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Book Reviews

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Most GoodReads reviews are 1-2 paragraphs long...

English Reviews


Urbain Olivier, un auteur oublié... Paul Gosselin

Création et science: l'œuvre de Stanley L. Jaki. Ellen Myers

Stephen R. Lawhead: romancier évangélique. Paul Gosselin

Si on devait passer devant le juge? Paul Gosselin -> Commentaire sur les Épîtres rédigées par Pline le Jeune, avocat, homme d'État et historien roman

Théorie de la dictature par MIchel Onfray : un compte rendu. Paul Gosselin

Lire à nouveau un livre d'histoire... Paul Gosselin -> compte rendu de How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe, par Thomas Cahill.

BHL au pays des créationnistes... Paul Gosselin -> compte rendu de American Vertigo par Bernard-Henri Lévy

Commentaires sur les Revendications: Une théologie politique protestante sous la crise du Covid. Paul Gosselin

Comment les démocraties finissent: Un compte rendu. Paul Gosselin

Alexandre Dumas et le « mystère Reepicheep ». Paul Gosselin

Dieu a un plan merveilleux pour ta vie. Paul Gosselin -> livre par Ray Comfort

Les Trois Mousquetaires - Vingt après par Alexandre Dumas. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

"Toi, vas-y !": Albert Burkhardt, missionnaire, homme de Dieu par Jean-Marie Ribay, Rebecca Redon. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Les enfants du Goulag: Chronique de l'enfance opprimée en URSS. par Sergiu Grossu. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Mille Villages par Claude Tremblay. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Le prince par Niccolò Machiavelli. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

La vraie vie chrétienne par Bob George. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Discours Sur l'Inégalité par Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Le meilleur des hommes: L'histoire de Guy Biéler, le plus grand espion canadien par Guy Gendron. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

La Trahison des Clercs par Julien Benda. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Opium des intellectuels par Raymond Aron. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Christ philosophe by Frédéric Lenoir. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Dans les bras de mon père : l'étonnante histoire du retour d'un enfant prodigue by Alain Rodrigue. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Introduction à l'histoire de notre temps : Tome I : L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution, 1750-1815 par René Rémond. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

La Tentation de L'Occident: par André Malraux. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Les Tragiques par Agrippa d'Aubigné. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Le retour de Jésus-Christ: livre par Réné Pache. Raymond Boivin - Samizdat

Le livre de la Genèse, d'après Hugh Ross. Eric J. Blievernicht - Samizdat

Analyse critique du livre de Henri Blocher intitulé Révélation des origines. Marc Hébert

Critique du livre d'Alfred Kuen «Le labyrinthe des origines». Marc Hébert

Critique de la deuxième partie du livre Paradigms on Pilgrimage de C.R. Smith. Paulin Bédard

Un livre oublié et le moment de vérité du pasteur. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat -> discute d'un livre par Arthur Gesswein, un chrétien russe et survivant du Goulag et la persécution en 2023

Pieds nus dans l'aube par Félix Leclerc. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Le fantôme de Nietzsche en 2024: ou Par-delà bien et mal, un compte rendu. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Maria Chapdelaine par Louis Hémon. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Le Ministricule : un bref compte rendu. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Germinal, par Émile Zola. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Israël dans le développement de la pensée chrétienne par Ronald E. Diprose. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

La Tentation totalitaire par Jean-François Revel : Un compte rendu. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Théogonie et autres poèmes suivi des hymnes homériques. Jean-Louis Backès traducteur. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads



Fools, Frauds and Firebrands by Roger Scruton - A Review. Paul Gosselin

Inklings Odd-Ballery: A Review of Owen Barfield's Worlds Apart. Paul Gosselin

The Malaise of Modernity (1991) by Charles Taylor: A Reveiw. Paul Gosselin

Alasdair MacIntyre (1981) After Virtue: A book review. Paul Gosselin

Article reviews on the New (scientific) Priesthood. Paul Gosselin

Création et science: l'œuvre de Stanley L. Jaki. Ellen Myers

World War II: And Connecting Ideological Dots... Paul Gosselin -> thoughts provoked by Life and Death of the Luftwaffe by Werner Baumbach

Darwinism as Religion by Michael Ruse: A Review. Paul Gosselin

Jordan Peterson's Maps of Meaning: A Review. Paul Gosselin

Mattias Desmet's The Psychology of Totalitarianism: A Review. Paul Gosselin

Edward Veith's Modern Fascism : A Review. Paul Gosselin

Goliath by Max Blumenthal: A Review. Paul Gosselin

Propaganda by Edward Bernays: A Review. Paul Gosselin

The Soul of Shame: Retelling the Stories We Believe about Ourselves by Curt Thompson. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

God vs. Government: Taking a Biblical Stand When Christ and Compliance Collide by Nathan Busenitz, James Coates. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Permanent Record by Edward Snowden. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution by Carl R. Trueman. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Heart of Midlothian by Walter Scott. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Quentin Durward by Walter Scott. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Antiquary by Walter Scott. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Things Past by Malcolm Muggeridge. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The City of God by Augustine of Hippo. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Face of God: The Gifford Lectures by Roger Scruton. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Eugenics and Other Evils: An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State by G.K. Chesterton. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Modern Tyrants: The Power and Prevalence of Evil in Our Age by Daniel Chirot. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

On Power and Ideology: The Managua Lectures by Noam Chomsky. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Foxe's Book of Martyrs by John Foxe. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

We. Complete Edition with Original Illustrations: A Dystopian Novel by Yevgeny Zamyatin. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Swerve: How the World Became Modern by Stephen Greenblatt. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Voyage to Alpha Centauri by Michael D. O'Brien. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

If I Perish by Esther Ahn Kim. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons We Must Learn from Nazi Germany by Erwin W. Lutzer. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Plays: Ivanov / The Seagull / Uncle Vanya / Three Sisters / The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Human Nature by David Berlinski. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America by David Horowitz. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Out of the Silent Planet (Space Trilogy, #1) by C.S. Lewis. Paul Gosselin- GoodReads

That Hideous Strength (Space Trilogy, #3) by C.S. Lewis. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth by J.R.R. Tolkien. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life, 1500 to the Present by Jacques Barzun. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Brother Of The Bride by Danita Dyer. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Philosophers Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of 11 Leading Thinkers by Kelly James Clark (Editor). Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Darwin, Marx, Wagner: Critique of a Heritage by Jacques Barzun. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Essays by Plutarch. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Fingerprint of God: Recent Scientific Discoveries Reveal the Unmistakable Identity of the Creator by Hugh Ross. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

C. S. Lewis: Anti-Darwinist: A Careful Examination of the Development of His Views on Darwinism by Jerry Bergman. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Authenticity of the Book of Genesis by Bill Cooper. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

How Darwinism Corrodes Morality: Darwinism, Immorality, Abortion and the Sexual Revolution by Jerry Bergman. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Fall of Gondolin (Middle-Earth Universe) by J.R.R. Tolkien. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Great Code: The Bible and Literature by Northrop Frye. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Animal Farm by George Orwell. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Evolution's Blunders, Frauds and Forgeries by Jerry Bergman. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Bonhoeffer Abridged: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Leaf by Niggle by J.R.R. Tolkien. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Mind of the Maker by Dorothy L. Sayers. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Beren and Lúthien by J.R.R. Tolkien. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Christ on the Jewish Road by Richard Wurmbrand. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

August 1914 by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Long Ships: A Saga of the Viking Age by Frans G. Bengtsson. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Divine Challenge by John Byl. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Ivanhoe by Walter Scott. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature by C.S. Lewis. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Christ and the Media by Malcolm Muggeridge. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks & Feels by Thomas Cahill. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Night by Elie Wiesel. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Fulfilled Journey by Arthur Ernest, A.E. Wilder-Smith, Beate Wilder-Smith. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Wittgenstein's Poker: The Story of a Ten-Minute Argument Between Two Great Philosophers by David Edmonds & John Eidinow. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

The Truth and Beauty: How the Lives and Works of England's Greatest Poets Point the Way to a Deeper Understanding of the Words of Jesus by Andrew Klavan. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Goliath by Max Blumenthal: A Review. Paul Gosselin

Joan Peters' book From Time Immemorial: A Review. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Aesop's Fables. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Thomas Nagel's Mind and Cosmos, A Review. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat

Sad Shapiro: Neo-Darwinism at the Crossroads? Paul Gosselin

The Origin and Growth of Religion by Wilhelm Schmidt. Paul Gosselin - GoodReads

Science after Babel: A review. Paul Gosselin - Samizdat