizdat

Analyse critique du livre de Henri Blocher intitulé Révélation des origines. Marc Hébert - Samizdat

Critique du livre d'Alfred Kuen «Le labyrinthe des origines». Marc Hébert

Critique de la deuxième partie du livre Paradigms on Pilgrimage de C.R. Smith. Paulin Bédard - Samizdat

Un livre oublié et le moment de vérité du pasteur. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat -> discute d'un livre par Arthur Gesswein, un chrétien russe et survivant du Goulag et la persécution en 2023

Pieds nus dans l'aube par Félix Leclerc. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Le fantôme de Nietzsche en 2024: ou Par-delà bien et mal, un compte rendu. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Maria Chapdelaine par Louis Hémon. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Le Ministricule : un bref compte rendu. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Germinal, par Émile Zola. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Israël dans le développement de la pensée chrétienne par Ronald E. Diprose. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

La Tentation totalitaire par Jean-François Revel : Un compte rendu. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Théogonie et autres poèmes suivi des hymnes homériques. Jean-Louis Backès traducteur. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Une brève histoire de l'avenir : un compte rendu. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Les Essais de Michel Seigneur de Montaigne : Livre I. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Voyages et aventures du Capitaine Hatteras par Jules Verne (1867). Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Ne leur pardonnez pas! Ils savaient très bien ce qu'ils font. par Jean-Michel Jacquemin-Raffestin. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat - 14/1/2025

Athalie, par Jean Racine. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

De la terre à la lune ; Autour de la lune par Jules Verne. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads




Fools, Frauds and Firebrands by Roger Scruton - A Review. Paul Gosselin

Inklings Odd-Ballery: A Review of Owen Barfield's Worlds Apart. Paul Gosselin

The Malaise of Modernity (1991) by Charles Taylor: A Reveiw. Paul Gosselin

Alasdair MacIntyre (1981) After Virtue: A book review. Paul Gosselin

Article reviews on the New (scientific) Priesthood. Paul Gosselin

Création et science: l'œuvre de Stanley L. Jaki. Ellen Myers

World War II: And Connecting Ideological Dots... Paul Gosselin -> thoughts provoked by Life and Death of the Luftwaffe by Werner Baumbach

Darwinism as Religion by Michael Ruse: A Review. Paul Gosselin

Jordan Peterson's Maps of Meaning: A Review. Paul Gosselin

Mattias Desmet's The Psychology of Totalitarianism: A Review. Paul Gosselin

Edward Veith's Modern Fascism : A Review. Paul Gosselin

Goliath by Max Blumenthal: A Review. Paul Gosselin

Propaganda by Edward Bernays: A Review. Paul Gosselin

The Soul of Shame: Retelling the Stories We Believe about Ourselves by Curt Thompson. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

God vs. Government: Taking a Biblical Stand When Christ and Compliance Collide by Nathan Busenitz, James Coates. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Permanent Record by Edward Snowden. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution by Carl R. Trueman. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Heart of Midlothian by Walter Scott. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Quentin Durward by Walter Scott. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Antiquary by Walter Scott. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Things Past by Malcolm Muggeridge. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The City of God by Augustine of Hippo. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Face of God: The Gifford Lectures by Roger Scruton. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Eugenics and Other Evils: An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State by G.K. Chesterton. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Modern Tyrants: The Power and Prevalence of Evil in Our Age by Daniel Chirot. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

On Power and Ideology: The Managua Lectures by Noam Chomsky. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Foxe's Book of Martyrs by John Foxe. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

We. Complete Edition with Original Illustrations: A Dystopian Novel by Yevgeny Zamyatin. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Swerve: How the World Became Modern by Stephen Greenblatt. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Voyage to Alpha Centauri by Michael D. O'Brien. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

If I Perish by Esther Ahn Kim. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons We Must Learn from Nazi Germany by Erwin W. Lutzer. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Plays: Ivanov / The Seagull / Uncle Vanya / Three Sisters / The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Human Nature by David Berlinski. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America by David Horowitz. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Out of the Silent Planet (Space Trilogy, #1) by C.S. Lewis. Paul Gosselin- GoodReads

That Hideous Strength (Space Trilogy, #3) by C.S. Lewis. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth by J.R.R. Tolkien. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life, 1500 to the Present by Jacques Barzun. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Brother Of The Bride by Danita Dyer. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Philosophers Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of 11 Leading Thinkers by Kelly James Clark (Editor). Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Darwin, Marx, Wagner: Critique of a Heritage by Jacques Barzun. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Essays by Plutarch. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Fingerprint of God: Recent Scientific Discoveries Reveal the Unmistakable Identity of the Creator by Hugh Ross. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

C. S. Lewis: Anti-Darwinist: A Careful Examination of the Development of His Views on Darwinism by Jerry Bergman. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Authenticity of the Book of Genesis by Bill Cooper. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

How Darwinism Corrodes Morality: Darwinism, Immorality, Abortion and the Sexual Revolution by Jerry Bergman. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Fall of Gondolin (Middle-Earth Universe) by J.R.R. Tolkien. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Great Code: The Bible and Literature by Northrop Frye. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Animal Farm by George Orwell. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Evolution's Blunders, Frauds and Forgeries by Jerry Bergman. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Bonhoeffer Abridged: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Leaf by Niggle by J.R.R. Tolkien. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Mind of the Maker by Dorothy L. Sayers. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Beren and Lúthien by J.R.R. Tolkien. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Christ on the Jewish Road by Richard Wurmbrand. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

August 1914 by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Long Ships: A Saga of the Viking Age by Frans G. Bengtsson. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Divine Challenge by John Byl. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Ivanhoe by Walter Scott. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature by C.S. Lewis. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Christ and the Media by Malcolm Muggeridge. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks & Feels by Thomas Cahill. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Night by Elie Wiesel. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Fulfilled Journey by Arthur Ernest, A.E. Wilder-Smith, Beate Wilder-Smith. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Wittgenstein's Poker: The Story of a Ten-Minute Argument Between Two Great Philosophers by David Edmonds & John Eidinow. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Truth and Beauty: How the Lives and Works of England's Greatest Poets Point the Way to a Deeper Understanding of the Words of Jesus by Andrew Klavan. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Goliath by Max Blumenthal: A Review. Paul Gosselin

Joan Peters' book From Time Immemorial: A Review. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Aesop's Fables. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Thomas Nagel's Mind and Cosmos, A Review. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Sad Shapiro: Neo-Darwinism at the Crossroads? Paul Gosselin

The Origin and Growth of Religion by Wilhelm Schmidt. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Science after Babel: A review. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

God & Golem, Inc. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads